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Study Pack for Students in

Psychology and Education Sciences,
Semester 2

Asistent Universitar dr.

1. Informaţii generale

1.1. Date de identificare a cursului

Date de contact ale titularului de curs:

Nume: Mudure- Iacob Ioana Limba engleza-curs practic limbaj specializat

Telefon: 0744580551 LLU0011; LLU0012
E-mail: Anul I, sem.1 si 2
Consultaţii: vineri 10-11 Curs obligatoriu

1.2. Condiţionări şi cunoştinţe prerechizite

Cursul este conditionat de deţinerea de cunoştinţe de limba engleză care situeaza studentul la nivel B1,
conform grilei de autoevaluare a Cadrului comun european de referinta a limbilor:
Trebuie avut în vedere faptul că înscrierea la examenul de licenţa la finalul ciclului bachelor este
conditionat de susţinerea şi promovarea unui test de competenţa lingvistică într-o limba de
circulaţie internaţională.

Nota Punctaj TCL in niveluri

10.00 Nivel C2
9.00 - 9.99 Nivel C1
7.00 - 8.99 Nivel B2
5.00 - 6.99 Nivel B1
3.00 - 4.99 Nivel A2
1.00 - 2.99 Nivel A1
0.00 - 0.99 ‒

1.3. Descrierea cursului

Este un curs cu obiective specifice care vizează achiziţia de cunoştinţe şi dezvoltarea deprinderilor de
limbă străină ca instrument de formare şi informare academică şi profesională. Tipologia
programului de învăţare are în vedere crearea unui profil de utilizator cu competenţe axate pe
studiul limbajelor de specialitate. În acest sens, studenţii îşi vor dezvolta capacitatea de
conştientizare a stării actuale a cunoştinţelor şi deprinderilor, se vor deprinde să-şi fixeze obiective
reale şi realiste, să-şi selecteze în mod autonom materialele şi să se autoevalueze.

1.4. Organizarea temelor în cadrul cursului

Suportul de curs este structurat în unitati, fiecare unitate fiind împărțită în secțiuni ce vizează
dezvoltarea celor patru competențe lingvistice: citire, scriere, vorbire, ascultare. Textele sunt alese
astfel încât să acopere domenii precum psihologia, pedagogia și psihopedagogia specială iar prin
intermediul activităților aferente fiecărei unități se au în vedere următoarele obiective:
- Cunoaşterea şi înţelegerea aprofundată a contextelor şi rolurilor, precum şi a conceptelor, metodelor
şi a discursului/limbajului specific diverselor situaţii de comunicare profesională în mediul academic
de limba engleză, cu accent pe situaţia retorică, formele de comunicare scrisă şi orală, etapele
procesului de scriere şi produsele scrisului academic, precum şi pe deontologia profesională.
- Transferul conceptelor învăţate în activităţi de receptare a textului scris şi de producere vizând
etapele procesului de scriere, organizarea şi dezvoltarea ideilor, structura textului şi strategiile de
comunicare verbală orală şi scrisă la standarde specifice limbii engleze specializate pentru discursul

- Elaborarea unor lucrări scrise şi prezentări orale originale care să utilizeze principiile şi tehnicile de
redactare consacrate în mediul academic, cu accent pe genurile predilecte din psihologie şi ştiinţele

1.5. Formatul şi tipul activităţilor implicate de curs

Suportul de curs este organizat în 11 unitati, fiecare unitate abordând o anumita tema. Parcurgerea acestora va
presupune participarea la activitati asistate, consulatii, dar si studiu individual. Consultaţiile, inclusiv prin e-
mail sau fata in fata, reprezintă un sprijin direct acordat din partea titularului si a tutorilor. Pe durata cursurile
sunt discutate temele elaborate, dar sunt şi prezentări ale informaţiilor aferente fiecarei teme, precum și
activități practice menite să dezvolte abilitățile de înțelegere și conversație specifice celor patru competențe
(citire, vorbire, scriere, înțelegere) . În ceea ce priveşte activitatea individuală, aceasta este gestionată
individual şi se va concretiza în parcurgerea tuturor materialelor bibliografice obligatorii, rezolvarea temelor
de verificare pe parcurs, vizualizarea materialelor audio-video necesare pentru discuțiile la curs.

