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Spondiloza cervicala reprezinta una din formele de localizare ale reumatismului degenerativ al
coloanei vertebrale. Ea are o evolutie lenta, se accentueaza odata cu varsta si este caracterizata
prin dureri in umeri, care coboara pe brat pana la degete uneori.

Boala poate fi ameliorata si chiar tratata prin kinetoterapie. Inainte de inceperea programului de
gimnastica medicala se poate face un masaj sau automasaj cu efect calmant la nivelul cefei si
chiar pe omoplati si umeri. In situatia de rigiditate cervicala se fac miscari care sa mareasca
mobilitatea la acest nivel, sa activeze circulatia locala si sa elimine produsul de uzura. Daca
coloana cervicala este destul de mobila, se fac exercitii pentru intarirea musculaturii, in vederea
cresterii stabilitatii ei.
Semnele spondilozei cervicale. Vezi si cum poate fi tratata boala

Programul de gimnastica medicala se practica zilnic, de regula dimineata la desteptare, sub

forma de gimnastica de inviorare si dureaza 15-20 de minute. La nevoie se mai poate repeta in
timpul zilei.
Inainte de a incepe exercitiile care sa mobilizeze segmentul cervical este bine sa se faca cateva
miscari cu membrele si trunchiul pentru a incalzi organismul si a face ca miscarile cervicale sa
fie mai usor suportate. Exercitiile se fac din pozitiile stand, sezand pe genunchi si culcat. In
regiunea cervicala se pot efectua miscarile de flexie, extensie, indoiri, rasuciri si rotari ale
capului si gatului, in ritm lent.
Odihna se face pe un pat tare, pozitia culcat pe spate, fara perna, cu un sul sub ceafa.
Sunt contraindicate miscarile bruste in segmentul cervical, mai ales cand muschii sunt rigizi si
durerosi. Iata cateva exercitii fizice pentru spondiloza cervicala:

1. Stand cu mainile pe solduri se efectueaza rotari ale umerilor executate in ambele sensuri, de
cate 10-15 ori in fiecare sens.
2. Aceeasi pozitie: ducerea bratelor prin lateral sus si lasarea capului pe spate: revenire in pozitia
initiala. Se executa de 15 ori.
3. Stand departat cu mainile pe ceafa: ducerea lenta a capului pe spate cu barbia inainte si
revenire. Se repeta de 10-15 ori.
4. Stand departat: ridicarea si coborarea umerilor in ritm lent, de 10-15 ori.
5. Sezand pe scaun cu spatele rezemat de spatar si mainile pe solduri: flexia capului executata
lent cu inspiratie-expiratie. Se excuta de 10-12 ori cu maximum de amplitudine.
6. Aceeasi pozitie: indoirea trunchiului si a gatului spre stanga si inspiratie; revenire in pozitia
initiala cu expiratie si apoi spre dreapta. Se executa de 10-12 ori.
7. Aceeasi pozitie: rasucirea capului si a gatului spre stanga, revenire si se repeta spre dreapta. Se
excuta de 10-12 ori.
8. Aceeasi pozitie: rotatia ampla si lenta a capului si a gatului spre stanga si dreapta. Se excuta de
5-6 ori fiecare.
9. Culcat pe spate cu bratele pe langa corp: ducerea bratelor prin inaite peste cap, cu inclestarea
degetelor si intinderea coloanei vertebrale (elongatie); revenire in pozitia initiala. Exercitiul se
repeta de 10-15 ori.
10. Aceeasi pozitie: rasucirea trunchiului spre stanga ajungand in culcat cu fata in jos; revenire si
se executa spre dreapta. Se repeta de cate cinci ori in fiecare parte.
11. Culcat cu fata in jos, cu mainile inclestate in spate: extensia capului si a gatului, departand
barbia de corp si ducerea bratelor sus-inapoi cu inspiratie profunda; revenire cu expiratie. Se
excuta lent de 10-15 ori.
12. Aceeasi pozitie: rasucirea corpului si a gatului spre stanga si apoi spre dreapta. Se executa
alternativ de 10-12 ori.
13. Culcat cu fata in jos, mainile in dreptul umerilor: extensia capului si a gatului, odata cu
intinderea bratelor si revenire in pozitia initiala. Se repeta de 7-8 ori.
14. Aceeasi pozitie: rasucirea capului si a gatului spre stanga, cu inspiratie si mentinerea pozitiei

