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Comunicare n limba englez

Limba modern 1
Clasa a II-a
Partea I
Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educaiei Naionale.
Manualul colar a fost aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale nr. 4783 din 13.10.2014, n urma evalurii, i este
realizat n conformitate cu programa colar aprobat prin Ordinul ministrului educaiei naionale nr. 3418 din 19 martie 2013.
Manualul este distribuit elevilor n mod gratuit, att n format tiprit, ct i n format digital, i este transmisibil timp de
patru ani colari, ncepnd cu anul colar 2014 2015.
Inspectoratul colar ..
coala/Colegiul/Liceul .
Acest manual a fost folosit:
Aspectul manualului*
Anul Numele elevului Clasa Anul colar format tiprit format digital
la primire la predare la primire la predare
*Pentru precizarea aspectului manualului se va folosi unul dintre urmtorii termeni: nou, bun, ngrijit, nengrijit, deteriorat.
Cadrele didactice vor verifica dac informaiile nscrise n tabelul de mai sus sunt corecte.
Elevii nu vor face niciun fel de nsemnri pe manual.

Echipa editorial:
Coordonatorul proiectului: Diana Zografi Redactor: Alina Ioan DTP: Vasile Ardeleanu Ilustraii: Veronica Neacu, Sebas-
tian Opria, Adriana Opria-Gheorghe, Amandine Bnescu Coperta: Alexandru Da Ilustraia copertei: Veronica Neacu

Realizarea CD-ului:
Soft i realizare digital: SC Infomedia Pro SRL Lectura textelor: Deborah Stowe, Luke Southan Soliti: Zoltn Andrs, Debo-
rah Stowe Orchestraia: Zoltn Andrs Prelucrare sunet: Emil Viciu Animaii: Alexandru Da Studio: SC ML Consulting SRL

Sursele textelor i ale melodiilor de pe CD:

Hello, Nino!, p. 10, versuri: Marina Frnculescu, muzic: dup Frre Jacques cntec popular francez; A Party at School, p. 12,
versuri: Bianca Popa; Theres a Doggy in the House, p. 17, versuri: autor necunoscut, muzic: dup If Youre Happy and You
Know It cntec popular englez; Old McDonald, p. 21, cntec popular englez; Donkey, Donkey, Old and Grey, p. 25, poezie
popular pentru copii; Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone?, p. 29, versuri: Septimus Winner (1827 1902), muzica: dup In
Lauterbach hab ich mein Strumpf verlorn cntec popular german; Autumn, p. 35, versuri: Bianca Popa; Brown and Purple,
p. 39, versuri: Bianca Popa, muzic: dup Head, Shoulders, Arms and Legs cntec din folclorul american i englez; The
Seasons, p. 43, poezie popular pentru copii; Winter Is All Around, p. 47, adaptare dup Sugar and Spice and All Thats Nice,
poezie popular pentru copii; The Muffin Man, p. 53, cntec popular englez; Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, p. 57, poezie popular
pentru copii; Together, p. 61, cntec popular englez; The Gingerbread Man, p. 65, versuri din basmul popular cu acelai
nume; Jingle Bells, p. 72, cntec american de Crciun, versuri i muzic: James Lord Pierpont (1822 1893)

Veronica Neacu: pp. 10, 11, 12 sus, 13 15, 18 20, 22 24, 25 sus, 26, 27, 28 jos, 30, 32 34, 35 sus, 36, 37, 38 jos, 40 42,
43 sus, 44 46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56 jos, 57 sus, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64 sus, 65 sus, 66, 67, 69, 75 77; Sebastian Opria: pp. 16 jos,
21 sus, 24, 28 sus, 29 sus, 30, 38 sus, 47 sus, 52, 53 sus, 56 sus, 60, 61 sus, 68, 74; Amandine Bnescu: 12 jos, 17 jos, 21 jos, 25
jos, 29 jos, 35 jos, 39 jos, 43 jos, 47 jos, 49, 53 jos, 57 jos, 61 jos, 64 jos, 65 jos, 70 72; Adriana Opria-Gheorghe: 16 sus, 31

ISBN general: 978-606-710-138-6

ISBN volumul I: 978-606-710-136-2

Grup Editorial ART

C.P. 4, O.P. 83, cod 062650, sector 6, Bucureti
tel.: (021) 224 01 30, 0744 300 870, 0721 213 576; fax: (021) 224 17.65
Comenzi online:

Bianca Popa Marina Frnculescu

Mariana Popa Diana Zografi

Comunicare n limba englez

Limba modern 1
Clasa a II-a
Partea I

Conform programei colare pentru disciplina

Comunicare n limba modern 1,
clasa pregtitoare, clasa I i clasa a II-a,
aprobat de MEN prin Ordinul nr. 3418 din 19.03.2013
Numrul de telefon european de asisten pentru copii: 116 111
Unit/Lesson Topic/Language functions/Competencies
Hello Again!
Lesson 1. Back Together Revision Greeting people Identifying things/colours/people
Lesson 2. I Love Parties! Revision Parties Identifying things Locating things/characters
Unit 1. Big Friends, Little Friends
Lesson 1. Mrs Smiths Pet Pets Expressing likes Identifying colours Locating things
Lesson 2. On the Farm Animals on the farm Locating things Identifying animals
Lesson 3. The Donkey Animals on the farm Describing animals
Lesson 4. The Bremen Band The story: The Bremen Band Expressing abilities
I Can Do It! Unit 1
The Bremen Band. Lets play!
Unit 2. Autumn and Winter
Lesson 1. My ABC Book My ABC Book Expressing abilities
Colours Expressing likes
Lesson 2. My Favourite Colour

The Seasons Expressing likes; expressing abilities

Lesson 3. My Favourite Season

Lesson 4. Snow Queen The story: Snow Queen Expressing commands

I Can Do It! Unit 2
Colours. Lets play!
Unit 3. Guests
Food Locating things Expressing abilities
Lesson 1. Lets Make a Cake!

Food Expressing likes

Lesson 2. It Smells Good!

Free time activities Asking for information

Lesson 3. What about the Film?

