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Una din cele mai frecvente boli ntlnite, pe lnq cancer i bolile de inim este diabetul, care n ultima

vreme a trecut pe primul loc n lume. La apariia diabetului contribuie, printre altele, hrana consistent, excesiv, nesntoas. Apare la toate vrstele. n popor mai este numit boal boiereasc. nainte de toate diabeticii trebuie s in un post scurt de 7 zile cu supe de legume nefinoase i bogate n potasiu elin, ptrunjel, urzici, dovlecel, patison, dovleac, miez de pepene verde, fasole verde, i multe altele preparate dup reetele din aceast lucrare, n care le-am selecionat pentru a veni n ajutorul diabeticilor cu reete de hran vie. Nu trebuie trecut cu vederea nici drojdia de bere, ca i alte produse care conin potasiu. Pancreasul diabeticului a pierdut puterea de a controla principalul element chimic al su; pentru diabetic potasiul are o valoare cu totul deosebit. Legumele, fructele, cerealele netratate termic au o valoare special pentru organismul uman. Pentru a vindeca diabetul, n primul rnd este necesar s se consume hran natural preparat din produsele care conin mult potasiu, apoi urmeaz consumul de ceaiuri, sucuri, pulberi, tinctur miracol (r. 156), suc de orz verde

3 saptamani pentru a invata cum sa lupti cu diabetul MANCARE IN STARE NATURALA ORICAT AR FI DE AVANSAT DIABETUL, POATE FI VINDECAT
Stresul si sedentarismul dublate de o alimentatie bogata in carbohidrati rafinati (zahar alb, faina alba, etc.), grasimi saturate (cele care se gasesc in produsele animale: carne, oua) si gatite pe foc si grasimi trans (cele din semipreparate, alimente de tip fast food sau margarina) pot creste riscul de diabet zaharat. Oricat de avansat ar fi diabetul, acesta se poate vindeca, chiar si in trei saptamani, printr-o alimentatie si o gandire total diferite, declara Mihaela Gheorghita, autoarea cartii Transformare Totala cu Sistemul ADAM & EVA. In ceea ce priveste alimentatia, alternativa la cea plina de toxine provenite din prelucrarea termica (prin prajire sau fierbere) o reprezinta dieta bazata pe hrana vie, constand in produse neprelucrate termic prin fierbere sau prajire. Dintre dietele bazate pe 80% hrana vie si care pot ajuta diabeticii se pot aminti: dieta organica (bazata pe legume netratate si carne provenita de la animale crescute natural), dieta vegana (strict vegetariana, fara nici un produs de origine animala) si cea crudivora (legume, oua, lapte, toate crude). Aceste diete sunt concentrate in minerale, cu un procentaj zilnic de la 15-20% uleiuri sau grasimi de natura vegetala si contin foarte multe fibre, cu indice glicemic mic.

Dar, pe langa adoptarea unui asemenea mod de alimentatie, pentru tinerea permanenta, in frau, a diabetului este nevoie si de o schimbare pe termen lung a modului de viata si mai ales a celui de gandire.

Potrivit Mihaelei Gheorghita, consultant in hrana vie (absolventa a cursului intensiv de hrana vie al centrului Tree Of Life, Arizona SUA - al doctorului american Gabriel Cousens, specialist in homeopatie si medicina holistica), diabeticii de tip 2 si chiar 1 se pot vindeca miraculos printr-un tratament de trei saptamani care le va schimba nu numai alimentatia dar si viziunea asupra stilului de viata. Tratamentul consta in prima saptamana intr-o cura bazata pe o cantitate de 4 litri pe zi de suc verde (80% castravete si telina, 20% ghimbir, seminte, lamaie, patrunjel). In cea de-a doua saptamana la acest suc verde se adauga alimente netratate termic si superalimente (exemplu: alge verzi-albastrui, spirulina, clorela, maca, etc.) si miscare fizica. A treia saptamana consta in aceeasi dieta ca si in a doua saptamana, pacientii invatand cum sa-si pregateasca hrana si cum sa implementeze schimbari durabile in noua lor viata. Rata de succes la diabetul de tip 2 este de aproape 100% iar la diabetul de tip 1 este de aproape 90%.