5 secunde; revenire cu expiratie si se repeta spre dreapta. Se executa de cate 5-6 ori in fiecare
15. Aceeasi pozitie: rotari ale capului si gatului in ambele sensuri, timp de un minut.
16. Sezand pe scaun cu spatele rezemat de spatar: flexia capului cu ducerea genunchiului stang la
piept si apropierea de cap; revenirea si se executa la fel cu dreptul. Se repeta de 5-6 ori cu fiecare
17. Stand departat cu mainile pe solduri: rasucirea capului si a gatului spre stanga cu arcuire;
revenire si se repeta spre dreapta. Se excuta de 10-15 ori in ritm lent.
18. Mers prin camera cu ridicarea alternativa a cate unui genunchi la piept cu ajutorul mainilor si
apropierea capului de el, la 5 pasi. Se executa 1-2 minute.
19. Mers prin camera cu rasucirea trunchiului spre stanga si apoi spre dreapta, la 5 pasi, cu
ducerea mainilor la ceafa si rasucirea capului. Se executa 1-2 minute.


Spondylosis is a term meaning to degenerative Osteo Arthritis of the

joints between the center of the spinal vertebrae and or neural foramina
resulting pain parasthecia etc. If it is occurs on cervical vertebrae it is called Cervical

spondylosis.So this is a diseases of elderly (more than 40 years) where there is degeneration of
the apophysial joints and inter-vertebral disc joints with osteophyte formation and associated
with or without neurological signs.
With the progressing of age in the spine disc gradually breakdown and degeneration occurs. As
the age advances disc begins to loses its water content,elasticity begins to weakens and age
related wear and tear affecting the cervical vertebrae,cause settling and collapse of the disc space
and loss of the disc space height.

As the facet joint experiences increased pressure they also begins to degenerate and develops
arthritis. Resulting in bone rubbing. for this mechanism body develops some preventing
measures as a result growing new bones in facet joins to help support, further result as spur. It
may narrow space between the vertebrae (stenosis). Due to age and some other factors brings
down the calcification leading to extra bone formation known as osteophytes.
Due to trauma, pressure etc some factors like intra vertebral disc herniation may also result to
cause this disease.

The disc are made up of two concentric layers,the inner gel likeannulus
pulposes and outer annulus fibroses. As a result of advancing age and other precipitating causes
the nucleus loses fluid volume and resulting the entire disc structure become more susceptible to
trauma compression (dehydration of the disc). The disc is then highly vulnerable to tears and
wears. as a results inner annulus pulposes protrudes thereby fibrosis layer produce bulges in the
disc (herniated disc) cause compression to the spinal cord and nerve root.when space narrows
compression of nerve root emerging from spinal nerve may result radiculopathy (sensory and
motor disturbances), direct pressure on the spinal cord may result myelopathy, weakness, gait
disturbances, loss of bowel and bladder control. may experience phenomena of numbness or
burning sensation on hand and legs.



Incorrect posture while sleeping and working.

Excess intake of sour and spicy food- cause to early degeneration.


Smoking- tends to increase the disease and other symptoms.

Occupational- reduced physical activity, sedentary habit, stress,

Repetitive strain injury (RSI)- caused due to lifestyle without ergonomic care (while
working in front of computer), travelling, etc.


Cold food, direct exposure of wind, heavy meal at night time, heavy exercise, use of
improper pillow, lack of sleep at night and sleeping during day time, etc may aggravate the

Pain and stiffness of neck and shoulder.

Radiating shoulder pain to arms and upper part of chest.

Tingling and pricking pain in arms and hand.

Difficulty in writing , holding objects etc.

Abnormal reflexes and irritability and lack of co-ordination, movements aggravates pain.

Nausea (vomiting sensation), blurred vision, loss of memory, sleeping, giddiness on jerky
neck movements.

General tiredness and anxiety.


