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INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 4
Unit 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Unit 2 .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Unit 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Unit 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 39
Unit 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 51
Unit 6 .................................................................................................................................................... 65
Unit 7 .................................................................................................................................................... 77
Unit 8 .................................................................................................................................................... 91
Unit 9 .................................................................................................................................................. 104
Unit 10 ................................................................................................................................................ 117
Unit 11 ................................................................................................................................................ 130
Unit 12 ................................................................................................................................................ 143
Unit 13 ................................................................................................................................................ 153
Unit 14 ................................................................................................................................................ 165


DisciplinaEnglezăpentruComunicareînAfaceri (English for Business

Communication)estecuprinsăînplanul de învăţământîncadruldisciplinelor cucaracterteoretico-
aplicativcaurmare a importanţeilimbiienglezeatâtîndomeniul economic, câtşiînaltedomenii (social, politic,
medical etc.).Chiardacaexistătendinţe de popularizare a multilingvismulşi la niveleuropean,
totuşilimbaenglezărămâneinstrumentul de bazăutilizatpentru o comunicareeficientăîndomeniuleconomic.

Una dintrecompetentele care suntcautateîncontinuarede angajatori este cealegata de

cunoaşterealimbilorstraine. Majoritatealocurilor de muncăoferiteînprezentde

Avândînvederenumărultot mai mare de angajatoristrăini, cunoştinţeledobândite ca

urmareapredăriiacestei discipline suntabsolutnecesareînexercitareaprofesiei de economist.


Cursulîşipropunesăprezintestudenţilor o seriede aspecteteoreticeşi practice

Tematicabogatăacoperită de aceastădisciplinăfaciliteazădobândireade abilităţilingvistice performative.


Dupăparcurgereaacestuicurs, studentul va dobândiurmătoarelecompetențegeneraleșispecifice:

1.Cunoaştereşiînţelegere(cunoaştereaşiutilizareaadecvată a noţiunilorspecificedisciplinei)

 identificarea de termeni, precumşifamiliarizarea cu aceştiaîn context economic;

 utilizareacorectă a termenilor de specialitate din domeniul economic.
2.Explicareşiinterpretare(explicareaşiinterpretareaunoridei, proiecte, procese, precumşi a
conţinuturilorteoreticeşi practice ale disciplinei)

 generalizareaşiparticularizareaanumitorconceptecaracteristicecontextului economic
naţional, darşiceluiinternaţional;
 argumentareaunorenunţuri ;
 identificarea, princitirerapidă, de informaţii / detaliispecificedintr-un text mai lung,
învederearezolvăriiuneisarcini de lucru;
 corelarea, înmodcoerent, a mai multorinformaţiidin diverse părţialeunuitext/ din texte
diferite,pentru a rezolva o sarcină de lucru.

3. Instrumental-aplicative(proiectarea, conducereaşievaluareaactivităţilor practice specifice;
utilizareaunormetode, tehnicişi instrumente de investigareşi de aplicare)

 capacitatea de a transpuneînpracticăcunoştinţeledobânditeîncadrulcursului;
 capacitatea de a se exprima fluent îndiferite contexte (atâtînscris, cât mai ales oral)

4.Atitudinale(manifestareauneiatitudinipozitiveşiresponsabilefaţă de domeniulştiinţific /
cultivareaunuimediuştiinţificcentratpevalorişirelaţiidemocratice / promovareaunuisistem de valori
culturale, morale şicivice / valorificareaoptimăşicreativă a propriuluipotenţialînactivităţileştiinţifice /
implicareaîndezvoltareainstituţionalăşiînpromovareainovaţiilorştiinţifice / angajareaînrelaţii de
parteneriatcualtepersoane / instituţiicuresponsabilităţisimilare / participarea la
propriadezvoltareprofesională )

 reacţiapozitivă la sugestii, cerinţe, sarcinididactice,

 implicareaînactivităţiştiinţificeînlegăturăcu disciplina Englezăpentruafaceri;

Resurse şi instrumente educaţionale

Cursul dispune de manual scris, supus studiului individual al studenţilor, precum şi de material
publicat pe Internet sub formă de sinteze, teste de autoevaluare, aplicaţii, necesare întregirii cunoştinţelor
practice şi teoretice în domeniul studiat. Folosirea echipamentelor audio-vizuale, precum şi a unor
strategii educaţionale moderne care încurajează participarea activă a studenţilor ajută la eficientizarea
însuşirii noţiunilor predate şi abilităţilor dobândite. Activităţitutoriale se pot desfăşuradupăurmătorul plan
tematic, conformprogramuluifiecăreigrupe:

1. Vocabulary on Specific Purpose (1ora)

2. Academic Writing (1 ora)
3. Business Grammar (1 ora)


Cursulcontine 14 unitati de invatare, dupa cum urmeaza:

Unit 1 Types of meeting (2 ore)

Unit 2 Arranging to meet(2 ore)
Unit 3 Writing emails in preparation for meetings(2 ore)
Unit 4 Confirming and rescheduling meetings
Unit 5 Booking a business centre for a meeting
Unit 6 Planning meetings
Unit 7 Networking before a meeting

Unit 8 Opening a meeting/ Introducing yourself at a meeting
Unit 9 Moving through the agenda and summarizing the discussion/
Opening a videoconference
Unit 10 Keeping the discussion on track/ Coping with strong disagreement
Unit 11 Dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult issues/Taking part in a
brainstorming meeting
Unit 12 Reporting back to the client/ Ending a meeting
Unit 13 A formal board meeting/ Writing the minutes/ Monitoring action and
evaluating meetings
Unit 14 Written Examination


Desfăşurareatemelor de control se va derulaconformcalendaruluidisciplineişiacestea vor


1. Realizarea unor prezentări pe diferite teme de interes profesional . (Mid-term test/ 2 ore)
2. Redactareadiferitordocumente de corespondenţă de afaceri (Final test/ 2 ore)


1. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, ProUniversitaria Publishing House, Bucharest,


Studentul este evaluat atât pe parcurs, cât şi în orele special dedicate evaluării. La sfârşitul
semestrului va susţine o proba scrisă.


Unit 1
Types of meetings.Building a relationship

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)
1.3. The content of the unit
1.3.1. Theory: Culture in international business
1.3.2. Types of meetings
1.4. Self- assessment

1.1 Introduction

Motto: Arguments over grammar and style are often as fierce as those over IBM versus
Mac, and as fruitless as Coke versus Pepsi and boxers versus briefs.
Jack Lynch (

Communication is not necessarily a complex concept, but a function representative for all
types of human interaction. Despite the continued improvement of the human condition upon
which our effective conduct of communication interactions depends, we’re often perplexed by
our frequent inability to encode, transmit and decode even the simplest messages, either
interpersonally or through the multifarious mass-media channels. Communication between and
among individuals, organizations and states has increased fast in volume and frequency but not
necessarily in effectiveness. The key to successful intercultural communication is to anticipate
the right balance between shared and different cultural behavior and the avoidance of

Cultural differencesmean more than meetings, greeting and gift giving in international
business. Cultural issues regarding punctuality, space orientation, power relationship, dealing
with conflict, body language, and whether a culture is seen as individualistic or collectivist or
not, all can have a positive or negative impact on the success of an international business.
Culture is known to change over time and is subject to internal and external influences such as
economic change, borrowing and adapting from other cultures. Raising awareness of cultural
issues directly impacts the success and profitability of a business. Therefore, building cultural
competence in a workforce is imperative when doing business on global basis.

1.2 Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)

1.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and cultural
diversity in connection with socialising skills
1.2. 2 describe the key intercultural words and concepts
1.2. 3 stress the importance of the culture in international business

Skills of Unit 1:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills
- describe the key intercultural words and concepts
- stress the importance of the culture in international business

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 1 Types of meeting. International communication:cultural diversity and socialising is allocated 2


1.3 The content of the unit

Meaning various things,‘culture‘ is a difficult word to define. Have a look at the examples of
culture in the box and discuss which ones are relevant to doing business internationally

Dress code at work

Customs of organisations (e.g.Ministry of Foreign Affairs compared to
University of Bucharest)
Rock music
Directness of communication
Decision- making style
National customs
Attitudes to power
Customs of professional groups (e.g. sales staff compared to technical

1.3.1 A.Doing business in a foreign culture has been labelled as dealing with people in a world
‘turned upside down’. Suppose that you have to live and work in a culture very different
from your own, what would you find more challenging about it?

B.Relying on your life experience and knowledge complete the following table with the
terms in the box.1

Race, culture, prejudice, biological, skin,

discriminatory, genealogy, conflict, ethnicity,

(1)…. and (2)…are considered different identities.

An ethnic group comprises people who Refers to a population of human beings
identify with each other on the grounds of who share (4)… and genetic features.
common (3)… and ancestry.
It substitutes for shared history and (4)….. The characteristics taken into account when
Members of ethnic groups define establishing belonging to a certain race are
themselves, but are also classified by (6)… and genetic.
stereotypes of mainstream groups. This
often leads to a (5)… behaviour.
History has witnessed multifarious (7)… Racial (8)…is still a predicament with
between ethnic groups rooted in ideological which many people around the world
differences. cope.

C. Culture in terms of business is often defined as “the way we do things round here.”
Look at the table below and match the terms with their definition, then try to identify
the communication difficulties that one might have with people from other countries
as a consequence of “acting differently.”

Terms Definitions
1. culture a. how successfully an individual can
communicate with members of other

Adapted from Lucia-MihaelaGrosu’sEthnicity in Cultural Studies, pp.35-38, (Roxana-ElisabetaMarinescu, Irina David, Lucia-
MihaelaGrosu, Cultural Studies, Bucharest: ASE Publishing House, 2013. ISBN 978-606-505-725-8).

2. intercultural communication b. communication between members of
a different groups, such as nations or
3. values c. the increase of trade around the
world, mainly by large multinational
companies trading goods in many
corners of the world
4. reconciliation d. the standards, beliefs and customs of
a group
5. intercultural competence e. fixed prejudgements somebody has
about members of another group
6. realisation f. how competent a person is at
realising the actions necessary to
implement the reconciliation of
cultural differences
7. globalisation g. something that is frequently done-
often as a tradition, custom or habit
8. recognition h. how respectful a person is about
cultural differences
9. stereotypes i. how competent a person is bringing
together cultural differences
10. respect j. beliefs of a group (either deeply or
unconsciously held)
11. practices k. how competent a person is at
noticing cultural differences in
different context

1.3.2 Types of meetings

a. Some cultures rely less on meetings, and in some countries top managers often make
decisions without consulting or telling other members of staff. What is it like in your
country? Do all workers contribute with their own ideas to the way their company is

b. Make up seven phone conversations using the information you have below. Pay
attention to the characters you are given and establish who is the caller and who is the

Patrick Husk: Company President, Omega International (soft skill training company)
Ann Smith: Managing Director, Omega International
Patty Brown: Project manager, Omega International
Saul Greene: Design manager, Omega International
Tim Bosky: IT manager, SOFTcom

a b.
Staff Training Day
(New Software) Team Meeting (logo IGP
Seminar Room Products) Thursday
Sometime in July

c. d.

Brainstorming meeting
Patrick Husk, president (Website revamp!!!)
Ann Smith, managing Wednesday
Sandra Kulak (PA- minutes)
Board members
Brianna Pollok
Jean Barth
Oscar Rimsky

e. f.
Susan Surrender Appraisal

March or April? Omega International

Calendar/ June 2011
311 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 311 2 3

Progress meeting
with design team

(Business Spanish
book) Tuesday?

c. First read the descriptions and then, fill in the table with the number of the correct

Nr. Description Type of meeting

a. meeting of people working in the same department 1. staff appraisal meeting
or section (project). The purpose of this type of
meeting is to inform people on new departments and
discuss the present situation.
b. meeting meant to assure that a project is on 2. team meeting
schedule; it is also an opportunity to get feedback on
how the activities already performed.
c. meeting of people working in the same department 3. progress meeting
or section (project); its purpose is to generate new or
fresh ideas on a specific topic.
d. meeting that offers individual the opportunity to 4. annual general meeting
discuss their work with their managers, and (AGM)
managers can give feedback to staff on their job
e. meeting meant to help employees to do their job 5. focus group meeting
better; the employees are taught new techniques and
given new information.
f. meeting held once a year to give all members or 6. brainstorming meeting
shareholders information about the progress of the
company in the past, present and future.
g. meeting for company directors and top managers to 7. training meeting
debate on strategy and make decisions concerning the
direction of a company.
h. meeting is focused on one topic and ismeant to 8. board meeting
steer the decisions of many organizations, including
small businesses; it follows a structured format led by
a prepared facilitator.

d. Match the pairs to make sentences about types of meetings

1. I was ringing to try and fix up a. brainstorm ideas for the website.
2. Now before we start, I’d like to b. day on the new software.
make a few general points
3. I was thinking of setting up a c. a videoconference.
meeting to
4. Do you think we could fix a date d. regarding the our focus group meeting.
for your

5. We need to decide on the date e. annual appraisal?
6. Is it possible to discuss the new f. at our next team meeting ?
7. I’m just calling about organizing g. of the annual general meeting
8. We should organize a training h. progress meeting

e. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions

with up for (twice) on through about at

a. I was ringing to try and fix ....the next progress meeting with the design team for the
Business Greek book project.
b. Mrs. Stuart has just called ....your appraisal next week.
c. Could we discuss that .... the next meeting?
d. I am finalizing the company calendar this week and we really need to decide .... the final
date of the annual general meeting.
e. She will put you ....right now.
f. Mr. Skunk would like to arrange a meeting.... members of the R&D department.
g. If I recall correctly we opted.... the second or the third week in November.

f. Find words in the box similar to the meanings below.

repossess interest collateral loans overdraft traveller’s cheques

private pension plan standing orders mortgage

a. Something that acts as a security or a guarantee for a debt

b. A long-term loan to buy somewhere to live
c. Banks exchange foreign currency for people going abroad and sell sorts of cheques
protected against loss or theft.
d. What you can earn when you leave your money in the bank
e. To take back property that has not been completely paid for
f. An amount of money borrowed from a bank for a certain length of time, usually for a
specific purpose
g. An arrangement for saving money to give you an income when you stop working
h. An arrangement to withdraw more money from a bank account than you have placed
in it
i. It is used to pay regular fixed sums of money.

g. Choose the correct variant of the statements below:

a. If you want to be paid more interest, choose to have a current account/ savings
b. To carry foreign currency is safer/ less safe than to have traveller’s cheques.

c. Collateral acts as guarantee/ mortgage for the bank.
d. Commercial banks offer loans/ overdrafts that are lent for a fixed period.

1.4 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with different types of meeting adding particular

Types of

Unit 1. Useful language

I’m just ringing to find out details about the videoconference.

Is it possible to discuss the new logo at our next team meeting?
I called you up to try and fix up the next progress meeting.
I was thinking of setting up a brainstorming meeting.
We were asked to set up the date of the AGM.
Could we fix a date for herannual appraisal?
I would like to organize a training day on HP products.

Test (Over to you)
Prepare answers to these questions:
1. How often do you go to meetings in English or other language?
2. What type of meetings do you go to in English/other language and in your own language?


1. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,


Unit 2

Arranging a Meeting. Culture and Entertainment

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Objectives and skills – allocated time (3 hours)
2.3. The content of the unit
2.3.1. Theory: Cross cultural understanding
2.3.2. Inviting, and accepting or declining
2.4. Self- assessment

2.1 Introduction

Motto: “Embracing diversity is one adventure after another, opening new paths of
discovery that connect an understanding to caring, listening, and sharing with others who
are different than ourselves.”
April Holland (

This chapter focuses on the communication between different cultures – intercultural

communication, also known as cross-cultural communication. This is complex for a number of
reasons. First, we know how difficult it is to communicate across social boundaries because of
factors which we discuss in this chapter, such as social stereotypes. Second, the concept of
culture is itself complex. It is socially sensitive subjects as people, usually subconsciously; tend
to approach it from the viewpoint of their own culture.
We consider it important to look at the general problems of communicating across social

and then to discuss some of the key concepts associated with cultural analysis. It is essentially to
understand how cultural factors affect cross-cultural communication, as well as the
management’s responsibility in bridging cultures through certain strategies meant to overcome
the cross-cultural problems.
Every culture in this world promotes such phenomena as authority, bureaucracy,
creativity, good fellowship/ leadership, correctness and reliability in different ways.
Consequently, the fact that we use the same words to describe them highlights our lack of
awareness that our cultural bigotry and our conventional attitude may not be appropriate, or
shared. (Bruckmann, Business Communication, FonsTrompeenaars, Riding the Waves of

2.2 Objectives and skills – allocated time (3 hours)

2.2. 1 define basic cross-cultural concepts (in context simulation) and explain how cultural
differences can be analysed and compared;
2.2. 2 identify differences in cultural background that can affect communication in the
2.2. 3 identify possible strategies that may overcome intercultural communication
2.2.4explainthe way in which management strategies can bridge cultural gaps through
effectivetraining and practices;

Skills of Unit 1:

Students will

- explain the basic cross-cultural concepts (in context simulation)and how cultural differences
can be analysed and compared;
-identify differences in cultural background that can affect communication in the
- identify differences in cultural background that can affect communication in the

- explain the way in which management strategies can bridge cultural gaps through
effectivetraining and practices


Allocated time for Unit 2

Unit 2Arranging to meet. Culture and entertainmentis allocated 2 hours.

2.3 The content of the unit

2.3.1 The following text is about cultural diversity. Read it through once and decide which of
the three statements (A, B, or C) given below the extract offers the most accurate summary.

A stereotype is defined as a generalization about a group of people based upon their group
membership. As some theoreticians assert to stereotype is to assign identical characteristics to
any person in a group, regardless of the actual variation among members of that group.
According to certainformer researchesthe stereotypical beliefs are rigid, unresponsive to reality,
and generally resistant to change. Yet, according to more recent studies, the specific context
influences whether or how far people make stereotyped judgements.
Many stereotypes are known to have been very stable over time, but that may reflect a stable
social context rather than the stereotypes being ‘fixed’ cognitive structures. If we consider
Oakes’s research on the Australian students’ perceptions of their own national stereotype, we
remark thatthey remained much the same between 1992 and 1996, including characteristics such
as being happy-go-lucky, pleasure-loving, sportsmanlike and talkative. A major change came in
1997 when some characteristics disappeared (such as being sportsmanlike); thus, the stereotype
became less positive and more complex; and there was much less agreement. These changes

appeared to have generated broader changes in Australian society,such as the division of the
population as a result of political changes, with visible impact on intergroup relations.
When stereotypes are applied to cultures, they usually turn into overgeneralization about
some characteristic of that group. For example, Italians are perceived as emotional and noisy
while the British and the German are seen as unemotional. On the one hand,we remark that
certainbehaviours have a greater value and frequency, in some cultures than others, but it is still
wrong to overgeneralize. While the British may value an unemotional ‘stiff upper lip’ attitude, it
is dangerousto characterize all or most British people as unemotional. This is particularly so
when one cultural group does not value the characteristic attributed to another. (Adapted from
Bruckmann’sBusiness Communication- An Introduction)

A. Stereotypes can be positive but still have some negative impact.

B. There are certain universal truths about stereotypes which can be successfully applied to
C. Stereotypes are overgeneralizations about particular characteristics of a group, being
often very stable over time.

2.3.2 What are the common stereotypes of the different cultural groups in the workforce in
your region? How do these stereotypes affect relations between members of different groups?
How are these stereotypes reinforced by local/national media?

2.3. 3 Considering your life experience and knowledge complete the following table with the
terms in the box.

discriminatory intergroup communication conformity

conflict leadership style antagonistic
competition biased opportunity hostility

(1) ............. ................... is well mirrored by different groups in (2) .................. or

(3)....................... The following typical processes can be detected:

- Individual perceptions become (4) ............... and (5) ...........................;
- Much more attention is paid to (6) ................... to group norms;
- Obvious temptation to embrace a more authoritarian (7) ........................;
- Possible conflict as a result of discriminatory and (8) ............................. behaviour;
- High/ relative degree of discrimination at every available (9)....................;
- The climate of (10) ................ affects communication as a result of suspicion.