The story: The Gingerbread Man Expressing abilities

Lesson 4. The Gingerbread Man

I Can Do It! Unit 3

Revision. U1 U3 Pets, animals on the farm, colours, food Describing things, locating things,
expressing abilities


Instruciuni pentru jocuri
Jocuri didactice
Desene cu diferene
My Picture Dictionary
New vocabulary/Structures and phrases Rhymes/Songs Pages

Hello! How are you? Im fine, thanks. And you? Im fine, too, thank you. Song: Hello, Nino! 10 11
Wheres the cat? There, on the right. Rhyme: A Party at School 12 13

dog, spot, black, brown, on He has/Come along/Goodbye! Song: Theres a Doggy in the House 14 17
horse, cock, chicken, farm, behind a lot of/They have Song: Old McDonald 18 21
donkey, head, big, small, long, short It has/You can ride it. Rhyme: Donkey, Donkey, Old and Grey 22 25
musician, band, on, under Lets go/We can sing. Song: Oh, Where Has My Little Dog Gone? 26 29
Consolidation and assessment 30
Consolidation 31

letters, ABC book, autumn I can read Rhyme: Autumn 32 35

orange, white, purple, brush Song: Brown and Purple
I like painting./Whats your favourite colour? 36 39

november, birthday, ski, go sledging, spring, Rhyme: The Seasons

summer, autumn, winter Can you ski? No, I cant. 40 43

reindeer, tears I cant come./Who are you?/Lets go home./Go away. Rhyme: Winter Is All Around 44 47
Consolidation and assessment 48
Consolidation 49

flour, butter, sugar, eggs, cake, fridge, in Song: The Muffin Man
I can make a cake/I have 50 53

chocolate cake, orange juice, chair Rhyme: Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake

It smells good./Wait and see. 54 57

wild horse, computer, film Song: Together

watch a film/play a game/What about a film? 58 61

arms, legs, oven, cow, gingerbread, eat Rhyme: The Gingerbread Man
I can run/You cannot eat me./Im hungry. 62 65

Consolidation and assessment 66

Consolidation Vocabulary and structures related to the topics
and functions revised 67 68

Assessment 69
candle, birthday cake
How old are you? Im eight./Happy Birthday!
skeleton, monster, witch, black cat, spooky things
Happy Halloween!
Santa Claus, present, bell Merry Christmas! Song: Jingle Bells 72
75 77
78 80

I. Prezentare general

Comunicare n limba englez. Limba modern 1, clasa a II-a este un manual conceput n conformitate cu sugestiile metodologice
i de coninut ale programei colare pentru disciplina Comunicare n limba modern 1, clasa pregtitoare, clasa I i clasa a II-a (O.M.
nr. 3418/19.03.2013) privind formarea unor competene de comunicare elementare n limba strin studiat.
Manualul ofer suportul necesar pentru formarea achiziiilor de comunicare elementare (nivel A1 parial, din Portofoliul
European), a atitudinilor asociate cu deprinderile de comunicare, pentru dezvoltarea de noi aptitudini, n raport cu nevoile i
ritmul propriu de dezvoltare ale copilului.
Conform noilor cerine pentru procesul educaional, manualul de fa ofer ca suport de nvare manualul clasic, n form
tiprit, nsoit de componenta digital (CD multimedia).

II. Structura manualului

A. Manualul tiprit

Coninuturile lexico-tematice i de comunicare ale manualului sunt repartizate n dou volume, corespunztoare celor dou
semestre colare.
Fiecare volum are 80 de pagini i cuprinde:
trei uniti tematice;
fie-test de autoevaluare (I Can Do It) la sfritul fiecrei uniti;
o recapitulare sumativ, semestrial;
un test de evaluare semestrial;
jocuri lexicale (Lets play!) i proiecte (Project), care reprezint modaliti complementare de fixare i consolidare a
lecii opionale, consacrate prezentrii i nsuirii unor elemente culturale reprezentative (Christmas, Halloween);
vocabularul tematic (My Picture Dictionary), ilustrat i cu suport audio;
instruciuni pentru jocuri;
sugestii de jocuri didactice;
transcrierea coninuturilor audio.
Al doilea volum (semestrul al II-lea) conine n plus o recapitulare final, sub forma unor ateliere (Workshops) la dispoziia
n tabla de materii a fiecrui volum se regsesc coninuturile fiecrei seciuni (titluri, tematica abordat, competenele,
vocabularul i cntecele/poeziile propuse).

B. Manualul digital
CD-ul multimedia include coninuturile din manualul tiprit i activiti multimedia.

III. Structura unei uniti

Fiecare dintre cele ase uniti este alctuit din patru lecii, organizate pe teme din universul familiar, imediat.
Ultima lecie din unitate, lecia a patra, este destinat lumii magice a basmelor i este ntotdeauna o secven conturat n
jurul unui basm/a unei poveti (Once upon a Time).

IV. Structura unei lecii

Fiecare lecie ncepe cu un desen complex pe o pagin dubl cu caracter situaional, ca element declanator al nvrii.
Acest desen ilustreaz coninutul dialogului central, regsibil n format digital audiovizual (animaie). Pe pagin se afl i un
set de trei-ase mici desene care ilustreaz vocabularul activ (lexicul pe care elevii i-l vor nsui i l vor utiliza independent).
Desenele sunt nsoite de etichete scrise cu litere de tipar cu denumirea obiectului sau situaiei ilustrate. Aceste etichete
nu vor face obiectul unei abordri directe, explicite, de citit-scris. Ele constituie o modalitate de vizualizare global a formei
scrise a unui cuvnt, asociat cu imaginea, cu scopul de a-i familiariza pe copii cu elemente grafice specifice. Elevii pot recepta
etichetele ca mesaje vizuale, simple, asociate cu imaginile. Pe aceeai pagin se afl o activitate de exploatare a imaginii.
Urmtoarele dou pagini ale leciei cuprind activiti diverse de exploatare/consolidare a lexicului, activiti la dispoziia
profesorului (cntece, poezii).

Numrul i titlul unitii Pagini duble deschise din manualul tiprit

Buton care indic

o animaie

Numrul i titlul leciei

Buton pentru activiti

de ascultare
vocabularul leciei

Desen complex element

declanator al nvrii

Vocabular ilustrat

Buton pentru activiti

de ascultare
exploatarea imaginii

Activiti de nvare
fr suport digital

Activiti de nvare
cu suport digital

Activiti de nvare
cu suport digital

Activiti de nvare Cntece/Poezii

fr suport digital la dispoziia profesorului

V. Ghid de utilizare a resurselor multimedia din manualul digital. Meniul de navigare

Mergi la pagina
Mergi la pagina

Ajutor. Ghid de utilizare

a resurselor multimedia
D clic, scrie numrul
paginii la care vrei s ajungi, Cuprins
apoi apas butonul OK. Navigare rapid
D clic pe pagina/lecia
la care vrei s ajungi.

Fereastr deschis n manualul digital. Exemplu de activitate interactiv explicarea butoanelor


Apas pe
acest buton
pentru a relua

Ascult din nou

Verific rezolvarea. cerina.

Ajutor contextual
indicaii pentru
rezolvarea activitilor
Butoane pentru activitile multimedia

Vizioneaz animaia. Ascult. Lucreaz cu colegii ti. Bifeaz.

Observ. Lucreaz cu un coleg. Scrie numrul potrivit. ncercuiete.

Coloreaz. Deseneaz sau trage linii. Aaz imaginile la locul potrivit.

Aaz bucile de puzzle la locul potrivit.

Scrie, bifeaz, ncercuiete sau coloreaz. AMII complex Autoevaluare

Scrie, bifeaz, ncercuiete sau coloreaz! AMII complex Evaluare

VI. Concepia manualului

Demers didactic
n proiectarea manualului, autorii au inut seama de sugestiile i recomandrile programei colare, favoriznd: nvarea
n context, cu scopul de a evita memorarea i recitarea de cuvinte/propoziii simple i de a facilita transferarea i reutilizarea
acestora n situaii noi de comunicare; diversitatea contextelor de nvare; folosirea nonverbalului pentru intuirea conceptelor,
prin experien direct; combinarea verbalului (receptat sau exprimat) cu limbajul corporal, vizual sau muzical; abordarea
ludic, prin activiti atrgtoare.

