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04 | 2012 Romania

Prol al partenerilor comerciali internaionali

Prole of international loyalty merchants

Greennity Foundation energie fotovoltaic pentru coli

Greennity Foundation solar panels for schools

A nceput campania Comoara Cumprturilor

The Shopping Treasure campaign has begun



Cashback Magazine RO/ENG 04/12



Editorial 3

Stimai parteneri comerciali Lyoness, membrii, Stimai cititori!

Un an plin de succese i cu multe realizri inovative se apropie de sfrit i intrm ntr-un an aniversar Lyoness. n iulie 2013 vom srbtori cu voi a zecea aniversare a Lyoness i, n acelai timp, o poveste de succes de zece ani. V vom informa cu regularitate n revista Cashback despre toate activitile i realizrile din acest an special. n aceast ediie v vom oferi rapoarte detaliate cu privire la toate inovaiile prezentate la ultima ntlnire Sensation. V vom informa despre noua strategie IMM, despre noile noastre website-uri i despre noile bonuri valorice Lyoness Store. Bineneles, v vom ine la curent i cu campania internaional Comoara cumprturilor lansat n octombrie 2012. Echipa noastr Lyoness.TV a participat la prezentarea de mod din Dubai i a obinut o imagine de ansamblu despre aceast pia incitant direct de la surs. Noua baz de management IMEA a Lyoness pentru Orientul Mijlociu, Africa i India a fost nfiinat n Dubai i a nceput deja operaiunile. n contextul numeroaselor noastre descrieri ale partenerilor comerciali, v prezentm o nou achiziie proeminent n Dubai precum i ali noi comerciani din Asia de Est i Europa. La fel de internaionali i atrgtori sunt partenerii notri comerciali online care vor mri oportunitile de cumprturi ale Lyoness. nc odat, am dedicat un spaiu vast activitilor mondiale ale fundaiilor noastre. Raportm cu privire la proiecte naionale i internaionale ale CFF precum i cu privire la angajamentul nostru asumat fa de Liga Juniorilor Europeni i donaia generoas pentru colile Lyoness din Honduras, Nigeria, Africa de Sud i Filipine fcute de Jolly. Greenfinity Foundation a echipat ambele coli cu sisteme fotovoltaice ultramoderne i astfel a finalizat cu succes alte dou proiecte importante. n plus v prezentm prima staie de alimentare solar a Greenfinity. nchidem prezenta ediie din acest an cu un portret al Celui mai Puternic Brbat, Franz Mllner i un raport privind Trofeul Crocodilul din Australia. Vei vedea galerii foto vaste i numeroase filme pe marginea acestor subiecte n versiunea iPad, care este acum disponibil spre descrcare gratuit. V transmitem mulumirile noastre clduroase pentru dedicarea voastr i sperm s avei un nceput de an bun n 2013, anul special al Lyoness.

Dear Lyoness loyalty merchants, members, Dear readers,

A successful year with many innovative developments comes to an end, and we begin a Lyoness anniversary year. In July 2013, we will be celebrating Lyoness tenth anniversary with you and with that a ten-year success story. We will regularly inform you in the Cashback magazine about all the activities and developments in this special year. In this issue, we will be giving you detailed reports on all the innovations presented at the last Sensation. We are informing you about the new SME strategy, our new websites and the new Lyoness store vouchers. Of course, we also update you on the international Shopping Treasure campaign launched in October 2012. Our Lyoness.TV team attended the fashion shoot in Dubai and was able to obtain a first-hand overview of this exciting market. The new IMEA management base of Lyoness for the Middle East, Africa, and India was also set up in Dubai and has already began its task. In the context of our numerous loyalty merchant portraits, we are presenting a prominent new addition in Dubai as well as other new merchants from East Asia and Europe. Just as international and appealing are our online loyalty merchants, who will be broadening the shopping opportunities of Lyoness immediately. Once again, we have dedicated a lot of space to the worldwide activities of our foundations. We report on the national and international projects of the CFF as well as on our commitment to the European Juniors League and the generous donation for the Lyoness schools in Honduras, Nigeria, South Africa, and the Philippines made by Jolly. The Greenfinity Foundation has also equipped two schools with ultra-modern photovoltaic systems and thus brought two more flagship projects to a successful conclusion. Above and beyond that, we are presenting the first solar filling station of Greenfinity to you. We are concluding the final edition of this year with a portrait of StrongestMan Franz Mllner and a report on the Crocodile Trophy in Australia. You can see extensive photo galleries and numerous content-related movies in the iPad version, which is now available for download free of charge. We send you our heartfelt thanks for your dedication and hope you get off to a good start in 2013, Lyoness special year.

