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Secondary School, Primary School and Kindergarten, Frdek-Mstek
Primary Art School Rmaov
MZA - association of music schools of The Moravian Silesian


Centrul colar pentru Educaie Incluziv Alexandria
Liceul Teoretic Zimnicea
Asociaia Sprijinul Copiilor cu CES
Acest material a fost finanat de Comisia European prin Agenia Naional
Pentru Programe Comunitare n Domeniul Educaiei i Formrii Profesionale



Ghid de bune practici

din domeniul educaiei speciale

Sistemul de nvmnt n Romnia

Sistemul de nvmnt reprezint subsistemul principal al sistemului de educaie.

Structura sistemului de nvmnt din Romnia cuprinde: nvmntul precolar, nvmntul
primar, nvmntul secundar inferior, nvmntul general obligatoriu, nvmntul secundar
superior, nvmntul post-liceal i nvmntul superior.
Dup 1989 nvmntul romnesc a nregistrat progrese n ciuda condiiilor economice
dificile i a schimbrilor care au intervenit n viaa social. Dup 1998 a fost demarat reforma n
educaie, ca urmare a democratizrii treptate i a infuziei fondurilor europene i ale Bncii
Structura sistemului naional de nvmnt:
1. Pre-universitar, nvmntul preuniversitar este structurat n 5 cicluri:

1.1 nvmntul Precolar (sau Grdini) - se desfoar pe parcursul a trei ani, fiind
alctuit din trei grupe: Grupa Mic, Grupa Mijlocie i Grupa Mare.

1.2 nvmntul primar (coala Primar) - clasele 0(pregtitoare)-IV

1.3 nvmntul gimnazial (Gimnaziu) - clasele V-VIII

1.4.1 nvmntul liceal (Liceu) - clasele IX-XII

1.4.2 nvmntul profesional care poate continua sau nlocui liceul

1.5 nvmntul postilceal poate dura ntre 2 i 5 ani.

2. nvmntul superior (studii superioare) a fost reorganizat pentru a fi n conformitate cu

principiile procesului Bologna, care are ca scop construirea Spaiului European al nvmntului
Superior. Ea are urmtoarele patru componente:

2.1 Studii de licen (Liceniat) 3-4 ani, pentru cele mai multe discipline 3 ani (din 2005)

2.2 Studiile de master (Masterat) 1-2 ani, pentru cele mai multe discipline 2 ani (din 2008)

2.3 Studiile de doctorat (Doctorat) au durata de cel pun3 ani (doctorand) (din 2006).

2.4 nvarea continu (cursuri postuniversitare, formare continu).

Educaia cerinelor educative speciale

Repere teoretice
Toate persoanele cu CES, indiferent de natura sau gradul deficienei lor, au dreptul la o
educaie gratuit adecvat, adaptat nevoilor i dorinelor acestora.

nvarea academic a nceput s fie considerat important de relativ puin timp. nainte

de secolul XX, cei mai muli copii erau educai acas. Bieii nvau meseriile practicate de tai,
iar fetele nvau de la mame cum s aib grij de gospodrie. Doar bieii din familiile nstrite
i permiteau s mearg la coal. Copiii sraci i cei cu dizabiliti erau adesea nevoii s
cereasc pentru a se ntreine sau chiar pentru a veni n ajutorul propriilor familii. Fiindc
aceste activiti nu cereau abiliti academice, educaia formal nu era considerat necesar, iar
dezabilitile minore nu schimbau cu nimic situaia. Atta timp ct puteai lucra pe cmp sau erai
capabil s faci o potcoav, erai acceptat ca membru al comunitii. Situaia a nceput s se
schimbe o dat cu apariia educaiei obligatorii. Fiecare elev trebuia s obin performane nalte
la toate disciplinele, dei curriculumul nu era adaptat deloc la nevoile elevilor. Copiii i tinerii cu
dezabiliti sau cei care nu fceau fa acestui sistem erau trimii n instituii speciale.
Au existat trei etape ale integrrii/segregrii:

1. Integrarea fr asisten
n trecut, elevii cu dizabiliti frecventau colile de mas fr s beneficieze de nici un fel

de asisten din partea colilor speciale (de exemplu elevii cu dizabiliti vizuale).

2. Segregarea
Perioada n care colile speciale au reprezentat alternativa principal.

3. Integrarea
n aceast perioad, elevii erau/sunt integrai n colile de mas i beneficiau/beneficiaz de

asisten din centre de resurse/coli speciale.

Exist forme diferite ale integrrii:

nfiinarea clase speciale n colile de mas, elevii fiind repartizai n clase separate; n

schimb, elevii pot participa la cursurile obinuite, la o parte din discipline.

Integrarea deplin este realizat cnd elevii sunt repartizai n clase obinuite, nva

mpreun cu colegii lor i se bucur de asisten din partea cadrelor didactice

specializate/centrului de resurse.

Elevi cu deficiente colarizai la domiciliu;

Educaia special este forma de educaie adaptat i destinat tuturor copiilor cu cerine

educative speciale care nu reuesc singuri s ating un nivel de educaie corespunztor vrstei i
cerinelor societii pentru un om activ, autonom i independent.
Principiile care stau la baza educaiei speciale

(1) Garantarea dreptului la educaie al oricrui copil

a) Copii au dreptul s nvee mpreun indiferent de dificulti i de diferene

b) Fiecare copil este unic i are un anume potenial de nvare i de dezvoltare
c) coala i comunitatea asigur anse egale de acces la educaie pentru toi copii

(2) Asigurarea de servicii specializate centrate pe nevoile copiilor cu cerine educative

a) Corelarea tipurilor de educaie i a formelor de colarizare n funcie de scopul educaiei,
obiectivele generale i specifice, precum i de finalitile educaiei.
b) Asigurarea conexiunii educaionale prin activiti complexe
Msurile de educaie special acordate individual sau n structurile integrate au n vedere:


pregtirea profesorilor i a claselor n vederea adaptrii practicilor educaionale

pentru elevii cu CES n grupe/clase de nvmnt obinuit;


asigurarea grupei/clasei cu servicii de sprijin i specialiti (psihopedagogi, logopezi,

kinetoterapeui, cadre didactice/personal itinerant de sprijin etc.) care s asigure reabilitarea

elevilor cu CES concomitent cu desfurarea procesului educativ;


reducerea corespunztoare a efectivelor de elevi, cu cel pun2 la fiecare elev cu

handicap integrat n grup/clas, n funcie de gravitatea deficienei.

Integrarea copiilor cu deficiene n coala public

Ideea integrrii copiilor cu dizabiliti n coala public a aprut ca o reacie necesar i
fireasc a societii la obligaia acesteia de a asigura normalizarea i reformarea condiiilor de
educaie pentru persoanele cu cerine educative speciale.
Integrarea nseamn c relaiile dintre indivizi sunt bazate pe o recunoatere a integritii
lor, a valorilor i drepturilor comune pe care le posed. Cnd lipsete recunoaterea acestor valori,
se instaureaz alienarea i segregarea ntre grupurile sociale. Altfel spus, integrarea se refer la
relaia stabilit ntre individ i societate i se poate analiza avnd n vedere mai multe niveluri, de la
simplu la complex.
Integrarea presupune egalitatea de participare social i egalitatea de anse n realizarea
accesului la educaie. Printre valorile actuale i de perspectiv ale integrrii societii democratice
din lume le consider dominante pe urmtoarele:

acceptarea tuturor diferenelor

respectul diversitii;

solidaritatea uman i mai ales cu persoane diferite;

lupta mpotriva excluderii i marginalizrii;

lupta mpotriva inegalitii sociale.

Nivelurile integrrii se afl n relaie de interaciune, se influeneaz i se mbogesc

reciproc crend astfel ansamblul de condiii necesar pentru schimbarea societii i transformarea
ntr-o societate capabil s asigure integrarea persoanelor cu handicap mintal n interiorul ei.
Accesul la integrare este valabil pentru toate persoanele, inclusiv pentru cele cu un handicap,
indiferent de handicapul i gravitatea acestuia. n acest sens nu ar trebui s existe nici o restricie.
Persoanele cu un anumit handicap i mai ales cu un handicap mintal sunt oameni ct se poate de
obinuii, oameni cu vise, sperane, aspiraii, dar cu mai multe dureri i mai multe obstacole cu care
se confrunta.
Integrarea este un proces complex care presupune :
- a educa acei copii cu cerine speciale n coli obinuite alturi de ceilali copii normali;
- a asigura servicii de specialitate (recuperare, terapie educaional, consiliere colar,
asisten medical i social) n coala respectiva;
- a acorda sprijin personalului didactic a1 managerilor colii n procesul de proiectare i
aplicare a programelor de integrare; a permite accesul efectiv al copiilor cu cerine speciale la

programul i resursele scolii obinuite (sli de clas, cabinete, laboratoare, bibliotec, terenuri de
sport etc.);
- a ncuraja relaia de prietenie i comunicarea ntre toi copiii din clas/coal;
- a educa i ajuta toi copiii pentru nelegerea i acceptarea diferenelor dintre ei;
- a ine cont de problemele i opiniile prinilor, ncurajndu-i s se implice n viaa colii;
- a asigura programe de sprijin individualizate pentru copiii cu CES;
- a accepta schimbri radicale n organizarea i dezvoltarea activitilor instructiveducative din coal.
Conform principiilor promovate n materie de educaie de ctre organismele internaionale,
se menioneaz c persoanele/elevii cu diferite tipuri de deficiene au aceleai drepturi fundamentale
ca i ceilali ceteni de aceeai vrst, fr discriminare pe motive de sex, limb vorbit, religie,
stare financiar sau orice alt caracteristic a persoanei n cauza sau a familiei sale.
Dac acceptm ideea c, dup absolvirea colii, toi copiii trebuie s beneficieze de ansa
de a participa activ la viaa social, atunci trebuie s le acordm necondiionat aceasta ans nc
din coal; deci integrarea social este pregtit i condiionat de integrarea colar.
Putem vorbi despre mai multe niveluri ale integrrii, precum:
a) integrarea fizic - permite persoanelor cu cerine speciale satisfacerea nevoilor de baz
ale existenei lor, adic asigurarea unui spaiu de locuit n zone rezideniale, organizarea claselor i
grupelor n coli obinuite, profesionalizarea n domenii diverse, locuri de munc (n sistem
b) integrarea funcional - are n vedere posibilitatea accesului persoanelor cu cerine
speciale la utilizarea tuturor facilitilor i serviciilor oferite de mediul social/ comunitate pentru
asigurarea unui minimum de confort (de exemplu: folosirea mijloacelor de transport n comun,
faciliti privind accesul stradal sau n diferite instituii publice );
c) integrarea social - se refer la ansamblul relaiilor sociale stabilite ntre persoanele cu
cerine speciale i ceilali membri ai comunitii (vecini, colegi de serviciu, oameni de pe strad,
funcionari publici); aceste relaii sunt influenate de atitudinile de respect i stim i de ansamblul
manierelor de interaciune dintre oamenii normali i cei cu cerine speciale;
d) integrarea personal - este legat de dezvoltarea relaiilor de interaciune cu persoane
semnificative, n diverse perioade ale vieii; aici sunt incluse diverse categorii de relaii, n funcie
de vrsta subiectului - pentru un copil, relaiile cu prinii, rudele, prietenii; pentru un adult, relaiile
cu soul/soia, prietenii, copiii, rudele (altfel spus, integrarea eficient impune anumite condiii, i

anume, pentru un copil, existena unor relaii ct mai apropiate cu familia, iar pentru un adult,
asigurarea unei existene demne, cu relaii diverse n cadrul grupurilor sociale din comunitate);
e) integrarea n societate - se refer la asigurarea de drepturi egale i respectarea
autodeterminrii persoanei cu cerine speciale;
f) integrarea organizaional - se refer la structurile organizaionale care sprijin
integrarea; este necesar ca serviciile publice s fie organizate n aa fel nct s rspund nevoilor
tuturor indivizilor din societate.
n concluzie, transpunerea n practic a integrrii necesit desfurarea unui sistem
nchegat de aciuni, din domenii diverse: psihologie, pedagogie, sociologie, asisten social,
asisten medical, organizatoric, juridic, politic etc. Aciunile respective trebuie desfurate
ncepnd de la nivelul individual pn la cel social, urmrindu-se, n final, transformarea societii
ntr-un sistem capabil s asigure integrarea persoanelor cu cerine speciale n structurile din
interiorul su.
Un criteriu fundamental de diferenierea formelor de integrare se refer la durata prezenei
copilului cu cerine speciale n coala obinuit. Astfel, putem ntlni:
- forme de integrare total - elevul cu cerine speciale ii petrece tot timpul la coala
obisnuit, cu excepia eventualelor programe terapeutice care se pot desfaura n spaiul aceleiai
coli (amenajarea n coala obinuit a unui spaiu pentru copiii cu dizabiliti unde s se
desfoare i activitile terapeutice) sau n afara colii (centre de pedagogie curativ, servicii de
recuperare, cabinete specializate);
- forme de integrare parial - elevul cu cerine speciale petrece doar o parte din timpul su
n coala obinuit (particip doar la anumite tipuri de activiti n coala obinuit sau la anumite
discipline unde poate face fa, iar restul programului colar este asemnator cu programul unei
coli speciale i se desfaoar fie ntr-o unitate colar specializat, fie ntr-un centru de zi sau
centru de reabilitare).
Privind lucrurile din alt perspectiv, n baza aceluiai criteriu, putem identifica
urmtoarele forme de integrare:
- integrare total;
-integrare parial - participarea copiilor cu cerine speciale doar la anumite activiti;
activitile respective sunt selectate n funcie de: potenialul elevilor integrai i tipul deficienei,
resursele i disponibilitatea colii, interesele elevilor, solicitrile prinilor etc.;
- integrarea ocazional - participarea n comun a elevilor cu dizabiliti alaturi de colegii

lor din coala obinuit la diferite activiti colare i extracolare (excursii, serbri, ntreceri
sportive, spectacole etc.).
n ceea ce privete forme ale integrarii copiilor cu CES, existente n coala romneasc,
acestea se bazeaz pe urmtoarele modele:
Modelul cooperarii colii obinuite cu coala special n acest caz, coala obinuit
coordoneaz procesul integrarii i stabilete un parteneriat activ ntre cadrele didactice din cele
dou coli care vor experimenta i susine un nou mod de desfurare a activitilor didactice,
pregtind mpreun coninutul activitilor colare, adaptnd materialele i mijloacele de nvare
folosite n timpul orelor i oferind un cadru confortabil tuturor elevilor din clas. Acest model are
avantajul c permite valorificarea resurselor i experienelor deja existente n cele doua tipuri de
coli, fr a necesita cheltuieli suplimentare. De asemenea, profesorii din coala special
beneficiaz de posibiliti de predare mult mai largi, iar profesorii din coala obisnuit se pot
informa asupra multiplelor aspecte legate de nevoile i posibilitile reale ale unui elev cu cerine
educative speciale. La prima vedere, acest model ar putea fi considerat ca fiind irealizabil, mai ales
n condiiile rii noastre, unde, n reprezentarea opiniei publice, profesorii din nvmntul
special sunt considerai, cel putin din punctul de vedere al statutului, ca fiind inferiori celor din
nvmntul de mas, iar unii profesori din colile obinuite adepi ai modelului colii elitiste, nu
au puterea, curajul sau bunacredin de a recunoate c i o parte dintre copiii cu deficiene pot fi
la fel de buni ca semenii lor, considerai normali, avnd, totodat, dreptul la anse egale n educaie
i n pregtirea profesional. Pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme, exist alternativa nfiinrii unor
centre de zi sau centre de recuperare pentru copiii deficieni (prin reorganizarea colilor speciale
actuale) care s includ un numar mic de copii i n care programul de activitate s fie destinat
activitilor recuperatorii, compensatorii i de consolidare a cunotintelor primite la coal, iar
regimul de via s fie unul ct mai aproape de normalitate.
Modelul bazat pe organizarea unei clase speciale n coala obinuit - acest model
presupune integrarea copiilor deficieni n coli de mas unde s intre n relaie cu elevii normali,
facilitndu-se, cu sprijinul cadrelor didactice i specialitilor din coal, o mai bun
intercunoatere i relaionare ntre cele dou categorii de copii. Modelul este criticat de unii
specialiti care nu consider o integrare real constituirea unei clase speciale ntr-o coal
obinuit, practica demonstrnd dificultatea aplicarii unui program de integrare dupa acest model;
discrepana dintre clasele obinuite i clasa special se accentueaz, timpul efectiv n care elevii
normali i cei cu cerine speciale relaioneaz direct este destul de redus (n cele mai multe cazuri

acest timp se reduce la durata pauzelor dintre activitile colare), iar n condiiile unui colectiv
colar de acest tip se constituie cu usurin grupuri de elevi ntre care apar conflicte sau atitudini ce
pot accentua discriminarea fa de elevii deficieni din clasa special (adic efectul opus
Modelul bazat pe amenajarea n coala obinui a unui spaiu sau a unei sli de instruire
i resurse pentru copiii deficieni, integrai individual n clase obinuite din coala respectiv n
acest caz, profesorul care se ocupa cu elevii deficieni este i profesorul de sprijin care desfoar
activiti cu aceti copii, att n spaiul special amenajat n coal, ct i la orele de clas, atunci
cnd condiiile solicit/permit acest lucru, colabornd direct cu educatorii din clasele unde sunt
integrai copiii.
Modelul itinerant- acest model favorizeaz integrarea ntr-o coal de mas a unui numr
mic de copii cu cerine speciale, domiciliai la mic distan de coal (se evit astfel dezavantajul
deplasrilor pe distane mari ale copilului) i sprijinii de un profesor itinerant (specializat n
munca la domiciliul copiilor cu un anumit tip de deficien); ei pot astfel participa la activitile
colii respective.
Modelul comun - este relativ asemnator cu modelul precedent, cu deosebirea c n acest
caz profesorul itinerant este responsabil de toi copiii cu deficiene dintr-un anumit areal i ofer
servicii de sprijinire a copilului i familiei, ajut prinii la alctuirea programelor de nvare,
urmrete evoluia colar a copilului, colaboreaz cu profesorii colii obinuite n care este
integrat copilul i intervine atunci cnd apar probleme de nvare sau de adaptare a copiilor la
anumite cerine colare.
O coala integrativ este :
coala n permanent schimbare i adaptare la nevoile copiilor
cel mai eficient mediu de combatere a atitudinilor de discriminare
comunitate intercultural primitoare i deschis
coala care-i valorizeaz n mod egal pe toi copiii, profesorii i prinii
Integrarea se bazeaz pe convingerea c adulii lucreaz n comuniti incluzive, alctuite
din persoane de diferite rase, religii, aspiraii, cu sau fr dizabiliti. Tot aa, indiferent de vrst,
copiii au nevoie s creasc i s nvee n medii asemntoare celor n care vor lucra ca aduli, iar
coala este principala instituie care trebuie s rspund acestei nevoi.
Profesorul din coala integrativ va avea o serie de obiective de perfecionare i
autoperfecionare profesional, cum ar fi :

S fie capabil s remarce punctele forte i interesele fiecrui copil i s le utilizeze pentru
motivarea interioar n procesul de educaie.

S tie s stabileasc obiective ambiioase dar difereniate, adecvate elevului respectiv, ceea ce
impune evaluare difereniat.

S formuleze ateptri adecvate pentru FIECARE elev, oricare ar fi capacitile acestuia.

Aceast abilitate a cadrului didactic permite tuturor elevilor s devin membri ai clasei i ai

S tie s utilizeze un stil de predare bazat mai mult pe activiti dect pe intervenia de la

S tie s ofere zilnic condiii pentru ca fiecare elev s aib un succes

Competenele utile profesorului din coala integrativ sunt:

S realizeze c rspunde de fiecare copil din clas.

S cunoasc diferite strategii de instruire i s tie s le foloseasc eficient.

S lucreze n echip cu prinii i cu ali profesioniti care se ocup de copil

S perceap lucrul cu fiecare membru al clasei ca pe o oportunitate de perfecionare

profesional i nu ca problem pe care el sau alii o au de rezolvat.

S fie flexibil i s demonstreze un grad ridicat de toleran.

Pentru fiecare copil aflat n sistemul de protecie este necesar elaborarea i aplicarea unui

proiect personalizat de ngrijire, educare, recuperare, (re)integrare familial i social.

