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Anne-Marie Nicolae – Neumann

Grupa mica – The Sailors
An Scolar: 2010-2011
Gradinita Anastasya - Corbeanca

Centrata pe copil, noua abordare a educatiei propune teme din realitatea de zi cu zi,
teme pragmatice si in concordanta cu interesele si necesitatile prescolarilor. Astfel se vrea
a fi si activitatea de limba engleza pe care o propun: teme atractive, pragmatice si de
mare interes intr-o maniera cat se poate de amuzanta... pana la urma invatarea este un joc,
nu-i asa?

Impreuna cu personajele din povestile preferate, cu jucariile lor favorite, copiii vor
invata termenii esentiali ai limbii engleze cu o mai mare usurinta si cu mult haz; vor
parcurge un itinerar tematic bogat in stimuli lingvistici, transformand invatarea intr-un
joc interactiv.

Itinerariul tematic porneste de la realitatile cotidiene mai familiare copilului – corpul,

familia, casa - , explorand apoi locuri si situatii mai indepartate – orasul, mediul natural,
etc. – pana la a include lumea fantastica a basmelor si povestilor.

Activitateade limba engleza a fost gandita in asa fel incat sa corespunda

particularitatilor individuale si de varsta a copiilor. Acestia, isi insusesc cu mai multa
usurinta concepte legate de teme si situatii care ii intereseaza si le sunt familiare.

A. Obiective cadru:

• Insusirea corecta a sunetelor in limba engleza;

• Imbogatirea vocabularului cu termeni reprezentand elemente (obiecte, insusiri, actiuni)
din universul familiar;
• Stimularea calitatilor afective si volitionale;
• Dezvoltarea increderii in capacitatea de a invata o limba straina;

B. Obiective de referinta:

• Perceperea si pronuntarea clara a sunetelor limbi engleze, exprimand enunturi simple;

• Folosirea unui vocabular minimal, integrat in acte de vorbire cat mai autentice, in
registre de limba adaptate varstei si preocuparilor copiilor;
• Formarea unui sistem minim de notiuni care sa cuprinda: categorii de obiecte, fiinte,
fenomene, etc. in limba engleza ;

C. Exemple de comportament:

• Sa pronunte corect sunetele limbii engleze;

• Sa se prezinte si sa salute in limba engleza;
• Sa dea si sa execute o comanda;
• Sa-si insuseasca in mod constant noi cuvinte, expresii, constructii gramaticale;
• Sa identifice elmente din mediul familiar si sa le numesca in limba engleza;
• Sa ceara si sa dea informatii de ordin personal;
• Sa multumesca si sa raspunda la multumiri;
• Sa numere constient
 sa numeasca culorile;
• Sa recite poezii
• sa interpreteze cantece in limba engleza;
• Sa traiasca afectiv mesajul poeziilor si cantecelor;
• Sa ia parte la activitatile de invatare in grup.
Metode si Mijloace
Saptamana Subtema Continut Evaluare
de invatamant
- familiarizarea copiilor cu formulele de
salut din limba engleza “Hello, Good
morning! Good bye!” etc
- introducerea expresiilor “How are
you? I’m fine thank you!”
joc didactic “Si eu
- familiarizarea copiilor cu modul de
stiu sa salut!  observarea
prezentare “My name is...” si
conversatia comportamentului
Greetings semnificatia intrebarii “What’s your
jocul didactic curent
27.09-01.10 Presentation name?”,
 ursulet de plus  aplauze
