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1. Propozitiile interogative introduse prin pronumele interogativ "who" au intotdeauna structura

unei propozitii afirmative, iar verbul este la persoana a III-a singular.
Who saw you?
Who wants the book?
2. Numeralele ordinale:
the first
the second
the third
the fourth
- Cine te-a vazut?
- Cine vrea cartea?
- primul, prima, intaiul, intaia
- al doilea, a doua
- al treilea, a treia
- al patrulea, a patra
In aceasta parte a lectiei yom invata cuvinte legate de starea vremii.
Cititi-le cu voce tare tlti atenti la intelesul lor in limba romana:
gale > [geil] vant putemic, vijelie
hail > [heil] grindina
shower > haua'] aversa, ploaie torenti-
ice > rais] gheata
shade > heid] umbra, nuanta
dew > [diu:]
thunderstorm > [T'anda
sto: '111 J - fmtuna cu traznete,
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
road > [roud] drum,
hurricane > [harikan] uragan
thaw > [T'o: ] dezghet, topire
sunny spells > [sani spelz] vreme insorita
Cititi din nou cuvintele, dar in alta ordine:
thaw > [TSo:]
dezghet, topire
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
shade > umbra, nuanta
hail > [heil] grindina
sunny spells > [sani spelz] - vreme insorita
road > [roud] drum,
thunderstorm > [T'andarsto:rm]
furtuna cu traznete
ice > [ais] gheata
gale > [gcil ] vant putemic, vijelie
hurricane > [harikanl - uragan
dew > [diu:] roua
shower > aversa, ploaie torenti-
Completati urmatoarele propozitii In limba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare. Folositi filtrul
> [Dlea' a:' nau - In aceste locuri nu sunt
in D'i:z saraundin(g)z] furtuni cu traznete.
Este multa gheata pe rau.
- E multa umbra
dupa amiaza.
- Toamna nu este des
vreme Insorita.
- Dimineata va fi aversa.
- Poti sa vezi roua
pe iarba?
- Nu-ti uita umbrela!
- Dezghetul va Incepe
luna viitoare.
- Este gheata pe apa.
- Uraganele aduc multa
- Acest drum este prea Ingust
pentru 0 furgoneta.
- Azi dimineata a fost
- Au fost multe vijelii
In ianuarie.
- We must take this >road.
- 1 love >thunderstorms in summer.
- There won't be any >hail this spring.
- There is a lot of >ice on the river.
- I don't like >the thaw.
- The last >sunny spell was a month ago.
- Have you already bought a new >umbrella?
- There was a >Shade of smile on his face.
> [harikanz brin(g) a lot av
> [sani spclz daunt oti1
hEpn in
>[DZa Po: "il sta:'t
nekst manT']
> l daunt forget io:' ambrela]
> [Dlis raud iz tLl: nErau
fo:' aYEn]
> [Dlea' iz ais on Dla "o:ta']
> l D"ea' "a:' a lot ov geilz
in djEniLlari]
> [D"e[l' "il bi: a
in D"a mo:'nin
> [ Dlea' "az sam heil
DZis mo:'nin
> [D1a iz !on(g)
in D"i a: fta'nu:n]
> l kEn iu: si: DLa diu:
on DZa gra:s]
Vara imi plac furtunile cu trasnete.
In aceasta primavara nu va fi grindina.
Trebuie s-o luam pe acest drum.
Ultima zi Insorita a fast in urma cu 0 luna.
A fost 0 nuanta de zambet pe fata lui.
Ti-ai cumparat deja 0 umbrela noua?
Nu-mi place dezghetul.
Sunny spells don't often
happen in autumn.
The shade is long
in the afternoon.
There will be a shower
in the morning.
Don't forget your umbrella!
Hurricanes bring a lot of
The thaw will start
next month.
There is ice on the water.
This road is too narrow
for a van.
There are no thunderstorms
in these surroundings.
lata cuvintele noi In propozitii:
Can you see the dew
on the grass?
There were a lot of gales
in January.
There was some hail
this morning.
Chiar vrei sa pe acest vant puternic? - Do you really want to go out in this >gale?
Uraganul este In apropierea Americii. - The >hurricane is near America.
Dimineata este Intotdeauna roua pe iarba.
Cred ca maine vor fi averse.
- There is always >dcw on the grass
in the morning.
- I think there will be >Showers tomorrow.
Deslgllr arl oh.\ervat cum se utllt:.ea:.a if [If] (inseal11na' daca, presllpunimd ca) in propozitil.
- Oaca ea pJeaca prea tarziu,
va plerde autobuzul.
- Vremea va fi placuta, daca
temperatura nu va fi mai scazutii.
- Oaca inapoiezI aceasta carte,
vel prum alta.
> I like all shades of green.
> ThIs road IS the best.
> I hope there wIll be sunny spells today.
> When there IS thaw, the streets are wet.
> ThIs month there have been
many thundel storms.
> I don't like showers.
> Put on your shoes! There IS dew on the grass.
> \Ve lost everythmg m the hurncane.
> Can I take your umbrella?
> Yestelday we had ram and haIl.
> 00 you Ieally like Ice-tea?
> [here are often gales In WInter.
> SPI mg \\ III come after the last thaw.
> [IfILl IIta.'n O/IS buk
III till gct ana0
> [If iI. vz tu lclt
Sl ull bl. IClt fo.
> LOla L1 eD
a' L111 bl n,IlS If
D/a iznt loua']
Pot sa Iau umbreJa ta?
Acest drum este cel mal bun.
lIm plac toate nuantele de verde.
Luna aceasta au fost multe vlJelIi.
Traduceti propozqllle urmiHoare in Innba engleza.
Sper ca aZI va fi vreme insonta.
Primavara va SOSI dupa ultImul dezghet.
Intr-adevar itl place cealUl rece cu gheata?
lama sunt des vantun putemlce.
In aceasta Jeetle ne vom ocupa de 0 problema nnportanta a gramatIcn engleze, modul conditional.
Propozltla condltlOnala este de trel tipun. lata primul tip.
Cand este dezghet, strazile sunt ude.
NO! am pierdut totul in tlmpul uraganului.
Pune-tl pantofil! Este roua pe iarba.
If she leaves too late,
she will be late for her bus.
Nu-ml plac aversele.
lata cateva exemple.
If you return thIS book
you will get another
leri a fost ploale gnndma.
The weather will be nice If
the temperatlll e Isn't lower.
Rerl/lerl ca in propo:.ltia condltlOllala (care este pnn if) se foloseste tl/npul prezent
simplu (SImple Present), far ill propo:'lrfa prinClpala IItlltzeaza vlitorul Sllllplu (Sllnple Future).
Tipul intii (1. Conditional) refera la vuto/: indepl//urea cond/tiei, respect/v realtzarea activitiiru
\'l/toare, este poslhila.
Sa exersam cuvinte, dar intr-o alta ordine:
Completati propozitiile unnatoare cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
Cititi cu voce tare unnatorlll dialog scurt in care apar cuvintele noi:
- Nu, este groaznica.
- iti place azi vremea?
- If she> doesn't takeher umbrella
she will return home wet.
- If it > ramswe won't go for a walk.
- You won't be a good doctor if
you> don't learn.
- If there > IS frost tomorrow, we will stay
at home.
> [lldll lis II IlJ
> [dll iu. lalk [Ya lIefYa'
No, it's awfuL.
Do you like the weather
lata propozitiile din text traducerea lor in limba romana:
changeable > [t;;emdlabl] - schimbator
oppressive > [OpICSIV] - apasator,
slippery > [slipan] - alunecos
severe > [slviarJ - sever, aspru, cumplit
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
dangerous > [dcmdjaras] -periculos
A: Do you like the weather today?
B: No, it's awful. In the morning the fog was so dense that I didn't see my car.
A: Yes, and the streets were slippery. It was dangerous. I think this winter will be severe.
B: I am not sure. The weather is always changeable in November. And it's better than the
oppressive heat in summer.
slippery > [slipall] - alunecos
severe > [sl\ia'] - sever, aspru, cumplit
changeable > - schimbator
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
oppressIve > [opresiv] - apasator,
dangerous > [dcmdjaras] -periculos
Daca ploua nu vom merge 1a plimbare.
