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Femeia e discutata mai mult in presa de vreme ce ocupa o functie mai importanta in conducere

Portretizarea femeii in mass-media

face mai mult rau decat bine
De la Debatepedia

portretizare = crearea imaginii de ansamblu si implicit a unei atitudini
asupra unui lucru

mass-media = mijloacele de comunicare in masa: televiziune, internet,


MASS-MÉDIA f. Mijloacele tehnice (ziarele, radioul, televiziunea, cinematograful

etc.) care servesc la comunicarea în masă a informațiilor. [Sil. -di-a] / din engl.,
fr., it. mass media

Argumente Pro Argumente Contra
Argumentul 1: Mass-media Argumentul 1: Femeia isi poate
distruge imaginea femeii promova calitatile prin media

In timp ce femeia in societate a Foarte multe femei au puncte tari

capatat drepturi si a evoluat, cel demne de luat in considerare. Sunt
putin teoretic, pana la egalitate cu multe femei puternice, frumoase,
barbatul, imaginea prezentata in talentate sau care pur si simplu se
mass-media este una injositoare. respecta. Dar pentru a le promova au
Femeia este doar un obiect folosit nevoie de media. Chiar daca o
pentru a atrage barbatii in fata persoana e inteligenta tot are nevoie
televizoarelor sau la chioscuri sa de promovare pentru a arata si
cumpere ziare. Prezentand femeia in celorlalti asta. Un exemplu ar fi
diferite reclame ca un simplu obiect Angela Merkel, cancelarul german
menit sa faca placere celor care o care l-a invins pe Gerhard
privesc de fapt se distruge imaginea Schroeder. Chiar daca ea este o
reala a femeii. Chiar daca femeie inteligenta, media a fost cea
televiziunea este fictiune asta nu care i-a facilitat cunoasterea de catre
inseamna ca femeile trebuie sa fie popor si a promovat valorile care o
prezentate intr-o ipostaza degradanta faceau sa merite postul de cancelar.
si sa denatureze complet realitate. O Media are un rol foarte important in
societate: acela de a informa. Iar
astfel de portretizare a femeii, ca un
femeile pot folosi acest mijloc
simplu obiect de atragere a
pentru a-si promova propriile calitati
barbatilor, distruge imaginea femeii
si a se face cunoscute, dand un
si de aceea mass-media face in acest
exemplu bun de urmand si creand
caz mai mult rau decat bine.
astfel mai mult bine decat rau.
Argumentul 2: Adolescentele
preiau niste modele gresite Argumentul 2: Media promoveaza
crezurile femeilor activiste
In momentul in care la televizor, pe
internet si in ziare sunt promovate Multe femei sunt implicate in
numai femei perfecte in special campanii de ajutorare si de lupta
adolescentele creaza din ele un impotriva unor boli care folosesc
model. Greseala in decizia asta este media ca mijloc prin care sa se faca
ca preiau numai idealul de auzite si odata cu imaginea lor sa
frumusete si nu de intelectualitate, promoveze si imaginea unei astfel
care de altfel nici nu este prezentat de campanii. De exemplu, un grup
de cele mai multe ori. Vrand sa aiba de femei care sustin lupta impotriva
trupuri foarte slabe multe cancerului la san vor avea nevoie sa
adolescente ajung sa sufera de se faca auzite cat mai departe
anorexie sau depresie. Si chiar daca intrucat este o boala destul de
nu ajung in cazuri grave precum frecventa si se poate preveni. Media
acestea alegerea unor astfel de poate crea acest lucru cu usurinta.
idealuri este gresita. Adolescentii ar Atata timp cat media prezinta femei
trebui sa aiba peocupari legate de cunoscute, care vor fi apreciate,
educatia lor nu de machiaj si metode te;viziunile vor putea face rating
de a slabi. Tendinta lor naturala de a mare. Pe de alta parte si activistele
exagera ii poate pune in pericol. se vor face auzite si vor lupta mai
Avand in vedere ca portretizarea eficient pentru cauzele lor. In
mass-mediei duce la preluarea unor concluzie toata lumea castiga deci
modele gresite care pun in pericol portretizarea femeiii in mass-media
dezvoltarea adolecentilor inseamna face mai mult bine decat rau.
ca face mai mult rau decat bine.

Mass Media Influence

In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology,
first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the
We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right
direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal
relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do.

A common person in the city usually wakes up checks the tv news or newspaper, goes to work,
makes a few phone calls, eats with their family when possible and makes his decisions based on
the information that he has either from their co workers, news, tv, friends, family, financial
reports, etc.

