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3. Informmic US 1

12 -MIH ILESCU, M D LIN. Correlating database 110 accesses at the storage server / Madalin Mihailescu. -Toronto: Universily of Toronto. 2007.

150 p. ; 29 cm.
ISBN 97H0494272930. 1. 2.

1. Calculatoare electronice --Programe

2. Baze de date.

CA 1 eng

13 -MILLER-WHITE. MARILYN. MCITP developer : Microsoft

SQL server 2005 data acces design and oprirnization (70-442) study guide 1 by Marilyn Miller-While and Cristian Andrei Lefter. -Indianapolis : Wiley-Interscience. 2007.

XXXVII, 632 p. : il. ; 24 cm.

ISBN 9780470 l08802. 1. 1. Procesare n timp real (calculatoare electronice) . 2. SQL Server 2005. US / cng


14 -P DURARU, COSMIN. Planning with approximate and

learned models of Markov decision processes : thesis 1 Cosrnin P Edmonton : University of Alberta, 2007.

184p. ;29 cm. 1. Cakulatoare electronice --Programe.

CA /eng

15 PETRIC, VLAD. RENO-a rename-based instruction

optimizer 1 Vlad Petric. -Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press.

2007. XII!. 226 p. : il. ; 29 cm.

ISBN 244977009X.
1. 2.

1. RENO --Optimizare matematic 2. Programare vizual (informatic )


20 -GOGA, MIRCEA. La Roumanie : culture et civil!zation I Mircea Goga. -Paris : PUPS, 2007. 395 p. ; 24 cm -(L'Europe centrale et orientale). Bibliogr. p. 373-390. ISBN 978-2-84050-532-7. 1. Cultur FR I fre 21 -JIKELI, ERWIN PETER. Siebenbiirgisch-sachsische Pfarrer, Lehrer und Journalisten in der Zeit der kommunistischen Diktatur (1944-1971) I Erwin Peter Jikeli. -Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2007. 321 p. ;21 cm-(Europ Bibliogr. p. 277-291. Index. ISBN 9783631567692. 1. 2. 1. Intelectuali -.' Romriia --1944-1971 2. Comunism i intelectuali --Romnia --Istorie. DE I ger
ische Hochschulschriften. i civilizatie romneasc

3. Dun GB I eng

rea de

Jos (regiune) --Antichit


2. Romnia.

Reihe 3 ; 1044).

22 RILEY, BRONWEN. Transylvania I Bronwen Riley ; photo:

Dan Ioan Dinescu. -London : Frances Lincoln, 2007. 208 p. :il. ;29 cm. ISBN 9780711227811. 1. 2. 1. Transilvania --Traditii i obiceiuri 2. Transilvania --Cultur i civilizatie. GB I eng


DANUBE AND BEYOND I edited by A.G. Poulter. -Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. XXX, 678 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780197264027. 1. Cultur i civilizatie antic

2. Cultur

i civilizatie bizantin

BIBLIOGRAFIA NA IONAL ROMN . 14 Sisteme filozofice

34 -B IA U, SORIN. Kant and Sartre: rediscovering critical ethics / Sorin Baiasu. -New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 256 p. ; ,23 cm. ISBN 9780230001503. 1. 2. 1. Kant, Immanuel 2. Sartre, Jean-Paul, 1905-1980 3. Filozofie comparat 4. ExistentiaJism. US / eng 1. 2.

ISBN 9781861893208.
1. Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951 --Critic
i interpretare

2. Filozofi austrieci. GB /eng

3S IONESCU, CRISTINA. Plato's Meno : an interpretation /

Cristina Ionescu. -Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2007. XIX, 194 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 177-184. ISBN 97873912055. 1. Plato --Critic US / eng
i interpretare

2. Metafizic --Concepte.

36 KAHANE, GUY. Wittgenstein and his interpreters : essays

in memory of Gordon Baker / Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian, Oskari Kuusela. -Malden, MA : BlackweJl. 2007. 384p.;23 cm. . ISBN 9781405129220. 1. 2.
1. Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951 --Critic
i interpretare

2. Baker, Gordon 3. Filozofi austrieci. US /eng

37 -KANTERIA,N, EDWARD. Ludwig Wittgcnstein / Edward

Kanterian. -London : Reaktion Books, 2007. 223 p. : il. ; 20 cm -(Critical lives).


Andrei Sala, Paul AlIan Mirecki. -Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2007. VIII, 178 p. ; 25 Col -(Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies ; v. 61).

41 . REVIEW OF SLEEP MEDICINE / edi ted by Teri 1. 1. 2. Barkoukis, Alon Y. Avidan, Vlad Dimitriu. -Philadelphia :

ISBN 978900416180l. 1. Cre tinism --Istorie --Doctrine 2. Cre tinism primitiv 3. Maniheism. US /eng


XIX, 570 p.. : il. ; 28 COl.


ISBN 9780750675635.

1. Somn --Aspect psihologic 2. Psihologie experimental

US /eng

17 Moral . Etic

* 42 COZMA, CARMEN. On ethical in the phenomenology

of Iife / Carmen Cozma. -Roma: Edizioni Eucos, 2007. 153 p.; 21 Col. Bibliogr. p. 147-153. ISBN 978-88-88294-57-5. 1. Etic IT / itu

43 -FRONTIERS OF FAITH : the christian encounter with manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus / edited by Jason Beduhn, Tudor

ISBN 9783515086677.



23/28 Religie cre tin


1. 2.

1. Biseric
2. Biseric
DE / ger

~i stat --Transilvania .-Istorie i societate --Romnia --Istoric.


47 -HENKEL, JURGEN. Einfiihrung


Geschichte uod

kirchliches Leben der Rumanischen Orthodoxen Kirche / JUrgen HenkeI. -Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2007. 203 p. ; 24 cm -(Forum Orthodoxe Theologie : Bd. 6).
n onoarea patriarhului Teoclist. Bibliogr. 200-202. ISBN 9783825894535.

J. Biserica Ortodox
DE/ ger


--Istorie 2. Religie cre tin --

Istorie 3. Teoctist, patriarh al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne.

* 48 -KIRCHE . STAAT . NATION : eine geschichte der

katholischen kirche Siebenbtirgens vom mittelalter bis zum frtihen 20. jahrhundert / Herausgegeben von Joachim Bahlcke und Krista Zach ; aus dem Ungarischen von Juliane Brandt, Erzsebet Schock, Michael Schock und Ada!bert Toth. -MUnchen: IKGS Verlag. 2007.

61 1 p. : 25 cm.
Tit. orig. (hun): Az Erdelyi Katholicizmus l1lultja es jelene. Bibliogr. p. 557-583. Indici. ISBN 978-3-980985 J-6-4.

1. Biserica Romano-Catolic --Transilvania --Istorie.

DE / ger

neue Staatlichkeit : onhodoxe, griechisch-katholische und

49 MANER, HANS-CHRISTIAN. Multikonft~ssionalitat uod

romisch-katholische Kirche in Siebenbtirgen und Altrurn

n'en zwischen


Weltkriegen (l918-1940) / Hans Christim\ Maner. -Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2007.

408 p. ; 25 cm -(Forschungcn zur Geschichte und Kultur des

ostlichen Mitteleuropa ; Bd. 29).


1. Antropologie cultural 2. Antropologie social

3().5:C..tegodi. c\e,lpersoane
J 1 159

US Ieng


Elise Johnson.and Jean G. Robinson, 7 Blo(;)mingtQ Press, 2007. .


l~ IN

: Inq ana University

XII, 263.p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 227-249. Index. ISBN 9780253348128. , ,

l. Femei --Conditii sociale' 2. Femini~m --,E;uropa --Istorie

3. Postcomunism --Europa de Est. .' US Ieng

316 Sociologie
60 -BOIA, LUCIAN. Quand les centenaires seront jeunes :
I'imaginaire de la longevite de l'antiquite a nos jours ILucian Boia. -Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2006. 246p. ;23em. Bibliogr. ISBN 2251442944. 1. 2. 1. Longevitate --Aspect social 2. Longevitate --Aspect antropologie.
FR Ifre

61 -COOPER, EUGENE. Readings in anthropology Iby Eugene Cooper, Andrei Si mic. -Dubuque, IA : Kendall Hunt, 2007. 324 p. ; 23 em. ISBN 9780757520877.




1. Postcomunism --Romnia 2. Comunit li locale 3. Romnia --Politic i guvernare --1989-... DE / eng

32 Politic
()5 -ANTOIII, SORIN. Narratives ~nbound : historical studies in
post-communist Eastern Europe / Sorin Antohi, Balazs Trencsenyi, Peter Apar. -Nc\\' York: Central European University Press, 2007. 514 p. ; 20 COl.

ISBN 9789637326851.
1. Postcomunism .... Europa dc Est 2. Istoriografie --Europa de

Est. US /eng 66 BAFOIL, FRAN<;OIS. Europe centrale et orientale:

mondialisation, europeanisation et changement social / Fran~ois Bafoil. -Paris ; Presses de Sciences Po, 2006.

568 p. ; 23 cm -(References).
lSBN 9782724610055. 1. Europa Central
Central i de i de

Est --Integrare european 2. Europa

i guvernare

Est --Politic

3. Europa Central

de Est --Posltotalitarism. FR / fre

67 BAGA ENIKO. Towards a Romanian Silicon Vallcy? : local

developmellt in post-socialist Europe / Baga Eniko. -Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag, 2007. 210p. ;21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 198-209. ISBN 3593381265.


lSBN 9781595550736. . " . . 1. Ceau escJ: Nicolae 12: Politic --Ideologii --Conduc tori 3. Politic mondial _:. Istorie' 4. Despotism --Istorie 5. Totalitarism Istorie 6. Ceau escu, Nicolae, 1918-1989

78 -G~ZYMAIA-BUSSE, ANNA M. Rebuilding Leviathan : Putere. US / eng

Pilrty compelition and state exploitation in post-commun1st democracies I


Anna Maria Grzymala-Busse.-Cambridge ;'N'ew York:: Cambridge IN EUROPE I edjted by Jeffrey T. Checkel, Alexandra Gheciu. -New York: Cambridge University Press. 2007. 290p. ;22cm. lSBN 9780521689373. " 1. Uniunea European --Institutii 2. Uniunea European -Politic .

University Press, 2007.

US /eng XIV, 274 p. : il. ; 24 cm -(Cambridge studies ih comparative


ISBN 97.80521873963.

1. Politic

i guvernare

--Europa de Est 2.P.artide politice -

Europa de Est 3. Postcomunism --Europa de Est.

US I eng .... 79 -HALPER'~'jMIC"'H D. Thugli; ~ow I:islor}"~ m~st notorious despots transfo'rmed the world through terror, tyranny, and mass murder I

Mic~h D. HaJpern. -Nasl1vilfe, TN : Thomas Nelson aJld Sons, 2007..

XVI,350p. ;21 cm. " , .


Cuprinde studiul: Nicolae Ceau escu: strong-ann father of Romania.


Bibliogr. p. 372-389. Index. ISBN 9789638706089.

323 Politic


92 -CHIFU, IULIAN. Crisis management in transitional societies : the Romanian experience / by lulian Chifu, Britta Ramberg. Stockholm: Crismart, 2007.

1. Wass Albert 2. Munteanu, Doru 3. Transilvania -Conflicte etnice 4. Transilvania --Relatii etnice --1939-1945 5. Transilvania ,-Via HU/ hun
intelectual .

387p. ;20cm.
ISBN 9789185401642. 1. Romnia --Politic
i administra ie 2.

Romnia --Politic

guvernare 3. Romnia --Postcomunism --Tranzi ie. SE / eng

93 -TUFI , CLAUDIU D. Public support for democracy aud

market economy in postcommnunist Romania 1990-2006 : thesis / Claudiu Daniel Tufis. -Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007.

344 p. ; 20 cm.
IS,BN 1221641767. 1.
1. Romnia --Postcomunism 2, Democratie --Romnia


3. Romnia --Politic
US /eng

i guvernare


323.1 Minorit ti nationale

94 GOSTON VILMOS. A kisajatitott h~r: a nemzeti kepzelet Doru Munteanu es Wass Albert muveiben / Agoston Vilmos. -Budapest : Europai Osszehason]fto Kissebbsegkutatsok Kozalapftvny, 2007.

398p. ;20cm.


Bibliogr. p. 115-119.

334 Forme de organizare i cooperare n economie

159 ANDREN, DANIELA. Occupational gendel' composition and wages in Romania: from planned equalily lo market inequality I by Daniela Andren, Thomas Andren. -G6teborg : Giiteborg Univer'ity, 2007.

1. 2.

1. Companii multinationale --Globalizare 2. Relatii interumane

3. Relatii angajator-ang jal.

US I eng

153 p. : il. ; 23 cm -(Working papers in economics).

ISBN 1223348863.

1. Fort de munc --Romnia 2. FOr{ de munc --Legislatie Comunism 3. For de munc --Legislatie --Economie de
piat .

SE I eng

160 B DESCU, ANDREI. On the analysis of a muIti-trashold

Markovian risk model I Andrei Badescu, Steve Drekic, David Landriaull. Waterloo, Onl. : University of Walerloo, 2007.

112 p. ;28 cm.

ISBN 9780417300593. 1. Asigur CA I eng
ri --Analiz

de risc.

161 . C PRAR, VASILE DAN. Exporting culture : lhe impact


multinational corporations on local employees' experience of cultural identity

: thesis I Vasile Dan Caprar. -Iowa City : Uni versity of Iowa Press, 2007.

IX, 1] 9 p. : il. ;28cm.


254 -SCHOLZ, NASTASIA ANAIS. Development of a global spatio-temporal seismicity model and its application to the Vrancea seismic zone, Romania: thesis / Nastasia Anais Scholz. -Wellington
Victoria University of Wellington, 2007.

(Cnidaria Hydrozoa) rrom the fjords region of southern Chile / Horia R.

Galea. -Auckland : Magnolia Prcss, 2007.

116 p. : il. ; 30 cm -(Zootaxa ; 1597).

ISBN 9781869771614. 1. 2.

124p. ;30cm.
1. 2.

1. Biologie --Conservarea speciilor 2. Biologie --Chile

3. Cnidaria hydrozoa. NZ/ eng

1. Seismologie --Romnia
2. Vrancea --Cutremure --Cercetare. NZ/ eng

57 Biologie
255 BIOLOGY AND CONTROL THEORY : current chal1enges /
edited by Germain Garcia, Silviululian Niculescu, ... -Berlin: Springer,

2007. XII, 340 p. ; 24 cm -(Lecture notes in control and information

sciences ; No. 357). ISBN 9783540719878. 1. Biologie aplicat 2. Biometrie. DE/ eng

256 DUMITRU, RALUCA. The biological significance of anaerobic growth and anaerobic mating in candida albicans :
thesis / Raluca Dumitru. -Lincoln, NE : University of Nebraska Press, 2007. 187p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr.

1. Biologie molecular 2. Biologie aplicat

US / eng

257 GALEA, HORIA R. Hydroids aod hydromedusae


GB I eng

621 Constructii de ma

ini. Electrotehnica


Dumitras, Maria Dinescu, Vitali Konov I. -Bellingham : SPIE, 2007.

268p. : il. ; 28 cm.

Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780819467447. 1. Lasere --Aplica ii industriale 2. Optic US I eng
neliniar .

283 GOGU, GRIGORE. Structural synthesis of parallel robots I

Grigore Gogu. -Dordrecht ; London : Springer, 2007.

654p. ;23cm.
ISBN 9781402051029.
1. Robotic

GB I eng

64 Economie casnic
284 CHAMBERLAIN, LESLEY. 70 classic recipes from Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Slovenia: deJicious, authentic traditional
dishes from an undiscovered cuisine, shown in 250 pohtographs I Lesley Chamberlain, Trish Davies. -London : Southwater, 2007.

96p. : il. ; 30 cm.

ISBN 9781844764570. 1. Buc
t rie est-european

2. Buc

t rie romneasc .


302 -FULGA, LIGIA. Das siebenbiirgische glas im 17. und 18. jahrhundert ; technische IOsungen, kiinstlcrische tendenzen / Ligia Fulga ;
aus dem rum Stekovics, 2007. 251 p. : il. ; 25 cm -(Kulturdenkm ISBN 9783899231700. 1. Arta sticlei --Transilvania --Istorie 2. Art
Sticl decorativ ler Siebenbiirgens n. von

160p. ; il. ;31 cm.


Rohtraut Wittstock und Christoph Machat. -D6ssel : ISBN 9780870707094. ; Bd. 6). 1. Art US /cng -abstract

2. Comicul n art

--Transilvania 3. Art


--Teme, motive.

DE / ger = rum[o]

303 HERZOGENRATH, WULF. In the open air : Aurelia Mihai I

Wulf Herzogenrath. -Bielefeld : Kerber Verlag, 2007. 96p. ; il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783866780569. 1. Mihai, Aurelia 2. Arte vizuale --Experiment artistic -~ Multimedia. DE / eng

304 -KOCH, ANDREAS. Andreas Koch / Andreas Koch, Stefan

Stefanescu; foto: Tilmann Wendland. -Berlin: Extra Books, 2007. 132p. :il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9783938370186.

1. Koch, Andreas 2. Arte vizuale --Experiment artistic -Instalatii 3. Arte vizuale --Experiment artistic --Multimedia. DE/ ger

305 -MARCOCI, ROXANA. Comic abstraction ; image

breaking, image making / Roxana Marcoci. -New York: The Museum of

Modern Art, 2007. .


791/792 Arta spectacolului

323 BRAUNSCHWEIG, STEPHANE. Petites portes, grands paysages : ecrits I Stephane Braunschweig ; preface: Georges Banu. -Arles
: Actes Sud, 2007. 312p. :il. ; 22 COl. ISBN 9782742766550. 1. 2. 1. Teatrologie --Eseuri 2. Teatru --Productie i regie 3. Teatru francez. FR I fre

324 CORNEA, CHRISTINE. Science fiction cinema: between

fantasy and reality I Christine Cornea. -New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, 2007. XII, 308 p. : il. ; 24 COl. Bibliogr. p. 289-294. ISBN 9780813541723. 1. Cinematografie american 2. Cinematografie --Teme, motive 3. Filme SF. US I eng

325 LE CORPS TRAVESTI I 6diteur scientiLque: Georges

Banu. -Bruxelles: Alternatives thetrales, 2007. 98p. : il. ; 30 Col -(Alternatives thetrales : 92). ISBN 2874280569.
1. Teatru contemporan --Istorie i critic 2. Teatru --Actori -

Costume. RE I fre



TRANSLATION IN DER ROMANIA I hrsg.: Alberto Gil, Ursula Wienen.

-Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2007.

XI, 350p. : il. ; 21 cm -(Sabest ; Bd. 14).


ISBN 9783631561867.

1. Traducere i interpretare 2. Traducere literar 3. Limbi

romanice --Istorie.

DE / ger


chest na prof. dr. Tatiiana Slama-Kazaku =psycholinguistic studies : papers in honour of. prof. dr. Tatiana Slama-Cazacu I sstavitelstvo i red.: = collected aud ed. by: Penka I1ieva-Baltova, Krasimira Petrova. -Sofia: Riva, 2007. 424 p. ;21 cm. Ed. bilingv
bulgar -englez .

ISBN 978-954-320-129-7. 1. Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana 2. Psiholingvistic BG I bul =eng


337 SCHULTE, KIM. Prepositional infinitives in romance : a

usage-based approach to syntactic change I by Kim Schulte. -Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2007. 409p. :il. ;23 CITI -(Studies in Historical Linguistics ; v. 3). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783039113279. 1. Lingvistic
comparat comparat comparat

2. Limba romn --Gramatic

--Limba spaniol 3. Limba romn --Gramatic --Limba p;)rtughez .

DE I eng


811.135.1 Limba romn

341 GONCZOL.DAVIES, RAMONA. Romanian an essential
grammar I Ramona GonczOl-Davies. -New York: Routledge, 2007.

256 p. ;22 cm.

ISBN 9780415338240. 1. Limba romn --Gramatic US I eng

342 NICULESCU, ALEXANDRU. ,L'altra latinita : storia

linguistica del romeno tra Oriente e Occidente I Alexandru Niculescu ; a cura di Alvaro Barbieri, Dan Octavian Cepraga, Robetro Scagno. Verona ; Fiorini, 2007.

211 p. ; 21 cm -(La musa critica ; 1).

Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9788887082616. 1. 2. 1. Limba romn --Istorie 2. Limba romn --Dialecte

3. Limba romn --Etimologie.

IT I ita =rum[o]


ROMANIA I herausgegeben von Vahram Atayan. -Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2007. IX, 177 p. : il. ; 21 em -(Bonner romanistische Arbeiten ; Bd. 95). ISBN9783631565728.' 1. Lingvistic .-Analiz de text 2. Limba romn

DE I ger

' ... ..


362 HALL, DONALD JOHN. Romanian furrow I Donald John

HaU ; foreword by Alan Ogden. -London : Bene Faetum. 2007.

X. 177 p. ;24em.

ISBN 9781903071 J20.

1. Literatur



l torii 2.

Romnia --C

l torii.

GB I eng

363 HANSEN, MARSHA. Finding God in the shadows : stories

from the battlefit(lds of life I Marsha Hansen. Peler Huehthausen VIIl. 180 p. ; 22 em. ISBN 9780806653266.

1. Literatur 3. Literatur
US I eng


--Eseu 2. Literatur

i r zboi

i religie

4. Romnia --Spiritualitate.

364 -JUNGMAN, ANN. Vlad the Drac down under I Ann

Jungman. -London : Bam Owl Books. 2007. 185 p. :il. ;20em. ISBN 9781903015667. 1. Literatur US I eng

--Fiqiune 2. Literatur


3. Draeula --Fictiune.

365 -KIRALY, MARIE. Mina: the Draeula story eontinues I

Kiraly Marie. -New York: Berkley Books. 2007. . 342p. ;20em. ISBN 9780425217467.

1. Dracula --Fictiune 2. Transilvania --Fic iune 3. Literatur american --Roman.. US I eng

366 -MARILLIER, JULIET. Wildwood dancing I Juliet

Marillier. -New York: Knopf, 2007. 407 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780375833649. 1. Literatur US I eng

2. Transilvania n literatur


821.133.1 Literatur


379 -WIESEL, ELIE. Un dcsir fou de dancer : roman / Elie

Wiesel. -Paris: Seuil, 2006. 329p. ;22cm. ISBN 9782020859165. 1. Literatur
FR / fre

--Roman 2. Diaspor

romn .

380 -WIESEL, ELIE. Time of the uprooted : a novel / Elie

Wiesel ; translated by David Hapgood. -New York: Schocken Books, 2007.

320p. ;20cm.

Tit. orig. (fre): Le temps des dt~racines.

ISBN 9780805211771.

1. Literatur francez --Roman --Traducere 2. Diaspor romn .

US / eng


381 -WIESEL, ELIE. NaUen / Elie Wiesel ; oversalt av Gerd

Hefst. -Oslo: Aschehoug, 2007.

125p. ;20cm.

Tit. orig. (fre): La Nuit.

ISBN 9788203210549.


1. Literatur francez --Roman --Traducere 2. Romane-document 3. Diaspor romn . NO/ nor = fre[o]



386 BUZURA, AUGUSTIN. The terror of iIIusion : a dialogue

with Chrisula Stefanescu / Augustin Buzura; transIated from the Romanian

by Delia Dragulescu. -Boulder, CO : East European Monographs, 2007.

172 p. ; 23 cm -(East European Monographs ; No. 713).

ISBN 9780880336116.

1. Scriitori romni --Atitudini 2. Scriitori romni --Activit ti


US / eng =rum[o]

387 -C RBUNARIU, GIANINA. Kebab / Gianina C rbunariu ;

translated by Philip Osment. -London : Oberon, 2007. 63 p. ; 21 cm -(Oberon Modern Plays). ISBN 9781840028096.
1. Literatur romn --Teatru --Traducere.

GB / eng =rum[o]

388 -C RBUNARIU, GIANINA. Kebab suivi de Stop the

tempo! / Gianina Carbunariu ; textes franr;ais par Anamaria Marinca, Gabriel Marian, Diana Cilan. -Arles : Actes Sud, 2007. 122 p. ; 20 cm.

ISBN 9782742765119. 1. Literatur


--Teatru --Traducere.

FR / fre = rum[o]

389 -CISCEL, MATTHEW H. The language of the moldovans :

Romania, Russia and identity in an ex-soviet republic / Matthew H. CisceI. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2007. XIII, 171 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. 161-168. Index. ISBN 97807391 [4438.

1. Limba romn --Basarabia 2. Limba romn --Dialecte Moldova (Republica) 3. Limba romn '--Identitate. US / eng

,13'}, ~UU.JOGRAf~.A.

NAI~ONAl ~OM,4, li \

435 -LE ET, IERT KELL : Remenyik / szerk.:

....,' :.~ ~j,;/,!\~ ... E~JG=t,e,1 : l\l;)P, 2HD7

;, . i~ ;

.?; fi7J . iErH~4"~t t;:~l~~~. ~ ,"O)~

din Romnia i

iS~,H 9n::tJ3S'0':'~;'L -;3.

i. ,'cmcnyik ~'artdor 2. Literatur maghiar

Antologii 3. literatur
critic .


din Romnia- Istorie

HU f hun 436 -MERES GVORGY. Emmi / Mehes Oyorgy. -Budapest :

Ulpius-haz, 2007.

191 p. ;21 cm.

ISBN 9789632540375. 1. Literatur HU / hun

din Romnia --Roman.

437 -NYIRO JaZSEF. Arenaba uzve : oneletrajzi vallomasok /

Nyiro J6zsef ; Oy. Szab6 Bela metszeteivel. .. Budapest : Kairosz, 2007.

525p. : il. ;20cm. ~

ISBN 9789636620509.
1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia --Memorii.

HU / hun

438 -NYIRO JaZSEF. Huli immar a feny6toboz / Nyir6 J6zsef.

.. Szeged : Lazi, 2005.

205 p. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9789637138232. 1. Literatur

din Romnia --Antologii 2. Literatur


din Romnia --Nuvel

HU / hun

439 -NYIRO JaZSEF. Ime, az emberek / Nyiro J6zsef. -Szeged

: Lazi, 2007.

305 p. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9789639690455. I. Literatur
!-fU / hun

din Romnia --Roman.


324p. : il. ; 26 cm.

ISBN 9781879621404. 452 -PALAGUTA, ILIA. Tripolye culture during the beginning
1.. Preistorie --Studiu Metodologie

predare 2. Arheologie --

of the middle period (BI) : the relative chronology and local grouping of sites

/ JIia Palaguta. -Oxford: John and Erica Hedges, 2007.

--Studiu i predare.

X, 182 p. : il. ; 30 cm -(BAR international series ; 1666).

US /eng

BibJiogr. p. 76-90.

908 Monografii zonale


ISBN 9781407300702. (Seiten)blicke in der Dobrudscha / Julia LutschinaNazarenko ; hrsg.: Radu F.

1. Cultura Cucuteni-Tripolie 2. S

p turi arheologice

Barth. -MUnchen: Barbulescu, 2007.

Moldova 3. Preistorie.

136 p. : il. ;21 cm-(Europ ISBN 9783930672905.

ische KUnstler).

GB /eng

J. Dobrogea --Turism 2. Monografii zonale. 453 -TELLING CHILDREN ABOUT THE PAST : an DE/ ger

interdisciplinary perspective / edited by Nena Galanidou, Corina Sarbu,

Dragos Gheorghiu, ... -Ann Arbor, MI : International Monographs in

Prehistory, 2007.


486 HENRY, GEORGE C. No foxholes in the sky (and) guns of
Ploesti / by George C. Henry. -Madison, WI : University of Wisconsin Press,

184 p. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 9703631652789. 1. Iorga, Nicolae 2. Groulx, Lionel 3. Politic interbelic
4;. Politic
i istorie.

2007. 277p. : il. ;23cm.

Bibliogr. p. 269-276. ISBN 9781598725353. 1. R
zboi mondial

DE / rre

(1939-1945) --Aspecte militare 2. R

zboi ti

mondial (1939-1945) --Opera iuni aeriene americane --Ploie

3. Armat --SUA --Forte aeriene.

US /eng

487 -IORGA, NICOLAE. Biiyiik Tiirk : fatih ve donemi / Nicolae

lorga ; ceviri: NilUfer Epceli, Kemal Beydilli. -Istanbul: Yeditepe Yayinevi,

2007. 280 p. : il. ; 22 cm -(Inceleme-Arastirma Dizisi ; 62).

ISBN 9789756480724. 1. Imperiul Otoman --Istorie --Sec. XV. TR / tur =rum[o)

488 -JARAUSCH, KONRAD HUGO. Conflicted memories

europeanizing contemporary histories / by Konrad Hugo larausch, Dragos Petrescu, Annelie Ramsbrock. -New York: Berghahn Books, 2007. XII, 293 p. : il. ; 24 cm -(Studies in Contemporary European History ; v. 3). ISBN 9781845452841.
1. Europa --Istorie --Sec. XX 2. Europa --Civilizatie --

Istorie. US /eng

489 -KOLAR, ADRIANA. La dimension politique de l'histoire :

L. Groulx (Quebec) et N. Iorga (Roumanie) entre les deux guerres mondiales / Adriana Kolar. -Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2007.

olask{,', Ai'i~J~~w (ed.) -85

;)~I:\.d!"i!'. hb-x


Bi"il:)':l, $';;;)1/ -7U Biylh, AJistair (Irad,) -89 Boettke, Peter J, (pref.) -170 Bogdan-Verger, Olimpia (trad,) -399
B hlig, T.L. -330 Boia, Lucian -60, 479

Boisdron, Matthieu -506 Hollon, Patrice -26 Borchardt, Norman (il.) -355 Bordianu, Cristina (trad.) -198 Bos, Jan Willem-463 Bossert, Rolf -384 Boual, Jean-Claude -194 Boudreaux, Karol -170 Boulerice, Stephane -183 Bourdon, Sylvain (ed, t.) -156 Bourgain, Jean (ed.) -226 Bozki, Andrs -86 Boz6ki Andnis -71 Brachet, Phi1ippe -194 Brandt, Juliane (trad,) -48 Braunschweig, Stephane -323
Br tescu, Geta

(ed,) -310

Breban, Domnica Cristina -248 Brezianu, Andrei -495 Brnzeu, Pia -338 Brooke, Stephanie L. -38 Brown, Peter (ed,) -358 Bruckstein, Ludovic -385 Brune, Elisa -251 Buchanan, Donna (ed.) -317 Bucur, Bogdan G. (ed.) -45 Bucur, Maria -494 Bugajski, Janusz -149 Burke, Sheila P. (ecl.) -200 Butcovan, Mihai Mircea (ed.) -348 Buturovic, Amila (ed.) -24


Der-Chen Chang .. 219 Diacol1u, M
d linu -18

Dimilriu, Christian -473 Dimitriu, Raluca -186 Dimitriu, Sorin (ed.) -280 Dimitriu, Vlad (ed.) -41 Dimitrov, Dimitr (ed.) -319 Dinescu, Dan Ioan (fato.) -22 Dinescu, Maria (ed.) -282 Dinu, Liviu P. -222 Diudea, Mircea -249
Dobri an, Dorin


Downing, Debra C. (ed.) -280 Dragomir, Lucia -392 Dragomir, Sorin -216
Dr gulescu, Delia

(trad.) -386

Drekic, Steve -160 Drummond, Jane (ed.) -287 Duggal, Krishan -216 Dumitrache, Cristiana (ed.) -236-237
Dumitra , Dan

C. (ed.) -282

Dumitrescu, Alexandru Marius (ed.) -319 Dumitrescu, Bogdan -269 Dumitru, Raluca -256 Dumitru, Speranta (ed. Dura, Nicolae -102
t.) -142

Eason, Robert (ed.) -246 Edwards, Brian -359 Edwards, Stephen A. (ed.) -5 Eichler, Martin (foto.) -462 Eisenberg, Deborah (pref.) -375 Eke Zsuszanna -291 Eles, Petru -II Eliade, Mircea -393-394, 507 Elo-Valente, Maarit -292 Eisted, Crispin (ed.) -345

Elsted, Jan (ed.) -345


Marinescu, Ioan D. -271-272 Marinescu, Marin (ed.) -280 Mariotti, Alessandro -475 Markovits, Andrei S. -113, 331 Marks, John -367-368 Martin, Roger L. -206 Matei, Sorin Adam (ed.) -10 Mattheus, Bernd -28
M rg rit, Laurentiu M rginean, Ioan



McFariane, Brian (pref.) -411 McMahon, Patrice -141 Medvigy Endre (ed.) -440, 513 Megiddo, Eran (ed.) -3 Mehes Gyorgy -436 Mezei Elemer (ed.) -62 Michiels, Wim -227 Mihai, Alina Mihaela -263
Mih ilescu, Ion

N. (ed.) -246 -84

Mih ilescu, M d lin -12

Mih ilescu, Mihaela

Miksys Andrew (foto.) -315 Milata, Paul -512 Milewski, Dariusz -498 Miller-White, Marilyn -13 Mioc, Vasile (ed.) -237 Mircan, Mihnea (ed.) -306 Mirecki, Paul Alian (ed.) -43 Miron, Andrei (ed.) -448 Miron, Auguste (ed.) -448 Miskolczy Ambrus -349 Mitrut, Cristina Andreea -163 Moldoveanu, Mihnea C. -206 Molnar Vera -308 Molotiu, Andrei -307 Molter Karoly (pref.) -432 Moody, Ivan V. G. -319 Morley, David (ed.) -407 Moroianu, Andrei -228



thesis -220 Le corps travesti -325 Correlating database IlO accesses at the storage server -12

Building after Katrina : visions for the Gulf Coast -290 Bukarest -Wien : eine kulturhistorische Touristik an Europas Randern -18 Die Bukowina : Erkundungen einer Kulturlandschaft -461 Bulgarite v Galats prez Vuzrazhdaneto -140 BUyUk TUrk : fatih ve donemi -487

Carol II of Romania / Maria Bucur -494 Censorial sensitivities : free speech and religion in a fundamentalist world 184 Central European history and the European Union : the meaning of Europe 480 CGE models and capital income tax reforms : the case of a dual income tax for Germany -169 Charisma and fascism in interwar Europe -481 Choisir ses immigres? -142 Church and state: theology and continuity of Orthodox religious nationalism in Romania: thesis -52 A cinematic translation of Ionel Teodoreanu's Lorelei : creating a film script from a classic romanian novel -411 Cioran: Portrait eines radikalen skeptikers -28 Cioran, der ketzer -26 Comic abstraction : image breaking, image making -305 Communicating cultural heritage in the 21st century -482 Communism and the emergence of democracy -91 A companion to medieval english literature and culture, 1350-1500 -358 Compiling ESTEREL -5 Computer-aided design of user interfaces : proceedings of the sixth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI '06 (6-8 June 2006, Bucharest, Romania) -6 La conexi6n rumana : Alberti, Neruda, Lara : thesis ,-347 Conflicted memories : europeanizing contemporary histories -488 Considerations theoriques de l'elargissement de l'Union europeenne a l'Est : la cas de la Roumanie : these -183 Constructions and characterizations of non-interactive zero-knowledge

188 BIBLIOGRAFIA NA IONAL Little cricky -397 Living gender after communism -59


Modes of religiosity in eastern christianity : religious processes and social change in Ukraine -50 Mona : roman -372

Long road to peace : studies in international regional conflicts -501 Ludwig Wittgenstein -37 Lupamai pou den eimai ellinas : tesseris roumanoi poiites : Ana Blantiana, Marin Soreskou, Nikita Staneskou, Ioanint Romaneskou -402

Magyar pszicho -444 Magyarorszag, Romania es a nemzeti kerdes : 1956-1989 -496 The making of bronze age Eurasia -451 Management guide Romania -286 Manipulating quantum coherence in solid state systems : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State Systems, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29 August-8 September, 2005 -243 Maramures: a travel guide to Romania's region of wooden churches -292 Marie of Romania: Images of a Queen -511 Mathematical aspects of nonlinear dispersive equations -226 Mathematical concepts in non linear dynamics -222 MCITP developer : Microsoft SQL server 2005 data acces design and optimization (70-442) study guide -13 Mecanique des milieux continus : concepts de base -241 Memoirs of an anti-semite -375 Memorii / Eliade, Mircea -393 Memosphere : rethinking monuments -306 Mental causation and the exclusion argument: thesis -29 The Merry Cemetery of Sapanta -213 Mesoscopic spin Hali effect in semiconductor nanostructures -279 Mi az igazsag Erdely eseteben? -513 Michael Radulescu, quelque souvenirs : entretiens avec Pascale Rouet -321 Migration issues relating to the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU 190 Mina: the Dracula story continues -365 Mircea Eliade: vita e pensiero di un maestro d'iniziazioni -475 Misszionariusok a kora ujkori Magyarorszagon -46



Sashegyen innen, Sashegyen tul -428 Das schweigen der engel -51 Science fiction cinema: between fantasy and reality -324 Scientific computing in electrical engineering : [6th international conference : Sinaia, 17th to 22nd September 2006 : proceedings] -234 Scorbura; P
pu a de crp


Seismes et volcans : mais qu'est-ce qui fait palpiter la Terre? -251 Semper stare: roman temoignage -410 Sentinella del nuUa : itinerari meditativi di E.M. Cioran -30 Les services publics en Europe: Bulgarie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lettonie, Lithuanie, Pologne, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Tchequie -194 The seven-headed dragon -415 La sexualite collective de la revoJution bolchevique a nos jours -39 Shards of memory : narratives of Holocaust survival -135 Si u tradhtua dhe u shit Europa e Lindjes : gabimet tragjike te Cercillit dhe te Ruzveltit -478 Sibiu -Hermannstadt : oriental trade in sixteenth century Transylvania -182 Sibiu, Hermannstadt : European capital of culture -462 Sich ein bild machen von Diet Sayler -308
SiebenbUrgisch-s chsische Pfarrer,

Lehrer und Journalisten in der Zeit der


kommunistischen Diktatur (1944-1971) -21 Das siebenbUrgische glas im 17. und 18. jahrhundert : technische I kUnstlerische tendenzen -302 Silicon-on-insulator technology and devices -278 La singolare storia di Pietro Ottone da Scopetta -127 Sisters of Medea : the tragic heroine across cultures -344 Social cooking Romania -310 Social mobility and educational attainment among romanian rroma : thesis 138 The society portrait : from David to Warhol -297 Some theoretical justification for extended conditional covariance measures : thesis -209 Spatial relationships between crustal structures and mantIe seismicity in the Vrancea seismogenic zone of Romania: implications for geodynamic evolution : thesis -253 Le spectateur condamne a mort : thetre -423


Vrancea --Cutremure --Cercetare -252, 254 Vulcanologie -251

Waffen-SS --Recrut ri --Transilvania -512 Warlikowski, Krzysztof --Convorbiri -329 Wass Albert -94 Wing-chun -330 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 1889-1951 --Critic
i interpretare


Lista publica iilor Bibliotecii Na ionalea Romniei

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r i.Albume.H r i rite i audiovizuale:

seria: Documente muzicale tip seria: Publica ii seriale: anual seria: Romnica: anual


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seria: Teze de doctorat: semestrial Catalogul c r ilor str ine intrate n bibliotecile din Romnia,4/an Repertoriul periodicelor str ine intrate n bibliotecile din Romnia, lIan

Anivers ri culturale, 2/an Biblioteconomie: sinteze, metodologii, traduceri, 4/an . . Abstracte n bibliologie i tiin a inform rii, 4/an . Bibliografia c r ilor n curs de apari ie (CIP), 12/an . Revista Bibliotecii Na ionale a Romniei, 2/an . Revista romn de istorie a c r ii, lIan . Dosar de restaurare. Revista romn de conservare, lIan . Carte romneasc curent -pe CD (pentru utilizatorii TINLIB), 12/an

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51 53 54 55 56 57 59

BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN Matematic ................................................................................................ 67 Fizic ......................................................................................................... 68 Chimie ....................................................................................................... 70 Geologie. Meteorologie. Hidrologie.......................................................... 71 Paleontologie ............................................................................................. 72 Biologie ..................................................................................................... 72 Zoologie..................................................................................................... 73

0 GENERALITI............................................................................................... 9 004 Calculatoare. Prelucrarea datelor............................................................... 9 008 Civilizaie. Cultur................................................................................... 11 070 Ziaristic .................................................................................................. 14 1 FILOZOFIE...................................................................................................... 16 14 Sisteme filozofice ...................................................................................... 21 159.9 Psihologie ............................................................................................. 21 16 Logic. Teoria cunoaterii ......................................................................... 22 2 RELIGIE........................................................................................................... 23 23/28 Religie cretin ..................................................................................... 24 29 Religii necretine ....................................................................................... 28 3 TIINE SOCIALE, ECONOMICE I JURIDICE..................................... 28 3-05 Categorii de persoane ............................................................................. 28 316 Sociologie ................................................................................................ 29 32 Politic....................................................................................................... 32 322 Relaia dintre stat i biseric .................................................................... 37 323.1 Minoriti naionale .............................................................................. 38 325 Emigraie. Imigraie. Deportri................................................................ 45 327 Politic extern ........................................................................................ 47 33 Economie ................................................................................................... 49 331 Munc ...................................................................................................... 50 334 Forme de organizare i cooperare n economie ....................................... 51 336 Finane ..................................................................................................... 51 338 Situaie economic. Politic economic .................................................. 52 339 Comer ..................................................................................................... 54 34 Drept. Legislaie. Jurispruden ................................................................. 55 35.0/354 Administraie public ...................................................................... 60 355/359 Armata. tiin i art militar.......................................................... 61 36 Asisten social. Protecia consumatorului .............................................. 62 37 Educaie. nvmnt. Timp liber .............................................................. 63 39 Etnografie. Folclor..................................................................................... 64 394 Obiceiuri privind viaa public ................................................................ 66 5 TIINE TEORETICE I NATURALE ....................................................... 66 502/504 tiina mediului nconjurtor ............................................................ 66

6 TIINE APLICATE ...................................................................................... 74 61 Medicin .................................................................................................... 74 62 Tehnic. Inginerie...................................................................................... 75 620 Materiale. Merceologie. Energetic......................................................... 77 623 Tehnic militar....................................................................................... 77 624/627 Construcii ........................................................................................ 78 631/635 Agronomie. Fitopatologie. Horticultur ........................................... 78 64 Economie casnic ...................................................................................... 79 65 Management. Conducere i organizare...................................................... 80 654 Telecomunicaii ....................................................................................... 80 656 Transporturi. Servicii potale................................................................... 81 7 ART. ARHITECTUR. DISTRACII. SPORT........................................ 81 71 Urbanism ................................................................................................... 81 72 Arhitectur................................................................................................. 82 73/76 Arte plastice. Desen tehnic ................................................................... 84 77 Fotografie .................................................................................................. 88 78 Muzic ....................................................................................................... 89 791/792 Arta spectacolului ............................................................................. 90 796/799 Sport ................................................................................................. 92 8 LINGVISTIC. FILOLOGIE. LITERATUR............................................ 92 81 Lingvistic ................................................................................................. 92 811 Limbi individuale .................................................................................... 94 82.09 Critic i istorie literar ........................................................................ 95 821 Literaturi individuale ............................................................................. 101 821.11 Literaturi de limbi germanice ........................................................... 102 821.111 Literatur englez i de limb englez............................................ 102 821.112.2 Literatur german....................................................................... 106 821.112.2(498) Literatur german din Romnia......................................... 110 821.131.1 Literatur italian......................................................................... 110 821.133.1 Literatur francez ....................................................................... 111 821.134.2 Literatur spaniol i de limb spaniol....................................... 116



821.135.1 Literatur romn......................................................................... 116 821.16 Literaturi slave.................................................................................. 125 821.511.141 Literatur maghiar.................................................................. 126 821.511.141(498) Literatur maghiar din Romnia.................................... 128 9 GEOGRAFIE. BIOGRAFII. ISTORIE ....................................................... 130 902/904 Arheologie. Preistorie ..................................................................... 130 908 Monografii zonale.................................................................................. 132 91 Geografie ................................................................................................. 132 913 Geografie pe ri individuale ................................................................. 133 913(498) Geografia Romniei ...................................................................... 134 929 Biografii. Genealogie. Heraldic ........................................................... 138 93/99 Istorie.................................................................................................. 141 94(100) Istorie universal ............................................................................. 142 94(4/9) Istoria pe ri individuale ................................................................. 146 94(498) Istoria Romniei.............................................................................. 146 INDEX DE NUME ............................................................................................. 152 INDEX DE TITLURI......................................................................................... 176 INDEX DE SUBIECT ........................................................................................ 198




0 GENERALITI 004 Calculatoare. Prelucrarea datelor 1. The pharmacy informatics primer / edited by Doina Dumitru ; with a foreword by Karl Gumpper. - Bethesda, MD : American Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists, 2008. XI, 251 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781585281664 1. Informatic aplicat -- Farmacie 2. Medicamente -- Baze de date 3. Management US / eng 2. Advances in intelligent and distributed computing / Costin Badica, Marcin Paprzycki (eds.). - Berlin : Springer, 2008. XIV, 309 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Studies in computational intelligence ; 78). Bibliogr. ISBN 3540749292 ISBN 9783540749295 1. Inteligen artificial 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Memorie DE / eng 3. Central European functional programming school / editors: Zoltn Horvth, Rinus Plasmeijer, Horia F. Pop. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. 301 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 5161). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783540880585 1. Calculatoare electronice -- Utilizare -- Formare profesional DE / eng

4. Handbuch Rumnien - Kontakte online : institutionen, projekte, initiativen in Deutschland und Rumnien / Hrsg.: Anke Pfeifer. - Osnabrck : Fibre Verlag, 2008. 141 p. ; 31 cm. ISBN 978-3-938400-37-1 1. Relaii culturale romno-germane 2. Comunicare digital DE / ger 5. Logics of specification languages / edited by Martin Henson, Rzvan Diaconescu. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. XXI, 623 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Monographs in theoretical computer science). Index. ISBN 9783540741060 1. Limbaje de programare (calculatoare electronice) 2. Limbaje de programare logic paralel DE / eng 6. LUNGU, VASILE. Assembly language programming for INTEL processors family / Vasile Lungu. - New Delhi : Firewall Media, 2008. XIV, 577 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788170088035 1. Limbaje de programare (calculatoare electronice) IN / eng 7. VELQUEZ, JUAN D. Adaptive web sites : a knowledge extraction from web data approach / Juan D. Velsquez and Vasile Palade. Washington : IOS Press, 2008. XXIV, 272 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 170). Bibliogr. p. 241-267. Index. ISBN 9781586038311 ISBN 1586038311 1. Inteligen artificial 2. Internet -- Terminologie US / eng





8. ZAMFIR, CRISTIAN. Live migration of user environments across wide area networks : thesis / Cristian Zamfir. - Glasgow : University of Glasgow, 2008. 99 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Informatic GB / eng 008 Civilizaie. Cultur 9. Dialoge ber Grenzen : Beitrge zum 4. Konstanzer Europa Kolloquium / Hrsg.: Norina Procopan, Ren Scheppler. - Klagenfurt : Wieser Verlag, 2008. 234 p. ; 23 cm. - (Wieser Wissenschaft). Bibliogr. ISBN 978-3-85129-749-2 1. Uniunea European -- Relaii culturale 2. Cultur european -- Teme, motive DE / ger 10. ERDLYI, LSZL. rpd-kor : a magyar llam, trsadalom, mvelds legrgibb trtnete 1301-ig / Erdlyi Lszl ; Brny Attila (szerk.). Gdll : Attraktor, 2008. III, 258 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Historia incognita. Trtnettudomny ; 23). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639857032 1. rpd, dinastia 2. Maghiari -- Cultur i civilizaie -- Istorie 3. Civilizaie medieval -- Transilvania HU / hun

11. Integrated management tools in the heritage of South-East Europe : Covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. / editor: Rob Pickard ; presentations authored by Juris Dambis. Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2008. 283 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (European heritage). ISBN 9789287162649 1. Europa de Sud-Est 2. Politic cultural 3. Management cultural -- Romnia FR / eng 12. IONESCU, CHRISTINA. Word and image in the long eighteenth century : an interdisciplinary dialogue / Christina Ionescu ; edited by Renata Schellenberg. - Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2008. XII, 360 p. : il. color ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781847185044 1. Interdisciplinaritate 2. Cultur i civilizaie -- Teme, motive GB / eng 13. KARNOOUH, CLAUDE. L'invention du peuple : Chroniques de Roumanie et d'Europe orientale / Claude Karnoouh. - Paris : Harmattan, 2008. 408 p. ; 24 cm. - (Les penses libres). ISBN 9782296058590 1. Modernizare i tradiie -- Romnia 2. Cultur politic -- Romnia -- Istorie 3. Cultur i civilizaie european FR / fre 14. PANOU, NIKOLAOS. How to do kings with words : Byzantine imperial ideology and the representation of power in pre-Phanariot admonitory literature : thesis / by Nikolaos Panou. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2008. V, 287 p. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Bizantinologie 2. rile Romne 3. Cultur bizantin US / eng





15. POMOGTS, BLA. Sokarc Erdlyisg : tanulmnyok s jegyzetek / Pomogts Bla. - Budapest : Kzdk, 2007. 196 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789635524075 1. Transilvanism 2. Multiculturalism HU / hun 16. POPESCU, VIOLETA P. Personalita romene in Italia : incontri, storie ed esperienze / Violeta P. Popescu ; prefazione: prof. Giorgio Galli. Milano : Edizioni Dell'Arco, 2008. 260 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9788878761094 1. Personaliti culturale romneti -- Italia 2. Relaii culturale romno-italiene IT / ita 17. State on stage : the impact of public policies on the performing arts in Europe / editors: Hans Onno van den Berg, Llus Bonet, Vesna opi. Amsterdam : Boekmanstichting, 2008. 240 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 233-236. Conine: A need for rejuvenation : public funding and the performing arts in Romania / Corina uteu. ISBN 9789066500914 1. Politic cultural -- Europa de Est 2. Intelectuali -- Condiie 3. Management cultural -- Romnia NL / eng 18. Sustainable development strategies in South-East Europe / edited by Robert Pickard, Anne-Marie Cousin, Bruno Coussy. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2008. 221 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (European heritage). ISBN 9789287163714 ISBN 9287163715 1. Europa de Sud-Est 2. Motenire cultural 3. Management cultural -- Romnia FR / eng

19. TOR, TIBOR. Regional Identity in Elite Discourse / Tor Tibor. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 108 p. ; 30 cm. ISBN 9783639066005 ISBN 3639066006 1. Identitate colectiv 2. Banat -- Cultur i civilizaie -- Identitate DE / eng 070 Ziaristic 20. CORENDEA, ANDREEA. Objectivity versus propaganda in Romanian news : an analysis for news programs before and after the fall of commmunism : thesis / Andreea Corendea. - Miami, FL : Saint Thomas University, 2008. VI, 169 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Mass media audiovizual -- Romnia 2. Mass media i ideologie US / eng 21. Discourse theory and cultural analysis : media, arts and literature / edited by Nico Carpentier, Erik Spinoy. - Cresskill, N.J. : Hampton Press, 2008. VI, 391 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (The Hampton Press communication. Popular culture). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Reading the New Horizon: the role of Romanian media discourse in the 2004 elections power shift / Henrieta Anisoara Serban. ISBN 9781572738096 1. Mass media -- Aspect politic 2. Analiza discursului 3. Mass media -- Postcomunism -- Romnia US / eng





22. FINARU, STEVE. Big boy rules : America's mercenaries fighting in Iraq / Steve Fainaru. - Cambridge, Mass. : Da Capo Press, 2008. XVII, 254 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 235. Index. ISBN 9780306817434 ISBN 0306817438 1. Rzboiul din Bagdad (2003) 2. Jurnalism -- Diaspor romn 3. Terorism internaional GB / eng 23. GALON, ANNA. Zwischen Pflicht und Kr : die Hermannstdter Zeitung und die Siebenbrger Sachsen im kommunistischen Rumnien und nach der Wende / Anna Galon. - Bonn : Schiller, 2008. 166 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 163 - 166. ISBN 978-3941271043 1. Pres german -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Pres local DE / ger 24. MZES, HUBA. Vilgfigyel tet : Mozzanatok az Erdlyi Helikon trtnetbl : 1928-1944 / Mzes Huba. - Miskolc : Bbor Kiad, 2008. 356 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789639634695 1. Reviste de cultur maghiare din Romnia -- Istorie 2. Erdlyi Helikon, revist -- Istorie HU / hun 25. PALOTAI, MRIA. Psztortz : 1921-1944 : egy erdlyi irodalmi folyirat trtnete / Palotai Mria. - Budapest : Argumentum, 2008. 296 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789634464853 1. Transilvania -- Via intelectual 2. Reviste literare maghiare din Romnia -- Istorie HU / hun

26. POPESCU, MARINA. Media effects and contingencies : a crossnational analysis of television influences on voting behaviour : thesis / Marina Popescu. - Colchester : University of Essex, 2008. 339 p. ; 31 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Mass media -- Aspect politic 2. Mass media -- Manipulare 3. Politic i mass media GB / eng 1 FILOZOFIE 27. CIORAN, EMIL. De lagrimas de santos / E.M. Cioran ; prefacio de Sanda Stolojan ; traduccin de Rafael Panizo. - Barcelona : Tusquets, 2008. 115 p. : 20 cm. - (Fbula ; 271). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Des larmes et des saints. ISBN 9788483830536 ISBN 8483830531 1. Filozofia spiritului -- Eseu 2. Filozofie cretin ES / spa = fre 28. CIORAN, EMIL. Historia i utopia / Emil Cioran ; prze. i posowiem opatrzy Marek Bieczyk. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Aletheia, 2008. 210 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Histoire et utopie. ISBN 9788361182269 ISBN 8361182268 1. Filozofie -- Istorie 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana PL / pol = fre 29. CIORAN, EMIL. O niedogodnoci narodzin / Emil Cioran ; prze. Ireneusz Kania. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Aletheia, 2008. 276 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): De l'inconvnient d'tre n. ISBN 9788361182214 ISBN 8361182217 1. Filozofie PL / pol = fre





30. CIORAN, EMIL. Samotno i przeznaczenie / Emil Cioran ; prze. Anastazja Dwulit. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo KR, 2008. 271 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Solitude et destin. ISBN 9788389158475 ISBN 8389158477 1. Filozofie 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana PL / pol = fre 31. CIORAN, EMIL. Tsnvats linelu anharmarut'yan masin / Emil Sioran ; t'argmanich', Nune Abrahamyan ; harajabane, Mark Nshanyani. - Erevan : Ink'nagir Grakan Akumb, 2008. 300 p. : 17 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): De l'inconvnient d'tre n. ISBN 9789994121052 ISBN 9994121057 1. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Filozofie AM / arm = fre 32. CIORAN, EMIL. Werke / Emile M. Cioran ; bersetzungen: Franois Bondy, Paul Celan. - Frankfurt : Suhrkamp, 2008. 1085 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Suhrkamp Quarto). ISBN 9783518420072 ISBN 3518420070 1. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Filozofie DE / ger = fre 33. CIORAN, EMIL. Zy demiurg / Emil Cioran ; prze. Ireneusz Kania. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Aletheia, 2008. 191 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Le mauvais dmiurge. ISBN 9788361182153 ISBN 8361182152 1. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Filozofie -- Eseu PL / pol = fre

34. GOLDFEDER, MATTHEW S.. The art of failure : Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, E.M. Cioran and the role of aesthetics in politics : thesis / Matthew S. Goldfeder. - Charlottesville : University of Virginia, 2008. IV, 278 p. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Tez de doctorat. 1. Arendt, Hannah 2. Foucault, Michel 3. Cioran, Emil 4. Filozofie politic -- Istorie 5. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana US / eng 35. MEZDREA, DORA. Nae Ionescu : Leben, Werk, Wirkung / Dora Mezdrea ; bersetzt von Erwin Hellmann ; colab. Mircea Eliade. - Wien : Karolinger Verlag, 2008. 287 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Osten). Traducerea manuscrisului din limba romn de Erwin Hellmann; colaborator Mircea Eliade. Bibliogr. p. 285-286. ISBN 9783854181200 ISBN 3854181200 1. Ionescu, Nae 2. Filozofi romni -- Biografie 3. Diaspor romn DE / ger = rum 36. NJERA, JOS IGNACIO. El universo malogrado : carta a Cioran / Jos Ignacio Njera. - Murcia : Tres fronteras, 2008. 220 p. : 23 cm. ISBN 8475644244 ISBN 9788475644240 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism ES / spa





37. NOICA, CONSTANTIN. Le devenir envers l'tre / Constantin Noica ; trad. du roumain par Nicolas Cavaills. - Hildesheim : Georg Olms Verlag, 2008. 362 p. ; 24 cm. - (Europaea memoria ; 4). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Devenirea ntru fiin. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 978-3-487-13630-1 1. Filozofie -- Concepte 2. Filozofie -- Eseu -- Traducere 3. Ontologie DE / fre = rum 38. PATAPIEVICI, HORIA-ROMAN. El hombre reciente : una crtica a la modernidad desde la posicin de quien se pregunta : qu perdemos cada vez que ganamos algo? / Horia-Roman Patapievici ; traducido del rumano por Ileana Scipione. - Barcelona : ltera, 2008. 427 p. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Omul recent : o critic a modernitii din perspectiva ntrebrii "Ce se pierde atunci cnd ceva se ctig?". Bibliogr. ISBN 8489779759 ISBN 9788489779754 1. Filozofie romneasc -- Modernitate 2. Filozofie i societate -- Moral ES / spa = rum 39. PDUREAN, VASILE. Spiel, Kunst, Schein : Nietzsche als ursprnglicher Denker / Vasile Pdurean. - Stuttgart : Kohlhammer, 2008. 247 p. : 24 cm. - (Ursprnge des Philosophierens ; Bd. 18). Bibliogr. p. 243-247. ISBN 9783170201668 ISBN 3170201662 1. Nietzsche, Friedrich 2. Filozofi germani 3. Filozofie german -- Critic i interpretare DE / ger

40. SARCA, MARIA IOANA. Aussenseitertum und metaphysisches Exil : eine vergleichende Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken Emil Ciorans und Josef Winklers / Maria Ioana Sarca. - Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008. 133 p. ; 21 cm. - (Europische Hochschulschriften. Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd. 118). Biblogr. Index. ISBN 9783631570692 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Winkler, Josef 3. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 4. Metafizic 5. Filozofie DE / ger 41. ZANAZ, HAMID. La mlancolie joyeuse : excursions dans la philosophie de Cioran / Hamid Zanaz. - Paris : dilivre, 2008. 87 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-2-35607-517-8 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism FR / fre 42. ZARIFOPOL-JOHNSTON, ILINCA. Searching for Cioran / Ilinca Zarifopol-Johnston ; edited by Kenneth R. Johnston ; foreword by Matei Calinescu. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2008. 312 p. : il. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780253352675 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism US / eng

ROMNICA 14 Sisteme filozofice




43. CULIANU, IOAN PETRU. Dualistick gnze zpadu / Ioan P. Culianu ; peloil Jan Jone. - Praha : Argo, 2008. 375 p. ; 22 cm. - (Logos ; 10). Trad. dup ed.: Gnoses dualistes d'Occident. Paris : Plon, 1990. Bibliogr. la sfritul capitolelor. ISBN 978-80-7203-930-2 1. Filozofie i religie 2. Gnosticism -- Istorie CZ / cze = fre 159.9 Psihologie 44. Major depression in women / edited by Pauline R. Bancroft and Leli B. Ardley. - New York : Nova Biomedical Books, 2008. XI, 191 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Pharmacologic and psychosocial treatments for postpartum depression / Andreea L. Seritan. ISBN 9781604562125 1. Femei -- Condiii sociale 2. Depresie nervoas 3. Sociologie medical US / eng 45. PROCTOR, CURTIS. Behavioral indicators as attachment difficulties / Curtis Proctor. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 100 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783639071191 ISBN 3639071190 1. Adopie -- Aspect psihologic 2. Copii adoptai -- Romnia 3. Psihologie infantil DE / eng

46. SVAEK, MARUKA. Postsocialism : politics and emotions in Central and Eastern Europe / Maruka Svaek. - New York : Berghahn Books, 2005. VI, 234 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Sentiments and/as property rights: restitution and conflict in postsocialist Romania / Filippo M. Zerilli. ISBN 9781845455347 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Postsocialism 2. Psihologie social 3. Romnia -- Stress social US / eng 47. TAYLOR, LINDA D. Creative thinking and worldviews in Romania : thesis / Linda D. Taylor. - Reno : University of Nevada. Dept. of Counseling and Educational Psychology, 2008. VI, 117 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. p.76-83. Tez de doctorat. 1. Cri electronice 2. Via intelectual -- Romnia 3. Psihologie educaional US / eng 16 Logic. Teoria cunoaterii 48. DIACONESCU, RZVAN. Institution-independent model theory / Rzvan Diaconescu. - Boston : Birkhuser, 2008. XI, 376 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Studies in universal logic). ISBN 9783764387075 1. Logic formal 2. Logic -- Istorie US / eng





49. The impact of the European Reformation : princes, clergy and people / edited by Bridget Heal and Ole Peter Grell. - Aldershot : Ashgate, 2008. XI, 305 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: The Virgin Mary and the Publican: Lutheranism and Social Order in Transylvania / Christine Peters. ISBN 9780754662129 ISBN 0754662128 1. Protestantism -- Transilvania -- Sec. 16-17 2. Religie cretin -- Istorie GB / eng 50. The reception and interpretation of the Bible in late antiquity / edited by Lorenzo Di Tommaso and Lucian Turcescu. - Leiden : Brill, 2008. XXVIII, 608 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (The Bible in ancient Christianity ; vol. 6). ISBN 9789004167155 ISBN 9004167153 1. Exegez 2. Hermeneutic 3. Biblia NL / eng 51. CARTER PREVETTE, WILLIAM. Faith-based organizations and evangelical churches in Romania : an investigation of partnership in reference to children and youth in crisis between 1990 and 2004 : thesis / William Carter Prevette. - Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2008. XV, 145 p. ; 31 cm. Bibliogr. p. 140-145. Tez de doctorat. 1. Biserica Evanghelic Luteran -- Transilvania -- Asisten umanitar 2. Organizaii religioase 3. Via cretin -- Romnia US / eng

52. Mircea Eliade : simbolo de la cultura universal / edited by Catalina Elena Dobre, Rafael Garca Pavn. - Mexico : Corinter, 2008. 161 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Note: In memoriam - en conmemoracin del centenario de su natalicio (1907-1986). Includes several writings by Eliade translated from the Romanian. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789689502050 ISBN 9689502050 1. Eliade, Mircea 2. Istorici ai religiei -- Biografie 3. Istoria religiilor 4. Diaspor romn MX / spa 53. TNASE, LAURENIU D. Pluralisation religieuse et socit en Roumanie / Laurentiu D. Tanase. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2008. 313 p. : graf., tab. ; 21 cm. - (Publications Universitaires Europenes. Srie XXII, Sociologie ; Vol. 422). Bibliogr. ISBN 978-3-03911-521-1 1. Romnia -- Pluralism confesional 2. Religie i politic -- Posttotalitarism CH / fre 23/28 Religie cretin 54. COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, MARC-ANTOINE. Dumitru Staniloae : Ose comprendre que je t'aime / Marc-Antoine Costa de Beauregard. Paris : CERF, 2008. 216 p. ; 21 cm. - (Patrimoines Orthodoxie). Bibliogr. ISBN 978-2204087261 1. Stniloae, Dumitru 2. Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Cler 3. Religie i societate FR / fre





55. CURELARU, VICENIU. Hoi ekklsies tn hellnikn koinottn ts Roumanias ton 19. aina / Vikentios Kourelarou. - Thessalonik : Kyriakides Bros, 2008. 660 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 610-656. Index. ISBN 9789604670154 1. Greci -- Via religioas -- Romnia 2. Minoriti etnice -- Greci -- Romnia 3. Biserici greceti -- Dobrogea -- Istorie GR / grc 56. CURELARU, VICENIU. H historia tou hellnikou naou ts Metamorphses tou Stros sto Galatsi / Vikentios Kourelarou. - Thessalonik : University Studio Press, 2006. 87 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789601214498 1. Biserica "Schimbarea la Fa" (Galai) 2. Biserici greceti -- Istorie GR / grc 57. CURELARU, VICENIU. H historia tou hellnikou naou tou Euangelismou ts Theotokou sto Voukouresti / Vikentios Kourelarou. Thessalonik : University Studio Press, 2005. 91 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789601214474 1. Biserica "Buna Vestire" (Bucureti) 2. Biserici greceti -- Bucureti -- Istorie GR / grc 58. EREMIE, EMIL. The impact of Calvinism on the Romanian church in Transylvania in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : thesis / by Emil Eremie. - Berrien Springs, MI : Andrews University, 2008. IV, 131 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 125-130. Tez de doctorat. 1. Calvinism -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Religie i societate US / eng

59. HALL, CHRISTINE. "Pancosmic" church - specific romnesc : ecclesiological themes in Nichifor Crainic's writings between 1922 and 1944 : thesis / Christine Hall. - Uppsala : Uppsala Universitet, 2008. 309 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9789150620054 ISBN 9150620053 1. Crainic, Nichifor 2. Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Doctrine SE / eng 60. MAYLE, ROSEANN. To Romania with love / by Roseann Mayhle. - Salem, OH : Allegheny, 2008. 206 p. : il. ; 21 cm. 1. Cretinism i societate 2. Via cretin -- Romnia US / eng 61. kumene der Zukunft : hermeneutische perspektiven und die suche nach identitt / herausgegeben von Stephen Lakkis, Stefan Hschele. Frankfurt am Main : Otto Lembeck, 2008. 243 p. ; 22 cm. - (Beiheft zur kumenischen Rundschau ; Bd. 81). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Das Vershnungsprojekt "Healing of Memories" in Rumnien und die Beziehungen zwischen den Konfessionen in Siebenbrgen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert / Olga Lukcs. ISBN 9783874765565 1. Conflicte interconfesionale 2. Biseric i societate 3. Transilvania -- Via religioas -- Istorie DE / ger





62. Receiving the nature and mission of the church : ecclesial reality and ecumenical horizons for the twenty-first century / edited by Paul M. Collins, Michael A. Fahey. - London : T & T Clark, 2008. XX, 145 p. ; 24 cm. - (Ecclesiological investigations ; vol. 1). Bibliogr. Conine: Is there a future for the catholic-protestant dialogue? Nonreception as challenge for ecumenical dialogue / Korinna Zamfir. ISBN 9780567032430 ISBN 0567032434 1. Ecumenism -- Istorie 2. Biserici cretine -- Reconciliere GB / eng 63. SALMAN, GEORGETA. God's blessing : through dreams, visions and premonitions / Georgeta Salman. - Philadelphia : Xlibris, 2008. 79 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781436312905 1. Viziuni 2. Spiritualitate 3. Religie cretin -- Iubire US / eng 64. SAS, PTER. Az erdlyi rmai katolikus egyhz : 1900-1948 / Sas Pter. - Budapest : Mundus, 2008. 271 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Mundus - Magyar Mveldstrtnet). Bibliogr. p. 263-271. ISBN 9789639501645 1. Biserica catolic -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Biserica Romano-Catolic -- Transilvania -- Documente HU / hun 65. SIMU, CORNELIU CRISTIAN. A critical study of Hans Kung's Ecclesiology : From traditionalism to modernism / Corneliu C. Simut. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 208 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780230605404 ISBN 0230605400 1. Kung, Hans 2. Teologie catolic 3. Teologi elveieni de limb german 4. Ecumenism GB / eng

66. TSERKLEVYCH, NATALIA. The knowledge of God and participation in the Trinitarian community : the balanced approach of Dumitru Staniloae / Natalia Tserklevych. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 98 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783639007152 1. Stniloae, Dumitru 2. Teologie cretin DE / eng 29 Religii necretine 67. Hermneutique et bricolage : territoires et frontires de la tradition dans le judaisme / diteur Mdlina Vrtejanu-Joubert. - Bruxelles : Lang, 2008. 304 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 283-304. ISBN 9783039114566 1. Iudaism -- Istorie -- Doctrine 2. Cultur -- Religie -- Teme, motive 3. Hermeneutic teologic BE / fre 3 TIINE SOCIALE, ECONOMICE I JURIDICE 3-05 Categorii de persoane 68. DIACONU, MIOARA. Social capital : the missing link between HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, and related behaviors among young women in Tanzania / Mioara Diaconu. - Ann Arbor : UMI Dissertation Services, 2008. XV, 148 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780549707165 1. Tanzania 2. Sociologie medical 3. HIV/SIDA 4. Femei -- Discriminare sexual US / eng





69. MILLER, JOHNNY. Heart Bridge : Joys and Sorrows at Nathaniel Christian Orphanage in Romania / Johnny Miller. - Berlin, OH : TGS International, 2008. 272 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9781885270733 ISBN 1885270739 1. Orfelinate 2. Copii orfani -- Romnia US / eng 316 Sociologie 70. Att gra historia : vnbok till Christina Florin / Maria Sjberg, Yvonne Svanstrm. - Stockholm : Institutet fr framtidsstudier, 2008. 231 p. ; 24 cm. - (Framtidens samhlle ; 16). Bibliogr. p. 220-228. ISBN 9789185619306 1. Florin, Christina 2. Sociologi romni -- Exil -- Evocare 3 . Sociologie contemporan -- Suedia SE / swe 71. BRETTELL, CAROLINE B. Gender in cross-cultural perspective / Caroline B. Brettell, Carolyn F Sargent. - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2008. 600 p. ; 23 cm. Conine: Political Demography: the banning of abortion in Ceausescu's, Romania / Gail Kligman. ISBN 9780136061328 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Antropologie social -- Sexualitate 3. Comunism -- Romnia -- Demografie US / eng 72. Careers in applied anthropology in the 21st century : perspectives from academics and practitioners / Carla Guerrn-Montero, editor. - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing, 2008. 210 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (NAPA bulletin ; 29). Bibliogr. Conine: Learning applied anthropology in field schools : lessons from Bosnia and Romania / Peter W. Van Arsdale. ISBN 9781405190152 1. Antropologie contemporan 2. Antropologie aplicat -- Romnia US / eng

73. CSEKE, PTER. A magyar szociogrfia erdlyi mhelyei / Cseke Pter. - Budapest : Magyar Napl, 2008. 240 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639603844 1. Sociologie -- Ungaria 2. Sociologie -- Statistici -- Transilvania HU / hun 74. Families in a global context / edited by Charles B. Hennon, Stephan M. Wilson. - New York : Routledge, 2008. XXIV, 596 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 515-576. Index. Conine: Romanian families in the post-communist period / Livia Popescu. ISBN 9780789027078 ISBN 0789027070 1. Sociologie urban -- Familia 2. Familie i societate 3. Romnia -- Postcomunism US / eng 75. KIDECKEL, DAVID A. Getting by in postsocialist Romania : labor, the body, and working-class culture / David A. Kideckel. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2008. XII, 266 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (New anthropologies of Europe). Bibliogr. p. 260-265. Index. ISBN 9780253349576 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia 2. Condiii sociale -- Tranziie US / eng





76. Prostitution and human trafficking / edited by Andrea Di Nicola, Andrea Cauduro, Marco Lombardi, Paolo Ruspini. - New York : Springer, 2008. 256 p. ; 23 cm. Conine: Profiling the demand for trafficked women in Romania ; Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in Romania ; Legislation and policies in Romania ; Clients and their attitudes towards trafficked women in Romania. ISBN 9780387736280 ISBN 038773628X 1. Sociologie 2. Romnia -- Trafic de persoane 3. Prostituie US / eng 77. Psychological aspects of social axioms : understanding global belief systems / edited by Kwok Leung, Michael Harris Bond. - New York : Springer, 2008. 348 p. ; 23 cm. - (International and Cultural Psychology). Conine: Linking social axioms with behavioral indicators and personality in Romania. ISBN 0387098097 ISBN 9780387098098 1. Psihosociologie 2. Antropologie aplicat -- Romnia US / eng 78. SKINNER, BENJAMIN E. A crime so monstrous : face-to-face with modern-day slavery / E. Benjamin Skinner. - New York : Free Press, 2008. XVIII, 328 p. : h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 297-311. Index. ISBN 9780743290074 ISBN 0743290070 1. Antropologie social -- Romnia 2. Proxenetism 3. Trafic de persoane US / eng

79. STAHL, HENRI H. Traditional romanian village communities : the transition from the communal to the capitalist mode of production in the Danube region / Henri H. Stahl ; translators: Daniel Chirot, Holley Coulter Chirot. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008. 240 p. ; 23 cm. - (Studies in modern capitalism). Reproduce ed.: Anciennes communauts villageoises roumaines. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Contribuii la studiul satelor devlmae romneti. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780521089111 1. Sate -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Capitalism agrar timpuriu 3. Sociologie rural -- Istorie GB / eng = rum 32 Politic 80. The EU expansion : communicating shared sovereignty in the parliamentary elections / edited by Lynda Lee Kaid. - New York : Peter Lang, 2008. VIII, 252 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Frontiers in political communication ; v. 10). Conine: Coverage of the election in candidate countries a view from Bulgaria and Romania / Daniela V. Dimitrova. ISBN 9780820481739 ISBN 0820481734 1. Comunicare politic 2. Uniunea European -- Extindere 3. Alegeri europarlamentare -- Romnia US / eng 81. The politics of history in comparative perspective / Martin O. Heisler, editor. - Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage, 2008. 234 p. ; 24 cm. - (Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science). Bibliogr. Conine: Democracy and memory : Romania confronts its communist past / Vladimir Tismaneanu. ISBN 9781412968799 1. Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie 2. tiine politice -- Concepte US / eng





82. The third sector in Europe : prospects and challenges / edited by Stephen P. Osborne. - London : Routledge, 2008. XI, 373 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Routledge studies in the management of voluntary and non-profit organizations ; vol. 8). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: The rise of Romanian NGOs in the democratization process of the society after 1990 / Marton Balogh. ISBN 9780415423397 1. Organizaii non-guvernamentale 2. Organizaii nonprofit 3. Politic social -- Romnia GB / eng 83. CLIKU, FLORENT. Analysis and reform of cultural heritage policies in South-East Europe / Florent Cliku ; editor: Robert Pickard. Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2008. 281 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789287162656 1. Politic cultural -- Europa de Sud-Est 2. Politic cultural -- Romnia FR / eng 84. Dmocraties europennnes : approche compare des systmes politiques nationaux / sous la direction de Jean-Michel De Waele, Paul Magnette, Bretislav Dancak. - Paris : Armand Colin, 2008. 455 p. ; 23 cm. - (U. Sciences politiques). ISBN 978-2200351267 1. Uniunea European -- Instituii administrative 2. Politic -- Doctrine -- Regionalizare 3. Reform politic -- Europa de est 4. Politic romneasc -- Posttotalitarism FR / fre

85. DETEMPLE, UWE. Mein Rumnien : Revolution & Poesie / Uwe Detemple. - Norderstedt : Books on Demand, 2008. 160 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 155-158. ISBN 978-3-8334-9135-1 1. Revoluia Romn din Decembrie. 1989 2. Literatur i revoluie -- Romnia DE / ger 86. DURANDIN, CATHERINE. La Roumanie post 1989 / par Catherine Durandin et Zoe Petre. - Paris : Harmattan, 2008. 218 p. ; 24 cm. - (Aujourd'hui l'Europe). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782296054936 1. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie 2. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989FR / fre 87. Elrvult szabadsg : a diktatrt kvet kt vtized, hatvan magyar kivlsg szemvel / szerk.: Szcs Gza s Mszros Lszl. - Kecskemt : Magyar Mzsa Knyvek, 2008. 327 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Harmadik vezred sorozat ; 1). ISBN 9789637813900 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia 2. Postcomunism -- Ungaria 3. Tranziie politic HU / hun 88. EPSTEIN, RACHEL A. In pursuit of liberalism : international institutions in postcommunist Europe / Rachel A. Epstein. - Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. 288 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780801889776 ISBN 0801889774 1. Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism US / eng





89. Faces of post-communism : Central and Eastern Europe's social, political and cultural experiences / editor Toma Burean. - Warsaw : IFiS Publishers, 2007. 268 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788373881358 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism 2. Politic economic 3. Politic social PL / eng 90. GOLDMAN, MINTON F. Global studies : Russia, the Baltic and Eurasian republics, and Central/Eastern Europe / Minton F. Goldman. Dubuque, Iowa : Contemporary Learning, 2008. X, 278 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. p. 264-266. Index. ISBN 9780073379890 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Politic i guvernare 2. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare 3. Globalizare US / eng 91. HUTCHISON, TARYN R. We Wait You : waiting on God in Eastern Europe / Taryn R. Hutchison. - Washington : Pleasant Word, 2008. ISBN 9781414111742 ISBN 1414111746 1. Europa de est -- Situaie socio-politic -- 19892. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie US / eng 92. PETRUEVSCHI, DANIELA. Perspectives of strategic environmental assessment in countries with communist past : a comparative study of Romania and the Republic of Moldova / Daniela Petrusevschi. Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. VII, 197 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783836472142 ISBN 3836472147 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia 2. Republica Moldova -- Politic i guvernare 3. Politica mediului -- Dezvoltare durabil DE / eng

93. Post-communist and post-Soviet parliaments : the initial decade / edited by Philip Norton, David M. Olsen. - London : Routledge, 2008. XXII, 192 p. ; 25 cm. - (Library of legislative studies). Bibliogr. p. 182-185. Index. ISBN 9780415365574 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism 2. Parlamentarism 3. Democratizare -- Romnia GB / eng 94. POURCHOT, GEORGETA. Eurasia Rising : democracy and independence in the post-Soviet space / Georgeta Pourchot. - Santa Barbara, CA : Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008. 192 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780275999162 ISBN 0275999165 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia 2. Democraie -- Instituii 3. Fostele republici sovietice -- Politic i guvernare US / eng 95. SAIDEMAN, STEPHEN M. For kin or country : xenophobia, nationalism, and war / by Stephen M. Saideman, Ayres, R. William. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2008. 256 p. ; 22 cm. Conine: Romania's restraint? : avoiding the worst through domestic scapegoating. ISBN 978-0231144780 1. Naionalism -- Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie 2. Romnia -- Naionalism 3. Democraie -- Partide politice -- Alegeri US / eng




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 323.1 Minoriti naionale

96. Semi-presidentialsim in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Robert Elgie and Sophia Moestrup. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. XI, 282 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 258-275. Index. Conine: Romania: political irresponsibility without constitutional safeguards / Tom Gallagher. ISBN 9780719075353 ISBN 0719075351 1. Regim semiprezidenial -- Europa 2. Politic -- Europa Central i de Est 3. Politic i putere judiciar -- Romnia US / eng 97. THOMPSON, WAYNE C. Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe, 2008 / by Wayne C. Thompson. - Harpers Ferry, WV : Stryker-Post Publications, 2008. X, 554 p. : il., h. ; 28 cm. - (World today). Conine: Southeastern Europe: Romania ; Bulgaria. ISBN 9781887985956 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Politic i guvernare 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie US / eng 322 Relaia dintre stat i biseric 98. Clerical fascism in interwar Europe / edited by Matthew Feldman, Marius Turda, Tudor Georgescu. - London : Routledge, 2008. XVIII, 246 p. ; 25 cm. - (Totalitarian movements and political religions). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Sacralised politics in action: the February 1937 burial of the Romanian legionary leaders Ion Mota and Vasile Marin / Valentin Sandulescu. ISBN 9780415448246 1. Fascism -- Europa -- Istorie 2. Politic i religie 3. Garda de Fier GB / eng

99. The Germans and the East / edited by Charles Ingrao and Franz A.J. Szabo. - West Lafayette, IN : Purdue University Press, 2008. 458 p. ; 23 cm. - (Central European studies). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: German Colonization in the Banat and Transylvania in the Eighteenth Century / Karl A. Roider. 1. Germani -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Germani -- Emigraie i imigraie US / eng 100. "Gypsies" in European literature and culture / edited by Valentina Glajar and Domnica Radulescu. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan. VI, 272 p. ; 21 cm. - (Studies in European culture and history). Bibliogr. p. 241-251. Index. ISBN 9780230603240 1. Rromi -- Europa 2. Rromii n literatur US / eng 101. BALAS, EGON. Will to freedom : a perilous journey through fascism and communism / Egon Balas. - Syracuse, NY : Syracuse University Press, 2008. 488 p. ; 23 cm. - (Modern Jewish history). ISBN 978-0815609308 1. Evrei -- Oradea -- Biografii 2. Holocaustul evreiesc 3. Deinui politici -- Biografii US / eng 102. BENANAV, MICHAEL. Joshua and Isadora : a true tale of loss and love in the Holocaust / Michael Benanav. - Guilford : Lyons Press, 2008. 257 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. ISBN 9781599212401 1. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 2. Refugiai evrei -- Biografii 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Mrturii US / eng





103. BHM, JOHANN. Nationalsozialistische Indoktrination der Deutschen in Romnien : 1932-1944 / Johann Bhm. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2008. 253 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783631570319 1. Naional socialism -- Istorie -- Romnia 2. Germani -- Romnia -- Activitate politic 3. Propagand nazist DE / ger 104. CARTWRIGHT, GARTH. Balkan-Blues und Blaskapellen : unterwegs mit Gypsy-Musikern in Serbien, Makedonien, Rumnien und Bulgarien / Garth Cartwright ; aus dem Engl. von Jrg Glden. - Hfen : Hannibal, 2008. 318 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. englez): Princes amongst men : journeys with gypsy musicians. Bibliogr. p. 301-306. ISBN 9783854452843 1. Rromi -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Peninsula Balcanic -- Descrieri i cltorii 3. Rromi -- Romnia -- Muzic DE / ger = eng 105. CARTWRIGHT, GARTH. Princes amongst men : journeys with gypsy musicians / Garth Cartwright. - London : Serpent's Tail, 2005. VI, 309 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 301 - 306. ISBN 1852428775 1. Rromi -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Peninsula Balcanic -- Descrieri i cltorii 3. Rromi -- Romnia -- Muzic GB / eng

106. Cultural autonomy in contemporary Europe / edited by David J. Smith and Karl Cordell. - London : Routledge, 2008. 152 p. ; 24 cm. - (Association for the Study of Nationalities). Bibliogr. Conine: The use of cultural autonomy to prevent conflict and meet the Copenhagen criteria: The Case of Romania / Christopher Decker. ISBN 9780415464567 ISBN 0415464560 1. Multiculturalism -- Transilvania 2. Minoriti -- Statut juridic -- Europa GB / eng 107. DONALD, KENRICK. Gypsies under the Swastika / Donald Kenrick, Grattan Puxon. - Newcastle : University of Hertfordshire Press, 2008. 160 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781902806808 1. Rromi -- Europa -- Istorie 2. Rromi -- Persecuii -- Europa -- 1939-1945 3. Rromi -- Deportare -- Transnistria GB / eng 108. Fldnfutk : a Magyarorszgot rint knyszerteleptsek a II. vilghbor alatt s utn / szerkesztette, Cholnoky Gyz. - Budapest : Lucidus, 2008. 191 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. - (Kisebbsgkutats knyvek). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789639465480 1. Ungaria -- Minoriti -- Politic i guvernare 2. Transilvania -- Demografie Istorie 3. Transilvania -- Multiculturalism HU / hun 109. GARDOSCH, PETER. De 1941 nos jours, de Transylvanie Berlin, un survivant raconte... / Peter Gardosch. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2007. 288 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-2-296-04654-2 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Mrturii 2. Auschwitz (Polonia ; lagr de concentrare) -- Mrturii 3. Evrei -- Supravieuitori -- Biografii FR / fre





