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Rolul femeii in biserica - Victoria Bolfa Otic

Carti (sunt la Areopagus!?)

Trupul i societatea - peter brown,
Inima pustiei - john chryssavgis, Patericul sau Apoftegemele prinilor din pustiu (ed. 2003, 2005, 2007)
BCUT, Patericul ce cuprinde n sine cuvinte folositoare ale sfinilor btrni, Filocalia (12 vol.), Prini i scriitori
bisericeti, Ipolit din Roma. Tradiia apostolic n Canonul ortodoxiei, vol.1 : Canonul apostolic al primelor secole
(Deisis, 2008), Scrieri alese (Convorbiri duhovniceti) - Sf. Ioan Casian, Viaa cuviosului printelui nostru Antonie - Sf.
Atanasie cel Mare (PSB 16, Scrieri, partea a II-a)

Intemeierea crestinismului occidental : triumf si diversitate 200-1000 d.Cr. / Peter Brown (2002) 270.2 BRO - 356 p.
Cultul sfintilor : aparitia si rolul sau in crestinismul latin / Brown, Peter (1995) 235.2 BRO - 195 p.
Gramatica limbii grecesti a Noului Testament / Richardson, Bill & Kovacs, Jovzsef (1997) 487.4 RIC 177 p.
Grammatical aids for students of New Testament greek / Mueller, Walter (1972) 487.4 MUE 86 p.
Cele opt pacate ale omenirii civilizate / Poenaru, Vasile V. (trad.) (1996) 303.45 LOR - 125 p.
O saptamana in Corintul antic / Witherington, Ben, 1951- (2013) 225.922 WIT 145 p.
Iudaismul : origini si istorie / Isidor Epstein. Traducere de Ticu Goldstein. (2003) 296.09 EPS 419 p.
Drama umanismului ateu / Henri De Lubac (2007) 239 DEL - 314 p.
Gradina desfatarilor : o istorie a Paradisului / Jean Delumeau (1997) 236.24 DEL 235 p.
Istoria infernurilor / Georges Minois (1998) 202.309 MIN 400 p.
Imparatia lui Dumnezeu si imparatia cezarului : preambul gnoseologic / Nikolai Berdiaev (1998) 261.7 BER
Ce este autoritatea? Introducere in logica autoritatii / J.M. Bochenski. (1992) 193 BOC
Simbolurile biblice, lexic teologic / Trad. Michaela Slavescu (1997) 220.64 COC
Structura revolutiilor stiintifice / Bogdan, Radu (trad.) (2008) 501 KUH
Marile doctrine morale / Hubert Grenier (1995) 170.1 GRE - 174 p.
Tratat de morala : dupa virtute / Alasdair MacIntyre (1998) 170.1 MAC 280 p.
Iisus de-a lungul secolelor : locul Lui in istoria culturii / Jaroslav Pelikan (2000) 232.09 PEL 308 p.
Etica protestantismului si spiritul capitalismului / Max Weber (2007) 261.5 WEB 297 p.

Cartea imaginilor / Rainer Maria Rilke (2004) 839 RIL 161 p.

O patrie noua si un neam mare : exegeza naratiunilor despre patriarhi / Tatu, Silviu (2011) 222.116 TAT 329 p.
100 cele mai importante carti din istoria omenirii / Seymour-Smith, Martin (2007) 809 SEY 500 p.
Hristos in gandirea crestina rasariteana / John Meyendorff (1997) 232 MEY 232 p.
Teologia bizantina / John Meyendorff (1996) 230.19 MEY 317 p.
Universul lui Dumnezeu / Owen Gingerich (2010) 215 GIN 155 p.
220.13 Con2013 Puterea evangheliei: Pledoarie pentru Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu Constantineanu, Corneliu
261.8 Con2013 Traiti in pace: Dimensiunea sociala a reconcilierii in teologia paulina Constantineanu, Corneliu
230.19 Iacob si ingerul: 45 de ipostaze ale faptului religios
261 Bac1999 Ispita binelui: Eseuri despre urbanitatea credintei
233.5 Bac1996 Rasul patriarhilor
233.5 Rasul patriarhilor: O antropologie a deriziunii in patristica rasariteana
155.28 Ili2006 Chestionarele nonverbale de personalitate Iliescu, Dragos, et al.
266. Kuz2011 Imparatia lui Dumnezeu si misiunea bisericii: Provocari si transformari ale misiunii crestine in con
Kuzmic, Peter

