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Kottbullar( chiftelute) Fr-i-kl (mancare

traditionala norvegiana)

500g carne tocata in amestec, 1/2 pahar pesmet, 1 ou, 1/2 pahar smantana, 1 ceapa, 4 linguri unt,
patrunjel, sare, piper, ulei. Pentru sos: 1 ceapa, 1 lingura unt, 200ml vin alb, 600ml supa crema
de vita, 2 lingurite de mustar, 3 linguri pasta de rosii, afine.
Mod de preparare
Se amesteca smantana cu pesmetul si se lasa 5 minute. Se prajeste ceapa in unt si se amesteca
impreuna cu smantana, carnea, oul si condimentele.Toata compozitia se baga cateva ore la
Se formeaza chiftelute de marimea unor nuci si se lasa 30 de minute, dupa care se unge o tava
termorezistenta, pe care se aseaza chiftelutele si se pun la cuptor incins 10 minute.
Separat se prepara sosul: ceapa tocata, untul, vinul si supa de vita se fierb 10 minute fara capac,
amestecand continuu. Se adauga apoi, mustarul, pasta de rosii si condimentele si se mai da un
Chiftelutele se servesc fierbinti, cu sos si se decoreaza cu afine. Ca garnitura, este foarte potrivit
piureul de cartofi.
Bucataria norvegiana

Somonul afumat reprezinta cea mai mare importanta contributie a bucatariei norvegiene la
bucataria internationala. Asa ca in Norvegia se mananca ...somon, creveti, crabi, midii si homar,
ultimul fiind cel mai scump dintre toate si cel mai greu de procurat. La sarbatorile in aer liber,
lumea mananca crabi cu paine, maioneza si sos de lamaie sau creveti si bea bere sau vin alb.
Midiile pot fi preparate cu usturoi si patrunjel si se servesc alaturi de paine si vin alb. Dar in
afara de acestea, bucatarii norvegieni prepara si specialitati din carne de ren, rata, pasare de
curte, miel si berbec, dar si porc si vita, toate garnisite cu legume. Totusi, carnea de vita ramane
o raritate pe mesele din Norvegia. Deserturile sunt in mare parte cu mere si biscuiti sau cu fructe
de padure.
In Norvegia se bea bere, dar si vodca si sucuri de fructe.
Reeta pentru Kalalaatikko - petele la cuptor, provine din Finlanda.
Masa finlandez nu s-a caracterizat niciodat prin bogie, un timp ndelungat locuitorii acestei
ri nu au folosit condimente, adugnd la mncruri n special ptrunjel i mrar. Baza
majoritii mncrurilor o reprezint petele i cartofii iar Kalalaatikko nu face excepie. Chiar
dac exist multe variante ale plcintei, ingredientele de baz sunt mereu aceleai.
300 g de scrumbie proaspt
800 g de cartofi
80 g de ceap
50 g de ulei
130 g de lapte
2 ou
1 lingur de fin de gru
Mod de preparare
Se cur cartofii, se taie n buci mici i se introduc ntr-o oal uns cu grsime.
Se cur scrumbia proaspt, se taie n buci mici i se pune pe cartofi.
Cartofii i scrumbia se presar cu ceapa mrunt tiat, apoi cu fin i se toarn peste ulei. Se
nbu la foc mic.
La cartofii gtii cu scrumbie se toarn oule amestecate cu lapte.
Se coace n cuptor timp de aproximativ 10 minute i se servete fierbinte.
alimentaie, buctria scandinav, buctriile lumii, carte de bucate, feluri principale, gtitul, mncare,
Reeta pentru ttbullar perioare cu carne tocat, este pstrat de la o generaie la alta.
Buctria suedez nu este foarte rafinat, ns majoritatea felurilor se pregtesc uor acas i sunt
foarte sntoase. Prepararea ttbullar nu necesit mult timp i permite diversificarea meniului
500 g de carne tocat amestecat
pahar de pesmet
1 ou
pahar de smntn
1 ceap
4 linguri de unt
ptrunjel, sare, piper, ulei

1 ceap
1 lingur de unt
200 g vin alb
600 g sup de vit
2 lingurie de mutar
3 linguri de past de tomate
afine sau sirop de afine
Mod de preparare
ntr-un vas se amestec smntna cu pesmetul i se las 5 minute. Ceapa se prjete n unt. La
pesmet se adaug carnea tocat, oul, condimentele i ceapa prjit, se amestec i se bag la
frigider pentru cteva ore.
Se formeaz mici chiftelue (de mrimea unei nuci), care trebuie lsate apoi timp de 30 min. Cu
restul de unt se unge tava, pe care apoi sunt aezate chifteluele. Se coace n cuptor la
temperatur de 90-100C aproximativ 5-10 minute.
Prepararea sosului: pe unt se ntinde ceapa tiat n felii, se adaug vin i se gtete.
Se adaug supa i se gtete fr capac 10 minute amestecnd continuu.
Se adaug mutarul i pasta de tomate, apoi se condimenteaz.

