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Rule 1
Domeniul de aplicare
a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected
therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.
a)Prezentele reguli se aplic tuturor navelor aflate n largul mrii i pe toate apele nvecinate
accesibile navelor maritime.

b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an
appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the
high seas and navigable by seagoing vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible
to these Rules.
b)Nici o dispoziie a prezentelor reguli nu trebuie s mpiedice aplicarea prescripiilor speciale,
stabilite de ctre autoritatea competent, cu privire la navigaia n rade, porturi, pe fluvii, lacuri sau
cile de navigaie interioara comunicnd cu marea si accesibile navelor maritime. Asemenea
prescripii speciale trebuie s fie ct mai conforme posibil cu prezentele reguli.

c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by the
Government of any State with respect to additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals
for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or signal
lights or shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet. These additional station or signal
lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for
any light, shape or signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.
c) Nici o dispoziie din prezentele reguli nu trebuie s mpiedice aplicarea prescripiilor speciale
stabilite de guvernul unui stat cu privire la mrirea numrului luminilor de poziie, a semnalelor
luminoase sau semnalelor cu fluierul de utilizat de ctre navele de rzboi i navele n convoi, sau n
vederea mririi numrului luminilor de poziie ori a semnalelor luminoase de folosit de ctre navele ce
pescuiesc alctuind o flotil de pescuit.
Aceste lumini de poziie,semnale suplimentare luminoase sau cu fluierul trebuie, n msura
posibilului, s fie astfel nct s fac imposibil confundarea lor cu orice alt lumin sau semnal
autorizat n oricare din prezentele Reguli.

d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the Organisation for the purpose of these
d) Organizaia poate adopta dispozitive de separare a traficului n nelesul prezentelor Reguli.

e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have dterminated that a vessel of special
construction or purpose cannot comply with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the
number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and
aharacteristics of sound-signalling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such other provisions in
regard to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the
disposition and characteristics of sound-signalling appliances, as her Government shall have
determined to be the closest as possible compliance with these Rules in respect of the vessel.
e) Ori de cte ori un guvern consider c o nav de construcie special sau destinat unor
operaiuni speciale nu se poate conforma tuturor dispo-ziiilor vreuneia dintre prezentele Reguli, n
ceea ce privete numrul, ampla-sarea, btaia sau sectorul de vizibilitate a luminilor i semnelor, ca i
poziia i caracteristicile dispozitivelor de semnalizare sonor,fr ca s stnjeneasc funciile
speciale ale navei, aceast nav trebuie s se conformeze altor asemenea dispoziii ce se refer la
numr, amplasare, btaie, sau sectorul de vizibilitate a luminilor sau semnelor, ct i la poziia i
caracteristicile dispo-zitivelor de semnalizare sonor, care dup aprecierea guvernului interesat,
permit n aceste cazuri s se conformeze ct mai mult posibil prezentelor Reguli.

Rule 2

a) Nothing in these rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner, master or crew thereof, from
the consequences of any neglect to comply with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution which
may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of these case
a) Nici una dintre dispoziiile prezentelor Reguli nu scutete o nav, sau pe proprietarul ei, pe
comandantul sau echipajul su de consecinele unei neglijene oarecare att n ceea ce privete
aplicarea prezentelor Reguli, ct i n ceea ce privete luarea oricror msuri de prevedere cerute de
experiena obinuit a marinarului sau de mprejurrile deosebite n care se gsete nava.

b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had to all dangers of
navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the limitations of the vessels
involved, which may make a departure from these rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.
b) n interpretarea i aplicarea prezentelor reguli, se va ine seama n mod deosebit de toate
pericolele de navigaie i de toate mprejurrile deosebite, n special de limitele de folosire a navelor
n cauz, care pot duce la abateri de la prevederile prezentelor Reguli pentru evitarea unui pericol

Rule 3
General definitions
Definiii generale

For the purpose of these Rules, except where the context otherwise requires :
n nelesul prezentelor reguli, n afar de dispoziii contrare rezultnd din context :

a) The word vessel includes every description of water craft, including non-displacement craft
and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as means of transportation on water.
a) Termenul nav nseamn orice construcie sau orice aparat de orice natur ar fi, inclusiv
construciile fr pescaj i hidroavioanele, folosit sau susceptibil a fi folosit ca mijloc de transport
pe ap.

b) The term power driven vessel means any vessel propelled by machinery.
b) Expresia nav cu propulsie mecanic nseamn orice nav pus n micare de ctre o

c) The term sailing vessel means any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery, if
fitted, is not being used.
c) Expresia nava cu vele nseamn orice nav care navig cu vele, chiar dac are main cu
propulsie, cu condiia ca aceasta s nu fie folosit.

d) The term vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishing with nets, lines, trawls or other
fishing apparatus which restrict manoeuvrability, but does not include a vessel fishing with trolling
lines or other fishing apparatus which do not restrict manoeuvrability.
d) Expresia nav care pescuiete nseamn orice nav care pescuiete cu plase, carmace,
traul sau orice alte scule de pescuit care i reduc capacitatea de manevr, dar nu se aplic navelor
care pescuiesc cu crlige remorcate sau alte scule de pescuit care nu le reduc capacitatea de

e) The word seaplane includes any aircraft designed to manoeuvre on the water.
e) Termenul hidroavion nseamn orice aeronav conceput s manevreze pe ap.

f) The term vessel not under command means a vessel which through some exceptional
circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out
of the way of another vessel.
f) Expresia nav care nu este stpn pe manevra sa nseamn o nav care, din cauza unei
mprejurri excepionale , nu este n msur s manevreze conform prezentelor reguli i deci nu
poate s se ndeprteze din drumul altei nave.

g) The term vessel restricted in her ability to manouvre means a vessel which from the nature
of her work is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out
of the way of another vessel. The term vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre shall include but
not be limited to:
i)a vessel engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a navigation mark, submarine cable or
ii)a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations;
iii)a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while
iv)a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft;
v)a vessel engaged in mineclearance operations;
vi)a vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing vessel and her
tow in their ability to deviate from their course;
g) Expresia nav cu capacitate de manevr redus nseamn o nav a crei capacitate de a
manevra conform prezentelor reguli este limitat prin natura lucrrilor sale i care, n consecin, nu
se poate ndeprta din drumul altei nave.
Urmtoarele nave trebuie considerate nave cu capacitate de manevr redus :
i)navele ocupate cu punerea, scoaterea sau ntreinerea unui reper de navigaie, a unui cablu
sau a unei conducte submarine ;
ii)navele aflate n curs de a executa operaiuni de dragaj, ridicri hidrografice sau oceanografice
ori lucrri sub ap ;
iii)navele care aflndu-se n mers fac alimentare cu combustibil sau transbord persoane provizii
sau o ncrctur ;
iv)navele care sunt n curs de a efectua operaiuni de decolare, aterizare sau recuperri de
aeronave ;
v)navele care sunt n cursul operaiunilor de dragare de mine ;
vi)navele n curs de a efectua operaiuni de remorcaj care prin natura sa permite cu greu
remorcherului i remorcii sale de a-i modifica drumul ;

h) The term vessel constrained by her draught means a power-driven vessel which because of
her draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigable water is severely restricted in her
ability to deviate from the course she is following.
h) Expresia nav stnjenit de pescajul su nseamn orice nav cu propulsie mecanic care
din cauza pescajului su i a adncimii apei sub chil poate s-i modifice cu greu drumul.
i) The word underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or
i) Expresia n mers se aplic oricrei nave care nu este nici la ancor, nici legat la mal, nici

j) The words length and breadth of a vessel mean her length overall and greatest breadth.
j) Termenii lungimea i limea unei nave nseamn lungimea sa peste tot i limea maxim.

k) Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one can be observed
visually from other.
k) Dou nave sunt considerate ca fiind n vedere numai cnd una dintre ele poate fi observat
vizual de ctre cealalt.

l) The term restrictedvisibility means any condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist,
falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or any other similar causes.
l) Expresia vizibilitate redus nseamn orice situaie n care vizibilitatea este redus din cauza
ceii, burniei, ninsorii, averselor puternice de ploaie sau a furtunilor de nisip ori din orice alte cauze




Conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility.

Conducerea navelor n orice condiii de vizibilitate.

Rule 4

Domeniu de aplicare

Rules in this Section apply in any condition of visibility

Regulile prezentei seciuni se aplic n orice condiii de vizibilitate.

Rule 5


Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all
available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full
appraisal of the situation and the risk of collision.
Orice nav trebuie s asigure n permanen o veghe vizual i auditiv corespunztoare,
folosind n acelai timp toate mijloacele disponibile potrivit cu mprejurrile i condiiile existente, n
aa fel nct s permit o apreciere complet a situaiei i a pericolului de abordaj.

Rule 6

Safe speed
Viteza de siguran

Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective
action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances
and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those taken into account.
Orice nav trebuie tot timpul s navige cu o vitez de siguran astfel nct s poat aciona
corect i eficace pentru prevenirea unui abordaj i pentru a fi oprit pe o distan corespunztoare
mprejurrilor i condiiilor existente.
Pentru determinarea vitezei de siguran trebuie luai n considerare urmtorii factori :
a) De ctre toate navele :
i) vizibilitatea ;
ii) densitatea traficului i mai ales concentrrile de nave de pescuit sau a oricror alte nave ;
iii) capacitatea de manevr i mai ales distana de oprire i calitile de girare n condiiile
existente ;
iv) noaptea,existena unui fundal luminos ca acela produs de luminile de pe coast sau de
lumina difuz a propriilor sale lumini ;
v) starea vntului, a mrii i a curenilor precum i apropierea de pericolele de navigaie ;
vi) pescajul navei n raport cu adncimea apei disponibile.
a) By all vessels:
i) the state of visibility;
ii) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any other vessels;
iii) the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to stopping distance and turning
ability in the prevailing conditions;
iv) at night the presence of background lights such as form shore lights or from back scatter of
her own lights;
v) the state of mind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards;
vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water.
n plus, pentru navele care folosesc un radar :
i) caracteristicile,eficacitatea i limitele de folosire ale echipamentului radar ;
ii) limitrile rezultate din scalele folosite la radar ;
iii) efectul strii mriii, condiiilor meteorologice i a altor surse de bruiaj asupra deteciei prin
radar ;
iv) faptul c ambarcaiunile mici, gheurile i alte obiecte plutitoare nu pot fi detectate cu radarul
la o distan suficient ;
v) numrul, poziia i micarea navelor detectate cu radarul ;
vi) faptul c este posibil s a se aprecieze mai exact vizibilitatea atunci cnd radarul este folosit
pentru determinarea distanei la navele i alte obiecte aflate n vecintate.
b)Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
i) the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment;
ii) any constrains imposed by the radar range scale in use;
iii) the effect of radar detection of the sae state, weather and other sources of interference;
iv) the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be detected by radar
at an adequate range;
v) the number, locations and movement of vessels detected by radar;
vi) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is used to
determine the range ofvessels or other objects in the vicinity.