Exerciii i activiti
Exerciiile i activitile propuse ca modaliti de exersare i antrenament ilustreaz contexte/tematici sugerate de
program i acte de vorbire asociate (cuvinte i structuri prioritare din universul familiar, imediat) i constituie baza de pornire
pentru acumularea unui lexic minimal, care s permit dezvoltarea de deprinderi i cunotine elementare n limba strin studiat.
inta acestora este de a stimula dezvoltarea cognitiv, dezvoltarea limbajului i a comunicrii, a premiselor de citit scris,
fr a neglija dezvoltarea socio-emoional, curiozitatea, iniiativa i creativitatea.
Pentru stimularea dezvoltrii cognitive i a limbajului, dar i pentru formarea i dezvoltarea unor competene i capaciti
elementare, recomandate de program, manualul propune diverse exerciii i activiti, de dificultate progresiv, care urmresc:
stimularea comunicrii receptive: s asculte, s observe, s recunoasc i s neleag sunete, cuvinte uzuale, propoziii
simple, mesajul global al unor cntece/poezii pentru copii etc.; formarea primelor deprinderi de vorbire n limba studiat: s
pronune dup model, s recunoasc i s numeasc obiecte cunoscute/personaje/aciuni simple, demonstrnd nelegerea
unui desen/unei imagini/unei comenzi, s formuleze mesaje scurte de prezentare personal i de prezentare a unei
persoane/a unui personaj cunoscut, s recunoasc poziiile de baz ale unor obiecte, s exprime cereri simple, s rspund
la ntrebri simple, s participe la jocuri de comunicare (Talk with your partner) etc.
Pentru a facilita nvarea i a consolida achiziia de comunicare, exerciiile proiectate sunt realizate n spirit ludic (labirint,
puzzle, sudoku, iruri logice, jocul intrusului Odd one out etc.).
Dezvoltarea premiselor de citit scris se rezum la lucrul cu cartea, la recunoaterea global a etichetelor cu litere
majuscule, care nsoesc desenele care expliciteaz lexicul.
Majoritatea exerciiilor i activitilor propuse n manualul tiparit au un corespondent digital, identic sau uor modificat.
a. Acestea sunt nsoite de butoane asociate cerinei care indic activitatea principal de efectuat (Listen, Tick etc.). Exerciiile
care nu au corespondent digital nu sunt nsoite de butoane.
Manualul are un caracter interdisciplinar: coninutul mbin cunotine primare din diferite domenii ale cunoaterii i
favorizeaz intersectarea mai multor discipline: discipline artistice (trasare, colorare, desen), matematic (cifre), cunoaterea
mediului (plante, animale), geografie minimal, literatur pentru copii, muzic.
Evaluare, autoevaluare, consolidare
n manualul tiprit i n cel digital sunt prevzute mai multe secvene de evaluare: autoevaluare (I Can Do It !) la sfritul
fiecrei uniti activiti de consolidare prin jocuri lingvistice (Lets play) sau proiecte de grup la finalul fiecrei uniti;
evaluri sumative pariale (Test semestrial) activiti de consolidare i evaluare sumativ parial (Revision U1U3 i
Revision U4U6) evaluare sumativ final (Final Revision: Workshops).

VII. Surse bibliografice

* * *, Ghid de evaluare. Discipline limbi moderne, coord. Dan Potolea, Ioan Neacu, Marin Manolescu, Ministerul Educaiei,
Tineretului i Sportului,
Harmer, J., The Practice of English Language Teaching, Londra, Longman, 2004.
Larsen-Freeman, D., Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Nunan, D., Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Soars, L., J., New Headway. Elementary. English Course, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Stern, H.H., Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996.
Vizental, A., Metodica predrii limbii engleze. Strategies of Teaching and Testing English as a Foreign Language, Polirom, Iai, 2008.
Wright, A., Art and Crafts with Children, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
VIII. Concluzii
Prin ilustraiile de calitate, diversitatea tematic, varietatea i caracterul ludic al tehnicilor de exersare-nvare i prin
numeroasele activiti suplimentare la alegere, manualul ofer o abordare atrgtoare i eficient, o modalitate creativ de
nvare n context a unei limbi strine ceea ce corespunde ntru totul recomandrilor Programei colare pentru disciplina
opional Comunicare n limba modern 1, 2013 care permite o abordare didactic flexibil, personalizat, adaptat
grupului de copii i opiunilor metodologice ale profesorului.

2. Back
1. My N
My Names
ames R

1 Look and listen!

4 Song
Listen and sing along.

2 Listen and repeat!

Hello, N o!
Hello, Nino.

How are you? Hello, Nino.

Fine, thanks. And you? How are you?
Im fine, too. Thank you.
How are you?

3 Look and say!

What are they? A frog, a cat or a hedgehog?
Listen to the example and say.
Hello, dear Mira.
Hello, dear Mira,
Im fine, thank you.
Nino is a frog. Im fine, thank you.
5 Tick!
Listen and tick.

6 Pairwork
Listen to the examplee and talk to your partner
partner. Use other school objects.

Can I have a pencil, please?
Here you are.
Thank you.

7 Who is it?
Ninos family. Listen and point.

8 Groupwork
Listen to the example and talk to your partners.

Mum, this is my friend, John.
Hello, John. Pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you. 11
2. IMy
2. MLove
s R

1 Look and listen!

2 Look and say!

Where are they? Look at the picture
ure and say.

Wheres Mira the cat? There, on
n the right.

3 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

A Part oo l
y at Sch
Were having a party at school. Lots of music and joy in the hall,
Hat and jeans and new shoes. I look cool! Its fun and a good time for all.

4 Match!
These postcards are invitations to the party. Put the stamps on the right invitations.
What story is it?

5 Draw lines!
Make a fruit salad for the party. Listen and put the fruit in the basket.

6 Look and say!

Describe the dolls clothes.

1. The hat is green
and the dress is yellow.

3 13
1 2
2. Mrs
11. My Names

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Match!
Listen and put spots on the dogs.

5 Look and say!

Which dog do you like? Describe it.

I like the brown dog. It has two black spots.

6 Game
Simon says! (See page 73.)

7 Count!
Count the spots. What colour are they?

8 Song
Listen and sing along.

There y i n t h e House
s a Dog g

Theres a doggy in the house, in the house.

Theres a doggy in the house, in the house.
Are you sure its not a mouse?
No, a doggy in the house.
Theres a doggy in the house, in the house.

2. On
2 My the

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Point!
A. What is it? Listen, point and say.

Meow! Its a cat.

B. Listen and check.

5 Sudoku
A. What is missing: a horse, a cock, a chicken or a dog?

B. Listen and check.

6 Look and say!

A. Where are they?

The hat is on the table.
The mouse is behind the hat.

B. Listen and check.

Listen and sing along.