Mod de servire:Se servesc chifteluele fierbini cu sos. Suedezii servesc kttbullar cu garnitur de
piure de cartofi.
buctria scandinav, buctriile lumii, carte de bucate, feluri principale, gtitul, mncare, reetele
In tarile nordice, unde lunile reci si ploioase sunt urmate de o iarna indelungata, oamenii se
hranesc consitent. Alimentele de baza sunt pestele, carnea, in special de pasare si berbec,
cartofii, fainoasele si dulciurile. Se bea mult lapte, ceai, cafea, bere.
Caracteristice pentru nordici sunt gustarile, o imensa varietate de mancaruri din peste si o gama
larga de prajituri.
Viata poporului norvegian, istoria si cultura lui sunt strans legate de mare, de expeditiile
corabiilor lungi ale vikingilor.

Retete traditionale norvegiene: Miel cu varza
la cuptor (Farikal)

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Dificultate: mediu


Comenteaza reteta

O reteta traditionala norvegiana, Farikal se serveste la Sarbatorile de iarna si este inedita prin
combinatia de varza si carne de miel, care au totusi un gust divin impreuna.

900 grame sold de miel taiata cubulete, ca pentru servit
2 verze mijlocii spre mici mai dese
1/4 cana faina alba
1 lingurita sare de mare
4 lingurite boabe piper negru
1 1/2 cana apa clocotita
Mod de preparare
- Se spala si se feliaza varza nu prea subtire ca sa poata fi plasata in tava la cuptor;
- Se incalzeste cuptorul la 160 de grade si se pregateste o tava mai inalta;
- Se plaseaza in straturi mai intai cubuletele de carne de miel, se pun apoi feliile de varza pe deasupra si
se presara uniform cu faina alba, piper si sare astfel incat sa fie cuprinse si bucatelele de carne de miel
cat si varza;
- Se toarna apa clocotita pe deasupra, ca sa cuprinda totul si se da la cuptor unde va sta pana ce carnea
de miel este gata, adica cel putin 1 ora sau chiar mai bine, dupa intensitatea focului si tipul de cuptor

La final se serveste cu garnitura de cartofi si legume, neuitandu-se nici de sosul delicios care ramane de
la gatit mielul cu varza la cuptor.

Pofta buna!

Te-ar mai putea interesa si:
Cartofi rumeniti la cuptor
Mamaliga la cuptor cu rosii uscate
Felii de dovleac la cuptor
Pastrav umplut la cuptor
Saramura de peste
- See more at:
Salate, garnituri si aperitive
Home ... Garnituri... Garnitura de varza rosie (Redkal)

Retete traditionale norvegiene: Garnitura de
varza rosie (Redkal)

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Dificultate: mediu


Comenteaza reteta

Este un fel de mancare care se asorteaza de minune cu friptura de porc servita des in lungile luni de
iarna din Scandinavia. Dulce si usor picanta garnitura de varza rosie neutralizeaza cu succes grasimile din
carnea de purcel.

1 varza rosie mijlocie, feliata dupa numarul de portii dorit
2 mere taiate cubulete
1/2 cana stafide
2 linguri miere de albine
zahar si otet de mere dupa gust (1-2 lingurite din fiecare)
2 linguri vin rosu
1 lingurita sare
2 linguri seminte de chimen
Mod de preparare
- Se pun toate ingredientele intr-o tigaie mai larga si inalta cu apa cat sa cuprinda bine varza si se trage
un prim clocot;
- Se reduce focul la mic, se acopera tigaia si se lasa asa 10 minute;
- Se ia capacul si se mai lasa la foc mic pana ce se evapora toata apa;
- Se gusta si si se mai adauga zahar sau miere de albine, dupa preferinta.

Redkal se serveste cald ca garnitura pentru friptura de purcel.

Pofta buna!

