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Scurt tratat de demonologie

Mergand mai departe pe firul descifrarii chipului Diavolului, ajungem si la ierarhiile intunericului. Demonii cei mai mici dupa rang din oastea lui Satan sunt cei numiti de initiati Serpi. La nivelul planului eteric, un astfel de Sarpe, are forma aproximativa a acestui animal, lung, fusiform, fara membre, cu doi ochi si limba. Are o putere si o cunoastere limitata, retine lucruri simple si este complet subordonat demonilor din ierarhiile superioare. Este trimis cel mai adesea sa paraziteze corpul astral al oamenilor si sa incite la certuri, batjocuri, umor grosolan, jigniri si barfe. Urmatorul in grad este Scorpia, un demon care stapaneste cateva mii de serpi. Conform expertilor, omul posedat din cimitir care a fost exorcizat de Mantuitor era "ocupat" de o Scorpie, demonul divulgand natura sa de Legiune, cand a fost intrebat de Hristos. Imediat deasupra Scorpiilor sunt Capeteniile, iar peste ei sunt asa numitii Balauri, demoni stravechi care nu asculta decat de Satan. Capeteniile pot provoca cataclisme naturale de proportii si razboaie mondiale, iar Balaurii, daca sunt lasati sa se manifeste, sunt capabili sa distruga civilizatii intregi sau chiar planete
Duhovnicii si exorcistii ortodocsi clasifica demonii inca si mai detaliat, in functie de deprinderile si pacatele pe care le au in grija de la stapanul lor cel intunecat. Astfel, cutreiera vazduhul si pamantul si planurile imateriale, trei mari cete: Prima ceata diavoleasca cuprinde duhurile desfranarii, ispitelor, obsesiilor si tuturor pasiunilor pe care le exacerbeaza pana la gradul de pacate. Precum niste malefice entitati lacome, vampirizeaza poftele nemasurate ale oamenilor. Se hranesc cu fructul faptelor de desfranare, lacomia pantecului, lene, bautura, fumat... Au puterea de a ridica asupra omului valuri de orbire si ignoranta. A doua ceata diavoleasca este reprezentata de un gen de demoni foarte dragi lui Satan, anume ceata dracilor maniosi si violenti. Aceste duhuri conlucreaza in stransa legatura cu cele din prima ceata, cautand sa infurie si sa semene violenta in radul oamenilor robiti viciului si patimilor de catre antemergatorii lor. Sunt omniprezenti in zone de conflicte, lupte, scandaluri, cluburi, petreceri, partide de sport, proteste sociale si, mai ales, in sanul familiilor. Oriunde este samanta de sfada, cearta, ura, dezbinare, hop si ei! Iar daca dau peste atmosfere linistite, cuminti si pline de pace, nu se lasa pana nu se strang cat mai multi pentru a arunca samanta maniei. Nu degeaba au un loc special in inima stapanului lor. Totusi, cei mai apropiati slujitori ai Satanei raman diavolii din ceata asa numitilor demoni rationali-arhiconi. Care sa fie motivul? Ei bine, acesti demoni de elita sunt cei responsabili de rastalmacirea Sfintei Scripturi, de galceava ideilor din capetele invatatilor, de starnirea discutiilor fara rost la nivel inalt si de atatarea religiilor autentice una impotriva celeilalte. Sunt duhuri greu de depistat, care actioneaza cu eleganta vicleana asupra ratiunii si naturii contemplative a sufletelor omenesti, aducand erezii, filozofii desarte, iluzii si naluciri. Au grija si de starnirea iubirii de sine, a slavei desarte, a ateismului, si (cireasa de pe tort!) a Magiei Neagre.
Prin urmare, nu toti diavolii au aceleasi puteri. Energia cu care soldatii lui Satan lupta cu oamenii si chiar cu ingerii creste de la ceata duhurilor poftelor si instinctelor la ceata duhurilor urii si maniei, culminand cu forta de care dispun duhurile rationale, depozitarele celebrei "intelepciuni diavolesti" asupra careia avertizeaza toti sfintii. Duhurile rationale au puteri mari asupra maselor de oameni si chiar asupra popoarelor si natiunilor prin liderii politici, economici si militari ai acestora.