Feel or hear grinding or popping in neck.

Symptoms aggravated in sometimes, worsened by looking up or down for a long time or with
activities like long driving, reading etc. Subsides with rest or lying down. these may worsened in
early morning while waking up from bed.
It is an associated symptom, but a different condition. pain in muscles following spasm
associated with morning stiffness, disturbed sleep, a feeling of swelling, some points are tender
and when palpated produce pain.But it is not associated with muscle weakness. The pain is
severe and it is localized to certain points in skeletal muscles, particularly the large muscles of

neck and shoulder girdle, arms and thigh. Tender nodules can be felt in the muscle tissue, which
serve as a trigger points. Many of the patients are tense sedentary women.
Through inspection and investigation is needed to diagnose this case. A detailed inspection and
palpation is needed to locate any swelling and tenderness. Tenderness is a positive sign for
cervical spondylosis .
it is needed to know that the exact location of pain, onset (gradual), occurrence, character and
severity, aggravating and relieving conditions, etc.
History should be asked.

Inspect and palpate the spine for deformity and for cervical rib.

Peripheral pulses in detail.

Movement of cervical spine and shoulder joint.

CNS examination-motor, sensory and reflex change.

Respiratory symptoms for pancoast tumor , TB.

Spurlings test- rotate the patients head and placing downward pressure on it. a positive
sign is neck or shoulder pain on he ipsilateral side. Radicular symptoms on extension and lateral
rotation of neck due to narrowing of inter vertebral foramina.

Lhermitte sign- feeling of electrical shock with neck flexion.

AP and LATERAL view of neck x-ray is useful to find any spur, reduction in space,ostoephyte
formation, and cervical rib formation.

CTHelps to view bone and spinal canal.

Get better image of soft tissue, spinal cord compression if any, degree of compression etc.


Injecting due or contrast material into spinal canal for evaluating spinal canal and nerve root.

Nerve conducting study and EMG for evaluating nerve damage and pinching.
BLOOD TEST: To rule out any other diseases,
Neck pain may be due to spinal causes, extra spinal causes, or due to myalgia, etc.
Spinal- mechanical (OA, herniation)
Inflammatory (RA, polymyalgia rheumatica)
Metabolic (osteoporosis)
Spinal (metastasis)
ExtraspinalBrachial plexus pain.
Injury, Peri arthritis, bursitis, pancoat tumour of lung, soft tissue rheumatic pain, trauma.
CTS- carpel tunnel syndrome
Coronary artery disease.

C5 over deltoids, +/- index and thumb

C6 thumb, index finger, radial hand, forearm

Lateral arm and medial scapula.
Lateral forearm,thumb,index


C7 middle finger, dorsum of forearm

Posterior forearm, dorsal

forearm,lateral hand

C8 little finger, medial hand, forearm


Chronic neck pain.

Progressive loss of muscle function or feeling.

4th 5th finger,medial forearm.

Inability to retain feces and urine (fecal or urinary incontinence).

If spinal cord is effected there will loss of balance and loss of bladder control and bowel
control,muscle weakness,sensory loss, and gait disturbances.
TREATMENTS: (all these should be used as directed by the physician)
Hot fomentation is beneficial, hot and cold therapy and gentle massage is helpful. Violent
massage with deep pressure is very harmful for the patient. Only gentle massage over the
muscles of the neck and shoulder joint should be applied which directed outwards that is from
the neck towards the shoulders.
Physical therapy:
Strengthening and stretching of weakened or strained muscles.
Traction and postural therapy.
Acetaminophen- mild pain

NSAIDs with Acetaminophen

Ibuprofen and naproxen (pain, swelling)
muscle relaxant like cyclobenzoprene, or corisoprodol.
Soft collars- limit neck motion and give rest. only for short duration. long term duration will
cause to muscle weakness.
Ice heat and other modalities, steroid based injections- will reduce pain.