Rule 7

Risk of collision
Pericolul de abordaj

a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and
conditions to determinate if risk of collision exists. If there is any boubt such risk shall be deemed to
a) Orice nav trebuie s foloseasc toate mijloacele disponibile corespunztoare mprejurrilor
i condiiilor existente pentru a stabili dac exist un pericol de abordaj. Dac exist ndoiala n ceea
ce privete pericolul de abordaj, trebuie s se considere c acel pericol exist.

b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipement if fitted and operational, including long-range
scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent systematic
observation of detected objects.
b) Dac la bord exist un echipament radar n funciune, acesta trebuie folosit n mod
corespunztor incluznd explorarea la mare distan, cu scopul de a descoperi din timp un pericol de
abordaj i determinarea poziiei obiectelor detectate cu radarul sau orice alt observare sistematic

c) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information, especially scanty radar
c) Se va evita tragerea de concluzii din informaii insuficiente, mai ales din informaii radar

d) In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall be among those
taken into account:
i) such risk shall be deemed to exists if the compas bearing of an approaching vessle does not
appreciably change;
ii) such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident,
particulerly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel at
close range.
d) La aprecierea unui pericol de abordaj trebuie s se in seama mai ales de urmtoarele
consideraii :
i) exist pericol de abordaj dac relevmentul la compas la o nav care se apropie nu variaz
ntr-un mod apreciabil ;
ii) n unele cazuri pericolul de abordaj exist chiar dac se observ c relevmentul variaz n
mod apreciabil, mai ales la apropierea de o nav foarte mare, de un convoi remorcat sau de
o nav care se afl la distan mic.
Rule 8

Action to avoid collision

Manevre pentru evitarea abordajelor

a) Any action to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made
in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.
a) Orice manevr ce se face pentru evitarea unui abordaj trebuie, dac mprejurrile permit, s
fie executat hotrt, din timp i conform cu practica marinreasc.

b) Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the
case admit, be large enough to be readily apparent to another vessel oserving visually or by radar; a
succesion of small alterations of course and/or speed should be avoided.
b) Orice schimbare de drum sau de vitez sau amndou deodat, n scopul evitrii unui
abordaj, trebuie, dac mprejurrile permit, s fie destul de mare pentru a putea fi perceput imediat
de orice nav care o observ vizual sau cu radarul; trebuie evitate schimbrile succesive de mic
importan de drum, vitez sau ale ambelor concomitent.

c) If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alonemay be the most effective action to
avoid a close-quarters situation provided that it is made in good time, is substantial and does not
result in another close-quarter situation.
c) Dac nava are suficient spaiu, numai simpla schimbare de drum, poate fi manevra cea mai
eficace pentru a se ajunge ntr-o poziie de foarte mare apropiere, cu condiia ca aceast manevr s
fie fcut cu mult timp nainte, s fie substanial i s nu conduc la o alt situaie de foarte mare

d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such as to result in passing at a
safe distance. The effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the other vessel is finally
past and clear.
d) Manevrele fcute pentru evitarea abordajului cu o alt nav trebuie s fie astfel nct s
permit trecerea la o distan de siguran. Eficacitatea manevrelor trebuie controlat cu atenie pn
cnd cealalt nav a fost complet i definitiv evitat.

e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess the situation, a vessel shall
slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.
e) Dac este nevoie, ca s se evite un abordaj, sau pentru a se ctiga mai mult timp pentru
aprecierea situaiei, nava trebuie s reduc viteza sau s opreasc complet, stopnd mainile ori
punndu-le napoi.

f) i) A vessel which by any of these Rules is required not to impede the passage or safe
passage of another vessel shall, when required by the circumstances of the case, take early action to
allow sufficient sea room fot the safe passage of the other vessel.
ii) A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel is not
relieved of this obligation if approaching the other vessel so as to involve risk of collision and
shall, when taking action, have full regard to the action which may be required by the Rules
of this Part.
iii) A vessel whose passage is not to be impeded remains fully obliged to comply with the
Rules of this Part when the two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of

Rule 9

Narrow channels
Treceri nguste

a) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to
the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable.
a) Navele n mers printr-un enal sau pe o cale de acces ngust trebuie, atunci cnd aceasta
se face fr pericol, s navige ct mai aproape posibil de marginea exterioar din dreapta a enalului
sau a cii de acces respective.

b) A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the passage of
a vessel which can safely navigate only witin a narrow channel or fairway.
b) Navele cu o lungime mai mic de 20 m i navele cu vele nu trebuie s stnjeneasc
trecerea navelor care nu pot naviga n deplin siguran dect prin enal sau pe calea de acces

c) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating
within a narrow channel or fairway.
c) Navele aflate n curs de pescuit nu trebuie s stnjeneasc trecerea altor nave care navig
prin enal sau printr-o cale de acces ngust.

d) A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing impedes the passage of
a vessel which can safely navigate only within such channel or fairway. The latter vessel may use the
sound signal prescribed in Rule 34 d) if in doubt as to the intention of the crossing vessel. (
d) O nav trebuie s evite s traverseze un enal sau cale de acces ngust dac, prin
aceasta, stnjenete trecerea navelor care nu pot naviga n deplin siguran dect prin interiorul
acestui enal sau pe calea de acces ngust; aceste din urm nave pot folosi semnalul sonor prescris
de regula 34d) dac se ndoiesc de inteniile navei care traverseaz enalul sau calea de acces.
( )

e) i) In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be
overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall
indicate her intention by sounding the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34 c) i)
( _ _ . ) or ( _ _ . . ). The vessel to be overtaking shall, if in agreement, sound the
appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34 c) ii) ( _ . _ . ) and take steps for the safe
passing. If in doubt she may sound the signal prescribed in Rule 34 d) ( ).
ii) This rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her obligation under Rule 13.
e) i) ntr-un enal sau ntr-o cale de acces ngust, cnd depirea nu se poate face dect dac
nava ajuns din urm manevreaz pentru a permite celeilalte nave s o depeasc n
deplin siguran, nava care ajunge din urm trebuie s fac cunoscut intenia sa emind
semnalul sonor corespunztor prescris de regula 34c) i). ( _ _ . ) sau ( _ _ . . )
Nava ajuns din urm trebuie, dac este de acord, s emit semnalul corespunztor prescris
de regula 34c) ii) ( _ . _ . ) i s manevreze astfel nct s permit o depire n deplin
siguran. Dac este n dubiu, nava poate emite semnalele sonore prescrise de regula 34d) ;
( . . . . . ).
ii) Prezenta regul nu scutete nava care ajunge din urm de obligaia de a se conforma
dispoziiilor din regula 13.

f) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway where other vessels may
be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate with particular alerness and caution and
shall sound the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34 e) ( __ ).
f) O nav care se apropie de un cot sau de un loc aflat ntr-un enal sau ntr-o cale de acces
ngust n care alte nave pot fi mascate de prezena unor obstacole trebuie s navige cu pruden i
vigilen deosebit i s emit semnalul corespunztor prescris de regula 34e) . ( __ ).

g) Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid anchoring in a narrow channel.
g) Orice nav trebuie, dac mprejurrile permit, s evite ancorarea ntr-o trecere ngust .

Rule 10

Traffic separation schemes

Dispozitive de separare a traficului
a) This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by the Organization and does not
relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other Rule.
a) Prezenta regul se aplic dispozitivelor de separare a traficului adoptate de ctre

b) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall:

i) proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow that lane;
ii) so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation zone;
iii) normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane, but when joining or leaving
from either side shall do so as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as
b) Navele care navig n interiorul unui dispozitiv de separare a traficului trebuie :
i) s navige pe calea de circulaie corespunztoare n direcia general a traficului ;
ii) s se ndeprteze n msura posibilului de linia sau zona de separare a traficului ;
iii) ca regul general, s se angajeze sau s ias dintr-o cale de circulaie pe la una din
extremiti, dar atunci cnd se angajeaz sau iese lateral, s fac aceast manevr sub un
unghi ct mai mic fa de direcia general a traficului.

c) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if obliged to do so shall
cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow.
c) Navele trebuie s evite pe ct este posibil s ntretaie cile de circulaie, dar, dac sunt
nevoite s-o fac, ele trebuie pe ct posibil s traverseze perpendicular pe direcia general a

d) i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use the appropriate
traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme. However, vessels of less than 20
metres in length, sailing vessels and vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic
ii) Not withstanding subparagraph d) i), a vessel may use an inshore traffic zone when en
route to or from a port, offshore instalation or structure, pilot station or any other place
situated within the inshore traffic zone or to avoid immediate danger.
d) Zonele de navigaie costier nu trebuie folosite n mod normal de traficul direct, care poate
utiliza n deplin siguran calea de circulaie corespunztoare din dispozitivul adiacent de separare a
traficului. Cu toate acestea, navele cu o lungime mai mica de 20 m i navele cu vele pot utiliza n
toate situaiile zonele de trafic costier.

e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane shall not normally
enter a separation zone or cross a separation line except:
i) In cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger;
ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.
e) Navele care nu traverseaz un dispozitiv de separare a traficului nu trebuie, n mod normal,
s ptrund ntr-o zon de separare sau s taie o linie de separare dect :
i) n caz de urgen, pentru evitarea unui pericol imediat ;
ii) pentru a pescui ntr-o zon de separare .

f) A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation schemes shall do so
with particular caution.
f) Navele care navig n zone vecine cu extremitile unui dispozitiv de separare a traficului
trebuie s navige cu atenie deosebit.

g) A vessel shall as far as practicable avoid anchoring in a traffic separation scheme or in areas
near its terminations.
g) Navele trebuie s evite, n msura maxim a posibilului ancorarea ntr-un dispozitiv de
separare a traficului sau n zonele vecine cu extremitile sale.

h) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme ahall avoid it by as wide margin as is
h) Navele care nu folosesc un dispozitiv de separare a traficului trebuie s se ndeprteze de
acesta ct mai mult posibil.
i) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any vessel following the traffic
i) Navele n curs de pescuit nu trebuie s stnjeneasc trecerea navelor care navig pe o cale
de circulaie.

j) A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the safe pasage
of a power-driven vessel following a traffic lane.
j) Navele cu o lungime mai mic de 20 de metri sau navele cu vele nu trebuie s stnjeneasc
trecerea navelor cu propulsie mecanic care navig pe o cale de circulaie.

k) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the
maintenance of safety of navigation in a traffic separation scheme is exempted from complying with
this Rule to the extent necessary to carry out the operation.
k) O nav cu capacitatea de manevr redus, atunci cnd se afl angajat ntr-o operaiune
pentru meninerea siguranei navigaiei ntr-o schem de separare a traficului, este scutit de a se
conforma prezentei reguli n msura necesar executrii operaiunii.

l) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the laying,
servicing or picking up of a submarine cable, within a traffic separation scheme, is exempted from
complying with this Rule to the extent necessary to carry out the operation.
l) O nav cu capacitatea de manevr redus, atunci cnd este angajat ntr-o operaiune pentru
instalarea, ntreinerea sau nlturarea unui cablu submarin, ntr-o schem de separare a traficului,
este scutit de a se conforma prezentei reguli, n msura necesar executrii operaiuni.


Conduct of vessels in sight of one another

Comportarea navelor care se vd una pe alta

Rule 11

Domeniu de aplicare

Rules in this Section apply in sight of one another.

Regulile prezentei seciuni se aplic navelor care se vd una pe alta.

