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Similitudine 7.3%

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Citare 2.6%
Indecizie 90.1%

Surse similare:
1) PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf 0.7%
2) PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1480.pdf 0.7%
3) PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2182.pdf 0.6%
4) PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0502.pdf 0.6%
5) PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1691.pdf 0.6%
6) D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf 0.5%
Gradul de similitudine și identitate între textul analizat și textele găsite. Valoarea indică procentul frazelor asemănătoare sau identice din textele găsite și care au fost detectate în
textul analizat.

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Detalii detecţie:

Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0011.pdf

This leaves unexamined a diversity of working experiences: underemployment, precarious work, semi- skilled jobs, work
in the grey economy, entrepreneurship etc.

Diversitatea de servicii și activități acordate consumatorilor; Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0011.pdf

Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0368.pdf

Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity.

Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1480.pdf

Anastasiu as author is listed as follow (see Section B3.1): - Maier A., Brad S., Maier D., “Business Success Through
Innovation Management; A Literature Review of Innovation Process Models”, International Conference of Management,
Capitolul II - Factori de succes ai unei afaceri 7 Business, Economics and Science, Paris, France, 2012, ISSN 2010-376X, ISSN 2010-3778 - citation ANASTASIU Livia,
“How the Changing of Technology Can Become a Motivating Factor in Human Resources”, The 5th International Seminar
Quality Management in Higher Education – QMHE, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2009; - citation ANASTASIU Livia, “The
Impact of E-Learning on Human Resources Effectiveness in Higher Education”, The 5th International Seminar Quality
Management in Higher Education – QMHE, Iași, România, 2012. - Maier, A., Brad, S., Nicoară, D., Maier, D. (2013),
Innovation by developing human resources, ensuring the competitiveness and success of the organization, 2 nd

Source: D08-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1760.pdf
Activități cu foarte mare aplicabilitate în prezent și viitor Proiect pilot;
The present proposal fits well within this larger R&D plan. 2.5.

Source: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0929.pdf
Rolul și însușirile unui bun afacerist
Accounting for the role of habit in regular saving.

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Source: PARTENERIATE-M4-2007-F1-1679.pdf

During whole this period INCSMPS furnished national reports regarding the following issues: satisfaction regarding the
work place, working conditions and team working.

Source: PARTENERIATE-M4-2007-F1-1679.pdf
Natura activității ce urmează a fi organizată.
In our country, the enterprises indifferently to the property nature, to the activity area approached has passed by
phases of reorganisation,, modernization, and continue adaptation at the dynamism of Romanian economic area, who
recently knows also European conditioning and confront with the complex problem of the humane resource
re-admeasurements, with the measurement and evaluation of the existent humane resources.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0415.pdf

Working Conditions - Undeclared work [on-line].

Source: D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf
Se aproximează vânzări, în medie, de 500 lei pe zi.
At a price of 1500 lei / equipment with a sales volume of 3000 pcs / year result 4.500.000lei/an turnover.

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Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1726.pdf

United Nations (2019), ‘International Migrant Stock 2019’, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population
Division, available at: /index.asp Verhaest, D. and Omey,
E. (2006), ‘Measuring the Incidence of Over- and Undereducation’, Quality & Quantity 40(5), 783-803.

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

Thus, crowdsourcing and the sharing economy are driving a huge amount of change and disruption in business at the
moment and has become an important part of the innovation and product development process.
Mărimea afacerii si posibilitatea de dezvoltare.
Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0502.pdf

While absorptive capacity has received considerable attention in the literature, its development possibilities in an MNC
subsidiary – emerging country supplier relationship have not yet been systematically explored. o Including the
organizational context in our analysis represents in itself a specific contribution as we focus on special contextual factors
that are present in the relationship between an MNC subsidiary and its local supplier, both located in emerging countries.
o While knowledge characteristics have received considerable attention both in the knowledge management literature
and in other business fields, their inclusion in the framework is a necessary element to ensure the relevance of our
expected findings.  The potential contribution of this project to scientific research is also strengthened by its
interdisciplinary nature: by focusing on the knowledge transfer process between manufacturing multinationals and local
suppliers, we aim to combine and cross-fertilize exis