Peisajele scandinave nu sunt singurul lucru care te va impresiona cnd ajungi in ara
Nordic. Dac ajungi pe aceste meleaguri, savureaz preparate tradiionale delicioase.
Slbaticia munilor i apele tulburate sunt surse permanente de aprovizionare pentru
localnici. Iat cu ce bucate te poi delecta.
Pete i fructe de mare
Dietele norvegienilor consist, n mare parte, din comorile din adncul apelor
scandinave. Petele i fructele de mare sunt consumate de trei sau patru ori pe
sptmn. Somonul, codul sau mihalul sunt preparai dup tot felul de reete i se
pot consuma fieri, prjii, pe grtar, afumai sau uscai, mbibai n tot feluri de sosuri
gustoase sau chiar simpli. Foarte popular n Norvegia este supa de pete, somonul
afumat sau heringul murat.

Carnea, aliment important
Vntoria nu este neobinuit n Norvegia. Aici este consumat o gam larg de
carne. De la ra i gsc la elani i reni, norvegienii i-au completat buctria
tradiional cu orice tip de carne pe care o pot ntlni n slbticia munilor. Printre
preparatele populare se numr Raspeballer, o mncare din cartofi cruzi, rai, mbinai
cu fin i sare i modelai sub forma unor bile mici care sunt puse apoi la fiert. Putei
ncerca i Grnnerterstuing, adic o tocan de fasole verde. O tradiie n rile
Scandinave sunt i sandviurile bogate. Unul dintre cele mai gustoase sandviuri
conine pine prjit de secar cu unt, acoperit cu chiftele, hering sau alt file de pete
sau pate de ficat.

Orice desert din Norvegia are tendina de a gravita n jurul a patru ingrediente
importante: zahr, fin, ou i unt. Pannekaker, un soi de cltite foarte subiri
umplute cu fructe de pdure sau gem, i va ndulci simurile. Dac vrei ceva mai
special, ncearc i krumkake, o prjitur crocant cu unt, servit de regul de

Modul de via sntos
Norvegienii sunt pur i simplu nebuni pentru modul de via sntos, ceea ce nu reprezint o
piedic s serveasc, s fumeze i s fac dezordine, cnd apare o asemenea ocazie.
Dar totui, majoritatea populaiie se atrn foarte serios fa de sntatea personal i s strduie
din rsputeri s menin starea fizic. Sportul i turismul ntotdeauna au fost sporturile cele mai
populare n Norvegia.
Salata norvegiana
Fierbeti cartofii curatati si taiati in cubulete, apoi scurgeti-i de apa si puneti-i intr-un castron.
Taiati somonul in cubulete, ceapa taiati-o julienne si ouale fierte in rondele. Puneti acestea in
castron peste cartofi. Amestecati intr-un vas uleiul cu mustarul, zeama stoarsa de la lamaie si
patrunjelul tocat cat mai marunt. Condimentati cu acest amestec salata si omogenizati cu grija,
prin rasturnare, pentru a nu zdrobi prea rau ingredientele. Puneti salata pe un platou si ornati-o cu
feliute de lamaie si cu frunze de patrunjel. (Daniel Petre)
2 portii 20 minute

Mai aveam doua optiuni traditionale de Craciun in Oslo: smalahove sau lutefisk. Primul este cap de oaie
afumat. Se fierbe cateva ore, de aceea e musai sa anunti cu o zi inainte daca vrei sa comanzi asa ceva in
restaurant. Eu nici n-am vrut sa aud de

n Oslo se gasesc cam toate mancarurile internationale, de la sushi si dim sum pana la tapa si
enchiliada. Insa este mult mai interesant sa incercati numeroasele feluri de mancare traditionala
norvegiana, pregatite cu ingrediente locale.

Masa la restaurant in oras este destul de scumpa, in principal datorita taxelor mari din Norvegia.
Luarea mesei la Oslo poate fi totusi o experienta placuta, serviciile si mancarea de buna calitate
justificand partial nota de plata.

Turistilor li se va oferi de obicei micul dejun (frokost) la hotelul unde sunt cazati, acest serviciu
fiind de obicei inclus in pretul camerei. Micul dejun oferit consta din paine, branza, rosii,
castraveti, oua fierte, alaturi de lapte, cafea, ceai si suc natural. Bufetele mai pretentioase pot
oferi si oua prajite sau omleta, sunca, slanina, produse de patiserie si fructe.

Pranzul (lunsj) este servit incepand de la ora 11:30, principalul fel fiind constituit de: sandviciuri
din paine alba, cu crevete, maioneza si marar; paine cu oua prajite si somon afumat; paine neagra
cu carne fripta, capere si sfecla.

Principala masa a zilei este cina pentru care restaurantele deschid la 17 sau 18.
In Norvegia, produsele de pe piata locala si din meniuri tind sa fie puternic influentate de
anotimpuri. Toamna si iarna se servesc in special preparate din carne, tocanite consistente si
fripturi cu tot felul de garnituri. Primavara si vara se servesc mancaruri mai usoare, mai mult
platouri reci, cu scoici sau cu crevete, cu paine cu unt, maioneza si suc proaspat de lamaie.