110. ILYS, ZOLTN. Mezsgyevilgok : etnikus interferencik s nemzeti affinitsok trbeli mintzatai a Krpt-medencben / Ilys Zoltn. Budapest : Lucidus, 2008. 199 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. - (Kisebbsgkutats knyvek. ISSN 1585-3144). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789639465473 1. Maghiari -- Identitate -- Transilvania 2. Maghiari -- Relaii -- Romni 3. Multilingvism HU / hun 111. IOANID, RADU. The Holocaust in Romania : the destruction of jews and gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944 / Radu Ioanid ; foreword by Elie Weisel and Paul A. Shapiro. - Chicago, IL : Ivan R. Dee Publisher, 2008. XXIV, 352 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn) : Evreii sub regimul Antonescu. Bibliogr. p. 299-337. Index. ISBN 9781566637718 1. Evrei -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- 1940-1944 2. Holocaustul evreiesc 3. Rromi -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- 1940-1944 US / eng = rum 112. LIPCSEY, ILDIK. Utak s tvutak : az erdlyi magyarsg huszadik szzadi trtnetben / Lipcsey Ildik. - Budapest : Codex Print, 2008. 478 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 451-466. 1. Maghiari -- Cultur i civilizaie -- Istorie 2. Maghiari -- Identitate -- Transilvania HU / hun 113. LITVIN, NAOMI. We never lost hope : a Holocaust memoir and love story / Naomi Litvin ; foreword by Martin Gilbert. - Charleston, SC : BookSurge, 2008. 237 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781439204214 1. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Sighetul Marmaiei -- Mrturii 2. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Memorii 3. Evrei -- Supravieuitori -- Biografii US / eng

114. MANDEL, HANNA. Beim Gehen entsteht der Weg : gesprche ber das leben vor und nach Auschwitz / Hanna Mandel ; hrsg.: Norbert Reck. Hamburg : Argument Verlag, 2008. 253 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9783886194841 1. Evrei maghiari -- Oradea -- Memorii 2. Evrei -- Persecuii -- Auschwitz -- Istorie 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori DE / ger 115. Minority rights in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Bernd Rechel. - London : Routledge, 2008. 272 p. ; 23 cm. - (BASEES, Routledge series on Russian and East European studies ; 54). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780415451857 1. Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Europa de est 2. Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Romnia GB / eng 116. MISKOLCZY, AMBRUS. Romanians in historic Hungary / Ambrus Miskolczy ; translated from the Hungarian by Joseph Held. - Boulder, CO : Social Science Monographs, 2008. XI, 171 p. : h. ; 23 cm. - (CHSP Hungarian studies ; no. 17). Tit. orig. (lb. maghiar): Romnok a trtneti Magyarorszgon. Bibliogr. p. 166-170. Index. ISBN 0880336323 ISBN 9780880336321 1. Romni -- Ungaria -- Istorie 2. Minoriti etnice -- Multiculturalism US / eng = hun 117. MORESCO, ANTONIO. Zingari di merda / Moresco Antonio ; fotografie di Giovanni Giovannetti. - Milano : Effigie, 2008. 93 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Stellefilanti ; 32). ISBN 8889416734 ISBN 9788889416730 1. Rromi -- Romnia -- Via social 2. Rromi -- Cultur -- Tradiie IT / ita





118. PATAKI, JNOS. Csngk : az elfelejtett magyarok / Pataki Jnos. - Budapest : Szkelyk, 2008. 288 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Krptia Kpek). ISBN 9789630657419 1. Ceangi -- Identitate cultural HU / hun 119. PATAKI, JNOS. Szszfld : a vrak vilga / Pataki Jnos. Budapest : Szkelyk, 2006. 322 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Krptia Kpek). ISBN 9789630614382 1. Sai -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania HU / hun 120. PICHOTTA, SREN. Museen der Kirchenburgen : Kleinode in Siebenbrgen / Sren Pichotta ; fotos: Anselm Roth. - Bonn : Schiller, 2008. 158 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-3-941271-05-0 1. Sai -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania 2. Art religioas -- Transilvania -- Teme, motive 3. Biseric i societate -- Transilvania DE / ger 121. RINNE, CIA. The roma journeys / by Cia Rinne ; photographies by Joakim Eskildsen ; foreword by Gunter Grass. - London : Steidl, 2007. 416 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-3865213716 1. Rromi -- Condiii sociale -- Lucrri ilustrate 2. Rromi -- Europa de est 3. Rromi -- Romnia -- Folclor GB / eng

122. SEBESTYN, DM. Gygyt praktikk : nprajzi gyjts a bukovinai szkelyeknl / Sebestyn dm ; jegyzetekkel elltta s szerkesztette Sebestyn Imre Dezs. - Szekszrd : Ad Librum, 2008. 168 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. ISBN 9789638783073 1. Secui -- Identitate -- Bucovina 2. Secui -- Mitologie i folclor 3. Medicina tradiional HU / hun 123. STOICHI, VICTOR ALEXANDRU. Fabricants d'motion : Musique et malice dans un village tsigane de Roumanie / Victor Alexandre Stoichita. - Nanterre : Societ d'ethnologie, 2008. 229 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Hommes et musiques ; 5). ISBN 978-2-901161-85-1 1. Rromi -- Romnia -- Folclor 2. Rromi -- Romnia -- Muzic FR / fre 124. SZVAI, GZA. Ierusalimul secuiesc : un roman despre identitate / Szvai Gza ; n romnete de Alexandru Skultty. - Budapest : Pont Kiad, 2008. 442 p. : il. ; 32 cm. Trad. dup ed.: Szkely Jeruzslem. Budapest : Pont Kiad, 2001. ISBN 978-963-7265-77-8 1. Evrei -- inutul secuiesc 2. Evrei maghiari -- Bezid -- Istorie 3. Evrei maghiari -- Persecuie -- Mrturii HU / rum = hun 125. TRSCHER, ANDREAS. Zigeunerleben : roma-reportagen aus Osteuropa / Andreas Trscher. - Wien : Turia & Kant, 2008. 159 p. : il. ; 28 cm. ISBN 978-3-85132-543-0 1. Rromi -- Europa de Est -- Condiii sociale 2. Rromi -- Romnia -- Via social 3. Rromi -- Mod de via -- Srcie AT / ger





126. Veneti in Romania / a cura di Roberto Scagno, Paolo Tomasella, Corina Tucu. - Ravenna : Longo, 2008. 236 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Civilt veneta nel mondo). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9788880636069 1. Italia -- Relaii -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Italieni n Romnia 3. Italieni -- Diaspora -- Istorie IT / ita 127. WEIFERT, MATHIAS. Im Banat, in Franken und HessenNassau zuhause : ein beitrag zur ahnenforschung (1488 - 2008) / Mathias Weifert. - Sersheim : Hartmann, 2008. 200 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Beitrge donauschwbischer Lehrer ; 13). Bibliogr. p. 190 - 196. ISBN 978-3-925921-69-8 1. vabi -- Identitate -- Banat 2. vabi -- Istorie -- Cronologie 3. vabi -- Familii -- Genealogie DE / ger 325 Emigraie. Imigraie. Deportri 128. The international migration of women / editors, Andrew R. Morrison, Maurice Schiff and Ileana Cristina Neagu. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. XVI, 218 p. ; 23 cm. - (Trade and development). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780821372579 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Aspecte socio-economice 2. Femei -- Condiii sociale US / eng

129. Addressing the irregular employment of immigrants in the European Union : between sanctions and rights / editors Marek Kupiszewski, Heikki Mattila, Chindea Alin. - Geneva : IOM, 2008. 328 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-92-9068-449-7 1. Imigranie clandestin -- For de munc 2. Uniunea European CH / eng 130. DAVIS, MINERVA. The Wretched of the earth and me / Minerva Davis. - Yorkshire : Jeremy Mills Publishing, 2008. 202 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781906600112 ISBN 1906600112 1. Imigrani romni -- Canada 2. Perioada interbelic (1918-1938) -- Romnia -- Canada 3. Memorii GB / eng 131. International migration in Europe : new trends and new methods of analysis / edited by Corrado Bonifazi. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2008. 342 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (IMISCOE research). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romanian migration movements : networks as informal transitional organisations / Swanie Potot. ISBN 9789053568941 ISBN 9053568948 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Romnia 2. Europa -- Emigraie i imigraie NL / eng 132. NAGY, DOROTTYA. Migration and theology : the case of Chinese Christian communities in Hungary and Romania in the globalisationcontext / Dorottya Nagy. - Utrecht : Utrecht University Press, 2008. VI, 308 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-90-3934977-9 1. Comuniti chineze -- Romnia 2. Migraie -- Europa de Est -- For de munc 3. Globalizare NL / eng

ROMNICA 327 Politic extern




133. The EU's new Black Sea policy : what kind of regionalism is this? / edited by Michael Emerson. - Brussels : Centre for European Policy Studies, 2008. 115 p. : il. col. ; 30 cm. - (CEPS working document ; 297). ISBN 9789290798033 1. Marea Neagr -- Cooperare internaional 2. Marea Neagr -- Geopolitic BE / eng 134. BOWD, GAVIN. La France et la Roumanie communiste / Gavin Bowd. - Paris : Harmattan, 2008. 391 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782296074156 1. Romnia -- Relaii culturale -- Frana 2. Romnia -- Relaii diplomatice -- Frana FR / fre 135. COJOCARU, DORU. Gopolitique de la mer Noire : lments d'approche / Doru Cojocaru. - Paris : Harmattan, 2007. 290 p. ; 23 cm. - (Diplomatie et stratgie). Bibliogr. p. 267-286. ISBN 9782296046122 1. Marea Neagr -- Geostrategie 2. Marea Neagr -- State riverane FR / fre

136. Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans / edited by Detrez Raymond and Segaert Barbara. - New York : Peter Lang, 2008. 184 p. ; 22 cm. - (Multiple Europes ; no. 40). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: New patterns of Balkan cooperation for Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey: the impact of the organisation of the Black Sea economic cooperation and NATO / Martina Petkova ; Romania's return to Europe: between politics and culture / Dennis Deletant ; Revisiting historical and cultural myths and cliches: the Romanian case of nation state building / Ana Maria Dobre ; The turks were not as bad as written in history text books: acknowledging an Ottoman legacy in present-day Romania / Silvana Rachieru ; Cultural identity and cultural rights in Romania: the case of Transylvania / Andrea Carteny. ISBN 9789052013749 1. Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie 2. Peninsula Balcanic -- Relaii etnice 3. Peninsula Balcanic -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989US / eng 137. Frontires et scurit de l'Europe : Territoires, identits et espaces europens / diteurs: Christine Manigand, Elisabeth du Rau et Traian Sandu. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. 266 p. ; 23 cm. - (Aujourd'hui l'Europe). ISBN 9782296051126 1. Uniunea European -- Frontiere 2. Securitate internaional FR / fre 138. Inside China's cold war / edited by Christian F. Ostermann. Washington, DC : Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2008. 543 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania and the Sino-American rapprochement, 1969-1971: new evidence from the Bucharest archives. ISBN 978-1400065844 1. China -- Relaii externe -- Romnia 2. China -- Relaii externe -- Documente 3. Rzboiul Rece US / eng

ROMNICA 33 Economie




139. AFTALION, FLORIN. La nouvelle finance et la gestion des portefeuilles / Florin Aftalion. - Paris : conomica, 2008. 248 p. : il ; 24 cm. - (Collection Finance). Bibliogr. p. 227-239. Index. ISBN 9782717855401 1. Analiz financiar 2. Finane -- Bnci -- Credite FR / fre 140. BARISITZ, STEPHAN. Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006 : a comprehensive analysis of banking sector transformation in the former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Muntenegro, Slovakia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan / Stephan Barisitz. - London : Routledge, 2008. XIX, 198 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge international studies in money and banking ; 41). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780415428811 1. Finane internaionale -- Europa de Est 2. Bnci -- Europa Central i de Est 3. Romnia -- Tranziie economic GB / eng 141. DOCHIA, SILVIU. Essays in institutions, economic policy and development : thesis / Silviu Dochia. - Fairfax, VA : George Mason University, 2008. V, 103 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 96-102. Tez de doctorat. 1. tiin i societate 2. tiine economice US / eng

142. Living in a material world : economic sociology meets science and technology studies / edited by Trevor Pinch and Richard Swedberg. - London : MIT Press, 2008. VI, 403 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Inside technology). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Technology, agency, and financial price data / Alex Preda. ISBN 9780262162524 1. Economie global -- Concepte 2. Finane -- Reform -- Capital GB / eng 143. URECHE-RANGAU, LOREDANA. Dette souveraine en crise : l'exprience des emprunts roumains la Bourse de Paris durant l'entre-deuxguerres / Loredana Ureche-Rangau. - Paris : Publications de la Sorbonne, 2008. 217 p. ; 24 cm. - (Sorbonensia oeconomica). ISBN 978-2-85944-599-7 1. Relaii franco-romne -- 1940-1944 2. Finane internaionale -- Europa 3. Relaii economice romno-franceze FR / fre 331 Munc 144. TBCARU, MIHAELA. What we don't measure about human resources : intangible variables made tangible / Mihaela Tabacaru. Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 132 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 105 - 112. ISBN 978-3-8364-3718-9 1. Management 2. Resurse umane DE / eng

ROMNICA 334 Forme de organizare i cooperare n economie



BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 338 Situaie economic. Politic economic

145. Black Sea and Central Asia : Promoting work and well-being / edited by Loukas Balafoutas, Federico Bonaglia, Cengiz Orun. - Paris : Development Centre of the OECD, 2008. 149 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. p. 143 - 149. ISBN 9789264047297 1. Marea Neagr -- Cooperare internaional 2. Marea Neagr -- State riverane 3. Marea Neagr -- Geostrategie FR / eng 146. FLADER, DIETER. Kulturschock : interkulturelle Handlungskonflikte westlicher Unternehmen in Mittelost- und Sdosteuropa : eine Untersuchung an den Beispielen von Polen, Rumnien und Bulgarien / Dieter Flader , Sigrun Comati. - Wiesbaden : VS Verlag, 2008. 170 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-3-531-16078-8 1. Economie -- Afaceri -- Romnia 2. Economie de pia -- Uniunea European 3. Firme multinaionale -- Management DE / ger 336 Finane 147. Public finance and post-communist party development / edited by Steven D. Roper and Ikstens Jnis. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2008. 244 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania: the secondary influence of public finance on the party system / Adrian Moraru. ISBN 9780754671794 1. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie 2. Finane publice US / eng

148. BOOKER, RITA. Business Know-how Rumnien : so wird ihre geschftsreise zum erfolg / Rita Booker. - Mnchen : Redline Wirtschaft, 2008. 143 p. : il. ; 19 cm. ISBN 978-3-636-01549-5 1. Romnia -- Tranziie economic 2. Economie -- Afaceri -- Romnia DE / ger 149. DE CAPOA, ANTONIO. Romania, commercio internazionale e investimenti esteri / Antonio De Capoa, Alessandro De Robertis. - Milano : IPSOA, 2008. XVIII, 292 p. ; 24 cm. - (Paesi emergenti ; 9). Bibliogr. ISBN 9788821729157 1. Romnia -- Politic economic 2. Investiii strine -- Romnia IT / ita 150. EGRESI, ISTVN OLIVER. Geographical dynamics of FDI in Romania : thesis / by Egresi Istvan Oliver. - Norman, OK : University of Oklahoma Press, 2008. XV, 370 p. : il., h. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Investiii strine -- Romnia 2. Relaii economice -- Romnia -- Uniunea European 3. Politic economic -- 1989US / eng 151. European Union : tax treaties of the Central and Eastern European countries / edited by Patrizio Braccioni, Carlo Garbarino, Ciprian Paun. - Wien : Linde, 2008. 208 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783707312232 1. Politic i guvernare -- Romnia 2. Taxe -- Legislaie -- Europa de Est 3. Politic economic AT / eng





152. Making poor nations rich : entrepreneurship and the process of the economic development / edited by Benjamin Powell. - Stanford, CA : Stanford Economics and Finance, 2008. XXI, 452 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Independent studies in political economy). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Entrepreneurship or entremanureship? digging through Romania's institutional environment for transition lessons / Peter J. Boettke. ISBN 9780804757317 1. Politic economic -- Privatizare 2. Romnia -- Economie US / eng 153. MITRU, ANDREEA. Four essays on interhousehold transfers and institutions in post-Communist Romania / by Andreea Mitrut. - Gteborg : Gteborg University, 2008. 187 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9789185169351 1. Economie agrar -- Romnia 2. Politic economic -- Privatizare SE / eng 154. Romania's business environment / edited by Adam Jolly and Alica Henson ; foreword from Ion Jinga. - London : GMB Publishing, 2008. XIX, 195 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781846730962 1. Mediu de afaceri -- Romnia 2. Economie de pia -- Romnia GB / eng 155. Trans-national issues, local concerns and meanings of postsocialism : insights from Russia, Central Eastern Europe and beyond / edited by Moya Flynn, Rebecca Kay, Jonathan Oldfield. - Lanham : University Press of America, 2008. X, 245 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 221-229. Index. ISBN 9780761840558 1. Europa de est -- Condiii sociale -- 19892. Europa Central i de Est -- Posttotalitarism 3. Postcomunism -- Romnia US / eng

156. VERRIER-DIACONESCU, VALRIE. Pension fund reforms in Romania and Poland : thesis / Valrie Verrier-Diaconescu. - Montral : Universit de Montral, 2008. X, 113 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Romnia -- Condiii economice 2. Romnia -- Politic i administraie CA / eng 339 Comer 157. HARCOURT, TIM. The airport economist / Tim Harcourt. Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin, 2008. IX, 194 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. p. 176-180. ISBN 9781741755121 ISBN 1741755123 1. Comer internaional -- Romnia 2. Relaii economice internaionale AU / eng 158. REDINI, VERONICA. Frontiere del "made in Italy" : delocalizzazione produttiva e identit delle merci / Veronica Redini. - Verona : Ombre corte, 2008. 175 p. ; 21 cm. - (Culture ; 41). Bibliogr. p. 139-175. ISBN 9788895366173 1. Comer internaional 2. Relaii comerciale romno-italiene 3. Produse i servicii IT / ita

ROMNICA 34 Drept. Legislaie. Jurispruden




159. The impact of European integration on regional structural change and cohesion / edited by Christiane Krieger-Boden, Edgar Morgenroth and George Petrakos. - London : Routledge, 2008. XVIII, 311 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge studies in the European economy ; 16). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: The regional economic structure of Romania, 1992-2001. ISBN 9780415400244 1. Uniunea European -- Economie 2. Uniunea European -- Regionalizare 3. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare GB / eng 160. BGENHOLM, ANDREAS. Understanding governmental legislative capacity : harmonization of EU legislation in Lithuania and Romania : thesis / Andreas Bgenholm. - Gteborg : University of Gteborg, 2008. 189 p. ; 25 cm. - (Gteborg studies in politics ; 113). Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9789189246379 1. Uniunea European -- Tratat -- Romnia 2. Uniunea European -- Tratat -- Lituania SE / eng 161. BERINGER, MARIA-NICOLLE. Accession in the European Union : development of securities markets in Bulgaria and Romania : thesis / Maria-Nicolle Beringer. - Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2008. 176 p. : 28 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Bulgaria 2. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia US / eng

162. Bulgarie-Roumanie : les nouveaux horizons de l'Union Europenne / sous la direction de Rgis Darques et Olivier Deslondes. - Aix-enProvence : Universit de Provence, 2008. 133 p. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782853997201 1. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Bulgaria 2. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia FR / fre 163. EU cohesion policy after enlargement / edited by Michael Baun and Dan Marek. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. 320 p. ; 22 cm. - (Palgrave studies in European Union politics). Conine: Romania / J. Benedek. ISBN 9780230524729 ISBN 0230524729 1. Uniunea European -- Extindere 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia GB / eng 164. Die Europische Union, Russland und Eurasien : die Rckkehr der Geopolitik / Hrsg.: Winfried Schneider-Deters, Peter W. Schulze, Heinz Timmermann ; mit einem Geleitwort von Egon Bahr. - Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2008. 656 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Rumnien ; Moldawien. ISBN 9783830514664 1. Uniunea European -- Cooperare transfrontalier 2. Romnia -- Relaii externe -- rile Uniunii Europene DE / ger





165. Finding the right place on the map : Central and Eastern European media change in a global perspective / edited by Karol Jakubowicz and Mikls Sksd. - Bristol, UK : Intellect, 2008. 301 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (European Communication Research and Education Association). Bibliogr. Conine: Normative and policy approaches to media and democracy. How media and politics shape each other in the new Europe / Alina Mungiu-Pippidi. ISBN 9781841501932 1. Uniunea European -- Cooperare transfrontalier 2. Uniunea European -- Integrare -- Romnia 3. Uniunea European -- Comunicare GB / eng 166. HENDERSON, KAREN. The European Union's New Democracies / Karen Henderson. - London : Routledge, 2008. 288 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9780415332637 ISBN 041533263X 1. Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Postcomunism -- Romnia 3. Uniunea European -- Extindere GB / eng 167. Intellectual property and theories of justice / edited by Axel Gosseries, Alain Marciano. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. XI, 277 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Are Rawlsians entitled to monopoly rights? / Speranta Dumitru. ISBN 9780230007093 1. Proprietate intelectual 2. Drept de autor -- Aspecte morale 3. Drept internaional GB / eng

168. IONESCU, CRISTIAN. Constitutional law of two EU member states : Bulgaria and Romania : the 2007 enlargement / by Evgheni Tanchev, Cristian Ionescu ; editors: Constantijn Kortmann, Joseph Fleuren. - Deventer : Kluwer, 2008. XI, 102 p. : h. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789013056358 1. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Bulgaria 2. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia 3. Uniunea European -- Constituie NL / eng 169. KEMP, JANINE. Sentenced by innocence / Janine Kemp. Watsons Bay : Wild & Woolley, 2008. 167 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781740184359 1. Adopie internaional -- Legislaie 2. Adopie internaional -- Australia -- Mrturii 3. Copii orfani -- Romnia AU / eng 170. LENICH, OLIVER. Beitrittsproblematik Rumniens zur EU : forcierte Modernisierung und Heimkehr nach Europa : ein mittel- und osteuropischer Vergleich / Oliver Lenich. - Duisburg : WiKu-Verlag, 2008. 299 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-3-86553-249-7 1. Uniunea European -- Extindere 2. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia DE / ger 171. MAGEN, AMICHAI. Rules and engagement : a comparative qualitative evaluation of European Union rule-of-law promotion in Romania, Turkey, Serbia and Ukraine : thesis / Amichai Magen. - Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press, 2008. XI, 592 p. ; 26 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Uniunea European -- Tratat -- Romnia 2. Legislaie comunitar -- Romnia US / eng





172. PALMER, VERNON V. Pure economic loss : new horizons in comparative law / by Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mauro Bussani. - London : Routledge, 2008. 344 p. ; 22 cm. - (UT Austin Studies in Foreign and Transnational Law). Bibliogr. Conine: Romania. ISBN 9780415775649 ISBN 0415775647 1. Legislaie comunitar -- Romnia 2. Legislaie internaional GB / eng 173. POP, VIRGILIU G. Who Owns the Moon? : extraterrestrial aspects of land and mineral resources ownership / Virgiliu G. Pop. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. 188 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Space Regulations Library ; 4). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781402091346 1. Luna (satelit natural) 2. Legislaie internaional 3. Spaiu extraterestru NL / eng 174. REM, DANA. Romania's accession process into the European Union : discourses at policy-, program-, and project-levels in the justice sector / by Dana Rem and Des Gasper. - Haga : Institute of Social Studies, 2008. 96 p. ; 27 cm. - (Working Paper ; 463). 1. Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia 2. Uniunea European -- Instituii NL / eng 175. RINCEANU, JOHANNA. Vlkerstrafrecht in Rumnien / Johanna Rinceanu. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2008. XVI, 284 p. ; 23 cm. - (Strafrechtliche Forschungsberichte ; 109). Bibliogr. p. 277-284. ISBN 9783428127238 1. Drept constituional (Romnia) 2. Drept internaional -- Studii de caz DE / ger

176. SLAVU, TEFANIA. Die Osterweiterung der Europischen Union : eine analyse des EU-Beitritts Rumniens / Stefania Slavu. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2008. LX, 261 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Klner Schriften zu Recht und Staat ; 38). Bibliogr. ISBN 978-3-631-57994-7 1. Uniunea European -- Integrare -- Romnia 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare DE / ger 177. TSANTOULIS, YANNIS. Subregionalism in the Black Sea and the EU's role : incentives, obstacles and a "New Synergy" / Yannis Tsantoulis. Bonn : Zentrum fr Europische Integrationsforschung, 2008. 127 p. ; 21 cm. - (ZEI discussion paper ; 183). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783936183832 1. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Marea Neagr 2. Marea Neagr -- Cooperare internaional DE / eng 35.0/354 Administraie public 178. NEGRU, ARTHUR. Korruption in Rumnien : stellt sie ein bedeutendes investitionshemmnis fr auslndische unternehmen dar? / Negru Arthur. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 182 p. ; 27 cm. ISBN 9783639099829 1. Investiii strine -- Romnia 2. Corupie -- Romnia DE / ger

ROMNICA 355/359 Armata. tiin i art militar



BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 36 Asisten social. Protecia consumatorului

179. BERGSTRM, CHRISTER. Bagration to Berlin : the final air battles in the East : 1944-1945 / Christer Bergstrm. - Hersham : Ian Allan Publishing, 2008. 144 p. : il., h. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781903223918 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Campania din Est 2. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Armistitiu -- Romnia 3. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Operaiuni aeriene GB / eng 180. Global politics of defense reform / edited by Thomas Bruneau and Harold Trinkunas. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. XI, 298 p. ; 22 cm. - (Initiatives in strategic studies: issues and policies). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: From national, through regional, to universal: security and defense reform in Romania / Liviu Muresan. ISBN 9780230604445 1. Securitate naional 2. Cooperare internaional 3. Fore armate US / eng 181. SIMION, VALENTIN. The presence of the American troops in Romania : civil-military challenges beyond a "Military Relationship" : thesis / Valentin Simion. - Monterey, CA : Naval Postgraduate School, 2008. XIV, 201 p. : il., h. ; 28 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Armat -- SUA -- Baze militare 2. Relaii militare romno-americane US / eng 182. Vesztes hbork - megnyert csatk / Reviczky dm. - Budapest : Mlt s jv, 2008. 650 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9789639512368 1. Reviczky, Imre 2. Transilvania -- Armat -- Istorie 3. Ofieri maghiari -- Biografii HU / hun

183. A century of social work and social welfare at Penn / edited by Ram A. Cnaan, Melissa E. Dichter, and Jeffrey Draine. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. IX, 653 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Partnering with the Jewish community of Romania and transitioning from Holocaust and communism to modernity / Zvi Feine. ISBN 9780812241037 1. Asisten social -- Evrei -- Romnia 2. Asisten social -- Istorie US / eng 184. Disabled people and the right to life : the protection and violation of disabled people's most basic human rights / edited by Luke Clements and Janet Read. - London : Routledge, 2008. XV, 272 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Unheard voices : human rights issues of disabled youngsters from Romanian institutions / Mirela Saupe. ISBN 9780415407137 1. Drepturile omului 2. Persoane cu handicap 3. Persoane cu dizabiliti -- Romnia GB / eng 185. HANSEN, BROOKS. The brotherhood of Joseph : a father's memoir of infertility and adoption in the 21st century / Brooks Hansen. - New York : Modern Times, 2008. XII, 243 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781594868276 1. Adopie -- Aspect psihologic 2. Adopie internaional -- Statele Unite 3. Copii orfani -- Romnia US / eng





186. KOVCS, BORI. The problematisation of care in Hungarian and Romanian parental leave provisions : thesis / Bori Kovacs. - Oxford : University of Oxford, 2008. 88 p. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Romnia 2. Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Ungaria GB / eng 187. Promoting social interaction for individuals with communicative impairments : making contact / edited by M. Suzanne Zeedyk. London : Kingsley, 2008. 191 p. ; 23 cm. Conine: Using imitation to establish channels of communication with institutionalised children in Romania: bridging the gap / Pete Coia. ISBN 978-1-84310-539-8 1. Copii -- Psihopatologie 2. Copii cu nevoi speciale -- Romnia 3. Autism GB / eng 37 Educaie. nvmnt. Timp liber 188. The impact of interactive factors on Romanian students' understanding of place value : thesis / by Madalina Tanase. - Las Vegas : University of Nevada, 2008. X, 215 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. nvmnt -- Cercetare 2. nvmnt romnesc -- Evaluare US / eng 189. MARTINELLI, MARIO. Mediare le conoscenze : formazione e apprendimento in Reuven Feuerstein / Mario Martinelli. - Torino : Societ Editrice Internazionale, 2008. 152 p. ; 22 cm. - (Scuola e vita). ISBN 9788805060511 1. Feuerstein, Reuven 2. Pedagogi evrei din Romnia -- Evocare 3. Pedagogie -- Concepte IT / ita

190. TINCU, MDLINA FLORENTINA. A journey of advising : experiences of doctoral international students and faculty advisors in the college of education at a midwestern university : thesis / Madalina Florentina Tincu. - Cedar Falls : University of Iowa Press, 2008. V, 145 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 125-135. Tez de doctorat. 1. Universiti -- S.U.A 2. nvmnt superior -- Dezvoltare -- Politic guvernamental US / eng 39 Etnografie. Folclor 191. Balkan dance : essays on characteristics, performance and teaching / edited by Anthony Shay. - Jefferson, NC : McFarland and Co, 2008. X, 281 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Hai la joc! periodicity at play in Romanian dance music / Jamie L. Webster. ISBN 9780786432288 1. Etnografie comparat 2. Dans tradiional romnesc 3. Folclor romnesc -- Teme, motive US / eng 192. CUISENIER, JEAN. Das Gedchtnis der Karpaten : Rumnien und sein kulturelles Erbe : Innen- und Aussenansichten / Jean Cuisenier ; bersetzt aus dem franzsischen von Klaus Freckmann. - Marburg : Jonas, 2008. 400 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (Schriftenreihe zur Dendrochronologie und Bauforschung ; Bd. 6). Tit. orig. (lb. francez) : Mmoire des Carpathes, la Roumanie millnaire, un regard intrieur. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783894453947 1. Etnologie (Romnia) 2. Etnologie rural -- Mituri -- Ritualuri 3. Romnia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri DE / ger = fre




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 394 Obiceiuri privind viaa public

193. Npmondk Erdly szvben : Als-Fehr megye mondahagyomnya / szerkesztette Magyar Zoltn. - Budapest : Balassi Kiad, 2008. 556 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Magyar npkltszet tra ; 8). ISBN 9789635067541 1. Folclor maghiar -- Alba -- Legende 2. Folclor maghiar -- Transilvania -- Antologii HU / hun 194. NYISZTOR, TINKA. Szent Istvn gyermekei : Nyisztor Tinka nprajzossal beszlget Benkei Ildik / Nyisztor Tinka ; Benkei Ildik. - Budapest : Kairosz, 2008. 128 p. ; 17 cm. ISBN 9789639642980 1. Etnografi maghiari din Romnia -- Amintiri 2. Etnografie i folclor -- Moldova -- Ceangi 3. Dialoguri interculturale HU / hun 195. OITEANU, ANDREI. Il diluvio, il drago e il labirinto : studie di magia e mitologia europea comparata / Andrei Oiteanu ; a cura di Dan O. Cepraga e Maria Bulei. - Verona : Edizioni Fiorini, 2008. 305 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Musa critica ; 3). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9788887082708 1. Mitologie comparat -- Teme, motive 2. Mitologie romneasc 3. Mitologie i folclor IT / ita = rum

196. New perspectives on knowledge, attitudes and practices in health / edited by Raymond W. Pierce and Rebecca I. Schwartz. - New York : Nova Biomedical Books, 2008. XIV, 292 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Values and sexual practices : inter and intra-cultural variations in Romania and the UK / Isabela Caramlau. ISBN 9781604560367 1. Sntate public -- Politic guvernamental 2. Sntate public (Romnia) 3. Comportament social -- Sexualitate US / eng 5 TIINE TEORETICE I NATURALE 502/504 tiina mediului nconjurtor 197. The Black Sea environment / edited by Andrey G. Kostianoy and Aleksey N. Kosarev. - Berlin : Springer, 2007. XIV, 457 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (The handbook of environmental chemistry ; 5). ISBN 9783540742913 1. Marea Neagr -- Protecia mediului 2. Marea Neagr -- State riverane DE / eng 198. DORR, F.J.D. Logistics in Romania : an update on the challenges : thesis / F.J.D. Dorr. - Rotterdam : Erasmus University, 2008. 109 p. ; 30 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Romnia -- Dezvoltarea durabil 2. Logistic NL / eng





199. Methods and techniques for cleaning-up contaminated sites / edited by Michael D. Annable. - London : Springer, 2008. VIII, 196 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (NATO science for peace and security. Series C, Environmental security). Bibliogr. Conine: Immobilization of heavy metals and stable organics from Aqueous Systems on modified activated carbon / Tudor Lupascu ; Biochemical oxidation - a pathway for ammonia removal from Aquatic Systems / Maria Teodorescu. ISBN 9781402068737 ISBN 1402068735 1. Poluarea apelor 2. Ecologie general 3. Dezvoltare durabil GB / eng 200. Protection and sustainable development of the MediterraneanBlack Sea ecosystem / edited by Amedeo Postiglione. - Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2008. 894 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782802725701 1. Dezvoltare durabil (Romnia) 2. Ecosisteme acvatice -- Marea Neagr 3. Ecosisteme acvatice -- Marea Mediteran BE / eng 51 Matematic 201. GHERGU, MARIUS. Singular elliptic problems : bifurcation and asymptotic analysis / Marius Ghergu, Vicentiu Rdulescu. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2008. XVI, 298 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Oxford lecture series in mathematics and its applications ; 37). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780195334722 1. Ecuaii difereniale 2. Matematic aplicat GB / eng

202. MITREA, DORINA. Perspectives in partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and applications / Marius Mitrea, Dorina Mitrea. Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society, 2008. XVII, 423 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780821844243 1. Ecuaii difereniale eliptice 2. Matematic aplicat US / eng 203. STAN, FLORIN. Trace problems in algebraic number fields and applications to characters of finite groups / Florin Stan. - Chicago : University of Illinois, 2008. VI, 91 p. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780549910923 ISBN 0549910921 1. Matematic aplicat 2. Matematic -- Algebr -- Studii US / eng 204. ZAMFIR, POMPILIU MANUEL. Spherical spin glasses : thesis / Pompiliu Manuel Zamfir. - Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2008. IX, 144 p. ; 29 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Matematic aplicat US / eng 53 Fizic 205. Exotic nuclei and nuclear/particle astrophysics / edited by Livius Trache, Sabin Stoica. - Melville, N.Y. : American Institute of Physics, 2008. XXIV, 617 p. : il. parial color ; 25 cm. - (AIP conference proceedings ; No. 972). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780735404908 ISBN 0735404909 1. Astrofizic US / eng





206. Functionalized nanoscale materials, devices and systems / ed. by A. Vaseashta, I.N. Mihailescu. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. XIV, 489 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (NATO science for peace and security. Physics and biophysics). ISBN 978-1-402-08901-5 1. Nanotehnologie NL / eng 207. MICLEA, CORNELIU FLORIN. Investigation of superconducting order parameters in heavy-fermion and low-dimensional metallic systems under pressure : thesis / Corneliu Florin Miclea. - Gttingen : Cuvillier, 2008. III, 153 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9783867277082 ISBN 3867277087 1. Fizic DE / eng 208. NSTASE, ADRIANA. Computation of supersonic flow over flying configurations / Adriana Nastase. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. XVII, 389 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780080449579 ISBN 0080449573 1. Aerodinamic 2. Modele matematice NL / eng 209. SRCIL, GABRIEL FLORIN. Probing superfluid acceleration in superconductors with fast pulsed signals : thesis / Gabriel Florin Saracila. - Columbia : University of South Carolina, 2008. X, 110 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 93-99. Tez de doctorat. 1. Fizic experimental US / eng

210. TEFNI, CARMEN-GABRIELA. From bulk to nano : the many sides of magnetism / Carmen-Gabriela Stefanita. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. 228 p. ; 23 cm. - (Springer Series in Materials Science ; Nr. 117). ISBN 9783540705475 ISBN 3540705473 1. Magnetism 2. Nanostructuri DE / eng 54 Chimie 211. Applications of mass spectrometry in life safety / edited by Crisan Popescu, Alina D. Zamfir, Nicolae Dinca. - Dordrecht ; London : Springer, 2008. 238 p. ; 22 cm. - (NATO science for peace and security ; Chemistry and biology). ISBN 1402088116 ISBN 9781402088117 1. Chimie -- Tehnologie 2. Spectrometrie de mas GB / eng 212. BAIA, MONICA. Raman and SERS investigations of pharmaceuticals / Monica Baia ; editors: Simion Astilean, Traian Iliescu. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. 245 p. : 21 cm. ISBN 9783540782834 1. Biochimie analitic DE / eng 213. BUZIANU, MDLINA DORA. Investigation of SH and Cs radicals formation dynamics inside the hot filament chemical vapor deposition environment by means of cavity ringdown spectroscopy : thesis / Madalina Dora Buzaianu. - San Juan, Puerto Rico : Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2008. XXX, 237 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Chimie experimental 2. Chimie fizic US / eng

ROMNICA 55 Geologie. Meteorologie. Hidrologie




214. Harmonization of seismic hazard in Vrancea zone : with special emphasis on seismic risk reduction / edited by Anton Zaicenco, Iolanda Craifaleanu and Ivanka Paskaleva. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. XVI, 347 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (NATO science for peace and security). ISBN 9781402092404 1. Cutremure -- Sistem de alertare 2. Seismologie -- Romnia -- Vrancea DE / eng 215. Magyarorszg s Erdly gygyvztrtnelmbl / szerk.: Paczolay Gyula, Gazda Istvn. - Piliscsaba : Mati, 2007. 187 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Magyar tudomnytrtneti szemle knyvtra ; 46). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639276628 1. Izvoare de ap mineral -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Izvoare de ap mineral -- Ungaria -- Istorie HU / hun 216. Sustainable use and development of watersheds / edited by I. Ethem Gnen, Angheluta Vadineanu, John P. Wolflin. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. 545 p. ; 23 cm. - (NATO Science for Peace and Security). ISBN 9781402085574 1. Resurse de ap -- Gestiune 2. Resurse energetice -- Conservare NL / eng 217. WIDROWSKA, JOLANTA. Evolution of the Mesozoic basins on the southwestern edge of the East European Craton (Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania) / by Jolanta widrowska, Maciej Hakenberg, Antoneta Seghedi. - Krakow : Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN, 2008. 237 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Studia geologica Polonica ; 130). ISBN 9788361375081 1. Geologie -- Europa de Est 2. Stratigrafie -- Mezozoic 3. Geologie -- Romnia PL / eng

218. Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system / edited by S. Siegesmund, B. Fgenschuh and N. Froitzheim. - London : Geological Society Publishing House, 2008. VIII, 448 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (Geological Society special publication ; 298). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781862392526 ISBN 1862392528 1. Geologie 2. Carpai, muni -- Hri tectonice 3. Romnia GB / eng 56 Paleontologie 219. Archives of climate and environmental change in karst / editors Bogdan P. Onac, Silviu Constantin. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. 119 p. : il. ; h. ; 28 cm. - (Quaternary international ; v. 187). Bibliogr. 1. Paleoclimatologie NL / eng 220. slnytani kirndulsok Magyarorszgon s Erdlyben / szerk.: Plfy Jzsef, Pazonyi Piroska. - Budapest : Hantken, 2007. 260 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (GeoKalauz ; 1). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789638743626 1. Paleontologie -- Transilvania 2. Paleontologie -- Ungaria HU / hun 57 Biologie 221. BARBU, VLAD TEFAN. Semi-Markov chains and hidden semi-Markov models toward applications their use in reliability and DNA analysis / Vlad Stefan Barbu, Nikolaos Limnios. - New York : Springer, 2008. XIII, 224 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Lecture notes in statistics ; 191). ISBN 9780387731735 1. Genetic aplicat 2. Genetic medical -- Modele matematice US / eng





222. RAICU, VALERIC. Integrated molecular and cellular biophysics / Valerica Raicu, Aurel Popescu. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2008. XI, 250 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781402082689 1. Biofizic NL / eng 223. Tissue proteomics : pathways, biomarkers, and drug discovery / edited by Brian C. Liu, Joshua R. Ehrlich and Alina D. Zamfir. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2008. X, 225 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Methods in molecular biology ; v. 441). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 1588296792 ISBN 9781588296795 1. Biologie molecular 2. Biologie aplicat US / eng 59 Zoologie 224. GORMAN, GERARD. Central and Eastern European wildlife / Gerard Gorman. - Chalfont St. Peter : Bradt Publications, 2008. 160 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Bradt Travel Guide). Index. ISBN 9781841622316 ISBN 1841622311 1. Faun -- Romnia 2. Europa -- Animale slbatice -- Protecie GB / eng

6 TIINE APLICATE 61 Medicin 225. ALBEANU, DINU FLORENTIN. Multimodal imaging of sensory inputs and neuronal coding in the rodent olfactory bulb : thesis / Dinu Florentin Albeanu. - Cambridge : Harvard University, 2008. VI, 251 p. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Neurologie GB / eng 226. BOYD, CHRISTINE. Poverty and health care in the context of Romanian postcommunism : Thesis / Christine Boyd. - Washington, DC : American University Press, 2008. 284 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 269-283. Tez de doctorat. 1. Sntate public -- Politic guvernamental 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism US / eng 227. Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union / edited by Cem Mete. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2008. XVI, 136 p. : il. col. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780821373378 1. Sntate public -- Europa de est 2. Sntate public -- Aspect economic 3. Sntate public (Romnia) US / eng





228. FINKE, RAINER. Intersexualitt bei kindern / Rainer Finke ; Sven-Olaf Hhne ; unter mitarb. von Grigore Cernaianu. - Bremen : UNI-MED, 2008. 157 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (UNI-MED science). ISBN 978-3-89599-927-7 1. Sntate public -- Politic guvernamental 2. Copii din medii defavorizate DE / ger 229. Learning, skill acquisition, reading, and dyslexia / edited by Lynn Flowers, Ruxandra Sireteanu, Viorica Marian. - Boston : Blackwell Publishing, 2008. XII, 330 p. : il. color ; 26 cm. - (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; 1145). Bibliogr. ISBN 9781573317023 1. Neuropsihologie infantil 2. Neurolingvistic US / eng 62 Tehnic. Inginerie 230. ABRUDAN, TRAIAN. Advanced optimization algorithms for sensor arrays and multi-antenna communications ; thesis / Traian Abrudan. Espoo : Helsinki University of Technology, 2008. XVIII, 188 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics ; 6). Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9789512296064 ISBN 9512296063 1. Tehnologie FI / eng 231. BARBU, CORNEL. Electrician's book : how to read electrical drawings / Cornel Barbu. - Raleigh : Lulu Press, 2008. 175 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781435713208 1. Inginerie -- Tehnologie US / eng

232. Education and training in geo-engineering sciences : soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering geology and rock mechanics / edited by Iacint Manoliu, Nicoleta Radulescu. - Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2008. XI, 514 p. : il., h. ; 26 cm. ISBN 9780415475938 1. Mecanica solidelor 2. Inginerie mecanic US / eng 233. IEAN, DORIN. Classical and generalized models of elastic rods / Dorin Iesan ; editors: David Gao, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski. - Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall, 2008. 228 p. ; 20 cm. - (Modern Mechanics and Mathematics). ISBN 9781420086492 ISBN 1420086499 1. Mecanic tehnic 2. Tehnologia materialelor US / eng 234. Lecture notes on composite materials : current topics and achievements / edited by: Tomasz Sadowski, Ren De Borst, Eduard-Marius Craciun. - New York : Springer, 2008. 252 p. : 23 cm. - (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications ; Nr. 154). ISBN 9781402087714 ISBN 1402087713 1. Rezistena materialelor 2. Mecanica solidelor US / eng 235. Semi-active suspension control : improved vehicle ride and road friendliness / edited by: Emanuele Guglielmino, Marius Giuclea, Tudor Sireteanu. - London : Springer, 2008. XVI, 294 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781848002302 1. Inginerie -- Tehnologie GB / eng





236. Vehicle sensors and actuators / edited by Serdan H. Ynak. Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive Engineers, 2008. 135 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (SP ; 2191). Bibliogr. Conine: Static and dynamic instabilities of electrostatic actuated MEMS devices / Dumitru M. Beloiu. ISBN 9780768020335 1. Inginerie -- Tehnologie US / eng 620 Materiale. Merceologie. Energetic 237. Optimal control of wind energy systems : towards a global approach / editors: Iulian Munteanu, Antoneta Iuliana Bratcu, Nicolaos-Antonio Cutululis, Emil Ceang. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. 283 p. : diagr., il., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Advances in Industrial control). Bibliogr. p. 269-279. Index. ISBN 978-1-84800-079-7 1. Energie alternativ -- Cercetri 2. Energie eolian DE / eng 623 Tehnic militar 238. VUERICH, COSIMO. Paracadutisti ! : breve storia dei reparti di paracadutisti di Slovacchia, stato indipendente di Croazia, Ungheria, Romania, Bulgaria e delle loro nazioni durante la seconda guerra mondiale / Cosimo Vuerich. - Voghera : Marvia, 2008. 105 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Marvia Edizioni ; 29). Bibliogr. ISBN 9788889089194 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Operaiuni aeriene romneti 2. Parautiti 3. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Campania din Est IT / ita

239. GIUC, RZVAN. Rehabilitation of structural walls / Rzvan Giuc, Vladimir Corobceanu, Constantin Chiri. - New York : Denbrige Press, 2008. 156 p. : il., tab. ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-0-979-80-22-7-0 1. Construcii -- Management 2. Construcii -- Structuri metalice US / eng 631/635 Agronomie. Fitopatologie. Horticultur 240. HARASZTOS, KAROLINA. Das lndliche Rumnien im Wandel : das Beispiel der Gemeinde Livada im Bezirk Satu Mare / von Karolina Harasztos. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 108 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783639043907 1. Agricultur -- Romnia -- Postcomunism 2. Maramure -- Agricultur -- Istorie DE / ger 241. ISTUDOR, GABRIELA. Policy and governance of the genetically modified organisms in Romania : thesis / by Gabriela Istudor. Wageningen : Wageningen Universiteit, 2008. 149 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Plante modificate genetic 2. Agricultur ecologic -- Romnia NL / eng




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 65 Management. Conducere i organizare

242. VIDICAN SGOURIDIS, GEORGETA. Institutional arrangements and land reallocation during transition : a regional analysis of small farms in Romania : thesis / Georgeta Vidican Sgouridis. - Massachusetts : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2008. 309 p. : il. , h. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. p. 299-309. Tez de doctorat. 1. Agricultur -- Europa Central 2. Agricultur -- Europa de Est 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 64 Economie casnic 243. FILIP, DOROTHEA. Rumnien : kulinarische streifzge : mit 49 rezepten / Dorothea Filip ; fotogr. von Marius Bchlein. - Blaufelden : Sigloch Edition, 2008. 142 p. : il. color ; 26 cm. ISBN 978-3-89393-311-2 1. Buctrie romneasc 2. Cri de bucate DE / ger 244. PATAKI, JNOS. Szkelyfld zei / Pataki Jnos, Patakin Mrkus Piroska. - Budapest : Szkelyk, 2006. 216 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Krptia Kpek). ISBN 9789638740700 1. Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Art culinar HU / hun 245. Russian, Polish & German cooking : the very best of eastern European cuisine, with more than 185 delicious recipes shown in 750 photographs / edited by Lesley Chamberlain. - London : Hermes House, 2008. 256 p. : il. ; h. ; 31 cm. Index. ISBN 9780681280083 ISBN 0681280085 1. Gastronomie -- Romnia 2. Gastronomie (rile lumii) GB / eng

246. LOUKA, ELLI. Water law and policy : governance without frontiers / edited by Elli Louka. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008. XV, 446 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Nineteen countries one river: trade-offs in the management of the Danube river. ISBN 9780195374131 ISBN 0195374134 1. Dunrea, fluviu 2. Legislaie -- Uniunea European 3. Resurse de ap -- Gestiune US / eng 247. OPREAN, CONSTANTIN. QM Quality management / Constantin Oprean ; Claudiu Vasile Kifor ; translated by Eva Nicoleta Burdusel. - Hamburg : Callidus, 2008. 241 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-3-940677-50-1 1. Managementul calitii DE / eng 654 Telecomunicaii 248. GRANCEA, ERICA LIANA. Aspects of sequence and preference organization in Romanian telephone conversations : thesis / by Erica Liana Grancea. - Los Angeles : University of California, 2008. IX, 293 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 286-293. Tez de doctorat. 1. Comunicaii digitale -- Romnia 2. Telefonie multipl US / eng

ROMNICA 656 Transporturi. Servicii potale




249. ORGAN, JOHN. Romania and Bulgaria narrow gauge / Organ John. - Easebourne, UK : Middleton Press, 2008. 96 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781906008239 1. Ci ferate -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Ci ferate -- Bulgaria -- Istorie 3. Mocnie GB / eng 7 ART. ARHITECTUR. DISTRACII. SPORT 71 Urbanism 250. LE COUDIC, DANIEL. Art public et projet urbain : Brest 1970-2000 / Daniel Le Coudic, Carmen Popescu, Rachel Sattolo. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2007. XVI, 171 p. : il. color, h. ; 25 cm. - (Art & socit). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9782753505377 1. Brest (Frana) 2. Arhitectur public -- Frana 3. Urbanism -- Spaiu public -- Concepte FR / fre 251. NIEDERMAIER, PAUL. Stdte, drfer, bauwerke : studien zur siedlungs- und baugeschichte Siebenbrgens / von Paul Niedermaier. - Kln : Bhlau, 2008. XXX, 470 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Studia Transylvanica ; 36). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783412200473 1. Orae -- Istorie -- Transilvania 2. Arhitectur urban -- Transilvania -- Istorie DE / ger

252. World cities and urban form : fragmented, polycentric, sustainable? / edited by Mike Jenks, Daniel Kozak. - New York : Routledge, 2008. IX, 373 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. Conine: To be or not to be a "world class" city? : poverty and urban form in Paris and Bucharest / Oana Liliana Pavel. ISBN 9780415451840 1. Bucureti 2. Paris 3. Orae -- Arhitectur 4. Orae -- Romnia -- Istorie 5. Urbanism -- Spaiu public -- Concepte US / eng 72 Arhitectur 253. BAGYINSZKI, ZOLTN. Alfldi szecesszi / Bagyinszki Zoltn ; fot: Gerle Jnos. - Debrecen : TKK, 2008. 203 p. : il. color ; 34 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789635966790 1. Art Nouveau 2. Arhitectur urban -- Ungaria 3. Arhitectur urban -- Transilvania HU / hun 254. BULZAN, OVIDIU SIMION. Church architecture and Baptist missions in Transylvania : 1871-1918 : thesis / by Ovidiu Simion Bulzan. - Wake Forest, NC : Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2008. XV, 239 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 228-239. Tez de doctorat. 1. Biserica Baptist -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Arhitectur religioas -- Transilvania US / eng 255. COIGNARD, JRME. L'htel de Bhague : la rsidence de la Roumanie en France / par Jrme Coignard. - Paris : Connaissance des arts, 2008. 84 p. : il. color ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782758001911 1. Ambasada Romniei (Paris) 2. Arhitectur civil -- Frana FR / fre





256. EVANGELIDIS, TOM. Faade / by Tom Evangelidis. - Rose Bay, NSW : Jules Laverne, 2008. 128 p. : il. ; 35 cm. ISBN 9780980424003 1. Arhitectur -- Europa Central i de Est -- Istorie 2. Arhitectur -- Romnia -- Istorie 3. Arhitectur i totalitarism AU / eng 257. FRANKE, ARNE. Kronstadt/Brasov : Ein kunstgeschichtlicher rundgang durch die stadt unter die zinne / Arne Franke ; mit einer historischen einfhrung von Harald Roth. - Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 2008. 148 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Grosse Kunstfhrer ; Bd. 236). Bibliogr. p. 148. ISBN 9783795420581 1. Braov 1. Arhitectur -- Istorie -- Braov 2. Arhitectur bisericeasc DE / ger 258. POPESCU, CARMEN. Le style national roumain : construire une nation travers l'architecture : 1881-1945 / Carmen Popescu. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2004. 375 p. : h., il. ; 24 cm. - (Art et Socit). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782868479136 1. Arhitectur -- Istorie -- Romnia 2. Arhitectur urban -- Istorie -- Stiluri FR / fre

259. IPLIC, IOAN MARIAN. Die Grenzverteidigung Siebenbrgens im Mittelalter (10.-14. jahrhundert) / Ioan Marian iplic ; aus dem rum. bertr. von Winfried Ziegler. - Gundelsheim : Arbeitskreis fr Siebenbrgische Landeskunde Heidelberg, 2007. 381 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Organizarea defensiv a Transilvaniei n evul mediu (sec. X-XIV). Bibliogr. p. 329-354. ISBN 978-3-929848-64-9 1. Transilvania -- Civilizaie -- Istorie 2. Arhitectur medieval -- Istorie -- Transilvania 3. Arhitectur urban -- Fortificaii DE / ger = rum 73/76 Arte plastice. Desen tehnic 260. ASAVEI, MARIA-ALINA. Rewriting the canon of visual arts in Communist Romania / by Maria-Alina Asavei. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 100 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783639102383 1. Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic 2. Arte plastice -- Romnia -- Comunism DE / eng 261. CEAU : album / edited by Christoph Bchel and Giovanni Carmine ; photogr.: Christoph Bchel ; translations by Theodora Balauru. Gttingen : Steidl, 2008. 350 p. : il. color ; 21 cm. Index. ISBN 978-3-86521-600-7 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Ceauescu, Elena 3. Pictur romneasc modern -- Portret 4. Comunism i art DE / eng





262. CSUPOR, ISTVN. Erdly npi kermiamvszete : a Krptmedence kermiamvszete / Csupor Istvn. - Budapest : Novella, 2008. 254 p. : il. color ; 24 cm. ISBN 9789639442320 1. Ceramica popular -- Transilvania 2. Art popular maghiar -- Teme, motive HU / hun 263. DRAOVEAN, FLORIN. Neolithic art in Romania / Florin Drasovean, Dragomir Nicolae Popovici ; preface by Laurent Chrzanovski ; english translation, Louise Bogwood. - Napoli : Arte'm, 2008. 229 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788856900019 1. Neolitic -- Romnia 2. Art neolitic -- Romnia 3. Art preistoric IT / eng = rum 264. FACCENDA, GIOVANNI. Capitali interiori : l'Europa di Nelu Pascu / di Giovanni Faccenda. - Firenze : Masso delle Fate Edizioni, 2008. 122 p. : il. color ; 28 cm. - (Arte contemporanea ; 13). ISBN 9788860391100 1. Pascu, Nelu 2. Pictori romni -- Prezentare 3. Art romneasc contemporan -- Pictur IT / ita 265. JKELY, ZSOMBOR. Kzpkori falkpek Erdlyben / Jkely Zsombor, Kiss Lrnd ; szerkesztette Kollr Tibor. - Budapest : Teleki Lszl Alaptvny, 2008. 363 p. : il. ; 33 cm. Bibliogr. p. 352-354. ISBN 9789637081149 1. Pictur mural gotic -- Transilvania 2. Evul Mediu -- Transilvania 3. Conservare i restaurare -- Pictur mural HU / hun

266. Masterworks from the Indiana University Art Museum / editors: Adelheid M. Gealt, Diane M. Pelrine, Adriana Calinescu. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2008. 384 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780253219565 1. Artiti plastici americani 2. Arte plastice contemporane US / eng 267. NSUI, COSMIN. Against all odds : romanian artists / Cosmin Nasui. - New York : Slag Gallery, 2008. 81 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Conine: George Anghelescu - Irina Broboana - Suzana Dan - Gheorghe Fikl - Mihai Florea - Ioana Gorzo - Dumitru Gorzo - Aneli Munteanu - Bogdan Rata - Mircea Suciu - Roman Tolici. 1. Artiti plastici romni -- Prezentare 2. Art romneasc contemporan US / eng 268. Portr s imzs : politikai propaganda s reprezentci a kora jkorban / szerkesztette G. Etnyi Nra s Horn Ildik. - Budapest : L'Harmattan, 2008. 464 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789632360768 1. Personaliti politice maghiare -- Portrete 2. Arte plastice -- Pictur -- Portret 3. Art i politic -- Curente artistice HU / hun 269. PRGEL, ROLAND. Im zeichen der stadt : Avantgarde in Rumnien : 1920-1938 / Roland Prgel. - Kln : Bhlau, 2008. 270 p. : il. col., h. ; 25 cm. - (Studien zur Kunst ; 6). ISBN 9783412164065 1. Arte plastice -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Avangard artistic 3. Via artistic -- Romnia DE / ger





270. Terror and the arts : artistic, literary, and political interpretations of violence from Dostoyevksy to Abu Ghraib / edited by Matti Hyvrinen and Lisa Muszynski. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. XIII, 252 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Dictators and dictatorships: arts and politics in Romania and Chile (1974-89) / Caterina Preda. ISBN 9780230606715 1. Estetic comparat 2. Art i ideologie 3. Art i politic -- Proletcultism US / eng 271. USCTESCU, GEORGE. Paseo esttico por una pinacoteca / Jorge Uscatescu Barrn. - Barcelona : Ediciones del Serbal, 2008. 327 p. ; 21 cm. - (Cultura artstica ; 27). ISBN 9788476285176 1. Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic ES / spa 272. Victor Man / edited by Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Tom Morton and Yilmaz Dziewior. - Zrich : JRP / Ringier, 2008. 163 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783905829310 1. Man, Victor 2. Arte vizuale -- Experiment artistic -- Instalaii 3. Artiti plastici romni -- Prezentare CH / eng

273. VINZENT, JUTTA. Overcoming dictatorships : contemporary East and West European visual inquiries : Zbynek Benysek, Mirela Dauceanu, Harald Hauswald, Silvestro Lodi, Vlad Naca, Sandor Pinczehelyi, Michele Zaggia / Jutta Vinzent. - Bielefeld : Kerber, 2008. 104 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Kerber Art). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783866781788 1. Benysek, Zbynek 2. Duceanu, Mirela 3. Hauswald, Harald 4. Lodi, Silvestro 5. Naca, Vlad 6. Pinczehelyi, Sndor 7. Zaggia, Michele 8. Art i ideologie -- Comunism 9. Artiti plastici romni -- Evocare 10. Arte plastice -- Europa de Est -- Postcomunism DE / eng 77 Fotografie 274. Beatrice Minda : innenwelt : fotografien aus Rumnien und aus dem exil / hrsg.: Ulrich Pohlmann, Richard Wagner. - Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2007. 159 p. : il. color ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 158. ISBN 9783775719698 1. Minda, Beatrice 2. Diaspor romn 3. Fotografii artistice DE / ger 275. CARRET, CLAUDE. Drum bun en Roumanie / Claude et MarieJos Carret ; diteur, Arthur R. David ; prface, Bernard Houliat. - Saint-Germaindes-Prs : Artisans-voyageurs, 2007. 111 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 978-2-916271-06-4 1. Fotografii -- Album 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii FR / fre

ROMNICA 78 Muzic




276. BARTK, BLA. rsok a npzenrl / Bartk Bla ; vlogatta, szerkesztette s a bevezet tanulmnyt rta Grh Gspr. - Budapest : Kortrs, 2008. 204 p. ; 20 cm. - (Magyar nz). ISBN 9789639593688 1. Muzic popular maghiar din Romnia 2. Muzic popular maghiar -- Influene 3. Muzic -- Teorie HU / hun 277. COSTANTINO, SALVATORE. George Enescu : vita e musica / Salvatore Costantino. - Bologna : CLUEB, 2008. 99 p. ; 21 cm. - (Heuresis. Arti, musica, spettacolo ; No. 7). Bibliogr. ISBN 9788849130614 1. Enescu, George 2. Muzicieni romni -- Biografie IT / ita 278. GUTTMAN BEN-ZWI, RUTH. Cele dou cariere ale marelui pianist Mndru Katz / Ruth Guttman Ben-Zwi ; prefa de Valentin Gheorghiu i Arie Vardi. - Tel-Aviv : Reytan Printing, 2008. 178 p. : il. ; facs. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789659072316 1. Katz, Mndru 2. Pianiti evrei -- Evocare 3. Diaspor romn IL / rum 279. HATAKEYAMA, RIKUO. Dinu Lipatti / Hatakeyma Rikuo. Tokyo : Chopin Corporation, 2007. 238 p. ; 21 cm. Text n lb. japonez. Paginaie invers. F. de tit. i n lb. japonez. ISBN 978-4-88364-230-4 1. Lipatti, Dinu 2. Muzicieni romni -- Biografie JP / jpn

280. IVNCEANU, VINTIL. KKK : Kunst.Klang.Krieg / Vintila Ivanceanu ; Josef Schweikhardt. - Wien : Passagen Verlag, 2008. 233 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Tetralogie Bastard ; Bd. 4). Bibliogr. p. 217 - 233. ISBN 978-3-85165-857-6 1. Diaspor romn 2. Muzic -- Istorie 3. Cultur muzical AU / ger 281. Orgelmusik aus Rumnien / hrsg. von Franz Metz. - Mnchen : Edition Musik Sdost, 2008. VIII, 206 p. : il. ; 29 cm. ISBN 978-3-939041-12-2 1. Muzic bisericeasc -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Instrumente muzicale -- Org DE / ger 791/792 Arta spectacolului 282. FEKETE, ORSOLYA. Canadian-Romanian theatres : a case study of canadian multiculturalism / Orsolya Fekete. - VDM Verlag Dr. Mller : 2008. 92 p. : il. ; 30 cm. ISBN 9783639095487 ISBN 3639095480 1. Multiculturalism -- Canada 2. Diaspor romn 3. Trupe de teatru DE / eng 283. PETRE, GABRIELA CIPRIANA. Twice-mapping Romania : towards a performative gridding of politics and a political cartography of theatre in communism and post-communism : thesis / by Gabriela Cipriana Petre. - Irvine, CA : University of California Press, 2008. XIV, 332 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 318-332. Tez de doctorat. 1. Teatru romnesc -- Istorie 2. Teatru romnesc contemporan -- Estetic 3. Teatru i societate US / eng





284. ROMAN, ADRIAN. Staging the lesson, by Eugene Ionesco, at Columbia Stages : thesis / Adrian Roman. - New York : Columbia University. Theatre Arts Division, 2008. 92 p. ; 29 cm. Biblogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Ionescu, Eugen 2. Teatru -- Istorie i critic 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 285. SMITH, ROBERT M. Ionesco and the search for the absurd : stripping down the actor's armor for the part of Dudard : thesis / Robert M. Smith. - Gainesville : University of Florida, 2008. IV, 81 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Ionescu, Eugen 2. Diaspor romn 3. Teatru -- Istorie i critic US / eng 286. Theatre and performance in Eastern Europe : the changing scene / edited by Dennis Barnett, Arthur Skelton. - Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2008. XII, 277 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 251-260. Index. Conine: The (r)evolution of Romanian theatre / Jane Duncan. ISBN 9780810860230 1. Teatru contemporan -- Istorie i critic 2. Teatru -- Europa de est -- Istorie 3. Teatru romnesc -- Istorie i critic US / eng

287. NSTASE, ILIE. Monsieur Nastase : l'autobiographie / Ilie Nastase ; avec la collaboration de Deborah Beckerman ; ouvrage traduit de l'anglais par Deborah Beckerman et Christophe Castel ; prface de Yannick Noah. - Paris : ditions Jacob-Duvernet, 2008. VIII, 357 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Lgendes du sport). ISBN 978-2-84724-200-3 1. Nstase, Ilie 2. Sportivi romni -- Tenis -- Dialoguri FR / fre = eng 8 LINGVISTIC. FILOLOGIE. LITERATUR 81 Lingvistic 288. BISTRICEANU SIMIAN, MAGDALENA. Invitaci a l'estudi de la llengua romanesa / Magdalena Bistriceanu Simian. - Girona : Universidad de Girona, 2008. 274 p. ; 21 cm. - (Linguaemundi ; 2). ISBN 9788484582731 1. Limbi romanice -- Morfologie 2. Limbi romanice -- Gramatic ES / cat 289. GNCZL-DAVIES, RAMONA. Romanian: an essential grammar / Ramona Gnczl-Davies. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2008. XIII, 217 p. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge Essential Grammars). Biliogr. p. 215. Index. ISBN 0415338247 1. Lingvistic 2. Limba romn -- Studiu i predare US / eng





290. HALL, ADLA. Deutsch und tschechisch im sprachenpolitischen konflikt / Adla Hall. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2008. 261 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Deutsche Sprache und Literatur ; Bd. 1969). Bibliogr. p. 251-261. Index. ISBN 9783631580622 1. Transilvania -- Hri lingvistice 2. Transilvania -- Multilingvism 3. Sociolingvistic DE / ger 291. LAVRIC, EVA. The linguistics of football / Eva Lavric. Tbingen : Gunter Narr Verlag, 2008. 418 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Language in performance ; 38). ISBN 9783823363989 1. Lingvistic aplicat 2. Comunicare intercultural DE / eng 292. MUNTEANU, DAN. La posicin del cataln en la Romania segn su lxico latino patrimonial / Dan Munteanu Coln ; Hrsg. von Michael Frings und Andre Klump. - Stuttgart : Ibidem, 2008. 232 p. ; 21 cm. - (Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik ; Bd. 15). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 978-3-89821-854-2 1. Limbi romanice -- Morfologie 2. Limbi romanice -- Gramatic DE / spa 293. Sprachwandel und (Dis-)Kontinuitt in der Romania / herausgegeben von Sabine Heinemann ; unter Mitarbeit von Paul Videsott. Tbingen : Niemeyer, 2008. 152 p. : h. ; 24 cm. - (Linguistische Arbeiten ; 521). Bibliogr. Conine: Das "possessive" Genitivattribut im Altfranzsischen und im Rumnischen / Maria Iliescu. ISBN 9783484305212 1. Limbi romanice -- Istorie 2. Limbi romanice -- Gramatic DE / ger

294. SZEKERES, ISTVN. A szkely s az trk rs jeltrtnete : bevezets a trtneti sszehasonlt jeltrtnet mdszertanba / Szekeres Istvn ; szerkesztk: Birtalan gnes, Erdlyi Balzs. - Budapest : Mundus, 2008. 252 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (Mundus - Rgszeti tanulmnyok). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639713192 1. Lingvistic comparat 2. Limbi turcice -- Istorie 3. Limba maghiar -- Identitate HU / hun 811 Limbi individuale 295. PITTMAN, IULIA. The Romanian accent in English / Iulia Pittman. - Oxford : University of Mississippi Press, 2008. IV, 164 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Romance Monographs ; 65). Bibliogr. p. 141-147. Index. ISBN 9781889441207 ISBN 1889441201 1. Limba romn contemporan 2. Limba englez -- Romnia -- Studiu i predare US / eng 296. STNESCU, SPERANA. Sprachvergleich Kulturvergleich : quo vadis, KGdr? / Sperana Stnescu ; Ulrich Engel (Hrsg.). - Mnchen : Iudicium, 2008. 316 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783891295663 1. Lingvistic german 2. Limba german -- Gramatic comparat -- Limba romn DE / ger

ROMNICA 82.09 Critic i istorie literar




297. The review of contemporary fiction : New writing on writing / edited by John O'Brien. - Champaign, IL : Dalkey Archive Press, 2008. 194 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Review of contemporary fiction ; 3). Bibliogr. Conine: Onirism / Dumitru Tsepeneag. ISBN 9781564785244 1. Literatur contemporan -- Istorie i critic 2. Curente literare -- Postmodernism US / eng 298. The writer uprooted : contemporary Jewish exile literature / edited by Alvin H. Rosenfeld. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2008. XVI, 254 p. ; 25 cm. - (Jewish literature and culture). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Nomadic language / Norman Manea ; On Norman Manea's The hooligan's return / Matei Calinescu ; Exile as life after death in the writings of Henryk Grynberg and Norman Manea / Katarzyna Jerzak. ISBN 9780253351449 1. Literatur american contemporan -- Istorie i critic 2. Diaspor romn 3. Scriitori evrei din America US / eng 299. (M)Othering the nation : constructing and resisting national allegories through the maternal body / edited by Lisa Bernstein. - Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars, 2008. IX, 234 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Abortion and the making of the Socialist Mother during communist Romania / Lorena Anton. ISBN 9781847185372 1. Literatur universal comparat 2. Literatur universal -- Teme, motive 3. Literatur romn -- Teme, motive GB / eng

300. BDESCU, SANDA. Madame de Sevign et Michel de Montaigne : l'criture intime la lettre et l'essai / Sanda Badescu ; introduction by Angela Cozea. - Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2008. 196 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 0773448861 ISBN 9780773448865 1. Svign, marquise de 2. Montaigne, Michel de 3. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic 4. Literatur comparat US / fre 301. BERESFORD, MATTHEW. From demons to Dracula : the creation of the modern vampire myth / Matthew Beresford. - London : Reaktion, 2008. 240 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 210-227. Index. Conine: Vampiric haunts: Transylvania, Romania - the historical Dracula: Vlad III Tepes. ISBN 9781861894038 ISBN 1861894031 1. Literatur modern -- Istorie i critic 2. Vampiri -- Transilvania 3. Vampiri n literatur GB / eng 302. BORS, VITTORIA. Das andere denken, schreiben, sehen : schriften zur romanistischen kulturwissenschaft / Vittoria Bors ; hrsg. von Heike Brohm. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2008. 300 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Lettre). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783899428216 1. Avangard literar -- Romnia 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 3. Literatur -- Istorie i critic DE / ger





303. CLINESCU, MATEI. Ionesco : recherches identitaires / Matei Calinescu ; traduit du roumain par Simona Modreanu. - Paris : Oxus, 2005. 348 p. ; 21 cm. - (Les trangers de Paris). Index. ISBN 2-84898-052-4 1. Ionescu, Eugen 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic FR / fre = rum 304. COTRLEA, DELIA ANCA. Schreiben unter der diktatur : die lyrik von Anemone Latzina : ein monographischer versuch / von Delia Cotrlea. - Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2008. 305 p. ; 21 cm. - (Schriften zur Europa- und Deutschlandforschung ; Bd. 15). Bibliogr. p. 275-305. ISBN 9783631570227 1. Latzina, Anemone 2. Literatur german din Romnia -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 3. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Evocare DE / ger = rum 305. CRCIUNESCU, POMPILIU. Vintila Horia : translittrature et ralit / Pompiliu Craciunescu. - Paris : ditions de l'Homme, 2008. 230 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 217-228. ISBN 978-2-9532209-0-2 ISBN 9782953220902 1. Horia, Vintil 1. Scriitori romni -- Critic i interpretare 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -Frana FR / fre

306. Deux migrants de l'criture : Panait Istrati et Felicia Mihali / a cura di Gisle Vanhese ; presentazione di Gisle Vanhese ; saggi di Gisle Vanhese ; postfazione di Mugur Cristian Popovici. - Rende : Universit della Calabria, 2008. 349 p. : 24 cm. - (Imago ; 1). Bibliogr. p. 327-338. ISBN 9788874580774 1. Istrati, Panait 2. Mihali, Felicia 1. Literatur romn contemporan -- Istorie i critic 2. Diaspor romn IT / fre 307. GRUZINSKA, ALEKSANDRA. New interpretations in the history of French literature : from Marie de France to Beckett and Cioran / edited by Aleksandra Gruzinska ; with a foreword by Allan H. Pasco. - Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press, 2008. XV, 280 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780773451704 ISBN 0773451706 1. de France, Marie 2. Beckett, Samuel 3. Cioran, Emil 4. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic 5. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana US / eng 308. HANEY, WILLIAM S. Integral drama : culture, consciousness and identity / William S. Haney. - New York : Rodopi, 2008. 184 p. ; 23 cm. - (Consciousness, literature and the arts ; 15). Bibliogr. p. 177-182. Index. Conine: Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros: defiance vs. conformity. ISBN 9789042023895 1. Ionesco, Eugne 2. Diaspor romn 3. Literatur -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic US / eng





309. JOHANNSEN, ANJA K. Kisten, krypten, labyrinthe : raumfigurationen in der gegenwartsliteratur : W.G. Sebald, Anne Duden, Herta Mller / Anja K. Johannsen. - Bielefeld : Transcript, 2008. 237 p. ; 23 cm. - (Lettre). Bibliogr. p. 223 - 236. ISBN 9783899429084 ISBN 3899429087 1. Sebald, Winfried G 2. Duden, Anne 3. Mller, Herta 4. Scriitori germani -- Evocare 5. Literatur german -- Istorie i critic 6. Diaspor romn DE / ger 310. LAGT, ELODIE. L' Orient du signe : rves et drives chez Victor Segalen, Henri Michaux et Emile Cioran / Elodie Lagt. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2008. 242 p. ; 23 cm. - (Modern French identities ; 75). ISBN 9783039114023 ISBN 3039114026 1. Segalen, Victor 2. Michaux, Henri 3. Cioran, Emil 4. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic 5. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana CH / fre 311. LEONTE, LIVIU. La rception de l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust en Roumanie : thse / Liviu Leonte. - Lille : A.N.R.T, 2008. 273 p. : 25 cm. - (Thse la carte). Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9782729569662 ISBN 2729569669 1. Proust, Marcel 2. Scriitori francezi -- Critic i interpretare 3. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic FR / fre

312. RENNEKE, PETRA. Poesie und Wissen : poetologie des wissens der moderne / Petra Renneke. - Heidelberg : Winter, 2008. 382 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Beitrge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte ; Bd. 261). Bibliogr. p. 329 - 365. Conine: Herta Mller: Poetik ; Wissen. ISBN 978-3-8253-5510-4 1. Literatur german -- Istorie i critic 2. Diaspor romn DE / ger 313. RENZI, LORENZO. Le piccole strutture : linguistica, poetica, letteratura / Lorenzo Renzi ; a cura di Alvaro Barbieri, Dan Octavian Cepraga. Bologna : Il Mulino, 2008. XXVII, 674 p. ; 22 cm. - (Collezione di testi e studi). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9788815127525 1. Literatur italian -- Istorie i critic 2. Teorie literar IT / ita 314. SALAZAR-FERRER, OLIVIER. Benjamin Fondane et la rvolte existentielle : essai / Olivier Salazar-Ferrer. - Clichy : Corlevour, 2008. 220 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782915831221 1. Fundoianu, Benjamin 2. Suprarealism european 3. Avangard literar -- Teme, motive FR / fre 315. Shakespeare and the law / edited by Paul Raffield and Gary Watt. - Hart : Portland, OR, 2008. XIII, 310 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Shylock in Transylvania: anti-semitism and the law in East Central Europe / Istvan Pogany. ISBN 9781841138251 ISBN 1841138258 1. Shakespeare, William 2. Shakespeareologie 3. Literatur i societate -- Receptare 3. Antisemitism -- Romnia US / eng




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 821.11 Literaturi de limbi germanice

316. STANCU, EUGEN. Politics and science fiction : science fiction in communist Romania : 1955-1974 / by Eugen Stancu. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2008. 106 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783639022582 1. Literatur science fiction 2. Literatur i politic 3. Comunism i intelectuali -- Romnia DE / eng = rum 317. VASILE, BENIAMIN. Dany Laferrire : l'autodidacte et le processus de cration / Beniamin Vasile. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. 285 p. ; 22 cm. - (Critiques littraires). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782296062788 1. Laferrire, Dany 2. Scriitori canadieni de limb francez -- Critic i interpretare FR / fre 318. VASILESCU, DIANE. Panait Istrati, images d'Orient / Diane Vasilescu ; prambule de Louis Nucer. - Nice : Vaillant, 2008. 205 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-2-916986-01-2 ISBN 9782916986012 1. Istrati, Panait 2. Scriitori romni 3. Literatur romn -- Istorie i critic FR / fre 821 Literaturi individuale 319. New European poets / general editors: Wayne Miller and Kevin Prufer. - St. Paul, MN : Graywolf press, 2008. XXX, 401 p. ; 23 cm. Conine: Romania - Daniel Banulescu, Radu Andriescu, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Milail Galatanu, Simona Popescu, Saviana Stanescu, O. Nimigean, Ioana Nicolaie, Dan Sociu, Emilian Galaicu-Paun, Alexandru Vakulovski. ISBN 9781555974923 ISBN 1555974929 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Literatur european -- Poezie -- Antologii US / eng

320. ZWIGTMAN, FLOORTJE. Wolfsroedel / Floortje Zwigtman. Baarn, : De Fontein, 2008. 512 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-90-261-2434-1 1. Literatur olandez -- Roman 2. Vampiri n literatur 3. Transilvania n literatur NL / dut 821.111 Literatur englez i de limb englez 321. BERCOVICI, KONRAD. The story of the Gypsies : roman / Konrad Bercovici. - Whitefish, MT : Kessinger Publishing, 2008. 332 ; 18 cm. ISBN 9781443738712 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn 3. Rromi US / eng 322. BERCOVICI, KONRAD. Dust of New York (1919) / Konrad Bercovici. - Whitefish, MT : Kessinger Publishing, 2008. 248 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780548955024 1. Literatur american -- Proz 2. Rromi -- Cultur -- Tradiie 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 323. BERNYI, JOSEPH. Once upon Transylvania / Joseph Bernyi and Regina Bernyi. - Ormond ,Victoria (Australia) : Hybrid Publishers, 2008. XII, 577 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781876462628 1. Literatur australian -- Memorialistic 2. Diaspor romn AU / eng





324. BISTRIAN, SAMUEL. Goodbye Transylvania / Samuel Bistrian. - Longwood, FL : Xulon Press, 2008. 208 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781607910008 ISBN 1607910004 1. Transilvania n literatur 2. Literatur american -- Roman US / eng 325. CARR, ROBERT. Continuums : a novel / Robert Carr. - Ontario : Mosaic Press, 2008. 261 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780889628922 ISBN 0889628920 1. Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Roman 2. Comunism -- Romnia CA / eng 326. GRYPHON, TALIA. Key to redemption / Talia Gryphon. - New York : Berkley Books, 2008. 298 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN 9780441016440 1. Vampiri -- Transilvania 2. Literatur american -- Roman 3. Transilvania n literatur US / eng 327. KEENEY, STEPHEN S. Spencer the adventurer and the castle of Bran / by Stephen S. Keeney. - Austin, TX : Zumaya Thresholds, 2008. 256 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9781934135310 1. Literatur american -- Ficiune 2. Literatur juvenil 3. Transilvania n literatur US / eng

328. LUKAS, CHRISTOPHER. Blue Genes : a memoir of loss and survival / Christopher Lukas. - New York : Doubleday, 2008. 272 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780385525206 ISBN 0385525206 1. Evrei -- Romnia 2. Romnia n literatur 3. Literatur american -- Memorii US / eng 329. MARILLIER, JULIET. Cybele's secret / Juliet Marillier. - New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. 432 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780375833656 ISBN 037583365X 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Transilvania -- Ficiune 3. Literatur pentru tineret US / eng 330. MARSH, CAROLE. The mystery at Dracula's castle : Transylvania, Romania / Carole Marsh. - Peachtree City, GA : Gallopade International, 2008. 133 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780635064714 1. Vampiri -- Transilvania 2. Literatur pentru copii i tineret 3. Literatur american -- Ficiune US / eng 331. MCCABE, HELEN. Piper / by Helen McCabe. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Myrmidon Books, 2008. 320 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781905802258 1. Literatur englez -- Roman 2. Transilvania n literatur GB / eng





332. MOISIN, LAURA. The inspiring true account of a life salvaged from despair, anorexia and dark days in New York City / Laura Moisin. Toronto : ECW Press, 2008. 300 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9781550228380 ISBN 1550228382 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn CA / eng 333. MUREAN, ARIANA. Dream hill / Ariana Muresan. - Toronto : Rose-Cross Books, 2008. 68 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780973119183 ISBN 0973119187 1. Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Povestiri 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora CA / eng 334. PARKER, IRIE. Twisted Consequences / Irie Parker. - Sussex , GB : Hendrick Media, 2008. 144 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780615236278 ISBN 0615236278 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Literatur englez -- Roman GB / eng 335. PLEEA, GABRIEL. Cast thy Bread upon the Waters : a novel / Gabriel Plesea. - New York : iUniverse, 2008. 272 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780595533800 ISBN 0595533809 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Literatur american -- Roman US / eng 336. POPESCU, PETRU. Footprints in time / Petru Popescu. - New York : Laura Geringer Books, 2008. 248 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780060883997 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn US / eng

337. STOKER, BRAM. The new annotated Dracula / Bram Stoker ; edited with a foreword and notes by Leslie S. Klinger. - New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. 613 p. : il., h. ; 27 cm. ISBN 9780393064506 1. Dracula -- Ficiune 2. Literatur american -- Roman 3. Transilvania n literatur US / eng 338. STONE WELLS, FLORIAN. The sword and the shield of the realm / Florian Stone Wells. - Boulder, CO : Sapientus, 2008. VIII, 344 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780979957703 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn 3. Transilvania n literatur US / eng 339. TRUTIA, CRISTINA. One night : a novel / Cristina Trutia. - New York : iUniverse, 2008. 156 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780595513116 ISBN 0595513115 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Literatur american -- Roman 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 821.112.2 Literatur german 340. FLORESCU, CTLIN DORIAN. Zaira : roman / Catalin Dorian Florescu. - Mnchen : Beck Verlag, 2008. 479 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783406570292 1. Literatur german -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn DE / ger





341. IONESCO, MICKY. Tagebuch eines jungen aus Bukarest : roman / Micky Ionesco. - Braunschweig : Gross, 2008. 288 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 978-3-00-024306-6 1. Diaspor romn 2. Literatur german -- Roman DE / ger 342. LIPPET, JOHANN. Migrant auf Lebzeiten : roman / Johann Lippet. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2008. 226 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783937139562 1. Literatur german -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn DE / ger 343. MLLER, HERTA. Der Knig verneigt sich und ttet / Herta Mller. - Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2008. 203 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 978-3-596-17534-5 1. Diaspor romn 2. Literatur german -- Memorii DE / ger 344. MLLER, HERTA. Il paese delle prugne verdi / Herta Mller ; traduttore: Alessandra Henke. - Rovereto : Keller, 2008. 254 p. ; 18 cm. - (Vie). Tit. orig. (lb. german): Herztier. ISBN 978-88-89767-07-8 1. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn IT / ita = ger 345. MLLER, HERTA. Elf jahre spter gegen abend / Herta Mller ; mit 16 aquatintaradierungen von Christiane Just. - Dresden : Buchenpresse, 2008. 83 p. : il. color ; 29 cm. 1. Literatur german -- Poezie 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora DE / ger