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2182.pdf

Resources and budget Personnel expenses consider 4 positions budgeted in the funding application as follows: 1 project
leader (18 h/month, 4050 lei/month x 24 months); 2 Young Researcher (12 h/month, 2700 lei/month x 24 months; 10
Stoc inițial băuturi și snacks-uri: 2000 lei / lună x 12 luni = 24.000 lei Cheltuieli h/month, 2250 lei/month x 24 months); 1 PhD Student (10 h/month, 1100 lei/month x 18 months).
pază și securitate: 5000 lei/an

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0502.pdf

This represents a total cost of 12 200 lei/month.

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Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2182.pdf

Ethical issues related to this project are minimised considering the fact that only four people are involved, the project
manager, two young researchers, and one Ph.D. student.
Managerul ideal nu există în realitate.
Source: D04-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1208.pdf

The fact that in Romania the majority of the dentists working in a dental practice are also owners and managers of the
dental practice brings new challenges for the dental professionals, who do not always have proper management training.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1691.pdf

Objectives: (1) Analyse recent local and national policies specifically developed for encouraging and supporting the IT
Numărul de angajați necesari derulării activității. production in Romania, addressing business owners, employees, and academic staff working in the field. (2) Analyse the
concrete set of measures and actions proposed or supported by local authorities aiming to make Cluj-Napoca an
attractive place for foreign investments, as well as to encourage an increase in the number of IT companies. (3) Analyse
the complementary role played by NGO sector (e.g. professional and employers’ associations) in developing cooperative
networks between companies, educational institutions and support organizations.

Source: D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054.pdf
Bilanțul părinților (în cazul în care există posibilitatea)
As concerns uncertainty, it is related to the cases when the occurrence probabilities of the events are not known and
there is no possibility of estimating them, either.

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Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1726.pdf

This means passing, with a score of 85% or more, all stringent Horizon 2020 assessment thresholds for the 3 award
criteria (excellence, impact, quality and efficiency of implementation). 5 Fig. 1: Romanian students abroad and at home
Table 1: Skills obsolescence (%) across countries in 2014 Countries % Estonia 73.17% Czech Republic 68.23% Slovenia
65.04% Lithuania 64.29% Romania 62.95% Fig. 2: Trend of education mismatch by age group 25-34 for high educational
level possessed in Romania compared to EU Source: European Skills and Jobs Survey (Cedefop) Thus, by studying the
job-education mismatch on the Romanian labor market, as well as the role of youth brain drain, YOUTHSKILLS project
Este necesar să se facă o comparație între efecte si eforturi. aims to further deepen our understanding of the determinants and effects of skilled migration on
overeducation/overskilling and to contribute to the rather scarce evidence on countries from Eastern Europe.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0368.pdf

For instance, Standing (2011) identified the tendency ‘to give the precariat a positive image, typifying a romantic free
spirit who rejects norms of the old working class steeped in stable labor, as well as the bourgeois materialism of those in
salaried ‘white-collar’ jobs’ (Standing, 2011: 9).

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf
Gradul de implicare și de răspundere asumat de partenerii de afacere.
She has a Bachelor Degree in Economics and business Administration and she is currently undertaking a Master’s in

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf
Economist -Salsa, -Codul bunelor maniere, -Activități legate de comunicare
Working visits / good practice exchanges (activity code D.3.)

Capitalul social este solicitat doar în cazul SRL (200 lei) si SA (90.000 lei - Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1337.pdf
echivalentul a 25000 euro).
Capital social / Patrimoniu (în lei) 251.000/585.000

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Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2177.pdf

Există entuziasm la nivel educațional și de afaceri cu privire la potențialul de dezvoltare al jocurilor educaționale.

Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2177.pdf

Deși cercetătorii și dezvoltatorii sunt de acord asupra multiplelor beneficii și potențialului acestor medii noi în domeniul
învățării și al afacerilor, dezvoltarea acestora rămâne o provocare.

Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2177.pdf

În timp ce cercetătorii și cei care pun în practică cad de acord asupra multiplelor beneficii și a potențialului acestor medii
în curs de dezvoltare în domeniul învățării si al afacerilor, dezvoltarea lor rămâne o provocare.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2182.pdf
Nu toate afacerile au același potențial de creștere.
How Taxes Relate to Potential Welfare Gain and Appreciable Economic Growth.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0368.pdf

For instance, it may be that that the 12 distinction between jobs that offer opportunities for further growth and dead-end
jobs may carry high analytical potential.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1180.pdf

To what extent does the rate of unemployment rise as a result of increased worker inflows into unemployment driven by
elevated rates of job loss?

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0658.pdf

Not at least, the potential benefic economic impact of the project’s outcomes would be emphasize by an increase of
private investments of the MA due to a high connectivity towards various services, leading to an increase in job
provision and employability rates by engaging the local workforce into the labor market (Figure 2).

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Source: PARTENERIATE-M4-2007-F1-1679.pdf
Concluziile pun în lumină observațiile sesizate în urma realizării întregii lucrări,
în special a studiului de caz.
During whole this period INCSMPS furnished national reports regarding the following issues: satisfaction regarding the
work place, working conditions and team working.

Source: D04-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1208.pdf
În speranța că această lucrare întrunește toate cerințele dumneavoastră, vă
All these aspects will serve to meet the patients’ expectations, satisfy their needs, deal with their complaints or need for
instructions and information.

Source: D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf

Documentary research and fundamentation of the chosen solution based on the optimized input/output rate.
Meșteșugarul pune preț pe calitatea produselor și rezolvarea problemelor;
Source: D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf

Activity II.1 Documentary research and fundamentation of the chosen solution based on the optimized input/output rate.

Source: PARTENERIATE-M4-2007-F1-1679.pdf

During whole this period INCSMPS furnished national reports regarding the following issues: satisfaction regarding the
work place, working conditions and team working.

Acest lucru este atestat de următoarele concluzii: Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-2640.pdf

Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 32(4), pp. 493-513, 2012. 
Langer, A.A., Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Springer, 3rd edition, 2007.  Lara, J.A., Lizcano, D., Martínez,
M.A., Pazos, J., Developing front-end Web 2.0 technologies to access services, content and things in the future Internet,
Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 29, Issue 5, 2013.  Malhotra, A., Malhotra, C.K., See, A., How to Create
Brand Engagement on Facebook, MIT Sloan Management Review, Volume:54, Issue:2, pp. 18-20, 2013.  Marra, R.,
Palmer, B., Encouraging Intellectual Growth: Senior College Student Profiles.

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Organizatorii de parcuri de aventura pentru copii încearcă să se diferențieze Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1937.pdf
unii de alții prin trasee, oferte și programe diversificate.
Gambling Prevention Program Among Children.

Obiectul de activitate definit de codul CAEN: 9329 Alte activități recreative și Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1343.pdf
distractive n.c.a.
N/C Denumire obiect de activitate Cod CAEN 1.

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Source: D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1045.pdf

The review of the codes of best practices or the guidelines concerning the consumer’s private space and privacy, the
approach of the private space, and, overall, the collection, processing, administration, and employment of the personal
data (Activity A3.) aims, as a major goal, to provide information regarding to what extent the content of these codes and
guidelines provide all the interested entities from the Member States and at the level of the European Union.