By Sarah E. Brown Diabetes has become a seemingly unstoppable national epidemic, affecting more than 20 million Americans. According to the World Health Organization, deaths from diabetes will increase by 80 percent in the Americas, by 50 percent in the Western Pacific and the Eastern Mediterranean regions, and by more than 40 percent in Africa over the next ten years. Proponents of including natural treatment approaches draw direct connections between these statistics and an increasingly globalized, processed diet coupled with less active lifestyles.

A raw foods diet eliminates processed sugars and starches, and substitutes these for organic, whole plant foods that have not been cooked. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a leading natural healer, embraces the philosophy of including natural diabetes treatments. His approach through green juice fasting and a 100 percent organic, nutrient-dense, plant source-only, lowglycemic, low-insulin-scoring, and high-mineral diet of living foods during the first twentyone days of healing. (citation: Cousens, Gabriel, and David Rainoshek. There Is a Cure for Diabetes: the Tree of Life 21-day Program. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic, 2008. Print.) According to Dr. Cousens research, it has been shown that this program renders insulin and related medicines unnecessary for most Type II patients within four days as the blood sugar drops to normal levels; and the diabetic shifts into a non-diabetic physiology within two weeks. (citation: Cousens, Gabriel, and David Rainoshek. There Is a Cure for Diabetes: the Tree of Life 21-day Program. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic, 2008. Print.)

Gabriel Cousens, M.D. received his M.D. from Columbia Medical School and has more than 35 years experience in treating diabetes naturally. 57% of the varieties of Type 2 diabetics come off all medications and have a blood sugar of less than 100 within 21 days. (citation: Cousens, Gabriel, and David Rainoshek. There Is a Cure for Diabetes: the Tree of Life 21-day Program. Berkeley, Calif.: North Atlantic, 2008. Print.) All of Dr. Cousens program participants heal themselves naturally through a plant-source-only, live foods diet. What does a curative raw foods diet look like in practice? Live food or raw cuisine not actually a diet, but rather a long-term set of nutritional foundations that set the stage for lifelong transformation. And, It can also be absolutely delicious. A raw foods diet used to reverse diabetes should include plenty of greens, in the form of delicious salads, smoothies, and juices. On and HappyCows new Raw Food Store there are plenty of raw recipe books out there, and websites like, and offer great recipe ideas. However, just going raw is only part of the game. The important thing for diabetics to understand is that a truly nourishing nutritional regimen should focus primarily on greens, non-sweet fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. It should also be entirely plant-based, as this has been shown to confer the most health benefits. A high-glycemic diet is one that includes any white sugar, any white flour, white rice, honey, maple syrup, alcohol, coffee, wheat, any junk food, and most fruit (some fruit, such as berries and cherries, is moderate to low on the glycemic index). According to research findings in the academic journal Diabetes Care, a quarter pound of beef raises insulin levels in diabetics as much as a quarter pound of straight sugar. (Diabetes Care 7, 1984 p. 465).

It is important for diabetics to follow a low-glyecmic raw plant-source only regimen. Essentially this means that to reverse diabetes, we must consume live, organic, fresh foods that are non-sweet and non-animal derived. This means focusing on eating green sprouts, green leafy vegetables, green juices and smoothies, mineral-rich sea vegetables like kelp, nori, dulse, sea palm and sea lettuce, non-sweet fruits like tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, lemons and limes. Fats and oils like hemp oil, hemp seeds, avocado, olives and olive oil, sesame, pumpkin and almond oil, flax seed, and other nuts and seeds. It also includes delicious cultured and fermented foods like apple cider vinegar, soy-free miso, raw sauerkraut, sprouted lentils and mung beans, caffeine-free tea, and all herbs and spices. Spirulina, a protein and other nutrient-rich nutritional algae, can be another great food to incorporate in your raw foods lifestyle by adding it to salads and vegetables. There are many ways to prepare delicious combinations of these foods. Discover the joy of rich, creamy raw nut and seed pates heaped with diced tomatoes, sprouts and served in romaine lettuce leaves as a kind of raw burrito, or desserts like raw lemon cheesecake made with zucchini, vanilla, stevia and macadamia nuts that is a guilt-free treat that tastes delicious. Zero glycemic sweetners xylitol (derived from Birch) and stevia (a plant used for centuries by many ancient cultures) provide incredibly satisfying sweetness without altering blood sugar levels. It may seem a bit scary to shift to eating raw foods when were used to the Standard American Diet (SAD). For many of us, dealing with our emotional attachments to food is a significant barrier to healing. For many Type II diabetics, it can be very challenging to adopt a new lifestyle, especially since long-term adherence to a live foods diet is central to the healing diabetes naturally approach.The truth is, once weve begun eating this way, it is extremely enjoyable for most people. When our bodies are cleaned through detoxing the junk of processed sugars and starches, we can actually taste the sweetness in greens like spinach! To gain support, many who follow the natural approach to healing diabetes seek online resources to meet others following the lifestyle and to gain recipe advice and other community support. Some great online options include,,,, and the diabetes support-centered website, which offers tips and supportive community to keep people motivated on their healing paths.