346. MLLER, HERTA. Gd i jedwab : eseje / Herta Mller ; prze. Katarzyna Leszczyska. - Woowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2008. 198 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Hunger und Seide : essays. ISBN 978-83-7536-020-2 1. Literatur german -- Eseu -- Traducere 2. Comunism -- Romnia -- Mrturii 3. Diaspor romn PL / pol = ger 347. MLLER, HERTA. Idag hade jag helst inte velat trffa mig sjlv / Herta Mller ; versttning: Karin Lfdahl. - Stockholm : Wahlstrm & Widstrand, 2007. 218 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (german): Heute wr ich mir lieber nicht begegnet. ISBN 9789146214731 1. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn SE / swe = ger 348. MLLER, HERTA. Redan d var rven jgare / Herta Mller ; versttning av Karin Lfdahl. - Stockholm : Wahlstrm & Widstrand, 2007. 237 p. ; 18 cm. - (W & W pocket). Tit. orig. (german) : Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jger. ISBN 978-91-46-21107-5 1. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 2. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere SE / swe = ger 349. PASTIOR, OSKAR. "... was in der Mitte zu wachsen anfngt" / Oskar Pastior. - Mnchen : Hanser, 2008. 406 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Werkausgabe ; Bd. 4). ISBN 3-446-20417-2 ISBN 978-3-446-20417-1 1. Literatur german -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn DE / ger





350. PASTIOR, OSKAR. 21 pomes-anagrammes d'aprs Hebel / Oskar Pastior ; Frdric Forte, Bndicte Vilgrain, traductions et notes. Courbevoie : Thtre typographique, 2008. 119 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9782909657363 1. Literatur german -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre = ger 351. PASTIOR, OSKAR. Talg nage kelche : elf anagramm-gedichte und ein anagramm-bild / Oskar Pastior. - Zrich : Renner, 2008. 87 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-927480-58-2 ISBN 3-927480-58-4 1. Literatur german -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn CH / ger 352. REZZORI, GREGOR VON. The snows of yesteryear : portraits for an autobiography / by Gregor von Rezzori ; introduction by John Banville, translated from the german by H. F. Broch De Rothermann. - New York : New York Review Books, 2008. XI, 290 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Blumen im schnee. ISBN 9781590172810 1. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Evrei -- Bucovina -- Biografii US / eng = ger 353. RUGE, HELGA. More truth than fiction : growing up in Europe between the World Wars : From Germany to Russia, to Romania and back / by Helga Ruge. - Chico, CA : Clay & Marshall, 2008. 249 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780971567221 1. Literatur german -- Memorii -- Traducere 2. Transilvania n literatur US / eng = ger

354. WICHNER, ERNEST. Steinsuppe : gedichte / Ernest Wichner. Mnchen : Lyrikedition, 2008. 104 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-3-86520-311-3 1. Diaspor romn 2. Literatur german -- Poezie DE / ger 821.112.2(498) Literatur german din Romnia 355. FLORIAN, CLAUDIU M. Zweieinhalb strche : roman einer kindheit in Siebenbrgen / Claudiu M. Florian. - Berlin : Transit, 2008. 237 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783887472351 1. Literatur german din Romnia -- Roman 2. Transilvania n literatur DE / ger 821.131.1 Literatur italian 356. D'ARRIGO, ANGELO. L'Homme oiseau / Angelo D'Arrigo ; traduit de l'italien par Virgil Tanase. - Paris : Arthaud, 2006. 329 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (La traverse des mondes). ISBN 9782700396706 ISBN 2-7003-9670-7 1. Literatur italian -- Jurnal de cltorie -- Traducere FR / fre = ita 357. DRAGONE, VICTORIA. Alberi / Victoria Dragone ; illustrazioni di Massimo Scifoni ; introduzione di Elvira Menichini Trinchieri. - Pasian di Prato : Campanotto, 2007. 97 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (Zeta rifili ; 229). ISBN 9788845608896 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn IT / ita





358. DRAGONE, VICTORIA. Complicit / Victoria Dragone ; introduzione di Barbara Sturmar. - Pasian di Prato : Campanotto, 2005. 88 p. : il. ; 17 cm. - (Zeta rifili ; 15). ISBN 8845606899 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn IT / ita 359. DRAGONE, VICTORIA. Memorie / Victoria Dragone ; introduzione di Licio Damiani. - Pasian di Prato : Campanotto, 2008. 98 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Zeta rifili ; 237). ISBN 9788845609992 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn IT / ita 360. Poesie d'amore dei trovatori / Edited by Dan Octavian Cepraga, Zeno Verlato. - Roma : Salerno Editrice, 2007. 652 p. ; 22 cm. - (I diamanti). ISBN 9788884025616 ISBN 8884025613 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Literatur medieval -- Trubaduri IT / ita 821.133.1 Literatur francez 361. CIORAN, EMIL. Aufzeichnungen aus Talamanca / E. M. Cioran ; aus dem franz. und mit einem nachw. von Verena von der Heyden-Rynsch. Frankfurt : Weissbooks, 2008. 62 p. ; 17 cm. Tit. orig. (lb.francez): Cahier de Talamanca, Ibiza : 31 juillet-25 aot 1966. ISBN 978-3-940888-24-2 ISBN 3-940888-24-9 1. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Literatur francez -- Jurnal -- Traducere DE / ger = fre

362. ESPINASSE, CATHERINE. La meilleure fin / Catherine Espinasse ; prface de Marie-France Ionesco. - Paris : Art et comdie, 2008. 96 p. ; 18 cm. - (Ct scne). ISBN 9782844226631 1. Literatur francez -- Teatru 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 363. HORIA, VINTIL. El caballero de la resignacin / Vintila Horia ; traduccin del francs por Rafael Vazquez Zamora. - Madrid : Ciudadela Libros, 2008. 221 p. : 22 cm. - (Ciudadela narrativa). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Le chevalier de la rsignation. ISBN 9788496836297 ISBN 8496836290 1. Literatur francez -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora ES / spa = fre 364. HORIA, VINTIL. Dios ha nacido en el exilio : diario de Ovidio en Tomis / Vintila Horia ; traducido por Rafael Vzquez Zamora. - Madrid : Ciudadela Libros, 2008. 254 p. ; 22 cm. - (Ciudadela narrativa). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Dieu est n en exil. ISBN 9788496836259 ISBN 8496836258 1. Literatur francez -- Nuvel -- Traducere 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana ES / spa = fre 365. IONESCU, EUGEN. La cantante calva ; Jacobo o La sumisin ; El porvenir est en los huevos / Ionesco, Eugne ; traduccin: Luis Echvarri. Barcelona : Losada, 2008. 175 p. ; 19 cm. - (Coleccin Aniversario Losada). ISBN 9789500395489 ISBN 9500395487 1. Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn ES / spa = fre





366. IONESCU, EUGEN. Jacques ou La soumission ; L' avenir est dans les oeufs / Eugne Ionesco ; texte intgral, dition prsente, tablie et annote par Marie-Claude Hubert. - Paris : Gallimard, 2008. 160 p. ; 18 cm. - (Collection Folio. Thtre ; 114). Bibliogr. p. 137-142. ISBN 978-2070387915 1. Literatur francez -- Teatru 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 367. LEGENDRE, FRANOISE. Le petit bol de porcelaine bleue / Franoise Legendre. - Paris : Seuil, 2008. 108 p. ; 21 cm. - (Karactre(s)). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9782020969031 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur FR / fre 368. LUCA, GHERASIM. The passive vampire : with an introduction on the objectively offered object / Ghrasim Luca ; translated and introduced by Krzysztof Fijalkowski. - Prague : Twisted Spoon, 2008. 139 p. : il. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Le Vampire passif. ISBN 9788086264318 1. Literatur francez -- Proz -- Traducere 2. Suprarealism (literatur) 3. Diaspor romn CZ / eng = fre 369. MIHAI, CARMEN. Roumanie trange et trangre / Carmen Mihai. - Marseille : Autres Temps, 2008. 206 p. ; 21 cm. - (Polmiques). ISBN 9782845213487 1. Literatur francez -- Eseu 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre

370. PERALDI, OLIVIER. Le corbeau d'Arcimboldo = Corbul lui Arcimboldo / Olivier Peraldi ; traduction par Alex Horeaux ; illustrations par Puiu Manu. - Paris : Harmattan, 2008. 160 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Contes des 4 vents). dition bilingue franais-roumain. ISBN 9782296070394 1. Literatur canadian de limb francez -- Poezie -- Traducere FR / fre 371. PERALDI, OLIVIER. Jackie la pie : Comptines = Coofana Jackie : Povestioare / Olivier Peraldi ; traduction par Alex Horeaux ; illustrations par Puiu Manu. - Paris : Harmattan, 2008. 116 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Contes des 4 vents). dition bilingue franais-roumain. ISBN 978-2296070417 1. Literatur canadian de limb francez -- Povestiri -- Traducere FR / fre 372. QUENEAU, RAYMOND. Les Ziaux = Eyeseas / Raymond Queneau ; Translator: Daniela Hurezanu. - Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2008. 143 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780979513749 1. Literatur francez -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Suprarealism (literatur) US / fre 373. STERIAN-NATHAN, RALUCA. L'me tatoue : rcit / Raluca Sterian-Nathan ; Samuel Pisar, prfacier; Andr Bercoff, postfacier. - Paris : L' Archipel, 2008. 283 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-2809801026 1. Literatur francez -- Memorii 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre





374. TZARA, TRISTAN. Approximate man and other writings / Tristan Tzara ; translated with an introduction, essay and notes by Mary Ann Caws. - Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2006. XII, 290 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780976844914 1. Literatur francez -- Proz -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn 3. Dadaism (curent literar) US / eng = fre 375. TZARA, TRISTAN. Chanson Dada : Tristan Tzara, selected poems / Tristan Tzara ; translated by Lee Harwood. - Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2006. 144 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Traducere din limba francez. Bibliogr. p. 140. ISBN 978-0-9768449-0-7 1. Literatur francez -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn 3. Dadaism (curent literar) US / eng = fre 376. EPENEAG, DUMITRU. Pigeon post / Dumitru Tsepeneag ; translated from the french by Jane Kuntz. - Champaign, IL : Dalkey Archive Press, 2008. 162 p. ; 21 cm. - (Eastern European literature). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Pigeon vol. ISBN 978-1-56478-516-9 1. Literatur francez -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn US / eng = fre 377. VINIEC, MATEI. Enqute sur la disparition d'un nain de jardin : thtre / Matei Viniec. - Lansman, 2008. 98 p. ; 21 cm. - (Urgence de la Jeune Parole). ISBN 978-2872826506 1. Literatur francez -- Teatru 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre

378. WIESEL, LIE. Le cas Sonderberg : roman / Elie Wiesel. - Paris : Grasset, 2008. 247 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9782246736011 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 821.134.2 Literatur spaniol i de limb spaniol 379. BETANCOURT, INGRID. Cartas a mam : desde el infierno / Ingrid Betancourt ; prefacio de lie Wiesel. - Bogot : Editorial Grijalbo, 2008. 329 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9789708101257 1. Memorialistic 2. Literatur de detenie 3. Captivitate -- Columbia CL / spa 821.135.1 Literatur romn 380. BACOVIA, GEORGE. Piombo - Versi : antologia romenoitaliana = Plumb - Versuri : antologie romno-italian / George Bacovia ; saggio critico e biobibliografia a cura di Geo Vasile. - Roma : Fermenti Editrice, 2008. 120 p. ; 21 cm. - (Collana Nuovi Fermenti). Ed. bilingv n limbile italian i romn. ISBN 978-88-89934-55-5 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere IT / rum 381. Balada : [Mioria ; Meterul Manole ; Soarele i Luna] / transl.: Sumiya Haruya ; ill.: Silviu Bia. - Tokyo : Michitani, 2008. 95 p. : il. n parte color ; 22 cm. Text n lb. japonez. Paginaie invers. F. de tit. i n lb. japonez. ISBN 978-4-89642-236-8 1. Literatur popular romneasc -- Balad -- Traducere JP / jpn = rum





382. BLECHER, MAX. Beleuchtete hhle : Sanatoriumstagebuch / Max Blecher ; aus dem rumnischen von Ernest Wichner. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2008. 202 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Vizuina luminat. ISBN 9783518224342 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 383. CLINESCU, MATEI. En vg genom vrlden : en far minns sin sons resa genom autism och epileptiska anfall / Matei Clinescu ; versttning av Dan Shafran och ke Nylinder. - Ludvika : Dualis, 2008. 198 p. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Portretul lui M. ISBN 978-91-87852-48-0 1. Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn SE / swe = rum 384. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Dlaczego kochamy kobiety / Mircea Crtrescu ; prze. Joanna Korna-Warwas. - Woowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2008. 171 p. ; 20 cm. - (Inna Europa Inna Literatura). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): De ce iubim femeile. ISBN 9788375360226 1. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere PL / pol = rum 385. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. En lycklig dag i mitt liv / Mircea Crtrescu ; versttning: Dan Shafran och Lars-Inge Nilsson. - Lund : Ellerstrms, 2008. 64 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): O zi fericit din viaa mea. ISBN 978-91-7247-194-8 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere SE / swe = rum

386. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Orbitr - Hger vinge / Mircea Crtrescu ; versttning av Inger Johansson. - Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Frlag, 2008. 528 p. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Orbitor - Aripa dreapt. ISBN 978-91-0-011837-2 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere SE / swe = rum 387. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Warum wir die frauen lieben geschichten / Mircea Crtrescu ; aus dem rumn. von Ernest Wichner. - Frankfurt : M. Suhrkamp, 2008. 171 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): De ce iubim femeile. ISBN 9783518419618 1. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 388. CESEREANU, RUXANDRA. Crusader Woman / by Ruxandra Cesereanu ; translated by Adam Sorkin, with an introduction by Andrei Codrescu. Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2008. 124 p. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Femeia - cruciat. ISBN 9780979513756 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng = rum 389. CIMPOEU, PETRU. Christina Domestica a lovci du : romn / Petru Cimpoeu ; peloil Ji Nainec ; ilustrace Zdenk Netopil. - Praha : Havran, 2008. 298 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Christina Domestica i vntorii de suflete. Conine not biobibliografic privitoare la autor. ISBN 978-80-86515-86-1 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere CZ / cze = rum





390. CONSTANTE, LENA. L' evasione silenziosa : tremila giorni, sola, nelle prigioni rumene / Lena Constante ; traduzione e note di Angela Tarantino , postfazione di Ioana Bot. - Roma : Nutrimenti, 2007. 268 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Specchi ; 8). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Evadarea tcut : 3000 de zile singur n nchisorile din Romnia. ISBN 9788888389844 1. Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere 2. Literatur de detenie IT / ita = rum 391. COSMA, FLAVIA. Thus spoke the sea / Flavia Cosma ; translated by Gordon Wade Proctor. - Toronto : Korean Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, 2008. 88 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9780978202064 1. Literatur romn -- Canada -- Poezie 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 3. Diaspor romn CA / eng = rum 392. ELIADE, MIRCEA. Dirio Portugus : 1941-1945 / Mircea Eliade ; trad. do romeno e notas de Corneliu Popa ; estudo introdutrio de Sorin Alexandrescu. - Lisboa : Guerra e Paz, 2008. 302 p. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Jurnalul portughez. ISBN 978-989-8014-80-1 1. Literatur romn -- Jurnal -- Traducere 2. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Mrturii 3. Diaspor romn PT / por = rum 393. ELIADE, MIRCEA. Eride jishin o kataru meiky no shiren / Mircea Eliade, Claude-Henri Rocquet ; traduit par Sumiya Shunya. - Tokyo : Sakuhin-Sha, 2008. 293 p. ; 20 cm. Text n lb. japonez. Paginaie invers. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): L' preuve du labyrinthe : entretiens avec ClaudeHenri Rocquet. ISBN 978-4-86182-209-4 1. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Dialoguri interculturale JP / jpn = fre

394. ELIADE, MIRCEA. Modo stulatka / Mircea Eliade ; przeoy i posowiem opatrzy Ireneusz Kania. - Warszawa : W.A.B., 2008. 255 p. : il. ; 17 cm. Trad. dup ed.: Le temps d'un centenaire. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Tineree fr de tineree. ISBN 9788374142779 1. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere 2. Literatur fantastic PL / pol = rum 395. EMINESCU, MIHAI. Iperione - Poesie scelte : antologia / Mihai Eminescu ; versione italiana, commenti critici, biobibliografia a cura di Geo Vasile ; postfazione Fulvio del Fabbro. - Roma : Fermenti Editrice, 2008. 200 p. ; 21 cm. - (Collana Nuovi Fermenti). Ed. bilingv n limbile italian i romn. ISBN 978-88-89934-54-8 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Literatur romn -- Antologii IT / ita 396. EMINESCU, MIHAI. Luceafrul / Mihai Eminescu ; trad. n ebraic Tomy Sigler ; pref. (n ebraic) Andrei Fischof. - Haifa : Onix, 2008. 44 p. ; 15 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile ebraic i romn. ISBN 978-965-90885-6-0 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere IL / rum 397. ERNU, VASILE. Rozhdennyi v SSSR : vospominaniia / Vasile Ernu ; perevod s rumynskogo, Oleg Panfil. - Moskva : Ad Marginem, 2007. 237 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Nscut n URSS. ISBN 9785911030209 1. Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere RU / rus = rum





398. Fils des larmes : contes roumains / traduit par Codruta Topala. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. 124 p. : 25 cm. - (Contes et lgendes des mondes). ISBN 9782296054073 1. Literatur romn -- Basme -- Traducere FR / fre = rum 399. FLORIAN, FILIP. Kleine Finger : roman / Filip Florian ; aus dem rumn. von Georg Aescht. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 2008. 269 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Degete mici. ISBN 9783518420140 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 400. GALAICU-PUN, EMILIAN. Yin time : Gedichte / Emilian Galaicu-Pun ; aus dem rumn. von Hellmut Seiler. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2007. 124 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-3-93713941-8 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 401. GRENVILLE-MURRAY, EUSTACE CLARE. Doine : or the national songs and legends of Romania / Eustace Clare Grenville-Murray. Montana : Kessinger Publishing, 2008. 220 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781436927444 ISBN 1436927447 1. Literatur popular romneasc 2. Doine US / eng = rum

402. IONESCU, EUGEN. Destellos y teatro = Sclipiri i teatru / Eugen Ionescu ; introd., trad. i note: Mariano Martn Rodrguez. - Madrid : Editorial Fundamentos, 2008. 301 p. ; 20 cm. - (Colleccin Espiral ; 339). Studiu introductiv numai n lb. spaniol. Ed. bilingv = Ed. bilingue. Bibliogr. p. 145-159. Conine: El trbol de cuatro hojas : relato absurdo ; Englezete fr profesor ; Trifoiul cu patru foi : povestire absurd ; Sclipiri i teatru. ISBN 978-84-245-1134-0 1. Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn ES / spa 403. JEBELEANU, EUGEN. Secret weapon : selected late poems / Eugen Jebeleanu ; translated from the romanian by Matthew Zapruder and Radu Ioanid. - Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2008. XX, 98 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781566892063 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng = rum 404. LOTOCHI, DAN. Experiment cu o nserare : in memoriam George Crciun / Dan Lotochi. - Berlin : Pro Business, 2007. 64 p. : il. ; 19 cm. ISBN 978-3-86805-055-4 ISBN 3-86805-055-8 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie DE / rum 405. MANEA, NORMAN. El sobre negro / Norman Manea ; traduccin del rumano de Joaqun Garrigs. - Barcelona : Tusquets, 2008. 373 p. ; 23 cm. - (Coleccin Andanzas ; 671). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Plicul negru. ISBN 9788483830963 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere ES / spa = rum





406. MARIA, REGIN A ROMNIEI. Washi to itazura kirudn / by Marie Queen of Roumania ; translations by Nagai Natiko. - Yokohama : Shumpusha, 2008. 179 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Text n lb. japonez. Paginaie invers. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Kildine : Histoire d'une mchante petite princesse. ISBN 978-4-86110-153-3 1. Literatur romn -- Poveti -- Traducere 821.135.1-93-34=521 JP / jpn = fre 407. Moderne Roemeense verhalen / Jan Willem Bos. - Amsterdam : Atlas, 2008. 477 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-90-450-0001-5 1. Literatur romn -- Antologii 2. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere NL / dut = rum 408. MUREAN, ION. Acces interzis! = Zugang verboten! : Gedichte / Ion Murean ; mit einem nachw. und bers. von Ernest Wichner. - Wien : Bro Abrasch, 2008. 103 p. ; 17 cm. - (Abrasch ; 11). ISBN 978-3-9502437-0-3 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere AT / ger 409. OPREA, LEONARD. Theophil Magus in Baton Rouge : a haiku novel / by Leonard Oprea. - Bloomington, IN : Xlibris, 2008. 148 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781436309653 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn US / eng = rum

410. OPREA, LEONARD. Trilogy of Theophil Magus : the Truth / by Leonard Oprea. - Bloomington, IN : Xlibris, 2008. 232 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-1436323659 1. Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn US / eng = rum 411. RDULESCU, DOMNICA. Train to Trieste : a novel / Domnica Radulescu. - New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. 320 p. ; 19 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Trenul de Trieste. ISBN 9780307268235 1. Literatur romn contemporan -- Roman -- Traducere US / eng 412. ROZNOVEANU, MIRELA. Elegies from New York City / by Mirela Roznoveanu ; translated by Heathrow O'Hare. - New York : Koja Press, 2008. 105 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 0-9773698-4-6 ISBN 978-0-9773698-4-3 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn US / eng = rum 413. EPENEAG, DUMITRU. La Belle Roumaine : Roman / Dimitru Tsepeneag ; aus dem rumn. von Ingrid Baltag. - Klagenfurt : Wieser, 2008. 334 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-3851296990 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 414. EPENEAG, DUMITRU. Hotel Europa : romn / Dumitru epeneag ; z rumunskho originlu ... peloil a doslov napsal Tom Vaut. Praha : Dybbuk, 2008. 318 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Hotel Europa. ISBN 978-80-86862-73-6 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn CZ / cze = rum





415. UCULESCU, RADU. Der Mikrowellenherd : der Roman eines Plattenbaus in zehn Aufzgen / Radu uculescu ; bersetzen aus dem rumnisch von Zorin Diaconescu. - Wien : Lehner, 2008. 200 p. ; 18 cm. - (Edition Milo ; 9). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Cuptorul cu microunde : romanul unui bloc n zece secvene horror. ISBN 978-3-901749-67-4 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere AT / ger = rum 416. VISSARION-MNUCEANU, CORNELIA. Un drum cu ... poveti : proz / Cornelia Vissarion-Mnuceanu. - Mnchen : Barbulescu, 2008. 402 p. : il. ; 18 cm. ISBN 978-3930672639 1. Literatur romn -- Proz 2. Diaspor romn DE / rum 417. ZAMFIRESCU, DUILIU. La vie la campagne / Duiliu Zamfirescu ; traduction de Georges Bengesco ; introduction de Alexandru Cioranescu. - Paris : Kryos, 2008. 238 p. ; 20 cm. - (Domaine roumain). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Viaa la ar. ISBN 9782915518061 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere FR / fre = rum 821.16 Literaturi slave 418. DOLEALOV-MODRANKA, ZDENKA. Smrt uhersk krlovny / Zdenka Dolealov-Modranka. - Teb : Akcent, 2008. 334 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9788072685394 1. Literatur ceh -- Roman 2. Roman istoric 3. Transilvania n literatur CZ / cze

419. NOWAK, JENNY. Pozdn Host : romny / Jenny Nowak. - Praha : Netopejr, 2008. 416 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN 978-80-87044-20-9 1. Literatur ceh -- Roman 2. Vampiri -- Transilvania 3. Transilvania n literatur CZ / cze 821.511.141 Literatur maghiar 420. BNFFY, MIKLS. They were counted / Bnffy, Mikls ; translated by Patrick Thursfield and Kathy Bnffy-Jelen ; foreword by Patrick Leigh Fermor. - London : Arcadia Books, 2008. XIX, 596 p. ; 22 cm. - (Writing on the wall). ISBN 190085015X 1. Ficiune istoric 2. Transilvania -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 3. Literatur maghiar -- Roman -- Traducere GB / eng = hun 421. BNFFY, MIKLS. They were found wanting / by Mikls Bnffy ; translated by Patrick Thursfield and Katalin Bnffy-Jelen ; foreword by Patrick Leigh Fermor. - London : Arcadia Books, 2008. IX, 470 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Writing on the wall). ISBN 978-1905147991 1. Transilvania n literatur 2. Literatur maghiar -- Roman -- Traducere 3. Ficiune istoric GB / eng = hun 422. BAYER, ZSOLT. Medvk meg emberek : erdlyi trtnetek / Bayer Zsolt ; Cseh Andrs illusztrciival. - Budapest : Mry Ratio, 2008. 133 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9788089286126 1. Literatur maghiar -- Povestiri 2. Transilvania n literatur HU / hun




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 428. TISZA, KATA. Doktor Kleoptra / Tisza Kata. - Pcs : Alexandra, 214 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789633706879 1. Literatur maghiar -- Roman HU / hun

423. DRAGOMN, GYRGY. Der weisse Knig : roman / Gyrgy Dragomn ; bersetzer: Laszlo Kornitzer. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 2008. 295 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. maghiar): A fehr kirly. ISBN 9783518419625 1. Literatur maghiar -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Transilvania n literatur DE / ger = hun 424. DRAGOMN, GYRGY. Biely krl' / Gyrgy Dragomn ; preloila Gabriela Magov. - Bratislava : Kalligram, 2008. 339 p. ; 19 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. maghiar): A fehr kirly. ISBN 9788081011047 1. Literatur maghiar -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Transilvania n literatur SK / slo = hun 425. Jelek s csodk : Ady Endre s Erdly / gyjttte, sszelltotta, szerkesztette s az utszt rta, Sas Pter. - Budapest : Noran, 2008. 579 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789639716742 1. Ady, Endre 2. Literatur maghiar -- Antologii 3. Transilvania n literatur HU / hun 426. PASSUTH, LSZL. Ngy szl Erdlyben / Passuth Lszl. Budapest : Athenaeum 2000, 2007. 568 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9789639797062 1. Literatur maghiar -- Roman 2. Transilvania n literatur HU / hun 427. SZKELYHIDI, GOSTON. Debreceni napl Erdlyrl : kt haza kztt / Szkelyhidi goston. - Debrecen : Csokonai, 2008. 165 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789632602226 1. Literatur maghiar -- Memorii 2. Transilvania n literatur HU / hun

2. Transilvania n literatur

821.511.141(498) Literatur maghiar din Romnia 429. GOSTON, VILMOS. Lass vrus / goston Vilmos. - Budapest : Noran, 2008. 144 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789639716872 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Roman HU / hun 430. BARCSA, DNIEL. rdgzs pendelyben : Pajzn erdlyi trtnetek / Barcsa Dniel. - Pomz : Krter, 2008. 272 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9789639735774 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Proz HU / hun 431. Harmat s vr : Erdlyi magyar rk vadszelbeszlsei / szerkesztette Somogyi Judit. - Szeged : Lazi, 2008. 216 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789632670164 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii 2. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Nuvel HU / hun 432. Karcsony a havason : Erdlyi magyar rk karcsonyi novelli, versei / szerkesztette Hunyadi Csaba. - Szeged : Lazi, 2008. 356 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789632670201 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii 2. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Nuvel HU / hun





433. Silenced voices : Hungarian plays from Transylvania / edited by Csilla Bertha and Donald E. Morse. - Dublin : Carysfort Press, 2008. XVI, 282 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781904505341 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Teatru -- Traducere 2. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii IE / eng = hun 434. Szemnk fnye : Erdly : Erdlyi magyar rk trtnelmi elbeszlsei / vlogatta s szerkesztette, Hunyadi Csaba. - Szeged : Lazi, 2008. 224 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 218-224. ISBN 9789632670041 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii 2. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Roman istoric HU / hun 435. SZILGYI, ISTVN. K hull apad ktba / Szilgyi Istvn. Budapest : Magvet, 2008. 382 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9789631422313 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Roman HU / hun 436. TOMPA, LSZL. Erdlyi vgzet alatt / Tompa Lszl. - Szeged : Lazi, 2007. 112 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789639690790 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Poezie HU / hun 437. TTH, KROLY ANTAL. t a magnyos tntetsig : Egy erdlyi magyar esete a Scania birodalommal / Tth Kroly Antal ; szerk.: Adorjni Imre Istvn. - Budapest : Magyar a Magyarrt Alaptvny, 2007. 310 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-9638715869 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Memorii 2. Diaspor romn HU / hun

438. dvzlgy szabadsg! : magyar rk szak-Erdly s a Szkelyfld 1940-es visszatrsrl / vlogatta s szerkesztette, Pomogts Bla. Pomz : Krter, 2008. 374 p. ; 24 cm. - (Metamorphosis Transsylvaniae). ISBN 9789639735811 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii 2. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Proz HU / hun 439. V, GABRIELLA. Erdlyi magyar szlsok / V Gabriella. Budapest : Akadmiai Kiad, 2007. 424 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789630585538 1. Literatur popular maghiar -- Transilvania 2. Literatur popular -- Teme, motive HU / hun 9 GEOGRAFIE. BIOGRAFII. ISTORIE 902/904 Arheologie. Preistorie 440. The Iron Gates in prehistory : new perspectives / edited by Clive Bonsall, Vasile Boroneant, Ivana Radovanovi. - Oxford : Archaeopress, 2008. III, 260 p. : il., h. ; 30 cm. - (BAR international ; 1893). Bibliogr. ISBN 9781407303734 ISBN 1407303732 1. Arheologie -- Romnia 2. Porile de Fier -- Vestigii GB / eng 441. Archaeological oceanography / Robert D. Ballard, editor. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2008. X, 283 p. : il. col., h. ; 26 cm. Conine: High-resolution optical imaging for deep-water archaeology / Cosmin Roman. ISBN 9780691129402 1. Arheologia subacvatic -- Marea Neagr 2. Marea Neagr -- Navigaie -- Istorie US / eng





442. DEPEYROT, GEORGES. Les trsors de deniers de Trajan Balbin en Roumanie / Georges Depeyrot, Delia Moisil. - Wetteren : Moneta, 2008. 372 p. : il., h. ; 30 cm. - (Collection Moneta ; 73). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789077297414 1. Monede romane -- Dacia 2. Antichiti romane 3. Romnia -- Istorie antic BE / fre 443. DEPEYROT, GEORGES. Les trsors de deniers et d'antoniniens de Gordien III Aurlien en Roumanie / Georges Depeyrot, Delia Moisil. - Wetteren : Moneta, 2008. 272 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Collection Moneta ; 78). Bibliogr. ISBN 978-90-77297-46-9 1. Monede romane -- Dacia 2. Antichiti romane BE / fre 444. MEYER, DOMINIK. Der westpontische raum am ende der frhen Kupferzeit / von Dominik Meyer. - Langenweissbach : Beier & Beran, 2008. 187 p. : il., h. ; 30 cm. - (Schriften des Zentrums fr Archologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes ; 14). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783937517940 1. Epoca bronzului (Balcani) 2. Marea Neagr -- Preistorie 3. Marea Neagr -- State riverane DE / ger

445. ODOBESCU, ALEXANDRU. Le trsor de Pietroasa (Roumanie) / Alexandru Odobescu ; avec une note complmentaire de G. Depeyrot. - Wetteren : Moneta, 2008. 530 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - (Collection Moneta ; 75). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Le trsor de Ptrossa : historique, description : tude sur l'orfvrerie antique. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789077297438 1. Pietroasa (tezaur) 2. Arheologie -- Romnia BE / fre 446. TORMA, ZSFIA. Sumr nyomok Erdlyben / Torma Zsfia ; szerk.: Bognr Jzsef, Jki Gbor. - Budapest : Magyar Hz, 2008. 256 p. : il. ; 18 cm. - (Magyar Hz Knyvek). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789637063633 1. Arheologie -- Romnia 2. Transilvania -- Civilizaie -- Istorie 3. Transilvania -- Vestigii HU / hun 908 Monografii zonale 447. VOFKORI, GYRGY. Cskszereda s Csksomly kpes trtnete / Vofkori Gyrgy. - Bkscsaba : Topografika, 2008. 360 p. ; 29 cm. ISBN 9789638693778 1. Miercurea Ciuc 2. umuleu-Ciuc (comun, judeul Harghita) 3. Monografii zonale HU / hun 91 Geografie 448. POPESCU, LUCY. The good tourist : an ethical traveller's guide / Lucy Popescu. - London : Arcadia Books, 2008. XX, 304 p. : il. color ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 269. ISBN 9781905147793 1. Turism ecologic 2. Turism cultural GB / eng

ROMNICA 913 Geografie pe ri individuale




449. Fodor's Eastern and Central Europe 2008 / edited by Douglas Stallings, Paula Margulies, Julie Tomasz. - New York : Fodor's Travel Publications, 2008. 847 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. Index. ISBN 9781400019106 1. Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii US / eng 450. Graue Donau, Schwarzes Meer : Wien, Sulina, Odessa, Jalta, Istanbul / herausgegeben von Christian Reder und Erich Klein. - Wien : Springer, 2008. 573 p. : il. col. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783211754825 1. Dunrea, fluviu -- Lucrri ilustrate 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii AT / ger 451. LAMBREY, ESKELIEN. Bulgarije, Roemeni / Eskelien Lambrey, Pierre Josse. - Arnhem : Lannoo Publishers, 2008. 432 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Trotter). ISBN 978-90-209-7458-4 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice 2. Bulgaria -- Ghiduri turistice NL / dut 452. MENDREA, DINU. Israel / Dinu Mendrea, Sandu Mendrea und Radu Mendrea ; texte von Ernst-Otto Luthardt. - Wrzburg : Verlagshaus Wrzburg, 2008. 156 p. : il. ; 31 cm. - (Horizont). Index. ISBN 9783800319022 ISBN 3800319020 1. Israel -- Descrieri i cltorii DE / ger

453. REMUS, JOSCHA. Rumnien und Republik Moldau / Remus Joscha, Spelleken Hans-Gerd. - Bielefeld : Reise Know-How, 2008. 816 p. : il. ; 18 cm. ISBN 978-3-8317-1666-1 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Moldova (Republica) -- Descrieri i cltorii DE / ger 913(498) Geografia Romniei 454. The Handbook of Romania / edited by Peter Hopkins. - London : Paul Kegan International, 2008. 900 p. ; 19 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780710313775 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii GB / eng 455. BOST, STPHANIE. Roumanie / Stphanie Bost. - Paris : ditions Mondos, 2008. 120 p. : il. color ; 26 cm. - (Guides Mondos). Bibliogr. p. 113-114. Index. ISBN 978-2847543278 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii FR / fre 456. BURFORD, TIM. The rough guide to Romania / written and researched by Tim Burford and Dan Richardson. - London : Rough Guides, 2008. XIV, 409 p. : il. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781858283661 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii GB / eng





457. GARNIER, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. Roumanie, entre rve et ralit : Bucovine-Moldavie / Jean-Christophe Garnier , Michel Soulard. - Cholet (Maine-et-Loire) : Les 2 encres, 2008. 93 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Culture sans frontire). ISBN 978-2-351-68078-0 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Bucovina -- Descrieri i cltorii FR / fre 458. HILKE, GERDES. Rumnien : mehr als Dracula und Walachei / Hilke Gerdes. - Bonn : Bundeszentrale fr Politische Bildung, 2008. 224 p. : il. ; h. ; 21 cm. - (Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale fr Politische Bildung ; Bd. 707). Bibliogr. p. 220-222. ISBN 9783893318711 ISBN 3893318712 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Romnia -- Politica de mediu DE / ger 459. JULER, CAROLINE. Roemeni / Caroline Juler ; fotogr. Steve Weinberg ; vert. uit het engels: Maarten Schellekens. - Utrecht : Kosmos, 2008. 271 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. - (National Geographic reisgids). Tit. orig. (lb. englez): Romania. ISBN 9789021527673 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice NL / dut = eng 460. JULER, CAROLINE. Rumunsko / Caroline Juler ; fotografie Steve Weinberg ; Martina Chalupov, peklad. - Brno : Computer Press, 2008. 275 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. - (Velk prvodce National Geographic). Tit. orig. (lb. englez): Romania. ISBN 9788025122495 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice CZ / cze = eng 461. JUSSILA, TAPANI. Romania-passi / by Tapani Jussila. - Helsinki : Kanki Press, 2008. 224 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789529941926 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii FI / fin

462. KERJEAN, ALAIN. Voyage en Roumanie : de la Transylvanie au delta du Danube / Alain Kerjean ; photographies d'Alain Kerjean et Valentin Brutaru ; prface d'Angela Gheorghiu. - Grenoble : Glnat, 2007. 158 p. : il. color ; 33 cm. - (La Socit de gographie). Bibliogr. p. 155. Index. ISBN 9782723459662 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii FR / fre 463. KOCH, SYLVIA. Rumnien : Mure Kanutour / Silvia Koch. Welver : Stein, 2008. 98 p. : il. ; 17 cm. - (Outdoorhandbuch ; 213). ISBN 978-3-86686-213-5 1. Mure, (vale) 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Sporturi nautice DE / ger 464. MALLOWS, LUCY. Transylvania / by Lucy Mallows. - Chalfont St. Peter : Bradt Publications, 2008. 296 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 978-1-84162-230-9 1. Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii GB / eng 465. MURRAY, STUART. Bucharest / Stuart Murray. - Glasgow : Tramway, 2008. 124 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9781899551415 ISBN 1899551417 1. Bucureti -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Bucureti -- Via cotidian GB / eng





466. NADIU, LILIANA. Roumanie, rminiscences / Liliana Nadiu ; textes Henry Chapier, Nicolae Manolescu, Dominique Charlet. - Paris : Michalon, 2008. 112 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - (Beau livre). ISBN 9782841864652 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii FR / fre 467. OGDEN, ALAN. Moons and aurochs : Romanian journeys / by Alan Ogden. - Hong Kong : Orchid Press, 2008. IX, 281 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9789889776480 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice HK / eng 468. PATAKI, JNOS. Erdlyi medence : Kalotaszeg, Mezsg, Torock / Pataki Jnos. - Budapest : Szkelyk, 2007. 360 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Krptia Kpek). ISBN 9789638740724 1. Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii HU / hun 469. PATAKI, JNOS. rk Erdly / Pataki Jnos. - Budapest : Szkelyk, 2007. 210 p. : il. ; 33 cm. - (Krptia Kpek). ISBN 9789638740731 1. Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii HU / hun 470. Reise durch Rumnien / bilder von Karl-Heinz Raach, texte von Ernst-Otto Luthardt. - Wrzburg : Strtz, 2008. 124 p. : il. ; 28 cm. ISBN 978-3-8003-1733-2 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii DE / ger

471. Rumunia : kraj przyjaznych ludzi / edytor Marian Schmidt. Warszawa : Green Gallery, 2008. 170 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-83-922384-8-5 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii PL / pol 472. SCHARR, KURT. Rumnien : geschichte und geographie / Kurt Scharr, Rudolf Grf. - Wien : Bhlau, 2008. 261 p. : il. color ; 23 cm. - (UTB ; 2030). Bibliogr. p. 225 - 234. ISBN 9783825230203 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii AT / ger 473. SIECKMEYER, DORIS. Romnia = Rumnien = Romania / von Doris und Jurgen Sieckmeyer ; bersetzer: Ioana Marin, David Thorne. - Wien : Brandsttter, 2007. 223 p. : il. ; 28 cm. ISBN 9783850331128 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii AT / eng = ger 929 Biografii. Genealogie. Heraldic 474. BOCHMANN, KLAUS. Dimitrie Cantemir : frst der Moldau, gelehrter, akteur der europischen kulturgeschichte / Klaus Bochmann ; Vasile Dumbrava (Hrsg.). - Leipzig : Leipziger Universittsverlag, 2008. 312 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Verffentlichungen des Moldova-Instituts Leipzig ; Bd. 3). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783865832573 ISBN 3865832571 1. Cantemir, Dimitrie, domn al Moldovei 2. Domnitori -- Moldova -- Biografii 3. Personaliti culturale romneti DE / ger





475. CONSTANTINESCU, TEFAN. tefan Constantinescu : studies, interview, curriculum vitae, ... / photo sources: tefan Constantinescu, Nils Klinger ; texts: Tom Sandquist, Anders Kreuger, Marita Castro. - Stockholm : Romanian Cultural Institute : Labyrinth Press, 2008. 63 p. : il. n parte color ; 25 cm. Texte n lb. romn i suedez. ISBN 978-91-87440-96-0 1. Constantinescu, tefan 2. Pictori romni -- Biografie SE / eng 476. General Ivan Kolev : dobrudzhanskiiat gero / sstavitelstvo, predgovor, belezhki i redaktsiia Tzocho Bilyarski. - Sofiia : Izd-vo Aniko, 2008. 902 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (Biblioteka Site Blgari zaedno ; 11). ISBN 9789548247016 1. Kolev, Ivan 2. Ofieri superiori bulgari -- Biografii 3. Dobrogea -- 1918-1944 4. Rzboaiele balcanice -- Romnia BG / bul 477. MATTHEUS, BERND. Cioran : portret radykalnego sceptyka / Bernd Mattheus ; prze. Robert Reszke. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo KR, 2008. 286 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9788989158653 ISBN 8989158656 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Filozofi romni -- Biografie PL / pol = ger 478. RUGONFALVI KISS, ISTVN. Bethlen Gbor / Rugonfalvi Kiss Istvn. - Gdll : Attraktor, 2008. 200 p. ; 22 cm. - (Historia incognita). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639580787 1. Bethlen Gbor, principe al Transilvaniei 2. Transilvania -- Diplomaie -- Istorie 3. Transilvania -- Familii -- Genealogii HU / hun

479. SAINT CHERON, MICHAL DE. Entretiens avec lie Wiesel, 1984-2000 : suivis de, Wiesel, ce mconnu / Michal de Saint-Cheron. - Paris : Parole et silence, 2008. 149 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782845737242 1. Wiesel, lie 2. Personaliti evreieti -- Biografii 3. Diaspor romn FR / fre 480. SAS, PTER. Ks Kroly, a hsg embere : letmvzlat / Sas Pter. - Budapest : Lucidus, 2008. 167 p. : il. ; ; 21 cm. - (Kisebbsgkutats knyvek). Bibliogr. p. 161-166. ISBN 9789639465534 1. Ks, Kroly 2. Personaliti culturale maghiare -- Biografii HU / hun 481. TNASE, VIRGIL. Tchekhov / Virgil Tanase. - Paris : Gallimard, 2008. VIII, 403 p. : il. ; 18 cm. - (Folio biographies ; 36). Bibliogr. p. 389-390. ISBN 9782070337873 1. Cehov, Anton Pavlovici 2. Scriitori rui -- Biografie FR / fre 482. URCANU, FLORIN. Mircea Eliade : wizie historii / Florin urcanu ; prze. Robert Reszke. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwo KR, 2008. 549 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Mircea Eliade : le prisonnier de l'histoire. ISBN 9788389158666 ISBN 8389158663 1. Eliade, Mircea 2. Istorici ai religiei -- Biografie 3. Diaspor romn PL / pol = fre





483. VRADI, PTER PL. Erdly : Kelemen-Grgny : Wass Albert havasai / Vradi Pter Pl, Lwey Lilla. - Veszprm : Pter Pl, 2008. 155 p. : il., h. ; 32 cm. Bibliogr. p. 152-155. ISBN 9789638641366 1. Wass, Albert 2. Scriitori maghiari -- Romnia -- Exil -- SUA 3. Scriitori maghiari -- Romnia -- Biografie HU / hun 484. VASILE, MICHAEL. The cadet life of Prince Harry / Vasile Michael. - Bloomington : AuthorHouse, 2008. XIII, 199 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781434353924 1. Henry, Prin de Wales 2. Casa regal britanic 3. Personaliti britanice -- Biografii GB / eng 93/99 Istorie 485. The other Europe in the Middle Ages : Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans / edited by Florin Curta, Roman Kovalev, Victor Spinei. Boston : Brill, 2008. X, 492 p. : il., h ; 25 cm. - (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages ; v. 2). Bibliogr. p. 457-482. Index. Conine: The earliest Avar-age stirrups, or the "stirrup controversy" revisited / Florin Curta. ISBN 9789004163898 ISBN 9004163891 1. Evul Mediu -- Europa 2. Popoare migratoare -- Avari 3. Istorie -- Europa de Est US / eng

486. MARTIN, JOHN. Shouldering Fate / John Martin. - Guelph, Ontario : J. Martin, 2008. 385 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780980905106 1. Prizonieri de rzboi -- Rzboi Mondial (1939-1945) 2. Memorii 3. Diaspor romn CA / eng 94(100) Istorie universal 487. The Sovietization of Eastern Europe : New perspectives on the postwar period / edited by Balazs Apor, Peter Apor, E. A. Rees. - Washington, DC : New Academia Publishing, 2008. 364 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-0980081466 1. Comunism -- Europa de Est -- Istorie 2. Comunism -- Uniunea Sovietic -- Istorie 3. Sovietizare -- Romnia US / eng 488. 1968 in Europe : a history of protest and activism : 1956-1977 / edited by Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. VIII, 344 p. ; 21 cm. - (Palgrave Macmillan transnational history). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania / erban Pavelescu. ISBN 9780230606197 1. Europa -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 2. Activism politic -- Proteste -- Istorie 3. Romnia -- Persecuie politic US / eng 489. CZERNIN, OTTOKAR. In the World War / Count Ottokar Czernin. - Gloucester , GB : Dodo Press, 2008. 352 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781409926337 1. Rzboi Mondial (1914-1918) -- Memorii 2. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia 3. Pacea de la Bucureti (1913) GB / eng





490. DOWLING, TIMOTHY. The Brusilov offensive / Timothy Dowling. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2008. 208 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780253351302 ISBN 0253351308 1. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Campanii i btlii 2. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia -- Mrturii US / eng 491. GLANTZ, DAVID M.. Boue smuje na Balkn Nespn : sovtsk invaze do Rumunska na jae 1944 / David M. Glantz ; z anglickho originlu ... peloil Ji Fidler. - Brno : Jota, 2008. 462 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. - (Jota military). Tit. orig. (lb. englez): Red Storm over the Balkans : the failed Soviet invasion of Romania, Spring 1944. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788072175161 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) 2. Romnia -- Relaii URSS -- 1944-1946 CZ / cze = eng 492. KOWALSKI, LUDWIK. Hell on earth : brutality and violence under the Stalinist regime / by Ludwik Kowalski. - Shelbyville, KY : Wasteland Press, 2008. IX, 128 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 125-127. ISBN 9781600472329 1. Comunism -- Deportri -- Siberia 2. Comunism -- Europa de Est -- Istorie 3. Stalinism -- Romnia -- Victime US / eng

493. MADGEARU, ALEXANDRU. The wars of the Balkan Peninsula : their medieval origins / Alexandru Madgearu ; Martin Gordon, consulting editor. - Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2008. X, 233 p. : h. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Originea medievala a focarelor de conflict din Peninsula Balcanica. ISBN 9780810858466 1. Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie 2. Evul Mediu -- Europa 3. Peninsula Balcanic -- Fore armate -- Istorie US / eng = rum 494. Nationen und ihre Selbstbilder : postdiktatorische gesellschaften in Europa / herausgegeben von Regina Fritz, Carola Sachse. Gttingen : Wallstein, 2008. 367 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Conine: Die Wahrnehmung des "Domestic Holocaust" im Rumnien der Nachkriegsjahre / Petru Weber ; Kollektive unschuld und die rckkehr nach Europa : Rumniens umgang mit dem unrecht der kommunitischen vergangenheit / Julie Trappe. ISBN 978-3-8353-0212-9 1. Dictatur -- Europa -- Istorie 2. Holocaust -- Europa -- Istorie 3. Romnia -- Istorie -- Comunism DE / ger 495. SAPPER, MANFRED. Das Enzym der Freiheit : 1968 und das halbierte bewusstsein / Manfred Sapper ; Volker Weichsel (Hrsg.). - Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts, 2008. 196 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Osteuropa ; 58). Bibliogr. p. 181-191. ISBN 978-3830514954 1. Istorie -- Europa de Est 2. Primvara de la Praga (1968) 3. Romnia -- Istorie -- Comunism DE / ger




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 94(4/9) Istoria pe ri individuale

496. SUVOROV, VIKTOR. The chief culprit : Stalin's grand design to start World War II / Viktor Suvorov. - Annapolis, MD : Naval Institute Press, 2008. XXII, 328 p. : il., h. ; 27 cm. Bibliogr. p. 313-318. Index. Conine: The carving up of Romania, and its consequences. ISBN 9781591148388 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Aspecte militare 2. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Armistiiu -- Romnia 3. Stalinism US / eng 497. Vergangenheits-bewltigung im Osten : Russland, Polen, Rumnien / Hrsg.: Bernd Rill. - Mnchen : Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, 2008. 119 p. ; 30 cm. - (Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen ; 60). ISBN 978-3-88795-325-6 1. Europa de est -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 2. Comunism -- Romnia -- Istorie DE / ger 498. YENIERI, KTIBI HASAN. Prut Seferi'ni beyanmdr / Yenieri Ktibi Hasan ; hazrlayan, Hakan Yldz. - stanbul : Trkiye Bankas Kltr Yaynlar, 2008. XV, 128 p. : il., h. ; 20 cm. - (An dizisi. Trkiye Bankas. Kltr Yaynlar). Bibliogr. p. 114-120. Index. ISBN 9789944883528 ISBN 9944883522 1. Romnia -- Istorie 2. Turcia -- Istorie 3. Rzboaiele balcanice -- Romnia TR / tur

499. BOIA, LUCIAN. Napolon III le mal-aim / Lucian Boia. - Paris : Belles lettres, 2008. 239 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782251443409 1. Napoleon III, mprat al Franei 2. Frana -- Istorie -- Sec. XIX 3. Frana -- Politic FR / fre 500. CORDESMAN, ANTHONY H. Israel and Syria : the military balance and prospects of war / Anthony H. Cordesman ; editors: Aram Nerguizian and Ionut C. Popescu. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2008. XIII, 284 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 263-284. ISBN 9780313355202 1. Politic militar -- Israel 2. Israel -- Istorie 3. Israel -- Rzboi -- Liban US / eng 94(498) Istoria Romniei 501. La Roumanie aux marches du monde slave / Pierre-Yves Boissau (d.). - Toulouse : Association Slavica Occitania, 2008. 229 p. ; 24 cm. - (Slavica occitania). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782953202007 1. Slavi -- Istorie 2. Romnia (Istorie) 3. Relaii internaionale -- Romnia FR / fre





502. La vie quotidienne en Roumanie sous le communisme / sous la direction de Adrian Neculau ; prface de Serge Moscovici ; dition franaise tablie par Laure Hinckel. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. 262 p. ; 24 cm. - (Aujourd'hui l'Europe). Tit. orig (lb. romn) : Viaa cotidian n comunism. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9782296063006 1. Romnia -- Via social -- Comunism 2. Comunism -- Romnia -- Documente FR / fre = rum 503. BOTTONI, STEFANO. Transilvania rossa : il comunismo romeno e la questione nazionale, 1944-1965 / Stefano Bottoni. - Roma : Carocci, 2007. 238 p. ; 22 cm. - (Saggi e monografie del Dipartimento di Discipline storiche dell'Universita di Bologna ; 7). Bibliogr. ISBN 9788843043125 1. Comunism -- Instaurare -- Romnia 2. Partide comuniste 3. Comuniti maghiari din Romnia IT / ita 504. DCOTTE, ALEX. La Roumanie insolite / Alex Dcotte. Monaco : Rocher, 2008. 292 p. : il. n parte color ; 22 cm. - (Un nouveau regard). ISBN 9782268060484 1. Istorie -- Romnia MC / fre

505. EGRY, GBOR. Az erdlysg "sznevltozsa" : kserlet az Erdlyi Prt ideolgijnak s identitspolitikjnak elemzsre, 1940-1944 / Egry Gbor. - Budapest : Napvilg, 2008. 187 p. ; 21 cm. - (Politikatrtneti fzetek ; 25). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639697218 1. Transilvania -- Politic i guvernare -- Istorie 2. Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1940-1944 3. Partide politice -- Romnia -- Sec. 20 HU / hun 506. GEBEI, SNDOR. Az erdlyi fejedelmek s a lengyel kirlyvlasztsok / Gebei Sndor. - Szeged : Belvedere Meridionale, 2007. 415 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9789639573383 1. Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Transilvania -- Relaii -- Polonia HU / hun 507. GIBSON, CARL. Symphonie der freiheit : widerstand gegen die Ceauescu-diktatur / Carl Gibson ; Michael Blmel (illustrator). - Dettelbach : I.H. Rll, 2008. 418 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9783897542976 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 1. Romnia -- Istorie -- Comunism 2. Dictatori -- Biografii 3. Comunism -- Doctrin DE / ger 508. JANCS, BENEDEK. Erdly trtnete / Jancs Benedek. Gdll : Attraktor, 2008. 334 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Historia incognita ; 1). Bibliogr. p. 329-331. ISBN 9789639580442 1. Transilvania -- Istorie HU / hun





509. JERASA, BRETT A. Drawbridge diplomacy : RomanianAmerican relations : 1963-1968 / by Brett A. Jerasa. - Norfolk, VA : Old Dominion University, 2008. IV, 126 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Relaii diplomatice romno-americane 2. Comunism -- Romnia -- Documente US / eng 510. JUDT, TONY. Reappraisals : reflections on the forgotten twentieth century / Tony Judt. - New York : Penguin Press, 2008. XIV, 448 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania between history and Europe. ISBN 9781594201363 ISBN 1594201366 1. Romnia -- Istorie contemporan 2. Romnia -- Aderare -- Uniunea European US / eng 511. KOLEK, LUBO Y. Dracula : krvav Vlad III. Napichova / Lubo Y. Kolek. - Teb : Akcent, 2008. 198 p. : il. n parte color ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 196-198. ISBN 978-80-7268-535-6 1. Vlad epe, domn al rii Romneti 2. Dracula (personaj fictiv) 3. ara Romneasc -- Istorie -- Evul mediu CZ / cze 512. KUCZEWSKI, MACIEJ. Rumunia : koniec zotej epoki / Maciej Kuczewski. - Warszawa : Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2008. 260 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-83-06-03137-9 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Romnia -- Istorie -- 1956-1989 3. Comunism -- Teroare -- Romnia PL / pol

513. LEUTEAN, LUCIAN NICOLAE. Orthodoxy and communism in the Romanian People's Republic : 1947-1965 : thesis / Lucian Nicolae Leustean. - London : University of London. Institute of Historical Research, 2007. 281 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 236-262. Tez de doctorat. 1. Biseric i stat -- Romnia -- Comunism 2. Comunism i religie 3. Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie GB / eng 514. NEMERE, ISTVN. Erdly trtnete : Buda elesttl II. Rkczi Ferenc buksig : 1541-1711 / Nemere Istvn. - Budapest : Anno Kiad, 2008. 120 p. : il. ; 29 cm. ISBN 9789633754214 1. Rkczi II, principe al Transilvaniei 2. Transilvania -- Istorie -- Documente HU / hun 515. PLFFY, JNOS. Magyarorszgi s erdlyi urak / Plffy Jnos ; szerk.: Szab T. Attila, Benk Samu. - Budapest : Nap, 2008. 295 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789639658110 1. Transilvania -- Familii -- Genealogii 2. Transilvania -- Regi i suverani 3. Transilvania -- Istorie HU / hun 516. PAPP, KLRA. Erdlyi fejedelmek / Papp Klra. - Budapest : Tth, 2008. 149 p. : il. color ; 30 cm. ISBN 9789635965731 1. Transilvania -- Familii -- Genealogii 2. Transilvania -- Politic i guvernare -- Istorie HU / hun





517. PUN, TEFAN. The development of communism in Romania / tefan Pun. - New York : Denbrige Press, 2008. 180 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. p. 169-178. ISBN 978-0979802263 1. Comunism -- Romnia -- Instaurare 2. Comunism -- Romnia -- Istorie US / eng 518. QUINET, EDGAR. Les Roumains / Edgar Quinet ; avec une tude introductive de Nicolae Iorga. - Paris : Kryos, 2008. 170 p. : il. ; h. ; 21 cm. - (Domaine roumain). ISBN 978-2-915518-09-2 1. Romnia -- Istorie FR / fre 519. SANDU, TRAIAN. Histoire de la Roumanie / par Traian Sandu. Paris : ditions Perrin, 2008. 435 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9782262024321 1. Romnia -- Istorie FR / fre 520. Szkely hatrrk a magyarorszgi hadszntereken 1848-ban : "... siessnk kedves magyar haznkat ellensgeinktl megoltalmazni." / Csikny Tams (szerk.). - Budapest : Timp, 2008. 272 p. ; 22 cm. - (Timp - Militaria ; 8). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789639614413 1. Secui -- Istorie -- Documente 2. Revoluia de la 1848 -- Transilvania HU / hun

INDEX DE NUME A Abrahamyan, Nune (trad.) - 31 Abrudan, Traian - 230 Adorjni, Imre Istvn (ed.) - 437 Aescht, Georg (trad.) - 399 Aftalion, Florin - 139 goston, Vilmos - 429 Albeanu, Dinu Florentin - 225 Alexandrescu, Sorin (pref.) - 392 Andrievici, Viorel - 96 Annable, Michael D (ed.) - 199 Anton, Lorena - 299 Apor, Balzs (ed.) - 487 Apor, Pter (ed.) - 487 Arapu, Tatiana - 199 Ardley, Leli B. (ed.) - 44 Asavei, Maria-Alina - 260 Astilean, Simion (ed.) - 212 Ayres, William R - 95 B Bacovia, George - 380 Bgenholm, Andreas - 160 Bagyinszki, Zoltn - 253 Bahr, Egon (pref.) - 164 Baia, Monica - 212 Balafoutas, Loukas (ed.) - 145 Balas, Egon - 101 Balauru, Theodora (trad.) - 261 Ballard, Robert D. (ed.) - 441 Balogh, Mrton - 82 Baltag, Ingrid (trad.) - 413 Bancroft, Pauline R. (ed.) - 44 Bnffy, Mikls - 420-421 Bnffy-Jelen, Katalin (trad.) - 420-421 Brny, Attila (ed.) - 10

ROMNICA Barbieri, Alvaro (ed.) - 313 Barbu, Cornel - 231 Barbu, Vlad tefan - 221 Barcsa, Dniel - 430 Barisitz, Stephan - 140 Barnett, Dennis (ed.) - 286 Bartk, Bla - 276 Baun, Michael (ed.) - 163 Bayer, Zsolt - 422 Bdescu, Sanda - 300 Bdic, Costin (ed.) - 2 Bia, Silviu (il.) - 381 Beckerman, Deborah (ed.) - 287 Beloiu, Dumitru M - 236 Benanav, Michael - 102 Benedek, J. - 163 Bengescu, George (trad.) - 417 Benkei, Ildik (reporter) - 194 Benk, Samu (ed.) - 515 Bercoff, Andr (postf.) - 373 Bercovici, Konrad - 321-322 Bernyi, Joseph - 323 Bernyi, Regina - 323 Beresford, Matthew - 301 Berg, Hans Onno van den (ed.) - 17 Bergstrm, Christer - 179 Beringer, Maria-Nicolle - 161 Bernstein, Lisa (ed.) - 299 Bertha, Csilla (ed.) - 433 Betancourt, Ingrid - 379 Bienczyk, Marek (trad.) - 28 Bilyarski, Tzocho (ed.) - 476 Birtalan, gnes (ed.) - 294 Bistrian, Samuel - 324 Bistriceanu Simian, Magdalena - 288 Black, Benjamin (pref.) - 352 Blecher, Max - 382 Blmel, Michael (il.) - 507 Bochmann, Klaus - 474 Boettke, Peter J. - 152 Bognr, Jzsef - 446


Bogwood, Louise (trad.) - 263 Bhm, Johann - 103 Boia, Lucian - 499 Boissau, Pierre-Yves (ed.) - 501 Bonaglia, Federico (ed.) - 145 Bond, Michael Harris (ed.) - 77 Bondy, Franois (trad.) - 32 Bonet, Llus (ed.) - 17 Bonifazi, Corrado (ed.) - 131 Bonsall, Clive (ed.) - 440 Booker, Rita - 148 Boronean, Vasile (ed.) - 440 Bors, Vittoria - 302 Bos, Jan Willem (ed.) - 407 Bost, Stphanie - 455 Bot, Ioana (postf.) - 390 Bottoni, Stefano - 503 Bowd, Gavin - 134 Boyd, Christine - 226 Braccioni, Patrizio (ed.) - 151 Bratcu, Antoneta Iuliana (ed.) - 237 Brettell, Caroline B - 71 Brohm, Heike (ed.) - 302 Bruneau, Thomas (ed.) - 180 Brutaru, Valentin (il.) - 462 Bchel, Christoph (foto.) - 261 Bchlein, Marius (foto.) - 243 Bulei, Maria (ed.) - 195 Bulzan, Ovidiu Simion - 254 Burduel, Eva-Nicoleta (trad.) - 247 Burean, Toma (ed.) - 89 Burford, Tim - 456 Bussani, Mauro - 172 Buzianu, Mdlina Dora - 213 C Caramlu, Isabela - 196 Carmine, Giovanni (ed.) - 261 Carpentier, Nico (ed.) - 21 Carr, Robert - 325


ROMNICA Carret, Claude - 275 Carret, Marie-Jos - 275 Carteny, Andrea - 136 Carter Prevette, William - 51 Cartwright, Garth - 104-105 Castel, Christophe (trad.) - 287 Castro, Marita - 475 Cauduro, Andrea (ed.) - 76 Cavaills, Nicolas (trad.) - 37 Caws, Mary Ann (trad.) - 374 Clinescu, Adriana (ed.) - 266 Clinescu, Matei - 298, 303, 383 Clinescu, Matei (pref.) - 42 Crtrescu, Mircea - 384-387 Ceang, Emil (ed.) - 237 Celan, Paul (trad.) - 32 Cliku, Florent - 83 Cepraga, Dan O. (trad.) - 195 Cepraga, Dan Octavian (ed.) - 313, 360 Cernianu, Grigore (coord.) - 228 Cesereanu, Ruxandra - 388 Chalupov, Martina (trad.) - 460 Chamberlain, Lesley (ed.) - 245 Chapier, Henry (ed.) - 466 Charlet, Dominique (ed.) - 466 Chindea, Alin (ed.) - 129 Chiri, Constantin - 239 Chirot, Daniel (trad.) - 79 Cholnoky, Gyz (ed.) - 108 Chrzanovski, Laurent (pref.) - 263 Cimpoeu, Petru - 389 Cioran, Emil - 27-33, 361 Ciornescu, Alexandru (pref.) - 417 Clements, Luke J. (ed.) - 184 Cnaan, Ram A. (ed.) - 183 Codrescu, Andrei (pref.) - 388 Coia, Pete - 187 Coignard, Jrme - 255 Cojocaru, Doru - 135 Collins, Paul M. (ed.) - 62 Comati, Sigrun - 146




Constante, Lena - 390 Constantin, Silviu (ed.) - 219 Constantinescu, tefan - 475 opi, Vesna (ed.) - 17 Cordell, Karl (ed.) - 106 Cordesman, Anthony H. - 500 Corendea, Andreea - 20 Corobceanu, Vladimir - 239 Cosma, Flavia - 391 Costa de Beauregard, Marc-Antoine - 54 Costantino, Salvatore - 277 Cotrlea, Delia Anca - 304 Coulter Chirot, Holley (trad.) - 79 Cousin, Anne-Marie (ed.) - 18 Coussy, Bruno (ed.) - 18 Cozea, Angela (pref.) - 300 Crciun, Eduard-Marius (ed.) - 234 Crciunescu, Pompiliu - 305 Crifleanu, Iolanda (ed.) - 214 Cseh, Attila (il.) - 422 Cseke, Pter - 73 Csikny, Tams (ed.) - 520 Csupor, Istvn - 262 Cuisenier, Jean - 192 Culianu, Ioan Petru - 43 Curelaru, Viceniu - 55-57 Curta, Florin - 485 Cutululis, Nicolaos Antonio (ed.) - 237 Czernin, Ottokar - 489 D D'Arrigo, Angelo - 356 Dambis, Juris (ed.) - 11 Damiani, Licio (pref.) - 359 Dank, Betislav (ed.) - 84 David, Arthur (ed.) - 275 Davis, Minerva - 130 De Borst, Ren (ed.) - 234 De Capoa, Antonio - 149 De Robertis, Alessandro - 149

ROMNICA De Rothermann, H. F. Broch (trad.) - 352 De Waele, Jean-Michel (ed.) - 84 Decker, Christopher - 106 Dcotte, Alex - 504 Deletant, Dennis - 136 Depeyrot, Georges - 442-443 Depeyrot, Georges (ed.) - 445 Deslondes, Olivier (ed.) - 162 Detemple, Uwe - 85 Detrez, Raymond (ed.) - 136 Di Nicola, Andrea (ed.) - 76 Di Tommaso, Lorenzo (ed.) - 50 Diaconescu, Rzvan - 48 Diaconescu, Rzvan (ed.) - 5 Diaconescu, Zorin (trad.) - 415 Diaconu, Mioara - 68 Dichter, Melissa E. (ed.) - 183 Dimitrova, Daniela V. - 80 Dinc, Nicolae (ed.) - 211 Dobre, Ctlina Elena (ed.) - 52 Dochia, Silviu - 141 Dolealov-Modranka, Zdenka - 418 Donald, Kenrick - 107 Dorr, F.J.D - 198 Dowling, Timothy - 490 Dragomn, Gyrgy - 423-424 Dragone, Victoria - 357-359 Draine, Jeffrey (ed.) - 183 Draovean, Florin - 263 Dumbrav, Vasile (ed.) - 474 Dumitru, Doina (ed.) - 1 Dumitru, Sperana - 167 Duncan, Jane - 286 Durandin, Catherine - 86 Dwulit, Anastazja (trad.) - 30 Dziewior, Yilmaz (ed.) - 272 E Echvarri, Luis (trad.) - 365 Egresi, Istvn Oliver - 150


Egry, Gbor - 505 Ehrlich, Joshua R. (ed.) - 223 Elgie, Robert (ed.) - 96 Eliade, Mircea - 392-394 Eliade, Mircea (colab.) - 35 Emerson, Michael (ed.) - 133 Eminescu, Mihai - 395-396 Engel, Ulrich (ed.) - 296 Epstein, Rachel A - 88 Erdlyi, Balzs (ed.) - 294 Erdlyi, Lszl - 10 Eremie, Emil - 58 Ernu, Vasile - 397 Eskildsen, Joakim (foto.) - 121 Espinasse, Catherine - 362 Etnyi, Nra G. (ed.) - 268 Evangelidis, Tom - 256 F


Fabbro, Fulvio del (postf.) - 395 Faccenda, Giovanni - 264 Fahey, Michael A. (ed.) - 62 Finaru, Steve - 22 Feine, Zvi - 183 Fekete, Orsolya - 282 Feldman, Matthew (ed.) - 98 Fermor, Patrick Leigh (pref.) - 420-421 Fidler, Ji (trad.) - 491 Fijalkowski, Krzystof (trad.) - 368 Filip, Dorothea - 243 Finke, Rainer - 228 Fischof, Andrei (pref.) - 396 Flader, Dieter - 146 Fleuren, Joseph (ed.) - 168 Florescu, Ctlin Dorian - 340 Florian, Claudiu M. - 355 Florian, Filip - 399 Flowers, Lynn (ed.) - 229 Forrest, Robert - 99 Forte, Frdric (trad.) - 350

ROMNICA Franke, Arne - 257 Freckmann, Klaus (trad.) - 192 Frings, Michael (ed.) - 292 Fritz, Regina (ed.) - 494 Froitzheim, Niko (ed.) - 218 Fgenschuh, Bernhard (ed.) - 218 G Galaicu-Pun, Emilian - 400 Gallagher, Tom - 96 Galli, Giorgio (pref.) - 16 Galon, Anna - 23 Gao, David (ed.) - 233 Garbarino, Carlo (ed.) - 151 Garca Pavn, Rafael (ed.) - 52 Gardosch, Peter - 109 Garnier, Jean-Christophe - 457 Garrigs, Joaqun (trad.) - 405 Gasper, Des - 174 Gazda, Istvn (ed.) - 215 Gealt, Adelheid M (ed.) - 266 Gebei, Sndor - 506 Georgescu, Tudor (ed.) - 98 Gerle, Jnos (foto.) - 253 Gheorghiu, Angela (pref.) - 462 Gheorghiu, Valentin (pref.) - 278 Ghergu, Marius - 201 Gibson, Carl - 507 Gilbert, Martin (pref.) - 113 Giovannetti, Giovanni (foto.) - 117 Giuclea, Marius (ed.) - 235 Giuc, Rzvan - 239 Glajar, Valentina (ed.) - 100 Glantz, David M. - 491 Goldfeder, Matthew S. - 34 Goldman, Minton F - 90 Gnczl-Davies, Ramona - 289 Gnen, Ethem I. (ed.) - 216 Goodwin, Robin - 196 Gordon, Martin (ed.) - 493




Gorman, Gerard - 224 Gosseries, Axel (ed.) - 167 Grf, Rudolf - 472 Grancea, Erica Liana - 248 Grass, Gnter (pref.) - 121 Grattan, Puxon - 107 Grell, Ole Peter (ed.) - 49 Grenville-Murray, Eustace Clare - 401 Grh, Gspr (ed.) - 276 Gruzinska, Aleksandra - 307 Gryphon, Talia - 326 Guerrn-Montero, Carla Mara (ed.) - 72 Guglielmino, Emanuele (ed.) - 235 Glden, Jrg (trad.) - 104 Gumpper, Karl (pref.) - 1 Guttman Ben-Zwi, Ruth - 278 H Hakenberg, Maciej - 217 Hall, Adla - 290 Hall, Christine - 59 Haney, William S - 308 Hansen, Brooks - 185 Harasztos, Karolina - 240 Harcourt, Tim - 157 Harwood, Lee (trad.) - 375 Hatakeyama, Rikuo - 279 Heal, Bridget (ed.) - 49 Heikki, Mattila (ed.) - 129 Heinemann, Sabine (ed.) - 293 Heisler, Martin O. (ed.) - 81 Held, Joseph (trad.) - 116 Hellmann, Erwin (trad.) - 35 Henderson, Karen - 166 Henke, Alessandra (trad.) - 344 Hennon, Charles B. (ed.) - 74 Henson, Alica (ed.) - 154 Henson, Martin (ed.) - 5 Heyden-Rynsch, Verena von der (trad.) - 361 Hilke, Gerdes - 458

ROMNICA Hinckel, Laure (trad.) - 502 Hhne, Sven-Olaf - 228 Hopkins, Peter (ed.) - 454 Horeaux, Alexandre (trad.) - 370-371 Horia, Vintil - 363-364 Horn, Ildik (ed.) - 268 Horvth, R. - 163 Horvth, Zoltn (ed.) - 3 Hschele, Stefan (ed.) - 61 Houliat, Bernard (pref.) - 275 Hubert, Marie-Claude (ed.) - 366 Hunyadi, Csaba (ed.) - 432, 434 Hurezanu, Daniela (trad.) - 372 Hutchison, Taryn R. - 91 Hyvrinen, Matti (ed.) - 270 I Iean, Dorin - 233 Ikstens, Jnis (ed.) - 147 Iliescu, Maria - 293 Iliescu, Traian (ed.) - 212 Ilys, Zoltn - 110 Ingrao, Charles W. (ed.) - 99 Ioanid, Radu - 111 Ioanid, Radu (trad.) - 403 Ionesco, Marie-France (pref.) - 362 Ionesco, Micky - 341 Ionescu, Christina - 12 Ionescu, Cristian - 168 Ionescu, Eugen - 365-366, 402 Iorga, Elena - 147 Iorga, Nicolae (pref.) - 518 Istudor, Gabriela - 241 Ivnceanu, Vintil - 280 J Jki, Gbor (ed.) - 446 Jakubowicz, Karol (ed.) - 165 Jancs, Benedek - 508


Jardine Handley, Angela - 187 Jebeleanu, Eugen - 403 Jkely, Zsombor - 265 Jenks, Mike (ed.) - 252 Jerasa, Brett A. - 509 Jerzak, Katarzyna - 298 Jinga, Ion (pref.) - 154 Johannsen, Anja K - 309 Johansson, Inger (trad.) - 386 Johnston, Kenneth R. (ed.) - 42 Jolly, Adam (ed.) - 154 Jone, Jan (trad.) - 43 Josse, Pierre - 451 Judt, Tony - 510 Juler, Caroline - 459-460 Jussila, Tapani - 461 Just, Christiane (il.) - 345 K Kaid, Lynda Lee (ed.) - 80 Kania, Ireneusz (trad.) - 29, 33, 394 Karnoouh, Claude - 13 Kay, Rebecca (ed.) - 155 Keeney, Stephen S - 327 Kemp, Janine - 169 Kerjean, Alain - 462 Kideckel, David A. - 75 Kifor, Claudiu-Vasile - 247 Kiss, Lrnd - 265 Klein, Erich (ed.) - 450 Kligman, Gail - 71 Klimke, Martin (ed.) - 488 Klinger, Leslie S (ed.) - 337 Klinger, Nils - 475 Klump, Andre (ed.) - 292 Koch, Sylvia - 463 Kolek, Lubo Y - 511 Kollr, Tibor (ed.) - 265 Korna-Warwas, Joanna (trad.) - 384 Kornitzer, Lszl (trad.) - 423


ROMNICA Kortmann, Constantijn (ed.) - 168 Kosarev, Aleksey N (ed.) - 197 Kostianoy, Andrey G (ed.) - 197 Kovcs, Bori - 186 Kovalev, Roman (ed.) - 485 Kowalski, Ludwik - 492 Kozak, Daniel (ed.) - 252 Kreuger, Anders - 475 Krieger-Boden, Christiane (ed.) - 159 Kuczewski, Maciej - 512 Kuntz, Jane (trad.) - 376 Kwok, Leung (ed.) - 77 L Lakkis, Stephen (ed.) - 61 Lambrey, Eskelien - 451 Lagt, Elodie - 310 Lavric, Eva - 291 Le Coudic, Daniel - 250 Leeson, Peter T - 152 Legendre, Franoise - 367 Lenich, Oliver - 170 Leonte, Liviu - 311 Leszczyska, Katarzyna (trad.) - 346 Leutean, Lucian Nicolae - 513 Limnios, Nikolaos - 221 Lipcsey, Ildik - 112 Lippet, Johann - 342 Litvin, Naomi - 113 Liu, Brian C.-S. (ed.) - 223 Lfdahl, Karin (trad.) - 347-348 Lombardi, Marco (ed.) - 76 Lotochi, Dan - 404 Louka, Elli - 246 Lwey, Lilla - 483 Luca, Gherasim - 368 Lukcs, Olga - 61 Lukas, Christopher - 328 Lungu, Vasile - 6 Lupacu, Tudor - 199


Luthardt, Ernst-Otto (ed.) - 452, 470 M


Madgearu, Alexandru - 493 Magen, Amichai - 171 Magnette, Paul (ed.) - 84 Magov, Gabriela (trad.) - 424 Magyar, Zoltn (ed.) - 193 Mallows, Lucy - 464 Mandel, Hanna - 114 Manea, Norman - 298, 405 Manigand, Christine (ed.) - 137 Manolescu, Nicolae (ed.) - 466 Manoliu, Iacint (ed.) - 232 Manu, Puiu (il.) - 370-371 Marciano, Alain (ed.) - 167 Mardrescu-Teodorescu, Maria - 199 Marek, Dan (ed.) - 163 Marek, Kupiszewski (ed.) - 129 Margulies, Paula (ed.) - 449 Maria, regin a Romniei - 406 Marian, Viorica (ed.) - 229 Marillier, Juliet - 329 Marin, Ioana (trad.) - 473 Marsh, Carole - 330 Martn Rodrguez, Mariano (trad.) - 402 Martin, John - 486 Martinelli, Mario - 189 Mattheus, Bernd - 477 Mayle, Roseann - 60 McCabe, Helen - 331 Mendrea, Dinu - 452 Mendrea, Radu - 452 Mendrea, Sandu - 452 Menichini Trinchieri, Elvira (pref.) - 357 Mszros, Lszl (ed.) - 87 Mete, Cem (ed.) - 227 Metz, Franz (ed.) - 281 Meyer, Dominik - 444 Mezdrea, Dora - 35

ROMNICA Miclea, Corneliu Florin - 207 Mihai, Carmen - 369 Mihailescu, Ion N. (ed.) - 206 Miller, Johnny - 69 Miller, Wayne (ed.) - 319 Miskolczy, Ambrus - 116 Mitrea, Dorina - 202 Mitrea, Marius - 202 Mitru, Andreea - 153 Modreanu, Simona (trad.) - 303 Moestrup, Sophia (ed.) - 96 Moisil, Delia - 442-443 Moisin, Laura - 332 Moraru, Adrian - 147 Moresco, Antonio - 117 Morgenroth, Edgar (ed.) - 159 Morrison, Andrew (ed.) - 128 Morse, Donald R. (ed.) - 433 Morton, Tom (ed.) - 272 Moscovici, Serge (pref.) - 502 Moya, Flynn (ed.) - 155 Mzes, Huba - 24 Mller, Herta - 343-348 Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina - 165 Munteanu, Dan - 292 Munteanu, Iulian (ed.) - 237 Murean, Ariana - 333 Murean, Ion - 408 Murean, Liviu - 180 Murray, Stuart - 465 Muszynski, Lisa (ed.) - 270 N Nadiu, Liliana - 466 Nagai, Natiko (trad.) - 406 Nagy, Dorottya - 132 Njera, Jos Ignacio - 36 Nainec, Jir (trad.) - 389 Nstase, Adriana - 208 Nstase, Ilie - 287


Nsui, Cosmin - 267 Neagu, Ileana Cristina (ed.) - 128 Neculau, Adrian (ed.) - 502 Negru, Arthur - 178 Nemere, Istvn - 514 Nerguizian, Aram (ed.) - 500 Netopil, Zdenk (il.) - 389 Niedermaier, Paul - 251 Nilsson, Lars-Inge (trad.) - 385 Noah Yannick (pref.) - 287 Noica, Constantin - 37 Norton, Philip (ed.) - 93 Nowak, Jenny - 419 Nshanean, Mark (pref.) - 31 Nucra, Louis (pref.) - 318 Nyisztor, Tinka - 194 Nylinder, ke (trad.) - 383 O O'Brien, John (ed.) - 297 O'Hare, Heathrow (trad.) - 412 Obrist, Hans-Ulrich (ed.) - 272 Odobescu, Alexandru - 445 Ogden, Alan - 467 Oiteanu, Andrei - 195 Oldfield, Jonathan D. (ed.) - 155 Olsen, David M. (ed.) - 93 Onac, Bogdan Petroniu (ed.) - 219 Oprea, Leonard - 409-410 Oprean, Constantin - 247 Organ, John - 249 Orun, Cengiz (ed.) - 145 Ostermann, Christian F. (ed.) - 138 Ostoja-Starzewski, Martin (ed.) - 233 P Paczolay, Gyula (ed.) - 215 Palade, Vasile - 7 Plffy, Jnos - 515


ROMNICA Plfy, Jzsef (ed.) - 220 Palmer, Vernon V - 172 Palotai, Mria - 25 Panfil, Oleg (trad.) - 397 Panizo, Rafael (trad.) - 27 Panou, Nikolaos - 14 Papp, Klra - 516 Paprzycki, Marcin (ed.) - 2 Parker, Irie - 334 Pasco, Allan H (pref.) - 307 Paskaleva, Ivanka (ed.) - 214 Passuth, Lszl - 426 Pastior, Oskar - 349-351 Pataki, Jnos - 118-119, 244, 468-469 Patakin Mrkus, Piroska - 244 Patapievici, Horia-Roman - 38 Paun, Ciprian (ed.) - 151 Pavel, Oana Liliana - 252 Pavelescu, erban - 488 Pazonyi, Piroska (ed.) - 220 Pdurean, Vasile - 39 Pun, tefan - 517 Pelrine, Diane (ed.) - 266 Peraldi, Olivier - 370-371 Peters, Christine - 49 Petkova, Martina - 136 Petrakos, George (ed.) - 159 Petre, Gabriela Cipriana - 283 Petre, Zoe - 86 Petrescu, Corina - 488 Petruevschi, Daniela - 92 Pfeifer, Anke (ed.) - 4 Pichotta, Sren - 120 Pickard, Rob (ed.) - 11 Pickard, Robert (ed.) - 18, 83 Pierce, Raymond W (ed.) - 196 Pinch, Trevor (ed.) - 142 Pisar, Samuel (pref.) - 373 Pittman, Iulia - 295 Plasmeijer, Rinus (ed.) - 3 Pleea, Gabriel - 335




Pogny, Istvn - 315 Pohlmann, Ulrich (ed.) - 274 Pomogts, Bla - 15 Pomogts, Bla (ed.) - 438 Pop, Horia F. (ed.) - 3 Pop, Virgiliu G - 173 Popa, Corneliu (trad.) - 392 Popescu, Aurel - 222 Popescu, Carmen - 250, 258 Popescu, Crian (ed.) - 211 Popescu, Ioana M. - 44 Popescu, Ionut C. (ed.) - 500 Popescu, Livia - 74 Popescu, Lucy - 448 Popescu, Marina - 26 Popescu, Petru - 336 Popescu, Violeta P. - 16 Popovici, Dragomir Nicolae - 263 Popovici, Mugur Cristian (postf.) - 306 Postelnicu, Monica - 80 Postiglione, Amedeo (ed.) - 200 Potot, Swanie - 131 Pourchot, Georgeta - 94 Powell, Benjamin (ed.) - 152 Preda, Alex - 142 Preda, Caterina - 270 Procopan, Norina (ed.) - 9 Proctor, Curtis - 45 Proctor, Gordon Wade (trad.) - 391 Prufer, Kevin (ed.) - 319 Prgel, Roland - 269 Q Queneau, Raymond - 372 Quinet, Edgar - 518 R Raach, Karl-Heinz (foto.) - 470 Rachieru, Silvana - 136

ROMNICA Radovanovi, Ivana (ed.) - 440 Raffield, Paul (ed.) - 315 Raicu, Valeric - 222 Rdulescu, Domnica - 411 Rdulescu, Domnica (ed.) - 100 Rdulescu, Nicoleta (ed.) - 232 Rdulescu, Viceniu - 201 Read, Janet (ed.) - 184 Rau, Elisabeth du (ed.) - 137 Rechel, Bernd (ed.) - 115 Reck, Norbert (ed.) - 114 Reder, Christian (ed.) - 450 Redini, Veronica - 158 Rees, E. A. (ed.) - 487 Rgis, Darques (ed.) - 162 Rem, Dana - 174 Remus, Joscha - 453 Renneke, Petra - 312 Renzi, Lorenzo - 313 Reszke, Robert (trad.) - 477, 482 Reviczky, dm - 182 Rezzori, Gregor von - 352 Richardson, Dan - 456 Rill, Bernd (ed.) - 497 Rinceanu, Johanna - 175 Rinne, Cia - 121 Rocquet, Claude-Henri - 393 Roider, Karl A - 99 Roman, Adrian - 284 Roman, Cosmin - 441 Roper, Steven D. (ed.) - 147 Rosenfeld, Alvin H (ed.) - 298 Roth, Anselm Johannes Ernst (foto.) - 120 Roth, Harald (pref.) - 257 Roth, Maria - 74 Roznoveanu, Mirela - 412 Ruge, Helga - 353 Rugonfalvi Kiss, Istvn - 478 Ruspini, Paolo (ed.) - 76