Old M
Old McDonald had a farm,
m, E, I, E, I, O.
And on his farm he had some chickens, E, I, E, I, O.
With a cluck, cluck here and a cluck, cluck there.
Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck, cluck.
2. The
3 My Names

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Point!
Find the animals on the farm. Name them.

5 Order!
What is it? Listen and put the right number.

1. Its big and brown. It has small ears and a short tail.
A bear.

6 Order!
What can they do? Listen and put the right number.

1. Nino can draw.

7 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

Donkey onkey, O ld a nd Grey

Donkey, Donkey, Donkey, Donkey,
Old and grey, Old and grey,
Open your mouth Lift your ears,
And gently bray. Have somee hay.

4. The Bremen Band

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 On or under?
A. Where are they? Point and say.

The mouse is under the bed.

B. Listen and check.

5 Match!

A. Which words start with the same sound?

B. Listen and check.

6 On, under or behind?
Look, listen and putt the right number.

7 Song
Listen and sing along.

Oh, W og Gone?
here H as My Little D
Oh, where, oh, where has my little dog gone?
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
With his ears kept short and his tail kept long,
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?

an Do I t
C !
Unit 1 1 Listen and circle YES or NO.


2 Listen and circle the right pictures.

3 Listen and put the right number.

Total: 10

F.B. : 810

B.: 67

S.: 45

The Bremen Band
Lets play!
Whats this?

11. My ABC Book

1Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Look and say!
What can they do?

The Bremen musicians can sing.

5 Complete!
What do they like? Complete with the missing letter and say.

Nino likes D O G S.
The boy likes E T S.

The girl likes O O K S.

The bear likes O N E Y.

6 Circle!
Find the words that begin with an A, B or C. Circle with the right colour.


7 Rhyme
Listen and
d repeat.

I like autumn when I go to school,
I like autumn when the days are cool,
I like autumn when apples are sweet,
ow, brown and other colours meet.
When red, yellow,
I like autumn: its a real treat.
2. My Favourite Colour

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!



Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Pairwork
What is your favourite colour? Talk with your partner. Listen to the example.

whats your favourite colour?


5 Look and say!

A. What colour is it?

B. Listen and colour.

6 Sudoku

A. What is missing: purple, black, orange or white?

B. Listen and check.

7 Song
Listen and sing along.

B row
n and Purple
Brown and purple,
Green and blue,
Green and blue. And white and yellow
And orange and black.
Brown and purple,
Brown and purple,
Green and blue,
Green and blue.
Green and blue. 39
3. My Favourite Season

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!






Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Listen and answer!
Listen and answer: YES, it is, or NO, it isnt.

Is it cold in summer?
No, it isnt.

5 Pairwork
What is your favourite season? Listen to the example. Then talk with your partner.

Whats your favourite season?
My favourite season is spring.

6 Tick or cross!
What can you do?
A. Tick or cross.

B. Listen to the example. Then talk with your partner. Ask and answer.

Can you swim? Can you ride a horse?
Yes, I can. No, I cant.

What is your hobby? Listen, point and say.

8 Pairwork
How old are you? Listen to the example. Then talk with your partner.
How old are you?
Im eight.

9 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

The Season
Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

4. Snow Queen

1Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!



Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Match!
Find their friends.

5 Pairwork
Who are you? Listen to the example. Then talk with your partner.

Who are you? How old are you?
Im Mary. Im eight.

6 Pairwork
What is different?
Talk with your partner about the picture below and the picture on page 74.
A: In my picture its autumn. B: In my picture its...
A: In my picture the house is B: In my picture the house is white and brown.

Picture A

7 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

Winter Is All Aro un d

Winter is all around.

The trees have no leaves.
Chirp, chirp, a birdie grieves
For no berries can be found.
an Do I t
I C !
1 How old are you? Write the number.

Unit 2

2 Look, listen and tick YES or NO.


3 Listen and colour.

4 Listen and put the right number.

Total: 10

F.B.: 810

B.: 67
S.: 45
Lets play!
Colours Whats this? What colour is it?

11. Lets Make a Cake!

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!





Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Point
The mouse wants to make a cake, too. Help the mouse do the shopping.
Listen to the shopping list and point.

5 Pairwork
Help Mira with the cake. Where is/Where are?
Listen to the example. Then talk to your partner.
Where are the eggs?
In the fridge.

6 Pairwork
Listen to the example. Then talk to your partner. Also use: make a cake,
ride a bike, read, draw a house, ski.

can you make a cake? can you make a cake?

no, i cant.
yes, i can.

7 Odd one out

Which is different? Look, say and circle.

8 Song
Listen and sing along.

The Muffin Man

Do you know the muffin man, Oh, yes, we know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man.
Oh, do you know the muffin man Oh, yes, we know the muffin man
Who lives on Drury Lane? Who lives on Drury Lane.
2. It Smells Good!

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Pairwork
Listen to the example and talk to your partner. Also use: fruit salad, apple cake,
chocolate, honey and orange juice.

i have something nice for you.

chocolate cake. what is it?

i love it!

5 Point and say!

A. Find the words beginning with B.

B. Listen and check.

6 Draw!
A. Find the opposites and draw lines.

B. Listen and do!

7 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

P at-
a-cake, Pat-a- ca ke
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Prick it and pat it,
Bakers man, And mark it with B,
Bake me a cake And put it in the oven
As fast as you can. For Baby and me.
3. What about the Film?

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!




Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.

4 Match!
Listen and put the pictures in the right place.





5 Order!
Listen, look and write the number.

6 Song
Listen and sing along.


The more we get together,

her, together, together,
The more we get together, For your friends are my friends
The happier well be. And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together, together, together, The more we get together,
The more we get together, The happier well be.
The happier well be.
4. The Gingerbread Man

a head, two arms and

two legs: a gingerbread man.
Now, in the oven and wait.
let me out!
let me out!

open the door

and let me out!

1 2

stop. im hungry.
eat you?
no, i dont like

you cant eat me,
fox. I can run fast.

5 6

1 Look and listen!

2 Listen and repeat!


you cant eat
me, horse. i can
run fast.
you cant eat
me, cow. i can
run fast.

stop. im hungry. stop. im hungry.

3 4

mmm, delicious!

now, sit on my nose.

7 8

Look at the picture.
Listen and say
YES or NO.


4 Look and say!
What is missing?

5 Sudoku

A. What is missing: a cow, a horse, a fox or a donkey?

B. Listen and check.

6 Match!

A. Find and say the rhymes.


B. Listen and check.

7 Rhyme
Listen and repeat.

Gingerbread M a n
Run, run, run,
As fast as you can.
You cant catch me,
Im the Gingerbread Man.

8 Groupwork. Project: My Animal Farm

Make a poster. Draw or glue pictures of animals you want on your farm.
Talk about your farm.
Example: We have four horses and two cows on the farm.
an Do I t
I C !
1 Listen and circle.

Unit 3

2 Listen and tick the right picture.

3 Listen and put the pictures in the right place. Draw lines.

Total: 10

F.B.: 810

B.: 67

S.: 45

1 Write the number!

How many?
y Look,, count and p
put the right
g number.