1.6. Materiale bibliografice

1. Short, Jane, English for Psychology in Higher Education. Course Book, Reading, UK: Garnet
Education, 2010
2. Prodromou, L., Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, Longman, 2001
3. Teglaş, Camelia (coord.), Felea, Cristina, Mezei, Vlad, English B2 – C1, Social Sciences and Sport, Seria
Autodidact (coord. Liana Pop), Cluj, Ed. Echinox, 2009
4. Understanding Psychology. Vocabulary Activities, Columbus, Ohio: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2008 6.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Longman, 2003

1.7. Materiale şi instrumente necesare pentru curs

Derularea activităţilor prevăzute necesită accesul studenţilor la următoarele resurse:

- support de curs
calculator conectat la internet (pentru a putea accesa bazele de date și resursele electronice
- acces la resursele bibliografice
- acces la echipamente de fotocopiere

1.8. Politica de evaluare şi notare

Evaluarea finală se va realiza astfel:

la finele semestrului 1:
- pe baza unui examen scris ( Reading Comprehension / Exercitiile de intelegere a textului vor
respecta tipologia celor din suportul de curs – gapped text, synonymy, true/false statements, Use of
English- fill-in exercises, matching, word definition, Writing.) desfăşurat in sesiunea de examene.
Nota finală se compune din:
a) punctajul obţinut la acest examen în proporţie de 60%
b) aprecierea realizării temelor pe parcurs – 20%
c) participarea activa la curs
la finele semestrului 2
- pe baza unui test de competenta lingvistica. Punctajul obţinut la acest examen în proporţie de 100%
(10 puncte)
Testul de la finele semestrului 2 vizeaza testarea celor 4 competente lingvistice: scriere, citire,
ascultare, vorbire. Este un test pe limbaj academic de specialitate impartit in 2 probe – scrisa si orala.
Proba scrisa cuprinde: Listening Comprehension – exercitii de comprehensiune a textului ascultat;
Reading Comprehension – gapped text, unfinished sentences, synonymy, true/false statements;
Writing – redactarea unui eseu argumentativ. Proba orala presupune examinarea competentei de
vorbire in conversatie si exprimare pe o tema de specialitate. Fiecare competenta se noteaza de la 0 la
10, nota finala fiind obtinuta din media celor 4 note.
Instrucţiuni suplimentare privind modalităţile de elaborare, redactare, dar şi criteriile de notare ale
lucrărilor, vă vor fi furnizate de către titularul de curs sau tutori în cadrul întâlnirilor faţă în faţă.
Pentru predarea temelor se vor respecta cu stricteţe cerinţele formatorilor. Orice abatere de la acestea
aduce după sine pierderea punctajului corespunzator acelei lucrări. Evaluarea acestor lucrări se va face
imediat după preluare, iar afişarea pe site a feed-back-ului oferit de evaluator, se va realiza la cel mult
2 săptămâni de la data depunerii/primirii lucrării. Dacă studentul consideră că activitatea sa a fost
subapreciată de către evaluatori atunci poate solicita feedback suplimentar prin contactarea titularului
prin email.
1.10. Elemente de deontologie academică

Se vor avea în vedere următoarele detalii de natură organizatorică:

Orice material elaborat de catre studenţi pe parcursul activităţilor va face dovada originalităţii.
Studenţii ale căror lucrări se dovedesc a fi plagiate nu vor fi acceptaţi la examinarea finală.
Orice tentativă de fraudă sau fraudă depistată va fi sancţionată prin acordarea notei minime sau, în
anumite condţtii, prin exmatriculare.
Rezultatele finale vor fi puse la dispoziţia studentilor prin afişaj electronic.
Contestaţiile pot fi adresate în maxim 24 de ore de la afişarea rezultatelor iar soluţionarea lor nu va
depăşi 48 de ore de la momentul depunerii.

1.11. Studenţi cu dizabilităţi

Titularul cursului îşi exprima disponibilitatea, în limita constrângerilor tehnice si de timp, de a adapta
conţinutul şi metodelor de transmitere a informaţiilor precum şi modalităţile de evaluare (examen oral,
examen on line etc) în funcţie de tipul dizabilităţii cursantului. Altfel spus, avem în vedere, ca o
prioritate, facilitarea accesului egal al tuturor cursanţilor la activităţile didactice si de evaluare.

