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PE 2
Topic: Exercises with and without Equipment

Instructions: Give what is asked.

1. Identify 10 exercises without using an equipment and explain how each exercise can be
done. Pls also include pictures. (20 pts)
1. Plank - an exercise in which you hold your body straight
and parallel to the floor while resting on your toes and
hands or elbows: Planks are very good for strengthening
your core. (Cabridge Dictionary)

2. Push-up - a common calisthenics exercise performed in a prone position by raising and

lowering the body using the arms.

3. Squats - a lower body exercise that

primarily targets the muscles of the
thighs, hips, and buttocks. The exercise
is performed by bending the knees and
lowering the torso until the thighs are
parallel to the ground.

4. L
unges: a lower body exercise that targets the
quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The
exercise involves stepping forward with one
leg and lowering the body until both knees
are bent at a 90-degree angle.
5. Pull-ups- an upper body exercise that targets the
muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms. The
exercise is performed by hanging from a bar and
pulling the body upward until the chin passes over
the bar.

6. Burpees: a full-body exercise that combines

a squat, plank, push-up, and jump. The
exercise is performed by starting in a
standing position, dropping into a squat,
kicking the feet back into a plank position,
performing a push-up, returning to the
squat position, and jumping explosively into
the air.

7. Russian Twists: Russian twists are a core

exercise that targets the obliques. The
exercise is performed by sitting on the
ground with the knees bent and feet
elevated, then twisting the torso from side
to side while holding a weight or medicine

8. Bicycle Crunches: Bicycle crunches are a

core exercise that targets the rectus
abdominis and obliques. The exercise is
performed by lying on the back, lifting the
shoulders off the ground, and bringing one
knee toward the opposite elbow while
straightening the other leg, alternating
sides in a pedaling motion.
9. Jumping Jacks: Jumping jacks are a
cardiovascular exercise that involves
jumping to spread the legs and arms apart
while simultaneously raising the hands
above the head, then returning to the
starting position by jumping back with the
feet together and lowering the arms to the

10. Mountain Climbers - are a full-body

exercise that primarily targets the core,
shoulders, and legs. The exercise is
performed by starting in a plank position
and quickly alternating bringing each knee
toward the chest in a running motion.

2. Identify at least 6 equipment used in exercising and how each equipment is used. For
example: dumble (10pts)
1. Dumbbells - handheld weights used for
strength training exercises. They come in various
weights and can be used for a wide range of
exercises such as bicep curls, shoulder presses,
lunges, and squats. Dumbbells are held in each
hand during exercises, providing resistance to
target specific muscle groups.
2. Treadmill - a piece of cardio equipment used for
walking, jogging, or running indoors. It consists of
a moving belt that allows users to simulate the
motion of walking or running. Treadmills often
have adjustable speed and incline settings to vary
the intensity of the workout. Users can control the
speed and incline to tailor their workout to their
fitness level and goals.

3. Resistance Bands- elastic bands used for

strength training exercises. They come in various
resistance levels and can be used to target different
muscle groups. Resistance bands are typically
anchored to a stationary object or wrapped around
a body part, and then stretched to create tension
against the muscles being worked. They are
versatile and can be used for exercises such as
bicep curls, rows, squats, and leg lifts.

4. Exercise Ball (Swiss Ball- a large inflatable ball

used for stability, balance, and core strengthening
exercises. It can be used for exercises such as
stability ball crunches, planks, bridges, and leg
curls. The unstable surface of the exercise ball
engages the core muscles to maintain balance
during exercises, making them more challenging
and effective.
5. Stationary Bike- a piece of cardio equipment used for
indoor cycling. It consists of a seat, pedals, and handlebars,
similar to a traditional bicycle, but stationary. Stationary
bikes often have adjustable resistance levels and preset
workout programs to vary the intensity of the workout. Users
can adjust the resistance and pedal at their own pace to
improve cardiovascular fitness and lower body strength.

6. Kettlebells are cast iron weights with a handle attached,

used for dynamic strength training exercises. They come in
various weights and can be used for exercises such as
kettlebell swings, goblet squats, Turkish get-ups, and
overhead presses. Kettlebell exercises typically involve
swinging, lifting, and moving the kettlebell through various
planes of motion to engage multiple muscle groups

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