CERVICAL EPIDURAL BLOCKSteroid and anaesthetic medicines is injected into space next to covering of spinal cord. (for neck
arm pain due to herniation).

cervical epidural injection

Steroid and anaesthetic medicines is injected into the capsule of the facet joint. the facet joints
are located in the back of neck and provide stability and movement, can develop arthritic
changes that may contribute to neck pain.
This procedure is used in some cases of chronic pain.can be used for both diagnosis and
treatment of a potentially painful joints. During diagnosis portion the nerve that supplies the
facet joints is blocked with local anaesthetic and check if pain neck pain is completely gone.If so
that point is pinpointed the source of neck pain.Next step is to block the pain permanently by
damaging the nerve radio frequency, A procedure called radio frequency ablation.Although less
invasive than surgery. Steroid based injection are prescribed only after a complete evaluation by
the physician.
Before considering these injunctions discuss with a good doctor about risk and benefits of these
procedures for your specific conditions.


It is preserved only for the patients who have sever pain that has not been relieved by other
treatment. Some patients with severe pain will unfortunately not be candidates of surgery. This is
due to the widespread nature of there arthritis other medical problems or other causes for their
pain such as fibromyalgia. People who have progressive neurological symptoms such as
weakness, numbness or falling are more likely to be helped by surgery.
Mild exercise is beneficial for first stages of diseases. Vigorous diseases are not advisable to
these patients.One should always start gradually mild exercises in beginning. And gradually
increasing the types and time.There are many types of exercises which mainly concentrates on
cervical region.Exercise flexion of neck, extension, rotation etc.



The Ayurvedic medicines are for prevention and therapeutic purposes. The basic treatment of
Ayurveda is based on the principle of balancing three doshas namely VAATA, PITHA, and

KAPHA. In a healthy individual these three are in a balanced proportion and are mainly have the
functions like movement, change and metabolism, growth and stability respectively. If there is
any change in the nature of the three will cause disease.These functions in a state of equilibrium
lead to the health and in-equilibrium lead to disease. The treatments in Ayurveda is aimed at
restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying in-equilibrium by the treatment
like shodhana(purification and elimination), samana(pacification), yoga and naturopathy, By
changing the lifestyle and food habit, by maintaining and increasing the spiritual, mental,
physical well being, through panchakarma therapies etc.
In these particular disease treatment treatment comprises of three approaches shamana chikitsaThis includes various drugs are administered to a person to bring the three doshas in equilibrium.
This is the choice of the treatment in the persons where panchakarma is not advises. (very young
children or very old peoples, or patients who cannot follow strict rules of diet and life styles etc.
shodhana treatmentThis means removing excess doshas in the body the cause ailments by means
ofpanchakarma. These treatments are double edged swords and need to be undertaken with lot
of care. Done correctly they provide quick relief from the symptoms but would prove hazardous
if done incorrectly. Also before and after undergoing the panchakarma a person has to strictly
follow the diet and lifestyle advised by the physician for a few days. Even if the shodhana
therapy done correctly if a patient not follow correct diet and regiment it will cause other
Rasayana therapyCorrection of the entities responsible for altered functioning and rejuvenation of the bodily tissue
to regain and maintain natural strength and vitality.
According to Ayurveda this disease can be correlate to as APABAHUKA or GREEVA SANDHI
GATA VAATA. Vata the principle of movement is the predominant function with nervous system
and musculoskeletal system. any problem relating to these systems are predominantly caused by
vata vitiation. The vitiation of vaata is caused mainly by the two mechanisms. One of them is the

obstruction of vata to there proper functioning and channel by kapha and pitha, and the second
one is increase of vaata independently.The obstruction of vaata will result symptoms and disease
like inflammation and fibromyalgia etc as in this case. Aggravation of vata will result some
degenerative process,herniated disc, etc.
Treatments in Ayurveda:
Ayurveda treatment protocol is primarily focused on normalizing the vitiated and obstructed vata
by means of shodhana and shamana therapy, and to rejuvenate the effected tissue. Since these
conditions may also related to the stress, etc recommends a holistic approach with medicines and
therapies, life style modifications and diet minimal exercises and yoga.
The therapeutic approach to the two types of vitiation is different.If vata obstruct due to other
doshas as in the case of elimination, fibromyalgia etc, Correcting them through
shodhana(elimination) and shamana(pacification)is the methods to be adopted. If vaata alone act
as in the case of degeneration, etc use medication which arrest the degeneration and further
degenerative process, and give rejuvenation therapy.
The treatment can be advised in OP and IP level.
According to the treatment given these disease can be categorised in to three stages.
1st stage- Early progressive stage. only slight symptoms like slight pain occasionally, stiffness
there. in these stage should treat the patient with vata-kapha hara medicines and therapies.
2nd stage- Here patient should treated with vata-pitha hara medicines and therapies. In these
stage symptoms like pain during movement of neck, stiffness, pain on back of the head, radiating
pain to shoulders and arm etc can seen.
3rd stage- Consider as the last stage. in these stage symptoms like nausea, gait disturbances,
bladder and bowel incontinence, giddiness etc may be seen. Here purevaata hara treatment is

