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Educarea copilului, indiferent ca are loc in interiorul unei institutii de stat, private,
sau in interiorul familiei respecta anumite norme de care adultul poate fi, ori nu constient.
Cand copilul este mic, adultul manifesta un anumit tip de comportament, insa pe masura
ce copilul creste conduita adultului sufera modificari si se adapteaza noilor situatii ivite,
iar actiunea educationala se interfereaza si se diverisifica. Aici intervine educatorul, sau
profesorul. Misiunea lor este de a pune bazele educatiei primare.
Gradinita reprezinta o parte minora, ca dimensiune a comunitatii, insa prin
functionalitatea ei devine viitorul celorlalte elemente: familia, scoala, comunitatea locala.
Gradinita pune bazele insusirii comportamentului civilizat, si se straduieste ca in acelasi
timp sa nu stirbeasca din personalitatea copilului.
Fiecare copil are o personalitate proprie, reactioneaza in felul lui si este diferit de
ceilalti. Incepand de la gradinuta si continuand la scoala copiii sunt educati aproape
exclusiv prin intermediul limbajului. Dezvoltarea lor din acel moment nu mai porneste de
la cunoasterea prin mijloace proprii, din interior. Realitatea le este prezentata copiilor din
afara. In aceasta perioada copilul patrunde sensul unor anumite concepte care guverneaza
lumea inconjuratoare.
Dezvoltarea intelectuala face astfel posibila o cunoastere mai adanca a lumii
inconjuratoare. Castigul major in frecventarea gradinitei il reprezinta faptul ca faciliteaza
dezvoltarea relatiei dintre egalii de varsta; comunicarea este incurajata prin traducerea
fiecarei experiente in limbajul inteles de ei, in schimbul de opinii si in exersarea rolurilor
reprezentative pentru acestia. Adultul trebuie sa ii ofere copilului ocazia de a avea acest
tip de experienta si, mai ales, sa acorde valoare experientei dobandite de copil in aceasta
maniera. Acesta experienta va ajuta copilul sa aiba o atitudine deschisa fata de celalalt,
respect fata de ceilalti, interes fata de ideile si rezultatele celorlalti, il va antrena sa
coopereze, si il va incuraja spre competivitate. Copilul va povesti adultului despre
constatarile sale si ale grupului sau de prieteni. Din momentul in care acesta merge la
gradinita, autoritatea parintelui si sentimentul copilului ca numai parintele detine
raspunsul la toate intrebarile sale incepe sa fie subminat de imaginea educatorulul/
Invatarea limbii engleze poate parea un plan ambitios pentru varsta prescolara, dar
acum, la aceasta varsta, maleabilitatea structurilor operatorii mentale, inca nedefinitivate,
constituie un real avantaj pentru profesor. De fapt, limba engleza nu se invata intr-un an,
iar noi sunt constienti ca prescolarii nu vor vorbi in limba engleza cursiv dupa un an de
studiere a acesteia, dar ne dorim si vom lucra cu ei in acest sens pentru ca sa-si dezvolte
un mod specific de articulare a sunetelor si cunoasterea elementelelor de baza ale
exprimarii in aceasta limba. Dezvoltarea exprimarii orale, precum si intelegerea si
utilizarea corecta a unor structuri simple de comunicare sunt posibile la acesta varsta.
Toate acestea obiective propuse vor prinde contur sub indrumarea profesorului de limba
engleza, care isi subordoneza daruirea si pregatirea sa in scopul educatiei prescolarilor.
Profesorul urmareste sa trezeasca atat interesul cat si placerea copiilor pentru
limba engleza, iar prin metode simple si distractive pentru cei mici acesta va pune bazele
unei exprimari verbale orale corecte din punct de vedere fonetic, lexical si sintactic in
limba engleza. Acest lucru va ajuta la dezvoltarea creativitatii si expresivitatii limbajului
Studiul teoretic si cunoasterea rationala a reglementarii actiunii didactice este una
din variantele de functionare a principiilor didactice. Profesorul rational se raporteaza mai
intai la continuturi si norme; rezultatele acestei raportari sunt reflectate apoi asupra clasei.
Spre deosebire, profesorii tineri reusec sa compenseze lipsa de experienta prin utilizarea
unei alte resurse, iar aceasta este intuitia. Acest tip de reglare a conduitei didactice, pe
baza sensibilitatii fata de principii mai degraba decat pe baza cunosterii lor rationale, este
modalitatea cea mai eficienta de solutionare a situatiilor didactice.
Principiile didactice orienteaza:
Definirea obiectivelor
Stabilirea continuturilor
Precizarea strategiilor si resuselor
Stabilirea metodelor de predare
Construirea procedeelor de evaluare a efectivelor educatiei