1.12. Strategii de studiu recomandate

Se recomandă studenţilor o planificare riguroasă a secvenţelor de studiu individual, coroborată

cu secvenţe de dialog, mediate de reţeaua net, si respectiv titularul de disciplina. Parcurgerea
fiecarei unitati si rezolvarea la timp a sarcinilor de lucru garantează nivele înalte de înţelegere a
conţinutului tematic şi totodată sporesc şansele promovării cu succes a acestei discipline.


Pre-class reading sources:

1. Have gender stereotypes changed since the mid-20th century? Available

2. Gender equality improves life for everyone, available at
3. Feminism is more than a word, TedEd video available to watch at

Unit structure:
A. Reading comprehension-gapped text “Different wavelengths”
B. Listening practice-Gill in the gaps
C. Use of English

 Vocabulary building: collocations, word formation, phrasal verbs

D. Speaking

Optional homework:

Record a one-minute podcast in which you comment on how the future will
shape gender equality, in terms of career, education and family.
Focus on Advanced English, CAE, Sue O’Connell, Longman 2000

Pre-class reading sources:

1. Family dynamics, available at

2. Family matters-trends in family media use, available at
3. The institution of family, available at
4. What does family mean, TedEd video available to watch at

Unit structure:
E. Reading comprehension- “American families in the 1950s”
F. Listening practice-Fill in the gaps
G. Use of English

Vocabulary building: collocations, word formation, phrasal verbs,

H. Speaking

Optional homework:

Record a one-minute podcast in which you comment on how the future will
shape gender equality, in terms of career, education and family.
1. Discussion about families

Discuss the following quotations with a colleague/the class. Do you agree

/ disagree with them? Which one do you consider to be closest to your own

1. ● Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own
way. ~Leo Tolstoy
2. The capacity for friendship is God’s way of apologising for our families. ~Jay
3. All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped. Youth, like pristine
glass, absorbs the prints of its handlers. Some parents smudge, others
crack, a few shatter childhoods completely into jagged little pieces, beyond
repair. ~Mitch Albom
4. After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.
~Oscar Wilde
5. I think all of us are always five years old in the presence and absence of our
parents. ~Sherman Alexie
6. Parents are like God because you wanna know they’re out there, and you
want them to think well of you, but you really only call when you need
something. ~Chuck Palahniuk

Watch the video available at


Read the text below and solve the activities based on it:

OUR most powerful visions of traditional families derive from images that are
still delivered to our homes in countless reruns of 1950s television sit-coms.
When liberals and conservatives debate family policy, for example, the issue is
often framed in terms of how many "Ozzie and Harriet" families are left in
America. Liberals compute the percentage of total households that contain a
breadwinner father, a full-time homemaker mother, and dependent children,
proclaiming that fewer than 10 percent of American families meet the famous
sitcoms model. Conservatives counter that more than half of all mothers with
preschool children either are not employed or are employed only part-time.
They cite polls showing that most working mothers would like to spend more
time with their children and periodically announce that the Nelsons are
"making a comeback," in popular opinion if not in real numbers.
Since everyone admits that non-traditional families are now a majority, why
this obsessive concern to establish a higher or a lower figure? Liberals seem
to think that unless they can prove the "Leave It to Beaver" family is on an
irreversible slide toward extinction, they cannot justify introducing new family
definitions and social policies. Conservatives believe that if they can
demonstrate the traditional family is alive and well, although endangered by
policies that reward two-earner families and single parents, they can pass
measures to revive the seeming placidity and prosperity of the 1950s,
associated in many people's minds with the relative stability of marriage,
gender roles, and family life in that decade. If the 1950s family existed today,
both sides seem to assume, we would not have the contemporary social
dilemmas that cause such debate.
At first glance, the figures seem to justify this assumption. The 1950s was a
pro-family period if there ever was one. Rates of divorce and illegitimacy were
half what they are today; marriage was almost universally praised; the family
was everywhere hailed as the most basic institution in society; and a massive
baby boom, among all classes and ethnic groups, made America a "child-
centered" society. Births rose from a low of 18.4 per 1,000 women during the
Depression to a high of 25.3 per 1,000 in 1957. "The birth rate for third
children doubled between 1940 and 1960, and that for fourth children
tripled." […]
The pro-family features of this decade were supported by impressive economic
improvements for vast numbers of Americans. Between 1945 and 1960, the
gross national product grew by almost 250 % and per capita income by 35 %.
Housing starts exploded after the war, peaking at 1.65 million in 1955 and
remaining above 1.5 million a year for the rest of the decade; the increase in
single family homeownership between 1946 and 1956 outstripped the
increase during the entire preceding century and a half. By 1960, 62 % of
American families owned their own homes. Most of them were built in the
suburbs, where the nuclear family found new possibilities for privacy and
togetherness. While middle-class Americans were the prime beneficiaries of
the building boom, substantial numbers of white working-class Americans
moved out of the cities into affordable developments, such as Levittown.
(Source: Adapted from Stephanie Coontz, The Way We Never Were, 1992)


