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Instituția: Liceul Teoretic ”Grigore Grigoriu”

Localitatea: sat Cîrnățeni, r-ul. Căușeni

Disciplina: Limba engleză
Clasa: a X-a Profil Arte
Anul de studii: 2017 – 2018
Durata: 2 ore
Profesor: Condru Rodica
Elevul va fi capabil să:
1. Să alcătuiască rezumatul unui text la prima vedere.
2. Să-și exprime opinia proprie în baza textului nou.
3. Să diferențieze aspectele și conjugarea verbelor.
4. Să utilizeze corect gradele de comparație ale adjectivelor în propoziții.
5. Să formuleze corect d.p.d.v. gramatical, dar și ca structură un eseu pe o temă necunoscută.

Matrice de specificare
Criterii Itemi Total
Cunoaștere itemul 2 (7 %), itemul 7 (3 %), 10 %

Înțelegere itemul 1 (3 %), itemul 3 (7 %), 10 %

Analiză itemul 4 (25 %) , itemul 5 (15 %) 40 %

Creativitate itemul 8 (25 %), itemul 6 (15 %) 40%

Total 8 itemi 100 %

Barem de notare
Nr. Punctaj Barem Răspuns așteptat
1. 3p Răspunsul lipsește - L p. The sports` names are football, a
Răspunsul este greșit - 0 p voley-ball, a basket-ball, a table-tennis.
Pentru identificarea și scrierea corectă a
sporturilor 3 p
2. 7p Pentru respectarea ordinii părților de a) When we listen to the radio, we can
vorbire – 2p always hear sport news.
Pentru fiecare răspuns corect a b). Yes, it does. The sports help people to
propozițiilor 4p keep in good health
c). The sports grounds are near every
school, every institute, every factory and
d). There are a football team, a voley-
ball team, a basket-ball team, a table-
tennis team at school.
3. 7p Pentru respectarea ordinii părților de Country = village
vorbire – 2p Activities = ocupations
Pentru fiecare sinonim corect -3p To like = to enjoy
Pentru logica formulării propozițiilor -5 p
4. 25 p Respectarea părților textului 5 p Rezumă textul în limita a 40 de cuvinte
Logica exprimării 10 p
Raportarea la temă 10 p
5. 15 p Pentru respectare ordinii părților de I speak English every day.
vorbire – 2 p I am speaking English now.
Pentru folosirea adverbelor de timp corect I spoke English yesterday.
-3p I was speaking English at this time
Pentru alcătuirea corectă a propozițiilor - yesterday
10 p I shall speak English tomorrow.
6. 15 p Pentru respectare ordinii părților de He plays football every day.
vorbire – 2 p I am singing to the piano now.
Pentru folosirea adverbelor de timp corect She helped her mother yesterday.
-3p We were walking at this time yesterday.
Pentru traducerea corectă a propozițiilor- They will learn the lesson tomorrow.
10 p
7. 3p Pentru scrierea corectă a adjectivelor – 3p Fatter, younger, the oldest

8. 25 p Respectarea părților textului 5p

Logica exprimării 10 p
Raportarea la temă 10 p
Punctaj 100 p
Barem de notare
Punctaj 14 -29 30 - 42 43 - 57 58 - 69 70 - 81 82 -92 93-100
Nota 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Half-yearly assessment at English

Name and Surname___________________ Accumulated Score________
Date_____________ Mark ____________
1. Read the text and write down the names of sports used in it.
Sport holds an important place in our life. When we listen to the radio in the morning,
we can always hear sport news. When we open a newspaper, we can always find
information about some game or other or an article about our favourite kind of sports.
Television programmes about sport are also very popular, and we can watch
something interesting every day. 0
Sport helps people to keep in good health. Sport also makes us more organized in our
daily activities. 3
National games and sports competitions are popular in our country. People go in for
many kinds of sports. There are sports grounds near every school, every institute, every
factory and plant. Besides there are sports clubs and sport school in every town. Many
people go there for training.
As to me I go in for table-tennis. I like this kind of sport. My friend likes table-tennis
too. We often play it both. There are many sport teams at school. They are a football
team, a voley-ball team, a basket-ball team, a table-tennis team.

The sports are

2. Answer the following questions. L

a). What can we always hear, when we listen to the radio? 0
b). Does sport help people to keep in good health?
c). Where are the sports grounds?
d). What teams are at school?

3.Give the synonyms to these words and make sentences with them. L
Country 0
To like 7

4.Make a summary of the text and write your opinion about the sports importance in L
your life (40 words). 0

5.Put the following sentences into the Present Simple and Present Continuous, Past L
Simple and Past Continuous, and Future Simple Tense. 0
1. I speak English…
2. …. 5

6.Translate the following sentences into English using the Present Simple and L
Continuous, Past Simple and Continuous and Future Simple Tenses 0
El joacă fotbal în fiecare zi.
Eu cânt la pian acum. 7
Ea a ajutat-o pe mama sa ieri.
Noi am fost la plimbare ieri pe vremea aceasta. 15
Ei vor învăța lecția mâine.
7.Write the correct form of the adjective in brackets L
His cat is_________than yours (fat).
She is ______than her sister (young).
That is _______chair of all. (old) 3
8. Make an essay of 10 sentences about the place you have recently visited. L


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