Sachse, Carola (ed.) - 494 Saideman, Stephen M - 95 Saint Cheron, Michal de - 479 Salazar-Ferrer, Olivier - 314 Salman, Georgeta - 63 Sandqvist, Tom - 475 Sandu, Maria - 199 Sandu, Traian - 519 Sandu, Traian (ed.) - 137 Sapper, Manfred - 495 Sarca, Maria Ioana - 40 Sargent, Carolyn F - 71 Sas, Pter - 64, 480 Sas, Pter (ed.) - 425 Sattolo, Rachel - 250 Saupe, Mirela - 184 Sndulescu, Valentin - 98 Srcil, Gabriel Florin - 209 Scagno, Roberto (ed.) - 126 Scharloth, Joachim (ed.) - 488 Scharr, Kurt - 472 Schellekens, Maarten (trad.) - 459 Schellenberg, Renata (ed.) - 12 Scheppler, Ren (ed.) - 9 Schiff, Maurice (ed.) - 128 Schmidt Marian (ed.) - 471 Schneider-Deters, Winfried (ed.) - 164 Schulze, Peter W. (ed.) - 164 Schwartz, Rebecca I (ed.) - 196 Schweikhardt, Josef - 280 Scifoni, Massimo (il.) - 357 Scipione, Ileana (trad.) - 38 Sebestyn, dm - 122 Sebestyn, Imre Dezs (ed.) - 122 Segaert, Barbara (ed.) - 136 Seghedi, Antoneta - 217 Seiler, Hellmut (trad.) - 400 Serian, Andreea L. - 44 Shapiro, Paul (pref.) - 111

ROMNICA Shay, Anthony (ed.) - 191 Sieckmeyer, Doris - 473 Sieckmeyer, Jrgen - 473 Siegesmund, Siegfried (ed.) - 218 Sigler, Tomy (trad.) - 396 Simion, Valentin - 181 Simu, Corneliu Cristian - 65 Sireteanu, Ruxandra (ed.) - 229 Sireteanu, Tudor (ed.) - 235 Sjberg, Maria (ed.) - 70 Skelton, Arthur (ed.) - 286 Skinner, Benjamin E - 78 Skultty, Sndor (trad.) - 124 Slavu, tefania - 176 Smith, David J. (ed.) - 106 Smith, Robert M - 285 Somogyi, Judit (ed.) - 431 Sorkin, Adam J. (trad.) - 388 Soulard, Michel - 457 Spelleken, Hans-Gerd - 453 Spinei, Victor (ed.) - 485 Spinoy, Erik (ed.) - 21 Stahl, Henri H. - 79 Stallings, Douglas (ed.) - 449 Stan, Florin - 203 Stancu, Eugen - 316 Stnescu, Sperana - 296 Stephen, Osborne P. (ed.) - 82 Sterian-Nathan, Raluca - 373 Stoica, Sabin (ed.) - 205 Stoichi, Victor Alexandru - 123 Stoker, Bram - 337 Stolojan, Sanda (pref.) - 27 Stone Wells, Florian - 338 Sturmar, Barbara (pref.) - 358 Sksd, Mikls (ed.) - 165 Sumiya, Haruya (trad.) - 381 Sumiya, Shunya (trad.) - 393 Suvorov, Viktor - 496 Svanstrm, Yvonne (ed.) - 70 Svaek, Maruka - 46


Swedberg, Richard (ed.) - 142 widrowska, Jolanta - 217 Szab, Attila T. (ed.) - 515 Szabo, Franz A. J. (ed.) - 99 Szvai, Gza - 124 Szkelyhidi, goston - 427 Szekeres, Istvn - 294 Szilgyi, Istvn - 435 Szcs, Gza (ed.) - 87 afran, Dan (trad.) - 383, 385 erban, Henrieta Anioara - 21 tefni, Carmen-Gabriela - 210 uteu, Corina - 17 T Tanchev, Evgheni - 168 Tarantino, Angela (trad.) - 390 Taylor, Linda D. - 47 Tbcaru, Mihaela - 144 Tnase, Laureniu D - 53 Tnase, Mdlina - 188 Tnase, Virgil - 481 Tnase, Virgil (trad.) - 356 Thompson, Wayne C. - 97 Thorne, David - 473 Thursfield, Patrick (trad.) - 420-421 Timmermann, Heinz (ed.) - 164 Tincu, Mdlina Florentina - 190 Tismneanu, Vladimir - 81 Tisza, Kata - 428 Tomasella, Paolo (ed.) - 126 Tomasz, Julie (ed.) - 449 Tomasz, Sadowski (ed.) - 234 Tompa, Lszl - 436 Topal, Codrua (trad.) - 398 Torma, Zsfia - 446 Tor, Tibor - 19


ROMNICA Tth, Kroly Antal - 437 Trache, Livius (ed.) - 205 Trappe, Julie - 494 Trinkunas, Harold (ed.) - 180 Trscher, Andreas - 125 Trutia, Cristina - 339 Tsantoulis, Yannis - 177 Tserklevych, Natalia - 66 Tucu, Corina (ed.) - 126 Turcescu, Lucian (ed.) - 50 Turda, Marius (ed.) - 98 Tzara, Tristan - 374-375 epeneag, Dumitru - 297, 376, 413-414 iplic, Ioan Marian - 259 uculescu, Radu - 415 urcanu, Florin - 482 U Ureche-Rangau, Loredana - 143 Usctescu, George - 271 V Van Arsdale, Peter W. - 72 Vanhese, Gisle (ed.) - 306 Vradi, Pter Pl - 483 Vardi, Arie (pref.) - 278 Vaseashta, Ashok (ed.) - 206 Vasile, Beniamin - 317 Vasile, Geo (antolog.) - 380 Vasile, Geo (trad.) - 395 Vasile, Michael - 484 Vasilescu, Diane - 318 Vaut, Tom (trad.) - 414 Vzquez Zamora, Rafael (trad.) - 363-364 Vdineanu, Anghelu (ed.) - 216 Vrtejanu-Joubert, Mdlina (ed.) - 67


Velquez, Juan D. - 7 Verlato, Zeno (ed.) - 360 Verrier-Diaconescu, Valrie - 156 Videsott, Paul (coord.) - 293 Vidican Sgouridis, Georgeta - 242 Vilgrain, Bndicte (ed.) - 350 Vinzent, Jutta - 273 Vissarion-Mnuceanu, Cornelia - 416 Viniec, Matei - 377 Vofkori, Gyrgy - 447 V, Gabriella - 439 Vuerich, Cosimo - 238 W


Wagner, Richard (ed.) - 274 Watt, Gary (ed.) - 315 Weber, Petru - 494 Webster, Jamie L. - 191 Weichsel, Volker (ed.) - 495 Weifert, Mathias - 127 Weinberg, Steve (foto.) - 459-460 Wichner, Ernest - 354 Wichner, Ernest (trad.) - 382, 387, 408 Wiesel, lie - 378 Wiesel, lie (pref.) - 111, 379 Wilson, Stephan M. (ed.) - 74 Wolflin, John P. (ed.) - 216 Y Yenieri, Ktibi Hasan - 498 Yldz, Hakan (ed.) - 498 Ynak, Serdan H (ed.) - 236 Z Zaicenco, Anton (ed.) - 214 Zamfir, Alina-Diana (ed.) - 211, 223 Zamfir, Cristian - 8 Zamfir, Korinna - 62

ROMNICA Zamfir, Pompiliu Manuel - 204 Zamfirescu, Duiliu - 417 Zanaz, Hamid - 41 Zapruder, Matthew (trad.) - 403 Zarifopol-Johnston, Ilinca - 42 Zeedyk, Suzanne M (ed.) - 187 Zerilli, Filippo M. - 46 Ziegler, Winfried (trad.) - 259 Zulean, Marian - 180 Zwigtman, Floortje - 320




INDEX DE TITLURI 1968 in Europe: a history of protest and activism - 488 21 pomes-anagrammes d'aprs Hebel - 350 A Abortion and the making of the Socialist Mother during communist Romania - 299 Acces interzis! = Zugang verboten!: Gedichte - 408 Accession in the European Union: development of securities markets in Bulgaria and Romania - 161 Adaptive web sites: a knowledge extraction from web data approach - 7 Addressing the irregular employment of immigrants in the European Union: between sanctions and rights - 129 Advanced optimization algorithms for sensor arrays and multi-antenna communications - 230 Advances in intelligent and distributed computing - 2 Against all odds: romanian artists - 267 The airport economist - 157 Alberi - 357 Alfldi szecesszi - 253 Analysis and reform of cultural heritage policies in South-East Europe - 83 Anciennes communauts villageoises roumaines - 79 Das andere denken, schreiben, sehen: schriften zur romanistischen kulturwissenschaft - 302 Applications of mass spectrometry in life safety - 211 Approximate man and other writings - 374 Archaeological oceanography - 441 Archives of climate and environmental change in karst - 219 Are Rawlsians entitled to monopoly rights? - 167 rpd-kor: a magyar llam, trsadalom, mvelds legrgibb trtnete 1301-ig - 10 The art of failure: Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, E.M. Cioran and the role of aesthetics in politics - 34 Art public et projet urbain: Brest 1970-2000 - 250 Aspects of sequence and preference organization in Romanian telephone conversations: thesis - 248 Assembly language programming for INTEL processors family - 6 Att gra historia: vnbok till Christina Florin - 70 Aufzeichnungen aus Talamanca - 361





Aussenseitertum und metaphysisches Exil: eine vergleichende Auseinandersetzung mit den Werken Emil Ciorans und Josef Winklers - 40 Dany Laferrire: l'autodidacte et le processus de cration - 317 L' avenir est dans les oeufs - 366 L'me tatoue: rcit - 373

The brotherhood of Joseph: a father's memoir of infertility and adoption in the 21st century - 185 The Brusilov offensive - 490 Bucharest - 465 Bulgarie-Roumanie: les nouveaux horizons de l'Union Europenne - 162 Bulgarije, Roemeni - 451 Business Know-how Rumnien: so wird ihre geschftsreise zum erfolg - 148 C

B Bagration to Berlin: the final air battles in the East - 179 Balada: Mioria ; Meterul Manole ; Soarele i Luna - 381 Balkan dance: essays on characteristics, performance and teaching - 191 Balkan-Blues und Blaskapellen: unterwegs mit Gypsy-Musikern in Serbien, Makedonien, Rumnien und Bulgarien - 104 Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006: a comprehensive analysis of banking sector transformation in the former Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Muntenegro, Slovakia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan - 140 Beatrice Minda: innenwelt - 274 Behavioral indicators as attachment difficulties - 45 Beim Gehen entsteht der Weg: gesprche ber das leben vor und nach Auschwitz 114 Beitrittsproblematik Rumniens zur EU: forcierte Modernisierung und Heimkehr nach Europa - 170 Beleuchtete hhle: Sanatoriumstagebuch - 382 La Belle Roumaine: Roman - 413 Benjamin Fondane et la rvolte existentielle: essai - 314 Bethlen Gbor - 478 Biely krl' - 424 Big boy rules: America's mercenaries fighting in Iraq - 22 Biochemical oxidation - a pathway for ammonia removal from Aquatic Systems 199 Black Sea and Central Asia: Promoting work and well-being - 145 The Black Sea environment - 197 Blue Genes: a memoir of loss and survival - 328 Blumen im schnee - 352 Boue smuje na Balkn Nespn: sovtsk invaze do Rumunska na jae 1944 491 El caballero de la resignacin - 363 The cadet life of Prince Harry - 484 Cahier de Talamanca, Ibiza : 31 juillet-25 aot 1966 - 361 Canadian-Romanian theatres: a case study of canadian multiculturalism - 282 La cantante calva - 365 Capitali interiori: l'Europa di Nelu Pascu - 264 Careers in applied anthropology in the 21st century: perspectives from academics and practitioners - 72 Cartas a mam : desde el infierno - 379 The carving up of Romania, and its consequences - 496 Le cas Sonderberg: roman - 378 Cast thy Bread upon the Waters: a novel - 335 CEAU: album - 261 Cele dou cariere ale marelui pianist Mndru Katz - 278 Central and Eastern European wildlife - 224 Central European functional programming school - 3 A century of social work and social welfare at Penn - 183 Theatre and performance in Eastern Europe: the changing scene - 286 Chanson Dada: Tristan Tzara, selected poems - 375 Le chevalier de la rsignation - 363 The chief culprit: Stalin's grand design to start World War II - 496 Christina Domestica a lovci du: romn - 389 Christina Domestica i vntorii de suflete - 389 Church architecture and Baptist missions in Transylvania: 1871-1918 - 254 Cioran: portret radykalnego sceptyka - 477 Classical and generalized models of elastic rods - 233 Clerical fascism in interwar Europe - 98 Clients and their attitudes towards trafficked women in Romania - 76 Complicit - 358 Computation of supersonic flow over flying configurations - 208 Constitutional law of two EU member states: Bulgaria and Romania - 168





Continuums: a novel - 325 Contribuii la studiul satelor devlmae romneti - 79 Le corbeau d'Arcimboldo - 370 Corbul lui Arcimboldo - 370 Coofana Jackie - 371 Coverage of the election in candidate countries a view from Bulgaria and Romania - 80 From demons to Dracula: the creation of the modern vampire myth - 301 Creative thinking and worldviews in Romania: thesis - 47 A crime so monstrous: face-to-face with modern-day slavery - 78 A critical study of Hans Kung's Ecclesiology: From traditionalism to modernism 65 Crusader Woman - 388 Csngk: az elfelejtett magyarok - 118 Cskszereda s Csksomly kpes trtnete - 447 Cultural autonomy in contemporary Europe - 106 Cultural identity and cultural rights in Romania: the case of Transylvania - 136 Cuptorul cu microunde : romanul unui bloc n zece secvene horror - 415 Cybele's secret - 329 D De 1941 nos jours, de Transylvanie Berlin, un survivant raconte... - 109 De ce iubim femeile - 384, 387 De l'inconvnient d'tre n - 29, 31 De lagrimas de santos - 27 Debreceni napl Erdlyrl: kt haza kztt - 427 Degete mici - 399 Democracy and memory : Romania confronts its communist past - 81 Dmocraties europennnes: approche compare des systmes politiques nationaux 84 Des larmes et des saints - 27 Destellos y teatro - 402 Dette souveraine en crise: l'exprience des emprunts roumains la Bourse de Paris durant l'entre-deux-guerres - 143 Deutsch und tschechisch im sprachenpolitischen konflikt - 290 Deux migrants de l'criture: Panait Istrati et Felicia Mihali - 306 The development of communism in Romania - 517 Le devenir envers l'tre - 37 Devenirea ntru fiin - 37 Dialoge ber Grenzen: Beitrge zum 4. Konstanzer Europa - Kolloquium - 9

Dirio Portugus: 1941-1945 - 392 Dictators and dictatorships: arts and politics in Romania and Chile (1974-89) - 270 Dieu est n en exil - 364 Il diluvio, il drago e il labirinto: studie di magia e mitologia europea comparata 195 Dimitrie Cantemir: frst der Moldau, gelehrter, akteur der europischen kulturgeschichte - 474 Dinu Lipatti - 279 Dios ha nacido en el exilio: diario de Ovidio en Tomis - 364 Disabled people and the right to life: the protection and violation of disabled people's most basic human rights - 184 Discourse theory and cultural analysis: media, arts and literature - 21 Dlaczego kochamy kobiety - 384 Doine: or the national songs and legends of Romania - 401 Doktor Kleoptra - 428 Dracula: krvav Vlad III. Napichova - 511 Drawbridge diplomacy: Romanian-American relations - 509 Dream hill - 333 Drum bun en Roumanie - 275 Dualistick gnze zpadu - 43 Dumitru Staniloae: Ose comprendre que je t'aime - 54 Dust of New York (1919) - 322 E The earliest Avar-age stirrups, or the "stirrup controversy" revisited - 485 Economic implications of chronic illness and disability in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union - 227 Education and training in geo-engineering sciences: soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering geology and rock mechanics - 232 Hoi ekklsies tn hellnikn koinottn ts Roumanias ton 19. aina - 55 Elrvult szabadsg: a diktatrt kvet kt vtized, hatvan magyar kivlsg szemvel - 87 Electrician's book: how to read electrical drawings - 231 Elegies from New York City - 412 Elf jahre spter gegen abend - 345 En lycklig dag i mitt liv - 385 En vg genom vrlden: en far minns sin sons resa genom autism och epileptiska anfall - 383 Englezete fr profesor - 402 Enqute sur la disparition d'un nain de jardin: thtre - 377





Entrepreneurship or entremanureship? digging through Romania's institutional environment for transition lessons - 152 Entretiens avec lie Wiesel, 1984-2000: suivis de, Wiesel, ce mconnu - 479 Das Enzym der Freiheit: 1968 und das halbierte bewusstsein - 495 L' preuve du labyrinthe : entretiens avec Claude-Henri Rocquet - 393 Erdly npi kermiamvszete: a Krpt-medence kermiamvszete - 262 Erdly trtnete - 508 Erdly trtnete: Buda elesttl II. Rkczi Ferenc buksig - 514 Erdly: Kelemen-Grgny - 483 Erdlyi fejedelmek - 516 Az erdlyi fejedelmek s a lengyel kirlyvlasztsok - 506 Erdlyi magyar szlsok - 439 Erdlyi medence: Kalotaszeg, Mezsg, Torock - 468 Az erdlyi rmai katolikus egyhz: 1900-1948 - 64 Erdlyi vgzet alatt - 436 Az erdlysg "sznevltozsa": kserlet az Erdlyi Prt ideolgijnak s identitspolitikjnak elemzsre, 1940-1944 - 505 Eride jishin o kataru meiky no shiren - 393 Essays in institutions, economic policy and development: thesis - 141 EU cohesion policy after enlargement - 163 The EU expansion: communicating shared sovereignty in the parliamentary elections - 80 The EU's new Black Sea policy: what kind of regionalism is this? - 133 Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros: defiance vs. conformity - 308 Eurasia Rising: democracy and independence in the post-Soviet space - 94 Die Europische Union, Russland und Eurasien: die Rckkehr der Geopolitik - 164 Europe and the historical legacies in the Balkans - 136 The European Union's New Democracies - 166 European Union: tax treaties of the Central and Eastern European countries - 151 Evadarea tcut : 3000 de zile singur n nchisorile din Romnia - 390 L' evasione silenziosa: tremila giorni, sola, nelle prigioni rumene - 390 Evolution of the Mesozoic basins on the southwestern edge of the East European Craton (Poland, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania) - 217 Evreii sub regimul Antonescu - 111 Exile as life after death in the writings of Henryk Grynberg and Norman Manea 298 Exotic nuclei and nuclear/particle astrophysics - 205 Experiment cu o nserare: in memoriam George Crciun - 404 Eyeseas - 372

Fabricants d'motion: Musique et malice dans un village tsigane de Roumanie - 123 Faade - 256 Faces of post-communism: Central and Eastern Europe's social, political and cultural experiences - 89 Faith-based organizations and evangelical churches in Romania: an investigation of partnership in reference to children and youth in crisis between 1990 and 2004 - 51 Families in a global context - 74 A fehr kirly - 423-424 Femeia - cruciat - 388 Fils des larmes: contes roumains - 398 Finding the right place on the map: Central and Eastern European media change in a global perspective - 165 Fodor's Eastern and Central Europe 2008 - 449 Fldnfutk: a Magyarorszgot rint knyszerteleptsek a II. vilghbor alatt s utn - 108 Footprints in time - 336 For kin or country: xenophobia, nationalism, and war - 95 Four essays on interhousehold transfers and institutions in post-Communist Romania - 153 La France et la Roumanie communiste - 134 From bulk to nano: the many sides of magnetism - 210 From national, through regional, to universal: security and defense reform in Romania - 180 Frontiere del "made in Italy": delocalizzazione produttiva e identit delle merci 158 Frontires et scurit de l'Europe: Territoires, identits et espaces europens - 137 Der Fuchs war damals schon der Jger - 348 Functionalized nanoscale materials, devices and systems - 206 G Das Gedchtnis der Karpaten: Rumnien und sein kulturelles Erbe - 192 Gender in cross-cultural perspective - 71 General Ivan Kolev: dobrudzhanskiiat gero - 476 Geographical dynamics of FDI in Romania: thesis - 150 Gopolitique de la mer Noire: lments d'approche - 135 George Anghelescu - Irina Broboana - Suzana Dan - Gheorghe Fikl - Mihai Florea - Ioana Gorzo - Dumitru Gorzo - Aneli Munteanu - Bogdan Rata - Mircea





Suciu - Roman Tolici - 267 George Enescu: vita e musica - 277 German Colonization in the Banat and Transylvania in the Eighteenth Century - 99 The Germans and the East - 99 Getting by in postsocialist Romania: labor, the body, and working-class culture - 75 Global politics of defense reform - 180 Global studies: Russia, the Baltic and Eurasian republics, and Central/Eastern Europe - 90 Gd i jedwab: eseje - 346 Gnoses dualistes d'Occident - 43 God's blessing: through dreams, visions and premonitions - 63 The good tourist: an ethical traveller's guide - 448 Goodbye Transylvania - 324 Graue Donau, Schwarzes Meer: Wien, Sulina, Odessa, Jalta, Istanbul - 450 Die Grenzverteidigung Siebenbrgens im Mittelalter (10.-14. jahrhundert) - 259 Gygyt praktikk: nprajzi gyjts a bukovinai szkelyeknl - 122 Gypsies under the Swastika - 107 "Gypsies" in European literature and culture - 100 H Hai la joc! periodicity at play in Romanian dance music - 191 The Handbook of Romania - 454 Handbuch Rumnien - Kontakte online: institutionen, projekte, initiativen in Deutschland und Rumnien - 4 Harmat s vr: Erdlyi magyar rk vadszelbeszlsei - 431 Harmonization of seismic hazard in Vrancea zone: with special emphasis on seismic risk reduction - 214 Heart Bridge: Joys and Sorrows at Nathaniel Christian Orphanage in Romania - 69 Hell on earth: brutality and violence under the Stalinist regime - 492 Hermneutique et bricolage: territoires et frontires de la tradition dans le judaisme - 67 Herta Mller: Poetik ; Wissen - 312 Herztier - 344 Heute wr ich mir lieber nicht begegnet - 347 High-resolution optical imaging for deep-water archaeology - 441 Histoire de la Roumanie - 519 Histoire et utopie - 28 Historia i utopia - 28 H historia tou hellnikou naou ts Metamorphses tou Stros sto Galatsi - 56 H historia tou hellnikou naou tou Euangelismou ts Theotokou sto Voukouresti -

57 The Holocaust in Romania: the destruction of jews and gypsies under the Antonescu regime, 1940-1944 - 111 El hombre reciente: una crtica a la modernidad desde la posicin de quien se pregunta - 38 L'Homme oiseau - 356 L'htel de Bhague: la rsidence de la Roumanie en France - 255 Hotel Europa - 414 Hotel Europa: romn - 414 How to do kings with words: Byzantine imperial ideology and the representation of power in pre-Phanariot admonitory literature - 14 Hunger und Seide : essays - 346 I Idag hade jag helst inte velat trffa mig sjlv - 347 Ierusalimul secuiesc: un roman despre identitate - 124 Im Banat, in Franken und Hessen-Nassau zuhause: ein beitrag zur ahnenforschung (1488 - 2008) - 127 Im zeichen der stadt: Avantgarde in Rumnien - 269 Immobilization of heavy metals and stable organics from Aqueous Systems on modified activated carbon - 199 The impact of Calvinism on the Romanian church in Transylvania in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: thesis - 58 The impact of European integration on regional structural change and cohesion 159 The impact of interactive factors on Romanian students' understanding of place value: thesis - 188 State on stage: the impact of public policies on the performing arts in Europe - 17 The impact of the European Reformation: princes, clergy and people - 49 In pursuit of liberalism: international institutions in postcommunist Europe - 88 In the World War - 489 Inside China's cold war - 138 The inspiring true account of a life salvaged from despair, anorexia and dark days in New York City - 332 Institution-independent model theory - 48 Institutional arrangements and land reallocation during transition: a regional analysis of small farms in Romania - 242 Integral drama: culture, consciousness and identity - 308 Integrated management tools in the heritage of South-East Europe: Covers Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia,





and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. - 11 Integrated molecular and cellular biophysics - 222 Intellectual property and theories of justice - 167 International migration in Europe: new trends and new methods of analysis - 131 The international migration of women - 128 Intersexualitt bei kindern - 228 L'invention du peuple: Chroniques de Roumanie et d'Europe orientale - 13 Investigation of SH and Cs radicals formation dynamics inside the hot filament chemical vapor deposition environment by means of cavity ringdown spectroscopy: thesis - 213 Investigation of superconducting order parameters in heavy-fermion and lowdimensional metallic systems under pressure: thesis - 207 Invitaci a l'estudi de la llengua romanesa - 288 Ionesco and the search for the absurd: stripping down the actor's armor for the part of Dudard - 285 Ionesco: recherches identitaires - 303 Iperione - Poesie scelte: antologia - 395 rsok a npzenrl - 276 The Iron Gates in prehistory: new perspectives - 440 Is there a future for the catholic-protestant dialogue? Non-reception as challenge for ecumenical dialogue - 62 Israel - 452 Israel and Syria: the military balance and prospects of war - 500 J Jackie la pie: Comptines - 371 Jacobo o La sumisin - 365 Jacques ou La soumission - 366 Jelek s csodk: Ady Endre s Erdly - 425 Joshua and Isadora: a true tale of loss and love in the Holocaust - 102 A journey of advising: experiences of doctoral international students and faculty advisors in the college of education at a midwestern university - 190 Jurnalul portughez - 392 K

KKK: Kunst.Klang.Krieg - 280 Kleine Finger: roman - 399 The knowledge of God and participation in the Trinitarian community: the balanced approach of Dumitru Staniloae - 66 K hull apad ktba - 435 Kollektive unschuld und die rckkehr nach Europa : Rumniens umgang mit dem unrecht der kommunitischen vergangenheit - 494 Der Knig verneigt sich und ttet - 343 Korruption in Rumnien: stellt sie ein bedeutendes investitionshemmnis fr auslndische unternehmen dar? - 178 Ks Kroly, a hsg embere: letmvzlat - 480 Kzpkori falkpek Erdlyben - 265 Kronstadt/Brasov: Ein kunstgeschichtlicher rundgang durch die stadt unter die zinne - 257 Kulturschock: interkulturelle Handlungskonflikte westlicher Unternehmen in Mittelost- und Sdosteuropa - 146 L Das lndliche Rumnien im Wandel: das Beispiel der Gemeinde Livada im Bezirk Satu Mare - 240 Lass vrus - 429 Learning applied anthropology in field schools : lessons from Bosnia and Romania - 72 Learning, skill acquisition, reading, and dyslexia - 229 Lecture notes on composite materials: current topics and achievements - 234 Legislation and policies in Romania - 76 The linguistics of football - 291 Linking social axioms with behavioral indicators and personality in Romania - 77 Live migration of user environments across wide area networks: thesis - 8 Living in a material world: economic sociology meets science and technology studies - 142 Logics of specification languages - 5 Logistics in Romania: an update on the challenges - 198 Luceafrul - 396 M

Karcsony a havason: Erdlyi magyar rk karcsonyi novelli, versei - 432 Key to redemption - 326 Kildine : Histoire d'une mchante petite princesse - 406 Kisten, krypten, labyrinthe: raumfigurationen in der gegenwartsliteratur - 309

Madame de Sevign et Michel de Montaigne: l'criture intime la lettre et l'essai - 300 A magyar szociogrfia erdlyi mhelyei - 73





Magyarorszg s Erdly gygyvztrtnelmbl - 215 Magyarorszgi s erdlyi urak - 515 Major depression in women - 44 Making poor nations rich: entrepreneurship and the process of the economic development - 152 Masterworks from the Indiana University Art Museum - 266 Le mauvais dmiurge - 33 Media effects and contingencies: a cross-national analysis of television influences on voting behaviour - 26 Mediare le conoscenze: formazione e apprendimento in Reuven Feuerstein - 189 Medvk meg emberek: erdlyi trtnetek - 422 La meilleure fin - 362 Mein Rumnien: Revolution & Poesie - 85 La mlancolie joyeuse: excursions dans la philosophie de Cioran - 41 Mmoire des Carpathes, la Roumanie millnaire, un regard intrieur - 192 Memorie - 359 Meterul Manole - 381 Methods and techniques for cleaning-up contaminated sites - 199 Mezsgyevilgok: etnikus interferencik s nemzeti affinitsok trbeli mintzatai a Krpt-medencben - 110 Migrant auf Lebzeiten: roman - 342 Migration and theology: the case of Chinese Christian communities in Hungary and Romania in the globalisation-context - 132 Der Mikrowellenherd: der Roman eines Plattenbaus in zehn Aufzgen - 415 Minority rights in Central and Eastern Europe - 115 Mioria - 381 Mircea Eliade : le prisonnier de l'histoire - 482 Mircea Eliade: simbolo de la cultura universal - 52 Mircea Eliade: wizie historii - 482 Modo stulatka - 394 Moderne Roemeense verhalen - 407 Moldawien - 164 Monsieur Nastase: l'autobiographie - 287 Moons and aurochs: Romanian journeys - 467 More truth than fiction: growing up in Europe between the World Wars 353 (M)Othering the nation: constructing and resisting national allegories through the maternal body - 299 Multimodal imaging of sensory inputs and neuronal coding in the rodent olfactory bulb: thesis - 225 Museen der Kirchenburgen: Kleinode in Siebenbrgen - 120 The mystery at Dracula's castle: Transylvania, Romania - 330

Nae Ionescu: Leben, Werk, Wirkung - 35 Napolon III le mal-aim - 499 Nationalsozialistische Indoktrination der Deutschen in Romnien: 1932-1944 - 103 Nationen und ihre Selbstbilder: postdiktatorische gesellschaften in Europa - 494 Nscut n URSS - 397 A need for rejuvenation : public funding and the performing arts in Romania - 17 Ngy szl Erdlyben - 426 Neolithic art in Romania - 263 Npmondk Erdly szvben: Als-Fehr megye mondahagyomnya - 193 The new annotated Dracula - 337 New European poets - 319 New interpretations in the history of French literature: from Marie de France to Beckett and Cioran - 307 New patterns of Balkan cooperation for Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey: the impact of the organisation of the Black Sea economic cooperation and NATO - 136 New perspectives on knowledge, attitudes and practices in health - 196 Nineteen countries one river: trade-offs in the management of the Danube river 246 Nomadic language - 298 Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe, 2008 - 97 Normative and policy approaches to media and democracy. How media and politics shape each other in the new Europe - 165 La nouvelle finance et la gestion des portefeuilles - 139 O O niedogodnoci narodzin - 29 O zi fericit din viaa mea - 385 Objectivity versus propaganda in Romanian news: an analysis for news programs before and after the fall of commmunism - 20 kumene der Zukunft: hermeneutische perspektiven und die suche nach identitt 61 Omul recent : o critic a modernitii din perspectiva ntrebrii "Ce se pierde atunci cnd ceva se ctig?" - 38 On Norman Manea's The hooligan's return - 298 Once upon Transylvania - 323 One night: a novel - 339





Onirism - 297 Optimal control of wind energy systems: towards a global approach - 237 Orbitor - Aripa dreapt - 386 Orbitr - Hger vinge - 386 rdgzs pendelyben: Pajzn erdlyi trtnetek - 430 Organizarea defensiv a Transilvaniei n evul mediu (sec. X-XIV) - 259 Orgelmusik aus Rumnien - 281 L' Orient du signe: rves et drives chez Victor Segalen, Henri Michaux et Emile Cioran - 310 Originea medievala a focarelor de conflict din Peninsula Balcanica - 493 rk Erdly - 469 Orthodoxy and communism in the Romanian People's Republic: 1947-1965 - 513 slnytani kirndulsok Magyarorszgon s Erdlyben - 220 Die Osterweiterung der Europischen Union: eine analyse des EU-Beitritts Rumniens - 176 The other Europe in the Middle Ages: Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans - 485 Overcoming dictatorships: contemporary East and West European visual inquiries 273 P Il paese delle prugne verdi - 344 Panait Istrati, images d'Orient - 318 "Pancosmic" church - specific romnesc: ecclesiological themes in Nichifor Crainic's writings between 1922 and 1944 - 59 Paracadutisti !: breve storia dei reparti di paracadutisti di Slovacchia, stato indipendente di Croazia, Ungheria, Romania, Bulgaria e delle loro nazioni durante la seconda guerra mondiale - 238 Partnering with the Jewish community of Romania and transitioning from Holocaust and communism to modernity - 183 Paseo esttico por una pinacoteca - 271 The passive vampire: with an introduction on the objectively offered object - 368 Psztortz: 1921-1944 - 25 Pension fund reforms in Romania and Poland: thesis - 156 Personalita romene in Italia: incontri, storie ed esperienze - 16 Perspectives in partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, and applications 202 Perspectives of strategic environmental assessment in countries with communist past: a comparative study of Romania and the Republic of Moldova - 92 Le petit bol de porcelaine bleue - 367 Pharmacologic and psychosocial treatments for postpartum depression - 44

The pharmacy informatics primer - 1 Le piccole strutture: linguistica, poetica, letteratura - 313 Pigeon post - 376 Pigeon vol - 376 Piombo - Versi: antologia romeno-italiana - 380 Piper - 331 Plicul negru - 405 Plumb - Versuri - 380 Pluralisation religieuse et socit en Roumanie - 53 Poesie d'amore dei trovatori - 360 Poesie und Wissen: poetologie des wissens der moderne - 312 Policy and governance of the genetically modified organisms in Romania: thesis 241 Political Demography: the banning of abortion in Ceausescu's, Romania - 71 Politics and science fiction: science fiction in communist Romania - 316 The politics of history in comparative perspective - 81 Portr s imzs: politikai propaganda s reprezentci a kora jkorban - 268 Portretul lui M - 383 El porvenir est en los huevos - 365 La posicin del cataln en la Romania segn su lxico latino patrimonial - 292 Das "possessive" Genitivattribut im Altfranzsischen und im Rumnischen - 293 Post-communist and post-Soviet parliaments: the initial decade - 93 Postsocialism: politics and emotions in Central and Eastern Europe - 46 Poverty and health care in the context of Romanian postcommunism: Thesis - 226 Pozdn Host: romny - 419 The presence of the American troops in Romania: civil-military challenges beyond a "Military Relationship" - 181 Princes amongst men : journeys with gypsy musicians - 104 Princes amongst men: journeys with gypsy musicians - 105 Probing superfluid acceleration in superconductors with fast pulsed signals: thesis 209 The problematisation of care in Hungarian and Romanian parental leave provisions: thesis - 186 Profiling the demand for trafficked women in Romania - 76 Promoting social interaction for individuals with communicative impairments: making contact - 187 Prostitution and human trafficking - 76 Protection and sustainable development of the Mediterranean-Black Sea ecosystem - 200 Prut Seferi'ni beyanmdr - 498 Psychological aspects of social axioms: understanding global belief systems - 77

ROMNICA Public finance and post-communist party development - 147 Pure economic loss: new horizons in comparative law - 172 Q QM Quality management - 247 R




Raman and SERS investigations of pharmaceuticals - 212 Reading the New Horizon: the role of Romanian media discourse in the 2004 elections power shift - 21 Reappraisals: reflections on the forgotten twentieth century - 510 Receiving the nature and mission of the church: ecclesial reality and ecumenical horizons for the twenty-first century - 62 The reception and interpretation of the Bible in late antiquity - 50 La rception de l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust en Roumanie: thse - 311 Red Storm over the Balkans : the failed Soviet invasion of Romania, Spring 1944 491 Redan d var rven jgare - 348 The regional economic structure of Romania, 1992-2001 - 159 Regional Identity in Elite Discourse - 19 Rehabilitation of structural walls - 239 Reise durch Rumnien - 470 The review of contemporary fiction: New writing on writing - 297 Revisiting historical and cultural myths and cliches: the Romanian case of nation state building 136 The (r)evolution of Romanian theatre - 286 Rewriting the canon of visual arts in Communist Romania - 260 The rise of Romanian NGOs in the democratization process of the society after 1990 - 82 Roemeni - 459 The roma journeys - 121 Romania - 163, 172, 459-460, 473, 488 Romania - Daniel Banulescu, Radu Andriescu, Ruxandra Cesereanu, Milail Galatanu, Simona Popescu, Saviana Stanescu, O. Nimigean, Ioana Nicolaie, Dan Sociu, Emilian Galaicu-Paun, Alexandru Vakulovski - 319 Romania and Bulgaria narrow gauge - 249 Romania and the Sino-American rapprochement, 1969-1971: new evidence from the Bucharest archives - 138 Romania between history and Europe - 510

Romania, commercio internazionale e investimenti esteri - 149 Romania-passi - 461 Romania's accession process into the European Union: discourses at policy-, program-, and project-levels in the justice sector - 174 Romania's business environment - 154 Romania's restraint? : avoiding the worst through domestic scapegoating - 95 Romania's return to Europe: between politics and culture - 136 Romania: political irresponsibility without constitutional safeguards - 96 Romania: the secondary influence of public finance on the party system - 147 The Romanian accent in English - 295 Romanian families in the post-communist period - 74 Romanian migration movements : networks as informal transitional organisations 131 Romanian: an essential grammar - 289 Romanians in historic Hungary - 116 Romnok a trtneti Magyarorszgon - 116 Romnia - 473 The rough guide to Romania - 456 Les Roumains - 518 Roumanie - 455 La Roumanie aux marches du monde slave - 501 Roumanie trange et trangre - 369 La Roumanie insolite - 504 La Roumanie post 1989 - 86 Roumanie, entre rve et ralit: Bucovine-Moldavie - 457 Roumanie, rminiscences - 466 Rozhdennyi v SSSR: vospominaniia - 397 Rules and engagement: a comparative qualitative evaluation of European Union rule-of-law promotion in Romania, Turkey, Serbia and Ukraine - 171 Rumnien - 164, 473 Rumnien und Republik Moldau - 453 Rumnien: geschichte und geographie - 472 Rumnien: kulinarische streifzge - 243 Rumnien: mehr als Dracula und Walachei - 458 Rumnien: Mure Kanutour - 463 Rumunia: koniec zotej epoki - 512 Rumunia: kraj przyjaznych ludzi - 471 Rumunsko - 460 Russian, Polish & German cooking: the very best of eastern European cuisine, with more than 185 delicious recipes shown in 750 photographs - 245





Sacralised politics in action: the February 1937 burial of the Romanian legionary leaders Ion Mota and Vasile Marin - 98 Samotno i przeznaczenie - 30 Schreiben unter der diktatur: die lyrik von Anemone Latzina - 304 Sclipiri i teatru - 402, 402 Searching for Cioran - 42 Secret weapon: selected late poems - 403 Semi-active suspension control: improved vehicle ride and road friendliness - 235 Semi-Markov chains and hidden semi-Markov models toward applications their use in reliability and DNA analysis - 221 Semi-presidentialsim in Central and Eastern Europe - 96 Sentenced by innocence - 169 Sentiments and/as property rights: restitution and conflict in postsocialist Romania - 46 Shakespeare and the law - 315 Shouldering Fate - 486 Shylock in Transylvania: anti-semitism and the law in East Central Europe - 315 Silenced voices: Hungarian plays from Transylvania - 433 Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic analysis - 201 Smrt uhersk krlovny - 418 The snows of yesteryear: portraits for an autobiography - 352 Soarele i Luna - 381 El sobre negro - 405 Social capital: the missing link between HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, and related behaviors among young women in Tanzania - 68 Sokarc Erdlyisg: tanulmnyok s jegyzetek - 15 Solitude et destin - 30 Southeastern Europe: Romania ; Bulgaria - 97 The Sovietization of Eastern Europe: New perspectives on the postwar period - 487 Spencer the adventurer and the castle of Bran - 327 Spherical spin glasses: thesis - 204 Spiel, Kunst, Schein: Nietzsche als ursprnglicher Denker - 39 Sprachvergleich Kulturvergleich: quo vadis, KGdr? - 296 Sprachwandel und (Dis-)Kontinuitt in der Romania - 293 Stdte, drfer, bauwerke: studien zur siedlungs- und baugeschichte Siebenbrgens 251 Staging the lesson, by Eugene Ionesco, at Columbia Stages: thesis - 284 Static and dynamic instabilities of electrostatic actuated MEMS devices - 236 Steinsuppe: gedichte - 354

The story of the Gypsies: roman - 321 Le style national roumain: construire une nation travers l'architecture - 258 Subregionalism in the Black Sea and the EU's role: incentives, obstacles and a "New Synergy" - 177 Sumr nyomok Erdlyben - 446 Sustainable development strategies in South-East Europe - 18 Sustainable use and development of watersheds - 216 The sword and the shield of the realm - 338 Symphonie der freiheit: widerstand gegen die Ceauescu-diktatur - 507 Szszfld: a vrak vilga - 119 A szkely s az trk rs jeltrtnete: bevezets a trtneti sszehasonlt jeltrtnet mdszertanba - 294 Szkely hatrrk a magyarorszgi hadszntereken 1848-ban: "... siessnk kedves magyar haznkat ellensgeinktl megoltalmazni." - 520 Szkely Jeruzslem - 124 Szkelyfld zei - 244 Szemnk fnye: Erdly - 434 Szent Istvn gyermekei: Nyisztor Tinka nprajzossal beszlget Benkei Ildik - 194 tefan Constantinescu: studies, interview, curriculum vitae, ... - 475 T Tagebuch eines jungen aus Bukarest: roman - 341 Talg nage kelche: elf anagramm-gedichte und ein anagramm-bild - 351 Tchekhov - 481 Technology, agency, and financial price data - 142 Tectonic aspects of the Alpine-Dinaride-Carpathian system - 218 Terror and the arts: artistic, literary, and political interpretations of violence from Dostoyevksy to Abu Ghraib - 270 Theophil Magus in Baton Rouge: a haiku novel - 409 thesis - 230 They were counted - 420 They were found wanting - 421 The third sector in Europe: prospects and challenges - 82 Thus spoke the sea - 391 Tineree fr de tineree - 394 Tissue proteomics: pathways, biomarkers, and drug discovery - 223 To be or not to be a "world class" city? : poverty and urban form in Paris and





Bucharest - 252 To Romania with love - 60 Trace problems in algebraic number fields and applications to characters of finite groups - 203 Traditional romanian village communities: the transition from the communal to the capitalist mode of production in the Danube region - 79 Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in Romania - 76 Train to Trieste: a novel - 411 Trans-national issues, local concerns and meanings of post-socialism: insights from Russia, Central Eastern Europe and beyond - 155 Transilvania rossa: il comunismo romeno e la questione nazionale, 1944-1965 503 Transylvania - 464 El trbol de cuatro hojas : relato absurdo - 402 Trenul de Trieste - 411 Le trsor de Ptrossa : historique, description : tude sur l'orfvrerie antique - 445 Le trsor de Pietroasa (Roumanie) - 445 Les trsors de deniers de Trajan Balbin en Roumanie - 442 Les trsors de deniers et d'antoniniens de Gordien III Aurlien en Roumanie - 443 Trifoiul cu patru foi : povestire absurd - 402 Trilogy of Theophil Magus: the Truth - 410 Tsnvats linelu anharmarut'yan masin 31 The turks were not as bad as written in history text books: acknowledging an Ottoman legacy in present-day Romania - 136 Twice-mapping Romania: towards a performative gridding of politics and a political cartography of theatre in communism and post-communism - 283 Twisted Consequences - 334 dvzlgy szabadsg!: magyar rk szak-Erdly s a Szkelyfld 1940-es visszatrsrl - 438 Un drum cu ... poveti: proz - 416 Understanding governmental legislative capacity: harmonization of EU legislation in Lithuania and Romania - 160 Unheard voices : human rights issues of disabled youngsters from Romanian institutions - 184 El universo malogrado: carta a Cioran - 36 The use of cultural autonomy to prevent conflict and meet the Copenhagen criteria: The Case of Romania - 106 Using imitation to establish channels of communication with institutionalised

children in Romania: bridging the gap - 187 t a magnyos tntetsig: Egy erdlyi magyar esete a Scania birodalommal - 437 Utak s tvutak: az erdlyi magyarsg huszadik szzadi trtnetben - 112 V Values and sexual practices : inter and intra-cultural variations in Romania and the UK - 196 Le Vampire passif - 368 Vampiric haunts: Transylvania, Romania - the historical Dracula: Vlad III Tepes 301 Vehicle sensors and actuators - 236 Veneti in Romania - 126 Vergangenheits-bewltigung im Osten: Russland, Polen, Rumnien - 497 Das Vershnungsprojekt "Healing of Memories" in Rumnien und die Beziehungen zwischen den Konfessionen in Siebenbrgen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert - 61 Vesztes hbork - megnyert csatk - 182 Viaa cotidian n comunism - 502 Viaa la ar - 417 Victor Man - 272 La vie la campagne - 417 La vie quotidienne en Roumanie sous le communisme - 502 Vilgfigyel tet: Mozzanatok az Erdlyi Helikon trtnetbl - 24 Vintila Horia: translittrature et ralit - 305 The Virgin Mary and the Publican: Lutheranism and Social Order in Transylvania 49 Vizuina luminat - 382 Vlkerstrafrecht in Rumnien - 175 Voyage en Roumanie: de la Transylvanie au delta du Danube - 462 W Die Wahrnehmung des "Domestic Holocaust" im Rumnien der Nachkriegsjahre 494 The wars of the Balkan Peninsula: their medieval origins - 493 Warum wir die frauen lieben geschichten - 387 "... was in der Mitte zu wachsen anfngt" - 349 Washi to itazura kirudn - 406 Water law and policy: governance without frontiers - 246 We never lost hope: a Holocaust memoir and love story - 113





We Wait You: waiting on God in Eastern Europe - 91 Der weisse Knig: roman - 423 Werke - 32 Der westpontische raum am ende der frhen Kupferzeit - 444 What we don't measure about human resources: intangible variables made tangible - 144 Who Owns the Moon?: extraterrestrial aspects of land and mineral resources ownership - 173 Will to freedom: a perilous journey through fascism and communism - 101 Wolfsroedel - 320 Word and image in the long eighteenth century: an interdisciplinary dialogue - 12 World cities and urban form: fragmented, polycentric, sustainable? - 252 The Wretched of the earth and me - 130 The writer uprooted: contemporary Jewish exile literature - 298 Y Yin time: Gedichte - 400 Z Zaira: roman - 340 Les Ziaux - 372 Zigeunerleben: roma-reportagen aus Osteuropa - 125 Zingari di merda - 117 Zy demiurg - 33 Zweieinhalb strche: roman einer kindheit in Siebenbrgen - 355 Zwischen Pflicht und Kr: die Hermannstdter Zeitung und die Siebenbrger Sachsen im kommunistischen Rumnien und nach der Wende - 23

A Activism politic -- Proteste -- Istorie - 488 Adopie -- Aspect psihologic - 45, 185 Adopie internaional -- Australia -- Mrturii - 169 Adopie internaional -- Legislaie - 169 Adopie internaional -- Statele Unite - 185 Ady, Endre - 425 Aerodinamic - 208 Agricultur -- Europa Central - 242 Agricultur -- Europa de Est - 242 Agricultur -- Romnia -- Postcomunism - 240 Agricultur ecologic -- Romnia - 241 Alegeri europarlamentare -- Romnia - 80 Ambasada Romniei (Paris) - 255 Analiza discursului - 21 Analiz financiar - 139 Antichiti romane - 442-443 Antisemitism -- Romnia - 315 Antropologie aplicat -- Romnia - 72, 77 Antropologie contemporan - 72 Antropologie social -- Romnia - 78 Antropologie social -- Sexualitate - 71 Arendt, Hannah - 34 Arheologia subacvatic -- Marea Neagr - 441 Arheologie -- Romnia - 440, 445-446 Arhitectur -- Europa Central i de Est -- Istorie - 256 Arhitectur -- Istorie -- Braov - 257 Arhitectur -- Istorie -- Romnia - 258 Arhitectur -- Romnia -- Istorie - 256 Arhitectur bisericeasc - 257 Arhitectur civil -- Frana - 255 Arhitectur medieval -- Istorie -- Transilvania - 259 Arhitectur public -- Frana - 250 Arhitectur religioas -- Transilvania - 254 Arhitectur i totalitarism - 256 Arhitectur urban -- Fortificaii - 259 Arhitectur urban -- Istorie -- Stiluri - 258 Arhitectur urban -- Transilvania - 253

ROMNICA Arhitectur urban -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 251 Arhitectur urban -- Ungaria - 253 Armat -- SUA -- Baze militare - 181 rpd, dinastia - 10 Art Nouveau - 253 Art culinar - 244 Art neolitic -- Romnia - 263 Art popular maghiar -- Teme, motive - 262 Art preistoric - 263 Art religioas -- Transilvania -- Teme, motive - 120 Art romneasc contemporan - 267 Art romneasc contemporan -- Pictur - 264 Art i ideologie - 270 Art i ideologie -- Comunism - 273 Art i politic -- Curente artistice - 268 Art i politic -- Proletcultism - 270 Arte plastice -- Europa de Est -- Postcomunism - 273 Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic - 260, 271 Arte plastice -- Pictur -- Portret - 268 Arte plastice -- Romnia -- Comunism - 260 Arte plastice -- Romnia -- Istorie - 269 Arte plastice contemporane - 266 Arte vizuale -- Experiment artistic -- Instalaii - 272 Artiti plastici americani - 266 Artiti plastici romni -- Evocare - 273 Artiti plastici romni -- Prezentare - 267, 272 Asisten social -- Evrei -- Romnia - 183 Asisten social -- Istorie - 183 Astrofizic - 205 Auschwitz (Polonia ; lagr de concentrare) -- Mrturii - 109 Autism - 187 Avangard artistic - 269 Avangard literar -- Romnia - 302 Avangard literar -- Teme, motive - 314 B Banat -- Cultur i civilizaie -- Identitate - 19 Bnci -- Europa Central i de Est - 140 Beckett, Samuel - 307 Benysek, Zbynek - 273




Bethlen Gbor, principe al Transilvaniei - 478 Biblia - 50 Biochimie analitic - 212 Biofizic - 222 Biologie aplicat - 223 Biologie molecular - 223 Biserica "Buna Vestire" (Bucureti) - 57 Biserica "Schimbarea la Fa" (Galai) - 56 Biserica Baptist -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 254 Biserica catolic -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 64 Biserica Evanghelic Luteran -- Transilvania -- Asisten umanitar - 51 Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Cler - 54 Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Doctrine - 59 Biserica Romano-Catolic -- Transilvania -- Documente - 64 Biseric i societate - 61 Biseric i societate -- Transilvania - 120 Biseric i stat -- Romnia -- Comunism - 513 Biserici cretine -- Reconciliere - 62 Biserici greceti -- Bucureti -- Istorie - 57 Biserici greceti -- Dobrogea -- Istorie - 55 Biserici greceti -- Istorie - 56 Bizantinologie - 14 Braov - 257 Brest (Frana) - 250 Buctrie romneasc - 243 Bucovina -- Descrieri i cltorii - 457 Bucureti - 252 Bucureti -- Descrieri i cltorii - 465 Bucureti -- Via cotidian - 465 Bulgaria -- Ghiduri turistice - 451 C Calculatoare electronice -- Memorie - 2 Calculatoare electronice -- Utilizare -- Formare profesional - 3 Calvinism -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 58 Cantemir, Dimitrie, domn al Moldovei - 474 Capitalism agrar timpuriu - 79 Captivitate -- Columbia - 379 Carpai, muni -- Hri tectonice - 218 Casa regal britanic - 484

ROMNICA Ci ferate -- Bulgaria -- Istorie - 249 Ci ferate -- Romnia -- Istorie - 249 Cri de bucate - 243 Cri electronice - 47 Ceangi -- Identitate cultural - 118 Ceauescu, Elena - 261 Ceauescu, Nicolae - 71, 261, 507, 512 Cehov, Anton Pavlovici - 481 Ceramica popular -- Transilvania - 262 Chimie -- Tehnologie - 211 Chimie experimental - 213 Chimie fizic - 213 China -- Relaii externe -- Documente - 138 China -- Relaii externe -- Romnia - 138 Cioran, Emil - 34, 36, 40-42, 307, 310, 477 Civilizaie medieval -- Transilvania - 10 Comer internaional - 158 Comer internaional -- Romnia - 157 Comportament social -- Sexualitate - 196 Comunicare digital - 4 Comunicare intercultural - 291 Comunicare politic - 80 Comunicaii digitale -- Romnia - 248 Comunism -- Deportri -- Siberia - 492 Comunism -- Doctrin - 507 Comunism -- Europa de Est -- Istorie - 487, 492 Comunism -- Instaurare -- Romnia - 503 Comunism -- Romnia - 325 Comunism -- Romnia -- Demografie - 71 Comunism -- Romnia -- Documente - 502, 509 Comunism -- Romnia -- Instaurare - 517 Comunism -- Romnia -- Istorie - 497, 517 Comunism -- Romnia -- Mrturii - 346 Comunism -- Teroare -- Romnia - 512 Comunism -- Uniunea Sovietic -- Istorie - 487 Comunism i art - 261 Comunism i intelectuali -- Romnia - 316 Comunism i religie - 513 Comuniti maghiari din Romnia - 503 Comuniti chineze -- Romnia - 132 Condiii sociale -- Tranziie - 75




Conflicte interconfesionale - 61 Conservare i restaurare -- Pictur mural - 265 Constantinescu, tefan - 475 Construcii -- Management - 239 Construcii -- Structuri metalice - 239 Cooperare internaional - 180 Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Romnia - 186 Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Ungaria - 186 Copii -- Psihopatologie - 187 Copii adoptai -- Romnia - 45 Copii cu nevoi speciale -- Romnia - 187 Copii din medii defavorizate - 228 Copii orfani -- Romnia - 69, 169, 185 Corupie -- Romnia - 178 Crainic, Nichifor - 59 Cretinism i societate - 60 Cultur -- Religie -- Teme, motive - 67 Cultur bizantin - 14 Cultur european -- Teme, motive - 9 Cultur muzical - 280 Cultur politic -- Romnia -- Istorie - 13 Cultur i civilizaie -- Teme, motive - 12 Cultur i civilizaie european - 13 Curente literare -- Postmodernism - 297 Cutremure -- Sistem de alertare - 214 D Dadaism (curent literar) - 374-375 Dans tradiional romnesc - 191 Duceanu, Mirela - 273 de France, Marie - 307 Democratizare -- Romnia - 93 Democraie -- Instituii - 94 Democraie -- Partide politice -- Alegeri - 95 Depresie nervoas - 44 Deinui politici -- Biografii - 101 Dezvoltare durabil - 199 Dezvoltare durabil (Romnia) - 200 Dialoguri interculturale - 194, 393 Diaspor romn - 35, 52, 242, 274, 278, 280, 282, 284-285, 298, 306, 308-309,





312, 321-323, 332, 336, 338-344, 346-347, 349-351, 354, 357-359, 362, 365366, 368-369, 373-378, 383, 391-392, 402, 409-410, 412, 414, 416, 437, 479, 482, 486 Dictatori -- Biografii - 507 Dictatur -- Europa -- Istorie - 494 Dobrogea -- 1918-1944 - 476 Doine - 401 Domnitori -- Moldova -- Biografii - 474 Dracula -- Ficiune - 337 Dracula (personaj fictiv) - 511 Drept constituional (Romnia) - 175 Drept de autor -- Aspecte morale - 167 Drept internaional - 167 Drept internaional -- Studii de caz - 175 Drepturile omului - 184 Duden, Anne - 309 Dunrea, fluviu - 246 Dunrea, fluviu -- Lucrri ilustrate - 450 E Ecologie general - 199 Economie -- Afaceri -- Romnia - 146, 148 Economie agrar -- Romnia - 153 Economie de pia -- Romnia - 154 Economie de pia -- Uniunea European - 146 Economie global -- Concepte - 142 Ecosisteme acvatice -- Marea Mediteran - 200 Ecosisteme acvatice -- Marea Neagr - 200 Ecuaii difereniale - 201 Ecuaii difereniale eliptice - 202 Ecumenism - 65 Ecumenism -- Istorie - 62 Eliade, Mircea - 52, 482 Emigraie i imigraie -- Aspecte socio-economice - 128 Emigraie i imigraie -- Romnia - 131 Energie alternativ -- Cercetri - 237 Energie eolian - 237 Enescu, George - 277 Epoca bronzului (Balcani) - 444 Erdlyi Helikon, revist -- Istorie - 24

Estetic comparat - 270 Etnografi maghiari din Romnia -- Amintiri - 194 Etnografie comparat - 191 Etnografie i folclor -- Moldova -- Ceangi - 194 Etnologie (Romnia) - 192 Etnologie rural -- Mituri -- Ritualuri - 192 Europa -- Animale slbatice -- Protecie - 224 Europa -- Emigraie i imigraie - 131 Europa -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 - 488 Europa Central i de Est - 449 Europa Central i de Est -- Politic i guvernare - 90, 97 Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism - 89, 93 Europa Central i de Est -- Postsocialism - 46 Europa Central i de Est -- Posttotalitarism - 155 Europa de est -- Condiii sociale -- 1989- - 155 Europa de est -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 - 497 Europa de est -- Situaie socio-politic -- 1989- - 91 Europa de Sud-Est - 11, 18 Evrei -- Bucovina -- Biografii - 352 Evrei -- Oradea -- Biografii - 101 Evrei -- Persecuii -- Auschwitz -- Istorie - 114 Evrei -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- 1940-1944 - 111 Evrei -- Romnia - 328 Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii - 102 Evrei -- Supravieuitori -- Biografii - 109, 113 Evrei -- inutul secuiesc - 124 Evrei maghiari -- Bezid -- Istorie - 124 Evrei maghiari -- Oradea -- Memorii - 114 Evrei maghiari -- Persecuie -- Mrturii - 124 Evul Mediu -- Europa - 485, 493 Evul Mediu -- Transilvania - 265 Exegez - 50 F Familie i societate - 74 Fascism -- Europa -- Istorie - 98 Faun -- Romnia - 224 Femei -- Condiii sociale - 44, 128 Femei -- Discriminare sexual - 68 Feuerstein, Reuven - 189

ROMNICA Ficiune istoric - 420-421 Filozofi germani - 39 Filozofi romni -- Biografie - 35, 477 Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana - 28, 30-34, 36, 40-42, 477 Filozofia spiritului -- Eseu - 27 Filozofie - 29-32, 40 Filozofie -- Concepte - 37 Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism - 36, 41-42 Filozofie -- Eseu - 33 Filozofie -- Eseu -- Traducere - 37 Filozofie -- Istorie - 28 Filozofie cretin - 27 Filozofie german -- Critic i interpretare - 39 Filozofie politic -- Istorie - 34 Filozofie romneasc -- Modernitate - 38 Filozofie i religie - 43 Filozofie i societate -- Moral - 38 Finane -- Bnci -- Credite - 139 Finane -- Reform -- Capital - 142 Finane internaionale -- Europa - 143 Finane internaionale -- Europa de Est - 140 Finane publice - 147 Firme multinaionale -- Management - 146 Fizic - 207 Fizic experimental - 209 Florin, Christina - 70 Folclor maghiar -- Alba -- Legende - 193 Folclor maghiar -- Transilvania -- Antologii - 193 Folclor romnesc -- Teme, motive - 191 Fore armate - 180 Fostele republici sovietice -- Politic i guvernare - 94 Fotografii -- Album - 275 Fotografii artistice - 274 Foucault, Michel - 34 Frana -- Istorie -- Sec. XIX - 499 Frana -- Politic - 499 Fundoianu, Benjamin - 314




Garda de Fier - 98 Gastronomie -- Romnia - 245 Gastronomie (rile lumii) - 245 Genetic aplicat - 221 Genetic medical -- Modele matematice - 221 Geologie - 218 Geologie -- Europa de Est - 217 Geologie -- Romnia - 217 Germani -- Emigraie i imigraie - 99 Germani -- Romnia -- Activitate politic - 103 Germani -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 99 Globalizare - 90, 132 Gnosticism -- Istorie - 43 Greci -- Via religioas -- Romnia - 55 H Hauswald, Harald - 273 Henry, Prin de Wales - 484 Hermeneutic - 50 Hermeneutic teologic - 67 HIV/SIDA - 68 Holocaust -- Europa -- Istorie - 494 Holocaustul evreiesc - 101, 111 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Mrturii - 102 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Memorii - 113 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Sighetul Marmaiei -- Mrturii - 113 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori - 114 Horia, Vintil - 305 I Identitate colectiv - 19 Imigrani romni -- Canada - 130 Imigranie clandestin -- For de munc - 129 Informatic - 8 Informatic aplicat -- Farmacie - 1 Inginerie -- Tehnologie - 231, 235-236 Inginerie mecanic - 232

ROMNICA Instrumente muzicale -- Org - 281 Intelectuali -- Condiie - 17 Inteligen artificial - 2, 7 Interdisciplinaritate - 12 Internet -- Terminologie - 7 Investiii strine -- Romnia - 149-150, 178 Ionesco, Eugne - 308 Ionescu, Eugen - 284-285, 303 Ionescu, Nae - 35 Israel -- Descrieri i cltorii - 452 Israel -- Istorie - 500 Israel -- Rzboi -- Liban - 500 Istoria religiilor - 52 Istorici ai religiei -- Biografie - 52, 482 Istorie -- Europa de Est - 485, 495 Istorie -- Romnia - 504 Istrati, Panait - 306, 318 Italia -- Relaii -- Romnia -- Istorie - 126 Italieni -- Diaspora -- Istorie - 126 Italieni n Romnia - 126 Iudaism -- Istorie -- Doctrine - 67 Izvoare de ap mineral -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 215 Izvoare de ap mineral -- Ungaria -- Istorie - 215 nvmnt -- Cercetare - 188 nvmnt romnesc -- Evaluare - 188 nvmnt superior -- Dezvoltare -- Politic guvernamental - 190 J Jurnalism -- Diaspor romn - 22 K Katz, Mndru - 278 Kolev, Ivan - 476 Ks, Kroly - 480 Kung, Hans - 65




Laferrire, Dany - 317 Latzina, Anemone - 304 Legislaie -- Uniunea European - 246 Legislaie comunitar -- Romnia - 171-172 Legislaie internaional - 172-173 Limba englez -- Romnia -- Studiu i predare - 295 Limba german -- Gramatic comparat -- Limba romn - 296 Limba maghiar -- Identitate - 294 Limba romn -- Studiu i predare - 289 Limba romn contemporan - 295 Limbaje de programare (calculatoare electronice) - 5-6 Limbaje de programare logic paralel - 5 Limbi romanice -- Gramatic - 288, 292-293 Limbi romanice -- Istorie - 293 Limbi romanice -- Morfologie - 288, 292 Limbi turcice -- Istorie - 294 Lingvistic - 289 Lingvistic aplicat - 291 Lingvistic comparat - 294 Lingvistic german - 296 Lipatti, Dinu - 279 Literatur -- Istorie i critic - 302 Literatur -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic - 308 Literatur american -- Ficiune - 327, 330 Literatur american -- Memorii - 328 Literatur american -- Proz - 322 Literatur american -- Roman - 321, 324, 326, 329, 332, 335-339 Literatur american contemporan -- Istorie i critic - 298 Literatur australian -- Memorialistic - 323 Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Povestiri - 333 Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Roman - 325 Literatur canadian de limb francez -- Poezie -- Traducere - 370 Literatur canadian de limb francez -- Povestiri -- Traducere - 371 Literatur ceh -- Roman - 418-419 Literatur comparat - 300 Literatur contemporan -- Istorie i critic - 297 Literatur de detenie - 379, 390 Literatur englez -- Roman - 331, 334 Literatur european -- Poezie -- Antologii - 319

ROMNICA Literatur fantastic - 394 Literatur francez -- Eseu - 369 Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic - 300, 307, 310-311 Literatur francez -- Jurnal -- Traducere - 361 Literatur francez -- Memorii - 373 Literatur francez -- Nuvel -- Traducere - 364 Literatur francez -- Poezie -- Traducere - 372, 375 Literatur francez -- Proz -- Traducere - 368, 374 Literatur francez -- Roman - 367, 378 Literatur francez -- Roman -- Traducere - 363, 376 Literatur francez -- Teatru - 362, 366, 377 Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic - 303 Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Traducere - 365 Literatur german -- Eseu -- Traducere - 346 Literatur german -- Istorie i critic - 309, 312 Literatur german -- Memorii - 343 Literatur german -- Memorii -- Traducere - 353 Literatur german -- Poezie - 345, 349, 351, 354 Literatur german -- Poezie -- Traducere - 350 Literatur german -- Roman - 340-342 Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere - 344, 347-348, 352 Literatur german din Romnia -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic - 304 Literatur german din Romnia -- Roman - 355 Literatur italian -- Istorie i critic - 313 Literatur italian -- Jurnal de cltorie -- Traducere - 356 Literatur italian -- Poezie - 357-360 Literatur juvenil - 327 Literatur maghiar -- Antologii - 425 Literatur maghiar -- Memorii - 427 Literatur maghiar -- Povestiri - 422 Literatur maghiar -- Roman - 426, 428 Literatur maghiar -- Roman -- Traducere - 420-421, 423-424 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Antologii - 431-434, 438 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Memorii - 437 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Nuvel - 431-432 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Poezie - 436 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Proz - 430, 438 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Roman - 429, 435 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Roman istoric - 434 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Teatru -- Traducere - 433 Literatur medieval -- Trubaduri - 360




Literatur modern -- Istorie i critic - 301 Literatur olandez -- Roman - 320 Literatur pentru copii i tineret - 330 Literatur pentru tineret - 329 Literatur popular -- Teme, motive - 439 Literatur popular maghiar -- Transilvania - 439 Literatur popular romneasc - 401 Literatur popular romneasc -- Balad -- Traducere - 381 Literatur romn -- Antologii - 395, 407 Literatur romn -- Basme -- Traducere - 398 Literatur romn -- Canada -- Poezie - 391 Literatur romn -- Istorie i critic - 318 Literatur romn -- Jurnal -- Traducere - 392 Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere - 383, 390, 397 Literatur romn -- Poezie - 404 Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere - 319, 380, 385, 388, 391, 395-396, 400, 403, 408, 412 Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere - 384, 387, 394, 407 Literatur romn -- Poveti -- Traducere - 406 Literatur romn -- Proz - 416 Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere - 410 Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere - 382, 386, 389, 399, 405, 409, 413-415, 417 Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere - 402 Literatur romn -- Teme, motive - 299 Literatur romn contemporan -- Istorie i critic - 306 Literatur romn contemporan -- Roman -- Traducere - 411 Literatur science fiction - 316 Literatur i politic - 316 Literatur i revoluie -- Romnia - 85 Literatur i societate -- Receptare - 315 Literatur universal -- Teme, motive - 299 Literatur universal comparat - 299 Lodi, Silvestro - 273 Logic -- Istorie - 48 Logic formal - 48 Logistic - 198 Luna (satelit natural) - 173

ROMNICA M Maghiari -- Cultur i civilizaie -- Istorie - 10, 112 Maghiari -- Identitate -- Transilvania - 110, 112 Maghiari -- Relaii -- Romni - 110 Magnetism - 210 Man, Victor - 272 Management - 1, 144 Management cultural -- Romnia - 11, 17-18 Managementul calitii - 247 Maramure -- Agricultur -- Istorie - 240 Marea Neagr -- Cooperare internaional - 133, 145, 177 Marea Neagr -- Geopolitic - 133 Marea Neagr -- Geostrategie - 135, 145 Marea Neagr -- Navigaie -- Istorie - 441 Marea Neagr -- Preistorie - 444 Marea Neagr -- Protecia mediului - 197 Marea Neagr -- State riverane - 135, 145, 197, 444 Mass media -- Aspect politic - 21, 26 Mass media -- Manipulare - 26 Mass media -- Postcomunism -- Romnia - 21 Mass media audiovizual -- Romnia - 20 Mass media i ideologie - 20 Matematic -- Algebr -- Studii - 203 Matematic aplicat - 201-204 Mecanica solidelor - 232, 234 Mecanic tehnic - 233 Medicamente -- Baze de date - 1 Medicina tradiional - 122 Mediu de afaceri -- Romnia - 154 Memorialistic - 379 Memorii - 130, 486 Metafizic - 40 Michaux, Henri - 310 Miercurea Ciuc - 447 Migraie -- Europa de Est -- For de munc - 132 Mihali, Felicia - 306 Minda, Beatrice - 274 Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Europa de est - 115 Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Romnia - 115 Minoriti -- Statut juridic -- Europa - 106




Minoriti etnice -- Greci -- Romnia - 55 Minoriti etnice -- Multiculturalism - 116 Mitologie comparat -- Teme, motive - 195 Mitologie romneasc - 195 Mitologie i folclor - 195 Mocnie - 249 Modele matematice - 208 Modernizare i tradiie -- Romnia - 13 Moldova (Republica) -- Descrieri i cltorii - 453 Monede romane -- Dacia - 442-443 Monografii zonale - 447 Montaigne, Michel de - 300 Motenire cultural - 18 Mller, Herta - 309 Multiculturalism - 15 Multiculturalism -- Canada - 282 Multiculturalism -- Transilvania - 106 Multilingvism - 110 Mure, (vale) - 463 Muzic -- Istorie - 280 Muzic -- Teorie - 276 Muzic bisericeasc -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 281 Muzic popular maghiar -- Influene - 276 Muzic popular maghiar din Romnia - 276 Muzicieni romni -- Biografie - 277, 279 N Naca, Vlad - 273 Nanostructuri - 210 Nanotehnologie - 206 Napoleon III, mprat al Franei - 499 Naional socialism -- Istorie -- Romnia - 103 Naionalism -- Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie - 95 Nstase, Ilie - 287 Neolitic -- Romnia - 263 Neurolingvistic - 229 Neurologie - 225 Neuropsihologie infantil - 229 Nietzsche, Friedrich - 39

ROMNICA O Ofieri maghiari -- Biografii - 182 Ofieri superiori bulgari -- Biografii - 476 Ontologie - 37 Orae -- Arhitectur - 252 Orae -- Istorie -- Transilvania - 251 Orae -- Romnia -- Istorie - 252 Orfelinate - 69 Organizaii non-guvernamentale - 82 Organizaii nonprofit - 82 Organizaii religioase - 51 P Pacea de la Bucureti (1913) - 489 Paleoclimatologie - 219 Paleontologie -- Transilvania - 220 Paleontologie -- Ungaria - 220 Parautiti - 238 Paris - 252 Parlamentarism - 93 Partide comuniste - 503 Partide politice -- Romnia -- Sec. 20 - 505 Pascu, Nelu - 264 Pedagogi evrei din Romnia -- Evocare - 189 Pedagogie -- Concepte - 189 Peninsula Balcanic -- Descrieri i cltorii - 104-105 Peninsula Balcanic -- Fore armate -- Istorie - 493 Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie - 136, 493 Peninsula Balcanic -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989-.... - 136 Peninsula Balcanic -- Relaii etnice - 136 Perioada interbelic (1918-1938) -- Romnia -- Canada - 130 Persoane cu dizabiliti -- Romnia - 184 Persoane cu handicap - 184 Personaliti britanice -- Biografii - 484 Personaliti culturale maghiare -- Biografii - 480 Personaliti culturale romneti - 474 Personaliti culturale romneti -- Italia - 16 Personaliti evreieti -- Biografii - 479 Personaliti politice maghiare -- Portrete - 268




Pianiti evrei -- Evocare - 278 Pictori romni -- Biografie - 475 Pictori romni -- Prezentare - 264 Pictur mural gotic -- Transilvania - 265 Pictur romneasc modern -- Portret - 261 Pietroasa (tezaur) - 445 Pinczehelyi, Sndor - 273 Plante modificate genetic - 241 Politica mediului -- Dezvoltare durabil - 92 Politic -- Doctrine -- Regionalizare - 84 Politic -- Europa Central i de Est - 96 Politic cultural - 11 Politic cultural -- Europa de Est - 17 Politic cultural -- Europa de Sud-Est - 83 Politic cultural -- Romnia - 83 Politic economic - 89, 151 Politic economic -- 1989-.... - 150 Politic economic -- Privatizare - 152-153 Politic militar -- Israel - 500 Politic romneasc -- Posttotalitarism - 84 Politic social - 89 Politic social -- Romnia - 82 Politic i guvernare -- Romnia - 151 Politic i mass media - 26 Politic i putere judiciar -- Romnia - 96 Politic i religie - 98 Poluarea apelor - 199 Popoare migratoare -- Avari - 485 Porile de Fier -- Vestigii - 440 Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est - 88, 166 Postcomunism -- Romnia - 75, 87, 92, 94, 155, 166 Postcomunism -- Ungaria - 87 Pres german -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 23 Pres local - 23 Primvara de la Praga (1968) - 495 Prizonieri de rzboi -- Rzboi Mondial (1939-1945) - 486 Produse i servicii - 158 Propagand nazist - 103 Proprietate intelectual - 167 Prostituie - 76 Protestantism -- Transilvania -- Sec. 16-17 - 49

ROMNICA Proust, Marcel - 311 Proxenetism - 78 Psihologie educaional - 47 Psihologie infantil - 45 Psihologie social - 46 Psihosociologie - 77 R Rkczi II, principe al Transilvaniei - 514 Rzboaiele balcanice -- Romnia - 476, 498 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Campanii i btlii - 490 Rzboi Mondial (1914-1918) -- Memorii - 489 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia - 489 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia -- Mrturii - 490 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) - 491 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Armistitiu -- Romnia - 179 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Armistiiu -- Romnia - 496 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Aspecte militare - 496 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Campania din Est - 179, 238 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Mrturii - 392 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Operaiuni aeriene - 179 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Operaiuni aeriene romneti - 238 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Mrturii - 109 Rzboiul din Bagdad (2003) - 22 Rzboiul Rece - 138 Reform politic -- Europa de est - 84 Refugiai evrei -- Biografii - 102 Regim semiprezidenial -- Europa - 96 Relaii comerciale romno-italiene - 158 Relaii culturale romno-germane - 4 Relaii culturale romno-italiene - 16 Relaii diplomatice romno-americane - 509 Relaii economice -- Romnia -- Uniunea European - 150 Relaii economice internaionale - 157 Relaii economice romno-franceze - 143 Relaii franco-romne -- 1940-1944 - 143 Relaii internaionale -- Romnia - 501 Relaii militare romno-americane - 181 Religie cretin -- Istorie - 49 Religie cretin -- Iubire - 63




Religie i politic -- Posttotalitarism - 53 Religie i societate - 54, 58 Republica Moldova -- Politic i guvernare - 92 Resurse de ap -- Gestiune - 216, 246 Resurse energetice -- Conservare - 216 Resurse umane - 144 Reviczky, Imre - 182 Reviste de cultur maghiare din Romnia -- Istorie - 24 Reviste literare maghiare din Romnia -- Istorie - 25 Revoluia de la 1848 -- Transilvania - 520 Revoluia Romn din Decembrie. 1989 - 85 Rezistena materialelor - 234 Roman istoric - 418 Romni -- Ungaria -- Istorie - 116 Romnia - 218 Romnia -- Aderare -- Uniunea European^ - 510 Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie - 81, 513 Romnia -- Condiii economice - 156 Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii - 275, 449-450, 453-458, 461-463, 466-467, 470473 Romnia -- Dezvoltarea durabil - 198 Romnia -- Economie - 152 Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice - 451, 454-456, 459-460, 467 Romnia -- Istorie - 498, 518-519 Romnia -- Istorie -- 1956-1989 - 512 Romnia -- Istorie -- Comunism - 494-495, 507 Romnia -- Istorie antic - 442 Romnia -- Istorie contemporan - 510 Romnia -- Naionalism - 95 Romnia -- Persecuie politic - 488 Romnia -- Pluralism confesional - 53 Romnia -- Politica de mediu - 458 Romnia -- Politic economic - 149 Romnia -- Politic i administraie - 156 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare - 90 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989-.... - 86 Romnia -- Postcomunism - 74, 88, 226 Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie - 86, 91, 97, 147 Romnia -- Relaii culturale -- Frana - 134 Romnia -- Relaii diplomatice -- Frana - 134 Romnia -- Relaii externe -- rile Uniunii Europene - 164

ROMNICA Romnia -- Relaii URSS -- 1944-1946 - 491 Romnia -- Stress social - 46 Romnia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 192 Romnia -- Trafic de persoane - 76 Romnia -- Tranziie economic - 140, 148 Romnia -- Via social -- Comunism - 502 Romnia (Istorie) - 501 Romnia n literatur - 328, 334-335, 339, 367 Rromi - 321 Rromi -- Condiii sociale -- Lucrri ilustrate - 121 Rromi -- Cultur -- Tradiie - 117, 322 Rromi -- Deportare -- Transnistria - 107 Rromi -- Europa - 100 Rromi -- Europa -- Istorie - 107 Rromi -- Europa de est - 121 Rromi -- Europa de Est -- Condiii sociale - 125 Rromi -- Mod de via -- Srcie - 125 Rromi -- Persecuii -- Europa -- 1939-1945 - 107 Rromi -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- 1940-1944 - 111 Rromi -- Romnia -- Folclor - 121, 123 Rromi -- Romnia -- Muzic - 104-105, 123 Rromi -- Romnia -- Via social - 117, 125 Rromi -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 104-105 Rromii n literatur - 100 S Sai -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania - 119-120 Sate -- Romnia -- Istorie - 79 Sntate public -- Aspect economic - 227 Sntate public -- Europa de est - 227 Sntate public -- Politic guvernamental - 196, 226, 228 Sntate public (Romnia) - 196, 227 Scriitori canadieni de limb francez -- Critic i interpretare - 317 Scriitori evrei din America - 298 Scriitori francezi -- Critic i interpretare - 311 Scriitori germani -- Evocare - 309 Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Evocare - 304 Scriitori maghiari -- Romnia -- Biografie - 483 Scriitori maghiari -- Romnia -- Exil -- SUA - 483 Scriitori romni - 318




Scriitori romni -- Critic i interpretare - 305 Scriitori romni -- Diaspora - 302, 333, 345, 348, 363 Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana - 303, 305, 307, 310, 361, 364, 393 Scriitori rui -- Biografie - 481 Sebald, Winfried G - 309 Secui -- Identitate -- Bucovina - 122 Secui -- Istorie -- Documente - 520 Secui -- Mitologie i folclor - 122 Securitate internaional - 137 Securitate naional - 180 Segalen, Victor - 310 Seismologie -- Romnia -- Vrancea - 214 Svign, marquise de - 300 Shakespeare, William - 315 Shakespeareologie - 315 Slavi -- Istorie - 501 Sociolingvistic - 290 Sociologi romni -- Exil -- Evocare - 70 Sociologie - 76 Sociologie -- Statistici -- Transilvania - 73 Sociologie -- Ungaria - 73 Sociologie contemporan -- Suedia - 70 Sociologie medical - 44, 68 Sociologie rural -- Istorie - 79 Sociologie urban -- Familia - 74 Sovietizare -- Romnia - 487 Spaiu extraterestru - 173 Spectrometrie de mas - 211 Spiritualitate - 63 Sportivi romni -- Tenis -- Dialoguri - 287 Sporturi nautice - 463 Stalinism - 496 Stalinism -- Romnia -- Victime - 492 Stniloae, Dumitru - 54, 66 Stratigrafie -- Mezozoic - 217 Suprarealism (literatur) - 368, 372 Suprarealism european - 314

ROMNICA tiin i societate - 141 tiine economice - 141 tiine politice -- Concepte - 81 umuleu-Ciuc (comun, judeul Harghita) - 447 vabi -- Familii -- Genealogie - 127 vabi -- Identitate -- Banat - 127 vabi -- Istorie -- Cronologie - 127 T Tanzania - 68 Taxe -- Legislaie -- Europa de Est - 151 Teatru -- Europa de est -- Istorie - 286 Teatru -- Istorie i critic - 284-285 Teatru contemporan -- Istorie i critic - 286 Teatru romnesc -- Istorie - 283 Teatru romnesc -- Istorie i critic - 286 Teatru romnesc contemporan -- Estetic - 283 Teatru i societate - 283 Tehnologia materialelor - 233 Tehnologie - 230 Telefonie multipl - 248 Teologi elveieni de limb german - 65 Teologie catolic - 65 Teologie cretin - 66 Teorie literar - 313 Terorism internaional - 22 Trafic de persoane - 78 Transilvania -- Armat -- Istorie - 182 Transilvania -- Civilizaie -- Istorie - 259, 446 Transilvania -- Demografie -- Istorie - 108 Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii - 464, 468-469 Transilvania -- Diplomaie -- Istorie - 478 Transilvania -- Familii -- Genealogii - 478, 515-516 Transilvania -- Ficiune - 329 Transilvania -- Hri lingvistice - 290 Transilvania -- Istorie - 506, 508, 515 Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1940-1944 - 505 Transilvania -- Istorie -- Documente - 514




Transilvania -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 - 420 Transilvania -- Multiculturalism - 108 Transilvania -- Multilingvism - 290 Transilvania -- Politic i guvernare -- Istorie - 505, 516 Transilvania -- Regi i suverani - 515 Transilvania -- Relaii -- Polonia - 506 Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 244 Transilvania -- Vestigii - 446 Transilvania -- Via intelectual - 25 Transilvania -- Via religioas -- Istorie - 61 Transilvania n literatur - 320, 324, 326-327, 331, 337-338, 353, 355, 418-419, 421-428 Transilvanism - 15 Tranziie politic - 87 Trupe de teatru - 282 Turcia -- Istorie - 498 Turism cultural - 448 Turism ecologic - 448 ara Romneasc -- Istorie -- Evul mediu - 511 rile Romne - 14 U Ungaria -- Minoriti -- Politic i guvernare - 108 Uniunea European - 129 Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Bulgaria - 161-162, 168 Uniunea European -- Aderare -- Romnia - 161-162, 168, 170, 174 Uniunea European -- Comunicare - 165 Uniunea European -- Constituie - 168 Uniunea European -- Cooperare transfrontalier - 164-165 Uniunea European -- Economie - 159 Uniunea European -- Extindere - 80, 163, 166, 170 Uniunea European -- Frontiere - 137 Uniunea European -- Instituii - 174 Uniunea European -- Instituii administrative - 84 Uniunea European -- Integrare -- Romnia - 165, 176 Uniunea European -- Regionalizare - 159 Uniunea European -- Relaii culturale - 9

ROMNICA Uniunea European -- Romnia - 163 Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Marea Neagr - 177 Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare - 159, 176 Uniunea European -- Tratat -- Lituania - 160 Uniunea European -- Tratat -- Romnia - 160, 171 Universiti -- S.U.A. - 190 Urbanism -- Spaiu public -- Concepte - 250, 252 V Vampiri -- Transilvania - 301, 326, 330, 419 Vampiri n literatur - 301, 320 Via artistic -- Romnia - 269 Via cretin -- Romnia - 51, 60 Via intelectual -- Romnia - 47 Viziuni - 63 Vlad epe, domn al rii Romneti - 511 W Wass, Albert - 483 Wiesel, lie - 479 Winkler, Josef - 40 Z Zaggia, Michele - 273


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BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 57 Biologie ..................................................................................................... 78 59 Zoologie..................................................................................................... 79