Arranging a Meeting

2.3.1 A. Read the conversation below, in which Mark Sulky from Omega International
tries to arrange a progress meeting with Patty Brown and the design team. Then
decide which spaces (1-7) the questions below (a-g) fit into:

Mark: Do you have a minute?

Patty: Sure.
Mark: ....... (1) ......... Watkins has warned me about checking that everything is still on
Patty: Sorry, it’s not possible. I am allocated to another mission in Berlin for four days.
Mark: Too bad, but (2) ...................
Patty: That’s fine. (3).......................
Mark: Sorry, I’m out of the office on Monday.
Patty:......... (4)...... I’m free all day long.
Mark: Great. ....... (5)........
Patty: That’s perfect. ........ (6)........
Mark: Yeah, perfect form me, too. .....(7)....
Patty: I think a couple of hours should be enough.
Mark: ok, sounds good. I’ll send you a formal invitation in a bit.
Patty: Thanks Mark.

a. How long do you think we’ll need? ......

b. What about the following week?.......
c. How about after lunch-say two o’clock?.......
d. Shall we meet here in the meeting room as usual?.....
e. Sometime on Tuesday then?.......
f. Could we try to arrange a progress meeting sometime next week? .....
g. How about Monday morning?.....

B. Match the beginnings and endings to make questions about arranging


1. Can we arrange to...........

2. How about meeting ........
3. Could we schedule ........
4. Could we find ........
5. What date to ..............

6. Is there any chance .......
7. What about a ............
8. Could we organize a conference ........


a. meeting next Tuesday? d. call next month?

b. meet sometime next month ? e. a time to meet?
c. you have in mind? f. in my office ?
g. of scheduling a meeting next week?

C. Make sentences to say you can/ can’t attend meetings.

1. for/ nine/ at/ o’clock/ Tuesday/ is/ me./ fine

2. that/ I’m/ Yes/ on/ free/ date./
3. make/ Yes, / I/ date. / that/ can
4. then/ another/ I’m/ appointment./ I/ have/ afraid
5. yes, / works/ that/ me./ date/ for
6. at/ sounds/ the/ good./ Wednesday/ o’clock/ 15th/ 11
7. week./ I/ the/ Sorry,/ can’t/ make/ next/ meeting/
8. afraid/ I’m/ not/ I’m/ away/ on/ a/ trip./ business
9. about/ Yes/ sure,/ Tuesday/ how/ Monday/ 9th?/ or/ 8th
10. days./ I’m/ at/ No,/ the/ Book Fair/ for/ Frankfurt/ three

D. Fill in the gaps with a word from the box.

training rooms equipped professional business facilities

training centre whiteboards designed seats
refreshments multimedia projectors arrangements

E: And what about the (1) .......... each room?

R: Well. We ‘re a (2) ........ ........... and (3)........... ......... and we have (4)........ and (5) ............
all our rooms according to the required standards. We can offer (6) ............. .............., interactive
(7)..................., wireless Internet, TV, video, DVD, laptops... All that you would expect from a
professional training centre.
E: And what (8)............. are there for refreshments?
R: We can serve (9)................... in the (10) ............. ............or in our special business centre
restaurant. That (11) ......... 50 delegates, by the way.

E. Put the sentences into the correct order to make two conversations about
arranging meetings.

Conversation A

a. Let’s go for Wednesday the 3rd then, at ten o’clock. _____

b. No problem. What date do you have in mind? _____
c. Ok. I look forward to meeting you on the 3rd at ten. ____
d. How about the beginning of the month? _____
e. Could we schedule a meeting sometime next month? _____
f. Fine. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd are all OK for me. _____

Conversation B

a. I’m free on both of those dates. ____

b. The 10th at nine o’clock ... that’s fine. ______
c. Sure, I was thinking about the 10th or 11th of April. ____
d. Could we find a time to meet ? ___
e. Ok, let’s settle for Tuesday the 10th then at, say, nine? ____
f. Yes, would you like to suggest a date? ____

F. In the sentences below, there are faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,

and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a
corrected form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show
the word that appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark.
Each sentence contains one error.

1. Businesspeople are sending more e-mail messages than ever before,that’s why writing skills
are increasingly important.
2. A network security workshop next month in Seattle, Washington will help our firm learn
techniques for keeping our network safe.
3. In it’s latest online announcement, our Information TechnologyDepartment said that even the
best-protected information sometimesis lost, erased, or corrupted.
4. Louis and I certainly appreciate your taking our calls for us when heand me are away from the
5. A summary of all of our clients’ comments for the past month were given to the manager and
her last week.
6. Every field employee, as well as every manager and department head,are eligible for tuition

7. For you Mr. Johnson, we have a one-year subscription to The Wall Street Journal.
8. I plan to go to law school after i complete my undergraduate degree.
9. We couldn’t barely believe that our colleagues agreed to the plan.
10. In the spring Kathy took courses in history, English, and management.
(Business English, MEGUFFEY)

G. Find words in the box similar to the meanings below.

repossess interest collateral loans overdraft traveller’s cheques

private pension plan standing orders mortgage

j. Something that acts as a security or a guarantee for a debt

k. A long-term loan to buy somewhere to live
l. Banks exchange foreign currency for people going abroad and sell sorts of cheques
protected against loss or theft.
m. What you can earn when you leave your money in the bank
n. To take back property that has not been completely paid for
o. An amount of money borrowed from a bank for a certain length of time, usually for a
specific purpose
p. An arrangement for saving money to give you an income when you stop working
q. An arrangement to withdraw more money from a bank account than you have placed
in it
r. It is used to pay regular fixed sums of money.

H. Choose the correct variant of the statements below:

e. If you want to be paid more interest, choose to have a current account/ savings
f. To carry foreign currency is safer/ less safe than to have traveller’s cheques.
g. Collateral acts as guarantee/ mortgage for the bank.
h. Commercial banks offer loans/ overdrafts that are lent for a fixed period.

2.4 Self- assessment.

a. Prepare answers to the questions below:

a.1 How often do you make phone calls in English t organize meetings?
a.2 Do you prefer to try to arrange meetings by email? Why?/ Why not?

b. Interview other colleagues about arranging meetings. Make a note of their answers
and report back your findings.

b.1 How often?

b.2 What type of meetings ?
b.3 By email or telephone?

Example: I have interviewed four colleagues. They all make a phone call in
English to organize a meeting about once a month. The most common type of
meeting is .......

Unit 1. Useful language

Could we find a time to meet?

Could/ can you organize a conference call?
Can you arrange to meet sometime?
Could/Can we try to arrange a meeting before Thursday?
Any chance (informal) of a meeting next week/ this week?
What about Friday morning/ afternoon?
How about after lunch at, let’s say/say, three o’clock?
I’d like to schedule a meeting before the end of the month. Can you suggest a few dates?
Can we try and agree on a day this week/ in the middle of the month?

Complete the sentences using words from the box

damage damages deal in deal with

a. The cigarette lighter company had to pay $2m ................ when one of its lighters exploded
and burnt the victim.
b. On receipt of the goods you should declare any ...................... to the insurance company.
c. They ..................... second- hand cars and lorries.
d. She was awarded ............. of $ 500,000 for wrongful dismissal.
e. I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but the Finance Manager will ............... your enquiry when
she gets back.
f. We refuse to .................firms that dont’t allow us to trade an open account.
g. I always leave him to .................... the paperwork.
h. The offer of cheap financing enabled us to clinch the .................and get the contact.
i. I think even a small concession would allow us to ..................... .

demand enquiry query request demanding

a. Executive positions ....................good management skills.

b. I’d like to make an .................about export regulations to China.
c. I’ve a .......................about the National Insurance contributions.
d. I’m phoning to ................ about your range of office equipment.
e. Working is a busy freight forwarding company is a ................. occupation.
f. The union is .................both higher wages and fringe benefits.
g. There is an increase in ............... for bio products.
h. There will be a full ........................ into insider trading on the Stock Exchange.
i. At my ............... the Minister agreed to intervene.

Test (Over to you)
3. Try to complete the dialogue below imagining that you arrange a meeting with an
English client.

Can we arrange to meet sometime?


I’m tied up at the end of the week. What about next Monday?


I’d prefer Monday morning actually.



1. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,


Unit 3
Writing emails in preparation for meetings

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)
3.3 The content of the unit
3.3.1Writing emailsfor various purposes
3.3.2Writing styles
3.4 Self- assessment

3.1 Introduction

Motto: The road to hell is paved with adverbs.”

Stephen King, On Writing

Writing style is something that is extremely personal. It involves your own experience
and your own language skills to write in a particularly individual way. The best way to
improve your writing style- in English, as in any language- is probably to read as widely as
possible and then to experiment with your writing.
According to some practitioners writing English for business today is highly unlikely to be
the same as the writing people were taught at school or university: thesimilarities often end
up with punctuation and grammar.
It is important to understand how to writecorrectly, how spelling, punctuation and grammar
matter. It’s impossible to get to the next phase in one’s career – the ‘pitching’ phase –
without getting the basics right.

3.2 Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)

3.2. 1 understand the importance of writing efficient emails in preparation for meetings;
3.2. 2 identify the characteristics of business emails (formal/ informal style);
3.2. 3 present an opinion convincingly;
3.2.4 make the writing style interesting and effective.

Skills of Unit 1:

Students will

- understand the need for writing efficient emails in preparation for meetings;
- identify the characteristics of business emails (formal/ informal style);
- present their opinion convincingly;
-make their writing style interesting and effective.

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 3Writing emails in preparation for meetingsis allocated 2 hours.

3.3 The content of the unit

3.3.1 Read the following four emails (A-D) and write the correct letter next to the
explanatory sentences (1- 8). Which email(s) ....

1. is a request for an approval?

2. have an attachment? ____________

3. is about a meeting for company shareholders? _____________
4. is about a meeting for sharing ideas? ____________
5. are about staff development?_________
6. is sent to more than one person?______________
7. is a request for a list of completed aims? ____________
8. mentions booking accommodation? ________________

To: Omega International Centre Owners
From: Ann Smith , Managing Director
Subject: AGM

Dear colleagues,
I trust you are all well. Please find here with a brief note for you diaries. I detail below the
latest information about this year’s Omega International Annual General Meeting.
Date and Time: 12th November 10.00 to 16.00
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel Prague

We have negotiated special rates for Delta International delegates, including family
members. Please make all bookings through my PA, Keira Stacey, who can provide further
information. As in previous years, I would advise making an early reservation to ensure

I will send an agenda and details of the social programme nearer the time. I look forward to
seeing you and your families again in the near future.
With best regards.
Yours sincerely,
Ann Smith

To: Omega International Centre Owners
From: Shauna Singh , Business Improvement Dept.
Subject: A meeting with Gameland

Look, I know you’re tied up with Sony Pictures right now, but I’ve finally managed to get a
meeting with the guys from Gameland at their head office in Chicago. It was like getting an
appointment with god! Frankly, I think it’s a real future of this company. Can you fly out and
join me in the USA the week after next?

From: Saul Greene, Design manager
Subject: Brainstorming meeting
Attachment: Competitors’ websites

Hi Ann,
I’m looking forward to our meeting next week. I’m pleased that we’ve set aside time to
discuss the website. Please find attached a list of the features of some of our competitors.
I’ve thought it could be a good starting point for our brainstorming meeting.
All the best,

To: Omega International Centre Owners
From: Tim Bosky, IT manager, SOFTcom
Subject: Software Training

Dear Jenny,
It was good to speak the other day. I think we covered a lot of ground in a short time.
As discussed, I and one of our engineers will lead the training day for your designers using
our new publishing software. I’ll send copies of the software next week with some initial
tasks for the designers to try out before the day.
I look forward to seeing you on the 15th July.
Best wishes,
Tim Bosky, SOFTcom

To: Patrick Husk
From: Hanna Fischer, estate manager director
Subject: Do we have the go-ahead?

Dear Mr. Husk,

Sorry to bother you at such a busy time, but we are still waiting for you to approve the sale

of our old film studios in Berlin. I know you were hoping to finalise the purchase of the
Baumann Studio before making a final decision, but the current offer from Film Forum is
really very reasonable and I don’t think I can put them off much longer. I’ve promised them
a firm answer on Monday. What shall I say?

Complete the table with the underlined words and phrases from the emails in 1.

Formal Informal

Read these people ideas about writing emails and then, complete sentences 1-6 below
with the first name of the correct person.

1. ____________ likes to write very short emails.

2. ____________ likes to proofread the text before sending it.
3. ____________ likes to have a very clear layout for a better reading.
4. ____________ likes to make sure that the subject of the email jump off the page.
5. ____________ likes emails to be like informal conversations.
6. ____________ likes to use many emoticons in emails to liven them up.

a. Tina Rays : My opinion is that people should write a short but very clear message in
the subject line. It’s easier for the reader to get the key point of one’s message the
moments he opens the mail. Besides, the reader can also quickly find the mail again if
necessary. Sometimes, the subject line is left blank, which is not very professional.

b. Marian Stacey: I think that many people send emails without checking them first.
This may cause embarrassing misunderstandings. I always proofread what I’ve
written and always have one last look before pressing ‘send’. I am caution on sending
very private messages because it’s easy for the person receiving it to forward it to
somebody else by mistake.

c. Irene Stoll: When writing emails, the most important thing is to make the lines easy to
read. Using headings and a very clear font is preferable. I also underline key words or
phrases. I never forget to use paragraphs to separate key points.

d. Joshua Kanga: I am for “ to be as brief as possible”. I think it’s good as well if the
reader can reply with just yes or no answers. So I never write questions like : “Can
you give me an idea of what you think about possible dates? ” I always write short
questions such as : “How about Friday at 9am for the meeting?”

e. Shauna Badami: When writing emails, I prefer to be formal. I like to make them fun –
even when working with business issues. I write in a chatty way as if I were speaking
to that person. I also use symbols to liven things up a bit. Sometimes, I write key
words in capital letters, but not everybody likes it.

In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and number
expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected form in the space
provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that appears immediately before the
necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

1. Please collect all of the graduates names and e-mail addresses so that ………………
we can keep them informed of job opportunities.
2. Either Jimbo or she will be working overtime on the next two Friday’s. ………………
3. Of the forty-six orders placed by customers last week, only 9 were ………………
filled on time.
4. If you expect a three-week vacation, you must speak to the Manager ………………
5. You should have saw the warehouse before its contents were moved ………………
to 39th Street.
6. Your job interview with the manager and her will last for a hour. ………………
7. Before her trip to the East last summer, my mother bought an ………………
Olympus Camera.
8. We need only 20 44-cent postage stamps to finish the mailing. ………………
9. Your account is now 90 days overdue, therefore, we are submitting ………………
it to an agency for collection.
10. We feel badly about your missing the deadline, but the application ………………
has been lying on your desk for 15 days.
11.The obsession with shared price forces managers to come up with ………………
instant solutions which often don't work.
12.Mr. Weston told analysts that Loblaw has “fabulous” opportunities ……………...
to expand in Western Canada with minimum risky.

Fill in the gaps with the correct words:

of (twice) as up to to (twice) for

The customers’ deposits are liabilities because the money is owed (a) ......... someone else. Banks
have to keep a certain percentage(b) ....... their assets as reserves (c) ....... borrowers who want to
withdraw their money, which is known (d)...... the reserve requirements. For instance, if the
reserve requirement is 10%, a bank that receives a £ 100 deposit can lend £ 90 (e).... it. If the
borrower spends the money and writes a cheque (f) .....someone who deposits the £ 90, the bank
receiving that deposit can lend £ 81. The bank system could increase the first deposit of £ 100 up
to about £ 1,000. Subsequently, it creates credit (g) .....almost £ 900.

Find words in the box similar to the meanings below.

liquidity personnal customers grant loans

bank account corporate customers maturities
conditions create credit

a. Banks also ............. ...........because the money they lend is usually spent and so
transferred to another bank account.
b. Our products for ................. ................. include business overdrafts, loan repayments that
reflect your cash flow, and commercial mortgages.
c. Our local branch managers are encouraged to help local business and are authorized to
.......... .......... and overdrafts.
d. If you depend on an instant access to all your money, then you need a ............. ................
e. We offer standardized loans: you can be sure you won’t get less favourable terms and
.....than our other .............. .............
f. Banks have to find a balance between ....... and different ............

Choose the correct variant of the statements below:

1. Banks lend savers’ deposits to people who need to borrow money/depositorswithout

2. They also create credit by lending the same original deposit several times/
augmenting monthly interest.
3. How much credit banks can create depends on the reserve requirements/ is secretly
4. Before lending money, banks have to assess the risk involved/banks need the
approval of the top managers.
5. The interest rate on a loan depends on how risky it is for the bank to lend the
money/does not always meet the customer’s expectations.
6. Banks always need liquidity so they can’t lend all their money in loans with long
maturity/ so they refrain from lending all their money with short maturity.

Find verbs that can be used to make word combinations with the nouns below, then
use some of them to complete the sentences below.

........................ interest .....................

......................... ..........................

..................... ........................
money products
......................... .........................

................... yield

a. Also, inappropriate comparison drugs may be used in these trials, skewing findings in
favour of the tested ............. .
b. Banks rigorously study the financial situation of a company to ............ the risk
involved in lending it money.
c. With standardized products, all customers are ........the same interest rate.
d. Banks are expected to know from experience how much cash to keep in their reserves
for customers who want to ......... it.
e. Banks always need liquidity so they can’t ...... all their money in loans with long
f. Banks make a profit by ......... a higher rate of interest to borrowers than they pay to
g. A company whose name doesn't in the slightest way...........its product is one of my
perennial favourites - Apple.
h. Banks have to ...... yield (how much money a loan pays) and risk.

3.4 Self- assessment. Write your own opinion about emails, using the comments in 3.3.3

Unit 3. Useful language

Formal email language

Dear colleagues/ Ms Skink / Mr Timm,
I trust you are all well.
I look forward to meeting/ seeing you on the 15th July.
I detail below ....
I would advise ....
As discussed, ....
Please find herewith ....
Please find attached .....
Yours sincerely,
Best wishes/ regards (can also be informed depending on the context)

Informal/ friendly email language

Hello Sandra/ Hi Jim/ Dear Peter
It was good to speak the other day.
Sorry for the (long) delay.
I’ve attached ...
I’m looking forward to our meeting.
See you on Thursday.
Hope to see you .....
All the best,

Test (Over to you)
4. Look at some bank websites from your country. Which bank offers the best rates to
borrowers and lenders? Write an email to bank employee asking details about a personal


2. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,

3. Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers

Unit 4
Confirming and rescheduling meetings

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)
4.3. The content of the unit
4.3.1. ‘Culture’of Meetings
4.3.2. Organizing meetings
4.4. Self- assessment

4.1 Introduction

Motto: Meetings, clearly, can take place anywhere, and wouldn't it be nice to
see your coworkers lounging on the grass with their shoes off?
Tom Hodgkinson2

If the previous unit highlighted the way in which emails may be used to plan meetings, Unit
4 focuses on the combination of emails and verbal communication to change arrangements.
The proper etiquette for a business meeting requires respect among meeting participants,
punctuality, and an atmosphere of cooperation. According to certain business experts a lack of
etiquette and poor planning are two of the main reasons why many business meetings fail.
Subsequently, the need to teach employees business meeting etiquette comes as a priority to
ensure that business's meetings are effective.
Global minds have been confronted with cultural differences at some point, which often
leads to amusing misunderstandings. On the other hand, cultural differences may also have a
serious impact on people’s careers. From this point of view, touching particular guidelines to
avoid cultural conflicts at work and leave a good impression is worth observing.


4.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

4.2. 1 understand the need for considering the culture of meetings;

4.2. 2 identify certain contexts regarding the reschedule/ confirmation of meetings;
4.2. 3 stress the importance of planning business meetings;
4.2.4 highlight the awareness of cultural sensitivity when organizing business meetings.

Skills of Unit 4:

Students will
- understand the need for considering the culture of meetings ;
- identify certain contexts regarding the reschedule/ confirmation of meetings;
- create real-life scenario matching to the topic of the unit;
- develop speaking skills

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 4Confirm and rescheduling meetingsis allocated 2 hours.