Numele meu e Legiune!

Sfintii parinti avertizeaza ca este periculos sa citim literaturi scrise de oameni pacatosi, din simplul motiv ca astfel se formeaza o subtila cale de legatura intre natura lor si sufletele noastre. De fapt, extrapoland putin, o carte, o muzica, un spectacol, o emisiune TV sau chiar o ambianta oarecare este aleasa in functie de vibratia omului respectiv. Ceea ce nu inseamna ca o persoana cu vibratie buna si inalta nu poate fi pervertita prin mijloace exterioare, impure si pacatoase. Din nefericire, exista mii de exemple in acest sens. Iar de la ispitire la posedare este un singur pas. Unul incredibil de mic. Initial, Diavolul ispiteste intotdeauna cu pacate mici. Atfel incepe lupta careia-i cad victima multe suflete omenesti. Legiunile ataca fara crutare toate portile de intrare in om. Mintea omeneasca este asaltata cu momeli de entitatea malefica parazitara. Inima cu amaraciune. Vointa este subrezita prin banuieli si indoieli. Trupul este subjugat cel mai usor prin deprinderea cu patima si viciul, pana cand acestea devin o obisnuinta si o noua natura instinctuala a trupului. Si, in sfarsit, sufletul, ultimul si cel mai ravnit, este atacat de demoni prin deznadejde, erezie, nebunie si chiar sinucidere. Diavolul nu trebuie subestimat, spun teologii, intrucat a fost la origine inger, iar forta sa depaseste inclusiv astazi puterea de inchipuire a oamenilor. Stau marturie, in acest sens, generatii de sfinti si teologi care avertizeaza ca fara ajutorul lui Dumnezeu, al Mantuitorului, al Maicii Domnului si al sfintilor, omul este total lipsit de putere in ghearele celui rau. Din acest motiv, Sfantul Antonie cel Mare ne dezvaluie ca scopul Satanei este acela de a ne impiedica sa urcam in locul de unde a cazut el, adica la Cer. Menirea sa suprema este sa zadarniceasca mantuirea noastra. De aceea, demonii se straduiesc, in primul rand, sa indeparteze pe om de Dumnezeu, fiind plini de invidie si rautate fata de oameni, deoarece oamenii, prin conditia lor de fiinte rationale, incarnate si inzestrate cu liber arbitru, pot face unele lucruri care le sunt interzise demonilor. In dogmele religioase crestine se spune ca entitatile raului populeaza toate planurile subtile in numar incredibil de mare. Dupa prabusirea si alungarea lui Satan, acesta a luat dupa sine toti ingerii cazuti care s-au transformat in diavoli. Conform atat surselor crestine, cat si ocultistilor, numarul total al demonilor este imens, imposibil de calculat, trilioane de entitati malefice impanzind planurile fizice si suprasensibile. In contrapondere, exista acelasi numar incalculabil de ingeri, care se lupta cu ei.

Gazda pentru legiuni

"Sunt diavoli care intra in trupul omului si in toate madularele lui, si-l lasa fara puteri si fara vlaga. Si aceasta se intampla cu toate ca in trup nu este nicio boala" Cuviosul Nil Ascetul Motivele pentru care unii oameni cad victime posesiunii demonice raman ascunse celor multi. Totusi, nimic nu este intamplator, diavolul neavand putere si voie sa acapareze un suflet uman, decat daca omul incalca anumite legi divine. Cu alte cuvinte, in mare masura, posesiunile au loc prin intermediul pacatelor savarsite de victime. Cateodata, actul silnic de ocupare are loc in urma unor blesteme, juraminte false sau, mai ales, a practicilor de Magie Neagra concretizate in acte de invocare sau evocare a celui rau. Obsesiile transformate in vicii si pacate aduc dupa sine si pe patronii lor din umbra, care invadeaza fara veste fiinta individului in cauza. Posesiunea devine astfel posibila in momentul in care persoana respectiva nu mai poate stapani raul din ea. Exorcistii spun ca o mare parte a bolilor psihice sunt, de fapt, cazuri de posesiuni , iar in aceste conditii nu-i de mirare ca rezultatele psihiatriei ca stiinta si ramura a medicinei sunt atat de slabe. Evident, nu toate bolile si dereglarile psihice constau in forme de posesiune, dar explica preotii crestini - o mare parte dintre ele cad peste oameni ca urmare a amestecului Necuratului. Cum altfel se pot explica rational nenumaratele cazuri de posedati care dau dovada de forta fizica incredibila sau a celor care vorbesc in limbi exotice pe care nu aveau cum sa le stie? Si, mai ales, cum se pot explica cazurile in care copii mici, in special fetite posedate, racnesc cu voci guturale si groase? Sau cele in care barbati si femei, grohaie, urla, si scot sunete oribile de care nici macar animalele infuriate nu sunt capabile ?