1. closed forms household homemaker breadwinner comeback homeownership

2. hyphenated child-centred part-time

3. open
baby boom building boom

4. according to usage middle-class (adj.) middle class (n.)


Compound words (1)

In English, words, particularly adjectives and nouns, are combined into compound structures in a
variety of ways. Here are some more examples: 1. makeup, homemaker, secondhand, childlike,
keyboard, notebook; 2. middle-class, full-time, daughter-in-law, over-the-counter, six-year-old, mass-
produced; 3. birth rate, post office, real estate, middle class, attorney general
A. Match the two columns to build a meaningful sentence.
1. I was brought up in a family with a years as the US experienced a period of
male rapid economic growth;
2. Through my research I found it 4. Among other things, child-centred
was obvious that women have come education
a long way from 5. One of John Lennon's most caustic and
3. Birth rates soared in the post war overtly political songs,
a. 1955 marked top of the birth rate
bubble known as the baby boom
b. involves children in decision-
making processes in all aspects of
school life.
c. "Working Class Hero," explores
themes of alienation and social
status from childhood to adulthood.
d. the homemaker image that was
once so popular in the 1960's.
e. breadwinner and my mum was
given housekeeping.
Compound words (2) Preposition + Noun/verb; Noun/verb+ preposition
B. Use the following prepositions to form a compound word that
matches the context.
back up out off on of
1. She's done the same low-paid job for so long that she's really fed up with it
2. The two cars were involved in a head …… collision.
3. He has a very casual, laid …… approach to life in general.
4. It'll never happen again. It's definitely a one …… situation.
5. His study on family structure is well-known here but it is unheard ……
6. She bought a cut …… paper pattern and made her own dress.
7. She had sent Bob to question him on the …… chance that his brother had
told him something.
8. Industrial and domestic demand continues to …… strip supply.
9. The war has not abated in spite of the …… going peace negotiations.
10. His vigorous back…… of the conservatives lead him into trouble with the

WRITING: BLOG ENTRY- write a 100-word blog entry about your own perception of
how families have changed. You may use the questions below to guide you through
your entry.

What was it like to grow up in your family in terms of how your parents raised you?
What kinds of rules did your family have? Did you think they were fair at the time?
Has your opinion on these rules changed as you have gotten older? Do you think
that children are harder or easier to raise in today's world as compared to when
your parents or grandparents were growing up? Explain.

3. Use of English activities

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

1. Much a. quickly
2 according to b. writer
3. down to c. inside
4. in an instant d. almost identical
5. Savvy e. as stated by
6. Within f. linking
7. Decreased g. a lot
8. Similar h. know-how
9. Connectedness i. lowered
10. Author j. because of
GAP FILL: Put the words into the gaps in the text.

Much has been __________ about how anti-social the Internet

and mobile phones are. The truth is however, according to new
research, communication technology is bringing people
__________ together. A study by the Pew Internet and American
Life Project found family members were keeping in __________ at
contact today more than ever before. And this is all __________ to
e-mail, chat, our cellphones and SMS messaging. It makes
__________. Years ago, it took a long time to write a letter, then
find an envelope and go to the post office to buy a stamp and helps

post it. Today we write mails while we wait for our __________ in sense
the convenience store and they’re sent in an instant. Having free
Internet telephone calls also __________ us to stay in touch more
often and for longer. Everyone’s __________ it, from five-year-olds
to tech-savvy grandparents.