4.3 The content of the unit

4.3.1 A. Identify any professional or business contact you have with other countries and
think about any conventions that are different to those in your country and may
affect your dealing with people from these countries. You might consider the
following ones:

socialising, the relationship between work and pleasure or family and work, dress code,
conventions regarding alcohol and food,eye contact, shaking hands, gestures, humour,
family matters.

B. Read the statistics below and consider the points made about phone calls at

Board members of theNorthwestern Mutual Life Assurance Company decided to

block all incoming calls for just one hour a week. Consequently, the productivity
rose by an amazing 23%. According to Time- management consultancy Priority
Management, 55% of all calls received by executives are less important that the
work they interrupt and 21% are a complete waste of time. Specific researches in
the field show that managers underestimate the time they spend on the phone by
up to 50%. Perhaps that’s how over two trillion dollars get spent annually on
phone calls!

C. Relying on your life experience and knowledge answer the questions below:

a. What percentage of your time at work do you spend on the phone or to write/
reply emails?
b. How many of the calls/ email replies are essential?
c. Could you not answer the phone?/ Could you postpone email replies?
However, when you do it, is it:

- force of habit (the phone rings you pick it up or you drink your morning coffee
while checking emails);
- out of curiosity (some good news for a change);
- relief (it could be something less boring than your current task)

D. Use the pairs of words in the box to fill in the gaps.

reach + answer busy + ring important +switch on

expecting + pick up option + do
real +unplug disturbed + hold possible +answer

a. One ____would be to ___ detailed market research.

b. If I’m having a _______ crisis, I ______ the damn thing!
c. If I’m _______, I just let the phone _______.
d. If our boss doesn’t want to be ______, he tells his secretary to ____ all his calls.
e. If my husband ____ a call from his partner, he _____ the phone immediately.
f. If Peter is in the middle of something _____, he _________the answerphone.
g. If she ______, she just let the phone ________.
h. If I can ________ him on his cellphone, I should be able to give you an ______ by
this afternoon.

E. Make phrases which start with if . Use the words from the box below.

Got a minute not too much trouble got some time

Possible Would not too busy can

If .....

You ___________________________________________________________

You ___________________________________________________


You’ve _________________________________________________


It’s ________________________________________________________

F. Here Stuart Donovan from Great Britain emails AaluGunnarsson of Softcom,

in Oslo. He wants an appointment with Ms. Gunnarsson. Make use of your
imagination and complete the details of the arrangement made in Ms.
Hannam’s diary.


27 Monday____________________________________

28 Tuesday____________________________________

29 Wednesday__________________________________

30 Thursday____________________________________

31 Friday______________________________________


2 Sunday______________________________________

G. Make sentences to confirm arrangements.

1. Let a note of the date and the time at 10 o’clock.
2. Can I check me just meeting with I forget.
3. So we’ll you on Wednesday at four o’clock in OK?
your office
4. I’m looking forward go you again?
5. Let me make the details of the to seeing you on over that again.
the 5th

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

H. Put the conversation between Sandy Thomson and Mary Vitto into the correct

a. That’s no problem. It’s all right. Have you got another date in mind? ____
b. Is there any chance of postponing the meeting until the following week? Could I go
for the same day at the same time? ____
c. Yes, that would be fine. ___
d. Hello, Mary. Sandy speaking. ____
e. Sandy, I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you if we can
reschedule my meeting with you and the design team on Thursday.
f. Something has come up and I can’t get out of it. ____
g. Oh, why’s that? What’s the problem? ____
h. Brilliant! Sorry about this. It really couldn’t be helped. ____
i. Oh hi, Sandy. ____

I. Mark which of the statements below may be possible reasons for cancelling a

agree disgree
1. The C.E.O. is having a delight flight.
2. The chairperson wants the afternoon off to swim in the ocean.
3. The chairperson’s PA, who takes the minutes, broke up with
her lover.
4. Some of the key decisions-makers can’t attend.

5. Decision about the agenda can be made without consulting
6. All issues can be dealt with by phone or email.
7. It is a last minute meeting and none of the paperwork has
been circulated.
8. The Board members have not confirmed their participation.
9. The meeting is too expensive and the outcome is too small.
10. The meeting is only to pass on information and not to make
11. Everyone is busy and a meeting would disrupt work.
12. The issues are very controversial and would result in harmful

J. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation,

capitalization, and number expression. For each sentence underline any error.
Then write a corrected form in the space provided. If you must add
punctuation, also show the word that appears immediately before the
necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

a. Under the circumstances, we can give you only 90 days time in ________________
which to sell the house and its contents.
b. The cost of the coast-to-coast flight should be billed to whomever ________________
made the airline reservation.
c. Los Angeles is larger than any city on the West Coast. _________________
d. The number of suggestions made by employees are increasing
each month as employees become more involved. _________________
e. Our school’s alumni are certainly different than its currently
enrolled students. __________________
f. Courtney is one of those efficient, competent managers who is able
to give sincere praise for work done well. __________________
g. Because she looks like her sister, Kendra is often taken to be her.
h. If I were him, I would call the Cortezes’ attorney at once. __________________
i. Three employees will be honored, namely, Lucy Lee, Tony Waters,
and Jamie Craig. __________________
j. If you drive a little further, you will come to the library on the right
side of the street. _________________

K. Complete the diagram below with the names of four people who typically
phone you at work ( or email you) to ask you to do things. Write down what
they usually ask you to do.

Who’s calling?
Who’s calling?

What do they want?

What do they want?


Who’s calling?

Who’s calling?

What do they want?

What do they want?



Label each call/ email as follows: urgent (must be done now), important (but can wait), social (just
keeping in touch) or a nuisance (time-wasting).

L. Find words in the box matching the gaps below.

mortgages issuing investment banks takeover bids
advice raised capital insurance companies

For most of the 20th century, most banks operated in one country only. Different
kinds of banks did specialized kinds of financial business:
- Retail banks or commercial banks worked with individuals and small companies:
• received deposits
• made loans.
- (a)............................. worked with big companies:
• gave financial (b)..................
• (c)...............- increased the amount of money companies had by
(d)...................... stocks or shares and bonds
• organized mergers and (e) .................
- (f) .........................................................
• provided life insurance and pensions.

- Building societies
• specialized in (g) ...........................Many have now become normal
commercial banks.

i. Find words in the box opposite to the following meanings:

financial institution capital merger conglomerate

takeover bids deregulation

________________(a.)the ending of some rules and restrictions.

________________(b.) it happens when a company offers to buy the shares of another company
to gain control of it.
________________(c.) a company offering financial services.

________________(d.) a company formed by the merger or takeover of several other companies.

________________(e.) the money a company uses, raised by way of shares and bonds.

________________(f.) when two formely separated companies agree to join together.

M. Match the specialised functions with the types of banks below:

central private
banks banks

1. manage the assets of rich people or high net worth individuals____________

2. issue currency and carry out the government’s financial policy____________

3. pass cheques and other payments through the banking system_____________

4. such as car manufacturers, food retailers and department stores now offer product like
personal loans, credit cards and insurance. _______________

4.4 Self- assessment

4.4.1 Complete the table with the most common reasons for cancelling or
postponing meetings.

Reasons for
cancelling or 2.
postponing meetings



a. 2 Match the phrasal verbs with the definitions.

1. come up a. contact
2. get back to b. to avoid doing
3. get in touch with c. to check carefully
4. deal with d. contact again at a later time
5. go over about
6. get out of f. to happen and need to be dealt with

Unit 4. Useful language

Let me make a note of the date and the time.

Can I check the details of the meeting with you again?
Arrangements So we’ll see you on Wednesday at four o’clock in your
office, OK?
When would be a good time?
So we’re meeting on Thursday at nine. Is that right?
I’m looking forward to seeing you on the 5th at 10am.
So we’ve decided to meet on the 7 of May then?
Could we meet some time next week?
We’ve an appointment next Tuesday, but ......
Could we fix an alternative?

Is there any chance (informal) of postponing the meeting unti

Follow ing wee k?(informal)
Something has come up and I can’t get out of it. (informal)
I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you if we can reschedule our
The problem has now been solved, so we have cancelled the
Have you got another date in mind?
I’m afraid that I’m going to have to postpone our meeting till later
in the month.
Can I/ Could you confirm that by fax?
Test (Over to you)
Prepare answers to these questions:
N. Are many of the meetings you are invited to cancelled or postponed?
O. Have you ever been to a meeting and only found out when you arrived that the
meeting had been cancelled/ postponed?


4. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,


Unit 5
Booking a business centre for a meeting

5.1. Introduction
5.2. Objectives and skills – allocated time (2 ore)
5.3. The content of the unit
5.3.1. ‘Culture point’- Where to meet?
5.3.2. Investment banking
5.4. Self- assessment

5.1 Introduction

Motto: A budget tells us what we can’t afford, but it doesn’t keep us from buying it.
William Feather3

Many companies book meeting venues outside the company headquarters and sometimes
even abroad. When scouting for a conference location, it can be easy to get caught up in minor
details and forget to ask about something important. Before speaking with a venue's sales
manager, a list of requirements should be already prepared; it is safe way to get ensured that the
right questions are written down when visiting a venue. The questions should focus on the
following key points:
- the space availability on the selected dates (the venue provides organizers with rooms,
AV equipment and everything else that might be needed on those dates);
- the venue accessibility from the airport, highways or public transit (any offer of shuttle
- the possibility of being offered accommodations (many attendees may be out of the

American publisher and author (1889- 1981)

- the atmosphere (saving money with an outdated venue, attendees may complain about
the atmosphere);
- the space offered (attendees should have comfortable seating in all sessions and space to
relax between sessions)
- the possibility for the venue to cater events (vegan, diabetic or other dietary options)
- the venue costs (the venue should fall within the already established budget)

5.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

5.2. 1 understand the need for considering the culture of meetings;

5.2. 3 stress the importance of planning business meetings;
4.2.4 highlight the awareness of cultural sensitivity when organizing business meetings.

Skills of Unit 5:

Students will
- understand the need for considering the culture of meetings ;
- create real-life scenario matching to the topic of the unit;
- develop speaking skills

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 5Booking a business centre for a meeting is allocated 2 hours.

5.3 The content of the unit

5.3.1 A.Fill in the gaps with words from the box the conversation below:

a. This is Susan Skunk and I’m ringing about _________ the centre for meeting.
b. Can I first check your _______?
c. What date did you have in __________?
d. We are _________ at June 13th.
e. Would you _______ the whole centre or just a selection of rooms?
f. We would need a room for thirty _______ at the start and end of the day.
g. We would like to _______ them into four or five groups for the rest of the time.
h. Another company has made a ________ booking for our presentation theatre that day.
i. All of the other conference rooms are _______.

need mind available provisional split delegates

looking availability booking

B. Choose the correct option in each sentence

a. Can you go through/ down what you could offer us?

b. Our biggest seminar room holds/ offers 48 people.
c. The ground/ floor plan is on our website.
d. Can you tell me about the premises/ facilities in each room?
e. We have maintained/ equipped all our rooms to the highest standards.
f. They have all you would expect from a professional/experttraining centre.
g. We can serve/ cater refreshments in the training rooms or in our restaurant.
h. The restaurant sets/ places 50 delegates.

C. Complete with the missing words so that the sentences make sense. Write down the
place where the action might happen.

1. A: Did you pack your ...... yourself, sir?

B: Well, no, my wife ....Oh, er, I mean, yes. Yes, of course.

• ______________

2. A: Window or aisle?
B: Er, window, please. But not near an emergency .....if possible. You can’t put the seats back.
• ______________

3. A: I’m sorry but this bag is too heavy to take on as ........luggage. You’re only allowed six
kilos. You’ll have to check it in, I’m afraid, sir.
B: But I’ve got my computer and ...........for my family.
• ______________

4.A: Excuse me. Is there somewhere I could send .....from?

B: Certainly, sir. There’s a ............ ......... on the third floor.

• ______________

5. A: Could I ask you to open your ......, please, madam ?

B: Oh, ... all right. Will this take long? Someone is waiting for me
• ______________

6. A: This is your captain speaking. We’re now at our cruising altitude of 11, 000 metres, making
good time and just passing over the Costa Brava.

B: Oh, look. There it is. Full of British Tourists.

• ______________

7. A: Er, Heathrow ........., please. Terminal 1. I’m in a bit of hurry.

B: I’ll do what I can, sir. But the traffic’s terrible this morning. Some sort of accident it said on
the radio. Might be quicker taking the ............

• ______________

8. A: Could you switch off your laptop now, please, sir? We’re about .........

B: Oh, yes, of course.

• ______________

9. A: Here you are. Keep the .........

B: Oh, thank you very much, madam. Have a good flight.

• ______________

D. Look at the conversation below and complete with you own replies

CLP Training Centre, Shauna Swains speaking. How can I help you?

Yes, certainly.

Yes, of course. What date did you have in mind?


Would you need the whole centre?


That’s no problem. Would you like to make a booking now?


The total cost would be approximately 5000 Euros.


What sort of budget are you working to?


That could be possible, but unfortunately not for a one-off booking.


In that case, I think we can give you the discount. Would you like me to send
confirmation by email?

OK, I’ll be in touch shortly with all the details. Thanks for your call.

E. Complete the table with related forms of the words.

Verb Noun Adjectives


F. Complete the sentences from newspaper articles with words from the box.

advised fees IPOs underwritten merged acquiring divesting

During their acquisition of
Romanian Telecom’s IPO Mannesman, Vodafone were
was …………………by ……… by UBS.
Goldman Sachs.
3. 4.
In 2001, the global values of Big European banks earned millions
………. was over $320 billion. of dollars in consulting ……………
from Alcatel Lucent before the
company collapsed.

5. 6.
When Mitusubishi Tokyo Large multinational are always
Financial Group ……… with UFJ …………. less successful parts of
Holdings, they became the world’s their business as well as
…………………….. successful
biggest bank.

G. Match the words in the box with the definitions below

consulting firm financial restructuring institutional investor forecasters

pension fund strategic planning valuation subsidiary divestiture

1. a financial institution that invests money to provide retirement income for employees

2. making changes to how a company is financed

3. a company of experts providing professional advice to business for a fee

4. people who try to predict what will happen in the future

5. full disposal of an investment or asset through sale, exchange, closure or bankruptcy

6. establishing how something is worth

7. deciding what a company is going to do in the future

8. a company that is partly or wholly owned by another one

9. a financial institution that purchases securities

H. Different people have different objectives in a telephone call. In your opinion , what
might be the objectives of the people in the situations below ? The first one is done for
you as an example.

a. A Purchasing Manager who has received an incomplete delivery

- to tell the supplier that the delivery is incomplete;

- to arrange to get the rest of the delivery sent as soon as possible;
- (possibly) to complain about the poor service.

b. A purchaser at Aida Design who takes the call in institution.


c. A Sales Representative for a furniture manufacturer making a first call

to Aida Design, a company which sells office furniture.


d. A Buyer with a software problem calling a Software Helpline.


e. HR manager trying to organize a team building.

.................................................................................................... .

I. Find a word to go in each of the boxes below, so that you have two compounds with the
words on the left, and another two with the words on the right.

1. television
outdoor campaign

2. home volume
car forecasting

3. market guru
brand buyout

4. fair embargo
world deficit

5. target segmentation
youth share

J. Put the conversation between Sandy Thomson and Maria Vitto into the correct order.

ST: Could you ask him to ring me? ________

ST: Good morning, Sandy Thomson, here, calling from London.
Could I speak to Mr. Luigi Pirandello? ______

MV: Bongiorno, GTM. _______
ST: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company,
LCP, Liquid Control Products, is a leader in safety from leaks in the field of chemical
processing. I would like to speak to Mr.Luigi Pirandello to discuss ways in which we could help
GTM protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time. _____
MV: I cannot tell you, tomorrow Mr. Pirandello is flying to Florence where we have a small
subsidiary. ______
ST: Can you tell me when I could reach him? _____
MV: Who’s calling, please?_____
ST: Yes, I see. Well, Mr. Pirandello went out with some partners and I don’t think he will come
back. ____
MV: Well, what can I do for you? _____
ST: I’m sorry- Sandy Thomson, from London. _____
MV: He is too busy, but let me suggest you something. You send us details of your products and
services, together with references from other companies and then we’ll contact you. _____

K. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and
number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected form in
the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that appears
immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

a. Any invention you invest in runs the risk of failing to be granted patent.
b. Another advantage is that there are no longer any geographical restriction on where you
can invest your PEP funds.
c. They want us to pay lesser tax and invest less and get better public services in returning.
d. Maybe the next generation of local councillors would invest in something less transiency.
e. Eircom is concerning about the Government's plan to invest E300 million in broadband
infrastructure in 127 town across the State.
f. In 1983, he decided to spent some of it to create his dreamy home, Twin Ponds.
g. Woods has had vast more money to spend than any of his predecessors. (vastly)

h. Manager Martin O'Neill expects to know with the next month how many money he will
have to spend next season.
i. Or has at less found out how to spend money in Vienna.
j. In many cases, a request for part-time work is often greeted with a knee-jerk action.
k. Ms Harney said the Government had respond to a request for a copy of the report from
parties mentioned in it.
l. Individual Government departments or other recruit agencies could apply in licences.
m. Could you give me some advice as to whether we should apply for a joint mortgage or
should I apply on my own?

L.Select the letter that provides the best definition or synonym for each word shown.

1. pandemic (adj) a. popularc. notorious

b. widespread d. panoramic

2. entomology (n) a. study of words c. study of insects

b. study of fossilsd. love of outdoors

3. imminent (adj)a. impending c. famous

b. old d. stubborn

4. integrity (n) a. value c. perseverance

b. honesty d. loyalty

5. ostentatious (adj) a. annoying c. eager

b. rude d. showy

6.feasible (adj) a. possible c. likeable

b. unlikely d. difficult

7.supercilious (adj) a. large c. haughty

b. silly d. circuitous

8. tepid (adj) a. lukewarm c. fast

b. fearful d. lazy

9. inept (n) a. unprepared c. unaware

b. unfit d. inescapable

5.4 Self- assessment

Complete the table with possible places where people normally meet.


Meeting places



What is the most unusual place you have ever held a meeting in? Give details

Are there any places that you consider inappropriate for meetings? Justify your point of view
with reasons.

Match the questions and answers.

1. Do you want to book the whole centre?

2. Do you have availability on the 6th of June?

3. Can I make a provisional booking for the 6th of May?
5. Have you got a room big enough for 30 delegates?
6. What dates do you have in mind?
7. Can I check your availability before I go into details about facilities?

a. Yes, we’re got several seminar rooms for large groups. ____
b. We were thinking of the 13th or 14th of March. ____
c. No, only a selection of rooms. ____
d. Sure, but please confirm by the end of the month. ____
e. No, we are fully booked on that date. _____
g. Certainly, but I must tell you that we are full in this period. _____

Useful language

I’m ringing about booking the centre for a management

Booking rooms at
training course.
a business centre

Can I check your availability before I go into detail about facilities?

What date did you have in mind? – Well ideally, we are looking at June 13th.
Can you just go through what you could offer us?-
Well, we’ve got four main seminar rooms. The floor plan is on our website.

Talking about We have multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, wireless

Internet,video, TV, DVD and laptops.
How are the rooms laid out? – You can have whatever layout you
What arrangements are there for refreshments?
We can serve refreshments in the training rooms or in the restaurant.
And car parking?- We have free car parking for up to 70 cars.

Test (Over to you)

L. Do you ever book meeting rooms at a hotel or business centre? Or do you have a PA to
do it for you?
M. What do you think are the five most important facilities for a meeting room?


5. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,


Unit 6
Planning meetings

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
6.3. The content of the unit
1.3.1. Theory: Culture in international business
1.3.2. Types of meetings
6.4. Self- assessment

6.1 Introduction


In some cultures it is normal to practice to plan everything in great detail and not leave
anything to chance. In others, people are satisfied with just an outline plan of action and prefer to
work freely within that framework, responding flexibly to changing circumstances.
Meetings are vital for management and communicationand oftencreate new ideas and
initiatives. Properly run meetings save time, increase motivation, productivity, and solve
problems. Meetings achieve buy-in. Meetings prevent “not invented here” syndrome, diffuse
conflict in a way that emails and memos cannot. They are also effective because the written word
only carries 7% of the true meaning and feeling. Meetings are preferred to telephone conferences
because, according to certain experts in the field, only 38% of the meaning and feeling is carried
in the way that things are said. The other 55% of the meaning and feeling is carried in facial
expression and non-verbal signals. That is the reason why meetings are so useful.