Pestii se gasesc din abundenta si sunt de foarte buna calitate, indiferent de perioada anului.
Norvegia este renumita pentru somon, cod, dracul de mare, pestele-unditar, merlanul, macroul.
Acesta din urma predomina in lunile de vara, fiind foarte apreciat in sudul Norvegiei, prajit sau
la gratar, alaturi de cartofi fierti, un sos acrisor si salata de castraveti. In multe magazine ale
orasului puteti degusta placinte calde cu peste (fiskekaker), pentru o gustare rapida. Supa de
peste este o alta specialitate norvegiana, fiind de fapt o supa-crema cu multe legume proaspete si
cu bucati de peste proaspat.

Meniurile multor restaurante cuprind si mancaruri pe baza de vanat, mai ales toamna, oferind
carne de ren, elan, fazan, cocos de munte, caprioara si cerb. Carnea este servita cu sos-crema,
cartofi fierti si multe legume.

Aproape toate restaurantele ofera carne frageda si gustoasa de miel norvegian. Ea este fiarta si
servita cu praz, morcovi si telina sau sub forma de far i kal (miel in varza), fiert ore intregi cu
sare si piper. Far i kal a fost desemnata mandria nationala norvegiana de catre opinia publica,
fiind felul principal al cinelor de duminica din sezonul de toamna.

Intre mancarurile traditionale, cea mai apreciata (sau blamata) mancare este lutefisk, care este
carne de cod macerata in soda caustica (!), apoi clatita din nou si apoi gatita de obicei la cuptor
sub supraveghere pentru a evita dezintegrarea ei. Un lutefisk perfect preparat are consistenta unei
gelatine groase, alcatuita din mai multe straturi suprapuse de peste. El este servit sarat, impreuna
cu bucati de slanina, grasime lichida fierbinte, piure de mazare si cartofi fierti, cu paine
(flatbrod), sos de mustar, branza bruna de capra. La lutefisk, majoritatea beau bere si unul doua
paharele de akevitt, taria norvegiana.

Alte mancaruri foarte populare sunt pinnekjott (costite de miel macerate si gatite la abur, servite
cu cartofi fierti), smalahove (jumatate de cap de oaie) si rommegrot (un terci acrisor, servit cu
unt topit, scortisoara si zahar, deseori cu carnati uscati si paine, si insotit de sucuri de fructe).

Bauturile tari produse la nivel local, brennevin (vin de foc) ocupa un loc important in
preferintele consumatorilor. Cea mai vestita si tare bautura este akevitt, un fel de snaps facut din
cartofi, cu gust puternic de chimen si cu o mare concentratie de alcool. Este servit de obicei alturi
de bere rece, fiind recomandata prudenta la consumarea lui. O alta specialitate locala este
aperitivul Frost, obtinut din niste fructe asemanatoare ienuparului, numite krekling si care poate
fi baut sec sau amestecat cu apa tonica.

