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Rezumat Summary
Diabetul zaharat este o afecþiune metabolicã de Diabetes is a metabolic disorder of epidemic
proporþii epidemice, cu prevalenþã în creºtere. Pielea este proportions, with increasing prevalence. The skin is
afectatã în mod direct de hiperglicemia cronicã ºi reacþiile directly affected by chronic hyperglycemia and the complex
fiziopatogenice complexe declanºate de cãtre acesta. Autorii physiopathogenic reactions triggered by it. The authors
prezintã cele mai frecvente boli cutanate care sunt asociate present the most common skin diseases that are associated
diabetului zaharat, cu descrierea corelaþiilor etiopatogenice, with diabetes mellitus, with the description of the
tabloului clinic ºi strategiei terapeutice. etiopathogenic correlations, the clinical picture and the
Cuvinte cheie: diabet zaharat, hiperglicemie, afectare therapeutic strategy.
cutanatã, diagnostic, tratament. Key words: diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, skin
manifestation, diagnosis, treatment.

Intrat în redacþie: 14.10.2019 Received: 14.10.2019

Acceptat: 20.11.2019 Accepted: 20.11.2019

Introducere Introduction
Diabetul zaharat (DZ) este un sindrom Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a heterogeneous
heterogen, cu etiologii multiple, având ca syndrome, with multiple aetiologies, with
element comun hiperglicemia. Este caracterizat hyperglycaemia as a common element. It is
printr-o tulburare complexã în reglarea meta- characterized by a complex disorder in regulating
bolismului energetic al organismului din cauza the body’s energy metabolism due to absolute or
insuficienþei absolute sau relative de insulinã. relative insufficiency of insulin. The biochemical
Modificãrile biochimice pe care aceste tulburãri le changes that these disorders cause lead to
antreneazã conduc la modificãri celulare functional cellular changes, followed by
funcþionale, urmate de leziuni anatomice irreversible anatomical lesions in numerous
ireversibile în numeroase þesuturi ºi organe.[1] tissues and organs. [1]
Conform datelor aferente anului 2017, oferite According to data for 2017, provided by the
de cãtre Federaþia Internaþionalã de Diabet (IDF), International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 425
425 de milioane adulþi au diabet zaharat la nivel million adults have diabetes worldwide, the

* Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie din Craiova

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
** Departmentul de Dermatologie, Spitalul Clinic Judeþean de Urgenþã, Craiova
Department of Dermatology, Emergency County Hospital, Craiova

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

mondial, prevalenþa fiind de una din 11 persoane prevalence being of one of 11 adults. These
adulte. Aceste cifre sunt în continuã creºtere, figures are constantly rising, with the number of
fiind prognozat ca numãrul bolnavilor cu diabet diabetes patients forecast to increase to 629
zaharat sã creascã la 629 de milioane în 2045. million by 2045. These data associate an increase
Aceste date asociazã o creºtere a mortalitãþii prin in mortality through the complications of
complicaþiile diabetului, dar ºi a costurilor diabetes, but also with the economic costs. At
economice. În momentul actual 12% din present, 12% of global health expenditure is for
cheltuielile globale din sãnãtate sunt acordate diabetes. The prevalence in Europe is estimated
diabetului. Prevalenþa în Europa este estimatã la at 8.5%, and in Romania it is 11.6%. [2]
8,5%, iar în România este 11.6%.[2] DM complications are the leading cause of
Complicaþiile DZ sunt cauza principalã de morbidity and mortality in diabetic patients.
morbiditate ºi mortalitate la pacienþii diabetici. They are classified into acute, potentially fatal
Ele se clasificã în acute, potenþial mortale (hipo- (severe hypoglycaemia, ketoacidosis) or chronic,
glicemia severã, cetoacidoza) sau cronice, debilitating, due to macro and diabetic micro-
debilitante, datorate macro ºi microangiopatiei angiopathy (cardiovascular disease, retinopathy,
diabetice (boala cardiovascularã, retinopatia, nephropathy, neuropathy, etc.).
nefropatia, neuropatia etc.).
Aetiopathogenic cellular and extracellular
Procese etiopatogenice cutanate celulare skin processes in DM
ºi extracelulare în diabetul zaharat
The skin is directly affected by the complex
Pielea este afectatã în mod direct de procesele pathophysiological processes triggered by
fiziopatogenice complexe declanºate de hiper- chronic hyperglycaemia. The intracellular excess
glicemia cronicã. Excesul intracelular de glucozã of glucose overloads the glucose metabolism
suprasolicitã cãile de metabolizare a glucozei, pathways, causes the dysfunction of the
provoacã disfuncþia mitocondriei ºi a reticului mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum,
endoplasmatic, cu generarea speciilor reactive de with the generation of reactive oxygen species
oxigen ºi apariþia leziunii celulare. and the appearance of the cellular injury.
Hiperglicemia cronicã genereazã apariþia Chronic hyperglycaemia generates the
produºilor finali avansaþi de glicare (AGE), în emergence of advanced glycation end products
urma unor serii de reacþii non enzimatice între (AGEs), following a series of non-enzymatic
glucidele reduse ºi proteine sau lipide. Acest reactions between reduced carbohydrates and
proces, normal o datã cu înnaintarea în vârstã, proteins or lipids. This process, normally with
este accelerat în DZ ºi contribuie la apariþia aging, is accelerated in DM and contributes to
microangiopatiei diabetice. Moleculele AGE the development of diabetic microangiopathy.
prezente intracelular altereazã funcþia ºi trans- The AGE molecules present intracellularly alter
portul celular, iar extracelular altereazã structura cellular function and transport, and extracellular
ºi funcþia biologicã a proteinelor din derm ºi alter the biological structure and function of the
membrana bazalã. Colagenul dermic este supus dermal and basal membrane proteins. Dermal
unor procese de fragmentare ºi cross-linkare, collagen is subjected to fragmentation and cross-
devenind rigid ºi rezistent la digestia proteoliticã. linking processes, becoming rigid and resistant to
Cuplarea AGE cu receptorul specific RAGE proteolytic digestion. Coupling AGE with the
activeazã stresul oxidativ, apoptoza ºi declaºeazã specific RAGE receptor activates oxidative stress,
procesul inflamator prin activarea factorului apoptosis and triggers the inflammatory process
nucler de transcripþie NFkB. În plus, structura by activating the transcription NFkB factor. In
colagenului dermic este alteratã prin acþiunea addition, the structure of dermal collagen is
metaloproteinazelor 1, 2 ºi lisil oxidazelor, altered by the action of metalloproteinases 1, 2
prezente în concentraþii semnificativ crescute faþã and lysyl oxidase, present in concentrations
de pielea non-diabeticã. Studii clinice, derulate significantly increased in non-diabetic skin.
pe o perioadã de 10 ani, au evidenþiat o corelaþie Clinical studies, carried out over a 10 years’