People are encouraged to hold meetings, even if it's difficult to justify the time.
Subsequently, if meetings are planned, run and followed up properly, they will repay the cost
many times over because there is still no substitute for physical face-to-face meetings. Hold
meetings to manage teams and situations, and achieve your objectives quicker, easier, at less
cost. Hold effective meetings to make people happier and more productive. Certain meetings
such as brainstorming are immensely powerful for team-building, creativity, decision-making
and problem-solving.
It is important to keep in mind that meetings which involve people and encourage
participation and responsibility are more constructive than meetings in which the leader instructs
and makes all the decisions, which is not a particularly productive style of leadership. On the
other hand, holding meetings is an increasingly expensive activity, that’s why they must be run
well. Moreover meetings which are not run effectively waste time, money, resources, and are
worse than having no meetings at all.

6.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

6.2. 1 understand the need for planning meetings

6.2. 2 identify the key aspects of planning a meeting
6.2. 3 stress the importance of the culture in international business

Skills of Unit 1:

Students will

- understand the need forplanning meetings

- describe the key aspects of planning a meeting
- stress the importance of the culture in international business
- enrich the vocabulary with specific business terms.

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 6Palnning meetings is allocated 2 hours.

6.3 The content of the unit

6.3.1 A.Read the extracts below. Which of the points are most important? Write a
number (1-10) next to each one arrange them in priority order.

Statement Scale
1.The chair must decide if a meeting is necessary. It might be
possible to achieve the objectives by email.
2. There should be an agenda for nearly all meetings.
3.The chair needs to know how many people will be at the
4.The chair should stop people wasting time or not sticking to the
5.The organizer must check that all the equipment needed is
available and in good working order.
6. Refreshments must be available for longer meetings.
7. The organizer must be available for longer meetings.
8.The chair must ensure that all participants are informed of the
meeting in good time.
9. Morning meetings are more productive than those held at the
end of the day.
10. The chair must ensure that the meeting runs smoothly.

B. Read the introduction to a session on planning meetings, and fill in the gaps
with words from the box.

as on to (used twice) of (used twice)

So, let’s move planning meetings. This is one ....... my obsessions, as
you will find out! All meetings should be planned very carefully. Meetings cost money!
They cost a lot! If you have a short meeting lasting one hour with, say, ten
people, it could cost as much ............. $ 1000. So it’s of paramount importance to make
sure that the meetings we organize achieve what we intend and that they’re cost-effective.
Now before I start talking myself, I’d like you all ......... brainstorm in pairs. Write down
what you think are the key things you need ............. plan. OK, so if you’d like to begin

C. Match the pairs to make positive comments and sentences to get participants

1. Can we start a. some very good points.

2. So who’d like b. to go next.

3. Can we bring c. have a checklist of points.

4.It’s important to d. with you?

5. That’s e. really interesting.

6. You’ve made f. you in now, Paul?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

D. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs from the box.

come up with stick to draw up sort out

a. The new manager was very creative and ...........lots of new ideas.
b. The marketing department has ............... a sales strategy for us to consider in our team
c. I think it’s very important that we ..............our objectives when things get difficult.
d. She was fantastic – she .................. the problem so quickly.

E. a. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below.
Circle the right letter.

It was announced today that the chemical giant Emronia UK is to be investigated.

This follows an (1)............... which revealed problems in the company’s (2) ................ A
company spokesperson’s said that annual (3) ....... for the past five years had given a
(4)............. and fair picture of Emronia’s financial position. He stressed that the company
follows British accounting (5)........., but expert commentors are not convinced. Last year
Emronia reported a pre-tax(6)...... of $ 29.6 million but many think that this was due to
(7) ...................... accounting or worse. Giles merchant, advisor to the stock exchange,
said that the company had haemorrhaging red (8).......... but had hidden the size of the

1. (a) amortization (b) accountancy (c) audit

2. (a) accounts (b) assets (c) credits
3. (a) books (b) records (c) reports
4. (a) false (b) good (c) true
5. (a) results (b) rules (c) firms
6. (a) profit (b) budget (c) line
7. (a) window (b)creative (c) direct
8. (a) blood (b) ink (c)losses

b.In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that appears
immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

1. Charlie McCreevy, the minister for finance, is expected announce the move on February
7 as part of the finance bill..
2. It does not have the staff, finance, or, more importantly, the legally competence, to do
3. The late finance bill disallows setting off long-term capital losses against short-term
capital gains.
4. Having learned to distrust drugs in the Legion, he refused to financing traffic in drugs,
turning his back on millions in profit.
5. The centre will develop and manufacture products and include finance, sale and
marketing activities.

6. It’s effects are also well documented in research and statistical patterns related to finance,
mental health and the emergency services.
7. Chris hasn't got two ideas in hers head about highest finance.
8. His world revolved around high financing, opera and celebrity polo matches.
9. Regrettable, the unions have been rather conspicuous by their silence on this issue, yet
they continue to finance New Labour.
10. Similar, the legislation for the tax relief for the cost of intangible assets will be included
in the finance bill.

F. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:

by in up for to from (twice) over

Global consumer demand ...... gold hit its highest level ever in the second quarter,
spiking ....... 1,083 tons, ........ 53% compared to the same time last year. Most of that
demand came ……China and India, where consumers rushed to buy jewelry, coins and
gold bars.The latest report …… the World Gold Council showed that jewelry sales made
up more than half of the total gold tonnage sold to consumers in the quarter.
The average price for gold ……. the period fell …..12% to $1,415 per ounce.
Gold is currently trading at just over $1,330 per ounce, down by roughly 30% from its
all-time high near $1,900 hit ...... September 2011.

G. The letter below was sent by an association for management development to a

large number of companies throughout Europe. Complete it with the correct
form of the verbs in the box.

require forward enclose arrange

detail contact consider

Romanian Association for Project Management

Opera Centre 12
Bucharest, 60245

13 June

Dear Sir or Madam

I have the pleasure in enclosing five copies of our new brochure, ……..the
Strategic Leadership Programme and the Advanced Management programme
available here at the Bucharest – Romanian Association for Project Management
for entry next September.

I should be grateful if you could please ………… the brochure as appropriate

within your organization, so that it is available to both the Head of Personnel and
employees when ………. professional development options.

In addition, I ………… a poster which includes prepaid response cards and

should be most grateful if you could …….. for this to be displayed.

Should you …….. further copies of either brochure or poster, please …….
ArinaStamate at our Admission Office by email on < A.Stamate1@armp.bu>.

Finally, I hope you and your staff find the brochure of interest.

Yours faithfully,

Head of ARMP

● IvanaMitte, the manager of INGbank (Unter der Linden 27, Berlin 270, Germany)
wishes to order five more copies of both the brochure and the poster. Write an email

H. Fill in the blanks with the right pair of words/ word.

financial stability common currency
financial services central bank
monetary policy supervises and regulates
interest rates

Most countries have a (1).......... ...........that provides (2) ........... ........... to the government
and to the banking system. If a group of countries have a (3)........... .........., for example the euro,
they also share a central bank, such as the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.

Some central banks are responsible for (4)............. ............... – trying to control the rate of
inflation and to maintain (5) .............. ................... This involves changing (6)........... ............
This aim is to protect the value of the currency – what it will purchase at home and in other

In many countries, the central bank (7) .................. ................ the banking system and the
whole financial sector.

I. Match the appropriate sentence halves below and join them with the correct

1. Every company must - compete or even survive.

work hard So that - improving sales of their
2. The company is range of office supplies.
planning a direct mail With a view to - limiting imports of textile
campaign products from India.
3. Their competitors , In order to - reach potential customers,
however, still have to which costs them extra time
go through a specialist and money.
direct mail agency - their market share would
4. They increased their increase
competitiveness - they won’t have any
5. The government difficulty identifying the most
decided to introduce a appropriate recipients for the
quota mailshots.

J. Match the two parts of the sentences.

7. The central bank may alter......

8. The central bank will sometimes lend money ......
9. Banks would probably start taking too many risks ......
10. Central banks are usually responsible for ........
11. There will be low and stable inflation .......

a. if monetary policy is successful.

b. if they could always be sure of rescue by the central bank.
c. printing and distributing banknotes.
d. if there is a run on a commercial bank.
e. the amount of money commercial banks are able to lend

K. Make word combinations using a word from the box. One word can be used
twice. Use the word combinations to complete the sentences below:

........................ .....................
bank markets
......................... currency ..........................
...................... exchange ..............................
....................... financial policy
monetary rate

i. ........................ ................... , including setting interest rates, is designed to maintain

..................... ................... .
j. If there’s a .................. ......................... and the bank goes bankrupt, this can have a
rapid effect on the whole ................... ......................
k. On one day in 1992, the Bank of England lost over $1 billion (more than half of the
country’s foreign reserves) in the ............... ..............., trying to protect the ..................
....................... of the pound.

L. a. Complete the following text with words from the box:

stability supervising monetary financial

Today the Federal Reserve’s duties fall into four general areas:

● conducting the nation’s (a) ........policy;

● (b) .................and regulating banking institutions and protecting the credit right of consumers;

● maintaining the (c) ........................... of the financial system; and

● providing certain (d) to the U. S. Government, the public, financial institutions,
and foreign official institution.

b. Complete the following phrases with say or tell as appropriate.

1. .................. a story/ a joke.

2. ...................... somebody to do something.

3. ....................the difference between two things.

4. .................yes or no.

5. ...........the truth.

6. .................. somebody what to do.

7. ................ lies.

8. ......... what you think/ crosses one’s mind.

9. .......... something under your breath.

10.............. goodbye/ hi.

6.4 Self- assessment.
1. When was the last time you planned a meeting or another type of event? How did it go?
What did you do?
2. Compete the mind map below with your ideas about problems arising as a result of

caused by

6.5 Unit 6. Useful language

Getting participants involved

- So, who’d like to start/ go next?
- OK, so who’s going to go next?
- Can we start with you, Jerry?
- Can we bring you in now, Paul?

Saying that something is important
- It’s of paramount importance......
- It’s crucial to .......
- It’s vital to .......

Commeting positively on what people say

- You’ve made some very good points
- That was very useful.
- That’s really/ extremely interesting.

6.6 Test (Over to you)

N. Is the central bank in your country independent from the government? What powers and
responsibilities does it have?


6. G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,

7. Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers

Unit 7
Networking before a meeting

7.1. Introduction
7.2. Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
7.3. The content of the unit
7.3.1. Theory: Culture in international business
7.3.2. Types of meetings
7.4. Self- assessment

7.1 Introduction


Before the start of the most formal meetings, there is often an opportunity for participants
to meet each other informally over coffee to ‘break the ice’ (make them feel less shy or nervous).
It is important to make the most of this time, using ‘small talk’ (informal conversation about
general topics) to network with many as many people as possible. Can you think of a situation
when you had to use small talk?
Effective business networking is the linking together of individuals who, through trust
and relationship building, become walking, talking advertisements for one another.
It is important to keep in mind that networking is about being genuine and authentic, building
trust and relationships, and seeing how people can help each others.Some meetings are based
more on learning, making contacts, and/or volunteering rather than on strictly making business

7.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

7.2. 1 understand the concept of ‘networking’

7.2. 2 identify the key aspects of ‘networking before a meeting’
7.2. 3 stress the importance of the culture in international business meetings

Skills of Unit 7:

Students will

- understand the importance of ‘networking’

- describe the key aspects of ‘networking before a meeting’
- stress the importance of the culture in international business
- enrich the vocabulary with specific business terms.

Allocated time for Unit 7

Unit 7Netwoking before a meetingis allocated 2 hours.

7.3 The content of the unit

7.3.1 A.Read the tips about small talk. Which do you think are the best tips?

Small Talk Tips Best tips

1. Always accept invitations to dinners with friends, office
parties and other social occasions. They are perfect
opportunities for small talk.
2. Watch the news in English on TV or listen to the radio.
It’s always good to be able to talk about things that are
perfect opportunities for small talk!
3. Good topics for small talk are television, music, sport and
4. Practise small talk by talking to yourself in the mirror.
5. Keep a note of funny stories you’ve heard, nice or terrible
places you’ve visited, unusual things you’ve seen or
interesting people you’ve met.
6. Write topics on bits of paper, then pick them at random
and see if you can talk about them for 30 seconds.
7. Try to do some new things. Go to a new restaurant, read a
book by a new author, learn a new language or run a
marathon. These could all be good topics for small talk!
8.Learn to be a good listener, so you can ask questions which
show you are interested in other person.
9. Try to talk in English to people who you meet in shops, in
the lift and in cafés. Practise small talk by chatting to

B. Which of the topics given below are appropriate for small talk with strangers and which
topics are ‘no-go areas’ ?

refreshments weather accommodation feelings

sport travel to the meeting religion family politics
salary physical appearance jobs

C. Make suggestions with either shall or let’s

a. meet for a drink

b. hang over
c. chat over lunch?
d. go and have a tea
e. move over there
f. get a taxi back to the hotel
g. meet in the main hall

D. Match the sentence halves to make small talk.

1. Shall we have a chat over lunch a. Very well, thanks.And you?

2. Nice to see you again b. Pleased to meet you

3. How was your flight? c. Really hot! Much warmer than here.

4. How are you? d. Sure, great! Look forward to it

5. What was the weather like when e. Yes, please, that’s very kind of
you left Paris? you.

6. This is Meda. f. Terrible we were delayed three hours.

7. Are you staying near here? g. Yes, I’m blocked in at the Hilton.

8. Can I get you another coffee? h. Great to see you to!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

• Order the sentences of this small conversation .

a. So you had quite a long journey to get here? ____

b. No, I don’t think so. ___

c. Yes, but I had a direct flight so it wasn’t too bad.___

d. Nice to meet you, Vanessa. Are in production as well?

e. Well, my name is Jenny Misty. I’m in production team at BufteaTec. ___

f. Hello, have we met before? ___

g. Hi, pleased to meet you, Jenny. I’m Vanessa Picok.___

h. No, I’m in sales. I’m one of the sales reps. I work mainly in

South America. ___

F. Read the questions and write in your answers.

Tina: Hello, my dear! Long time no see!

You: ___________________________

Tina: So what are you up to now then?

You: ___________________________

Tina: Really! That’s good news! Really good news. And was your flight?


Tina: Oh, sorry to hear that. Did you get a taxi from the airport?

You: _________________________________________

Tina: Are you staying in the hotel where the conference is held?


Tina: Can I get you another coffee, before we go into the meeting?

You: ________________________________________

G. Use an appropriate verb from the box in your response

keep strengthen build up

courage put at risk

a. I’m afraid lack of communication is jeopardising our relations.

b. I agree. It’s .................................. .

a. Getting rid of those trade barriers should cement the friendship between our countries.
b. Absolutely. ....................................

a. Their firm has developed considerably.

b. Yeah. ..............................................

a. The key question is, how can we promote cooperation between our organizations?
b. Certainly. ..................................................

a. What do you reckon poisoned our relations with GlenStar?

b. Well, ...............................................................

a. Do you think we should maintain close contacts with those suppliers?

b. Yes. ..................................................................

H. a. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Circle the
right letter.

She’s so bright, a real .............. I’m sure she’ll be promoted again soon.

9. (a) high-flyer (b) slave driver (c) fly-by night

After some teething troubles, they now have a ......... business with a huge turnover.
10. (a) thriving (b) smooth (c) fruitful

Since she’s been appointed General Manager, the business has really ...............
11. (a) promoted (b) proliferated (c) prospered

Our new product filled a gap in the market and soon as it was launched.
12. (a) overflowed (b) put up (c) took off

InterMedia .................Erling last year to become the largest media group in the region.
13. (a) overtook (b) overran (c) overdrew

‘Yes, invest in InterMedia. It’s definitely a company that is ............... .’

14. (a) making up (b) going places (c) without a hitch

b.In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that appears
immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

1. The press had arrived; Banks could saw them straining at the barriers.
2. However, the Ugandan People's Defence Forces (UPDF) rejected any suggestion of
3. There was never a suggestion that I was going to go to Fine Gael.
4. Of course, this suggestion may make you pause over your cappuccino ..
5. Banks have recognised that is a continuing business that will not be interrupted by the
demise of the principle.
6. NASA chief Sean O'Keefe have dismissed any suggestion that cost cuts could have led to
the disaster.
7. This sort of question, one feel, is not exactly on the tip of citizens ' tongues.
8. It’s first tip is that we should recycle envelopes by using sticky labels for the new
9. Sunday Telegraph ALLIED Irish Banks has put AIB Govett, its British fund manager, up
for sale for about £120m.

10. Banks pauses a moment in the hall to get the feel of the place.

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:

into down in (twice) at by up

The number ofwomen (1).... positions of power in the UK has plummeted causing a damaging
effects ....... our country's social, cultural and political life, an influential new report has claimed
today.Researchers found female representation (2) .....senior levels of the judiciary, education,
the arts, finance, the civil service and Government has gone (3).....reverse.The evidence is
presented in a report (4) ....Counting Women In, a coalition of five organisations including the
Fawcett Society and the Hansard Society.

(5) .....politics, the report finds that Britain has rapidly fallen (6).....the international league tables
for female democratic representation since Gordon Brown left power.
The former Labour Prime Minister had eight female cabinet ministers and there were 31 women
in government.
Women now make (7).......... only 22.5 per cent of MPs; 12.3 per cent of council leaders (in
England); and 17.4 per cent of the cabinet, the report says.

J. Read this follow-up letter to a negotiation. Write Vicky Portman’s reply to Flamingo

● lay out your letter correctly, including details of both supplier and buyer;
● reply before April 5
● express thanks for letter and brochure
● confirm details, but highlight misunderstanding regarding discounts: you had
agreed on 3% on both the PC and LPJ

Flamingo Computers

Opera Centre 12
Bucharest, 60245

Ms. Vicky Portman

98 Garden Street
21 March

Dear Ms. Portman

Further to our discussion of March 13 concerning your order for 12 of our Nexus
2K Pcs and 8 Orion Plus laser-jet printers, I wish to summarise the details and
confirm the terms of our agreement.

• List price Discount

Nexus 2K PC £ 2,o99 inc VAT 3%
Orion Plus LPJ £ 987 inc VAT 0%

• Delivery
Within a week for orders placed before May 8.

• Payment
Banker’s draft
May I remind you that our offer of an 7% discount on our Nexus 2K PC is still
standing, should you decide to order in excess of 20 items.
In addition, we are now in a position to allow a 10% on our new Orion Super
Plus LPJ/ Scanner, about which a detailed brochure is enclosed.
We look forward to your order and to doing business with you again in future.

Best wishes,

Marc Holy, Sales Manager

Flamingo Computers

K. Fill in with the best word.

a. Relations between them are rather ................... They don’t seem to like or trust each
• amicable/ lukewarm/ strained
b. Their continual interventions ........the whole meeting.
• corrupted/ impaired/ disrupted.
c. Their working relationship was often .............., with lots of angry argument and criticism.
• stormy/ cool/ close
d. They may be our competitors, but we want to stay ........good terms with them.
• in/ on/ over
e. If you want to do business with someone, first you should try to ....... a rapport.
• improve/ establish/ promote

L. Match the words in the box with the definitions below.

spread floating rate solvency labour

creditworthy output invest interest rate

1. the cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage of the loan.

2. having sufficient cash available when debts have to be paid
3. paid work that provides goods and services
4. a borrowing rate that isn’t fixed
5. safe to lend money
6. the difference between borrowing and lending rates
7. the quantity of goods and services produced in an economy
8. to spend money in order to produce income and profits

M. Match the appropriate sentence halves below and join them with the correct linker.

1. They’ve put off the date of the signing the contract till October 30 although............
2. They hit it off straight away although .............
3. Even though they’ve let us down on a number of occasions, .....................
4. Continue to find ways of holding on to your employees ..............
5. They don’t seem to get along in spite of ...............
6. She can put up with anything ............
a.____ and they will soon turn against you.

b. ____ we’d all agreed on December 15.
c.____ but she doesn’t mind uncomfortable hotels.
d.___ I think we should give them another chance.
e.____ having exactly the same tastes.
f.___ even if you are already on very good terms with them.
g. ___ we should definitely look for another supplier.
h. ___ they don’t seem to have anything in common.
i. ___ but she can’t stand untidiness.
j. ___ we’d all agreed on October 15.