O parte important a proiectului personalizat este cea referitoare la proiectul de integrare n
coal i comunitate. Pentru orice copil n dificultate care urmeaz o form de nvmnt precolar
sau colar acest proiect se realizeaz n parteneriat cu grdinia/ coala din comunitate. Managerul
de caz va antrena n elaborarea i aplicarea acestui document scris pe directorul colii i pe
educatoarea, nvtorul sau profesorul diriginte care rspunde de educaia copilului respectiv.
Proiectul personalizat de integrare n coal i comunitate este un dosar care include date
despre copil, evaluarea iniial a situaiei acestuia, planul de intervenie i rapoarte care reflect
evoluia situaiei pe parcursul implementrii planului.
Acest document faciliteaz legtura dintre serviciile de protecie a copilului i coal, munca
n echip interdisciplinar i asigur antrenarea responsabil i complementar a profesionitilor
din sistem, a directorului de coal i a cadrelor didactice, a familiei, a copiilor i adulilor din

comunitate pentru ca fiecare copil aflat n situaie de risc, cu CES sau cu probleme sociale s fie
sprijinit n integrarea sa colar, profesional i social.
Integrarea social nu poate fi separat de integrarea colar, ea nu este doar post-colar, ci
se construiete treptat, pe msura devenirii copilului prin educaie, ca adult fiin social coala
fiind nsi o parte a vieii sociale, ca atare progresul n direcia dobndirii autonomiei,
competente sociale trebuie s constituie la fel ca i dezvoltarea intelectual, o finalitate
Prin cadrele legislative aplicate pentru diferitele categorii de deficieni, pentru asigurarea
colarizrii la domiciliu i pentru asigurarea structurilor de sprijin n nvmntul public putem
realiza parte din sarcinile ce revin colii incluzive. Amintim cteva din direciile de aciune
concretizate si anume:
funcionarea C.J.R.A.E. la nivel judeean;
funcionarea comisiilor de expertiz complex n vederea realizrii diagnosticului
normarea i ncadrarea cadrului didactic itinerant;
elaborarea planului cadru pentru elevii integrai n coala de mas individual sau n
practicarea muncii n echip atunci cnd se realizeaz integrarea, coordonarea fiind
asigurat de ctre psihopedagog.
coala public devenit coala incluziv va dispune de:
dotri tehnico-materiale: sli specializate (de kinetoterapie, logopedie), aparate pentru
diferite tipuri de deficiene, mijloace de nvmnt adaptate;
asigurarea cu resurse umane corespunztoare (specialiti n domeniu psihopedagogic i
cadre didactice itinerante);
adaptri funcionale la nivelul cldirilor (modificri ale cldirilor, rampe de acces, scri
Activitatea de integrare, activitatea desfurat de profesorul itinerant se dovedete
eficient dac, pe parcursul colarizrii n coala de mas, elevul deficient integrat reuete s se
adapteze la coala de mas, s o frecventeze regulat, s participe la aciunile clasei din care face
parte i astfel s devin independent de serviciile educaionale de sprijin.
Practica colar n domeniul educaiei integrate a demonstrat faptul c rezolvarea
problemelor pe care copiii le ntmpin n procesul instructiv-educativ determin o analiz pe mai

multe planuri a problemelor de nvare, n funcie de orientarea i perspectiva de abordare a

acestor probleme.
Foarte importanta este terminologia de baz utilizat n contextul educaiei integrate.
Integrarea colar - reprezint procesul de includere n colile de mas sau n clasele
obinuite, la activitile educative formale i nonformale, a copiilor considerai ca avnd cerine
educative speciale. Percepnd coala ca principala instan de socializare a copilului (familia fiind
socotit prima instan de socializare), integrarea colar reprezint o particularizare a procesului de
integrare social a acestei categorii de copii, proces care are o importan fundamental n
facilitarea integrrii ulterioare n viaa comunitar prin formarea unor conduite i atitudini, a unor
aptitudini i capaciti favorabile acestui proces. n plus, integrarea colar a copiilor cu cerine
speciale permite, sub ndrumarea atent a cadrelor didactice, perceperea i nelegerea corect de
ctre elevii normali a problematicii i potenialului de relaionare i participare la viaa comunitara a
semenilor lor care, din motive independente de voina lor, au nevoie de o abordare difereniat a
procesului de instrucie i educaie din coal i de anumite faciliti pentru accesul i participarea
lor la serviciile oferite n cadrul comunitii.
Cerine/nevoi educative speciale - se refer la cerinele n plan educativ ale unei categorii
speciale de elevi, cerine consecutive unor disfuncii sau deficiene de natur intelectual,
senzorial, psihomotrice, fiziologic etc. sau unor conduite psihoafective i socioeconomice sau de
alt natur. Toate acestea plaseaz elevul ntr-o stare de dificultate n raport cu ceilali din jur, stare
care nu-i permite o existen sau o valorificare n condiii normale a potenialului intelectual i
aptitudinal de care acesta dispune. n consecin, activitile educative colare i/sau extracolar
reclam noi modaliti de proiectare i desfurare a lor n relaie direct cu posibilitile reale ale
elevilor, astfel nct s poat veni n ntmpinarea cerinelor pe care acetia le resimt n raport cu actul
coala incluziv - este denumirea instituiei colare din nvmntul public de mas unde
au acces toi copiii unei comuniti, indiferent de mediul de provenien, n care sunt integrai ntr-o
form sau alta i copiii cu cerine speciale n educaie, unde programul activitilor didactice are la
baz un curriculum specific (individualizat i adaptat) i unde participarea personalului didactic la
activitile educative din clas se bazeaz pe un parteneriat activ ntre profesori, profesori de
sprijin/suport, specialiti n educaie special i prini. Pornind de la aceasta realitate, n literatura

de specialitate se vorbete i despre clase incluzive, n care pot fi integrai un numr limitat de copii
cu cerine educative speciale .
Curriculum difereniat - se refer la modalitile de selectare i organizare a
coninuturilor, metodelor de predare-nvare, metodelor i tehnicilor de evaluare, standardelor de
performan, mediului psihologic de nvare, n scopul diferenierii experienelor de nvare i de
adaptare a procesului instructiv-educativ la posibilitile aptitudinale i de nelegere, la nivelul
intereselor i cerinelor educaionale, la ritmul i la stilul de nvare al elevului. Aceast
difereniere are n vedere, n primul rnd, specificul potenialului aptitudinal, dominantele
personalitii i capacitatea de nelegere i prelucrare a informaiilor/cunotinelor dobndite de
elev n cadrul procesului instructiv-educativ. Plecnd de la aceast premis, putem vorbi aici despre
un curriculum individualizat/personalizat.
Curriculum adaptat - este n strns legtur cu noiunea de curriculum difereniat, n
sensul c diferenierea presupune, implicit, i o adaptare a coninuturilor, metodelor, mijloacelor si
tehnicilor de lucru n activitile instructiv-educative. Dintr-un anumit punct de vedere, cei doi
termeni sunt aproape sinonimi, n sensul c nu poate exista difereniere fr adaptare, la fel cum nu
poate exista adaptare fr difereniere (evident, n sfera conceptului de curriculum). Noiunea de
curriculum adaptat se potrivete mai bine n contextul educaiei integrate, unde adaptarea
coninuturilor la o categorie anume de elevi cu cerine educative speciale are n vedere att volumul
de cunotine, cat mai ales procesele psihice i particularitile funcionale ale sistemului nervos la
elevii cu cerine speciale, n cazul crora funcia compensatorie determin o serie de modificri ale
reelelor neuronale de transmitere i prelucrare a informaiilor.
Profesor itinerant/suport - este acea persoan specializat n activitile educative i
recuperatorii adresate copiilor cu cerine speciale n educaie. Statutul sau este de profesor
specializat care poate fi angajatul unei coli speciale, al unui centru de recuperare sau chiar
angajatul unei coli de mas (atunci cnd activitile de terapie i recuperare se desfoar n
perimetrul colii de mas, n spaii special amenajate, echipate corespunztor i destinate acestor
activiti - camera de resurse pentru copiii cu cerine educative speciale). n calitatea sa, profesorul
de sprijin, pe lng activitile specifice desfurate n afara orelor de clas mpreun cu acei copii
considerai ca avnd cerine speciale, particip i la activitile didactice din clas, mpreun cu
profesorul colii de mas unde se ocup n special de copiii cu dificulti n receptarea i nelegerea
mesajului leciei sau n realizarea sarcinilor primite la anumite discipline.

Intervenia timpurie este cunoscut ca o micare social, un domeniu de specializare

profesional i tiinific, o condiie sine qua non pentru sporirea eficienei procesului de recuperare
i inserie social a copiilor cu CES, datorate unor deficiene care pot duce la diferite handicapuri.

Dificulti de nvare
Dificultile de nvare sunt un termen generic ce se refer la un grup de tulburri ce se
exprim prin dificulti semnificative n achiziionarea i utilizarea receptrii i nelegerii
limbajului, a vorbirii, scrierii, citirii (literizrii, silabisirii), a raionamentului i abilitilor
matematice, ca i unor abiliti sociale.
Concluzionnd pe baza acestor definiii,


considera c un copil/elev are

dificulti de nvare (D) dac:

exist o diferen semnificativ ntre capacitile sale i performana colar atins;

progresul realizat de el n procesul de nvare este minim pe o perioad mai mare de


are o dizabilitate/incapacitate care-l mpiedic s utilizeze facilitile educaionale care

sunt puse la dispoziia copiilor de aceeai vrst cu el;

lucreaz n plan colar la un nivel inferior copiilor de aceeai vrst;

are dificulti persistente n nvarea citit-scrisului i a calculului matematic;

are dificulti emoionale i de comportament care mpiedic frecvent i la un nivel

considerabil procesul de nvare a copilului sau chiar a ntregii clase;

are deficiene senzoriale i psihice care necesit un echipament sau servicii specializate


are dificulti continue de comunicare i interaciune care-l mpiedic n dezvoltarea

unor relaii sociale echilibrate i formeaz obstacole n procesul nvrii
Din perspectiva etiologic se identific dou categorii mari de D.:

a) D.. propriu zise

- determinate de deficiene i incapaciti greu vizibile (ascunse);
- sunt aferente doar individului, in de deficienele i incapacitile lui generate de factori genetici,
de boli, traumatisme, accidente, etc.

b) D.. induse
- sunt induse de mediul copilului sau chiar de el nsui;
- pot aprea pe parcursul i n finalul demersului de nvare;
- se datoreaz :
- timpului insuficient de nvare;
- lacunelor anterioare din nvare;
- absenei unor tehnici i procedee de nvare eficient;
- lipsei unui regim organizat de munc;
- slabei caliti a predrii n clas;
- suprasolicitrii colare;
- absenteismului, boli, indispoziii, etc.

Cadrul didactic de sprijin

Atribuiile cadrului didactic de sprijin/itinerant
a) colaboreaz cu comisia intern de evaluare continu din coal/centrul de resurse n
vederea prelurii informaiilor privind evaluarea i planul de servicii personalizat al
copilului/elevului cu cerine educative speciale integrat n nvmntul de mas;
b) colaboreaz cu ntreg corpul profesoral al unitii de nvmnt n care este nscris
copilul/elevul n vederea realizrii unei integrri eficiente n ntregul colectiv al colii
c) elaboreaz i realizeaz planul de intervenie personalizat precum i adaptarea curricular
n parteneriat cu cadrele didactice de la grup/clas;
d) evalueaz, n parteneriat cu echipa, rezultatele aplicrii programelor curriculare adoptate ;
e) colaboreaz cu cadrele didactice de la grupa/clasa n care sunt elevi cu cerine educative
speciale n vederea stabilirii modalitilor de lucru pentru fiecare unitate de nvare:
- particip, n timpul orelor de predare, la activitile ce se desfoar n clas de ctre nvtor sau
- particip la activitile educative din grup/clas n calitate de observator, consultant,
- organizeaz activiti de intervenie personalizat n grupe/clase sau n afara acestora;
- desfoar activiti de tip terapeutic-cognitiv-ocupaional, individuale sau n grup;
- colaboreaz cu specialitii care realizeaz terapiile specifice n vederea realizrii coerente a
planului de servicii personalizat;
- propune i realizeaz materiale didactice individualizate n funcie de dificultile de nvare ale
f) realizeaz activitatea de evaluare periodic viznd dezvoltarea elevilor i reproiecteaz
programul de intervenie personalizat;
g) consiliaz familiile copiilor/elevilor care beneficiaz de serviciile de sprijni colaboreaz
cu acestea;

h) realizeaz, n cadrul celor 16 ore, reprezentnd norma didactic de predare, programul

sptmnal de asisten educaional n funcie de:
- necesitile elevului;
- evoluia elevului ntr-o perioad de timp limitat;
- rezultatele evalurilor periodice;
- cerinele grupului de elevi asistai.
i) orienteaz ctre comisia intern de evaluare continu toi acei copii/elevi care au cerine
educative speciale i nu beneficiaz de servicii educaionale de sprijin.
Categoriile de copii/elevi care beneficiaz de serviciile cadrelor didactice de sprijin/itinerante
a) copii/elevi cu certificat de expertiz i orientare colar i profesional eliberat de comisia
de protecie a copilului;
b) copii/elevi cu dificulti de nvare sau de dezvoltare care au recomandarea comisiei
interne de evaluare continu din coala/centrul de resurse;
c) copii/elevi cu cerine educative speciale pentru care exist o solicitare scris din partea
Serviciile educaionale oferite de cadrele didactice de sprijin/itinerante se asigur n baza
unuia din urmtoarelor documente
a) Certificat de orientare colar i profesional eliberat de Comisia pentru Protecia
b) Recomandarea scris a Comisiei interne de evaluare continu, nsoit de evaluarea
complex a copilului elevului (psihologic, medical, familial, social, a nivelului de
achiziii de tip colar etc.).
c) Recomandarea comisiei interne de evaluare continu se poate obine numai n urma
evalurii complexe a copilului/elevului. Evaluarea copilului/elevului se realizeaz n baza
sesizrii comisiei interne de evaluare continu de pe raza de domiciliu al copilului de ctre
unitatea de nvmnt frecventat de copil/elev, familia sau tutorele legal al acestuia, alte
instituii, organizaii neguvernamentale sau persoane interesate etc.
Faciliti acordate unitilor de nvmnt integratoare
Cadrele didactice din unitile de nvmnt integratoare beneficiaz de cursuri de formare
n domeniul educaiei incluzive, organizate de Ministerul Educaiei i Cercetrii.
Cadrele didactice din colile de mas care au copii/elevi integrai beneficiaz, cu prioritate,
de prime acordate din fondul anual de premiere.

Cadrelor didactice care integreaz eficient copii/elevi cu cerine educative speciale n

grupe/clase li se vor acorda n fia de evaluare anual i n fia de restrngere a activitii
cadrului didactic, dup caz, cel pun5 puncte pentru fiecare copil/elev integrat dar nu mai
mult de 10 puncte.

Pentru elevii cu cerine educative speciale integrai n uniti de nvmnt de mas, se

asigur servicii educaionale prin cadre didactice de sprijin/itinerante pe durata
nvmntului precolar i pe ntreaga perioad a colarizrii.

Planul de Intervenie Personalizat

- informaii iniiale despre copil i problemele care constituie cerinele educative speciale
la acel moment(acestea sunt culese prin: teste psihologice, probe colare, observaii, discuii,
anchete sociale, studiul produselor activitii, analiza rezultatelor colare etc.);
- evaluarea problemelor (sub forma enumerrii lor sau formulrii unui diagnostic
- anticiparea unor rezultate (prin prognosticul iniial i prin descrierea momentelor cheie ale
- consemnarea unei/unor examinri iniiale, a unor examinri periodice i a unei examinri
- descrierea metodelor de intervenie i a mijloacelor folosite;
- paii interveniei (etapele sau treptele interveniei) adoptai tipului de probleme ntlnite i
- nregistrarea progreselor;
- consemnarea rezultatelor interveniei i observri periodice;
- formele de sprijin alese prin parteneriatul cu specialiti, familia, coala etc.;
- acceptul prinilor i o forma de responsabilizare comuna a acestora cu profesionitii

Plan de intervenie personalizat

Numele i prenumele: D.D.
Data naterii: 20.10.2007
coala i clasa: ., clasa I
Data de referin: 25.11.2014
Puncte slabe

Puncte tari
Comportamentul cognitiv:
Limbaj i comunicare:

Slabe cunotine acumulate la grdini

Are voin i contientizeaz problemele cu care se

Vocabular foarte srac, posibilti de exprimare


reduse, n propoziii foarte scurte, tulburri

Prezint posibiliti relativ bune de comunicare


oral, gestual i expresiv

Prezint dislalie polimorf

Nu cunoate toate literele i face confuzii ntre
grupurile de litere
auzul fonematic nu e format
i ncadreaz scrisul cu dificultate pe spaiul de
caiet tip I i tip II
n scris, frecvent face multe omisiuni i inversri
de litere i semne diacritice, omisiuni de cuvinte
Dup dictare nu scrie toate literele, chiar dac le
citete - nu reine semnul grafic
ntmpin dificulti n nelegerea mesajului

scris (sarcini de lucru, text studiat)

vorbire rar, ncetinit
probleme de memorie
ntmpin dificulti n citirea numerelor 10-30 i

efectueaz operaii cu 2 termeni de adunare i

face confuzii ntre zeci i uniti

scdere numai cu sprijin;

reine cu mare dificultate terminologia

aplic n exerciii de adunare comutativitatea

matematic (sum, desczut, scztor, rest), uit


repede i face confuzii;

Nu face corelaii, lips de gndire logic

Reine doar utiliznd material concret, prin

reluri permanente

nu nelege cerinele unei probleme simple;

Nu cunoate poziiile spaiale ale obiectelor;
Nu cunoate toate figurile geometrice;

Comportament psihomotric i autonomie personal:

Memorie foarte slab;

respect de sine sczut

nivel sczut de concentrare
Coordonarea minii cu care scrie foarte slab
Coloreaz fr a se ncadra n contur, neuniform
Nu poate folosi foarfeca
Micrile corporale n general sunt dezvoltate,
dar neunitare.

Imaginaia lipsete, fiind ancorat n


Este un copil docil n general

Relaiile sociale:
Imaturitate afectiv (Simte nevoia de afeciune i

Dorete s fie mpreun cu ceilali colegi, deci

sprijin permanent din partea celorlali) Are nevoie

exist dorina de relaionare

de atenie, din partea prinilor, colegilor, a

cadrului didactic

Familia, n special mama se preocup de copil

Atunci cnd este provocat are un comportament

foarte mult, l aduce/ia de la coal, solicit


informaii despre copil, colaboreaz cu nvtoarea

Stri contradictorii (rde fr motiv, vorbete fr

la solicitarea acesteia, cere sfaturi

a fi ntrebat)
Are deprinderi de autoservire, dar i murdrete
hainele cteodat, iar lucrurile nu le pstreaz
ordonat, le las mprtiate sau nengrijite
Are deprinderi parial dezvoltate de igien

Program de Intervenie Personalizat (Pip)

Numele i prenumele beneficiarului: D.D.
Data i locul naterii: 20.10.2007
coala / instituia:
Clasa : I B
Echipa de lucru: Cadru didactic de sprijin
Prof. Consilier
Problemele cu care se confrunt copilul (rezultatele evalurii complexe):

Din p. v. medical: retard mental uor

Din p. de v. psihopedagogic: imaturitate afectiv, labilitate emoional, Q.I - 65

Instrumente utilizate n evaluare:

Fia psihologic;

Fia psihopedagogic;

Matricele progresiv Raven;

Probe curriculare (teste la limba romn i matematic);

Convorbirea individual i de grup;

Observaia spontan i sistematic.

Informaii generale:
D.D. E un copil nevoit s fac naveta dintr-o localitate limitrofa. Mama are diabet n form
avansat cu faz de com i scderi brute ale glicemiei, ceea ce face ca biatul s aib deseori o
stare de nelinite, ngrijorare pentru mama sa. Cu toate acestea copilul a fost nscris la ora din
dorina i preocuparea mamei care a sesizat carenele educative din grdini i cteva din
problemele fiului ei. Mama particip n educaia lui D. att ct i permite timpul i sntatea.
Solicit informaii despre copil, colaboreaz cu nvtoarea la solicitarea acesteia, cere sfaturi.