Prasaranyadi kashaya

Maharasnadi kashaya

Naadee kashaya

Kasaya prepaird with dashamoola and amukkuram

Vidaryadi kashaya
Arishta and asava:




Parinatha kera ksheeradi oil.

Karpasathyadi tailam.

Balaguduchyadi- for head

Bala aswagandhadi - for head

Ksheerabala ( 101)- internally.(can also be used as nasya)

Balahadadi cocunut oil- for head

Dhanwanthaaram kuzhampu

Gulikas :

Yogaraja gulgulu


Gandha tailam cap

With kottam chukkadi churna etc
Small types pf treatments like elakkizhi, fomentation etc.


Nasya with ksheerabala etc.


Naranga kizhi.

Taila dhara

Greeva vasthi with dhanwantharam+murivenna.

Podikkizhi with sathahwadi churna etc.


With all these types of treatments according to the condition of the disease and the patient also
should undergone strict exercise and life style. By all these medicines and treatments it is found
that very useful to cervical spondylosis and can arrest further progression.
Few yoga postures are restricted for particular complaints. One should start gradually by
following few mild process in beginning and gradually increase the steps to relive from pain and
to enhance the quality of life style. few yogas are explained here.
PADMASANACross the legs keeps the thighs such that both the heels are near the navel. breath normally.It will
calms the body and mind. strengthens the nerves and muscles.

Keeps the palms besides the chest. While inhaling raise head and chest up to navel.keep elbows
folded near the body. Breath normally. While exhaling return to normal.
It helps to relieve back pain, diabetes, asthma, neck pain.


Inhale raise both the legs, exhale press the legs against abdomen touching the chin between the
knees.Breath normally,inhale , release the legs while exhaling, return. repeat head should rest on
Helps in curing constipation, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity,joint pains, and flatulence.In
case of neck and shoulder pains.

While inhaling lift both legs. Breath normally and exhale as you return.Keeping the knees
Prevents gas formation and strengthens muscles of legs, back, shoulders and varicose veins.
Avoid in back pain, lumbar spondylosis, knee pain, ulcer, abdominal surgery.

Here in this picture only mentioned one leg only keep practicing with both leg.

In the supine position relax the whole body and concentrate only on the breathing.
Helps in controlling heart problems, high blood pressure insomnia, and mental tension.this
should be performed at the end of yogasana.

Keep both the hands under the thighs, inhale lift both the legs. Exhale and return.
strengthens the lungs, abdominal organs, sciatic nerves, prostate glands, kidney etc. Avoid in
hernia ulcer and cardiac problems.

This is a type of respiratory exercises, some of them are anuloma viloma, nadi shodhana,
bhramari. etc.
Diet therapy, fasting therapy, mud therapy, hydro therapy, etc.

Life style exposure to cold and cold bath etc, very violent exercises of the neck muscles
including pressure, are very bad for the patients of cervical spondylosis. While reading and
writing should maintain a comfortable posture. Give rest and movement to the neck after a long
sitting in front of the computer,long driving. Always try to keep spine and neck in erect position
while sitting, walking, sleeping etc.
Avoid very hot and cold and spicy food items ( avoid its continuous usage).
Sleep well at night, give exercise and proper rest for body and mind.
If any disturbance occurs consult a doctor.
Practice exercise like yoga that will help to calm the body and mind.

