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Anul universitar 2019-2020 Semestrul I

(Anul I ZI / FR)

1. Precizări şi recomandări privind desfăşurarea activităţilor la


Codul cursului –

Denumirea cursului – LIMBA ENGLEZĂ – CURS PRACTIC

Titular curs: Lect. univ. dr. Eugenia Ştefănescu

Tip curs – obligatoriu

Durata cursului / Nr. credite – 28 ore / semestru, 5 credite

Manualul de curs recomandat (bibliografia obligatorie)– A. Barbu, S. Chirimbu –

“English Language for Daily Use”, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti,

Bibliografie facultativă:
Bondrea, E , Mihăilă, R (coord) – Aspecte ale civilizaţiilor europene, Editura Fundaţiei
România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2009

Obiectivele principale ale cursului

Activitatea studenţilor va fi subordonată realizării următoarelor obiective de bază:
- perfecţionarea deprinderilor de comunicare orală şi scrisă vizând activitatea
profesională şi cea ştiinţifică;
- consolidarea capacităţilor de analiză şi sinteză a informaţiei conţinute într-un
- dezvoltarea abilităţilor de înţelegere şi producere a mesajelor specifice limbajului
- actualizarea cunoştinţelor de ordin lingvistic şi cultural, cu adaptarea respectivă la
contexte specifice;
- achiziţionarea graduală a lexicului aparţinând discursului cotidian în vederea
exploatării ulterioare în activitatea profesională şi cea ştiinţifică;
- perfecţionarea competenţelor de transfer (de traducere) din limba străină în limba
maternă şi invers a textelor aparţinând discursului cotidian.

1. Cunoaşterea şi utilizarea FUNCŢIILOR

specifice disciplinei 1. iniţierea, întreţinerea şi încheierea unui dialog / conversaţii
2. exprimarea opiniei
- Receptarea 3. exprimarea acordului / dezacordului faţă de opiniile altora
mesajelor 4. exprimarea satisfacţiei / insatisfacţiei faţă de un punct de vedere
transmise oral sau 5. exprimarea refuzului / argumentarea refuzului
în scris în diferite 6. contrazicerea părerilor altora
situaţii de 7. comentarea părerilor
comunicare; 8. solicitarea repetării şi reformulării
- Producerea de 9. exprimarea presupunerilor
mesaje orale sau 10. solicitarea de informaţii şi de sugestii
scrise adecvate 11. oferirea şi confirmarea / infirmarea de informaţii
unor anumite 12. solicitarea confirmării / infirmării unor informaţii
contexte 13. descrierea de evenimente, fenomene
14. formularea de propuneri şi sugestii
- Realizarea de 15. solicitarea de sugestii
interacţiuni în 16. exprimarea de condiţii
comunicarea orală 17. formularea de sfaturi
sau scrisă
- Transferul şi 2. Dobândirea unor competenţe atitudinale
medierea - Conştientizarea contribuţiei limbii engleze la
mesajelor orale sau vehicularea culturii contemporane
scrise în situaţii - Raportarea critică la civilizaţia britanică şi americană,
variate de acceptarea diferenţelor şi manifestarea toleranţei
comunicare - Conştientizarea stereotipurilor culturale şi combaterea
- Dezvoltarea gândirii autonome, critice şi reflexive prin
receptarea unei varietăţi de texte în limba engleză
- Manifestarea flexibilităţii în cadrul schimbului de idei
în diferite situaţii de comunicare


CECR - Nivelul B 2 pentru competenţele de

- nivelul B 1 pentru competenţele de

2. Continutul tematic al cursului

Cursul este structurat pe trei coordonate majore: gramatică, vocabular
şi limba utilizată în context (language in use) fără a omite însă nici
exersarea abilităţilor de citire şi înţelegere a unui text sau prezentarea
unor informaţii referitoare la cultura şi civilizaţia engleză.
Cursul urmăreşte îndeaproape manualul recomandat şi este structurat
în 10 unităţi tematice, fiecare acoperind aspecte de bază ale limbii şi
civilizatiei engleze, după cum urmează:

• 1. Unit 1 - Identification. Meeting New People

Section A – Identification
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
Section B – Meeting New People
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
• Unit 2 – Education. Career
Section A –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
Section B –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
• Unit 3 – Home. Environment
Section A –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
Section B –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
• Unit 4 – Travelling. Accommodation
Section A –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
Section B –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
• Unit 5 – The Human Body. Health
Section A –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:
Section B –
Reading comprehension:
Language in use:

3.Bibliografie minimă obligatorie: A. Barbu, S. Chirimbu – “English

Language for Daily Use”, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti,

4.Prezentarea lecţiilor

Pentru a conferi coerenţă prezentării vom introduce în continuare

conţinutul capitolelor cursului pornind de la cele trei coordonate
importante anunţate încă din introducere: GRAMMAR (gramatică),
VOCABULARY (vocabular) şi LANGUAGE IN USE (limba folosită în
Secţiunea de gramatică a fiecărei unităţi are ca scop, conform
programei analitice, familiarizarea studenţilor cu următoarele
probleme gramaticale fundamentale pentru învăţarea limbii engleze:
timpurile verbale, verbele modale, diateza pasivă, substantivul
(pluralul substantivului), exprimarea posesiei, gradele de comparaţie
ale adjectivului, articolul, determinanţii, numeralul, modul de formare
al întrebărilor.
1. THE TENSES OF THE VERB (Units 1- 5)
• Present simple – Unit 1
• Present progressive – Unit 1
• Present perfect simple – Unit 4
• Present perfect progressive – Unit 4

• Form: the first form of the verb (coincides with the infinitive
without to. The particle –s / -es is added for the third person
singular: I / you / we / they learn. He / she / learns.

• Questions start with DO / DOES

e.g. Do you love him? Does he love you?

• Negatives contain DO NOT (DON’T) / DOES NOT (DOESN’T)

e.g. I do not (don’t) love him. He does not (doesn’t) love me.

• Uses:
- General statements: The academic year has two semesters.
- Usual, repeated activities: I meet my friends every weekend.
- Future activities which are planned and official : The Presidents’
plane lands in an hour.
- After WHEN, AS SOON AS, UNTIL, IF, UNLESS, replacing the
Future : We’ll leave as soon as the rain stops.

• Form: TO BE + Verb-ing. I am learning. You are learning. He /
she / it is learning. We / you / they are learning.
• Questions are formed by inversion: Are you learning?

• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the verb TO BE: I am

not learning.

• Uses:
- Activity in development now: I’m watching TV now.
- Activity in development in the present period (today, this week,
this month, etc): I’m taking driving lessons this month.
- Future planned activity (arrangement): I’m meeting my friends
- Activity which is pleasant or annoying for the speaker : He’s so
nice, he’s always bringing me flowers! / You are always coming


• Form: HAVE / HAS + Past Participle: They have left the building.

• Questions are formed by inversion: Have they left the building.

• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary HAVE /

HAS: They have not (haven’t) left the building.

• Use:
- Past event with a present consequence: I have caught a cold.
- Past event that took place in a period not ended yet (today, this
week, etc): It has rained a lot this week.
- In sentences containing one of the following: always ever, never,
just, already, yet, since, for .


• Form: HAVE / HAS + BEEN + V-ing: I have been studying for


• Questions are formed by inversion: How long have you been

• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary HAVE /
HAS: I have not (haven’t) been studying for a long time.

• Use:
- To refer to activities that started in the past and are still going on
in the present moment: It has been raining for three hours.

- Accompanied by time expressions introduced by FOR / SINCE

Ex.: You have been watching TV for about 10 minutes.
You have been studying English since high school.


• Past simple – Unit 3

• Past progressive – Unit 3
• Past perfect simple – Unit 5
• Past perfect progressive – Unit 5


• Form: V- ed, second form of the verb

• Questions are formed with the auxiliary DID: Did you send the
invitations yesterday?