0 GENERALITI............................................................................................... 9 004 Calculatoare. Prelucrarea datelor............................................................... 9 008 Civilizaie. Cultur................................................................................... 12 070 Ziaristic .................................................................................................. 15 09 Manuscrise. Bibliofilie .............................................................................. 16 1 FILOZOFIE...................................................................................................... 17 159.9 Psihologie ............................................................................................. 20 2 RELIGIE........................................................................................................... 21 23/28 Religie cretin ..................................................................................... 24 29 Religii necretine ....................................................................................... 30 3 TIINE SOCIALE, ECONOMICE I JURIDICE..................................... 30 3-05 Categorii de persoane ............................................................................. 30 316 Sociologie ................................................................................................ 32 32 Politic....................................................................................................... 33 323 Politic intern......................................................................................... 42 323.1 Minoriti naionale .............................................................................. 43 325 Emigraie. Imigraie. Deportri................................................................ 50 327 Politic extern ........................................................................................ 54 33 Economie ................................................................................................... 56 331 Munc ...................................................................................................... 58 332 Economie teritorial. Proprietate ............................................................. 58 336 Finane ..................................................................................................... 59 338 Situaie economic. Politic economic .................................................. 60 34 Drept. Legislaie. Jurispruden ................................................................. 61 355/359 Armata. tiin i art militar.......................................................... 67 36 Asisten social. Protecia consumatorului .............................................. 68 37 Educaie. nvmnt. Timp liber .............................................................. 70 5 TIINE TEORETICE I NATURALE ....................................................... 71 502/504 tiina mediului nconjurtor ............................................................ 71 51 Matematic ................................................................................................ 73 52 Astronomie. Geodezie ............................................................................... 76 53 Fizic ......................................................................................................... 76 54 Chimie ....................................................................................................... 77 55 Geologie. Meteorologie. Hidrologie.......................................................... 77

6 TIINE APLICATE ...................................................................................... 79 61 Medicin .................................................................................................... 79 611/612 Anatomie i fiziologie ...................................................................... 82 613/614 Igien ................................................................................................ 82 615 Farmaceutic. Terapeutic. Toxicologie.................................................. 83 62 Tehnic. Inginerie...................................................................................... 83 620 Materiale. Merceologie. Energetic......................................................... 84 622 Industria minier...................................................................................... 85 631/635 Agronomie. Fitopatologie. Horticultur ........................................... 85 636/639 Zootehnie. Apicultur. Sericicultur. Vntoare. Pescuit................. 86 64 Economie casnic ...................................................................................... 87 65 Management. Conducere i organizare...................................................... 87 654 Telecomunicaii ....................................................................................... 89 655 Industrii poligrafice ................................................................................. 89 659 Publicitate. Informaii .............................................................................. 89 7 ART. ARHITECTUR. DISTRACII. SPORT........................................ 90 71 Urbanism ................................................................................................... 90 72 Arhitectur................................................................................................. 91 73/76 Arte plastice. Desen tehnic ................................................................... 92 77 Fotografie .................................................................................................. 96 78 Muzic ....................................................................................................... 97 791/792 Arta spectacolului ............................................................................. 99 8 LINGVISTIC. FILOLOGIE. LITERATUR.......................................... 101 81 Lingvistic ............................................................................................... 101 811 Limbi individuale .................................................................................. 103 811.135.1 Limba romn.............................................................................. 104 82 Literatur ................................................................................................. 105 82.09 Critic i istorie literar ...................................................................... 107 821.111 Literatur englez i de limb englez............................................ 115 821.112.2 Literatur german....................................................................... 120 821.112.2(498) Literatur german din Romnia......................................... 126 821.131.1 Literatur italian......................................................................... 126 821.133.1 Literatur francez ....................................................................... 127 821.134.2 Literatur spaniol i de limb spaniol....................................... 129 821.135.1 Literatur romn......................................................................... 130 821.16 Literaturi slave.................................................................................. 144



821.17/.9 Alte literaturi (orientale, africane, ...) ........................................... 145 821.511.141(498) Literatur maghiar din Romnia.................................... 146 9 GEOGRAFIE. BIOGRAFII. ISTORIE ....................................................... 146 902/904 Arheologie. Preistorie ..................................................................... 146 91 Geografie ................................................................................................. 147 913 Geografie pe ri individuale ................................................................. 148 913(498) Geografia Romniei ...................................................................... 149 929 Biografii. Genealogie. Heraldic ........................................................... 150 93/99 Istorie.................................................................................................. 151 94(100) Istorie universal ............................................................................. 152 94(3) Istorie antic........................................................................................ 158 94(4/9) Istoria pe ri individuale ................................................................. 158 94(498) Istoria Romniei.............................................................................. 161 INDEX DE NUME ............................................................................................. 167 INDEX DE TITLURI......................................................................................... 194 INDEX DE SUBIECT ........................................................................................ 219


0 GENERALITI 004 Calculatoare. Prelucrarea datelor



1. BRNZREA, ION-BOGDAN. AJAX and PHP : building modern web applications / Bogdan Brinzarea ; Cristian Darie, editor. - Birmingham : Packt, 2009. IV, 294 p. : il. color ; 24 cm. ISBN 9781847197726 1. WEB -- Aplicaii 2. Limbaje de programare 3. Informatic GB / eng 2. CHEN-BECKER, DEREK. The definitive guide to lift : a Scalabased web framework / Derek Chen-Becker, Marius Danciu, Tyler Weir. Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2009. IX, 229 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Expert's voice in open source). ISBN 9781430224211 1. Resurse electronice 2. Limbaje de programare (calculatoare electronice) US / eng 3. Data mining and multi-agent integration / edited by Longbing Cao. - London : Springer, 2009. XIII, 328 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: A multi-agent system for extracting and analysing users' interaction in a collaborative knowledge management system / Doina Alexandra Dumitrescu. ISBN 9781441905215 1. Calculatoare electronice -- Memorii 2. Baze de date -- Management GB / eng

4. Engineering evolutionary intelligent systems / edited by Ajith Abraham, Crina Grosan, Witold Pedrycz. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. XIX, 444 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Studies in computational intelligence ; 82). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783540753957 1. Sisteme informatice 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Programare DE / eng 5. Intelligent systems and technologies : methods and applications / edited by Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Junzo Watada, Lakhmi C. Jain. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. VIII, 297 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Studies in Computational Intelligence ; 217). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783642018848 1. Inteligen artificial 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Programare DE / eng 6. Machine learning in bioinformatics / edited by Yan-Qing Zhang, Jagath C. Rajapakse, Vasile Palade. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Interscience, 2009. XVIII, 456 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Wiley series on bioinformatics). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Fuzzy gene mining : a fuzzy-based framework for cancer microarray data analysis / Vasile Palade. ISBN 9780470116623 1. Bioinformatic 2. Tehnologie informaional US / eng 7. MACLENNAN, JAMIE. Data mining with Microsoft SQL server 2008 / Jamie MacLennan, Bogdan Crivat, Zhaohui Tang. - Hoboken, NJ : WileyInterscience, 2008. XXXVI, 636 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. ISBN 9780470277744 1. Microsoft 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Memorie US / eng





8. MRCULESCU, RADU. The chip is the network : toward a science of network-on-chip design / Radu Marculescu, Paul Bogdan. - Hanover, MA : Now Publishers, 2009. IX, 101 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Foundations and trends in electronic design automation ; 2). Bibliogr. p. 77-91. ISBN 9781601981929 1. Informatic 2. Reele de calculatoare US / eng 9. NEGOI, MIRCEA. Bio-inspired technologies for the hardware of adaptive systems : real-world implementations and applications / Mircea Negoita, Sorin Hintea. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. XXII, 186 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Studies in computational intelligence). ISBN 9783540769941 1. Tehnologia informaiei 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Programare DE / eng 10. RACU, BOGDAN RZVAN. Performance characterization and sensitivity analysis of real-time embedded systems / Bogdan Razvan Racu. Gttingen : Sierke, 2009. XII, 209 p. : il., graf., ; 25 cm. ISBN 9783868441260 1. Calculatoare electronice -- Programe DE / eng 11. Real-time stability assessment in modern power system control centers / edited by Savu C. Savulescu. - Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2009. XXVIII, 425 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-0470233306 1. Energie electric -- Tehnologie 2. Reele de calculatoare US / eng

12. RUSSINOVICH, MARK E. Windows internals : covering Windows server 2008 and Windows Vista / Mark E. Russinovich, David A. Solomon, Alex Ionescu ; foreword by Ben Fathi. - Redmond,WA : Microsoft Press, 2009. XXVI, 1232 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. ISBN 9780735625303 1. Informatic 2. Microsoft US / eng 13. Soft computing based modeling in intelligent systems / edited by Valentina Emilia Balas, Jnos Fodor, Annamria Vrkonyi-Kczy. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. VIII, 203 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783642004476 1. Software -- Dezvoltare 2. Calculatoare electronice -- Programe DE / eng 008 Civilizaie. Cultur 14. BADEA-PUN, GABRIEL. Le style Second Empire : architecture, dcors et art de vivre / Gabriel Badea-Pun ; photographies de Marc Walter. - Paris : Citadelles & Mazenod, 2009. 204 p. : il. color ; 33 cm. ISBN 978-2-85088-297-5 1. Stil artistic -- Second Empire 2. Cultur i civilizaie francez FR / fre 15. BAUER, MARKUS. In Rumnien : auf den spuren einer europischen Verwandtschaft / Markus Bauer. - Berlin : Transit, 2009. 174 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9783887472382 1. Cultur i civilizaie romneasc -- Istorie DE / ger





16. Freiheit im blick : 1989 und der aufbruch in Europa / Hrsg.: Manfred Sapper, Volker Weichsel, Tomasz Dabrowski. - Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2009. 400 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Osteuropa ; 2/3). ISBN 9783830516040 1. Europa -- Schimbare politic -- 1989 2. Cultur i cenzur -- Romnia 3. Literatur i istorie -- Teme, motive DE / ger 17. KISSAU, KATHRIN. Ceauescu, Dracula und Waisenhuser? : eine Imagestudie ber Rumnien / Kathrin Kissau. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 95 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 85 - 95. ISBN 9783836471589 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Dracula 3. tiinele comunicrii -- Imagine 4. Romnia -- Imagine public 5. Romnia -- Societate -- Studiu de caz DE / ger 18. LEMNY, TEFAN. Les Cantemir : l' aventure europenne d'une famille princire au XVIIIe sicle / Stefan Lemny ; prface par Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. - Bruxelles : ditions Complexe, 2009. 368 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 337-358. Index. ISBN 978-2-8048-0170-0 1. Cantemir, familie 2. Cultur i civilizaie european -- Istorie 3. Personaliti culturale romneti BE / fre 19. MUTTI, CLAUDIO. Mircea Eliade und die Eiserne Garde : rumnische intellektuelle im umfeld der legion Erzengel Michael / Claudio Mutti ; aus dem ital. und franz. von Luciano Cabrini. - Preetz : Regin-Verlag, 2009. 142 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783941247116 1. Eliade, Mircea 1. Intelectuali romni -- Exil -- Frana 2. Intelectuali romni -Activitate politic 3. Garda de Fier DE / ger = ita

20. OBORNI, TERZ. Bilderbuch der vlker des alten Siebenbrgen : handschriftliches trachtenbuch aus der zeit der Apafis / Terz Oborni ; szerk.: Lilla Tompos, Gbor Bencsik. - Budapest : Magyar Mercurius, 2009. 197 p. : il. ; 28 cm. ISBN 9789639872066 1. Apafi, familia 1. Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Transilvania -- Cultur i civilizaie HU / ger 21. SANIE, SILVIU. Untersuchungen ber religionsgeschichte und kultur : die geto-daker / Silviu Sanie. - Amsterdam : Hakkert, 2009. XXV, 390 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (Classical and Byzantine monographs ; 71). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Din istoria culturii i religiei geto-dacice. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789025612511 1. Geto-dacii -- Cultur i civilizaie 2. Religie -- Istorie -- Dacia NL / ger = rum 22. Subcultures and new religious movements in Russia and EastCentral Europe / edited by George McKay. - Oxford : Peter Lang, 2009. XII, 441 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Cultural Identity Studies ; 15). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Textually constructing identity and otherness : mediating the Romanian hip-hop message / Isabela Merila ; On linguistic politics : the stylistic testimonies of Romanian hip-hop / Michaela Praisler. ISBN 978-3039119218 1. Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Cultur i civilizaie 3. Cultur i societate -- Globalizare GB / eng





23. VRTEJANU-JOUBERT, MDLINA. Folie et socit dans l'Isral antique / Mdlina Vrtejanu-Joubert. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2006. 331 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Thologie plurielle). Bibliogr. p. 313-327. ISBN 9782747567381 1. Israel 1. Cultur i civilizaie evreiasc 2. Religie i societate FR / fre 070 Ziaristic 24. LOMBARDO, MARIA LUISA. Giornali d'Europa : Gran Bretagna, Irlanda, Russia, Romania / a cura di Maria Lombardo. - Catania :, 2009. 172 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania: vero pluralismo? / Raffaella Padalino. ISBN 9788889726297 1. Pres european 2. Pres romneasc 3. Pres i societate -Libertate IT / ita 25. Media in the enlarged Europe : politics, policy and industry / edited by Alec Charles. - Bristol, UK : Intellect, 2009. 224 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Conine: Challenges for Romanian investigative journalism / Valentina Marinescu. ISBN 9781841509983 1. Mass media -- Europa -- Prezentare 2. Mass media i societate 3. Mass media -- Postcomunism -- Romnia GB / eng

26. SCHIPPEL, LARISA. Kultureller wandel als ansinnen : die diskursive verhandlung von geschichte im fernsehen / Larisa Schippel. - Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2009. 472 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Forum: Rumnien ; Bd. 1). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783865962492 1. Mass media -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Mass media -- Postcomunism -Romnia DE / ger 27. Zwischenrume : kulturelle transfers in deutschsprachigen regionalperiodika des Habsburgerreichs : 1850-1918 / Hrsg.: Matja Birk. Wien : Lit, 2009. 177 p. ; 24 cm. - (Transkulturelle Forschungen an den sterreichBibliotheken im Ausland ; Bd. 1). ISBN 9783643501066 1. Imperiul Habsburgic -- Istorie 2. Pres cultural 3. Pres german - Transilvania -- Istorie AT / ger 09 Manuscrise. Bibliofilie 28. Buchgestaltung : ein interdisziplinres forum / hrsg. Cornel Dora. - Wiesbaden : Harassowitz, 2009. 170 p. ; 24 cm. - (Buchwissenschaftliche Forschungen ; 9). ISBN 9783447060066 1. Tipografie 2. Cri -- Design 3. Cri -- Industrie i comer DE / ger





29. AVRAMESCU, CTLIN. An intellectual history of cannibalism / Ctlin Avramescu ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009. VIII, 350 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Filozoful crud : o istorie a canibalismului. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780691133270 1. Antropologie social -- Canibalism 2. Antropologie filozofic US / eng = rum 30. BOGDAN, RADU J.. Predicative minds : the social ontogeny of propositional thinking / Radu J. Bogdan. - Cambridge : MIT Press, 2009. XIX, 156 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 150-155. ISBN 9780262026369 1. Filozofie contemporan 2. Filozofie -- Teoria cunoaterii GB / eng 31. Cioran / diteurs : Laurence Tacou-Rumney, Vincent Piednoir. Paris : Herne, 2009. XII, 541 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Les cahiers de l'Herne). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782851971616 1. Cioran, Emil 1. Filozofie -- Eseu -- Istorie i critic 2. Filozofie i literatur -- Istorie i critic 3. Diaspor romn FR / fre

32. CIORAN, EMIL. Transfiguration de la Roumanie / Emil Cioran ; traduit du roumain par Alain Paruit. - Paris : L' Herne, 2009. 343 p. ; 21 cm. - (Essais). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Schimbarea la fa a Romniei. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782851972859 1. Filozofie i literatur -- Eseu -- Traducere 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana FR / fre = rum 33. DRAGOMIR, ALEXANDRU. Banalits mtaphysiques / Alexandru Dragomir. - Paris : Vrin, 2008. 251 p. ; 18 cm. - (Matire trangre). Culegere de texte din diverse reviste i publicaii. ISBN 9782711619849 1. Filozofie -- Teoria cunoaterii 2. Metafizic -- Concepte FR / fre 34. DRAGOMIR, ALEXANDRU. Chronos : notizbcher ber zeit / Alexandru Dragomir ; bers.: Cioflec Eveline ; hrsg.: Minca Bogdan, Partenie Catalin. - Wrzburg : Knigshausen & Neumann, 2009. 188 p. ; 23 cm. - (Orbis Phaenomenologicus ; Bd. 4). ISBN 9783826035579 1. Filozofie contemporan -- Concepte 2. Fenomenologie DE / ger 35. NOICA, CONSTANTIN. Becoming within being / Constantin Noica ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. - Milwaukee : Marquette University, 2009. 400 p. ; 22 cm. - (Marquette studies in philosophy ; 61). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Devenirea ntru fiin. Index. ISBN 978-0-87462-759-6 1. Filozofie romneasc 2. Ontologie 111.1 US / eng = rum





36. NOICA, CONSTANTIN. Seis enfermedades del espritu contemporneo / Constantin Noica ; traduccin de Vasilica Cotofleac. - Barcelona : Herder, 2009. 211 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788425425783 1. Filozofie -- Eseu -- Traducere 2. Ontologie 3. Filozofie romneasc ES / spa = rum 37. NOICA, CONSTANTIN. Six maladies of the contemporary spirit / Constantin Noica ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth ; illustrated by Florin Stoiciu. Plymouth : University of Plymouth Press, 2009. 192 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan. ISBN 9781841022031 1. Filozofie contemporan -- Concepte 2. Ontologie GB / eng = rum 38. Plato's myths / edited by Catalin Partenie. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2009. XVI, 255 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 239-250. Index. ISBN 9780521887900 1. Plato 2. Mitologie greac -- Teme, motive 3. Filozofie -- Eseu GB / eng 39. SCAPOLO, BARBARA. Esercizi di de-fascinazione : saggio su E.M. Cioran / Barbara Scapolo. - Milano : Mimesis, 2009. 256 p. ; 21 cm. - (Filosofie). Index. Bibliogr. p. 235-252. ISBN 9788884838988 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni 3. Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism IT / ita

40. VASILIU, ANCA. Dire et voir : la parole visible du Sophiste / Anca Vasiliu. - Paris : Vrin, 2008. 377 p. ; 22 cm. - (Bibliothque d'histoire de la philosophie. Nouvelle srie). Index. Bibliogr. p. 361-366. ISBN 9782711621545 1. Plato 2. Filozofie antic -- Concepte 3. Sofism 4. Filozofie greac -- Critic i interpretare FR / fre 41. VLCAN, CIPRIAN. La concurrence des influences culturelles franaises et allemandes dans l'oeuvre de Cioran : thse / Ciprian Vlcan. Lille : A.N.R.T, 2009. 366 p. : 23 cm. - (Thse la carte). Tez de doctorat. Dirige par: Jacques Le Rider. ISBN 9782729574338 1. Cioran, Emil 2. Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism FR / fre 159.9 Psihologie 42. BULLOCH, CHRISSY E. Maternal and paternal warmth and involvement in relation to hope in Romanian adolescents / Chrissy E. Bulloch. Utah : Brigham Young University, 2009. 166 p. ; 28 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Adolesceni -- Comportament social 2. Adolesceni (psihologie) 3. Romnia US





43. Mthodologie de la recherche en psychologie clinique / sous la direction de Serban Ionescu et Alain Blanchet. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2009. 420 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782130572299 1. Psihologie clinic 2. Psihologie experimental FR / fre 44. NOVAC, CTLINA. Romanian gulag : long-term traumatic experiences of imprisonment and their impact on the well-being of political prisoners / Catalina Novac. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 152 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783639172317 1. Deinui politici -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Deinui politici -- Servicii medicale psihiatrice -- Traume DE / eng 45. RADU, IOANA. Conduct disorder and its relationship to oppositional defiant disorder : factors contributing to their development / Ioana Radu. - West Hartford, CT : University of Hartford, 2009. V,118 p. : il. ; 28 cm. ISBN 9781109404319 1. Psihologie infantil 2. Psihologie i educaie US / eng 2 RELIGIE 46. BACIU, MIHAI. A strategy for strengthening romanian seventh day adventist families / Mihail Baciu. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 168 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783639173277 1. Emigrani romni -- Europa 2. Adventiti -- Transilvania 3. Adventiti de ziua a aptea -- Persecuii DE / eng

47. FILIPENKO, ARTEM. Pervyi arkhipastyr : zhizn i dela Mitropolita Gavriila (Benulesku-Bodoni) / Artem Filipenko. - Odessa : VMV, 2009. 142 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9789664130940 1. Gavriil Bnulescu-Bodoni, mitropolit al Moldovei 2. Mitropolii -- Biografie 3. Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Cler UK / rus 48. JAENKE, TED. Tale of a short-term missionary : street ministry in the Balkans : my faith journey / Ted Jaenke. - Enumclaw : Pleasant Word, 2009. XII, 170 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781414112886 1. Misionari americani 2. Religie cretin -- Cltorii spirituale 3. Romnia -- Biserici US / eng 49. KEUL, ISTVN. Early modern religious communities in EastCentral Europe : ethnic diversity, denominational plurality, and corporative politics in the principality of Transylvania (1526-1691) / by Istvn Keul. Leiden : Brill, 2009. XVII, 313 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Studies in medieval and reformation traditions ; v. 143). Index. Bibliogr. p. 288-300. ISBN 9789004176522 1. Transilvania -- Sec. 16-17 2. Religie -- Istorie -- Transilvania 3. Pluralism confesional NL / eng





50. LE CALLOC'H, BERNARD. Les sabbataires de Transylvanie / Bernard Le Calloc'h. - Brest : Armeline, 2009. VIII, 184 p. : il. ; 19 cm. - (Peuples en pril ; 4). Index. Bibliogr. p. 179-180. ISBN 9782910878412 1. Secte religioase -- Istorie -- Persecuii 2. Sabatarieni -- Transilvania -- Istorie 3. Convertii de la cretinism la iudaism -- Transilvania -- Istorie FR / fre 51. Living with religious diversity in early-modern Europe / edited by C. Scott Dixon, Dagmar Freist, Mark Greengrass. - Farnham : Surrey, 2009. X, 301 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (St. Andrews studies in Reformation history). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Art, religious diversity, and confessional identity in early modern Transylvania / Maria Crciun. ISBN 9780754666684 1. Pluralism confesional 2. Transilvania -- Multiculturalism 3. Religie i societate GB / eng 52. Religion, politics and law in the European Union / edited by Lucian N. Leustean and John T.S. Madeley. - London : Routledge, 2009. XV, 223 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780415466271 1. Religie i politic 2. Uniunea European -- Legislaie 3. Pluralism confesional GB / eng

53. RENNIE, BRYAN S. The international Eliade / edited by Bryan Rennie. - Albany : State University of New York Press, 2007. VII, 318 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (SUNY series, issues in the study of religion). Bibliogr. p. 281-304. Index. ISBN 9780791470886 1. Eliade, Mircea 1. Istoria religiilor 2. Istorici ai religiei -- Evocare 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 54. YODER, HARVEY. God knows my path! : Silvia Trniceriu / by Harvey Yoder. - Millersburg, OH : God Knows Ministry, 2009. XIV, 402 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780979888809 1. Trniceriu, Silvia 2. Baptiti -- Persecuii -- Istorie 3. Imigrani romni -- Statele Unite US / eng 55. ZANOTTI-SORKINE, MICHEL-MARIE. Cette nuit, l'ternit / Michel-Marie Zanotti-Sorkine. - Paris : Oeuvres, 2009. 157 p. : il. color ; 21 cm. ISBN 9782356310507 1. Romnia -- Cltorii 2. Preoi catolici francezi 3. Fericire -- Aspect religios FR / fre 23/28 Religie cretin 56. Das gebet im Neuen Testament / hrsg. von Christos Karakolis, Hans Klein, Vasile Mihoc. - Tbingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2009. XII, 483 p. ; 24 cm. - (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament ; 249). ISBN 9783161501029 1. Biblia. N.T. -- Critic i interpretare 2. Rugciuni cretine -- Cercetare DE / ger





57. The heart of Catholic social teaching : its origins and contemporary significance / edited by David Matzko McCarthy, Rodica Stoicoiu, Trudy Conway. - Grand Rapids, MI : Brazos Press, 2009. 213 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 195-210. Index. ISBN 9781587432484 1. Biserica catolic -- Doctrine 2. Cretinism i societate -- Dialoguri 3. nvmnt religios -- Biserica Romano Catolic US / eng 58. The minor prophets in the New Testament / edited by Steve Moyise, Radu Gheorghita and Maarten J.J. Menken. - London : T & T Clark, 2009. XII, 179 p. ; 25 cm. - (Library of New Testament Studies ; 377). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780567033055 1. Biblia. N.T. -- Critic i interpretare 2. Scrieri religioase -- Patristic GB / eng 59. Apocalyptic thought in early Christianity / edited by Robert J. Daly. - Brookline, MA : Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2009. 303 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Holy Cross studies in patristic theology and history). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Pseudo-Hippolytus's "In sanctum pascha": a mystery apocalypse / Drago-Andrei Giulea ; The divine face and the angels of the face: Jewish apocalyptic themes in early Christology and pneumatology / Bogdan G. Bucur. ISBN 9780801036279 1. Cretinism timpuriu 2. Teologie patristic 3. Literatur apocaliptic US / eng

60. BUCUR, BOGDAN G. Angelomorphic pneumatology : Clement of Alexandria and other early Christian witnesses / Bogdan Gabriel Bucur. Leiden : Brill, 2009. XXIX, 232 p. ; 25 cm. - (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae ; 95). Index. Bibliogr. p. 200-215. ISBN 9789004174146 1. Clemens Titus Flavius, Alexandrinus 2. Cretinism timpuriu -- Istorie -- Scrieri 3. Gnosticism NL / eng 61. DOBRE, CLAUDIA FLORENTINA. Mendicants in Moldavia : mission in an orthodox land : thirteenth to fifteenth century / Claudia Florentina Dobre. - Wegberg : Aurel Verl., 2009. V, 112 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. p. 96-98. ISBN 9783938759127 1. Moldova 2. Evul Mediu -- Moldova 3. Ordine religioase -- Moldova -- Istorie 4. Ordinul Ceretorilor DE / eng 62. DUMITRESCU, GABRIEL. The making of the hymnal, "Imnuri cretine 2006", in the context of a century-old seventh-day adventist hymnological tradition in Romania / Gabriel Dumitrescu. - Washingron, DC : University of Washington, 2009. X, 695 p. ; 28 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Imnuri religioase 2. Adventiti de ziua a aptea 3. Adventiti (Romnia) US / eng





63. Eastern Christianity and the cold war : 1945-1991 / edited by Lucian Leustean. - London : Routledge, 2009. XVII, 363 p. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge studies in the history of Russia and Eastern Europe ; 11). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780415471978 1. Comunism i cretinism -- Istorie 2. Biserica Ortodox -- Europa de Est -- Istorie GB / eng 64. Einheit und katholizitt der kirche : forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den quellen des gemeinsamen glaubens / herausgegeben von Theresia Hainthaler, Franz Mali und Gregor Emmenegger. - Innsbruck : Tyrolia Verlag, 2009. 407 p. ; 23 cm. - (Pro Oriente ; 32). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783702230203 1. Biserica catolic -- Transilvania -- Cercetare 2. Biserica catolic -- Europa -- Istorie DE / ger 65. Falling walls : the year 1989/90 as a turning point in the history of world Christianity = Einstrzende mauern : das jahr 1989/90 als epochenjahr in der geschichte des Weltchristentums / edited by Klaus Koschorke. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2009. 451 p. ; 24 cm. - (Studien zur aussereuropischen Christentumsgeschichte ; Bd. 15). Ed. bilingv n limbile german i englez. Bibliogr. Conine: The year 1989 in the history and perception of romanian society and churches / Radu Preda. ISBN 9783447059954 1. Cretinism -- Istorie -- Doctrine 2. Religie cretin -- Istorie 3. Biseric i societate -- Romnia -- Istorie DE / eng

66. KNIGHT, MERV. Richard Wurmbrand : the man and his work / Merv Knight. - Lawson, N.S.W. : Voice of the Martyrs, 2009. 128 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780958743143 1. Wurmbrand, Richard 2. Deinui politici -- Via religioas -- Predici 3. Deinui politici -- Romnia -- Biografii 4. Represiune politic -- 1945-1965 -- Mrturii AU / eng 67. LAMFERS, WILLEM JOHAN. Stilte en eenvoud : orthodox kloosterleven in Roemeni / W.J. Lamfers. - Delft : Eburon, 2009. 200 p. ; 24 cm. - (Verkenningen Oosters christendom ; 8). Bibliogr. p. 189-200. ISBN 9789059723115 1. Monahism i ordine religioase 2. Biserici ortodoxe romneti -- Arhitectur 3. Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Doctrine NL / dut 68. LEUTEAN, LUCIAN. Orthodoxy and the Cold War : religion and political power in Romania, 1947-65 / Lucian N. Leustean. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XII, 273 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 247-262. Index. ISBN 978-0-230-21801-7 1. Ortodoxie -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Rzboiul rece -- Romnia -- 19471965 US / eng





69. RANDALL, IAN M. Communities of conviction : Baptist beginnings in Europe / Ian M. Randall. - Schwarzenfeld : Neufeld Verlag, 2009. XI, 222 p. : il., h. ; 2009. Index. Bibliogr p. 201-206. Conine: The Lord poured out his grace : beginnings in Hungary, Transylvania, Serbia and Macedonia ; The Macedonian cry : Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania. ISBN 9783937896786 1. Baptism -- Doctrine -- Istorie 2. Baptiti -- Romnia -- 1856-1989 3. Baptiti -- Europa -- Istorie DE / eng 70. SCRIMA, ANDR. Passion et rsurrection selon Saint Jean / Andr Scrima ; dition prpare et prface par Anca Vasiliu. - Quebec : Anne Sigier, 2007. 146 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9782891295055 1. Ioan, sfnt 2. Scrieri religioase -- Doctrin 3. Evanghelii 4. Religie cretin CA / fre 71. SUTTNER, ERNST CHRISTOPH. Die Siebenbrger kirchenunion an der wende zum 18. jahrhundert / Ernst Christoph Suttner. Wrzburg : Christliche Osten, 2009. 95 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783927894464 1. Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Relaii -- Biserica greco-catolic 2. Biserica Romn Unit cu Roma -- Istorie DE / ger

72. Manires de penser dans l'antiquit mediterranenne et orientale : mlanges offerts Francis Schmidt par ses lves, ses collgues et ses amis / edit par Christophe Batsch et Mdlina Vrtejanu-Joubert. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. 294 p. ; 25 cm. - (Supplements to the Journal for the study of Judaism ; 134). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789004175181 1. Schmidt, Francis 2. Iudaism -- Istorie -- Doctrine 3. Evrei -- Via religioas 4. Istorici ai religiei -- Iudaism -- Evocare NL / fre 3 TIINE SOCIALE, ECONOMICE I JURIDICE 3-05 Categorii de persoane 73. BECI, EQREM. Rumania : studentt shqiptar n vita : formimi intelektual dhe veprimtaria / Eqrem Beci, Zhani Canco. - Tiran : ASD-Studio, 2009. 502 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9789995640248 1. Studeni albanezi -- Educaie -- Romnia 2. Via social -- Romnia 3. Studeni strini -- Romnia AL / alb 74. Child welfare issues and perspectives / edited by Steven J. Quintero. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. X, 171 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: The role of parent-adolescent connection in child welfare: a study of high school students in Transylvania, Romania. ISBN 9781606926598 1. Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Romnia 2. Relaia printe-copil US / eng





75. DIKICI BILGIN, HASRET. Working street children in Turkey and Romania : a comparative historical analysis in the context of new poverty / Hasret Dikici Bilgin. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 148 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783639130362 1. Copii ai strzii -- Romnia 2. Copii ai strzii -- Turcia 3. Copii din medii defavorizate DE / eng 76. DUTRUCH, CATHY. Miruna, Cosmin et Marius vivent en Roumanie / Cathy Dutruch ; illustrations Sophie Duffet. - Paris : La Martinire jeunesse, 2009. 47 p. : il. color ; 28 cm. - (Enfants d'ailleurs). ISBN 9782732440248 1. Romnia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Copii -- Statut juridic -- Romnia FR / fre 77. LEON, JENNY. Other's people's children : social reproduction in Romanian orphanages, 20 years later / Jenny Leon. - Halifax : Dalhousie University, 2009. X, 102 p. ; 25 cm. Bilbiogr. p. 95-102. Tez de doctorat. 1. Orfelinate 2. Copii orfani -- Romnia CA / eng 78. Out in public : reinventing lesbian/gay anthropology in a globalizing world / edited by Ellen Lewin, Lavinia M. Nicolae and William L. Leap. - Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. XII, 365 p. ; 26 cm. - (Readings in engaged anthropology). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781405191029 1. Homosexualitate 2. Antropologie social -- Sexualitate 3. Globalizare US / eng

79. POPA, DANA. Not Natasha / Dana Popa ; edited by Mark Sealy, Emma Boyd. - Manchester : Cornerhouse, 2009. 96 p. : il. ; 17 cm. ISBN 9781899282081 1. Romnia -- Trafic de persoane 2. Femei -- Abuzuri -- Studii de caz GB / eng 80. Residential care of children : comparative perspectives / edited by Mark E. Courtney, Dorota Iwaniec. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. XIII, 217 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Residential care for children in Romania : a model for child protection reform in Central and Eastern Europe / Ovidiu Gavrilovici. ISBN 9780195309188 1. Copii din medii defavorizate -- Europa 2. Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Romnia US / eng 81. TENAGLIA-WEBSTER, MARIA. Slavery / edited by Maria Tenaglia-Webster. - Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2009. 229 p. : h. ; 23 cm. - (Global viewpoints). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romanian sex slaves are failed by a challenged law enforcement system / Benjamin E. Skinner. ISBN 9780737744729 1. Copii abuzai -- Legislaie 2. Abuzuri mpotriva femeilor 3. Prostituie US / eng 316 Sociologie 82. LITTLE, JERRI. Merchant to Romania : business as missions in post-communist Eastern Europe / Jeri Little. - Leominster : Day One, 2009. 224 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Life stories). ISBN 9781846251719 1. Probleme sociale 2. Romnia -- Condiii sociale -- 19893. Romnia -- Tranziie economic GB / eng

ROMNICA 32 Politic




83. Die Dobrudscha : ein neuer grenzraum der Europischen Union : soziokonomische, ethnische, politisch-geographische und kologische probleme / herausgegeben von Wilfried Heller und Josef Sallanz ; schriftleitung: Waltraud Lindner. - Mnchen : Verlag Otto Sagner, 2009. 234 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Sdosteuropa-Studien ; 76). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783866880689 1. Dobrogea 2. Romnia -- Integrare -- Uniunea European 3. Uniunea European -- Cooperare transfrontalier 4. Uniunea European -- Frontiere DE / eng 84. A leftist ontology : beyond relativism and identity politics / edited by Carsten Strathausen, Sorin Radu Cucu ; foreword by William E. Connolly. Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. XVI, 283 p. ; 23 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780816650293 1. tiine politice -- Concepte 2. Marxism -- Concepte 3. Politici sociale -- Romnia US / eng 85. 1989 l'est de l'Europe : une mmoire controverse / diteurs, Jrme Heurtaux, Cdric Pellen. - La Tour d'Aigues : ditions de l'Aube, 2009. 335 p. ; 22 cm. - (Monde en cours). Bibliogr. Conine: Roumanie. L'chec d'une "seconde Rvolution" place de l'Universit (1990) / Anemona Constantin ; Roumanie. Les minriades dans la mmoire des mineurs / Alin Rus ; Europe centrale et orientale. Quatre tmoins privilgis analysent l'vnement 1989 / Karol Modzelewski. ISBN 9782815900027 1. Revoluia Romn din Decembrie 1989 2. Europa Central i de Est -- Posttotalitarism FR / fre

86. 1989 the final curtain : Poland, Hungary, GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania / editor-in-chief Piotr Gogowski. - Warszawa : Orodek Karta, 2009. 112 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. polon): 1989 koniec systemu. Bibliogr. p. 111-112. ISBN 9788361283249 1. Polonia 2. Ungaria 3. Cehoslovacia 4. Bulgaria 5. Revoluia Romn din Decembrie 1989 6. Europa Central i de Est -- Posttotalitarism PL / eng = pol 87. 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe / edited by Vinodh Jaichand, Markku Suksi. - Antwerp : Intersentia, 2009. XVII, 471 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania : sidelined to the margins of legal pluralism. ISBN 9789050958806 1. Drepturile omului -- Romnia -- Pluralism 2. Democraie -- Societate civil 3. Democraie -- Stat de drept BE / eng 88. ALIGIC, PAUL DRAGO. The neoliberal revolution in eastern Europe : economic ideas in the transition from communism / Paul Dragos Aligic, Anthony J. Evans. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. VIII, 258 p. ; 24 cm. - (New thinking in political economy). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781847206374 1. Europa de Est -- Postcomunism 2. Neoliberalism GB / eng





89. BAFOIL, FRANOIS. Central and Eastern Europe : Europeanization and social change / Franois Bafoil ; translations by Chris Turner. - New York : Palgrave-Macmillan, 2009. 272 p. ; 21 cm. - (CERI series in international relations and political economy). Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Europe centrale et l'Europe de l'Est. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780230607712 1. Politic i guvernare -- Romnia 2. Europa Central i de Est -- Integrare european US / eng = fre 90. BARBU, DANIEL. Die abwesende Republik / Daniel Barbu ; aus dem rumnischen bersetzt von Larisa Schippel. - Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2009. 361 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Forum: Rumnien ; Bd. 3). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Republica absent : politic i societate n Romnia postcomunist. Bibliogr. p. 331-347. Index. ISBN 9783865962089 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia -- Aspect politic 2. Politic i societate DE / ger = rum 91. BEREND, IVN T. From the Soviet bloc to the European Union : the economic and social transformation of Central and Eastern Europe since 1973 / Ivan T. Berend. - Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2009. XV, 299 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780521493659 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Integrare european 2. Europa Central i de Est -- Tranziie 3. Romnia -- Tranziie GB / eng

92. BRZEL, TANJA A. Coping with accession to the European Union : new modes of environmental governance / Tanja A. Brzel. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XI, 244 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics). Conine: Romania: Environmental governance form without substance / A. Buzogany. ISBN 9780230575516 1. Uniunea European -- Politica de mediu 2. Dezvoltare durabil 3. Uniunea European -- Romnia GB / eng 93. Democracy's plight in the European neighbourhood : struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties / edited by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs. - Brussels : Centre for European Policy Studies, 2009. III, 164 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania: outsmarting the EU's smart power / Alina MungiuPippidi ; Moldova's fragile pluralism / Nicu Popescu. ISBN 9789290799269 1. Uniunea European -- Romnia 2. Uniunea European -- Instituii democratice 3. Europa de Est -- Postcomunism BE / eng 94. DUTCEAC SEGESTEN, ANAMARIA. Myth, identity and conflict : comparative analysis of Romanian and Serbian textbooks / Anamaria Dutceac Segesten. - College Park, MD : University of Maryland, 2009. 294 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. Advisor: Vladimir Tismaneanu. ISBN 9781109198386 1. Postcomunism -- Romnia 2. Rzboiul din Bosnia (1992-1995) 3. Postcomunism -- Serbia US / eng





95. FUCHS, DIETER. Euroscepticism : images of Europe among mass publics and political elites / Dieter Fuchs, Raul Magni-Berton, Antoine Roger. - Opladen : Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2009. 299 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Conine: Euroscepticism and party system change : Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic / Mariya Nedelcheva. ISBN 9783866491458 1. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare 2. Euroscepticism DE / eng 96. GALLAGHER, TOM. Romania and the European Union : how the weak vanquished the strong / Tom Gallagher. - Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2009. X, 278 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780719077432 1. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare 2. Corupie -- Romnia 3. Uniunea European -- Instituii democratice GB / eng 97. Gender politics in post-communist Eurasia / edited by Linda Racioppi, Katherine O'Sullivan See. - East Lansing, MI : Michigan State University Press, 2009. VIII, 315 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Eurasian political economy and public policy studies). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Public policies as vehicles of social exclusion : the case of Romani women's access to reproductive health in Romania / Enik MagyariVincze. ISBN 9780870138669 1. Postcomunism -- Europa de Est 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Politici publice 3. Femei rrome -- Discriminare US / eng

98. IMRE, ANIK. Identity games : globalization and the transformation of media cultures in the new Europe / Anik Imre. - Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, 2009. X, 257 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9780262090452 1. Uniunea European -- Comunicare 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare 3. Globalizare US / eng 99. International actors, democratization and the rule of law : anchoring democracy? / edited by Amichai Magen and Leonardo Morlino. - New York : Routledge, 2009. XVI, 292 p. ; 24 cm. - (UACES contemporary European studies ; 8). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania: vetoed reforms, skewed results / Ana Demsorean. ISBN 9780415451024 1. Democraie -- Romnia -- Reforme 2. Stat de drept 3. Uniunea European -- Instituii democratice US / eng 100. New perspectives on anarchism / edited by Nathan J. Jun, Nicolae Morar and Shane Wahl. - Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2009. IX, 505 p. ; 23 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780739132401 1. Anarhism -- Concepte 2. Politic i filozofie US / eng 101. NUTI, LEOPOLDO. The crisis of detente in Europe : from Helsinki to Gorbachev : 1975-1985 / Leopoldo Nuti. - New York : Routledge, 2009. XVII 285 p. ; 24 cm. - (Cold war history ; 23). Conine: The Polish crisis and its impact on Romanian economy in the early 1980s / Petre Opris. ISBN 9780415460514 1. Rzboiul rece 2. Europa -- Politic i guvernare 3. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1944-1989 US / eng





102. POPESCU, NICU. The limits of enlargement-lite : European and Russian power in the troubled neighbourhood / Nicu Popescu and Andrew Wilson. - London : European Council of Foreign Relations, 2009. 164 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781906538132 1. Uniunea European -- Relaii -- Rusia 2. Rusia -- Relaii externe 3. Uniunea European -- Instituii GB / eng 103. Post-communist transformations : the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia in comparative perspective / edited by Hayashi Tadayuki and Ogushi Atsushi. - Sapporo : Hokkaido University. Slavic Research Center, 2009. VI, 180 p. : fig., graf. color, tab. ; 21 cm. - (Slavic Eurasian Studies ; 21). Bibliogr. la sfritul capitolelor. ISBN 978-4-938637-51-4 1. Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie 3. Politic -- Europa -- Postcomunism JP / eng 104. Quo vadis Eastern Europe? : religion, state and society after communism / edited by Ines Angeli Murzaku. - Ravenna : Longo, 2009. 266 p. ; 24 cm. - (Europe and the Balkans international network ; 30). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Religion and politics in post-communist Romania / Lucian Turcescu. ISBN 9788880636106 1. Europa de Est -- Politic i guvernare -- 19892. Religie i politic -- Romnia 3. Postcomunism -- Tranziie IT / eng

105. ROSE, RICHARD. Parties and elections in new European democracies : an interactive process / Richard Rose and Neil Munro. - Colchester : European Consortium for Political Research, 2009. XII, 275 p. ; 23 cm. - (ECPR Press). Bibliogr. Conine: National election results. Conventions in reporting results ; Bulgaria ; Czechoslovakia ; Czech Republic ; Slovakia ; Estonia ; Hungary ; Latvia ; Lithuania ; Poland ; Romania ; Slovenia ; Russia. ISBN 9780955820328 1. Partide politice -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Alegeri generale 3. Democraie -- Instituii GB / eng 106. ROSE, RICHARD. Understanding post-communist transformation : a bottom up approach / Richard Rose. - London : Routledge, 2009. X, 223 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780415482189 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism GB / eng 107. SAATIOLU, BEKEN. How does the European Union's political conditionality induce compliance? : Insights from Turkey and Romania / Saatiolu, Beken. - Charlottesville, VA : University of Virginia, 2009. VII, 366 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Uniunea European -- Legislaie 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare US / eng





108. SILBERSTEIN, JIL. Roumanie, prison des mes / Jil Silberstein ; prface: Monica Lovinesco. - Lausanne : Noir sur Blanc, 2009. 398 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9782882502261 1. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 19892. Romnia -- Politic economic -- 19893. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie CH / fre 109. TEFAN, ADINA. Democratization and securitization : the case of Romania / Adina Marina Stefan. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. XVII, 335 p. : h. ; 25 cm. - (International comparative social studies ; 20). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789004177390 1. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare 2. Democratizare -- Romnia 3. Postcomunism -- Romnia NL / eng 110. THOMPSON, WAYNE C. Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe 2009 / Wayne C Thompson. - Harpers Ferry, WV : Stryker-Post Publications, 2009. X, 558 p. : il., h. ; 28 cm. - (World today). Conine: Southeastern Europe: Romania, Bulgaria. ISBN 9781935264057 ISBN 1935264052 1. Europa -- Politic i guvernare 2. Europa -- Istorie 3. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare US / eng 111. TSENKOVA, SASHA. Housing policy reforms in post socialist Europe : lost in transition / Sasha Tsenkova. - Heidelberg : Physica-Verlag, 2009. XVIII, 262 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Contributions to economics). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783790821147 1. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Politici publice 3. Europa de est -- Politic economic -- 1989DE / eng

112. Weighting differences : Romanian identity in the wider european context / edited by Vasile Boari and Sergiu Gherghina. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars, 2009. VI, 272 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781443810012 1. Romnia -- Identitate naional 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia GB / eng 113. Women in power in post-communist parliaments / edited by Marilyn Rueschemeyer and Sharon L. Wolchik. - Washington, D.C : Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2009. XIV, 292 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780253354334 1. Femei n politic -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Parlament -- Romnia -- Postcomunism US / eng 323 Politic intern 114. KAST, SHEILAH. Dracula is dead : how Romanians survived communism, ended it, and emerged as the New Italy / Sheilah Kast, Jim Rosapepe. - Baltimore : Bancroft Press, 2009. 411 p. : h., il. ; 24 cm. Index. ISBN 978-1-890862-65-7 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Romnia -- Politic economic -- 19893. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989US / eng

ROMNICA 323.1 Minoriti naionale




115. Die szekler in Siebenbrgen : von der privilegierten sondergemeinschaft zur ethnischen gruppe / unter mitarb. von Paul Niedermaier und Gabriella Olasz ; hrsg. von Harald Roth. - Kln : Bhlau, 2009. VIII, 280 p. : fig., h., tab. ; 23 cm. - (Siebenbrgisches Archiv ; Bd. 40). Index. ISBN 978-3-412-20240-8 1. Transilvania -- Relaii etnice -- Istorie 2. Secui -- Identitate -- Transilvania DE / ger 116. BAUMGARTEN, MURRAY. Varieties of antisemitism : history, ideology, discourse / Murray Baumgarten, Peter Kenez, Bruce A. Thompson. Newark, DE : University of Delaware Press, 2009. 399 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Conine: The Holocaust in regional perspective : antisemitism and the Holocaust in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia / Holly Case. ISBN 9780874130393 1. Evrei -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Antisemitism 3. Holocaustul evreiesc US / eng 117. BENZ, WOLFGANG. Holocaust an der peripherie : judenpolitik und judenmord in Rumnien und Transnistrien : 1940-1944 / Wolfgang Benz, Brigitte Mihok. - Berlin : Metropol, 2009. 261 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Reihe Dokumente, Texte, Materialien ; Bd. 73). Bibliogr. p. 253-261. ISBN 9783940938343 1. Evrei -- Persecuii -- Iai 2. Evrei -- Romnia -- Deportare 3. Lagre de concentrare DE / ger 118. BERGEL, HANS. Wegkreuzungen : dreizehn lebensbilder / Hans Bergel. - Bamberg : Johannis Reeg, 2009. 176 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783937320380 1. Sai -- Transilvania 2. Cultur i civilizaie german din Romnia DE / ger

119. BERLINER, LILLIAN. And the month was May : a memoir / Lillian Berliner. - New York : iUniverse, 2009. VII, 110 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781440140860 1. Evrei -- Cluj-Napoca -- Biografii 2. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori 3. Lagre de concentrare -- Auschwitz US / eng 120. BTTCHER, BERNHARD. Gefallen fr volk und heimat : kriegerdenkmler deutscher minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa whrend der zwischenkriegszeit / Bernhard Bttcher. - Kln : Bhlau, 2009. VIII, 440 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Studia Transylvanica ; Bd. 39). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783412203139 1. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) 2. Germani -- Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1918-1940 3. Germani -- Identitate etnic DE / ger 121. BRUNO, TEFAN. Secuii i romnii : istoria unei nenelegeri / Stefan Bruno. - Scotts Valley, CA : CreateSpace, 2009. 66 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-1442111103 1. Transilvania -- Relaii etnice -- Istorie 2. Conflicte etnice 3. Secui -- Istorie -- Documente US / rum 122. Deutsche sprache und kultur in Siebenbrgen : studien zur geschichte, presse, literatur und theater, sprachlichen verhltnissen, wissenschafts-, kultur- und buchgeschichte, kulturkontakten und identitten / herausgegeben von Wynfried Kriegleder, Andrea Seidler und Jozef Tancer. Bremen : Edition Lumire, 2009. 283 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Presse und Geschichte ; Bd. 41). ISBN 9783934686663 1. Germani -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Germani -- Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 3. Transilvania -- Via intelectual DE / ger





123. ENGHELBERG, HEDI. Escape del ltimo tren de Auschwitz : con notas de Moises Enghelberg, 1919-1985 / Hedi Enghelberg. - 2. edicin. Fort Lauderdale, FL : Ediciones Enghelberg, 2009. 408 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-1-60585-127-3 1. Enghelberg, Moises 1. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 2. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori 3. Lagre de concentrare -- Mrturii US / spa 124. FOSZT, LSZL. Ritual revitalisation after socialism : community, personhood, and conversion among Roma in a Transylvanian village / Laszlo Foszto. - Mnster : Lit, 2009. XIV, 230 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Halle studies in the anthropology of Eurasia ; 21). Index. Bibilogr. p. 200-217. ISBN 9783643101754 1. Rromi -- Relaii interetnice -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Rromi -- Biserica Penticostal 3. Rromi -- Transilvania DE / eng 125. GARTNER, LLOYD P. American and british jews in the age of the great migration / Lloyd P. Gartner. - Portland, OR : Vallentine Mitchell, 2009. XIII, 290 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania and America, 1873: Leon Horowitz's Romanian tour and its background ; Romania, America and world jewry: Consul Peixotto in Bucharest, 1870-1876. ISBN 9780853037828 1. Horowitz, Leon 2. Peixotto, Benjamin F 3. Evrei -- Migraii -- America 4. Evrei -- Romnia -- Sec 19 5. Statele Unite -- Relaii externe -- Romnia US / eng

126. Genocide in Elie Wiesel's Night / Louise Hawker, book editor. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, 2009. 144 p. ; 20 cm. - (Social issues in literature). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780737743944 1. Wiesel, lie 2. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Sighetul Marmaiei -- Mrturii US / eng 127. GRAF, FRANZISKA. Neunzig jahre Notre-Dame-Klosterschule der Armen Schulschwestern von unserer Lieben Frau im Banat : 1858 - 1948 / von Franziska Graf ; hrsg. Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben ; hrsg.: Elke Hoffmann. - Mnchen : Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben, 2009. 215 p. : facs., il., portr., tab. ; 21 cm. - (Banater Bibliothek ; Bd. 9). Bibliogr. p. 214. ISBN 3-922979-62-9 1. Banat 2. vabi -- Banat 3. nvmnt religios -- Biserica Romano Catolic 4. Minoriti etnice -- vabi -- Identitate DE / ger 128. JAGENDORF, SIEGFRIED. Das wunder von Moghilev : die rettung von zehntausend juden vor dem rumnischen Holocaust / Siegfried Jagendorf ; hrsg.: Aron Hirt-Manheimer ; bers.: Ulrike Dpfer. - Berlin : Transit, 2009. ISBN 9783887472412 1. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori -- Memorii 2. Evrei -- Rzboi mondial. 2 -- Transnistria -- Salvare DE / ger = eng





129. KRONER, MICHAEL. Geschichte der nordsiebenbrger sachsen : Nsnerland und Reener Lndchen / Michael Kroner. - Nrnberg : Verlag Haus der Heimat, 2009. 400 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Geschichte der Siebenbrger Sachsen und ihrer wirtschaftlich-kulturellen Leistungen). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783000288166 1. Nsud 2. Reghin 3. Transilvania -- Civilizaie -- Istorie 4. Sai -- Transilvania -- Istorie DE / ger 130. KVAEK, JI. esk Bant : ivot a tradice eskch obyvatel rumunskho Bantu / Ji Kvaek ; editorka Jiina Langhammerov. - Praha : Nrodni Muzeum, 2009. 111 p. : il., portr., facs. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788070362501 1. Banat -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Cehi -- Banat -- Identitate CZ / cze 131. LAMPEL, GABRIEL. KLB 58907 / Gabriel Lampel ; prface d'lisabeth Cousin ; texte tabli avec le concours d'lisabeth Chombart. - Paris : Le Manuscrit, 2009. 157 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Tmoignages de la Shoah ; 13075). ISBN 9782304029680 1. Lagre de concentrare -- Mrturii 2. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori FR / fre 132. NYISZLI, MIKLS. Byl jsem Mengeleho asistentem / Mikls Nyiszli ; z maarskho originlu peloila Dana Glov. - Praha : Academia, 2009. 192 p. ; 21 cm. - (Pam ; 24). Tit. orig. (lb. maghiar): Dr. Mengele boncolorvosa voltam az Auschwitz-I krematriumban. ISBN 9788020017574 1. Mengele, Josef 2. Auschwitz (Polonia ; lagr de concentrare) -- Mrturii 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori -- Memorii CZ / cze = hun

133. OITEANU, ANDREI. Inventing the Jew : antisemitic stereotypes in Romanian and other Central East-European cultures / Andrei Oiteanu ; foreword by Moshe Idel ; translated from romanian by Mirela Adscliei. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2009. XII, 468 p. ; 24 cm. - (Studies in antisemitism). Traducere din limba romn. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780803220980 1. Antisemitism -- Romnia 2. Antisemitism -- Europa de Est 3. Evrei -- Identitate cultural -- Imagine US / eng = rum 134. PIASERE, LEONARDO. I Rom d'Europa : una storia moderna / Piasere Leonardo. - Roma : Laterza, 2009. IX, 143 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. - (Economica Laterza). Bibliogr. p. 127-141. ISBN 9788842089759 1. Rromi -- Europa -- Condiii sociale 2. Rromi -- Romnia 3. Rromi -- Mod de via -- Srcie IT / ita 135. RAVAGE, MARCUS ELI. An american in the making : the life story of an immigrant / M.E. Ravage ; edited and with an introduction by Steven G. Kellman. - New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers University Press, 2009. XXXIII, 212 p. ; 24 cm. - (Multi-ethnic literatures of the Americas). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780813545370 1. Romni -- Statele Unite -- Biografii 2. Imigrani evrei din Romnia -- Brlad US / eng





136. Romani politics in contemporary Europe : poverty, ethnic mobilization, and the neoliberal order / edited by Nando Sigona and Nidhi Trehan. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XXII, 309 p. ; 23 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: The Romani movement in Romania : institutionalization and (de)mobilization / Iulius Rostas. ISBN 9780230516625 1. Rromi -- Europa -- Condiii sociale 2. Rromi -- Drepturi civile -- Instituii 3. Rromi -- Romnia -- Via social GB / eng 137. ROTHBART, HINDI. The girl from Sighet / Hindi Rothbart, P'nenah Goldstein. - Bloomington, IN : Xlibris Corporation, 2009. 272 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 978-1436369732 1. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Sighetu Marmaiei -- Mrturii 2. Evrei -- Supravieuitori -- Biografii US / eng 138. RUSU, IOANA ELEONORA. Minderheitenschutz in Rumnien : eine analyse der verfassungsrechtlichen bestimmungen unter bercksichtigung der internationalen verpflichtungen Rumniens / Ioana Eleonora Rusu. - Hamburg : Kovac, 2009. 256 p. ; 21 cm. - (Studien zum vlker- und Europarecht ; Bd. 73). Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat susinut n anul 2008 la Marburg Universitt. ISBN 9783830046349 1. Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Romnia 2. Romnia - Legislaie DE / ger

139. SCHLLER, STEPHAN OLAF. Fr glaube, fhrer, volk, vateroder mutterland? : die kmpfe um die deutsche jugend im rumnischen Banat : 1918-1944 / Stephan Olaf Schller. - Berlin ; Mnster : Lit, 2009. 558 p. : graf., tab. ; 24 cm. - (Studien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft Sdosteuropas ; 9). Conine note bibliografice. ISBN 978-3-8258-1910-1 1. Banat 2. vabi -- Identitate -- Banat 3. Banat -- Istorie DE / ger 140. SZCS, TAMS. Kirchenlied zwischen pest und stadtbrand / Tams Szcs. - Kln : Bhlau Verlag, 2009. XII, 437 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Studia Transylvanica ; Bd. 33). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783412202392 1. Sai -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania 2. Sai -- Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 3. Sai -- Muzic religioas DE / ger 141. SZOMBATHY, ILDIK VA. From the darkness to the light / Ildiko Eva Szombathy. - Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. XI, 123 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781438975597 1. Imigrani maghiari din Romnia -- Statele Unite 2. Familii -- Transilvania -- Genealogii US / eng 325 Emigraie. Imigraie. Deportri 142. Accogliere gli immigrati : testimonianza di inclusione socioeconomica / a cura di Barbara Ghiringhelli e Sergio Marelli. - Roma : Carocci, 2009. 319 p. ; 22 cm. - (Biblioteca di testi e studi ; 524). Bibliogr. Conine: I romeni in Italia: lavorano, risparmiano, intraprendono, si formano ; Percorsi di inclusione socio-economica: il caso dei romeni nella Provincia di Roma. ISBN 9788843051380 1. Imigrani romni -- Italia 2. Condiii sociale -- Tranziie IT / ita





143. ANGHEL, REMUS GABRIEL. Better legal or illegal? : transnationalism and status paradoxes at migrants from Romania in Nuremberg and Milan / Remus Gabriel Anghel. - Bielefeld : Bielefeld Universitt, 2009. 233 p. : il., graf. ; 29 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Nrnberg 2. Milano 3. Emigrani romni -- Europa 4. Emigrare ilegal DE / eng 144. BURLACU, ROXANA. La vie qu'on a : l' histoire d'une fille de l'est / Roxana Burlacu ; prface de Marie-Laurence Flahaux ; postface de JeanMichel Chaumont. - Paris : L' Harmattan, 2009. 347 p. ; 24 cm. - (Sexualit et Socit). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782296107182 1. Imigrani clandestini -- Prostituie -- Belgia 2. Trafic de persoane 3. Prostituate -- Romnia -- Autobiografii FR / fre 145. CINGOLANI, PIETRO. Romeni d'Italia : migrazioni, vita quotidiana e legami / Pietro Cingolani. - Bologna : Il Mulino, 2009. 305 p : il. ; 22 cm. - (Ricerca). Bibliogr. p. 293-305. ISBN 9788815131126 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Legislaie 2. Emigrani romni -- Italia IT / ita 146. DANCU, ANDREEA. Leben in der fremde : empirische studien ber green-card-inhaber und ihre familien / Andreea Dancu. - Mnster : Waxmann, 2009. 137 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783830921486 1. Imigrani romni -- Germania 2. Reele de socializare 3. Imigrani -- Condiii sociale DE / ger

147. DRORI, ISRAEL. Foreign workers in Israel : global perspectives / Israel Drori. - Albany : Suny Press, 2009. XIII, 242 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (SUNY series in Israeli studies). Index. Bibliogr. p. 215-233. Conine: Rumanian construction workers. ISBN 9780791476895 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Legislaie -- Israel 2. Muncitori romni -- Israel 3. Politic evreiasc IL / eng 148. FASSMANN, HEINZ. Statistics and reality : concepts and measurements of migration in Europe / Heinz Fassmann, Ursula Reeger, Wiebke Sievers. - Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, 2009. 314 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (IMISCOE reports). Conine: Postcommunist countries: Hungary - Poland - Romania. ISBN 9789089640529 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Europa de Est -- Statistici 2. Emigraie i imigraie -- Romnia NL / eng 149. GRIG, MONIKA. Das ende der flucht aus Siebenbrgen, die zweite heimat sterreich : erinnerungen einer flchtlingsfamilie aus der gemeinde Weikirch bei Bistritz (Albetii Bistriei, Rumnien) / Monika Grig, Maria Schneider. - Steyr : Ennsthaler Verlag, 2009. 368 p. : il., h. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783850688239 1. Albetii Bistriei (sat, jud. Bistria-Nsud) 2. Sai -- Transilvania -- Biografii 3. Refugiai de rzboi -- Austria AT / ger





150. MILIKOWSKY, JENNIFER. Rescue, barter, sale : Jewish emigration from Communist Romania to Israel / Jennifer Milikowsky. - Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina, 2009. IV, 88 p. ; 29 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. 1. Evrei -- Instituii -- Istorie 2. Evrei -- Romnia -- Comunism 3. Evrei -- Repatriere -- Israel US / eng 151. NAGY, DOROTTYA. Migration and theology : the case of chinese christian communities in Hungary and Romania in the globalisationcontext / Dorottya Nagy. - Zoetermeer : Boekencentrum, 2009. X, 304 p. ; 25 cm. - (Mission ; 50). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789023923626 1. Comuniti chineze -- Romnia 2. Migraie -- Europa de Est -- For de munc 3. Globalizare NL / eng 152. NEDELCU, MIHAELA. Le migrant online : nouveaux modles migratoires l're du numrique / Mihaela Nedelcu ; prface de Mirjana Morokvasic. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. 323 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Questions sociologiques). Bibliogr. p. 301-323. ISBN 9782296098923 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Aspecte socio-economice FR / fre

153. NYRI, PL. Chinese in Eastern Europe and Russia : a middleman minority in a transnational era / Nyri Pl. - London : Routledge, 2009. XVI, 173 p. ; 25 cm. - (Chinese worlds). Bibliogr. p. 159-166. Index. ISBN 9780203933961 1. Emigraie i imigraie -- Aspecte socio-economice 2. Chinezi -- Emigraie -- Romnia 3. Chinezi -- Emigraie -- Europa de Est GB / eng 154. PONZO, IRENE. La casa lontano da casa : romeni e marocchini a confronto / Irene Ponzo. - Roma : Carocci, 2009. 157 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Biblioteca di testi e studi ; 528). Bibliogr. p. 150-157. ISBN 9788843051403 1. Imigraie clandestin -- For de munc 2. Imigrani romni -- Italia IT / ita 327 Politic extern 155. The politics of destroying surplus small arms : inconspicuous disarmament / edited by Aaron Karp. - London : Routledge, 2009. XVII, 248 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Political Science). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Bulgaria and Romania: quick start, ambiguous progress / Sami Faltas. ISBN 9780415494618 1. Securitate internaional 2. Cooperare internaional 3. Armament -- Evaluare GB / eng





156. La politique trangre roumaine : 1990-2006 / Ruxandra Ivan. Bruxelles : ditions de l'Universit de Bruxelles, 2009. 219 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Science politique). Bibliogr. p. 209-215. ISBN 9782800414553 1. Romnia -- Relaii externe -- 1989- 2. Politic i guvernare FR / fre 157. GALE, STEPHEN. The war on terrorism : 21st-century perspectives / Stephen Gale, Michael Radu, Harvey Sicherman. - New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers, 2009. 253 p. : il. ; 26 cm. ISBN 9781412808378 1. Terorism internaional 2. Statele Unite -- Securitate Naional 3. Politic internaional US / eng 158. GIULIANO, CAROLI. La Romania nella politica estera italiana : 1919-1965 : luci e ombre di un'amicizia storica / Caroli Giuliano ; prefazione Giuseppe Vedovato. - Milano : Nagard, 2009. 519 p. : 24 cm. - (Fondazione europea Dragan ; 32). ISBN 9788896498002 1. Italia -- Relaii -- Romnia 2. Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Italia IT / ita 159. POP, CLAUDIA. L' intgration de la Roumanie dans l'Union europenne : espace et dveloppement / Claudia Pop. - Paris : Universit ParisOuest, 2009. 350 p. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. p. 287-303. Tez de doctorat. Bernadette Madeuf. 1. Romnia -- Integrare -- Uniunea European 2. Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Uniunea European FR / fre

160. AGAPIE, ADRIANA. Computational intelligence techniques in econometric modeling : the case of Romania / Adriana Agapie. - Saarbrcken : Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. 124 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-3838322186 1. Matematic aplicat 2. Econometrie -- Modele 3. Romnia -- Economie -- Tranziie DE / eng 161. BITZENIS, ARISTIDIS. The Balkans : foreign direct investment and EU accession / Aristidis Bitzenis. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. XIV, 409 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Transition and development). ISBN 9780754645665 1. Balcani -- Economie -- Investiii 2. Romnia -- Relaii economice internaionale 3. Uniunea European -- Economie GB / eng 162. CANNAVALE, CHIARA. Strategie di internazionalizzazione delle imprese nell'Est europeo : determinanti e modalit di attuazione / Cannavale Chiara. - Torino : Giappichelli, 2009. 248 p. ; 24 cm. - (Collana di studi aziendali ; 33). ISBN 9788834886229 1. Economie 2. Europa de Est -- Postcomunism 3. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie IT / ita 163. CHOBANOVA, YORDANKA. Strategies of multinationals in Central and Eastern Europe : innovation systems and embeddedness / Yordanka Chobanova. - New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XVI, 269 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Conine: MNE strategies in Romania. ISBN 9780230230552 1. Firme multinaionale -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Romnia -- Economie de pia US / eng





164. HARRE, ANGELA. Wege in die moderne : entwicklungsstrategien rumnischer konomen im 19. und 20. jahrhundert / Angela Harre. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2009. 249 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Studien zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas ; Bd. 18). ISBN 9783447060035 1. Romnia -- Economie -- Istorie 2. Economiti romni -- Evocare DE / ger 165. MENZER, JRG K. Investieren in Rumnien : ein berblick ber die wirtschaftlichen, politischen und vor allem rechtlichen gegebenheiten / Jrg K. Menzer. - Wien : Verlag sterreich, 2009. 135 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 127 - 132. ISBN 9783704652799 1. Romnia -- Economie -- Investiii 2. Economie de pia -- Legislaie AT / ger 166. POPESCU, DANA G. Revenue management with forward and spot trading / Dana G. Popescu. - New York : New York University Press, 2009. XII, 157 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. p. 153-157. Tez de doctorat. Sridhar Seshadri. ISBN 9781109463620 1. Economie 2. Managementul afacerilor US / eng 167. STRUGU, ALINA. Post-communist economic societies / Alina Strugut. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 116 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783639142457 1. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie 2. Polonia -- Aspecte economice DE / eng

168. ZAI, DUMITRU. La recherche en management et en conomie : repres pistmologiques et mthodologiques / Dumitru Zait, Alain Spalanzani ; traduit du roumain par Christina Ionescu. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2009. 270 p. : il. color ; 24 cm. - (La librairie des humanits). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782296074873 1. Managementul afacerilor 2. Economie -- Concepte FR / fre = rum 331 Munc 169. The world of child labor : an historical and regional survey / edited by Hugh D. Hindman. - Armonk, NY : M.E. Sharpe, 2009. XXXII, 999 p. : il., h. ; 26 cm. Conine: Romania : child labor in Romania / Maria-Carmen Pantea. ISBN 9780765617071 1. Copii abuzai -- Legislaie 2. Copii din medii defavorizate -- Romnia 3. Munc -- Copii -- Exploatare US / eng 332 Economie teritorial. Proprietate 170. The rights and wrongs of land restitution : restoring what was ours / edited by Derick Fay and Deborah James. - New York : Routledge, 2009. XX, 288 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: They should be killed : forest restitution, ethnic groups, and patronage in post-socialist Romania / Stefan Dorondel. ISBN 9780415461085 1. Proprietate -- Retrocedare -- Pduri 2. Proprietate -- Legislaie 3. Postcomunism -- Romnia US / eng

ROMNICA 336 Finane



BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 338 Situaie economic. Politic economic

171. BANDELJ, NINA. From communists to foreign capitalists : the social foundations of foreign direct investment in postsocialist Europe / Nina Bandelj. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2008. 414 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-0691129129 ISBN 0691129126 1. Investiii strine -- Europa de Est 2. Finane internaionale -- Europa de Est 3. Postcomunism -- Romnia US / eng 172. MITITELU, EMANUELA A. Der erfolg von M&Atransaktionen im europischen bankensektor / von Emanuela A. Mititelu und Adrian Hunger. - Berlin : Duncker & Humblot, 2009. 124 p. : graf., tab. ; 24 cm. - (Studien zur Kredit- und Finanzwirtschaft ; Bd. 184). Bibliogr. p. 118-122. Index. ISBN 978-3-428-12889-1 1. Finane -- Bnci -- Credite 2. Bnci -- Europa Central i de Est DE / ger 173. SUNDT, BJRN. Recursions for convolutions and compound distributions with insurance applications / Bjrn Sundt, Raluca Vernic. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. XV, 345 p. ; 24 cm. - (EAA Lecture Notes). Bibliogr. p. 340-344. ISBN 9783540928997 1. Asigurri -- Analiz de risc 2. Finanaare DE / eng

174. DIANU, DANIEL. Which way goes capitalism? : in search of adequate policies in a dramatically changing world / Daniel Dianu. - New York : Central European University Press, 2009. 283 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Capitalismul ncotro? Criza economic, mersul ideilor, instituii. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789639776470 1. Pia de capital -- Europa de Est 2. Politic economic -- Privatizare 3. Uniunea European -- Economie US / eng = rum 175. KOYAMA, YOJI. Transition, European integration and foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern countries / Koyama Yji. - Niigata : Niigata University, 2008. 236 p. : graf., tab. ; 21 cm. - (Niigata University Scholar Series ; vol. 9). Bibliogr. p. 219-232. Index. ISBN 9784902140095 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Condiii economice -- Tranziie 2. Investiii strine -- Europa de Est 3. Romnia -- Condiii economice JP / eng 176. MCGEE, ROBERT W. Corporate governance in transition economies / Robert W. McGee ; edited by Thomas Tarangelo, Ramon Gunn. New York : Springer, 2008. X, 430 p. : graf., tab. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780387848303 1. Economie -- Europa de Est -- Tranziie 2. Economie de pia -- Romnia -- Postcomunism US / eng

ROMNICA 34 Drept. Legislaie. Jurispruden




177. The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union = L' avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matire pnale dans l'Union europenne / edited by Gisle Vernimment-Van Tiggelen, Laura Surano, Anne Weyembergh. - Bruxelles : Universit de Bruxelles, 2009. 603 p. ; 24 cm. - (tudes Europennes). Ed. bilingv n limbile englez i francez. Conine: Le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle des dcisions judiciaries dans l'union europenne devant les juridictions roumaines. Prsent et perspectives / Florin Streteanu. ISBN 9782800414522 1. Uniunea European -- Legislaie 2. Cooperare internaional 3. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare BE / eng 178. The politics of possession : property, authority and access to natural resources / edited by Thomas Sikor and Christian Lund. - Oxford : WileyBlackwell, 2009. 217 p. ; 23 cm. - (Development and change ; v. 1). Conine: Negotiating post-socialist property and state: struggles over forests in Albania and Romania / Thomas Sikor. ISBN 9781405196567 1. Proprietate -- Retrocedare -- Pduri 2. Romnia -- Constituie -- Proprietate 3. Legislaie -- Romnia GB / eng 179. Age discrimination law in Europe / edited by Nicky ten Bokum ; co-ordinated by Paul Bartelings. - The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2009. XLVI, 401 p. ; 25 cm. - (European labour law in practice ; 2). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romnia. ISBN 9789041131317 1. Legislaia muncii -- Uniunea European 2. Legislaia muncii -- Romnia NL / eng

180. BRUNO, TEFAN. New Europe, old jails : the european integration of romanian penitentiary culture and civilization / Bruno Stefan. Scotts Valley, CA : CreateSpace, 2009. 250 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-1441439291 1. Uniunea European -- Integrare -- Romnia 2. Penitenciare -- Romnia -- Legislaie US / eng 181. COMAN, RAMONA. Rformer la justice dans un pays postcommuniste : le cas de la Roumanie / Ramona Coman. - Bruxelles : Editions de l'Universit de Bruxelles, 2009. 247 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Science politique). Bibliogr. p. 239-243. ISBN 9782800414539 1. Romnia -- Legislaie -- Reform 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Legislaie FR / fre 182. CUCEREANU, DRAGO. Aspects of regulating freedom of expression on the Internet / Drago Cucereanu. - Antwerpen : Intersentia, 2008. IX, 287 p. ; 24 cm. - (School of Human Rights Research ; 27). Bibliogr. p. 269-281. ISBN 9789050958424 1. Libertatea de expresie 2. Internet -- Legislaie 3. Drepturile omului -- Uniunea European BE / eng 183. European citizenship in the process of construction : challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe / edited by Ditta Dolejiov, Oana Balescu and Miguel Angel Garca Lpez. Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2009. 230 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 202-230. ISBN 9789287164780 1. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare 2. Democraie -- Instituii 3. Drepturi (Europa) FR / eng





184. FIORE, PASQUALE. Successione Zappa : controversia tra la Grecia e la Romania / Pasquale Fiore. - Roma : BiblioLife, 2009. 244 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781103754762 1. Legislaie internaional 2. Romnia -- Relaii -- Grecia IT / ita 185. FISCHER, CLAUDIA. Naturschutzrecht in Rumnien : unter besonderer bercksichtigung des europischen gemeinschaftsrechts / Claudia Fischer. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009. 368 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Beitrge zum Landwirtschaftsrecht und zur Biodiversitt ; 8). ISBN 9783832949761 1. Uniunea European -- Politica de mediu 2. Legislaie de mediu -- Romnia 3. Legislaie comunitar DE / ger 186. Free to protest : constituent power and street demonstration / edited by Andrs Saj , Daniel Smilov , Bogdan Iancu. - Utrecht : Eleven International, 2009. X, 274 p. ; 25 cm. - (Issues in constitutional law ; 5). Bibliogr. Conine: Balancing emotionalism: contemporary implications of the impact of street demonstrations on third-party interests / Bogdan Iancu. ISBN 9789077596647 1. Drepturile omului -- Uniunea European 2. Drepturi civile 3. Stat de drept NL / eng 187. HOOGHTEN, PAUL VAN. The European takeover directive and its implementation / edited by Paul Van Hooghten. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. X, 822 p. ; 26 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780195323214 1. Uniunea European -- Legislaie 2. Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare US / eng

188. IANCU, BOGDAN. The law/politics distinction in contemporary public law adjudication / edited by Bogdan Iancu. - Utrecht : Eleven International, 2009. VI, 211 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789077596654 1. Drept constituional 2. Drept administrativ NL / eng 189. International advances in adoption research for practice / edited by Gretchen Miller Wrobel and Elsbeth Catherine Neil. - Chichester, UK : WileyBlackwell, 2009. XIX, 338 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: From Bucharest to Beijing : changes in countries sending children for international adoption 1990 to 2006 / Peter Selman ; Effects of profound early institutional deprivation : an overview of findings from a UK longitudinal study of Romanian adoptees / Michael Rutter. ISBN 9780470998175 1. Adopie internaional -- Legislaie 2. Copii adoptai -- Romnia -- Legislaie 3. Copii din medii defavorizate GB / eng 190. International human rights monitoring mechanisms : essays in honour of Jakob Th. Mller / edited by Gudmundur Alfredsson, Radu Mares. Cambridge, MA : Martinus Nijhoff, 2009. X, 980 p. ; 23 cm. - (Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights Library ; v. 35). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789004162365 1. Mller, Jakob Th 2. Declaraia Universal a Drepturilor Omului (1948) 3. Drepturile omului -- Abuzuri -- Monitorizare 4. Drepturi i obligaii -- Legislaie US / eng





191. LOOK, CHAN HO. Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law / general editor, Look Chan Ho. - London : Globe Law and Business, 2009. 425 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania / Alexandru Lefter. ISBN 9781905783243 1. Bancrut frauduloas 2. Drept fiscal (drept internaional) 3. Drept fiscal -- Romnia GB / eng 192. ZKAN, ERSAN. The politics and economics of software intellectual property rights : interacting policies of the United States, United Kingdom, Romania, Turkey, and international organizations / Ersan zkan. Albany, NY : State University of New York, 2009. XVI, 342 p. : graf. Bibliogr. p. 340-342. Tez de doctorat. 1. Statele Unite 2. Marea Britanie 3. Romnia 4. Turcia 5. Proprietate intelectual -- Legislaie internaional 6. Proprietate intelectual (Romnia) 7. Legislaie comunitar US / eng 193. Rejecting the EU constitution? : from the constitutional treaty to the Treaty of Lisbon / edited by Anca M. Pusca. - New York : International Debate Education Association, 2009. VI, 264 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781932716542 1. Uniunea European -- Legislaie 2. Tratatul de la Lisabona (2007) US / eng

194. Strengthen the judiciary's independence in Europe! : international recommendations for an independent judicial power / edited by Peter-Alexis Albrecht, Sir John Thomas. - Berlin : Berliner Wissenschafts Verlag, 2009. 216 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: A code of conduct as a means of limitation the judicial gain in power. Is there any place for ethics? : implementing the deontological code of judges and prosecutors in Romania / Ion Copoeru. ISBN 9783830517016 1. Justiie -- Romnia -- Postcomunism 2. Deontologie profesional 3. Uniunea European -- Legislaie DE / eng 195. Turning points and breaklines / edited by Szabolcs Hornyk. Mnchen : Martin Meidenbauer, 2009. 501 p. ; 22 cm. - (Jahrbuch junge Rechtsgeschichte ; Bd. 4). Bibliogr. Conine: The criminal trial in modern Romania / Giorgic Sorin Apetrei ; The settlement of reproduction health and medically-assisted human reproduction : a turning point in the Romanian legislation of family law / Irina Apetrei ; The influence of communist ideology over the Romanian matrimonial regime / Nadia Cerasela Dariescu ; Jurisdiction over marriage in the Romanian principalities : from the ecclesiastical court to the secular tribunal / Cosmin Dariescu. ISBN 9783899751598 1. Drept civil -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Drept civil -- Europa -- Istorie 3. Legislaie internaional DE / eng

ROMNICA 355/359 Armata. tiin i art militar




196. Der Warschauer Pakt : von der grndung bis zum zusammenbruch, 1955 bis 1991 / herausgegeben von Torsten Diedrich und Christian F. Ostermann. - Berlin : Links, 2009. VIII, 367 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Militrgeschichte der DDR ; Bd. 16). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Die rumnische armee und die gemeinsamen manver des Warschauer Paktes / Petre Opri ; Rumnien und die militrreform des Warschauer Paktes / Carmen Rijnoveanu. ISBN 9783861535041 1. Tratatul de la Varovia 2. Rzboiul rece 3. Armata romn -- Istorie DE / ger 197. BRAUN, AUREL. Nato-Russia relations in the twenty-first century / Aurel Braun. - New York : Routledge, 2009. 220 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780415546379 1. NATO 2. Rusia 3. Rusia -- Armat -- Tranziie 4. NATO -- Relaii -- Rusia US / eng 198. MORUANU, TEODOR LIVIU. Romanian fighter colors : 1941-1945 / Teodor Liviu Morusanu, Dan Melinte. - Redbourn : Mushroom Model Publications, 2009. 176 p. : il. ; 29 cm. ISBN 9788389450906 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia 2. Aviatori romni -- Evocare 3. Aviaie -- Istorie -- Romnia GB / eng

199. PERLEA, FLORIN. From the royal armed forces to the popular armed forces : sovietization of the Romanian military : 1948-1955 / Florin perlea ; english translation by Delia Drgulescu. - Boulder : East European Monographs, 2009. XXXVII, 287 p. ; 23 cm. - (East European monographs ; 763). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): De la armata regala la armata populara. Sovietizarea Armatei Romane (1948-1955). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780880336628 1. Armata regala romn 2. Armata romn -- Sovietizare 3. Armata romn -- Istorie US / eng = rum 36 Asisten social. Protecia consumatorului 200. Den berusade bten : en vnbok till Sune Sunesson / redaktr: Rosmari Eliasson-Lappalainen, Anna Meeuwisse and Alexandru Panican. - Lund : Arkiv, 2009. 310 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9789179242176 1. Sunesson, Sune 2. Sociologi suedezi -- Evocare 3. Voluntariat -- Suedia 4. Asisten social -- Mrturii SE / swe 201. Activity, incomes and social welfare : a comparison across four new EU member states / edited by Manuela Sofia Stanculescu, Tine Stanovnik. Farnham : Ashgate, 2008. 286 p. : tab., graf. ; 24 cm. - (Public policy and social welfare ; Vol. 33). Conine: The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Romania / Manuela Sofia Stanculescu. ISBN 9780754677772 1. Protecie social -- Romnia 2. Romnia -- Politic social -- Srcie 3. Uniunea European GB / eng





202. FISHER CAZACU, LISA. Bread, salt and plum brandy : a true story of love and adventure in a foreign land / Lisa Fisher Cazacu and Rosemary Colgrove. - San Diego, CA : Aventine Press, 2009. 216 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781593305796 1. Asisten social -- Romnia -- Mrturii 2. Aciuni caritabile 3. Voluntariat -- SUA US / eng 203. NORRIS, CAROLYN LISA. The banning of international adoption in Romania : reasons, meaning, and implications for child care and protection / Carolyn Lisa Norris. - Boston, MA : Boston University, 2009. VIII, 139 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 124-138. Tez de doctorat susinut la Boston University. Dept. of Educational Leadership and Development. 1. Adopie internaional 2. Copii adoptai -- Romnia 3. Protecia copilului US / eng 204. Post-communist welfare pathways : theorizing social policy transformations in Central and Eastern Europe / edited by Alfio Cerami and Pieter Vanhuysse. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XV, 289 p. : il. ; 2009. Index. Bibliogr. p. 256-286. Conine: Welfare state transformations in Bulgaria and Romania / S. Stanescu. ISBN 9780230230262 1. Sntate public (Romnia) 2. Sntate public -- Europa de est 3. Politic social -- Europa de est US / eng

205. Poverty, urbanity and social policy : Central and Eastern Europe compared / edited by Jolanta Aldukaite. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2009. XIV, 210 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Bilbiogr. Index. Conine: Rules from above, views from below: accessing and using child health services in post-communist rural Romania. ISBN 9781607411000 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism -- Politic social 2. Romnia -- Politic social 3. Asisten social US / eng 37 Educaie. nvmnt. Timp liber 206. Informal learning of active citizenship at school : an international comparative study in seven European countries / edited by Jaap Scheerens. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. XII, 369 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (Lifelong Learning Book ; 14). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Romania / Megdonia Paunescu. ISBN 9781402096204 1. Educaie civic -- Romnia 2. Educaie comparat 3. nvmnt -- Cercetare -- Europa NL / eng 207. Multiple intelligences around the world / Jie-Qi Chen, Seana Moran, Howard Gardner, editors. - San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2009. XIX, 411 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Curriculum reframed: multiple intelligences and new routes to teaching and learning in Romanian universities / Florence Mihaela Singer. ISBN 9780787997601 1. Universiti -- Studii interculturale -- Romnia 2. nvmnt superior -- Romnia -- Reform US / eng