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

directã între nivelul AGE cutanat (mãsurat prin period, have shown a direct correlation between
autofluorescenþã), durata diabetului, apariþia the level of cutaneous AGE (measured by auto-
nefropatiei ºi a retinopatiei.[3,4,] fluorescence), the duration of diabetes, the onset
Testele in vitro pe modele animale cu diabet of nephropathy and retinopathy. [3,4]
indus, au arãtat afectarea keratinocitelor prin In vitro tests in animal models with induced
inhibarea proliferãrii, migrãrii ºi diferenþierii, cu diabetes have shown to affect keratinocytes by
scãderea numãrului de celule bazale ºi creºterea inhibiting proliferation, migration and differen-
numãrului de corneocite. Filmul lipidic de la tiation, decreasing the number of basal cells and
suprafaþa pielii este alterat prin diminuarea increasing the number of corneocytes. The lipid
sintezei acizilor graºi liberi, a colesterolui ºi film on the surface of the skin is altered by the
scãderea sistemului de protecþie antioxidant.[5] free fatty acids and cholesterol synthesis
Microangiopatia diabeticã a fost descrisã ºi decrease, and lowering of the antioxidant
la nivelul pielii. Patogenia acestui proces este protection system. [5]
complexã, cu implicarea inflamaþiei, a disfuncþiei Diabetic microangiopathy has also been
endoteliale, scãderea producþiei de oxid nitric, described at the skin level.The pathogenesis of
acumularea în exces de AGE, stresului oxidativ, this process is complex, involving inflammation,
activitatea anormalã a unor factori de creºtere etc. endothelial dysfunction, decreased nitric oxide
Histopatologic se evidenþiazã îngroºarea pere- production, accumulation of excess AGE,
þilor vasculari, edem ºi hiperplazie a celulelor oxidative stress, abnormal activity of growth
endoteliale. Densitatea capilarã poate sã fie factors, etc.
redusã. Permeabilitatea capilarã este crescutã Histopathological evidence shows thickening
pentru albuminã ºi apã. Glicozilarea membranei of the vascular walls, oedema and hyperplasia of
eritrocitelor scade capacitatea de deformare a endothelial cells. The capillary density may be
acestora ºi contribuie la obstruarea lumenului reduced. Capillary permeability is increased for
capilar, cu apariþia ischemiei. De asemenea, albumin and water. Glycosylation of the erythro-
pacienþii diabetici prezintã concentraþii crescute cyte membrane decreases their deformation
ale fibrinogenului ºi un status procoagulant. [6] capacity and contributes to obstruction of the
Afectarea sistemului nervos periferic, somatic capillary lumen, with the onset of ischemia. Also,
ºi vegetativ, este o complicaþie cronicã frecventã diabetic patients have increased fibrinogen
în DZ, cu manifestãri clinice variate. În þãrile concentrations and procoagulant status. [6]
dezvoltate, DZ este principala cauzã de neuro- Impairment of the peripheral nervous
patie perifericã. Neuropatia diabeticã nu este o system, somatic and vegetative, is a common
cauzã de deces în mod direct, însã este o cauzã chronic complication in DM, with various clinical
majorã a diverselor forme de morbiditate asociate manifestations. In developed countries, DM is the
DZ. Cea mai comunã formã de neuropatie main cause of peripheral neuropathy. Diabetic
diabeticã este polineuropatia perifericã senzitivo- neuropathy is not a direct cause of death, but is a
motorie simetricã, asociatã frecvent cu neuro- major cause of various forms of morbidity
patia autonomã. Aproximativ 60–70% dintre associated with DM. The most common form of
diabetici prezintã forme medii sau severe de diabetic neuropathy is symmetrical sensory-
neuropatie. Pânã la 50% din polineuropatiile motor peripheral polyneuropathy, commonly
diabetice pot fi asimptomatice ºi pacienþii associated with autonomic neuropathy.
respectivi prezintã un risc rescut de a nu Approximately 60–70% of diabetics have
conºtientiza leziunile prezente la nivelul medium or severe forms of neuropathy. Up to
picioarelor. [7] 50% of diabetic polyneuropathies can be
Diagnosticul neuropatiei periferice se pune asymptomatic and the respective patients have a
prin: testarea sensibilitãþii dureroase, a sensi- high risk of not being aware of the lesions present
bilitãþii vibratorii (utilizând un diapazon de 128 in the legs. [7]
Hz), a sensibilitãþii presionale cu un mono- Peripheral neuropathy diagnosis is set by:
filament de 10 g, plasat pe faþa plantarã a ambelor testing the painful sensitivity, the vibrational
haluce ºi a articulaþiilor metatarsiene, evaluarea sensitivity (using a 128 Hz tuning fork), the