According to the Pew survey, technology has a very positive

__________ on communication within families. Researchers asked
2,252 adults whether new technologies had increased the
__________ of communication with their family. Fifty-three
__________ said it increased communication with family members quality
they did not live with, two per cent said technology __________
this. Numbers were __________ for those living in the same house
as their family. The project director Lee Rainey said: "There's a
new __________ of connectedness being built inside of families effect

with these technologies”. Survey co-author Barry Wellman off

agreed: "It used to be [that] husbands went __________ to work,
wives went off to a different job or else stayed home…and the
kids went off to school…and not until 5:30, 6 o'clock did they
ever __________," he said.
TRUE / FALSE: Read the text and decide whether these sentences are true (T) or
false (F):

a. Communication technology is reuniting people separated at birth.

b. Family members are in more regular contact today than ever before.
c. You often needed a stamp to keep in contact years ago.
d. Many of our parents’ parents now keep up with technology.
e. Technology has had a very negative effect on family communication.
f. 2% of a survey said technology worsened family communication.
g. Families are building network connections inside their homes.
h. A researcher said families only used to communicate in the evenings.


FAMILY IDIOMS: Read the sentences below, which contain different idioms. And
match the idioms to the definitions below:

1. I definitely take after my Mum.

2. My sister and I get on like a house on fire.
3. My Dad is the breadwinner in our family.
4. My brother and I are like two peas in a pod.
5. Curly hair runs in my family
6. They say that blood is thicker than water.
7. I want to follow in my parents’ footsteps and become a doctor.
8. I’m always falling out with my sister, she’s so annoying.
9. My uncle is the black sheep of the family.
10. My little brother is the spitting image of my Dad.
11. I’m named after my great-grandfather.

a) family is more important than other things

b) the person who makes money and provides for the family
c) to have a similar personality or appearance
d) to do something similar to what your parents did in life (especially about
e) to be given the same name as
f) to look exactly like someone
g) have a really good relationship
h) is a family characteristic
i) having fights and arguments with
j) the outcast of a family; a person who is different from everyone else
k) always spend time together
4. Listening activities

1. Listen to the podcast and fill in the blanks:

Helen and Maurice Kaye: a __________ and one, and a hundred and two years-old,
celebrating their 80th __________ anniversary.
Reporter: How did you first __________?
Hellen: When I worked in my mother’s __________, after ‘bout three hours, my
mother said to me: “Who’s gonna __________ him out: you or me?”
Hellen: Well, it was a __________ wedding, it went on forever. We got __________ at 1
o’clock, and then had, what they called a “wedding __________”, it was about a six-
course meal…
Reporter: Did you __________ then this could last 80 years?
Hellen and Maurice: No.
Hellen: We are very tolerant of each __________, and we do love each other.
Maurice: The most useful __________ is that, as long as I agree with her, then I’m
Hellen: No, it’s not true.
Reporter: Does he bring you flowers?
Hellen: No, __________ flowers, and never chocolates. But he’s been very __________
in different ways.
Reporter: Do you have any __________ from each other.
Hellen and Maurice: No.
Reporter: Should people still get married and then stay __________ for life?
Hellen: I think so…
Maurice: Oh, I think too.
Hellen: You know, you must have tolerance for each other; you mustn’t be
__________ on each other.
Reporter: To have 80 years of mostly __________ life together, is that luck, is that
hard __________, is that fate?
Hellen: Fate, fate or __________. You can never plan anything. How can you
__________ for 80 years? It is fate. It is fate, I think.
Reporter: Do you still __________ each other?
Hellen: Oh, yes. Do you?
2. Connect the words with their meaning:

Tolerant to have a party

Together success, good fortune
Fate being able to understand others
Luck an important date honored every year
wedding breakfast being with another person/ other people/ things
Marriage a union of two people who decide to have a family
Anniversary the formal dinner given at a wedding
celebrate fortune, destiny

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