I. Alexa
Alimentele sunt accesibile oricui. Sunt mai scumpe dect n alte ri, dar chiar i
norvegienii cu venituri mici pot s achiziioneze alimente de bun calitate. Probabil
pentru c produsele alimentare au un TVA de doar 14%. Carnea este cam scump totui,
mai ales carnea de pui i cea de vit. Marfa nu este att de variat, 1-2 produse de top,
considerate cele mai bune, cele mai vndute, preferatele norvegienilor. A zice c unele
firme dein monopolul. Fiecare lan de magazine are produsele proprii la preuri mult mai
mici dect brandurile consacrate. Majoritatea alimentelor sunt produse i/sau ambalate n
Norvegia sau alte ri scandinave i destul de puine alimente din import, mai mult
legume, brnzeturi i produse asiatice. Alimentele produse 100% n Norvegia sunt
etichetate ca atare i promovate la TV, pe rafturi, au preuri mai mari dect alte produse
similare, dar sunt cele mai vndute. Mult lume merge n Suedia la cumprturi, fiindc
opiunile sunt mai variate, iar carnea e mai ieftin.
Micul dejun (frokost) este prima mas a zilei i i se acord destul de mult atenie. Nu e
foarte complicat: o cafea, cacao pentru copii, iaurt, mult brnz, mai ales brunost (o
brnz fin, de culoare maro, dulce, cu un gust asemntor caramelului) cu gem, pine cu
cereale sau crackers.
n jurul orei 12 este urmtoarea mas, prnzul (lunsj). Acest prnz coincide cu pauza de
mas de la lucru sau de la coal. Aici sunt foarte populare pacheelele cu mncare de
acas. i copiii i adulii au n geant pacheele cu mncare. Un sandwich, o salat,
morcovi, tot felul de nuci, un suc de fructe, n general lucruri sntoase se gsesc n
aceste pachete. Exist o mulime de cantine, unde lumea merge s mnnce n aceast
pauz ori merg la magazinele alimentare i i cumpr o salat de la salad-bar sau merg
la un fast food i mnanca un hamburger, kebab sau sushi.
Masa principal a zilei este pe la 5-6 seara i se numete middag. Dei n traducere liber
ar nsemna miezul zilei, aceasta este de fapt cina. Fiindc lumea este ocupat cu munca,
aceast mas const n a gti ceva rapid, simplu, sau n a cumpra mncare
semipreparat, congelat. Televiziunile i magazinele promoveaz o mulime de reete
speciale pentru cin, middagstips le zic. Reclamele la alimente sunt de fapt reete scurte
care s ncap ntr-un spot publicitar. Magazinele au brouri cu reete preparate din
produsele ce se vnd acolo sau care sunt la promoie n sptmna respectiv. Nu am
auzit s fac mncare s le ajung cteva zile i nici nu sunt aa de innebunii dup supe,
Masa de seara, n jurul orei 9, const n ceva uor, un iaurt, fructe sau smrbrd, cum zic
ei, sandwich norvegian (pine cu unt i unc, pate, crevei etc.).
Cam acestea sunt obiceiurile lor ct de ct sntoase, dar asta nu nseamn c nu au i
excepii, multe excepii. Sunt mari amatori de jeleuri care se vnd la kilogram la orice
magazin cu alimente. Mnnc mult ciocolat. Au 2 mari fabrici de ciocolat, Nidar i
Freia, iar tabletele sunt de dimensiuni impresionante 180-250 gr. Alte tipuri de ciocolat
nu am vzut, Milka lipsete de pe rafturi, nici nu tiu dac au auzit de vcua mov.
Ciocolata nu are un ambalaj aa de sofisticat cum au cele din Romnia i nici prea multe
cutii cu bomboane de ciocolat nu am vzut, probabil pentru c aici, ciocolata e mai mult
pentru uz propriu nu pentru a fi fcut cadou sau ca o atenie mic. Le mai place pizza
congelat, iar ultimul sortiment aprut este Nacho Pizza Nici de chipsuri i tot felul de
sucuri nu se feresc, dei pe strad lumea prefer s cumpere o sticl de ap, nu de suc.
Oricum, cel mai mare viciu al norvegienilor este alcoolul, foarte scump i strict controlat
de ctre Stat.
Au tot felul de mncruri ciudate, mai ales cele pe baz de pete. Cea mai controversat
este Lutefisk, apoi sunt nite chiftele din pete (fiskekaker), glute (fiskeboller), budinc
de pete (fiskepudding), sup de pete (fiskesuppe) cu glute de pete etc. De fiskekaker
unii norvegieni zic c nu e mncare pentru oameni i le dau dreptate. Dac venii prin
Norvegia, v recomand s stai departe de alimentele care ncep cu fiske- dac nu suntei
amatori de senzaii tari. Ct despre carnea de ren, nu mai intru n detalii c toat lumea
tie c norvegienii l mnnc pe Rudolph.
Cu siguran sunt mai multe lucruri de zis la acest capitol, dar cam asta am observat n
aceste 4 luni de cnd stm aici. Am constatat c mncm mai sntos aici dect n
Romnia. Mult mai multe legume i fructe care sunt mereu proaspete i bune, mncm
mult somon, mai puin carne.
Seafood plays a dominant role in the average Norwegian's diet. Norwegians love their fish and
consume seafood an average of three to four times a week, according to the Norway Hei website.
Locally caught seafood like salmon ("laks" in Norwegian), cod and lutefish are prepared and
served in all manners. Fish is poached, grilled, fried, smoked, salted and dried, and cured.
Popular traditional Norwegian seafood meals include Fiskesuppe (fish soup), Rkt Laks (smoked
salmon), Sild (pickled herring) and Gravlaks, consisting of salmon fillets marinated in a dill
mixture and served with piquant mustard sauce.
Game in Norway runs the gamut from duck, goose and other fowl to moose and reindeer. Game
is often grilled or roasted and served with traditional Norwegian side dishes, such as Raspeballer,
which is made from raw, grated potatoes that are mashed together with flour and salt into little
balls and then boiled; or Grnnerterstuing (stewed green beans).
Norwegian breakfasts also tend to lean heavily toward the sea, with fish playing a prominent
role. Traditional Norwegian breakfasts include smoked salmon, fish in various sauces and
marinades (such as sardines in tomato sauce or mustard sauce, or pickled herring), carviar
(kaviar in Norwegian), or smoked whitefish, often served with hard-boiled eggs. Norwegian
breakfast specialties include smoked salmon egg omelettes and smoked salmon sandwiches.
Norwegian desserts tend to revolve around four key ingredients: sugar, flour, eggs and butter--