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

reflexului ahilian. Pentru disfuncþia neuro- pressure sensitivity with a 10 g monofilament

vegetativã cutanatã se pot utiliza testãri placed on the plantar face of both haloes and
electrofiziologice ºi sudomotorii. Acestea sunt metatarsal joints, Achilles reflex assessment. For
examinãri clinice uºor de efectuat dar care cutaneous neurovegetative disorder electro-
evidenþiazã neuropatia în stadiu avansat. Biopsia physiological and sudomotor tests can be
cutanatã permite mãsurarea densitãþii fibrelor performed. These are clinical examinations that
nevoase intraepidermice, pierderea acestora fiind are easy to perform but that show advanced
corelatã cu severitatea neuropatiei periferice. Alte neuropathy. Skin biopsy allows the measurement
tehnici de evaluare precoce a prezenþei leziunilor of the density of the intraepidermal nerve fibres,
nervoase sunt microscopia confocalã corneanã ºi their loss being correlated with the severity of the
microscopia confocalã de reflectanþã. Testarea peripheral neuropathy. Other techniques for
rãspunsului neurovascular dupã aplicarea de early assessment of the presence of nerve damage
stimuli termici, acetilcolinã sau capsaicinã, are corneal confocal microscopy and confocal
urmatã de evaluarea prin tehnica Doppler, reflectance microscopy. Testing the neurovascular
reprezintã de asemenea o metodã de depistare response after the application of thermal stimuli,
precoce a leziunilor nervoase, înainte de apariþia acetylcholine or capsaicin, followed by
tabloului clinic.[8] assessment by the Doppler technique, is also a
Nu existã un tratament specific al leziunilor method of early detection of nerve damage,
nervoase subiacente, altul decât îmbunãtãþirea before the appearance of the clinical picture. [8]
controlului glicemic, care poate încetini pro- There is no specific treatment for underlying
gresia, dar nu anuleazã distrucþia neuronalã deja nerve damage, other than improving glycaemic
prezentã. control, which may slow the progression, but
Conform studiilor publicate, între 30% si 90% does not cancel out the neuronal destruction
dintre bolnavi prezintã cel puþin o manifestare already present.
dermatologicã în cursul DZ. Uneori reprezintã According to published studies, between 30%
prima manifestare clinicã a unui DZ ne- and 90% of patients present at least one
diagnosticat sau a unei stãri prediabetice. De dermatological manifestation during DM.
asemenea, anumite afecþiuni sunt considerate Sometimes it is the first clinical manifestation of
markeri ai unui control glicemic inadecvat.[9] an undiagnosed DM or prediabetes. Also, certain
conditions are considered markers of inadequate
Manifestãri cutanate în diabetul zaharat glycaemic control. [9]

Afectarea cutanatã întâlnitã în DZ este

Skin manifestations in DM
diversã ºi prezintã variabilitate în prevalenþã,
severitate, rãspuns terapeutic sau asociere cu The skin disorder encountered in DM is
tipul de DZ. Ele se pot clasifica astfel: diverse and has variability in prevalence,
– boli cutanate asociate în mod cert cu severity, therapeutic response or association with
DZ: dermopatia diabeticã, necrobioza the type of DM. They can be classified as follows:
lipoidicã, granulomul inelar generalizat, – skin diseases clearly associated with DM:
buloza diabeticã, scleredema diabeti- diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica,
corum, xantoame eruptive, acanthozis generalized granulloma annulare, diabetic
nigricans benign; bullae, scleredema diabeticorum, eruptive
– afecþiuni cutanate comune, frecvent întâl- xanthomatosis, benign acanthosis
nite în diabet: infecþii cutanate bacteriene ºi nigricans;
fungice, pruritul generalizat sau localizat, – common skin conditions, commonly found
fibroame cutanate, rubeoza facialã, eritem in diabetes: bacterial and fungal skin
palmar, coloraþie gãlbuie a pielii ºi infections, generalized or localized itching,
unghiilor, contracturã Dupuytren, cheiro- skin fibroids, facial rubeosis, palmar
artropatia diabetic, psoriasis vulgar, erythema, yellow coloration of the skin
vitiligo, lichen plan; and nails, Dupuytren’s contracture,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

– manifestãri cutanate secundare macro ºi diabetic cheiroarthropathy, vulgar pso-

micro angiopatiei diabetice; riasis, vitiligo, lichen planus;
– efecte adverse dermatologice ale terapiei – macro and micro skin manifestations
antidiabetice: lipodistrofii insulinice etc. secondary to diabetic angiopathy;
Dermopatia diabeticã afecteazã între 9-55% – dermatological adverse effects of anti-
dintre bolnavii diabetici, mai frecvent bãrbaþi cu diabetic therapy: insulin lipodystrophy etc.
vârsta peste 50 de ani ºi istoric lung de DZ. Este Diabetic dermopathy affects between 9 and
consideratã manifestarea cutanatã specificã a 55% of diabetic patients, more commonly men
microangiopatiei diabetice. Dintre bolnavii cu over 50 years and with a long history of DM.It is
dermopatie diabeticã, 52% asociazã o complicaþie considered the specific skin manifestation of
microangiopaticã, iar 81% prezintã toate cele 3 diabetic microangiopathy. Of the patients with
complicaþii (neuropatie, retinopatie, nefropatie). diabetic dermopathy, 52% associate with a
Evoluþia bolii nu pare a se corela cu valoarea microangiopathy complication, and 81% have all
hemoglobinei glicate. Afecþiunea este asimpto- 3 complications (neuropathy, retinopathy, and
maticã. Clinic, apar macule eritematoase pre- nephropathy). [2, 8, 9] The evolution of the
tibiale, bilateral, uneori scuamoase la debut, care disease does not seem to correlate with the value
devin în timp atrofice, brune, concomitent cu of glycated haemoglobin. The condition is
apariþia de leziuni noi. Evoluþia este variabilã. asymptomatic. Clinically, erythematous macules
Diagnosticul este în general clinic, iar aspectul appear pretibial, bilateral, sometimes squamous
histopatologic este nespecific: atrofia epider- at onset, which in time become atrophic, brown,
mului cu hiperkeratozã, proliferarea colagenului simultaneously with the appearance of new
dermic, angiopatie hialinã, extravazarea eritro- lesions. Theevolution is variable. The diagnosis is
citelor, infiltrat limfocitar perivascular, depozit de generally clinical, and the histopathological
hemosiderinã. Tratamentul este ineficace ºi de aspect is non-specific: epidermal atrophy with
multe ori nu este necesar. [10,11] hyperkeratosis, proliferation of dermal collagen,
Necrobioza lipoidicã (NL) este o dermatozã hyaline angiopathy, extravasation of erythro-
cronicã inflamatorie rarã, care intereseazã 3 % cytes, perivascular lymphocyte infiltrate, and
dintre diabetici, îndeosebi cei cu formã juvenilã. hemosiderin deposit. Treatment is ineffective and
Aspectul histopatologic este de granulom pali- is often unnecessary. [10,11]
sadic la nivelul dermului ºi hipodermului, format Necrobiosis lipoidica (NL) is a rare chronic
din limfocite, plasmocite, eozinofile, histiocite, inflammatory dermatosis, affecting 3% of
degenerescenþa colagenului, infiltrat perivascular diabetics, especially those with a juvenile form.
limfocitar, îngroºarea ºi obliterarea vaselor Histopathological appearance is of palisadic
dermice, sclerozã, depunere extracelularã de granuloma in the dermis and hypodermis, con-
lipide ºi reducerea fibrelor nervoase. Factorul de sisting of lymphocytes, plasmocytes, eosinophils,
necrozã tumoralã alpha prezintã concentraþii histiocytes, collagen degeneration, and lympho-
ridicate în serul ºi pielea acestor bolnavi. cyte perivascular infiltrate, thickening and
NL afecteazã mai frecvent femeile (raport obliteration of the dermal vessels, sclerosis,
femei/bãrbaþi 3:1), în decada a 4-a de viaþã extracellular lipid deposit and nerve fibres loss.
pentru bolnavii nediabetici ºi în decada a 3-a Alpha tumour necrosis factor has high con-
pentru bolnavii diabetici. DZ este prezent la 11- centrations in the serum and skin of these
65% dintre bolnavii cu NL, iar pacienþii ne- patients.
diabetici prezintã un risc mai mare de a face NL affects women more frequently (ratio of
diabet zaharat în viitor. La bolnavii fãrã diabet, s- women to men 3: 1), in the fourth decade of life
au observat asocieri cu hipertensiunea primarã, for non-diabetic patients and in the third decade
obezitatea, dislipidemia, intoleranþa la glucozã, for diabetic patients. DM is present in 11-65% of
afecþiuni tiroidiene. patients with NL, and non-diabetic patients are at
Pacienþii cu necrobiozã lipoidicã prezintã higher risk of developing diabetes in the future.
plãci ovalare sau neregulate, uneori confluate, cu In patients without diabetes, associations with
margine reliefatã, iniþial de culoare brun deschis primary hypertension, obesity, dyslipidaemia,