What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we
know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we
have to do based on our experience and studies, however on our daily lives we rely on the media
to get the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of.

We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment and education.
However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is so big that we should
know how it really works.

How mass Media Influence works

Of all the media distribution channels the most influential has been the television, we are
constantly exposed to thousands of images of violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much
more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to about 40,000 ads a year.

But who owns the media, which are the companies or people that shape our values, beliefs and
decisions? The media is basically dominated by five major companies they are:

 Time Warner
 Vivendi Universal
 Walt Disney
 News Corp

Those 5 companies own 95% of all the media that we get every day. They own the major
entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks
and programing, video news and sports entertainment.

They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares,
electronic media, the music industry and more.

Years ago there was more diversity in companies, but they have merged so now they are just a
few and they have the power to shape the opinion and beliefs of us and our kids. So its important
to be aware of what your kids are exposed to every day and you should also try to look at things
from different perspectives and not just from the one the media gives you.
Mass Media Influence on Society
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By rayuso

Mass Media Influence

In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology,
first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the

We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right
direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal
relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do.

A common person in the city usually wakes up checks the tv news or newspaper, goes to work,
makes a few phone calls, eats with their family when possible and makes his decisions based on
the information that he has either from their co workers, news, tv, friends, family, financial
reports, etc.

What we need to be aware is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we
know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. In our work we usually know what we
have to do based on our experience and studies, however on our daily lives we rely on the media
to get the current news and facts about what is important and what we should be aware of.

We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment and education.
However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is so big that we should
know how it really works.

How mass Media Influence works

Of all the media distribution channels the most influential has been the television, we are
constantly exposed to thousands of images of violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much
more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to about 40,000 ads a year.

But who owns the media, which are the companies or people that shape our values, beliefs and
decisions? The media is basically dominated by five major companies they are:

 Time Warner
 Vivendi Universal
 Walt Disney
 News Corp

Those 5 companies own 95% of all the media that we get every day. They own the major
entertainment theme parks, entertainment movie studios, television and radio broadcast networks
and programing, video news and sports entertainment.

They also own integrated telecommunications, wireless phones, video games softwares,
electronic media, the music industry and more.

Years ago there was more diversity in companies, but they have merged so now they are just a
few and they have the power to shape the opinion and beliefs of us and our kids. So its important
to be aware of what your kids are exposed to every day and you should also try to look at things
from different perspectives and not just from the one the media gives you.

Gods of Entertainment: The Power of Mass Media to


Media Influence

Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Mass Media and Society
Amazon Price: $0.08

It's Not The Media: The Truth About Pop Culture's Influence On Children
Amazon Price: $15.00

It's Not The Media: The Truth About Pop Culture's Influence On Children
Amazon Price: $5.25
List Price: $29.95
Violence in the Media and Its Influence on Criminal Defense
Amazon Price: $35.00

How does mass media influence young people?

The media makes billions of dollars with the advertising they sell and that we are exposed to. We
buy what we are told to be good, after seeing thousands of advertisings we make our buying
decisions based on what we saw on Tv, newspapers or magazines to be a product we can trust
and also based on what everyone else that we know is buying and their decision are also base
don the media.

These are the effects of mass media in teenagers, they buy what they see on Tv, what their
favorite celebrity advertise and what is acceptable by society based on the fashion that the media
has imposed them.

There are some positive and negative influences in young people.

Here is a positive influence example, if there is a sport that is getting a lot of attention by the
media and gains popularity among your friends and society, you will more likely want to practice
the sport and be cool with all your friends. The result is that you will have fun with your friends
and be more healthy because of the exercise your are doing.

However a negative influence in teenagers is the use of cigars by celebrity movie stars, the
constant exposure of sex images, the excessive images of violence and exposure to thousands of
junk food ads.

Young people are in a stage of life where they want to be accepted by their peers, they want to be
loved and be successful. The media creates the ideal image of a beautiful men and women and
tells you what are the characteristics of a successful person, you can see it in movies and tv. Its a
subliminal way to tell you that if you are not like them you are not cool yet so its time to buy the
stuff they buy and look like they look.

Another negative influence in teenagers that has grown over the last years are anorexia and
obesity. There are millions of adolescents fighting obesity, but at the same time they are exposed
to thousands of advertisements of junk food, while the ideas image of a successful person is told
to be thin and wealthy.

Also more women are obsessive with losing weight even when they are not obese, there are
many thin women that want to look like the super models and thin celebrities so they engage in
eating disorders which leads to severe health issues and even death.