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208. Agriculture and the polluter pays principle / edited by Margaret Rosso Grossman. - London : British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 2009. XIII, 392 p. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Agriculture and the polluter pays principle in Romania / Marilena Uliescu. ISBN 9781905221226 1. Poluare -- Europa de Est 2. Mediu -- Legislaie -- Uniunea European 3. Romnia -- Agricultur -- Poluare GB / eng 209. Bioterrorism : impact on civilian society / edited by Nicolae Manolescu, Guy B. Roberts. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. 176 p. ; 23 cm. - (NATO Security through Science Series-Physics and Biophysics). ISBN 9789048132676 1. Sntate -- Programe 2. Bioterorism 3. Ecologie i societate NL / eng 210. Decision support for natural disasters and intentional threats to water security / edited by Tissa H. Illangasekare, Katarina Mahutova, John J. Barich. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. XXII, 251 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (NATO science for peace and securityEnvironmental security). Conine: Drinking water security and health in Transylvania, Romania / A.E. Gurzau ; Strategies for the sustainable development in the Danube Delta in Romania, Ukraine and Moldava / L.D. Galatchi. ISBN 9789048127122 1. Dezastre naturale 2. Ap -- Aprovizionare -- Riscuri 3. Resurse de ap -- Romnia NL / eng

211. DIACU, FLORIN. Megadisasters : the science of predicting the next catastrophe / Florin Diacu. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2009. XIV, 195 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 191-194. ISBN 9780691133508 1. Dezastre 2. Dezvoltare durabil US / eng 212. Exposure and risk assessment of chemical pollution : contemporary methodology / edited by Lubomir I. Simeonov, Mahmoud A. Hassanien. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. 525 p. ; 23 cm. - (NATO science for peace and security - Environmental security). Conine: Mass balance models for chemical fate, bioaccumulation, exposure and risk assessment: modeling of contaminants in aquatic environment / E. Chirila. ISBN 9789048123346 1. Poluarea apelor -- Substane chimice 2. Mediu -- Protecie -- Studii de caz NL / eng 213. FRASER, CAROLINE. Rewilding the world : dispatches from the conservation revolution / Caroline Fraser. - New York : Metropolitan Books, 2009. XII, 400 p. : h. ; 25 cm. Conine: Reclaiming Romania. ISBN 9780805078268 1. Ecologie -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Biodiversitate -- Conservare 3. Specii pe cale de dispariie US / eng





214. Threats to global water security / edited by J. Anthony A. Jones, Trahel G. Vardanian, Christina Hakopian. - London : Springer, 2009. XIII, 400 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (NATO Science for Peace and SecurityEnvironmental security). Bibliogr. Conine: The use of remote sensing and gis techniques in flood monitoring and damage assessment: a study case in Romania / A. Irimescu ; Human factors in the floods of Romania / Constantin Horia Barbu. ISBN 9789048123360 1. Ap -- Aprovizionare -- Riscuri 2. Inundaii -- Monitorizare -- Romnia 3. Legislaie -- Uniunea European GB / eng 51 Matematic 215. ALEMAN, ALEXANDRU. The Hardy space of a slit domain / Alexandru Aleman, Nathan S. Feldman, William T. Ross. - Basel : Birkhuser Verlag, 2009. XIX, 124 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Frontiers in mathematics). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783034600972 1. Matematic CH / eng 216. ANDREESCU, TITU. Number theory : structures, examples, and problems / Titu Andreescu, Dorin Andrica. - Boston, MA : Birkhuser, 2009. XVIII, 384 p. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 377-380. ISBN 9780817632458 1. Teoria numerelor 2. Matematic -- Algebr -- Studii US / eng

217. BO, RADU IOAN. Duality in vector optimization / Radu Ioan Bo, Sorin-Mihai Grad, Gert Wanka. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. XV, 400 p. ; 25 cm. - (Vector optimization). Index. Bibliogr. p. 385-395. ISBN 9783642028854 1. Vectori 2. Matematic NL / eng 218. CORDUNEANU, CONSTANTIN. Almost periodic oscillations and waves / Constantin Corduneanu. - New York : Springer, 2009. 308 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780387098180 1. Ecuaii difereniale 2. Matematic US / eng 219. GAL, SORIN GHEORGHE. Approximation by complex Bernstein and convolution type operators / Sorin G. Gal. - Singapore : World Scientific, 2009. XII, 337 p. ; 26 cm. - (Series on concrete and applicable mathematics ; 8). Index. Bibliogr. p. 327-336. ISBN 9789814282420 1. Matematic aplicat 2. Matematic -- Trigonometrie SG / eng 220. GAL, SORIN GHEORGHE. Shape-preserving approximation by real and complex polynomials / Sorin G. Gal. - Boston, MA : Birkhuser, 2008. XIII, 352 p. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780817647025 1. Matematic superioar US / eng





221. IOSIFESCU, MARIUS. Dependence with complete connections and its applications / Marius Iosifescu, erban Grigorescu. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009. XIV, 304 p. ; 23 cm. - (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics ; 96). Bibliogr. p. 284-302. Index. ISBN 978-0-521-10180-6 1. Matematic 2. Matematic aplicat GB / eng 222. Matheuristics : hybridizing metaheuristics and mathematical programming / edited by Vittorio Maniezzo, Thomas Sttzle, Irina Dumitrescu. New York : Springer, 2009. XVIII, 270 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Annals of Information Systems ; 110). Bibliogr. ISBN 9781441913050 1. Matematic -- Logic 2. Matematic aplicat US / eng 223. MEI, CHIANG C. Homogenization methods for multiscale mechanics / Chiang C. Mei, Bogdan Vernescu. - Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific Publishing, 2009. 350 p. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9789814282444 1. Fizic 2. Matematic aplicat 3. Ecuaii difereniale US / eng 224. POPESCU, GELU. Unitary invariants in multivariable operator theory / Gelu Popescu. - Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, 2009. VI, 101 p. : 26 cm. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780821843963 1. Matematic US / eng

225. RDULESCU, TEODORA-LILIANA. Problems in real analysis : advanced calculus on the real axis / Teodora-Liliana Rdulescu, Vinceniu Rdulescu, Titu Andreescu. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. XX, 452 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780387773780 1. Matematic NL / eng 226. STRATULAT, FLORIN. Linear control systems : analysis and synthesis, theory and application / Florin Stratulat ; Florin Ionescu, editor. Stuttgart : Steinbeis, 2009. 642 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 637 - 642. ISBN 9783938062722 1. Matematic DE / eng 52 Astronomie. Geodezie 227. Exploring the solar system and the universe / edited by Vasile Mioc, Christiana Dumitrache, Nedelia A. Popescu. - Melville, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2008. XII, 439 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 1043). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780735405714 1. Mecanic cereasc 2. Sistem solar 3. Astrofizic US / eng 53 Fizic 228. GHILEA, MARIAN CONSTANTIN. Neutron imaging with bubble chambers for inertial confinement fusion / Marian Constantin Ghilea. Rochester, NY : University of Rochester, 2009. XXII, 188 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Tez de doctorat. David D. Meyerhofer. 1. Fizic atomic US / eng





229. OSWALD, PATRICK. Rheophysics : the deformation and flow of matter / Patrick Oswald ; translated by Doru Constantin. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. XV, 624 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Rhophysique. Index. Bibliogr. p. 608-610. ISBN 9780521883627 1. Fizic US / eng = fre 54 Chimie 230. Environmentally degradable materials based on multicomponent polymeric systems / edited by Cornelia Vasile, Gennady E. Zaikov. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. VI, 654 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789004164109 1. Polimeri 2. Chimie organic NL / eng 55 Geologie. Meteorologie. Hidrologie 231. Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation / edited by Tom Schanz and Roumen Iankov. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. XIX, 313 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (NATO science for peace and securityEnvironmental security). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Seismic site effect modelling based on in situ borehole measurements in Bucharest, Romania / Andrei Bala. ISBN 9789048127092 1. Seismologie -- Romnia 2. Seismologie -- Cercetare NL / eng

232. Regional aspects of climate-terrestrial-hydrologic interactions in non-boreal Eastern Europe / edited by Pavel Ya. Groisman and Sergiy Ivanov. Dordrecht : Springer, 2009. IX, 276 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (NATO science for peace and securityEnvironmental security). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Causes of cropland abandonment during the post-socialist transition in southern Romania / M. M. Kharytonov ; Specificity of romanian Black Sea coast changes under climate and human impact / Razvan Mateescu. ISBN 9789048122400 1. Climat (schimbri) 2. Agricultur -- Secet -- Romnia 3. nclzire global NL / eng 57 Biologie 233. COMAN, VASILE. Heterogeneous electron transfer studies with ligninolytic redox enzymes and living bacteria : applications in biosensors and biofuel cells / Vasile Coman. - Lund : Lund University, 2009. 176 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Antetitlu: Lund :Lund University, Department of Analytical Chemistry. Bibliogr. Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9789174222296 1. Biologie aplicat SE / eng 234. Microarray innovations : technology and experimentation / edited by Gary Hardiman. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2009. XXI, 314 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Drug discovery series ; 11). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Comparison of different normalization methods for applied biosystems expression array system / Catalin Barbacioru. ISBN 9781420094480 1. Biologie molecular 2. Biologie aplicat US / eng





235. POPA-WAGNER, AUREL. Pathobiochemistry of cerebral ischemia : an experimental approach / Aurel Popa-Wagner, Ana-Maria Bug. Greifswald : Academica, 2009. 276 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9783940237095 1. Biochimie -- Cercetri 2. Biochimie clinic DE / eng 59 Zoologie 236. HORNE, ALEX. Birdwatching : one year, two men, three rules, ten thousand birds / Alex Horne. - London : Virgin Books, 2009. 384 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780753515761 1. Zoologie 2. Psri -- Observare 3. Faun -- Romnia GB / eng 6 TIINE APLICATE 61 Medicin 237. The international handbook on aging : current research and developments / edited by Erdman B. Palmore, Frank Whittington and Suzanne Kunkel ; foreword by George L. Maddox. - Santa Barbara : Praeger, 2009. XVI, 705 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania / Luiza Spiru. ISBN 9780313352300 1. Geriatrie 2. Alzheimer, boal 3. Longevitate -- Aspect medical US / eng

238. Data mining in biomedicine using ontologies / edited by Mihail Popescu, Dong Xu. - Norwood, MA : Artech House, 2009. XV, 262 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (Artech House series bioinformatics & biomedical imaging). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9781596933705 1. Medicin -- Informatic 2. Bioinformatic 3. Medicin -- Baze de date US / eng 239. DUMITRESCU, ALEXANDRINA LIZICA. Genetic variants in periodontal health and disease / Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu, Junya Kobayashi. New York : Springer, 2009. XII, 135 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9783642006791 1. Medicin -- Stomatologie 2. Genetic medical US / eng 240. Handbook of dental care : diagnostic, preventive and restorative services / edited by A.L. Dumitrescu, Jose C. Taggart. - New York : Nova Biomedical Books, 2009. XIII, 444 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Health care issues, costs, and access). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781607412816 1. Medicin -- Stomatologie US / eng 241. IENCEAN, TEFAN MIRCEA. Intracranial hypertension / Stefan Mircea Iencean and Alexandru Vladimir Ciurea. - New York : Nova Biomedical Books, 2009. 253 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Neurology - laboratory and clinical research development). Index. BIbliogr. ISBN 9781607418627 1. Medicin -- Cercetare 2. Neurologie US / eng





242. Medical uses of statistics / edited by John C. Bailar, David C. Hoaglin, Dan L. Nicolae. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2009. XXIX, 491 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (New England journal of medicine). ISBN 9780470439524 1. Medicin -- Cercetare 2. Statistici medicale US / eng 243. NEGREA, AUREL. Pharmaceutical and mutational interference with virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium / Aurel Negrea. Stockholm : Karolinska Institutet, 2009. 90 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9789174094695 1. Farmacologie clinic 2. Bacteriologie medical SE / eng 244. Neurovascular medicine : pursuing cellular longevity for healthy aging / edited by Kenneth Maiese, Michael R. Graham and Aurel PopaWagner. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. XII, 580 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780195326697 1. Neurologie 2. Medicin GB / eng 245. Rectal cancer : etiology, pathogenesis and treatment / edited by Paula Wells and Regina Halstead. - New York : Nova Biomedical Books, 2009. XIII, 258 p. : il. ; 27 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Surgical treatment of rectal cancer - current controversies / I.D. Vilcea. ISBN 9781606925638 1. Cancer rectal -- Tratament 2. Medicin US / eng

246. Tumor angiogenesis : from molecular mechanisms to targeted therapy / edited by Francis S. Markland, Stephen Swenson, Radu Minea. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2009. XXII, 329 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783527320912 1. Medicin intern -- Cercetri 2. Cancer -- Etiologie DE / eng 611/612 Anatomie i fiziologie 247. Vocalize to localize / edited by Christian Abry, Anne Vilain, Oana Benga. - Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 2009. X, 311 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Benjamins current topics ; 13). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789027222435 1. Comunicare verbal 2. Comunicare non verbal 3. Anatomie -- Fiziologie NL / eng 613/614 Igien 248. KIND, ANDR B. Cost-effectiveness of a human papillomavirus vaccine : a comparative study between Switzerland, Romania and the Gambia / Andr B. Kind. - Basel : Universitt Basel, 2009. 85 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Tez de doctorat. Thomas D. Szucs. 1. Elveia 2. Romnia 3. Gambia 4. Sntate public (Romnia) 5. Sntate public -- Programe CH / eng

ROMNICA 615 Farmaceutic. Terapeutic. Toxicologie




249. Copper amine oxidases : structures, catalytic mechanisms, and role in pathophysiology / edited by Giovanni Floris, Bruno Mondovi, Mircea Alexandru Mateescu. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2009. XXI, 344 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9781420076806 1. Metabolism -- Enzime 2. Farmacologie clinic US / eng 250. WEINER, CARL P. Drugs for pregnant and lactating women / Carl P. Weiner, Catalin Buhimschi. - Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, 2009. XV, 1101 p. ; 21 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781416040132 1. Farmacologie clinic 2. Medicamente, analiz 3. Medicamente -- Efecte secundare US / eng 62 Tehnic. Inginerie 251. Analysis and design of marine structures / edited by Carlos Guedes Soares, Ionel Chirica, Leonard Domnisoru. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2009. XII, 552 p. : il. ; 26 cm. + 1 CD-ROM. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780415549349 1. Inginerie asistat de calculator US / eng 252. Frontiers in electronics / edited by Sorin Cristoloveanu, Michael S. Shur. - Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009. IX, 310 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (Selected topics in electronics and systems ; 50). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789814273015 1. Electrotehnic 2. Nanotehnologie SG / eng

253. MARGHITU, DAN B. Mechanisms and robots analysis with MATLAB / Dan B. Marghitu. - New York : Springer, 2009. XI, 479 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781848003903 1. Inginerie -- Tehnologie 2. Mecanisme -- Dinamic -- Modele matematice US / eng 254. POPA, COSMIN RADU. Superior-order curvature-correction techniques for voltage references / Cosmin Radu Popa. - New York : Springer, 2009. XIV, 181 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781441904164 1. Electrotehnic 2. Ingineria sistemelor US / eng 620 Materiale. Merceologie. Energetic 255. HANSEN, SHIRLEY J. ESCOs around the world : lessons learned in 49 countries / Shirley J. Hansen, Pierre Langlois and Paolo Bertoldi. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2009. VIII, 377 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: ESCO development: Eastern Europe : Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Russia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9780881736113 1. ESCO 2. Energie -- Resurse -- Politic guvernamental 3. Studii de caz -- Romnia US / eng

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256. WAACK, CHRISTOPH. Randerscheinungen : regionalisierungen und skalierungen im kontext von transformations- und globalisierungseffekten in der kontroverse um den Goldbergbau im rumnischen Westgebirge / Christoph Waack. - Leipzig : Leibniz-Institut fr Lnderkunde, 2009. 266 p. : h., il., tab. ; 25 cm. - (Beitrge zur regionalen Geographie ; Bd. 63). ISBN 9783860820636 1. Mine de aur -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Mine de aur -- Romnia -- Controverse 3. Relaii economice -- Globalizare DE / ger 631/635 Agronomie. Fitopatologie. Horticultur 257. MITRANY, DAVID. The land and the peasant in Rumania : the war and agrarian reform : 1917-1921 / David Mitrany. - Ann Arbor : ACLS Humanities, 2008. XXXIV, 627 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Economic and social history of the World War). Index. Bibliogr. p. 594-611. ISBN 9781597407731 1. Romnia -- Agricultur -- Istorie 2. Reform agrar -- Romnia US / eng

258. Traditional food production and rural sustainable development : a European challenge / edited by Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Peter Nijkamp and Jean-Louis Rastoin. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. XII, 285 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Ashgate economic geography). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romanian food consumption model in the context of European Union integration / Cecilia Alexandri ; How could traditional consumption stimulate the bakery industry? / Cornelia Alboiu. ISBN 9780754674627 1. Dezvoltare rural -- Romnia 2. Industrii agroalimentare 3. Uniunea European -- Agricultur ecologic GB / eng 259. Transforming peasants, property and power : the collectivization of agriculture in Romania : 1949-1962 / edited by Constantin Iordachi and Dorin Dobrincu. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2009. XIII, 530 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): rnimea i puterea. Index. Bibliogr. p. 475-483. ISBN 9789639776258 1. Colectivizarea agriculturii -- Romnia -- 1949-1962 2. Agricultur -- Romnia -- Planificare HU / eng = rum 636/639 Zootehnie. Apicultur. Sericicultur. Vntoare. Pescuit 260. Mammal survey : munii Padurea Craiului (TransylvaniaRomania) / edited by Jeroen Willemsen, Eric Thomassen ; translations by Eric Thomassen, Karin de Bie. - Arnhem : Veldwerkgroep van de Zoogdiervereniging, 2009. 88 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789079924134 1. Pdurea Craiului (muni) 1. Muni -- Transilvania 2. Animale slbatice -- Mamifere -- Protecie NL / eng

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261. POPESCU, CHARLOTTE. Chicken runs and vegetable plots / Charlotte Popescu. - Upavon : Cavalier Paperbacks, 2009. 128 p. : il., plane ; 21 cm. Index. ISBN 9781899470297 1. Creterea animalelor 2. Grdinrit 3. Diaspor romn GB / eng 65 Management. Conducere i organizare 262. Cultural tourism and sustainable local development / edited by Luigi Fusco Girard and Peter Nijkamp. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. XVI, 319 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (New directions in tourism analysis). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Cultural tourism, sustainability and regional development : experiences from Romania / Daniela L. Constantin. ISBN 9780754673910 1. Turism cultural -- Romnia 2. Dezvoltare regional -- Management GB / eng 263. DABU, ADINA. The HR consulting entrepreneur : firm-builder, market-maker and diffuser of HR management knowledge in an emergent business system / Adina Dabu. - Urbana, IL : University of Illinois Press, 2009. XIV, 251 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. p. 231-238. Tez de doctorat. John J. Lawler. ISBN 9781109218732 1. Managementul afacerilor -- Romnia 2. Resurse umane -- Management -- Romnia 3. Economie emergent US / eng

264. IONESCU, LUMINIA. Internal control and auditing procedures / Luminita Ionescu. - New York : Addleton Academic Publishers, 2009. 182 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781935494010 1. Audit intern 2. Organizarea ntreprinderii -- Proceduri US / eng 265. Knowledge management practices / edited by Mohan K. Pillai, Alexandru Nedelea, Babu P. George. - Delhi : Abhijeet Publications, 2009. X, 174 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Index. ISBN 9789380031118 1. Management participativ 2. Resurse umane -- Management IN / eng 266. Moral foundations of management knowledge / edited by MarieLaure Djelic and Radu Vranceanu. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2009. XVIII, 281 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781848447059 1. Managementul afacerilor 2. Resurse umane -- Management GB / eng 267. Tourism and development in Romania / edited by Ramona Gruescu. - Greifswald : Academica, 2009. 196 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9783940237149 1. Turism -- Romnia -- Uniunea European 2. Management informaional DE / eng

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268. POPESCU-ZELETIN, RADU. Vehicular-2-X communication : state-of-the-art and research in mobile vehicular ad hoc networks / Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Ilja Radusch, Mihai Adrian Rigani. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2009. 300 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783540771425 1. Comunicaii digitale 2. Reele de comunicaii DE / eng 655 Industrii poligrafice 269. RICHARDSON, PAUL. Publishing market profile. Romania / Paul Richardson, Delia Costache. - London : Publishers Association, 2009. X, 176 p. ; 30 cm. - (Market research and statistics). ISBN 9780853863411 1. Cri -- Industrie i comer -- Romnia 2. Publicaii romneti -- Marketing GB / eng 659 Publicitate. Informaii 270. The global public relations handbook : theory, research, and practice / edited by Krishnamurthy Sriramesh, Dejan Veri ; foreword: Kochiro Matsuura. - New York : Routledge, 2009. XL, 951 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (LEA's communications). Conine: Challenges of revived democracies : the rise of public relations in Romania / Adela Rogojinaru. ISBN 9780415995139 1. Relaii cu publicul -- Tehnici -- Aspect teoretic 2. Comunicare -- Concepte 3. Comunicare -- Romnia US / eng

271. GAUDIER-BRZESKA, HENRI. Notes sur Liabeuf et sur Tolsto / Henri Gaudier-Brzeska ; prsentation de Dona Lemny. - Paris : L' choppe, 2009. 131 p. ; 16 cm. - (Envois). Bibliogr. p. 128-131. ISBN 9782840682196 1. Arte plastice -- Eseu 2. Artiti plastici francezi -- Coresponden FR / fre 272. STOICHI, VICTOR IERONIM. The Pygmalion effect : from Ovid to Hitchcock / Victor I. Stoichita ; translated by Alison Anderson. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2008. VIII, 252 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - (Louise Smith Bross lecture). Bibliogr. p. 209-239. Index. ISBN 9780226775210 1. Ovidius Naso, Publius 2. Hitchcock, Alfred 3. Art -- Istorie i critic 4. Art -- Teme, motive -- Mimetism 5. Mitologie greac -- Teme, motive US / eng = fre 71 Urbanism 273. Capital cities in the aftermath of empires : planning in Central and Southeastern Europe / edited by Emily Gunzburger Maka and Tanja Damljanovi Conley. - London : Routledge, 2010. 286 p. : il., h. plan. ; 26 cm. - (Planning, history and environment series). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Bucharest / Maria Raluca Popa. ISBN 9780415459433 1. Europa Central i de Est -- Regiuni istorice -- Orae 2. Urbanism -- Romnia 3. Arhitectur -- Europa Central i de Est -- Istorie GB / eng

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BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 73/76 Arte plastice. Desen tehnic

274. The hand and the soul : aesthetics and ethics in architecture and art / edited by Sanda Iliescu. - Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2009. X, 302 p. : il. ; 21 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780813927602 1. Arhitectur i societate 2. Arhitectur -- Estetic US / eng 275. BROWN-MANRIQUE, GERARDO. Rudolf Frnkel and Neues Bauen : work in Germany, Romania, and the United Kingdom / Gerardo Brown-Manrique ; preface by Kenneth Frampton. - Tbingen : Wasmuth, 2009. 147 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. p. 139-141. ISBN 9783803006950 1. Frnkel, Rudolf 1. Arhiteci germani -- Biografie 2. Arhitectur -- Europa Central i de Est -- Istorie 3. Arhitectur contemporan -- Romnia DE / eng 276. SAN PIETRO, SILVIO. New exhibits 3 : made in Italy / Silvio San Pietro, Alessandra Vasile. - Milan : L' Archivolto, 2009. 200 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Nuovi ambienti italiani). Ed. bilingv n limbile italian i englez. ISBN 9788876851513 1. Design de interior 2. Diaspor romn IT / eng

277. Le portrait individuel : rflexions autour d'une forme de reprsentation : XIIIe-XVe sicles / diteurs: Jean-Claude Schmitt, Beate Fricke, Agostino Paravicini Bagliani ; dirig par Dominic Olariu. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2009. 299 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9783034300025 1. Arte plastice -- Europa 2. Arte plastice -- Teme, motive 3. Renatere CH / fre 278. Adrian Ghenie / edited by Juerg Judin, Anette Hsch, Matt Price. Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2009. 114 p. : il. ; 29 cm. ISBN 9783775724630 1. Ghenie, Adrian 2. Pictori romni 3. Arte plastice -- Pictur -- Portret DE / eng 279. As cores da vanguarda : arte romena : 1915- 1950 / edited by Erwin Kessler, Ioana Vlasiu. - Lisboa : Museu do Chiado, 2009. 245 p. : il. color ; 27 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile portughez i englez. Bibliogr. ISBN 9789727763764 1. Pictur romneasc contemporan 2. Avangard artistic -- Teme, motive PT / por 280. DAYD, EMMANUEL. Aurel Cojan : A stroll in the air / Emmanuel Dayd. - Paris : Alain Margaron diteur, 2009. 112 p. : il. color ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782953358902 : [40.00] lei 1. Cojan, Aurel 2. Artiti plastici romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Arte plastice contemporane -- Pictur FR / eng





281. DAYD, EMMANUEL. Aurel Cojan : le piton de l'air / Emmanuel Dayd. - Paris : Alain Margaron diteur, 2009. 111 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782953358902 1. Cojan, Aurel 2. Artiti plastici romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Arte plastice contemporane FR / fre 282. ENE VASILESCU, ELENA. Between tradition and modernity : icons and icon painters in Romania / Elena Ene Vasilescu. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 194 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783639205954 1. Pictur religioas -- Iconografie 2. Icoane -- Romnia -- Tipologie 3. Icoane -- Tradiionalism DE / eng 283. Gert und Uwe Tobias / translated by George Frederick Takis ; edited by Veit Grner, Kristin Schrader. - Kln : Snoeck, 2009. 96 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (Kestner-Gesellschaft). Ed. bilingv n limbile german i englez. ISBN 9783940953254 1. Tobias, Gert 2. Tobias, Uwe 3. Artiti plastici germani din Romnia 4. Arte plastice -- Grafic -- Peisaj 5. Diaspor romn DE / ger 284. HIMKA, JOHN-PAUL. Last judgment iconography in the Carpathians / John-Paul Himka. - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2009. XXII, 301 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 280-288. ISBN 9780802098092 1. Icoane -- Romnia -- Tipologie 2. Art i religie 3. Art religioas -- Cretinism -- Iconografie CA / eng

285. LEMNY, DONA. Brancusi et Gaudier-Brzeska : points de convergence / Dona Lemny. - Paris : L'choppe, 2009. 146 p. : 19 cm. ISBN 9782840682189 1. Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri 2. Brncui, Constantin 3. Sculptori romni -- Exil -- Frana 4. Sculptori francezi 5. Arte plastice contemporane -- Sculptur FR / fre 286. LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANOIS. Karel Appel : un geste de couleur / Jean-Franois Lyotard ; postface de Christine Buci-Glucksmann ; sous la direction de Herman Parret ; traduction par Vlad Ionescu. - Leuven : Leuven University Press, 2009. 272 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Ecrits sur l'art contemporain et les artistes ; 1). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789058677563 1. Appel, Karel 2. Artiti plastici olandezi 3. Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic 4. Expresionism BE / fre 287. MACHNICKA, ZOFIA. Dada east? : contextes roumains du dadasme / Zofia Machnicka, Adrian Notz et Evelyne-Dorothe Allemand. Tourcoing : Muse des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing, 2009. 85 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782901440260 1. Dadaism -- Romnia -- Teme, motive 2. Arte plastice contemporane 3. Avangard artistic FR / fre 288. MCVEY, MOLLIE ELIZABETH. Beyond the walls : the Easter processional in the exterior frescos of Moldavian monastery churches / Mollie Elizabeth McVey. - Provo, UT : Brigham Young University, 2009. X, 85 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Tez de doctorat. 1. Biserici -- Moldova -- Pictur mural 2. Art i simbolistic cretine -- Evul mediu -- Moldova US / eng





289. Ne/Preglednost = In/visibility / Svetlana Mladenov, Ileana Pintilie, Maja iri ; prevod na englski: Sneana Ciganovi, Irena Brki, Angelina Popovi ankovi. - Novi Sad : Publikum : Visart, 2009. 77 p. : il. color ; 21 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile srb i englez. ISBN 9788691191139 1. Art -- Istorie i critic 2. Arte plastice i societate 3. Arte plastice contemporane YU / scr 290. PIOTROWSKI, PIOTR. In the shadow of Yalta : art and the avant-garde in Eastern Europe : 1945-1989 / Piotr Piotrowski ; translated by Anna Brzyski. - London : Reaktion, 2009. 487 p. : il. ; 25 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. polon): Awangarda w cieniu Jaty. Bibliogr. p. 441-475. Index. ISBN 9781861894380 1. Avangard artistic -- Teme, motive 2. Art i politic -- Europa de Est 3. Suprarealism GB / eng = pol 291. Sources and serendipity : testimonies of artists' practice / edited by Erma Hermens and Joyce H. Townsend. - London : Archetype Publications, 2009. IX, 164 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Romanian handbooks on manuscript illumination in the 18th century / Marta Ursescu ; Study of materials and techniques used in a 15th-century Romanian illuminated manuscript / Sorin Ciovica. ISBN 9781904982524 1. Art i tehnologie 2. Manuscrise medievale romneti 3. Istoria artei US / eng

292. STOICHI, VICTOR IERONIM. Das Double / Victor I. Stoichita. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2006. 351 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Wolfenbtteler Forschungen ; Bd. 113). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9783447054966 1. Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic 2. Arte plastice -- Teme, motive DE / ger 293. STOICHI, VICTOR IERONIM. L' effet Pygmalion : pour une anthropologie historique des simulacres / Victor I. Stoichita. - Genve : Droz, 2009. 320 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Titre courant ; 37). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9782600005371 1. Art -- Teme, motive 2. Estetic comparat 3. Mitologie greac -- Teme, motive CH / fre 294. TABART, MARIELLE. Brancusi : l' inventeur de la sculpture moderne / Marielle Tabart. - Paris : Gallimard, 2009. 127 p. : il. ; 18 cm. - (Dcouvertes Gallimard ; 243). ISBN 9782070355792 1. Brncui, Constantin 2. Sculptori romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Arte plastice -- Sculptur -- Desen FR / fre 77 Fotografie 295. 1989 : the year in pictures / project editor, Isabella Dother. - Rome : Contrasto, 2009. 191 p. : il ; 21 cm. 1. Istorie -- Decembrie 1989 2. Fotografii artistice 3. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) -- Fotografii IT / eng





296. Postcards of lost royals / introduction by Andrew Roberts ; foreword by John Fraser. - Oxford : Bodleian Library, 2009. 95 p. : il. ; 18 cm. - (Postcards From). ISBN 9781851243327 1. Cri potale 2. Case regale -- Romnia 3. Albume -- Portrete GB / eng 297. Solidarni z Rumunia : grudzie 1989 - stycze 1990 / fotografie, Jan Koodziejski ; wstp, Konrad Biaecki. - Warszawa : Instytut Pamici Narodowej, 2009. 223 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788376290225 1. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) -- Fotografii 2. Romnia -- Relaii -- Polonia 3. Fotografii artistice PL / pol 298. Victor Man : attebasile / edited by Nigel Prince and Chiara Parisi. - Birmingham : Ikon Gallery, 2009. 153 p. : il. ; 29 cm. ISBN 9781904864462 1. Man, Victor 2. Fotografi romni 3. Art fotografic UK / eng 78 Muzic 299. BRILOIU, CONSTANTIN. Problems of ethnomusicology / Constantin Brailoiu ; edited and translated by A.L. Lloyd. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. XIX, 299 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 978-0521117449 1. Etnomuzicologie US / eng = rum

300. CELIBIDACHE, SERGIU. ber musikalische phnomenologie : ein vortrag und weitere materialien / Sergiu Celibidache. - Augsburg : Wissner, 2008. 89 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Celibidachiana: Werke und Schriften ; Bd. 1). ISBN 9783896396419 1. Muzic -- Filozofie i estetic 2. Fenomenologie -- Eseu DE / ger 301. COSTANTINO, SALVATORE. Il destino di un uomo : l' dipe di George Enescu / Salvatore Costantino. - Bologna : Clueb, 2009. 178 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Heuresis ; 8). Index. Bibliogr. p. 169-173. ISBN 9788849131963 1. Enescu, George 2. Oper -- Istorie i critic 3. Compozitori romni 4. Oedip IT / ita 302. EDELMANN, FRIEDRICH. Cheribidakke no ongaku to sugao : moto myunhen firuhamoni shuseki fagotto sosha no kaisoroku / by Friedrich Edelmann, Yukihiro Nakamura ; translated by Yoshiya Ishihara. - Tokyo : Arufabeta, 2009. 175 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9784871985659 1. Celibidache, Sergiu 1. Dirijori romni 2. Muzic -- Filozofie i estetic JP / jpn 303. ISAKA, HIROSHI. Maesutorotachi no rokuon genba : karayan grudo to rekdo purodys / Hiroshi Isaka. - Tokyo : Shunjusha, 2009. 287 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9784393935453 1. Karajan, Herbert von 2. Celibidache, Sergiu 3. Dirijori -- Activitate 4. Dirijori romni 5. Muzic clasic JP / jpn

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304. La reconnaissance sur la scne franaise : XVIIe-XXIe sicle / tudes runies et prsentes par Franoise Heulot-Petit, Lise Michel, Raluca BranPierrot. - Arras : Presses Universitaires d'Artois, 2009. 266 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (tudes littraires). Index. Bibliogr. p. 255-257. ISBN 9782848320908 1. Teatru francez -- Istorie 2. Teatrologie FR / fre 305. BANU, GEORGE. Claude Rgy : tudes et tmoignages / Georges Banu ; diteur Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux. - Paris : CNRS ditions, 2008. 407 p. : il. ; 27 cm. - (Voies de la cration thtrale ; 23). Index. Bibliogr. p. 377-393. ISBN 9782271066831 1. Rgy, Claude 2. Regizori de teatru -- Frana 3. Teatru politic -- Spaii neconvenionale FR / fre 306. Draculas, vampires, and other undead forms : essays on gender, race, and culture / edited by John Edgar Browning, Caroline Joan Picart. Lanham, MD : Scarecrow Press, 2009. XXII, 315 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Working through change and xenophobia in Europe. Return ticket to Transylvania: relations between historical reality and vampire fiction / Santiago Lucendo. ISBN 9780810869233 1. Vampiri -- Transilvania 2. Cinematografie -- Teme, motive 3. Filme -- Thriler US / eng

307. MANOLESCU, MONICA. Lolita : cartographies de l'obsession (Nabokov, Kubrick) / Monica Manolescu et Anne-Marie Paquet-Deyris. - Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 2009. 172 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Srie Anglais). Bibliogr. p. 165-172. ISBN 9782130578352 1. Kubrick, Stanley 2. Nabokov, Vladimir 3. Filmologie 4. Filme i literatur -- Ecranizri 5. Personaj feminin FR / fre 308. PINTILIE, LUCIAN. Bric--brac : du cauchemar rel au ralisme magique / Lucian Pintilie ; traduit du roumain et annot par Marie-France Ionesco ; prface par Georges Banu ; postface par Bertrand Tavernier. Montpellier : L' Entretemps, 2009. 473 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Thtre et cinma). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Bricabrac. ISBN 9782912877871 1. Teatru i societate 2. Cinematografie -- Teme, motive 3. Filme romneti contemporane FR / fre = rum 309. STRIHAN, ANDREI. The same play, different masks / Andrei Strihan ; translation from Romanian by Adrian Solomon. - Cfar-Habad : A. Strihan, 2009. 333 p. ; 24 cm. 1. Personaliti culturale romneti 2. Teatru -- Israel -- Spectacol 3. Teatru evreiesc -- Istorie IL / eng = rum





310. A linguist's linguist : studies in south slavic linguistics in honor of E. Wayles Browne / edited by Steven Franks, Vrinda Chidambaram, Brian Joseph. - Bloomington, IN : Slavica, 2009. 487 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: The diffusion of Macedonian inflections into MeglenoRomanian: a reconsideration of the evidence / Victor A. Friedman. ISBN 9780893573645 1. Browne, Wayles E 2. Lingvistic balcanic -- Limbi slave 3. Meglenoromni 4. Lingviti -- Evocare US / eng 311. Loan phonology / edited by Andrea Calabrese, W. Leo Wetzels. Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 2009. 273 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science ; 307). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: The adaptation of Romanian loanwords from Turkish and French / Michael L. Friesner. ISBN 9789027248237 1. Lingvistic comparat -- Aspect teoretic 2. Limba romn -- Fonologie -- mprumuturi 3. Fonetic i fonologie NL / eng 312. Perspectives in translation studies / edited by Floriana Popescu. Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars, 2009. IX, 202 p. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781443812566 1. Lingvistic -- Cercetri -- Plurilingvism 2. Lingvistic comparat GB / eng

313. Phonetics and phonology : interactions and interrelations / edited by Marina Cludia Vigrio, Snia Frota, M. Joo Freitas. - Amsterdam : John Benjamins Publishing, 2009. VI, 290 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science ; v. 306). Bibliogr. Index. Conine: Cues to contrastive focus in Romanian / Olson Manolescu. ISBN 9789027248220 1. Fonetic i fonologie 2. Limba romn -- Fonetic 3. Lingvistic comparat NL / eng 314. POPESCU, IOAN-IOVI. Aspects of word frequencies / IoanIovitz Popescu, Jan Mautek, Gabriel Altmann. - Ldenscheid : RAM, 2009. 198 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Studies in quantitative linguistics ; 3). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783980265966 1. Lingvistic comparat 2. Limbaj -- Teorie DE / eng 315. POPESCU, IOAN-IOVI. Word frequency studies / by IoanIovitz Popescu ; editor, Gabriel Altmann. - Berlin : Mouton de Gruyter, 2009. XI, 278 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Quantitative linguistics ; 64). Index. Bibliogr. p. 265-270. ISBN 9783110218527 1. Lingvistic comparat -- Aspect teoretic 2. Cuvinte compuse -- Frecven DE / eng 316. Translators and their readers : in homage to Eugene A. Nida / edited by Rodica Dimitriu and Miriam Shlesinger. - Bruxelles : ditions du Hasard, 2009. 363 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9782930154237 1. Nida, Eugene Albert 2. Lingviti americani -- Evocare 3. Lingvistic -- Cercetri -- Plurilingvism BE / eng





317. VIDA, ANAMARIA RALUCA. La retraduction : entre fidlit et innovation / Raluca Anamaria Vida. - Lille : A.N.R.T, 2009. 365 p. ; 23 cm. - (Thse la carte). Tez de doctorat. Rodica Pop. ISBN 9782729576783 1. Lingvistic aplicat 2. Traducere i interpretare 3. Traducere literar -- Teorie FR / fre 811 Limbi individuale 318. CUSEN, GABRIELA. Investigating vocabulary learning strategies : a case study of Romanian undergraduates with a professional interest in learning English as a foreign language / Gabriela Cusen. Saarbrucken : VDM Publishing, 2009. 294 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783639131147 1. Limba englez -- Romnia -- Studiu i predare 2. Limba englez -- Limbaj tehnic 3. Limba englez -- Lexic de afaceri DE / eng 319. Deutsche Sprache im Donauraum : 20 jahre donauschwbische kulturstiftung des landes Baden-Wrttemberg / Hrsg: Hartmut Melenk, Eugen Christ. - Freiburg im Breisgau : Fillibach, 2009. 176 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783931240554 1. Limba german -- Dialecte -- Transilvania 2. Limba german -- Dialecte -- Europa Central i de Est 3. vabi -- Banat DE / ger

320. Language, discourse and identity in Central Europe : the german language in a multilingual space / edited by Jenny Carl and Patrick Stevenson. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XV, 268 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. - (Language and globalization). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Towards a multinational concept of culture : Romanian German literature in Romanian and Hungarian literature / Thomas Cooper. ISBN 9780230224353 1. Limba german -- Dialecte -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Sociolingvistic 3. Limba german -- Dialecte -- Transilvania US / eng 811.135.1 Limba romn 321. ILIESCU, MARIA. Rumnische grammatik / Maria Iliescu, Victoria Popovici. - Hamburg : H. Buske, 2009. 450 p. : 24 cm. ISBN 9783875484908 1. Limba romn -- Gramatic DE / ger 322. MARDALE, ALEXANDRU. Les prpositions fonctionnelles du roumain : tudes comparatives sur le marquage casuel / Alexandru Mardale. Paris : L' Harmattan, 2009. 300 p. ; 22 cm. - (Smantiques). Index. Bibliogr. p. 269-292. ISBN 9782296103863 1. Limba romn -- Semantic 2. Limba romn -- Prepoziii FR / fre 323. NEGRIESCU, VALENTINA. Grammatica romena : morfologia, sintassi ed esercizi / Valentina Negritescu, Davide Arrigoni. - Milano : U. Hoepli, 2009. XIV, 384 p. : il. ; 26 cm. ISBN 9788820343507 1. Limba romn -- Gramatic 2. Limba romn contemporan IT / ita





324. Per Teresa : studi e ricerche in ricordo di Teresa Ferro / a cura di Giampaolo Borghello. - Udine : Forum, 2009. 1288 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Obiettivo Romania / Daniela Lombardi. ISBN 9788884205384 1. Ferro, Teresa 2. Limba romn -- Studiu i predare -- Italia 3. Filologi italieni -- Evocare 4. Limba romn -- Gramatic comparat -- Limba italian IT / ita 325. SARLIN, MIKA. Romanian kielioppi / Mika Sarlin. - Helsinki : Books on demand, 2009. 222 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789524981521 ISBN 9524981521 1. Limba romn -- Gramatic SE / swe 82 Literatur 326. BABUTS, NICOLAE. Memory, metaphors, and meaning : reading literary texts / Nicolae Babuts. - New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, 2009. XXVI, 219 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Metaphoric fields : Blaga, Melville, and Leopardi. ISBN 9781412810227 1. Blaga, Lucian 2. Melville, Herman 3. Leopardi, Giacomo 4. Teorie literar -- Limbaj -- Metafor 5. Literatur universal -- Teme, motive US / eng

327. Confluenze letterarie italo-romene / a cura di Geo Vasile. Poggio Imperiale (Foggia) : Edizioni del Poggio, 2009. IX, 315 p. ; 23 cm. - (Europei). Ed. parial bilingv n lb. italian i romn. Bibliogr. ISBN 978-88-89008-59-1 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie 3. Antologii literare IT / ita 328. ELIADE, MIRCEA. Maitorei & Keibetsu / Mircea Eliade, Alberto Moravia ; translated by Akio Okubo. - Tokyo : Kawade Design, 2009. 469, XIV p. ; 20 cm. - (Sekai bungaku zensh ; 2-3). Text n lb. japonez. Paginaie invers. F. de tit. i n lb. japonez. ISBN 978-4-309-70955-0 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Literatur italian -- Roman -- Traducere JP / jpn = rum 329. Rosso primo / a cura di Valerio Nardoni ; traduzioni di Oana Bosca Malin ; dipinti di Riccardo Bargellini. - Reggio Emilia : Mavida, 2009. 118 p. : il. color ; 30 cm. Conine: Poezii / Daniela Crasnaru. ISBN 9788836811496 1. Literatur universal -- Antologii 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere IT / ita

ROMNICA 82.09 Critic i istorie literar




330. A companion to medieval popular romance / edited by Raluca L. Radulescu, Cory James Rushton. - Cambridge, UK : D.S. Brewer, 2009. XIV, 209 p. ; 25 cm. - (Studies in medieval romance ; 10). Index. Bibliogr. p. 181-204. ISBN 9781843841920 1. Literatur medieval -- Teme, motive 2. Literatur popular englez 3. Literatur englez -- Istorie i critic GB / eng 331. ...keiner dieser Orte ist zu finden : literaturwissenschaftliche aufstze / herausgeber Norina Procopan. - Klagenfurt : Wieser Verlag, 2009. 200 p. ; 21 cm. - (Wieser Wissenschaft). ISBN 9783851297485 1. Literatur german -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 2. Poei germani -- Evocare DE / ger 332. AKLI, MDLINA. Conventional and original metaphors in french autobiography / Madalina Akli. - New York : Peter Lang, 2009. XI, 271 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Currents in comparative Romance languages and literatures ; 165). Bibliogr. p. 259-271. ISBN 9781433103247 1. Literatur francez -- Proz -- Istorie i critic 2. Teorie literar -- Limbaj -- Metafor 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 333. AXELROD, GERALD. Transsylvanien : im reich von Dracula / Gerald Axelrod. - Wrzburg : Strtz, 2009. 128 p. : il. ; 31 cm. - (Mythen & Legenden). ISBN 9783800319374 1. Transilvania n literatur 2. Vampiri n literatur 3. Dracula DE / ger

334. Bram Stoker's Dracula : a documentary journey into vampire country and the Dracula phenomenon / edited by Elizabeth Miller. - New York : Pegasus Books, 2009. XXIII, 391 p. : il., h. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. p. 377-391. ISBN 9781605980522 1. Stoker, Bram 2. Dracula -- Ficiune 3. Vampiri -- Transilvania -- Origini 4. Literatur englez -- Roman -- Istorie i critic US / eng 335. CODRESCU, ANDREI. The posthuman Dada guide : Tzara & Lenin play chess / Andrei Codrescu. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2009. 235 p. ; 21 cm. - (Public square). Bibliogr. p. 221-235. ISBN 9780691137780 1. Tzara, Tristan 2. Dadaism 3. Literatur i politic 4. Avangard literar -- Teme, motive US / eng 336. DUBOIS, ALAIN. Mtamorphoses / Alain Dubois, Pierre Drogi. Paris : d. le Pommier, 2008. 183 p. ; 16 cm. - (Le collge de la Cit ; 34). Cartea conine un important capitol despre Nichita Stnesecu i Henri Michaux. ISBN 9782746503694 1. Stnescu, Nichita 2. Michaux, Henri 3. Literatur -- Teme, motive 4. Scriitori romni -- Critic i interpretare 5. Literatur european -- Istorie i critic FR / fre





337. ERZSE-BOITOR, KINGA. Das bild des anderen in der rumniendeutschen kinder- und jugendliteratur / Kinga Erzse-Boitor. Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2009. 187 p. ; 21 cm. - (Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien ; 59). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783631584378 1. Literatur german din Romnia -- Istorie i critic 2. Literatur juvenil DE / ger 338. FONDANE, BENJAMIN. Benjamin Fondane : pote, essayiste, cinaste et philosophe : Roumanie, Paris, Auschwitz, 1898-1944 / Benjamin Fondane; Mmorial de la Shoah; Socit d'tudes Benjamin Fondane. - Paris : Mmorial de la Shoah, 2009. 127 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Conine poezii i scrisori ale lui Benjamin Fondane. Index. Bibliogr. p. 122-123. ISBN 9782916966595 1. Fondane, Benjamin 2. Poei romni -- Exil -- Frana 3. Avangard literar -- Teme, motive 4. Scriitori evrei din Romnia FR / fre 339. GHEORGHE, MANUELA EUGENIA. Boundaries in motion : Christian initiation and literary discourse in Vasile Andru's and Daniela Hodrov's fiction / Manuela Eugenia Gheorghe. - Olomouc : Palacky University, 2008. XIV, 223 p. : 25 cm. - (Monographs). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9788024422145 1. Andru, Vasile 2. Hodrov, Daniela 3. Scriitori romni -- Critic i interpretare 4. Literatur i cretinism 5. Literatur romn -- Istorie i critic CZ / eng

340. JUTRIN, MONIQUE. La conscience malheureuse : lectures de "Titanic" / Monique Jutrin. - Kfar-Saba : Socit d'tudes Benjamin Fondane, 2009. 180 p. : il., facsim. ; 21 cm. - (Cahiers Benjamin Fondane ; 12). Bibliogr. p. 173-178. 1. Fondane, Benjamin 2. Scriitori evrei din Romnia 3. Literatur francez -- Eseu -- Istorie i critic IL / fre 341. JUTRIN, MONIQUE. Le thtre de Fondane : relectures d'Ulysse / Monique Jutrin. - Kfar-Saba : Socit d'tudes Benjamin Fondane, 2008. 220 p. : il., facsims., ports. ; 21 cm. - (Cahiers Benjamin Fondane ; 11). Bibliogr. p. 208-218. 1. Fondane, Benjamin 2. Scriitori evrei din Romnia 3. Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic IL / fre 342. Kaleidoscopic Nabokov : perspectives franaises / textes runis par Lara Delage-Toriel et Monica Manolescu. - Paris : M. Houdiard, 2009. 225 p. : il. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782356920195 1. Nabokov, Vladimir 2. Literatur american -- Roman -- Istorie i critic 3. Scriitori rui -- Exil -- America FR / fre 343. KOESTLER-GRACK, RACHEL A. Elie Wiesel : witness for humanity / by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack. - Pleasantville, NY : Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2009. 112 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. - (Life portraits). Index. Bibliogr. p. 106-108. ISBN 9781433900549 1. Wiesel, lie 2. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 3. Literatur american -- Istorie i critic 4. Evrei -- Holocaust (1939-1945) -- Memorii US / eng





344. LZRESCU, MARIANA-VIRGINIA. "Schau, das leben ist so bunt" : Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Karin Gndisch und Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu : drei reprsentative deutsch schreibende autorinnen aus Rumnien / Mariana-Virginia Lzrescu. - Berlin : Wissenschaftliche Verlag, 2009. 105 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783865734457 1. Meerbaum-Eisinger, Selma 2. Gndisch, Karin 3. Puchianu, Carmen Elisabeth 4. Literatur german din Romnia -- Istorie i critic 5. Femei -- Activitate literar DE / ger 345. MCGOWAN, MATTHEW M. Ovid in exile : power and poetic redress in the Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto / Matthew M. McGowan. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. VIII, 261 p. ; 25 cm. - (Nemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava ; 309). Index. Bibliogr. p. 217-231. ISBN 9789004170766 1. Ovidius Naso, Publius 2. Literatur latin -- Istorie i critic 3. Poei latini -- Exil -- Constana NL / eng 346. NE, MARIANA. Alexandre Dumas, crivain du XXIe sicle : l' impatience du lendemain / Mariana Net. - Paris : L'Harmattan, 2008. 316 p. : il. color ; 22 cm. - (Critiques littraires). Bibliogr. p. 311-314. ISBN 9782296063174 1. Dumas, Alexandre 2. Scriitori francezi -- Critic i interpretare 3. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic FR / fre

347. ORLICH, ILEANA ALEXANDRA. Myth and modernity in the twentieth century Romanian novel / Ileana Orlich. - Boulder, CO : East European Monographs, 2009. 154 p. ; 23 cm. - (East European monographs ; v. 745). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780880336437 1. Literatur romn -- Teme, motive 2. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Istorie i critic US / eng 348. Performance, exile and 'America' / edited by Silvija Jestrovic and Yana Meerzon. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XIII, 266 p. : il., h., port. ; 23 cm. - (Studies in international performance). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: An american mile in others' shoes : the tragicomedy of immigrating to the 21st century U.S. / Diana Manole. ISBN 9780230574564 1. Dramaturgie american -- Istorie i critic 2. Exilul n literatur -- Alienare 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 349. POPESCU-SANDU, OANA AGNES. A vanishing act : Gulag narratives and their afterlife / Oana Agnes Popescu-Sandu. - Urbana, IL : University of Illinois Press, 2009. III, 185 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Bibliogr. p. 173-181. Tez de doctorat. Harriet Murav. ISBN 9781109219579 1. Literatur de detenie -- Memorialistic -- Istorie i critic 2. Literatur -- Comunism -- Europa de Est US / eng





350. Regards sur la posie du XXe sicle / textes runis et prsents par Laurent Fels. - Namur : Les ditions Namuroises, 2009. 578 p. : il. ; 25 cm. - (tudes et Essais). Conine: Ion Barbu : de la musique des symboles / Constantin Frosin. ISBN 978-2-930378-61-9 1. Barbu, Ion 2. Literatur contemporan -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 3. Poei romni -- Evocare BE / fre 351. Reise in die nachbarschaft : zur wirkungsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen literatur aus der Bukowina und Galizien nach 1918 / Hrsg. Manfred Mller, Larissa Cybenko. - Berlin : Lit, 2009. 175 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Transkulturelle Forschungen an den sterreichBibliotheken im Ausland ; Bd. 2). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783643501073 1. Literatur german -- Bucovina -- Istorie i critic 2. Literatur german -- Recepie DE / ger 352. SCHLESAK, DIETER. Poesia, malattia pericolosa / Schlesak Dieter ; curato da: Ercolani Marco ; traduttori: Ricci M., Cavallo T., Staude A. Novi Ligure : Joker, 2008. 124 p. : 20 cm. - (Libri dell'arca). ISBN 9788875361846 1. Literatur german -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 2. Poei germani -- Evocare 3. Diaspor romn IT / ita = ger 353. SCHLESAK, DIETER. Der tod und der teufel : materialien zu "Vlad, der todesfrst. Die Dracula-korrektur" / Dieter Schlesak. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2009. 229 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Fragmentarium). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783937139753 1. Vlad 2. Vampiri n literatur 3. Literatur i istorie -- Teme, motive 4. Transilvania n literatur DE / ger

354. SERMONTI, VITTORIO. Il vizio di leggere / Vittorio Sermonti. Milano : Rizzoli, 2009. 632 p. : 19 cm. - (Saggi italiani). Bibliogr. p. 619-632. ISBN 9788817032988 1. Literatur romn -- Istorie i critic 2. Literatur universal -- Istorie i critic 3. Scriitori romni -- Evocare IT / ita 355. TUFESCU, FLORINA. Oscar Wilde's plagiarism : the triumph of art over ego / Florina Tufescu. - Dublin : Irish Academic Press, 2008. VIII, 198 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 166-185. ISBN 9780716529040 1. Wilde, Oscar 2. Plagiat 3. Literatur englez -- Proz -- Istorie i critic 4. Literatur i imitaie IE / eng 356. EPENEAG, DUMITRU. Frappes chirurgicales / Dumitru Tsepeneag. - Paris : P.O.L, 2009. 199 p. : 21 cm. ISBN 9782846823043 1. Literatur contemporan -- Istorie i critic 2. Critic literar -- Antologii FR / fre 357. VON MURE, KONRAD. Novus Grecismus / Konrad von Mure ; herausgegeben, eingeleitet und mit registern versehen von Alexandru N. Cizek. Mnchen : Fink, 2009. XCVI, 430 p. : il. ; 28 cm. - (Mnstersche Mittelalter-Schriften ; Bd. 81). Bibliogr. p. 425-430. Index. ISBN 9783770548484 1. Von Mure, Konrad 2. Literatur medieval -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 3. Literatur latin -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic 4. Poei germani -- Evul mediu -- Evocare DE / ger





358. Wahrnehmung der deutsch(sprachig)en literatur aus Ostmittelund Sdosteuropa : ein paradigmenwechsel ? / herausgegeben von Peter Motzan und Stefan Sienerth. - Mnchen : IKGS Verlag, 2009. 338 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Verffentlichungen des Instituts fr Deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Sdosteuropas : Wissenschaftliche Reihe ; Bd. 115). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9783981169423 1. Literatur german din Romnia -- Istorie i critic 2. Literatur german -- Europa de Est -- Istorie i critic 3. Literatur german -- Recepie DE / ger 359. WINDSPERGER, MARIANNE. Lebenswege in traum(a)landschaften : die Bukowina als erinnerungslandschaft in ausgewhlten werken Aharon Appelfelds / Marianne Windsperger. - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2009. 170 p. ; 21 cm. - (Europische Hochschulschriften ; 129). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783631578773 1. Appelfeld, Aharon 2. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Bucovina -- Memorii 3. Scriitori evrei din Romnia -- Evocare DE / ger 821.111 Literatur englez i de limb englez 360. AVASILICHIOAIEI, OANA. Expeditions of a chimaera / Oana Avasilichioaei, Ern Mour. - Toronto : BookThug, 2009. 98 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9781897388471 1. Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn CA / eng 361. AVASILICHIOAIEI, OANA. Feria : a poempark / Oana Avasilichioaei. - Hamilton, ON : Wolsak and Wynn, 2009. 104 p. : il. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. p. 102. ISBN 9781894987295 1. Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn CA / eng

362. BLACKER, WILLIAM. Along the enchanted way : a Romanian story / William Blacker. - London : John Murray, 2009. VII, 305 p. : il. ; 25 cm. ISBN 9780719597909 1. Literatur englez -- Cltorii 2. Romnia n literatur GB / eng 363. BRISTOW, LANE. Kelly's world-fixing machine : novel / Lane Bristow. - Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. 312 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781438989037 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur US / eng 364. CTUANU, MIRCEA. The strange case of the missing sheep / Mircea Catusanu. - New York : Viking, 2009. 90 p. ; 26 cm. ISBN 9780670011315 1. Literatur american pentru copii 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora US / eng 365. CODRESCU, ANDREI. Jealous witness : poems / Andrei Codrescu. - Minneapolis, MN : Coffee House Press, 2008. 122 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781566892179 1. Literatur american -- Poezie 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora US / eng 366. DICKS, TERRANCE. The Transylvanian incident / Terrance Dicks. - London : Piccadilly, 2009. 113 p. ; 20 cm. - (The unexplained). ISBN 9781848120396 1. Transilvania n literatur 2. Literatur englez 3. Literatur juvenil GB / eng





367. EDWARDS, BRIAN. To Romania with love / Brian Edwards. New York : Eloquent Books, 2009. 292 p. : 23 cm. ISBN 9781606936948 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur US / eng 368. ELSNER, ALAN. Romance language : a novel / Alan Elsner. New Orleans, LA : Portals Press, 2009. 271 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780916620905 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) 3. Literatur american -- Roman US / eng 369. GROSZ, IVAN. Reflections on a distant journey / Ivan Grosz. Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. 136 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781438927107 1. Diaspor romn 2. Literatur american -- Memorii US / eng 370. GROVE, DIANA. Dot.conned : the outrageously funny, 100 true accounts of conning Internet con men / Diana Grove ; foreword by Andrei Codrescu. - New Orleans, LA : CreateSpace, 2009. ISBN 9781448682324 1. Literatur umoristic american 2. Diaspor romn US / eng 371. HAGGAI, CARMON. Triangle of deception : novel / Carmon Haggai. - New York, NY : Leisure Books, 2009. 339 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN 9780843961928 1. Romnia -- Ficiune 2. Literatur american -- Roman US / eng

372. IRTEL, JOHN. From the land beyond the forest / John Irtel. Glen Waverley, Vic : Sid Harta, 2007. IX, 352 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9781921206689 1. Imigrani romni -- Australia 2. Sai -- Transilvania -- Obiceiuri 3. Literatur australian -- Memorialistic AU / eng 373. MOGA KENNEDY, STELLA. Stella's way : from communist romania to becoming a prosperous entrepreneur living the american dream / Stella Moga Kennedy ; edited by Dustin S. Klein. - New York : iUniverse, 2009. 444 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781440152719 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn US / eng 374. MOSCOVICI, CLAUDIA. Velvet totalitarianism : post-stalinist Romania / Claudia Moscovici. - Lanham, MD : University Press of America, 2009. 403 p. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780761846932 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn US / eng 375. OPRNESCU, CONSTANTIN. Memories ... testimonies ... my life! : the train of hope / Constantin Opranescu. - Balga, WA : C. Opranescu, 2009. 150 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780646520421 1. Literatur australian -- Memorialistic 2. Diaspor romn AU / eng 376. POP-BUIA, CLAUDIU. Reaching Home / Claudiu Pop Buia. Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. 164 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781438951973 1. Literatur englez -- Memorii 2. Diaspor romn 3. Imigrani romni -- Irlanda -- Amintiri US / eng





377. POPESCU, PETRU. Girl Mary / Petru Popescu. - New York : Simon & Schuster, 2009. 356 p. : 22 cm. ISBN 9781416532637 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora US / eng 378. RDULESCU, DOMNICA. Der zug nach Triest : Roman / Domnica Radulescu ; aus dem amerikanischen von Christiane Seiler. - Hamburg : Hoffmann und Campe, 2009. 399 p. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. englez): Train to Trieste. ISBN 9783455401189 1. Literatur american -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn DE / ger = eng 379. SHECKLEY, ALISA. The better to hold you / Alisa Sheckley. New York : Del Rey Books, 2009. 336 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN 9780345505873 1. Literatur american -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur US / eng 380. SOTA, ALEXANDRU. 10 degrees of glory : a book of poetry & spoken word : a tribute to love, life & dreams / Alexandru Sota. - Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. 236 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9781438982106 1. Literatur american -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn US / eng 381. STNESCU, SAVIANA. Aliens with extraordinary skills / Saviana Stanescu. - New York : Samuel French, 2009. 89 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780573670350 1. Literatur american -- Teatru -- Comedie neagr 2. Diaspor romn US / eng

382. IGANOV, BOGDAN. The wooden tongue speaks : romanians, contradictions and realities / Bogdan Tiganov ; illustrations by Sean Starr. - San Francisco, CA : Subculture Books, 2008. 272 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 978-0979919435 1. Literatur american -- Poezie 2. Literatur american -- Proz scurt 3. Diaspor romn US / eng 383. URSU, ANNE. The immortal fire / Anne Ursu. - New York : Atheneum, 2009. XIV, 514p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (The Cronus chronicles ; 3). ISBN 9781416905912 1. Literatur american -- Ficiune 2. Diaspor romn 3. Literatur juvenil US / eng 384. VNDOR, LEHEL. Ears / Lehel Vandor. - London : Legend Press, 2008. 220 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 978-1849231589 1. Romnia n literatur 3. Diaspor romn GB / eng 2. Literatur englez -- Memorii

821.112.2 Literatur german 385. BANCIU, CARMEN-FRANCESCA. Vaterflucht : roman / Carmen-Francesca Banciu. - Berlin : Volk und Welt, 2009. 127 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9783867890779 1. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 2. Literatur german -- Roman DE / ger





386. BERGEL, HANS. Die wiederkehr der wlfe : Roman / Hans Bergel. - Mnchen : Langen-Mller, 2006. 686 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Rentoarcerea lupilor. ISBN 9783784430522 1. Literatur german -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn 3. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil DE / ger = rum 387. BRANTSCH, INGMAR. Ich war kein dissident : autobiographie / Ingmar Brantsch. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2009. 254 p. ; 20 cm. - (Fragmentarium). ISBN 9783937139685 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Memorii DE / ger 388. FLORESCU, CTLIN DORIAN. Zaira : roman / Catalin Dorian Florescu. - Mnchen : Dt. Taschenbuch-Verlag, 2009. 477 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783423138291 1. Diaspor romn 2. Literatur german -- Roman DE / ger 389. FLORESCU, CTLIN DORIAN. Der blinde masseur : roman / Catalin Dorian Florescu. - Zrich : Piper, 2009. 270 p. ; 19 cm. ISBN 9783492254830 1. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 2. Literatur german -- Roman DE / ger 390. HERZOG, PETER. La rparation : un survivant raconte / Peter Herzog. - Paris : Harmattan, 2009. 296 p. : il., portr. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Wiedergutmachung. ISBN 9782296082687 1. Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii 2. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere 3. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Mrturii FR / fre = ger

391. LIPPET, JOHANN. Das leben einer akte : chronologie einer bespitzelung durch die Securitate / Johann Lippet. - Heidelberg : Wunderhorn, 2009. 158 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783884233313 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Memorii DE / ger 392. MILIGUI, MARUF ILIAN. Radio Kairo und Prinzessin Teleki : erlebnisse und erinnerungen aus gypten und Rumnien / Maruf Ilian Miligui. - Halle : Projekte-Verl. Cornelius, 2009. 131 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783866346819 1. Literatur german -- Cltorii 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii DE / ger 393. MLLER, HERTA. Atemschaukel : roman / Herta Mller. Mnchen : Hanser, 2009. 299 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783446233911 1. Literatur german -- Roman 2. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil DE / ger 394. MLLER, HERTA. Cristina und ihre attrappe, oder, was (nicht) in den akten der Securitate steht / Herta Mller. - Gttingen : Wallstein, 2009. 47 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Gttinger Sudelbltter). ISBN 9783835306288 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Proz DE / ger 395. MLLER, HERTA. Heimat ist das, was gesprochen wird / Herta Mller ; redaktion und nachwort, Ralph Schock. - Merzig : Gollenstein, 2009. 67 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Rede an die Abiturienten des Jahrgangs). ISBN 9783938823651 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Literatur german -- Proz DE / ger





396. MLLER, HERTA. Nadirs / Herta Mller ; translations and afterword by Sieglinde Lug. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2009. 126 p. ; 20 cm. - (European women writers). Tit. orig. (lb. german): Niederungen. ISBN 9780-8032-8254-X 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Proz -- Traducere US / eng = ger 397. MLLER, HERTA. Serctko / Herta Mller ; przeoya Alicja Buras. - Woowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2009. 210 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Herztier. ISBN 9788375361513 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere PL / pol = ger 398. MLLER, HERTA. A terra das ameixas verdes / Herta Mller ; traduo de Maria Alexandra A. Lopes. - Lisboa : Difel, 2009. 203 p. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Herztier. ISBN 9789722909716 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere PT / por = ger 399. MLLER, HERTA. Der fuchs war damals schon der jger : roman / Herta Mller. - Mnchen : Hanser, 2009. 285 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 978-3-446-23333-1 1. Literatur german -- Roman 2. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil DE / ger

400. MLLER, HERTA. Der mensch ist ein grosser fasan auf der welt : eine erzhlung / Herta Mller. - Mnchen : Carl Hanser Verlag, 2009. 110 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9783446234437 1. Persecuii politice -- Romnia 2. Literatur german -- Proz 3. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil DE / ger 401. MLLER, HERTA. Die fremde blick, oder : das leben ist ein furz in der laterne / Herta Mller. - Gottingen : Wallstein, 2009. 84 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Gttinger Sudelbltter). ISBN 9783892443599 1. Literatur german -- Memorii 2. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil DE / ger 402. MLLER, HERTA. L' homme est un grand faisan sur terre / Herta Mller ; traduit de l'allemand par Nicole Bary. - Paris : Editions Maren Sell, 2009. 123 p. ; 18 cm. - (Collection Folio ; 2173). Tit. orig. (lb. german): Der mensch ist ein grosser fasan auf der welt. ISBN 9782070382385 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 3. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere FR / fre = ger 403. MLLER, HERTA. The passport / Herta Mller ; translated by Martin Chalmers. - London : Serpent's Tail, 2009. 93 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. german): Mensch ist ein grosser fasan auf der welt. ISBN 9781852421397 1. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil 2. Literatur german -- Proz -- Traducere GB / eng = ger




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 821.112.2(498) Literatur german din Romnia

404. SCHLESAK, DIETER. Il farmacista di Auschwitz / Dieter Schlesak ; trad. di Tomaso Cavallo ; prefazione di Claudio Magris. - Milano : Garzanti, 2009. 443 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Narratori moderni). Tit. orig. (lb. german): Capesius, der Auschwitzapotheker. ISBN 9788811683490 1. Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil IT / ita = ger 405. STEPHANI, CLAUS. Blumenkind : roman / Claus Stephani. Munchen : SchirmerGraf, 2009. 349 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783865550675 1. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Transilvania 2. Literatur german din Romnia -- Roman DE / ger 406. WIKETE, MONICA. Goethe bei den rumniendeutschen : literatur-rezeption im Banat und in Siebenbrgen / Monika Wikete. - Marburg : Tectum, 2009. 269 p. ; 21 cm. - (Wissenschaftliche Beitrge aus dem Tectum Verlag. Reihe Literaturwissenschaft ; Bd. 9). ISBN 978-3-8288-9943-8 1. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1. Scriitori germani -- Recepie 2. Literatur german din Romnia -- Istorie i critic DE / ger

407. Die Buche : eine anthologie deutschsprachiger judendichtung aus der Bukowina / aus dem nachlass herausgegeben von George Guu, Peter Motzan und Stefan Sienerth ; zusammengestellt von Alfred Margul-Sperber. Munchen : IKGS Verlag, 2009. 469 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Wissenschaftliche Reihe: Literatur- und Sprachgeschichte ; Bd. 71). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783890865164 1. Literatur german din Romnia -- Poezie 2. Poei evrei de limb german 3. Antologii literare DE / ger 821.131.1 Literatur italian 408. BELLI, MARCO. Porno bloc : rotocalco morboso dalla Romania post post-comunista / Marco Belli, Lorenzo Mazzoni ; postfazione di Mihai Mircea Butcovan. - Ferrara : La Carmelina Editioni, 2009. 132 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Scatti e scritti). ISBN 9788890330087 1. Literatur italian -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur IT / ita 409. BUTCOVAN, MIHAI MIRCEA. Allunaggio di un immigrato innamorato / Mihai Mircea Butcovan. - Lecce : Besa Editrice, 2007. 112 p. ; 20 cm. - (Cosmografie ; 46). ISBN 9788849703399 1. Literatur italian -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn IT / ita 410. BUTCOVAN, MIHAI MIRCEA. Dal comunismo al consumismo : fotosafari poetico esistenziale romeno-italiano / Mihai Mircea Butcovan, Marco Belli ; prefazione di Moni Ovadia, postfazione di Andrea Bajani. - Ferrara : La Carmelina Editioni, 2009. 136 : il. ; 22 cm. - (Scatti e scritti). ISBN 9788896437049 1. Literatur italian -- Poezie 2. Romnia n literatur 3. Diaspor romn IT / ita

ROMNICA 821.133.1 Literatur francez




411. BOBULESCU, ROXANA. Les annes Ceausescu : rcit d'une adolescence en Roumanie / Roxana Bobulescu. - Paris : Harmattan, 2009. 134 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9782296101005 1. Romnia n literatur 2. Literatur francez -- Memorii 3. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora FR / fre 412. EDELING, THOMAS. L' univers thtral d'Eugne Ionesco dans l'univers essayiste et politique de Franois Bondy / Thomas Edeling. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2009. 104 p. ; 21 cm. - (Europische Hochschulschriften ; Bd. 291). Bibliogr. p. 103-104. ISBN 9783631595169 1. Ionesco, Eugne 2. Bondy, Franois 3. Scriitori francezi -- Critic i interpretare 4. Teatru -- Istorie i critic 5. Diaspor romn DE / fre 413. IANCU, ARNY. Caresser la cime des arbres : roman / Arny Iancu. - Paris : Riveneuve, 2009. 155 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9782914214759 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 414. ISTRATI, PANAIT. Mes dparts / Panat Istrati. - Paris : Editions Grands Caractres, 2008. 147 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9782744407109 1. Literatur francez -- Memorii 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Amintiri FR / fre

415. LAZR, LILIANA. Terre des affranchis : roman / Liliana Lazar. - Montfort-en-Chalosse : ditions Gaa, 2009. 197 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9782847201475 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Romnia n literatur FR / fre 416. ORITA-ERBAN, MANUELA. crivains roumains d'expression franaise : Tristan Tzara, Benjamin Fondane, Mircea Eliade, Eugne Ionesco : aspects de l'exil, trajectoires emblmatique / Manuela OritaSerban. - Lille : Atelier National de Reproduction des Thses, 2009. 438 p. ; 24 cm. - (Thse la carte). Bibliogr. p. 326-353. Tez de doctorat. ISBN 9782729574550 1. Tzara, Tristan 2. Fondane, Benjamin 3. Eliade, Mircea 4. Ionescu, Eugen 5. Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic 6. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana 7. Exilul romnesc FR / fre 417. TNASE, VIRGIL. Zoia : roman / Virgil Tanase. - Paris : Non Lieu, 2009. 539 p. ; 24cm. - ( la marge). ISBN 9782352700661 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana FR / fre 418. VENDEL, PIERRE. Funambule / Pierre Vendel ; illustr par Batrice Garcia ; prfac par Rodica Draghincescu. - Mazres : Le Chasseur abstrait, 2009. 165 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Ada). ISBN 9782355540806 1. Literatur francez -- Poezie FR / fre




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 821.135.1 Literatur romn

419. VISDEI, ANCA. Confessions d'une sductrice : l' ternelle amoureuse / Anca Visdei. - Paris : Favre, 2008. 286 p. : il. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782828909963 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 420. VISDEI, ANCA. La Princesse marie au premier venu / Anca Visdei ; illustrations par Bruno Kremer. - Paris : Avant-Scne Thtre, 2006. 73 p. : il. ; 19 cm. - (Collection des quatre-vents). ISBN 9782749809601 1. Literatur francez -- Poveti 2. Diaspor romn FR / fre 421. VISDEI, ANCA. L' exil d'Alexandra : roman / Anca Visdei. Arles : Actes Sud, 2008. 178 p. ; 19 cm. - (Un endroit o aller ; 198). ISBN 9782742775415 1. Literatur francez -- Roman 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora FR / fre 821.134.2 Literatur spaniol i de limb spaniol 422. IONESCU, ANGELA C. Djame solo, Joe / ngela C. Ionescu ; ilustracin, Alicia Caas Cortzar. - Madrid : Bruo, 2008. 123 p. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Alta mar. Cuentos ; 4). ISBN 9788421653685 1. Literatur spaniol -- Proz 2. Literatur pentru copii -- Poveti 3. Diaspor romn ES / spa

423. Die halluzinogene katze : trume, realien-stimmen und stimmengewirr aus der gegenwart Rumniens / hrsg. Ernest Wichner; mit zeichn. von Tudor Jebeleanu und vignetten von Dan Perjovschi; mit bers. von Georg Aescht. - Bremerhaven : Wirtschaftsverlag, 2009. 228 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Horen ; Bd. 3). ISBN 9783865099044 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Literatur romn -- Antologii DE / ger 424. ABRAMOVICI, MOREL. Asta e situaia / Morel Abramovici. Haifa : Onyx, 2007. 91 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9789659088539 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Proz IL / rum 425. ABRAMOVICI, MOREL. Categoria pan / Morel Abramovici. Haifa : M. Abramovici, 2008. 78 p. : il. ; 20 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Proz IL / rum 426. And the story isn't over... = i povestea nu se sfrete aici... / translated by Lidia Vianu ; edited by Anne Stewart. - Orpington : Poetry pf., 2009. 109 p. ; 21 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile englez i romn. ISBN 9780955204012 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Antologii GB / eng





427. ANDRIESCU, RADU. Memory glyphs : 3 prose poets from Romania / Radu Andriescu, Iustin Pana, Cristian Popescu ; translated from the romanian by Adam J. Sorkin, Mircea Ivnescu and Bogdan tefnescu ; artwork by Cristian Opri. - Prague : Twisted Spoon, 2009. 159 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9788086264325 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Antologii CZ / eng = rum 428. Balkanische alphabete : rumnien / hrsg. Ernest Wichner, bersetzt von Corina Bernic. - Heidelberg : Wunderhorn, 2009. 99 p. ; 22 cm. - (Balkanische Alphabete ; Bd. 2). Ediie bilingv n limbile romn i german. ISBN 9783884233191 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere DE / ger 429. BIDIAN, ALEXANDRU. Licht und schatten / Alexandru Bidian. - Neckenmarkt : Edition Nove, 2009. 364 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Lumini ncletate de umbre: vibraii pentru inim i minte. ISBN 9783852513492 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere AT / ger = rum 430. BIDIAN, ALEXANDRU. Theseus oder das schicksal der macht / Alexandru Bidian ; bersetzt aus dem rumnischen von Puppa Pavel-Mihilescu. Neckenmarkt : Edition Nove, 2009. 162 p. ; 22 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Tezeu sau destinul puterii. ISBN 9783852515724 1. Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere AT / ger

431. BLANDIANA, ANA. Proyectos de pasado / Ana Blandiana ; traduccin y prlogo de Viorica Patea y Fernando Snchez Miret. - Cceres : Perifrica, 2008. 363 p. ; 17 cm. - (Biblioteca porttil ; 21). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Proiecte de trecut. ISBN 9788493623227 1. Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere ES / spa = rum 432. BLECHER, MAX. Occurrence in the immediate unreality / Max Blecher ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. - Plymouth : University of Plymouth Press, 2009. 128 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): ntmplri n irealitatea imediat. Bibliogr. ISBN 9781841022079 1. Avangard literar 2. Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere 3. Scriitori evrei din Romnia GB / eng = rum 433. Brancaflr : Mrchen aus der Romania / Hrsg.: Artur Greive und Ion Talos ; mit einem vorwort von Rolf Wilhelm Brednich. - Aachen : Shaker Verlag, 2009. 420 p. ; 20 cm. Bibliogr. p. 417 - 420. ISBN 9783868583700 1. Literatur popular romneasc 2. Basme romneti -- Traducere 3. Antologii literare DE / ger = rum 434. CASSIAN, NINA. Continuum : poems / Nina Cassian. - New York : W.W. Norton, 2009. XV, 104 p. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780393067668 1. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 2. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng





435. CASSIAN, NINA. Mirakelkvinnan / Nina Cassian ; tolkning och inledning Dan Shafran. - Lund : Ellerstrms, 2008. 56 p. ; 18 cm. ISBN 9789172471924 : [5.00] lei 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere SE / swe = rum 436. CLINESCU, MATEI. Matthew's enigma : a father's portrait of his autistic son / Matei Calinescu ; translated by Angela Jianu. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2009. 224 p. ; 19 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Portretul lui M. Bibliogr. p. 207-208. ISBN 9780253220660 1. Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora US / eng = rum 437. CRBUNARIU, GIANINA. Stop the tempo! : Kebab / Gianina Crbunariu ; peloila Jitka Lukeov. - Praze : Divadeln stav, 2008. 90 p. : 24 cm. - (Souasn hra ; 38). ISBN 9788070082270 1. Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere CZ / cze = rum 438. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Nostalgia / Mircea Cartarescu ; aus dem rumnischen von Gerhardt Csejka. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp Verlag, 2009. 416 p. ; 18 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Nostalgia. ISBN 9783518420744 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere DE / ger = rum

439. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Pourquoi nous aimons les femmes : nouvelles / Mircea Crtrescu ; traduit du roumain par Laure Hinckel. - Paris : Denol, 2008. 206 p. : il. ; 18 cm. - (Et d'ailleurs). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): De ce iubim femeile. ISBN 9782207259580 1. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere FR / fre = rum 440. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. Die Wissenden : roman / Mircea Crtrescu ; bersetzer: Gerhardt Csejka. - Wien : Zsolnay, 2007. 526 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Orbitor - Aripa stng. ISBN 9783552054066 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere AT / ger = rum 441. CRTRESCU, MIRCEA. L' aile tatoue : roman / Mircea Crtrescu ; traduit du roumain par Laure Hinckel. - Paris : Denol, 2009. 621 p : il. color ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Orbitor : aripa dreapt. ISBN 9782207260647 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere FR / fre = rum 442. CRNECI, MAGDA. Trois saisons potiques : pomes / Magda Carneci ; traduit du roumain par Linda Maria Baros et Odile Serre. - Differdange : PHI, 2008. 63 p. : il. ; 17 cm. ISBN 9782879622446 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere LU / fre = rum





443. CESEREANU, RUXANDRA. Forgiven submarine / Ruxandra Cesereanu ; translated by Andrei Codrescu. - Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2009. 198 p. ; 19 cm. - (Translation series). Ed. bilingv n limbile englez i romn. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Submarinul iertat. ISBN 9780981808833 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng 444. CINAMAR, RADU. Transylvanian sunrise / Radu Cinamar ; introduction, epilogue and editing by Peter Moon. - New York : Sky Books, 2009. 284 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9780967816258 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere US / eng 445. CIOCAN, IULIAN. Ne zemel Brenv : romn / Iulian Ciocan ; z rumunskho originlu peloil Ji Nainec. - Praha : Dybbuk, 2009. 128 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig.(lb. romn): nainte s moar Brejnev. ISBN 978-80-86862-84-2 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere CZ / cze = rum 446. ERBICEANU, ADRIAN. La fontaine de ce sicle : pomes / Adrian Erbiceanu ; traduction et prface, Constantin Frosin. - Pierrefonds, Quebec : Association qubcoise des crivains roumains, 2009. 118 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9782923768038 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora CA / fre = rum 447. FIRAN, CARMEN. Rock and dew : selected poems / Carmen Firan ; translated by Adam J. Sorkin. - Riverdale, NY : Sheep Meadow Press, 2009. 74 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781931357630 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng = rum

448. FLORIAN, FILIP. Mae palce / Filip Florian ; prze. Szymon Wciso. - Woowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2008. 216 p. ; 20 cm. - (Inna Europa Inna Literatura). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Degete mici. ISBN 978-83-7536-058-5 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere PL / pol = rum 449. FLORIAN, FILIP. Starszy brat, modszy brat / Filip Florian, Matei Florian ; przeoy Szymon Wciso. - Woowiec : Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2009. 220 p. : h. ; 20 cm. - (Inna Europa Inna Literatura). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Biueii. ISBN 9788375360776 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere PL / pol = rum 450. GITAN-MOZES, MARIA. Zmbind... sub poverile vieii / Maria Gaitan-Mozes. - Tel Aviv : Minimum, 2009. 84 p. ; 21 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Proz IL / rum 451. GHEORGHIU, VIRGIL. Les noirs chevaux des Carpates : roman / Virgil Gheorghiu ; traduit du roumain par Livia Lamoure ; prface de Thierry Gillyboeuf. - Monaco : ditions du Rocher, 2008. 294 p. ; 22 cm. - (Cheval Chevaux). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Casa de la Petrodava. ISBN 9782268064925 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere MC / fre = rum 452. GRAUENFELS, ADRIAN. n vizit la Ussais / Adrian Grauenfels. - Rishon le Zion : Grauenfels, 2009. 110 p. ; 21 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum





453. GROSZ, IVAN. Remembrance : poems and memories / Ivan Grosz. - Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2009. 64 p. ; 19 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile englez i romn. ISBN 978-1434357380 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Diaspor romn US / eng 454. GROAN, IOAN. The cinematography caravan / Ioan Grosan ; illustrated by Alexandru Radvan. - Plymouth : University of Plymouth Press, 2009. 128 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Caravana cinematografic i alte povestiri. ISBN 9781841022055 1. Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere GB / eng = rum 455. IARCHI-LEON, MIOARA. Lirice / Mioara Iarchy Leon. - Bat Yam : Editura Romantica, 2009. 71 p. ; 23 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum 456. IERONIM, IOANA. Brckengasse ohne ufer / Ioana Ieronim ; bers. von Dagmar Dusil. - Bamberg : Johannis Reeg, 2009. 184 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Triumful paparudei. ISBN 9783937320373 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 457. Im kalten schatten der erinnerung : eine anthologie zeitgenssischer prosa aus Rumnien / hrsg. und mit einem vorw. von Romania Constantinescu ; bertr. aus dem rumn. von: Christine Ballon. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2009. 331 p. ; 20 cm. - (Pop Epik). ISBN 9783937139760 1. Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere 2. Literatur romn -- Antologii DE / ger = rum

458. ISPIRESCU, PETRE. Romanian fairy tales / by Petre Ispirescu ; edited by Vidu Ruxandra ; illustrated by Diana Andriuca. - Citrus Heights, CA : Reflection Publishing, 2009. 114 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9780979761812 1. Literatur romn -- Poveti -- Traducere 2. Literatur popular romneasc -- Basme US / eng = rum 459. ISTRATI, PANAIT. Kira Kyralina y El to Anghel / Panait Istrati ; traduccin y notas de Marian Ochoa de Eribe. - Valencia : Pre-Textos, 2008. 344 p. ; 21 cm. - (Narrativa clsicos ; No. 31). ISBN 9788481918922 1. Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere ES / spa = rum 460. ISTRATI, PANAIT. Minka Abla / Panait Istrati ; franszca aslndan cviren: Deniz Ycel Sylvestre. - Istanbul : Antik Dnya Klasikleri, 2008. 110 p. ; 22 cm. - (Bati Klasikleri Dizisi ; 91). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): aa Minca. Trad. dup ed. (lb. francez): Tsatsa Minka. ISBN 9789944184793 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere TR / tur = rum 461. ISTRATI, PANAIT. Nerrantsoula : Le refrain de la fosse / Panait Istrati ; prface de Apostolis Monastirioty. - Paris : Gallimard, 2009. 159 p. ; 19 cm. - (Collection L'Imaginaire ; No. 579). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Neranula i alte povestiri. ISBN 9782070124411 1. Literatur romn --Povestiri -- Traducere FR / fre = rum





