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Niveluri de analiza ale mecanismelor creierului

NNivel output: comportamente, ganduri, emotii, perceptii

Nivel electrofiziologic: Potentiale electrice emise de activitatea neuronala

Nivel conectomic: Retele neuronale formate din neuroni si

celule gliale

Nivel celular:Tipuri de neuroni si celule gliale si conexiunile dintre ei

(sinapsa, receptori, ioni & canale de ioni, neurotransmitatori)

Nivel intracelular: Organite celulare (mitocondrii)

Nivel genetic si epigenetic: Gene

Localizationismul: Creierul vazut ca o

colectie de centrii pentru facultatile

Franz Joseph Gall

Paul Broca

Localizationismul: Creierul
vazut ca o colectie de centrii
pentru facultatile mentale

Pacientul H.M.

Phineas Gage
Conectonomia sau neurostiinta retelelor

O paradigmă deja larg acceptata în neuroștiințe este aceea că sarcinile

cognitive sunt efectuate nu de regiuni individuale ale creierului care
lucrează izolat, ci de rețele constând din mai multe regiuni ale creierului
despre care se spune că sunt „conectate funcțional” datorită activității lor
strâns cuplate.

Rețelele neuronale de largă intindere sunt colecții de regiuni cerebrale larg

răspândite care prezintă conectivitate funcțională dovedita prin analiza
statistică resting state – fMRI connectivity sau alte metode de înregistrare
precum EEG, PET și MEG.

Regiunile sincronizate ale creierului pot fi identificate folosind analiza

componentelor independente spațiale (ICA). Setul de zone cerebrale
identificate care sunt legate între ele într-o rețea variază în funcție de
operatiile cognitive
Neural Networks Implicated in Autobiographical Memory Training
Dragos Cȋrneci et al.

Fig A & B. Autobiographical

training increases anterior
default mode network
connectivity. Horizontal,
coronal, and sagittal sections
showing the part of right
medio-dorsal thalamus
(yellow/red) with increased
connectivity with anterior DMN
(blue) after training. Fig C.
Positive correlation between
change in resting-state
connectivity and change in the
number of odor-evoked recalls.
Preprint · January 2019 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.19754.67520
The World According to My Predictions: Human Brains' Default Mode Network
in The Context of Predictive Coding
Kevin Klarić

Abstract. For a long time, the thinking in neuroscientific circles supported the idea that if
human brain activity is measured without an explicit behavioral task given to the participant,
the brain should be considered as being at rest and / or without measurable functional
connectivity / activity. This idea was turned on its head quite early in the development of
neuroscience when a network of regions was found to become more active as the subject is
left to rest or think for themselves. This, so-called "Default Mode Network" has since then
been a prominent center of attention of most "resting-state" neuroimaging studies. It was
later thought that this network while being active in the background, serves nothing more
than being merely an active resonance of other networks in the brain. This idea was also
quickly discarded after it was shown that the so-called DMN is necessary for sustaining
conscious awareness, maturing right at about the age children start to separate themselves
from their environment as active agents. In the context of the predictive coding hypothesis,
the existence of a DMN makes perfect sense. With this seminar paper, I will try to briefly
extend this idea by showing what exactly this connection could mean in the context of
human cognition. This could aid the advancement of the predictive coding theory greatly
(especially in the domain of cognitive science), as the DMN could potentially offer a direct
neurobiological implementation of the predictive coding hypothesis in the human central
nervous system.
Hum Brain Mapp. 2020;41:3318–3341 NEUROPSIHOLOGIE CLINICA
Dark control: The default mode network as a reinforcement learning agent

Dohmatob E. et al.

The more familiar and predictable the current environment, the more brain
resources may remain for allocating DMN activity extending beyond the present
time and sensory context.

In line with this perspective, DMN engagement was shown to heighten and
relate to effective behavioral responses in the practiced phase of a demanding
cognitive flexibility task, as compared to acquisition phase when participants
learned context-specific rules.

This involvement in automated decision making has led the authors to propose
an “autopilot” role for the DMN, which may contribute to optimizing
intervention of the organism on the world in general.