How Subliminal Advertising Tries To Make You Fat

Effects of violence in the Media
When we watch Tv or a movie we usually see many images of violence and people hurting
others. The problem with this is that it can become traumatic especially in our children as we see
it more and more. Our kids that are starting to grow and are shaping their personality values and
beliefs can become aggressive or they can lose a sense of reality and fiction of what they are

In the past years there have been some cases of kids carrying a gun at school and even hurting
others with it. Those kids have been linked to excessive use of violent video games and war

Another problem is that real war is used as a form of entertainment by the media, we should
make our kids and teen aware that war is not a form of entertainment and that there is no win or
lose like in video games, in real war everyone lose.

How media influence public opinion

As i have said above, the media has a huge impact on society and also in public opinion. They
can shape the public opinion in different ways depending of what is the objective.

For example, after the attacks of 911 the media gave a huge coverage of the event and exposed
Osama guilty for the attack as they were told by the authorities. This shaped the public opinion to
support the war on terrorism, the same happened with the war on Iraq. The problem is that if
media received un accurate information then the public opinion supported a wrong cause, this is
the power of public opinion influence.

Other ways to influence are with polls and trends, especially in political campaigns. The
candidates that can pay for more tv and media exposure have more influence on public opinion
and thus can receive more votes.

Constructing Public Opinion

Reflecta oare mass-media femeia reala sau pe cea ideala?