lots of butter. Traditional favorites include pannekaker (thin pancakes, filled with berries or jam),
krumkake (a crispy butter cookie, made with a special krumkake iron, that is served at
Christmas) and kingles (flat, sweet pretzels covered with almond-flavored frosting).
Open-faced sandwiches are a tradition in Scandinavian countries, and Norway has its own
variants. Popular open-faced sandwiches in Norway are made with a buttered slice of toast,
typically whole-grain rye, topped with meatballs, herring, fish filets or leverpostei (liver pate).
Fish, Meats, Cheese
Laks is Salmon farmed or wild. Farmed is the most common these days. It is traditionally served
in slices, steamed or cooked, or sometimes pan fried in butter, accompanied by a sweet and
sour cucumber salad, sour cream and boiled potatoes. Sometimes Sandefjordsmr is added.
This is a sauce made from melted butter and cream. Smoked salmon is widely used. As a topping
on sandwiches and as a light dinner accompanied by stewed potatoes, which are diced cooked
potatoes in a bchamel sauce with chives. Gravlaks is a preparation of salmon fillets which are
marinated with salt, sugar and dill for 24 hours. It is served cut in thin slices, often with a sweet
and sour mustard sauce, and sometimes with potato stew or boiled potatoes.
Torsk, is Cod fish. The head and tongue of cod are also eaten and prized. Cod is usually boiled,
with potatoes, and carrots and served with melted butter.
Sild is Herring. It has traditionally been used fresh, boiled in a spicy stock, or pan fried in fillets.
Always served with boiled potatoes. Salted and cured herring was a very important source of
protein in times of poverty. Sild og poteter, herring and potatoes is still a saying for basic stuff.
Now you can get salted or spiced herring fillets served with sour cream, raw onion rings, pickled
red beets and potatoes. It is a popular summer dinner. Sursild, which translates as sour
herring is made from cured herring which has most of the salt taken out, and pickled in a spicy
sweet and sour brine with onions, or in a spicy tomato sauce. You can buy pickled herring in
many varieties; many of them originally come from Sweden. They are all eaten cold on bread,
most often on dark bread
rret is Red Trout. The big sea trout and the smaller trout from lakes and creeks. It is used in
much the same way as salmon, except for small freshwater trout that is often pan fried whole,
and sauted shortly with sour cream. Traditionally served with cucumber salad and potatoes.
Rakfisk or Rakrret is a very traditional specialty food. It is made from freshwater fish, mostly
trout. Whole, fresh fish, gutted and gills removed, but head and tail on, is put down in layers
with a mixture of salt and sugar and put in a cold place. It is left to slowly ferment for 3 to 6
months. The process can be compared to the maturing of cheese, and some like it more mature
than others. Good rakfisk is butter smooth with a distinct smell. This is party food in the
wintertime, served skinless and boneless in pieces with crispy thin flatbread or soft lefse, which
is a soft thin potato and rye crepe, butter, sour cream, boiled potatoes and red onion rings.
Geitost is a medium brown colored cheese. It is mostly made from myse, which is whey, the
fluid that is left when you make cheese from milk. Myse, whey from goats milk (and/or from
cows milk) is boiled slowly for hours, some sugar and cream is added in the process. The result is
a sweet brown cheese that is a staple on our open sandwiches. It is sliced very thin and often
served on heavy brown grainy bread. Three slices of bread with the Geitost is a standard lunch
for children and adults. This cheese is both farm made and factory made in many varieties.
Geitost is also used in small amounts in sauces for game dishes called viltsaus.
Reinsdyr is Reindeer. In restaurants it is often served as a thin sliced steak with a port or red
wine sauce. Reindeer are raised for the meat, hides and bone. All the parts are used. It is raised
in the Middle and North of Norway, by the Sami people. There is also a hunting season for wild
reindeer on Hardangervidda, a mountain plateau (vidda in Norwegian) in the Hardanger
region of western Norway. It is the largest such plateau in Europe.
Vilt is Game. Various Norwegian game include reindeer (reinsdyr), moose (elg), elk (hjort) deer
(rdyr), grouse (rype). The best parts were traditionally roasted, served with a rich sauce made
from stock, sour cream, cream, often spiced with juniper berries (einebr), geitost, and
lingonberry jam (tyttebr)
Mutton and lamb meat, both wild and farmed. Some Norwegian sheep have a naturally salty
flavor because they are raised near the sea. Autumn and winter are the seasons for making
Frikl (Mutton in cabbage). Pieces of mutton or lamb meat are cooked with big chunks of
cabbage and a spoonful of whole peppercorns, until the meat is very tender. Served with
potatoes and the juice from the stew. Another traditional lamb stew is Lammefrikasse, pieces of
lamb meat cooked with carrots, and sometimes pieces of celeriac and cauliflower. The stock
turned into a light sauce and served with potatoes. Pinnekjtt, lamb ribs (look under Christmas
Most Norwegians eat open-faced sandwiches for lunch. Toppings are called Plegg which
literally means stuff to put on bread.
Some traditional toppings include:
Geitost the sweet brown cheese, most often made with a mixture of goat milk and cows milk.
This is not really cheese, it is the whey that are left after cheese making, cooked for hours and
Reker are small peeled shrimp always with mayonnaise and lemon
Leverpostei is a pork liver pate often served with a sweet pickle or pickled beet slice
Karbonade is a hamburger, traditionally from lean beef, served with soft golden sauted onions