Reteaua Atentionala ventrala

• Aceasta reţea realizeaza impreuna cu Default mode un predictive coding inconstient,

scanand lumea din jur.
• Ȋn cazul ȋn care la un moment dat apare ceva neasteptat comportamentul se opreşte
si atenţia este ȋndreptată către acel lucru
• In psihologie aceasta se numeşte reflex de orientare sau atenţie involuntară
• Odata activata, ea trimite semnale care activeaza retelele Salience, Executiva si
Atentionala dorsala

• Girusul frontal inferior drept –

parte a retelei de atentie ventrala -
este cea care realizeaza comutarea
de pe modul de scanare
automata/inconstienta pe cel de
atentie voluntara

• El activeaza reteaua Atentionala

dorsala si cea Executiva si opreste
procesarile constiente din Default
Reteaua Salience

Reţeaua Salience este cuplata cu reteaua de atentie ventrala dar si cu cea Default si cu
cea somato-senzoriala si pre-SMA/SMA. Are:

• O componenta ventrala (insula anterioara) care are rol interoceptiv

• O componenta dorsala (cortexul cingulat anterior dorsal) care are rolul de a inhiba
comportamentul aflat in derulare, in cazul aparitiei unei erori in predictie
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience NEUROPSIHOLOGIE CLINICA
November 2018 | Volume 12 | Article 447
Moderating Effects of Harm Avoidance on Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the
Anterior Insula

Ashley A. Huggins1, Emily L. Belleau2, Tara A. Miskovich1, Walker S. Pedersen3 and Christine L. Larson1*

After adjusting for sex and age, there was a significant negative effect of harm
avoidance on connectivity between the anterior insula and clusters in the
precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) left superior/middle frontal gyrus, dorsal
anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and bilateral inferior parietal lobule (IPL)/angular
gyrus. Seed-to-network analyses indicated a negative effect of harm avoidance on
connectivity between the right anterior insula and anterior and posterior DMN. There
were no effects of trait anxiety on functional connectivity of the anterior insula.
Overall, the results indicate that individual differences in harm avoidance relate to
disruptions in internetwork connectivity that may contribute to deficits in
appropriately modulating attentional focus.
Reteaua Central executiva

• Analizarea unei situatii problematice/noi/complexe

• Planificarea unei actiuni immediate

• Memorie de lucru

• Luarea unei decizii

• Realizeaza un predictive coding constient

• Activarea retelelor de atentie dorsala si pre-SAM/SMA si inhibarea procesarilor din


Reteaua Atentionala dorsala

Ȋn implementarea unui nou plan de actiune

reteaua Central Executiva activează reţeaua
Atenţională dorsală, care trebuie să
urmărească cu privirea ce se intâmplă conform
cu planul.

Este implicata in urmarirea cu privirea a unei

tinte, in memorie de lucru vizuo-spatiala

Actioneaza impreuna cu pre-SMA/SMA in

predictive coding constient
Reteaua Premotorie
suplimentara (pre-SMA) si
motorie suplimentara (SMA)
Ȋn implementarea unui plan de actiune reteaua
Central executiva activează prima data, asa
cum am aratat, reţeaua Atenţională dorsală,
precum şi reţeaua pre-SMA/SMA care trimite
comanda de acţiune către cortexul motor şi
monitorizează paşii acţiunii, proces care se
numeşte atenţie către acţiune, un predictive
coding constient

Reteaua motorie-suplimentara (SMA)/pre-motorie

suplimentara (pre-SMA) impreuna cu reteaua motorie si
reteaua somato-senzoriala formeaza Reteaua senzorio-motorie

A, B- Antrenamentul
autobiografic scade
conectivitatea in
cadrul retelei
senzorio-motorii (cu
verde)(Ctrl B stanga,
Exp B dreapta)

C- Scaderea
coreleaza negativ cu
usurinta reamintiri
Retelele atentionale, senzorio-motorii si Default mode

• Neuronii-oglinda ne “traduc” comportamentele altora

• Ei fac acest lucru cupland ceea ce vedem la altii cu propriile noastre retele
de actiune
• Aceasta cuplare se face automat si ne permite:

1. sa intelegem actiunile altora

2. sa prezicem miscarea lor urmatoare
3. sa intelegem emotiile lor
4. sa empatizam cu ele
5. sa intelegem gandurile altora sau felul in care ei privesc lucrurile

Neuronii-oglinda realizeaza functii de tip Theory of mind doar prin

asociere cu alte zone precum:

• Hub-ul anterior dorsal al DMN

• Jonctiunea temporo-parietala parte a retelei atentionale


• Amigdala si hipocampul (vezi slide-ul anterior)

Nature Communication 14, 1279 (2023). NEUROPSIHOLOGIE CLINICA
Flexible reuse of cortico-hippocampal representations during encoding and recall of
naturalistic events
Reagh, Z.M., Ranganath, C.

Here, we show that different cortico-hippocampal networks systematically represent

specific components of events depicted in videos, both during online experience and
during episodic memory retrieval. Regions of an Anterior Temporal Network represented
information about people, generalizing across contexts, whereas regions of a Posterior
Medial Network represented context information, generalizing across people. Medial
prefrontal cortex generalized across videos depicting the same event schema, whereas the
hippocampus maintained event-specific representations. Similar effects were seen in real-
time and recall, suggesting reuse of event components across overlapping episodic
memories. These representational profiles together provide a computationally optimal
strategy to scaffold memory for different high-level event components, allowing efficient
reuse for event comprehension, recollection, and imagination.
Neuron. 2013 Sep 4; 79(5): 836–848.
Theory of Mind: A Neural Prediction Problem

Jorie Koster-Hale and Rebecca Saxe

Predictive coding posits that neural systems make forward-looking predictions about
incoming information. Neural signals contain information not about the currently perceived
stimulus, but about the difference between the observed and the predicted stimulus. We
propose to extend the predictive coding framework from high-level sensory processing to the
more abstract domain of theory of mind; that is, to inferences about others’ goals, thoughts,
and personalities. We review evidence that, across brain regions, neural responses to
depictions of human behavior, from biological motion to trait descriptions, exhibit a key
signature of predictive coding: reduced activity to predictable stimuli. We discuss how future
experiments could distinguish predictive coding from alternative explanations of this response
profile. This framework may provide an important new window on the neural computations
underlying theory of mind.

A region in posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS), green, involved in action perception; a region in temporo-parietal
junction (TPJ), blue, involved in thinking about beliefs and desires, and a region in medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), red,
involved in thinking about people’s stable preferences and personalities

Reteaua vizuala

Reteaua Auditiva

Cortex , Volume 45, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 80-92

Predictive coding of music – Brain responses to rhythmic incongruity

Peter Vuust, Leif Ostergaard, Karen,Johanne Pallesen, Christopher Bailey, Andreas Roepstorff

During the last decades, models of music processing in the brain have mainly discussed the
specificity of brain modules involved in processing different musical components. We argue
that predictive coding offers an explanatory framework for functional integration in
musical processing. Further, we provide empirical evidence for such a network in the
analysis of event-related MEG-components to rhythmic incongruence in the context of
strong metric anticipation. This is seen in a mismatch negativity (MMNm) and a subsequent
P3am component, which have the properties of an error term and a subsequent evaluation
in a predictive coding framework. There were both quantitative and qualitative differences
in the evoked responses in expert jazz musicians compared with rhythmically unskilled
non-musicians. We propose that these differences trace a functional adaptation and/or a
genetic pre-disposition in experts which allows for a more precise rhythmic prediction.
Journal of Neuroscience 12 September 2023, JN-RM-0512-23; DOI: https://