241.672 Tri2013 Razboiul vorbelor: Abordarea problemelor de comunicare Tripp, Paul David
270.82 Yon2012 Penticostalismul global: Traiectorii teologice si impact social Yong, Amos
302.54 Asa-zisul rau: Despre istoria naturala a agresiunii
Lorenz, Konrad
303.45 Cele opt pacate capitale ale omenirii civilizate Lorenz, Konrad
701 Stil, simbol, structura: Studii despre categorii de istoria artei Dittmann, Lorenz
199.498092 Eseu despre Cioran Savater, Fernando
106 Intrebarile vietii Savater Fernando
320.01 Politica pentru fiul meu Savater, Fernando
174.2 Fiinta contra fiinta in era biotehnologiei
Wyatt, John

Humanitas, Casa Cartii, polirom dar de la o carte

Peterca, Vladimir
Nikolai Berdiaev
Vladimir Soloviov
Vladimir Losski
Pavel Florensky
Vladimir Soloviov
Weber, Max
Jaroslav Pelikan

Interpretare narativa in teologia paulina / Constantineanu, Corneliu, 1967- (2009) 227.066 CON

Prima tur (15 lei) 883 p. = 442 pag. xeroxate * 0,035 RON = 15,47 RON
Trilogia / Francis A. Schaeffer (2002) 239 SCH - 386 p.
Rolurile femeii / Editor : Shirley Lees (2004) 261.8344 LEE - 277 p.
O istorie a bibliei ebraice / Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu (2006) 221.95 VLA - 220 p.
Tura a doua (24 lei) 711 p. = 355 pag. xeroxate* 0,035 RON = 12,42 RON
Gramatica limbii grecesti a Noului Testament / Richardson, Bill & Kovacs, Jovzsef (1997) 487.4 RIC 177 p.
Grammatical aids for students of New Testament greek / Mueller, Walter (1972) 487.4 MUE 86 p.
It's still greek to me : an easy-to-understand guide to intermediate greek / Black, David Alan (1998) 487.4 BLA
191 p.
Using New Testament greek in ministry : a practical guide for students and pastors / Black, David Alan (1994) - 487.4
BLA 120 p.
Muzica rock : cea mai importanta revolutie a muzicii din secolul 20 / Kohli, Walter (2009) 781.66 KOH - 137 p.

Dimensiunea sociala a Evangheliei / Constantineanu, Corneliu (ed.) Contac, Emanuel (ed.) (2011) 227 CON
Puterea Evangheliei : pledoarie pentru Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu / Constantineanu, Corneliu, 1967- (2013) 220.13
Religie si societatea in Europa: secularizarea in secolele al XIX-lea si XX, 1780 -2000; / Rene Remond. (2003) 261.5
Credinciosi legamantului : repere isagogice si teologice in studiul cartii Estera / Ganea, Romulus Vasile, (2013)
222.97 GAN
Sacrul in istoria religioasa a omenirii / Utale, Roxana (trad.) (2000) 291.1 RIE
Impactul si credibilitatea crestinismului / Francis A. Schaeffer. (1998) 261 SCH
Originile traditiei mistice crestine : de la Platon la Dionisie Areopagitul / Andrew Louth (2002) 248.229 LOU
Etica procreatiei in invatatura Sfintilor Parinti / Bojin, Marinela (trad.) (2003) 241 LAR