Hubert Freidl Fondator i CEO Lyoness International AG

Silvia Weihs Director Public Relations Lyoness Management GmbH

Form de gen i corectitudine politic n scopul credibilitii nu folosim formulri cu un anumit gen. Bineneles, n toate formulele de adresare comunicm cu ambele genuri . Gender form and political correctness For the benefit of readability, we are refraining from using gender-specific wording. Of course, in all forms of address we are communicating with both genders.



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Coverphoto: Christian Maricic Models: Coralia & Adrian Eric/Diva Styling: Ali Rabbani, Susanne Gosch Location: Ski Dubai, Mall of Emirates

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Testai revista pe iPad!

Cashback Gratuit
Experience the Cashback Magazine free on iPad!
Ai dori s citii mai multe n revista Cashback? Atunci, ncrcai revista Cashback a Lyoness pe dispozitivul dumneavoastr Apple iPad! i v putei bucura de nenumrate videoclipuri, galerii cu imagini, animaii i reprezentri grafice pline de via pe ecran. Pur i simplu cutai Lyoness Mag n App Store, descrcai versiunea actual sau orice alt versiune n limba englez sau german gratuit i v putei bucura de ea oricnd online i offline.
Youd like to read even more in your Cashback magazine? Then load Lyoness Cashback magazine onto your Apple iPad! And enjoy countless video clips, image galleries, animations and vivid graphics on your screen. Simply search for Lyoness Mag on the App Store, download the current issue or any other issue in English or German free and enjoy it at any time both online and offline.




Ultimele nouti pe iPad

The latest highlights on iPad
CAMPANIA PUBLICITAR LYONESS Urmrii Making-of (Cum s-a realizat) videoclipul pe iPad i noile clipuri ale campaniei Comoara cumprturilor. THE LYONESS ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN See the making-of video on iPad as well as the latest clips from the Shopping Treasure campaign.

FILMARE PENTRU COPERT N DUBAI O echip a Lyoness.TV a urmrit nc odat realizatorii revistei Cashback la o edin de mod n Dubai. COVER SHOOT IN DUBAI A team from Lyoness.TV has once again watched the creators of the Cashback magazine at a fashion shoot in Dubai.

LYONESS N ORIENTUL MIJLOCIU Un profil al Lyoness IMEA, noua baz de management pentru India, Orientul Mijlociu i Africa. Doar atingei, citii, urmrii i ascultai
Simply touch, read, watch and listen

LYONESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST A profile of Lyoness IMEA, the new management base for India, the Middle East and Africa.

Interactiv, plimbnd cursorul ctre stnga sau ctre dreapta

Interactive by swiping to the left or to the right

GREENFINITY I CFF Cum a echipat Greenfinity colile CFF din Honduras i Filipine cu sisteme fotovoltaice. GREENFINITY AND THE CFF How the Greenfinity equipped CFF-schools in Honduras and in the Philippines with photovoltaic systems.

Coninutul multimedia
The multimedia content

TROFEUL CROCODILUL N AUSTRALIA Cea mai dificil i plin de provocri curs de ciclism montan din lume. Lyoness a fost acolo! CROCODILE TROPHY IN AUSTRALIA The hardest and most daring mountain bike stage race in the world. Lyoness was there!

Citii n mod portret sau peisaj

Read in portrait or landscape mode


c c u s e d t a n u n u c n e i n a p m a C


es n septembrie
Bani napoi la ecare cumprtur Acum!. Acesta a fost sloganul campaniei de activare a Lyoness de la mijlocul lunii septembrie. Lyoness a legat Cashback Card i mai mult de cumprturi n aceast campanie i a ncurajat utilizarea activ i complet a multiplelor avantaje.

Successful campaign in Sep tember

Money back with every purchase Now!. That was the call of the Lyoness activation campaign in mid-September. Lyoness linked the Cashback Card even more closely with the moment of purchase in this campaign and encouraged active and full use of the many benets.

ampania Acum! a fost vizibil n toate mediile timp de dou sptmni ntregi, o atenie deosebit fiind acordat Austriei, Ungariei, Romniei i Slovaciei. Diverse panouri, reclame luminoase, anunuri publicitare i reclame la radio i TV au ncurajat activ membrii Lyoness s fac cumprturi de la partenerii comerciali ai Lyoness. Partenerilor notri comerciali li se furnizeaz constant pachete POS care conin brouri, postere i stickere. n alte ri, s-a instalat un banner pe website i link-uri ctre reclame. Un alt obiectiv al campaniei a fost acela de a introduce conceptul Lyoness persoanelor care nu sunt membrii i de a-i ncuraja s se nregistreze. Succesul campaniei de dou sptmni Acum! poate fi vzut n analiza recent, care indic faptul c numrul de persoane care s-au nregistrat s-a dublat. Campania Acum! a sprijinit activarea mrcii pentru campania Lyoness Comoara cumprturilor, care se afl n prezent n derulare.