How to Heal Diabetes With Raw Food


Mar 13, 2011 | By Dr. Susan Jewell Health expert and network TV/radio/Internet host, Dr. Susan Jewell has appeared on CBS, Fox News, ABC and NBC. She is a health blogger and producer, and currently produces several webisode/TV series on "how-tos on health and living green." Dr. Jewell trained in clinical research medicine in cancer and AIDS/HIV at NIH and UCLA.

Photo Credit Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images Diabetes is caused by the disruption or dysfunction in the metabolism and breakdown of blood sugar glucose due to abnormal insulin production levels or the inability of the body to uptake insulin into the cells from the blood circulation. Certain raw foods have been shown to have intrinsic anti-diabetic properties. These foods can be included into the diabetic diet to help reduce and reverse the symptoms in patients with early signs of the disease or used as a preventative measure to decrease the risks of getting diabetes.

Step 1
Increase the amount of raw live foods in the diet, such as green leafy vegetables, alfalfa sprouts, colorful salads and ingesting more algae Spirulina and Chlorella. advertisement Sponsored Links Reduce Blood Sugar 44% Claim Your 15 Day Sample Today! Safe, Natural & Effective. Try Now.

Step 2
Start a fasting raw food green juice diet along with regular exercise. This will help to detoxify and cleanse the body. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a raw food expert, demonstrated in a pilot study, the positive effects in diabetic subjects placed on a green juicing fast. Wash and chop the vegetables and place into a juice mixer. Add water or apple juice to juicer and blend at high speed for a few minutes. Drink the juice immediately.

Step 3

Buy organic greens from wholefood stores or local farmers market, such as parsley, broccoli, kale, Spirulina, spinach, beet greens, chard and dandelion leaf. Eating high fiber foods containing plenty of super nutrients in the diabetic diet will build stronger immune system to help prevent diabetic complications and control blood sugar levels.

Step 4
Eat raw vegetables to manage gestational diabetes. The recommendation by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development advice eating one cup of raw assorted vegetables with one cup of leafy vegetable daily. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

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ips and Warnings

Always wash the raw food and vegetables thoroughly before consumption to avoid bacteria, such as E.coli entering the body. Store all foods and raw vegetables in a cool place, such as the fridge. It is best to eat fresh raw food immediately. Store all foods in seal-tight containers to maintain freshness and prevent bio degradation of the nutrients. Always consult your medical doctor before starting alternative or complementary therapies. Certain foods can interact with medications. Obtain advice from your health care provider to avoid any side effects or adverse reactions.

Things You'll Need

Raw vegetables Leafy green vegetables Water Blender Apple juice Alfalfa sprouts Spirulina Chlorella Parsley Broccoli Kale Spinach Beet green Chard Dandelion leaf

References Thebest of National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NICHHD, NIH

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Elena Nita Ibrian, pionierul mancarii fara foc, ovo-lacto-vegetariana