Nu vei fi un medic bun, daca
nu inveti.
Daca ia umbrela, ea se va intoarce
acasa uda.
Oaca maine e gel', vom ramane
lar acum sa invatam cateva adjective noi. Cititi cllvintele cu voce tare retineti corespondentullor
in limba romana:
"Severe frost has set in."
A fost periculos.
Cred ca aceasta iarna va fi
Si este mai bine decat
caldura vara.
Dimineata ceata a fost atat
de deasa, incat nu mi-am
Da, strazile au fost
Nu sunt sigur.
In noiembrie vremea este
intotdeauna schimbatoare.
> Sevel e frost has set in.
We have> changeable weather in
There is > dense traffic in the streets.
The road was> "lIppery so we went on
These animals can be > dangerous.
This summer there has been> oppressIve
> [111 D\l mo:'nin(g) D/a
' U d DIE .
og oz sou ens al
didnt si: mai ka:
> [/\:s End D/a stri:ts ua:r
> !it uoz deindjaras]
> [ai r'in(g)k D/IS uintar IIi]
bi: sidi/]
> [ai Em not ;;ua']
> [D/a ueD/al IZ o:luelz
t;;eindjabl In nouvemb[\I]
> [End its beta
D/En D/a
opresiv 11I.t in sal1la')
And it's better than the
oppressive heat in summer.
Desigur ati memorat deja cuvintele noi. Completati unnatoarele propozitii cu cuvintele cores-
I am not sure.
Yes, and the streets were
In the morning the fog was
so dense that I didn't see my
S-a depus un ger cumplit.
In Romania avem 0 vreme schimbatoare.
Este un trafic intens pe strazi.
Drumul a fost alunecos ca noi am mers
pe jos.
Aceste animaIe pot fi periculoase.
Vara aceasta a fost 0 caldura
The weather is always
changeable in November.
It was dangerous.
I think this winter will be
Traducetl in hmba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte. Folosltl filtrul
Ortografia IIIlOra dintre numerale ordinale se schil11bii prin adiiugarea terl11ina!iei -th:
Celelalte numerale ord/llale se formeazii prin adiiugarea ternlll1a!iel -th la l1umeralele cardinale:
> [t"entl fa:rst]
> [T'a:rti sekand]
> [sikstl T'a 'd]
> [t"entlaT']
> [sevnT
> [fifP]
> [tUclfP]
> [siksT']
- al trellea, a treia
- al doilea, a doua
- al patrulea, a patra
- primul, prima, intaiul, intaia
> ThiS book IS on the twenty-sixth
shelf on the nght.
> It was our tenth day of work.
> The 1"01 ty-se\ enth tcacher has Just
dppllcd for the lob.
- the sixty-third
- the twenty- first
- the thirty-second
Aceasta carte este pe al douazeci
raft la dreapta.
Al patruzeci profesor tocmai
a solicitat sluJba.
A fost a zecea noastra zi de lucru.
al douazeci unulea
Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
al trelzeci doilea
in cazul numeralelor urdlllale compuse - ca de exemplu "al douii::eci unulea, al dOllea, al
trezlea ", in englezii folosim cuvintele first, second, third, etc.:
the third
the first
the fourth
in ca::ul ill care Ilumeralele se terl11inii in -y, acesta se preschimbii in -ie, la adiiugarea terl11ina!iei -th:
Numeralele ordinale invatate pana acum sunt:
the second
> Lhangeable
> dense
alunecos > slippery
sever > scvere

> oppressive
periculos > dangcrous
Sa folosim aceste verbe In propozitii. Cititi-le cu voce tare ~ i urmariti traducerea In limba
> [frollll1]
> [set 111]
forma a III-a
set in
a Ingheta, a degera
a avea nevoie de, a trebui
a topi, a se topi
a bumita
a topi, a se topi
a picura, a ciidea, a scapa
a Incepe, a se instala
a Incepe, a se instala
a picura, a cadea, a scapa
a bumita
a Ingheta, a degera
a avea nevoie de, a trebui
Apa a Inghetat.
El a avut Intotdeauna
nevoie de ajutorul nostru.
- Gheata s-a topit deja.
> [fIOUZ]
> [set Ill]
forma a II-a
set in
> [hi' hEz o:llle/z l1i:did
> [O/a T'o: lid set 111 nekst - Dezghetul va Incepe luna
manT'] viitoare.
> I!tTZ]
> [set mJ
Dintre verbele de mai sus, doua sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:
set in
to drop > [tLl drop]
to melt
> [tLl melt I
to set in > [tLl set in]
to need > [lLl nut]
to drizzle > ItLl drizl]
to freeze > [tLl fri:z]
He has always needed our
Sa exersam a c e l a ~ i verbe Intr-o alta ordine:
Daca numeralele sunt sCl'ise cu cifi-e, atunci c!frelor Ii se adauga ultimele doua litere ale for-
mei serise eu litere:
Acum sa Invatam ~ a s e verbe noi:
The ice has already melted. > [D/i alS hEz o'lredi
forma a I-a
to need > [tll nl:dl
to freeze > [tll fri:z]
to melt > [tll melt]
to drizzle > [tLl dtizl]
to drop
> [tu drop]
to set in > [tLl set in]
The water has frozen.
The thaw will set in next
Desigur v-ati deja verbele noi. Traduceti in limba romana:
In exercitiul urmator completati urmatoarele propozitii cu forma corespunzatoare a verbelor:
- Nu vom merge in daca
va burnita maine.
- Nu scapa pe podea
aceasta revista.
> to set in
> to freeze
> to melt
> to need
> to drizzle
- Ei fac in aceasta fabrica.
- In aceasta fabrica se fac
> to drop
- Ice will >melt in spring.
- Something has >dropped from the table.
- It >drizzled all day yesterday.
- Do you >need the car today?
- If severe frost >sets in we will leave
this town.
- We must >freeze some food.
> l"i: "ount gau tu taun if it
drizlz tamorau]
> [daunt drop D/is mEgazi:n
on flo:']
Ati sesizat deosebirea?
They make cars in this factory.
Cars are made in this factory.
a scapa
Cititi cu atentie propozitiile:
a burnita
a se topi
A bumitat ieri toata ziua.
Ai nevoie azi de
a se instala, a incepe
Daca incepe un inghet aspru, vom parasi
a avea nevoie de
A cazut ceva de pe masa.
Propozi{ia a doua este la diateza pasiva (Passive Voice [pa: siv vois)), care se atunci ciind
subiectul este obiectul care suferd ac{iunea iar autorul ac{iunii este exprimat printr-ul1 complement.
Diateza pasiva se compune din forma corespunzatoare a verbului to be forma a III-a a verbului
a ingheta
Gheata se va topi primavara.
Trebuie sa congelam mancare.
We won't go to town if it
drizzles tomorrow.
Don't drop this magazine
on the floor.
- 10-
Podeua din bucatarie va fi
spalata maine.
- Ciocanul a fast gasit in

A raise> will be negotiated tomorrow.
Her son's shirts> have been ironed.
Newspapers> are delivered every day.
The basket> was emptied.
> I need a 101 of new clothes.
> If the fog is dense, we witl see nothing.
> Slippery roads are very ch,ngerous.
> I have forgotten to take the umbrella.
> We have had only a few thunderstonTIs
this summer.
> This road was buill two y ago.
> All letters have already b,:en sent.
> This is our fiftielh employee.
> The twelfth policeman caine too late.
> My sweater has been knitted.
> If you don't work you will not have
> We ""ill visit John and Mary if it doesn't
> [Dza hEmal' lI oz faund in
Al doisprezecelea politist a sosit prea tarziu.
Daca nu lucrezi nu vei avea bani.
Am avut doar furtuni cu trasnete
vara aceasta.
Puloverul meu a fost
Am uitat sa iau umbrela.
Acest drum a fost construit in urma cu doi
la I
I activa devine subiectul propozitiei la diateza pasiva. I
l .
-._-_._- ._... _._- - ------------------_. - .._---_ .._-_.__._----------.-/
They deliver newspapers every day.