*alte formule - “Nice to meet you!”
 jucarii, imagini  recompense
-familiarizarea copiilor cu formulele de
joc de rol: “La
“Please!, Thank you!, You’re
-repetarea lor si recunoasterea
momentului in care trebuie folosite
- familiarizarea copiilor cu denumirea in  conversatia,
limba engleza a partilor corpului: “head, observatia recompense, aprecieri
04.10 – Me and my body hand, leg, shoulders, neck, mouth,eyes,  joc did. “Atinge verbale
08.10.2010 nose,” ce iti spun!”
-repetarea si recunoasterea lor imagini, jetoane
11.10 – My family membrii familiei – recunoastere si  conversatia,  observarea
denumire comportamentului
15.10.2010 exercitiul
- introducerea notiunilor “family”, curent
imagini, fise de
“fahter/mother”, “sister/brother”  aplauze
- poem (anexa ) recompense
- familiarizarea copiilor cu denumirile
“summer, spring, autumn, winter”
18.10 – observatia, aplauze
- introducerea notiunilor “warm/cool”,
22.10.2010 Seasons and weather conversatia, recompense
repetarea cuvintelor si asocierea lor cu
- familiarizarea cu denumirea in limba observare,
engleza a pieselor principale din conversatia joc de
 recompense
25.10 – garderoba unei fete/ a unui baiat: “shirt, rol – “La
 aprecieri verbale
29.10.2010 Clothes T-shirt, trousers, dress, shoes, socks, etc cumparaturi”
 fise de colorat
- recunoasterea si denumirea in limba papusi, haine ptr
engleza a diferitelor piese vestimentare papusi
08.11 – - introducerea notiunilor noi “tomatoes,  observarea
12.11.2010 conversatia,
potatos, cucumber, pepper, garlic, comportamentului
Fresh vegetables onion,” etc. curent
legume proaspete,
- salata de legume – recunoasterea si  aplauze
fise de colorat
repetarea denumirilor recompense
15.11 – - introducerea notiunilor “apple, pear,
19.11.2010 conversatia,
peach, orange, lemon etc.”  recompense
Yummy fruits -asocierea fruct – culoare “red apple,  aprecieri verbale
yellow lemon”
jetoane, fructe,
22.11 – Numbers Numararea constienta si raportarea cifrei  conversatia, recompense, aprecieri
26.11.2010 la cantitate (ex. o imagine cu 2 mere – exercitiul,
two apples si alegerea cifra 2)  jetoane, imagini
29.11 –  conversatia,
- familiarizarea copiilor cu comenzile:
joc de rol
“stand up!, sit down !, go to your recompense, aprecieri
Let’s move ! imagini;
place !, hands up!, rise your hand!” verbale
 aplauze si
 recompense
06.12 – It’s winter! Winter words: winter, snow, snowman,
snowy, snowflakes, snowballs,  conversatia,
Christmas, Santa. observatia
It’s cold! joc de rol
recompense, aprecieri
Song: Dance like snowflakes, / Dance imagini;
like snowflakes, / In the air, / In the  aplauze si
air, / Whirling, twirling snowflakes, / incurajari
Whirling, twirling snowflakes / Here recompense
and there, / Here and there.
13.12 – Christmas! Christmas Carols:
We wish you a merry
Christmas!  conversatia,
recompense, aprecieri
Jingle bells! exercitiul,
Deck the Hall…. jetoane, imagini
Christmas decorations: globe, bells,
Christmas tree.
20.12. – My house - denumirea camerelor (kitchen,  jocul didactic aplauze
bathroom, bedroom, living-room) etc recompense
“Asa arata casa
- prezentarea casei – fise de lucru
 fise, creioane,