• Negatives are formed with DID NOT (didn’t) + verb: I did not /
didn’t send the invitations.

• Use:
- To refer to past situations, events: Last year I was not a student.
- Time expressions: yesterday, last…, …ago
I found a job last month. Three years ago I had a different job.


• Form: WAS / WERE + verb- ing: It was raining when I woke up.
• Questions are formed by inversion: Was it raining when you woke

• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary WAS /

WERE: It was not (wasn’t) raining when I woke up.

• Use:
- To refer to activities, situations in development in a past moment
or period:

I was preparing my presentation yesterday at this time.

You were reading a different presentation last week at this time.


• Form: HAD + Past participle: They had left before my arrival.

• Questions are formed by inversion: Had they left before your


• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary HAD:

They had not (hadn’t) left before our arrival.

• Use:
- To refer to situations which took place BEFORE some other past
situations / past moments

Ex.: I had already seen that film when they invited me to see it.


• Form: HAD BEEN + verb- ing: It had been snowing for a few
hours when we left the house.

• Questions are formed by inversion: How long had it been


• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary HAD: It

had not (hadn’t) been snowing for a long time.
• Use:
- To refer to a past situation / activity that started in the past and
went on until another past event / until a past moment chosen as

Ex: It had been raining for a few hours when I woke up.
I had been studying since morning when my friends called and invited me


• Future simple – Unit 2

• Future progressive – Unit 2
• Future perfect simple - Unit 2
• Future perfect progressive – Unit 2


• Form: WILL + verb: I will study English next year as well.

• Questions are formed by inversion: Will you study English next


• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary WILL: I

will not (won’t) study English next year any more.

• Use:
- To refer to a situation, event that will take place in the future.

I will study hard for my summer exams.

They will graduate in 2012.


• Form: WILL + verb – ing: I will be thinking of you after you leave.

• Questions are formed by inversion: Will you be thinking of me

after I leave?
• Negatives are formed by adding NOT after the auxiliary WILL: I
will not (won’t) be thinking of you any more

• Use:
- To refer to a situation, activity in development in a future moment
or period

You will be reading a different presentation next week at this time.

I will be teaching English tomorrow at this time.

The main lexical fields covered by the course are the following:

• Countries and nationalities – Unit 1

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England,
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Somebody living in the UK is a Briton.
Somebody living in France is called a Frenchman / Frenchwoman.
Somebody living in the Netherlands is a Dutchman / Dutchwoman and speaks Dutch.
Somebody living in Denmark is a Dane and speaks Danish .

• Education and career – Unit 2

A Curriculum Vitae is accompanied by an Application Letter in which you should
mention the position envisaged, the code of the respective position (if there is one) and
the specific skills / abilities which you believe that makes you an eligible candidate for
the respective vacancy.

• Home – Unit 3
The vocabulary in this Unit focuses on the familiar objects in the house and the types
of houses (apartment, bachelor’s flat, villa, cottage, detached house, semi-detached
house, non-detached house).

• Environment. Weather – Unit 3

In this Unit the student will mainly focus on the different weather conditions (which
might help to start a small talk): hot / warm / chilly / foggy / rainy / frosty / cloudy /
sunny weather. A short rain is also called a shower. Sleet is a mixture of rain and

• Means of transport – Unit 4

The vocabulary in this unit refers to the different terrestrial / aquatic / air means of
transport and might prove to be very helpful when travelling abroad.
Expressions such as: return ticket, sleeping car, commuters’ train, freight train are to
be encountered in the exam applications.