Daca ceata este deasa, nu vom vedea nimic.
We will negotiate a raise tomorrow.
Drumurile alunecoase sunt foarte pericu-
Am nevoie de 0 multime de haine noi.
Acesta este al cincizecilea angajat al nostru.
Sa recapitulam materialul acestei parti a lectiei. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba
She has ironed her son's shirts.
She emptied the basket.
lata dHeva exemple:
The hammer was found in
the shed.
Unneaza un exercitiu Transfonnati propozitiile din diateza activa in diateza pasiva. Com-
pletati propozitiile:
The floor in the kitchen will > lD\\ flo:1' in D/a
be mopped tomorrow. lIj] bi: mopt tamorouj
Toate scrisorile au fost trimise deja.
Ii vom vizita pe John pe Mary dad nu
ploua marunt.
Furtunile ;;i ploile din prima parte a lectiei ne-au Iacut sa ne gfmdim la
caminul nostru confortabil. Sa intram in donnitor:
double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu
sheet > - cear;;af
> [hIEn{g)kit] - piltura
pillow > [pilou] - perna
bedspread > [bedspredj - cuvertura de pat
alarm clock > [ala:1m klok I - ceas de;;teptiitor
sheets > - cear;;afuri, foi de har-
wardrobe > C'o:'droub] - garderoba, ;;ifonier,
dulap de haine
rug > [rag] - covora;;, carpeta
> [dresin(g) gaun]
- halat, capot
single bed > [singI bed] - pat de 0 persoana
dream > [dri:lll] - vis
nightmare > [naitmefl'] - co;;mar
Repetati cuvintele ;;i in aWi ordine. Exersati pronuntia ;;i retineti sensul
lor in limba romfma:
rug > [rag] - covora;;, carpeta
dream > [dri:m] - vis
bedspread > [bedspredl - cuvertura de pat
double bed > [dabl bed] - pat dublu
pillow > [pilau] - perna
nightmare > [naitmcf{] - co;;mar
blanket > [bIEnlg)kitj
- patura
wardrobe > [uo:rdroub] - garderoba, ;;ifonier,
dulap de haine
alarm clock > [ala:rm klakj - ceas de;;teptator
sheet > - cear;;af
> ldresin(g) gaun]
- halat
single bed > [singl bed] - pat de 0 persoana
sheets > [;;i:tsJ - cear;;afuri, foi de har-
- 11 -
Sa citim cu voce tare dialogul, in care am folosit cuvintele noi:
Da, doua mici
langa pat.
Trebuie sa avem un pat
dublu sau doua paturi
Cred ca putem avea un
mare in coltul
Ma gandesc la ha1ate noi,
peme paturi.
... noi 0
cuvertura de pat mare.
Ne putem pennite asta?
Vom cumpara vise noi,
Putem deasemenea
cumpara un ceas
electric nou.
Sunt foarte bune.
Sper ci'i putem.
Vreau sa cumpar multe
1ucruri noi.
> lUi: mast hEv lI an dabl
bed 0:
tu: sing] bedz]
> [al T\n(1!)k ui: kEn hEv a
1I I'd b' D
Ig o. rou 111 a
ko:1n[\1 ov DZa ru:m]
- 12-
> [n/Ll. :;;i:t<: End a la:l'dj
> [kFn ul. fIfo t
> [ai uont tLl bai me111 nlU:
> [ai Em T'in
1!)kin(g) abaut
nlLl: dresin(g) gaunz
piloLlz End blEn(g)kits]
> [till ul. bal niLl. l1alS
dl! mz tu']
> [<Ii hOLlp u1: kEnJ
> [ul: kEn olsou bal a niu:
ilektnk rda:1m klok]
We must have one double
bed or two single beds.
I hope we can.
What do you want to have in> [uot du iu: uont tu hEv in - Ce vrei sa avem in noul
our new bedroom? aLla' nlU: bedrumJ nostru donnitor?
Yes, and two small rugs near> Iics End tLl smo.l ragz
the bed. nia' D\\ hed]
Sa analizam acum separat fiecare propozitie. Cititi propozitiile fiti atenti la pronuntie:
A: What do you want to have in our bedroom?
B: We must have one double bed or two single beds.
A: I think we can have a wardrobe in the corner of the room.
B: Yes, and two small rugs near the bed. I want to buy many new
things. I am thinking about new dressing-gowns, new pillows
and blankets.
A: ... new sheets and a large bedspread. Can we afford it?
B: I hope we can. We can also buy a new electric alarm clock.
They are very good.
A: Will we buy new, nice dreams too?
B: I think that after we buy all the new things we can afford only
nightmares. They are cheaper.
I want to buy many new
I am thinking about new
dressing-gowns, pillows and
... new sheets and a large
Will we buy new, nIce
dreams too?
I think we can have a big
wardrobe in the comer of the
Can we afford it?
We can also buy a new
electric alann clock.
They are very good.
- 13 -
"I must buy my wife a new dressing-gown".
Cred ca dupa ee
cumparam toate luerurile
noi, ne yom putea permite
- Sunt mai ieftine.
[ai T'm()2Jk D/Et a:fta
lIj: hal 0:1 D/fl nllJ:
T'in()2)z IIi. k1:11 Mold
ounli na/tml.:fllzj
> !D\:i a:
L P'.. . _
Putem sa-ti dam doar paturi peme. We can only give you> blankets and
> pillows.
Visezi des noaptea? Do you often have> dreams at night?
Ultimele zile au fost un pentm mine. The last days were a > nightmare for me.
Ei au aiei eamere eu paturi duble. - They have rooms with> double bed"
Trebuie sa-i cumpar nevestei mele un halat I must buy my wife a new> dressIng
Cit costa acest ceas How much is this> alarm clock?
Ai vazut verzi in magazin? Did you see the green> sheets in the
Vom lua un pat simplu pentru fiica noastra. We'll take one> single bed for our
I think that after we buy all >
the new things we can afford
only nightmares.
Acum folositi noile cuvinte. Introduceti-Ie in unnatoarele propozitii:
Ce culoare au tale? What colour are your >
Cuvertura de pat trebuie sa fie alba. The> bedspread must be white.
Vom face un yom in colt. We'll make a > \\ardrobc and put it in
the corner.
They are cheaper.
Traduceti In limba engleza urmatoarele cuvinte: J
> [ba 'nl] burnt
fonna a lll-a
- Aceasta scrisoare a fost scrisa
pe 31 iulie.
- Patul va fi livrat la
15 noiembrie.
- a Ineca, a se Ineca
- a sfarama, a distruge, a avaria
- a omori, a ucide
- a arde, a prajI, a fi aprins
> dream
> \\ ardrobe
> double bed
> dress109-gown
> blanket
> bedspread
> sheet
> pillow
> lUg
> nIghtmare
> smgle bed
> alarm clock
- pe 21 octombrie
> sheets
forma a II-a
> [LYa bed l'll bl. dlliva'd on
[)fa ld'ti.nPav nou\cmb,I']
> [[YIS leta' "az I iln on
DZa Pa"11 fa ' s t ,1\ dlul:lI]
> [Iulck]
> [tll thalln]
> [tll kll]
> [Iu barn]
> [bel 'n] burn
halat, capot
pat dublu
to wreck
to drown
to kill
Unul dmtre verbe este neregulat:
Sa Inva!am cateva verbe noi:

forma I
cuvertura de pat

ceas dqteptator
to bum
on the 21 st of October
Datele se scnu ill fe/ul urmiitor:
foi de hartie
pat de 0 persoana

The bed will be delivered on
the 15th of November.
This letter was written
on 31 st July.
lata cum se folosesc verbele in Propoziiii:
In exercitiul urmator, completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
The hurricane> \\ reck.:d the hotel on
You can> dro\\ n if you swim tomorrow.
A child> \\ as kIlled in the accident.
Our house> \\ as burnt do\\ n last week.
Avionul a fost avariat in
timpul unui uragan.
leri au fost doborati multi
a ars de tot.