Acest curs urmareste sa trezeasca interesul si placerea copiilor prescolari de grupa

mijlocie pentru limba engleza, sa le dezvolte capacitatea de a exprima mesaje simple in
acesta limba precum si gandirea reproductiva si creativa. Activitatile cu rol educativ, cum
sunt dialogurile minimale, jocurile, poeziile si cantecele au rol de ai plasa pe copii in
situatii de comunicare similare celor din viata reala. Astfel prescolarii vor dobandi o
capacitate de exprimare in limitele unui vocabular activ de circa 100-150 de cuvinte.

Obiective cadru:

Insusirea corecta a sunetelor in limba engleza

Imbogatirea vocabularului cu termeni reprezentand elemente (obiecte, insusiri,
actiuni) din universul familiar
Stimularea calitatilor afective si volitionale
Dezvoltarea increderii in capacitatea de a invata o limba straina
Stimularea interesului pentru o alta cultura

Obiective de referinta:

Sa manifeste curiozitate pentru mesajul ascultat

Sa distinga cuvintele si sensul lor intr-o propozitie
Sa inteleaga semnificatia globala a mesajului oral
Sa reproduca enunturi simple
Sa cante dupa auz, individual, sau in grup, cantece simple
Sa se manifeste spontan, dezinvolt in activitatile muzicale, exteriorizandu-si
propriile trairi

Obiective lingvistice:

Perceperea si pronuntarea clara a sunetelor limbi engleze, exprimand enunturi

Folosirea unui vocabular minimal, integrat in acte de vorbire cat mai autentice,
in registre de limba adaptate varstei si preocuparilor copiilor
Formarea unui sistem minim de notiuni care sa cuprinda: categorii de obiecte,
fiinte, fenomene, etc. in limba engleza
Dezvoltarea capacitatii de exprimare spontana, dialogata, cu adultul si intre
copii, pentru a incepe construirea sistemului de gandire in noua limba, paralel
cu gandirea in limba materna

Exemple de comportament:

Sa pronunte corect sunetele limbii engleze

Sa se prezinte si sa salute in limba engleza
Sa dialogheze despre sine si familia sa
Sa dea si sa execute o comanda
Sa-si insuseasca in mod constant noi cuvinte, expresii, constructii gramaticale
Sa identifice elmente din mediul familiar sis a le numesca in limba engleza
Sa ceara si sa dea informatii de ordin personal
Sa multumesca si sa raspunda la multumiri
Sa numere si sa cunoasca culorile
Sa relateze actiuni si activitati
Sa recite poezii si sa interpreteze cantece in limba engleza
Sa traiasca afectiv mesajul poeziilor si cantecelor
Sa ia parte la activitatile de invatare in grup


Gesturi, interpretari libere

Repetitia in cor/ Repetitia individuala
Raspunsul dat in cor/ Raspunsul individual
Intrebari si raspunsuri

Modalitatile de evaluare a cunostintelor copiilor:

Raspunsuri la intrebarile profesorului

Exercitii de raspuns la comenzi, intrebari
Invatarea prin dramatizare
Exercitii de repetare dupa modelul unor cuvinte, propozitii
Dialoguri: copil profesor, copil copil
Activitati distractive
Jocuri didactice
Recitari de poezii/ interpretare de cantece in cadrul serbarilor cu diferite ocazii,
in prezenta parintilor


Pedagogia Prescolara si a colaritatii Mici 2007, prof.univ.dr.