Publicat la august 23, 2010 de Ligia Pop 9 comentarii

In anii 1945-1946, Elena Nita Ibrian s-a mbolnavit de cancer la gat si plamani, si s-a vindecat cu sucuri de legume si fructe, dupa o cura promovata de un prieten din Canada. Mai jos aveti un interviu dat la revista Formula As, in vara anului 2009. Persoana din Canada, era prieten cu sotul meu si i-a spus ca acolo, in caz de boli grave, li se dadeau bolnavilor sucuri de fructe si de legume. Nimeni nu stia despre asa ceva la noi in vremea aceea, adica prin anii 45 -46. Dar barbatul meu, care mi-a fost tot timpul alaturi in incercarea groaznica prin care treceam, a inceput sa-mi dea suc de morcovi, la inceput cu pipeta, caci nu mai aveam putere sa inghit, apoi cu o lingurita. Incetul cu incetul, am prins puteri, si dupa o luna si jumatate, am reusit sa ma dau jos din pat singura. In tot acel timp, nam mancat alte alimente, am baut doar suc de morcov, caruia i-am adaugat si alte legume si fructe si simteam cum imi recapat puterile de la o zi la alta. Mi-am dat seama pe propria piele, cum se spune, cat de puternice sunt leacurile naturale. Din acel moment, am inceput sa studiez, sa citesc, sa ma documentez despre proprietatile plantelor si, mai ales, despre puterea lor de vindecare. Tot atunci am inceput sa creez primele retete crudivore, adica retete care se prepara la rece, fara ca alimentele sa fie fierte, coapte, prajite sau trecute prin foc. Este ceea ce astazi se numeste hrana vie. Si-am mai avut un noroc, un model extraordinar, bunica mea Catinca, din Dragusenii Sucevei. Ea stia toate florile si ierburile si prepara tot felul de leacuri si mancaruri de leac, crude. Elena Nita Ibrian (1920 -2009), a trait 89 de ani foarte bogati si activi, in care a ajutat foarte multa lume aflata in suferinta. Dumneaei spunea: Hrana naturala cruda intinereste, regenereaza tesuturile si hraneste bucuria de a trai. (Sursa: Formula As). Un alt paragraf important, citat din cartea Hrana vie vindeca diabetul: Prin consumul de alimente tratate termic, sangele este puternic otravit. Cei care vor sa scada in greutate, ar trebui sa consume o alimentatie formata integral din cruditati; se elimina astfel obisnuita senzatie de foame. Cand alimentatia ta este curat naturala, adica nefiarta, te simti mai bine si poti efectua MUNCI FIZICE GRELE SI FOARTE GRELE. Intre cancer si hrana vie exista o legatura stransa. S-a observat ca absenta cruditatilor, deci a enzimelor, influenteaza in mod negativ diviziunea celulelor, care incepe sa scape de sub control; in felul acesta apar celule gresite, care se inmultesc haotic si genereaza ulceere, cancere, tot felul de tumori. [...] Daca enzimele se distrug prin fierbere, conservare sau alte procese, se poate declansa o anormalitate in procesul de inmultire a celulelor canceroase. In concluzie, enzimele obtinute pe cale naturala si nu produsele chimice de sinteza reprezinta singura garantie a sanatatii dvs. Si un alt punct important, se crede ca aparitia copiilor anormali, are drept cauza tot lipsa hranei vii; in lipsa acesteia, se formeaza celule germinative imature sau anormale. De aceea e bine sa se stie ca femeile sterile, dar constitutiv sanatoase, pot da nastere de copii daca consuma o perioada indelungata numai hrana vie. Cartile dumneaei, tiparite in decursul anilor, depasesc 50 de titluri imbinate atat cu retete culinare cat si foarte multe sfaturi utile de sanatate. Le puteti gasi in librarii, insa mai exact la cele online. Eu mi le-am cumparat de la Libraria Jovis, dar pot fi gasite si la Editura Miracol.

Va dau mai jos cateva titluri de carti care merita sa le aveti, cat si multe altele pe care nu leam mentionat.

Vindecarea bolilor prin tratamente naturale, 900 de retete si remedii naturale Hrana vie vindeca diabetul, retete culinare Frumusete si sanatate prin hrana vie, retete pentru frumusete cat si culinare Bucataria fara foc, 238 de retete de hrana vie Hrana vie in prevenirea si vindecarea cancerului Hrana vie i leacuri naturale pentru o sanatate deplina Tratat de hrana vie Hrana vie, aperitive si deserturi pentru toate varstele

Elena Nita Ibrian a fost un pionier al mancarii fara foc, si chiar daca folosea in retetele sale atat lactate cat si oua, retetele sunt extraordinare si le recomand tuturor acelora care vor sa faca o tranzitie de la mancarea clasica, gatita la cea mai sanatoasa. Nimeni nu va obliga sa renuntati la mancarea gatita sau la alte alimente, ci doar sa introduceti cat mai multe mese pe saptamana care sa contina ingrediente netratate termic. Aceasta a fost dorinta si scopul dumneaei in viata: sa convinga pe cat de multi despre efectele curative ale hranei vii.

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