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47 Fa ceea ce poti New 01

47 Si Dumnezeu va implini ceea ce-ti lipseste

Si a zis Dumnezeu: "Sa fie lumina!" Si a fost lumina. Si a vazut Dumnezeu ca e buna lumina si a despartit
Dumnezeu lumina de intuneric. Lumina a numit-o Dumnezeu ziua, iar intunericul l-a numit noapte. Si a fost
seara si a fost dimineata: ziua intaia (Fac. 1, 1-5).

MAI – la jumatate

Ion Cazacu
Sergiu Enachi ...Sideratele(burueni , griu) pina la insamintare sa cosit. apoi cu freza inca odata pina la
pamint a fost farimitat si lasat pe loc...Dupa cu "talpa gistii"Dea lungul si de-a latul...


Avem grija de buburuze, urechelnite,rime...
Sa cosim sideratele, buruenile pina nu au facut saminta...,
Sa stropim tufarii, copacii cu macerat de urzica...
Sa turnam la radacinele plantelor, ingrasamint de macerat ...
Sa mincam primele cirese(impreuna cu graurii), capsune...

Secara, grau
Lucerna sparceta, ghizdei

Dalila Rosca
Bună dimineața,
Niciodată nu am stropit cu chimicale dar acum doresc să redau solului ceea ce are nevoie.
Caut seminte de siderate nemodificate genetic, sunte ți amabil sa6imi scrie ți unde găsesc?…  

Ion Cazacu
Dalila Rosca La Iarmarocul organizat in judetele Romaniei de grupul "Seminte cu suflet" la gradinarii
Ion Cazacu
George Cojocaru Fiecare saminta , naste o planta care da rod , apoi moare , pentru ca sa se transforme in
nutritie pentru urmatoarea planta din alta saminta...Toate plantele pot fi ingrasaminte verzi,apoi
compost ,humus pentru continuitate... Nu exista planta sa nu fie folosita , mai mult sau mai putin, inclusiv
buruenile care ne deranjeaza...Daca le-as clasifica as pune pe primul loc LUPINUL, dupa urzica, apoi
secara, mustaruil, boboasele, griul, bostanii , mazariichea , ovasul . popusoii,
Paul Stefan
Dalila Rosca Cumparati ridichi Japoneze soiul Daikon.Sunt cele mai bune pentru a creste fertilitatea
solului.Nu exista soiuri modificate genetic.Acum se lucreaza la primele soiuri de plante la univesitatea din
California sa le modifice genetic folosind metoda gene editing.Vor sa faca soiuri de orez care sa reziste la
seceta.Asa zisele soiuri GMO defapt sunt Soiuri Adaptate Genetic.Sunt soiuri pe care in laborator in timp
indelungat le au facut rezistente la glifosat,cum ar fi planta de bumbac si soia.Orice planta isi face singura
mutatii genetice ca sa se adapteze la conditile de trai,dar ele nu se pot numii adevarate Organisme
Modificate Genetic,doar Organisme Adaptate Genetic


Marilena Laoneanu
Porumbul(in cazul desenului ) consumă 50%CO2 si îmbunătă țe ște solul cu Azot,oxigen,minerale.
Cand ai un teren sărac în aceste cultivă porumb.

Cultivation details
An easily grown plant, succeeding in any moderately good soil in a sunny position[200]. Grows well in a
poor sandy soil[187]. Requires an acid to neutral soil[200]. Plants are hardy to about -25°c[187]. This
species is very susceptible to slug damage. This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil
bacteria, these bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is
utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby[200]. The plant is
heat tolerant in zones 9 through 1. (Plant Hardiness Zones show how well plants withstand cold winter
temperatures. Plant Heat Zones show when plants would start suffering from the heat. The Plant Heat
Zone map is based on the number of "heat days" experienced in a given area where the temperature
climbs to over 86 degrees F (30°C). At this temperature, many plants begin to suffer physiological damage.
Heat Zones range from 1 (no heat days) to 12 (210 or more heat days). For example Heat Zone. 11-1
indicates that the plant is heat tolerant in zones 11 through 1.) For polyculture design as well as the above-
ground architecture (form - tree, shrub etc. and size shown above) information on the habit and root pattern
is also useful and given here if available. The plant growth habit is a clumper with limited spread [1-2]. The
root pattern is flat with shallow roots forming a plate near the soil surface [1-2].