Rodica Mariana Niculescu, lect.univ.drd. Daciana Angelica Lupu



General level of knowledge,
Language (mode of
expressing the correct
September Initial evaluation pronunciation of the sounds,
of the English words,
answering to simple
questions, learning and
reproducing new words,
Autumn Season Autumn
October Symbols: Autumn colors
(yellow, orange, brown,
Week 1: red), Autumn leaves,
Sept. 29th October 4th When, how and why does it Autumn clothes, Cold
happen? weather (It is cold! The
sky is grey! It is dark!
The birds go away!)
(in our garden) cucumber,
When, how and why does it paprika, green pepper, bell
Week 2: happen? pepper, chilly, garlic, potato,
October 6th 10th mushroom, carrot, pumpkin,
corn, leek, cabbageetc.
basket, a lot of
Autumn Fruit
1. fruit that we eat: quince,
Week 3: When, how and why does it grapes, apple, plum, pear,
October 13th 17th happen? nut;
2. fruit that we do not eat:
chestnut, acorns;

Week 4: When, how and why does it Knowledge Consolidation

October 20th 24th happen?

Week 5: Holyday Holyday

October 27th 31st
Week 1: When, how and why does it Evaluation:
November 3rd 7th happen? Autumn Season
Human Body parts of the
Week 2: The Human Body the body: head (eyes, ears,
November 10th 14th child mouth, nose), hands,
fingers, legs, feet, toes

Family members: mother,

Week 3: Me and my family father, brother, sister,
November 17th 21st grandmother, grandfather

Week 4: Professions and trades:

November 24th 28th What do I want to be/ doctor, professor, nurse,
become? cook,
Winter Season Winter
Symbols: Winter colors
December (white, silver, gold, red,
green), Winter clothes
When, how, and why does it (jacket, scarf, mitten,
Week 1: happen? boots), Cold Weather (snow,
December 1st 5th snowballs, snowman, snow
flakes, sleigh, skate, etc.)

My country: historical
Week 2: When, how, and why does it What would Saint
December 8th 12th happen? Nicholas bring us?
(Symbols: boots, presents,
Tradition and Customs:
Christmas symbols: (angel,
Week 3: When, how, and why does it Christmas tree, magic light,
December 15th 19th happen? candle, carols, reindeer,
Santa Clause is coming!),
Winter songs: Silent
Night! etc.

Week 4:
December 20th January 4th Christmas holiday Christmas holiday

When, Autumn Expressions: Images and Listen and Repeat! 2008
how and Season It is cold! objects in the Identify the pictures:
why does Autumn The birds go classroom What is this?
it Symbols away! It is
happen? dark!
Listening and Poem: 30.09.
When, Autumn Speaking Down, down, down 2008
how and Season (learning a _ Yellow leaves are on
why does Autumn poem) the ground
it Symbols Down, down, down,
happen? Autumn season
New Words: Game: 1.10.
When, Autumn autumn Images and Identify the images 2008
how and Season season, objects in the on the blackboard,
why does Autumn yellow classroom repeat individually
it Symbols leaves, dark, and then the whole
happen? cold, sky, group

When, Autumn 2.10.

how and Season Practice We Color: 2008
why does Autumn Paper and Autumn leaves
it Symbols colors
When, Autumn 3.10.
how and Season Free _ Children ask the 2008
why does Autumn conversation teacher about
it Symbols autumn!
New words: 6.10.
cucumber, Images of 2008
paprika, vegetables on
green pepper, the blackboard Listen and repeat!
When, bell pepper, but also real and then
how and Vegetables chilly, garlic, vegetables Look and identify!
why does potato, brought from
it mushroom, home
happen? carrot, onion,
Poem: 7.10.
_ One potato, two 2008
When, Vegetables Listening and potatoes, three
how and speaking potatoes Four!
why does (learning a Five potatoes, six
it poem) potatoes, seven
happen? potatoes More!
(etc, with other

When, Game: 8.10.

how and Expression: Images on the Identify the images 2008
why does Vegetables a lot of blackboard on the blackboard,
it Article a/an repeat individually
happen? (a carrot/ an and then the whole
onion) group
When, 9.10.
how and Vegetables Practice Painting in Group work: 2008
why does water colors Autumn Tree
When, 10.10.
how and Vegetables Revision Revision Revision: 2008
why does Vegetables
When, New words: 13.10.
how and quince, Images on the Frit that we eat! 2008
why does Autumn Fruit grapes, blackboard but Listen and repeat!
it apple, plum, also real fruit
happen? pear, nut
When, Plastic Listen and Answer: 14.10.
how and Color and geometrical What shape is 2008
why does Autumn Fruit shape shapes of this?
it different colors What color is this
happen? shape?
Poem: 15.10.
New words: _ I have apples you 2008
basket, have apples
Autumn Fruit scarecrow, I have pears you
When, supermarket have pears
how and I have a big, big
why does pumpkin you have
it a small, small
happen? pumpkin
I have onions,
carrots, potatoes
you have onions,
carrots, potatoes
I have a place for all
these fruit and
Where is this
Go to the