!!! Relief From Pain!!!



The Spine



Massage Techniques



Spinal Transplant

Auxillary Treatment





To an extent, we all develop a degree of degeneration in the vertebrae

and discs as we become older. As the 'discs' degenerate, over many
years they become thinner. Sometimes the adjacent vertebrae develop
small, rough areas of bone on their edges. The nearby muscles,
ligaments, and nerves may become irritated by these degenerative
changes which can cause troublesome symptoms.
What Is Cervical Spine ?

The cervical spine is made up of small circular bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other. Between each vert

is an intervertebral disc which acts like a shock absorber and allows flexibility of the spine. Muscles and ligamen
between, and are attached to, the vertebrae. Nerves from the spinal cord pass between the vertebrae going to the
shoulder, neck, arm, and upper chest.

Reach your right arm over your head so that your palm is on top of your skull, your fingers
resting just above the left ear. Allow the weight of your arm, along with light fingertip pressure,
to gently bend the head toward your right shoulder (fig.1). Do not strain. Check to make sure
your shoulders are still relaxed. You should be looking forward. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
Move your fingers toward the back left corner of your skull, this time allowing your head to bend
forward and to the right, about 45 degrees in front of your shoulder (fig.2).
Hold for 30 seconds. Now place your fingers at the back of your skull and gently pull your head
straight forward, toward your chest (fig.3). Hold for 30 seconds. Switch hands and repeat the
stretches in reverse order: Pull forward, then 45 degrees in front of your left shoulder, and finally
directly over your left shoulder. Do not push your head backward. Do an isometric push against
your hand to strengthen the neck. Hold your left palm against the left side of your head(fig.4).
Push your left hand against your head while also pushing your head toward your left hand at

about half strength. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with your right hand on the right side of the
head. Do the same exercise, using either hand, with the back of the head (fig.5) and the
forehead (fig.6).


Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) can worsen the problem. As the pose drops your chin toward

chest, it makes it very easy to completely flatten the cervical curve or even curve the neck i

wrong direction. So, if you have a fairly recent, still painful, and acute neck injury like whip

from an auto accident, avoid Shoulderstand. It would only exacerbate the injury, and practic
soon could significantly prolong your healing time.


Half circles in the front can be done instead. To do this, first drop your chin to your chest. M

chin towards the right shoulder then back to your chest. Then move your chin towards the l
shoulder and back towards the chest. Repeat this movement three to five times.

If you continue to have a neck pain, your first task is to learn to reestablish a normal curve in as
many situations as possible: sitting at your desk, standing in line at the grocery store, lying in
bed.If done properly, all backward bends except Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
engage your neck extensor muscles.

Asanas like Salabhasana (Locust Pose) and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) backbends in which
the weight of the head is lifted against gravity provide the most strengthening benefits for the
back of the neck muscles. However, as you practice these asanas, see that you pull your shoulder
blades away from your ears and do not to compress the back of your neck. Try to feel as if the
cervical curve is distributed evenly throughout your entire neck and you're stretching your neck,

even as you bend it backwards.

Chest Expander
Stand up with your feet close together. Bring your hands behind your back and interlace your
fingers. Tuck your tailbone in, so you dont arch your low back too much. As you inhale, lift
your hands away from your tailbone. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and you lift your
arms and stay in this position for 3-4 breaths. On your next exhale, lower your arms back down.
This exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your upper back and relieve tension in your upper
back and shoulders.

Arm Lifts
Bring your arms straight out in front of you with your palms facing each other. As you inhale,
reach your arms overhead, bringing your arms next to your ears, if you can do so without any
pain. As you exhale, bring your arms back down in front of you. Repeat 4-8 times. This helps to
relieve tension and build strength in the muscles in the upper back.
Press It
Place the palms of your hand against the back of your head and gently press while resisting with
your head. Hold for a count of ten. Repeat with your palm on your forehead.