3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2 Draw!
Listen and draw a monster.

3 Look and say!

A. Where is the ball?
The red ball is in the box.
B. Listen and check.

4 Match!
Match, draw lines and say.

Example: The butter is in the

th fridge.



5 Complete!
Continue the series. Say what is missing.

? ?
6 Pairwork
What is different? Talk with your partner about the picture A below and
the picture B on page 74.

Picture A

7 Groupwork. Project
1. My favourite colours 2. Pets
A. Choose a project and make a poster. You can draw, paint and colour, cut and
glue pictures on it. Add the appropriate labels.
B. Talk about your project.
1 Listen
isten and tick the right picture.

2 What can they do? Put the right number.

3 Listen and circle the right pictures.

Total: 10

F.B. : 810

B.: 67
S.: 45

Happy Birthday!
how old are you?

im eight.



1Listen and repeat.

2 Wish your friend a Happy Birthday!.

Cut out and draw a birthday card.


Happy Halloween!



1 Listen and repeat.

2 Read and fill in.

Halloween House

My is very funny

With strange things everywhere:

Skeletons in the cupboards,

on the .

on the stairs,

And in my !

And black everywhere.

My is very funny

On the night of Halloween. 71


Merry Christmas

1 Listen and repeat.


2 Listen and sing along.

Jingle Bells

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
72 In a one horse open sleigh.
Instruciuni pentru jocuri

The Bremen Band. Unit 1, pagina 31 Colours. Unit 2, pagina 49

Joc cu obstacole, pe grupe Joc cu obstacole, pe grupe
Materiale necesare: un zar, pioni Materiale necesare: un zar, pioni

Reguli de joc Reguli de joc

Fiecare juctor arunc pe rnd zarul o singur dat. ncepe Fiecare juctor arunc pe rnd zarul o singur dat. ncepe
jocul cel care a dat cel mai mare numr. Acesta nainteaz cu jocul cel care a dat cel mai mare numr. Acesta nainteaz cu
pionul tot attea csue ct arat numrul ieit la zar. pionul tot attea csue ct arat numrul ieit la zar.
Dup ce aaz pionul pe csua respectiv, juctorul trebuie Dup ce aaz pionul pe csua respectiv, juctorul trebuie
s rspund la ntrebarea Whats this? numind obiectul/ s rspund la ntrebrile Whats this? What colour is it? Pentru
personajul din desen. Pentru un rspuns corect, juctorul un rspuns corect, juctorul avanseaz o csu; n caz con-
avanseaz o csu; n caz contrar, merge napoi o csu. trar, merge napoi o csu.
Dac pionul este aezat pe o csu pe care se afl o vulpe, Dac pionul este aezat pe o csu n care apare Mousy, se
se ntoarce la Start. ntoarce la Start.
Dac pionul este aezat pe o csu n care se afl un muzi- Dac pionul este aezat pe o csu n care se afl paleta de
cian, nainteaz o csu. culori, nainteaz o csu.
Apoi, pe rnd, i ceilali juctori arunc zarul i i mut la fel Apoi, pe rnd, i ceilali juctori arunc zarul i i mut la fel
pionii, avansnd ctre inta final. pionii, avansnd ctre inta final.
Scopul jocului este de a parcurge cu pionii plana de joc, pentru Scopul jocului este de a o ajuta pe Nina s picteze un peisaj de
a-l ajuta pe mgru s-i ntlneasc prietenii. toamn.

Jocuri didactice
1. Ascult i arat
A. Cartonaele sunt aezate/fixate pe perei, n diferite locuri din C. Copiii privesc un minut 3-6 cartonae, alese de profesor. Apoi
clas. Profesorul pronun un cuvnt/o structur i le cere copi- nchid ochii. Profesorul ascunde un cartona. Copiii trebuie
ilor s indice cartonaul corespunztor. s spun ce cartona lipsete.
B. Cartonaele sunt aezate la tabl. Copiii sunt mprii D. Se arat, pe rnd, 3-6 cartonae, care apoi se pun cu faa
n dou grupe. Profesorul pronun un cuvnt/o structur. n jos. Copiii trebuie s le numeasc, din memorie (de pre-
Primul elev, din fiecare grup, atinge cartonaul respectiv. ferat, n ordine).
Cel care atinge primul cartonaul primete un punct.
5. Bingo
2. Adevrat/Fals Joc pe grupe (eventual, prin rotaie). Fiecare copil alege/pri-
Se pronun un cuvnt i se arat un cartona. Copiii ridic un mete trei-patru cartonae. Profesorul rostete un cuvnt. Co-
deget, pentru Adevrat sau arat cu degetul n jos, pentru Fals. pilul care are cartonaul respectiv l scoate din joc. Primul care
reuete s depun toate cele 3-4 cartonae ctig.
3. Turul imaginilor
A. Copiii sunt mprii n dou grupe. Se aaz pe tabl dou 6. Simon Says!
seturi diferite de cte 4-5 cartonae. Profesorul numete un Profesorul d instruciuni de felul: Put the book on the table!
obiect, din unul dintre cele dou seturi. Copiii din echipa care are Open the book! Copiii trebuie s execute instruciunea numai
cartonaul ridic mna i ctig un punct. Cei care au ridicat gre- dac este precedat de sintagma Simon says, iar cei care o
it mna pierd un punct. execut i cnd nu aud Simon says sau care nu execut corect
B. Echipe, pe dou iruri, dar acelai set de cartonae. Primul instruciunea sunt eliminai.
care arat/atinge cartonaul corespunztor cuvntului auzit/
rostit de profesor marcheaz un punct i trece la coada echipei 7. Jocul cuvintelor (Word Game)
sale. Ctig echipa care a fcut, prima, un tur complet. Profesorul ncepe jocul cu un cuvnt, de exemplu horse. Copiii
trebuie s vin, dup cum le e rndul, cu un cuvnt asociat logic
4. Jocuri de memorare cu cel propus anterior de exemplu, horse poate fi asociat cu
A. Se arat, pe rnd, cartonaele (numindu-le), apoi se ntorc farm. n funcie de noul cuvnt rostit, poate urma cock/chicken.
cu faa n jos. Profesorul ntreab: Where is...? Copiii trebuie Profesorul i copiii vor fi ateni s nu se repete cuvintele i
s indice unde este cartonaul. Se verific prin ntoarcerea s existe o legtur logic ntre ele. Dac un copil nu gsete
cartonaului cu faa n sus. niciun cuvnt, el iese din joc. Profesorul poate accelera ritmul,
B. Se arat 4-6 cartonae. Se pun cu faa n jos. Copilul care nu- impunnd o limit de timp (de exemplu, pn numr pn la
mete, n ordine, toate obiectele reprezentate pe cartonae 10 sau pn la 5).
Desene cu diferene