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

Presentation of the research infrastructure available for the project The Department of Engineering and Management
(TUIASI) owns the necessary infrastructure for the educational and research processes, carrying out its activity in a
modern space, comprising four laboratories and three research centres of the department, among which the Research
Center in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Cei mai mulți organizatori nu au propriul spațiu, ci subcontractează aceste
servicii, însă au propriile echipamente și personal pentru desfășurarea D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1045.pdf
activităților. Source: D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1045.pdf

The dissemination of the research results will be done implementing a strategy based on presenting and publishing
research papers in the proceedings of relevant international conferences, respectively publishing scientific articles in
leading peer-to-peer reviewed journals, abstracted and indexed in international databases, on the content of the
consumer’s private space and privacy, the legal framework, the best practices and guidelines concerning the protection
and employment of the personal data, and the stakeholders’ views and behavior regarding the consumer’s private
space and privacy, and processing and employment of the personal data (Activities A4.1., A4.2., A8.1., A8.2., A10.1.,
and A10.2.) and elaborating, publishing, and distribution, towards the involved stakeholders, of a Guide of best practices
concerning the appropriate approach of the consumer’s private space (Activities A9 and A10.3.).

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0658.pdf

Establishing the coverage of public and private services in MA where we identify the existing public and private services
in metropolitan areas and their specifics; 10.

Source: D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf
Nu se poate lucra eficient si eficace într-un mediu pe care nu-l înțelegem.
It will be interactive, which means that they can be seen, modified, printed, etc.

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Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1827.pdf
Se poate spune că am făcut o afacere atunci când am cumpărat sau am
vândut ceva la preț avantajos.
Friedman (1953) suggested that irrational investment behavior (the investor buys when prices are high and sells when
prices are low) threatens market stability by moving prices away from their fundamental value.

Definiția din dicționar a afacerii este: „Tranzacție financiară, comercială sau

industrială bazată de obicei pe speculă sau pe speculații”[footnoteRef:1].

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

Some of these needs are: limited acces to useful knowledge for business development, lack of support services (legal,
marketing, accounting, human resources, etc.), difficulties in finding appropriate suppliers, difficulties in marketing and
selling their products/services and also the need to share their experiences with their counterparts.

De ce unii oameni le descoperă si alții nu? Source: D08-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1760.pdf

New solutions must be found and some preliminary tests in the area of main tank injection methods will be initiated.

Source: D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054.pdf

Using analysts' coverage and institutional following as proxies for financial intermediary monitoring, we find some
support for the importance of reputational bonding.

Creșterea numărului de trasee oferite de la 4 la 8 cu grade de dificultate Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1691.pdf
The elements of difficulty of the issue.

Obținerea unui profit de minim 3.000 de lei pe lună în cel de-al doilea an de Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1552.pdf
Profiturile companiei au variat de asemenea de la 259.000 lei la 675.000 lei.

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Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1691.pdf

Objectives: (1) Analyse recent local and national policies specifically developed for encouraging and supporting the IT
production in Romania, addressing business owners, employees, and academic staff working in the field. (2) Analyse the
concrete set of measures and actions proposed or supported by local authorities aiming to make Cluj-Napoca an
attractive place for foreign investments, as well as to encourage an increase in the number of IT companies. (3) Analyse
Asociații firmei au abilitățile personale și profesionale necesare pentru a the complementary role played by NGO sector (e.g. professional and employers’ associations) in developing cooperative
conduce afacerea și pentru a performa în domeniul lor de activitate; networks between companies, educational institutions and support organizations.

Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1480.pdf

The National Institute of Statistics conducted a quantitative research on the interest of the public and 12 private
companies in this domain [8].

Metode utilizate în cercetare și descrierea lor ,,Numărul metodelor utilizate în

cercetare este foarte mare, greu de clasificat, pentru că fiecare domeniu de
activitate își creează propriile instrumente de lucru, de
investigație.”[footnoteRef:18] [18: Niculescu, M., 2003, Metodologia cercetării
științifice în educație fizică și sport, volumul II, Editura Bren, București, p. 288
25] Calitatea cercetării este condiționată de una sau mai multe componente
din cele prezentate mai jos : “Identificarea și circumscrierea unei anumite Citare
probleme; Căutarea, revizuirea și chiar scrierea de noi concepte, practici sau
teorii în literatura de specialitate; Definirea și precizarea ipotezelor și
variabilelor; Proiectarea modului de verificare a ipotezelor; Selecționarea,
testarea și experimentarea subiecților; Analiza, interpretarea și concluzionarea
cercetării. Discuții asupra însemnătății și implicării practice a rezultatelor

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-1691.pdf
Piața este destul de mare pentru a permite existența companiei, cererea
există pe piața pe care aceasta activează;
Bucharest companies are rather oriented toward the domestic market, and driven strongly by governmental demand
(Pierre Audoin Consultants, 2016).