Stimulus-specific prediction error neurons in mouse auditory cortex

Nicholas J. Audette and David M. Schneider

Comparing expectation with experience is an important neural computation performed

throughout the brain and is a hallmark of predictive processing. Experiments that alter the
sensory outcome of an animal’s behavior reveal enhanced neural responses to unexpected self-
generated stimuli, indicating that populations of neurons in sensory cortex may reflect prediction
errors – mismatches between expectation and experience. However, enhanced neural responses
to self-generated stimuli could also arise through non-predictive mechanisms, such as the
movement-based facilitation of a neuron’s inherent sound responses. If sensory prediction error
neurons exist in sensory cortex, it is unknown whether they manifest as general error responses,
or respond with specificity to errors in distinct stimulus dimensions. To answer these questions,
we trained mice of either sex to expect the outcome of a simple sound-generating behavior and
recorded auditory cortex activity as mice heard either the expected sound or sounds that
deviated from expectation in one of multiple distinct dimensions. Our data reveal that the
auditory cortex learns to suppress responses to self-generated sounds along multiple acoustic
dimensions simultaneously. We identify a distinct population of auditory cortex neurons that are
not responsive to passive sounds or to the expected sound but that encode prediction errors.
These prediction error neurons are abundant only in animals with a learned motor-sensory
expectation, and encode one or two specific violations rather than a generic error signal.
Together, these findings reveal that cortical predictions about self-generated sounds have
specificity in multiple simultaneous dimensions and that cortical prediction error neurons encode
specific violations from expectation.

Reteaua limbica este implicata in

• Reprezentarea valorii si valentei

(pozitive sau negative)

• Motivatie, dorinta

• control asupra activitatii

cardiovasculare, a respiratiei,
comportamentului alimentar,
reproducator, a metabolismului

• Este cuplata cu Default mode si

cu Salience
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2008, Vol.12 No.7

Dialogues on prediction errors

Yael Niv and Geoffrey Schoenbaum

Arguably, some of the most profound developments in psychology and

neuroscience in the last two decades have stemmed from the use of normative
ideas from reinforcement learning in thinking about and studying behavior and the
brain. Building on a foundation laid by learning theorists, neuroscientists have
identified neural substrates that conform to predictions of precise mathematical
models of decision making.
Neural correlates of such prediction-error signals have been observed now in
midbrain dopaminergic neurons, striatum, amygdala and even prefrontal cortex. A
decade later, correlates of prediction errors are coming up all over the brain.
Scientific Reports | (2021) 11:16258 NEUROPSIHOLOGIE CLINICA
Disentangling predictive processing in the brain: a meta‑analytic study in
favour of a predictive network

Linda Ficco et al.

According to the predictive coding (PC) theory,
the brain is constantly engaged in predicting its
upcoming states and refining these predictions
through error signals. We employ a meta-
analytic connectivity method (Seed-Voxel
Correlations Consensus). This technique reveals
a large, bilateral predictive network, which
resembles large-scale networks involved in task
driven attention and execution. In sum, we find
that: (i) predictive processing seems to occur
more in certain brain regions than others,
when considering different sensory modalities
at a time; (ii) there is no evidence, at the
network level, for a distinction between error
and prediction processing.

Figure 3. Surface, medial and cerebellar mapping of the SVC

Consensus analysis revealing the “predictive network” for the
condition of General Prediction. Note that this and the Prediction
Violation areas overlap entirely.
Front. Psychiatry 13:802606. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.802606

The Brain Is Adaptive Not Triune: How the Brain Responds to Threat, Challenge,
and Change
Steffen PR, Hedges D and Matheson R

• If the brain is not organized in distinct and functionally independent regions, then
how is it organized? The organization of the brain reflects the fact that adaptation
and survival depend on effectively balancing and predicting often conflicting
needs. Internal needs (i.e., food) must be balanced with external demands (i.e.,
not being eaten, fight or flight, as well as everyday stressors).

• The adaptive brain must be able to respond to stress quickly and rationally;
depending on the context, speed, including automation of response, may be a
greater priority than a careful consideration of several outcomes, or vice versa.
Our very survival can depend on our ability to change our current course of
action to respond to potentially advantageous or threatening events, and virtually
all situations require an integration of internal and external needs, speed, and

• Indeed, internal needs vs. external demands and automated rapidity vs. slower
deliberation form key axes informing behavior, and these axes are reflected
The Brain Is Adaptive Not Triune: How the Brain Responds to Threat, Challenge,
and Change

• An example of broad network, coordinating activity is the default mode

network (DMN). Periods of coordinated activation of the DMN are instructive
about the brain’s shifting focus between internally and externally directed
behavior. DMN functions are never turned off; instead, these functions are
carefully enhanced or attenuated depending on need.