Activity 6, Pairwork, page 47

Picture B

Activity 6, Pairwork, page 68

Picture B

My Picture Dictionary





My Picture Dictionary





My P
My Picture
icture Dictionary





HELLO AGAIN! 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. his farm he had some chickens, E, I, E, I, O. /
L.1. Back Together Example: Mrs. Smith has a cat. NO. With a cluck, cluck here and a cluck, cluck there/
1. MIRA& ROBINSON: Hello, Nino. Back to school?/ The dog has a brown spot./Nino has a hat./The Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck,
NINO: Hello, my friends. Good to see you. How school has a green door./Mrs Smith has a blue cluck. // horses/ a neigh, neigh / donkeys/ a
are you, Mira? How are you, Robinson?/M: Fine, dress./Mrs Smith has red shoes./The school is hee-haw / cats. / a meow / dogs/ a bow-wow.
thanks, and you?/N: Im fine too, thank you./R: Its on the right.
good to be together again. 4. Listen and put spots on the dogs. L.3. The Donkey
2. Listen and repeat. The black dog has two brown spots./The brown 1. NINA: Is this a horse?/NINO: No, its a
How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Im dog has four black spots. donkey. Its small. Its not big like a horse./
fine, too. Thank you. 5. Which dog do you like? Describe it. NINA: Yes, but it has a big head and a long
3. What are they? A frog, a cat or a hedgehog? Example: I like the brown dog. It has two black tail./NINO: Yes, it has and its friendly. You can
Listen to the example and say. spots. ride it./NINA: Oh, I like that.
Example: Nino is a frog. 6. Simon says! 2. Listen and repeat.
4. Listen and sing along: Hello, Nino! Simon says: Put the book on the table./Open donkey/head/big/small/long/short
Hello, Nino. Hello, Nino. / How are you? How the book./Put the pencil on the exercise 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO.
are you? / Hello, dear Mira. Hello, dear Mira, / book./Simon says: Open the exercise book./ The donkey has two long ears./The donkey has
Im fine, thank you. Im fine, thank you. Simon says: Put the pen on the book./Close a short tail./The donkey is friendly./Nina has a
5. Listen and tick. the exercise book./Put the schoolbag on the long dress./The donkey has a big head./Nino
schoolbag/pencil/exercise book/pen/book table./Simon says: Close your eyes. has a small mouth./Nino is on the donkey./
6. Listen to the example and talk to your 8. Listen and sing along: Theres a Doggy in Mira is behind the donkey.
partner. Use other school objects. 4. Find the animals on the farm. Name them.
the House.
Example: Can I have a pencil, please? Here 5. What is it? Listen and put the right number.
Theres a doggy in the house, in the house. /
you are Thank you. Example: 1. Its big and brown. It has small
Theres a doggy in the house, in the house. /
7. Who is it? Ninos family. Listen and point. ears and a short tail. a bear /2. Its big. It
Are you sure its not a mouse? / No, a doggy in
NINO: My mother, my father, my sister Nina, my has a big head, long ears and a long tail./3. Its
the house. / Theres a doggy in the house, in
brother Nono. And this is my grandma. small. It has a small head, green eyes and a
the house. // Theres a doggy in my room, in
8. Listen to the example and talk to your partner. long tail. /4. It has a small head, short ears and
my room. / Theres a doggy in my room, in my
Example: Mum, this is my friend, John. Hello, black spots./5. It has a small head, short ears
John. Pleased to meet you. Pleased to meet you. room. / Now hes playing with my doll. / Doggie
dear, its not a ball. / Theres a doggy in my and a long tail.
L.2. I Love Parties! room, in my room. 6. What can they do? Listen and put the right
1. N : Look ! All our friends are here: Snow White number.
and the Prince and Little Red Riding Hood./M: L.2. On the Farm Example: 1. Nino can draw./2. Robinson can ride
The Bear is here and the fox. And over there, its 1. NINO: Where is the farm?/MIRA: Over there, a bike./3. Nina can play Hide and Seek./4. Mira
the wolf and Puss in Boots./R: Puss in Boots? behind the house./NINO: Lets go. can ride a horse./5. The duckling can swim.
Wheres the cat?/N: There, on the right./M: Very I want to see the horses./NINA: Can we see the 7. Listen and repeat: Donkey, Donkey, Old and
well, then. Lets have a party./R: Oh, I love parties. chickens, too?/MIRA: Of course. They have a lot Grey.
2. Where are they? Look at the picture and say. of chickens and five or six cocks./NINA: Great! Donkey, Donkey, / Old and grey, / Open your
Example: Wheres Mira the cat? There, on Cock-a doodle-doo! Cock-a doodle-doo! mouth / And gently bray; /Donkey, Donkey, /
the right. 2. Listen and repeat. Old and grey, / Lift your ears, / Have some hay.
3. Listen and repeat: A Party at School horse/cock/chicken/farm/behind
3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. L.4. The Bremen Band
Were having a party at school. / Hat and jeans 1. COCK: Cock-a doodle-doo! Cock-a doodle-
and new shoes. I look cool! / Lots of music and They have a lot of chickens on the farm./The
house is on the left./Nina, Nino, Robinson and doo!/DONKEY: Hey, Cock, come along!/CAT:
joy in the hall, / Its fun and a good time for all. Lets go to Bremen./DOG: Bowwow. We can
4. These postcards are invitations to the party. Mira are together./They can see a horse./Nino
has a green T-shirt./Mira is behind Nino. sing. We are the Bremen musicians./NINO:
Put the stamps on the right invitations. What Whats that? Whats that noise?/NINA: Look,
story is it? 4. A. What is it? Listen, point and say.
Example: Meow!! Its a cat. Nino. They are the Bremen Band. The cock is on
Snow White/Puss-in-Boots/The Frog Prince/The the cat, the cat is on the dog and the dog is on
Bear Tricked by the Fox/Little Red Riding Hood/ B. Listen and check.
Cock-a doodle-doo! Its a cock. // Ribbit! Its the donkey./NINA: They are so funny.
The Ugly Duckling 2. Listen and repeat.
5. Make a fruit salad for the party. Listen and a frog. // Neigh! Its a horse. // Woof, woof!
Its a dog. // Cluck, cluck! Its a chicken. musician/band/on/under
put the fruit in the basket. 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO.
three bananas/two apples/one orange 5. Sudoku. A. What is missing: a horse, a cock,
a chicken or a dog? Say, drag and drop. The cat is on the cock./The donkey is under
6. Describe the dolls clothes. the dog./The dog is under the cat./The cat is
Example: 1. The hat is green and the dress is yellow. B. Listen and check.
horse/cock/chicken/dog//cock/horse/dog/ black./The donkey, the dog, the cat and the
U.1. Big Friends, Little Friends chicken//chicken/dog/horse/cock//dog/ cock can sing./They are funny./Nina and Nino
L.1. Mrs Smiths Pet chicken/cock/ horse are behind the musicians.
1. Mrs. Smith: Do you like my pet, Nino?/Nino: 6. A. Where are they? Example: The hat is on 4. A. Where are they? Point and say.
Oh, yes. I like dogs very much. Whats his the table./The mouse is behind the hat. Example: The mouse is under the bed.
name?/Mrs. S: Spot. He has a spot on his right B. Listen and check. The hat is on the table./ B. Listen and check.
ear./N: Yes. The dog is brown and the spot is The mouse is behind the hat./The cock is on The mouse is under the bed./The cat is on the
black. Beautiful./Mrs. S: Come along, Spot! the house./The horse is behind the house./The bed./The cock is on the house./The chicken is
Goodbye, Nino./N: Goodbye, Mrs Smith. chicken is on the car./The dog is behind the car. under the donkey.
2. Listen and repeat. 7. Listen and sing along: Old McDonald. 5. A. Which words start with the same sound?
dog/spot/black/brown/on Old McDonald had a farm, E, I, E, I, O. / And on Example: dog donkey