Cele mai frumoase povestiri din Biblie : primul legamant / Brosteanu, Monica (trad.) Baltaceanu, Francisca
(trad.) (2013) 220.9505 BRO
Biblie si istorie : iudaism, elenism, crestinism / Baslez, Marie-Francoise (2007) 220.95 BAS
Religia in democratie : o dilema a modernitatii / Ungureanu, Camil (ed.) (2011) 261.7 UNG
Cum se face o teza da licenta : disciplinele umaniste / Umberto Eco (2006) 868 ECO
Cum se crie un text stiintific : disciplinele umaniste / Ilie Rad (2008) 808.1 RAD
Metode si tehnici de exprimare scrisa si orala / Gilles Ferreol, Noel Flageul (1998) 808 FER
Muzica rock : cea mai importanta revolutie a muzicii din secolul 20 / Kohli, Walter (2009) 781.66 KOH - 137 p.
Evaluarea repertoriului de cantece al Miscarii Penticostale Romanesti, volumul 1 / Emima Stan (2009) 264.2 STA
246 p.
Geneza : relevanta dezbaterii dintre creationisti si evolutionisti pentru societatea zilelor noastre / Andy
McIntosh (2004) 222.116 MCI - 192 p. ???????
Invitatie la predicare biblica : proclamarea adevarului cu claritate / Donald R. Sunukjian (2011) 251 SUN - 380 p.
Miturile fondatoare ale antisemitisului : din antichitate pana in zilele noastre / Carol Iancu (2005) 305.892 IAN
303 p.
The historical Jesus : five views / Beilby, James K (ed.) & Eddy, Paul Rhodes (ed.) (2010) 232.908 BEI - 312 p.
Perspectives on spirit baptism : 5 views / Horton, Stanley M; Hart, Larry; Del Colle, Ralph; Dunning, H. Ray; Kaiser,
Walter C., Jr; (2004) 234.13 BRA - xiii + 338 p.
Sub semnul indoielii / Norman Geisler, Thomans Howe (2004) 220.6 GEI 423 p.
From sabath to Lord's day : a biblical, historical and theological investigation / Carson, D. A. (ed.) (1999) 263.3 CAR
444 p.

Pillar New Testament Commentary Series

The first letter to the Corinthians / Ciampa, Roy E. (2010) 227.27 CIA - liv + 922 p.
The letter of James / Douglas J. Moo (2000) 227.917 MOO - xvi + 271 p.
The letters of 2 Peter and Jude / Peter H. Davids (2006) - xxxii + 348 p.

C.S. Lewis
Despre lumea aceasta si despre alte lumi / C. S. Lewis (2011) 242 LEW
Treburi ceresti : lecturi zilnice, vol. 1 / Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 (2005) 242.2 LEW
Treburi ceresti : lecturi zilnice, vol. 2 / Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 (2005) 242.2 LEW
Anatomia unei dureri / Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963 (2014) 248.86 LEW

Theologia Socialis Series

Plural M
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament Series
The New International Greek Testament Commentary Series
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament Series
The New International Commentary on the New Testament Series
Word Biblical Commentary Series
The Pillar New Testament Commentary Series
The International Critical Commentary Series
Counterpoints : Bible & Theology

Socio-Rhetorical Commentary Series

Paul's letter to the Philippians : a socio-rhetorical commentary / Ben Witherington (2011) 227.67 WIT
Conflict and community in Corinth : a socio - rhetorical commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians / Witherington, Ben
(1995) 227.27 WIT
The Acts of the apostles : a socio-rhetorical commentary / Witherington, Ben (1998) 226.67 WIT
1 and 2 Thessalonians : a socio-rhetorical commentary / Witherington, Ben (2006) 227.817 WIT
Paul's letter to the Romans : a socio-rhetorical commentary / Witherington, Ben & Hyatt, Darlene (2004) 227.17