• Appearance / parts of the body – Unit 5

The vocabulary in Section A of Unit 5 covers a general description of the human
body and is tightly connected to the vocabulary in Section B

• Health and diseases – Unit 5

The vocabulary sub-section of this second part of Unit 5 helps you to refer to certain
common health problems: headache, toothache, stomachache sore throat, influenza
(flu), smallpox, pneumonia, etc


This final sub-section is each unit helps and stimulates the students to use the knowledge
gained by studying the grammar and the vocabulary sub-sections in everyday life
situations such as:
• Introducing yourself – Unit 1
• Writing a CV and an application letter – Unit 2
• Asking for / giving directions – Unit 3
• Buying tickets, booking a hotel room – Unit 4
• Complaining – Unit 4
• Talking to the doctor – Unit 5

Choose the most appropriate answer:

1. The most appropriate translation for the sentence Filmul incepuse cand am ajuns. is:
The film had started by the time we arrived.

a. The film started by the time we arrived.

b. The film had started by the time we arrived.
c. The film started by the time we had arrived.
Answer: b

2. Don’ t disturb me, I _am feeding the baby.

a. feed
b. am feeding
c. have been feeding
Answer: b

3. I always visit Britain on Christmas.

a. am visiting
b. will visit
c. visit
Answer: c

4. Sentence: Sper că nu plângeai din cauza mea.

Translation: I hope you weren’t crying because of me.
Note: use contracted negative forms.
Answer: weren’t

5. Match numbers and letters:

1. He is sleeping now
2. They haven’t come yet
3. We will be studying tomorrow at this time
4. It rains a lot in London as a rule
5. He has been working since morning
6. I was ill last week
7. We were dancing yesterday at this time
8. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow

a. tomorrow
b. yesterday at this time
c. now
d. since morning
e. last week
f. yet
g. tomorrow at this time
h. as a rule
Answer: 1.c 2.f 3.g 4.h 5.d 6.e 7. b 8.a

6. Sentence: Te-au ajutat?

Translation: _did they help you ?
Answer: did

7. Sentence: Ai cunoscut-o pe sora mea ?

Translation: have you met my sister ?
Answer: have
8. If you are shortlisted it means you will be: Selected for a job interview

a. Promoted
b. Unemployed
c. Selected for a job interview

9. She was a beautiful woman with gorgeous curly hair.

a. Eyes
b. Hair
c. Face
Answer: b

10. In the Netherlands people speak:Dutch

a. Danish
b. Dutch
c. Netherlandese
Answer: b

11. If the weather is chilly, you should wear: a sweater

a. a T-shirt
b. gloves
c. a sweater
Answer: c
12. When you are introduced to somebody you should say: How do you do!

a. What do you do!

b. How do you do!
c. How are you!
Answer: b

13. In the application letter you should clearly specify:The position you are interested in

a. The position you are interested in

b. The salary you would like to have
c. Your age
Answer: a

14. Biletul, va rog! Can I have your ticket,please?

a. Can I have your ticket, please?

b. Give me your ticket, please!
c. You must give me your ticket, please!
Answer: a

15. If a foreigner asks you for directions in English and you don’t know the answer, you
should say: I’m terribly sorry, I really don’t know

a. I’d rather don’t answer that if you don’t mind.

b. I’m terribly sorry, I really don’t know.
c. Why don’t you buy a map?
16. When you have decided what to eat, you tell the waiter: We would like to order,

a. Come to our table, please!

b. We would like to order, please!
c. We would like to command, please!
Answer: b

17. The correct letter ending is: I am looking forward to hearing from you.

a. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

b. I am looking forward to hear from you.
c. I am waiting forward to hear from you.
Answer: a


1. The best way to have a good friend is to be one. (R.W. Emerson)

2. Write a Curriculum Vitae and an Application Letter for a specific vacancy which you
have found in a newspaper / magazine / on the internet.

3. In about one page write an e-mail to a foreign friend in order to convince him / her that
it is worth spending his / her holidays in Romania.
4. Write an e-mail to the Shakespeare Hotel in Stratford-upon-Avon to find out about
their early booking discounts and facilities. You are thinking of spending a week there
together with a friend. Also imagine a reply e-mail.

5. Being a student and having a job at the same time – is it difficult / challenging?

6. A foreign friend has just sent you an e-mail telling you that next week he / she will be
in Bucharest for a conference. He / she ask you to recommend some good restaurants /
shopping centres and some places worth visiting.

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