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Medicină Dentară I - Seminarul 1


The human body is a remarkably complex and efficient machine. It takes in and absorbs
oxygen through the respiratory system. Then the oxygen-enriched blood is distributed through the
cardiovascular system to all tissues. The digestive system converts digestible food to energy and
disposes of the rest. The skeletal-muscular system gives form to the body. And covering almost the
entire mass is the skin, the largest organ of the body. The science of the structure of this complicated
"machine" is called anatomy.

efficacy (syn.) efficiency - eficacitate, eficienţă

efficient - eficient, eficace; care dă randament
machine - maşină; aparat, mecanism
machinery - utilaj, instalaţii
to take in (syn.) to assimilate (syn.) to absorb - a lua înăuntru, a înmagazina, a absorbi
to enrich - a se îmbogăţi; a înfrumuseţa; a fertiliza
enriched - îmbogăţit; îngrăşat; fertilizat
enrichment - îmbogăţire; înfrumuseţare
oxygen-rich/enriched blood - sânge oxigenat
≠ deoxygenated / oxygen-poor blood - sânge neoxigenat
to oxygenate (syn.) to oxygenize - a oxigena; a oxida
oxygenated - oxigenat
oxygenation - oxigenare
to convert - a transforma, a preface
conversion - transformare, prefacere
convertible - transformabil, convertibil
disposable - de unică folosință
disposal - eliminare, evacuare; dispunere, aşezare
to dispose - a dispune, a aşeza
to dispose of - a îndepărta, a scăpa de
mass - masă; tumoră
shape - formă, figură, configurație, conformație, profil
to shape - a modela, a da o formă, a conforma

One of the major systems is the skeletal-muscular system. The body is supported and given
shape by this structure, consisting of more than 200 bones and the muscles and tendons which are
connected to them. They are strong but can bend at their joints. They also serve as a shield,
protecting the vital internal organs from injury.

body (syn.) corpus (pl. corpora) - corp

body cell - celulă a corpului
cell body - corp cellular
support - suport; sprijin; întreținere
supporting - care sprijină, care susține
bone (syn.) os (pl. ossa) - os
bone density - densitate osoasă, densitatea osului
bone disease - boală a osului
bonelet (syn.) ossiculum (pl. ossicula) (syn.) ossicle - oscior, osicul, os mic
bony (syn.) osseous (syn.) osteal - osos, de os
muscle ache (syn.) muscle pain - durere musculară
muscle cramp - crampă musculară
muscle fatigue (syn.) muscular fatigue - oboseală musculară
tendinous - tendinos
tendonitis (syn.) tenositis - tendinită, tenozită
bend - îndoire, încovoiere, îndoitură
to bend (bent, bent) - a îndoi, a încovoia, a strâmba
joint (syn.) articulation - articulație, încheietură
shield - scut, paravan, apărătoare, ecran
to shield - a proteja, a apăra, a feri
vital - vital, esențial
vital signs - semne vitale
injury - leziune, rană, traumatism; ofensă, jignire; lezare
to injure - a (se) răni, a leza, a avaria, a vătăma, a deteriora
injured - rănit, lezat, lovit, vătămat

Bones are as strong as steel but much lighter and more flexible. They are composed of
minerals, organic matter and water, held together by a cementlike substance called collagen, and are
filled with red and yellow bone marrow. The red marrow produces the red blood cells used
throughout the body to transport oxygen, while the yellow marrow consists primarily of fat cells. A
tough membrane called the periosteum covers most of the bone surface and allows bones to be
nourished by blood.

steel - oţel
to steel - a oţeli, a căli
light injury - rană ușoară
light meal – masă ușoară
to light - a aprinde (foc, ţigară), a lumina
organic - organic
≠ inorganic = anorganic
organic chemistry - chimie organică
organic compound - compus organic
collagen – colagen
collagen of bone (syn.) ossein - oseină, substanța organică a oaselor
collagenous (syn.) collagenic - colagen
to fill - a (se) umple, a ocupa; a plomba, a obtura; a exercita (o funcție)
to fill a prescription (syn.) fill an order - a elibera medicamente pe baza unei rețete
to fill in - a completa (un formular), a furniza (detalii), a pune în temă
filling - umplutură, umplere, alimentare; obturație dentară, plombă
marrow - măduvă, medulă; miez, sâmbure
erythrocyte (syn.) red blood cell (RBC) - eritrocit, hematie, globulă roșie
tough - dur, tare, solid, rezistent
to toughen - a întări, a solidifica
periosteum (pl. periostea) - periost
periosteal (syn.) periosteous - periostal
to nourish - a hrăni
nourishing - nutritiv, hrănitor
nourishment - alimentație; hrană, aliment