Focul va fi stins intr-un
a se distruge, a suferi un
naufragiu, a se avaria
a arde pana in temelii
a dobor!, a rastuma
a sufla, a stinge prin
In acest accident
pierdut viata
de oameni.
Te vei ineca daca ei nu te
invata sa inoti.
Nu-mi distruge
Lemnul arde bine.
EI a ucis oameni.
Omul acela inecat
- a-;;i pierde viata, (a fi
ucis), a ciidea (de ex. in
a se ineca
aut in a minit]
> [meni tri:z lI a:r bloun
daun ieslardei]
> loza ka:
uo? baJnt daun I
> [tu bl. kild]
- 15 -
Furtuna a avariat hotelul in data de 23 maio
Poti sa te ineci daca inoti maine.
Un copil pierdut viata in accident.
Casa noastra a ars pana in temelii saptamana
Many trees were blown
down yesterday.
The car was burnt down.
to be killed
La diateza pasiva aceste verbe noi au alta semnificatie:
a minute.
Urmeaza cateva exemple:
Fifty-two people were killed > [fifJi tu: pi:pl l'U:
kild in -
in this accident. DZis Eksldant!
You will be drowned if they > [iu. llJ! bi: draund if [)zci
don't teach you to swim. dount Ill: tu sllim]
The plane was wrecked in a > [Dza plein lI O? rekt in a
hurricane. harikanJ
The fire will be blown out in> IOza faii/ lIil bi: bloun
to be drowned > [tu bi: draundJ
to be wrecked > [tu bi: rektJ
to be burnt down [tu bi:
> ba: nt daun]
to be blown down > [t u bi. bloun daunj
to be blown out > [tu bi: bioun aut [
He killed seven people. > [hi: kild SC\ n pi:pl]
That man has drowned his > rOZEt mEn h Lz draund
dog. hi? dog]
Don't wreck my car!
> [dount rek mai ka: J
Wood bums easily.
[li d b": . T J
> u a: nz 1:71 1
Cihtl cu atentie unnatoarele propozitii In care apar adjectivele noi:
Acum iata un grup de adjective noi. Exersati pronuntia retineti Intelesul lor In limba romiina:
- Sunt somnoros In
dimineata aceasta.
- Strada noastra este fomie
- copii au fost
- sunt neplacute.
- TrebLlle sa curatam
deoarece este murdara.
- Aceasta este 0 fabrica modema.
- More than a hundred people >were drowned
when the ship >was wrecked.
- The trees >wcre blown down in the gale.
- People >kI11 other people every day.
- Do you >burn wood in the winter?
- The fire >has been blown out.
- Look at your >dlrty hands!
- Our children are very >sleepy.
- I want to live in a >qulct town.
- 1have never been in a more
>unpkasant situation!
- We had neighbours.
- > 1\1 odcrn cars are expensive.
> l O/I'Z t)ilth an Ua '
yen nOIZlJ
> [aua' stll t IZ \ ell kUaiat]
> [naltl11c,j'Z a" anpleznt]
> lO/ls IZ a l11oda'n
> lUI: kll.n lYa ka:
hlkoz It IZ da.'lI]
> l alII I
1110 'nIl1
Uita-te la miiinile tale murdare!
Niciodata nu am fost Intr-o situatle
mai neplacuta!
modeme sunt scumpe.
cu lemne lama?
Am avut vecml
Nightmares are unpleasant.
In exercqlUl unnator completati urmatoarele propozitil In limba engleza cu noile cuvinte:
Our street is very quiet.
Focul a fost stins.
COPIll sunt foarte
sleepy > [sli:pl] - somnoros, adonnit
quiet > [kUalat] - calm, potolit
unpleasant > [anpleznt] - neplacut
nOIsy > [nolZl ] - zgomotos, galagios
dirty > l d'.'tl] - murdar
modem > [l11oda'n] - modern, nou, contemporan
Mal mult de 0 suta de oameni s-au Inecat
ciind vaporul a naufragiat.
Copacii s-au rasturnat de viintul puternic.
Vreau sa traiesc Intr-un
Oamenll ucid alti oameni In fIecare Zl.
We must clean the car
because it is dirty.
This is a modern factory.
These children were
very nOIsy.
1feel sleepy this
- 17-
Traduce\i unnatoarele cuvinte in limba engleza:
in exerci{iul urmator vom inva/a substantive care apar intotdeauna la plural:
[ai uont tu bai a pear av
Vreau sa cumpar 0
trauzarz] pereche de pantaloni.
mai binokiu1i:/z
Unde este binoclul meu? >
ai daunt si: DIem] Nu-l viid.
[L1' I E Id _I'
. I: 1 V sou ten pea z
Azi noi am vandut zece
ov spektaklz tadei) perechi de ochelari.
kEnot faind ha:1'
Ea ochelarii.
[ai mast bai T\i: pei'/Z
Trcbuic sa cumpar trei
ov siza
z] foarfece.
[tu get] -
a obtine, a ajunge, a
eik ap]
a se trezi >
[tu sno:l']
a sforai
[tu dri:m]
a visa, inchipui
Itu ]
a barbieri, a se barbieri
[tu andres]
a (se) dezbraca
[ want to buy a pair of
to undress
to snore
to shave
to dream
to wake up
She cannot find her glasses.
Cititi cu voce tare exemplele:
We have sold ten pairs of
spectacles today.
trousers >
- pantaloni
spectacles >
scissors >
binoculars >
glasses >
lata cateva verbe noi:
to get
Pentru a defini cantitorea exacta a acestor obieete, sefolose$te expresia a pair of [5 pear ov]
o pereche.
I >
murdar >
zgomotos >
modem >
somnoros >
neplacut >
Where are my binoculars?
1 don't see them.
1 must buy three pairs of
Dintre aceste verbe, trei sunt neregulate. Formele lor sunt:
Sa exersam utilizarea verbelor noi in propozitii. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
Ne-am trezit la
Ai visat vreodata la 0 casa
Sforai intotdeuna cand
Totdeuna devin somnoros
noaptea tarziu.
Dezbraca-te du-te la
- Te-ai biirbierit deja?
got > [got]
woken > Illoukn]
dreamt > [dremt]
forma a III-a
You must> "have earlier tomorrow.
The children have already> undressed.
Do you usually> snore?
They> V\ oke up before six.
I have > dreamt about a new car.
It is > geltll1g foggy.
> to
> to dre3111
> to get
> to shave
> 10 \\ ake up
> to und! e"s
- 18 -
> [andres End gou tu bed]
> [al 0 jlleiz get SJi:Pl leit
Et na/t]
1I 1I I
> [1: ouk ap J:l sevn
forma a II-a
dreamt > [dremt j
got > [goll
woke > IUouk]
> [get]
> [ueik]
> [dri.mj
a sforai
a obtine
Am visat la 0 noua.
a se barbieri
Have you ever dreamt about> [hEv iu: e\i:\1 dreml abaut
a big house? a big haus]
In umlatorul exercitiu traduceti cuvintele in limba engleza:
a se dezbraca
S-au trezit inainte de
We woke up at seven.
Undress and go to bed.
a se trezi
a visa
Sforai de obicei?
Have you shaved yet? > [hEv IU: let]
Vremea va deveni cetoasa.
Maine trebuie sa te mai
Copiii s-au dezbracat deja.
Completati propozitiile cu forma corespunzatoare a verbului:
Do you always snore when > [du IU: o:lueiz sno:
you sleep? IU slI:pJ
forma I
I always get sleepy late at
Furtunile cu traznete sunt i'ntotdeauna perieuloase. > Thunderstorms are always dangerous.
Acest ultim exercitiu este de verificare. Traduceti propozltiile in limba engleza exersati pronuntia:
> The food IS frozen.
> The ship was wrecked III a dense fog.
> Do you like changeable weather?
> There was a strong gale on 25th May.
> The chIldren have not woken up yet.
> Their daughter dlOwned last year.
> If it gets dal k we won't find thIS house.
> You won't buy thIS book If you spend
all the lTIon\lY on clothes.
> It is on the twentIeth shel f.
> Your trousers are In the wardrobe.
> There have been many showers this week.
> SIX people were killed III this hurricane.
> This alarm clock \Vas bought in
thiS shop.