Other Uses
Nitrogen fixer. A dynamic accumulator gathering minerals or nutrients from the soil and storing them in a
more bioavailable form - used as fertilizer or to improve mulch.

Semi-arid areas - MAZARE vs LENTILE


June 13, 2022 - Adityarup "Rup" Chakravorty
Underneath the surface, plant roots are hard at work. Roots, of course, are
how plants get water and minerals from the soil. But digging into how
different root systems affect crop yields has been challenging for researchers.
A lentil field study site at the Northern Agricultural Research Center at Montana State University. Researchers were studying the
relationship between root development and pea or lentil crop yields. Credit: Maryse Bourgault

“We know so much less about root traits and how they impact crop yields
compared to leaf characteristics,” says Maryse Bourgault, a researcher at the
University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Bourgault is the lead author of a new study in which researchers unearth links
between root systems and yield in lentil and pea crops grown in semi-arid
areas. This study was published in the Plant Phenome Journal, a publication of
the Crop Science Society of America.

A large percentage of global lentil exports originate in the Northern Great

Plains in the United States and Canada. In these semi-arid areas, almost 4.5
million hectares – more area than the state of Maryland – are used to grow
pea and lentil crops.

Bourgault and colleagues found that the highest yielding pea and lentil
varieties had quite different root system structures.

In lentils, big root systems were well correlated with high yields. “Lentil plants
tend to be small. So, breeders have been trying to get them to be bigger and
taller,” says Bourgault. “If we are pushing for bigger lentil plants, we should
also select for bigger lentil root systems in our breeding programs.”

A mini-rhizotron (left) and access tube (right) sticking out of the ground in a young lentil crop. Mini-rhizotrons are transparent
tubes in the ground in which are inserted a cylindrical scanner that slides down to take pictures of roots belowground. These
tools provided researchers with information on root growth and water use. Credit: Maryse Bourgault

In peas, the situation was more complex. The highest yielding pea varieties
tended to have root systems that were average in size.

“We think that root growth in peas may be more about timing during the
plants’ growing season,” says Bourgault. The researchers think that the
majority of root growth needs to happen before pea plants flower. “Once
flowering happens, all the energy from photosynthesis needs to go to the pea
pod development rather than the root growth.”

The finding that different root systems would lead to higher yields in different
crops went somewhat against the grain. The prevailing pattern was that a
“deep but lean” root system would be most beneficial to all crops in semi-arid

“The ‘deep but lean’ idea was based on research of wheat crop,” says
Bourgault. A study found that a variety of wheat with a lean but deep root
system was better adapted to semi-arid areas.

That may have been because wheat plants with deep root systems had access
to water deeper in the soil. Yet, the leanness of the root system meant the
plants hadn’t invested too many resources in the roots, allowing for higher
grain yields.

Example of a lentil crop root image captured by the root imaging system. The depth of the root image was taken at 30-45
centimeters below the surface. In lentils, big root systems were well correlated with high yields. Credit: Maryse Bourgault

“The ‘deep but lean’ idea has been very popular,” says Bourgault. “We
demonstrated that this is not a universal truth – what might be true in wheat
may not be true in other crops.”

Bourgault’s findings also highlight the advantages of studying crop root

systems directly, especially in semi-arid areas, where water can often be in
short supply. “I think we are at the point where the next big gains in yields for
semi-arid areas will come by having a serious look at root systems and
understanding how they work,” she says.

The study site was located at the Northern Agricultural Research Center of
Montana State University. From 2017 to 2019, the researchers scanned and
measured root lengths in 29 pea and 25 lentil varieties.

“We found there were many differences between pea and lentil
varieties in how much they invest in root systems,” says
Bourgault and her colleagues are now looking to identify genes or genetic
regions in lentils and peas associated with robust root trait data. “That could
potentially be a game changer for introducing root traits in breeding
programs,” she says.

This research was supported by USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, Montana
State University, and the Montana Fertilizer Advisory Board.

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