Informaii educaionale
Comportament cognitiv

Are un vocabular limitat, bazndu-se pe experiena proprie i manifest o slab flexibilitate

n alegerea cuvintelor asociate sau opuse ca neles. Are formate parial deprinderi de cititscris, recunoate o parte din litere, citete silabe din 2-3 litere, transcrie i copiaz liter cu
liter, dar nu are auz fonematic i deprinderi de natur analitico-fonetic-sintetic n scrierea
independent. Aude sunetul iniial n cuvinte des auzite. Reine cu greutate unele litere ( b,
v, j, f, d, z, h, , ), pe unele confundndu-le ( d cu t, b cu p etc). tie s-i scrie numele de
familie i prenumele. Formuleaz propoziii cu dificultate, doar dup modele sugerate,
uneori confund faptele importante cu detaliile, dar cel mai adesea uit multe elemente
cronologice din text. Exprimarea este nesigur, ca i cum s-ar teme de propriile-i cuvinte.
Nu povestete, nu comunic sentimente, preri, iar cnd o face nu poate justifica.
Capacitatea de reproducere a mesajelor orale este foarte redus, reuete cu dificultate prin
multe ntrebri ajuttoare.
n scris face frecvent omisiuni, confuzii,ordonri greite (n silabele cu mai mult de 3 sunete,
n special consonantice), mai rar adugiri de litere, nu desparte corect cuvintele la capt de
rnd, nu poate ordona dect maxim 3 cuvinte din dou silabe n propoziii. Omite forte des
semnele de punctuaie. Aeaz frecvent greit n pagin (titlul, omite alineatele).
Deformeaz literele, nu se ncadreaz corect pe nici un fel de liniatur (tip I, tip II), terge
foarte des ceea ce a scris.

Cunoate numeraia 0-10, dar nu reine cum se citesc numerele 10-30. Sistemul poziional
de formare a numerelor i rmne necunoscut. Numr cresctor 0-30, cu sprijin, dar nu i
descresctor. Nu recunoate locul numrului ntr-un ir (vecini), nu face comparaii. Rezolv
operaii 0-10 doar cu material concret - de mnuit, cu degetele. Face calcule i n concentrul
10-30, fr trecere peste ordin folosind calculul n scris ( cu material concret). Nu prea
nelege rezolvarea problemelor cu o singur operaie, afl ns la solicitare la un loc sau
cte mai rmn. ncurc semnele plus i minus. A aplicat numai cu sprijin din partea
nvtorului uniti de msur non-standard, nu apreciaz duratele, citete ceasul uneori, dar
confund acele ceasului. Recunoate cercul i ptratul, fr celelalte figuri geometrice.

Este ancorat n prezent. Nu stabilete relaii temporale, nu plaseaz evenimente n timp, sau
derularea pe o perioad de dou-trei zile. Pentru o zi, cunoate perioada de diminea, dupamiaz, dar nu orele.

Nu este interesat de schimbrile din jurul su i nu reine cunotine de natur tiinific, ci

doar ce se bazeaz pe propria-i experien i atunci cu ntrebri de orientare.

Relaii sociale
Se manifest fr reinere doar n familie. La coal, datorit multiplelor activiti de grup
accept s ntre n relaie cu ali copii, dac aceste activiti se realizeaz sub form de joc didactic.
ns comunic la nivel minim cnd lucreaz n grup i, de obicei, i ascult pe ceilali. Este acceptat
de colectivul clasei. Uneori ntr n conflict cu cte un coleg, mai ales cnd este respins la joc n
timpul pauzelor. Le ascunde prinilor greelile, dar de cele mai multe ori uit ce a fcut.
Vine la coal curat mbrcat, splat mai ales pe mini i pe fa. Igiena corporal se face
consecvent, mama avnd grij constant de el.
Obiective pe termen lung
1. Dezvoltarea abilitilor de citit-scris prin utilizarea unor cuvinte uzuale, a textelor
citite, cunoscute
2. Dezvoltarea abilitilor de calcul matematic n concentrul 0-100 fr i cu suport
3. Dezvoltarea abilitilor de relaionare i a comportamentelor emoionale
4. Dezvoltarea unor competene ale intelectului ( memorare, gndire logic, stabilirea
de relaii cauz-efect)
Programul ofer elevului posibilitatea:
a) De a ntlni o varietate de stimuli n cadrul activitilor terapeutice;
b) De a efectua o gam divers de exerciii prin intermediul unor activiti simple, accesibile i
n ritm propriu att la clas, ct i individual n cadrul cabinetelor de terapie;
c) De a cunoate lumea prin intermediul tuturor canalelor de recepie: tactil, kinestezic, vz,
auz etc.
d) Abilitarea educatului pe planurile motric, senzorial, perceptive, de gndire, de limbaj i
comportamental, astfel nct s devin mai apt pentru activitatea educative-terapeutic din
coal i prin activitile sociale n general.
e) Descoperirea i folosirea potenialului psihic de nvare al elevului, a ritmului propriu, de
achiziie prin observarea zilnic a comportamentului acestuia i prin concentrarea tuturor
informaiilor de la toi factorii educative din coal.

f) Diminuarea dizabilitilor sale prin antrenament continuu i gradual pentru aducerea

subiectului la un nivel mai bun de funcionalitate psihic general pentru a putea dobndi o
experien cognitiv superioar celei dobndite anterior i spontan.
Prioriti pentru perioada ( se specific intervalul de timp) : 02.12.2014 - 30.01.2015

Structura programului de intervenie personalizat

Disciplina Limba i literatura romn
Clasa I
1.3 s disting cuvintele dintr-o propoziie dat, silabele dintr-un cuvnt i sunetele dintr-o silab
3.1 s identifice litere, grupuri de litere, silabe, cuvinte i enunuri n textul tiprit i n textul scris de mn
Obiective pe


termen scurt

Metode i mijloace de

Perioada de

Criterii minimale

Metode i instrumente



de apreciere a

de evaluare

S identifice literele

Exerciii i jocuri de

Metoda fonetic

7 sptmni

Identific i

Evaluarea oral va
alterna cu cea scris.


dezvoltare a auzului


recunoate literele

(necunoscute de

fonematic, de contientizare a

jocul didactic,

Depisteaz sunetele


legturii ntre fonem i

explicaia, conversaia,


( b, p, d, g, f)

semnul grafic corespunztor


Recunoate sunetele

Pentru fixare se vor

ntr-o silab

relua de mai multe ori

baza unor suporturi ilustrate

Citete cuvinte din 2-

anumite litere.

i s depisteze sunetele

3 silabe

Se vor folosi texte din


Identific literele/

abecedar, texte

sunetele dintr-un

cunoscute deja, cu care

literelor ntr-o ordine


elevul opereaz cu




Citirea cuvintelor pe

S citeasc cuvinte
din 2-3 silabe

Exerciii de identificare a

propoziii din 2-3

cuvinte observnd
Exerciii de citire a
silabelor dup o analiz
fonematic a acestora
S formuleze

imaginilor; jetoane

Citete propoziii din
2-3 cuvinte
Recunoate n text

Aprecieri stimulative

propoziii simple

realizarea sensului


Exerciii de stabilire a nr.


de silabe dintr-un cuvnt

problematizarea; fie

Exerciii de citire a

de lucru, abecedar

cuvintelor din 2- 3 silabe

Exerciii de recunoatere a

Metoda fonetic

sunetelor ( literelor) dintr-un analitico-sintetic,

cuvnt i de citire a acestuia abecedar, fie de lucru;

Exerciii de denumire

Metoda fonetic

a obiectelor din imagini


( elevul nu cunoate foarte

conversaia, exerciiul,

multe obiecte ce apar n



abecedar, fie de lucru,

jetoane, dicionar ilustrat

Exerciii de formulare

de propoziii folosind
cuvintele gsite, urmrind
imaginea n care a depistat

Exerciii de citire de

propoziii simple

Exerciii de

recunoatere a propoziiei
ntr-un text dat

Exerciii de nelegere

a sensului propoziiei ( prin

ntrebri ajuttoare)

(pentru vizualizarea
cuvintelor nou-nvate)

propoziiile (nr. lor ).

Exerciii de formulare

corect a rspunsului n

Exerciii de exprimare

n cuvinte proprii a prerii

despre lucruri, fapte

Structura programului de intervenie personalizat

Disciplina Matematic
Clasa I
Obiectivele de referin :
1.1. s neleag sistemul zecimal de formare a numerelor (din sute, zeci si uniti), utiliznd obiecte pentru justificri

1.2 s scrie, s citeasc, s compare si s ordoneze numerele naturale de la 0 la 100

Obiective pe


Metode i

termen scurt

mijloace de


S recunoasc

Exerciii de recunoatere a zecilor i

sistemul poziional


de scriere a
numerelor formate

Reprezint, prin desen numerele:

din ZU n concentrul



Metode i

minimale de

instrumente de

apreciere a



Evaluri curente


numerele de la



10 la 30

Probe scrise






jocul didactic,

7 spt.

Compar i







Scrie numerele



fie de lucru,


beioare, boabe

Exerciii de descompunere numerelor n

zeci i uniti:
Descompunei numerele n zeci i uniti, dup

numete vecinii

de fasole i piper


S descompun

numere n zeci i


uniti n concentrul

jetoane, munca

Exerciii de numrare cresctor i

Traseaz cu rou drumul care pleac de la

Axa numerelor,
beioare, fie de

ordine cresctoare i



Scrie vecinii numerelor:

Compar numerele cu ajutorul numrtorii.
Coloreaz numrul mai mic din fiecare ir
de fructe i numrul mai mare din fiecare ir de




lucru, lucrul



concentrul 10-30




descresctoare, n


S numere n

numrul cel mai mare la cel mai mic:

Coloreaz cu rou petalele pe care sunt

S recunoasc

scrise numere mai mari i cu albastru petalele pe

Axa numerelor,

locul unui numr

care sunt scrise numere mai mici fa de cele din

fie de lucru,

mijlocul fiecrei flori:


ntr-un ir (vecinii)
n concentrul 10-30




S compare




numere vecine n
concentrul 10-30
Numrtoare, fie
de lucru

S scrie numere
dictate n concentrul
S recunoasc

Exerciii de recunoatere a sutelor,

sistemul poziional

zecilor i unitilor

de scriere a

jocul didactic,


Evaluri curente


numerele de la


Exerciii de descompunere numerelor n


10 la 30

Probe scrise

numerelor formate

sute, zeci i uniti




din ZU n concentrul

Exerciii de numrare cresctor i







Compar i

S descompun

Exerciii de comparare a dou numere


numete vecinii

numere n zeci i

Exerciii de scrie corect dup dictare a

uniti n concentrul

unor numere date

Scrie numerele
fie de lucru,



S numere n

beioare, boabe de

ordine cresctoare i

fasole i piper

descresctoare, n

Axa numerelor

concentrul 10-100

2 spt.


S recunoasc
locul unui numr
ntr-un ir (vecinii)
n concentrul 10-100
S compare
numere vecine n
concentrul 10-100
S scrie numere
dictate n concentrul

Program de remediere a dificultilor

de calcul matematic

1.Cunoaterea i utilizarea conceptelor specifice activitilor matematice.
2.Dezvoltarea capacitilor de explorare, investigare i rezolvare de probleme.
3.Formarea i dezvoltarea capacitii de a comunica utiliznd limbajul matematic.
4.Dezvoltarea interesului i a motivaiei pentru studiul i aplicarea matematicii n contexte
La sfritul programului de remediere, elevii trebuie s tie:
- s scrie, s citeasc, s compare numerele naturale 0-1000;
- s efectueze operaii de adunare i scdere cu aceste numere, utiliznd noiunile adecvate
(termeni, sum, diferen);
- s aplice calculul oral si nscris pentru efectuarea operaiilor de adunare si scdere ( fr si
cu trecere peste ordin );
- s efectueze operaii de nmulire pana la 100 prin adunare repetata sau utiliznd tabla
- s cunoasc noiunile specifice nmulirii(factori,produs,de attea ori mai mare);
- s efectueze operaii de mprire pana la 100 prin scdere repetata sau ca proba a nmulirii;
- s recunoasc forme plane si forme spaiale n mediul nconjurtor;
- s msoare si s compare lungimile,capacitatea sau masa,folosind uniti de msura
nestandard,precum si uniti de msura standard;
- s rezolve probleme care presupun o singura operaie din cele nvate;
- s exprime oral sau nscris n cuvinte proprii etapele rezolvrii unor probleme;
- s compun oral exerciii si probleme utiliznd tehnici de calcul nvate;
- s manifeste curioziti pentru rezultatele obinute la unele exercii i si probleme.
1.Elevii cu dificulti de calcul matematic conform listei alturate.

RESURSE MATERIALE: manuale,plane,fise individuale,scheme,uniti de msur
(standard si nestandard), rigle, tabla, creta colorata.
La sfritul programului de remediere a dificultilor de calcul matematic elevii trebuie:
- s scrie si s citeasc numere naturale de la 0 la 1000;
- s compare si s ordoneze numerele naturale 0-1000;
- s efectueze operaii de adunare si scdere cu si fr trecere peste ordin;
- s utilizeze corect calculul oral si scris;
- s foloseasc terminologia adecvata operaiilor de adunare si scdere (termeni, suma,
diferena, cu att mai mult/mai puin);
- s efectueze operaii de nmulire pana la 50, utiliznd tabla nmulirii sau prin adunare
- s efectueze operaii de mprire a numerelor mai mici dect 50, prin scdere repetata sau
corelnd nmulirea;
- s identifice triunghiul, ptratul, dreptunghiul,cercul dintr-o lista de figuri geometrice;
- s efectueze msurri cu uniti de msura standard si nestandard pentru
- s compare prin suprapunere sau alturare dimensiunile a doua obiecte;
- s recunoasc orele fixe pe ceas, sptmnile, lunile, valoarea monedelor si a bancnotelor;
- s rezolve probleme care presupun 1-2 operaii din cele nvate;
- s compun si s rezolve exerciii simple dup un anumit model;
- s rspund la ntrebarea problemei dup lmuriri suplimentare;
- s formuleze probleme noi prin acelai mod de rezolvare.

- exerciii orale de numeraie (cresctor,descresctor);
- exerciii de calcul mintal;

- exerciii de recunoatere a unor termeni ;

- expunerea orala a etapelor de rezolvare a unei probleme;
- msurri concrete cu uniti de msura standard si nestandard;
- recunoaterea unor forme plane si spaiale din mediul nconjurtor.
--exerciii de scriere,comparare,ordonare a unor numere date;
- exerciii de aflare a unui numr necunoscut ;
- rezolvarea individuala a unor exerciii date (adunri, scderi , nmuliri, mpriri);
- rezolvarea nscris a unor probleme;
- alctuirea de probleme cu ajutorul unor scheme date.
- desene folosind noiunile de geometrie nsuite;
- lucrri confecionate de elevi(cubul,ceasul);
- expoziii cu lucrrile realizate;
- activiti-jocuri de tipul La librrie,La pia,La magazin pentru cunoaterea corecta a
unitilor de msura si importanta acestora pentru viaa oamenilor.

Program de remediere a dificultilor de citit-scris

clasa a ii-a si a iii-a

- Formarea deprinderilor de citire corect, cursiva si contienta n ritm propriu.
- Formarea deprinderilor de scriere corecta.
- Dezvoltarea capacitii de exprimare orala si scrisa.
La sfritul programului de remediere,elevii trebuie s tie:
- s citeasc corect, fluent si expresiv ntr-un ritm propriu;
- s desprind informaii de detaliu dintr-un mesaj ascultat;
- s sesizeze intuitiv structurile gramaticale incorecte dintr-un enun oral;
- s mbine enunuri proprii n mesaje diferite;
- s sesizeze cuvintele necunoscute dintr-un text dat;
- s pronune clar si corect enunurile;
- s redea prin cuvinte proprii un fragment dintr-un text citit;
- s manifeste interes pentru lectura;
- s redacteze texte scurte pe baza unui suport vizual;
- s scrie lizibil si ngrijit adaptndu-si progresiv scrisul cerinelor programului;
- s manifeste interes pentru redactarea corecta si ngrijit a temelor.
- elevii cu dificulti de citit-scris conform listei alturate;
- nvtoarele claselor a II-a A si a II-a B;
- prini ai elevilor:
1. nvtoare,



manuale, plane, fise de lucru, afise, Biblioteca sonora, casetofon.

La sfritul programului de remediere a dificultilor de citit-scris,elevii vor reui :
- s neleag semnificaia globala a mesajului oral;
- s disting cuvintele si sensul lor ntr-o propoziie data;
- s construiasc enunuri logice;
- s integreze cuvintele noi n enunuri proprii;
- s despart corect n silabe cuvinte date;
- s pronune clar si corect cuvintele;
- s sesizeze legtur dintre text si imaginile care l nsoesc;
- s citeasc corect si fluent enunuri cunoscute;
- s manifeste curiozitate pentru lectura;
- s construiasc nscris scurte propoziii corecte din punct de vedere gramatical;
- s scrie un text corect,lizibil si ngrijit utiliznd semnele de punctuaie nvate;
- s manifeste interes pentru exprimarea scris.
- vorbitor - asculttor (ntrebri referitoare la coninutul textelor citite, comentarea imaginilor
unui text, povestirea coninutului unui text);
- alctuirea unor enunuri cu cuvintele de sprijin;
- continuarea unei povestiri.
- copierea unui fragment semnificativ;
- copierea unui text n versuri; completarea unor propoziii cu cuvinte potrivite;
- alctuirea unor enunuri;
- scrierea unor mesaje (bilete, felicitri)
- alctuirea unor fie, plane, albume, programe;
- carnete vocabular, creaii proprii, texte, grafice cu progresele copiilor.
- eztorile colare, excursii, vizite la bibliotec, muzeu, expoziii cu realizri ale elevilor,
- ntlniri cu prini, profesori, personaje cu care elevii ar dori s discute.