A major bone structure in the body is the vertebral (spinal) column. It runs up and down the
back and protects the spinal cord, where many of the major nerves are located. It is composed of
bony vertebrae which are held together by ligaments of connective tissue and separated from each
other by spinal discs. At the top of the vertebral column is the skull, which surrounds and protects
the brain. Attached to the vertebral column below the neck are the 12 pairs of ribs, comprising the
rib cage. Al the bottom is the sacrum, which connects the vertebral column to the pelvis. Bones are
united by joints and held together by ligaments.

vertebra (pl. vertebrae) - vertebră

vertebral - vertebral
to connect - a uni, a lega, a îmbina, a combina
connective (syn.) joining (syn.) connecting - conjunctiv; conectiv, conector, de legătură
connective tissue (syn.) interstitial tissue - țesut conjunctiv, țesut interstițial
sacrum (pl. sacra) (syn.) sacral bone - os sacral, sacru
sacral - sacrat, sacral
pelvis (pl. pelves) - bazin mic, pelvis
pelvic - pelvian
ligament - ligament
ligamentous – ligamentos

Muscles are special fibrous tissues found throughout the body. They control movement and
many organic functions by contracting in response to nerve signals. Skeletal muscles are called
voluntary because they can be consciously controlled. They are attached co bones by tough fibrous
tissues called tendons. Other muscles, such as the stomach muscles and the heart, are involuntary
and are operated automatically by the central nervous system.

fiber (syn.) fibre (syn.) fibra (pl. fibrae) - fibră, filament, fir
function - funcție, rol
≠ malfunction - malfuncție, defect, funcție defectuoasă
≠ dysfunction - disfuncție, dereglare, tulburare
to function - a funcționa corespunzător, a servi drept
functional - funcțional, operațional
central nervous system (CNS) - sistem nervos central
peripheral nervous system - sistem nervos periferic

Exercise 1. Use oste/o (bone) to build words that mean:

1. bone cells _______________________________________________________________

2. pain in bones _____________________________________________________________
3. disease of bones and joints __________________________________________________
4. beginning or formation of bones ______________________________________________
Use cervic/o (neck) to build words that mean:
5. pertaining to the neck _______________________________________________________
6. pertaining to the neck and arm ________________________________________________
7. pertaining to the neck and face ________________________________________________
Use myel/o (bone marrow; spinal cord) to build words that mean:
8. tumor of bone marrow ______________________________________________________
9. sarcoma of bone marrow (cells) _______________________________________________
10. bone marrow cell__________________________________________________________
11. resembling bone marrow ____________________________________________________
Use stern/o (sternum) to build words that mean:
12. pertaining to above the sternum ______________________________________________
13. resembling the breastbone ___________________________________________________
Use arthr/o (joint) or chondr/o (cartilage) to build words that mean:
14. embryonic cell that forms cartilage ____________________________________________
15. inflammation of a joint ______________________________________________________
16. inflammation of bones and joints ______________________________________________
Use pelv/i (pelvis) to build a word that means:
17. instrument for measuring the pelvis ____________________________________________
Use my/o (muscle) to build words that mean:
18. twitching of a muscle _______________________________________________________
19. any disease of muscle _______________________________________________________
20. rupture of a muscle _________________________________________________________

Exercise 2. What do the following combining forms refer to:

ankylo-, arthro-, kypho-, lamino-, lordo-, myelo-, ortho-, osteo-, pedo-, scolio-, thoraco-, acromio-,
brachio-, calcaneo-, carpo-, cephalo-, cervico-, claviculo-, costo-, cranio-, dactylo-, femoro-, fibulo-,
humero-, ilio-, leiomyo-, musculo-, rhabdo-, chondro-, teno-?

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