Un indiciu clar al posedarii este dat de manifestarile prin care victimele vorbesc, urla si canta pe mai multe voci diferite. Dar, cea mai mare dovada a unui astfel de macabru viol spiritual, ramane caracteristica tuturor posedatilor de a huli si blestema cele sfinte, alaturi de frica si fuga acestora fata de intreaga imagistica bisericeasca.

Izbavirea de cel rau

Impotriva dusmanului suprem si in sprijinul omului exista o serie de mijloace prin care victimele posedarii pot fi ajutate si eliberate. In general, Diavolul nu poate fi indepartat decat prin spovedanie sau platind pretul pentru pacatul facut, pret care vine sub forma de boala, post, rugaciune, acte de milostenie. Dezlegarile, cum se numesc in traditia crestin-ortodoxa, constau in citirea psalmilor lui David, alaturi de alte slujbe specifice, intre care se detaseaza puternicele si periculoasele Molifte ale Sfantului Vasile cel Mare . Acestea sunt incarcate cu Duhul Sfant si constau in blesteme si alungari ale celui rau. Atat canoanele bisericesti, cat si experientele si cazuistica moderna, avertizeaza foarte serios in privinta Moliftelor. Aceste rugaciuni nu trebuiesc citite decat de preotii investiti oficiali cu aceasta putere sau de calugari care au primit dezlegarea necesara, si dintre toti acestia doar cei cu har reusesc sa parcurga in mod corect si eficient intregul tipic al Moliftelor.
In cazul diavolilor celor mari, Biserica recomanda postul si rugaciunea in smerenie, dupa sfatul Mantuitorului: cand Iisus este intrebat despre natura unor demoni alungati, raspunde apostolilor ca unele duhuri rele nu ies decat prin post si rugaciune. In incheiere, amintim cuvintele intelepte si datatoare de speranta ale Sfantului Antonie Cel Mare, unul dintre cei mai mari exorcisti din intreaga istorie si traditie a crestinismului: "Se cuvine sa nu ne temem de atacurile lui si de sagetile lui arzatoare si de vicleniile lui lucrate cu mestesugita minte. Toatea acestea nu sunt nimic inaintea puterii lui Dumnezeu, Mantuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos, care numai rostind numele lui cu credinta si cu evlavie, pune pe fuga toata ostirea diavolilor".

Demons inainte de efectuarea fiecarui ritual, sunt invocati cei patru demoni reprezentand cele patru puncte cardinale: satan-sud; lucifer-est; belial-nord; leviatan-vest. Belial Demon King Belial King of the Earth In Laveyan satanism Belial is the crown prince of the north. He is the material reality and the manifestation of ideas and dreams into the physical world. These are the reasons he is called the King of this Earth for most of it is enveloped in physical problems and delights. Belial is the face of carnal pleasure. Food, music and arts are his playing grounds. When the material world around seems to be against you, Belial is the one to call. He represents the first chakra, Muladhara, and causes stability in your day to day life. Cartea lui belial este o insiruire de tehnici si detalii referitoare la ritualurile satanice insotite de explicatii privitoare la modul de producere, la felul in care functioneaza, ustensilele si vestimentatia folosita in timpul farmecelor. totodata LaVey explica utilizarea cu precadere a negrului in ritualurile satanice: astfel, negrul este definitoriu pentru magia neagra, intuneric si pentru fortele intunericului, motiv pentru care folosirea acestuia in ritualuri este cat se poatede fireasca. Belial also known as Beliar. Belial's name is sometimes used as a synonym for Satan or the Antichrist, the epitome of evil. He is a fallen angel and one of Satan's most important and evil generals. Belial is deceptively beautiful in