Evaluare iniial






Orientare n timp

Viaa emoional i relaional

Utilizarea banilor



Verbalizeaz aciunile
Recunoate cauza i efectul n anumite aciuni
Anticipeaz evenimentele urmtoare
Anticipeaz desfurarea unei aciuni folosind indici tactili, de timp, de mediu
Are reacii adecvate la stimuli de natur diferit
Prezint stereotipii comportamentale
Prezint joc simbolic
Cunoate utilitatea obiectelor de strict necesitate
ncearc s repare/refac un obiect stricat/dezmembrat
Cunoate locul unde sunt inute jucriile/obiectele personale
ine minte unde a lsat un obiect cu cteva minute/ore/zile n urm
nelege noiunile : nuntru/ afar, pe/dedesubt, n fa/ n spate/ lng,
deschis/ nchis, mult/ puin, cteva/ toate.
Utilizeaz aceste aciuni n mod adecvat
Difereniaz obiectele dup: culoare, form, mrime, greutate




Grupeaz obiecte n funcie de un criteriu

Identific obiecte identice
Ierarhizeaz 3 sau mai multe obiecte n funcie de un anumit criteriu
Sorteaz obiecte care difer mult (ex. carte - cana)
Sorteaz obiecte dup un criteriu (form, mrime)
Clasific obiecte dup anumite criterii
Poate reproduce un anumit pattern
Observ absena unui obiect dint-un anumit ir
Numr n ordine cresctoare i descresctoare pn la 20
Face adunri i scderi cu suport concret n concentrul 0 10
Face adunri i scderi cu suport concret n concentrul 0 20
Rezolv probleme simple cu suport acional, imagistic
Numete cele patru anotimpuri i zilele sptmnii
Poate compara dou mulimi exprimnd corespondena dintre ele

Stabilete relaii de comunicare
i exprim dorinele sau nevoile
ncearc s desfoare secvena ce urmeaz n desfurarea unei
Cunoate succesiunea secvenelor unei activiti
Folosete cuvinte care substituie propoziii
Alctuiete propoziii cu structur gramatical simpl
Utilizeaz adjective i adverbe
Utilizeaz pronume
Rspunde / pune ntrebri care ncep cu cine, ce,unde,
cum, de ce, cnd
Descrie un eveniment care a avut loc n trecut
Scrie cuvinte/propoziii simple
Anticipeaz un eveniment care va avea loc n viitor
Descrie o imagine, un tablou
Aeaz n ordine cronologic imagini secvene dintr-o
Recunoate literele de tipar
Recunoate literele de mn
Face diferena dintre unitile lingvistice
Alctuiete enunuri cu ajutorul unui cuvnt
Citete silabe i cuvinte simple




Difereniaz ntre dou sunete care sunt familiare
Rspunde la un stimul auditiv atunci cnd sunt prezeni ali




stimuli auditivi care i distrag atenia(zgomot de fond)

Localizeaz i numete sursa sunetelor
Difereniaz ntre diferitele ritmuri ale muzicii (lent, rapid)
Se mic n ritmul muzicii
Bate din palme n ritmul muzicii
Bate din picioare n ritmul muzicii
Recunoate cteva cntece
Poate s reproduc, prin imitaie, linia melodic a unui cntec
(la nceput cu ajutor, apoi singur)
Face diferena ntre dou cuvinte cu numr de silabe diferit
i d seama de preponderena vocalelor sau a consoanelor
Recunoate prezena sau absena unui anumit sunet ntr-un
Sesizeaz diferenele dintre doua cuvinte asemntoare



Cu sprijin

Fr sprijin

(verbal, fizic)
dificil uor

dificil uor

ine un creion ntre degetul mare i index

Scrie innd cotul pe mas
Scrie pe foaie dup instruciuni
Traseaz linii
Unete dou puncte printr-o linie
Puncteaz dup contur
Copiaz un desen, litere, cifre
Deseneaz cu degetul n aer o figur, form
Se orienteaz n spaiu grafic
Deseneaz forme geometrice simple

Reacioneaz la expresia : e timpul s..
nelege noiunile de: - ateapt
- mai trziu
- acum/ azi




- mine
- ieri
- n seara aceasta
- sptmna viitoare
- vacan
- srbtoare
Cunoate momentele zilei i rutinele asociate acestora
Cunoate utilitatea orarului i se folosete de el
Cunoate i utilizeaz noiunile de: minut,
un sfert de or
o jumtate de or
peste o or
Numete zilele sptmnii
Se poziioneaz corect n sptmn (tie c azi e mari)
Cunoate lunile anului
nelege conceptul de an calendaristic
i face planuri n timp (pe zi, sptmn, lun)


i cunoate numele i prenumele
i cunoate data naterii
Este ataat de o persoan anume
Cunoate prenumele mamei, tatlui, frailor, rudelor
i cunoate adresa
i ignor pe cei din jur
Primete / arat afeciune pentru cei din jur
Are prieteni
Stabilete uor relaii cu cei din jur
mparte jucrii cu cei din jur n timpul jocului
Accept / respect regulile jocului
i asum rolul de lider n timpul jocului
Prefer compania adulilor
Se joac doar cu anumii copii
Particip la activiti sociale
Are hobby
Respect autoritatea prinilor sau a cadrelor didactice
Prezint tulburri de comportament




Face distincie ntre bancnote i monede
Cunoate utilitatea banilor
Cunoate i ierarhizeaz valoarea banilor




Apreciaz ce poate cumpra cu suma de bani pe care o are

Cere bani mprumut
tie s-i chiverniseasc banii

Fi de caracterizare psihopedagogic
I. Date personale
Numele si prenumele: C.B.
2.Locul si data naterii: 02.11.2007, Alexandria;
3.Domiciliul: Alexandria
4.coala i clasa n care nva: coala Gimnaziala, cls. I
II. Date familiale
1.Ocupaia i locul de munc al prinilor:
Tatl: muncitor (ocazional)
Mama: casnic
2. Structura i componena familiei:
a) familie format din cei doi prini;
b) frai (surori) - o sor mai mare i un frate mai mic;
c) eleva este crescut i de bunicii din partea tatlui.







3.Atmosfera i climatul educativ:

- climat educativ necorespunztor din cauza condiiilor materiale/sociale la limita
subzistentei (foarte precare);
- lipsa unor modele parentale familiale;
- dezinteres din partea prinilor n educaia minorei.
4.Condiii de via i de munc ale elevului:
? foarte precare,

? la limit

5. Influene din afara familiei ( vecini, prieteni, colegi ):

? reduse, ntmpltoare.
III. Dezvoltarea fizic i starea sntii
- dezvoltare fizic normal;
- deficien/dizabilitate mintal uoar.
IV. Particulariti ale debutului colaritii
Eleva nu a frecventat grdinia, prezentnd urmtoarele incapaciti:
- lipsa motivaiei i a interesului de cunoatere;

- imprecizie n aciunile practice i mentale;

- verbalizare redus a reprezentrilor i aciunilor;
- grad redus de independen n procesele intelectuale;
- conduita neadecvat nceperii colaritii;
- anxietate n fluxul solicitrilor colare.
V. Rezultate obinute de elev
Dificulti de nvare i adaptare colar
VI. Procesele cognitive i stilul de munc intelectual
Tipul de dizabilitate: mintal uoar;
Dizabiliti asociate: devian comportamental, tulburri de atenie;
Dezvoltarea senzorial-perceptiv: nedescriminri perceptiv - vizuale i auditive;
Nivelul dezvoltarii psiho-motricitii:
- reprezentri temporale reduse (nu cunoate zilele sptmnii, anotimpurile etc.);
- slabe reprezentri spaiale (nu poate aranja corect n pagin, nu percepe detaliile, nu
utilizeaz corect noiunile spaiale).

- intuitiv - concret, la nivelul operaiilor concrete bazate pe material didactic i sprijin
din partea adultului;
- analiza,compararea asigurate pe baza modelului prezentat;

- mecanic, srac, reproductiv, de scurt durat; reprezentri instabile ale memoriei
vizuale i auditive;

- tulburri de atenie;
- fluctuant n funcie de stimul i recompens imediat;
- hiperactivitate uneori pentru aciuni personale n timpul activitii colare.

Imaginaia slab, subdezvoltat, reproductiv;

- folosete uneori minciuni pentru a atrage atenia celor din jur sau pentru a-i
justifica atitudinile negativiste;
- procedeaz rutinier (cu automatisme), fr iniiative.

- vocabular srac, neactivizat, imprecis;
- dislexo - disgrafie:- nu desprinde mesajul global din comunicarea oral a nvrii

- nu percepe i nu discrimineaz auditiv i vizual fenomenele;

- imprecizie n scrierea semnelor grafice;
- nu poate formula enunuri proprii.
- tulburri de vorbire: sigmatism
- comunicare: deficitar
- violen (folosete expresii urte n relaiile cu colegii)
VII. CONDUITA ELEVEI LA LECIE I N CLAS (trsturi de personalitate)


- instabilitate afectiv prin trecerea la afectivitate (prezent numai fizic) la stri afective
puternice, conflictuale, agresive (verbale i chiar fizice);
- imaturitate afectiv (emoiile ii perturb activitatea);


- redus (eleva este mult mai retras,rezervat, introvertit, cu ieiri explozive, uneori prin
manifestri comportamentale inadecvate);
- lipsa ncrederii n forele proprii;
- reacii dezadaptative;
- pozitive fa de persoane care acord sprijin moral i material.


- muzicale i practice (gospodreti);

- lipsa aptitudinilor intelectuale (ritm lent, greoi, cu erori);
- lipsa aptitudinilor de comunicare si interrelaionare cu colegii de clas.

Nivelul maturizarii psiho-sociale

- tulburri emoional-afective;
- frustrri din cauza handicapului social;
- lipsa igienei corporale;
- lipsa igienei vestimentare;
- imaturitatea afectiv (dornic de afeciunea persoanelor adulte).
VIII. Nivelul achiziiilor colare: (aspecte concrete prin observaie, produsele activitii
caiete, teste, fie de lucru, activiti de nvare etc.)
Limb i comunicare
Ce tie:
- recunoate majoritatea literelor mari fr suport imagistic;
- face corespondena liter de tipar liter de mn;

- citete cuvinte mono i bisilabice;

- copiaz, transcrie corect o propoziie dezvoltat;
- scrie corect dup dictare cuvinte mono i bisilabice;
Ce nu tie:
- nu cunoate grupurile de litere;
- nu citete independent un text de mic ntindere;
- vocabularul activ foarte srac;
- alctuiete enunuri simple cu suport imagistic;
- nu cunoate semnificaia semnelor de punctuaie;
- memoreaz poezii de mic ntindere.
Obiective :
- s nvee grupurile de litere mari si mici, de tipar i de mn;
- sa-i corecteze scrierea;
- s scrie corect i s citeasc cuvinte care conin grupurile de litere;
- s citeasc i s scrie dup dictare cuvinte formate din mai multe silabe;
- s citeasc independent un text scurt;
- s utilizeze n vorbirea curent un numr ct mai mare de cuvinte noi;
- s memoreze una sau doua poezii pentru serbarea colar;
Ce tie:
- recunoate numerele naturale 0-30
- numr corect n ordine cresctoare din 1 n1 n limita 0-30
Ce nu tie:
- ezitri n utilizarea corect: mai mult cu att, mrit cu, micorat cu ;
- nu efectueaz operaii de adunare i scdere cu numere naturale de la 0 la 100, fr trecere
peste ordin;
- dificulti n cunoaterea terminologiei specific matematicii (termen, sum, desczut,
scztor, diferen)
Obiective pe termen scurt:
- s defineasc corect noiunile: termen, sum, desczut, scztor, diferen;
- s calculeze oral adunri i scderi pana la 10 si pana la 100 (cu sprijin);
- s efectueze oral, calcule n concentrul 0-100: U+U; Z+Z; Z+U; U+Z; ZU+U;

- s formuleze probleme pe baz de imagini, simboluri;

- s rezolve probleme cu o singur operaie;
- s utilizeze corect: mai mult cu att, mrit cu, micorat cu ;
- s utilizeze corect terminologia matematic n rezolvarea exerciiilor;
- s scrie corect n coloan, n pagin;
- s participe cu interes, mrindu-i atenia divergent;
- sa-i coordoneze activ micrile psihomotrice (n folosirea materialului intuitiv);
- sa-i dezvolte memoria logic (reprezentrile mentale).
Obiective terapeutice (formativ-educative):
- dezvoltarea gndirii (calculului mintal i scris);
- activizarea vocabularului matematic (terminologia);
- dezvoltarea capacitii de concentrare a ateniei.
IX. Modaliti de stimulare pentru implicarea n realizarea sarcinilor colare: (cum
poate fi motivat, n ce mod i se capteaz atenia, voina)
Metode i procedee:
- explicaia pe baza materialului intuitiv-concret;
- demonstraia pe baza de simboluri, pentru nsuirea algoritmului de efectuare a calculului
mintal, oral i scris, liniar i nscris;
- observaia pe baz de stimuli (dirijat);
- problematizarea rezolvarea de probleme imagistice i acionale;
- exerciiul matematic i exerciiul joc;
- fia de evaluare;
- munca independent;
- conversaia euristic;
- activiti ludice
- activiti de art-terapie;
- activiti de ergoterapie;
- activiti psihoterapeutice pentru diminuarea tulburrilor de atenie i de comportament.
numrtori, beioare, plane, simboluri (puncte, bile, linioare, stelue etc.), jetoane,
tabl magnetic cu numere, manual.

Nevoi specifice ale copilului n cadrul familiei:

copilul are nevoie de o ngrijire i o supraveghere mai atent din partea prinilor;
este necesar ca prinii s manifeste o atitudine pozitiv fa de coal, s-o aprecieze i
s-o ncurajeze pentru a nva;
se impune o organizare mai judicioas a timpului petrecut de elev acas, s existe un
raport optim ntre timpul de nvare i cel de joc.

Sensibilizarea prinilor fa de problematica i nevoile elevei;

mbuntirea colaborrii dintre prini i coal (cadru didactic).

Mijloace de realizare:
discuii cu prinii;
realizarea unor activiti colare sau extracolare la care s participe i prinii
(serbri, expoziii cu produse ale elevilor, excursii, concursuri sportive);
ntocmirea mpreun cu prinii a unui ,,orar pentru acas.

Fia de examinare logopedic

Data naterii.............................
EXAMINAREA PRONUNIEI (prin vorbire reflectat)

Pronunai fiecare cuvnt rar i clar. Solicitai copilului s-l repete.

ncercuii sunetul sau grupul de sunete greit pronunat i notai exact cum a
pronunat copilul.


m mama/mac...............................

f fat....................................................

r rac/pere/vapor.........................

fl floare/fluture.....................................

rt carte/sport...............................

fr fructe/frunze.....................................

n nuc/ prune/pian......................

v vat...............................................

s soare.............................................
sl slip...................................................
p pan/vulpe/lup............................

sp spate/aspirator................................

pl ploaie/umple.................................

st stol/castron.....................................

pr prosop/prune/capr....................

b balon/tob.....................................
bl bloc/tablou....................................


t tiuc..............................................

br broasc/umbrel..........................

l lep/lagr......................................

tr trand.............................................


tr tren/tractor..................................

c coal.............................................


dr drum/drept..................................



cl clopot/clete...............................


cr creion/cret................................

ap / bra / maimu..........................

g gar............................................

ce ceas/oarece...................................

gl glob/oglind..................................

ci ciree/cipici....................................

gr grdin........................................

ge geant/mrgele.............................

ghe ghem...........................................

gi giraf.............................................

ghi ghind........................................
che chei.............................................
chi chifle.........................................
1) Enumerri
- zilele sptmnii / lunile anului / recitarea unei poezii .......................................
2) Repetri de propoziii
2 cuv. - Copilul doarme.
2 cuv. - Cartea este frumoas
3 cuv. - Soarele strlucete pe cer.
4 cuv. - Pe drum trec multe snii.

5 cuv. - Pe cmp cresc multe flori frumoase.

6 cuv. - Iarna copiii alearg cu sania prin zpad
3) Repovestire
Ieri, Andrei s-a dus cu bunicul n parc. Pomii erau verzi, iar florile
multicolore. Un dulu mare, lnos, s-a oprit n faa unui cel mic. Dulul a
nceput s latre amenintor, vrnd s-l ia de ceaf pe cel. Bunicul i Andrei au
reuit s-l goneasc pe dulu.
4) Vorbire independent
- descrierea unei imagini, "Povestete-mi ce ai vzut ieri la Tv." sau "Ce te-ai
jucat ieri;"
Concluzii (bifai)
o - memoria verbal deficitar
o - folosirea greit a articolului
o - folosirea greit a cazurilor
o - folosirea greit a acordului
o - topica greit








Greeli tipice
Diagnostic logopedic
Conduita copilului n colectivitate i n timpul examenului/tratamentului logopedic

Fi de consiliere colar
I. Numele i
Studii (profil):
Mediul de provenien (rural / urban):
II. Profesia prinilor:
Mama _____________________________________________________________________
Tata _______________________________________________________________________
Tipul familiei:_______________________________________________________________
III. Starea actual a sntii:___________________________________________________
Antecedente: ________________________________________________________________
IV. Motivul pentru care particip la consiliere:
V. Obiectiv general: __________________________________________________________
VI. Obiective specifice: _______________________________________________________
VII. Plan de intervenie

Activitatea desfurat


VIII. Concluzii:
Chestionar elevi
1. n ce localitate locuieti?
2. Ci ani ai?
3. n ce clas eti?
4. Mai ai frai/surori?


5. Dac da, ce vrste au?

6. Cu cine locuieti n cas?
7. Ce ocupaii au prinii ti?
8. Din persoanele din cas, mai are altcineva ocupaie? Care?

9. Ai fost plecat vreodat n alt ar?




Dac da, unde i care a fost motivul?


Prinii ti se intereseaz de ceea ce faci tu la coal?


Spune 3 motive pentru care i place s fii la coal/ n clas:

a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________

Spune 3 motive pentru care nu i place s fii la coal/ n clas:

a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________

Ai fost vreodat felicitat de ctre profesorul tu?




Cum s-a ntmplat?


Ai fost vreodat insultat de ctre profesorul tu?




Cum s-a intamplat?


Ai prieteni ?


Cum i petreci timpul liber cu acetia?


Spune trei lucruri pe care ai dori s le schimbi n coala ta:

a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________________

Chestionar prini
1. n ce localitate locuii?
2. Ce vrst avei?
3. Participai la acest chestionar n calitate de :
4. Ci copii avei?
5. Ce vrste au copiii?
6. Dintre acetia, ci merg la coal?
7. n cazul n care unul dintre copiii dvs. de vrst colar nu merge la coal, care este
motivul principal?
8. Ai fost plecat vreodat n strintate?


9. Dac da, unde, pentru ct timp i care a fost motivul:

10. Dac ai fost plecat n strintate cu copiii pentru o perioad mai lung de 1 an,
v-ai nscris copilul acolo la coal?


11. Ce putei spune despre coala n care nva acum copilul/copiii dvs.?
12. Menionai 3 motive pentru care suntei mulumit de coala unde nva copilul/copiii
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
13. Menionai 3 motive pentru care nu suntei mulumit de coala unde nva
copilul/copiii dvs.:
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) __________________________________________________________________
14. Menionai activitile desfurate n acest an colar la care coala v-a invitat s
participai i modul n care v-ai implicat n aceste activiti:
15. Credei c aceste activiti au fost utile pentru dvs. sau pentru copilul/copiii dvs.?


16. De ce credei acest lucru?

17. Suntei mulumii de rezultatele colare ale copilului/copiilor dvs?


18. Explicai rspunsul dat:


19. Ce prere avei despre profesorii copilului/copiilor dvs.?

20. Spunei trei lucruri pe care ai dori s le schimbai n coala unde nva copilul/copiii
dvs. :
c) _________________________________________________________________

Rolul climatului familial n dezvoltarea copilului de vrst

colar mic
Studiu de caz
Mama copilului A.N. n vrst de 9 ani solicit consiliere deoarece ea i soul ei nu reuesc s
gestioneze comportamentul fiului lor.
a) Anamneza prima edin
A.N. este elev n clasa a III-a. Ori de cte ori prinii merg la coal, doamna nvtoare i
anumii prini ai copiilor se plng de comportamentul fiului lor. Este elev n clasa a III a i
prinii nu tiu ce s mai fac pentru ca acesta s se cumineasc. Uneori se bag sub banc n
timpul orelor, vorbete

urt colegilor de clas, iar la lucrarea de control nu a obinut

calificativul de F.B cu care era obinuit i a suferit. De ciud, a rupt lucrarea n faa doamnei
nvtoare . Netiind cum s procedeze, prinii s-au gndit s-l mute la o alt coal, aa
cum le-a sugerat i doamna nvtoare.
A.N. mrturisete c nu tie de ce atunci cnd face rele, copiii spun c nu a fcut aa, l
apr, iar atunci cnd e cuminte, l prsesc i spun c a fcut ceva ru. La ntrebarea ce rele
face, copilul rspunde c dac ceilali colegi l jignesc sau l bat, face i el acelai lucru. Din
cele spuse de copil, reiese c el la coal este att agresor, ct i victim. Faptul c a rupt
lucrarea de control este explicat de A.N. astfel: el consider c a fost depunctat pe nedrept,
deoarece ceea ce a rezolvat, a rezolvat corect, iar ceea ce n-a reuit s termine se datoreaz
faptului c a ntrziat la or, din cauza prinilor , i nu c n-ar fi tiut. Dac ar fi avut timp
suficient, ar fi obinut calificativul de F.B.
b) edinta II
S-a efectuat evaluarea psihologic, care a evideniat un QI corespunztor inteligenei
superioare, frustrri i tendine uoare agresive. S-au fixat cteva reguli de baz pentru
comportamentul n clas, ntrebndu-l pe elev, ce altceva diferit va face pentru a schimba
ceva n comportamentul lui, astfel nct prinii si s fie fericii ? El a decis s fie atent la ore,
s manifeste respect pentru doamna nvtoare i colegi, s aib o mai bun comunicare cu
clasa de elevi i s respecte regulile prin care atunci cnd este jignit sau btut s-i transmit
doamnei nvtoare i dumneaei va fi aceea care va lua msurile necesare n clas,
sancionnd comportamentele agresive.