Publicat in: - portalul tau de stiri online nr. 3611
din Mi, 29 Iun 2005
Daca inainte de 1989 publicatiile pentru femei se limitau la binecunoscuta revista “Femeia”, de
atunci incoace putem spune ca oferta in domeniu a cunoscut o reala explozie. Fiecare revista
noua ce apare pe piata pleaca de la ideea de a sustine femeia, insa, rezultatul nu este intotdeauna
cel scontat. De ce spunem asta? Ei bine, rasfoind cateva publicatii pentru “sexul frumos si
destept” veti ajunge singure la concluzia ca stereotipurile de gen nu lipsesc. Pornind de la aceasta
idee, am incercat sa vedem in ce masura presa scrisa sustine femeia sau constituie chiar un
generator de discriminari.
Discursul exista, chiar daca sub forma latenta
Ada Dobrescu, preparator univesitar in cadrul Universitatii “Transilvania”, Facultatea de Drept si
Sociologie, considera ca presa romaneasca actuala contine un discurs ce alterneaza intre mesaje
cu un continut stereotipic pregnant spre moderat. “Femeia moderna trebuie sa fie, in acelasi timp,
puternica (independenta financiar, cu capacitate de a lua propriile decizii, prezenta in relatii
sociale diversificate, nu se conformeaza idealurilor celorlalti, ci propriilor dorinte) si sensibila
prin apartenenta la genul specific - romantica, are grija de copii, are capacitate empatica,
constituie liant in cadrul cuplului. Putem cataloga publicatiile: de la cele cu un bogat continut
stereotipic spre cele care promoveaza imaginea femeii moderne (Femeia-Avantaje-Unica-
Cosmopolitan-FHM-Tabu). Consider ca revista Playboy are un targhet predominant masculin si
e bogata in stereotipuri de gen”, ne-a declarat prep. univ. Ada Dobrescu. Din punctul de vedere
al interlocutoarei noastre, cele mai des intalnite continuturi stereotipice sunt: femeia apartine
spatiului domestic (“la cratita!”); daca are succes in plan profesional, exista posibilitatea unui
esec marital; femeile sunt “catastrofa” la volan; promovarea imaginii femeii ca obiect sexual
(orice coperta a unei publicatii atrage atentia daca femeia apare sumar imbracata sau chiar
dezbracata); capitalul de imagine a femeii scade cu trecerea timpului (dependenta de produse
cosmetice), pe cand a barbatului creste (un barbat in varsta e atragator, o femeie nu). “Reflecta
oare, insa, mass-media femeia reala sau pe cea ideala? Dezideratele femeii moderne sunt
impartasite de femeile actuale sau majoritatea si-au insusit si accepta stereotipurile de gen?
Discursul mediatic ar trebui sa plece de la premisa ca nu exista superioritate al unui gen fata de
celalalt, ci diferentele ar trebui puse pe seama abilitatilor, capacitatilor, trasaturilor fizice, care
difera de la un gen la altul (complementaritate de gen). Daca am intelege acest aspect, poate si
stereotipurile de gen s-ar diminua ca numar sau continut”, a adaugat interlocutoarea. Lect. univ.
dr. Alina Coman, titularul cursului de Studii de gen in cadrul Facultatii de Drept si Sociologie,
este de parere ca stereotipurile de gen sunt prezente in toate revistele. “Chiar daca este latent,
discursul in sine exista”, a precizat Alina Coman.
“Pe mine ca femeie nu ma ajuta sa ma dezvolt”
Laura Davidescu este redactor sef adjunct al revistei “Unica”. Din punctul ei de vedere
discriminare exista inca de la inceput, prin simplul fapt ca numim revistele ca fiind de femei.
“Chiar daca noi ne adresam ei, am incercat sa nu-l excludem nici pe el. Si pot spune ca am reusit
in urma semnalelor pozitive pe care le-am receptat de la cititori. Din punctul meu de vedere
revistele adresate femeilor nu discrimineaza. De ce spun acest lucru? Deoarece consider ca acum
toate publicatiile incearca sa reflecte subiecte din toate zonele de interes pentru femei. Iar daca
mai exista voci care sustin ca publicitatea care apare in aceste reviste este discriminatorie, eu
sunt de parere ca, desi sunt prezente reclame la produse foarte scumpe, in acelasi timp pot fi
intalnite si produse accesibile tuturor”, ne-a declarat Laura Davidescu. Pe de alta parte, Silvia
Visan (publisher la revista ”Coffee-Break”) spune ca nu-i plac deloc revistele romanesti care se
adreseaza femeilor. “De ce? Foarte simplu. Pe mine, ca femeie, nu ma ajuta deloc sa ma dezvolt.
Acest gen de reviste promoveaza o imagine a femeii ideale, asa cum si-o doresc toti barbatii. Iar
eu nu sunt de acord ca noi sa facem doar ce le place lor. Femeia nu trebuie vazuta ca o persoana
care sa faca totul pentru cineva anume. Eu pot afirma fara nici o retinere ca pana acum n-am
gasit o astfel de revista, care sa formeze femeile din toate punctele de vedere”, ne-a declarat
Silvia Visan. De asemenea, interlocutoarea sustine ca astfel de reviste nu prezinta altceva decat
pagini intregi de shopping si viata vedetelor (care oricum nu este in concordanta cu ceea ce
traiesc ele in realitate).
Piata transforma revistele in bunuri comerciale
Roxana Truinea, membru in Colegiul Director al Consiliului National pentru Combaterea
Discriminari, nu este o mare cititoare a revistelor care constituie subiectul articolului nostru.
“Totusi, daca ar fi sa gasim o explicatie prezentei discursului discriminatoriu si al stereotipurilor
de gen, eu cred ca cerintele pietei transforma revistele in bunuri comerciale. O forma de
discriminare o constituie faptul ca revistele promoveaza doar un anumit gen de femeie: cea mai
casnica. Prea putin este promovata imaginea femeii care reuseste in viata singura”, ne-a declarat
interlocutoarea. Iar o generalizare in ceea ce priveste tipul acestor reviste nu se poate face,
deoarece toate sunt targetate. Oana Coanta, vicepresedinta Departamentului de imagine al
Asociatiei Femeilor de Afaceri si a Femeilor Conducatoare de Intreprinderi, este de parere ca
publicatiile destinate femeilor trateaza, ca orice alte publicatii, diferite teme. “Fiecare dintre ele
se adreseaza unui anumit tip de public: femeia casnica, femeia de afaceri, femeia VIP etc. Este
falsa ideea ca majoritatea covarsitoare a acestor publicatii discrimineaza pe cineva. Oricare
dintre noi poate alege din oferta ceea ce o intereseaza. Este, pur si simplu, o chestie de educatie
si interese. Ca femeie de afaceri, de exemplu, poti alege sa citesti doar articole care sunt legate
direct de activitatea ta. Altcineva isi poate dori sa afle secrete culinare sau despre machiaj. Oferta
este suficient de larga. Ramane doar sa stii ce sa alegi”, ne-a declarat Oana Coanta. Toate
publicatiile pentru femei sustin femeia. Acesta este scopul pentru care exista. “Este vorba doar de
ce considera fiecare dintre noi ca fiind sprijin. Nevoia se manifesta diferit, in functie de varii
criterii. Tinerele femei de afaceri au, de exemplu, alte nevoi decat cele abuzate fizic”, a
completat interlocutoarea. Din ce in ce mai mult putem intalni femei care, depasind prejudecatile
legate de sex sau de educatie, se dovedesc extrem de abile in a-si construi o cariera. “Mi se pare
depasita ideea ca unei femei ii este mai greu decat unui barbat sa se impuna in anumite situatii.
Aici nu e vorba decat de vointa, de putere de convingere si de ambitie. Lucrurile s-au schimbat
mult in ultimii ani. Orice femeie care isi propune un tel il va atinge negresit, cu conditia sa tina
cont de regulile jocului”, a incheiat Oana Coanta. O “consumatoare” consecventa a presei scrise
pentru femei este designerul vestimentar Carmen Serbina. “Din punctul meu de vedere presa
scrisa nu discrimineaza femeile. Chiar daca, de multe ori, se adreseaza numai unei anumite
categorii de femei, sta in puterea noastra sa alegem ceea ce ne dorim din aceste reviste. Cred ca
ele discrimineaza doar in momentul in care femeia consimte la acest lucru”, ne-a declarat
designerul vestimentar.