appearance and has a soft voice but is full of treachery, recklessness and lies. He is dediciated to creating wickedness and guilt in mankind, especially in the form of sexual perversions, fornication and lust. In the Old Testament, the phrase "sons of Belial" refers to worthlessness and recklessness. Belial's name probably comes from the Hebrew term beli ya'al, which means "without worth." The ancient Hebrews believed that Belial was the next angel created after Lucifer and was evil from the start, being one of the first to rebel against God. After his fall from heaven he became the personification of evil. St. Paul considered him to be the chief of demons. According to lore, Belial danced before King Solomon, and was among the demons who worked under the king's command, ruled by Solomon's magical ring. The demonologist Johann Weyer said that Belial commands eighty legions of demons and serves as infernal ambassador to Turkey. Medieval magicians believed that sacrifices and offerings were necessary to invoke him. Belial was reputed to break his promises to magicians, but those who managed to gain his true favor were handsomely rewarded. Lucifer As the Morningstar Lucifer is connected to Venus and is therefore often seen androgynous in nature. Every person has both the divine Feminine and the Masculine within them. Both have their power. Night is different from Day. They must both be accepted fully to reap their full power. These days, as before and always, few are ready for the gift of Lucifer. Few desire to light and kindle the blackened flame within them. Few are willing to believe and trust in Lucifer the Morningstar. People that are drawn to Lucifer are seeking to reveal their own inner Black Flame. They are often philosophical and seeking truth within words of logic. Lucifer is the initiator of every truth, and not all are equally pleasant to the human mind. The Gods do not care for human pettiness and wont protect your ego and pamper your illusions. What they will do is bring forth what you truly need to see and work with. Lucifer is the archetype that wants to break open every seal and to look within the places no others dare. He does not care about the cost because he wants to know for the sake of knowing. Such is the Light of Lucifer illuminated. Leviathan The most powerful symbol of the all-powerful abyss is Leviathan. She is the primordial serpent of the oceans before time and space. She has given birth to every god. She is the ouroboros forever devouring and creating. She is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the deific mask of the vampire that takes what it needs to grow. Ruthless, selfish and divine. May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan. (Book of Job 3:8) Leviathan, called Ouroboros Elder ancient darkness encircle me Crooked Serpent of endless hunger Awaken and coil within my spirit Wreathing serpent, touch and illuminate my spirit Envenom me, change my eyes and let it behold Darkness I seek life, immortal serpent awake! Let me shed my skin, changing forms as needed Sharpen my instincts eternally. Coiling Darkness, who haunts the abyss eternally It is my will to see with your eyes Blackened flame in the night To consume and drain is to live To coil and strike when the time is right Sharpen my instinct in the dream and flesh O eternal dragon born of falling insight Whose kingdom is called hell to some

