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Banca European de Investiii

Banca European de Investiii aparine celor 27 de state membre. Sarcina sa este de a lua bani cu mprumut de pe pieele de capital i de a acorda credite cu dobnd sczut pentru proiecte privind mbuntirea infrastructurii, furnizarea de electricitate sau ameliorarea normelor de mediu att n ri din UE ct i n ri vecine sau n ri curs de dezvoltare.

Banca European de Investiii sprijin proiecte n rile UE i investete n viitoarele state membre i n rile partenere. n general, ia bani cu mprumut de pe pieele de capital pentru a nu apela la bugetul UE. Aceti bani sunt acordai n condiii favorabile proiectelor care se nscriu n linia obiectivelor politice ale UE. n anul 2008, BEI a strns suma de aproximativ 60 de miliarde de euro. Banca nu activeaz n scopul obinerii de profit, ci acord credite la o rat a dobnzii apropiat de costul la care au fost mprumutai banii.

mprumuturi: acordate unor programe sau proiecte viabile, att din sectorul public ct i din cel privat. Destinatarii pot fi foarte diferii, de la mari corporaii pn la municipaliti i ntreprinderi mici. Asisten tehnic : furnizat de o echip format din economiti, ingineri i experi pentru a veni n completarea facilitilor de finanare. Garanii : pentru un numr mare de organisme, de exemplu bnci, societi de leasing, instituii de garantare, fonduri mutuale de garantare, vehicule investiionale. Capital de risc : solicitrile de capital de risc trebuie adresate direct unui intermediar.

Acordarea de mprumuturi n UE
Aproximativ 90% din mprumuturi merg ctre programe i proiecte elaborate n UE. BEI acord credite n funcie de ase obiective prioritare, enumerate n planul de afaceri al Bncii: Coeziune i convergen Sprijin pentru ntreprinderile mici i mijlocii (IMM-uri) Durabilitatea mediului Implementarea Iniiativei Inovare 2010 (i2i) Dezvoltarea reelelor transeuropene de transport i energie (TEN) Surse de energie durabile, competitive i sigure

n afara UE
BEI sprijin aplicarea politicilor UE de dezvoltare i cooperare cu rile partenere. Mandatul actual vizeaz: Europa Central i de Est Politica de vecintate
Vecintatea mediteraneean Rusia i vecintatea estic

rile vizate de politica de dezvoltare i cooperare:

Africa, Caraibe, Pacific Africa de Sud Asia i America latin (i teritoriile de peste mri)

Structur i organizare
Acionari cele 27 de state membre al UE Guvernan Consiliul guvernatorilor, Consiliul directorilor, Comitetul de audit i Comitetul de conducere Control i evaluare garantarea integritii i viabilitii operaiunilor Bncii Organizare personal repartizat pe departamente

The shareholders of the European Investment Bank are the 27 Member States of the European Union. The EU Member States are fully eligible for Bank financing operations, without any geographical or sectoral quotas being applied. Each Member States share in the Banks capital is based on its economic weight within the European Union (expressed in GDP) at the time of its accession. Under its Statute, the Bank is authorised to have maximum loans outstanding equivalent to two and a half times its capital. At 1 April 2010, the Banks subscribed capital amounted to more than EUR 232bn.

The Board of Governors

The Board of Governors comprises Ministers designated by each of the 27 Member States, usually Finance Ministers. It lays down credit policy guidelines, approves the annual accounts and balance sheet, and decides on the Banks participation in financing operations outside the European Union as well as on capital increases. It also appoints the members of the Board of Directors, the Management Committee and the Audit Committee.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has sole power to take decisions in respect of loans, guarantees and borrowings. As well as seeing that the Bank is properly run, it ensures that the Bank is managed in keeping with the provisions of the Treaty and the Statute and with the general directives laid down by the Governors. Its members are appointed by the Governors for a renewable period of five years following nomination by the Member States and are responsible solely to the Bank. The Board of Directors consists of 28 Directors, with one Director nominated by each Member State and one by the European Commission. There are 18 Alternates, meaning that some of these positions will be shared by groupings of States.

The Management Committee

The Management Committee is the Banks permanent collegiate executive body. It has nine members. Under the authority of the President and the supervision of the Board of Directors, it oversees the day-to-day running of the EIB, prepares decisions for Directors and ensures that these are implemented. The President chairs the meetings of the Management Committee. The members of the Management Committee are responsible solely to the Bank; they are appointed by the Board of Governors, on a proposal from the Board of Directors, for a renewable period of six years. According to the Banks Statute, the President is also Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is an independent body answerable directly to the Board of Governors and responsible for verifying that the operations of the Bank have been conducted and its books kept in a proper manner. At the time of approval of the financial statements by the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee issues its statements thereon. The reports of the Audit Committee on the results of its work during the preceding year are sent to the Board of Governors together with the annual report of the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee is composed of six Members, appointed by the Board of Governors for a nonrenewable term of office of six consecutive financial years.

Organisation Structure

The EIB's organisation structure consists of the following Directorates and Departments: General Secretariat and Legal Affairs Strategy and Corporate Centre Directorate for Operations in the European Union and Candidate Countries Directorate for Operations outside the European Union and Candidate Countries Transaction Management and Restructuring Directorate Finance Directorate Projects Directorate Risk Management Directorate Inspectorate General EIB Group Compliance Office Human Resources Department Representation on Board of Directors of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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