Rule 12

Sailing vessels
Nave cu vele

a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to involve risk of collision, one
of them shall keep out of the way of the other as follows:
i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the wind on the port side
shall keep out of the way of the other;
ii) when both have the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of
the vessel which is to leeward;
iii) if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to windward and cannot determine with
certainty whether the other vessel has the wind on the port or on the starboard side, she shall
keep out of the way of the other.

a) Cnd dou nave cu vele se apropie una de alta astfel nct exist pericol de abordaj, una
dintre ele trebuie s se abat din drumul celeilalte dup cum urmeaz :
i) cnd navele primesc vntul din borduri diferite, nava care primete vntul din babord trebuie
s se abat din drumul celeilalte ;
ii) cnd cele dou nave primesc vntul din acelai bord, nava din vnt trebuie s se abat din
drumul navei de sub vnt ;
iii) dac o nav care primete vntul din babord vede o alt nav n vnt i nu poate stabili cu
certitudine dac aceast nav primete vntul din babord sau din tribord, prima nav trebuie
s se abat din drumul celeilalte.

b) For the purposes of this Rule the windward side shall be deemed to be the opposite to that
on which the mainsail is carried or, in the case of a square-rigged vessel, the side opposite to that on
which the largest fore-and-aft sail is carried.
b) n nelesul aplicrii prezentei reguli, bordul din care vine vntul trebuie socotit ca fiind bordul
opus celui n care este braat vela mare sau, n cazul navelor cu vele ptrate, bordul opus celui n
care este braat cea mai mare vel auric ( sau triunghiular ).

Rule 13

Nava care ajunge din urm alt nav

a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I and II, any vessel
overtaking any oyher shall keep uot of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
a) Oricare ar fi dispoziiile regulilor din partea B seciunile I i II, orice nav care ajunge din
urm o alt nav trebuie s se abat din drumul navei ajunse din urm.

b) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up with another vessel from a
direction more than 22,5 degrees abaft her beam, that is, in such a position with reference to the
vessel she is overtaking, that at night she would be able to see only the sternlight of that vessel but
neither of her sidelights.
b) Va fi considerat nav care ajunge pe o alta din urm acea nav care se apropie de o alta,
venind dintr-o direcie mai mare de 22.5 0 dinapoia traversului celeilalte nave, adic aceea care se
gsete ntr-o astfel de poziie fa de nava ajuns din urm nct noaptea, ar putea vedea numai
lumina din pupa a navei ajunse, fr s vad nici una dintre luminile din borduri.

c) When a vessel is in doubt as to whether she is overtaking another, she shall assume this is
the case and act accordingly.
c) Dac o nav nu poate stabili cu siguran c ajunge din urm o alt nav, ea trebuie s se
socoteasc ca fiind nav care ajunge din urm i s manevreze n consecin.

d) Any subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels shall not make the
overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these Rules or relieve her of the duty of
keeping clear of the overtaken vessel until she is finally past and clear.
d) Nici o schimbare ulterioar de relevment dintre cele dou nave nu poate face s se
considere nava care ajunge din urm o alt nav, drept nav care taie drumul acesteia din urm n
sensul prezentelor reguli i nici nu o va absolvi de obligaia de a se abate din drumul navei ajunse din
urm pn cnd aceasta nu a fost definitiv evitat i depit.

Rule 14

Head-on situation
Nave avnd drumuri direct opuse

a) When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as
to involve risk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port
side of the other.
a) Cnd dou nave cu propulsie mecanic navig pe drumuri direct opuse sau aproape opuse
n aa fel nct exist pericolul de abordaj,fiecare din ele trebuie s abat la tribord pentru a trece prin
babordul celeilalte.

b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other ahead and by night
she could see the masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line and/or both sidelights and
by day she observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.
b) Trebuie s se considere c o astfel de situaie exist atunci cnd nava vede o alt nav drept
n prova ei n aa fel nct, noaptea, va vedea luminile de catarg ale celeilalte nave pe aceiai
vertical i/sau amndou luminile din borduri, iar, ziua, va vedea cealalt nav sub un unghi

c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall assume that it
does exists and act accordingly.
c) Cnd o nav nu poate determina cu siguran c o astfel de situaie exist, ea va trebui s
considere c aceast situaie exist i s manevreze n consecin.

Rule 15

Crossing situation
Nave ale cror drumuri se ncrucieaz

When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which
has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out ot the way and shall, if the circumstances of
the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel.
Cnd dou nave cu propulsie mecanic au drumuri care se ncrucieaz n aa fel nct exist
pericolul de abordaj, nava care vede cealalt nav prin tribord trebuie s se abat din drumul
celeilalte i, dac mprejurrile permit acest lucru, s evite s-I taie drumul prin prova.

Rule 16

Action by give-way vessel

Manevra navei neprivilegiate

Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of anothervessel shall, so far as possible,
take early and substantial action to keep well clear.
Orice nav care este obligat s se abat din drumul unei alte nave,trebuie, pe ct posibil, s
manevreze din timp, hotrt i n aa fel nct s se ndeprteze la o distan apreciabil.

Rule 17

Action by stand-on vessel

Manevra navei privilegiate

a) i) Where one of the two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall keep her course and
ii) The latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her manoeuvre alone, as
soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not
taking appropriate action in compliance with these Rules.
a) i) Cnd o nav este obligat s se abat din drumul altei nave, aceasta din urm trebuie
s-i menin drumul i viteza.
ii)Aceasta din urm nav poate totui s acioneze n scopul evitrii abordajului numai prin
manevra sa, dendat ce i se pare evident c nava care are obligaia de a se abate din
drumul su nu face manevra corespunztoare prevzut de prezentele reguli.

b) When, from any cause, the vessel required to keep her course and speed finds herself so
close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give-way vessel alone, she shall take such
action as will best aid to avoid collision.
b)Cnd, dintr-o cauz oarecare, nava obligat s-i menin direcia i viteza se gsete att de
aproape de cealalt nct abordajul nu poate fi evitat numai prin singura manevr a navei
neprivilegiate, ea va executa manevra cea mai indicat pentru a ajuta la evitarea abordajului.
c) A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in accordance with sub-
paragraph a) ii) of this Rule to avoid collision with another power-driven vessel shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side.
c) O nav cu propulsie mecanic, care manevreaz pentru a evita un abordaj cu o alt nav cu
propulsie mecanic al crui drum ncrucieaz drumul su n condiiile prevzute n alineatul a)ii) din
prezenta regul, nu trebuie, dac mprejurrile permit acest lucru, s se abat la babord dac cealalt
nav se afl n babordul su.

d) This rule does not relieve the give-way vessel of her obligation to keep of the way.
d) Prezenta regul nu poate scuti nava neprivilegiat de obligaia de a se abate din drumul
celeilalte nave.

Rule 18

Responssbilities between vessels

Responsabiliti reciproce ale navelor

Except where Rules 9, 10 and 13 otherwise require:

Cu excepia prevederilor contrare din regulile 9, 10 i 13 :
a) A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
i) a vessel not under command;
ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre;
iii) a vessel engaged in fishing;
iv) a sailing vessel.
a) O nav cu propulsie mecanic aflat n mers trebuie s se abat din drumul :
i)unei nave care nu este stpn pe manevra sa ;
ii) unei nave cu capacitatea de manevr redus ;
iii) unei nave care este n curs de pescuit ;
iv) unei nave cu vele.

b) A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:

i) a vessel not under command;
ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre;
iii) a vessel engaged in fishing.
b) O nav cu vele aflat n mers trebuie s se abat din drumul :
i) unei nave care nu este stpn pe manevra sa ;
ii) unei nave cu capacitatea de manevr redus ;
iii) unei nave n curs de pescuit.

c) A vessel engaged in fishin when underway shall, so far as possible, keep out of the way of:
i) a vessel not under command;
ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.
c) O nav care este n curs de pescuit i care este n mers trebuie, n msura posibilului, s se
abat din drumul :
i) unei nave care nu este stpn pe manevra sa ;
ii) unei nave cu capacitatea de manevr redus.

d) i) Any vessel other than a vessel not under command or a vessel restricted in her ability to
manoeuvre shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid impeding the safe passage of
a vessel constrained by her draught, exhibiting the signals in Rule 28
ii) A vessel constrained by her draught shall navigate with particular caution having full regard
to her special condition.
d) i) Ori ce nav, alta dect o nav care nu este stpn pe manevr sau o nav a crei
capacitate de manevr este redus trebuie, dac mprejurrile permit, s nu mpiedice libera
trecere a unei nave stnjenite de pescajul su, care arat semnalele prevzute la regula 28 ;
ii) o nav stnjenit de pescajul su trebuie s navige cu o pruden deosebit innd cont de
situaia sa special.
e) A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels and avoid impeding
their navigation. In circumstances, however, where risk of collision exists, she shall comply
with the Rules of this Part.
e) Un hidroavion amerizat trebuie, ca regul general, s se in ct mai departe de toate
celelalte nave i s evite a le stnjeni navigaia. Totui, cnd exist pericol de abordaj, acest
hidroavion trebuie s se conformeze regulilor din prezenta parte.

Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
Conducerea navelor pe vizibilitate redus

Rule 19

Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility

Conducerea navelor pe timp cu vizibilitate redus

a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when navigating in or near area
restricted of visibility.
a) Prezenta regul se aplic navelor care nu se vd una pe alta i care navig nluntrul sau n
apropierea zonelor de vizibilitate redus .

b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing circumstances and
conditions of restricted visibility. A power-driven vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate
b) Orice nav trebuie s navige cu o vitez de siguran adaptat mprejurrilor existente i
condiiilor de vizibilitate redus. Navele cu propulsie mecanic trebuie s aib mainile gata de a
manevra imediat .

c) Every vessel shall have due regard to the rpevailing circumstances and conditions of
restricted visibility when complying with the Rules of Section I of this Part.
c) Orice nav, atunci cnd se conformeaz regulilor din seciunea I din prezenta parte,
trebuie s in neaparat seama de mprejurrile existente i de condiiile de vizibilitate redus.

d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if
close-quarters situation is developing and/or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall take avoiding
action in ample time, provided that when such action consists of an alteration of course, so far as
possible the following shall be avoided:
i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam, other than for a vessel being
ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam.
d) O nav care detecteaz numai cu radarul prezena unei alte nave trebuie s stabileasc
dac exist posibilitatea unei situaii de foarte mare apropiere i/sau un pericol de abordaj. n acest
caz, nava trebuie s ia cu mult timp nainte msuri pentru evitarea acestei situaii; totui dac aceste
msuri constau dintr-o schimbare de drum, este necesar s se evite, n msura posibilului,
urmtoarele manevre:
i) o schimbare de drum ctre babord n cazul unei nave care se afl naintea traversului, cu
excepia cazului cnd aceast nav este ajuns din urm ;
ii) o schimbare de drum n direcia unei nave care se afl la travers sau napoia traversului.

e) Except where it has been determinated that a risk of collision does not exists, every vessel
which hears apparently forward of her beam the fog signal of another vessel, or which cannot avoid a
close-quarters situation with another vessel forward of her abeam, shall reduce her speed to the
minimum at which she can be kept on her course. She shall if necessary take all her way off and in
any event navigate with extreme caution until danger of collision is over.
e) Cu excepia cazului n care s-a stabilit c nu exist pericol de abordaj, orice nav care aude
dintr-o direcie ce pare a fi naintea traversului, semnalul de cea al unei nave, sau care nu poate
evita o situaie de foarte mare apropiere cu o alt nav aflat naintea traversului, trebuie s reduc
viteza sa la minimum necesar meninerii drumului. Dac este necesar, va trebui s opreasc i n
toate mprejurrile s navige cu atenie extrem pn cnd a trecut pericolul de abordaj.