Mancarea e congelata.
Copiii nu s-au trezit inca.
Este pe al douazecilea raft.
Vaporul a naufragiat pe a ceata deasa.
Daca se intuncea nu vom gasi aeeasta easa.
Pantalonii tai sunt in dulap.
Fiiea lor s-a inecat anul trecut.
iti place vremea schimbatoare?
Nu vei cumpara aceasta carte daca cheltui
toti banii pe haine.
Acest ceas a fast cumparat din
acest magazin.
La unneaza un exercitiu de pronuntie. Cuvintele de pe coloana cantin sunete
oameni pierdut viata in acest uragan.
Pe data de 25 mai a fast un vant putemic.
Saptamana aceasta au fast multe averse.
[au] [a:rJ [c] [ail
shower burn wreck fire
drown dirty get Ice
brown -third dense lllce
down bird set find
- 20-
Semnificatia conjunctiei "if'[if] : "daca".
Daca cumperi ziarul yom citi despre acel
- Pe data de 21 octombrie
- Ciocanul a fost gasit in
If you buy the paper we will read
about that accident.
Daca numeralele ordinale sunt scrise cu cifre, atunci cifrelor Ii se adauga ultimele
doua litere ale formei scrise eu litere:
Daca numeralul se termina in ,,-intai, -doilea, -treilea" atunci in engleza se folosesc
cuvintele "first, second, third":
- twenty-first
In cazul in care numeralele se termina in -y, acesta se preschimba in -ie, dupa
adaugarea terminatiei -th:
twenty -- twentieth
Diateza pasiva se atunci ciind subiectul este obiectul care sufera aqiunea
iar autorul actiunii este exprimat printr-un complement. Propozitia cu structura pa-
siva se formeaza din: forma corespunzatoare a verbului "to be" fonna a II1.-a a
verbului principal.
Acest timp se refera la vii tor. Indeplinirea conditiei, respectiv realizarea activitatii
viitoare este probabila.
Ortografia unor ciitorva numerale se schimba prin adaugarea terminatiei - th:

twelve twelfth
Propozitia conditionala (care sta dupa if) este la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Pre-
sent), iar propozitia principala este la timpul viitor simplu (Simple Future).
Numeralele ordinale se formeaza prin adaugazea terminatia -th la numeralul
In pronuntia datelor apar cuvinte aditionale - care nu se scriu. Acestea sunt "the"
inaintea datei "of' inaintea denumirii lunii.
The hammer was found in the shed.
19.1. Propozitia conditionala tipul intiii. (1. Conditional)
19.2. Numeralele ordinale:
19.3. Diateza pasiva - the Passive Voice
19.4. Scrierea citirea datelor
on 21
[on DZa tllentl fa.'st ov oktouba
A. Traduceti in limba romana urmatoarele propozitii:
I. A lot of people were killed when the house was burnt down.
2. These glasses were broken yesterday.
3. When the sunny spells set in, the ice melted in a short time.
4. Will three pairs of shoes be enough?
5. Today is the thirtieth day of the month.
6. If you don't mop the floor you won't go to the cinema today.
B. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
1. Ma trezesc des, cand afara este galagie.
2. Ochelarii tai sunt mai modemi decat ai mei?
3. copaci au fast doborati de uragan. (diateza pasiva)
4. In acest am cazut de pe 0 cHidire inalta.
5. In aceasta iama vremea a fost schimbatoare.
6. Daca negociem yom primi marire de salariu.
c. Gasiti din unnatoarele propozitii:
I. I will buy this car if it will be cheap.
2. It will be on 23 January.
3. This house wasn't build last year.
4. Last winter was sevire.
5. If she is late for work tomorrow, they fire her.
6. Has that dog been bought last year?
- 21 -
Exersati cuvintele intr-o alta ordine. Fiti atenti la pronuntie:
destination > destinatie
pedestrian > [pidestrian1 - pieton
witness > [
itnes] -
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(gl]
zebra, trecere de pie-
underground > landa'graund] - metrou
time-table > Itaim lcibl] - orar, program
traffic lights >
[tr Efi k Iaits ] - stop, semafor
onlookers >
[onlukarz] - privitori, spectatori
ambulance > [Embiulans] - ambulanta
cab > [kEb] - taxi
right of way > [rail ov lI ei1 prioritate de trecere
- 22-
sa incepem lectia cu un grup de cuvinte legate de circulatie. Studiati-le
cu atentie:
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(!l'1
zebra, trecere de pie-
traffic lights >
[trEfik lails] - stop, semafor
pedestrian >
right of way
l rait ov
prioritate de trecere >
time-table > Itaim leibl] - orar, program
cab > [kEb] - taxi
destination > ] destinatie
underground > [andargraund] metrou
witness > [
itnes] martor
ambulance > [Embiulans] ambulanta
onlookers > [onlul<fl'z] - privitori, spectatori
- 23 -
"Even a zebra-crossing can be dangerous".
Am luat un taxi ca sa
merg la birou.
Destinatia acestui vapor
este New York.
din dreapta are
priori tate.
Unde pot gasi orarul?
Unde merg pietoni?
Sunt semafoare in aceasta
Pana trecerea de pietoni
poate fi periculoasa.
Daca mergem cu metroul,
yom ajunge mai repede
Privitorii au vrut sa vada
Un baiat a fost transportat
la spital cu ambulanta.
Au fost multi martori Ie
acel accident.
>rUeal' a:
D/i:z pidestrianz
>fn/a ka:
on D
{[ rait 11[7
O/a rait ov ueij
> IUea
kEn al famd ])/ il
lallll telblj
> [al tuk il kEb tu get tll
[/1 ofis1
> r0
ii 0\' O/is
IZ niu: io:1k]
,f' [I, b .
> I 1: gOll al
_ I' U U
anda graund I: i J get
Cal fa:sti/]
Where are these pedestrians
If we go by underground we
will get there faster.
The car on the right has the
right of way,
Where can I find the
In urmatorul exercitiu veti revedea cuvintele noi in propozitii. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare:
I took a cab to get to the
The destination of this ship
is New York.
There were many witnesses > i 0
Cal uaJ meni Uitnislz
of that accident. 0\ Diet Eksid:intj
One boy was taken to > IUan boi uo! tClkn lu
hospital in an ambulance. hospitl in an Embiulansj
The onlookers wanted to see> lD/1 onlukal'z uontid tu
everything. si: evriTSin(g)]
E b
. b [. . t I . (l')
ven a ze ra-crossmg can e> 1:\'11 a ze)ra ,rOSin c
dangerous. !den bI: deindjilras]
Are there any traffic lights in >[a:
0\:-5r eni trEfik laits
this street? in D/js stri:t]
- 24-
Sa ne intoarcem acum la diateza pasiva.
If the> ambulance doesn't come we will
take you by car.
I often go by > underground.
What is your> destination?
All > witnesses understood the ques-
This> time-table is old.
We must make more> zebra-crossings.
Do we have the> right of way?
There are many> pedestrians in the
streets today.
The> traffic lights have been out of or-
der for two days.
There were too many> onlookers.
How many> cabs are there in this town?
> cab
> onlookers
> time-table
> underground
> fight of way
> destinatIon
> zebra-crossl11g
> ambulance
> pedestrian
> witness
> traffic-lights
Merg des Cll metroul.
Daca nu vine ambulanta, te yom lua cu

Care este destinatia ta?
Avem prioritate?
Toti martorii au inteles intrebarile?
Cu urmatorul exercitiu yom controla in ce masura v-ati cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba
Forma continua la prezent trecut (Present Continuous, Past Continuous) a verbelor la di-
ateza pasiva se alcatuie$te cu forma continua a verhului to be, ca verb auxiliar, $i forma
being [bi:in
] aflata inaintea formei a III-a verbului principal.
Au fost prea multi privitori.
Completati propozitiile cu cuvintele corespunzatoare! Exerati pronuntia:
Acest orar este vechi.
Trebuie sa facem mai l1111lte treceri de pie-
Semafoarele nu funetioneaza de doua zile.
Cite taxiuri sunt in acest
prioritate de trecere
Azi sunt multi pietoni pe strazi.