462. IUGA, NORA. estdesetletnica in mladeni / Nora Iuga ; prevedel Ale Mustar ; spremna beseda Lidija Dimkovska. - Ljubljana : tudentska zaloba, 2008. 149 p. ; 21 cm. - (Knjina zbirka Beletrina). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Sexagenara i tnrul. ISBN 9789612422004 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere SL / slv = rum 463. IVNESCU, MIRCEA. Lines poems poetry / Mircea Ivanescu ; illustrated by Florica Prevenda. - Plymouth : University of Plymouth Press, 2009. 112 p. : il. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9781841022178 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Antologii literare GB / eng = rum 464. JUSTER, SOLO. Homo sapiens : poeme / Solo Juster. - Rehovot : S. Juster, 2009. 84 p. ; 21 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum 465. JUSTER, SOLO. Poeme de dragoste i din alte volume sau inedite / Solo Juster. - Rehovot : S. Juster, 2009. 124 p. ; 20 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum 466. LEIBOVICI, PAUL. Limanul apelor nvolburate / Paul Leibovici. - Haifa : Onyx, 2009. 341 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789659088584 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Roman IL / rum

467. LUCA, GHERASIM. Inventor of love and other writings / Gherasim Luca ; translations by Julian Semilian, Laura Semilian. - Boston, MA : Black Widow Press, 2009. 175 p. ; 19 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Inventatorul iubirii. ISBN 978-0981808871 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng = rum 468. LUNGU, DAN. Die rote babuschka / Dan Lungu ; aus dem rumn. von Jan Cornelius. - Salzburg : Residenz Verlag, 2009. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Snt o bab comunist. ISBN 9783701715114 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 469. MANEA, NORMAN. Les clowns : le dictateur et l'artiste / Norman Manea ; traduit du roumain par Marily Le Nir et Odile Serre. - Paris : Seuil, 2009. 265 p. ; 22 cm. - (Fiction & Cie). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Despre clovni : dictatorul i artistul. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782020965538 1. Literatur romn -- Eseu -- Traducere 2. Intelectuali -- Activitate politic FR / fre 470. MARCOVICI, BIANCA. Impactul virtualului / Bianca Marcovici. - Haifa : B. Marcovici, 2007. 82 p. : il. ; 21 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum 471. MARTON, ALEXANDRU. Singurtate pedepsit : nuvele / Alexandru Marton. - Tel Aviv : A. Marton, 2009. 126 p. ; 21 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Proz IL / rum





472. MRANU, NICOLAE GRIGORE. Zvukot na zborot : trojca pomanski poeti / Nikolae Grigore Maraanu, Konstantin Gherinoju, Stere Bukovala ; od romanski prevel Dimo N. Dimev. - Smederevo : Arka, 2009. 97 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Biblioteka Logos ; 1). ISBN 9788676100897 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Antologii literare MD / mac = rum 473. NELEGA, ALINA. Amalia dch zhluboka : 5 souasnch rumunskch her / Alina Nelega, Mihai Ignat, Lia Bugnar ; peloily: Jitka Lukeova, Elizabeta Kuerov. - Praha : Dybbuk, 2008. 166 p. ; 19 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Desatero pikzn podle Hesse / Alina Nelega ; Krize aneb, Jet jedna pohdka o lsce / Mihai Ignat ; Kosti pro Otta / Lia Bugnar ; Snhulk / Lia Bugnar. ISBN 9788086862484 1. Teatru romnesc contemporan -- Antologii 2. Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere CZ / cze = rum 474. PALER, OCTAVIAN. ivot na nstupiti / Octavian Paler ; peloil Jind Vacek. - Praha : Mlad Fronta, 2009. 255 p. ; 21 cm. - (Modern svtov prza). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Viaa pe un peron. ISBN 978-80-204-1957-6 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere CZ / cze = rum 475. RCANU, THEODOR. Pui de cuc : roman / Theodor Rcanu. Mhlheim am Main : Kunsthalle, 2009. 321 p. ; 22 cm. Conine not biobibliografic de Mircea Ciubotaru i Dan D. Rcanu. ISBN 978-3-00-027153-3 1. Literatur romn -- Roman DE / rum

476. RCANU, THEODOR. Rzvrtitul Toderi : roman istoric / Theodor Rcanu ; pref.: acad. Dan Berindei. - Mhlheim am Main : Kunsthalle, 2009. 533 p. ; 21 cm. Conine curriculum vitae al autorului de Gheorghe G. Bezviconi. ISBN 978-3-00-026918-9 1. Literatur romn -- Roman DE / rum 477. Roumanian fairy tales and legends / translated by E.B. Mawr. Berkshire : Abela Publishing, 2009. 104 p. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780956058492 1. Literatur popular romneasc -- Legende -- Traducere 2. Literatur popular romneasc -- Antologii GB / eng = rum 478. RUSE, LIA. Clipe sprijinite-n gnduri : versuri / Lia Ruse. Montral : Lilion Ruse, 2008. 56 p. : il., portr. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-2-9807377-4-9 1. Literatur romn -- Canada -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn CA / rum 479. RUSE, LIA. Scnteieri n oglinzi : poezii / Lia Ruse. - Pierrefonds, Quebec : ASLRQ, 2009. 58 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-2-923768-05-2 1. Literatur romn -- Canada -- Poezie 2. Diaspor romn CA / rum 480. SIMANTOV, ADAM. Exerciii i probleme locale sau/i globale : versuri / Adam Simantov. - Ashkelon : Larma, 2006. 100 p. ; 20 cm. 1. Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie IL / rum





481. STANCIU, DAN. Les tmoins oraculaires / Dan Stanciu ; traduit du roumain par Sebastian Reichmann ; prface de Grard Augustin. - Paris : L' Harmattan, 2009. 69 p. : il. color ; 22 cm. - (Leve d'ancre ; 43). ISBN 9782296096127 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere FR / fre = rum 482. STNESCU, NICHITA. Ljusets bjning : och andra dikter / Nichita Stnescu ; i urval av Gabriela Melinescu ; till svenska av Inger Johansson, Gabriela Melinescu. - Lund : Ellerstrms, 2008. 112 p. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-917247-193-1 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere SE / swe = rum 483. TEODOROVICI, LUCIAN DAN. Dann ist mir die hand ausgerutscht / Lucian Dan Teodorovici ; aus dem rumn. bers. von Edith Konradt. - Ludwigsburg : Pop Verlag, 2009. 205 p. ; 20 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Atunci i-am ars dou palme. ISBN 9783937139807 1. Literatur romn --Povestiri -- Traducere DE / ger = rum 484. TEODOROVICI, LUCIAN DAN. Our circus presents / Lucian Dan Teodorovici ; translated by Alistair Ian Blyth. - Champaign : Dalkey Archive Press, 2009. 189 p. ; 21 cm. - (Romanian literature series). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Circul nostru v prezint. ISBN 9781564785565 1. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere US / eng = rum

485. EPENEAG, DUMITRU. The necessary marriage / Dumitru Tsepeneag ; translated from romanian by Patrick Camiller. - Champaign, IL : Dalkey Archive Press, 2009. 140 p. ; 21 cm. - (Romanian literature series). Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Nunile necesare. ISBN 9781564785343 1. Scriitori romni -- Diaspora 2. Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere US / eng = rum 486. URSU, LILIANA. Lightwall / Liliana Ursu ; translated from the romanian by Sean Cotter. - Brooklyn : Zephyr Press, 2009. XIV, 135 p. ; 21 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Zidul de lumin. ISBN 9780981552125 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere US / eng = rum 487. VINICHI RDULESCU, STELLA. Un cri dans la neige / Stella Vinitchi Radulescu. - Paris : Ed. du Cygne, 2009. 65 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9782849241158 1. Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere 2. Scriitori romni -- Exil -- SUA FR / fre = rum 821.16 Literaturi slave 488. MASOWSKA, DOROTA. Couple of poor polish-speaking romanians / Dorota Masowska ; translated by Lisa Goldman, Paul Sirett. London : Oberon Books, 2009. 96 p. ; 20 cm. - (Oberon modern plays). ISBN 9781840028461 1. Literatur polon -- Teatru -- Traducere 2. Romnia n literatur GB / eng = pol




BIBLIOGRAFIA NAIONAL ROMN 821.511.141(498) Literatur maghiar din Romnia

489. SIMI, DRAGOSLAV. Drasni KGB-Javi se : Radio "Slovodna Jugoslavija" iz Bukuresta : Izvetava / Dragoslav Simi, Milan Petrovi. Beograd : Udruenje Novinara Srbije, 2009. 217 p. : facs., il. ; 21 cm. - (Biblioteka ivot Medija). ISBN 978-86-81849-03-3 1. Bucureti 2. Literatur srb -- Memorii 3. Radio "Iugoslavia liber" -- Istorie YU / scr 490. STASIUK, ANDRZEJ. Fado / Andrzej Stasiuk ; translated by Bill Johnston. - Champaign : Dalkey Archive Press, 2009. 156 p. ; 20 cm. - (Polish literature series). Bibliogr. Conine: Romania: the Carpathians. ISBN 978-1564785596 1. Europa Balcanic 2. Romnia n literatur 3. Literatur polon -- Jurnal de cltorie -- Traducere US / eng = pol 821.17/.9 Alte literaturi (orientale, africane, ...) 491. SHRAIBMAN, YECHIEL. Sieben jahre und sieben monate : meine Bukarester jahre : roman / Yechiel Shraibman ; bersetzt von ErnstHarlad Dhnhardt und mit einem nachwort versehen von Dorothea Greve. - Berlin : Bebra Verlag, 2009. 272 p. ; 22 cm. Traducere din limba ebraic. Index. ISBN 9783937233567 1. Literatur evreiasc -- Roman -- Traducere 2. Bucuretiul n literatur DE / ger = heb

492. HAJD, FARKAS-ZOLTN. Tr nach osten : aufzeichnungen und geschichten / Farkas-Zoltn Hajd. - Mnchen : IKGS Verlag, 2008. 169 p. ; 21 cm. - (Wissenschaftliche Reihe - Literatur- und Sprachgeschichte ; Bd. 73). ISBN 9783981169416 1. Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Povestiri -- Traducere DE / ger 9 GEOGRAFIE. BIOGRAFII. ISTORIE 902/904 Arheologie. Preistorie 493. Archaeologists without boundaries : towards a history of international archaeological congresses (1866-2006) / edited by Mircea Babes, Marc-Antoine Kaeser. - Oxford : Archaeopress, 2009. III, 181 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - (BAR international series ; 2046). Bibliogr. ISBN 9781407306223 1. Arheologie -- Metodologie -- Proiecte 2. Arheologie -- Istorie GB / eng 494. BEJENARU, LUMINIA. Archaeozoological approaches to medieval Moldavia / Luminita Bejenaru. - Oxford : Archaeopress, 2009. 153 p. : il., h. ; 30 cm. - (BAR international series ; 1954). Bibliogr. p. 74-77. ISBN 9781407304373 1. Arheozoologie -- Moldova -- Evul Mediu 2. Arheologie -- Datare GB / eng 495. DIMA, MIHAI. Monnaies de Durostorum - Ostrov : 4e siecle av. J.-C. - 6e siecle ap. J.-C. / Mihai Dima, Dan Elefterescu. - Wetteren : Moneta, 2009. 233 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - (Collection Moneta ; 88). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789077297551 1. Numismatic -- Istorie -- Dobrogea 2. Antichiti romane BE / fre





496. NOIRET, PIERRE. Le Palolithique suprieur de Moldavie : essai de synthse d'une volution multi-culturelle / Pierre Noiret. - Lige : Universit de Lige, 2009. 609 p. : il. ; 30 cm. - (tudes et recherches archologiques de l'Universit de Lige ; 121). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782930495064 1. Paleolitic -- Romnia -- Moldova 2. Paleolitic -- Romnia -- Cercetare FR / fre 497. Sourcebook of paleolithic transitions : methods, theories, and interpretations / edited by Marta Camps i Calbet, Parth Chauhan. - New York : Springer-Verlag, 2009. XVI, 573 p. : il., h. ; 2009. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: The later Paleolithic: investigating the Aurignacian/Gravettian transition in the Bistria Valley (NE-Romania) / Leif Steguweit. ISBN 9780387764788 1. Bistria (ru) 2. Paleolitic -- Romnia -- Cercetare US / eng 91 Geografie 498. EAMES, ANDREW. Blue river, Black Sea : a journey along the Danube into the heart of new Europe / Andrew Eames. - London : Bantam Books, 2009. XVI, 432 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. Index. ISBN 9780593058787 1. Delta Dunrii 2. Marea Neagr 3. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 4. Europa de est -- Geografie istoric 5. Marea Neagr -- Litoral GB / eng

499. Under eastern eyes : a comparative introduction to East European travel writing on Europe / edited by Wendy Bracewell, Alex DraceFrancis. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2008. XII, 388 p. ; 24 cm. - (East looks West). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Metaphor and monumentality: the travels of Nicolae Iorga / Andi Mihalache ; Excursions into national specificity and European identity : Mihail Sebastians interwar travel reportage / Diana Georgescu. ISBN 9789639776111 1. Iorga, Nicolae 2. Sebastian, Mihail 3. Europa -- Descrieri i cltorii 4. Identitate european 5. Cltorii -- Europa -- Reportaje HU / eng 913 Geografie pe ri individuale 500. Bulgaria - Romania : 2009-2010. - Tokyo : Diamond, 2009. 301 p. : h., il. color ; 21 cm. - (Globe-Trotter travel guidebook). Text n lb. japonez. ISBN 978-4-478-05671-4 1. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice 2. Bulgaria -- Ghiduri turistice JP / jpn 501. MILL, MARIA. Reise durch Jordanien / texte von Maria Mill ; bilder von Radu Mendrea. - Wrzburg : Strtz, 2009. 136 p. : il. ; 31 cm. ISBN 9783800340514 1. Iordania -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Geografie cultural DE / ger

ROMNICA 913(498) Geografia Romniei




502. ENOVSK, VT. Rumunsk pastorle : inspiromat nejen pro cyklisty / Vt enovsk ; foto: Jaroslav imeek, Petr vancar. - Plzen : Cykloknihy, 2009. 103 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9788087193068 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice CZ / cze 503. CVREK, VLADIMR. Expedice Delta : Rumunskem na pramicch / Vladimr Cvrek. - Praha : Junk, 2009. 251 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9788086825434 1. Delta Dunrii 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii CZ / cze 504. HANNOVER, BIRGITTA. Wandern in Siebenbrgen : rund um Kronstadt, Schburg und Hermannstadt / Birgitta Gabriela Hannover. - Berlin : Trescher, 2009. 250 p. : il. ; 19 cm. - (Trescher-Reihe Reisen). ISBN 9783897941571 1. Sibiu 2. Braov 3. Sighioara 4. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii DE / ger 505. PUSTYNNIKOVA, IRYNA. Visim mandrivok Bukovynoiu / avtor tekstu i fotohrafi Iryna Pustynnikova. - Kyv : Hrani-T, 2009. 190 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9789664652619 1. Bucovina 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 3. Romnia -- Lucrri ilustrate UK / ukr 506. Rumnien / Hrsg.: Anne Kotzan, Reinhard Zakrzewski, Beate Szerelmy. - Ostfildern : Baedeker, 2009. 406 p. : il. ; 19 cm. - (Baedeker-Allianz-Reisefhre). ISBN 9783829711722 1. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice DE / ger

507. SPARKS, ALAN E. Dreaming of wolves : adventures in the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania / Alan E. Sparks. - Surrey, BC : Hancock House Publishers, 2009. 256 p. : il. ; 20 cm. ISBN 9780888396631 1. Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii 2. Muni -- Transilvania 3. Animale slbatice CA / eng 508. YAMAMOTO, TOSHIHARU. Romania : where did we come from, where will we go : the most important thing for you / Toshiharu Yamamoto. - Tokyo : Shogakukan, 2009. 64 p. : il. color ; 27 cm. Ed. bilingv n limbile englez i japonez. ISBN 978-4-09-726373-9 1. Romnia -- Lucrri ilustrate 2. Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii JP / jpn 929 Biografii. Genealogie. Heraldic 509. BUDD, GREG. One miracle after another : the Pavel Goia story / Greg Budd. - Hagerstown, MD : Review and Herald Pub., 2009. 160 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780828024969 1. Goia, Pavel 2. Adventiti de ziua a aptea -- Romnia -- Cler 3. Biografii 4. Adventiti de ziua a aptea -- Persecuii US / eng 510. KUNZE, THOMAS. Nicolae Ceauescu : eine biographie / Thomas Kunze. - Berlin : Links, 2009. 464 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Conine note biobibliografice. Bibliogr. p. 490-454. Index. ISBN 978-3-86153-562-1 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Preedini de stat -- Biografii 3. Comuniti -- Biografii DE / ger





511. LANGER, JOAKIM. Constantin Karadja : bara ett liv till / Joakim Langer, Pelle Berglund. - Stockholm : Sivart, 2009. 256 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (Svenska ventyrare). Index. ISBN 978-91-85705-22-1 1. Karadja, Constantin I. 2. Diplomai romni -- Biografie 3. Romnia -- Relaii diplomatice SE / swe 512. PADRONI, UMBERTO. Sergiu Celibidache : la fenomenologia per l'uomo / Umberto Padroni. - Varese : Zecchini, 2009. 231 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Grandi direttori ; 3). Discogr. p. 222-226. Index. ISBN 9788887203752 1. Celibidache, Sergiu 2. Dirijori romni -- Exil -- Biografie 3. Muzic -- Filozofie i estetic IT / ita 513. WEILER, KLAUS. Celibidache : musiker und philosoph : eine annherung / Klaus Weiler. - Augsburg : Wissner, 2008. 328 p. : il. ; 21 cm. - (Celibidachiana: Documente und Zeugnisse ; 1). Bibliogr. p. 315-317. ISBN 9783896396426 1. Celibidache, Sergiu 2. Dirijori romni -- Exil -- Biografie 3. Muzic clasic DE / ger 93/99 Istorie 514. Settler and creole reenactment / edited by Vanessa Agnew, Jonathan Lamb, Monica Popescu. - Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XII, 340 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Reenactment history). Index. Bibliogr. p. 319-335. Conine: Voortrekkers of the cold war : enacting the South African past and present in Mark Behr's "The smell of apples" / Monica Popescu. ISBN 9780230576063 1. Colonii -- Istorie 2. Istorie i cinematografie GB / eng

515. SPINEI, VICTOR. The Romanians and the Turkic nomads north of the Danube Delta from the tenth to the mid-thirteenth century / by Victor Spinei. - Leiden : Brill, 2009. XVII, 545 p. : fig., tab. - (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages ; v. 6). Bibliogr. ISBN 9789004175365 1. Romnia -- Evul Mediu 2. Popoare migratoare -- Ttari 3. Popoare migratoare -- Cronologii NL / eng 94(100) Istorie universal 516. The Oxford handbook of fascism / edited by R.J.B. Bosworth. Oxford, New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. XIII, 626 p. : il. ; 26 cm. - (Oxford handbooks in history). Index. Bibliogr. Conine: Romania / Radu Ioanid. ISBN 9780199291311 1. Fascism -- Europa -- Istorie 2. Europa -- Politic i guvernare GB / eng 517. BETTIZA, ENZO. 1989 : la fine del Novecento / Enzo Bettiza. Milano : Mondadori, 2009. 161 p. : il. ; 23 cm. - (Le scie). ISBN 9788804587446 1. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) 2. Zidul Berlinului -- Germania -- Cdere 3. Comunism -- Prbuire -- Europa de Est IT / ita





518. BRTIANU, GHEORGHE I. La mer Noire : des origines la conqute ottomane / Georges I. Bratianu ; prface de V. Laurent. - Paris : Kryos, 2009. 442 p. : il. color ; 21 cm. - (Domaine roumain). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9782915518108 1. Marea Neagr -- Istorie 2. Marea Neagr -- Navigaie -- Istorie FR / fre 519. BUCUR, MARIA. Heroes and victims : remembering war in twentieth-century Romania / Maria Bucur. - Bloomington, IN : Indiana University Press, 2009. XIX, 352 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. - (Indiana-Michigan series in Rusian and East European Studies). Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780253353788 1. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) 2. Memorie colectiv -- Romnia 3. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Aspect social US / eng 520. CASE, HOLLY. Between states : the Transylvanian question and the European idea during World War II / Holly Case. - Stanford, CA : Stanford University Press, 2009. XIX, 349 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. p. 231-321. Index. ISBN 9780804759861 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Chestiuni teritoriale 2. Romnia -- Relaii -- Ungaria 3. Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1940-1945 US / eng

521. DOUAY, ABEL. Napolon III et la Roumanie : influence de la franc-maonnerie / Abel Douay et Grard Hertault. - Paris : Nouveau Monde, 2009. 537 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. - (Bibliothque Napolon). Index. Bibliogr. p. 487-497. ISBN 9782847363937 1. Napoleon III, mprat al Franei 2. Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Frana 3. Francmasonerie 4. Frana -- Istorie -- Sec. XIX FR / fre 522. DUPLAN, CHRISTIAN. La vie en rouge (1944-1989) : ils ont fait tomber le communisme / Christian Duplan, Vincent Giret. - Paris : Seuil, 2009. 997 p. ; 25 cm. Bibliogr. p. 953-982. Index. ISBN 9782020986472 1. Comunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Comunism -- Prbuire -- Romnia FR / fre 523. FESTI, FATIMA. Betraying the event : constructions of victimhood in contemporary cultures / Fatima Festi. - Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars, 2009. XVIII, 206 p. ; 22 cm. Bibliogr. Conine: Blood-soaked words and silences: cycles of victimization in the Romanian communist prisons and after / Pia Brnzeu. ISBN 9781443805162 1. Deinui politici -- Romnia -- Istorie 2. Istorie i literatur 3. Deinui politici -- Psihologie -- Victimizare GB / eng





524. FRIESEN, BRUNO. Panzer gunner : a canadian in the german 7th Panzer Division, 1944-45 / Bruno Friesen. - Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, 2009. IX, 212 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. - (Stackpole military history). Bibliogr. p. 211-212. Index. Conine: Panzer battle at Suceava in Northern Romania. ISBN 9780811735988 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Campanii i btlii -- Mrturii 2. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Suceava US / eng 525. FLP, MIHLY. The unfinished peace : the Council of Foreign Ministers and the hungarian peace treaty of 1947 / Mihly Flp. New York : East European Monographs, 2009. 400 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9780880336499 1. Tratatul de Pace de la Paris (10 februarie 1947) 2. Romnia -- Istorie -- 1947 3. Ungaria -- Istorie -- 1947 -- Documente US / eng 526. Globalization and the decolonial option / edited by Walter D. Mignolo and Arturo Escobar. - London : Routledge, 2009. X, 412 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: The eastern margins of empire: coloniality in 19th century Romania / Manuela Boatca. ISBN 9780415549714 1. Romnia -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 2. Romnia -- Societate -- Epoca modern 3. Globalizare GB / eng

527. IORDACHI, CONSTANTIN. Comparative fascist studies : new perspectives / Constantin Iordachi. - London : Routledge, 2009. XII, 367 p. ; 24 cm. - (Rewriting histories). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780415462228 1. Studii interculturale 2. Fascism -- Europa -- Istorie 3. Europa -- Politic i guvernare -- Extremism GB / eng 528. KOTKIN, STEPHEN. Uncivil society : 1989 and the implosion of the communist establishment / Stephen Kotkin ; edited by Jan Gross. - New York : Modern Library, 2009. XXIII, 197 p. : il., h. ; 22 cm. - (Modern Library Chronicles). ISBN 9780679642763 1. Societate civil -- Europa de Est -- Tranziie 2. Romnia -- Postcomunism 3. Comunism -- Prbuire -- Europa Central i de Est US / eng 529. MCNARY FORSEY, ALICIA. Queen Isabella Sforza Szapolyai of Transylvania and Sultan Suleyman of the Ottoman empire : a case of sixteenth-century muslim-christian collaboration / Alicia McNary Forsey ; with an introduction by Mustafa Hakki Ertan. - Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 2009. XXVII, 138 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index. ISBN 9780773446533 1. Isabella, regin, consoarta lui Jnos I Zapolya, rege al Ungariei 2. Suleyman I, sultan al Turciei 3. Personaliti istorice maghiare -- Conductori 4. Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1520-1570 5. Cretinism i politic 6. Islam -- Relaii -- Cretinism US / eng





530. MOLLOY, PETER. The lost world of communism : an oral history of daily life behind the iron curtain / Peter Molloy. - London : Ebury Press, 2009. VIII, 314 p. : il. color ; 25 cm. Index. ISBN 9781846076169 1. Romnia -- Comunism 2. Comunism -- Europa Central i de Est 3. Comunism -- Via cotidian GB / eng 531. STEUER, KENNETH A. Pursuit of an unparalleled opportunity / Kenneth A. Steuer. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2009. XI, 440 p. ; 24 cm. - (Gutenberg-e). Bibliogr. ISBN 9780231130288 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Aspect social 2. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia 3. Prizonieri de rzboi US / eng 532. TISMNEANU, VLADIMIR. Stalinism revisited : the establishment of communist regimes in East-Central Europe / Vladimir Tismaneanu. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2009. VII, 444 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9789639776555 1. Comunism -- Europa Central i de Est 2. Stalinism -- Romnia 3. Europa de Est -- Politic i guvernare HU / eng 533. WANCERZ-GLUZA, ALICJA. Rumuski azyl : losy Polakw 1939-1945 / Alicja Wancerz-Gluza, Agnieszka Knyt. - Warszawa : Orodek Karta, 2009. 203 p. : il., ports. ; 26 cm. Bibliogr. p. 202-203. Index. ISBN 9788362020096 1. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Mrturii 2. Polonia -- Relaii externe -- Romnia -- 1939-1945 3. Refugiai polonezi -- Romnia PL / pol

534. GRUMEZA, ION. Dacia : land of Transylvania, cornerstone of ancient eastern Europe / Ion Grumeza. - Lanham, MD : Hamilton Books, 2009. XVIII, 270 p. : il., h. ; 23 cm. Bibliogr. p. 257-261. Index. ISBN 9780761844655 1. Dacia Preroman -- Istorie 2. Transilvania -- Antichitate 3. Dacia Roman -- Istorie US / eng 94(4/9) Istoria pe ri individuale 535. BOIA, LUCIAN. Hgmonie ou dclin de la France : la fabrication d'un mythe national / Lucian Boia. - Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 2009. 235 p. ; 24 cm. ISBN 9782251443706 1. Politic i guvernare -- Frana -- Istorie 2. Frana -- Istorie FR / fre 536. PARVULESCO, CONSTANTIN. Samoura et kamikaze : la tradition guerrire du Japon / Constantin Parvulesco. - Boulogne-Billancourt : Du May, 2009. 159 p. : il. ; 30 cm. Bibliogr. p. 157. Index. ISBN 9782841021260 1. Japonia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri 2. Japonia -- Istorie 3. Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Istorie FR / fre





537. PETRESCU, CORINA. Against all odds : models of subversive spaces in National Socialist Germany / Corina L. Petrescu. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2009. 276 p. ; 23 cm. - (German Life and Civilization ; 49). Bibliogr. p. 249-272. Index. ISBN 9783039118458 1. Germania -- Istorie -- 1933-1945 2. Germania -- Politic i guvernare -- 1933-1945 CH / eng 538. SEBESTYEN, VICTOR. Revolution 1989 : the fall of the Soviet empire / Victor Sebestyen. - New York : Pantheon Books, 2009. XXI, 451 p. : il., h. ; 25 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 439-450. ISBN 9780375425325 1. Revoluia Romn din Decembrie 1989 2. Europa de Est -- Politic i guvernare 3. Cderea URSS US / eng 539. STAL, ANNE-LOUISE GERMAINE DE. Considerations on the principal events of the french revolution / Germaine de Stal ; edited, with an introduction and notes, by Aurelian Craiutu. - Indianapolis : Liberty Fund, 2008. XXVIII, 804 p. ; 24 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. francez): Considrations sur les principaux vnemens de la Rvolution franoise. Index. Bibliogr. p. 757-767. ISBN 9780865977310 1. Frana -- Istorie -- 1789-1799 (Revoluie) -- Aspect politic US / eng = fre

540. STAN, LAVINIA. Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : reckoning with the Communist past / edited by Lavinia Stan. - London : Routledge, 2009. XV, 307 p. ; 24 cm. - (BASEES, Routledge series on Russian and East European studies). Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780415776714 1. Uniunea Sovietic -- Destrmare 2. Justiie -- Aspecte politice 3. Drepturile omului -- Abuzuri 4. Europa de Est -- Istorie GB / eng 541. STNG, LAURENIU G. Still elected dictators? : a study of executive accountability to the legislature in multi-party democracies across time : Italy (1947-2006), Argentina (1982-2006) and Romania (1992-2007) / Laurentiu G. Stinga. - Florence : European University Institute, 2009. 214 p. ; 30 cm. - (EUI Working Papers ; 4). Bibliogr. p. 206-214. 1. Via parlamentar -- Italia -- Istorie 2. Via parlamentar -- Argentina -- Istorie 3. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989IT / eng 542. We, the people : politics of national peculiarity in Southeastern Europe / edited by Diana Mishkova. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2009. 386 p. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. Conine: The people incorporated: constructions of the nation in Transylvanian romanian liberalism, 1838-1848 / Kinga-Koretta Sata ; History and character: visions of national peculiarity in the romanian political discourse of the 19th century / Balzs Trencsnyi. ISBN 9789639776289 1. Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 2. Romnia -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 HU / eng





543. Wspczeni historycy Polscy o Rumunii : praca zbiorowa / pod redakcj Tadeusza Dubickiego. - Toru : Wydawnictwo Adam Marszaek, 2009. 366 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN 9788376114446 1. Istoriografie 2. Polonia -- Relaii -- Romnia -- Istorie PL / pol 94(498) Istoria Romniei 544. ARNOLD, ROBERT. King Carol II's personal fortune and its influence on Romania's economic negotiations with Germany : 1937-1940 / Robert Arnold. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. XI, 335 p. : graf. ; 31 cm. Bibliogr. p. 329-335. Tez de doctorat. Robert Evans. 1. Carol II, rege al Romniei 2. Corupie -- Romnia 3. Germania -- Relaii economice internaionale -- Romnia 4. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1918-1944 GB / eng 545. BIEMEL, RAINER. Mon ami Vassia : souvenirs du Donetz / Rainer Biemel ; prface de Gabriel Marcel. - Paris : Le Bruit du temps, 2009. 477 p. : il., h. ; 21 cm. Conine: La Roumanie de 1918 1948 : quelques repres / Jean-Louis Pann ; Petite histoire de la vie de mon pre / Anne-Marie Biemel-Montarrnal. ISBN 9782358730099 1. Lagre de munc -- Dombass -- Memorii 2. Romnia -- 1918-1954 3. Comunism -- Instaurare -- Romnia FR / fre 546. BRAN, MIREL. La Roumanie vingt ans aprs : le chasseur de la Securitate / Mirel Bran. - Paris : ditions du Cygne, 2009. 109 p. ; 21 cm. - (Frontires). ISBN 9782849241561 1. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1944-1989 2. Securitatea romn -- Istorie FR / fre

547. BRTIANU, GHEORGHE I. Une nigme et un miracle historique : le peuple roumain / Georges I. Bratianu. - Paris : Kryos, 2009. 185 p. : il. color ; 21 cm. - (Domaine roumain). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782915518115 1. Romnia -- Istorie FR / fre 548. CERCEL, DUMITRU. Sovietization in Romania / Dumitru Cercel. - Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 240 p. : 23 cm. ISBN 9783639163629 1. Comunism -- Instaurare -- Romnia DE / eng 549. DICKAMORE, JEFFREY HALE. A fading history / Jeffrey Hale Dickamore. - Provo, UT : Brigham Young University, 2009. III, 93 p. ; 28 cm. + 1CD-ROM. Antetitlu : Brigham Young University. Dept. of International Studies, 2009. Tez de doctorat. 1. Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie 2. Romnia -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 US / eng 550. DURANDIN, CATHERINE. La mort des Ceauescu : la vrit sur un coup d'tat communiste / Catherine Durandin ; avec la participation de Guy Hoedts. - Paris : Bourin, 2009. 213 p. : 22 cm. Bibliogr. p. 207-209. Index. ISBN 978-2-84941-148-3 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) FR / fre





551. FERARU, MARCELA. La rvolution roumaine : 22 dcembre 1989 / Marcela Feraru ; prface de Petre Roman. - Sceaux : Esprit du livre, 2009. 111 p. : il. color ; 27 cm. - (Les grandes dates de l'histoire). Bibliogr. p. 110. ISBN 978-2-915960-69-3 1. Ceauescu, Nicolae 2. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) FR / fre 552. FLRA, GNES. Prestige at work : goldsmiths of Cluj/Kolozsvr in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / gnes Flra. Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag, 2009. 100 p. : il. ; 23 cm. Index. Bibliogr. p. 87-97. ISBN 9783639062182 1. Cluj-Napoca 2. Meteuguri tradiionale -- Transilvania -- Istorie 2. Orfevrieri -- Transilvania -- Genealogii DE / eng 553. GRANDHOMME, JEAN-NOL. La Roumanie : de la Triplice l'Entente, 1914-1919 / Jean-Nol Grandhomme. - Paris : 14-18 Editions, 2009. 273 p. : h. ; 23 cm. - (Les nations dans la Grande Guerre). Bibliogr. p. 253-273. Index. ISBN 9782916385259 1. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Tratate de pace 2. Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia FR / fre 554. MRTIN, RALF-PETER. Drcula : Vlad Tepes, el Empalador, y sus antepasados / Ralf-Peter Mrtin ; traduccin de Gustavo Dessal ; fotografas de Rosemarie Rehwald. - Barcelona : Tusquets, 2009. 223 p. : il., h., port. ; 19 cm. - (Maxi ; 1). Tit. orig. (lb. german): Dracula. Das leben des frsten Vlad Tepes. ISBN 9788483835517 1. Vlad epe, domn al rii Romneti 2. Romnia -- Istorie medieval 3. Domnitori -- ara Romneasc -- Biografii ES / spa = ger

555. MOLDT, DIRK. Deutsche stadtrechte im mittelalterlichen Siebenbrgen : korporationsrechte, sachsenspiegelrecht, bergrecht / Dirk Moldt. - Kln : Bhlau, 2009. IX, 259 p. ; 24 cm. - (Studia Transylvanica ; Bd. 37). ISBN 9783412202385 1. Transilvania -- Civilizaie medieval 2. Orae medievale -- Transilvania -- Legislaie 3. Sai -- Statut juridic -- Documente DE / ger 556. PORTOCAL, RADU. L' excution des Ceauescu : : la vrit sur une rvolution en trompe-l'il / Radu Portocala. - Paris : Larousse, 2009. 155 p. ; 21 cm. - (A rebours). Bibliogr. ISBN 9782035848307 1. Ceauescu, Elena 2. Ceauescu, Nicolae 3. Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) 4. Romnia -- Comunism -- Prbuire FR / fre 557. RIZZA, PAOLO. Guardia di ferro : la legione dell'Arcangelo Michele / Paolo Rizza. - Chieti : Solfanelli, 2009. 69 p. ; 17 cm. - (Saperi ; 12). ISBN 9788889756621 1. Garda de Fier 2. Fascism i conservatorism 3. Legionarism -- Doctrin IT / ita 558. ROTH, WILHELM ERNST. Zwangsarbeit in Rumnien : 1950 1961 : oral history / Wilhelm Ernst Roth. - Augsburg : W. Roth, 2009. 236 p. : il. ; 21 cm. ISBN 9783000293740 1. Comunism -- Romnia -- Memorie colectiv 2. Munc silnic -- Romnia -- Istorie DE / ger





559. RUS, IONAS AURELIAN. The electoral patterns of the Romanian far right : during the interwar years (1919-1937) / Ionas Rus. Saarbrcken : VDM Verlag Dr. Mller, 2009. 159 p. : il. ; 22 cm. ISBN 9783639182880 1. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1914-1944 2. Romnia -- Istorie -- 1914-1944 3. Alegeri -- Istorie DE / eng 560. SOLONARI, VLADIMIR. Purifying the nation : population exchange and ethnic cleansing in Nazi-allied Romania / Vladimir Solonari. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. XXVIII, 451 p. : il., h. ; 24 cm. Index. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780801894084 1. Holocaustul evreiesc -- Romnia (1939-1945) 2. Rzboi Mondial (1939-1945) 3. Romnia -- Istorie -- Sec. 20 US / eng 561. STRAVA, CRISTIANA. With half a mouth : narrating pasts through personal memories in post-communist Romania / Cristiana Strava. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University, 2009. 75 p. ; 28 cm. Bibliogr. p. 70-75. Tez de doctorat. 1. Romnia -- Postcomunism 2. Comunism -- Prbuire -- Romnia US / eng 562. TRAPPE, JULIE. Rumniens umgang mit der kommunistischen vergangenheit : eine untersuchung aus strafrechtlicher perspektive / Julie Trappe. - Gottingen : Wallstein, 2009. 280 p. ; 23 cm. - (Diktaturen und ihre berwindung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert ; Bd. 3). Bibliogr. ISBN 9783835304413 1. Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie 2. Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 19893. Comunism -- Teroare -- Romnia DE / ger

563. IU, ILARION. The legionary movement after Corneliu Codreanu : from the dictatorship of King Carol II to the communist regime : february 1938-august 1944 / Ilarion iu ; english translation by Delia Drgulescu. - Boulder, CO : East European Monographs, 2009. XVI, 281 p. ; 23 cm. Tit. orig. (lb. romn): Micarea legionar dup Corneliu Codreanu. Bibliogr. ISBN 9780880336598 1. Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea 2. Carol II, rege al Romniei 3. Naionalism -- Romnia -- Istorie 4. Legionarism -- Doctrin 5. Dictatura regal US / eng = rum





A Abraham, Ajith (ed.) - 4 Abramovici, Morel - 424-425 Abry, Christian (ed.) - 247 Adscliei, Mirela (trad.) - 133 Aescht, Georg (trad.) - 423 Agapie, Adriana - 160 Agnew, Vanessa (ed.) - 514 Akio, Okubo (trad.) - 328 Akli, Mdlina - 332 Alboiu, Cornelia - 258 Albrecht, Peter-Alexis (ed.) - 194 Aldukaite, Jolanta (ed.) - 205 Aleman, Alexandru - 215 Alexandrescu, Radu - 206 Alexandri, Cecilia - 258 Alfredsson, Gudmundur (ed.) - 190 Aligic, Paul Drago - 88 Allemand, Evelyne-Dorothe - 287 Altmann, Gabriel - 314 Altmann, Gabriel (ed.) - 315 Anderson, Alison (trad.) - 272 Andreescu, Titu - 216, 225 Andrica, Dorin - 216 Andriescu, Radu - 427 Andriuca, Diana (il.) - 458 Angeli Murzaku, Ines (ed.) - 104 Anghel, Remus Gabriel - 143 Apetrei, Giorgic-Sorin - 195 Apetrei, Irina - 195 Arnold, Robert - 544 Arrigoni, Davide - 323 Augustin, Grard (pref.) - 481 Avasilichioaiei, Oana - 360-361 Avramescu, Ctlin - 29 Axelrod, Gerald - 333

Babe, Mircea (ed.) - 493 Babuts, Nicolae - 326 Baciu, Mihai - 46 Badea-Pun, Gabriel - 14 Bafoil, Franois - 89 Bailar, John C. (ed.) - 242 Bajani, Andrea (postf.) - 410 Ballard, Michel (cond. t.) - 317 Ballon, Christine (trad.) - 457 Balt, Ileana Zizi - 291 Banciu, Carmen-Francesca - 385 Bandelj, Nina - 171 Banu, George - 305 Banu, George (pref.) - 308 Barbu, Constantin-Horia - 214 Barbu, Daniel - 90 Bargellini, Riccardo (il.) - 329 Barich, John J. (ed.) - 210 Baros, Linda Maria (trad.) - 442 Bartelings, Paul (coord.) - 179 Bary, Nicole (trad.) - 402 Batsch, Christophe (ed.) - 72 Bauer, Markus - 15 Baumgarten, Murray - 116 Bla, Valentina Emilia (ed.) - 13 Bl, Andrei - 231 Blescu, Oana (ed.) - 183 Brbcioru, Ctlin - 234 Beci, Eqrem - 73 Bejenaru, Luminia - 494 Belli, Marco - 408, 410 Bencsik, Gbor (ed.) - 20 Benga, Oana (ed.) - 247 Benz, Wolfgang - 117 Berend, Ivn T. - 91 Bergel, Hans - 118, 386 Bergel, Hans (pref.) - 492 Berglund, Pelle - 511 Berindei, Dan (pref.) - 476

ROMNICA Berliner, Lillian - 119 Bernic, Corina (trad.) - 428 Bertoldi, Paolo - 255 Bettiza, Enzo - 517 Bezviconi, Gheorghe (ed.) - 476 Biaecki, Konrad (pref.) - 297 Bidian, Alexandru - 429-430 Biemel, Rainer - 545 Biemel-Montarnal, Anne-Marie - 545 Birk, Matja (ed.) - 27 Bitzenis, Aristidis - 161 Blacker, William - 362 Blanchet, Alain (ed. t.) - 43 Blandiana, Ana - 431 Blecher, Max - 432 Blyth, Alistair (ed.) - 37 Blyth, Alistair (trad.) - 29, 35, 432, 484 Boari, Vasile (ed.) - 112 Boatc, Manuela - 526 Bobulescu, Roxana - 411 Bogdan, Paul - 8 Bogdan, Radu J. - 30 Boia, Lucian - 535 Bokum, Nicky ten (ed.) - 179 Borghello, Giampaolo (ed.) - 324 Brzel, Tanja A. - 92 Bosca-Mlin, Oana (trad.) - 329 Bosworth, R. J. B. (ed.) - 516 Bttcher, Bernhard - 120 Bo, Radu Ioan - 217 Boyd, Emma (ed.) - 79 Bracewell, Wendy (ed.) - 499 Bran, Mirel - 546 Bran-Pierrot, Raluca (ed.) - 304 Brantsch, Ingmar - 387 Braun, Aurel - 197 Briloiu, Constantin - 299 Brtianu, Gheorghe I. - 518, 547 Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm (pref.) - 433 Bristow, Lane - 363 Brnzrea, Ion-Bogdan - 1




Brnzeu, Pia - 523 Brki, Irena (trad.) - 289 Brown-Manrique, Gerardo - 275 Browning, John Edgar (ed.) - 306 Bruno, tefan - 121, 180 Brzyski, Anna (trad.) - 290 Buci-Gluckmann, Christine (postf.) - 286 Bucoval, Stere - 472 Bucur, Bogdan G. - 59-60 Bucur, Maria - 519 Budd, Greg - 509 Bug, Ana Maria - 235 Bugnar, Lia - 473 Buhimschi, Ctlin - 250 Bulloch, Chrissy E. - 42 Buras, Alicja (trad.) - 397 Burlacu, Roxana - 144 Butcovan, Mihai Mircea - 409-410 Butcovan, Mihai Mircea (postf.) - 408 Buzogny, rpd - 92 C Cabrini, Luciano (trad.) - 19 Calabrese, Andrea (ed.) - 311 Camiller, Patrick (trad.) - 485 Camps i Calbet, Marta (ed.) - 497 Caas Cortzar, Alicia (il.) - 422 Canco, Zhani - 73 ankovi, Angelina Popovi (trad.) - 289 Cannavale, Chiara - 162 Cao, Longbing (ed.) - 3 Carl, Jenny (ed.) - 320 Case, Holly - 116, 520 Cassian, Nina - 434-435 Cavallo, Tomaso (trad.) - 352, 404 Clinescu, Matei - 436 Crbunariu, Gianina - 437 Crtrescu, Mircea - 438-441 Ctuanu, Mircea - 364 Crneci, Magda - 442

ROMNICA Celibidache, Sergiu - 300 enovsk, Vt - 502 Cerami, Alfio (ed.) - 204 Cercel, Dumitru - 548 Cesereanu, Ruxandra - 443 Chalmers, Martin (trad.) - 403 Charles, Alec (ed.) - 25 Chauhan, Parth R (ed.) - 497 Chen, Jie-Qi (ed.) - 207 Chen-Becker, Derek - 2 Chidambaram, Vrinda (ed.) - 310 Chiric, Ionel (ed.) - 251 Chiril, Elisabeta - 212 Chobanova, Yordanka - 163 Chombart, lisabeth (ed. t.) - 131 Christ, Eugen (ed.) - 319 Ciganovi, Sneana (trad.) - 289 Cinamar, Radu - 444 Cingolani, Pietro - 145 Ciocan, Iulian - 445 Cioflec, Eveline (trad.) - 34 Cioran, Emil - 32 Ciovic, Sorin - 291 iri, Maja - 289 Ciubotaru, Mircea (tab. cronologic) - 475 Ciurea, Alexandru Vladimir - 241 Cizek, Alexandru (ed. t.) - 357 Codrescu, Andrei - 335, 365 Codrescu, Andrei (pref.) - 370 Codrescu, Andrei (trad.) - 443 Colgrove, Rosemary - 202 Coman, Ramona - 181 Coman, Vasile - 233 Connolly, William E. (pref.) - 84 Constantin, Anemona - 85 Constantin, Daniela-Luminia - 262 Constantin, Doru (trad.) - 229 Constantinescu, Romania (ed.) - 457 Conway, Trudy (ed.) - 57 Cooper, Thomas - 320 Copoeru, Ion - 194


Corduneanu, Constantin - 218 Cornelius, Jan (trad.) - 468 Costache, Delia - 269 Costantino, Salvatore - 301 Cotofleac, Vasilica (trad.) - 36 Cotter, Sean (trad.) - 486 Courtney, Mark E. (ed.) - 80 Cousin, Elisabeth (pref.) - 131 Crciun, Maria - 51 Criuu, Aurelian (ed.) - 539 Crsnaru, Daniela - 329 Cristoloveanu, Sorin (ed.) - 252 Criv, Bogdan - 7 Csejka, Gerhardt (trad.) - 438, 440 Cucereanu, Drago - 182 Cucu, Sorin Radu (ed.) - 84 Cusen, Gabriela - 318 Cvrek, Vladimr - 503 Cybenko, Larissa (ed.) - 351 D


Dabrowski, Tomasz (ed.) - 16 Dabu, Adina - 263 Dhnhardt, Ernst-Harlad (trad.) - 491 Daly, Robert J. (ed.) - 59 Damlianovi Conley, Tania (ed.) - 273 Danciu, Marius - 2 Dancu, Andreea - 146 Darie, Cristian (ed.) - 1 Dariescu, Cosmin - 195 Dariescu, Nadia Cerasela - 195 Dayd, Emmanuel - 280-281 Dianu, Daniel - 174 De Bie, Karin (trad.) - 260 De Noronha Vaz, Teresa (ed.) - 258 Delage-Toriel, Lara (ed.) - 342 Deletant, Dennis (coord. t.) - 544 Demorean, Ana - 99 Deniz, Ycel Sylvestre (trad.) - 460 Dessal, Gustavo (trad.) - 554

ROMNICA Diacu, Florin - 211 Dickamore, Jeffrey Hale - 549 Dicks, Terrance - 366 Diedrich, Torsten (ed.) - 196 Dikici Bilgin, Hasret - 75 Dima, Mihai - 495 Dimev, Dimo N (trad.) - 472 Dimitriu, Rodica (ed.) - 316 Dimkovska, Lidija (pref.) - 462 Dixon, C. Scott - 51 Djelic, Marie-Laure (ed.) - 266 Dobre, Claudia Florentina - 61 Dobrincu, Dorin (ed.) - 259 Dolejiov, Ditta (ed.) - 183 Domnioru, Leonard L. (ed.) - 251 Dpfer, Ulrike (trad.) - 128 Dora, Cornel (ed.) - 28 Dorondel, tefan - 170 Dother, Isabella (ed.) - 295 Douay, Abel - 521 Drace-Francis, Alex (ed.) - 499 Draghincescu, Rodica (pref.) - 418 Dragomir, Alexandru - 33-34 Drghici, Constantin - 212 Drgulescu, Delia (trad.) - 199, 563 Drogi, Pierre - 336 Drori, Israel - 147 Dubicki, Tadeusz (ed.) - 543 Dubois, Alain - 336 Duffet, Sophie (il.) - 76 Dumitrache, Cristiana (ed.) - 227 Dumitrescu, Alexandrina Lizica - 239 Dumitrescu, Alexandrina Lizica (ed.) - 240 Dumitrescu, Doina Alexandra - 3 Dumitrescu, Gabriel - 62 Dumitrescu, Irina (ed.) - 222 Duplan, Christian - 522 Durandin, Catherine - 550 Dusil, Dagmar (trad.) - 456 Dutceac Segesten, Anamaria - 94 Dutruch, Cathy - 76


E Eames, Andrew - 498 Edeling, Thomas - 412 Edelmann, Friedrich - 302 Edwards, Brian - 367 Elefterescu, Dan - 495 Eliade, Mircea - 328 Elsner, Alan - 368 Emerson, Michael (ed.) - 93 Emmenegger, Gregor (ed.) - 64 Ene Vasilescu, Elena - 282 Enghelberg, Hedi - 123 Erbiceanu, Adrian - 446 Ercolani, Marco (ed.) - 352 Ertan, Mustafa Hakki - 529 Erzse-Boitor, Kinga - 337 Escobar, Arturo (ed.) - 526 Evans, Anthony John - 88 Evans, Robert (coord. t.) - 544 F Faltas, Sami - 155 Fassmann, Heinz - 148 Fathi, Ben (pref.) - 12 Fay, Derick (ed.) - 170 Feldman, Nathan S. - 215 Fels, Laurent (ed.) - 350 Feraru, Marcela - 551 Festi, Fatima - 523 Filipenko, Artem - 47 Fiore, Pasquale - 184 Firan, Carmen - 447 Fischer, Claudia - 185 Fisher Cazacu, Lisa - 202 Flra, gnes - 552 Florescu, Ctlin Dorian - 388-389 Florian, Filip - 448-449 Florian, Matei - 449


ROMNICA Floris, Giovanni (ed.) - 249 Fodor, Jnos (ed.) - 13 Fondane, Benjamin - 338 Foszt, Lszl - 124 Franks, Steven (ed.) - 310 Fraser, Caroline - 213 Fraser, John (postf.) - 296 Freist, Dagmar (ed.) - 51 Freitas, Joo M (ed.) - 313 Fricke, Beate (ed.) - 277 Friedman, Victor A - 310 Friesen, Bruno - 524 Friesner, Michael L. - 311 Frosin, Constantin - 350 Frosin, Constantin (trad.) - 446 Frota, Snia (ed.) - 313 Fuchs, Dieter - 95 Flp, Mihly - 525 Fusco Girard, Luigi (ed.) - 262 G Gal, Sorin Gheorghe - 219-220 Galachi, Liviu-Daniel - 210 Gale, Stephen - 157 Gallagher, Tom - 96 Glov, Dana (trad.) - 132 Garca Lpez, Miguel Angel (ed.) - 183 Garcia, Batrice (il.) - 418 Gardner, Howard (ed.) - 207 Gartner, Lloyd P - 125 Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri - 271 Gavrilovici, Ovidiu - 80 Gitan-Mozes, Maria - 450 George, Babu P. (ed.) - 265 Georgescu, Diana - 499 Gheorghe, Manuela Eugenia - 339 Gheorghi, Radu (ed.) - 58 Gheorghiu, Virgil - 451 Gherghina, Sergiu (ed.) - 112 Gherghinoiu, Constantin - 472


Ghilea, Marian Constantin - 228 Ghiringhelli, Barbara (ed.) - 142 Gillyboeuf, Thierry (pref.) - 451 Giret, Vincent - 522 Giulea, Andrei-Drago - 59 Giuliano, Caroli - 158 Gogowski, Piotr (ed.) - 86 Gluza, Zbigniew - 85 Goldman, Lisa (trad.) - 488 Goldstein, P'nenah - 137 Grig, Monika - 149 Grner, Veit (ed.) - 283 Grad, Sorin-Mihai - 217 Graf, Franziska - 127 Graham, Michael R. (ed.) - 244 Grandhomme, Jean-Nol - 553 Grauenfels, Adrian - 452 Greengrass, Mark (ed.) - 51 Greive, Artur (ed.) - 433 Greve, Dorothea (postf.) - 491 Grigorescu, erban - 221 Groisman, Pavel Ya (ed.) - 232 Gross, Jan (ed.) - 528 Grosz, Ivan - 369, 453 Groan, Crina (ed.) - 4 Groan, Ioan - 454 Grove, Diana - 370 Gruescu, Ramona (ed.) - 267 Grumeza, Ion - 534 Guedes Soares, Carlos (ed.) - 251 Gunn, Ramon (ed.) - 176 Gurzu, Anca Elena - 210 Guu, George (ed.) - 407 H Haggai, Carmon - 371 Hainthaler, Theresia (ed.) - 64 Hajd, Farkas-Zoltn - 492 Hakopian, Christina (ed.) - 214 Halstead, Regina (ed.) - 245


ROMNICA Hannover, Birgitta - 504 Hansen, Shirley J. - 255 Hardiman, Gary (ed.) - 234 Harre, Angela - 164 Hassanien, Mahmoud A. (ed.) - 212 Hawker, Louise (ed.) - 126 Hayashi, Tadayuki (ed.) - 103 Heller, Wilfried (ed.) - 83 Hermens, Erma (ed.) - 291 Hertault, Grard - 521 Herzog, Peter - 390 Heulot-Petit, Franoise (ed.) - 304 Heurtaux, Jrme (ed.) - 85 Himka, John-Paul - 284 Hinckel, Laure (trad.) - 439, 441 Hindman, Hugh D. (ed.) - 169 Hintea, Sorin - 9 Hirt-Manheimer, Aron (ed.) - 128 Hoaglin, David C. (ed.) - 242 Hoedts, Guy - 550 Hoffmann, Elke (red.) - 127 Hooghten, Paul van - 187 Horne, Alex - 236 Hornyk, Szabolcs (ed.) - 195 Hunger, Adrian - 172 Hsch, Anette (ed.) - 278 I Iancu, Arny - 413 Iancu, Bogdan - 186, 188 Iankov, Roumen (ed.) - 231 Iarchi-Leon, Mioara - 455 Idel, Moshe (pref.) - 133 Iencean, tefan Mircea - 241 Ieronim, Ioana - 456 Ignat, Mihai - 473 Iliescu, Maria - 321 Iliescu, Sanda (ed.) - 274 Illangasekare, Tissa H (ed.) - 210 Imre, Anik - 98


Ioanid, Radu - 516 Ionel, Iuliana - 258 Ionesco, Marie-France (trad.) - 308 Ionescu, Alex - 12 Ionescu, Angela C. - 422 Ionescu, Christina (trad.) - 168 Ionescu, Diana - 177 Ionescu, Florin (ed.) - 226 Ionescu, Luminia - 264 Ionescu, erban (coord.) - 43 Ionescu, Vlad (trad.) - 286 Iordachi, Constantin - 527 Iordachi, Constantin (ed.) - 259 Iosifescu, Marius - 221 Irimescu, Adrian - 214 Irtel, John - 372 Isaka, Hiroshi - 303 Ishihara, Yoshiya (trad.) - 302 Ispirescu, Petre - 458 Istrati, Panait - 414, 459-461 Iuga, Nora - 462 Ivanov, Sergiy V. (ed.) - 232 Ivnescu, Mircea - 463 Ivnescu, Mircea (trad.) - 427 Iwaniec, Dorota (ed.) - 80 J Jaenke, Ted - 48 Jagendorf, Siegfried - 128 Jaichand, Vinodh (ed.) - 87 Jain, Lakhmi C. (ed.) - 5 James, Deborah (ed.) - 170 Jebeleanu, Tudor (il.) - 423 Jestrovic, Silvija (ed.) - 348 Jianu, Angela (trad.) - 436 Johansson, Inger (trad.) - 482 Johnston, Bill (trad.) - 490 Jones, Anthony J. (ed.) - 214 Joseph, Brian D. (ed.) - 310 Judin, Juerg (ed.) - 278


ROMNICA Jun, Nathan J. (ed.) - 100 Juster, Solo - 464-465 Jutrin, Monique - 340-341 K Kaeser, Marc-Antoine (ed.) - 493 Karakolis, Christos (ed.) - 56 Karp, Aaron (ed.) - 155 Kast, Sheilah - 114 Kellman, Steven G (ed.) - 135 Kenez, Peter - 116 Kessler, Erwin (ed.) - 279 Keul, Istvn - 49 Kharytonov, M. M - 232 Kind, Andr B - 248 Kissau, Kathrin - 17 Klein, Dustin S. (ed.) - 373 Klein, Hans (ed.) - 56 Knight, Merv - 66 Knyt, Agnieszka - 533 Kobayashi, Junya - 239 Koestler-Grack, Rachel A - 343 Koodziejski, Jan (foto.) - 297 Konradt, Edith (trad.) - 483 Koschorke, Klaus (ed.) - 65 Kotkin, Stephen - 528 Kotzan, Anne (ed.) - 506 Koyama, Yoji - 175 Kremer, Bruno (il.) - 420 Kriegleder, Wynfrid (ed.) - 122 Kroner, Michael - 129 Kuerov, Elizabeta (trad.) - 473 Kunkel, Suzanne (ed.) - 237 Kunze, Thomas - 510 Kvaek, Ji - 130 L Lamb, Jonathan (ed.) - 514 Lamfers, Willem Johan - 67




Lamoure, Livia (trad.) - 451 Lampel, Gabriel - 131 Landsmannschaft der Banater Schwaben - 127 Langer, Joakim - 511 Langhammerov, Jiina (ed.) - 130 Langlois, Pierre - 255 Laurent, Vitalien (pref.) - 518 Lawler, John J (cond. t.) - 263 Lazr, Liliana - 415 Lzrescu, Mariana-Virginia - 344 Le Calloc'h, Bernard - 50 Le Nir, Marily (trad.) - 469 Le Rider, Jacques (coord.) - 41 Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel (pref.) - 18 Leap, William L. (ed.) - 78 Lefter, Alexandru - 191 Leibovici, Paul - 466 Lemny, Dona - 285 Lemny, Dona (pref.) - 271 Lemny, tefan - 18 Leon, Jenny - 77 Leutean, Lucian - 68 Leutean, Lucian (ed.) - 52, 63 Lewin, Ellen (ed.) - 78 Lindner, Waltraud (red.) - 83 Lippet, Johann - 391 Little, Jerri - 82 Lloyd, Albert Lancaster (ed.) - 299 Lombardi, Daniela (ed.) - 324 Lombardo, Maria Luisa - 24 Look, Chan Ho - 191 Lopes, Maria Alexandra A. (trad.) - 398 Lovinescu, Monica (pref.) - 108 Luca, Gherasim - 467 Lucendo, Santiago - 306 Lug, Sieglinde (trad.) - 396 Lukeov, Jitka (trad.) - 437, 473 Lund, Christian (ed.) - 178 Lungu, Dan - 468 Lyotard, Jean-Franois - 286

ROMNICA M Machnicka, Zofia - 287 MacLennan, Jamie - 7 Mautek, Jan - 314 Maddox, George L. (pref.) - 237 Madeley, John T. S. (ed.) - 52 Madeuf, Bernadette (cond. t.) - 159 Magen, Amichai (ed.) - 99 Magni-Berton, Raul - 95 Magris, Claudio (pref.) - 404 Magyari-Vincze, - 97 Mahutova, Katarina (ed.) - 210 Maiese, Kenneth (ed.) - 244 Maka, Emily Gunzburger (ed.) - 273 Mali, Franz (ed.) - 64 Manea, Norman - 469 Maniezzo, Vittorio (ed.) - 222 Manole, Diana - 348 Manolescu, Monica - 307 Manolescu, Monica (ed.) - 342 Manolescu, Nicolae (ed.) - 209 Manolescu, Olson - 313 Marcel, Gabriel (pref.) - 545 Marcovici, Bianca - 470 Mardale, Alexandru - 322 Marelli, Sergio (ed.) - 142 Mare, Radu (ed.) - 190 Marghitu, Dan B. - 253 Margul-Sperber, Alfred (antolog.) - 407 Marinescu, Valentina - 25 Markland, Francis S. (ed.) - 246 Mrtin, Ralf-Peter - 554 Marton, Alexandru - 471 Masowska, Dorota - 488 Mateescu, Mircea Alexandru (ed.) - 249 Mateescu, Rzvan - 232 Matsuura, Kochiro (pref.) - 270 Matzko McCarthy, David (ed.) - 57 Mawr, E.B. (trad.) - 477 Mazzoni, Lorenzo - 408




Mranu, Nicolae Grigore - 472 Mrculescu, Radu - 8 McGee, Robert W - 176 McGowan, Matthew M - 345 McKay, George (ed.) - 22 McNary Forsey, Alicia - 529 McVey, Mollie Elizabeth - 288 Meerzon, Yana (ed.) - 348 Meeuwisse, Anna (ed.) - 200 Mei, Chiang C. - 223 Melenk, Hartmut (ed.) - 319 Melinescu, Gabriela (trad.) - 482 Melinte, Dan - 198 Mmorial de la Shoah - 338 Mendrea, Radu (foto.) - 501 Menken, Maarten J. J. (ed.) - 58 Menzer, Jrg K. - 165 Meril, Isabela - 22 Mervant-Roux, Marie-Madeleine (ed.) - 305 Meyerhofer, David D. (cond. t.) - 228 Michel, Lise (ed.) - 304 Mignolo, Walter D. (ed.) - 526 Mihalache, Andi - 499 Mihoc, Vasile (ed.) - 56 Mihok, Brigitte - 117 Miligui, Maruf Ilian - 392 Milikowsky, Jennifer - 150 Mill, Maria - 501 Miller Wrobel, Gretchen (ed.) - 189 Miller, Elizabeth (ed.) - 334 Minc, Bogdan (ed.) - 34 Minea, Radu (ed.) - 246 Mioc, Vasile (ed.) - 227 Mishkova, Diana (ed.) - 542 Mititelu, Emanuela A. - 172 Mitrany, David - 257 Mitru, Constantin - 262 Mladenov, Svetlana - 289 Modzelewski, Karol - 85 Moga Kennedy, Stella - 373 Moldt, Dirk - 555

ROMNICA Molloy, Peter - 530 Monastirioty, Apostolis (pref.) - 461 Mondovi, Bruno (ed.) - 249 Moon, Peter (pref.) - 444 Moran, Seana (ed.) - 207 Morar, Nicolae (ed.) - 100 Moravia, Alberto - 328 Morlino, Leonardo (ed.) - 99 Morokvasic, Mirjana (pref.) - 152 Moruanu, Teodor Liviu - 198 Moscovici, Claudia - 374 Motzan, Peter (ed.) - 358, 407 Moure, Erin - 360 Moyise, Steve (ed.) - 58 Mller, Herta - 393-403 Mller, Manfred (ed.) - 351 Mungiu-Pippidi, Alina - 93 Munro, Neil - 105 Murav, Harriet (cond. t.) - 349 Mustar, Ale (trad.) - 462 Mutti, Claudio - 19 N Nagy, Dorottya - 151 Nakamura, Yukihiro - 302 Nardoni, Valerio (ed.) - 329 Nainec, Jir (trad.) - 445 Nedelcheva, Mariya - 95 Nedelcu, Mihaela - 152 Nedelea, Alexandru (ed.) - 265 Negoi, Mircea - 9 Negrea, Aurel - 243 Negriescu, Valentina - 323 Neil, Elsbeth Catherine (ed.) - 189 Nelega, Alina - 473 Ne, Mariana - 346 Nicolae, Dan Liviu (ed.) - 242 Nicolae, Lavinia M. (ed.) - 78 Niculescu, Gheorghe - 291 Niedermaier, Paul (ed.) - 115


Nijkamp, Peter (ed.) - 258, 262 Noica, Constantin - 35-37 Noiret, Pierre - 496 Norris, Carolyn Lisa - 203 Notz, Adrian - 287 Novac, Ctlina - 44 Nuti, Leopoldo - 101 Nyri, Pl - 153 Nyiszli, Mikls - 132 O O'Sullivan See, Katherine (ed.) - 97 Oborni, Terz - 20 Ochoa de Eribe, Marian (trad.) - 459 Ogushi, Atsushi (ed.) - 103 Oiteanu, Andrei - 133 Olariu, Dominic (cond. t.) - 277 Olasz, Gabriella (ed.) - 115 Oprnescu, Constantin - 375 Opri, Cristian (il.) - 427 Opri, Petre - 101, 196 Orita-erban, Manuela - 416 Orlich, Ileana Alexandra - 347 Ortega-Llebaria, Marta - 313 Ostermann, Christian F. (ed.) - 196 Oswald, Patrick - 229 Ovadia, Moni (pref.) - 410 zkan, Ersan - 192 P Pachiu, Laurentiu V. - 191 Padalino, Raffaella - 24 Padroni, Umberto - 512 Palade, Vasile - 6 Paler, Octavian - 474 Palmore, Erdman Ballagh (ed.) - 237 Panican, Alexandru (ed.) - 200 Pann, Jean-Louis - 545 Pantaleoni, Daniele (ed.) - 324


ROMNICA Pantea, Maria-Carmen - 169 Pana, Iustin - 427 Paquet-Deyris, Anne-Marie - 307 Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (ed.) - 277 Parisi, Chiara (ed.) - 298 Parret, Herman (coord.) - 286 Partenie, Ctlin (ed.) - 34, 38 Paruit, Alain (trad.) - 32 Parvulesco, Constantin - 536 Patea, Viorica (trad.) - 431 Pavel-Mihilescu, Puppa (trad.) - 430 Punescu, Megdonia - 206 Prvulescu, Sorana - 99 Pedrycz, Witold (ed.) - 4 Pellen, Cdric (ed.) - 85 Perjovschi, Dan (il.) - 423 Petre, Zoe - 85 Petrescu, Corina - 537 Petrovi, Milan - 489 Petroviciu, Irina - 291 Piasere, Leonardo - 134 Picart, Caroline Joan (ed.) - 306 Piednoir, Vincent (ed.) - 31 Pillai, Mohan K. (ed.) - 265 Pintilie, Ileana - 289 Pintilie, Lucian - 308 Piotrowski, Piotr - 290 Ponzo, Irene - 154 Pop, Claudia - 159 Pop, Lucian - 201 Pop, Rodica (cond. t.) - 317 Pop-Buia, Claudiu - 376 Popa, Cosmin Radu - 254 Popa, Dana - 79 Popa, Maria Raluca - 273 Popa-Wagner, Aurel - 235 Popa-Wagner, Aurel (ed.) - 244 Popescu, Charlotte - 261 Popescu, Cristian - 427 Popescu, Dana G. - 166 Popescu, Floriana - 22


Popescu, Floriana (ed.) - 312 Popescu, Gelu - 224 Popescu, Ioan-Iovi - 314-315 Popescu, Mihail (ed.) - 238 Popescu, Monica - 514 Popescu, Nedelia Antonia (ed.) - 227 Popescu, Nicu - 93, 102 Popescu, Petru - 377 Popescu-Sandu, Oana Agnes - 349 Popescu-Zeletin, Radu - 268 Popovici, Victoria - 321 Portocal, Radu - 556 Potel, Jean-Yves - 85 Praisler, Michaela - 22 Preda, Radu - 65 Prevenda, Florica (il.) - 463 Price, Matt (ed.) - 278 Prince, Nigel (ed.) - 298 Procopan, Norina (ed.) - 331 Pustynnikova, Iryna - 505 Puc, Anca (ed.) - 193 Q Quintero, Steven J. (ed.) - 74 R Racioppi, Linda (ed.) - 97 Racu, Bogdan Rzvan - 10 Radu, Ioana - 45 Radu, Michael - 157 Radusch, Ilja - 268 Rajapakse, Jagath Chandana (ed.) - 6 Randall, Ian M. - 69 Rastoin, Jean-Louis (ed.) - 258 Ravage, Marcus Eli - 135 Rdulescu, Domnica - 378 Rdulescu, Raluca L. (ed.) - 330 Rdulescu, Teodora-Liliana - 225 Rdulescu, Vinceniu - 225


ROMNICA Rdvan, Alexandru (il.) - 454 Rcanu, Dan D (ed.) - 475 Rcanu, Theodor - 475-476 Reeger, Ursula - 148 Rehwald, Rosemarie (foto.) - 554 Reichmann, Sebastian (trad.) - 481 Rennie, Bryan S. - 53 Ricci, M. (trad.) - 352 Richardson, Paul - 269 Rigani, Mihai Adrian - 268 Rizza, Paolo - 557 Rjnoveanu, Carmen - 196 Roberts, Andrew (pref.) - 296 Roberts, Guy B. (ed.) - 209 Roger, Antoine - 95 Rogojinaru, Adela - 270 Roman, Petre (pref.) - 551 Rosapepe, James Carew - 114 Rose, Richard - 105-106 Rosmari, Eliasson-Lappalainen (ed.) - 200 Ross, William T. - 215 Rosso Grossman, Margaret (ed.) - 208 Rostas, Iulius - 136 Roth, Harald (ed.) - 115 Roth, Wilhelm Ernst - 558 Rothbart, Hindi - 137 Rueschemeyer, Marilyn (ed.) - 113 Rus, Alin - 85 Rus, Ionas Aurelian - 559 Ruse, Lia - 478-479 Rushton, Cory James (ed.) - 330 Russinovich, Mark E. - 12 Rusu, Ioana Eleonora - 138 Rutter, Michael - 189 S Saatiolu, Beken - 107 Saj, Andrs (ed.) - 186 Sallanz, Josef (ed.) - 83 San Pietro, Silvio - 276


Snchez Miret, Fernando (trad.) - 431 Sangster, Thomas C. (cond. t.) - 228 Sanie, Silviu - 21 Sapper, Manfred (ed.) - 16 Sarivan, Ligia - 207 Sarlin, Mika - 325 Sata, Kinga-Koretta - 542 Svulescu, Savu Criv (ed.) - 11 Scapolo, Barbara - 39 Schanz, Tom (ed.) - 231 Scheerens, Jaap (ed.) - 206 Schippel, Larisa - 26 Schippel, Larisa (trad.) - 90 Schlesak, Dieter - 352-353, 404 Schmitt, Jean-Claude (ed.) - 277 Schneider, Maria - 149 Schock, Ralph (ed.) - 395 Schrader, Kristin (ed.) - 283 Schller, Stephan Olaf - 139 Scrima, Andr - 70 Sealy, Mark (ed.) - 79 Sebestyen, Victor - 538 Seidler, Andrea (ed.) - 122 Seiler, Christiane (trad.) - 378 Selman, Peter - 189 Semilian, Laura (trad.) - 467 Semillian, Julian (trad.) - 467 Sermonti, Vittorio - 354 Serre, Odile (trad.) - 442, 469 Seshadri, Sridhar (cond. t.) - 166 Sheckley, Alisa - 379 Shlesinger, Miriam (ed.) - 316 Shraibman, Yechiel - 491 Shur, Michael (ed.) - 252 Sicherman, Harvey - 157 Sienerth, Stefan (ed.) - 358, 407 Sievers, Wiebke - 148 Sigona, Nando (ed.) - 136 Sikor, Thomas (ed.) - 178 Silberstein, Jil - 108 Simantov, Adam - 480


ROMNICA imeek, Jaroslav (foto.) - 502 Simeonov, Lubomir I (ed.) - 212 Simi, Dragoslav - 489 Singer, Florence Mihaela - 207 Sirett, Paul (trad.) - 488 Skinner, E. Benjamin - 81 Smilov, Daniel M. (ed.) - 186 Socit d'tudes Benjamin Fondane - 338 Solomon, Adrian (trad.) - 309 Solomon, David A. - 12 Solonari, Vladimir - 560 Sorkin, Adam J. (trad.) - 427, 447 Sota, Alexandru - 380 Spalanzani, Alain - 168 Sparks, Alan E. - 507 Spinei, Victor - 515 Spiru, Luiza - 237 Sriramesh, Krishnamurthy (ed.) - 270 Stal, Anne-Louise Germaine de - 539 Stan, Lavinia - 104, 540 Stanciu, Dan - 481 Stanovnik, Tine (ed.) - 201 Starr, Sean (il.) - 382 Stasiuk, Andrzej - 490 Staude, A. (trad.) - 352 Stnculescu, Manuela Sofia (ed.) - 201 Stnescu, Nichita - 482 Stnescu, Saviana - 381 Stnescu, Sndica - 204 Stng, Laureniu G. - 541 Steguweit, Leif - 497 Stephani, Claus - 405 Steuer, Kenneth A. - 531 Stevenson, Patrick (ed.) - 320 Stewart, Anne (ed.) - 426 Stoichi, Victor Ieronim - 272, 292-293 Stoiciu, Florin (il.) - 37 Stoicoiu, Rodica (ed.) - 57 Strathausen, Carsten (ed.) - 84 Stratulat, Florin - 226 Strava, Cristiana - 561


Streteanu, Florin - 177 Strihan, Andrei - 309 Strugu, Alina - 167 Sttzle, Thomas (ed.) - 222 Suksi, Markku (ed.) - 87 Sundt, Bjrn - 173 Surano, Laura (ed.) - 177 Suttner, Ernst Christoph - 71 vancar, Petr (foto.) - 502 Swenson, Stephen (ed.) - 246 Szerelmy, Beate (ed.) - 506 Szcs, Tams - 140 Szombathy, Ildik va - 141 Szucs, Thomas D. (cond. t.) - 248 afran, Dan (trad.) - 435 orcaru, Daniela - 22 perlea, Florin - 199 tefan, Adina - 109 tefnescu, Bogdan (trad.) - 427 T Tabart, Marielle - 294 Tacou-Rumney, Laurence (ed.) - 31 Taggart, Jose C (ed.) - 240 Takis, George Frederick (trad.) - 283 Talo, Ion (trad.) - 433 Tancer, Jozef (ed.) - 122 Tang, Zhaohui - 7 Tarangelo, Thomas (ed.) - 176 Tavernier, Bertrand (postf.) - 308 Tnase, Virgil - 417 Tenaglia-Webster, Maria - 81 Teodorescu, Horia Nicolai (ed.) - 5 Teodorovici, Lucian Dan - 483-484 Thomas, John (ed.) - 194 Thomassen, Eric (trad.) - 260 Thompson, Bruce A. - 116


ROMNICA Thompson, Wayne C. - 110 Tismneanu, Vladimir - 532 Tismneanu, Vladimir (cond. t.) - 94 Tompos, Lilla (ed.) - 20 Townsend, Joyce (ed.) - 291 Trappe, Julie - 562 Trehan, Nidhi (ed.) - 136 Trencsnyi, Balzs - 542 Tsenkova, Sasha - 111 Tufescu, Florina - 355 Turcescu, Lucian - 104 Turcu, Ileana - 237 Turner, Chris (trad.) - 89 epeneag, Dumitru - 356, 485 iganov, Bogdan - 382 iu, Ilarion - 563 U




Vlcan, Ciprian - 41 Vrtejanu-Joubert, Mdlina - 23 Vrtejanu-Joubert, Mdlina (ed.) - 72 Vedovato, Giuseppe (pref.) - 158 Vendel, Pierre - 418 Veri, Dejan (ed.) - 270 Vernescu, Bogdan - 223 Vernic, Raluca - 173 Vernimment-Van Tiggelen, Gisle (ed.) - 177 Vianu, Livia (trad.) - 426 Vida, Anamaria Raluca - 317 Vidu, Ruxandra (ed.) - 458 Vigrio, Marina Cludia (ed.) - 313 Vilain, Anne (ed.) - 247 Vinichi Rdulescu, Stella - 487 Visdei, Anca - 419-421 Vlcea, Ionic Daniel - 245 Vlasiu, Ioana (ed.) - 279 Von Mure, Konrad - 357 Vrnceanu, Radu (ed.) - 266 W

Uliescu, Marilena - 208 Ursescu, Marta - 291 Ursu, Anne - 383 Ursu, Liliana - 486 V Vacek, Jindrich (trad.) - 474 Vndor, Lehel - 384 Vanhuysse, Pieter (ed.) - 204 Vardanian, Trahel G. (ed.) - 214 Vrkonyi-Kczy, Annamria (ed.) - 13 Vasile, Alessandra - 276 Vasile, Cornelia (ed.) - 230 Vasile, Geo (ed.) - 327 Vasile, Ion - 245 Vasiliu, Anca - 40 Vasiliu, Anca (ed.) - 70 Vasiliu, Dan - 232

Waack, Christoph - 256 Wahl, Shane (ed.) - 100 Walter, Marc (foto.) - 14 Wancerz-Gluza, Alicja - 533 Wang, Zhenyu - 6 Wanka, Gert - 217 Watada, Junzo (ed.) - 5 Wciso, Szymon (trad.) - 448-449 Weichsel, Volker (ed.) - 16 Weiler, Klaus - 513 Weiner, Carl P. - 250 Weir, Tyler - 2 Wells, Paula (ed.) - 245 Wetzels, Leo W. (ed.) - 311 Weyembergh, Anne (ed.) - 177 Whittington, Frank (ed.) - 237 Wichner, Ernest (ed.) - 423, 428 Wikete, Monica - 406

ROMNICA Willemsen, Jeroen (ed.) - 260 Wilson, Andrew - 93, 102 Windsperger, Marianne - 359 Wolchik, Sharon L (ed.) - 113 X Xu, Dong (ed.) - 238 Y Yamamoto, Toshiharu - 508 Yoder, Harvey - 54 Youngs, Richard (ed.) - 93 Z Zaikov, Gennadij Efremovi (ed.) - 230 Zai, Dumitru - 168 Zakrzewski, Reinhard (ed.) - 506 Zanotti-Sorkine, Michel-Marie - 55 Zhang, Yan-Qing (ed.) - 6




INDEX DE TITLURI 1989 : the year in pictures - 295 1989 l'est de l'Europe : une mmoire controverse - 85 1989 koniec systemu - 86 1989 the final curtain : Poland, Hungary, GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania - 86 10 degrees of glory : a book of poetry & spoken word : a tribute to love, life & dreams - 380 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Europe - 87 A Die abwesende Republik - 90 Accogliere gli immigrati : testimonianza di inclusione socio-economica - 142 Activity, incomes and social welfare : a comparison across four new EU member states - 201 The adaptation of Romanian loanwords from Turkish and French - 311 Adrian Ghenie - 278 Against all odds : models of subversive spaces in National Socialist Germany - 537 Age discrimination law in Europe - 179 Agriculture and the polluter pays principle - 208 Agriculture and the polluter pays principle in Romania - 208 L' aile tatoue : roman - 441 AJAX and PHP : building modern web applications - 1 Aliens with extraordinary skills - 381 Allunaggio di un immigrato innamorato - 409 Almost periodic oscillations and waves - 218 Amalia dch zhluboka : 5 souasnch rumunskch Along the enchanted way : a Romanian story - 362 American and british jews in the age of the great migration - 125 An american in the making : the life story of an immigrant - 135 An american mile in others' shoes : the tragicomedy of immigrating to the 21st century U.S. - 348 Analysis and design of marine structures - 251 And the story isn't over... - 426 Angelomorphic pneumatology : Clement of Alexandre Dumas, crivain du XXIe sicle : l' impatience du lendemain - 346





Alexandria and other early Christian witnesses - 60 And the month was May : a memoir - 119 Les annes Ceausescu : rcit d'une adolescence en Roumanie - 411 Apocalyptic thought in early Christianity - 59 Approximation by complex Bernstein and convolution type operators - 219 Archaeologists without boundaries : towards a history of international archaeological congresses (1866-2006) - 493 Archaeozoological approaches to medieval Moldavia - 494 Art, religious diversity, and confessional identity in early modern Transylvania / Maria Crciun - 51 As cores da vanguarda : arte romena : 1915- 1950 - 279 Aspects of regulating freedom of expression on the Internet - 182 Aspects of word frequencies - 314 Asta e situaia - 424 Atemschaukel : roman - 393 Atunci i-am ars dou palme - 483 Aurel Cojan : A stroll in the air - 280 Aurel Cojan : le piton de l'air - 281 L' avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matire pnale dans l'Union europenne - 177 Awangarda w cieniu Jaty - 290 B Balancing emotionalism: contemporary implications of the impact of street demonstrations on third-party interests - 186 Balkanische alphabete : rumnien - 428 The Balkans : foreign direct investment and EU accession - 161 Banalits mtaphysiques - 33 The banning of international adoption in Romania : reasons, meaning, and implications for child care and protection - 203 Biueii - 449 Becoming within being - 35 Benjamin Fondane : pote, essayiste, cinaste et philosophe : Roumanie, Paris, Auschwitz, 1898-1944 - 338 Den berusade bten : en vnbok till Sune Sunesson - 200 Betraying the event : constructions of victimhood in contemporary cultures - 523 Better legal or illegal? : transnationalism and status paradoxes at migrants from Romania in Nuremberg and Milan - 143 The better to hold you - 379 Between states : the Transylvanian question and the European idea during World

War II - 520 Between tradition and modernity : icons and icon painters in Romania - 282 Beyond the walls : the Easter processional in the exterior frescos of Moldavian monastery churches - 288 Das bild des anderen in der rumniendeutschen kinder- und jugendliteratur - 337 Bilderbuch der vlker des alten Siebenbrgen : handschriftliches trachtenbuch aus der zeit der Apafis - 20 Bio-inspired technologies for the hardware of adaptive systems : real-world implementations and applications - 9 Bioterrorism : impact on civilian society - 209 Birdwatching : one year, two men, three rules, ten thousand birds - 236 Der blinde masseur : roman - 389 Blood-soaked words and silences: cycles of victimization in the Romanian communist prisons and after - 523 Blue river, Black Sea : a journey along the Danube into the heart of new Europe 498 Blumenkind : roman - 405 Boundaries in motion : Christian initiation and literary discourse in Vasile Andru's and Daniela Hodrov's fiction - 339 Bram Stoker's Dracula : a documentary journey into vampire country and the Dracula phenomenon - 334 Brancaflr : Mrchen aus der Romania 433 Brancusi et Gaudier-Brzeska : points de convergence 285 Brancusi : l' inventeur de la sculpture moderne - 294 Bread, salt and plum brandy : a true story of love and adventure in a foreign land 202 Bric--brac : du cauchemar rel au ralisme magique - 308 Bricabrac - 308 Brckengasse ohne ufer - 456 Bucharest - 273 Die Buche : eine anthologie deutschsprachiger judendichtung aus der Bukowina 407 Buchgestaltung : ein interdisziplinres forum - 28 Bulgaria - Romania : 2009-2010 - 500 Bulgaria and Romania: quick start, ambiguous progress - 155 Byl jsem Mengeleho asistentem - 132 C Les Cantemir : l' aventure europenne d'une famille princire au XVIIIe sicle - 18 Capesius, der Auschwitzapotheker - 404