Domeniu de aplicare

a) Rules in this part shall be comlied with in all weathers.

a) Regulile prezentei pri trebuie respectate pe orice vreme.

b) The Rules concerning lights shall be comlied with from sunset to sunrise, and during such
times no other lights shall be exibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights
specified in these Rules or do not impair their visibility ordistinctive character, or interfere with the
keeping of a proper look-out.
b) Regulile privitoare la lumini trebuie respectate de la apusul la rsritul soarelui. n acest
interval de timp, nu trebuie s se arate nici o alt lumin care s poat fi confundat cu luminile
prescrise de prezentele reguli i care pot stnjeni vederea sau caracterul distinctiv al acestora sau
care pot mpiedica efectuarea unei veghe satisfctoare.

c) The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also be exibited from sunrise to sunset
in restricted visibility and may be exibited in all other circumstances when it is deemed necessary.
c) Luminile prevzute de prezentele reguli, atunci cnd ele exist, trebuie s fie purtate de
asemenea de la rsritul soarelui la apusul soarelui pe timp cu vizibilitate redus i pot fi purtate n
toate celelalte mprejurri n care aceast msur este socotit necesar.

d) The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.

d) Regulile referitoare la semne trebuiesc respectate n timpul zilei.

e) The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply with the provisions of Anex I to
these Regulations.
e) Luminile i semnele prescrise de prezentele reguli trebuie s fie conforme cu dispoziiile din
Anexa I a prezentelor reguli.

Rule 21


a) Masthead light means a white light over the fore and aft centreline of the vessel showing an
unbroken lightover an arc of the horizon of 225 0 and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to
22,5 0 abaft the beam on either side of the vessel.
a) Expresia lumin de catarg nseamn o lumin alb aezat deasupra axului longitudinal al
navei, artnd o lumin nentrerupt pe un arc de cerc de 225 0 i astfel aezat nct s arate
lumina ncepnd de la prova pn la 22,5 0 napoia traversului n fiecare bord.

b) Sidelights means a green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side each
showing an unbroken light over an arc of horizon of 112,5 0 and so fixed as to show the light from right
ahead to 22,5 0 abaft the beam on its respective side. In a vessel of less than 20 m in length the
sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on the fore and aft centreline of the vessel.
b) Expresia lumin din bord nseamn o lumin verde aezat la tribord i o lumin roie
aezat la babord, artnd fiecare o lumin nentrerupt pe un arc de orizont de 112,5 0 i aezat
astfel nct s arate aceast lumin ncepnd de la prova pn la 22,5 0 napoia traversului n bordul
respectiv. La bordul navelor cu o lungime mai miv de 20 m, luminile din borduri pot fi combinate ntr-
un singur felinar aezat n axul longitudinal al navei.

c) Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as preacticable at the stern showing an
unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 0 and so fixed as to show the light 67,5 0 from right aft
on each side of the vessel.
c) Expresia lumin de pupa nseamn o lumin alb aezat ct mai aproape posibil n pupa,
artnd o lumin nentrerupt pe un arc de orizont de 135 0 i aezat astfel nct s arate lumina pe
un sector de 67,5 0 n fiecare bord ncepnd de la pupa.

d) Towing light means a yellow light having the same characteristics as the sternlight defined in
paragraph c) of this Rule.
d) Expresia lumin de remorcaj nseamn o lumin galben avnd aceleai caracteristici ca i
lumina de pupa definit la paragraful c).

e) All around light means a light showing an unbroken light aver an arc of the horizon of 360 0.
e) Expresia lumin vizibil pe ntreg orizontul nseamn o lumin care arat o lumin
nentrerupt pe un arc de orizont de 360 0 .

f) Flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more
per minute.
f) Expresia lumin cu sclipiri nseamn o lumin cu sclipiri regulate a cror frecven este de
120 sclipiri sau mai multe pe minut.

Rule 22

Visibility of lights
Distana de vizibilitate a luminilor

The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as specified in Section 8 of Annex I
to these Regulations so as to be visible at the fllowing minimum ranges:
Luminile prescrise prin prezentele Reguli trebuie s aibe intensitatea specificat la seciunea a-
8-a din Anexa I, n aa fel nct s fie vizibile la urmtoarele distane minime:
a) In vessels of 50 m or more in length:
- a masterhead light: 6 miles;
- a sidelight: 3 miles;
- a sternlight: 3 miles;
- a towing light: 3 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round light: 3 miles.
a) pentru navele cu o lungime de 50 m sau mai mare:
- lumina de catarg: 6 Mm;
- luminile din borduri: 3 Mm;
- lumina de pupa: 3 Mm;
- lumina de remorcaj: 3 Mm;
- lumina alb, roie, verde sau galben vizibil pe ntreg orizontul: 3 Mm;

b) In vessels of 12 m or more in length but less than 50 m in length

- a masterhead light: 5 miles; except that where the length of the vessel is less than
20 m: 3 miles;
- a sidelight: 2 miles;
- a sternlight: 2 miles;
- a towing light: 2 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round light: 2 miles.
b) pentru navele cu o lungime de 12 m, sau mai mare, dar mai mic de 50 m:
- lumina de catarg: 5 Mm; dac lungimea navei este mai mic de 20 m:3Mm
- luminile din borduri: 2 Mm;
- lumina de pupa: 2 Mm;
- lumina de remorcaj: 2 Mm;
- lumina alb, roie, verde sau galben vizibil pe ntreg orizontul: 2 Mm;
c) In vessels of less than 12 m in length:
- a masterhead light: 2 miles;
- a sidelight: 1 miles;
- a sternlight: 2 miles;
- a towing light: 2 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round light: 2 miles.
c) pentru navele cu o lungime mai mic de 12 m:
- lumina de catarg: 2 Mm;
- luminile din borduri: 1 Mm;
- lumina de pupa: 2 Mm;
- lumina de remorcaj: 2 Mm;
- lumina alb, roie, verde sau galben vizibil pe ntreg orizontul: 2 Mm;

d) In inconspicuous, partly submerged vessels or objects being towed:

- a white all round light: 3 miles.
d) pentru navele sau obiectele remorcate care sunt parial n imersiune i greu observabile:
- o lumin alb vizibil pe ntreg orizontul: 3 Mm.

Rule 23

Power-driven vessels underway

Navele cu propulsie mecanic aflate n mar

a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit:

i) a masterhead light forward;
ii) a second masterhead light abaft of and higher than the forward one; except that a
vessel of less than 50 m in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do
iii) sidelights;
iv) a sternlight.
a) O nav cu propulsie mecanic aflat n mar trebuie s poarte:
i) o lumin de catarg la prova;
ii) o a doua lumin de catarg napoia primei lumini de catarg i mai sus dect aceasta;
totui, navele a cror lungime este mai mic de 50 m nu sunt obligate s poarte aceast
lumin, dar o pot purta;
iii) luminile din borduri;
iv) o lumin de pupa.

b) An air-cushion vessel when operating in the non-displacement mode shall, in addition to the
lights prescribed in paragraph a) of this Rule, exhibit an all-round flashing yellow light.
b) O nav cu pern de aer exploatat fr pescaj, n afara luminilor prevzute la paragraful a)
din prezenta Regul, trebuie s poarte o lumin galben cu sclipiri vizibile pe ntreg
c) i) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 m in length may in lieu of the lights prescribed in
paragraph a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round white light and sidelights;
ii) A power-driven vessel of less than 7 m in length whose maximum speed does not exceed
7 knots may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round
white light and shall, if practicable, also exhibit sidelights;
iii) The masthead light or all-round white light on a power-driven vessel of less than 12 m in
length may be displaced from the fore and aft centreline of the vessel if centreline fitting is
not practicable, provided that the sidelights are combined in one lantern which shall be
carried on the fore abaft centreline of the vessel or located as nearly as practicable in the
same fore and aft line as the masthead light or the all-round white light.
c) i) o nav cu propulsie mecanic, cu o lungime mai mic de 12 m, poate arta n locul
luminilor prescrise n paragraful a) a prezentei Reguli, o lumin alb vizibil pe ntreg
orizontul i luminile din borduri;
ii) o nav cu propulsie mecanic cu o lungime mai mic de 7 m i a crei vitez maxim nu
depete 7 Nd, poate, n locul luminilor prescrise la paragraful a) din prezenta Regul, s
poarte o lumin alb vizibil pe ntreg orizontul. De asemenea, aceast nav, trebuie dac
este posibil, s poarte luminile din borduri.
iii) lumina de catarg sau lumina alb vizibil pe ntreg orizontul a unei nave cu propulsie
mecanic cu lungimea mai mic de 12 m poate fi deplasat de pe axa longitudinal a navei
dac montarea pe axa longitudinal nu este posibil, cu condiia ca luminile din borduri s
fie combinate ntr-un felinar dispus pe axa longitudinal a navei, sau ct mai aproape
posibil de aceeai ax longitudinal a navei ca i lumina de catarg sau lumina alb vizibil
pe ntreg orizontul.

Rule 24

Towing and pushing

Remorcare i mpingere

a) A power-driven vessel when towing shall exhibit:

i) instead of the lights prescribed in Rule 23 a) i) or a) ii), two masthead lights in a vertical
line. When the length of the tow, measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the
after end of the tow exceed 200 m, three such lights in a vertical line.
ii) sidelights;
iii) a sternlight;
iv) a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight;
v) when the length of the tow exceeds 200 m, a diamond shape where it can best be seen.
a) O nav cu propulsie mecanic care remorcheaz, trebuie s poarte:
i) n locul luminii prescrise n Regula 23 a) i) sau a) ii), dou lumini de catarg dispuse pe
linie vertical; Cnd lungimea remorcii msurat de la pupa navei care remorchez pn
la extremitatea pupa a convoiului remorcat este mai mare de 200 m , nava care
remorcheaz va purta la prova trei astfel de lumini de catarg;
ii) luminile din borduri;
iii) o lumin de pupa;
iv) o lumin de remorcaj aezat pe vertical deasupra luminei de pupa;
v) n locul cel mai vizibil, cnd lungimea convoiului remorcat este mai mare de 200 m, un
semn biconic.

D < 200 m
b) When pushing a vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a
composite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in
Rule 23.
b) O nav care remorcheaz prin mpingere i o nav mpins legate printr-o legtur rigid
astfel nct alctuiesc o unitate compus, trebuie considerate ca o nav cu propulsie mecanic i s
poarte luminile prescrise de regula 23.

c) A power-driven vessel when pushing ahead or towing alongside, except in the case of a
composite unit, shall exhibit:
i) instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23 a) i) or a) ii), two masthead lights in a vertical
ii) sidelights;
iii) a sternlight.
c) O nav cu propulsie mecanic care mpinge nainte sau care remorcheaz cuplat, cu
excepia cazului unei uniti compuse, trebuie s poarte:
i) n locul luminii prescrise n Regula 23 a) i), la prova, dou lumini de catarg pe linie
ii) luminile din borduri;
iii) lumina de pupa.