Cu toate c prinii se jenau s ia contact cu nvtoarea, de teama aflrii unor noi

comportamente indezirabile ale copilului lor, s-a hotrt ca prinii s menin o relaie
constant cu coala.
mpreun cu elevul i prinii acestuia, s-a alctuit un program de efectuare al leciilor
i de petrecere a timpului liber, program pe care s-l pun la vedere, la biroul copilului. De
asemenea, prinii au hotrt s schimbe ceva n programul cotidian, astfel nct s se implice
mpreun i s dedice mai mult timp educrii copilului.
c) edina III
Comportamentul copilului s-a ameliorat n mare masur, iar programul pe care i-l
fixase n cabinet fusese respectat. Biatul a povestit c n clas se simise deseori singur.
ntrebat care sunt desenele animate preferate, acesta rspunde c Prieteni imaginari i c i
el i-a fcut un astfel de prieten imaginar. Prinii nu tiau de acest prieten imaginar al
d) edina IV
La aceast edin A.N. era uor agitat, ddea din picioare n timp ce era aezat la
birou. El spune c i la coal face la fel, deoarece simte c piciorul drept este cam
neastmprat. Se solicit copilului s deseneze i s coloreze piciorul drept, dup care, pe o
alt coal, s-l coloreze cu acele culori ce l relaxeaz i l linitesc. De unde la nceput a
desenat n negru i rou, n cel de-al doilea desen a mbinat nuane de albastru, verde si
galben. n finalul edinei, biatul era relaxat i a mrturisit c vine la cabinet cu curiozitate i
plcere. Mama biatului a confirmat.
e) edina V
Familia era ncntat de progresul fcut de biat, acesta avea aproape numai F.B-uri,
n clas era linitit, a pstrat aceeai coal i prinii i recptaser linitea sufleteasc
mergnd la serviciu nestresai.
A.N. a fost felicitat pentru implicarea lui n schimbarea comportamentului i pentru
efortul depus; de asemenea au fost cuvinte apreciative i la adresa familiei, n special a mamei
care s-a implicat i a colaborat cu copilul, nvtoarea i psihologul.

f) Concluzii
Despre modul CUM s devii un printe bun astfel nct sa-ti educi proprii copii n mod
eficient, nu se preda n nici o coal. O facultate a prinilor, nu exist nc
A educa un copil, nu nseamn a modifica natura lui pentru c n mod natural, copilul
are n el totul pentru a reui. Important este s-i oferi un climat familial corespunztor i s
nvei cum s actualizezi potenialul copilului, sa-l ajui s se dezvolte armonios n mediul sau
familial i psihosocial de via. Primul pas este acela s-l iubeti i s manifeti dorina de a-l
cunoate, s tii care-i sunt trebuinele, interesele, succesele, insuccesele, sentimentele.
Urmtorul pas este s nvei legile creterii fizice i mentale. A trece de la o educaie
autoritar la o educaie mai permisiv bazat pe adaptarea la realitate pn a deveni prietenul
copilului tu, este urmtorul pas. A nva c n timp ce reacionezi emoional atunci cnd
greete, nu este suficient, i c este necesar s priveti i soluiile alternative la problema,
este un alt pas. A te implica n educaia copilului tu este condiia reuitei n obiectivul ce i lai propus, acela de a fi un printe bun, educativ. Rolul acesta se nva treptat, acord-i
timpul necesar! pentru c a fi un printe bun este o art o art ce se nva.
Platon spunea ca educaia are drept scop s dea sufletului i corpului ntreaga
frumusee i perfeciune de care sunt susceptibile. Ajut-l s-i ia lecia din experienele sale
de via i nu insista doar n a-l nvinovi atunci cnd greete. Vorbete-i i despre calitile
sale, despre reuitele sale! nva-l s experimenteze mental comportamentul i s vad








psihosociomoral este un proces activ, experiena individual se reorganizeaz continuu n

structuri ce au o anumit semnificaie pentru fiecare persoan.

Education System in Romania

The education system represents the main subsystem of the education system. The
structure of the education system in Romania includes: pre-school, primary, lower secondary,
compulsory general, upper secondary, schools of arts and crafts, apprentice schools, postsecondary and higher education.
After 1989 the Romanian education has made progress despite the difficult economic
conditions and the changes that have occurred in the social life. After 1998 the education
reform was started, as a result of the gradual democratization and the infusion of the European
funds and the World Bank.
The structure of the national education system:
1. Pre-university. Pre-university education is divided into 5 cycles:
1.1 Pre-school Education (or Kindergarten) - lasts three years and it is made up of three
groups: Small Group, Middle Group and Big Group.
1.2 Primary Education (Primary School) - classes 0 (preparatory) -IV
1.3 Secondary Education (Gymnasium) - classes V-VIII
1.4.1 High School Education (High School) - of four or five classes (classes IX-XII /
1.4.2 Vocational Education (School of Arts and Crafts), which may continue or remove
the High School to prepare students for careers that are based on manual or practical
1.5 Post-secondary Education may last between 2 and 5 years.
2. Higher education (higher studies) has been reorganized to be in accordance with the
principles of the Bologna process, and its aims is to build the European Higher Education
Space. It has the following four components:
2.1 University studies (Licentiate) 3-4 years, for most subjects 3 years (since 2005)
2.2 Masters studies (Master) 1-2 years, for most subjects 2 years (since 2008)
2.3 Doctoral studies (PhD) last at least 3 years (PhD) (since 2006).
2.4 Lifelong learning (post university courses, continuing education).

Education of the special educational needs

Theoretical landmarks
All persons with SEN, regardless of the nature or degree of their deficiency, have the
right to an appropriate free education, adapted to their needs and wishes.
Academic Learning began to be seen as important by soon. Before the twentieth
century, most children were educated at home. The boys were learning professions
practiced by their fathers, and the daughters were learning from their mothers how to
care for the household. Only the boys from wealthy families could afford to go to school.
The poor children and the children with disabilities were often forced to beg in order to
support themselves or to assist their families. Because these activities did not require
academic skills, the formal education was not considered necessary, and the minor
disabilities did not change the situation with anything. As long as you could work in the
field and were able to make a horseshoe, you were accepted as a member of that
community. The situation began to change with the advent of compulsory education. Each
student had to obtain high performances in all subjects, although the curriculum was not
adapted to the needs of all students. The children and the young people with disabilities
or those who could not cope that system were sent to special institutions.
There were three stages of integration / segregation:
1. Integration without assistance
In the past, the students with disabilities were attending the public schools without
benefit by any kind of assistance from the special schools (e.g. students with visual
2. Segregation
The period during which the special schools were the main alternative.
3. Integration
During this period, the students were / are integrated in the public schools and
received / receive assistance from the resource centers / special schools.
There are different forms of integration:
Establishing the special classes in the public schools, the students being distributed in
separate classrooms; instead, the students can attend to regular classes, at some of the

Full integration is achieved when students are distributed in regular classes, learn with
their colleagues and enjoy the assistance of specialized teachers / resource center.
Students with deficiencies schooled at home;
Special education is a form of education adapted and designed for all children with
special educational needs who are unable by themselves to achieve a level appropriate to
their age and society requirements for an active, autonomous and independent human.
The principles which underlay of the special education
(1) Guaranteeing the right to education for every child
a) Children have the right to learn together regardless of difficulties and differences
b) Every child is unique and has some potential for learning and development
c) The school and the community ensure equal access to education for all children
(2) Providing specialized services focused on the needs of children with special
educational needs.
a) Correlation of education types and forms of tuition depending on the purpose of
education, general objectives and aims of the education.
b) Providing of the educational connection through complex activities
Special education measures - provided individually or in the integrated
structures take into account:
a) training of the teachers and classes in order to adapt educational practices for the
students with SEN in groups / classes in public education;
b) ensuring the group / class with support services and professionals (psychologists,
speech therapists, physiotherapists, teachers / itinerant support staff etc.) to ensure
the rehabilitation of students with SEN along with the conducting of the educational
c) the corresponding reduction of the students, at least 2 to each student with
disabilities integrated into the group / class, depending on the severity of the

Disabled children integration in public schools

The idea of integrating of the children with disabilities in public schools has
appeared as a natural and necessary reaction of the society to its obligation to ensure
the normalization and reforming of the education conditions for people with special
educational needs.
Integration means that the relationships between individuals are based on a
recognition of their integrity, values and common rights they possess. When
recognition is absent for these values, the alienation and segregation install between
the social groups. In other words, the integration refers to the relationship established
between the individual and the society and it can be analyzed considering several
levels, from simple to complex.
Integration implies equal social participation and equality in access to
education achievement. Among the current and future values of democratic society
integration, people think that the following are dominant:
- acceptance of all differences;
- respect for diversity;
- human solidarity and especially with different people;
- fight against exclusion and marginalization;
- fight against social inequality.
The levels of integration lies in the interaction relationship, it is mutually
enriched and influenced, creating all necessary conditions for changing and
transforming the society into a society able to ensure the integration of people with
mental disabilities within it. The access to integration applies to all persons, including
those with disabilities, regardless of the disability and its severity. In this regard,
should not be any restriction. People with a disability and especially people with a
mental disability are all too ordinary, people with dreams, hopes, aspirations, but with
more pain and more obstacles they face.
Integration is a complex process that involves:
- to educate children with special needs in regular schools along with other
normal children;
- to provide specialized services (rehabilitation, educational therapy, school
counseling, medical and social assistance) in that school;

- to provide support to school teacher in the design and implementation of the

integration programs; to enable effective access of children with special needs in
regular school at the schedule and resources (classrooms, offices, laboratories, library,
sports fields, etc.);
- to encourage friendship and communication between all the children in the
class / school;
- to educate and help all children to understand and accept the differences
between them;
- to respect the parents problems and opinions, encouraging them to get
involved in school life;
- to provide individualized support programs for children with SEN;
- to accept radical changes in the organization and development of educational
school activities.
According to the principles on education promoted by international
organizations, it is said that people / students with different types of disabilities have
the same fundamental rights as other citizens of the same age, without discrimination
based on sex, language, religion, financial status or any other characteristic of the
person concerned or his family.
If we accept the idea that after graduating school, all children should benefit
from the chance to participate actively in social life, then we have to give them that
chance unconditionally; therefore the social integration is prepared and conditioned
for school integration.
We can talk about multiple levels of integration, such as:
a)physical integration - enables people with special needs the basic needs of their existence,
i.e. providing a living space in residential areas, organizing classes and groups in regular
schools, professionalization in various fields, jobs (in a protected system);
b) functional integration - is considering the possibility of access for people with special
needs to use all the facilities and services offered by the social environment / community to
ensure a minimum of comfort (e.g. use of public transport, facilities on the street or in
different access public institutions);
c) social integration - refers to a whole set of social relations between people with special
needs and other members of the community (neighbours, colleagues, people on the street,
public servants); these relationships are influenced by attitudes of respect and esteem and all
manners of interaction between normal people and those with special needs;

d) personal integration - is related to the developing of interaction relationships with

significant people, in various periods of their life; this includes various types of relationships,
depending on the subject's age - for children, relationships with their parents, relatives,
friends; for an adult, relationship with his / her spouse, friends, children, relatives (i.e. the
effective integration requires certain conditions, namely, for a child, close relationships with
family and for an adult ensuring a dignified existence with diverse relationships within social
groups in the community);
e) integration into society - is about ensuring equal rights and self-determination respecting
person with special needs;
f) organizational integration - refers to the organizational structures that support integration;
it is necessary that public services should be organized so as to meet the needs of all
individuals in society.
In conclusion, the transposition into practice requires the development of a congealed
system of actions, from various fields: psychology, pedagogy, sociology, social assistance,
nursing, organizational, legal, political etc. These actions shall be performed starting from the
individual to the social, aiming to finally, the transformation into a system able to ensure the
integration of people with special needs in the structures within.
A fundamental criterion for differentiating the forms of integration refers to the length
of the presence of the child with special needs in regular school. Thus we meet:
- total integration forms the student with special needs spends all his time in the
regular school, except the treatment programs that can run in space of the same school (setting
in the regular school of a space where children with disabilities can display the therapeutic
activities) or outside of school (curative educational centers, rehabilitation services,
specialized clinics)
- forms of partial integration the student with special needs spends only a part of his
time in the regular school (he only participates in certain activities in the regular school or
certain subjects in the regular school where he can cope, and the remaining curriculum is
similar to the program of a special school and runs either in a specialized school or a day care
center or rehabilitation center).
Looking the things from another perspective, based on the same criterion, we can
identify these forms of integration:
- total integration;

- partial integration - participation of children with special needs at certain activities;

those activities are selected according to: the potential of the integrated students and the type
of deficiency, resources and school readiness, interests of students, parents requests etc.;
- occasional integration - participation in common of the students with disabilities
along their colleagues from the regular school at different extracurricular school activities
(trips, celebrations, sports competitions, performances etc.).
Regarding the forms of integration of children with SEN, existing in Romanian school,
these are based on the following models:
The model of cooperation between the regular school and special school - in this
case, the regular school coordinates the integration process and establishes an active
partnership between the teachers from both schools who will experience a new way to sustain
the development of teaching activities, preparing together the school activities content,
adapting the learning materials and resources used during classes and offering a comfortable
way to all students in the class. This model has the advantage of allowing the use of resources
and experience existing in the two types of schools, without requiring additional expenditure.
Also, the special school teachers have extensive teaching much broader and the regular school
teachers can be informed on many aspects of the real needs and possibilities of a student with
special educational needs. At first glance, this model could be considered impossible,
especially in our country where, in the representation of the public opinion, the special
education teachers are considered, at least in terms of our state, as inferior to those from the
public education, and some teachers from the regular schools, adept of an elitist school model,
have not the strength, courage and good faith to recognize that some children with disabilities
can be as good as their colleagues, considered as normal, also, they have the right to equal
opportunities in education and professional training. To solve this problem, there are
alternative establishments of day care centers or rehabilitation centers for deficient children
(by reorganizing the existing special schools) including a small number of children and the
work program for the activities to be healing, compensatory and consolidation knowledge
received at school and their living arrangements to be closer to normality.
The model based on organization of special classes in regular school - this model
involves the integration of disabled children in the public schools where they can enter in
relation to normal pupils, helping them with the support of teachers and specialists from the
school, a better knowing and relationship between the two categories of children. The model
is criticized by some experts who do not consider it a real integration, the establishment of a
special class in a regular school, the practice demonstrating the difficulty of implementing an

integration program by this model; the discrepancy between regular classes and the special
class worsens, the actual time that normal students and those with special needs relate directly
is quite low (in most cases this time is reduced during breaks between school activities) and in
terms of a collective school of this type are considered easily between groups of students
where the conflicts or the attitudes that may increase discrimination against deficient students
in special class (i.e. integration opposite effect).
The model based on the setting in a regular school of a space or rooms for the
deficient children, individual integrated in regular classes in that school - in this case, the
teacher who is dealing with deficient students is the support teacher who performs activities
with these children, both in specially designed space in school and in the classroom, when the
conditions require / allow this kind of thing, collaborating directly with teachers from the
classes where the children are integrated.
The itinerant model - this model fosters the integration in a public school of a small
number of children with special needs, residing within a small distance from the school (thus,
it is avoided the disadvantage of the child travels long distances) and supported by an itinerant
teacher (specialized in children's homes with a particular type of deficiency); so they can
participate in that school activities.
The common model - is relatively similar to the previous model, except that in this
case, the itinerant teacher is responsible for all children with disabilities in a particular area
and provides services to support children and families, helping parents to the composition of
learning programs, follows the childs evolution school, works with regular school teachers
where the child is integrated and intervenes when learning problems arising from certain
An integrative school is:
school in a constantly changing and adapting to the childrens needs
the most effective medium to combat discriminatory attitudes
intercultural welcoming and open community
school that values equally all children, teachers and parents
The integration is based on the belief that adults work in inclusive communities, made
up of people of different races, religions, aspirations, with or without disabilities. So,
regardless of age, children need to grow and learn in environments similar to those they will
work as adults, and school is the main institution that must respond to this need.
The teacher from the integrative school will have a number of goals for improvement
and professional self-improvement, such as:

Be able to point out the strengths and interests of each child and use them for internal
motivation in the educational process.
Know to set ambitious goals but differentiated, adequate to the student, which requires a
differentiated assessment.
To formulate appropriate expectations for EVERY student, whatever should be his/her
capabilities. This ability of the teacher allows all students to become members of the class and
the school.
To know how to use a teaching style based more on activities than on the intervention from
the teachers desk.
To know how to provide daily conditions for each student to have a success
Useful Skills for a teacher from the integrative school are:
To realize that every child in the class responds.
To know different instructional strategies and know how to use them effectively.
To work in a team with parents and other professionals dealing with child
To perceive working with each member of the class as an opportunity for professional
development and not as problem that he or others have done.
To be flexible and demonstrate a high degree of tolerance.
For each child found in the protection system is needed a project of development and
implementation of customized care, education, rehabilitation, (re) integration and social
An important part of the personalized project is related to the integration project in
the school and community. For any child in need following a form of preschool education or
school, this project is realized in partnership with kindergarten / school community. The case
manager will lead the development and implementation of this document written on the
school principal and the educator, teacher or tutor responsible for the education of the child.
The personalized integration project in the school and community is a file that
includes data about child, initial assessment of his/her situation, intervention plan and reports
that reflect the evolution of the situation during the implementation of the plan.
This document facilitates the connection between the child welfare services and
school, interdisciplinary teamwork and ensures a responsible and complementary training of
the professionals from the system, the school principal and teachers, family, children and
adults from the community for every child at-risk or with special needs, with SEN or with
social problems to be supported in school, professional and social integration.

Social integration can not be separated from school integration, it is not just postschool, but it is built gradually, as becoming child education, as adult "social being", school is
a part of social life itself, as progress in the right direction of acquirement autonomy, social
"competencies" should constitute as well as intellectual development, an educational purpose.
Through the legislative frameworks applied for the various categories of deficient, to
ensure home schooling and to provide support to the structures in public education, we can
achieve a part of the tasks of the inclusive education. We recall some of the directions of
action materialized, namely:
operation of C.J.A.P.P. at county level;
operation of C.S.A.P.P. at level institution (school cabinets of psycho-pedagogical
working of expertise commissions to realize complex differential diagnosis;
standardization and compliance of the itinerant teacher;
development framework plan for integrated students in the mainstream school,
individually or in groups;
practicing teamwork when the integration, coordination is ensured by the
Public School became inclusive school will have:
material and technical equipment: specialized classrooms (physiotherapy, speech
therapy), devices for different types of impairments, educational means adapted;
ensuring adequate human resources (specialist teachers in pedagogy and and
itinerant teachers);
functional adaptations to the buildings (building modifications, ramps, escalators)
The integration activity, the activity of itinerant teacher proves effective if, during
schooling in school, the integrated deficient student manages to adapt to school, to attend it
regularly, to participate in class actions and so the student becomes independent of
educational support services.
School practice in integrated education has shown that solving problems that children
encounter in the educational process, cause an analysis on more many levels of learning
problems, according to the orientation and perspective to address these issues.
Very important is the basic terminology used in the context of integrated education.
School integration - is the process of inclusion in regular schools or in regular
classes, at formal and non-formal educational activities, of the children considered as having

special educational needs. Perceiving school as the main court of the child's socialization
(family is reckoned the first instance of socialization), school integration represents a
customization of the process of social integration of this category of children, a process that
has a fundamental importance in facilitating the further integration in the community life
through formation of some behaviours and attitudes, skills and capabilities of friendly
process. In addition, the school integration of children with special needs allow, under the
careful guidance of teachers, the perception and correct understanding of the problems of
normal students and the potential for networking and participation in community life of their
peers, who, for reasons beyond their control, need a differentiated approach to teachinglearning process in school and certain facilities for their participation and to services in the
Requirements / special educational needs - refers to educational requirements in the
particular category of students, consecutive requirements of dysfunction or impaired
intellectual nature, sensory, psychomotor, physiological etc. or to conduct psycho and socioeconomic or otherwise. All these place the student in a state of difficulty in relation to others,
state that does not allow an existence or a recovery in normal intellectual potential and skills
available to it. Consequently, the school educational activities and / or extracurricular creative
new ways to design and conduct of their, in a direct relationship with the real possibilities of
students, so they can meet the demands that they feel in relation to the educational act.
inclusive school - the name of the school from public education where all children
have access from a community, regardless of their origin, who are integrated in one form or
another and children with special needs in education, where the teaching activities program is
based on a specific curriculum (individualized and adapted) and where teacher participation in
educational activities in class is based on an active partnership between teachers, support
teachers, special education specialists and parents. Given this reality, literature talks about
inclusive classes, which can be integrated in a limited number of children with special
educational needs.
differentiated Curriculum - refers to the modality of selection and organization of
contents, methods of teaching and learning, assessment methods and techniques, performance
standards, learning psychological environment, for the purpose of differentiating learning
experiences and adapting the educational process aptitude and understanding the possibilities
at the interests and educational needs, the pace and learning style of the student. This
differentiation is considering, first, the specific potential skills, the dominant personality and
ability of understanding and processing information / knowledge acquired in the educational

process. Starting from this premise, we can speak here about a curriculum customized /
adapted Curriculum - is closely linked to the notion of differentiated curriculum,
meaning that differentiation assumes, implicitly, an adaptation of the contents, methods,
means and working techniques in educational activities. From a certain perspective, the two
terms are almost synonymous, meaning that there can be no differentiation without
adaptation, just as there can be no differentiation adaptation (obviously within the scope of the
concept of curriculum). The notion of adapted curriculum fits better in the context of
integrated education, where the adapt of the contents to a specific category of pupils with
special educational needs takes into account both the volume of knowledge, and especially
mental processes and functional peculiarities of the nervous system to the students with
special needs, where the compensatory function determines a number of changes in the neural
networks of transmission and processing of information.
itinerant / support teacher - is a person specialized in educational and rehabilitation
activities for children with special needs in education. His status is as a specialized teacher
who can be employed by special schools, a rehabilitation center or a school employee (when
therapy and rehabilitation activities are carried out in the area of school, in special places, and
properly equipped for these activities - resource room for children with special educational
needs). In his capacity as teacher support, besides the specific activities outside with the
children considered as having special needs, attends at the class and teaching activities,
together with teacher school where children with difficulties in receiving and understanding
the message of the lesson or in the duties received in certain subjects.
Early intervention is known as a social movement, a professional and scientific
specialization area, a sine qua non condition for improving the efficiency of recovery and
social integration of children with SEN, due to some deficiencies that can lead to different