Rethinking the synoptic problem / David Alan Black and David R. Beck (eds.) (2001) 226.066 BLA 160 p.
Acts : an exegetical commentary, vol. 1, 1:1-2:47 / Craig S. Keener (2012) 226.67 KEE - xlii + 1038 p.
Interpreting the parables / Craig L. Blomberg (1990) 226.86 BLO
Teach us to pray : prayer in the Bible and the world / Carson, D. A. (ed.) (1990) 248.32 CAR
The Church in the Bible and the world : an international study / Carson, D. A. (ed.) (2002) 262 CAR
Theological roots of Pentecostalism / Dayton , Donald W. (1987) 270.82 DAY
The gift of prophecy in the New Testament and today / Grudem, Wayne A. (1990) 225.15 GRU
The Old Testament in early christianity : canon and interpretation in the light of modern research / Ellis, Earle
E. (1992) 221.6 ELL - xiii + 188 p.
Gift & Giver: the Holy Spirit for today / Keener, Craig S., (2001) 234.13 KEE - 224 p.

Paul in conflict with the veil : an alternative interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 / Thomas Schirrmacher ;
forword by Hans-Georg Wunch (2002) 227.26 SCH - 120 p. (o am in format pdf)
Hide and seek : jewish women and hair covering / Schreiber, Lynne (2003) 296.74 SCH - 224 p.
Two views on women in ministry / Blomberg, Craig L. Keener, Craig S. Schreiner, Thomas R. (2005) 262.14 BEC - 359
The Role - Relationship of Men & Women : New Testament Teaching / George W. Knight III (1985) 261.834 KNI x+95 p.
Jewish women in Greco-Roman Palestine : an inquiry into image and status / Tal Ilan. (1996) 296.082 ILA - xiii, 229

Free to stay at home : a woman's alternative / Horton, Marilee (1983) 248.843 HOR - 177 p.

Limba greac
It's still greek to me : an easy-to-understand guide to intermediate greek / Black, David Alan (1998) 487.4 BLA
191 p.
Using New Testament greek in ministry : a practical guide for students and pastors / Black, David Alan (1994) - 487.4
BLA 120 p.
Gramatica limbii grecesti a Noului Testament / Richardson, Bill & Kovacs, Jovzsef (1997) 487.4 RIC 177 p.
Learn to read the greek New Testament : and approach to New Testament greek based on linguistic
principles / Powers, Ward (1983) 487.4 POW 336 p.
Grammatical aids for students of New Testament greek / Mueller, Walter (1972) 487.4 MUE 86 p.
Greek enchiridion : a concise handbook of grammar for transliteration and exegesis / MacDonald, William
Graham (1986) 487.4 MAC - 218 p.
Basics of biblical greek : grammar / Mounce, William D. (1999) 487.4 MOU - viii + 459 p.
A manual grammar of the greek New Testament / Dana, H. E. & Mantey, Julius R. (1955) 478.4 DAN - xvi + 368 p.

Textual criticism
The text of New Testament : an introduction to the critical editions and to the theory and practice of modern textual
criticism / Aland, Kurt & Aland, Barbara (1989) 225.48 ALA - xvii + 366 p.
The text of the New Testament : its transmission, corruption, and restoration / Bruce Manning Metzger (1968)
225.48 MET - ix + 284 p.
The text of the New Testament in contemporary research : essays on the status questionis - a volume in honor of
Bruce M. Metzger / Ehrman, Bart D., (ed.) & Holmes, Michael W. (ed.) (1995) 225.48 EHR - xiv + 401 p.
Codex sinaiticus : the story of the world's oldest Bible / D. C. Parker 220.6 PAR - xi + 195 p.
The making of the New Testament documents / Ellis, E. Earle (2002) 225.66 ELL - xxiii + 517 p. Bailey, Kenneth E

Analiza comparativ ntre nchinarea i cntarea de laud din timpurile biblice, Cre
tinismul timpuriu

i Bisericile Penticosta
le Romne
Editura MediaMusica, Cluj
ISBN 978
4 vol. 2
Emima Stan

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