L > 50 m

d) A power-driven vessel to which paragraph a) or c) of this Rule applies shall also comply with
Rule 23 a) ii).
d) O nav cu propulsie mecanic creia I se aplic prevederile paragrafelor a) i c) de mai sus,
trebuie s se conformeze de asemenea dispoziiilor de la Regula 23 a) ii).

e) A vessel or object being towed, other than those mentioned in paragraph g) of this Rule,
shall exhibit:
i) sidelights;
ii) a sternlight;
iii) when the length of the tow exceeds 200 m, a diamond shape where it can best be seen.
e) O nav sau un obiect remorcat, altele dect cele menionate n paragraful g) al prezentei
Reguli, trebuie s poarte:
i) luminile din borduri;
ii) lumina de pupa;
iii) n locul cel mai vizibil, cnd lungimea convoiului remorcat este mai mare de 200 m, un
semn biconic.

f) Provided that any number of vessels being towed alongside or pushed in a group shall be
lighted as one vessel.
i) a vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit, shall exhibit at the
forward end, sidelights;
ii) a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a sternlight and at the forward end,
f) Luminile mai multor nave remorcate cuplat sau mpinse n grup, trebuie s corespund cu
acelea ale unei singure nave:
i) o nav mpins, care nu face parte dintr-o unitate compus, trebuie s poarte la
extremitatea sa prova, luminile din borduri;
ii) o nav remorcat cuplat trebuie s poarte o lumin de pupa i la extremitatea sa dinspre
prova, luminile din borduri.

g) An inconspicuous, partly submerged vessel or object, or combination of such vessels or

objects being towed, shall exhibit:
i) if it is less than 25 m in breadth, one all-round white light at or near the forward end and
one at or near the after end except that dracones need not exhibit a light at or near the
forward end;
ii) if it is 25 m or more in breadth, two additional all-round white lights at or near the
extremities of its breadth;
iii) if it exceeds 100 m in length, additional all-round white lights between the lights
prescribed in sub-paragraphs i) and ii) so that the distance between the lights shall not
exceed 100 m;
iv) a diamond shape at or near the aftermost extremity of the last vessel or object being
towed and if the length of the tow exceeds 200.
g) O nav sau un obiect remorcat care este parial n imersiune i greu de observat, sau o
combinaie de astfel de nave sau obiecte trebuie s arate:
i) dac limea este mai mic de 25 m, o lumin alb, vizibil pe ntreg orizontul, la sau
lng extremitatea prova i una la sau aproape de pupa, excepie fcnd dracoanele,
care nu sunt obligate s arate o lumin la sau lng extremitatea prova;
ii) dac limea este de 25 m sau mai mult, dou lumini albe, suplimentare, vizibile pe
ntreg orizontul, la sau lng extremitile limii sale;
iii) dac lungimea depete 100 m, lumini albe suplimentare, vizibile pe ntreg orizontul
ntre luminile prescrise n alimiatele i) i ii), astfel nct diferena dintre lumini s nu
depeasc 100 m.
iv) un semn biconic la sau lng extremitatea pupa a ultimei nave sau ultimului obiect
remorcat i dac lungimea remorcii depete 200 m, un semn biconic suplimentar n
locul cel mai vizibil, sau ct mai aproape posibil spre prova.

h) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel or object being towed to
exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in paragraph e) or g) of this rule, all possible measures shall be
taken to light the vessel or object towed or at least to indicate the presence of such vessel or object.
i) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel not normally engaged in
towing operations to display the lights prescribed in paragraph a) or c) of this Rule, such
vessel shaal not be required to exhibit those lights when engaged in towing another
vessel in distres or otherwise in need of assistance. All possible measures dhall be taken
to indicate the nature of the relationship between the towing vessel and the vessel being
towed as authorized by Rule 36, in particular by illuminating the towline.
h) n cazul n care indiferent din ce cauz, o nav sau un obiect remorcat este n imposibilitate
de a arta luminile sau semnele prescrise n paragraful e) sau g) al prezentei reguli, trebuie luate
toate msurile posibile pentru a lumina nava sau obiectul remorcat sau cel puin pentru a indica
prezena unei astfel de nave sau obiect.
i) Atunci cnd dintr-un motiv justificat este impracticabil pentru o nav, care nu este n mod
obinuit angajat n operaiuni de remorcaj, s arate luminile coninute n paragraful a)
sau c) ale prezentei reguli, o astfel de nav nu este obligat s arate luminile prescrise
pentru cazul cnd remorcheaz o alt nav n pericol sau care necesit ajutor. Trebuie
luate toate msurile posibile pentru a indica natura relaiei dintre nava remorcher i nava
remorcat, conform prevederilor din Regula 36 n special prin iluminarea parmei de

Rule 25

Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars

Nave cu vele n mar i nave cu rame

a) A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit:

i) sidelights;
ii) a sternlight.
a) O nav cu vele n mar trebuie s poarte:
i) luminile din borduri;
ii) lumina de pupa.
b) In a sailing vessel of less than 20 m in length the lights prescribed in paragraph a) of this
Rule may be combined in one lantern carried at or near the top of the mast where it can best be seen.
b) La o nav cu vele, cu lungimea sub 20 m, luminile prescrise n paragraful a) din prezenta
regul pot fi reunite ntr-un felinar combinat situat la sau lng mrul de la catarg, la locul cel mai

c) A sailing vessel underway may, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph a) of this
Rule, exhibit at or near the top of the mast, where they can best be seen, two all-round lights in a
vertical line, the upper being red and the lower green, but these lights shall not be exhibited in
conjunction with the combined lantern permitted by paragraph b) of this Rule.
c) n afar de luminile prescrise la paragraful a) din prezenta regul o nav cu vele n mar
poate purta, la mr sau la partea superioar a catargului, n locul unde sunt cel mai vizibile, dou
lumini pe vertical, vizibile pe ntreg orizontul, lumina superioar fiind roie iar cea inferioar verde.
Totui, aceste lumini nu trebuie s fie purtate n acelai timp cu felinarul autorizat prin paragraful b)
din prezenta regul.

d) i) A sailing vessel of less than 7 m in length shall, if practicable, exhibit the lights prescribed
in paragraphs a) or b) of this Rule, but if she does not, she shall have ready at hand an
electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time
to prevent collision.
ii) A vessel under oars may exhibit the lights prescribed in this Rule for sailing vessel, but if
she does not, she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a
white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.
d) i) o nav cu vele cu o lungime mai mic de 7 m trebuie, dac este posibil, s poarte luminile
prescrise la paragrafele a) sau b), dar n cazul c nu la poart, trebuie s fie pregtit s
arate n orice moment, pentru prevenirea unei coliziuni, o lantern electric sau un felinar
aprins cu lumin alb;
ii) o nav cu rame poate purta luminile prescrise de prezenta regul pentru navele cu vele,
dar dac nu le poart, trebuie s fie pregtit s arate n orice moment, pentru prevenirea
unei coliziuni, o lantern electric sau un felinar cu lumina alb.

e) A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by machinery shall exhibit forward
where it can best been seen a conical shape, apex downwards.
e) O nav care se deplaseaz n acelai timp cu vele i cu ajutorul unui aparat propulsor, trbuie
s poarte la prova n locul cel mai vizibil, un semn de form conic, cu vrful n jos.
Rule 26

Fishing vessels
Nave de pescuit

a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and
shapes prescribed in this Rule.
a) O nav n curs de pescuit, att n mar ct i la ancor, nu trebuie s poarte dect luminile
i semnele prescrise de prezenta regul.

b) A vessel engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging through the water of a dredge
net or other apparatus used as a fishing appliance, shall exhibit:
i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the lower white, or a
shape consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the
other; a vessel of less than 20 m in length may instead of this shape exhibit a basket;
ii) a masthead light abaft and higher than the all-round green light; a vessel of less than 50
m in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so;
iii) when making way through.
b) O nav care trauleaz, adic trage prin ap un traul sau o alt unealt de pescuit, trebuie s
i) dou lumini pe vertical vizibile pe tot orizontul, lumina superioar fiind verde iar cea
inferioar alb, sau un semn alctuit din dou conuri unul deasupra altuia cu vrfurile
unite; o nav cu o lungime mai mic de 20 m poate purta n locul acestui semn, un co
ii) o lumin de catarg aezat la o nlime mai mare dect aceea a luminii verzi vizibil pe
ntreg orizontul i napoia acesteia. Navele cu o lungime mai mic de 50 m nu sunt
obligate s poarte aceast lumin, dar o pot face;
iii) cnd nava se deplaseaz prin ap, n afar de luminile prescrise prin paragraful prezent,
luminile din borduri i lumina de pupa.

L < 20 m

c) A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit:

i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the lower white, or a shape
consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the other;
a vessel of less than 20 m in length may instead of this shape exhibit a basket;
ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 m horizontally from the vessel, an
all-round white light or a cone apex upwards in the direction of the gear;
iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this
paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.
c) O nav care pescuiete, altfel dect prin traulare, trebuie s poarte:
i) dou lumini suprapuse vizibile pe ntreg orizontul, lumina superioar fiind roie i lumina
inferioar fiind alb sau un semn alctuit din dou conuri suprapuse unite la vrf; o nav
cu lungime mai mic de 20 m, n locul acestui semn poate s poarte un co;
ii) dac uneltele sale de pescuit se ntind pe o distan orizontal mai mare de 150 m
ncepnd de la nav, o lumin alb vizibil pe tot orizontul sau un con cu vrful n sus, n
direcia uneltelor de pescuit;
iii) cnd se deplaseaz prin ap, n afara luminilor prescrise n prezentul paragraf, lumiile
din borduri i lumina de pupa.

> 150 m > 150 m

> 150 m

d) A vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vessel engaged in fishing may exhibit
the additional signals described in Anex II to these Rule.
d) O nav care pescuiete n apropierea altor nave care pescuiesc poate purta semnalele
suplimentare descrise n anexa II.

e) A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in this
Rule, but only those prescribed for a vessel of her length.
e) O nav care nu este n curs de pescuit nu trebuie s poarte luminile sau semnele prescrise
de prezenta regul, ci numai acelea prescrise pentru o nav de lungimea sa.

Rule 27

Vessels not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre

Nave care nu sunt stpne pe manevr i nave care au capacitatea de manevr redus

a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit:

i) two all-round lights in a vertical line where they can be best seen;
ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen;
iii) when making way throuhg the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this
paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.
a) O nav care nu este stpn pe manevr trebuie s poarte:
i) n locul cel mai vizibil, dou lumini roii pe linie vertical, vizibile pe ntreg orizontul;
ii) n locul cel mai vizibil, dou bule sau semne asemntoare pe linie vertical;
iii) cnd se deplaseaz prin ap, n afar de luminile prescrise n prezentul paragraf,
luminile din borduri i o lumin de pupa.

n deriv
n mar

b) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, except a vessel engaged in mineclearance

operations, shall exhibit:
i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and
lowest lights shall be red and the middle shall be white;
ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest
shapes shall be balls and the middle one a diamond;
iii) when making way through the water, a masthead light or lights, sidelights and a
sternlight, in addition to the lights prescribed in sub-paragraph i);
iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in sub-paragraph i) and
ii), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30.
b) O nav cu capacitatea de manevr redus, alta dect o nav care face operaiuni de
deminare, trebuie s poarte:
i) n locul cel mai vizibil, trei lumini pe linie vertical, vizibile pe ntreg orizontul, lumina de
sus i lumina de jos fiind roie, iar lumina din mijloc alb;
ii) n locul cel mai vizibil, trei semne pe linie vertical, semnele superior i inferior fiind cte
o bul, iar cel din mijloc fiind bicon;
iii) cnd nava se deplaseaz prin ap, n afar de luminile prscrise la aliniatul i), o lumin
sau luminile de catarg, luminile din borduri i lumina de pupa;
iv) cnd nava este la ancor, n afar de luminile sau semnele prescrise la aliniatele i) i ii)
luminile sau semnele prescrise de Regula 30.