Sa mai Invatam cateva cuvinte noi. Cititi-Ie cu voce tare retineti sensullor In limba romana:
In urmatorul exercitiu transformati propozitiile cu verbulla diateza activa in propozitii cu verbulla
diateza pasiva:
injured >[indja'd] - ranit, lovit, avariat
unconscious > - involuntar
mainly > [I1lClI1lI] - mai ales, mai cu seama
III yam >[in\clI1] - zadarnic, inutil, In zadar
senous > l si:nas] - serios, important
necessary > [nc,IS;l1 i] - necesar. inevitabil
- 0 carte este
- leri la zece se lacea
curatenie in casa.
- Am Incercat sa ajutam dar a fost
in zadar.
- Cred ca aceasta informatie
este necesara.
- Ei au fost raniti In
- Sora lui John lucreaza mai ales
- Fratele tau este Inca

> [a buk IZ bi:lI1(g)
> The management was being changed
e,telday at two.
> Raises are bcing negotiated at the moment.
> I lel room IS bcing cleaned now.
> [10" braD/ar iz std
> [It "af. a \ ert si nas prublam] - Era 0 carte foarte serioasa.
> [d\Ol1l ,isla' "a 'b memli
Lt Il.lIl J
> ["1 1Ia[(! tu help bat It "al'
> [IYel ",1.' indp'd 111
[)Ii Eksldalltj
> [al') '1l1
'!k I)'",
11 I1l'Si ,;111 ]
- A book lS bell1g
- The house was being > [Q/ a haus "az bi: in
cleaned at ten yesterday. kli:nd Et ten iesta'dei]
John's sister works mainly
at night.
I think this information
is necessary.
lata cuvintele noi in propozqii:
Your brother is still
They are negotiating raises at the moment.
She is cleaning her room now.
They were changing the management
yesterday at two.
They were cleaning the
house at ten yesterday.
lata cateva exemple:
They were injured in
the accident.
We tried to help but it was
111 Yam.
She is readll1g
a book.
It was a very serious book.
Desigur ati memorat deja cuvintele noi. Traduceti in limba engleza:
Toata munca ei nu a
valarat nimic.

Rezultatul meciului este
- Doi minus doi fac zero.
- Sunt grade sub zero.
He tried to understand it but> In \ ain.
They sell> mainly vegetables.
A zebra-crossing is > necessary here.
He was> unconS":IOW, for longer than a
My father asked a > seriolls question.
Seven pedestrians were> injured.
- 26-
> [tu: mainas t\l: iz na:t I
> [D"i1 rizalt ov D/a mEt$
iz ro
> [0.1 hft:' lI a:'k lI a? 1'0:'
It is six degrees below> [it IZ siks dlgri:z bJlou
zero. ziroLl]
The result of the
match is four nil.
Two minus two is
All her work was for
Unneaza un exercitiu nou. Completati propozitiile folosind cuvintele corespunzatoare:
4. Nought (sau naught) [not], se de obicei in matematica literatura:
serios, important > sertous
mai ales > mamly
ranit > injured
zadamic > 111 vam
necesar > necessary
> unconscIous
inutil > 111 \ a111
necesar, inevitabil >
Dintre toate numeralele nu v-am prezentat inca zeroul. in limba engleza zeroul are
mai multe echivalente:
EI a incercat sa inteleaga asta, dar in zadar.
Ei vand mai ales legume.
Aici este necesara 0 trecere de pietoni.
El a fost mai mult de 0
Tatal meu a pus 0 intrebare serioasa.
Au fost raniti pietoni.
2. Nil [niIJ, se la prezentarea rezultatelor sportive:
1. 0 - pronuntat ca [OLl] se utilizeaza atunci cand in!jiram mai multe
Her telephone number> [ha:
telifaun namba
IZ Numarul ei de telefon este
is nine, two, four, 0, nain tu: fa:' ou se\nj noua, doi, patru, zero,
3. Zero lzirouj, se jolose$te la descrierea unitali/or de masura:
"He has a doctor's degree".
dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub
grad, masura, treapta
They live> below us.
It's there, > below.
He has a doctor's> degree.
I like it only to some> degree.
What was the> result of the negotia-
What is the> number of your apartment?
The temperature is > minus five today.
L _ ~ _
In exercitiul anterior ati invatat mai multe cuvinte noi:
to prevent > [t u pri vent J a preintampina, a preveni
to run over > [IU
a calca, a lovi cu m a ~ i n a ran OU\ a J
to hit > [tll hit] a lovi, a nimeri
to direct >
[tu d'lIrl'k t]
a dirij a, a conduce
to cause >
[t 1I kIn] a cauza, a provoca
to travel >
I t 1I trE\ II, a calatori
Acum i a r a ~ i yom invata verbe noi:
Ati vazut deja cuvintele noi in exemple. In exercitiul urmator completati propozitiile cu
aceste cuvinte:
Care este numarul apartamentului tau?
Azi temperatura este de minus cinci grade.
number > [nambfl
result > Irizalt]
minus > [mainas]
below > rbilou]
degree > [digri: I
Ei locuiesc sub noi.
Este acolo, jos.
EI are doctoratul.
Imi place asta doar intr-o oarecare masura.
Care a fost rezultatul negocierilor?
> (ran]
> (hIt]
fonna a III-a
- A fost un politist.
- A fost acolo vreun
- Au fost pietoni
pe strada?
- pierdut cineva viata?
- Doi dmtre ei pierdut
vJata 0 femeie a fost
gray ranita.
- Da, a caleat
trei oameni.
- 0 mare a lovit 0 cladire.
- Cand calatoream spre Madrid
am vazut un accident
- Da, dar 0 clipa.
> [h It]
> [lEn]
forma a II-a
> [tid' lYe,l' cnl p:lli sman
> [tu ,1\ lYem ",I ' klld
Fnd ",In 'um,ln "dZ
si 11,IS11 indJd.'d]
> [ICS IYa Ll ' rEn OU\ a'
1"11 pi pI]
> [tl az ctllboUI kJld]
> [tl a ' [Yea' cnl pldcstJlanZ
m IYa SI111]
> ["en "I "a' trEv]m(gl
tu madI id til so a tCrIb!
> (I an]
> [hit]
Were there any policemen
There was one policeman.
Was anybody killed?
Two of them were killed
and one woman was
seriously injured.
Were there any pedestrians
in the street?
A big car hit a building.
Yes, the car ran over
three people.
Yes, but wait a moment.
Sa analtzam separat fiecare propozitle. Cltiti cu voce tare:
When we were travellmg
to Madrid we saw a terrible
Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:
A: Yes, but wait a moment. A big car hit a building.
S: Were there any pedestrians in the street?
A: Yes, the car ran over three people. Two of them were killed and one woman was injured.
S: Were there any policemen there?
A: There was one policeman. He directed the traffic but could not prevent the accident.
S: Do you know what caused the accident?
A: I think the car was out of order.
s: Was anybody killed?
A: When we were travelling to Madrid we saw a terrible accident.
in dialogul nostril apare clI\'iintlll could [kud]. Acesta este forma de trecut a verbllilli modal can.
Verbele noi apar in urmatorul dialog. Cititi textul cu atentie:
Raspundeti in limba engleza la unnatoarele intrebari:
Traduce!i urmatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
Acum ne vom ocupa de pronumele interogativ who urilizarea lui:
Cred ca a fast
EI a dirijat circula!ia, dar
nu a putut preintampina
Cine te
Cine s-a dus acasa?
Cine au fost oameni?
Cu cine te-ai intalnit?
> The car was out of order.
> Yes, there was one policeman.
> Two of the three people were killed.
> He directed the traffic.
> The woman \Vas II1Jured.
> The bIg ear hit a bui lding..
> \Ve saw that terrible d..::cident when we
\\ere travelling to \1adnd
> The car ran over three people.
> \Vhl) ,Ire you look 1I1g for <10\\ 0
> Who \\:lS kJikd ill accident')
> Who do you Sc:C III the stleet every day'?
> \V ho is thIS man i'l a hnm11 coat'?
> Who \', hcal,tiful letters'?