Learning difficulties
Learning difficulties is a generic term that refers to a group of disorders which is
expressed by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of reception and understanding
of language, speech, writing, reading (letters, syllables), reasoning and mathematical skills
and social skills.
As a conclusion based on these definitions, we can consider that a child / student has
learning disability (LD) if:
there is a significant difference between his capabilities and academic performance
the progress in learning is minimal for a longer period of time;
has a disability / incapacity that prevents him to use the educational facilities that are
available to children of the same age with him;
works at a lower level to children of the same age;
have persistent difficulties in learning the reading and writing and mathematical
have emotional and behavioral difficulties that impede frequently and at a very
significant the learning process of the child or even the whole class;
has sensory impairments and mental requiring additional equipment or specialized
has ongoing communication and interaction difficulties that prevents him in the
development of some balanced social relations and forms obstacles in the learning process
In terms of etiology, it is identified two broad categories of L.D.:
a) L.D. own - said
- impairments and disabilities hardly visible (hidden);
- are related only to one person, related to his impairments and disabilities caused by genetic
factors, disease, trauma, accidents, etc.
b) L.D. induced
- are induced by the child's environment or even himself;
- can occur during and at the end of their own learning;
- is due to:
- insufficient learning time;
- previous gaps in learning;

- absence of effective learning techniques and procedures;

- lack of a scheme of work;
- poor quality of classroom teaching;
- school overloading;
- absenteeism, illnesses, ailments, etc.

The support teacher

The duties of the support / itinerant teacher
a) collaborates with the internal commission of continuous evaluation of school / resource
center to retrieve information on the assessment and personalized service plan child / student
with special educational needs integrated into mainstream education;
b) collaborates with the entire academic staff of the school where the child / student is
registered to achieve effective integration in the whole school
c) elaborates and realizes the customized intervention plan and the adaptation of the
curriculum in partnership with teachers from the group / class;
d) assess, in partnership with the team, the results of applying curricular programs adopted;
e) collaborates with teachers to group / class in which there are students with special
educational needs to establish working modalities for each learning unit:
- participates, during teaching hours, in the activities that take place in the classroom by a
schoolmaster or a teacher;
- participates in the educational activities in group / class as an observer, consultant, coparticipant;
- organizes activities of personalized intervention in groups / classes or outside them;
- evolves self-cognitive therapy, occupational, individual or in group;
- collaborates with specialists that perform specific therapies in order to achieve consistent
personalized service plan;
- proposes and realizes individualized teaching materials based on the learning difficulties of
children / pupils;
f) carries out periodic evaluation and redesign program aimed at developing students'
personalized intervention;
g) advises the families of children / students receiving services support and cooperates
with them;
h) achieves, in the 16 hours representing the teaching load of teaching, educational weekly
assistance program by:
- the students needs;
- students progress in a limited time;
- the results of regular evaluations;
- requirements of the group of students assisted.

i) orientates towards the internal commission of continuous evaluation all the children /
students who have special educational needs and not receiving educational support services.
Categories of children / students receiving services support / itinerant teachers
a) children / students with certificate of expertise and counseling and guidance issued by
the commission for child protection;
b) children / students with learning difficulties or development that have the
recommendation of the internal commission of continuous evaluation of school / resource
c) children / students with special educational needs for whom there is a written request
from the family.
Educational services provided by support / itinerant teachers are ensured under one of the
following documents
a) Certificate of Educational and vocational guidance issued by the Commission for Child
b) the written recommendation of the internal commission of continuous evaluation,
accompanied by the child's complex assessment (psychological, medical, family, social,
procurement level school type, etc.).
c) the recommendation of the internal commission of continuous evaluation can only be
obtained after comprehensive assessment of the child / student. The evaluation of the child /
pupil is made based on the perception of the internal commission of continuous evaluation
across the child's home by the school attended by the child / student, family or his legal tutor,
other institutions, nongovernmental organizations and persons etc.
Facilities granted to the integrative education units
Teachers from the inclusive schools receive training in inclusive education, organized by
the Ministry of Education and Research.
Teachers from mainstream schools who have integrated children / students receive with
priority bonus prizes from the annual fund.
Teachers who integrate effectively children / students with special educational needs in
groups / classes will be given in the annual evaluation sheet and statement of restriction of
activity of the teacher, as appropriate, at least 5 points for each integrated child / student but
not more than 10 points.
For students with special education needs integrated into mainstream schools, educational
services are provided by support / itinerant teachers during the entire period of schooling.

Personalized Intervention Plan

- initial information about the child and the issues that constitute special educational
requirements at that time (these are collected by means of: psychological tests, school tests,
observations, discussions, social surveys, study activity products, analysis of school results,
- assessment of the issues (under their enumeration form or formulation of a prescriptive
- anticipation of results (by means of the original prognosis and by describing the key
moments of the intervention);
- recording of one / some initial examination, of periodic exams and final exams;
- description of intervention methods and means used;
- intervention steps (stages or steps intervention) adopted to the type of problems encountered
and individualized;
- recording progress;
- recording the results of the intervention and periodic observations;
- types of support chosen by partnering with specialists, family, school, etc.;
- acceptance of responsibility as parents and their common professionals involved.

Personalized intervention plan

Surname and name: D. D.
Date of birth: 20.10.2007
School and grade: ......., First grade
Reference date: 25.11.2014

Cognitive behaviour:

Language and communication:

Poor knowledge accumulated from
The student has will and realize the problems


Very poor vocabulary, possibilities of

The student has possibilities relatively good of

expression reduced, in very short sentences,

oral, gestural and expressive communication

semantic disorders
Presents polymorphic dyslalia
Does not know all the letters and makes
confusions between groups of letters
Phonemic hearing is not formed
writing with difficulty within area of type I and
type II notebook
in written, frequently does many omissions and
reversals of letters and special characters, omit
After dictation the student does not write all the
letters, even if he/she reads, he/she does not retain
the pictograph
has difficulty in understanding the written
message (workloads, studied text)
rare speech, slowed
has memory problems
It has relatively good oral communication
possibilities, gestural and expressive

has difficulty reading numbers from 10 to 30
effectuates operations with 2 terms of addition
and makes confusions between tens and units

and subtraction only with support;

retains with great difficulty the maths

applies in exercises of addition the commutative

terminology (amount, minuend, subtrahend, rest),

of terms;

forgets quickly and makes confusion;

Remembers just using concrete material,

Does not make correlations, lack of logical

through permanent repetition

does not understand the requirements of a
simple problem;
does not know the spatial positions of objects;
does not know all geometric figures;
Psihomotric behaviour and personal autonomy:
very poor memory;
It is a generally docile child
low self-esteem
low level of concentration
Coordination of the hand with the student
writes, is underdeveloped
colours without fits the contour, uneven
can not use scissors
body movements in general are developed, but
Imagination is missing, being anchored in
Social relationships:
Affective immaturity (Feels the need for
Wants to be together with other colleagues, so
affection and constant support from others), needs

there is a desire for relationship

attention from parents, colleagues, teacher

Where he has caused, has an aggressive

Family, especially mother is very much


concerned with the child, she brings him / take

Contradictory moods (laughs without

him from school, asks for information about the

reason, speaks without being asked)

child, cooperates with the teacher at request, asks

The student has self-service skills, but he

for advice

sometimes dirties his clothes

Personalized Intervention Program (Pip)

Beneficiarys surname and name: D. D.

Date of birth: 20.10.2007
Address: ..............................
School / institution: ..............................
Grade: I B
Team work: support teacher
Counselor Teacher
Speech Therapist
Problems facing child (complex evaluation results):
- From medical point of view: easy mental retardation
- From psychopedagogical point of view: affective immaturity, emotional lability, Q.1 - 65
Tools used in the assessment:
- Psychological sheet;
- Pedagogical sheet;
- Raven Progressive matrices;
- Curriculum Tests (Romanian language and mathematics tests);
- Individual and group conversation;
- Spontaneous and systematic observation.
General information:
D. D. is a child forced to commute from one place to school. His mother has diabetes in phase
advanced with a form of coma and sudden drop of blood glucose, which makes the boy often
have a state of anxiety, care for his mother. However, the child was registered "in the town"
of mothers desire and concern who noticed some educational deficiencies and problems in
kindergarten of her son. Mother is participating in D.s education as much as time and health
allow. She asks for information about the child, cooperates with the teacher at request, asks
for advice
Educational Information
Cognitive Behaviour

He has a limited vocabulary, relying on his experience and exhibits a poor flexibility in the
choice of words associated or opposite in meaning. He has reading-writing skills partially
formed, recognizes some letters, reads syllables of 2-3 letters, transcribes and copies letter by
letter, but has no phonemic hearing and skills such as analytic-phonetic-synthetic in
independent writing. He hears the initial sound in words often heard. He notes with weight of
some of the letters (b, v, j, f, d, z, h, a, i), confuses some of them (d with t, b with p, etc.). He
can write his surname and first name. He formulates sentences with difficulty, only after
models suggested, confuses sometimes the important facts with details, but often forgets more
chronological elements of text. Expression is uncertain, as he was afraid of his own words.
Does not tell, communicate feelings, opinions, and when he does he does not justify it. His
reproductive capacity is very low in oral messages, has difficulties.
In writing he frequently makes omissions, misunderstandings, wrong ordering (in
syllables with more than 3 sounds, especially consonants), less additions of letters, not words
correctly separates , not only can order within 3 words of two syllables in sentences. He omits
punctuation. He puts frequently wrong in page (title, omits paragraphs). He deforms the
letters does not fall properly on any screen ruling (type I, type II) often delete what he wrote.
He knows numeracy 0-10, but does not remember how to read the numbers 10-30.
Training positional number system remains unknown. He increased numbers 0-30, with
support, but does not decreasing.

He does not recognize the place number in a row

(neighbors) does not make comparisons. He resolves operations only 0-10 concretely- to
handle material with fingers. 10-30 and concentrators calculations without using the
calculation crossing written order (with concrete material). He does not understand solving
problems with one operation, but the request is "together" or "how many remain". He
confounds plus and minus signs. He applied only with support from the teacher's non-standard
units, does not appreciate the times, he sometimes reads the clock. He recognizes the circle
and the square, without other geometric figures.
He is anchored in the present. He does not set temporal relationship, does not place
time events, or running for a period of two to three days. For one day, he knows the duration
of morning, afternoon, but not hours.
He is not interested in the changes around him and does not contain scientific
knowledge, but that is based on his own experience and then with guiding questions.
Social Relationships
He manifests himself only in the family without restraint. At school, given the many
group activities, he agrees to enter into relationship with other children, if these activities are

done as a didactic game. But he communicates at a minimum level when he is working in

groups and usually listens to others. He is accepted by the classroom staff. He sometimes
comes to loggerheads with one colleague, especially when he is dismissed from the game
during breaks. He hides to his parents his mistakes, but he often forgets what he did.
He comes to school dressed in clean clothes, especially washing hands and face.
Hygiene is consistent with constant care of his mother.
Long-term goals
1. Reading-writing skills development through the use of common words, read texts, known
2. Skills development in numeracy from 0 to 100 without concrete support
3. Relationship skills development and emotional behaviours
4. Development of intellectual skills (memory, logical thinking, establishing cause-effect
The program offers the student the opportunity:
a) To meet a variety of stimuli in therapeutic activities;
b) To carry out a diverse range of exercises through simple activities, accessible both in
classroom and individual at the therapy in cabinets;
c) To know the world through all channels of reception: tactile, kinesthetic, visual, hearing,
d) Teachers ability in the motor, sensorial, perceptual, thinking, language and behaviour
plans, so as he becomes more apt for educational-therapeutic activity in school and social
activities in general.
e) The discovery and use of mental potentials of student learning, his rhythm of purchase by
daily observation of his behaviour and by concentrating all information from all educative
factors in school.
f) Decreasing his disabilities through continuous training and gradually to bring the subject to
a higher level of mental function to gather superior experience to that previously acquired.
Priorities for the period (it is specified the timeframe): 02.12.2014 - 30.01.2015

Personalized intervention program structure

Romanian Language and Literature
Grade I
1.3 to distinguish words in a sentence, the syllables of a word and the sounds of a syllable
3.1 to identify letters, groups of letters, syllables, words and sentences in the printed text and handwritten text



Methods and means of


Minimal criteria for

Methods and


n period

assessing the




To identify letters of

Development exercises and

Analytical and

the alphabet

games for phonemic hearing,

synthetic phonics

(unknown by the

a link between phoneme and

method, didactic game,


the corresponding graphic


Discover initial


conversation, exercise


(b, p, d, g, f)

To read 2-3 syllables

7 weeks

Identify and

Oral assessment will

recognizes letters

alternate with the

written one.

Reading the words on the

Recognize sounds in

For fixing will resume

basis of illustrated supports

a syllable

certain letters several

and to track down the initial

Read 2-3 syllable




It will be used ABC

Identification exercises of

Identify letters /

book texts, texts already

letters in a random order

sounds in a word

known, which the

Formulate sentences

student operates safety.


Exercises with reading

of 2-3 words

syllables after their

observing images


phonology analysis -

"Reading" images;

Read sentences of 2-

making sense


3 words

Exercises setting the

number of syllables in a



exercise, problem;

Reading exercises of

worksheets, ABC book

the words of 2-3 syllables

Analytical and synthetic

Recognize in a text

To formulate simple

Recognition exercises of

phonics method, ABC

the sentences (no. of


sounds (letters) in a word

book, worksheets;


and read it

Analytical and synthetic

phonics method,

Exercises to name

objects in pictures
(student does not know
many objects that appear in
the images)

Formulating exercises

of sentences using the

words found, following the
word image

conversation, exercise,
problem; ABC book,
worksheets, jettons,
illustrated dictionary
(for viewing newly
learned words)

Exercises with

reading simple sentences

Recognition exercises

of the sentence in a given



exercises of the meaning of

the sentence (through
leading questions)

Exercises of correct

response forms in

Exercises of

expression of opinion in
their own words about
known things and facts

Personalized intervention program structure

Grade I
1.1. to understand the decimal system (hundreds, tens and units) using objects for justifications
1.2 to write, read, compare and order numbers from 0 to 100



Methods and



Methods and

means of

n period

criteria for





the progress


Recognize the

Exercises for recognition of tens and

didactic game,

positional system



numbers from


of writing

Represented by drawing numbers :


10 to 30


numbers ZU



Written tests

formed in

concentric 10-30



7 weeks







Compare and





abacus, sticks,


Expansion exercises of the

beans and




numbers in tens and units:

Decompose the numbers into tens

and units by model:
To break down

the numbers into



Abacus, jettons,

tens and units

concentrated 10-




Count numbers

Ascending and descending counting

Numbers axis,

in ascending and



descending order
in concentric 10-

Draw the red road that starts from

the highest number to lowest:

individual work










Write down the neighbours of the



Compare numbers using counting.

Recognize the
place of a number
in a row
(neighbours) in
concentric 10-30

Colour the smallest number in each

individual work

row of the larger number of fruits and

vegetables from each row:





numbers in

Numbers axis,


Colour in red the petals that are

written on the higher numbers and

Write numbers

with blue the petals that are written

dictated in

lower numbers than those in the

concentric 10-30

middle of each flower:





Recognize the

positional system of

hundreds, tens and units

writing numbers ZU

formed in concentric

numbers in hundreds, tens and units

problem solving


To break down
the numbers into tens
and units
concentrated 10-100
Do numbers in
ascending and




numbers from



10 to 30




Written tests

counting exercises




Exercises for the recognition of

Decomposition exercises of
Ascending and descending
Comparison Exercises of two

didactic game,

Exercises write reassessed

dictation of given numbers

Compare and


2 weeks



abacus, sticks,


beans and


Numbers axis



descending order in
concentric 10-100
Recognize the
place of a number in
a row (neighbors) in
concentrated 10-100
numbers 10-100
To write numbers
dictated concentrated


A remediation program of math skills


1. Knowledge and the use of the specific concepts of mathematical activities.
2. Development of the exploration capabilities, investigation and problem solving.
3. Forming and development capacity to communicate using mathematical language.
4. Development of interest and motivation for the study and application of mathematics in
various contexts.
At the end of the remediation program, students should know:
-to write, to read, to compare natural numbers 0-1000;
-to carry out addition and subtraction operations with these numbers, using appropriate
concepts (terms, sum, difference);
-to apply oral and written calculation to perform addition and subtraction operations (with and
without crossing notes);
-to perform up to 100 multiplication operations by using repeated addition or multiplication
-to know the specific notions of propagation (factors, produce);
-to carry out division operations to 100 by repeated decreasing or propagation;
-to recognize planes shapes and spatial forms in the environment;
-to measure and to compare length, capacity or mass using non-standard units of measurement
and standard units of measure, too;
-to solve problems involving a single operation of the one they have learned;
-to express, orally or in writing, using their own words, the steps in solving problems;
-to compose orally exercises and problems using computational techniques learned;
-to show curiosity for the results obtained of some exercises and problems

1.The students with mathematical calculation difficulties according to the enclosed list.
2. Educators
3. Teachers
4. Parents
MATERIAL RESOURCES: books, drawings, individual sheets, charts, units of
measurement (standard and nonstandard), rulers, board, colored chalk.
At the end of the remedial program of numeracy difficulties students must:
-read and write natural numbers from 0-1000;
-compare and order the natural numbers 0-1000;
-carry out addition and subtraction operations with and without crossing notes;
-use the oral and written calculation correctly;
-use the proper terminology of addition and subtraction operations (terms, sum, difference, the
more / less);
-carry up to 50 multiplication operations, using repeated addition or multiplication tables;
-carry out operations with division numbers lower than 50, the correlating decrease or
repeated multiplication;
-identify the triangle, square, rectangle, circle from a list of geometric figures;
-perform measurements with standard and nonstandard units of measurement for length,
capacity, mass, time;
-compare dimensions overlap or juxtaposition of two objects;
-recognize fixed clock hours, weeks, months, the value of coins and banknotes;
-solve problems involving 1-2 learned operations;
-compose and solve simple exercises after a certain model;
-answer the question of the problem after further clarifications;
-formulate new problems in the same solving manner.

- oral exercises of numeration (ascending, descending);
- mental calculation exercises;
- recognition of terms exercises;
- oral exposition of solving stages in a problem;
- concrete measurement of the standard and nonstandard units of measurement;
- the recognition of some plane and spatial forms in the environment.
- writing, comparing, ordering of given numbers exercises;
- exercises of finding an unknown number;
- the solving of given individual exercises (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division);
- the solving in writing of problems;
- the composition of problems using data scheme.
- drawings using geometry concepts learned;
- works made for students (cube clock);
- expositions with the works carried out;
- games like "At the library," "At the market", "The shopping" for correct knowledge of
measurement units and their importance for peoples lives.