or a fried egg on top. Should be served hot.
Rkelaks med eggerre is cold scrambled eggs with thin sliced smoked salmon served with a
lemon slice
Many Norwegians hunt for berries and mushrooms in the summer and fall.
Blbr are blueberries which grow in forests all over the country. Traditional summer treats are
large, thin pancakes with blueberry jam, or waffles with the same.
Tyttebr (also called lingonberry) are a small red cranberries that grows close to the ground in
forests. They are cooked with sugar into a jam that is served cold with many meat and game
dishes. Alternatively the berries are only stirred with sugar without any boiling. Tyttebr
contains a lot of pectin which acts as a natural conserving agent, and keeps well for a long time
without cooking.
Multe or Cloudberries are a yellow raspberry look alike that also grows close to the ground in
forests and swampy fields. They have an unusual and wonderful flavor, incomparable to
anything else. They are eaten mixed with sugar on bread, or mixed with whipped cream as a
dessert after Christmas dinner.
Rips are red currants and Solbaer are black currants. These are grown in many Norwegian
gardens and used liberally in season, and frozen for other uses in jams and desserts.
Bringebr, Red Raspberries are also grown in many gardens, but grow wild in abundance all
over the country.
Norwegian Jordbr are strawberries, exceptionally flavorful and sweet. Served for their two-
three months season in summer, plain, with sugar or with sugar and cream or with vanilla ice
There are an abundance of wild mushrooms in the forests.
Christmas food is very traditional and prescribed.
5 choices served exactly with these accompaniments only. Perhaps 98% of Norwegians in
Norway eat one of these foods on Christmas Eve!
Ribbe Pork side and ribs, baked with very crispy skin that tastes like bacon and has juicy meat,
served with sausages (made with nutmeg and milk) and sauerkraut made fresh that day with
caraway seeds, and boiled potatoes with the fat of the pork as a gravy. Aquavit and Christmas
beer (a stronger sweeter beer), on the side is sweetened Tyttebaer a small cranberry.
Torsk Cod, boiled with boiled potatoes, boiled carrots and melted butter. Often served with red
wine, or with beer.
Lutefisk dried salted Cod, treated in lime and reconstituted, thoroughly rinsed and boiled.
Served with crispy bacon and bacon grease, ertestuing (dried green peas, cooked into a stew)
boiled potatoes, Aquavit and Christmas beer.
Pinnekjtt..a salted and dried sheep rib (can also be smoked), reconstituted and steamed until
very tender, served with mashed rutabaga and carrot with butter and cream, and boiled
potatoes topped with the fat and juice of the Pinnekjott. Aquavit and Christmas beer.
Rype is grouse or Ptarmigan, usually served at the home of the hunter who shot them with a
geitost juniper berry sauce
The traditional Norwegian vegetables are root vegetables and cabbage. The traditional
herbs are chives, dill and parsley. Currently all kinds of vegetables are available by import
or grown in greenhouses in most parts of Norway. Traditional vegetables are most often
served simply boiled.
Turnip, Rutabaga, Carrot, Cabbage, Potato several varieties
Norwegian carrots are naturally very sweet and not bitter at all.
Baking traditions include:
Use of Cardamom in sweet buns
Barley flours used traditionally
Lefse, a potato and rye very thin crepe
Vafler, are waffles (You will find round irons for five heart shaped waffles in a circle in most
Many families make homemade breads and home made jams from summer fruits and berries.
Risengrt, rice pudding or porridge, is often served on Saturdays for lunch. It is made from a
short grained rice cooked in milk until tender and creamy. It is served warm with smrye, a
piece of butter melting in the middle, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon and always with a glass
of Saft, a syrup of red or black currants and sugar, diluted with water. In the older days risengrt
was a very extravagant and costly food. It is made from whole milk, which people rarely could
afford to drink, with butter that usually was sold, and expensive imported ingredients such as
rice, sugar and cinnamon. Traditionally it was only served for Christmas Eve or other special
Rmmegrt og spekemat sour cream porridge and cured meats. This was food for weddings and
celebrations. Sour cream is boiled with wheat flour and some milk until it is thick and the butter
comes out. It is also served with a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon, and accompanied by some
slices of cured ham (spekeskinke), cured sheeps leg (fenalr), or cured sausage (spekeplse).
orway Dishes
Krumkake - This is a traditional waffle cookie in Norway. It is made of eggs, butter, cream, sugar
and flour.
Smalahove - This is a traditional meal that is made from the head of a sheep. It is salted,
smoked, and boiled for a very long time.
Lutefisk - This is a traditional meal for many Nordic countries. It is made from dried cod or
Fiskesuppe - A common fish soup that is milk based. It contains vegetables such as onions,
potoatoes, and carrots.
Svinekoteletter - This favorite is pork chops that have been braised and served with fried onions
and potatoes.
Svinestek - This is a kind of roasted pork that comes with vegetables, potatoes, pickled cabbage
and gravy.
Frikl - This is a stew of mutton that contains cabbage, salt and pepper and is served with
Stekte plser - These are fried sausages. They are served with potatoes, vegetables, peas and
Pickled herring - The pickling is made out of sugar, vinegar, spices and herbs such as onions and
Fiskeboller - This famous dish is fish balls that are made from cod mixed with cream, eggs, mik
and flour. It is a very common Norwegian meal.