N. Name the interest rates and loans.

a._____________ : a loan to buy property (a flat, house etc. )

b. _____________: borrowing money to buy something like a car, spreading payment
over 36 months.
c.______________: commercial banks’ lending rate for their most secure customers.
d.______________: occasionally borrowing money spending more than you have in the
e._____________: the rate at which central banks make secured loans to commercial

O. Match the two parts of the sentences.

12. They are going to be sharing this office,

13. Customers will tolerate a little delay,
14. They didn’t hit it off at first,
15. They’d always seemed to be on good terms,
16. They will never let down,
17. You should be able not only to relate to your employees,

a. but are unlikely to put up with rudeness.

b. so it came as a surprise when they fell out over such a trivial incident.
c. a customer who has a problem.
d. so they’d better learn to get on together.
e. but also to hold on to them.
f. but little by little they came to be friends.

P. Are the following statements true or false?

a. All interest rates are set by central banks.
b. When interest rates fall, people tend to spend and borrow more.
c. A borrower who is very solvent will pay a very high interest rate.
d. Loans are usually cheaper if they are guaranteed by some form of security or collateral.
e. If banks make loans to customers with a lower level of solvency, they can increase
their margins.
f. One of the causes of changes in interest rates is the supply and demand for money.

R. a. Complete the following text with words from the box:

draw withdraw earnings income revenue

1. Luckily he had time to ............... his life savings before the bank collapsed.

2. Even though the words mean the same in everyday usage, a lawyer will .......... a distinction
between a warranty and a guarantee.

3. I will ......... a draft agreement and fax it to you.

4. The safety standards did not conform to EC legislation and the product was .....from the

5. We have opened an irrevocable L/C for £12,685 in your favour which is valid until 15
October. You are authorised to against this credit once the shipment has been made.

6. His monthly well above the national average.

7. No one likes paying to the Inland ..............

8. The price/ .................. ratio is the present market price of a share divided by the company’s net
............... per share in the previous accounting year.

9. Women’s ................are often less than men’s.

10. You must declare your annual ......... to the Inland Revenue.

7.4 Self- assessment.
3. Do you find easy to talk to people that you don’t know? Why?/ Why not?
4. What advice would you give to someone to improve their small talk skills?

caused by

Unit 6. Useful language

Introductions and meetings

- Hello, I don’t think we’ve met before. My name’s ....
- Let me introduce you to .....
- This is ... He’s/ She’s the marketing manager/ in the production team
- Nice/ Pleased to meet you
- Have you met ....? No, not yet. / Yes, we already know each other.
- How are you?- Very well, thank you. And you?-

- Fine thanks.

In reception before a meeting

- I’m here for the AmaTec meeting
- Let me just check your name off on the list.
- Here are the additional papers for the meeting.
- Here’s your name badge.
- Where can I leave my coat/ bag?
- You can leave your coat/ bag here in reception.
- Where do I go now?
- Coffee is being served in the Green Room.
- The lift/ copy machine is over there.

Small talk
- How was your flight?- Terrible/ Awful! We were delayed three hours.
- Did you get a taxi from the airport ? Yes, and it was really quick.
- Are you staying near here? Yes, at the Hilton.
- Can I get you another coffee? – Yes please, that’s kind of you.
- What was the weather like when you left New York?-
- Really hot! Much warmer than here.

Test (Over to you)

Write your own small talk conversations. Try to include at least three appropriate small talk
topics. Then practise saying the conversation without looking at your notes.

Bibliography:G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

Unit 8
Opening a meeting. Introducing yourself at a meeting

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
8.3. The content of the unit
8.3.1. Opening a meeting
8.3.2. Introducing yourself at a meeting
8.4. Self- assessment

8.1 Introduction


It is important to plan what you are going tosay in advance, whatever the form of
communication may be. Of course, when speaking, the plan cannot be too detailed, as it is
impossible to know how the conversation is going to develop – people should certainly not try to
plan everything they are going to say. If we take the example of telesales staffwho have been told
exactly what to say in any given circumstances, we remark that the conversation proves to be
rather stilted and they are at a bit of a loss if it deviates from their script. Nevertheless, people
should have a good general idea of what theyintend to say and how they will express it.
Whether a meeting is held or attended, it is polite to make small talk while waiting for the
meeting to start. On that occasion, people should discuss things unrelated to the meeting, such as
weather, family, or weekend plans.Once everyone has arrived, the chairperson, or whoever is in
charge of the meeting should formally welcome everyone to the meeting and thank the attendees
for coming.

Some people who hold meetings prefer to pass around copies of the agenda, and others
will post a large copy on a wall, or use an overhead projector. No matter which format is used,
attendees should be able to follow the agenda as the meeting progresses. Before beginning the
first main item on the agenda, the speaker should provide a verbal outline of the objectives.
If the meeting is a small group, it is probably unnecessary to take attendance out loud.
The person who is taking the minutes will know everyone personally and can indicate who is
present and who is absent. In a larger meeting, it may be necessary to send around an attendance
sheet or call out names. If an important figure is absent, it may be necessary for the chairperson
to apologize for his or her absence and offer a brief explanation for it.
But how do people get down to business? Follow this unit and find out exactly how to
open a meeting.

8.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

8.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and cultural
diversity in connection with socialising skills;
8.2. 2 describe the main steps to open a meeting (business meeting);
8.2. 3 create real- life contexts to practice socialising skills

Skills of Unit 8:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills
- describe the main steps to open a meeting (business meeting);
- create real- life contexts to practice socialising skills.

Allocated time for Unit 8

Unit 8Opening a meetingis allocated 2 hours.

8.3 The content of the unit

8.3.1 A. Look below at the example about the way in which people’s attention may be
attracted and fill in the gaps with words from the box.

attention sorry discuss colleagues fun time

Dear ______ ! ________ interrupt your ______ , but could I have your______ please? Well,
first of all I’d like to introduce myself formally to everybody. I’m Peter Donsky, the Managing
Director of SmartSolutions Co. We have a pretty big agenda today. We have a lot to _____, so
could I ask you to start making your way to the meeting room? I think it’s _________ we made
a start. The meeting room is over there, by the way, on the right.

B. Put the lines of the following meeting introduction into the correct order.

a. The plan is that we’re aiming to work from now till 9:30. ____

b. The afternoon session will be broken up with another coffee break. ___

c. She is taking her annual leave at the moment. ___

d. Well, after those apologies I would first like to introduce my new PA, Stella May. ___

e. After coffee we’ll work through till 12:30. ___

f. Dinner is planned for seven o’clock in the hotel restaurant. ___

g. Well, let’s begin with some organizational matters. ___

h. We’ll then have lunch in the Main Hall. ___

i. After the meeting we can show you around the offices. ___

k. After eating, we’ll start up again again at 1.15. ___

l. Firstly Ariel Mittegen, our production manager, sends his apologies. ___

m. Laila Mau, who works in sales, also sends her apologies. ___

n. Then there will be a short break for coffee. ___

o. She’s unable to attend the meeting because she is ill. ___

p. She’s going to take the minute. ___

q. OK, so let’s start the meeting proper by looking at the agenda. ___

r. We plan to finish the meeting at about five. ___

C. Imagine that you have to open meeting where a lot of people don’t know each other.
What would you say?

i. a. Look at the following situations.

A medical congress
An internal meeting
in Istanbul with of administrative staff
papers on new to discuss a new
techniques in open 94
heart surgery. procedure.
A staff meeting to The Purchasing and
discuss a charity Product Managers of
event for a natural a Swedish company
disaster victims. interested in buying
some production
equipment from your

b. Imagine that you have to give a brief presentation in the above situations and note
briefly on the following:
- talk formally or informally?
- audience’s expectations in terms of technical detail, expertise etc
- audience’s probable level of specialist knowledge (experts/ non-experts);
- length of discussion (5’/20’/ half a day or longer);
- policy of questions (audience interrupt or ask questions afterwards) etc

ii. Prepare a brief introduction to a talk on safety for a manufacturing

company using the notes below:

New safety conditions for

production staff

1. Protective clothing
2. Training in accident
3. Changes to working
4. Debate

D. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that
appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains
one error.

1. But it will be a different story once commodity prices moderates.
2. He had speculated shrewdly a few years before when Nickel becomes a scarce commodity and
had made big money.
3. Some people make a living trading in commodity future, we earn a crust trading in human
4. Overtraining is a chronical condition and therefore it's difficult to tell the difference in the
early stages.
5. Record how much you actually spends against how much you plans to spend and look at the
6. Then cotton became the important commodity, together sugar from the West Indies.
7. Many of the member states treats their votes as a commodity for sale to the highest bidder.
8. But as that commodity was in short supply, Baxter decided to part company with his seniority
9. And besides of it I would have lost the naturalness her ugliness gives me, and here that is a
much rarer commodity than sex appeal.
10. Given relative low commodity prices over the period, earnings from the trio were reasonable.

I. a. Make the following adjectives negative by adding the correct prefix:

1. ....polite 5. ....satisfied
2. .....considerate 6. .....experienced
3. .... legible 7. ....relevant
4. ....affected 8. ....mature

b. Cross out the word which does not begin with a prefix.

1) a. discontinue b. disincentive c. distinct

2) a. meaningful b. mismanagement c. misinform

3) a. billboard b. bimonthly c. bilingual
4) a. reconnect b. renewed c. realign
5) a. proud b. irreversible c. irritable

c. Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

whatever however much no matter whether or not

otherwise unless

1. The employer is obliged to give an employee .......... notice is specified in the contract of
2. But, clearly, he has never been afraid to follow his instincts, ............ how surprising the
3. Focusing is required, ..............the career will be constantly changing.
4. There will still be little trust between business partners on the web ....... a system for
online guarantees is set up.
5. I should be safely back at the Glacier while he deals with Hedge and ......... else is out
6. .......... you see the web as real world-wide opportunity, both your customers and
competitors will soon be equally global.
7. ........... you work on your product, remember that having a really appealing business offer
is the most important success factor.

J. Complete the following sentences with one of the following words:

governments, bonds, length, or short-term.

a. Treasury bills are .......... issued by governments.

b. The most common maturity is the ........of time before a bond becomes repayable.
c. Commercial paper is a ........ ........ loan issued by major companies.
d. The money markets consist of a network of corporations, financial institutions, investors
and .................

K. a. Complete this business email with an appropriate form of the verbs in the

guarantee happen accept cause complain
arrive look promise

Subject: Order No RS/050A
Dear Mrs. Vang,
This is to (1)…………. about the late delivery of our order for 16 meeting
room chairs which (2)…….. today, nine days later than you (3)…………………
We cannot (4) …………. the possibility of such a delay (5)…………. again as it
has (6) ……….. us a lot of inconvenience.
If you can’t (7) …………. firm delivery dates, I’m afraid we’ll have to (8) ……….
for an alternative supplier.
Yours sincerely,
M. Tinget,

b. Reply to the above email considering the suggestions below:

- We would like to offer our sincere apologies for....

- Please accept/ consider our apologies for.....
- The delay/ mistake/ damage was due to circumstances beyond our control....
- We cannot understand how such a delay/ mistake could have occurred.
- Please accept our reassurances that ....
- We can guarantee that ....
- We can promise that ....
- Let me personally assure you that ....

Subject: Order No RS/050A
Dear Mr. Tinget, 98
Yours sincerely,
Mira Vang,
L. Match the words in the box with the definitions below.

competitive discount cash flow

maturity par value liquidity
short- term unsecured redeemed

a. the movement of money in and out of an organization

b. a price below the usual or advertised price
c. the length of time before a bond has to be repaid
d. repaid
e. adjective describing a good price, compared to others on the market
f. the price written on a security
g. (in finance) adjective meaning up to one year
h. adjective meaning with no guarantee or collateral
i. the ability to sell an asset quickly for cash

M. Are the following statements true or false?

1. Money markets are a source of long-term finance.

2. Some money market instruments can have more than one owner before they mature.
3. All money market instruments pay interest.
4. Organizations use the money markets as an alternative to borrowing from banks.
5. Commercial paper is guaranteed by the government.
6. Certificates of deposit are issued by major manufacturing companies.

N. All punctuation has been removed from the following job advertisement.
Rewrite it with the correct punctuation.
Fairertrade ltd seeks an assistant project manager for 12 months on this project funded by
the trust fund for Kazakhstan and administered by the world bank project which
commenced in January this year aims to improve the capacity of Kazakhstani
communities to manage local government structures for the planning and implementation
of local government structures for the planning and implementation of local development
initiatives through the project village level development councils have been established
across the country through the project village level development councils have been
established across the country through which small scale grant funds are being

O. Complete the exchanges below with the expression have/ get something done

A: This office looks rather shabby, doesn’t it?
B: I know. We’re going to .............................................................................
A: What a dazzling speech!
B: Yeah. I’m sure he .......................................................................................
A: The video’s on the blink again.
B: We definitely need to .................................................................................
A:Our fire alarm seems to have a will of its own, doesn’t it?
B: Yes, I think we should ...............................................................................
A: I’m not sure the figures in this report are right.
B: Well, why don’t you ..................................................................................

8.4 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with different expressions used for opening

Expressions for

b. Prepare an introduction to a short talk on one of the following:

• your company and/ or its products/ services

• any company you know well
• an institution that you know well

Unit 8. Useful language

Attracting people attention

Dear colleagues! Sorry to interrupt your fun, but could I have your attention please?
We have a lot to discuss.

I think it’s time we made a start.

Introducing a new comer

I'd like to take a moment to introduce our new tour coordinator.
I know most of you, but there are a few unfamiliar faces.
Stella, would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?
Hi everyone. I'm Judy Strauss. I'll be acting as Amanda's assistant while Nancy is away on
maternity leave.

Opening a meeting
I think we can launch proceedings now.
Let’s get the ball rolling. (informal)
Let’s get this show on the road. (very informal)
Let me introduce myself formally to everybody. I’m......
I’m chairing the meeting and my PA is taking the meeting.
Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?
Well, to start with, just a few formalities and some organizational matters.
We’re aiming to work through till one.
We plan to finish at three-ish. (informal)

Test (Over to you)

8 Give a one minute introduction only to a talk on each topic below, and then write it down.

first job, home town, favourite sport, a thing (book, object) you really like
eating out, previous job, tourism, holidays hobbies


G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti,

Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers

Unit 9
Moving through the agenda and summarizing the
discussion. Opening a videoconference

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
9.3. The content of the unit
9.3.1. Moving through the agenda
9.3.2. Opening a videoconference
9.4. Self- assessment

9.1 Introduction

Motto:“A great strategy meeting is a meeting of minds.”

Max McKeown, The Strategy Book

Meetings in most cultures are generally held according to an agenda. In some cultures
people like ‘to walk’ through the agenda item by item, with fixed timing for each topic. In others
people prefer to be more spontaneous and ‘jump’ from one item to another and then back again.
Once the meeting has begun and the introductions are over, all eyes focus on the agenda. One of
the most interesting things is the way in which the chairperson moves effectively through and
sum up the points under discussion.

9.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

9.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and cultural
diversity in connection with socialising skills;
9.2. 2 describe the main steps to move through the agenda;
9.2. 3 describe the main steps to open a videoconference;
9.2. 4create real- life contexts to practice socialising skills.

Skills of Unit 1:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills
- describe the main steps to move through the agenda;
- describe the main steps to open a videoconference;
- create real- life contexts to practice socialising skills.

Allocated time for Unit 1

Unit 9Moving through the agenda and summarizing the discussion. Opening a videoconference is
allocated 2 hours.

9.3 The content of the unit

9.3.1 Fill in the gaps with words from the box below.

item start aim words under business then fifth fourthly AOB

9. I’d like to say just a few _______ about today’s agenda.

10. The _______ of this meeting is to prepare you to do the audits effectively.
11. We’ve all introduced ourselves. That was _______ 1.
12. _______ item 2 I’d like to talk about the hotel chains we’re going to audit.

13. _______ under item 3 we need to focus on how the audits are conducted.
14. _____ , I will clarify salary and expenses for you.
15. The _______ item on agenda is to decide who does what and when.
16. Then under any other _____ I’d like to mention a new development.
17. Does anyone have anything else you’d like to discuss under _____?
18. Any questions about the agenda or anything else, before we make a ______?

9.3.2 Look at the sentences below and distinguish which can be used to either open (O)
or close (C) items.

a. OK, then, let me talk you through item 2. ____

b. Does anyone have any further questions at this point? ___
c. Can we move on? ___
d. My colleague is going to talk us through the next item. ___
e. I think that really ties up that very neatly. ___
f. That definitely thoroughly covers that item. ___
g. OK, so that brings us to the next item. ___
h. Let’s take up one of the most important topics. ___
i. Well, I think that issue seems to be resolved. ___
j. I think we’ve cleared up all the key points at this stage.___

9.3.3 Read the PA’s summary of the session and complete the sentences by
unscrambling the letters in brackets to make words that fit in the spaces.

OK, let me just go _________ (hoturhg) what we discussed in this sessions. I’ll
try to ________ (ezumsmair) everything for you. We’ve _________ (dovrcee)
four main points. __________ (ifystlr), we spoke about the hotel chains we are
contracted to audit and you had the opportunity to look in the detail at the
portfolio of clients. Secondly, we had some _____ (thgenyl) input from Ian
Benson, the CF Audits marketing manager, on all the new audit documentation
and procedures. Thirdly, we went through expenses and fees and ____ (lyainfl) I
summarized the way we allocate hotels to auditors.

9.3.4 Phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

pass out pass up put off put together run into send back set up

shop around sort out take back think over turn down try out use up

1) I’m not sure what decision to make. I’m going to _____ it _____ this weekend. I’ll let you
know what I decide on Monday.
2) I _____ _____ all my vacation days when my family and I went to Europe on vacation.
3) Our customers tend to _____ _____, so it’s really important that we have better prices than
our competitors.
4) It’s a small town. My coworkers and I always _____ _____ each other.
5) I don’t like doing these reports, but I can’t _____ them _____ any longer. I’m going to start
them now.
6) I asked my secretary to _____ _____ meetings with all my employees to discuss their annual
performance reviews.
7) I’m going to _____ _____ a copy of the report to everybody before we start the meeting.
8) We have a customer-friendly return policy. Customers can _____ their purchases _____ to
our store for a full refund if they are unsatisfied for any reason.
9) Human Resources is _____ _____ a few ideas to increase employee satisfaction. We hope to
find something that works.
10) I made three suggestions to management about reducing accidents in the plant. They
accepted two of my ideas, but they _____ _____ the third one.
11) I can’t _____ _____ this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m going to do it.
12) The email was unclear and there was some miscommunication. Let’s give them a call to
_____ this _____.
13) They want to hear my proposal, but we don’t have anything prepared. Let’s _____ a
presentation _____ tomorrow.
14) The warehouse made a mistake and shipped the wrong parts. This morning, our customer
_____ the entire shipment _____.

9.3.5 Cross out the one word or phrase that doesn’t fit into each of the lists.

1. things that can be allocated

moneytimetemperature attention

2. kinds of commodities

oilsadness corn meat

3. tangible things
fairnessa roadtrees money

4. things you can have equity in

a company a house a child a racehorse

1.4.4 In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and
number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected form in the
space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that appears immediately
before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains one error.

1. The centre will sit on the school grounds but will not tye up school resources.
2. It enables individuals or companies to use assets without have to tie up large amounts of
3. Rental income from your property must be at least 130 % of your currently mortgage payment.
4. However, it has been delayed selling its 17.8 % holding in Airtel, the Spanish mobile operator,
which is 73 % controlled by Vodafone.
5. There are always people desperately to climb on to the property ladder, not to mention the
poor sods trading down.
6. There are similar concerns about land and property in Bulgaria.
7. The property belongs to Forrester Whiley, an investment companies with an office on the
8. The family have been an H&H customer for 50 years and now all stock are sold through the
9. Having saw the carnage in the stock markets over the past couple of years, you can't exactly
criticise the strategy!
10. Biggest achievement O'Rourke championed the flotation of Eircom on the stocks exchange.