n deriv

n mar

c) A power-driven vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing
vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course shall, in addition to the lights or shapes
prescribed in Rule 24 a), exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in sub-paragarphs b) i) and ii) of this
c) O nav cu propulsie mecanic, n curs de a executa operaiuni de remorcare, care prin
natura lor permit cu greutate remorcherului i remorcii sale s-i modifice drumul, trebuie s poarte pe
lng luminile sau semnele prescrise n Regula 24 a), luminile sau semnele prescrise n aliniatele b),i)
i ii) ale prezentei reguli.
d) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations, when restricted in her ability to
manoeuvre, shall exhibit the lights and shapes prescribed in sub-paragraph b) i), ii) and iii) of this
Rule and shall in addition, when obstruction exists, exhibit:
i) two all-round red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the side on which the
obstruction exists;
ii) two all-round green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to indicate the side on which
another vessel may pass;
iii) when at anchor, the lights or shapes prescribed in this paragraph instead of the lights or
shape prescribed in Rule 30.
d) O nav n curs de a draga sau de a efectua lucrri sub ap i avnd capacitatea de manevr
redus, trebuie s poarte luminile i semnele prescrise la paragraful b),i),ii) i iii) din prezenta regul
i, atunci cnd exist un obstacol trebuie s poarte n plus:
i) dou lumini roii vizibile pe ntreg orizontul sau dou bule pe aceeai vertical pentru a
indica partea n care se afl pericolul;
ii) dou lumini verzi vizibile pe ntrg orizontul sau dou biconuri pe vertical, pentru a arta
bordul prin care poate trece o alt nav;
iii) cnd se afl la ancor, luminile sau semnele prescrise n acest paragraf n locul
luminilor sau semnelor prescrise de Regula 30.

n deriv

n mar

e) Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving operations makes it impracticable to exhibit
all lights and shapes prescribed in paragraph d) of this Rule, the following shall be exhibited:
i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and
lowest of this lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white;
ii) a rigid replica of the International Code flag A not less than 1 m in hight. Measures
shall be taken to ensure its all-round visibility.
e) Ori de cte ori mrimea unei nave angajate n lucrri cu scafandri, face imposibil expunerea
tuturor luminilor sau semnelor prescrise de paragraful d) al acestei reguli, aceast nav va trebui s
expun urmtoarele:
i) trei lumini vizibile pe ntreg orizontul dispuse pe vertical, in locul cel mai vizibil. Lumina
superioar i cea inferioar trebuie s fie roie iar cea din mijloc s fie alb;
ii) o reproducere rigid de cel puin 1 m nlime a pavilionului A din Codul Internaional
de semnale. Trebuie s se ia msuri pentru ca aceast reproducere s fie vizibil pe
ntreg orizontul.

f) A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall in addition to the lights prescribed for a
power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30
as appropriate, exhibit three all-round green lights or three balls. One of these lights or shapes shall
be exhibited near the foremast head and one at each end of the fore yard. These lights or shapes
indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within 1000m of the mineclearance vessel.
f) O nav angajat n operaiuni de deminare trbuie s poarte, pe lng luminile prescrise n
Regula 23 penru o nav cu propulsie mecanic, sau luminile i semnele prescrise pentru o nav la
ancor n Regula 30, dup caz, trei lumini verzi vizibile pe ntreg orizontul sau trei bule. Una din
aceste lumini sau unul din semne, trebuie arborat lng mrul catargului prova i cte una din aceste
lumini sau semne la fiecare capt al vergii catargului prova. Aceste lumini sau semne indic faptul c
este periculoas apropierea unei alte nave la o distan mai mic de 1000 m de nava ocupat cu

g) Vessels of less than 12 m in length, except those engaged in diving operations, shall not be
required to exhibit the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule.
g) Navele cu lungime mai mic de 12 m, cu excepia celor angajate n operaiuni cu scafandri,
nu sunt obligate s expun luminile i semnele prescrise n aceast regul.

h) The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels in distress and requiring
assistance. Such signals are contained in Annex IV to these regulations.
h) Semnalele prescrise n prezenta regul nu sunt semnale de nave n pericol i care cer
ajutor. Semnalele acestei ultime categorii fac obiectul Anexei IV al prezentului regulament.

Rule 28

Vessels constrained by their draught

Nave cu propulsie mecanic stnjenite de pescajul lor

A vessel constrained by her draught may, in addition to the lights prescribed for power-driven
vessels in Rule 23, exhibit where they can best be seen three all-round red lights in a vertical line, or
a cylinder.
O nav cu propulsie mecanic stnjenit de pescajul su, n afar de luminile prescrise pentru
navele cu propulsie mecanic prin Regula 23, poate s poarte n locul cel mai vizibil trei lumini roii
pe linie vertical vizibile pe ntreg orizontul sau un semn cilindric.
Rule 29

Pilot vessels
Nave de pilotaj

a) A vessel engaged in pilotage duty shall exhibit:

i) at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being white and
the lower red;
ii) when underway, in addition, sidelights and a sternlight;
iii) when at anchor, in addition to the lights prescribed in sub-paragraph i), the ligghts or
shape prescribed in Rule 30 for vessels at anchor.
a) O nav de pilotaj aflat n serviciul de pilotaj trebuie s poarte:
i) la mrul catargului sau ct mai aproape de acesta, dou lumini pe vertical, vizibile pe
ntreg orizontul, lumina superioar fiind alb i cea inferioar roie;
ii) n plus cnd este n mar, luminile din borduri i lumina de pupa;
iii) cnd se afl la ancor, n plus fa de luminile prescrise la aliniatul i), lumina, luminile
sau semnul prescrise de Regula 30 pentru navele aflate la ancor.

b) A pilot vessel when not engaged in pilotage duty shall exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed
for a similar vessel of her length.
b) O nav de pilotaj care nu este n serviciul de pilotaj trebuie s poarte luminile sau semnele
prescrise pentru o nav de lungimea sa.

Rule 30

Anchored vessels and vessels aground

Nave ancorate i nave euate

a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:

i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball;
ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in sub-paragraph i), an
all-round white light.
a) O nav ancorat trebuie s poarte n locul cel mai vizibil:
i) la partea din prova o lumin alb vizibil pe ntreg orizontul sau o bul;
ii) la pupa sau aproape de pupa, mai jos dect lumina prescris la aliniatul i) o lumin alb
vizibil pe ntreg orizontul.

b) A vessel of less than 50 m in length may exhibit an all-round white light where it can best be
seen instead of the lights prescribed in paragraph a) of this Rule.
b) O nav ancorat, avnd o lungime mai mic de 50 m poate purta, n locul cel mai vizibil, o
lumin alb vizibil pe ntreg orizontul n locul luminilor prescrise la paragraful a).

c) A vessel at anchor may, and a vessel of 100 m and more in length, shall also use the
available working or equivalent lights to illuminate her decks.
c) O nav ancorat poate folosi n plus luminile sale de lucru disponibile sau lumini echivalente
pentru iluminarea punilor sale. Aceast dispoziie este obligatorie pentru navele a cror lungime este
egal cu 100 m sau mai mare.
d) A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph a) or b) of this Rule and in
addition, where they can best be seen:
i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line;
ii) three balls in a vertical line.
d) O nav euat trebuie s poarte luminile prescrise la paragraful a) sau b) din prezenta regul
i n plus, la locul cel mai vizibil:
i) dou lumini roii, vizibile pe ntreg orizontul, dispuse pe vertical;
ii) trei bule dispuse pe vertical.

e) A vessel of less than 7 m in length, when at anchor, not in or near a narrow channel, fairway
or anchorage, or where other vessels normally navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or
shapes prescribed in paragraphs a) and b) of this Rule.
e) O nav cu lungime mai mic de 7 m, cnd este la ancor dar nu n interiorul sau n
aprpierea unei treceri nguste, enal sau loc de ancoraj, sau acolo unde alte nave navig n mod
obinuit, nu este obligat s arate luminile sau semnele prescrise n paragrafele a) i b) din prezenta

f) A vessel of less than 12 m in length, when aground, shall not be required to exhibit the lights
or shapes prescribed in sub-paragraphs d) i) and ii) of this Rule.
f) O nav cu lungime mai mic de 12 m, atunci cnd este euat, nu este obligat s poarte
luminile sau semnele prescrise n paragrafele d) i) i ii) ale prezentei reguli.

Rule 31


Where it is impracticable for a seaplane to exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in
the positions prescirbed in the Rules of this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar
in characteristics and position as is practicable.
Un hidroavion care este n imposibilitatea de a purta luminile i semnele cu caracteristicile i
amplasarea prescrise de regulile din aceast parte, trebuie s poarte lumini sau semne apropiindu-se
ct mai mult posibil de acelea prescrise de aceste reguli.





a) The word whistle means any sound signalling appliance capable of producing the prescribed
blasts and which complies with the specifications in Annex III to these regulations.
a) Termenul fluier nseamn orice aparat de semnalizare sonor capabil de a emite sunetele
prescrise i conforme specificaiilor din Anexa III a prezentului regulament.
b) The term short blast means a blast of about one seconds duration.
b) Expresia sunet scurt nseamn un sunet scurt a crui durat este de aproximativ o secund.
c) The term prolonged blast means a blast of from 4 to 6 seconds duration.
c) Expresia sunet lung nseamn un sunet a crui durat este de patru pn la ase secunde.


Equipment for sound signals

Echipamente de semnalizare sonor

a) A vessel of 12 m or more in length shall be provided with a whistle and a bell and a vessel of
100 m or more in length shall, in addition, be provided with a gong, the tone and sound of which
cannot be confused with that of the bell. The whistle, bell and gong shall comply with the
specifications in Annex III to these regulations. The bell or gong or both may be replaced by other
equipment having the same respective sound characteristics, provided that manual sounding of the
prescribed signals shall always be possible.
a) O nav avnd o lungime de 12 m sau mai mare trebuie s fie prevzut cu un fluier i cu un
clopot, iar o nav a crei lungime este de 100 m sau mai mare trebuie s aibe n plus un gong al crui
sunet sau timbru nu trebuie s poat fi confundat cu acelea ale clopotului. Fluierul, clopotul i gongul
trebuie s satisfac specificaiile din Anexa III a prezentului regulament. Clopotul sau gongul, sau
amndou, pot fi nlocuite cu un alt echipament avnd respectiv aceleai caracteristici sonore, cu
condiia ca s fie posibil ntotdeauna acionarea manual pentru producerea semnalelor prescrise.

b) A vessel of less than 12 m in length shall not be obliged to carry the sound signaling
appliances prescribed in paragraph a) of this Rule but if she does not, she shall be provided with
some other means of making an efficient sound signal.
b) O nav cu o lungime mai mic de 12 m nu este obligat s aibe la bord echipamentele de
semnalizare sonor prescrise la paragraful a) dinprezenta regul, dar trebuie, n lipsa acestora, s fie
dotat cu un alt mijloc de emitere a unui semnal sonor eficace.