Norwegian Drink
Norway Drink
Coffee - This is very common in Norway.
Aquavit - This is an alcoholic drink. In Norway it is spiced with anise and caraway. The most
common include Linie, Gammel, Opland, Lysholm, Gilde Non Plus Ultra and Taffel.
Norwegian beer - Some common brands include Frydenlund, Hansa and Ringnes.
Norwegian Food Traditions
By Connie Whiting, eHow Contributor


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Certain types of Norwegian food frequently are part of a holiday tradition. Many holiday meals
include some type of fish, primarily cod, and lamb often is eaten. Norway is well known for its
Lutefisk and Rommegrot, a sweetened sour cream porridge, eaten on Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day. Special foods appear when seasons change and others can be bought anytime
from a street vendor.
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1. Lutefisk
When people outside of Norway think of Norwegian food, their first thought is of
Lutefisk. Made of dried fish--usually cod-- soaked in lye of potash and water,
Lutefisk is either loved or hated, with no in between. Not a particularly attractive
food with its white mushy gelatin texture, it is still a popular traditional Christmas
food loved by Norway's people. It is usually eaten \with peas or potatoes.
2. Farikal
If Farikal is on the Norwegian dinner table, there's a good chance the days are
getting colder. Farikal, a mutton or lamb and cabbage stew, is a national dish in
Norway. Farikal is usually made with water, but occasionally the Norwegian cook
will use dark beer instead in this traditional autumn stew. Most cooks will make
enough to last several days.
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3. Torrfisk
This food is created by a time-honored process of drying fish, usually cod.
According to the Torrfisk or dried fish as food is falling out of favor
since there are so many fresh fish readily available. The original way of drying
the fish was to hang it from long poles. Today the fish is dried in large,
thermostat-controlled rooms. Most of the dried fish is exported. Some of it is kept
and sold on holidays to use in making Lutefisk. A smaller amount is packaged as
4. Rommegrot
Rommegrot, made from sour cream, flour and milk, has been a favorite food for
hundreds of years. It is not certain how the dish started or who created it, although
the some say the Vikings ate it. It is a Christmas Eve favorite and traditionally
served with butter, milk and sugar.
5. Polse i lompe
Polse i lompe is very similar to the American hot dog. But instead of being served
on a bun, the sausage is wrapped in a potato tortilla type pancake. Polse i lompe is
popular as a fast food and sold from street carts. People also serve it at cookouts
and barbecues. Favorite condiments include mustard and ketchup and the less
familiar prawn mayonnaise.
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