9.3.6 a. Fill in the gaps with the correct words:

awaiting trading easing financial rebounding investors

Stocks are ……… today but we are seeing a lot of market swings because of the concerns on Fed
tapering, so I wouldn't be surprised if we ended flat or lower by the end of the day," said Randy
Frederick, managing director of active ……. and derivatives at the Schwab center for ………..
research Austin, Texas.
Investors are now ………..minutes, due on Wednesday, of the U.S. central bank's most recent
meeting. Those minutes could help ………..better understand the mind-set of policymakers as
they consider weaning the world's biggest economy off the so-called quantitative easing

b. Translate this short text into your own language and make it sound naturally.

9.3.7 make word combinations using a word from each box, then use the combinations
to complete the sentences below.

investment capitalists
service capital
risk charge
working account

g. The bank pays me some of its profits on the money I have in my _____ ______
h. All businesses need ________ _______ for everyday purchases and expenses.
i. Islamic banks are like the ______ ______ who buy the shares of new companies.
j. I don’t pay interest but the bank adds a _____ ______ to cover its expenses.

9.3.8 Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. Buy a car now, before (equity / inflation) drives the price up.
2. Most investors make a mistake. During a stock-market (decline /subsidy) they get frightened
and sell.
3. The government is giving a (regulation / subsidy) to tobacco farmersso they can compete with
foreign producers.
4. Cortecal Inc. estimates that it spends $80.00 (per capita / net) onits annual picnic and on its
New Year party for the company’s 1,300employees.
5. I think that artificial “holidays”like Valentine’s Day or Secretary’s Dayare just an attempt to
turn private feelings into a(n) (commodity /equity).

9.3.9 Use the words below to make word combinations with ‘money’, then use them to
complete the sentences below

........................ broad .....................

......................... ..........................


l. __________ ___________ is a measure of money that includes savings deposits.

m. The _______ _______ is the existing stock of money plus newly created money.
n. The smallest or more restrictive measure is ______ _________.

9.3.10 Find three nouns that make word combinations with monetary and use them to
complete the sentences below

__________ monetary

_____________ ______________

1. Monetarism is the theory that the level of the prices is determined by ________ _______.

2.The ________ _________ are the official agencies that can try to control the quantity of

3. The attempt to control the amount of money in circulation and the rate of inflation is called
_______ __________.

9.4.1 Summarize the following comments in a single sentence.

Carol Tome , CFO : “In 2008, the consumer was really focused on core repair and
maintenance.Fast-forward to 2013: Home prices are better, and as consumers start to see their
home price appreciate, they start to view their home as an investment and not an expense.”

Martin Havanagh: “I’m hoping for a great year with High Tee.
I’m currently in negotiations with my boss to re-launch High Tee as a joint venture. With his
contacts & experience we are hoping to get High Tee into a number of High Street outlets. We
are also developing another brand which uses recycled yarns & to be produced in Turkey.”

Nick Howe, Regional Enterprise Manager : “Every business that we work with is different with
varying needs. By listening to the business owners we can establish where we can best offer
support. In terms of funding we are keen to work with new and existing business owners to
identify their requirements and appropriate solutions. We particularly enjoy sessions with
organisations such as Business LaunchPad where we can converse with our customers in a
comfortable setting, helping achieve what we are all aiming for, a thriving environment for small
business to start, grow and remain viable.”

William Hoyle: “We are part of the solution, offering young people, regardless of their
background, a path into sustainable, fulfilling self-employment. One of the key contributing
factors that make our model so successful is the therapeutic counselling, alongside more
traditional forms of business mentoring and support.”

Choose the correct word from the right column:

attention ranging success extreme tradition

classy choice stylish phases

"Since it was founded, Louis Vuitton has been a byword for ____________, elegant luggage."
This comment from its website highlights the secret of the company’s ____________ from its
very beginnings in 1854. Louis Vuitton worked for the French royal family and developed an
____________ of what made good luggage. His famous LV monogram is found on most of
today’s products, ____________ from trunks, bags and purses to shoes, watches and sunglasses.
The company sells most of its products in ____________ boutiques in up-market department
stores. Another cornerstone of the company’s success is the ____________ to craftsmanship.
The website says: “The ____________ of the finest materials, experienced craftsmen and the
____________ care devoted to all manufacturing ____________ of our items, perpetuate and
renew our ____________ of excellence.”

Correct the spelling in the following text:

"Since it was founded, Louis Vuitton has been a wdbroy for stylish, elegtna luggage." This
comment from its website highlights the ceestr of the company’s success from its very
beginnings in 1854. Louis Vuitton worked for the French lrayo family and developed an
understanding of what made good luggage. His famous LV monogram is found on most of
today’s products, rainggn from trunks, bags and purses to shoes, watches and sunglasses. The
company sells most of its crostdpu in yscsla boutiques in up-market department stores. Another
cornerstone of the company’s success is the tattoeinn to craftsmanship. The website says: “The
choice of the sftnei materials, experienced craftsmen and the extreme care devoted to all
manufacturing hapess of our items, perpetuate and renew our tradition of excellence.”

Write a letter to Louis Vuitton. Complain about one of its products.


d. You have created a new product for Louis Vuitton. You believe the new product will be the
company’s best ever. It will be a bestseller. There are people who do not agree with you. Tell
them why this is a product that will bring great things to Louis Vuitton.


9.4 Self- assessment. Complete the diagram below with sentences that can be used to either
open or close items.

How to open
or close items

Unit 9.Useful language

The chair’s comments about introduction

- I think it would be good to start the meeting with a few introductions.
- It’s the quickest way of getting to know each other.
- Could you all say a few things about yourselves and what you are doing at the moment?
- I’ll start off and we’ll go clockwise/ anti-clockwise round the table after that.
- Well, that’s me in a nutshell. (informal)
- So now it’s over to you! Would you like to start?
- Could you focus on just the main facts, please?

Introducing yourself

- I was born in .....

- I went to school in .....and after school I studied .....
- I got a degree in ......
- I worked for a year as a .....
- My first job was as a .......
- Two years ago, I got a job as ....../ Last year I was offered a job as .....
- I started my current job ....months ago.

Test (Over to you)

9 Relying on your experience or knowledge, at what point should a chairperson end the
discussion on one item and move on to the next?
10 Why is it a good idea to summarize the points being discussed? What might happen without
these summaries?


8 G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

9 Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited,2010.

Unit 10
Keeping the discussion on track

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
10.3 The content of the unit
10.3.1. Keeping the discussion on track
10.3.2. Practicing business vocabulary
10.4 Self- assessment

10.1 Introduction

Motto: When the result of a meeting is to schedule more meetings it usually signals trouble.
Mike Murphy (business writer)

In some organizations participants in meetings naturally keep focused on the task in hand
and the conversations stay ‘on track’. In others, some participants regularly go off the point and
need to be managed very carefully to ensure that the discussion has a clear focus.
While not all meetings are necessary, many meetings can't be avoided. When staff members
must gather to discuss a project, procedure or company issue, one should ensure that the meeting
stays on track. An effective meeting manager knows to keep things short and to the point,
moving the agenda forward so no one's time is wasted.

10.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

10.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and cultural
diversity in connection with socialising skills;
10.2. 2 describe the key steps to keep the discussion on track (business meeting);
10.2. 3 create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Skills of Unit 10:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills;
- describe thekey steps to keep the discussion on track (business meeting);
- create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Allocated time for Unit 10

Unit 10Opening a meetingis allocated 2 hours.

10.3The content of the unit

10.3. 1 A. Read the instructions on how to keep the discussion on track and re-
order them correctly.

1. 2. 3. 4.

a. Address only relevant questions that arise in the meeting. If someone's comments
aren't directly related to the meeting topic at hand, explain that you will make a note
of it to address outside the meeting or at a future meeting.

b. Set time limits. Have a definite start time and a definite end time. Such limits promote
a sense of urgency in participants, prompting them get their best points out in the
open from the start. Long meetings, those lasting more than an hour, tend to drain
participants, leading to less and less accomplished toward the end of the session.
c. Avoid letting any one person dominate the meeting; instead, encourage group
participation. Asking each participant his views on each agenda item increases
meeting productivity by forcing everyone to actively focus and discuss the issue at
hand. Once everyone has had a say, you can quickly move on to the next main point.
d. Follow a written agenda. A simple outline of the issues that the staff must resolve and
discuss during the meeting is sufficient. Pass out this written agenda to all meeting
participants, and use it as a prompt to get the group discussion moving from point to

B. Find below six simple ways of checking what someone has just said. Write in the missing
pairs of words.

catch+slowfollow+run ‘m+go missed +say

see+ be understand + explain

Sorry, I........
- ________that.’ Could you ______ it again?
- didn’t _____ that. Could you _____ down a bit?
- don’t ________. Could you ______ what you mean?
- _______ not with you. Could you _____ over that again?
- don’t ____ you. Could you _______ through that again?

- don’t quite _______ what you mean. Could you _____ a bit more specific?

C. Rearrange the words to make sentences used to keep the discussion on track.

a. we/ stick/ Let’s/ to/ logo/ if/ can./ the/ at/ moment/ the

b. now./ Let’s/ into/ not/ go/ that

c. don’t/ I/ want/ get/ to/ the/ off/ point

d. later/ We’ll/ to/ that/ on/come.

e. get/ I/ want/ don’t/ to/ this/ sidetracked/ stage./ at

D. Match the pairs to make suggestions or recommendations.

1. Shall we a. the logo.

2. I think we b. keeping the Oyer logo.

3. I suggest c. should keep our old logo.

4. Can I make d. move on?

5. How e. a suggestion?

6.I recommend we adapt f. about keeping the basic design?

E. Use your personal experiences to complete the following sentences. If necessary, use a
dictionary to help you choose the right adjectives.

1. The job I’ve got is a lot ...... than my previous one. On the other hand, it’s not quite as
......... .
2. I found be a fairly ........ city, but I think even ........ .
3. To be honest, I don’t really like ....... music. I prefer something a bit .............. .
4. I’ll never forget the view from ...... . It’s even ...... than the one from ............. .
5. I find ....... food fairly ....... , but it’s not quite as ......... as people think.

6. I think the .......... building I’ve ever seen must be ........ Either that or ............. , which
was just as ........., but in a different way.
7. The people in ........are some of the .......... I’ve ever met- apart from the .........., who
are even ........... .
8. I drive a ............. these days. In terms of it’s the I’ve ever had, but it’s not
as ................ as the ......... I used to have.

F. Fill in the gaps with your own words so that the sentences may have a meaning.

Goldman Sachs ______________________ banking and securities firm. It also deals

______________________ and other financial services. Most of its clients are
institutions, governments, ______________________ wealthy people. It was founded in
1869 by a German immigrant to New York Marcus Goldman. His son-in-law Samuel
Sachs ______________________ and their company became Goldman-Sachs. They
joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1896 and have been a major
______________________. The company’s website says it highly values its employees:
“Our principal assets are our people, ______________________. We are committed to
______________________ diversity, integrity and strong business principles.” The
company usually only employs those with MBAs from leading business schools.Its
annual ______________________ of $50 billion.

G. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that
appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains
one error.

1. DSP shareholders would own 50.1 per cent of the newly company, with Parthus shareholders
holding the rest
2. As delays and maintenance bills mounted, the company was being put into administration
despite insisting it was still solvent.

3. Repairs are not being did, maintenance is not being carried out
4. But the supply sector will find it at least as difficult to regain lost business due to a wide
ranges of circumstances
5. Already, worldwide, the consumer's relationship on food is undergoing enormous change.
6. They had a government contracting to supply sewage treatment systems.
7. Kenyon's undercover reporter joined a maintenance ganging whose main activity seemed to be
dodging work
8. They should also examines the hosting provider's track record, as well as its support
9. She thought their methods would ultimately fail, that in fact they actually alienated the
community who support they needed.
10. On The Mound, the Scottish bank was holding a boarding meeting which appeared to be
dragging on into the evening.

H. .Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

major clients employs values excess

joined firm diversity principal wealthy

Goldman Sachs is a global investment banking and securities ____________. It also

deals in investment management and other financial services. Most of its ____________
are institutions, governments, pension funds and very ____________ people. It was
founded in 1869 by a German immigrant to New York Marcus Goldman. His son-in-law
Samuel Sachs ____________ the firm in 1885 and their company became Goldman-
Sachs. They joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1896 and have been a
____________ force on it ever since. The company’s website says it highly
____________ its employees: “Our ____________ assets are our people, capital and
reputation. We are committed to maintaining a culture of ____________, integrity and
strong business principles.” The company usually only ____________ those with MBAs
from leading business schools. Its annual revenues are in ____________ of $50 billion.

I. Write anything about Goldman Sachs for 10 minutes.

J. Write a letter to Goldman Sachs. Complain about one of its products.


K. Write a letter of apology to the customer. Explain why you cannot give a refund.


L. Complete the following sentences with one of the following words: bonds, capital,
capitalists, preference, or risk.

Venture .......... generally invest in the early stages of a new company. Some companies need
further expand before they join a stock exchange. This is often called mezzanine
financing, and usually consists of convertible ............ - bonds that can later be converted to
shares – or ............... shares that receive a fixed dividend. Investors providing money at this
stage have a lower risk of loss than earlier investors like us, but also less chance of making a
big profit.

M. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Banks are usually reluctant

2. Start-ups often get money
3. New companies can grow rapidly
4. Risk capitalist usually expect
5. Venture capitalists need an exit strategy – a way
6. Mezzanine financing is a second round of financing

a. a higher than average return on their money.

b. and so are potentially profitable.
c. before a company joins a stock exchange.
d. to get their money back after a few years.
e. to lend money to new companies.
f. from specialized venture capital firms.

N. Complete the following definitions.

a. A firm listed on a stock exchange is a _______ ________.

b. Individuals who lend money to new companies are sometimes called _______ .
c. The people who start companies are _________.
d. Money invested in a company just before it joins a stock exchange is sometimes called
_________ financing.

O. Would you invest in start- ups? In which fields? If you wanted to start a business, how
would you try to raise capital?



P. Circle the most likely meaning of the word part that is shared within each set of words.
1. circulate, circumnavigate, circuit
The root circ / circum probably means
a. around
b. broken
c. fair
d. straight

2. innovative, novel, renovate

The root novprobably means
a. clear
b. old
c. new
d. sweet

3. installation, implement, imprison

The prefix in-/im- probably means

a. aside
b. behind
c. in
d. out

Q. Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. Please make sure this information (circulates / derives) throughout theoffice quickly.
2. The (installation / simulation) of the new telephones took three days.
3. In order to stay on schedule, we need to complete this project as(expeditiously / innovatively)
as possible.
4. The smuggler moved cautiously through the airport to avoid(detection / maintenance).
5. Years of neglect had caused the building’s water pipes to (corrode /implement).

R. Read the passage while paying attention to the vocabulary. Answer the questions that

As dependence on computers increases, so does the need for technicalsupport. From

installation of software to detection of viruses, computersrequire constant vigilance. Most larger
companies find it most expeditiousto maintain in-house computer staff. Many smaller
companies, however,can’t fund their own full-time, in-house technical help. Instead, many
ofthem assign the task of computer maintenance to a current employeewho may not have any
formal training. Rather, these “computer buffs”
havederived their skills through practice and self-training. These self-appointedtech specialists,
however, often cannot solve bigger problems.
What’s more, they may see their office relations corrode when they areswamped with basic user
questions that they simply don’t have time toaddress. For these reasons, many small companies
choose to employ afreelance technical assistant who circulates among clients on an as-
neededbasis.With their professional training, these consultants may proposeinnovative solutions
to users’ unique needs, which could vary fromtracking inventory to simulating mechanized
processes. They canimplement new programs, train personnel, and escape the workplacebefore
being asked,“How can I cut this file and paste it somewhere else?”

1. Which sentence best expresses the essential information of this passage?

a. Larger companies are better off using freelance technical consultants.
b. Computer maintenance and troubleshooting cuts into employeeproductivity.
c. Self-trained technical support personnel are often as effective astrained professionals.
d. Smaller companies may benefit from hiring occasional technicalsupport.

S. Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaningto the opposite of each word in the
left-hand column. Write the letterin the blank.

1. degrade(a) stay out of a dispute

2. anomaly(b) improve
3. recede(c) questionable
4. intervene (d) the norm

5. indisputable(e) come forward

T. Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. A huge (anomaly / gap) between the wealthy and the working classoften leads to social unrest.
2. The new computers enable us to (intervene / retrieve) informationmore quickly.
3. Although she wasn’t qualified for the job, she (indisputably /intuitively) felt that she should
4. When he joined the military, he did not expect the officers to(degrade / recede) him.
5. The art in the foyer was an important (acquisition / consciousness)for the museum.

U. Fill in the gaps with verbs from the box.

answer report supervise liaise manage

Your job is ......... the six people at the front desk, you make sure they all know what they
are doing and that they don’t make mistakes. You ....... to Simon who is the head of
customer service.He ............ you and four other supervisors. He also ............ with the
heads of the other departments so that they all know what everyone else is doing. And, of
course, as I am the boss, they all ............ to me.

10.4 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with different expressions used for
keeping the discussion on track.

Keeping the
on track

b. Prepare an introduction to a short talk on one of the following:

• your company and/ or its products/ services

• any company you know well
• an institution that you know well

Unit 10. Useful language

Expressing opinions
I don’t/ think that....
I don’t know how you feel but I think ....
As I see it, ....
In my opinion, ....
Well personally, I think ....
If you ask me, I think ....

Making suggestions and recommendations

Can I make a suggestion?
I suggest keeping the Tara logo.
How about changing the colour?
I’d like to suggest we keep the old logo.

Let me make a recommendation.
I recommend we change the colour of the lego.
That’s my recommendation.

Keeping people on the topic

Let’s not go into that now.
We’ll come to the later on.
I don’t want to get sidetracked.
Can we discuss that later, please?
I don’t want to get off the point.
Let’s stick to the topic, please.

Test (Over to you)

11 When you take part in meetings in English, it is easy to lose track of what people are saying.
Who do you generally find the hardest to understand?

native speakers, other non-native speakers, people who speak too fast, people with strong

Bibliography:G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

Unit 11
Coping with strong disagreement

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
11.3 The content of the unit
11.3.1. Keeping the discussion on track
11.3.2. Practicing business vocabulary
11.4 Self- assessment

11.1 Introduction

Motto: When the result of a meeting is to schedule more meetings it usually signals trouble.
Mike Murphy (business writer)

In some cultures, top managers can make decisions which affect lots of people
negatively, without considering the consequences. In others, managers try to ‘soften the blow’ by
spreading the impact of the negative decisions over time. They may take a more collaborative
approach and try to involve their employees more.

11.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

11.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication

and cultural diversity in connection with socialising skills;
11.2. 2 describe different ways of coping with strong disagreement
11.2. 3create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Skills of Unit 11:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills;
- describe different ways of coping with strong disagreement;
- create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Allocated time for Unit 11

Unit 11Coping with strong disagreementis allocated 2 hours.

11.3 The content of the unit

11.3. 1 A. Read the text below which exposes a way in which a meeting goes on, and
fill in the gaps with phrases from the box.

decisive action completely straight firm proposal rubber stamp

normal meeting small misunderstanding effective meetings
completely against in secret

BB: I have already had a couple of meetings with my Russian colleague and we have a
(1) _____________ to put on the table. We think it will be painful but it is the only way
forward. We need to take (2) __________ immediately.

KG: Don’t get me wrong, B. I’m pleased that you’ve given this some thought but I’m not
happy that you’ve already discussed with your Russian colleagues before coming to this

BB: We had our (3) __________ and we...