Manoeuvring and warning signals

Semnale de manevr i semnale de avertizare

a) When vessel are in sight of one another, a power-driven vessel underway, when
manoeuvring as authorized or required by these Rules, shall indicate that manoeuvre by the following
signals on her whistle:
a) Atunci cnd navele se vd unele pe altele, o nav cu propulsie mecanic n mar,
manevrnd aa cum este autorizat sau prescris de prezentele Reguli, trebuie s indice aceste
manevre prin urmtoarele semnale, emise cu fluierul:
- one short blast to mean: I am altering my course to starboard;
- un sunet scurt pentru a spune: Vin la tribord;
- two short blast to mean: I am altering my course to port;
- dou sunete scurte pentru a spune: Vin la babord;
- three short blast to mean: I am operating astern propulsion.
- trei sunete scurte pentru a spune: Am maina napoi.

b) Any vessel may suplement the whistle signals prescribed in paragraph a) of this Rule by
light signals, repeated as appropriate, whilst the manoeuvre is being carried out:
b) Toate navele pot completa semnalele cu fluierul prescrise la paragraful a) cu semnale
luminoase repetate, dac este necesar, pe toat durate manevrei;
i) these light signals shall have the following significance:
i) aceste semnale luminoase au urmtoarea semnificaie:
- one flash to mean: I am altering my course to starboard;
- o sclipire pentru a spune: Vin la tribord;
- two flashes to mean: I am altering my course to port;
- dou sclipiri pentru a spune: Vin la babord;
- three flashes to mean: I am operating astern propulsion.
- trei sclipiri pentru a spune: Am maina napoi.

ii) the duration of each flash shall be about one second, the interval between flashes shall
be about 1sec., and the interval between succesive signals shall be not less than 10
ii) fiecare sclipire trebuie s dureze aproximativ o secund, intervalul dintre sclipiri s fie
aproximativ 1 sec. i intervalul ntre semnalele succesive trebuie s fie de cel puin 10
iii) the light used for this signal, if fitted, be an all-round white light, visible at a minimum
range of 5 miles, and shall comply with the provisions of Annex 1 to these Regulations.
iii) lumina folosit pentru acest semnal, dac exist, trebuie s fie o lumin alb vizibil pe
ntreg orizontul la o distan de cel puin 5 Mm i trebuie s fie conform dispoziiilor din
Anexa I a acestor reguli.

c) When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway:

c) Cnd navele sunt n vedere ntr-un enal sau pe o cale de acces ngust:
i) a vessel intending to overtake another shall in compliance with Rule 9 e) i) indicate her
intention by the following signals on her whistle:
i) o nav care intenioneaz s depeasc o alt nav, conform dispoziiilor de la Regula
9 e) i i), trebuie s indice intenia sa emind cu fluierul semnalele urmtoare:
(_ _ .) - two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean:
I intend to overtake tou on your starboard side;
(_ _ .) - dou sunete lungi urmate de un sunet scurt pentru a spune:
Intenionez s v depesc prin tribord;
(_ _ . .) - two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean:
I intend to overtake you on your port side.
(_ _ . .) - dou sunete lungi urmate de dou sunete scurte pentru a spune:
Intenionez s v depesc prin babord.

ii) the vessel aboutto be overtaken when acting in accordance with Rule 9 e) i) shall
indicate her agreement by the following signal on her whistle:
(_ . _ .) - one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast in that order.
ii) nava care urmeaz a fi depit trebuie, manevrnd conform dispoziiilor din Regula 9 e)
i i), s-i dea acordul su emind cu fluierul urmtorul semnal:
(_ . _ .) - un sunet lung, un sunet scurt, un sunet lung i un sunet scurt, emise n
` aceast ordine.

d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each other and from any cause either
vessel fail to understand the intentions of the other, or is in boubt whether sufficient action is being
taken by the other to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt by
giving at least 5 short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Such signal may be suplemented by a light
signal of at least 5 short and rapid flashes. (. . . . .)
d) Cnd dou nave care sunt n vedere i se apropie una de alta dar dintr-o cauz oarecare
una din ele nu nelege inteniile sau aciunile celeilalte, sau nu tie dac cealalt nav ia msuri
suficiente pentu a evita coliziunea, nava care are ndoielile le va exprima imediat emind cu fluierul o
serie rapid de cel puin cinci sunete scurte. Acest semnal poate fi completat cu un semnal luminos
alctuit din cel puin cinci sclipiri scurte i rapide. ( . . . . . )

e) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other vessels may be
obscured by an interventing obstruction shall sound one prolonged blast. Such signal shall be
answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the
bend or behind the intervening obstruction.
e) O nav care se apropie de un cot sau de o parte a unui enal ori de o cale de acces unde
alte nave ar putea fi mascate de un obstacol, trebuie s emit un sunet lung. Orice nav care vine n
direcia sa i care aude semnalul din cealalt parte a cotului sau napoia obstacolului trebuie s
rspund la acest semnal emind un sunet lung. ( _ )

f) If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100 m, one whistle only
shall be used for giving manoeuvring and warning signals.
f) Cnd la bordul navei sunt instalate fluiere la o distan mai mare de 100 m unul de altul, nu
trebuie s se foloseasc pentru emiterea semnalelor de manevr i a semnalelor de avertizare dect
un singur fluier.


Sound signals in restricted visibility

Semnale sonore pe vizibilitate redus

In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or night, the signals prescribed in this
Rule shall be used as follows:
Att ziua ct i noaptea nuntrul sau n apropierea unei zone n care vizibilitatea este redus,
semnalele prescrise de prezenta regul trebuie s fie folosite dup cum urmeaz:

a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more
than 2 min one prolonged blast. (_)
a) O nav cu propulsie mecanic care se deplaseaz prin ap, trebuie s emit un sunet lung
la intervale care nu vor depi dou minute;

b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way through the water shall
sound at intervals of not more than 2 min two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about
2 sec between them. (__)
b) O nav n mar, dar stopat i care nu se mai deplaseaz prin ap, trebuie s emit la
intervale care nu vor depi dou minute, dou sunete lungi separate printr-un interval de aproximativ
dou secunde.

c) A vessel not under command, a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, a vessel
constrained by her draught, a sailing vessel, a vessel engaged in fishing and a vessel engaged in
towing or pushing another vessel shall, instead of signals prescribed in paragraph a) or b) of this
Rule, sound at intervals of not more than 2 min three blasts in succession, namely one prolonged
followed by two short blasts. (_..)
c) O nav care nu este stpn pe manevr, o nav a crei capacitate de manevr este
redus, o nav stnjenit de pescajul su, o nav cu vele, o nav care pescuiete i o nav care
remorcheaz sau mpinge o alt nav trebuie s emit, n locul semnalelor prescrise la paragrafele a)
i b) trei sunete consecutive, i anume: un sunet lung urmat de dou sunete scurte, la intervale ce nu
vor fi mai mari de dou minute.
d) A vessel engaged in fishing, when at anchor, and a vessel restricted in her ability to
manoeuvre when carring out her work at anchor, shall instead of the signals prescribed in paragraph
g) of this Rule, sound the signal prescribed in paragraph c) of this Rule. ( _ . . )
d) O nav n curs de pescuit, cnd se afl la ancor i o nav cu capacitatea de manevr
redus cnd i desfoar activitatea la ancor, trebuie s emit n locul semnelor prescrise n
paragraful g) al prezentei reguli semnalul sonor prescris n paragraful c) al prezentei reguli.

e) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last vessel of the tow, if manned,
shall at intervals of not more than 2 min sound four blasts in succession, namely one prolonged
followed by three short blasts. When practicable, this signal shall made immediately after the signal
made by the towing vessel. (_...)
e) O nav remorcat sau n cazul n care se remorchez mai multe nave, ultima din convoi,
dac are echipaj la bord, trebuie s emit la intervale nu mai mari de 2 minutepatru sunete
consecutive i anume: un sunet lung i trei sunete scurte. Cnd este posibil, acest semnal trebuie
emis imediat dup semnalul emis de nava care remorcheaz.

f) When a pushing vessel and a vessel beig pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a composite
unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in
paragraph a) or b) of this Rule.
f) Atunci cnd un remorcher mpingtor i o nav mpins nainte sunt legate rigid, formnd o
unitate compus, ele trebuie considerate ca o nav cu propulsie mecanic i trebuie s emit
semnalele prescrise n paragrafele a) sau b) ale prezentei reguli.

g) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than 1 min ring the bell rapidly for about 5sec
In a vessel of 100m or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vessel and
immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about 5sec in the after
part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition sound three blasts in succession, namely one
short, one prolonged and one short blast, to give warning of her position and of the possibility of
collision to an approaching vessel. ( . . . . . ) (._.)
g) O nav aflat la ancor trebuie s bat clopotul rapid, timp de aproximativ 5 sec., la
intervale de cel mult un minut. La o nav cu lungimea de 100 m sau mai mult se va bate clopotul la
prova navei i imediat dup aceea se va bate rapid gongul timp de aproximativ 5 sec. la pupa navei.
O nav aflat la ancor poate, n plus, s emit trei sunete consecutive i anume: un sunet scurt, unul
lung i unul scurt pentru avertizarea unei nave care se apropie de poziia sa i exist posibilitatea
unei coliziuni.

h) A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required the gong signal prescribed in
paragraph g) of this Rule and shall, in addition, give 3 separate and distinct strokes on the bell
immediately before and after the rapid ringing of the bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an
appropriate whistle signal.
h) O nav euat trebuie s bat clopotul i dac este nevoie s bat gongul prescris la
paragraful g). n plus, imediat nainte i dup btile rapide de clopot va emite 3 lovituri de clopot
separate i distincte. n plus, o nav euat poate emite cu fluierul un semnal cuprinztor.

i) A vessel of less than 12 m in length shall not be obliged to give the above-mentioned signals
but, if she does not, shall take some other efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 min.
i) O nav cu lungimea mai mic de 12 m nu este obligat s emit semnalele mai sus
menionate, dar n cazul n care nu le emite trebuie s emit un alt semnal sonor, eficient, la intervale
care s nu depeasc dou minute.

j) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in addition to the signals prescribed in
paragraph a), b), or g) of this Rule sound and identity signal consistingof four short blasts. ( . . . . )
j) O nav de pilotaj atunci cnd se afl angajat n serviciul de pilotaj, poate s emit, pe lng
semnalele prescrise n paragrafele a), b) sau g) ale prezentei reguli, un semnal de identificare
constnd din patru sunete scurte.

Signals to attract attention

Semnale pentru a atrage atenia

If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any vessel may make light or sound
signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized elsewhere in these Rule, or may direct the
beam of her searchlight in the direction of the danger, in such way as not to embarrass any vessel.
Any light to attract the attention of another vessel shall be such that it cannot be mistaken for
any aid to navigation. For tha purpose of this Rule the use of high intensity intermittent or revolving
lights, such as strobe lights, shall be avoided.
Orice nav, dac socotete c este necesar s atrag atenia unei alte nave, poate emite
semnale luminoase sau sonore care s nu poat fi confundate cu nici unul din semnalele prescrise de
oricare din prezentele reguli, sau s ndrepte lumina proiectorului su, n direcia pericolului care
amenin nava, n aa fel nct lumina proiectorului s nu stnjeneasc alte nave.
Orice semnal luminos folosit pentru atragerea ateniei unei alte nave trebuie s fie de o
asemenea natur nct s nu poat fi confundat cu nici un alt mijloc de semnalizare de navigaie. n
nelesul acestei reguli trebuie evitat utilizarea luminilor intermitente sau rotative de mare intensitate
cum ar fi luminile tip stoboscopice.


Distress signals
Semnale de pericol

When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall use or exibit the signals
prescribed in Annex IV to these Regulations.
O nav care este n pericol i cere ajutor trebuie s foloseasc sau s arate semnalele
prescrise la Anexa IV a prezentului regulament.