B. Listen and check. 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. Queen, Snow Queen!/G: Oh, Kay. Im Gerda.
dog donkey/fox frog/horse hedgehog/ Mira has a hobby: painting./Mira has six Im here for you. I love you./K: What? What are
cat cock brushes./The brushes are on the table./Nino these? Tears Gerda, Gerda. My dear friend.
6. On, under or behind? Look, listen and put has a brush, too./Mira has three colours. 2. Listen and repeat.
the right number. 4. Whats your favourite colour? Talk with your reindeer/tears
1. A donkey behind the house./2. A cock on partner. Listen to the example. 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO.
the table./3. A duckling on the box./4. A cat Example: Whats your favourite colour? Orange. The castle is not far./Gerda is happy./Kay is
under the bed./5. A dog behind the car./6. A 5. Listen and colour. her friend./The reindeer is behind Gerda./It is
mouse under the table Colour the hat purple./Colour the T-shirt red cold./Gerda and Kay can go home.
7. Listen and sing along: Oh, Where Has My and white./Colour the dress purple and yellow./ 5. Who are you? Listen to the example. Then
Little Dog Gone? Colour the ball green and blue./Colour the car talk with your partner.
Oh, where, oh, where has my little dog gone? black./Colour the house brown and orange. Example: Who are you? Im Mary. How old
/ Oh, where, oh, where can he be? / With his 6. Sudoku. A. What is missing: purple, black, are you? Im 8.
ears kept short and his tail kept long, / Oh, orange or white? Say, drag and drop. 6. What is different? Talk with your partner
where, oh, where can he be? B. Listen and check. about the picture below and the picture on
I Can Do It! U.1 purple/black/orange/white//black/purple/ page 74.
1. Listen and circle YES or NO. white/orange//orange/white/purple/black// Example: A: In my picture its autumn./B: In my
The dog has two black spots./Mrs. Smith has white/orange/ black/purple picture its.../B: In my picture the house is white
a pet. 7. Listen and sing along: Brown and Purple. and brown./A: In my picture the house is
2. Listen and circle the right pictures. Brown and purple / Green and blue, / Green 7. Listen and repeat: Winter Is All Around.
A cock on the table/A cat under the bed/A and blue. // Brown and purple / Green and Winter is all around. / The trees have no
mouse on the table/A donkey behind the house blue,/ Green and blue // And white and yellow leaves. / Chirp, chirp, a birdie grieves / For no
3. Listen and put the right number. / And orange and black / Brown and purple / berries can be found.
1. A big head, brown eyes and a long nose/2. Green and blue.
I Can Do It! U.2
A small head, blue eyes and a big mouth/3. A L.3. My Favourite Season 1. How old are you? Write the number.
big head, green eyes and a small mouth/4. A 1. NINA: I like autumn. My birthday is in 2. Look, listen and click on YES or NO.
small head, black eyes and a long nose November. Whats your favourite season?/GIRL: Its a reindeer./Its autumn.
I like winter./N: Its cold in winter./G: Yes, but 3. Listen and colour.
U.2. Autumn and Winter
we can ski and go sledging./N: Can you ski?/G: A is purple./B is orange./C is brown.
L.1. My ABC Book
Yes, I can. Can you?/N: No, I cant. 4. Listen and put the right number.
1. NINO: Whats that?/JOHN: Its my ABC
2. Listen and repeat. 1. I can ski./2. I can ride a bike./3. I can ride
Book./N: Wow! I like it./J: I can read the letters
november/birthday/ski/go sledging/the a horse./4. I can write the letter B.
A, B and C./N: A from apple and autumn;
B from book./J: Yes. Or B from big or from U.3. Guests
3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO.
blue. And C/N: C from cat and car./J: Or from Its November./Its winter./The pictures are L.1. Lets Make a Cake!
catch. Lets play now! Catch the ball, Nino! on the table./The mouse has blue jeans./The 1. MIRA: Let me see: flour, butter, sugar. Where
2. Listen and repeat. mouse is on the right./The girl is on the left. are the eggs? In the fridge. I have two, four,
letters/A, B, C/ABC Book/autumn 4. Listen and answer: YES, it is, or NO, it isnt. six, eight, ten eggs. Excellent! I can make
3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. Example: Is it cold in summer? No, it a cake for my friends.
The book is on the table./Its a story book./The isnt.//Is it cold in winter?/Is your birthday in 2. Listen and repeat.
letters are under the table./Letter A is blue./ autumn?/Is your birthday in winter? flour/butter/sugar/eggs/cake/fridge/in
Letter C is green./John has a red ball. 5. What is your favourite season? Listen to the 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO.
4. What can they do? Look and say. example, then talk with your partner. Mira is at school./Mira can make a cake./
Example: The Bremen musicians can sing. Whats yor favourite season? My favourite The eggs are in the fridge./The butter is in the
5. What do they like? Complete with the season is spring. fridge, too./The sugar is on the fridge./The
missing letter and say. 6. B. Listen to the example. Then talk with fridge is white./The mouse is on the table.
Example: Nino likes dogs. your partner. Ask and answer. 4. The mouse wants to make a cake, too. Help
6. Find the words that begin with an A or B or Example: Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can the mouse do the shopping. Listen to the
C. Circle with the right colour. you ride a horse? No, I cant. shopping list and point.
7. Listen and repeat: Autumn. 7. Whats your hobby? Listen, point and say. flour/butter/six eggs/sugar/milk
I like autumn when I go to school, / I like I like skiing./I like riding a horse./I like 5. Help Mira with the cake. Where is/Where
autumn when the days are cool, / I like singing./I like painting. are? Listen to the example. Then talk to your
autumn when apples are sweet, / When red, 8. How old are you? Listen to the example. partners.
yellow, brown and other colours meet. /I like Then talk with your partner. Example: Where are the eggs? In the fridge.
autumn: its a real treat. How old are you? Im 8. 6. Listen to the example. Then talk to your
9. Listen and repeat: The Seasons. partner. Also use: make a cake, ride a bike,
L.2. My Favourite Colour Spring is green, / Summer is bright, / Autumn
1. MIRA: Good morning, Nino!/NINO: Good read, draw a house, ski.
is yellow, / Winter is white. Example: Can you make a cake? Yes,
morning, Mira. Whats that? Oh, a brush and
some colours. I like painting./M: Whats your L.4. Snow Queen I can./Can you make a cake? No, I cant.
favourite colour?/N: Orange. Whats your 1. GERDA: Oh, Reindeer, its so cold. Is the castle 7. Which is different? Look, say and circle.
favourite colour?/M: I like red and white and far?/REINDEER: No, there it is. Now you go. 8. Listen and sing along: The Muffin Man.
purple. I like all the colours. I cant come with you./G: Kay, my dear Kay. Lets Do you know the muffin man, / The muffin
2. Listen and repeat. go home./KAY: Who are you?/G: Im your friend, man, the muffin man? / Oh, do you know the
orange/white/purple/brush Gerda. Lets go home./K: No. Go away. Snow muffin man / Who lives on Drury Lane? // Oh,