KG: If you’ll just let me finish! If I can finish! What I’m trying to say is that I don’t like
the idea that you think you can come to this meeting with a proposal you’ve put together
(4) _________ and expect us to (5) _________ it! I disagree completely with that way of

BB: I think there has been a (6) ________. I agree with you entirely that the place for
discussion and debate is in these meetings. I couldn’t agree with you more. I am (7)
__________ anything that would prevent that. We are a team. We work together as a
team. I am all for teamwork.

KG: I hear what you’ re saying, but the problem is it doesn’t match your actions. What
you say is different from what you do. I’m not convinced that you’re being (8) ______
with us!

BB: I think we are wasting our time talking like this. My reason for coming here with
some firm proposals was to make our meeting more effective. I belive strongly in having
(9) ________. That is the only reason I did it. I wasn’t expecting ....

KG: Sorry to interrupt you. Can I just say something? I’m not convinced by your
argument. This isn’t the first time we’ve had this sort of problem. Of course I see your
point about effective meetings, but the trouble is .....

C. Match the pairs to move things along quickly.

1. We all know why we are a. start today

2. So straight b. any time.

3. Let’s not waste c. to the point.

4. And we must d. to waste.

5. There’s no time e. having this meeting today.

D. Rearrange the words to make sentences used to keep the discussion on track.

a. need/ immediately./ We/ to/ decisive/ take / action

b. isn’t/ had/ the/ first/ time/ This/ this/ we’ve/ of/ sort/ problem

c. believe/ I/ strongly/ effective/ in/ meetings.

d. I / wasting/ we’re/ out/ think/ time/ like/ talking/ this.

e. convinced/ I’m/ not/ you/ us!/ are/ that/ being/ straight/ completely / with

D. Match the pairs to make ‘agreeing’ and ‘disagreeing’ sentences.

1. I disagree a. against that.

2. I agree with b. agree with you more.

3. I couldn’t c. me wrong.

4. I’m completely d. by your argument.

5. I’m not convinced e. you entirely.

6.Don’t get f. completely with that.

V. For each word, choose the word that has the most similar meaning. Write the letter of
your choice on the line.
1. distinctly
(a) clearly (b) fully (c) softly (d) aggressively
78 Society
2. erudite
(a) strong (b) wise (c) complicated (d) plain
3. fortify
(a) weaken (b) contemplate (c) strengthen (d) reshape
4. rigor
(a) strictness (b) talent (c) peace (d) recklessness
5. suspend
(a) tie (b) fill (c) hang (d) throw

W. Choose the word from the list that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each
sentence.Write it in the blank.

curriculumimplicitly parochial roster secular

1. ________The class list showed that only 12 students had enrolledfor spring quarter.
2. ________ Many parents feel that public schools are as good as private, religious schools.
3. ________The principal requested parents’ feedback on the newset of math classes.
4. ________In the United States, many private grade schools arenot affiliated with a religion.
5. _______The janitor agreed indirectly not to turn in the students.

X. Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

In the last three decades, universities across the United States haveattempted to adapt
their curriculums to meet the changing purposes ofhigher education. University education was
also once considered anexclusive opportunity, with erudite scholars establishing courses basedon
the goal of training a distinctly academic “elite.” These days, not everyundergraduate is destined
to become a scholar, and the roster of students
represents a more complete cross section of society, including minorities,women, and returning
students. These days, most learners attenduniversity to fortify basic skills, primarily learning how
to learn and howto express themselves. Far from its earlier religious or elitist image,
theuniversity is seen increasingly as a secular center for career development,where students
know they will graduate into a competitive job market.
Most professors have embraced this evolution in the university’s role,letting go of the
traditional, parochial view of highereducation. On the other hand, many feel that while they
wantto accommodate an adaptable curriculum, universities mustnot suspend their obligation of
establishing rigorous requirementsfor education and graduation. Implicit in theirstance is support
for the traditional liberal arts curriculum with a core ofclasses required across disciplines.

1. According to information in the reading, which of the following sentenceswould the author be
most likely to agree with?
a. Universities are becoming increasingly exclusive.
b. A curriculum needs to be completely adaptable to students’ needs.
c. The role of higher education is changing, and so is the universitycurriculum.
d. The cost of university puts it out of reach of many populations.

2. In this passage, the word elitist is closest in meaning to
a. superior
b. academic
c. populist
d. elegant

Y. Complete with the right form of the verb:

Carlsberg .......... (be) a Danish brewing company founded in Copenhagen in 1847. It was
.......... (start) by J.C. Jacobsen and .......... (name) after his son Carl. The pH scale, the
standard measurement of acidity, .......... (be) developed in Carlsberg’s laboratories in
1909. It is currently the world’s fourth largest brewing group. Carlsberg .......... (sell) 114
million bottles of beer every day across more than 150 markets. The company ..........
(begin) exporting beer in 1868 and one hundred years later .......... (open) its first overseas
brewery, in Malawi. It currently .......... (have) dozens of different brands in many
countries. Its most famous products .......... (be) the Carlsberg lager, Special Brew (which
.......... (have) a 9% alcohol content) and Elephant beer. Carlsberg has .......... (be)
involved in some memorable advertising, using the slogans "Probably the best beer in the

Z. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that
appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains
one error.

1. The Italian company say its move is to open the brand to new cyclists.
2. A spokesman for Mercedes Benz said the brand is 'very aspirational '
3. White said the bank, which must track such transactions under new money laundery
legislation, tipped police to the scam.
4. This was a money laundering schema hatched by the Liberal party for the Liberal party.

5. Morgan would underwrote the first -- a new share scheme -- worth Pounds 61m
6. Some 2,490 inlimited liability names actively underwrite at Lloyd's, against 900 corporate
members, each of whom has one vote.
7. The Government would be call on to underwrite the capital raising, using the $150 million, Mr
Mercer said.
8. Glaval won't underwrite yours half-million unconditionally.
9. Mr Kelly said he believes the money found in the vehicle was related to a major IRA money
laundering operation.
10. The firm has just signed up as strip sponsor for Kilmarnock to boost sales of it’s flagship

● Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

standard brands content exporting products currently

overseas founded groups memorable

Carlsberg is a Danish brewing company ____________ in Copenhagen in 1847. It was started

by J.C. Jacobsen and named after his son Carl. The pH scale, the ____________ measurement
of acidity, was developed in Carlsberg’s laboratories in 1909. It is ____________ the world’s
fourth largest brewing ____________. Carlsberg sells 114 million bottles of beer every day
across more than 150 markets. The company began ____________ beer in 1868 and one
hundred years later opened its first ____________ brewery, in Malawi. It currently has dozens
of different ____________ in many countries. Its most famous ____________ are the
Carlsberg lager, Special Brew (which has a 9% alcohol ____________) and Elephant beer.
Carlsberg has been involved in some ____________ advertising, using the slogans "Probably
the best beer in the world".

● Write anything about Carlsberg for 10 minutes.



● Write a letter to Carlsberg. Complain about one of its products. Ask for a refund

● Write a letter of apology to the customer. Explain why you cannot give a refund.


● Match the definition with the right term.

7. Blue chips
8. Growth stocks

9. Income stocks
10. Defensive stocks
11. Value stocks

a. stocks that have a history of paying consistently high dividends.

b. stocks that provide a regular dividend and stable earnings, but whose
value is not expected to rise or fall very much.
c. stocks that are expected to regularly rise in value. Most technology
companies are growth stocks, and don’t pay dividends, so the
shareholders’ equity or owners’ equity increases. This causes the stock
price to rise.
d. stocks that investors believe are currently trading for lees than they are
worth- when compared with the companies’ assets.
e. stocks in large companies with a reputation for quality, reliability and
profitability (usually owned by insurance companies or pension funds )

● Complete the following definitions.

a. A firm listed on a stock exchange is a _______ ________.

b. Individuals who lend money to new companies are sometimes called _______ .
c. The people who start companies are _________.
d. Money invested in a company just before it joins a stock exchange is sometimes called
_________ financing.

● Match the words in the box with the definitions below.

to capitalize market price primary market own shares

right issues secondary market nominal value

1. new shares offered to existing shareholders

2. the price written on a share, which never changes
3. to turn profits into stocks or shares
4. the market on which shares can be re-sold
5. the price at which a share is currently being traded
6. shares that companies have bought back from their owners
7. the market on which new shares are sold

●If you had a lot of money to invest in stocks, what kind of stocks would you buy, and

● Imagine that you represent a company (real or fictional) and take part in a negotiation
of a bank loan and then make a dialogue between you and the bank clerk(s). Look at the
hints below, which will provide you with some guidelines necessaryfor effective
negotiation (you may add any other relevant information).4

•you may require the loan both for starting a new business or for developing an already existing
• be ready to offer as much relevant information about the company as possible (e.g. information
that usually appears in the business plan);
•prepare to explain exactly how much money you need and in what you are going to invest it;
 be ready to convince the bank that you are not going to have any problems in returning the
money in due time;
 prepare information about assets that could be provided as collaterals;
 make use of the expressions below

Stating your position Bargaining

What we are looking for … We’ll … if you …

We’d like to … We might be able to make an exception on this, if you …
We wouldn’t want to … We’re prepared to … providing …
I was hoping for … If you agree to …, we could …

Adapted from Irina David’s “Unit 6.Banking”, in Prelipceanu, Cristina (coord.), David, Irina, Dărăbanţ, Maria. Excel in
Business. Bucharest: Ed. Universitară, 2006. 88-89.

Asking for a reaction Asking for clarification

What do you say about …? It depends what you mean when you say …
How does that sound? What exactly do you have in mind?
How do you feel about … Could you please run through that again?

Agreeing Rejecting

I agree to … … is out of the question

Yes, of course. I’d rather not …
Why not? I don’t really think so.
We can’t agree to …

Making suggestions Interrupting

How about …? I have to stop you now.

Maybe we could …
Do you want us to …?
Let’s agree …, shall we?

11.4 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with different expressions used for keeping
the discussion on track.

Reasons for
arguments in

b. Prepare an introduction to a short talk on one of the following:

• your company and/ or its products/ services

• any company you know well
• an institution that you know well

Unit 11. Useful language

Focusing attention on a topic

We all know why we are having this meeting today.
So straight to the point.
And we must start today.
There’s no time to waste.

Agreeing and disagreeing

I agree with you entirely.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
I disagree completely with that.
I’m completely against it.
I’m not convinced by your argument.
Don’t get me wrong (informal), … but ….

Test (Over to you)

12 Have you ever been to a meeting where there was a lot of conflict and strong disagreement?
How did you feel?
13 Do you think it is possible for such meetings to be productive? Can they achieve their aims
despite the arguments?


G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited,2010.

Unit 12
Dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult issues.Taking
part in a brainstorming meeting

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
12.3 The content of the unit
12.3.1. Dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult issues
12.3.2. Taking part in a brainstorming meeting
12.4 Self- assessment

12.1 Introduction

In some organizations, managers try to control or dominate the people who work for
them, in order to show their power and authority. They may take a more collaborative approach
and try to involve their employees more.
In some cultures there is a strong tradition of participation in meetings- especially in
brainstorming, which needs everybody’s full involvement to work properly. In other cultures
participants are less willing to share their ideas unless specifically asked to do so.

12.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

12.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and

cultural diversity in connection with socialising skills;
12.2. 2 describe different ways of dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult
12.2. 3describe different ways of taking part in a brainstorming meeting
12.2. 4create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Skills of Unit 10:

Students will

- understand the need for considering international communication and cultural diversity in
connection with socialising skills;
- describe different ways of dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult issues (business
- describe different ways of taking part in a brainstorming meeting (business meeting);
- create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Allocated time for Unit 12

Unit 12Dealing fairly and sensitively with difficult issues.Taking part in a brainstorming
meetingis allocated 2 hours.

12.3 The content of the unit

12.3. 1 A. Imagine you have to organize a meeting with your co-workers to give some
bad or unpleasant news. Write an email to your co-workers considering the following

- write some ‘small talk’ at the beginning

- mention the reason for meeting
- give the details of when and where the meeting will take place
- end the email positively

To: Attachment
From: Subject

D. Rearrange the words to make sentences used to keep the discussion on track.

a. look/ at/ in/ ways./ You/ it/ can/ two

b. on/ Shall/ try/ we/ and/ the/ focus/ points?/ positive

c. at/ your/ objective./ positively,/ this/ already/ you’ve/ achieved/ Looking/ main

d. highlight/ So/ we/ services./ need/ clarify,/ to / the / range / wide/ to / of

e. suggested/ through/ I’ll/ so/ run/ far./ just/ what/ we’ve

f. come/ Here’s/ we’ve/ what/ so/ with/ far./ up

D. Fill in the gaps with your own words so that the sentences may have a meaning.

International Business Machines (IBM) is a multinational computer and information

technology corporation. It’s ____________________ company in the world and has the
____________________ brand. IBM has its origins in the nineteenth century. It was
founded in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company by Herman Hollerith.
____________________ New York Stock Exchange in 1911 as the Computing
Tabulating Recording Corporation and became International Business Machines in 1917.
Today ____________________ systems, software and hardware, semi-conductors, and
____________________. The company employs 400,000 people worldwide.
____________________ five Nobel Prizes among numerous other international awards.
According to its website, these IBMers share the corporate value of

AA. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation,
capitalization, and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then

write a corrected form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show
the word that appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each
sentence contains one error.

1. We would never have dream of locating there four or five years ago but the brand is known so
well nationally now we can.
2. Another man always smoked one particularlybrand , no matter how difficult they were to
3. Esat's existing seven brand names will be disappeared, to be replaced by two.
4. When most people hear about the moves to have casinos exempted from money laundering
laws, they became suspicious.
5. Sesame Street alone would been a commercial gold mineif taxpayers didn't underwrite it
6. QUEENSLAND educators yesterday welcome a Federal Budget injection of $30 million into
Australian schools to underwrite values education.
7. They don't actually put it up themselves, they sponsored or underwrite share issues on the
Stock Exchange.
8. People murdered with extreme violence due to money laundering , drugs, government and
police corruption.
9. Allegations of money laundering are also being investigate.
10. In the red dust was some footmarks, a trainer of some kind without a brand name in the sole

● Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

shares employs valuable multinational matters

hardware listed tech numerous became

International Business Machines (IBM) is a ____________ computer and information

technology corporation. It’s the fourth largest ____________ company in the world and
has the second most ____________ brand. IBM has its origins in the nineteenth century.
It was founded in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company by Herman Hollerith. It was
____________ on the New York Stock Exchange in 1911 as the Computing Tabulating
Recording Corporation and ____________ International Business Machines in 1917.
Today its business is computer systems, software and ____________, semi-conductors,
and IT consulting services. The company ____________ 400,000 people worldwide.Its
staff have won five Nobel Prizes among ____________ other international awards.
According to its website, these IBMers ____________ the corporate value of “innovation
that ____________.”

● Write anything about IBM for 10 minutes.


●Write a letter to IBM. Complain about one of its products.


● Write a letter of apology to the customer. Explain why you cannot give a refund.


●Complete with the right form of the verbs.

International Business Machines (IBM) .......... (be) a multinational computer and information
technology corporation. It’s the fourth largest tech company in the world and .......... (have) the
second most valuable brand. IBM .......... (have) its origins in the nineteenth century. It was
.......... (found) in 1896 as the Tabulating Machine Company by Herman Hollerith. It was
.......... (list) on the New York Stock Exchange in 1911 as the Computing Tabulating Recording
Corporation and .......... (become) International Business Machines in 1917. Today its business
.......... (be) computer systems, software and hardware, semi-conductors, and IT consulting
services. The company .......... (employ) 400,000 people worldwide. Its staff have won five
Nobel Prizes among numerous other international awards. According to its website, these
IBMers .......... (share) the corporate value of “innovation that matters.”

● Complete the following definitions.

a. A firm listed on a stock exchange is a _______ ________.

b. Individuals who lend money to new companies are sometimes called _______ .
c. The people who start companies are _________.
d. Money invested in a company just before it joins a stock exchange is sometimes called
_________ financing.

●Would you like to be a day trader? Or would you be frightened of taking such risks?



● Read the passage while paying attention to the vocabulary. Answer the questions that

The great unsettled question of economics is: “How much should the government
regulate business?” Conservatives generally argue for a Financial Systems 99 decline in
government involvement, but they favor certain subsidies to farmers, steelmakers, or airplane
manufacturers. Some conservatives also see no conflict between their small-government views
and their eagerness for the government to allocate more money for roads into national forests.
The net result of these incursions into national forests is a tangible infrastructure that
helps some companies but not the public. Publiclyowned trees, land, and oil become
commodities from which afew private companies (many owned by small-
governmentconservatives) profit. No per capita benefit goes to theAmerican people, aside
perhaps from the brief anti-inflation effect that comes with new oil exploration.
1. What is the main idea of this reading?
a. Conservatives have tried to keep others from expanding governmentregulations.
b. Even though conservatives say they want to limit government involvementin business, they
actually do often favor it.
c. There are several views about the proper role for government inbusiness.
d. Small-government conservatives want the government to allocate acertain amount of federal
money per capita to help all Americans.

2. Which of the following does the author claim?

a. Industries will become subsidies.
b. Oil exploration causes inflation.
c. Some elements of nature will become commodities.

d. Infrastructure will be made of trees, oil, and land.

● Think of the advantages and disadvantages of brainstorming meetings. Write on the

ideas in the speech bubbles and think of ways to overcome the problem.

Brainstorming is Some people like the sound

OK if everybody of their own voice and
is confident. dominate the brainstorm.

Some people interrupt the

flow of ideas and want to
It doesn’t make sense to accept discuss suggestions.
all ideas in a brainstorm.

Brainstorming is fantastic
because it produces lots of new
Some people need to put ideas.
their ideas on paper

10.4 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with different tips for giving bad news.

Tips for giving

bad news

Unit 12. Useful language

Encouraging people to be positive and ‘softening’ language

Shall we try and focus on the positive points?
Looking at this positively, you’ve already achieved you main objective.
You can look at it in two ways.
I’m sorry to say/ tell you that .....
It’s with great regret that .....

Bringing people into conversation

Can I get some reaction from you now?
Would you like to start, Andrew?
Could I ask you to come in now?
What are your thoughts?

Test (Over to you)

Have you ever attended a brainstorming meeting? What did you brainstorm about?
In your opinion, what makes a really good brainstorming session?


10 G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

11 Paul Emmmerson, Business Grammar Builder. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited,2010.

Unit 13
Reporting back to the client. Ending a meeting

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
13.3 The content of the unit
13.3.1. Keeping the discussion on track
13.3.2. Practicing business vocabulary
13.4 Self- assessment

13.1 Introduction

Motto: The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.

Peter E. Drucker

● the customer is ‘king’ (or queen) in most cultures because they pay the bill. They can
usually say what they want, when and how. In some cultures, however, customers can sometimes
ask for too much.
● Some chair people are good at ensuring that all the items on the agenda are covered in the
allocated time, with a summary of main points and AOB at the end. Other meetings can be less
well-organized, sometimes lasting too long and not being concluded satisfactorily.
13.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
13.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and
cultural diversity in connection with socialising skills;
13.2. 2 describe the key steps to ending a meeting (business meeting);
13.2. 3 create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Skills of Unit 13:

Students will

- become aware of the specific language that should be used when reporting back to
- describe thekey steps to keep the discussion on track (business meeting);
- create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Allocated time for Unit 13

Unit 13Reporting back to the client. Ending a meeting is allocated 2 hours.

13.3 The content of the unit

13.3. 1 A. Look at the email exchangebetween Brian and Mandy Clacey, Softco’s
marketing director, about the new website. Answer the questions.

A. To: Mandy Clacey

From: Brian Smith
Subject: New website

Dear Mandy,

We have been working hard on the prototype for new website and are in the
position to discuss the progress we have made to date. I would like to set up a
meeting to go through our ideas and show you some prototype materials. Would it
be possible to agree a date early next week?

Best regards,

B. To: Brian Smith

From: Mandy Clacey
Subject: New website

Dear Brian,

Good to hear that you have already got something to show us. I can set up a
meeting here with some of our IT and marketing people on Tuesday afternoon
from 2 till 4. Will you need any special equipment for your presentation?

Best wishes,

C. To: Mandy Clacey

From: Brian Smith
Subject: Re: New website

Dear Mandy,

The date and time are fine for us. We prefer to bring all our own equipment. We
don’t want any technical hitches on the day, so no need for you to worry about
that side of things.