1. The following signals, used or exhibited either together or separately, indicate distress and
need of assistance:
1. Semnalele urmtoare, folosite sau artate mpreun sau separat, arat un pericol i nevoia
de ajutor:
a) a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about 1 min;
a) o lovitur de tun sau alte semnale explozive trase la intervale de circa un minut;

b) a continuous sounding with any fog-signalling apparatus;

b) sunet continuu produs de un aparat oarecare pentru semnale de cea;

c) rockets or shells, throwing red stars fired one at a time at short intervals;
c) fuzee sau bombe proiectnd stele roii lansate una cte una la intervale scurte;

d) a signal made up by radiotelegraphy or by any other signaling method consisting of

the group . . . _ _ _ . . . ( S O S ) in the Morse Code;
d) semnal emis prin radiotelegrafie sau prin oricare alt sistem de semnalizare, compus
din grupul . . . _ _ _ . . . ( S.O.S.) din Codul Morse;
e) a signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word Mayday ;
e) semnal radiotelefonic constnd din cuvntul Mayday;
f) the International Code Signal of distress indicated by N.C.;
f) arborarea pavilioanelor N.C. din Codul Internaional de semnale;

g) a signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or anything

resembling a ball;
g) semnal constnd dintr-un pavilion ptrat avnd deasupra sau dedesubt o bul sau un
obiect asemntor;

h) flames on the vessel ( as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.);
h) flcri pe nav ( din cele ce pot fi produse prin arderea unui butoia cu gudron, un
butoia cu ulei, etc.);

i) a rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light;

i) fuzee cu paraut sau o lumin de mn care produce o lumin roie;

j) a smoke signal giving off orange-coloured smoke;

j) semnal fumigen producnd un fum portocaliu;

k) slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each side;
k) micri lente i repetate de sus n jos a braelor lateral;

l) the radiotelegraph alarm signal;

l) semnal de alarm radiotelegrafic;

m) the radiotelephone alarm signal;

m) semnal de alarm radiotelefonic;

n) signals transmitted by emergency position-indicating radio beacons;

n) senmale transmise prin radiobalize pentru localizarea sinistrelor.

o) approved signals transmitted by radiocommunication systems.

2. The use of exhibition of any of the foregoing signals except for the purpose of indicating
distress and need of assistance and the use of other signals which may be confused with any of the
above signals is prohibited.
2. Este interzis folosirea oricruia din semnalele de mai sus, n afar de cazul cnd se indic
un pericol sau nevoia de ajutor, ct i folosirea altor semnale ce ar putea fi confundate cu unul din
semnalele de mai sus.

3. Attention is drawn to the relevant section of the International Code of Signals, the Merchant
Ship Search and Rescue Manual and the following signals:
a) a piece of orange coloured canvas with either a black square and circle or other
appropriate symbol ( for identification from the air );
b) a dye marker.
3. Este necesar s se dea atenie capitolelor corespunztoare din Codul Internaional de
semnale, Manualului de cutare i salvare pentru uzul navelor de comer i semnlelor urmtoare:
a) un ptrat din pnz portocalie cu un cerc de culoare neagr, sau cu un semn
asemntor ( pentru reperare aerian );
b) colorant pentru ap.



Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes

Amplasarea i caracteristicile tehnice ale luminilor i semnelor

1. Definition:
The term height above the hull means height above the uppermost continuous deck. This
height shall be measured from the position vertically beneath the location of the light.
1. Definiie:
Expresia nlime deasupra punii nseamn nlime deasupra punii continui celei mai de sus.
Aceast nlime trebuie msurat perpendicular, din punctul de sub amplasamentul luminii.

2. Vertical positioning and spacing of lights:

2. Amplasarea i distana dintre lumini n plan vertical:

a) On a power-driven vessel of 20m or more in length the masthead lights shall be placed as
a) La bordul navelor cu propulsie mecanic a cror lungime este de 20m sau mai mare,
luminile de catarg trebuie s fie aezate dup cum urmeaz:

i) the forward masthead light, or if only one masthead light is carried, then that light, at a
height above the hull of not less than 6m, and, if the breadth of the vessel exceeds 6m,
then at a height above the hull not less than such breadth, so however that the light
need not be placed at a greater height above the hull than 12m;
ii) lumina de catarg prova sau dup caz lumina unic, trebuie s fie la o nlime de cel
puin 6m deasupra punii, iar dac limea navei este mai mare de 6m, la o nlime
deasupra punii cel puin egal cu aceast lime, fr a fi totui necesar ca aceast
nlime s fie mai mare de 12m;

ii) when two masthead lights are carried the after one shall be at least 4.5m vertically
higher than the forward one.
ii) cnd exist dou lumini de catarg, lumina din pupa trebuie s se afle pe verticala luminii
din prova i cu cel puin 4,5m mai sus dect aceasta.

>= 4,5m Pentru nave cu L > 20m

>= 6m sau B dar <= 12m

b) The vertical separation of masthead lights of power-driven vessels shall be such that in
normal conditions of trim the after light will be seen over and separate from the forward light at a
distance of 1000m from the stem when viewed from sea level.
b) Distana pe vertical dintre luminile de catarg ale navelor cu propulsie mecanic, trebuie s
fie astfel nct n condiii normale de asiet lumina din pupa s poat fi totdeauna vzut distinct
deasupra luminii din prova, de la o distan de 1000m din prova navei, privind de la nivelul mrii.
c) The masthead light of a power-driven vessel of 12m but less than 20m in length shall be
placed at a height above the gunwale of not less than 2.5m.
c) Lumina de catarg a unei nave cu propulsie mecanic cu o lungime de 12m sau mai mare,
dar mai mic de 20m, trebuie s se afle la o nlime de cel puin 2,5m deasupra punii.

d) A power-driven vessel of less than 12m in length may carry the uppermost light at a height
of less than 2.5m above the gunwale. When however a masthead light is carried in addition to
sidelights and a sternlight or the all-round light of Rule 23 c) i) is carried in addition to sidelights, then
such masthead light or all-round light shall be carried at least 1m higher than the sidelights.
d) O nav cu propulsie mecanic cu o lungime mai mic de 12m, poate avea lumina cea mai
de sus la o nlime mai mic de 2,5m deasupra punii. Totui, atunci cnd are o lumin de catarg n
afar de luminile din borduri i lumina de pupa, aceast lumin de catarg trebuie s se afle la cel
puin 1m deasupra luminilor din borduri.

>= 1 m
>= 2,5 m <= 2,5 m

12m <= L < 20m L < 12 m

e) One of the two or three masthead lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel when engaged
in towing or pushing another vessel shall be placed in the same position as either the forward
masthead light or the after masthead light; provided that, if carried on the aftermast, the lowest after
masthead light shall be at least 4.5m vertically higher than the forward masthead light.
e) Una dintre cele dou sau trei lumini de catarg pravzute pentru o nav cu propulsie
mecanic care remorcheaz sau mpinge o alt nav trebuie s se gseasc n acelai loc cu lumina
de catarg prova, sau cu lumina de catarg pupa, cu condiia ca n cazul n care se afl amplasat pe
catargul pupa, s fie cu cel puin 4,5m mai sus n plan vertical, dect lumina de catarg prova.

f) i) The masthead light or lights prescribed in Rule 23 a) shall be so placed as to be above

and of all other lights and obstruction except as described in subparagraph ii).
i) Lumina sau luminile de catarg prescrise n regula 23 a) trebuie astfel amplasat nct s
se afle deasupra i distinct de toate celelalte lumini i obstacole, exceptnd situaia descris
n subparagraful ii).

ii) when it is impracticable to carry the all-round light prescribed by Rule 27 b) i) or Rule 28
below the masthead lights, they may be carried above the after masthead light(s) or
vertically in between the forward masthead light(s), provided that in the latter case the
requirement of Section 3 c) of this Annex shall be complied with.
ii) cnd nu este posibil amplasarea luminilor vizibile pe ntreg orizontul,prescrise prin regula
27 b) i) sau regula 28, sub luminile de catarg, ele pot fi amplasate deasupra
luminii(luminilor) de catarg pupa sau ntr-un plan vertical ntre lumina(luminile) de catarg
pupa, cu condiia ca, n cel de-al doilea caz, s se respecte cerina din seciunea 3 c) a
prezentei anexe.

g) The sidelights of a power-driven vessel shall be placed at a height above the hull not grater
then three-quarters of that of the forward masthead light. They shall not be so low as to be interfered
with by deck lights. h < h catarg prova
g) Luminile din borduri ale unei nave cu propulsie mecanic trebuie s se gseasc la o
nlime deasupra punii care s nu depeasc trei sferturi din nlimea luminii de catarg prova. Ele
nu trebuie aezate prea jos pentru a nu se confunda cu luminile de pe punte.

h) The sidelights, if in a combined lantern and carried on a power-driven vessel of not less than
20m in length, shall be placed not less than 1m below the masthead light.
h) Luminile din borduri atunci cnd sunt reunite ntr-un felinar combinat i se afl la o nav cu
propulsie mecanic cu o lungimea mai mic de 20m, trebuie s se afle la cel puin 1m sub lumina de
i) When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in a vertical line, they shall be
spaced as follows:
i) Atunci cnd regulile prevd dou sau trei lumini verticale, acestea trebuie distanate n felul
i) on a vessel of 20m in length or more such lights shall be spaced not less than 2m apart,
and the lowest of these lights shall, except where a towing light is required, be placed at
a height of not less than 4m above the hull.
i) la bordul unei nave cu o lungime de 20m sau mai mare, aceste lumini trebuie s fie
distanate la cel puin 2m una de alta iar lumina inferioar nu trebuie s fie la o nlime
mai mic de 4m fa de punte, n afar de cazul cnd nava trebuie s poarte o lumin
de remorcaj;

ii) on a vessel of less than 20m in length such lights shall be spaced not less than 1m
apart, and the lowest of these lights shall, except where a towing light is required, be
placed at a height of not less than 2m above the gunwale.
ii) la bordul unei nave cu o lungime mai mic de 20m, aceste lumini trebuie s fie
distanate cu cel puin 1m una de alta iar lumina inferioar nu trebuie s se afle la o
nlime mai mic de 2m de punte, afar de cazul cnd nava trebuie s poarte o lumin
de remorcaj;

iii) when three lights are carried they shall be equally spaced.
iii) atunci cnd exist trei lumini, ele trebuie aezate la intervale egale.
j) The lower of the two all-round lights prescribed for a vessel when engaged in fishing shall
be at a height above the sidelights not less than twice the distance between the two vertical lights.
j) Lumina cea mai de jos din cele dou lumini vizibile pe ntreg orizontul prevzute pentru o
nav n curs de pescuit, trebuie s se afle deasupra luminilor din borduri la o nlime cel puin egal
cu dublul distanei dintre cele dou lumini verticale.

k) The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30 a) i), when two are carried, shall not be less
than 4.5m above the after one. On a vessel of 50m or more in length this forward lights shall be
placed at aheight of not less than 6m above the hull.
k) Cnd se expun dou lumini de ancor, lumina de ancor prova prescris de regula 30 a) i)
nu trebuie s se gseasc la mai puin de 4,5m deasupra luminii din pupa. La bordul unei nave cu o
lungime mai mare de 50m, lumina de ancor din prova nu trebuie s fie la mai puin de 6m deasupra

3. Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights.

3. Amplasarea i distana dintre lumini n plan orizontal.

S-ar putea să vă placă și