- 29-
> [ai TSin(g)k D/a ka:
aut ov o.IUr1t I
> [du IU: nOll liot ku:zd D/i - Stii ce a cauzat
> [h1: dairektid O/a trEfik
bat kuJ not privent O/j
Eksidant 1
What did he do?
What happened to the woman?
What did the big car hit?
What caused the accident?
Were there any policemen there?
Who likes you?
Who went home?
Who was killed?
Acesr pronume are mai mulre intelesuri: cine, pe cine, cui, cine, care, pe care. Daca intelesul
lui who este cine, inrrebarea se refera doar la persoana who poare jifolosit ca subsrantiv. in
acest caz ordineapropozi(iei este directa, strucrura sa este ajirmariva, iar verbul este la perso-
ana a III-a singular.
How many people did the car run over?
Who were these people?
Who did you meet?
When did you see that terrible accident?
He directed the traffic but
could not prevent the
Cine pierdut via!a in acest accident?
Pe cine vezi pe strada in fiecare zi?
Cine este acest barbat in haina maro?
Cine scrie aceste scrisori minunate?
Pe cine cau!i acum?
Do you know what caused
the accident?
in eazul in care pronumele interogativ who anare cu celalalte in(elesuri, interogativul se for-
meaza cu ajulorul verbelor auxiliare, forma corespunzatoare a verbului to be sau a verbelor
I think the car was out of
- 30-
Maririle de salarii
sunt negociate de
catre sindicat.
Acest scaun a fost
!acut de Peter.
> Who do you lIke?
> These cars are made by a factory m
> Hc \\as kIlled by two men.
> Old they hay e the right of way'?
> Is he seriously mjured'!
> The traffic is bell1g directed by a police-
man no\'..
> Who wrote this time-table?
> My number is one, nme. 0, five, two, 0.
> Forty Jl1l11US furty IS uro/nought.
> He travels main Iy by underground.
> These people tried to help but in \ am.
> These witnesses saw the accident best.
> f was woken up by nOIsy children
> It \'. as five degrces below zero.
> Who was run ovcr by a cab?
> The radio has been turned on by John.
> [D/is 1I
meid bai pi:ti/]
> [reiziz a:
D/[I treld 1U:Jl1an]
Raises are being
negotiated by the
This chair was
made by Peter.
Am fost trezit de copii
El s-a ranit grav?
El a fost ucis de doi oameni.
Pe cine

for, look for, prepozitia trebuie sa apara in diateza pasiva: :
! I looked for it yesterday. - It was looked for yesterday. I
------ ---- --------------------- -_/
Ace;;ti martori au vazut cel mai bine acci-
Patruzeci minus patruzeci fac zero.
Circulatia este dirijata acum de un politist.
De exemplu:
Radioul tocmai a fost pomit de catre John.
Aceste sunt !acute de 0 fabrica din
El mai ales cu metroul.
The trade-union is
negotiating raises,
Au fost cinci grade sub zero.
Cine a fost calcat de un taxi?
Numarul meu de telefon este unu, noua,
zero, cinci, doi, zero.
Peter made this chair,
In exercitiul urmator, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
Cine a scris acest orar?
Ei au avut prioritate de trecere?
oameni au incercat sa ajute dar
Si iata ultimul exercitiu al acestei parti, in care 'lorn recapitula materialul invatat pana acum.
Traduce!i propozitiile in limba engleza:
Ne vom intoarce acum fa pasiwI Pentru a indica persoana care executa activitatea in
propozitia fa diateza pasiva, se prepozitia by.
Cuvintele silabele accentuate sunt tiparite
Cititi cu atentie unnatorul dialog! Repetati exercitiul pana cand va convingeti de faptul ca v-ati
pe deplin pronuntia intonatia.
Peter, have you ever been in an accident?
No, I haven't, but my brother was yesterday afternoon.
How did it happen?
My brother was on a zebra-crossing at the traffic-lights and a cab was
coming from the right.
And... what happened?
The cab didn't stop in time and my brother was hit by it.
Was your brother injured?
Yes, he was, but fortunately not seriously.
I am glad he wasn't seriously injured. Were there any witnesses who saw
the accident?
There were many onlookers, and the witnesses say my brother did not
cause the accident.
I feel so tired after a hard day of work.
People are tired when they get home from factories and offices.
And they do nothing only go to bed early because they are sleepy.
When it is too noisy outside they wake up.
I usually wake up even when it's only a little noisy.
But when you have a nightmare you are glad when you hear the alarm
Peter. do you travel mainly by underground to your office?
Yes, J do. You travel by underground fast and easily.
Yes, but it has become very expensive. Do you have a time-table?
There are so many underground trains that you don't need a time-table.
And a modem underground is not noisy or dirty.
- 31 -
Have you heard the news that yesterday a pedestrian was hit by a car at the
No, I haven't, but some pedestrians think they always have the right of
But everybody knows that it is not true.
Yes, everybody knows it only the pedestrians don't. We must all try to
prevent accidents.
You are right. Policemen cannot do everything.
I think it is better when there are also traffic-lights.
- 32-
In ultimul exercitiu al leetiei, traduceti propozitiile in limba engleza:
> In this changeable \\ e;11her ] don't forget
my umbrella.
> 1Ie needs a new paIr of glasses.
> Many ships vvere wrecked.
> These sho\Vers arc good for au' garden.
> These sci:-.sors arc dangerous for children.
> This IS already the fourth gale in eleven
> The Ice has alnC:,lLty melted.
> Fl\ e people were kIlkd in that disaster.
> The fire was blovv n out by a strong wind.
> Is that wardrobe made of Vvood?
> Our housc burnt dO\\ n last v\ eek.
> She \\ ,J>, lIih:OJbCIl'Us \\hen she \\ as
t"ken to !lo"PI tal.
> 1hese bll10culars an:: oid; I n..:ed a new
> They bought "'X pairS or trousers.
> Your spectacles are on your pilloVv.
> \1dWy pedplc .1IT killed on thb narnm
> How much are these alarm eloch)
> This is a bedspread 1'01' a sll1g1e bed.
> In that sc\ele \\ II1kr there \Vas a lot or
cknse fog.
> He was snoring nOIsily
> We sold ten pairs of shoes.
> I hm e burnt my ham!.
> Aftcr thc sunny spells there was a
El a sforait zgomotos.
Au cumparat perechi de pantaloni.
In acea iama aspra a fost de multe ori ceata
Noi am vandut zece perechi de pantofi.
Aceste averse sunt de ploaie bune pentru
gradina noastra.
Casa noastra a ars pana in teme!ii
saptamana trecuta.
Acest binoclu este vechi, am nevoie de unul
Ace! dulap este facut din lemn?
Aceste foarfece sunt periculoase pentru
In aceasta vreme schimbatoare nu-mi uit
Gheata s-a topit deja.
Cinci oameni pierdut viata in acel
Focul a fost stins de un vant putemic.
Aceasta este deja a patra furtuna in un-
sprezece zile.
El are nevoie de 0 pereche noua de oche-
Multe vapoare au suferit naufragiu.
Aceasta este 0 cuvertura pentru un pat de 0
singura persoana.
Cat costa aceste ceasuri
Dupa vremea insorita a fost 0 furtuna cu
Ochelarii tai sunt pe perna tao
Mi-am ars mana.
Multi oameni pierd viata pe acest drum
Ea era dnd a fost dusa la
- 33-
Iar acum iata exercitiul de pronuntie. Repetati cuvintele fiti atenti la pronuntia corecta a
sunetelor Literele aflate in coloana, scrise desemneaza sunete iden-
Asta s-a 'intamplat 'in a noua zi.
Temperatura va cobori sub zero grade.
Nimanui nu-i place aceasta caldura

Acest drum este alunecos in mod periculos.
Daca ai nevoie de bani, ii vei gasi pe
Acest accident s-a intamplat in data de 27
Cumparatorul tocmai este servit de un
Cine a solicitat aceasta slujba?
De cine ai nevoie?
Ei au prevenit accidentul?
rei J [0: J [i' ]
l i J
vain cause degree serious
train nought least spring
mainly brought leave build
rain thought deep
> This happened on the ninth day,
> The temperature wIll drop below zero.