Mark Victor Hansen, scriitor și vorbitor motivațional, afirma: „Nu aștepta până
când totul va fi perfect. Niciodată nu va fi totul perfect. Întotdeauna vor fi
provocări, obstacole și condiții mai puțin perfecte. Și ce dacă? Începe acum. Citare
Cu fiecare pas pe care îl faci, vei crește mai puternic, vei fi mai pregătit, mai
încrezător în forțele proprii și mai aproape de succes.”

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Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

Posedați un spațiu pentru desfășurarea activităților respective? Presentation of the research infrastructure available for the project The Department of Engineering and Management
(TUIASI) owns the necessary infrastructure for the educational and research processes, carrying out its activity in a
modern space, comprising four laboratories and three research centres of the department, among which the Research
Center in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

După aria cercetărilor realizate, prin metoda observației s- a ajuns la Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0011.pdf
adoptarea unor criterii de clasificare a metodei.
Grounded theory research: procedures: canons, and evaluative criteria.

Accesul la tehnologia modernă, îndeosebi cea informațională, la rezultatele Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-1937.pdf
cercetării științifice, inovațiile apărute, pot genera nenumărate oportunități.
New approaches to psychotherapy techniques.

Source: INOVARE-M1-2007-F1-1324.pdf
Capital minim 200 - 90.000 lei (echivalentul a 25.000
Valoarea capitalului: 292.841.325.000 lei 7.

Definit ca ”o succesiune logică și psihologică de întrebări scrise sau imagini

grafice cu funcție de stimuli, în raport cu ipotezele cercetării, care prin
administrarea de către operatorii de anchetă sau prin autoadministrare,
determină din partea celui anchetat un comportament verbal sau nonverbal,
ce urmează a fi înregistrat în scris”, chestionarul necesită o deosebită atenție
atât față de conținutul întrebărilor, cât și față de tipul, forma și ordinea lor.

Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1337.pdf

Capital social / Patrimoniu (în lei) 747.732

Valoarea unei diviziuni de capital social 10 lei - 0,1 lei 0,1 lei -
Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1337.pdf

Capital social / Patrimoniu (în lei) 309 milioane

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Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0415.pdf
Diviziune capital social Părți sociale Părți de interes
For the students who had not worked during their time as a student, we will ask about an hypothetical scenario: “If you
would have a job offer tomorrow, would you accept to receive all or part of your regular salary or the remuneration for
extra work or overtime hours cash-in-hand and without declaring it to tax or social security authorities?

Source: PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2177.pdf
Să intuiască măsura între prudență și risc.
Modelling Risk Control Measures in Railways.

Source: D08-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1760.pdf
Este realizabil pe o perioadă de opt luni.
The task duration of nine months will ensure the prediction of performances.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0368.pdf
Să-și propună ca prioritate dezvoltarea afacerii, dezvoltarea fiind șansa
supraviețuirii afacerii.
For instance, it may be that that the 12 distinction between jobs that offer opportunities for further growth and dead-end
jobs may carry high analytical potential.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1912.pdf
Un element important de care depinde succesul unui afaceri și la care nu am
făcut referință până acum în cadrul lucrării este planul de afaceri.
In summary, the existing job search intervention programs were developed in the absence of a comprehensive
framework (an integration of the most important mechanisms associated with employment success).

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Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1827.pdf

More specifically, our objectives are systematized as follows: 1.