Let my paradise be found Spacious darkness mastered! SO IT SHALL BE! - from Michael W.Fords The Vampire Gate Leviathan is contacted and communed with through facing west. West is the direction of water as an element. Face west and ask Leviathan to fill you with her infernal power, if you are ready. Leviathan Vampyre Magick Invocation The male aspect of Leviathan is the terrifying devourer. He is the primal Vampyre spirit that devours beyond any moral restriction. When the magickian calls upon Leviathan he and she is empowered in the waters of spiritual and mental domination. Leviathan is the Abyss from where all gods were born and is such answered by every god and spirit in every plane and dimension. To offer ones attention and energy to Leviathan is the beginning of a metamorphoses shaping reality from the inside out. It can be a few words in times of need or a lifetime of devotion to the energy and being that created all things. This reality exists because of Leviathan and for the sole benefit of Leviathan therefore it makes sense to open his doors within the mind. Take part in the creation of this primeval Serpent-Dragon and become a true sorcerer operating from the true source of this matrix called reality. Dancing with Satan Satan is along with Kali, the mother of destruction, in the south. He is pure fire. Pure passion incarnate in flesh. He is destruction of obstacles. He is the Beast that must be ridden with care. Satan is becoming transformation through the hellfire of facing your own weaknesses. He can be called the master of this earth or the one true god within us all. He wants us to become like he is powerful, beautiful and free. Satan loves all his children and to him they are beautiful in their unique ways. Nothing is wrong when it is created in his image. He is the Lord and Father of those who seek Truth beyond the world of information. He is always waiting for children to call upon him (Don't be surprised if he comes to you in female form. Form and name is too poor to envelope his omnipotent being) Mother Lilith Mother of Vampires, Queen of the Damned She is the Black Madonna and she is Inanna. On her sides are owls with eyes that penetrate beyond the normal universe. She is the merciless witch that gives to the strong and slays the weak. She is the one of magick infernal. She is the mistress of gods. Her blood is the grail of immortality. (Thomas Karlsson's book "Qabalah, Qlippoth and Goetic Magic". The mantra of Lilith: "MARAG AMA LILIT RIMOK SAMALO NAAMAH". Recite to connect with Lilith. I highly recommend the book in its entirety) The four infernal corners of magickal power Leviathan, Belial, Lucifer and Shaitan This is an article on the four infernal corner of magick (north,west,south and east) and their rulers (Belial,Leviathan,Shaitan and Lucifer). We will look at how the four elements correspond with these. It is beneficial to recognise the four corners of the elements and their directions on a compass; water, earth, air and fire. Today we can dive deeper into what the elements stand for and that will add to what was written about astrology (link) earlier this week in this article: Leviathan (Water/West) Facing west you are meeting with the forces of the great old serpent called Leviathan. Water represents the primordial emotions of the subconscious mind. It is the uncontrollable inspiration that comes from the greatest depths of the soul. Here

is lifeforce and libido the will to power and the will to be. Work with this direction if your life feels dry. All gods came from the sea before time. This is the nameless one, the formless one before all things. Belial (Earth/North) North has always been a direction of pure evil. It is connected to the earth and the material plane. The ruler of this direction is Belial, the Lord of the Earth. This is the space of material manifestation and earthly domination. What we are used to think of as power comes from this. Wealth, political manipulation and military weaponry. Belial is the one that desires the earth and has the means and the will to attain that fully. Remember that no magician ever looks upon one direction as evil. Lucifer (East/Air) East is the mind, the intellect and the mental plane. This is why Lucifer is known as the bringer of light to mankind. This is where enlightenment takes place. Ideas and plans made with the illuminating intelligence of Lucifer is the starting point of much magick. From here lifeforce will have to be injected into the ideas to have them go from the mental to the physical plane. Ideas are wild and non-physical like the wind and are gone as quick as they came. Grab them while they are there or you may never be able to seize upon them again. Shaitan (South/Fire) This is Kali, this is Seth, this is Satan. In the south there is fire. Fire is destruction and the annihilation of old limitations. Here you will be able to initiate change. Kali is the destroyer of delusion guiding you into divine knowing. Quick ritual of the four directions: With the information given above you are already acknowledging the four crown princes of Hell, but you may do a little more to focus your intention and will. Stand up and face each direction for one minute each while letting thoughts about each direction go through your mind. Let yourself relax and dont force your mind to think anything in particular. Simply face west first knowing well that is place of Leviathan, water and the primordial sea of creation. Then proceed to the north and see that you are automatically contemplating Belial and his meanings. Then east and Lucifer. Then south and Shaitan. In time you will feel more and more connected to each four. Demons of the Goetia All are creations of that which is before creation. The unborn, the nameless and timeless. So are also the demons of the infamous Goetia. The Goetia is said to have first been written by King Solomon. It describes 72 demons which he was able to command in his lifetime. He was one of the wealthiest and wisest kings to have ever lived and is famous for his Proverbs in the Bible. Higher than wealth and his hundreds of wives he tells us is Wisdom. By Wisdom he means the Goddess herself. It is not a dead knowledge, but a living being that teaches him. Every demon of the Goetia has their field of specialty. Some can teach science others help with finding wealth. By learning about each individual demon one is already on the path of invocation. Their individual sigils can be drawn or visualized to intensify the results of ritual.

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