sau eritematoase, care progreseazã spre plãci glucose intolerance, thyroid disorders were
indurate de culoare gãlbui ºi telangiectazii pe observed.
suprafaþã, atrofie centralã cu ulceraþie în forma Patients with necrobiosis lipoidica have oval
perforantã. Localizarea de elecþie este pretibialã, or irregular plaques, sometimes confluent, with a
frecvent simetricã, dar în 15 % din cazuri apar raised margin, initially light brown or
leziuni la nivelul mâinilor, antebraþelor sau erythematous, progressing to yellow-coloured
scalpului. indurated plaques and telangiectasias on the
În etiopatogenia acestei afecþiuni sunt surface, central atrophy with perforating
implicaþi urmãtorii factori: microangiopatia, ulceration. Election localization is pretibial, often
vasculita imunologicã, reacþia de hiper- symmetrical, but in 15% of cases there are injuries
sensibilitate întârziatã, anomalii de sintezã ºi to the hands, forearms or scalp.
structurã ale colagenului, factorul traumatic. The following factors are implicated in the
Prezenþa creºterii agregabilitãþii plachetare la aetiopathogenesis of this condition: micro-
bolnavii cu necrobiozã lipoidicã este demonstratã angiopathy, immunological vasculitis, delayed
prin efectul terapeutic al aspirinei. Pacienþii care hypersensitivity reaction, collagen synthesis and
au primit aspirinã sau pentoxifilin au avut o structure abnormalities, and traumatic factor. The
îmbunãtãþire semnificativã a aspectului clinic al presence of increased platelet aggregation in
leziunilor ºi o vindecare a ulceraþiilor în 2-4 patients with lipoid necrosis is demonstrated by
sãptãmâni. Tratamentul local constã în the therapeutic effect of aspirin. Patients receiv-
dermatocorticoizi sau tacrolimus, iar general ing aspirin or pentoxifylline had a significant
corticoterapie în doze mari pe o perioadã scurtã. improvement in the clinical appearance of the
[11-13] lesions and healing of the ulcers in 2-4 weeks.
Granulomul inelar generalizat (GIG) este Local treatment consists of dermatocorticoids or
forma de granulom inelar care asociazã în 60-70% tacrolimus, and generally corticosteroids in large
din cazuri DZ. Afecteazã predominant femeile doses over a short period. [11-13]
(sex ratio 6:1), frecvent trecute de 40 de ani. Generalized granuloma annulare(GGA) is the
Etiologia este necunoscutã. Se presupune cã este form of granuloma annulare that associates in 60-
implicat un rãspuns inflamator imun mediat 70% of DM cases. It mainly affects women (sex
celular al limfocitelor T, declanºat de anumiþi ratio 6: 1), often past 40 years.The aetiology is
factori trigger (ex: trauma localã, înþepãtura de unknown. It is assumed that a cellular mediated
insectã, vaccin, infecþii virale etc). S-au descris immune inflammatory response of T lympho-
cazuri de GIG asociate cu altã patologie: tiroidita cytes is triggered by certain trigger factors
autoimunã, afecþiuni maligne, infecþia cronicã cu (e.g. local trauma, insect bite, vaccine, viral
VHB sau HIV. Unele cazuri sunt iatrogene, dupã infections, etc.). GGA cases associated with other
administrarea de allopurinol, inhibitori cacici, pathologies have been described: autoimmune
diclofenac, anti TNF, calcitoninã sau unele thyroiditis, malignancies, chronic HBV or HIV
chimioterapice. Aspectul clinic este de multiple infection. Some cases are iatrogenic, after
leziuni asimptomatice, arciforme sau ovalare, cu administration of allopurinol, cationic inhibitors,
diametrul 1-5 cm cu marginea formatã de and diclofenac, anti TNF, calcitonin or some
coalescenþa de mici papule ferme, discret erite- chemotherapeutics. The clinical appearance is of
matoase, cu centrul hipo sau hiperpigmentat, multiple asymptomatic, arciform or oval lesions,
fãrã atrofie. Leziunile din GIG se localizeazã with a diameter of 1-5 cm with the margin
frecvent la nivelul trunchiului, cervical ºi formed by the coalescence of small firm papules,
extremitãþilor. Histopatologic, la nivelul der- discrete erythematous, with the hypo or
mului se observã ganulom limfohistiocitar hyperpigmented centre, without atrophy. GGA
palisadic sau interstiþial, degenerescenþa colage- lesions are frequently located in the trunk,
nului, depozite de mucinã, fibre elastice absente cervical and extremities. Histopathologically,
sau reduse. Tratamentul este dificil. Se apeleazã palisadic or interstitial lymphohistiocytic
la dermatocorticoizi, inhibitori de calcineurinã, granuloma, collagen degeneration, mucin
corticoterapie, antipaludice albe de sintezã, deposits, absent or reduced elastic fibres are