Treatment For Cervical Spondylosis

Treatment -TYPE A
Exercise your neck and keep active and aim to keep your neck moving as normally as possible.
As far as possible, continue with normal activities. In the past, some people have worn a neck
collar for long periods when a flare-up of neck pain developed. It is now known that if you wear
a collar for long periods it may cause the neck to 'stiffen up'. So, try to keep your it as active as
Professionals who spend hours doing desk work or in front off the computers should take small
breaks in between and try and do simple neck exercises. Some of those neck pains and stiffness
which does not improve in spite of exercise and medication are most certainly due to stress.
When a person is in constant stress the muscles in the neck goes into spasm and causes pain and
stiffness in the neck so it is very important for the doctor to identify the cause and treat it
Read more on neck pain and stiffness and learn specific neck strengthening exercises with
Treatment - Homeopathy-TYPE B
The symptoms may last for several months or years. Most of the time if symptoms are mild, the
doctor may recommend rest, medication, and physical therapy.
Rest - may need to wear a soft cervical collar or neck brace to limit neck motion to relieve nerve
Medication -medications or other non-narcotic pain relievers to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
Physical therapy - Hot and cold cervical traction or active exercise program to relieve pain
When the symptoms are too severe, most of the doctors may recommend surgery. Chiropractic is
another alternative of healing for cervical spondylosis treatment.

The most commonly used medicines used are

Rhus Tox ..Pain and stiffness in the nape of the neck pain between the shoulders, Kalmia..pain
from the neck down the arms,pain extending to the shoulder blades Conium.. with giddiness.
Other commonly used medicines are causticum,calcarea phos,calcarea flour,nux,hypericum.


Treatment - Aurvedic - TYPE C

Any external massage is not of much use. Violent massage with deep pressure is very harmful for
the spondylosis patient. Only gentle massage over the muscles of the neck and shoulder joints
should be applied and for this purpose Mahanarayan taila is best suited. This gentle massage can
be given 2-3 times a day .
In winter season; this medicated oil should be gently warmed before application. Guggulu, gum
resin extracted from the plant is the best medicine for the treatment of cervical spondylosis.
Ayurvedic physicians for the treatment of this condition popularly use a compound preparation
named as simhanada guggulu. It is given in a dose of 2-4 tablets, 4 times a day. Usually hot water
or hot milk id given to the patient after the administration of this medicines. This medicine has
slightly laxative effects.
For the patient to recover from cervical ailments, it is necessary that this bowel should move
clearly and regularly.
This medicine is very much helpful for this purpose. For patients having clear motions, this
medicines should be given in a dose of 2 tablets and constipated patients the dose should be 4
tablets. If the constipation is not relieved even by taking 4 tablets the dose can be further
increased to 6 tablets. At night some medicines should be given to the patients, which will act as
a purgative.

Triphala powder is the best medicine for spondylosis. One teaspoonful of triphala should be
given to the patient, mixed with a cup of warm milk and one spoon of sugar. In the motions
become regular by the intake of simbanada guggulu, then triphala powder should be given only
twice a week otherwise it can be given every day.Hot fomentation on the vertebrae of the is very
useful for cervical pains. In a big handkerchief about 500gms of salt should be kept over a frying
pan till it becomes tolerably hot. Then this should be applied over the neck. Care should be taken
to see that it should not be too hot. In that case, it may cause burns.
Sometimes patients suffering develop some anesthetic patches in the back, neck, shoulders and
arms because of the pressure from nervous systems .The patient is therefore not able to feel the
quantum of heat applied during fomentation. It should therefore be the responsibility of the
attendant to examine the heat of the bolus before applying it on the affected parts .This
fomentation should be continued about an hour every day. After fomentation the affected part
should not be exposed to cold wind. In winter season therefore immediately after fomentation,
the affected part should be covered with some wool engarment.
In other seasons also the affected part should be kept covered with some cotton garments after
fomentation. It is very convenient to take the fomentation before bedtime. After the fomentation
the patient should go to sleep so that he does not run the risk of exposure. DietSour things
particularly curd, are strictly prohibited. Fried things, pulses and various preparations of pulses
are also contra- indicated in this condition. Bitter vegetables like bitter variety of drumstick,
neem flowers and bitter gourd are very useful. Wheat is better than rice for the patient. He should
however, avoid taking refined wheat which is known as maida (flour) and suji (semolina). To
some extent they are constipated and do not help the patient in the recovery.
Lifestyle Exposure to cold, cold bath and any violent exercise of the muscles, including
pressure, are very bad for the patients of Cervical spondulosis. Under the impression that this
pain is being caused by some defects in the muscles, people undertake different types of neck
exercises .While reading and writing ,one should maintain a comfortable posture. Morning walk
gives some relief to the patient, but if it is cold outside the patient should always use a woolen
scarf around his neck while going out of the house.