yes, we know the muffin man, / The muffin wait./ THE GINGERBREAD MAN: Let me out! 6. What is different? Talk with your partner
man, the muffin man. / Oh, yes, we know the Let me out! Open the door and let me out!/ about the picture below and the picture on
muffin man / Who lives on Drury Lane. COW: Stop. Im hungry./GM: You cant eat me, page 74.
cow. I can run fast./HORSE: Stop. Im hungry./ Pupil 1: Look at the picture A on this page./
L.2. It Smells Good! GM: You cant eat me, horse. I can run fast./ Pupil 2: Look at the picture B on page 74. Your
1. MIRA: Come in, please. Sit down./NINA: FOX: Stop. Im hungry./GM: You cant eat me, pictures are different. What can you see? What
Can I sit on this chair?/M: Yes, of course./N: It fox. I can run fast./FOX: Eat you? No, I dont like is different?
smells good here./M: I have something nice for gingerbread./GM: Friends?/FOX: Friends./FOX: Example: P1: In my picture its cold. Its
you./N: What is it?/M: Just wait and see./ Now sit on my nose./FOX: Mmm, delicious! winter./P2: In my picture its not cold. Its hot.
N: Oh! Chocolate cake. I love it./M: You can have 2. Listen and repeat. Its.../P2:In my picture I can see...
some orange juice, too./N: Thank you, Mira. arms/legs/oven/cow/gingerbread/eat
2. Listen and repeat. 3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. Test
chocolate cake/orange juice/chair The Gingerbread Man can run fast./The cow 1. Listen and tick the right picture.
3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. is hungry./The cow can catch the Gingerbread The Gingerbread Man has: a big head, a small
The cake is on the table./Nina is on the chair./ Man./The horse cant catch the Gingerbread nose, two short arms, two long legs, a big
The chair is behind the table./Nina likes Man./The fox can catch the Gingerbread Man./ mouth.
chocolate cake./The orange juice is on the The fox likes gingerbread. 2. What they can do? Put the right number.
table./Nina is happy. 4. Look and say. What is missing? 1. Tom can ski./2. John can sing./3. Mary can
4. Listen to the example and talk to your 5. A. Sudoku. What is missing: a cow, a horse, draw a house./4. Alice can read.
partner. Also use: fruit salad, apple cake, a fox or a donkey? Say, drag and drop. 3. Listen and circle the right pictures.
chocolate, honey and orange juice. B. Listen and check. The orange ball is on the chair./The purple
I have something nice for you. What is it? cow/horse/fox/donkey//horse/cow/donkey/ ball is in the box./The brown ball is under the
Chocolate cake. I love it. fox//fox/donkey/cow/horse//donkey/fox/ table./The black ball is behind the chair.
5. B. Listen and check. horse/cow
bike/brown/ball/black/book/blue/bear 6. A. Find and say the rhymes. Match. Birthday
6. B. Listen and do! B. Listen and check. 1. Listen and repeat.
Stand up!/Sit down!/Open the book!/Close the now cow/make cake/fox box/like bike/ candle/birthday cake/How old are you?/Im
book!/Open the door!/Close the door! red head/dog frog eight./Happy birthday!
7. Listen and repeat: Pat-a-cake. 7. Listen and repeat: The Gingerbread Man.
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, / Bakers man, / Bake Run, run, run, / As fast as you can. / You cant Halloween
me a cake / As fast as you can. / Prick it and catch me. / Im the Gingerbread Man. // Run, 1. Listen and repeat.
pat it, /And mark it with B, / And put in the woman, run , / As fast as you can. / You cant skeleton/monster/witch/black cat/spooky
oven / For Baby and me. catch me, / Im the Gingerbread Man. // cow // things/Happy Halloween!
L.3. What about the Film? horse// fox// Run, run, run, / As fast as you
1. MIRA: Now, a film or a game?/NINA: What can. / The fox is sly, / Foolish Ginger Man. Christmas
game?/ROBINSON: What film?/M: We can play a 1. Listen and repeat.
I Can Do It! U.3 Santa Claus/present/bell/Marry Christmas!
game on the computer or/NINA: The game!! 1. Listen and circle.
I want the game!/NINO: What about the film?/M: 2. Listen and sing along: Jingle Bells.
a chair/a computer Dashing through the snow, / In a one horse open
Its a film about wild horses./NINO: I want the 2. Listen and click on the right picture.
horses./ROBINSON: The film is fine. Lets watch sleigh, / Oer the fields we go / Laughing all the
The Gingerbread Man has two legs and one way. / Bells on bob tails ring,/ Making spirits
the film. arm./The Gingerbread Man has one leg and
2. Listen and repeat. bright. / What fun it is to laugh and sing / A
two arms. sleighing song tonight. // Oh, jingle bells, jingle
wild horse/computer/film 3. Listen and drag the pictures to the right place.
3. Look at the picture. Listen and say YES or NO. bells, / Jingle all the way. / Oh, what fun it is to
An egg in the basket/The butter in the ride / In a one horse open sleigh. / Jingle bells,
Mira has a film./Nino has a book./Nina is fridge/The cake in the basket/The sugar on
behind Robinson./The friends can watch a film./ jingle bells / Jingle all the way / Oh, what fun it is
the table/The orange juice in the fridge/The to ride / In a one horse open sleigh.
The friends are in Miras room./It s a big room. flour on the table
4. Listen and put the pictures in the right place.
Example: Write a postcard. Revision
5. Listen, look and write the number. 2. Listen and draw a monster.
1. smell good/2. sing a song/3. go sledging/4. a big head/three small eyes/a long nose/a big
have breakfast/5. paint a house/6. go home mouth/four long ears/five long arms/six short
6. Listen and sing along: Together. legs
The more we get together, together, together,/ 3. A. Where is the ball?
The more we get together, / The happier well Example: The red ball is in the box.
be. / The more we get together, together, B. Listen and check.
together / The more we get together, / The The red ball is in the box./The green ball is
happier well be / / For your friends are my under the table./The blue ball is on the table./
friends / And my friends are your friends / The The orange ball is behind the box./The purple
more we get together, / The happier well be. ball is in the basket.
4. Match, draw lines and say.
L.4. The Gingerbread Man Example: The butter is in the fridge.
1. WOMAN: A head, two arms and two legs: 5. Continue the series. What is missing? Drag
a Gingerbread Man. Now, in the oven and and drop.


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