Remedial program for reading and writing difficulties

grade II and III

- The formation of correct reading skills
- The formation of correct writing skills.
- The development of the capacity of oral and written expression.
At the end of the remediation program, students should know:
-to read correctly, fluently and expressively in their own pace;
-to detach detailed information from a message heard;
-to grasp intuitively the incorrect grammar structures of an oral utterance;
-to combine their utterances in different messages;
-to refer to unknown words in a given text;
-to rule utterances clearly and accurately;
-to describe using their own words an excerpt from a read text;
-to show interest in reading;
-to draw up short texts based on a visual;
-to write readable and neat handwriting, progressively adapting them to the program
-to show interest in correct homework.

- students with reading and writing difficulties according to enclosed list;
- the teachers of the grade II A and II B;
- students` parents:
1. teacher

-books , drawings, worksheets, posters, "sound library", cassette recorder
At the end of the remedy difficulties program of reading and writing, students will be able :
-to understand the global significance of the oral message;
-to distinguish the words and their meaning in a given sentence;
-to build logical utterances;
-to integrate new words in their utterances;
-to break the given words into syllables correctly ;
-to pronounce words clearly and correctly;
-to grasp the connection between text and images that accompany it;
-to read accurately and fluently known utterances;
-to show curiosity for reading;
-to build short sentences writing grammatically correct;
-to write a text correctly, legible and neat using punctuation learned;
-to show interest in written expression.
- speaker-listener (questions regarding the content of the texts read, comment text images, the
story content of a text);
- the compositon of some utterances with support words;
- the continuation of a story.
- the copying of a significant fragment;
- the copying of a text in verse, completing some sentences with appropriate words;
- the elaboration of a utterances;
- the writing of some messages (tickets, cards)

- the elaboration of some worksheets boards, albums, programs;

- vocabulary workbooks, creations, texts, graphics with the children progress.
3.CELEBRATION, school trips, visits to the library, museum, exhibition of pupils'
achievements, game exercises;
- meetings with parents, teachers, characters that pupils would like to discuss with



- Orientation in time
- Emotional and relational life
- The use of money
Cognitive Development
Verbalizes the actions
Recognizes the cause and the effect in certain actions
Anticipates upcoming events
Anticipates course of action using tactile indicators, of
time, of environment
He proper responses to stimuli of different nature
Presents behavioral stereotypes
Shows symbolic game
Knows the basic use of the strict necessity objects
Tries to repair / rebuild a broken object / dismantled
Knows where the personal toys / items are kept
Remembers where an object is left a few minutes /




hours / days ago

Understands the terms: in / out, on / under, in front of /
behind / next to / open / closed, more / less, some / all.
Uses these actions properly
Differentiates items as: color, shape, size, weight
Sorts the objects according to the criterion
Identifies the identical objects
Ranks 3 or more objects based on specific criteria
Sorts objects that differ widely (e.g. Book - cup)
Sorts the items after a criterion (shape, size)
Classifies the objects according to certain criteria
Can reproduce a certain pattern
Notices the absence of a specific object in a row
Counts ascending and descending to 20
Makes additions and subtractions with concrete support
in concentrates 0-10
Makes additions and subtractions with concrete support
in concentrates 0-20
Solves simple problems with action support, imagistic
Names the four seasons and days of the week
Can compare two sets of them expressing
correspondence between them

Establishes communication relations
Expresses desires or needs
Tries to perform the following sequence in an activity
Knows the subsequent sequences of the activity
Uses words that substitute sentences
Forms sentences with simple grammatical structure
Uses adjectives and adverbs
Uses pronouns
Replies / asks questions beginning with "who", "what",
"where", "how", "what", "when"
Describes an event that occurred in the past
Writes simple words / sentences
Anticipates an event that will occur in the future
Describes a picture, a painting
Places the images in chronological order - sequences of
a story
Recognizes sprinted letters




Recognizes letters by hand

Makes the difference between the language units
Draws up statements with a word
Reads syllables and simple words

Differentiates between two sounds that are familiar
Replies to an auditory stimulus when are presented




other auditory stimuli to distract (noise)

Locates and names sound source
Differentiates between the different rhythms of music
(slow, fast)
Moves to the beat
Claps to the beat
Claps his/hers feet to the beat
Recognizes some songs
Can reproduce by imitation, the melody of a song (at
first with help, then single)
Distinguishes between two words with different number
of syllables
Realizes the preponderance of vowels or consonants
Acknowledges the presence or absence of a particular
sound in a word
Notices differences between two similar words


With support




difficult/ easy
Holds a pencil between the thumb and index
Writes keeping elbow on the table
Writes the following instruction on a sheet of paper
Draws lines
Joins the two points with a line
Scores by contour
Copies a drawing, letters, numbers

difficult/ easy

Draws a figure or a form, in the air, using his/her

He/ she is oriented in graphical space
Draws simple shapes







Reacts to the expression: "it's time to ...... .."
Understands the concepts of: - waiting
- later on
- now / today
- tomorrow
- yesterday
- tonight
- next week
- holiday
- feast
Knows the times of day, and the routines associated
Knows schedule usefulness and uses it
Knows and uses the concepts of: minutes
fifteen minutes
half an hour
over an hour
Names the days of the week
Correctly positions during the week (knows that today is
Knows the months of the year
Understands the concept of a calendar year
Makes plans for the future (day, week, month)


Knows his/her surname and name
Knows his/her birth date
He/she is attached to a particular person
Knows mothers name, fathers, brothers, relatives
Knows the address
Ignores the others
Gets / shows affection to others around

Has friends
Establishes relationships with others easily
Shares toys with others during the game
Accepts / plays the rule of the game
Assumes the role of leader during the game
Prefers the company of adults
Plays only with certain children
Participates in social activities
Has an hobby
Respects the authority of parents or teachers
Shows disorder behavioral



Distinguishes between notes and coins

Knows the utility of money
Knows the value of money and ranks
Appreciates what can buy with the money he/she has
Asks money for a loan
Knows how to manage his/her own money

Psychopedagogist characterization sheet

I. Personal Data
Surname and name: C.B.
2. Place and date of birth: 02.11.2007, Alexandria;
3.Address: Alexandria
4.School and class in which learns: Secondary School, grade I
II. Family data
1.Parents` occupation and place of work :
Father: worker (occasionally)
Mother: housewife


2. Family structure:
a) family made up of two parents;
b) brothers (sisters) an older sister and a younger brother;
c) the student is grown by the paternal grandparents.
Current Age





3. The atmosphere and the educational climate:

- the inadequate educational environment due to the material conditions / social which
at the subsistence (very poor);
- the lack of family parenting models;
- parents` lack of interest in the education of the child.
4. Student `s conditions of life and work:
very poor,
at limit
5. Influences outside the family (neighbours, friends, colleagues):
reduced, accidental.
III. Physical development and health status
- Normal physical development;
- Mild mental deficiency / disability.
IV. Features of the beginning of school
The student did not attend kindergarten, presenting the following disabilities:
- Lack of motivation and interest for knowledge;


- Imprecision in practice and mental actions;

- Low verbalization representations and actions;
- Low-independence in the intellectual processes;
- Start schooling misconduct;
- Anxiety in the school requests flow.
V. Results of student
Learning and school difficulties
VI. Cognitive processes and intellectual work style
Type of disability: mild mental;
Related Disabilities: deviant behaviour, disorders attention;
The development of sensory-perceptual: visual and auditory perceptive - nondiscrimination;
The level of motility in psychosocial development:
- reduced temporal representation (not knowing weekdays, seasons etc.);
- weak spatial representations (can not correctly arrange the page, does not perceive the
details, does not use spatial concepts right).
- intuitive-concrete, at the concrete operations based on teaching materials and support
from adults;
- analyzing, comparing presented based on the model provided;
- mechanics, poor, reproductive brief; unstable representations of visual and auditory
- attention disorders;
- fluctuating depending on the stimulus and immediate reward;
- hyperactivity sometimes for personal actions during school activity.
Poor imagination, underdeveloped, reproductive;

- uses sometimes lies to draw attention of others or to justify a negative attitude;

- proceeds routine (with automatism) without initiative.
- poor vocabulary, activated, vague;
- dislexo-dysgraphia - does not overall the message from the oral communication of
- does not charge and discriminate the auditory and the visual phenomena;
- imprecision in writing graphic signs;
- can not make her own utterances.
- speech disorders: sigmatism
- communication: - poor
-violent (ugly expressions used in relationships with her colleagues)

VII. Students conduct in class lesson (personality traits)

- affective instability by switching from affectivity (this only physical) to strong emotional
states, conflict, aggressive (verbal and even physical);
- affective immaturity (disrupting emotions);
- reduced (student is more withdrawn, reserved, introvert with explosive outputs, sometimes
by inappropriate behavioral manifestations) - lack self confidence;
- maladaptive responses;
- positive to people who give moral and material support.
- musical and practical;
- the lack of intellectual skills (slow, cumbersome, with errors);

- the lack of communication skills and the interrelation with classmates.

The psychosocial maturation level
- emotional and affective disorders;
- frustration because of the social handicap;
- the lack of body hygiene;
- the lack of hygiene clothing;
- affective immaturity (keen affection adults).

VIII. The level of school purchases (tangible aspects through observation, activity
products notebooks, tests, worksheets, learning activities, etc.)
Language and communication
What she knows:
- recognizes large letters without imaging support;
- makes printing correspondence type/character small letter;
- reads the mono and bisyllabic words;
- copies, transcribes a sentence properly developed;
- writes after dictation mono and bisyllabic words;

What she does not know:

- she does not knows groups of letters;
- she does not read independent a text small in size;
- active vocabulary - very poor;
- makes simple utterances using images as support;
- does not know the meaning punctuation marks;
- memorizes poems small in size.


- to learn large and small letters groups, printed and hand;
- to correct her writing;
- to write correctly and read the words that contain the letters groups;
- to read and to write by dictation of multi-syllable words;
- to read independently a short text;
- to use in everyday speech a large number of new words;
- to memorize one or two poems for school celebrations;
What she knows:
- recognizes natural numbers 0-30
- counts correctly in ascending order of 1 in 1 in 0-30 limit
What she does not know:
- hesitations in proper use "more than that", "increased with" "decreased"
- does not effectuate the addition and subtraction operations with numbers from 0 to 100
without crossing over the order;
- difficulties in mathematics knowledge over specific terminology (term, amount, minuend,
subtrahend, difference)
Short-term objectives:
- to define properly notions: term, amount, minuend, subtrahend, difference;
- to effect oral calculate additions and subtractions to 10 and up to 100 (with support);
- to effect oral calculations in concentrated 0-100: U + U; Z + Z; Z + U; U + Z; ZU + U;
- to formulate problems based on the images, symbols;
- to solve problems with just one operation;
- to use correctly "more than that", "increased with" "decreased"

- to use correctly the terminology in solving math exercises;

- to write correctly in column, in page;
- to participate with interest, increasing the divergence attention;
- to coordinate actively psychomotor movements (in using the intuitive material);
- to develop logic memory (mental representations).
Therapeutic Targets (formative and educative):
- the development of thought (mental and written calculation);
- making more active the mathematical vocabulary (terminology);
- the development of attention concentration .
IX. Ways of stimulating for involvement in school tasks (how can be motivated, how he
is capturing the attention, will)
Methods and procedures:
- the explanation based on specific-intuitive material;
- the demonstration based on symbols, learning algorithm for performing mental calculation,
oral and written, linear and written;
- the observation based on stimuli (directed);
- problem solving of actionable and imaging problems;
- mathematical exercise and exercise - play;
- evaluation sheets;
- independent work;
- heuristic conversation;
- ludic activities;
- art therapy activities;
- occupational therapy activities;

- psychotherapeutic activities to reduce behavioral and attention disorders.


counts, sticks, drawings, symbols (points, balls, lines, stars, etc.), jettons, magnetic
board with numbers manually.

Specific needs of the child in the family:

the child needs care and closer supervision from parents;
it is necessary for parents to have a positive attitude toward school, to appreciate it
and to encourage her to learn;
it is required a more judicious organization of the student time spent at home, there is
an optimal ratio between time, learning and the game.
Sensitizing the issue of parents 'and pupils' needs;
Improving the collaboration between parents and school (teacher).
Means of achievement:
discussions with parents;
the development of extracurricular activities at school or outside the school to
attend parents (celebrations, exhibitions of children's products, excursions, sports
elaboration with parents the timetable'' for home.

Speech therapists sheet

Date ....................................
Examiner ............................
Date of birthday .............................
PRONUNCIATIONS EXAMINATION (through reflected speech)
Say each word slowly and clearly. Ask the child to repeat. Circle the sound or group of
sounds wrong pronounced and write down exactly how the child pronounced.


m mama/mac...............................

f fat....................................................


fl floare/fluture.....................................

rt carte/sport...............................

fr fructe/frunze.....................................

n nuc\/ prune/pian......................

v vat.............................................
s soare..................................................

sl slip...................................................
p pan/vulpe/lup............................

sp spate/aspirator................................

pl ploaie/umple.................................

st stol/castron.....................................

pr prosop/prune/capr.....................

z zmeu/mnz.....................................

b balon/tob.....................................


bl bloc/tablou....................................

t tiuc..............................................

br broasc/umbrel..........................

l lep/lagr......................................

t tata................................................

tr trand.............................................

tr tren/tractor..................................

c coal.............................................



dr drum/drept..................................


c cal................................................
cl clopot/clete...............................


cr creion/cret................................

ap / bra / maimu..........................

ce ceas/oarece...................................


gl glob/oglind..................................

ci ciree/cipici....................................

gr grdin........................................

ge geant/mrgele.............................

ghe ghem...........................................

gi giraf.............................................

ghi ghind........................................
che chei.............................................
chi chifle.........................................
1) Listings
- weekdays / months of the year / reciting a poem

2) Repetition of sentences
2 word The child is sleeping .....................................................................................................
3 word The book is nice. ..........................................................................................................
4 word The sun is shining on the sky. .....................................................................................
5 word - On the road many sledges are passing. .........................................................................
6 word On the field many beautiful flowers grow. ................................................................
7 word In winter the children run with sledges through the snow. ........................................

3) Retold
Yesterday, Andrew went with his grandfather in the park. The trees were green, and the
flowers were multicolored. A large mastiff, woolly, stopped in front of a small dog. The
mastiff started barking menacingly, wanting to take the little puppy on the neck. Grandfather
and Andrew managed to career the mastiff.

4) Independent Speech

the description of an image, "Tell me what you saw yesterday on TV." or "How did
you play yesterday;"

Conclusions (tick)
- poor verbal memory
misuse/ wrong use of the article
- misuse of the cases
- misuse of the agreement
- wrong topic






Typical mistakes

Speech therapy diagnostic
The child conduct in community and during the exam / Speech therapy treatment


Statement school board

I. Surname and name: _____________________________________________________

Age: ___________________________________________________________________
Sex: ___________________________________________________________________
Studies (profile): _________________________________________________________
The area of origin (rural / urban): ____________________________________________
II. Parents occupations:
Family type: ____________________________________________________________
III. Current state of health: _________________________________________________
History: ________________________________________________________________
IV. The reason for participating in
V. General objective: ________________________________________________________
VI. Specific objectives: ______________________________________________________
VII. Intervention Plan

Activity carried

Interpretation / Notes

VIII. Conclusion:

Students questionnaire
1. In which town/city do you live?
2. How old are you?
3. What grade are you in?
4. Do you have any brothers / sisters?


5. If so, what age are they?

6. Who do you live with?
7. What occupations have your parents?
8. From the people in the house, does anyone else has occupation? Who?

9. Have you ever gone to another country?



10. If so, where and what was the reason?

11. Are your parents interested in what you do at school?


12. Say 3 reasons you love to be in school / classroom:

a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
13. Say 3 reasons you do not like to be in school / classroom:
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
14. Have you ever been praised by your teacher?


15. How did it happen?

16. Have you ever been insulted by your teacher?


17. How did it happen?

18. Do you have friends?


19. How do you spend your free time with them?

20. Tell three things you would like to change in your school:
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________

Parents questionnaire
1. In what town/city do you live?
2. How old are you?
3. You participate in this questionnaire as:
4. How many children do you have?
5. How old are your children?
6. Of these, how many go to school?
7. If one of your children of school age does not attend school, which is the main reason?
8. Have you ever gone abroad?


9. If so, where, for how long and what the reason was:

10. If you were gone abroad with the children for a period longer than 1 year, have
you registered your child to school there?


11. What about the school in which your child / children is/ are learning now
12. Mention 3 reasons why you are satisfied with the school where the child / your children
is/are learning:
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
13. Mention 3 reasons why you are not satisfied with the school where the child / your
children is/are learning:
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________
14. Mention the activities this school proceed this year, in which the school invited you to
attend and how you got involved in these activities:
15. Do you think these activities were useful for you or your child / your children?


16. Why do you think so?

17. Are you satisfied with the results of your child / children at school?


18. Explain the answer:

19. What do you think about your child's teachers / your children?
20. Tell three things you would like to change at the school where the child / your children
learn :
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________

The role of the family environment in the development of school

age child
Case study
The mother of the child A.N. 9, years old asks for counseling because she and her husband
failed in managing their son's behaviour.
a) The history - first session
A. N. is a student in grade III. Whenever his parents go to the school, the school
teacher and some parents of other children complain of their sons behaviour. He is a student
in grade III and his parents do not know what to do for him to anchor. Sometimes, he sticks
under the desk during the lessons, talking nasty with his classmates and at the test paper has
not received the VW qualification of which he was accustomed and he suffered. Oddly, he
torn apart the test paper in front of the school teacher. Not knowing what to do, parents have
thought to move him to another school, as it was suggested by the school teacher.
A.N. confesses that he does not know why when he behaves bad, the children said
that he did not do so, they defend him, and when he's good, they leave him and say he did
something wrong. When he asked what does he make wrong, the child answers that if other
colleagues offend or beat him, he will do the same. From what the child says, it appears that
he is both aggressor and victim at school. The fact that, he torn apart the test paper, it is
explained by AN in this way: he believes he was unfairly downgraded because, what he
solved, he solved correctly and that he failed to finish because he came late at hour, due to the
parents, not that he did not know. If he had enough time, he would be given the FB
b) Session II
The psychological evaluation was performed, which showed a corresponding QI
superior intelligence, frustration and light aggressive tendencies. They have set some ground
rules for behavior in class, asking the student, what else will he do differently to change
anything in his behaviour, so that his parents to be happy? He decided to be attentive in class,

to show respect for school teacher and colleagues, to have a better communication with the
classroom and to respect the rules, so that when he is insulted or beaten to convey Mrs.
teacher and she will be the one who will take appropriate action in the classroom, penalizing
aggressive behaviour.
Although the parents were embarrassed to make contact with the teacher, or fear of
finding out about some new undesirable behaviours of their child, the parents decided to
maintain a constant relationship with school.
Together with the student and his parents, a programme of lessons and performing
leisure was made up, programme which to put it on view at the desk of the child. Parents also
decided to change something in the daily timetable, so as to engage with and devote more
time educating the child.
c) Session III
Child's behaviour has improved greatly, and the programme which had been set in the
cabinet had been respected. The boy told that in the class he often feels lonely. Asked about
his favourite cartoons, he replied that "Imaginary friends" and he has made such an imaginary
friend. Parents did not know about the child's imaginary friend.
d) Session IV
At this meeting, A. N. was easily restless, he kicked his legs while he was sitting at the
desk. He says that at school he does the same, because he feels that his right leg is a little
naughty. The child is asked to draw and color the right foot, after that, on another sheet, to
color it with those colors that relax and becalm him. He started drawing in black and red, in
the second design he combined blue, green and yellow. At the end of the session, the boy was
relaxed and confessed that he comes to the cabinet with curiosity and pleasure. The boy's
mother confirmed.

e) Session V
The family was delighted with the progress made by the boy, he almost had only VW, in
the classroom he was quiet, kept the same school and parents had regained
the peace of mind, and now they are going to work without stress.
A. N. was congratulated for his involvement in changing his behaviour and for the effort;
there were also appreciative words addressed to his family, especially to his mother who was
involved and worked with her child, to the teacher and psychologist.
f) Conclusions
About how to become a good parent to educate your own children effectively, it is not
taught in any school. A faculty of parents, does not exist yet ...
To educate a child, does not mean changing his nature because the child has in him
everything to succeed. It is important to give him a proper family environment and learn how
to update your child's potential, to help him to develop harmonious in the family environment
and psychosocial life. The first step is to love him and to manifest the desire to know him, to
know what are his general needs, interests, successes, failures, feelings. The next step is to
learn the laws of physical and mental growth. To pass from an authoritarian education to a
better education, permissive, based on the adaptation to reality by becoming your child's
friend, is the next step. To learn that while you react emotionally when he is wrong, it is not
enough, and that it is necessary to look the alternative solutions to the problem, is another
step. To get involved in your child's education is the condition of success in your goal you've
proposed, that of being a good parent, educative. This role is gradually learnt, give yourself
the necessary time! ... Because being a good parent is an art ... an art that is learned. Platon
said that the education has as aims to give soul and body all of the beauty and perfection that
are susceptible. Help him to take lessons from his experiences in life and not just insist the
blame when he is wrong. Talk to him about his qualities, his achievements! Teach your child
to experience his mental behavior and see the consequences of putting into practice to selfassess the behaviour!
The psycho-social development is an active process, the individual experience is continuously
reorganized in structures that have a meaning for each person.