Surgery may be necessary if you have severe pain that does not improve from other conservative
treatments. It should be your last resort as there is always a risk factor involved.
Chiropractic is shown to be effective in treating cervical spondylosis. It uses gentle spinal
manipulation technique to correct spinal and help to relieve nerve irritation. Spinal subluxation is
the term used by chiropractic to describe the misalignment of the spinal vertebrae.
Cervical spondylosis is a treatment disease especially at its early stages. The key is to identify the
degenerative condition early and seek treatment. It is important to note that bone degeneration
process cannot be cured. The process can only be minimized through healthy diet and lifestyle,
exercises and good structural posture.
Spinal Cord injuries in patients
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) Eighty-eight patients over age 40 with traumatic
cervical spinal cord injuries were clinically and radio graphically evaluated, and comparison was
made with 35 spinal cord injury patients under age 36. While most older patients sustained
obvious bony and/or ligamentous damage commensurate with their neurological findings, 25
(28%) of the 88 patients had no demonstrable bony abnormalities and 17 (20%) of the 88
patients had only minimal evidence of bony injury. Of particular interest are the patients with
severe cord injuries, yet no bony abnormalities, who seem to form a distinct subgroup of the
cervical spinal cord injury patient on the basis of radiographic and clinical features. Of these 25
patients, 24 (96%) had severe cervical spondylosis. Fourteen (56%) of the 25 patients were
injured in falls, five (36%) of these 14 being of a seemingly trivial nature. Of the 42 patients with
minimal or no demonstrable bony abnormalities, 33 (79%) were evaluated with plain
tomography and no occult fractures or other significant pathology was demonstrated. Pant
opaque in 27 (64%) of the 42 cases revealed no extruded disk or other surgical lesion in any
patient. In large measure, these injuries can be attributed to cervical spondylosis, which narrows

the canal and makes the cord more susceptible to compression by the bulging ligament flava
during hyperextension.
Back Pain? Try Spinal Transplant - A Chinese Remedy
Victims of chronic back pain were offered fresh hope with news of successful "spinal transplant"
surgery. Spinal discs from accident victims were transplanted into patients with disc degeneration
in the cervical spine in the cervical spine, the area nearest the neck. All reported improvements in
their mobility and a reduction in symptoms such as weakness of legs and bladder.
A report in the Lancet says the pioneering treatment, carried out in china, offers hope for
thousands or may be millions of sufferers of severe disc problems, particularly young people.
They often cannot be helped by existing treatments such as spinal fusion - which surgically joins
bones in the spine, making them rigid - or artificial material to replace the defective discs. In
some cases, these methods cause further degeneration of the disc above and below the area are
most affected.
The disc transplants were carried out by doctors at the Navy General Hospital, Beijing, and the
University of Hong Kong. Although disc transplants have been carried out in primates, it is a first
time doctors have reported such surgery in humans.
The discs consists of cartilage that cushions the individual movements of vertebral bones. When
the discs wear away or are damaged by disease, the bones press on nerves, causing pain and
restricting movement.
Nia Taylor, chief executive of Back Care, said "It would be very interesting to read the full
details because there are a minority of people for whom a problem with discs does not naturally
get better. We would welcome any new treatment that can help.
The Chinese doctors used 13 discs, which was frozen and thawed out prior to transplant. Within

three months the donor discs had successfully bedded in with existing spinal disc tissue. Now,
five years later, all the patients show improvement and none has rejected the donor material.
Read More information about Yoga, Spine, yoga , Massage Technique, Repertory, Back Pain,
Spinal cord injury, Anatomy, Homeopathic Treatment, Osteoarthritis, Osteophytes, Symptom

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