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

retinoizi, dapsonã, doxiciclinã, infliximab etc. observed in the dermis. Treatment is difficult. The
[13-15] following are used: dermatocorticoids, calci-
Buloza diabeticã este o afecþiune rarã, cu neurin inhibitors, corticotherapy, antimalarials,
etiopatogenie incertã, caracterizatã clinic prin retinoids, dapson, doxycycline, infliximab, etc.
bule mari, pline cu lichid clar sau serohematic, [13-15]
dispuse la extremitãþi. Leziunile se vindecã Diabetic bullae disease is a rare condition,
spontan în câteva sãptãmâni, de regulã fãrã with uncertain aetiopathogenesis, clinically
cicatrici, dar pot recidiva, evoluând în puseuri characterized by large bubbles, filled with clear
câþiva ani. Tratamentul este simptomatic. Aceastã or serohematic fluid, arranged at the extremities.
afecþiune nu este corelatã cu durata de evoluþie a The lesions heal spontaneously within a few
diabetului sau controlul glicemic. weeks, usually without scarring, but they can
Scleredemul diabeticului se manifestã prin recur, evolving into a few years. Treatment is
îngroºarea ºi induraþia difuzã a pielii, cu symptomatic. This condition is not correlated
dispoziþie simetricã. Boala debuteazã la nivelul with the duration of diabetes or glycaemic
feþei ºi gâtului, apoi se continuã la trunchi ºi control.
rãdãcina membrelor superioare, cu respectarea Diabetic scleredema manifests through
abdomenului ºi a membrelor inferioare. Afec- thickening and diffuse induration of the skin,
teazã în special bãrbaþii obezi cu boalã diabeticã with symmetrical disposition.The disease begins
veche ºi complicaþii majore. at the level of the face and neck, then continues to
Xantoamele reprezintã acumulãri de lipide în the trunk and root of the lower limbs, with
piele ºi þesut celular subcutanat. Xantoamele respect to the abdomen and lower limbs. It
eruptive sunt forme clinice rare de xantoame, particularly affects obese men with old diabetic
care se manifestã printr-o erupþie cu debut brusc, disease and major complications.
formatã din multiple papule gãlbui coalescente, Xanthomas are accumulations of lipids in the
uneori pruriginoase, cu localizare de elecþie pe skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Eruptive
fese ºi pãrþile de extensie ale membrelor. Ele xanthomas are rare clinical forms of xanthomas,
asociazã frecvent o hipertrigliceridemie impor- manifested by an eruption with a sudden onset,
tantã, de etiologie primarã sau secundarã unui consisting of multiple coalescing, sometimes
DZ necontrolat, cirozei biliare primitive, sindro- itchy, yellow papules, with localization of
mului nefrotic, hipotiroidiei, consumului de election on the buttocks and extension parts of
medicamente (betablocante, estrogeni etc.). the limbs. They frequently associate a significant
Xantoamele eruptive pot fi prima manifestare hypertriglyceridemia, of primary or secondary
clinicã a unui DZ. Tratamentul xantoamelor aetiology to an uncontrolled DM, primitive
eruptive începe cu tratamentul dislipidemiei pe biliary cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hypo-
care o semnaleazã. Acestea se remit în 6-8 thyroidism, drug use (beta blockers, oestrogens,
sãptãmâni de la obþinerea controlului metabolic etc.). Eruptive xanthomas may be the first clinical
adecvat.[15,16 ] manifestation of a DM. Treatment of eruptive
Acanthozis nigricans benign (AN) este o xanthomas begins with the treatment of
afecþiune cutanatã asociatã frecvent cu tulburãri dyslipidaemia that they report. They remit within
metabolice sau endocrine. AN este cea mai 6-8 weeks of gaining adequate metabolic control.
frecventã manifestare cutanatã care însoþeºte [15, 16 ]
obezitatea, prezenþa acesteia fiind direct corelatã Benign Acanthozis Nigricans (AN) is a skin
cu creºterea indexului de masã corporalã. condition commonly associated with metabolic
Etiopatogenia AN implicã prezenþa rezistenþei la or endocrine disorders.AN is the most common
insulinã, respectiv hiperinsulinemie compensa- cutaneous manifestation that accompanies
torie, tulburare de metabolism ce precede ºi obesity, its presence being directly correlated
însoþeºte DZ. Nivelul crescut de insulinã stimu- with the increase in body mass index. The
leazã proliferarea excesivã a keratinocitelor ºi a aetiopathogeny of AN implies the presence of
fibroblastelor via receptorii factorilor de creºtere insulin resistance, respectively compensatory
insulin-like-1 (IGF-1), epidermal (EGF) ºi fibro- hyperinsulinemia, a disorder of metabolism that