When, 16.10.
how and Autumn Fruit New words: Images on the Fruit we do not 2008
why does chestnut, blackboard and eat!
it acorn also real fruit Listen and repeat!
When, 17.10.
how and Autumn Fruit Practice Paper and We color: 2008
why does colors Let us color
it shapes!
When, Autumn Images and 20.10.
how and Knowledge symbols - objects in the Listen and repeat! 2008
why does Consolidation autumn classroom Fun poem and
it clothes: game: Two Birds!
happen? jacket, scarf,
When, 21.10.
how and Knowledge Images and Role game: 2008
why does Consolidation Vegetables objects in the What vegetable is
it classroom this?

When, Images and Role game: 22.10.

how and Knowledge Autumn fruit objects in the What fruit is this? 2008
why does Consolidation classroom
When, 23.10.
how and Knowledge Practice Paper and We color: 2008
why does Consolidation colors This is a clown!
When, 24.10.
how and Knowledge Free _ The teacher answers 2008
why does Consolidation Conversation to childrens
it questions about
happen? autumn

When, _ 27.10.
how and Revision Holyday Holyday 2008
why does
When, Revision Holyday _ Holyday 28.10.
how and 2008
why does
When, Revision Holyday _ Holyday 29.10.
how and 2008
why does
When, Revision Holyday _ Holyday 30.10.
how and 2008
why does
When, Revision Holyday _ Holyday 31.10.
how and 2008
why does

All the objects 3.11.
When, how Evaluation: _ and images in 2008
and why Autumn the classroom, Evaluation:
does it season also real fruit, Autumn season
happen? vegetables,
and autumn

All the objects 4.11.

When, how Evaluation: _ and images in Evaluation: 2008
and why Autumn the classroom, Autumn season
does it season real fruit,
happen? vegetables and
autumn leaves

All the objects 5.11.

When, how Evaluation: _ and images in Evaluation: 2008
and why Autumn the classroom, Autumn season
does it season real fruit,
happen? vegetables and
autumn leaves

All the objects 6.11.

When, how Evaluation: _ and images in Evaluation: 2008
and why Autumn the classroom, Autumn season
does it season real fruit,
happen? vegetables and
autumn leaves

All the objects 7.11.

When, how Evaluation: _ and images in Evaluation: 2008
and why Autumn the classroom, Autumn season
does it season real fruit,
happen? vegetables and
autumn leaves

New words 10.11.

When, how parts of the Images of the 2008
and why The Human body: head, childs body Listen and repeat!
does it Body hands, on the This is my
happen? shoulders, blackboard, body!
fingers, legs, also drawing
feet, toes board

When, how The Human Colors: Paper and We color: 2008
and why Body yellow, red, colors Parts of the
does this brown, black body!

New words 12.11.

When, how The Human my face: eyes, Images of the Listen and repeat! 2008
and why Body ears, nose, childs body Game role:
does this mouth, on the Single and group
happen? cheeks, chin blackboard repetition!

Poem: This is 13.11.

Me! 2008
Here are my ears
Here is my nose
Here are my
Here are my toes
When, how The Human Learning a Here are my eyes
and why Body poem about _ Both open wide.
does this the body Here is my mouth
happen? with white teeth
Here is my tongue
that helps me
Here is my chin
And here are my
Here are my
That help me play
Here are my feet
For walking

When, how The Human Hair colors: Paper and We color: This is 2008
and why Body blonde, colors my hair!
does this brunet,
happen? redhead

When, how Family Images and Role game: 17.11.

and why Me and my members: pictures about Listen and 2008
does this Family mother, father, family repeat!
happen? brother, sister, members
When, how Children bring Game role: 18.11.
and why Me and my Family photos with This is my 2008
does this Family members their family Family!
happen? members
We sing: 19.11.
Good morning, 2008
how are you?
Good morning,
how do you do?
When, how Me and my New words: Tape recorder/ I'm fine, hope you
and why Family aunt, uncle, computer are too!
does this cousin, Good morning,
happen? how are you?
Learning a Aunts and uncles
song Cousins and
Moms and dads
Dogs and cats
Brothers and
Boys and girls
We are all here.
Good morning,
how are you?
Good morning,
how do you do?
I'm fine, hope you
are too!
Good morning,
how are you?