Education system in the Czech Republic

The Czech education system is based on a long tradition beginning in 1774, when compulsory
school attendance was instituted.

Children start with preschool, and continue on to elementary, secondary, university,

and post-graduate education.

The classification system used in the Czech school system consists of a scale from 1
(best) to 5 (worst) that is used to evaluate the students work. Report cards (summary
classifications) are given for each subject halfway through (1st term) and at the end of
the school year (2nd term).


Children may enter preschool before they begin compulsory elementary education.
Preschool enrolment is guaranteed for children in their last year before entering
elementary school, but they often attend as early as 4 years of age. Preschool
institutions are intended to encourage early learning habits and facilitate social contact
among peers, both of which are instrumental for a childs smooth transition to
elementary school. In cooperation with parents and teachers, children learn to think
logically, training their memories and exercising their imaginations. Concurrently,
these skills help to evaluate their intellectual and educational levels before entering
elementary school.

Elementary education

Czech elementary education takes nine years, usually from the ages of 6 to 15.
Children attend a regular 9 year elementary school, which is divided into two stages:
1st stage encompasses grades 1-5 and 2nd stage is grades 6-9.

In addition, children have the option to apply to 6 or 8-year gymnasiums either after
their 5th or 7th year of elementary education. Gymnasiums are schools targeted toward
a specific area of study, but still provide pupils with their elementary education.
Additionally, students may choose to attend a conservatory, for example an 8-year
dance conservatory. All of these different types of schools provide students with an
elementary education that allows them to continue on to pursue a higher education at
the secondary and university level.

Special Schools

Some students with disabilities will be placed in special schools to accommodate their

Secondary education

Secondary education can be either general or vocational, is generally four years in

length (grades 10-13), and is not considered mandatory. At this level, vocational
education is much more common than the general secondary education. Students who
graduate with a vocational certificate often do not continue in the classical education
system, and instead pursue a career in their chosen area of study right away. The
secondary level of education is not attended by a great number of students, since the
majority attends 8-year gymnasiums after 5th grade, which leads them all the way up to
their 13th year of education.


Tertiary or university education, includes all studies following the completion of

primary and secondary education with a successful final examination. Final
examinations consist of several smaller exams; an exam of the Czech language,
several exams in the students area of specialization, as well as an exam on a topic of
the students choice. After 2008, these exams consist of two parts: a common (state)
exam and a profiling (specific for individual schools) exam. This measure was
implemented in an effort to provide better comparability of the final examinations
across different schools. University education is available to all applicants with a
completed secondary education (i.e. final exam) who successfully pass the entrance
exam. The system of entrance exams is designed specifically by each individual
college, and serves for testing the knowledge and skills of applicants.


Most universities offer accredited bachelors, masters, and engineering degrees. A

bachelors degree is usually a three-year course of study in which students receive an
elementary survey of highly specialized areas. Students can either leave their studies
after these three years, or they can complete it by means of a final exam including the
defence of a bachelors thesis, or may continue on to the masters program, where they
can achieve a narrower specialization.


A masters degree consists of either a five or six-year study program, or as a two-year

program following the completion of a bachelors degree. In obtaining a masters
degree, students gain both a basic survey of highly specialized subjects and a certain
grade of specialization. The program culminates with students taking required state
final exams and defending their thesis. Finally, an engineering degree can also be
obtained, which pertains mainly to technical and economic fields.

Doctoral programs

After students pass these types of university studies, some continue their specialization
through doctoral programs. Passing this program is often conditioned with certain
published work and sometimes also by training. In college, students can study either in
attendance form (formerly daily study), distance form (formerly extramural studies),
or a combination of both (combined study).

Other types of studies

Besides standard types of study, colleges also offer other forms of education, including
retraining study, university for seniors, studies oriented toward pedagogical
qualification, and others.

Study at public universities is free, provided that students qualify through entrance
exams. However, after age 26 the attendant will no longer be eligible for student status
under state social services and will not receive student benefits including health
insurance while he/she studies.

Special Education Needs Provision in the Czech Republic

Special Education Needs Provision within Mainstream Education

Inclusive policies

Since 1989 there has been a progressive process of change in the Czech education system. All
these changes have increased the individualisation of educational possibilities. The most
important changes deal with the group of children with special educational needs, who had a
narrow or even restrictive access to education before. New educational philosophy, which
responded to the tendency and trends of the society's democratic development and orientation,
was formulated in the National Programme of Education Development in the Czech Republic
(White Book) by The Ministry of Education in 2001.


Educational settings
The decision about the form of education of a pupil with special needs is the responsibility of
the head teacher, taking into consideration the wishes of parents and counselling centres
recommendations. A pupil with special needs has the right to be educated at a mainstream
school at a mainstream class (preferably with regards to the special needs of the pupil),
and/or at a special class /unit within the mainstream school
and/or at a school for children with special needs (special school').
Inclusive Education

Individual Inclusion in class at mainstream school Individual Education Curriculum

Group Inclusion at mainstream schools

(special/specialized class) Special School Curriculum and Individual Education Curriculum

(Special class for disabled students / Specialized class for students with learning disabilities
dyslexia, dysortografia, dysgrafia, etc.)
Type of Inclusive Education





Vocational training and lifelong learning

Inclusive education set up for students with special needs

Discussion .is inclusive education at mainstream schools useful for students

with mental handicap? Yes or No ? And for who is useful for mild/severe/ profound
disable students?

Special Schools for students with Special Education Needs

Special education

Primary and Secondary schools for children with special needs provide education for pupils
whose special educational needs cannot be fully met within the mainstream provisions and
facilities, and also for those whose parents prefer such schools. The number of pupils in a
class is much lower in comparison to a mainstream class. It ranges from 4 to 14 pupils relating
to the type of school. A mainstream class consists on average, of 22 pupils, and no more than
30 pupils.
In addition to the regular teaching subjects each special educational programme provides so
called subjects of special provision, such as speech and communication therapy, mobility and
orientation training, sensory stimulation, using special IT, music and musical instrument
playing, etc.,.
Recently, the role of special schools has been changing. In addition to their educational role,
they have become resource centres developing new pedagogical methods and approaches and
providing a wide range of advice and support services both to pupils, their parents and
mainstream teachers. They usually include different levels of education.
Special Education Curriculums for mental disabled students

Praktick kola ( Primary Practical School)

for students with mild mental disability

Speciln kola ( Primary Special School)

for students with severe and profound mental disability

Praktick kola dvoulet ( Secondary two-year School)

for students with mild and severe mental disability

Praktick kola jednolet ( Secondary one-year School)

for students with severe and profound mental disability

Tlet uebn obory na stednch kolch ( Special


for students with mild mental disability

Special Education Curriculums for other disability

three-year courses at Vocational

Special Schools for students with hearing impairment ( kindergarten, primary,


Special Schools for students with vision impairment ( kindergarten, primary,


Special schools for students with physical handicap ( kindergarten, primary,


Special Schools for children with speech impediment ( kindergarten)

Early Intervention

The Early Intervention Centres provides services to parents in the form of: regular
home visits from counsellors, centre-based services like physical, visual, mental ,
social and educational stimulation or rehabilitation, recommending and lending
suitable toys and special aids, organising day-long lectures on various subjects, weeklong courses for whole families, lending specialised literature, organize parents groups
and meetings, support of mainstreaming, finding kindergarten or day care centres, of
the psychological assistance, accompanying parents when asking for allowances or
visiting institutions.

Identification of special educational needs

The system of educational and psychological counselling consists of:

School counselling team (teacher counsellor, class teacher, coordinator of prevention,

school psychologist, special educationalist)








educationalists, social workers)

Special Education Centres (special educationalists, psychologists, social workers)

Educational and Psychological Counselling Institute

Examples of Good Practice in Inclusion at Secondary School,

Primary School and |Kindergarten, Pionr Street No 2352,
Principle of Integration:









esk vzdlvac systm je zaloen na dlouh tradici, je se datuje zpt do roku 1774, kdy
dolo k uzkonn povinn koln dochzky.

Dti zanaj v pedkolnm zazen, na n navazuje zkladn, stedn, univerzitn

a postgraduln vzdlvn.

Klasifikan systm uvan v eskm kolskm systmu k hodnocen prce student

se skld ze stupnice od 1 (nejlep) do 5 (nejhor). koln vysvden (souhrnn
klasifikace) se pro kad pedmt vydvaj v polovin (1. pololet) a na konci kolnho
roku (2. pololet).


Dti mohou ped zapoetm povinn koln dochzky na zkladn kole nastoupit
do kolky. Pijet do kolky je zarueno pro dti v poslednm roce ped nstupem
do zkladn koly, ale mnoh ji navtvuj ji od 4 let vku. Pedkoln instituce si
kladou za kol podpoit uebn nvyky v ranm vku a usnadnit sociln kontakt mezi
vrstevnky; oboj hraje vznamnou roli pi hladkm pechodu dtte na zkladn kolu.
Ve spoluprci s rodii a uiteli se dti u logicky myslet, cviit si pam a rozvjet
svou pedstavivost. Tyto dovednosti rovn pomhaj zhodnotit intelektuln
a vzdlanostn rove ped nstupem do zkladn koly.

Zkladn vzdln

esk zkladn vzdln trv devt let, obvykle od 6 do 15 let vku. Dti navtvuj
standardn devtiletou zkladn kolu, kter je rozdlena na dva stupn: 1. stupe
zahrnuje 1. a 5. ronk a 2. stupe 6. a 9. ronk.

Krom toho maj dti monost podat si pihlku na esti- nebo osmilet gymnzium,
a to bu v 5. nebo 7. ronku zkladn koly. Gymnzia jsou koly zamen
na uritou oblast studia a souasn poskytuj km zkladn vzdln. ci si tak
mohou zvolit studium na konzervatoi, napklad na osmilet tanen konzervatoi.
Vechny tyto rzn typy kol poskytuj studentm zkladn vzdln, kter jim
umouje pokraovat ve vym vzdln na stednch i vysokch kolch.

Speciln koly

Nkte studenti se zdravotnm postienm jsou za elem uspokojen jejich poteb

zaazeni do specilnch kol.

Stedokolsk vzdln

Stedokolsk vzdln me bt veobecn nebo odborn, obvykle trv tyi roky

(10. a 13. ronk) a nen povaovno za povinn. Na tto rovni je mnohem astj
odborn vzdlvn ne veobecn stedokolsk vzdlvn. Studenti, kte absolvuj
s vunm listem, asto nepokrauj v klasickm vzdlvacm systmu, a namsto toho
si najdou zamstnn pmo ve zvolenm oboru studia. Sekundrnho stupn vzdln
se neastn mnoho student, protoe vtina navtvuje po 5. ronku osmilet
gymnzia, kter jim zajist vzdlvn a do 13. ronku.


Tercirn nebo vysokokolsk vzdln zahrnuje veker studium v nvaznosti

na ukonen zkladnho a stednho vzdln s spnou zvrenou zkoukou.
Zvren zkouky se skldaj z nkolika mench zkouek; zkouky z eskho jazyka,
nkolika zkouek v rmci studentovy specializace, a dle zkouky na zklad
studentovy vlastn volby. Od roku 2008 se tyto zkouky skldaj ze dvou st:
spolen (sttn) zkouky, a profilovan zkouky (specifick pro jednotliv koly).
Toto opaten bylo realizovno ve snaze poskytnout lep srovnatelnost zvrench
zkouek na rznch kolch. Vysokokolsk vzdln je k dispozici vem adatelm
s plnm stednm vzdlnm (tj. maturitn zkoukou), kte spn slo pijmac
zkouky. Systm pijmacho zen si konktrtn stanov kad jednotliv vysok
kola; tento systm slou k testovn znalost a dovednost adatel.

Bakalsk studium

Vtina univerzit nabz akreditovan bakalsk, magistersk a inenrsk studium.

Bakalsk studium je zpravidla tlet kurz, ve kterm studenti zskvaj zkladn
pehled o vysoce specializovanch oblastech. Studenti mohou bu po tech letech
studia univerzitu opustit, nebo dokonit studium zvrenou zkoukou vetn
obhajoby bakalsk prce, ppadn pot dle pokraovat v magisterskm studijnm
programu, kde mohou doshnout u specializace.

Magistersk studium

Magistersk studium tvo ptilet nebo estilet studijn program, ppadn dvoulet
program po ukonen bakalskho studia. Bhem magisterskho studia zskaj
studenti zkladn pehled o vysoce odbornch pedmtech a urit stupe specializace.
Program je ukonen sttn zvrenou zkoukou a obhajobou diplomov prce. Je
rovn mon zskat inenrsk titul, kter se poj pedevm s technickmi
a ekonomickmi obory.

Doktorsk studium
Pot, co studenti absolvuj tyto typy studia na vysokch kolch, pokrauj nkte

z nich ve sv specializaci prostednictvm doktorskch studijnch program.

Absolvovn tohoto programu je asto podmnno publikovnm prac a nkdy tak
kolenm. Na vysok kole mohou studenti studovat jak v prezenn form (dve
denn studium), distann form (dve dlkov studium), nebo kombinac obou
(kombinovan studium).
Jin typy studia
Krom standardnch typ studia nabzej koly tak dal formy vzdlvn, vetn

rekvalifikanho studia, univerzity tetho vku, studia orientovanho smrem

k pedagogick kvalifikaci, a dal.
Studium na veejnch vysokch kolch je bezplatn, a je podmnno tm, e studenti

slo pijmac zkouky. Nicmn, po dosaen vku 26 let nebude mt student nrok
na status studenta v rmci sttn sociln podpory a nebudou mu poskytovny
studentsk vhody, vetn zdravotnho pojitn bhem studia.
Ustanoven o vzdlvn k a student se specilnmi potebami v esk republice
Ustanoven o vzdlvn k a student se specilnmi potebami v rmci hlavnho
vzdlvacho proudu
Inkluzivn strategie

Od roku 1989 probh postupn proces zmn v eskm kolskm systmu. Vechny tyto
zmny zvyuj individualizaci vzdlvacch monost. Nejdleitj zmny se tkaj skupiny
dt se specilnmi vzdlvacmi potebami, kter mly dve zten, i dokonce omezen
pstup ke vzdln. Nov vzdlvac filozofie, je reagovala na tendence a trendy
demokratickho vvoje a zamen spolenosti, byla formulovna ministerstvem kolstv
v roce 2001 v Nrodnm programu rozvoje vzdlvn v esk republice (Bl kniha).


Nastaven vzdlvn
Rozhodnut o form vzdlvn ka se specilnmi vzdlvacmi potebami je v kompetenci
editele koly, s pihldnutm k pn rodi a doporuen poradenskch center. k se
specilnmi potebami m prvo se vzdlvat ve standardn kole ve standardn td (pokud









a/nebo ve kole pro dti se specilnmi vzdlvacmi potebami (,speciln koly).


Inkluzivn vzdlvn

Individuln zaazen do tdy ve kole hlavnho vzdlvacho proudu Individuln

vzdlvac pln

Skupinov inkluze v bnch kolch

(speciln/specializovan tda) Speciln koln studijn pln a Individuln vzdlvac pln

(Speciln tda pro zdravotn postien studenty / Specializovan tda pro studenty
s poruchami uen dyslexie, dysortografie, dysgrafie, atd.)
Typ inkluzivnho vzdlvn





Odborn a celoivotn vzdlvn

Nastaven inkluzivnho vzdlvn pro studenty se specilnmi potebami

Diskuse ...... je inkluzivn vzdlvn ve standardnch kolch uiten pro studenty

s mentlnm postienm? Ano, nebo ne? A pro koho je vhodn pro studenty
s mrnm/ zvanm/ hlubokm postienm?

Speciln koly pro ky se specilnmi vzdlvacmi potebami

Speciln vzdln

Zkladn a stedn koly pro dti se specilnmi potebami poskytuj vzdlvn pro ky,
jejich speciln vzdlvac poteby nelze zcela uspokojit v rmci ustanoven a zazen
hlavnho proudu, a tak pro ty, jejich rodie dvaj tmto kolm pednost. Poet k
ve td je mnohem ni ve srovnn s bnou tdou. Pohybuje se v rozmez od 4 do 14 k
v zvislosti na typu koly. Tda hlavnho vzdlvacho proudu m v prmru 22 k, a ne
vce ne 30 k.
Krom standardnch vyuovacch pedmt poskytuje kad speciln vzdlvac program
tzv. pedmty zvltnho zaopaten, jako je eov a komunikan terapie, pohybov
a orientan vcvik, smyslov stimulace, uvn specilnch informanch technologi, hudba
a hra na hudebn nstroje, atd.
V posledn dob se role specilnch kol mn. Krom vzdlvac role se staly studijnmi
stedisky, je se sousted na vvoj novch pedagogickch metod a pstup a poskytuj
irokou klu poradenskch a podprnch slueb km, jejich rodim a uitelm hlavnho
proudu. Obvykle zahrnuj rzn rovn vzdlvn.

Speciln vzdlvac plny pro mentln handicapovan studenty

Praktick kola

pro studenty s lehkm mentlnm postienm

Speciln kola

pro studenty s tkm a hlubokm mentlnm postienm

Praktick kola dvoulet

pro studenty s lehkm a tkm mentlnm postienm

Praktick kola jednolet

pro studenty s tkm a hlubokm mentlnm postienm

Tlet uebn obory na stednch kolch

pro studenty s lehkm mentlnm postienm

Speciln vzdlvac plny pro ostatn postien

Speciln koly pro studenty se sluchovm postienm (matesk kola, zkladn kola,
stedn kola)

Speciln koly pro studenty se zrakovm postienm (matesk kola, zkladn kola,
stedn kola)

Speciln koly pro ky se zdravotnm postienm (matesk kola, zkladn kola,

stedn kola)

Speciln koly pro dti s vadami ei (matesk kola)

Vasn intervence

Stediska vasn intervence poskytuj sluby pro rodie ve form: pravidelnch

nvtv poradc v domcnosti, sluby poskytovan stediskem, jako napklad tlesn,
zrakov, mentln, sociln a vzdlvac stimulace nebo rehabilitace, doporuovn
a zpjky vhodnch hraek a specilnch pomcek, organizovn celodennch
pednek na rzn tmata, tdennch kurz pro cel rodiny s dtmi, pjovn
odborn literatury, organizovn rodiovskch skupin a setkn, podpora zalenn,
nalezen matesk koly nebo dennho stacione, psychologick pomoc, doprovzen
rodie pi dosti o podporu nebo nvtv ad.

Identifikace specilnch vzdlvacch poteb

Systm pedagogicko-psychologickho poradenstv zahrnuje:

koln poradensk tm (uitel poradce, tdn uitel, koordintor prevence, koln

psycholog, speciln pedagog)






pedagogov, sociln pracovnci)

Stediska specilnho vzdlvn (speciln pedagogov, psychologov, sociln

pracovnci) stav pedagogicko-psychologickho poradenstv

Pklady dobr praxe v oblasti zaleovn na Stedn kole, Zkladn kole a Matesk kole,
Pionr 2352, Frdek-Mstek:
Princip integrace:










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