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1726.pdf

În funcție de scopul urmărit există mai multe tipuri de evaluare: Specifically, YOUTHSKILLS project will pursue the following research objectives (O1 – O6): O 1 Assess the extent of the
phenomenon of youth brain drain in Romania, as well as the composition of movers and non-movers (low- and
high-ability, poor and non-poor); O 2 Analyze the incidence and the persistence of job-education mismatch, as well as of
skill obsolescence on the Romanian labor market; O 3 Analyze to what extent migration of most talented increases
equality of educational opportunity and the education – occupation match in the home country for students from
different backgrounds; O 4 Examine the causal effects of emigration of high-school graduates on the level and type of
origin- country human capital, as measured by the total admissions in the higher education system across regions and
various study fields; O 5 Provide estimates of the probability of being mismatched on labor market, broken down by the
field of study (horizontal mismatch) and level of skills (vertical mismatch

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1180.pdf

The table below presents possible risks and measures taken to mitigate them: Risk Consequence Risk prevention
measure Impact Probability of occurrence Errors in the agent system design and Failure to have a running agent system
52 PLANUL DE MANAGEMENT Planul de personal
Detailed planning of research (activity A1) and detailed High Low implementation design of the system Failure to collect
proper data Failure to calibrate and simulate the ABM Schedule more visits to get data from source, instead of traveling
to conferences High Medium Failure to comply with the deadlines of activities Extension of the implementation period,
or failure to run the second iteration Keep and track the implementation methodology of the project High Medium
Excessive workload for PI Delays Proper time management, reducing the teaching duties High Medium D5.

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Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1480.pdf

The project`s budget is structured into the following chapters: - Staff costs (gross salaries): - P1: gross salary 4.860
lei/month - P2: gross salary 2.800 lei/month - P3: gross salary 2.500 lei/month - P4: gross salary 2.500 lei/month - P5:
gross salary 2.800 lei/month - Inventory expenses (VAT included): Aquisition: 4 laptops (2 pieces x 2.000 lei/2015 and 2
pieces x 2.000 lei/2016), 4 professional softs (4 pieces x 11.250 lei/2015), 4 antiviruses (4 pieces x 300 lei/2015),
speciality books (4.000 lei/ 2015 and 4.000 lei/2016), consumables (5.000 lei/2015 and 5.000 lei/2016), disseminating
expenses (10.000 lei/2016), grants (120 x 250 lei/2016), web page (8.000 lei/2015 and 4.000 lei/2016); - Mobility
expenses: Costs: transportation (4.000 lei/2015 and 8.000 lei/2016), accomodation (3.000 lei/2015 and 7.000 lei/2016),
daytime (1.000 lei/2015 and 2.000 lei/2016), participation in scientific conferences and paper publishing (25.000
Costurile cu salariile vor fi următoarele: 1 manager, responsabil aprovizionare: lei/2016) - Overhead costs: It represents a percentage
1500 lei/lună 3 Operatori x 1250 lei /lună = 3.750 lei/lună Total cheltuieli de
personal lunare = 5.250 lei Cheltuieli de personal anuale = 63.000 lei
Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2182.pdf

Resources and budget Personnel expenses consider 4 positions budgeted in the funding application as follows: 1 project
leader (18 h/month, 4050 lei/month x 24 months); 2 Young Researcher (12 h/month, 2700 lei/month x 24 months; 10
h/month, 2250 lei/month x 24 months); 1 PhD Student (10 h/month, 1100 lei/month x 18 months).

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0502.pdf

This represents a total cost of 12 200 lei/month.

Managementul afacerilor, Bucuresti] Cei 11 factori esențiali „Factorii esențiali

ai succesului în afaceri sunt ca și funcțiile vitale ale corpului, cum ar fi ritmul
cardiac, ritmul respirator, presiunea arterială, activitatea cerebrală etc.
Funcțiile vitale indică și măsoară starea generală a sănătății și vitalitatea unei Citare
persoane. Absența uneia dintre ele, chiar și pentru câteva momente, poate
duce la îmbolnăvirea ori chiar decesul persoanei respective. Majoritatea
acestor factori sunt perfect valabili în cazul tuturor companiilor.”

Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1361.pdf
Aceștia sunt mediul demografic, socio-cultural, economic și cel
politico-legislativ în care societatea își desfășoară activitatea.
Macromediul include mediul demografic, economic, natural, tehnologic, precum si mediul politico-legislativ si

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Source: D04-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1208.pdf
Trebuie ca înainte de a te apuca de construcția efectivă să pui pe hârtie sub
forma unui proiect concepția și calculele tale.
When setting up a QMS, several issues need to be taken into account: the design and building of the system, control,
deployment, measurement, review and improvement.

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Source: PN-II-IN-DPST-2012-1-0034.pdf

Mai multe detalii se regasesc in Planul de afaceri al proiectului. 1.5.

Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1343.pdf

In continuare este prezentat Planul de Afaceri intocmit de firma pentru acest proiect.

Source: PN-II-IN-DPST-2012-1-0034.pdf

Acestea sunt analizate in Planul de afaceri.

Source: INOVARE-M1-2007-F1-1400.pdf

eneficiarul rezultatelor proiectului, o valoare prezenta neta de 31.338 lei deja la nivelul anului 2007(anul demarării
proiectului), aplicând un calcul de actualizare (cu un coeficient de actualizare a=0,06, a se vedea Planul de afaceri
Acest proiect este planul de afaceri.

Source: D08-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1760.pdf

The GANTT scheme rsumes the phases, their schedule and the activities involved.

Source: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0929.pdf

Towards a European Deposit Insurance Scheme.

Source: D08-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-1760.pdf

Integrating the test stand equipment is an important part that will be performed under specifications compiled by
partner 1 during the previous phases 3 and 5 dealing with the design.

Source: PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-0929.pdf

Governments can design optimal bailout schemes to restore depositors’ confidence in the banking sector during crisis.

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Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1480.pdf
Responsabilitățile și funcțiile omului de afaceri
Finally, the business environment will publish the vacant jobs, for which the students are already trained.

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Source: INOVARE-M1-2008-F1-1337.pdf

Existența unor conjuncturi de piață favorabile produsului / tehnologiei / serviciului rezultate din studii de marketing

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

This bi-univocal relation that will be generated has two roles: on one hand, creative entrepreneurs (SMEs and/or
freelancers) are offering their services and/or products and on the other hand, the same firms are being offered the
platform to ask for and get support, consultancy, knowledge from other community members (including marketing,
business management, juridical consultancy, intellectual property, etc).

Source: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0368.pdf

Overall, engaging in meaningful work, being able to determine the contours of work/life balance are luxuries many
educated people are unable to afford (Sweet & Meiksins, 2013).
Existența pieței pentru produsul sau serviciului oferit
Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

Marketplace Functions: finding relevant providers of products or services needed, addressing a targeted market (for the
providers), buying and selling products and services related to creative It is a brokerage section which has the objective
to pair offers of useful services dedicated to third parties from creative industries.

Source: PARTENERIATE-M4-2007-F1-1679.pdf

During whole this period INCSMPS furnished national reports regarding the following issues: satisfaction regarding the
work place, working conditions and team working.

Source: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-0689.pdf

E-Shop Functions: presenting the products/services and selling them to a wider online market; promoting products and
services from creative industries.

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Se studiază existența unor nevoi, viitorii clienți, valoarea creată de
Source: D05-F2-PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0899.pdf
produs/serviciu, ciclul de viață al produsului, structura și mărimea pieței, rata
creșterii pieței.
Crops need different amounts of water at different stages of their growth cycle.

Source: PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1827.pdf
Pentru unele produse, care nu există încă în țară, piața trebuie creată.
The authors also show that differences in ambiguity between market makers and traders can generate contrarian and
herding behavior on the short run, while on the long-run markets are efficient.

Source: D10-F2-PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1054.pdf
Cu cât este mai mare piața unui produs, cu atât este mai bine pentru
Introducing agents brings greater realism to asset-pricing models and, more importantly, gives a far better
understanding of how capital markets function.

Previziunea răspunde la întrebarea "Ce poate si ce trebuie realizat în cadrul


Antrenare - Antrenarea răspunde la întrebarea "De ce personalul firmei

participă la stabilirea și realizarea obiectivelor acesteia?".

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