> Nobody lIkes this opplessive heat.
> This road is dangerously slippery.
> If you need this money you \\ ill fInd it
on the shelf.
> This accident happened 011 27th .Junc.
> The cLlstomer is just being served by a
> Who applied for this Job?
> Who do you need')
> Have they prevented the accident?
Dad un verb este compus din doua parti, de exemplu: "wait for, look for", atunci
prepozitia trebuie sa apara la diateza pasiva:
Se 0 carte
tocmai acum.
- Pe cine ai vazut?
> [a buk iz bi:in(g)
- Cine te
- Circulatia a fost dirijata de un politist.
- The bus was waited for.
- 34-
A book is being
Who did you see?
Who likes you?
We waited for the bus.
The traffic was directed by a
(Traducerea cuvant cu cuvant: ,,0 carte este citita tocmai acum".)
20.2.2. In cazul in care pronumele interogativ "who" are oricare din semnificatii-
lor, formam interogativul cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar, a verbului "to be", sau a
verbului modal:
20.1.2. Dad vrem sa indicam persoana care executa activitatea in propozitia la diateza
pasiva, folosim prepozitia "by":
She is reading
a book.
20.1. Dad verbul la diateza pasiva este la un timp continuu (Present Continuous, Past
Continuous) atunci stmctura predicatului este forma continua a verbului "to be", ca
verb auxiliar forma a III-a a verbului principal, iar cuvantul "being" l bi: 111 J trece
inaintea fonnei a III-a a verbului.
20.2. Pronumele interogativ "who"
20.2.1. In cazul in care semnificatia pronumelui interogativ este "cine" ordinea pro-
pozitiei interogative este directa, stmctura sa este afirmativa iar verbul este la
persoana a III-a singular:
A. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
1. Can these pedestrians be witnesses?
2. Who told you about the negotiations?
3. Who have you seen on TV?
4. If you don't iron this shirt I will not put it on.
5. The beds are being delivered at the moment.
6. The underground will take you to your destination.
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba engleza:
I. Am calatorit repede cu avionul.
2. Circulatia a fost dirijata de politist?
3. Casa noastra se la un colt periculos. (diateza pasiva)
4. Cu cine ai vorbit?
5. Vecinii taie aCUl11 copacii.
6. Dacii l11ananci cina, vei pril11i inghetata.
C. Corectati din unnatoarele propozitii:
1. She bought only necesary things.
2. Who did hit him?
3. Work has been done through Peter.
4. How much is this scissors?
5. This job was applied.
- 35-
Lista verbelor neregulate din lectiile 19 ~ i 20
forma I forma a II-a
> [ba:1n]
> [ba:1nt]
> [kEn I could > [klld1
> [dri:m] dreamt > ldremt]
> [fri:z]
> [frouz]
> Iget]
got > rgot]
> [hit]
> [hit]
> [ran]
> [rEn]
> [set] set > [sel]
wake > [velk] woke > [vouk]
- 36-
forma a III-a
> [ba:1nt I
> [kud]
dreamt > Idremtl
> [1l-llLlzn]
got > rgot]
hit > [hit]
run > [ran]
set > [set]
woken > [voukn]
alarm clock
> [ala: m klok]
ambulance > [Embiulans]
> [bedspred]
- cuvertura de pat
dedesubt, jos, mai jos, sub
> [binokiularz]
blanket > [bIEn(g)kit] cuvertura, patura
to blow
> [tu blou]
a sufla, a se arde
to be blown down
> [tu bi: blolln daun]
a dobor!, a rastuma
to be blown out
> [tll bi: bloun aut]
a stinge, a sufla
tu burn
> [tu ba:rn]
a arde, a praj i, a fi 'aprins
tu be burnt down
a arde pana in temelii, a
>[tu bi: ba: nt dalln]
arde de tot
cab > [kEb]
to cause > [Ill ko:z] - a cauza
changeable > schimbator
dangerous > [deindjaras] periculos
degree > [digri:] grad, masura, treapta
dense > [dens] - dens, compact
destination > destinatie
> [diu:] roua
to direct
> [tu dairekt] - a dirij a, a conduce
dirty > [da:rti] murdar
>[dabl] dublu
double bed
> [dabl bed]
pat dublu
> [dri:m]
to dream
> [tu dri:m]
a visa, a inchipui
dressing-gown > [dresin(g) gaun] halat, capot
to drizzle
> [tu drizl] a bumita, a ploua marunt
to drop
> [tu drop] a picura, a cadea, a scapa
to drown
> [tu draun] a ineca, a se ineca, a
to be drowned > [tu bi: drallnd] a fi inecat
- 37-
to freeze > l tu fri:z] a ingheta, a degera
gale > [geil] vant puternie, furtuna
to get > [tu get] a obpne, a ajunge, a
glasses > [gla:siz] oehelari
hail > [heil ] grindma
to hit > [tu hit] a lovi, a nimeri
hurricane > [hallkan] uragan, furtuna
Ice > [als] gheata
if > [I f] daea, presupunand ea
injured > [indjard] lovit, ranit, avariat
m vam > [in vein] zadamie, inutil, in zadar
to kill > [tu kill a omori, a ueide
to be killed > [tu bi: kild] a-;;i pierde viata, a eadea
(in razboi)
mainly > [mclI1lt] mai ales
to melt > [tu melt] a tOpl, a se topi
mmus > [mainas] minus
modem > [moda1n] modem, nou, contemporan
naught, (nought) > [no:t] zero, nul, nimie
necessary > [ncsisari] necesar, inevitabil
to need > [tu ni:d] a avea nevoie de, a trebui
nightmare > [naltmea
] co;;mar
nil > [nil] zero, nimie
noisy > [noIZl ] zgomotos, galagios
nought, (naught) > [no.t I nimic, zero, nula
number > [namba
] numar, numeral
oh, 0 > [au] zero
onlookers > [onluka'z] privitori, speetatori
oppressive > [opresiv] apasator, inabu;;itor
pair > [pea' ] pereche
pedestrian > [pidestrian] pieton
pillow > [pilau]
- 38-
to prevent > [tu priventJ a preintampina, a preveni
quiet > [kualiH! calm, potolit
result > [nzalt] rezultat, consecinta
right of way > [rait ov
ei] prioritate (de trecere)
road > [roud I drum,
rug > [rag] carpeta
a calca (de 0 to run over > [tu ran oliva]
scissors > [sizal'z] foarfeca
serious > [si:rias] serios, important
to set in > [tu set in] a incepe, a veni (un
severe > [sivial'] sever, aspru
shade > umbra, nuanta
to shave > [tu a barbieri, a se barbieri
sheet > foaie (de hirtie)
sheets > ["i:ls] foi (de hirtie)
shower > [:;>aua'] aversa, ploaie torentiaHi
single > [singl] singur, unic, necasatorit
single bed > [singl bed] pat de 0 singura persoana
sleepy > [sli:pi] somnoros, adormit
slippery > [slipariJ alunecos
a sforai to snore > [tu 5no: ]
spectacles > IspekUiklz] ochelari
sunny spells > [sani spelz] vreme insorita
thaw >
dezghet, topire
thunderstorm >
[T' anda \"SlO: I'm]
furtuna cu traznete
time-table > [laim teibl] orar, program
traffic-lights > [trEfik laits] stop, semafor
to travel > [tu trEvl] a diHitori
trousers > [trauza' zl pantalon
umbrella > [ambrela] umbrela
unconsciOUS > - involuntar
> [anda graundJ metrou
- 39-
to undress >
[tu andres]
a se dezbraca
unpleasant >
to wake up >
[tLl ueik ap]
a se trezi
wardrobe >
[lI o 'droub]
garderobii, dulap de haine
[li. ]
witness >
martor, martor ocular
to wreck >
[tu rekJ
a srariima, a sparge, a
to be wrecked >
[tLl bi: rekt]
- a suferi un naufragiu, a se
zebra-crossing >
[zebra krosin(gi]
zebra trecere de pietoni
zero >
zero, nul
- 40-

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