05.01 – introducerea notiunilor de forme  observatia,

geometrice “square”, “circle”, conversatia medalioane
“triangle”,  fig geometrice recompense
asocierea forma-culoare “red circle” imagini,
10.01 – - introducerea notiunilor “oil, bread, observare,
14.01.2011  observarea
pepper, salt, plate, cup, fork, spoon, conversatie, joc
On the table knife, glass” didactic
 aprecieri verbale
-repetarea notiunilor si consolidarea lor jucarii - vesela,
 recompense
prin intermediul jocului alimente, bucatarie
17.01 – - familiarizarea copiilor cu denimirile in
21.01.2011 observarea,
limba engleza a lichidelor : “milk, tea, recompense
conversatia, joc
A glass of... juice, water, etc” aplauze
-repetarea notiunilor si consolidarea lor aprecieri
imagini, jucarii
prin joc
24.01 –
Metode si Mijloace
Saptamana Subtema Continut Evaluare
de invatamant
07.02. – - familiarizarea copiilor cu denumirile observatia,  observarea
animalelor de la ferma, conversatia, comportamentului
On the farm
- repetarea si consolidarea denumirilor povestirea, curent
de animale de la ferma,  aplauze si incurajari
song (Old McDonald) imagini, jetoane, cd recompense
14.02 – conversatia,
18.02.2011 -introducerea unor notiuni noi (animale
salbatice – fox, wolf, bear, rabbit, deer,
explicatia, aplauze
The forest etc)
demonstratia, recompense
- repetarea si consolidarea notiunilor
observatia premii
prin joc Bingo
fise bingo, pioni,
21.02 – conversatia,
25.02.2011 -introducerea de notiuni noi : “lion, aplauze
The jungle tiger, giraffe, elephant, etc” recompense
-repetarea si consolidarea lor prin joc
28.02 – - familiarizarea copiilor cu denumirile in
04.03.2011 conversatia
Colours limba engleza a culorilor; fise de lucru -
Asocierea culorii cu un obiect: “The recompense
imagini, jetoane
apple is red”
07.03 – Happy birthday! familiarizarea copiilor cu urarile ce se obsevatia,  observarea
fac in limba engleza cu ocazia zilelor de conversatia, comportamentului
nastere “Happy birthday” povestirea curent
-introducerea notiunilor ce denumesc
joc didactic
jucarii, cadouri etc. aprecieri verbale,
jucarii, imagini,
“present, toys, teddybear, doll, robot” recompense
14.03 – Spring is here! Words: flower, butterfly, bee, grass, conversatia,
18.03.2011 aplauze
sun, planting seeds; observatia
Spring weather; imagini,
poem: “Spring is green…” medalioane
21.03 – - definirea termenului “pet”
-introducerea notiunilor “ puppy- dog,
 conversatia
kitty-cat, tortoise, mouse, fish” recompense
Pets  jetoane, imagini,
-recunoasterea si denumirea animalului aprecieri
fise de colorat
de companie de acasa// preferat
-poem (anexa )
28.03 – - familiarizarea copiilor cu spatiul -observatia,
cosmic conversatia,  observarea
Outer space - introducerea notiunilor “moon, sun, povestirea comportamentului
star, astronaut, galaxy, spaceship, curent
planet, Earth” - glob pamantesc, recompense
-song (Twinkle, Twinkle, little star) imagini, jucarii, cd
04.04 – povestirea,
08.04.2011 -prezentarea unui slide-show cu fragm.
din povestile preferate ale copiilor
explicatia, joc de aplauze
-denumirea personajelor, introducerea
Stories and fairytales rol recompense
de notiuni noi “adventure, princess,
“De-a povestitorii” fise de lucru
magic, fairy, genie” , “once upon a
computer, imagini,
time”, “the end”
carte de povesti
11.04 – Easter! Happy Easter!
Easter eggs and bunnies;
(decorating Easter eggs)
25.04 – -introducerea de notiuni noi :
29.04.2011 observatia,
mijloace de transport pe uscat – bus, fise de lucru
car, train, bicycle, motorcycle, etc aprecieri
mijloace de transport pe apa – boat, ship obs comportamentului
- jetoane, imagini,
mijloace de transport aerian – plane, recompense
Travelling jucarii
02. 05 – -repetarea si consolidarea denumirilor observatia,
mijloacelor de transport conversatia,
- fisa- mijlocul de transport preferat povestirea
fise de colorat,
creioane colorate
09.05 –
Travelling REVISION
16.05 – conversatia,  observarea
20.05.2011 - familiarizarea copiilor cu termeni care
observatia, joc comportamentului
desemneaza profesii: “policeman,
People at work 1 didactic curent
teacher, engineer, doctor etc.”
jetoane, imagini,  aplauze
- joc “ My father is // My mother is ...”
fise de colorat  recompense
23.05 – conversatia,  observarea
27.05. 2011
familiarizarea copiilor cu termeni care observatia, joc comportamentului
People at work 2 desemneaza profesii: “firefighter, cook, didactic curent
worker, manager etc.” jetoane, imagini,  aplauze
fise de colorat recompense
30.05 – What’s the time? - momentele zilei “morning, noon, observarea,  observarea comport.
after-noon, evening, night, midnight”
explicatia, curent
- introducerea expresiilor
conversatia, joc  aplauze
“What’s the time?” … “It’s … o’clock”
imagini, ceas, recompense
06.06 –
13.06 –
Anexa 1

I. On the table//A glass of here is the window
a) A glass of milk, there is the door
A slice of bread,
Then good night, VI. 1st june
We must go to bed. Today, today, today
It's the first of june today
b) Butter and cheese, This is our happy day
All that you please. We shall dance and sing and play.
Milk and bread
For little Fred, VII. Let’s move
Tea and jam Teddy Bear, turn around.
For brother Sam. Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy Bear, show your shoes.
c) I eat apples crunch, crunch ,crunch, Teddy Bear, that will do.
I devour sandwiches munch, munch ,munch,
I eat lolipopes lick, lick, lick, VIII. Numbers
But I enjoy the ice cream quick, quick, quick. One ,one ,one
please cat run.
II. Body parts Two,two,two
I`ve got ten little fingers, the dog is after you.
I`ve got ten little toes, Three,three,three
I`ve got two ears, two eyes three birds are on the tree.
And just one little nose. Four,four,four
four cats are on the floor.