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

blastic (FGF). Clinic, se caracterizeazã prin precedes and accompanies DM. Increased insulin
hiperpigmentare gri sau brunã, imprecis deli- levels stimulate excessive proliferation of
mitatã, îngroºarea pielii, prurit, cu afectarea keratinocytes and fibroblasts via insulin-like
simetricã a axilelor, zonelor inghinale, latero- growth factor-1 (IGF-1), epidermal (EGF) and
cervical, foselor antecubitale ºi poplitee, regiunii fibroblastic (FGF) growth receptors. Clinically, it
ombilicale. Aspectul histopatologic este de is characterized by grey or brown hyper-
papilomatozã, hiperkeratozã moderatã ºi hiper- pigmentation, imprecisely delimited, thickening
pigmentare. AN este prezent în diverse sin- of the skin, itching, with symmetrical affectation
droame genetice (HAIR-AN, tip B, lipodistrofii of the armpits, groin areas, laterocervical,
congenitale, boala Wilson, sindromul Lawrence- antecubital and popliteal fosses, umbilical region.
Seip, ataxia telangiectazia etc.), boli autoimune The histopathological aspect is papillomatosis,
(dermatomiozita, sclerodermia, lupusul erite- moderate hyperkeratosis and hyperpigmen-
matos, tiroidita Hashimoto), gigantism sau acro- tation. AN is present in various genetic
megalie. Sindromul HAIR-AN (tip A), prezent la syndromes (HAIR-AN, type B, congenital
1-3% dintre pacientele cu sindromul ovarelor lipodystrophy, Wilson’s disease, Lawrence-Seip
polichistice, asociazã hiperandrogenismul, re- syndrome, telangiectasia ataxia, etc.), auto-
zistenþa la insulinã ºi AN. Aceste paciente au un immune diseases (dermatomyositis, scleroderma,
risc crescut pentru DZ. AN poate fi iatrogen, lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis),
dupã administrarea sistemicã a corticosteroizilor, gigantism or acromegaly. HAIR-AN syndrome
niacinei, estrogenilor de sintezã, dar ºi local (type A), present in 1-3% of patients with
secundar injecþiilor cu insulinã. Prezenþa AN la polycystic ovary syndrome, is associated with
adolescenþii obezi este considerat un semnal de hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and AN.
alarmã precoce pentru instalarea DZ tip 2. AN These patients have an increased risk for DM. AN
poate fi tratat prin regim igieno-dietetic ºi scãdere can be iatrogenic, after systemic administration of
ponderalã, local aplicare de keratolitice chimice, corticosteroids, niacin, synthesis oestrogens, but
emoliente, terapie laser, iar general se admi- also locally secondary to insulin injections. The
nistreazã retinoizi. Medicamentele care scad presence of AN in obese adolescents is
rezistenþa la insulinã pot fi o opþiune terapeuticã considered an early warning signal for the DM
pentru AN.[17-19] type 2 development. AN can be treated by
Infecþiile cutanate constituie, în majoritatea dietary hygiene and weight loss, local application
studiilor, cea mai frecventã manifestare cutanatã of chemical keratolytics, emollients, laser therapy,
asociatã DZ. Acestea pot releva un diabet and retinoids are generally administered. Drugs
nediagnosticat sau pot fi un semn al controlului that lower insulin resistance may be a therapeutic
glicemic inadecvat. [8-10]. Prezenþa complica- option for AN. [17-19]
þiilor vasculare ºi a neuropatiei, alãturi de un Skin infections are,in most studies, the most
presupus dezechilibru imunitar indus de DZ, common skin manifestation associated with
contribuie la apariþia infecþiilor. Hiperglicemia ºi DM.These may reveal undiagnosed diabetes or
acidocetoza inhibã capacitatea de diapedezã, may be a sign of inadequate glycaemic control [8-
activitatea fagocitarã a polimorfonuclearelor ºi 10]. The presence of vascular complications and
funcþia limfocitelor T CD4. De asemenea, pro- neuropathy, together with a supposed immune
ducþia interleukinelor 1, 6, 10 de cãtre monocite ºi deficiency induced by DM, contributes to the
a interferonului γ de catre limfocitele T este appearance of infections. Hyperglycaemia and
scãzutã. acidosis inhibit the ability of diapedesis, phago-
Stafilococul aureu ºi streptococii beta hemo- cytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes
litici sunt cei mai frevenþi germeni patogeni and CD4 T lymphocytes function. Also, the
implicaþi în apariþia impetigo, erizipelului, production of interleukins 1, 6, 10 by monocytes
foliculitelor, furuncului ºi furunculozei, ectimei. and interferon γ by T lymphocytes is low.
Pacienþii diabetici prezintã frecvent forme Gold staphylococcus and haemolytic beta
recidivante, dificil de controlat, cu evoluþie spre streptococci are the most common pathogenic
forme severe de celulitã sau gangrenã. Fasciita germs involved in the occurrence of impetigo,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