Media Stereotyping - Introduction

Media stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising,

entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as
possible to quickly understand information. Stereotypes act like codes
that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group
of people—usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual
orientation, social role or occupation.
But stereotypes can be problematic. They can:

 reduce a wide range of differences in people to simplistic categorizations

 transform assumptions about particular groups of people into "realities"

 be used to justify the position of those in power

 perpetuate social prejudice and inequality

More often than not, the groups being stereotyped have little to say about how they are

This section comments on common media stereotypes and examines some of the root causes of
stereotypical portrayals, including lack of diversity behind the scenes in newsrooms and film
studios. The section explores the impact of stereotyping on self-image and the development of
attitudes among the young, and it showcases efforts to counter stereotyping with alternative
programming. It also outlines diversity guidelines for the broadcasting industry, as well as
government policies to promote fair and equitable portrayals in Canadian media.

For further information and research, each of the sub-topic sections below also offers a
continually updated selection of pertinent articles, reports, surveys, statistics, and Web sites.

Ethnic and Visible Minorities
This section examines the representation of minority groups in the media industry—both
onscreen, in sitcoms and news reporting, and off-screen, in terms of hiring practices. It also looks
at Canadian government policies and broadcasting industry codes that encourage diversity.

Aboriginal People
This section examines media attitudes to First Nations, Inuit and Native American peoples - from
early films and television to today's coverage and portrayals. The section looks at the effect on
young people's attitudes of seeing Aboriginal people shown primarily in cartoons or as sports
mascots; and it also discusses the development of Aboriginal broadcasting in Canada.

Girls and Women
This section explores female stereotypes in entertainment and news media, including onscreen
portrayals of women, their effect on cultural ideas of beauty, and how these stereotypes influence
the social development of young women. The section also examines the economic interests that
drive media attitudes towards women.

Men and Masculinity
This section examines common stereotypes of masculinity on TV, in men's magazines, and in
advertising and sports media. It discusses society's definitions of male roles and attributes, and
the effect that media portrayals have on men's (and young people's) notions of what masculinity

Gays and Lesbians
This section offers a brief overview of how gays and lesbians are portrayed in the media: the
evolution of gay portrayals in film, issues related to gays and lesbians in television, and how
advertising and news coverage treat gays and lesbians.

Whiteness and White Privilege
This section explores the social norms and expectations associated with being white—including
the media's tendency to accord respect and authority to white people, especially from the middle
and upper classes. Onscreen and behind the scenes, white privilege (along with male privilege,
and "straight" privilege) fosters a climate of systemic discrimination that tends to exclude many
diverse views from the media.

Persons with Disabilities
This section examines common stereotypes of persons with disabilities in mass media and the
news. It discusses concerns about media representation of disability, including lack of
participation, as well as looks at solutions to better represent persons with disabilities.

The nature of the relationship between women and the mass media has been considered in recent
years by sociologists and psychologists as well as media critics, in part based on a concern that the
way women are portrayed in the media has a deleterious effect on the way women are viewed in
society at large. Women's roles in society have been changing through the determined efforts of
feminists and sympathetic political groups over the past two decades, and some of these changes
are clearly reflected on television, in film, and in other media portrayals. At the same time, it is
evident that progress in changing media portrayals is behind the curve as far as the degree of
equality that should be depicted, the roles given to women in the media, and the roles women play
behind the scenes in the media as well. In a sense, the media tends to be more like Congress than
like the rest of society, touting and promoting social changes that are forced on society at large
while the media and Congress continue as if the rules and requirements of contemporary society do
not apply to them. An examination of the portrayal of women in the mass media will show how the
media have influenced the women's movement, how the women's movement has influenced (or
tried to influence) the media, and the perception of sociologists and psychologists that the media
are still not doing enough to improve the way women are portrayed.

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