III. Fruits IX. On the farm

Here is an apple My cat
Tasty and red
There is a nut I have a cat,
Brown and round. Her name is Kit,
And by the fire
IV. Seasons She loves to sit.
a) Winter is cold.
Winter is ice.
But winter inside
Is cozy and nice.

b) Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is yellow
Winter is white.
V. House
up is the ceiling
down is the floor
Songs 6) Old MacDonald had a farm. Ee i ee i o.
And on his farm he had some dogs. Ee i ee i o.
1) One little, two little, With a bark-bark here.
three little indians And a bark-bark there.
Four little, five little, Here a bark, there a bark.
six little indians, Everywhere a bark-bark.
seven little, eight little,
nine little indians, Old MacDonald had a farm. Ee i ee i o.
ten little indian boys. Old MacDonald had a farm. Ee i ee i o.
And on his farm he had some pigs. Ee i ee i o.
2) Mary had a little lamb, With an oink-oink here.
Whose fleece was white as snow. And an oink-oink there.
And everywhere that Mary went, Here an oink, there an oink.
The lamb was sure to go. Everywhere an oink-oink.

3) My Bonnie is over the ocean Old MacDonald had a farm. Ee i ee i o.

My Bonnie is over the sea Old MacDonald had a farm. Ee i ee i o.
My Bonnie is over the ocean And on his farm he had some cows. Ee i ee i oh.
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me With a moo-moo here.
Bring back, bring back, bring back my And a moo-moo there.
Bonnie to me, to me Here a moo, there a moo.
Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my Everywhere a moo-moo.
Bonnie to me
7) Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
4) The wheels on the bus go One fell off and bumped his head
round and round So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
round and round No more monkeys jumping on the bed!
round and round
The wheels on the bus go Four little monkeys jumping on the bed
round and round One fell off and bumped his head
All day long, So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed!
The children on the bus go ………………………………………………
up and down,up and down,
up and down,up and down, One little monkey jumping on the bed
up and down,up and down He fell off and bumped his head
The children on the bus go So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said
up and down,up and down No more monkeys jumping on the bed
All day long.
All day long.

5) Row, row, row your boat

Gently Down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Anexa 2

I. The body For little Fred,
I`ve got ten little fingers, Tea and jam
I`ve got ten little toes, For brother Sam.
I`ve got two ears, two eyes
And just one little nose b) I eat apples crunch, crunch ,crunch,
I devour sandwiches munch, munch ,munch,
II. The family I eat lolipopes lick, lick, lick,
This is the father, short and fat But I enjoy the ice cream quick, quick, quick.
This is the mother, who has a hat
This is the sister, pretty and tall V. On the farm
This is the brother, not very small Bow, wow, says the dog;
This is the baby, sure to grow Mew, mew, says the cat;
They are a family all in a row. Grunt, grunt, goes the hog;
And squeak goes the rat.
II. My Pet
I have a cat, Tu-whu, says the owl;
Her name is Tit, Caw, caw, says the crow;
And by the fire Quack, quack, says the duck;
She loves to sit. And what the sparrows say, you know.
And on my knee,
She often sits, VI. What’s the time?
For Tit loves me, It’s four o’clock,
And I love Tit! Says the cock.
-I want to sleep
III. The House Says the sheep.
This is my house,This is the door! -where and how
The windows are clean, And so is the floor! Here and now!
Outside on the roof There is a chimney,
Come along and see! VII. Stories and fairytales
A fairytale wedding
IV. At the restaurant
a) Get up, little Freddy, Ariel married Prince Grim
Breakfast is ready, And their wedding was a dream.
Butter and cheese, Queens ate cream and berries,
All that you please. Kings danced with the fairies,
Milk and bread .

Anexa 3

1) Head and shoulders, Like a diamond in the sky!

knees and toes, Twinkle, twinkle little star,
knees and toes. How I wonder what you are!
Head and shoulders,
knees and toes, When the blazing sun is gone,
knees and toes When it doesn't shine upon.
And eyes and ears, Then you come my little star,
mouth and nose. Twinkle,twinkle in the sky.
Head and shoulders,
knees and toes. Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!
2) My Bonnie is over the ocean,
My Bonnie is over the sea. 5) Yankee Doodle went to town
My Bonnie is over the ocean; A-riding on a pony
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me! Stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni.
Bring back, bring back
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me! Yankee Doodle, keep it up
Bring back, bring back, Yankee Doodle dandy
Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy.
3) The Farmer in the Dell
The farmer in the dell, 6) London Bridge is falling down,
The farmer in the dell, Falling down, falling down.
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, London Bridge is falling down,
The farmer in the dell. My fair lady.
The farmer takes a wife, Build it up with iron bars,
The farmer takes a wife, Iron bars, iron bars,
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, Build it up with iron bars,
The farmer takes a wife. My fair lady.
The wife takes a child, Iron bars will bend and break,
The wife takes a child, Bend and break, bend and break,
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, Iron bars will bend and break,
The wife takes a child. My fair lady.
The child takes a dog, Build it up with gold and silver,
The child takes a dog, Gold and silver, gold and silver,
Heigh-ho, the derry-o, Build it up with gold and silver,
The child takes a dog. My fair lady.

4) Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,

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