necrozantã, infecþie severã a fasciei ºi þesutului erysipelas, folliculitis, boils and furunculosis,
subcutanat, rapid extenivã ºi cu mortalitate de ectima. Diabetic patients frequently have relaps-
40%, este mai frecventã la diabetici. Pseudo- ing forms, difficult to control, with progression to
monas aeruginosa colonizeazã unghiile ºi spaþiile severe forms of cellulite or gangrene. Necrotizing
interdigitale. Otita externã malignã este o infecþie fasciitis, a severe infection of the fascia and
gravã a conductului auditiv extern, cauzatã de subcutaneous tissue, rapidly extensive and with
pseudomonas aeruginosa, manifestatã prin 40% mortality, is more common with diabetics.
otalgie severã, otoree, apariþia þesutului de Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonizes nails and
granulaþie ºi evoluþie spre osteitã ºi paralizii ale interdigital spaces. External malignant otitis is a
nervilor cranieni. Pacienþii afectaþi sunt cel mai serious infection of the external auditory canal,
frecvent diabetici sau imunocompromiºi.[20] caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa, manifested
Infecþii recurente mucocutanate candidozice by severe otalgia, otorrhea, the appearance of
sunt relevante pentru prezenþa unui DZ. granulation tissue and evolution towards osteitis
and paralysis of the cranial nerves. Patients
Manifestãri cutanate secundare angio- affected are most commonly diabetic or
patiei ºi neuropatiei diabetice immunocompromised. [20]
Recurrent candidiasis mucocutaneous infec-
La nivel cutanat, se observã xerozã sau, tions are relevant for the presence of DM.
dimpotrivã, un picior umed, cald la atingere,
distrofii unghiale ºi/sau onicomicozã, scãderea
Skin manifestations secondary to dia-
pilozitãþii distale. Xeroza este frecvent raportatã
betic angiopathy and neuropathy
la pacienþii diabetici cu neuropatie perifericã ºi
afectarea microcirculaþiei prezentã. Folosirea de At the skin level, xerosis is noticed or, on the
emoliente pentru tratarea xerozei scade posibi- contrary, a damp leg, warm to touch, nail
litatea infectãrii locale bacteriene sau micotice ºi dystrophies and / or onychomycosis, decreased
reduce formarea calusului. Concomitent cu distal hair. Xerosis is commonly reported in
agravarea neuropatiei ºi ischemiei periferice, diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy and
apar fisuri plantare, calusuri pe zonele de impaired microcirculation. The use of emollients
presiune, urmate de ulceraþii neuropate sau for the treatment of kerosis decreases the
neuroischemice. Ulceraþia este delimitatã de o possibility of local bacterial or fungal infection
zonã hiperkeratozicã inelarã. Necroza are and reduces the formation of callus. [8] At the
tendinþã de progresie cãtre structurile profunde same time as worsening of peripheral neuro-
musculoaponevrotice ºi osoase, realizând osteitã pathy and ischemia, plantar cracks, callus appear
osteolizã ºi osteoartritã. Apariþia ulcerelor on the pressure zones, followed by neuropathic
reprezintã ultimul stadiu al ,,piciorului diabetic” or neuro-ischemic ulcerations. The ulceration is
ºi precede majoritatea amputaþiilor suferite de delimited by an annular hyperkeratotic area.
diabetici. [8-10] Necrosis has a tendency of progression to the
Piciorul diabetic este o complicaþie redutabilã deep musculaponeurotic and bone structures,
a DZ care afecteazã între 1-6% dintre bolnavi, de resulting in osteolysis and osteoarthritis. The
regulã cu boalã de duratã ºi neglijatã. Leziunile onset of ulcers is the last stage of the “diabetic
intereazã concomitent pielea, þesutul subcutanat, foot” and precedes most of the amputations
nervii, vasele ºi þesutul osos. Diagnosticul de suffered by diabetics. [8-10]
picior diabetic presupune prezenþa a cel puþin Diabetic foot is a powerful complication of
3 din urmãtoarele leziuni: neuropatia diabeticã, DM that affects between 1-6% of patients, usually
micro ºi/sau macroangiopatia diabeticã, osteo- with long-term and neglected disease. Lesions
artropatia diabeticã, mal perforant plantar. interact simultaneously with the skin, sub-
Infecþia este o complicaþie frecventã a piciorului cutaneous tissue, nerves, vessels, and bone
diabetic, iar semnele locale pot fi uneori mascate tissue. The diabetic foot diagnosis implies the
datoritã neuropatiei periferice ºi/sau a ischemiei presence of at least 3 of the following lesions:
severe.[11] diabetic neuropathy, diabetic micro and/or

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

Într-un studiu clinic efectuat pe 2.511 pacienþi macroangiopathy, diabetic osteoarthropathy,

cu ulcer al piciorului s-a constatat cã riscul de perforating foot ulceration. Infection is a common
amputaþie este crescut de: prezenþa comorbidi- complication of the diabetic foot, and local signs
tãþilor (retinopatie, boala cronicã de rinichi, can sometimes be masked because of peripheral
prezenþa edemului, dizabilitatea la mers), durata neuropathy and / or severe ischemia. [11]
bolii, ulceraþii multiple, prezenþa infecþiei pro- In a clinical study performed on 2,511
funde, severitatea arteriopatiei periferice, non- patients with foot ulcers it was found that the risk
complianþa pacientului.[21] of amputation is increased by: the presence of
Ghidurile internaþionale pentru prevenþia ºi comorbidities (retinopathy, chronic kidney
managementul piciorului diabetic recomandã disease, oedema presence, and walking dis-
mãsuri de profilaxie ºi o abordare multi- ability), disease duration, multiple ulcerations,
disciplinarã integratã a bolnavului, pentru a deep infection presence, severity of peripheral
scãdea semnificativ riscul de amputaþii ale artery disease, patient’s non-compliance. [21]
membrelor inferioare. Examinãrile clinice International guidelines for the prevention
trebuiesc efectuate cel puþin anual iar la bolnavii and management of diabetic foot recommend
cu factori de risc pentru apariþia ulceraþiilor, mai prophylaxis measures and an integrated multi-
des. Adoptarea unui program de rutinã profi- disciplinary approach to the patient, to
lactic scade, de asemenea, riscul de amputaþie ºi significantly reduce the risk of lower limb
îmbunãtãþeºte calitatea vieþii acestor bolnavi. amputations. Clinical examinations should be
Acest program include: educarea pacientului ºi a performed at least annually and in patients with
familiei acestuia, examinarea ºi îngrijirea zilnicã a risk factors for ulceration, more often. Adopting a
picioarelor, renunþarea la fumat, adoptarea unui routine prophylactic program also lowers the risk
stil de viaþã sãnãtos, purtarea de încãlþãminte of amputation and improves the quality of life of
adecvatã, identificarea precoce ºi tratarea these patients. This program includes: educating
leziunilor nou apãrute, controlul metabolic the patient and his / her family, examining and
adecvat.[22] maintaining daily foot care, quitting smoking,
Manifestãrile musculoscheletale asociate DZ adopting a healthy lifestyle, wearing appropriate
sunt afecþiuni comune, dar mai frecvent întâlnite footwear, early identification and treatment of
la pacienþii cu diabet vechi, care prezintã retino- newly emerging lesions, adequate metabolic
patie, nefropatie ºi control glicemic inadecvat. control. [22]
Aceste manifestãri, în afarã de piciorul diabetic, Musculoskeletal symptoms associated with DM
se localizeazã frecvent la nivelul mâinilor, are common, but more commonly seen in
constituind sindromul de mânã diabeticã, asociind patients with old diabetes who have retinopathy,
deseori sclerodactilia. În cadrul mâinii diabetice nephropathy and inadequate glycaemic control.
sunt incluse: limitarea miºcãrilor articulare, These symptoms, apart from the diabetic foot, are
tenosinovita flexorilor, sindromul de tunel frequently located in the hands, constituting the
carpian, contractura Dupuytren. Glicozilarea diabetic hand syndrome, often associated with
proteinelor, neuropatia perifericã, alterarea sclerodactyly. The diabetic hand includes:
microcirculaþiei, depunerea colagenului la limiting joint movements, flexor tenosynovitis,
nivelul pielii ºi periarticular, reprezintã pre- carpal tunnel syndrome, Dupuytren’s contrac-
supuse mecanisme etiopatogenice. Manifestãrile ture. Glycosylation of proteins, peripheral
clinice din mâna diabeticã sunt invalidante neuropathy, alteration of microcirculation,
pentru pacient. Aceºtia prezintã limitarea collagen deposition in the skin and periarticular,
miºcãrilor articulare, din cauza îngroºãrii ºi are presumed aetiopathogenic mechanisms.
fibrozei pielii ºi a þesutului periarticular. De Clinical symptoms in the diabetic hand impair
asemenea, flexia ºi extensia degetelor este the patient. They present the limitation of the
limitatã, cu apariþia deformãrilor ºi impotenþei joint movements, because of the thickening and
funcþionale. Se mai constatã prezenþa de noduli ºi fibrosis of the skin and of the periarticular tissue.
îngroºãri localizate ale tendoanelor degetelor, Also, the flexion and extension of the fingers is
acompaniate de durere. Diagnosticul mâinii limited, with the appearance of deformations and