• Internally focused and externally focused networks enable the brain to

operate in different quadrants of speed and reason. Highly predictable
situations require less analysis of external factors to efficiently choose a low-
risk behavioral strategy. The DMN enables fast, automated responses to
routine situations with learned rules. Attention and control networks, in
contrast, prioritize increased analysis of external cues and enable slow
response systems for situations with harder-to-predict outcomes and fewer or
no established rules.

• The adaptive brain’s ability to differentially prioritize these strategies is an

instructive example of its overall strategy to assess and address changing
Extern, aici & acum – retele atentionale (stanga) vs
Intern, trecut & viitor – reteaua DMN (dreapta)
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 2, 2011 • 31(44):15775–15786
Rich-Club Organization of the Human Connectome
Martijn P. van den Heuvel and Olaf Sporns

The human brain is a complex network of interlinked regions. Recent studies have
demonstrated the existence of a number of highly connected and highly central
neocortical hub regions, regions that play a key role in global information integration
between different parts of the network. The potential functional importance of these
“brain hubs” is underscored by recent studies showing that disturbances of their
structural and functional connectivity profile are linked to neuropathology. This study
aims to map out both the subcortical and neocortical hubs of the brain and examine
their mutual relationship, particularly their structural linkages. Here,we demonstrate
that brain hubs form a so-called “rich club,” characterized by a tendency for high-
degree nodes to be more densely connected among themselves than nodes of a lower
degree, providing important information on the higher-level topology of the brain
network. Whole-brain structural networks of 21 subjects were reconstructed using
diffusion tensor imaging data. Examining the connectivity profile of these networks
revealed a group of 12 strongly interconnected bihemispheric hub regions, comprising
the precuneus, superior frontal and superior parietal cortex, as well as the subcortical
hippocampus, putamen, and thalamus. Importantly, these hub regions were found to
be more densely interconnected than would be expected based solely on their degree,
together forming a rich club.
The Journal of Neuroscience, November 2, 2011 • 31(44):15775–15786

Rich-Club Organization of the Human Connectome

Martijn P. van den Heuvel and Olaf Sporns

Figure 4. Rich-club regions and

connections. Connections between
rich-club regions (dark blue) and
connections from rich-club nodes to
the other regions of the brain network
(light blue). The figure shows that
almost all regions of the brain have at
least one link directly to the rich club.
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 20:2, 121-132, 2018

Rich-club neurocircuitry: function, evolution, and vulnerability

Alessandra Griffa & Martijn P. Van den Heuvel

Observations indicate that functional integration cannot be ascribed to a

single brain region or subnetwork, but should rather be regarded as a more
complex and dynamic process, where flexibility and cross-system allegiance
emerge as fundamental features. Structurally rich regions and connections
might mediate those time-dependent integrative processes, with rich clubs
forming an anatomical workspace for integration.
Structurally central regions, such as the fronto-parietal system and default-
mode-network areas, flexibly interact with other functional systems at rest
and display variable patterns of functional connectivity across tasks,
demonstrating high adaptability to changing demands.
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2018, 20:2, 121-132

Rich-club neurocircuitry: function, evolution, and vulnerability

Alessandra Griffa & Martijn P. Van den Heuvel

An interesting property of neural networks is that elements rich in connections are central
to the network organization and tend to interconnect strongly with each other, forming so-
called rich clubs. The ubiquity of rich-club organization across different species and scales
of investigation suggests that this topology could be a distinctive feature of biological
systems with information processing capabilities

At a macroscopic scale, vertebrate connectivity demonstrates defining features of

hierarchical modular networks with rich-club organization. In the rodent, high-degree
regions forming rich clubs mainly overlap with associative cortices, shape brain functional
patterns and have high co-expression of genes associated with oxidative energy
metabolism, learning and organism behavior.

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