See you on Tuesday.

All the best,


- Is the relationship between Mandy and Brian more formal or informal? Justify your

- Where will the meeting take place?

- Who from Softco’s will attend the meting?
- Why do you think Brian prefers to bring his own IT equipment?


E. Look at the presentation about the home page and put the sentences in the right order.

a. __ The order should reflect what the customer is most likely to be interested in.
b. __ We spent a lot of time looking at the old home page and decided that it contained a
lot of interesting information about your products and services.
c. __ So to sum up, what we propose is to make sure that the fist page that the customer
sees has more impact.
d. __ In fact, we thought there was too much material on it.
e. __ Moreover, the material didn’t seem to be arranged in any priority order.
f. __ It was confusing and just too dense

E. Rearrange the words to make sentences used to keep the discussion on track.

a. decide/ We’ve/ produce/ to/ documentaries./ three

b. I/ covers/that/the/ main/ decided./ think/ points/ have/ that/ been

c. confirm/ I/ we/ want/ that/ to/ about/ a/ film/ Rudyard/ Kipling./ make

d. are/ It/ that/ we/ all/ weddings./ decided/ seems/ to/ make/ a/ about/ documentary

e. confirm,/ to/ Just/ the/ will/ documentary/ 30/ be/ long./ minutes

f. our/ that/ the/ points/ main/ of/ think/ discussion./ I/ covers

g. you’ll/ the/ research/ So/ do/ the/ by/ month?/ of / the/ end

BB. Unjumble the words.

Pizza Hut is known - best world’s the of one pizza restaurants. It was founded in 1958 in
Kansas, USA, by brothers Dan and Frank Carney. Twenty years later, it was bought by
Pepsico. Pizza Hut offers dine-in, takeaway options and in home nearly delivery all its
10,000 than more in locations countries 90. The website says: “At Pizza Hut, take pride
care we great and to provide dining and food best the with you experience in the quick-

service restaurant business.” The company is well-known in adverts using people their
for famous. These include former Soviet Union Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-boxing
champion Muhammad Ali and the Muppets. firstthe also was company The sponsor to
the first space pizza delivery in 2001, when the company’s name side was of put a on
Russian the rocket.

CC. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation,
capitalization, and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then
write a corrected form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show
the word that appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each
sentence contains one error.

1. Carers would be able to transfer their tax allowance on their spouse, saving a couple up to
£1000 a year.
2. Crucial, the equity capital of every company was kept track of by the CMIE
3. Another suggest the military personnel were trying to take unfair advantage of the system by
requesting the $50 allowance.
4. He even, in a flush of generous, inflation-indexed the young couple's allowance
5. Last yearly in the Financial District the rate was forty dollars a square foot.
6. But a month later, they were tell the daily allowance had been changed to $17.50.
7. RICS blame the decrease in activity on the Bank of England's recent back-to-back interest rate
8. It will focus on M&A and debt and equity capital markets works.
9. An example of this occur when a non-subsidiary is formed with two forms of equity capital ,
ordinary shares and preference shares
10. Such charges is likely to offset any tax advantages of saving in this way.

DD. Choose the correct tense for the verbs between brackets

Pizza Hut .......... (be) one of the world’s best-known pizza restaurants. It was ..........
(found) in 1958 in Kansas, USA, by brothers Dan and Frank Carney. Twenty years later,
it was .......... (buy) by Pepsico. Pizza Hut .......... (offer) dine-in, takeaway and home
delivery options in nearly all its 10,000 locations in more than 90 countries. The website
.......... (say): “At Pizza Hut, we .......... (take) great pride and care to .......... (provide) you
with the best food and dining experience in the quick-service restaurant business.” The
company .......... (be) well-known for using famous people in their adverts. These ..........
(include) former Soviet Union Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-boxing champion
Muhammad Ali and the Muppets. The company .......... (be) also the first to ..........
(sponsor) the first space pizza delivery in 2001, when the company’s name was ..........
(put) on the side of a Russian rocket.

EE..Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

prideusingtake awaysponsorknown
sidedining champions option adverts

Pizza Hut is one of the world’s best-____________ pizza restaurants. It was founded in
1958 in Kansas, USA, by brothers Dan and Frank Carney. Twenty years later, it was
bought by Pepsico. Pizza Hut offers dine-in, ____________ and home delivery
____________ in nearly all its 10,000 locations in more than 90 countries. The website
says: “At Pizza Hut, we take great ____________ and care to provide you with the best
food and ____________ experience in the quick-service restaurant business.” The
company is well-known for ____________ famous people in their ____________. These
include former Soviet Union Premier Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-boxing ____________
Muhammad Ali and the Muppets. The company was also the first to ____________ the
first space pizza delivery in 2001, when the company’s name was put on the
____________ of a Russian rocket.

FF. Write anything about Pizza Hut for 10 minutes.


GG. Write a letter to Pizza Hut. Complain about one of its products.

HH. Write a letter of apology to the customer. Explain why you cannot give a refund.


II. Project. Your mission is to increase the profits and sales of Pizza Hut. Complete this
table with your project partner(s):

Main products

How to improve them

A brand new ‘killer’


How Pizza Hut is better

than the competition

How to beat the


Part 2. Change partners and look at their project. Suggest improvements. Ask for advice on your
Part 3. Make a presentation on your project. Give it to the class. Vote the best projects.

● Find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column.
Write the letter in the blank.

1. impoverish(a) enjoying special advantages

2. elite (b) to succeed
3. prosper(c) to make extremely poor
4. accumulate(d) belonging to a small group with excellent achievements
5. privileged(e) build up wealth

● Complete each sentence by filling in the blankwith the best word or phrase from the
list. Change the form of theword if necessary. Use each word only once.

affluenceluxury nobility prestige working class

1. The __________ in the hotel was obvious from such features as solidgoldfaucets and stairs
made of Italian marble.
2. In a show of his extreme __________, Jim Lavich flew 1,500 peopleto the Bahamas for his
wife’s birthday party and ordered 300 casksof wine for them to drink.
3. The oldest and most respected furniture maker in western Michigan,VanEden Inc., earned its
__________ by using good materials and listeningto its customers.

4. France’s __________ was dismantled after the royal family was killedand lesser aristocrats
were jailed during the revolution.
5. In the United States, many __________ families do not have health insurance because their
employers don’t offer it.

● Would you invest in start- ups? In which fields? If you wanted to start a business, how
would you try to raise capital?


● Read the passage while paying attention to the vocabulary. Answer the questions that

The United States is not the land of equal opportunity. There are no titles of nobility as in
Europe, but astounding affluence is passed on in privileged families, and this makes all the
difference. Studiesin the 1970s found that a child of the elite and a child of the working class
may start out with similar intelligence and drive, but the rich child is about 30 times more
likely to prosper. The rich child goes to high-prestige schools, where his or her education
may be only slightly above average, but where the child accumulates friendships with future
leaders. The privileged child becomes comfortable with luxury and is at ease in situations
where powerful people meet. The working-class child from a less-prestigious college is not
likely to wind up impoverished, but neither is he or she likely to attend many parties of Yale
or Vassar alumni.

1. Which sentence best expresses the essential information of thispassage?
a. The American economy is unfair and must be changed.
b. Rich people have natural advantages in education and social contactsthat help them
c. Children accept one another as friends; only later in life do differencesof wealth drive
them apart.
d. The only way to make money in America is to work and accumulateit yourself.

2. Why does the author of this reading mention Yale and Vassar?
a. They are elite schools attended by many future leaders.
b. They are where government officials have secret meetings.
c. They try to give working-class children a chance they can’t get atother schools.
d. Their high fees impoverish working-class children.

10.5 Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with tips on making presentations in

Tips on making
presentations in

b. Prepare an introduction to a short talk on one of the following:

• your company and/ or its products/ services

• any company you know well
• an institution that you know well

Unit 13. Useful language

Clarifying and summarizing

So to clarify, we need to highlight the wide range of services.
I’ll just clarify again what we’ve come up with so far.
I’ll go over that again to make sure it’s clear.

I’ll say the main points again to be sure they’re clear.
Here’s what we’ve come up with so far.
I’ll just run through what we’ve suggested so far.
Let me run through what we’ve suggested.
I think we’ve come up with several major areas. Firstly, ...
I’ll just summarize what has been suggested.

Commenting on other people’s ideas

I think it sounds too clinical.
I think Sheila has a good point.
I agree completely with ....
That’s really not how I see it.

Inviting questions
I welcome your feedback.
Please feel free to ask me questions at any time.
Any questions so far?

Test (Over to you)

14 Do you ever have to meet clients or customers to talk about the services your company can
offer, or to report on the progress you are making on a project?

Have you ever had any ‘perfect’ customer, or particularly demanding ones?

Bibliography:G. Lupchian, A.C. Lazăr, Micdicţionarpoliglot, EdituraProUniversitaria, Bucureşti, 2009.

Unit 14
A formal board meeting. Writing the minutes.
Monitoring action and evaluating meetings

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)
14.3 The content of the unit
14.3.1. Keeping the discussion on track
14.3.2. Practicing business vocabulary
14.4 Self- assessment

14.1 Introduction

Motto: If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want
to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.
T. HarvEker (business writer)

● In some cultures there are strong traditions of very formal business meetings with strict
procedures and protocol.
● There is also a tradition of critical evaluation which aims to improve personal performance
and procedure. In other cultures criticism can be seen more negatively.
● When some people write, they use very elaborate and complicated language. They also
take a long time to produce written texts, because they think they should be pieces of literature,
which can be a problem when writing minutes of meetings.

14.2 Objectives and competencies – allocated time (2 ore)

14.2. 1 understand the need for considering international communication and
cultural diversity in connection with socialising skills;
14.2. 2 identify the key features of a formal meeting(business meeting);
14.2. 3identify the main aspects of a minute;
14.2.4 identify the positive and negative effects of meeting evaluation;
14.2. 5 create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Skills of Unit 14:

Students will

- describe the key features of a formal meeting (business meeting);

- identify the main aspects of a minute;
- identify the positive and negative effects of meeting evaluation
- create real- life contexts to practice speaking skills.

Allocated time for Unit 14

Unit 14A formal board meeting. Writing the minutes. Monitoring action and evaluating
meetingsis allocated 2 hours.

14.3 The content of the unit

14.3. 1 A. Express your opinion about the following statements which are usually
used when taking part in formal meeting

Statement Agree Disagree

1. The language of formal meetings is very
2. Formal meetings in English are well
3. The language of formal meeting is too

4. A lot of people whose first language is
English find it difficult to participate fully in
formal meetings.
5. The way in which formal meetings are
organized is confusing.
6. Formal meetings are easy to follow because
they always have the same structure.
7. It is almost impossible for a non- native
speaker of English to take part in a formal
meeting in English.

F. Give examples of language used in formal meetings and write your ideas under these

Opening a formal meeting


Inviting participants to speak



Giving your point of view




F. Match the pairs to make suggestions or recommendations.

1. Who would a. come in now ?

2. Could we hear b. like to start.

3. Who else would like c. a few words?

4. Maybe you’d like to d. to come in at this point?

5. Would you like to say e. the Italian perspective from you?

6.I recommend we adapt f. about keeping the basic design?

JJ. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box.

reject split seconder amendment point of order

objections abstentions put the motion casting

9. Do you accept or _______ the various applications ?

10. On a ____ , I’d like to say that I am in favour of considering each application
11. I am happy to accept that proposal unless they are any _______ .
12. Ok, so we now have a very concrete proposal from Lisa. Could I have a _______
13. I now formally ________ to the vote.
14. Any ________ ? No?.

15. I’d like to propose a major _________ to the motion before we vote.
16. It’s a fifty- fifty _________.
17. I am going to use the chairman’s _______ vote in favour of the motion.

KK. Fill in the gaps with your own words so that the sentences may have a meaning.

Goldman Sachs ______________________ banking and securities firm. It also deals

______________________ and other financial services. Most of its clients are
institutions, governments, ______________________ wealthy people. It was founded in
1869 by a German immigrant to New York Marcus Goldman. His son-in-law Samuel
Sachs ______________________ and their company became Goldman-Sachs. They
joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1896 and have been a major
______________________. The company’s website says it highly values its employees:
“Our principal assets are our people, ______________________. We are committed to
______________________ diversity, integrity and strong business principles.” The
company usually only employs those with MBAs from leading business schools.Its
annual ______________________ of $50 billion.

LL. In the following sentences, you will find faulty grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
and number expression. For each sentence underline any error. Then write a corrected
form in the space provided. If you must add punctuation, also show the word that
appears immediately before the necessary punctuation mark. Each sentence contains
one error.

1. He had reckoned that a good sword would been a better reward for saving the general's life
2. The franchisees also recruits their own staff, saving on the need for a centralised human
resources office.
3. Investments of $15.5 billion in equity capital has swelled to $48 billion, providing a
respectable return for investors.

4. Instance, you did not trouble to acknowledge the receipt of this month's allowance.
5. Scotland's house prices rosen by 1.6 % during the first quarter, twice the rate of the UK
6. A spokesman, said: 'Wethink 4.33 % on a currently account with base rate at 5.5 % is
7. He must have been paying contributions at the full rate for at less a quarter of his working life
for any allowance to be paid.
8. Apparent, it is drinking at least a third of your recommended weekly allowance in one sitting.
9. The other men watches unbelieving as the old timers hop off of their rig and heroically
extinguish the fire, saving the secret formulas.
10. It will represents 28 per cent of the fully diluted post-issue paid up equity capital.

MM. .Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or phrase from the box:

patternfashionable earlyrebranding
traineeimageappeal classic resistant multi

Burberry is a ____________, traditional fashion house founded by Thomas Burberry near

London in 1856. The 21-year-old textiles ____________ decided to start making and
selling his own outdoor clothes. He invented the world-famous water-____________
fabric gabardine in 1888 and opened his first store in London’s ____________
Haymarket in 1891. Burberry created clothing for ____________ explorers to the South
Pole and Mount Everest. Gabardine and the traditional Burberry tartan check
____________ are now company trademarks. They form part of a ____________-billion-
dollar company. It has branched out into perfumes, watches, sunglasses and accessories.
It had some ____________ problems in the 1980s and 1990s when it became popular
with British football hooligans. However, ____________ in top fashion magazines has
returned its luxury ____________.

NN. Write anything about Burberry for 10 minutes.

OO. Write a letter to Burberry. Complain about one of its products.


PP. Write a letter of apology to the customer. Explain why you cannot give a refund.


QQ. Correct the spelling while reading the text:

Burberry is aaicscls, traditional fashion house founded by Thomas Burberry near London in
1856. The 21-year-old textiles retnaei decided to start making and selling his own uoorodt
clothes. He invented the world-famous water-resistant bfacri gabardine in 1888 and opened his
first store in London’s fashionable Haymarket in 1891. Burberry created oglnhtic for early
explorers to the South Pole and Mount Everest. Gabardine and the traditional Burberry tartan
check pattern are now company mtaekrsadr. They form part of a multi-billion-dollar company.
It has heabcdnr out into perfumes, watches, sunglasses and accessories. It had some meaig
problems in the 1980s and 1990s when it became oppalru with British football hooligans.
However, rebranding in top fashion magazines has returned its luxury leaapp.

RR. Unjumble the words below.

Burberry is a classic, traditional by founded house fashion Thomas Burberry near London
in 1856. The 21-year-old textiles making start to decided trainee and selling his own
outdoor clothes. He invented the world-famous fabric gabardine in 1888 and water -
resistant opened his first store in London’s fashionable Haymarket in 1891. Burberry the
clothing early to created for explorers South Pole and Mount Everest. Gabardine and the
traditional check tartan Burberry now are pattern company trademarks. dollar part multi -
form a billion They of - company. It has branched out into perfumes, watches, sunglasses
and accessories. It had some image problems in the 1980s with 1990s it popular and
when became British football hooligans. However, rebranding in top returned luxury
fashion has its appeal magazines.

SS. Find the word that is closest in meaning to eachword in the left-hand column. Write the
letter in the blank.
1. assess (a) dangerous
2. hazardous (b) evaluate
3. jointly (c) protect
4. liability (d) responsibility
5. safeguard (e) together

TT.Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

1. The building company is trying to (safeguard / acquire) the whole neighborhood so it can put
up a mall.
2. To the average farm family, every child was (an asset / a liability), one more set of hands to
gather eggs or plant beans.
3. Gary’s Cookie Shop has to move because the owner of the building won’t renew the (lease /
4. The (hazardous / sole) adult influence on Sarah as she grew up was her grandmother.
5. Some people are born with the disease, but others (acquire / assess) it later in life.

UU. Read the passage while paying attention to the vocabulary. Answer the questions
that follow.

It is not easy to make a living as the proprietor of apartment buildings.There is a huge initial
expense, not only to acquire the properties but toassess the buildings and to remove any
hazardous materials like lead-based paint. A landlord also has to buy the best liability
insuranceavailable just to safeguard the investment. Otherwise, onetragic accident could wipe
out the value of the entire asset.
Because of this expense, it’s rare to find a sole individualowning such a property.The risk is
more often taken onjointly by a group of investors who then split the profits
from the leases.

1. What is the main idea of this reading?

a. Being a landlord is enjoyable.
b. It costs a lot of money to be a landlord.

c. Friendships can be destroyed by owning property jointly.
d. Income from leases is greater than a landlord’s expenses.
2. Which of the following is not an expense mentioned in the reading?
a. property taxes
b. insurance
c. making the property safe
d. buying the building you hope to rent

Self- assessment. Complete the mind map with the most important factors to consider when
writing minutes

Factors to
consider when
writing minutes

Unit 14.Useful language

Expressing opinions
I don’t/ think that....
I don’t know how you feel but I think ....
As I see it, ....
In my opinion, ....
Well personally, I think ....
If you ask me, I think ....

Making suggestions and recommendations

Can I make a suggestion?
I suggest keeping the Tara logo.
How about changing the colour?
I’d like to suggest we keep the old logo.
Let me make a recommendation.
I recommend we change the colour of the lego.
That’s my recommendation.

Keeping people on the topic

Let’s not go into that now.
We’ll come to the later on.
I don’t want to get sidetracked.
Can we discuss that later, please?
I don’t want to get off the point.
Let’s stick to the topic, please.

Test (Over to you)

What are the positive and negative effects of evaluating your own performance? Write
your ideas below, under the two headings

Positive effects Negative effects

Birkin, Jonathan. Business Advantage. Unit 5-7, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Print

David, Irina. “Unit Six.Banking”, in Prelipceanu, Cristina (coord.), David, Irina, Dărăbanţ, Maria. Excel in Business.
Bucharest: Ed. Universitară, 2006. 81-90. Print

Emmerson, Paul. Business Grammar Builder (2nd edition). Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited. 2010.

Grosu, Lucia- Mihaela. “Ethnicity”, Roxana-ElisabetaMarinescu (coord.), Irina David, Lucia-MihaelaGrosu, Cultural
Studies, Bucharest: ASE Publishing House, 2013. pp.35-38. Print

Guffy, Mary Ellen &Seefer, E. Carolyn.Business English. Mason: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print

Hartley, Peter &Bruckmann, G. Clive.Business Communication. London: Routledge, 2002. Print

MacKenzie, Ian. Professional English in Use (6th edition). Unit 19-28, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2011. Print

Powell, Mark. In company (Intermediate student’s book), 2nd edition, Units 3-8, Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited,
2009. Print

Rogers, John. Market Leader- Practice File. Edinburgh: Longman- Pearson Education Limites, 2003. Print

Stafford- Yilmaz, Linn &Zwier, E. Lawrence. McGraw- Hill’s400 Must have words for TOEFL. The McGraw- Hill
Companies, 2005. Print

Stephens, Bryan. Meetings in English. Be Effective in International Meetings, Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited,
2011. Print

Strutt, Peter. Longman Business English Usage. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited, 1993. Print

Sweney, Simon. English for Business Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Print

Talbot, Fiona. Make an Impact with Your Written English. London& Philadelphia: Kogan Page, 2009. Print

Wyatt, Rawdon. Business and Administration (4thed.). London: A & C Black Publishers Ltd, 2007.Print

Web- sources:


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