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 275-286

diabetice este în general clinic. Se poate efectua functional impotence. There is also the presence
testului rugãciunii, testul flexiei încheieturii of nodules and localized thickening of the fingers
mâinii ºi testul Tinnel. Biopsia cutanatã relevã în tendons, accompanied by pain. Diabetic hand
derm o masã crescutã de colagen dispus diagnosis is generally clinical. The following tests
dezorganizat, uneori fragmentat, vase dermice can be performed: the prayer test, the wrist-
puþine ºi cu pereþii îngroºaþi. Controlul glicemic flexion test, and Tinel’s sign. Skin biopsy reveals
adecvat, alãturi de intervenþii de recuperare an increased mass of collagen in the dermis,
medicalã ºi ortopedice, pot ameliora semnificativ which is disorganized, sometimes fragmented,
aceste afecþiuni.[23,24] with few dermal vessels and thickened walls.
Disfuncþia sudomotorie reprezintã una din Adequate glycaemic control, together with
manifestãrile clinice ale neuropatiei autonome. medical and orthopaedic recovery interventions,
În fazele iniþiale apare hiposudoraþia termo- can significantly improve these conditions.
reglatoare cu localizare distalã, hipersudoraþie [23,24]
compensatoare proximalã, cu evoluþie spre Sudomotor dysfunction is one of the clinical
anhidrozã. symptoms of autonomic neuropathy. In the initial
Denervarea simpaticã contribuie la deschi- phases, the thermoregulatory hyposweating with
derea de ºunturi arterivenoase. Neuropatia distal localization, proximal compensatory
perifericã afecteazã capacitatea de vindecare a hyposweating, with evolution towards
leziunilor cutanate, din cauza scãderii sintezei de anhidrosis, appear.
factor de creºtere nervoasã (NGF), factorul de Sympathetic denervation contributes to the
creºtere insulin like (IGF) ºi de neurotrofine.[25] opening of arteriovenous shunts. Peripheral
neuropathy affects the healing ability of skin
Concluzii lesions, because of decreased synthesis of nerve
growth factor (NGF), insulin like growth factor
Diabetul zaharat afecteazã, structural ºi (IGF) and neurotrophins. [25]
funcþional, toate componentele organului
Afecþiunile cutanate asociate diabetului
zaharat sunt frecvente ºi prezintã impact Diabetes affects, structurally and function-
puternic asupra calitãþii vieþii pacienþilor. ally, all the components of the skin organ.
Depistarea precoce a acestora oferã indicaþii Skin disorders associated with diabetes are
asupra existenþei unei stãri prediabetice sau a common and have a strong impact on the
unui diabet neglijat. patients’ life quality.
Controlul metabolic adecvat al bolnavilor Their early detection provides indications of
diabetici este cel mai important factor pentru the existence of prediabetes or neglected
prevenirea complicaþiilor cronice, dar ºi pentru diabetes.
eficienþa rãspunsului terapeutic al manifestãrior Proper metabolic control of diabetic patients
cutanate prezente. is the most important factor for the prevention
of chronic complications, but also for the
therapeutic response of the present skin

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Conflict de interese Conflict of interest


Adresa de corespondenþã: Virgil Pãtraºcu, MD, PhD,

Facultatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie Craiova
Str. Petru Rareº nr. 2-4, Craiova, România

Correspondance address: Virgil Pãtraºcu, MD, PhD,

University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Craiova
Petru Rareº Street, No 2-4, 200345, Craiova, Romania






Rezumat Summary
Pielea este cel mai mare organ multi-funcþional din The skin is the largest multi-functional organ in the
organism, aspectul sãu reflectând, în general, starea de body, its appearance generally reflecting the general health
sãnãtate. Pielea normalã conþine concentraþii mari de status. Normal skin contains high levels of vitamin C, with
vitamina C, cu niveluri comparabile cu alte þesuturi ale levels comparable to other body tissues and well above
corpului ºi cu mult peste concentraþiile plasmatice.
plasma levels. Vitamin C is involved in the formation of the
Vitamina C este implicatã în formarea barierei pielii ºi a
skin and collagen barrier in the dermis and plays a
colagenului în derm ºi joacã un rol fiziologic la nivelul
physiological role in the skin against oxidation, in the fight
pielii împotriva oxidãrii, în combaterea ridurilor ºi
against wrinkles and protection against UV radiation.
protecþiei împotriva radiaþiilor UV. Vitamina C poate fi
aplicatã topic, deºi eficacitatea acesteia depinde de formula Vitamin C can be applied topically, although its
cremei sau serului folosit, de concentraþie ºi de condiþia effectiveness depends on the formula of the cream or serum
pielii în momentul aplicãrii. used, the concentration and the condition of the skin at the
Cuvinte cheie: vitamina C, topic, îmbãtrânire, time of application.
protecþie UV. Keywords: vitamin C, topical, aging, UV protection.

Intrat în redacþie: 24.10.2019 Received: 24.10.2019

Acceptat: 28.11.2019 Accepted: 28.11.2019

* Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie „Carol Davila”, Bucureºti, România

”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
** Spitalul Clinic Colentina, Bucureºti, România
Colentina Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
*** Spitalul Universitar de Urgenþã Bucureºti, România
University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
**** Spitalul Clinic de Urgenþã Bucureºti, România
Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Romania
***** Spitalul Universitar de Urgenþã ”Elias”, Bucureºti, România
”Elias” University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania


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