Capital cities in the aftermath of empires : planning in Central and Southeastern Europe - 273 Capitalismul ncotro? Criza economic, mersul ideilor, instituii - 174 Caravana cinematografic i alte povestiri - 454 Caresser la cime des arbres : roman - 413 Casa de la Petrodava - 451 La casa lontano da casa : romeni e marocchini a confronto - 154 Categoria pan - 425 Causes of cropland abandonment during the post-socialist transition in southern Romania - 232 Ceauescu, Dracula und Waisenhuser? : eine Imagestudie ber Rumnien - 17 Celibidache : musiker und philosoph : eine annherung - 513 Central and Eastern Europe : Europeanization and social change - 89 esk Bant : ivot a tradice eskch obyvatel rumunskho Bantu - 130 Cette nuit, l'ternit - 55 Challenges for Romanian investigative journalism - 25 Challenges of revived democracies : the rise of public relations in Romania - 270 Cheribidakke no ongaku to sugao : moto myunhen firuhamoni shuseki fagotto sosha no kaisoroku - 302 Chicken runs and vegetable plots - 261 Child welfare issues and perspectives - 74 Chinese in Eastern Europe and Russia : a middleman minority in a transnational era - 153 The chip is the network : toward a science of network-on-chip design - 8 Chronos : notizbcher ber zeit - 34 The cinematography caravan - 454 Cioran - 31 Circul nostru v prezint - 484 Claude Rgy : tudes et tmoignages - 305 Clipe sprijinite-n gnduri : versuri - 478 Les clowns : le dictateur et l'artiste - 469 A code of conduct as a means of limitation the judicial gain in power. Is there any place for ethics? : implementing the deontological code of judges and prosecutors in Romania - 194 Cross-border insolvency : a commentary on the UNCITRAL model law - 191 Communities of conviction : Baptist beginnings in Europe - 69 A companion to medieval popular romance - 330 Comparative fascist studies : new perspectives - 527 Comparison of different normalization methods for applied biosystems expression array system - 234 La concurrence des influences culturelles franaises et allemandes dans l'oeuvre de

Cioran : thse - 41 Conduct disorder and its relationship to oppositional defiant disorder : factors contributing to their development - 45 Confessions d'une sductrice : l' ternelle amoureuse - 419 Confluenze letterarie italo-romene - 327 La conscience malheureuse : lectures de "Titanic" - 340 Considerations on the principal events of the french revolution - 539 Considrations sur les principaux vnemens de la Rvolution franoise - 539 Constantin Karadja : bara ett liv till - 511 Continuum : poems - 434 Conventional and original metaphors in french autobiography - 332 Coping with accession to the European Union : new modes of environmental governance - 92 Copper amine oxidases : structures, catalytic mechanisms, and role in pathophysiology - 249 Corporate governance in transition economies - 176 Cost-effectiveness of a human papillomavirus vaccine : a comparative study between Switzerland, Romania and the Gambia - 248 Couple of poor polish-speaking romanians - 488 Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation - 231 The criminal trial in modern Romania - 195 The crisis of detente in Europe : from Helsinki to Gorbachev : 1975-1985 - 101 Cristina und ihre attrappe, oder, was (nicht) in den akten der Securitate steht - 394 Cues to contrastive focus in Romanian - 313 Cultural tourism and sustainable local development - 262 Cultural tourism, sustainability and regional development : experiences from Romania - 262 Curriculum reframed: multiple intelligences and new routes to teaching and learning in Romanian universities - 207 D Dacia : land of Transylvania, cornerstone of ancient eastern Europe - 534 Dada east? : contextes roumains du dadasme - 287 Dal comunismo al consumismo : fotosafari poetico esistenziale romeno-italiano 410 Dann ist mir die hand ausgerutscht - 483 Data mining and multi-agent integration - 3 Data mining in biomedicine using ontologies - 238 Data mining with Microsoft SQL server 2008 - 7





De ce iubim femeile - 439 De la armata regala la armata populara. Sovietizarea Armatei Romane (1948-1955) - 199 Decision support for natural disasters and intentional threats to water security - 210 The definitive guide to lift : a Scala-based web framework - 2 Degete mici - 448 Djame solo, Joe - 422 Democracy's plight in the European neighbourhood : struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties - 93 Democratization and securitization : the case of Romania - 109, 160 Dependence with complete connections and its applications - 221 Desatero pikzn podle Hesse - 473 Despre clovni : dictatorul i artistul - 469 Il destino di un uomo : l' dipe di George Enescu - 301 Deutsche Sprache im Donauraum : 20 jahre donauschwbische kulturstiftung des landes Baden-Wrttemberg - 319 Deutsche sprache und kultur in Siebenbrgen : studien zur geschichte, presse, literatur und theater, sprachlichen verhltnissen, wissenschafts-, kultur- und buchgeschichte, kulturkontakten und identitten - 122 Deutsche stadtrechte im mittelalterlichen Siebenbrgen : korporationsrechte, sachsenspiegelrecht, bergrecht - 555 Devenirea ntru fiin - 35 The diffusion of Macedonian inflections into Megleno-Romanian: a reconsideration of the evidence - 310 Din istoria culturii i religiei geto-dacice - 21 Dire et voir : la parole visible du Sophiste - 40 The divine face and the angels of the face: Jewish apocalyptic themes in early Christology and pneumatology - 59 Die Dobrudscha : ein neuer grenzraum der Europischen Union : soziokonomische, ethnische, politisch-geographische und kologische probleme - 83 Das Double - 292 Dr. Mengele boncolorvosa voltam az Auschwitz-I krematriumban - 132 Drcula : Vlad Tepes, el Empalador, y sus antepasados - 554 Dracula is dead : how Romanians survived communism, ended it, and emerged as the New Italy - 114 Dracula. Das leben des frsten Vlad Tepes - 554 Draculas, vampires, and other undead forms : essays on gender, race, and culture 306 Dot.conned : the outrageously funny, 100] true accounts of conning Internet con men - 370

Drasni KGB-Javi se : Radio "Slovodna Jugoslavija" iz Bukuresta : Izvetava - 489 Dreaming of wolves : adventures in the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania 507 Drinking water security and health in Transylvania, Romania - 210 Drugs for pregnant and lactating women - 250 Duality in vector optimization - 217 E Early modern religious communities in East-Central Europe : ethnic diversity, denominational plurality, and corporative politics in the principality of Transylvania (1526-1691) - 49 Ears - 384 Eastern Christianity and the cold war : 1945-1991 - 63 The eastern margins of empire: coloniality in 19th century Romania - 526 crivains roumains d'expression franaise : Tristan Tzara, Benjamin Fondane, Mircea Eliade, Eugne Ionesco : aspects de l'exil, trajectoires emblmatique 416 Effects of profound early institutional deprivation : an overview of findings from a UK longitudinal study of Romanian adoptees - 189 L' effet Pygmalion : pour une anthropologie historique des simulacres - 293 Einheit und katholizitt der kirche : forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den quellen des gemeinsamen glaubens - 64 Einstrzende mauern : das jahr 1989/90 als epochenjahr in der geschichte des Weltchristentums - 65 The electoral patterns of the Romanian far right : during the interwar years (19191937) - 559 Elie Wiesel : witness for humanity - 343 Das ende der flucht aus Siebenbrgen, die zweite heimat sterreich : erinnerungen einer flchtlingsfamilie aus der gemeinde Weikirch bei Bistritz (Albetii Bistriei, Rumnien) - 149 Engineering evolutionary intelligent systems - 4 Environmentally degradable materials based on multicomponent polymeric systems - 230 Der erfolg von M&A-transaktionen im europischen bankensektor - 172 Escape del ltimo tren de Auschwitz : con notas de Moises Enghelberg, 1919-1985 - 123 ESCO development: Eastern Europe : Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Russia, Bulgaria - 255 ESCOs around the world : lessons learned in 49 countries - 255 Esercizi di de-fascinazione : saggio su E.M. Cioran - 39





Europe centrale et l'Europe de l'Est - 89 Europe centrale et orientale. Quatre tmoins privilgis analysent l'vnement 1989 - 85 European citizenship in the process of construction : challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe - 183 The European takeover directive and its implementation - 187 Euroscepticism : images of Europe among mass publics and political elites - 95 Euroscepticism and party system change : Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic - 95 Excursions into national specificity and European identity : Mihail Sebastians interwar travel reportage - 499 L' excution des Ceauescu : : la vrit sur une rvolution en trompe-l'il - 556 Exerciii i probleme locale sau/i globale : versuri - 480 L' exil d'Alexandra : roman - 421 Expedice Delta : Rumunskem na pramicch - 503 Expeditions of a chimaera - 360 Pathobiochemistry of cerebral ischemia : an experimental approach - 235 Exploring the solar system and the universe - 227 Exposure and risk assessment of chemical pollution : contemporary methodology 212 F A fading history - 549 Fado - 490 Il farmacista di Auschwitz - 404 Feria : a poempark - 361 Filozoful crud : o istorie a canibalismului - 29 1989 : la fine del Novecento - 517 Folie et socit dans l'Isral antique - 23 La fontaine de ce sicle : pomes - 446 Foreign workers in Israel : global perspectives - 147 Forgiven submarine - 443 Frappes chirurgicales - 356 Free to protest : constituent power and street demonstration - 186 Freiheit im blick : 1989 und der aufbruch in Europa - 16 Die fremde blick, oder : das leben ist ein furz in der laterne - 401 From Bucharest to Beijing : changes in countries sending children for international adoption 1990 to 2006 - 189 >From communists to foreign capitalists : the social foundations of foreign direct investment in postsocialist Europe - 171

From the darkness to the light - 141 From the land beyond the forest - 372 From the royal armed forces to the popular armed forces : sovietization of the Romanian military : 1948-1955 - 199 From the Soviet bloc to the European Union : the economic and social transformation of Central and Eastern Europe since 1973 - 91 Frontiers in electronics - 252 Der fuchs war damals schon der jger : roman - 399 Funambule - 418 The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union - 177 Fuzzy gene mining : a fuzzy-based framework for cancer microarray data analysis 6 Fr glaube, fhrer, volk, vater- oder mutterland? : die kmpfe um die deutsche jugend im rumnischen Banat : 1918-1944 - 139 G Das gebet im Neuen Testament - 56 Gefallen fr volk und heimat : kriegerdenkmler deutscher minderheiten in Ostmitteleuropa whrend der zwischenkriegszeit - 120 Gender politics in post-communist Eurasia - 97 Genetic variants in periodontal health and disease - 239 Genocide in Elie Wiesel's Night - 126 Gert und Uwe Tobias - 283 Geschichte der nordsiebenbrger sachsen : Nsnerland und Reener Lndchen - 129 Giornali d'Europa : Gran Bretagna, Irlanda, Russia, Romania - 24 The girl from Sighet - 137 Girl Mary - 377 The global public relations handbook : theory, research, and practice - 270 Globalization and the decolonial option - 526 God knows my path! : Silvia Trniceriu - 54 Goethe bei den rumniendeutschen : literatur-rezeption im Banat und in Siebenbrgen - 406 Grammatica romena : morfologia, sintassi ed esercizi - 323 Guardia di ferro : la legione dell'Arcangelo Michele - 557 H Die halluzinogene katze : trume, realien-stimmen und stimmengewirr aus der gegenwart Rumniens - 423 The hand and the soul : aesthetics and ethics in architecture and art - 274





Handbook of dental care : diagnostic, preventive and restorative services - 240 The Hardy space of a slit domain - 215 The heart of Catholic social teaching : its origins and contemporary significance 57 Heimat ist das, was gesprochen wird - 395 Hgmonie ou dclin de la France : la fabrication d'un mythe national - 535 Heroes and victims : remembering war in twentieth-century Romania - 519 Herztier - 397-398 Heterogeneous electron transfer studies with ligninolytic redox enzymes and living bacteria : applications in biosensors and biofuel cells - 233 History and character: visions of national peculiarity in the romanian political discourse of the 19th century - 542 Holocaust an der peripherie : judenpolitik und judenmord in Rumnien und Transnistrien : 1940-1944 - 117 The Holocaust in regional perspective : antisemitism and the Holocaust in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia - 116 L' homme est un grand faisan sur terre - 402 Homo sapiens : poeme - 464 Homogenization methods for multiscale mechanics - 223 Housing policy reforms in post socialist Europe : lost in transition - 111 How could traditional consumption stimulate the bakery industry? - 258 How does the European Union's political conditionality induce compliance? : Insights from Turkey and Romania - 107 The HR consulting entrepreneur : firm-builder, market-maker and diffuser of HR management knowledge in an emergent business system - 263 Human factors in the floods of Romania - 214 I Ich war kein dissident : autobiographie - 387 Identity games : globalization and the transformation of media cultures in the new Europe - 98 Im kalten schatten der erinnerung : eine anthologie zeitgenssischer prosa aus Rumnien - 457 The immortal fire - 383 Impactul virtualului 470 The influence of communist ideology over the Romanian matrimonial regime - 195 Informal learning of active citizenship at school : an international comparative study in seven European countries - 206 In Rumnien : auf den spuren einer europischen Verwandtschaft - 15 In the shadow of Yalta : art and the avant-garde in Eastern Europe : 1945-1989 -

290 In/visibility - 289 L' intgration de la Roumanie dans l'Union europenne : espace et dveloppement 159 An intellectual history of cannibalism - 29 Intelligent systems and technologies : methods and applications - 5 Internal control and auditing procedures - 264 International actors, democratization and the rule of law : anchoring democracy? 99 International advances in adoption research for practice - 189 The international Eliade - 53 The international handbook on aging : current research and developments - 237 International human rights monitoring mechanisms : essays in honour of Jakob Th. Mller - 190 Intracranial hypertension - 241 Inventatorul iubirii - 467 Inventing the Jew : antisemitic stereotypes in Romanian and other Central EastEuropean cultures - 133 Inventor of love and other writings - 467 Investieren in Rumnien : ein berblick ber die wirtschaftlichen, politischen und vor allem rechtlichen gegebenheiten - 165 Investigating vocabulary learning strategies : a case study of Romanian undergraduates with a professional interest in learning English as a foreign language - 318 Ion Barbu : de la musique des symboles - 350 n vizit la Ussais - 452 nainte s moar Brejnev - 445 ntmplri n irealitatea imediat - 432 J Jealous witness : poems - 365 Jurisdiction over marriage in the Romanian principalities : from the ecclesiastical court to the secular tribunal - 195





Kaleidoscopic Nabokov : perspectives franaises - 342 Karel Appel : un geste de couleur - 286 ...keiner dieser Orte ist zu finden : literaturwissenschaftliche aufstze - 331 Kelly's world-fixing machine : novel - 363 King Carol II's personal fortune and its influence on Romania's economic negotiations with Germany : 1937-1940 - 544 Kira Kyralina y El to Anghel - 459 Kirchenlied zwischen pest und stadtbrand - 140 KLB 58907 - 131 Knowledge management practices - 265 Kosti pro Otta - 473 Krize aneb, Jet jedna pohdka o lsce - 473 Kultureller wandel als ansinnen : die diskursive verhandlung von geschichte im fernsehen - 26 L The land and the peasant in Rumania : the war and agrarian reform : 1917-1921 257 Language, discourse and identity in Central Europe : the german language in a multilingual space - 320 Last judgment iconography in the Carpathians - 284 The later Paleolithic: investigating the Aurignacian/Gravettian transition in the Bistria Valley (NE-Romania) - 497 The law/politics distinction in contemporary public law adjudication - 188 Das leben einer akte : chronologie einer bespitzelung durch die Securitate - 391 Leben in der fremde : empirische studien ber green-card-inhaber und ihre familien - 146 Lebenswege in traum(a)landschaften : die Bukowina als erinnerungslandschaft in ausgewhlten werken Aharon Appelfelds - 359 A leftist ontology : beyond relativism and identity politics - 84 The legionary movement after Corneliu Codreanu : from the dictatorship of King Carol II to the communist regime : february 1938-august 1944 - 563 Licht und schatten - 429 Lightwall - 486 Limanul apelor nvolburate - 466 The limits of enlargement-lite : European and Russian power in the troubled neighbourhood - 102 Linear control systems : analysis and synthesis, theory and application - 226

Lines poems poetry - 463 A linguist's linguist : studies in south slavic linguistics in honor of E. Wayles Browne - 310 Lirice - 455 Living with religious diversity in early-modern Europe - 51 Ljusets bjning : och andra dikter - 482 Loan phonology - 311 Lolita : cartographies de l'obsession (Nabokov, Kubrick) - 307 The Lord poured out his grace : beginnings in Hungary, Transylvania, Serbia and Macedonia - 69 The lost world of communism : an oral history of daily life behind the iron curtain 530 Lumini ncletate de umbre: vibraii pentru inim i minte - 429 M The Macedonian cry : Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania - 69 Machine learning in bioinformatics - 6 Maesutorotachi no rokuon genba : karayan grudo to rekdo purodys - 303 Maitorei & Keibetsu - 328 The making of the hymnal, "Imnuri cretine 2006", in the context of a century-old seventh-day adventist hymnological tradition in Romania - 62 Mae palce - 448 Mammal survey : munii Padurea Craiului (Transylvania-Romania) - 260 Manires de penser dans l'antiquit mediterranenne et orientale : mlanges offerts Francis Schmidt par ses lves, ses collgues et ses amis - 72 Mass balance models for chemical fate, bioaccumulation, exposure and risk assessment: modeling of contaminants in aquatic environment - 212 Maternal and paternal warmth and involvement in relation to hope in Romanian adolescents - 42 Matheuristics : hybridizing metaheuristics and mathematical programming - 222 Matthew's enigma : a father's portrait of his autistic son - 436 Mechanisms and robots analysis with MATLAB - 253 Media in the enlarged Europe : politics, policy and industry - 25 Medical uses of statistics 242 Megadisasters : the science of predicting the next catastrophe - 211 Memories ... testimonies ... my life! : the train of hope - 375 Memory glyphs : 3 prose poets from Romania - 427 Memory, metaphors, and meaning : reading literary texts - 326 Mendicants in Moldavia : mission in an orthodox land : thirteenth to fifteenth century - 61





Der mensch ist ein grosser fasan auf der welt - 402-403 Der mensch ist ein grosser fasan auf der welt : eine erzhlung - 400 La mer Noire : des origines la conqute ottomane - 518 Merchant to Romania : business as missions in post-communist Eastern Europe 82 Mes dparts - 414 Mtamorphoses - 336 Metaphor and monumentality: the travels of Nicolae Iorga - 499 Metaphoric fields : Blaga, Melville, and Leopardi - 326 Mthodologie de la recherche en psychologie clinique - 43 Microarray innovations : technology and experimentation - 234 Le migrant online : nouveaux modles migratoires l're du numrique - 152 Migration and theology : the case of chinese christian communities in Hungary and Romania in the globalisation-context - 151 Minderheitenschutz in Rumnien : eine analyse der verfassungsrechtlichen bestimmungen unter bercksichtigung der internationalen verpflichtungen Rumniens - 138 Minka Abla - 460 The minor prophets in the New Testament - 58 Mirakelkvinnan - 435 Mircea Eliade und die Eiserne Garde : rumnische intellektuelle im umfeld der legion Erzengel Michael - 19 Miruna, Cosmin et Marius vivent en Roumanie - 76 Micarea legionar dup Corneliu Codreanu - 563 MNE strategies in Romania - 163 Moldova's fragile pluralism - 93 Mon ami Vassia : souvenirs du Donetz - 545 Monnaies de Durostorum - Ostrov : 4e siecle av. J.-C. - 6e siecle ap. J.-C. - 495 Moral foundations of management knowledge - 266 La mort des Ceauescu : la vrit sur un coup d'tat communiste - 550 A multi-agent system for extracting and analysing users' interaction in a collaborative knowledge management system - 3 Multiple intelligences around the world - 207 Myth and modernity in the twentieth century Romanian novel - 347 Myth, identity and conflict : comparative analysis of Romanian and Serbian textbooks - 94 N Nadirs - 396 Napolon III et la Roumanie : influence de la franc-maonnerie - 521

National election results. Conventions in reporting results ; Bulgaria ; Czechoslovakia ; Czech Republic ; Slovakia ; Estonia ; Hungary ; Latvia ; Lithuania ; Poland ; Romania ; Slovenia ; Russia - 105 Nato-Russia relations in the twenty-first century - 197 Naturschutzrecht in Rumnien : unter besonderer bercksichtigung des europischen gemeinschaftsrechts - 185 Ne/Preglednost - 289 The necessary marriage - 485 Negotiating post-socialist property and state: struggles over forests in Albania and Romania - 178 The neoliberal revolution in eastern Europe : economic ideas in the transition from communism - 88 Nerrantsoula : Le refrain de la fosse - 461 Neranula i alte povestiri - 461 Neunzig jahre Notre-Dame-Klosterschule der Armen Schulschwestern von unserer Lieben Frau im Banat : 1858 - 1948 - 127 Neurovascular medicine : pursuing cellular longevity for healthy aging - 244 Neutron imaging with bubble chambers for inertial confinement fusion - 228 New Europe, old jails : the european integration of romanian penitentiary culture and civilization - 180 New exhibits 3 : made in Italy - 276 New perspectives on anarchism - 100 Ne zemel Brenv : romn - 445 Nicolae Ceauescu : eine biographie - 510 Niederungen - 396 Les noirs chevaux des Carpates : roman - 451 Nordic, Central, and Southeastern Europe 2009 - 110 Nostalgia - 438, 438 Not Natasha - 79 Notes sur Liabeuf et sur Tolsto - 271 Novus Grecismus - 357 Number theory : structures, examples, and problems - 216 Nunile necesare - 485 O Obiettivo Romania - 324 Occurrence in the immediate unreality - 432 On linguistic politics : the stylistic testimonies of Romanian hip-hop - 22 One miracle after another : the Pavel Goia story - 509 Orbitor - Aripa stng - 440





Orbitor : aripa dreapt - 441 Orthodoxy and the Cold War : religion and political power in Romania, 1947-65 68 Oscar Wilde's plagiarism : the triumph of art over ego - 355 Other's people's children : social reproduction in Romanian orphanages, 20 years later - 77 Our circus presents - 484 Out in public : reinventing lesbian/gay anthropology in a globalizing world - 78 Ovid in exile : power and poetic redress in the Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto - 345 The Oxford handbook of fascism - 516 P Le Palolithique suprieur de Moldavie : essai de synthse d'une volution multiculturelle - 496 Panzer battle at Suceava in Northern Romania - 524 Parties and elections in new European democracies : an interactive process - 105 Passion et rsurrection selon Saint Jean - 70 The passport - 403 The people incorporated: constructions of the nation in Transylvanian romanian liberalism, 1838-1848 - 542 Per Teresa : studi e ricerche in ricordo di Teresa Ferro - 324 Percorsi di inclusione socio-economica: il caso dei romeni nella Provincia di Roma - 142 Performance characterization and sensitivity analysis of real-time embedded systems - 10 Performance, exile and 'America' - 348 Perspectives in translation studies - 312 Pervyi arkhipastyr : zhizn i dela Mitropolita Gavriila (Benulesku-Bodoni) - 47 Petite histoire de la vie de mon pre - 545 Pharmaceutical and mutational interference with virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium - 243 Phonetics and phonology : interactions and interrelations - 313 Plato's myths - 38 Poeme de dragoste i din alte volume sau inedite - 465 Poesia, malattia pericolosa - 352 Poezii - 329 The Polish crisis and its impact on Romanian economy in the early 1980s - 101 The politics and economics of software intellectual property rights : interacting policies of the United States, United Kingdom, Romania, Turkey, and international organizations - 192

The politics of destroying surplus small arms : inconspicuous disarmament - 155 The politics of possession : property, authority and access to natural resources - 178 La politique trangre roumaine : 1990-2006 - 156 Porno bloc : rotocalco morboso dalla Romania post post-comunista - 408 Le portrait individuel : rflexions autour d'une forme de reprsentation : XIIIe-XVe sicles - 277 Portretul lui M. - 436 Post-communist economic societies - 167 Post-communist welfare pathways : theorizing social policy transformations in Central and Eastern Europe - 204 Postcards of lost royals - 296 Postcommunist countries: Hungary - Poland - Romania - 148 Post-communist transformations : the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia in comparative perspective - 103 The posthuman Dada guide : Tzara & Lenin play chess - 335 Pourquoi nous aimons les femmes : nouvelles - 439 Poverty, urbanity and social policy : Central and Eastern Europe compared - 205 Predicative minds : the social ontogeny of propositional thinking - 30 Les prpositions fonctionnelles du roumain : tudes comparatives sur le marquage casuel - 322 Prestige at work : goldsmiths of Cluj/Kolozsvr in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries - 552 La Princesse marie au premier venu - 420 Le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle des dcisions judiciaries dans l'union europenne devant les juridictions roumaines. Prsent et perspectives - 177 Problems in real analysis : advanced calculus on the real axis - 225 Problems of ethnomusicology - 299 Proiecte de trecut - 431 Proyectos de pasado - 431 Pseudo-Hippolytus's "In sanctum pascha": a mystery apocalypse - 59 Public policies as vehicles of social exclusion : the case of Romani women's access to reproductive health in Romania - 97 Publishing market profile. Romania - 269 Pui de cuc : roman - 475 Purifying the nation : population exchange and ethnic cleansing in Nazi-allied Romania - 560 Pursuit of an unparalleled opportunity - 531 The Pygmalion effect : from Ovid to Hitchcock - 272





Queen Isabella Sforza Szapolyai of Transylvania and Sultan Suleyman of the Ottoman empire : a case of sixteenth-century muslim-christian collaboration 529 Quo vadis Eastern Europe? : religion, state and society after communism - 104 R Radio Kairo und Prinzessin Teleki : erlebnisse und erinnerungen aus gypten und Rumnien - 392 Randerscheinungen : regionalisierungen und skalierungen im kontext von transformations- und globalisierungseffekten in der kontroverse um den Goldbergbau im rumnischen Westgebirge - 256 Rzvrtitul Toderi : roman istoric - 476 Reaching Home - 376 Real-time stability assessment in modern power system control centers - 11 La recherche en management et en conomie : repres pistmologiques et mthodologiques - 168 Reclaiming Romania - 213 La reconnaissance sur la scne franaise : XVIIe-XXIe sicle - 304 Rectal cancer : etiology, pathogenesis and treatment - 245 Recursions for convolutions and compound distributions with insurance applications - 173 Reflections on a distant journey - 369 Rformer la justice dans un pays post-communiste : le cas de la Roumanie - 181 Regards sur la posie du XXe sicle - 350 Regional aspects of climate-terrestrial-hydrologic interactions in non-boreal Eastern Europe - 232 Reise durch Jordanien - 501 Reise in die nachbarschaft : zur wirkungsgeschichte der deutschsprachigen literatur aus der Bukowina und Galizien nach 1918 - 351 Rentoarcerea lupilor - 386 Rejecting the EU constitution? : from the constitutional treaty to the Treaty of Lisbon - 193 Religion and politics in post-communist Romania - 104 Religion, politics and law in the European Union - 52 Remembrance : poems and memories - 453 La rparation : un survivant raconte - 390 Republica absent : politic i societate n Romnia postcomunist - 90 Rescue, barter, sale : Jewish emigration from Communist Romania to Israel - 150

Residential care for children in Romania : a model for child protection reform in Central and Eastern Europe - 80 Residential care of children : comparative perspectives - 80 La retraduction : entre fidlit et innovation - 317 Revenue management with forward and spot trading - 166 Revolution 1989 : the fall of the Soviet empire - 538 La rvolution roumaine : 22 dcembre 1989 - 551 Rewilding the world : dispatches from the conservation revolution - 213 Rheophysics : the deformation and flow of matter - 229 Richard Wurmbrand : the man and his work - 66 The rights and wrongs of land restitution : restoring what was ours - 170 Ritual revitalisation after socialism : community, personhood, and conversion among Roma in a Transylvanian village - 124 Rock and dew : selected poems - 447 The role of parent-adolescent connection in child welfare: a study of high school students in Transylvania, Romania - 74 I Rom d'Europa : una storia moderna 134 Romance language : a novel - 368 The Romani movement in Romania : institutionalization and (de)mobilization - 136 Romani politics in contemporary Europe : poverty, ethnic mobilization, and the neoliberal order - 136 Romania - 191, 206, 237, 516 Romania : child labor in Romania - 169 Romania : sidelined to the margins of legal pluralism - 87 Romania : where did we come from, where will we go : the most important thing for you - 508 Romania and America, 1873: Leon Horowitz's Romanian tour and its background 125 Romania and the European Union : how the weak vanquished the strong - 96 La Romania nella politica estera italiana : 1919-1965 : luci e ombre di un'amicizia storica - 158 Romania, America and world jewry: Consul Peixotto in Bucharest, 1870-1876 125 Romania: Environmental governance form without substance - 92 Romania: outsmarting the EU's smart power - 93 Romania: the Carpathians - 490 Romania: vero pluralismo? - 24 Romania: vetoed reforms, skewed results - 99 Romanian fairy tales - 458 Romanian fighter colors : 1941-1945 - 198 Romanian food consumption model in the context of European Union integration -





258 Romanian gulag : long-term traumatic experiences of imprisonment and their impact on the well-being of political prisoners - 44 Romanian handbooks on manuscript illumination in the 18th century - 291 Romanian kielioppi - 325 Romanian sex slaves are failed by a challenged law enforcement system - 81 The Romanians and the Turkic nomads north of the Danube Delta from the tenth to the mid-thirteenth century - 515 Romnia - 179 Romeni d'Italia : migrazioni, vita quotidiana e legami - 145 I romeni in Italia: lavorano, risparmiano, intraprendono, si formano - 142 Rosso primo - 329 Die rote babuschka - 468 Roumanian fairy tales and legends - 477 La Roumanie : de la Triplice l'Entente, 1914-1919 - 553 La Roumanie de 1918 1948 : quelques repres - 545 La Roumanie vingt ans aprs : le chasseur de la Securitate - 546 Roumanie, prison des mes - 108 Roumanie. L'chec d'une "seconde Rvolution" place de l'Universit (1990) - 85 Roumanie. Les minriades dans la mmoire des mineurs - 85 Rudolf Frnkel and Neues Bauen : work in Germany, Romania, and the United Kingdom - 275 Rules from above, views from below: accessing and using child health services in post-communist rural Romania - 205 Rumania : studentt shqiptar n vita : formimi intelektual dhe veprimtaria - 73 Rumanian construction workers - 147 Rumnien - 506 Rumnien und die militrreform des Warschauer Paktes - 196 Rumniens umgang mit der kommunistischen vergangenheit : eine untersuchung aus strafrechtlicher perspektive - 562 Die rumnische armee und die gemeinsamen manver des Warschauer Paktes - 196 Rumnische grammatik - 321 Rumunsk pastorle : inspiromat nejen pro cyklisty - 502 Rumuski azyl : losy Polakw 1939-1945 - 533 S Les sabbataires de Transylvanie - 50 The same play, different masks - 309 Samoura et kamikaze : la tradition guerrire du Japon - 536 Scnteieri n oglinzi : poezii - 479

"Schau, das leben ist so bunt" : Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger, Karin Gndisch und Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu : drei reprsentative deutsch schreibende autorinnen aus Rumnien - 344 Schimbarea la fa a Romniei - 32 Secuii i romnii : istoria unei nenelegeri - 121 Seis enfermedades del espritu contemporneo - 36 Seismic site effect modelling based on in situ borehole measurements in Bucharest, Romania - 231 Serctko - 397 Sergiu Celibidache : la fenomenologia per l'uomo - 512 estdesetletnica in mladeni - 462 The settlement of reproduction health and medically-assisted human reproduction : a turning point in the Romanian legislation of family law - 195 Settler and creole reenactment - 514 Sexagenara i tnrul - 462 Shape-preserving approximation by real and complex polynomials - 220 Sieben jahre und sieben monate : meine Bukarester jahre : roman - 491 Die Siebenbrger kirchenunion an der wende zum 18. jahrhundert - 71 Singurtate pedepsit : nuvele - 471 Six maladies of the contemporary spirit - 37 Snt o bab comunist - 468 Slavery - 81 Snhulk - 473 Soft computing based modeling in intelligent systems - 13 Solidarni z Rumunia : grudzie 1989 - stycze 1990 - 297 Sourcebook of paleolithic transitions : methods, theories, and interpretations - 497 Sources and serendipity : testimonies of artists' practice - 291 Southeastern Europe: Romania, Bulgaria - 110 Sovietization in Romania - 548 Specificity of romanian Black Sea coast changes under climate and human impact 232 Stalinism revisited : the establishment of communist regimes in East-Central Europe - 532 Starszy brat, modszy brat 449 Statistics and reality : concepts and measurements of migration in Europe - 148 Stella's way : from communist romania to becoming a prosperous entrepreneur living the american dream - 373 Stilte en eenvoud : orthodox kloosterleven in Roemeni - 67 Stop the tempo! : Kebab - 437 The strange case of the missing sheep - 364 Strategie di internazionalizzazione delle imprese nell'Est europeo : determinanti e





modalit di attuazione - 162 Strategies for the sustainable development in the Danube Delta in Romania, Ukraine and Moldava - 210 Strategies of multinationals in Central and Eastern Europe : innovation systems and embeddedness - 163 A strategy for strengthening romanian seventh day adventist families - 46 Strengthen the judiciary's independence in Europe! : international recommendations for an independent judicial power - 194 Still elected dictators? : a study of executive accountability to the legislature in multi-party democracies across time : Italy (1947-2006), Argentina (19822006) and Romania (1992-2007) - 541 Study of materials and techniques used in a 15th-century Romanian illuminated manuscript - 291 Le style Second Empire : architecture, dcors et art de vivre - 14 Subcultures and new religious movements in Russia and East-Central Europe - 22 Submarinul iertat - 443 Successione Zappa : controversia tra la Grecia e la Romania - 184 Superior-order curvature-correction techniques for voltage references - 254 Surgical treatment of rectal cancer - current controversies - 245 Die szekler in Siebenbrgen : von der privilegierten sondergemeinschaft zur ethnischen gruppe - 115 ase maladii ale spiritului contemporan - 36-37 i povestea nu se sfrete aici... - 426 T Tale of a short-term missionary : street ministry in the Balkans : my faith journey 48 Les tmoins oraculaires - 481 A terra das ameixas verdes - 398 Terre des affranchis : roman - 415 Textually constructing identity and otherness : mediating the Romanian hip-hop message - 22 Tezeu sau destinul puterii - 430 Le thtre de Fondane : relectures d'Ulysse - 341 Theseus oder das schicksal der macht - 430 They should be killed : forest restitution, ethnic groups, and patronage in postsocialist Romania - 170

Threats to global water security - 214 To Romania with love - 367 Der tod und der teufel : materialien zu "Vlad, der todesfrst. Die Draculakorrektur" - 353 Tourism and development in Romania - 267 Towards a multinational concept of culture : Romanian German literature in Romanian and Hungarian literature - 320 Traditional food production and rural sustainable development : a European challenge - 258 Train to Trieste - 378 Transfiguration de la Roumanie - 32 Transforming peasants, property and power : the collectivization of agriculture in Romania : 1949-1962 - 259 The transition process and changes in income, income inequality and poverty: the case of Romania - 201 Transition, European integration and foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern countries - 175 Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union : reckoning with the Communist past - 540 Translators and their readers : in homage to Eugene A. Nida - 316 Transsylvanien : im reich von Dracula - 333 The Transylvanian incident - 366 Transylvanian sunrise - 444 Triangle of deception : novel - 371 Triumful paparudei - 456 Trois saisons potiques : pomes - 442 Tumor angiogenesis : from molecular mechanisms to targeted therapy - 246 Tr nach osten : aufzeichnungen und geschichten - 492 Turning points and breaklines - 195 aa Minca - 460 rnimea i puterea - 259 U Un cri dans la neige - 487 Uncivil society : 1989 and the implosion of the communist establishment - 528 Under eastern eyes : a comparative introduction to East European travel writing on Europe - 499





Understanding post-communist transformation : a bottom up approach - 106 Une nigme et un miracle historique : le peuple roumain - 547 The unfinished peace : the Council of Foreign Ministers and the hungarian peace treaty of 1947 - 525 Unitary invariants in multivariable operator theory - 224 L' univers thtral d'Eugne Ionesco dans l'univers essayiste et politique de Franois Bondy - 412 Untersuchungen ber religionsgeschichte und kultur : die geto-daker - 21 The use of remote sensing and gis techniques in flood monitoring and damage assessment: a study case in Romania - 214 ber musikalische phnomenologie : ein vortrag und weitere materialien - 300 V A vanishing act : Gulag narratives and their afterlife - 349 Varieties of antisemitism : history, ideology, discourse - 116 Vaterflucht : roman - 385 Vehicular-2-X communication : state-of-the-art and research in mobile vehicular ad hoc networks - 268 Velvet totalitarianism : post-stalinist Romania - 374 Viaa pe un peron - 474 Victor Man : attebasile - 298 La vie en rouge (1944-1989) : ils ont fait tomber le communisme - 522 La vie qu'on a : l' histoire d'une fille de l'est - 144 Visim mandrivok Bukovynoiu - 505 Il vizio di leggere - 354 Vocalize to localize - 247 Voortrekkers of the cold war : enacting the South African past and present in Mark Behr's "The smell of apples" - 514 W Wahrnehmung der deutsch(sprachig)en literatur aus Ostmittel- und Sdosteuropa : ein paradigmenwechsel ? - 358 Wandern in Siebenbrgen : rund um Kronstadt, Schburg und Hermannstadt - 504 The war on terrorism : 21st-century perspectives - 157 Der Warschauer Pakt : von der grndung bis zum zusammenbruch, 1955 bis 1991 196 We, the people : politics of national peculiarity in Southeastern Europe - 542

Wege in die moderne : entwicklungsstrategien rumnischer konomen im 19. und 20. jahrhundert - 164 Wegkreuzungen : dreizehn lebensbilder - 118 Weighting differences : Romanian identity in the wider european context - 112 Welfare state transformations in Bulgaria and Romania - 204 Which way goes capitalism? : in search of adequate policies in a dramatically changing world - 174 Wiedergutmachung - 390 Die wiederkehr der wlfe : Roman - 386 Windows internals : covering Windows server 2008 and Windows Vista - 12 Die Wissenden : roman - 440 With half a mouth : narrating pasts through personal memories in post-communist Romania - 561 Women in power in post-communist parliaments - 113 The wooden tongue speaks : romanians, contradictions and realities - 382 Word frequency studies - 315 Working street children in Turkey and Romania : a comparative historical analysis in the context of new poverty - 75 Working through change and xenophobia in Europe. Return ticket to Transylvania: relations between historical reality and vampire fiction - 306 The world of child labor : an historical and regional survey - 169 Wspczeni historycy Polscy o Rumunii : praca zbiorowa - 543 Das wunder von Moghilev : die rettung von zehntausend juden vor dem rumnischen Holocaust - 128 Y The year 1989 in the history and perception of romanian society and churches - 65 Falling walls : the year 1989/90 as a turning point in the history of world Christianity - 65 Z Zaira : roman - 388 Zmbind... sub poverile vieii - 450 Zidul de lumin - 486 ivot na nstupiti - 474 Zoia : roman - 417 Der zug nach Triest : Roman - 378 Zvukot na zborot : trojca pomanski poeti - 472 Zwangsarbeit in Rumnien : 1950 - 1961 : oral history - 558 Zwischenrume : kulturelle transfers in deutschsprachigen regionalperiodika des Habsburgerreichs : 1850-1918 - 27





A Abuzuri mpotriva femeilor - 81 Aciuni caritabile - 202 Adolesceni -- Comportament social - 42 Adolesceni (psihologie) - 42 Adopie internaional - 203 Adopie internaional -- Legislaie - 189 Adventiti -- Transilvania - 46 Adventiti (Romnia) - 62 Adventiti de ziua a aptea - 62 Adventiti de ziua a aptea -- Persecuii - 46, 509 Adventiti de ziua a aptea -- Romnia -- Cler - 509 Agricultur -- Romnia -- Planificare - 259 Agricultur -- Secet -- Romnia - 232 Albetii Bistriei (sat, jud. Bistri a-Nsud) - 149 Albume -- Portrete - 296 Alegeri -- Istorie - 559 Alzheimer, boal - 237 Anarhism -- Concepte - 100 Anatomie -- Fiziologie - 247 Andru, Vasile - 339 Animale slbatice - 507 Animale slbatice -- Mamifere -- Protecie - 260 Antichiti romane - 495 Antisemitism - 116 Antisemitism -- Europa de Est - 133 Antisemitism -- Romnia - 133 Antologii literare - 327, 407, 433, 463, 472 Antropologie filozofic - 29 Antropologie social -- Canibalism - 29 Antropologie social -- Sexualitate - 78 Apafi, familia - 20 Ap -- Aprovizionare -- Riscuri - 210, 214 Appel, Karel - 286 Appelfeld, Aharon - 359 Arheologie -- Datare - 494 Arheologie -- Istorie - 493 Arheologie -- Metodologie -- Proiecte - 493

Arheozoologie -- Moldova -- Evul Mediu - 494 Arhitectur -- Estetic - 274 Arhitectur -- Europa Central i de Est -- Istorie - 273, 275 Arhitectur contemporan -- Romnia - 275 Arhitectur i societate - 274 Arhiteci germani -- Biografie - 275 Armament -- Evaluare - 155 Armata regala romn - 199 Armata romn -- Istorie - 196, 199 Armata romn -- Sovietizare - 199 Art -- Istorie i critic - 272, 289 Art -- Teme, motive - 293 Art -- Teme, motive -- Mimetism - 272 Art fotografic - 298 Art religioas -- Cretinism -- Iconografie - 284 Art i politic -- Europa de Est - 290 Art i religie - 284 Art i simbolistic cretine -- Evul mediu -- Moldova - 288 Art i tehnologie - 291 Arte plastice -- Eseu - 271 Arte plastice -- Europa - 277 Arte plastice -- Grafic -- Peisaj - 283 Arte plastice -- Istorie i critic - 286, 292 Arte plastice -- Pictur -- Portret - 278 Arte plastice -- Sculptur -- Desen - 294 Arte plastice -- Teme, motive - 277, 292 Arte plastice contemporane - 281, 287, 289 Arte plastice contemporane -- Pictur - 280 Arte plastice contemporane -- Sculptur - 285 Arte plastice i societate - 289 Artiti plastici francezi -- Coresponden - 271 Artiti plastici germani din Romnia - 283 Artiti plastici olandezi - 286 Artiti plastici romni -- Exil -- Frana - 280-281 Asigurri -- Analiz de risc - 173 Asisten social - 205 Asisten social -- Mrturii - 200 Asisten social -- Romnia -- Mrturii - 202 Astrofizic - 227 Audit intern - 264 Auschwitz (Polonia ; lagr de concentrare) -- Mrturii - 132

ROMNICA Avangard artistic - 287 Avangard artistic -- Teme, motive - 279, 290 Avangard literar - 432 Avangard literar -- Teme, motive - 335, 338 Aviatori romni -- Evocare - 198 Aviaie -- Istorie -- Romnia - 198 B Bacteriologie medical - 243 Balcani -- Economie -- Investiii - 161 Banat - 127, 139 Banat -- Istorie - 139 Banat -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 130 Bancrut frauduloas - 191 Baptism -- Doctrine -- Istorie - 69 Baptiti -- Europa -- Istorie - 69 Baptiti -- Persecuii -- Istorie - 54 Baptiti -- Romnia -- 1856-1989 - 69 Barbu, Ion - 350 Basme romneti -- Traducere - 433 Baze de date -- Management - 3 Bnci -- Europa Central i de Est - 172 Biblia. N.T. -- Critic i interpretare - 56, 58 Biochimie -- Cercetri - 235 Biochimie clinic - 235 Biodiversitate -- Conservare - 213 Biografii - 509 Bioinformatic - 6, 238 Biologie aplicat - 233-234 Biologie molecular - 234 Bioterorism - 209 Biserica catolic -- Doctrine - 57 Biserica catolic -- Europa -- Istorie - 64 Biserica catolic -- Transilvania -- Cercetare - 64 Biserica Ortodox -- Europa de Est -- Istorie - 63 Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Cler - 47 Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Doctrine - 67 Biserica Ortodox Romn -- Relaii -- Biserica greco-catolic - 71 Biserica Romn Unit cu Roma -- Istorie - 71 Biseric i societate -- Romnia -- Istorie - 65




Biserici -- Moldova -- Pictur mural - 288 Biserici ortodoxe romneti -- Arhitectur - 67 Bistria (ru) - 497 Blaga, Lucian - 326 Bondy, Franois - 412 Braov - 504 Brncui, Constantin - 285, 294 Browne, Wayles E - 310 Bucovina - 505 Bucureti - 489 Bucuretiul n literatur - 491 Bulgaria - 86 Bulgaria -- Ghiduri turistice - 500 C Calculatoare electronice -- Memorie - 7 Calculatoare electronice -- Memorii - 3 Calculatoare electronice -- Programare - 4-5, 9 Calculatoare electronice -- Programe - 10, 13 Cancer -- Etiologie - 246 Cancer rectal -- Tratament - 245 Cantemir, familie - 18 Carol II, rege al Romniei - 544, 563 Case regale -- Romnia - 296 Cderea URSS - 538 Cltorii -- Europa -- Reportaje - 499 Cri -- Design - 28 Cri -- Industrie i comer - 28 Cri -- Industrie i comer -- Romnia - 269 Cri potale - 296 Ceauescu, Elena - 556 Ceauescu, Nicolae - 17, 510, 550-551, 556 Cehi -- Banat -- Identitate - 130 Cehoslovacia - 86 Celibidache, Sergiu - 302-303, 512-513 Chimie organic - 230 Chinezi -- Emigraie -- Europa de Est - 153 Chinezi -- Emigraie -- Romnia - 153 Cinematografie -- Teme, motive - 306, 308 Cioran, Emil - 31, 39, 41

ROMNICA Clemens Titus Flavius, Alexandrinus - 60 Climat (schimbri) - 232 Cluj-Napoca - 552 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea - 563 Cojan, Aurel - 280-281 Colectivizarea agriculturii -- Romnia -- 1949-1962 - 259 Colonii -- Istorie - 514 Compozitori romni - 301 Comunicare -- Concepte - 270 Comunicare -- Romnia - 270 Comunicare non verbal - 247 Comunicare verbal - 247 Comunicaii digitale - 268 Comunism -- Europa Central i de Est - 522, 530, 532 Comunism -- Instaurare -- Romnia - 545, 548 Comunism -- Prbuire -- Europa Central i de Est - 528 Comunism -- Prbuire -- Europa de Est - 517 Comunism -- Prbuire -- Romnia - 522, 561 Comunism -- Romnia -- Memorie colectiv - 558 Comunism -- Teroare -- Romnia - 562 Comunism -- Via cotidian - 530 Comunism i cretinism -- Istorie - 63 Comuniti -- Biografii - 510 Comuniti chineze -- Romnia - 151 Condiii sociale -- Tranziie - 142 Conflicte etnice - 121 Convertii de la cretinism la iudaism -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 50 Cooperare internaional - 155, 177 Copii -- Protecie, asisten etc. -- Romnia - 74, 80 Copii -- Statut juridic -- Romnia - 76 Copii abuzai -- Legislaie - 81, 169 Copii adoptai -- Romnia - 203 Copii adoptai -- Romnia -- Legislaie - 189 Copii ai strzii -- Romnia - 75 Copii ai strzii -- Turcia - 75 Copii din medii defavorizate - 75, 189 Copii din medii defavorizate -- Europa - 80 Copii din medii defavorizate -- Romnia - 169 Copii orfani -- Romnia - 77 Corupie -- Romnia - 96, 544 Creterea animalelor - 261




Cretinism -- Istorie -- Doctrine - 65 Cretinism i politic - 529 Cretinism i societate -- Dialoguri - 57 Cretinism timpuriu - 59 Cretinism timpuriu -- Istorie -- Scrieri - 60 Critic literar -- Antologii - 356 Cultur i cenzur -- Romnia - 16 Cultur i civilizaie european -- Istorie - 18 Cultur i civilizaie evreiasc - 23 Cultur i civilizaie francez - 14 Cultur i civilizaie german din Romnia - 118 Cultur i civilizaie romneasc -- Istorie - 15 Cultur i societate -- Globalizare - 22 Cuvinte compuse -- Frecven - 315 D Dacia Preroman -- Istorie - 534 Dacia Roman -- Istorie - 534 Dadaism - 335 Dadaism -- Romnia -- Teme, motive - 287 Declaraia Universal a Drepturilor Omului (1948) - 190 Delta Dunrii - 498, 503 Democratizare -- Romnia - 109 Democraie -- Instituii - 105, 183 Democraie -- Romnia -- Reforme - 99 Democraie -- Societate civil - 87 Democraie -- Stat de drept - 87 Deontologie profesional - 194 Design de interior - 276 Deinui politici -- Psihologie -- Victimizare - 523 Deinui politici -- Romnia -- Biografii - 66 Deinui politici -- Romnia -- Istorie - 44, 523 Deinui politici -- Servicii medicale psihiatrice -- Traume - 44 Deinui politici -- Via religioas -- Predici - 66 Dezastre - 211 Dezastre naturale - 210 Dezvoltare durabil - 92, 211 Dezvoltare regional -- Management - 262 Dezvoltare rural -- Romnia - 258 Diaspor romn - 31, 53, 261, 276, 283, 332, 348, 352, 360-361, 369-370, 373-





376, 378, 380-384, 386, 388, 409-410, 412-413, 419-420, 422, 453, 478-479 Dictatura regal - 563 Diplomai romni -- Biografie - 511 Dirijori -- Activitate - 303 Dirijori romni - 302-303 Dirijori romni -- Exil -- Biografie - 512-513 Dobrogea - 83 Domnitori -- ara Romneasc -- Biografii - 554 Dracula - 17, 333 Dracula -- Ficiune - 334 Dramaturgie american -- Istorie i critic - 348 Drept administrativ - 188 Drept civil -- Europa -- Istorie - 195 Drept civil -- Romnia -- Istorie - 195 Drept constituional - 188 Drept fiscal -- Romnia - 191 Drept fiscal (drept internaional) - 191 Drepturi (Europa) - 183 Drepturi civile - 186 Drepturi i obligaii -- Legislaie - 190 Drepturile omului -- Abuzuri - 540 Drepturile omului -- Abuzuri -- Monitorizare - 190 Drepturile omului -- Romnia -- Pluralism - 87 Drepturile omului -- Uniunea European - 182, 186 Dumas, Alexandre - 346 E Ecologie -- Romnia -- Istorie - 213 Ecologie i societate - 209 Econometrie -- Modele - 160 Economie - 162, 166 Economie -- Concepte - 168 Economie -- Europa de Est -- Tranziie - 176 Economie de pia -- Legislaie - 165 Economie de pia -- Romnia -- Postcomunism - 176 Economie emergent - 263 Economiti romni -- Evocare - 164 Ecuaii difereniale - 218, 223 Educaie civic -- Romnia - 206 Educaie comparat - 206

Electrotehnic - 252, 254 Eliade, Mircea - 19, 53, 416 Elveia - 248 Emigrani romni -- Europa - 46, 143 Emigrani romni -- Italia - 145 Emigrare ilegal - 143 Emigraie i imigraie -- Aspecte socio-economice - 152-153 Emigraie i imigraie -- Europa de Est -- Statistici - 148 Emigraie i imigraie -- Legislaie - 145 Emigraie i imigraie -- Legislaie -- Israel - 147 Emigraie i imigraie -- Romnia - 148 Energie -- Resurse -- Politic guvernamental - 255 Energie electric -- Tehnologie - 11 Enescu, George - 301 Enghelberg, Moises - 123 ESCO - 255 Estetic comparat - 293 Etnomuzicologie - 299 Europa -- Descrieri i cltorii - 499 Europa -- Istorie - 110 Europa -- Politic i guvernare - 101, 110, 516 Europa -- Politic i guvernare -- Extremism - 527 Europa -- Schimbare politic -- 1989 - 16 Europa Balcanic - 490 Europa Central i de Est -- Condiii economice -- Tranziie - 175 Europa Central i de Est -- Integrare european - 89, 91 Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism - 106 Europa Central i de Est -- Postcomunism -- Politic social - 205 Europa Central i de Est -- Posttotalitarism - 85-86 Europa Central i de Est -- Regiuni istorice -- Orae - 273 Europa Central i de Est -- Tranziie - 91 Europa de est -- Geografie istoric - 498 Europa de Est -- Istorie - 540 Europa de est -- Politic economic -- 1989- - 111 Europa de Est -- Politic i guvernare - 532, 538 Europa de Est -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989-.... - 104 Europa de Est -- Postcomunism - 88, 93, 162 Euroscepticism - 95 Evanghelii - 70 Evrei -- Cluj-Napoca -- Biografii - 119 Evrei -- Holocaust (1939-1945) -- Memorii - 343

ROMNICA Evrei -- Identitate cultural -- Imagine - 133 Evrei -- Instituii -- Istorie - 150 Evrei -- Migraii -- America - 125 Evrei -- Persecuii -- Iai - 117 Evrei -- Persecuii -- Romnia -- Istorie - 116 Evrei -- Rzboi mondial. 2 -- Transnistria -- Salvare - 128 Evrei -- Repatriere -- Israel - 150 Evrei -- Romnia -- Biografii - 123, 126, 131, 343, 390 Evrei -- Romnia -- Comunism - 150 Evrei -- Romnia -- Deportare - 117 Evrei -- Romnia -- Sec 19 - 125 Evrei -- Supravieuitori -- Biografii - 137 Evrei -- Via religioas - 72 Evul Mediu -- Moldova - 61 Exilul n literatur -- Alienare - 348 Exilul romnesc - 416 Expresionism - 286 F Familii -- Transilvania -- Genealogii - 141 Farmacologie clinic - 243, 249-250 Fascism -- Europa -- Istorie - 516, 527 Fascism i conservatorism - 557 Faun -- Romnia - 236 Femei -- Abuzuri -- Studii de caz - 79 Femei -- Activitate literar - 344 Femei n politic -- Europa Central i de Est - 113 Femei rrome -- Discriminare - 97 Fenomenologie - 34 Fenomenologie -- Eseu - 300 Fericire -- Aspect religios - 55 Ferro, Teresa - 324 Filme -- Thriler - 306 Filme romneti contemporane - 308 Filme i literatur -- Ecranizri - 307 Filmologie - 307 Filologi italieni -- Evocare - 324 Filozofi romni - 39 Filozofi romni -- Exil -- Frana - 32, 41 Filozofie -- Concepte -- Scepticism - 39, 41




Filozofie -- Eseu - 38 Filozofie -- Eseu -- Istorie i critic - 31 Filozofie -- Eseu -- Traducere - 36 Filozofie -- Teoria cunoaterii - 30, 33 Filozofie antic -- Concepte - 40 Filozofie contemporan - 30 Filozofie contemporan -- Concepte - 34, 37 Filozofie greac -- Critic i interpretare - 40 Filozofie romneasc - 35-36 Filozofie i literatur -- Eseu -- Traducere - 32 Filozofie i literatur -- Istorie i critic - 31 Finanaare - 173 Finane -- Bnci -- Credite - 172 Finane internaionale -- Europa de Est - 171 Firme multinaionale -- Europa Central i de Est - 163 Fizic - 223, 229 Fizic atomic - 228 Fondane, Benjamin - 338, 340-341, 416 Fonetic i fonologie - 311, 313 Fotografi romni - 298 Fotografii artistice - 295, 297 Francmasonerie - 521 Frnkel, Rudolf - 275 Frana -- Istorie - 535 Frana -- Istorie -- 1789-1799 (Revoluie) -- Aspect politic - 539 Frana -- Istorie -- Sec. XIX - 521 G Gambia - 248 Garda de Fier - 19, 557 Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri - 285 Gavriil Bnulescu-Bodoni, mitropolit al Moldovei - 47 Genetic medical - 239 Geografie cultural - 501 Geriatrie - 237 Germani -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 122 Germani -- Identitate etnic - 120 Germani -- Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1918-1940 - 120 Germani -- Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 122 Germania -- Istorie -- 1933-1945 - 537

ROMNICA Germania -- Politic i guvernare -- 1933-1945 - 537 Germania -- Relaii economice internaionale -- Romnia - 544 Geto-dacii -- Cultur i civilizaie - 21 Ghenie, Adrian - 278 Globalizare - 78, 98, 151, 526 Gnosticism - 60 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - 406 Goia, Pavel - 509 Grdinrit - 261 Gndisch, Karin - 344 H Hitchcock, Alfred - 272 Hodrov, Daniela - 339 Holocaustul evreiesc - 116 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Bucovina -- Memorii - 359 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Mrturii - 390 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Romnia (1939-1945) - 560 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Sighetul Marmaiei -- Mrturii 126, 137 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori - 119, 123, 131 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Supravieuitori -- Memorii - 128, 132 Holocaustul evreiesc -- Transilvania - 405 Homosexualitate - 78 Horowitz, Leon - 125 I Icoane -- Romnia -- Tipologie - 282, 284 Icoane -- Tradiionalism - 282 Identitate european - 499 Imigrani -- Condiii sociale - 146 Imigrani clandestini -- Prostituie -- Belgia - 144 Imigrani evrei din Romnia -- Brlad - 135 Imigrani maghiari din Romnia -- Statele Unite - 141 Imigrani romni -- Australia - 372 Imigrani romni -- Germania - 146 Imigrani romni -- Irlanda -- Amintiri - 376 Imigrani romni -- Italia - 142, 154 Imigrani romni -- Statele Unite - 54 Imigraie clandestin -- For de munc - 154




Imnuri religioase - 62 Imperiul Habsburgic -- Istorie - 27 Industrii agroalimentare - 258 Informatic - 1, 8, 12 Ingineria sistemelor - 254 Inginerie -- Tehnologie - 253 Inginerie asistat de calculator - 251 Intelectuali -- Activitate politic - 469 Intelectuali romni -- Activitate politic - 19 Intelectuali romni -- Exil -- Frana - 19 Inteligen artificial - 5 Internet -- Legislaie - 182 Inundaii -- Monitorizare -- Romnia - 214 Investiii strine -- Europa de Est - 171, 175 Ioan, sfnt - 70 Ionesco, Eugne - 412 Ionescu, Eugen - 416 Iordania -- Descrieri i cltorii - 501 Iorga, Nicolae - 499 Isabella, regin, consoarta lui Jnos I Zapolya, rege al Ungariei - 529 Islam -- Relaii -- Cretinism - 529 Israel - 23 Istoria artei - 291 Istoria religiilor - 53 Istorici ai religiei -- Evocare - 53 Istorici ai religiei -- Iudaism -- Evocare - 72 Istorie -- Decembrie 1989 - 295 Istorie i cinematografie - 514 Istorie i literatur - 523 Istoriografie - 543 Italia -- Relaii -- Romnia - 158 Iudaism -- Istorie -- Doctrine - 72 nclzire global - 232 nvmnt -- Cercetare -- Europa - 206 nvmnt religios -- Biserica Romano Catolic - 57, 127 nvmnt superior -- Romnia -- Reform - 207

ROMNICA J Japonia -- Istorie - 536 Japonia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 536 Justiie -- Aspecte politice - 540 Justiie -- Romnia -- Postcomunism - 194 K Karadja, Constantin I - 511 Karajan, Herbert von - 303 Kubrick, Stanley - 307 L Lagre de concentrare - 117 Lagre de concentrare -- Auschwitz - 119 Lagre de concentrare -- Mrturii - 123, 131 Lagre de munc -- Dombass -- Memorii - 545 Legionarism -- Doctrin - 557, 563 Legislaia muncii -- Romnia - 179 Legislaia muncii -- Uniunea European - 179 Legislaie -- Romnia - 178 Legislaie -- Uniunea European - 214 Legislaie comunitar - 185, 192 Legislaie de mediu -- Romnia - 185 Legislaie internaional - 184, 195 Leopardi, Giacomo - 326 Libertatea de expresie - 182 Limba englez -- Lexic de afaceri - 318 Limba englez -- Limbaj tehnic - 318 Limba englez -- Romnia -- Studiu i predare - 318 Limba german -- Dialecte -- Europa Central i de Est - 319-320 Limba german -- Dialecte -- Transilvania - 319-320 Limba romn -- Fonetic - 313 Limba romn -- Fonologie -- mprumuturi - 311 Limba romn -- Gramatic - 321, 323, 325 Limba romn -- Gramatic comparat -- Limba italian - 324 Limba romn -- Prepoziii - 322 Limba romn -- Semantic - 322 Limba romn -- Studiu i predare -- Italia - 324




Limba romn contemporan - 323 Limbaj -- Teorie - 314 Limbaje de programare - 1 Limbaje de programare (calculatoare electronice) - 2 Lingvistic -- Cercetri -- Plurilingvism - 312, 316 Lingvistic aplicat - 317 Lingvistic balcanic -- Limbi slave - 310 Lingvistic comparat - 312-314 Lingvistic comparat -- Aspect teoretic - 311, 315 Lingviti -- Evocare - 310 Lingviti americani -- Evocare - 316 Literatur -- Comunism -- Europa de Est - 349 Literatur -- Teme, motive - 336 Literatur american -- Ficiune - 383 Literatur american -- Istorie i critic - 343 Literatur american -- Memorii - 369 Literatur american -- Poezie - 365, 380, 382 Literatur american -- Proz scurt - 382 Literatur american -- Roman - 363, 367-368, 371, 373-374, 377, 379 Literatur american -- Roman -- Istorie i critic - 342 Literatur american -- Roman -- Traducere - 378 Literatur american -- Teatru -- Comedie neagr - 381 Literatur american pentru copii - 364 Literatur apocaliptic - 59 Literatur australian -- Memorialistic - 372, 375 Literatur canadian de limb englez -- Poezie - 360-361 Literatur contemporan -- Istorie i critic - 356 Literatur contemporan -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic - 350 Literatur de detenie -- Memorialistic -- Istorie i critic - 349 Literatur englez - 366 Literatur englez -- Cltorii - 362 Literatur englez -- Istorie i critic - 330 Literatur englez -- Memorii - 376, 384 Literatur englez -- Proz -- Istorie i critic - 355 Literatur englez -- Roman -- Istorie i critic - 334 Literatur european -- Istorie i critic - 336 Literatur evreiasc -- Roman -- Traducere - 491 Literatur francez -- Eseu -- Istorie i critic - 340 Literatur francez -- Istorie i critic - 346, 416 Literatur francez -- Memorii - 411, 414 Literatur francez -- Poezie - 418

ROMNICA Literatur francez -- Poveti - 420 Literatur francez -- Proz -- Istorie i critic - 332 Literatur francez -- Roman - 413, 415, 417, 419, 421 Literatur francez -- Teatru -- Istorie i critic - 341 Literatur german -- Bucovina -- Istorie i critic - 351 Literatur german -- Cltorii - 392 Literatur german -- Europa de Est -- Istorie i critic - 358 Literatur german -- Memorii - 387, 391, 401 Literatur german -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic - 331, 352 Literatur german -- Proz - 394-395, 400 Literatur german -- Proz -- Traducere - 396, 403 Literatur german -- Recepie - 351, 358 Literatur german -- Roman - 385-386, 388-389, 393, 399 Literatur german -- Roman -- Traducere - 390, 397-398, 402, 404 Literatur german din Romnia -- Istorie i critic - 337, 344, 358, 406 Literatur german din Romnia -- Poezie - 407 Literatur german din Romnia -- Roman - 405 Literatur italian -- Poezie - 327, 410 Literatur italian -- Roman - 408-409 Literatur italian -- Roman -- Traducere - 328 Literatur juvenil - 337, 366, 383 Literatur latin -- Istorie i critic - 345 Literatur latin -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic - 357 Literatur maghiar din Romnia -- Povestiri -- Traducere - 492 Literatur medieval -- Poezie -- Istorie i critic - 357 Literatur medieval -- Teme, motive - 330 Literatur pentru copii -- Poveti - 422 Literatur polon -- Jurnal de cltorie -- Traducere - 490 Literatur polon -- Teatru -- Traducere - 488 Literatur popular englez - 330 Literatur popular romneasc - 433 Literatur popular romneasc -- Antologii - 477 Literatur popular romneasc -- Basme - 458 Literatur popular romneasc -- Legende -- Traducere - 477 Literatur romn -- Antologii - 423, 457 Literatur romn -- Canada -- Poezie - 478-479 Literatur romn -- Eseu -- Traducere - 469 Literatur romn -- Israel -- Poezie - 452, 455, 464-465, 470, 480 Literatur romn -- Israel -- Proz - 424-425, 450, 471 Literatur romn -- Israel -- Roman - 466 Literatur romn -- Istorie i critic - 339, 354




Literatur romn -- Memorii -- Traducere - 436 Literatur romn -- Poezie - 327 Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Antologii - 426-427 Literatur romn -- Poezie -- Traducere - 329, 423, 426-429, 434-435, 442-443, 446-447, 453, 456, 463, 467, 472, 481-482, 486-487 Literatur romn -- Povestiri -- Traducere - 439, 454 Literatur romn -- Poveti -- Traducere - 458 Literatur romn -- Proz -- Traducere - 431-432, 457, 459 Literatur romn -- Roman - 475-476 Literatur romn -- Roman -- Istorie i critic - 347 Literatur romn -- Roman -- Traducere - 328, 438, 440-441, 444-445, 448-449, 451, 460, 462, 468, 474, 484-485 Literatur romn -- Teatru -- Traducere - 430, 437, 473 Literatur romn -- Teme, motive - 347 Literatur romn --Povestiri -- Traducere - 461, 483 Literatur srb -- Memorii - 489 Literatur spaniol -- Proz - 422 Literatur i cretinism - 339 Literatur i imitaie - 355 Literatur i istorie -- Teme, motive - 16, 353 Literatur i politic - 335 Literatur umoristic american - 370 Literatur universal -- Antologii - 329 Literatur universal -- Istorie i critic - 354 Literatur universal -- Teme, motive - 326 Longevitate -- Aspect medical - 237 M Man, Victor - 298 Management informaional - 267 Management participativ - 265 Managementul afacerilor - 166, 168, 266 Managementul afacerilor -- Romnia - 263 Manuscrise medievale romneti - 291 Marea Britanie - 192 Marea Neagr - 498 Marea Neagr -- Istorie - 518 Marea Neagr -- Litoral - 498 Marea Neagr -- Navigaie -- Istorie - 518 Marxism -- Concepte - 84

ROMNICA Mass media -- Europa -- Prezentare - 25 Mass media -- Postcomunism -- Romnia - 25-26 Mass media -- Romnia -- Istorie - 26 Mass media i societate - 25 Matematic - 215, 217-218, 221, 224-226 Matematic -- Algebr -- Studii - 216 Matematic -- Logic - 222 Matematic -- Trigonometrie - 219 Matematic aplicat - 160, 219, 221-223 Matematic superioar - 220 Mecanic cereasc - 227 Mecanisme -- Dinamic -- Modele matematice - 253 Medicamente -- Efecte secundare - 250 Medicamente, analiz - 250 Medicin - 244-245 Medicin -- Baze de date - 238 Medicin -- Cercetare - 241-242 Medicin -- Informatic - 238 Medicin -- Stomatologie - 239-240 Medicin intern -- Cercetri - 246 Mediu -- Legislaie -- Uniunea European - 208 Mediu -- Protecie -- Studii de caz - 212 Meerbaum-Eisinger, Selma - 344 Meglenoromni - 310 Melville, Herman - 326 Memorie colectiv -- Romnia - 519 Mengele, Josef - 132 Meteuguri tradiionale -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 552 Metabolism -- Enzime - 249 Metafizic -- Concepte - 33 Michaux, Henri - 336 Microsoft - 7, 12 Migraie -- Europa de Est -- For de munc - 151 Milano - 143 Mine de aur -- Romnia -- Controverse - 256 Mine de aur -- Romnia -- Istorie - 256 Minoriti -- Drepturi -- Romnia - 138 Minoriti etnice -- vabi -- Identitate - 127 Misionari americani - 48 Mitologie greac -- Teme, motive - 38, 272, 293 Mitropolii -- Biografie - 47




Moldova - 61 Mller, Jakob Th. - 190 Monahism i ordine religioase - 67 Munc -- Copii -- Exploatare - 169 Munc silnic -- Romnia -- Istorie - 558 Muncitori romni -- Israel - 147 Muni -- Transilvania - 260, 507 Muzic -- Filozofie i estetic - 300, 302, 512 Muzic clasic - 303, 513 N Nabokov, Vladimir - 307, 342 Nanotehnologie - 252 Napoleon III, mprat al Franei - 521 NATO - 197 NATO -- Relaii -- Rusia - 197 Naionalism -- Romnia -- Istorie - 563 Nsud - 129 Neoliberalism - 88 Neurologie - 241, 244 Nida, Eugene Albert - 316 Numismatic -- Istorie -- Dobrogea - 495 Nrnberg - 143 O Oedip - 301 Ontologie - 35-37 Oper -- Istorie i critic - 301 Orae medievale -- Transilvania -- Legislaie - 555 Ordine religioase -- Moldova -- Istorie - 61 Ordinul Ceretorilor - 61 Orfelinate - 77 Orfevrieri -- Transilvania -- Genealogii - 552 Organizarea ntreprinderii -- Proceduri - 264 Ortodoxie -- Romnia -- Istorie - 68 Ovidius Naso, Publius - 272, 345

ROMNICA P Paleolitic -- Romnia -- Cercetare - 496-497 Paleolitic -- Romnia -- Moldova - 496 Panzer gunner : a canadian in the german 7th Panzer Division, 1944-45 - 524 Parlament -- Romnia -- Postcomunism - 113 Partide politice -- Europa Central i de Est - 105 Pdurea Craiului (muni) - 260 Psri -- Observare - 236 Peixotto, Benjamin F. - 125 Peninsula Balcanic -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 - 542 Penitenciare -- Romnia -- Legislaie - 180 Persecuii politice -- Romnia - 400 Personaj feminin - 307 Personaliti culturale romneti - 18, 309 Personaliti istorice maghiare -- Conductori - 529 Pia de capital -- Europa de Est - 174 Pictori romni - 278 Pictur religioas -- Iconografie - 282 Pictur romneasc contemporan - 279 Plagiat - 355 Plato - 38, 40 Pluralism confesional - 49, 51-52 Poei evrei de limb german - 407 Poei germani -- Evocare - 331, 352 Poei germani -- Evul mediu -- Evocare - 357 Poei latini -- Exil -- Constana - 345 Poei romni -- Evocare - 350 Poei romni -- Exil -- Frana - 338 Polimeri - 230 Politic -- Europa -- Postcomunism - 103 Politic economic -- Privatizare - 174 Politic evreiasc - 147 Politic internaional - 157 Politic social -- Europa de est - 204 Politic i filozofie - 100 Politic i guvernare - 156 Politic i guvernare -- Frana -- Istorie - 535 Politic i guvernare -- Romnia - 89 Politic i societate - 90 Politici sociale -- Romnia - 84




Polonia - 86 Polonia -- Aspecte economice - 167 Polonia -- Relaii -- Romnia -- Istorie - 543 Polonia -- Relaii externe -- Romnia -- 1939-1945 - 533 Poluare -- Europa de Est - 208 Poluarea apelor -- Substane chimice - 212 Popoare migratoare -- Cronologii - 515 Popoare migratoare -- Ttari - 515 Postcomunism -- Europa Central i de Est - 22, 103 Postcomunism -- Europa de Est - 97 Postcomunism -- Romnia - 94, 109, 170-171 Postcomunism -- Romnia -- Aspect politic - 90 Postcomunism -- Serbia - 94 Postcomunism -- Tranziie - 104 Preoi catolici francezi - 55 Pres cultural - 27 Pres european - 24 Pres german -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 27 Pres romneasc - 24 Pres i societate -- Libertate - 24 Preedini de stat -- Biografii - 510 Prizonieri de rzboi - 531 Probleme sociale - 82 Proprietate -- Legislaie - 170 Proprietate -- Retrocedare -- Pduri - 170, 178 Proprietate intelectual -- Legislaie internaional - 192 Proprietate intelectual (Romnia) - 192 Prostituate -- Romnia -- Autobiografii - 144 Prostituie - 81 Protecia copilului - 203 Protecie social -- Romnia - 201 Psihologie clinic - 43 Psihologie experimental - 43 Psihologie infantil - 45 Psihologie i educaie - 45 Publicaii romneti -- Marketing - 269 Puchianu, Carmen Elisabeth - 344

ROMNICA R Radio "Iugoslavia liber" -- Istorie - 489 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) - 120, 519 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Romnia - 553 Rzboi mondial (1914-1918) -- Tratate de pace - 553 Rzboi Mondial (1939-1945) - 560 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Aspect social - 519, 531 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Campanii i btlii -- Mrturii - 524 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Istorie - 536 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Mrturii - 533 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia - 198, 531 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Chestiuni teritoriale - 520 Rzboi mondial (1939-1945) -- Romnia -- Suceava - 524 Rzboiul din Bosnia (1992-1995) - 94 Rzboiul rece - 101, 196 Rzboiul rece -- Romnia -- 1947-1965 - 68 Reform agrar -- Romnia - 257 Refugiai de rzboi -- Austria - 149 Refugiai polonezi -- Romnia - 533 Reghin - 129 Regizori de teatru -- Frana - 305 Rgy, Claude - 305 Relaia printe-copil - 74 Relaii cu publicul -- Tehnici -- Aspect teoretic - 270 Relaii economice -- Globalizare - 256 Religie -- Istorie -- Dacia - 21 Religie -- Istorie -- Transilvania - 49 Religie cretin - 70 Religie cretin -- Cltorii spirituale - 48 Religie cretin -- Istorie - 65 Religie i politic - 52 Religie i politic -- Romnia - 104 Religie i societate - 23, 51 Renatere - 277 Represiune politic -- 1945-1965 -- Mrturii - 66 Resurse de ap -- Romnia - 210 Resurse electronice - 2 Resurse umane -- Management - 265-266 Resurse umane -- Management -- Romnia - 263 Reele de calculatoare - 8, 11




Reele de comunicaii - 268 Reele de socializare - 146 Revoluia Romn din Decembrie 1989 - 85-86, 538 Romni -- Statele Unite -- Biografii - 135 Romnia - 42, 192, 248 Romnia - Legislaie - 138 Romnia -- 1918-1954 - 545 Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) - 368, 517, 550-551, 556 Romnia -- 1989 (Revoluie) -- Fotografii - 295, 297 Romnia -- Agricultur -- Istorie - 257 Romnia -- Agricultur -- Poluare - 208 Romnia -- Alegeri generale - 105 Romnia -- Biserici - 48 Romnia -- Cltorii - 55 Romnia -- Comunism - 530 Romnia -- Comunism -- Istorie - 549, 562 Romnia -- Comunism -- Prbuire - 556 Romnia -- Condiii economice - 175 Romnia -- Condiii sociale -- 1989-.... - 82 Romnia -- Constituie -- Proprietate - 178 Romnia -- Cultur i civilizaie - 22 Romnia -- Descrieri i cltorii - 114, 392, 498, 502-506, 508 Romnia -- Economie -- Investiii - 165 Romnia -- Economie -- Istorie - 164 Romnia -- Economie -- Tranziie - 160 Romnia -- Economie de pia - 163 Romnia -- Evul Mediu - 515 Romnia -- Ficiune - 371 Romnia -- Ghiduri turistice - 500, 502, 506 Romnia -- Identitate naional - 112 Romnia -- Imagine public - 17 Romnia -- Integrare -- Uniunea European - 83, 159 Romnia -- Istorie - 547 Romnia -- Istorie -- 1914-1944 - 559 Romnia -- Istorie -- 1945-1989 - 549 Romnia -- Istorie -- 1947 - 525 Romnia -- Istorie -- Sec. 19 - 526, 542 Romnia -- Istorie -- Sec. 20 - 560 Romnia -- Istorie medieval - 554 Romnia -- Legislaie -- Reform - 181 Romnia -- Lucrri ilustrate - 505, 508





Romnia -- Politic economic -- 1989-.... - 108, 114 Romnia -- Politic social - 205 Romnia -- Politic social -- Srcie - 201 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare - 109-110 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1914-1944 - 559 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1918-1944 - 544 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1944-1989 - 101, 546 Romnia -- Politic i guvernare -- 1989-.... - 108, 114, 541, 562 Romnia -- Postcomunism - 106, 528, 561 Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Legislaie - 181 Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Politici publice - 97, 111 Romnia -- Postcomunism -- Tranziie - 103, 108, 111, 162, 167 Romnia -- Relaii -- Grecia - 184 Romnia -- Relaii -- Polonia - 297 Romnia -- Relaii -- Ungaria - 520 Romnia -- Relaii diplomatice - 511 Romnia -- Relaii economice internaionale - 161 Romnia -- Relaii externe -- 1989-.... - 156 Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Frana - 521 Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Italia - 158 Romnia -- Relaii externe -- Uniunea European - 159 Romnia -- Societate -- Epoca modern - 526 Romnia -- Societate -- Studiu de caz - 17 Romnia -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 76 Romnia -- Trafic de persoane - 79 Romnia -- Tranziie - 91 Romnia -- Tranziie economic - 82 Romnia n literatur - 362-363, 367-368, 379, 384, 395, 402, 408, 410-411, 415, 488, 490 Rromi -- Biserica Penticostal - 124 Rromi -- Drepturi civile -- Instituii - 136 Rromi -- Europa -- Condiii sociale - 134, 136 Rromi -- Mod de via -- Srcie - 134 Rromi -- Relaii interetnice -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 124 Rromi -- Romnia - 134 Rromi -- Romnia -- Via social - 136 Rromi -- Transilvania - 124 Rugciuni cretine -- Cercetare - 56 Rusia - 197 Rusia -- Armat -- Tranziie - 197 Rusia -- Relaii externe - 102

Sabatarieni -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 50 Sai -- Identitate cultural -- Transilvania - 140 Sai -- Muzic religioas - 140 Sai -- Statut juridic -- Documente - 555 Sai -- Transilvania - 118 Sai -- Transilvania -- Biografii - 149 Sai -- Transilvania -- Istorie - 129 Sai -- Transilvania -- Obiceiuri - 372 Sai -- Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 140 Sntate -- Programe - 209 Sntate public -- Europa de est - 204 Sntate public -- Programe - 248 Sntate public (Romnia) - 204, 248 Schmidt, Francis - 72 Scrieri religioase -- Doctrin - 70 Scrieri religioase -- Patristic - 58 Scriitori evrei din Romnia - 338, 340-341, 432 Scriitori evrei din Romnia -- Evocare - 359 Scriitori francezi -- Critic i interpretare - 346, 412 Scriitori germani -- Recepie - 406 Scriitori germani din Romnia -- Exil - 386-387, 391, 393-394, 396-404 Scriitori romni -- Critic i interpretare - 336, 339 Scriitori romni -- Diaspora - 364-365, 377, 385, 389, 411, 421, 434, 436, 446, 485 Scriitori romni -- Evocare - 354 Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Amintiri - 414 Scriitori romni -- Exil -- Frana - 416-417 Scriitori romni -- Exil -- SUA - 487 Scriitori rui -- Exil -- America - 342 Sculptori francezi - 285 Sculptori romni -- Exil -- Frana - 285, 294 Sebastian, Mihail - 499 Secte religioase -- Istorie -- Persecuii - 50 Secui -- Identitate -- Transilvania - 115 Secui -- Istorie -- Documente - 121 Securitate internaional - 155 Securitatea romn -- Istorie - 546 Seismologie -- Cercetare - 231 Seismologie -- Romnia - 231

ROMNICA Sibiu - 504 Sighioara - 504 Sistem solar - 227 Sisteme informatice - 4 Societate civil -- Europa de Est -- Tranziie - 528 Sociolingvistic - 320 Sociologi suedezi -- Evocare - 200 Sofism - 40 Software -- Dezvoltare - 13 Specii pe cale de dispariie - 213 Stalinism -- Romnia - 532 Stat de drept - 99, 186 Statele Unite - 192 Statele Unite -- Relaii externe -- Romnia - 125 Statele Unite -- Securitate Naional - 157 Statistici medicale - 242 Stnescu, Nichita - 336 Stil artistic -- Second Empire - 14 Stoker, Bram - 334 Studeni albanezi -- Educaie -- Romnia - 73 Studeni strini -- Romnia - 73 Studii de caz -- Romnia - 255 Studii interculturale - 527 Suleyman I, sultan al Turciei - 529 Sunesson, Sune - 200 Suprarealism - 290 tiine politice -- Concepte - 84 tiinele comunicrii -- Imagine - 17 vabi -- Banat - 127, 319 vabi -- Identitate -- Banat - 139 T Trniceriu, Silvia - 54 Teatrologie - 304 Teatru -- Israel -- Spectacol - 309 Teatru -- Istorie i critic - 412 Teatru evreiesc -- Istorie - 309




Teatru francez -- Istorie - 304 Teatru politic -- Spaii neconvenionale - 305 Teatru romnesc contemporan -- Antologii - 473 Teatru i societate - 308 Tehnologia informaiei - 9 Tehnologie informaional - 6 Teologie patristic - 59 Teoria numerelor - 216 Teorie literar -- Limbaj -- Metafor - 326, 332 Terorism internaional - 157 Tipografie - 28 Tobias, Gert - 283 Tobias, Uwe - 283 Traducere literar -- Teorie - 317 Traducere i interpretare - 317 Trafic de persoane - 144 Transilvania -- Antichitate - 534 Transilvania -- Civilizaie -- Istorie - 129 Transilvania -- Civilizaie medieval - 555 Transilvania -- Cultur i civilizaie - 20 Transilvania -- Descrieri i cltorii - 507 Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1520-1570 - 529 Transilvania -- Istorie -- 1940-1945 - 520 Transilvania -- Multiculturalism - 51 Transilvania -- Relaii etnice -- Istorie - 115, 121 Transilvania -- Sec. 16-17 - 49 Transilvania -- Tradiii i obiceiuri - 20 Transilvania -- Via intelectual - 122 Transilvania n literatur - 333, 353, 366 Tratatul de la Lisabona (2007) - 193 Tratatul de la Varovia - 196 Tratatul de Pace de la Paris (10 februarie 1947) - 525 Turcia - 192 Turism -- Romnia -- Uniunea European - 267 Turism cultural -- Romnia - 262 Tzara, Tristan - 335, 416 U Ungaria - 86 Ungaria -- Istorie -- 1947 -- Documente - 525

ROMNICA Uniunea European - 201 Uniunea European -- Agricultur ecologic - 258 Uniunea European -- Comunicare - 98 Uniunea European -- Cooperare transfrontalier - 83 Uniunea European -- Economie - 161, 174 Uniunea European -- Frontiere - 83 Uniunea European -- Instituii - 102 Uniunea European -- Instituii democratice - 93, 96, 99 Uniunea European -- Integrare -- Romnia - 180 Uniunea European -- Legislaie - 52, 107, 177, 187, 193-194 Uniunea European -- Politica de mediu - 92, 185 Uniunea European -- Relaii -- Rusia - 102 Uniunea European -- Romnia - 92-93, 112 Uniunea European -- Romnia -- Postaderare - 95-96, 98, 107, 177, 183, 187 Uniunea Sovietic -- Destrmare - 540 Universiti -- Studii interculturale -- Romnia - 207 Urbanism -- Romnia - 273 V Vampiri -- Transilvania - 306 Vampiri -- Transilvania -- Origini - 334 Vampiri n literatur - 333, 353 Vectori - 217 Via parlamentar -- Argentina -- Istorie - 541 Via parlamentar -- Italia -- Istorie - 541 Via social -- Romnia - 73 Vlad - 353 Vlad epe, domn al rii Romneti - 554 Voluntariat -- SUA - 202 Voluntariat -- Suedia - 200 Von Mure, Konrad - 357 W WEB -- Aplicaii - 1 Wiesel, lie - 126, 343 Wilde, Oscar - 355 Wurmbrand, Richard - 66




Zidul Berlinului -- Germania -- Cdere - 517 Zoologie - 236

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