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Jurja Nina RIFr_221

Task 1

Instituțiile internaționale reprezintă o parte vitală a relațiilor internaționale contemporane. Multe

interacțiuni la nivel de sistem sunt guvernate de ei, iar unele instituții și practici tradiționale ale
relațiilor internaționale sunt interzise.

Pe măsură ce domeniul umanitar intră în faza planetară a civilizației, unii oameni de știință și
teoreticieni politici văd o ierarhie globală a instituțiilor care înlocuiește sistemul existent de state
naționale suverane ca comunitate politică principală. Ei susțin că națiunile sunt o comunitate
imaginară care nu poate rezolva provocările moderne, cum ar fi statutul juridic și politic al
oamenilor și al refugiaților și nevoia de a aborda preocupările la nivel mondial, cum ar fi
schimbările climatice și pandemiile.

Organizația Națiunilor Unite (ONU) este o organizație internațională care se descrie ca „o

asociație globală a guvernelor care facilitează cooperarea în dreptul internațional, securitatea
internațională, dezvoltarea economică și echitatea socială”. Este cea mai importantă instituție
internațională. Multe dintre instituțiile juridice urmează aceeași structură organizatorică ca și


Ierarhia este orice aranjament de principii sau lucruri sau oameni în cadrul unei organizații cu
importanță sau autoritate gradată. Un nou, mai legitim (adică să fie în acord cu regulile sau legile
acceptate) din politica globală se bazează pe „pluralismul continuu”. Pluralismul este doctrina în
care există mai mult decât un principiu universal. Această doctrină ghidează formarea
instituţiilor pe baza celor trei caracteristici: ireductibilitatea, unde unele probleme trebuie decise
la nivel global; subsidiaritatea, care limitează sfera de aplicare a autorității globale la probleme
cu adevărat globale, în timp ce problemele cu sferă mai mică sunt reglementate la niveluri
inferioare; și eterogenitatea, care permite forme divizate de instituții locale și regionale, atâta
timp cât acestea îndeplinesc obligațiile globale.

Task 2

The evolution and development of diplomacy has been influenced by the great challenges facing
the contemporary world, therefore its role is growing within the concerns of international society
to overcome these challenges or to identify possible solutions to the problems raised by them.

The prediction of a harmonious collaboration between states in the 21st century and in the future
is not possible without knowing the current state of globalization of states, their challenges,
failures, hopes and opportunities.

The 20th century presents a geopolitical landscape completely different from the previous one.
The bipolar system is collapsing and we are witnessing the advance of the multipolar system.
Since ancient times, there has been a practice of diplomacy, carried out informally and most of
the time at the individual level. In the past, the representatives of diplomacy were travelers,
messengers, traders, adventurers. This way of practice acquired an institutional aspect only
towards the end of the Middle Ages, when the Italian state formations created the first embassies,
which functioned on the basis of legislation and acted on a bilateral level.

In the following centuries, with the great geographical discoveries, the industrial revolution and
the emergence of liberal ideas, diplomacy acquired an increasingly important dimension in
relations between states. In the 19th century, the century of totalitarianism and the great world
conflagrations, it will be the period that will completely change the approach to the relations
between states at the bilateral and multilateral level. Diplomacy no longer has states as its main
actors, but international organizations (in the first part of the century the League of Nations, in
the second half - the United Nations). The 20th century was a century of changes, of
transformations on all levels, the consequences of which will have a major impact on the 21st

Communist ideology, from the extreme left, no longer represents a threat to world peace, but we
are witnessing the development of another type of extremism, the religious one (in particular, the
one based on the Islamic religion). This type of extremism will give rise to terrorism - a new
factor that will cause instability at regional and global level.


Companies with functional structure are also called legitimate.

The plurali form of noun ‘phenomenon’ is ‘phenomena’.

The daughter company may also be called that company’s subsidiary

The people of the country fight their hierarchical rights.

The prices may be reduced at the end of the season.

The information is so heterogeneous that it can’t be possibly summed up.

Task 3

A good leader has to be a larger that life figurehead, who people look up to like a God. I
remember learning in history that Napoleon’s presents on the field, made the difference of
40.000 men. That’s what I call a leader! An effective leader has to be a good follower and a good
listener too. Those are kind of the bay kind of command. But I think the most important is to be a
really great speaker and to tell people stories they can belive in - Christ told the parables , Mark
wrote his manifestor, and both Julius Caesar and Winston Churchill wrote histories of their own
people. Phisical apperence is vitally important! A leader should look imposing and have visuale
charm. Thats how Jonh F. Kennedy came to power. He won a television debate angainst his
Republican rival, Richard Nixon, because he looked much much better. In fact, people who
heard the debate only on the radio, thought Nixon had won it. It always makes me laugh when in
science fiction stories aliens come to Earth and say “take me to yout leader”! But can you
imagine our present leaders being able to communicate with aliens?! They don’t even know how
to communicate with us, it’s all politics now and sound bites, There are no real leaders out there
anymore! Timing is crucial. Leders have to be ready to rise to the occasion and handle great
forces and serious crises. The bigger the problem, the bigger the leader! It will be almost
impossible to be a great leader in a peaceful, prosperous country like Switzerland, wouldn't it?
Leadership is dangerous. Stalin and Hitler were mass murderers! People can be so easly led, that
it’s better to have managers rather than leaders. When we’ll learn to tell the difference between
good and evil, we’ll start to be better followers. Only then we will get better leaders.

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