When, how 20.11.

and why Me and my Colors Paper and We color: My 2008
does this Family color Family

When, how Me and my Free 21.11.

and why Family Family _ conversation: 2008
does this members children ask the
happen? teacher free
When, how What do I New words: Images with Game role: 24.11.
and why want to be? doctor, people of Listen and 2008
does this Professions professor, different repeat!
happen? and trades nurse, cook, professions

When, how What do I Images with Game role: 25.11.

and why want to be? Grammar people of What is your 2008
does this Professions verb: to be different father/ mother?
happen? and trades professions

When, how What do I Grammar Images with Game role: 26.11.

and why want to be? verb: to be people of What do you 2008
does this Professions different want to be?
happen? and trades professions

When, how What do I We color: this is 27.11.

and why want to be? Colors Paper and a doctor/ nurse/ 2008
does this Professions color professor/
happen? and trades cook

When, how What do I Free _ Children ask the 28.11.

and why want to be? conversation teacher questions 2008
does this Professions about professions
happen? and trades and trades

When, how Winter New words: Images and Listen and 1.12.
and why season Cold pictures in the repeat! 2008
does it Winter Weather: It is classroom
happen? Symbols cold! It is
The sky is

When, how Winter Winter Images and Listen and 2.12.

and why season clothes: pictures, real repeat! 2008
does it Winter (jacket, clothes that Game role:
happen? Symbols scarf, children wear What do you
mittens, wear?

When, how Winter Winter Images and Listen and 3.12.

and why season colors: pictures of repeat! 2008
does it Winter (white, different Game role:
happen? Symbols silver, gold, colors What color is
red, green) this?

When, how Winter New words: Images and We color: 4.12.

and why season snow, pictures in the It is Winter! 2008
does it Winter snowflakes, classroom
happen? Symbols snowball,
sleigh, skate

Poem: 5.12.
I'm a little 2008
short and fat/
Here is my
scarf and here
_ is my hat/
New words: Here are my
When, how Winter snowman, mittens, here
and why season scarf, is my carrot
does it Winter mittens, hat, nose/
happen? Symbols snowfall, When I see
short, fat the snowfall,
hear me
"All you
please come

When, how My New words: Images and Listen to the 8.12.

and why country: Saint pictures in the story! 2008
does it historical Nicholas, classroom Saint
happen? events boots, Nicholass
What presents, story
bring us?

When, how My New words: Game role: 9.12.

and why country: good girl, _ I am a good 2008
does it historical nice boy, girl/ boy!
happen? events good/ nice

Short poem: 10.12.

The snow 2008
When, how My Learning a comes down
and why country: poem about _ In the dark of
does it historical winter! night.
happen? events When we
The world is

Musical 11.12.
game: 2008
Jump up,
_ jump up!
When, how My Actions: Jump, jump,
and why country: Jump up! jump!
does it historical the left! to Jump in front,
happen? events the right! jump back!
in front! Jump, jump,
back! jump!
Jump to the
left, jump to
the right!
Jump, jump,

When, how Free 12.12.

and why My Winter _ conversation: 2008
does it country: season children ask
happen? historical questions
events about winter

When, how Tradition Christmas Images and Listen and 15.12.

and why and symbols: pictures in the repeat! 2008
does it Customs (angel, classroom Single and
happen? Christmas them group
tree, magic repetition!
light, candle,
Poem about 16.12.
colors: 2008
I love colors,
Yes, I do.
When, how Tradition Winter Images and Red and
and why and colors objects in the orange and
does it Customs classroom green and
happen? blue.
I love colors,
Dark or
purple, black,
and white.
Colors in
winter are

When, how Tradition Winter Paper and We color: 17.12.

and why and symbols color Santa 2008
does it Customs Clause!
When, how Tradition We talk Game role: 18.12.
and why and about _ What do you 2008
does it Customs Presents! want from
happen? Santa?

When, how Tradition Santa _ Free 19.12.

and why and Clause is conversation: 2008
does it Customs coming! children ask
happen? the teacher
about Santa
Clause and his
slight with

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