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Date: 25.11.

Clasa: a III-a

Subiectul lecției: This is London

Tipul lecției:
-de formare a capacităților de înțelegere a cunoștințelor.

Competențe specifice: CL, CS, CP, CP/IC

Unități de competențe:
1.6 Utilizarea de enunţuri simple şi scurte, care conţin sunete specifice limbii străine în diferite situaţii de comunicare în
contexte simple şi familiare, emitând modele;
3.2. Utilizarea funcţională a resurselor lingvistice pentru a produce enunţuri orale şi scrise simple referitoare la informaţii de
ordin personal şi obiecte familiar;
4.2. Reproducerea unor poveşti, poezii, cântece din patrimonial cultural al ţării alofone.

Obiectivele operaționale: La finele lecției elevul va fi capabil:

O1- să pronunțe corect substantivele proprii ( denumiri de obiective turistice);
O2- să descrie obiectivele turistice din Londra prezentate la lecție;
O3- să deducă sensul global al informației audiate;
O4- să manifeste interes și respect pentru colegi și răspunsul acestora.

Strategii didactice:
-metode și procedee: direct method, audiție, Da/Nu propoziții, TPR, turul galeriei, diagrama Venn, jocul didactic
-mijloace didactice: prezentare PPt, televizor, laptop, vederi ale obiectivelor turistice, macheta unor obiective turistice, harta
-forma de organizare: individuală, în perechi, în grup.

1.Curriculum național limba străină I, învățământ primar, 2018
2. Planul de lungă durată, cl a III-a , Chitoroagă Carolina;
3. English book, level A1.2, Iulia Ignatuic, ș.a. Editura Art
4. English Workbook, Iulia Igatiuc, ș.a., editura Prut Internațional

Et.lec. Ob. Timp Activitatea profesorului și a elevilor Metode și Mijloace Notă

procedee didactice
Ev-re 1 Ss:Greetings- a poem Short
T: Watch a short video . Who is the boy? Ss: Peter Pan video
O4 2 T: Where is he from? Ss: He is from London. Lap top

Real. T:Where is London? Ss: In Great Britain. Harta

sensul 5 T: Where is GB? Can you show it on a map?
ui Today we are going to talk about some sights of Great Britain.

Prelistening activities:

P/P the new vocabulary:

What is it? Ss: Big Ben Direct
T: Big Ben is the symbol of London and GB. Actually Big Ben method Canva
is the name of the bell. How tall is Big Ben ? SS: 96 m tall presentati
O1 T: Big Ben is like a building with 60 floors. on
How old is Big Ben? Ss: 163 years old. Conversația
7 T: What do you see now? It’s London Eye. euristică
How tall is London Eye? Ss: It’s 135 metres tall
Which is tall London Eye or Big Ben? Ss: London Eye.
Which one is old LE or BB? Ss: Big Ben
When was it opened? Ss: in 2 thousand
How old is it? Ss: It’s 22 years old
This is London Bridge. It is over the river Thames. It is very
O2 old.
Other symbol is Double Decker. What colour is Double
Decker? Ss: It’s red.
In London there are a lot of parks. One is Kesington Gardens.
Peter Pen Statue is in Kesington Gardens.

There is a big Zoo in London. It is London Zoo. What animals

can you see there? Ss: wolves, giraffes…
4 Look in the book ex nr 1- Read the words.
Listening activities:
2 1. Now we are going to listen a recording. Raise your hand
when you hear the name of the sights from London.
2 2. Look in your worksheet and tick the sights you hear.
(Appendix 1, ex 1)

6 3. Read the sentences. Listen again and complete the text. Listening
(Appendix 1, ex 2)
Post listening activities:
4. Listen again and read the sentences. Say yes or no and
correct the false one. .
4 a. London is very small. No, it is very big. Lap top
b. There are no animals on Peter Pen Statue. No, there are
animals on it.
c. There are a lot of great things to see in London. Yes.
d. Peter likes to go to the London Zoo. No, Betty likes to Pairwork
go. Yes/No
e. Betty’s favourite animal is the giraffe. Yes. sentences
f. Laura likes the Peter Pen statue. Yes.
There is a very old game for children called London Bridge.
You’ll be surprised. The London Bridge is very old. Many
times it was destroyed. People invented a game. Listen and
let’s play together. TPR Workshee
London Bridge is fallen down. t
2 Youtube
Refle- 5 Making groups of four students Diagrama Poster
cție Design a poster using the given pictures and sentences and the venn
papers. Pay attention to the rubrics. Group
2 Turul
Poster presentation. galereii.

PB p84, ex 2 retell, WB p28 ex 2,3
Extin- 2

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