THE NOW! CAMPAIGN was seen in all media for two whole weeks, with particular attention being paid to Austria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. Various billboards, city lights, ads and commercials on the radio and TV actively encouraged Lyoness members to purchase at Lyoness loyalty merchants. Our loyalty merchants are also furnished with POS packages containing brochures, posters and stickers on an ongoing basis. Other countries had a banner on the website and links to the commercials. Another of the campaigns goals was to introduce the Lyoness concept to nonmembers and encourage them to register. The success of the two-week Now! campaign can be seen in the latest analysis, which indicates that registrations have doubled. The Now! campaign supported brand activation for Lyoness Shopping Treasure campaign, which is currently running.

10 LYONESS PROMOTION XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx

o u r t n e p e r a m e h c o z a e s Lyoness lan
Prin intermediul noii competiii Lyoness care mbin distracia i jocurile cu premii fantastice, vntorii de comori primesc mai mult dect valoarea banilor lor de la 1 octombrie pe lng avantajele obinuite Lyoness.

tt membrii nregistrai Lyoness ct i persoanele care nu sunt membrii sunt invitai s participe la vntoarea de comori. Campania de un an are loc n Austria, Ungaria, Romnia, Slovacia i multe alte ri pn n septembrie 2013. Dar cum putei deveni i dumneavoastr un vntor de comori?

Imediat dup nregistrare, un avion mic v va duce ntr-un tur virtual prin nori ctre o insul n mijlocul oceanului. Dup aceea, se deschide un pergament antic cu un mesaj de bun-venit i vi se ofer prima cheie ca un cadou c v-ai nregistrat. O hart mic este afiat n partea stng jos a zonei de joc, hart care poate fi folosit pentru a gsi partenerii comerciali din imediata apropiere. n partea din dreapta jos juctorii sunt informai n mod continuu despre noii parteneri comerciali, campanii Lyoness i primii fericii ctigtori. Vntorii de comori vor gsi un rezumat al cheilor care au fost deja strnse acolo. Exist patru modaliti diferite de a strnge aceste chei:

Cumprturi cu avantajele Lyoness

Vei primi o cheie pentru fiecare cumprtur de minim 45 de lei. Dac cumprai de la mai muli parteneri comerciali ntr-o zi, putei genera mai multe chei (cumprturi de minim 45 de lei la fiecare partener).

Jocuri online:
Vei primi chei suplimentare dac finalizai cu succes diferite jocuri de cunotine generale i aptitudini. Scopul jocului este s strngei ct mai multe chei. Cu ct strngei mai multe chei, cu att crete ansa s ctigai un premiu atractiv la extragerea lunar i la marea extragere care are loc anual.

Spune unui prieten:

Dac spunei prietenilor despre Lyoness, vei primi o cheie pentru fiecare nou membru care se nregistreaz la Lyoness.

Rscumprarea codurilor bonus:

Ai descoperit un cod bonus n una din activitile promoionale? Pur i simplu introducei codul n perioada sa de valabilitate i vei primi o cheie suplimentar.

Merit s participi! O dat pe lun are loc o extragere pentru 20.000 numerar i mai mult de 2.500 premii cu valoarea de 125.000. La extragerea anual, care va avea loc n timpul Lyoness Sensation 2013, vor fi oferite premii n bani totaliznd 500.000! Ctigtorii vor fi anunai prin email sau mesaj text.

LYONESS PROMOTION 11 English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

vntoare de comori n ntreag a

Lyoness launches call for a Europe-wide tr easure hunt!


With the new Lyoness competition combining fun and games with fantastic prizes, treasure hunters have been getting more than their moneys worth since October 1 in addition to the usual Lyoness benets.

BOTH REGISTERED LYONESS MEMBERS and non-members are invited to take part in the treasure hunt. The year-long campaign is running in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and many other countries until September 2013. But how can you, too, become a treasure hunter? Immediately after signing up, a small plane will take you on a virtual journey through clouds to an island in the middle of the ocean. After that, an ancient parchment opens with a welcome message and you are given your first key as a gift for registering. A small map is displayed at the bottom left of the playing area, which can be used to find loyalty merchants in the immediate vicinity. At the bottom right, players are informed about new loyalty merchants, Lyoness campaigns and the first lucky winners on an ongoing basis. Treasure hunters will also find a summary of the keys that have already been collected there. There are four different ways to collect these keys:

Shopping with Lyoness benefits

You are credited with a key for every purchase of 10 or more. Buying at different loyalty merchants on one day enables you to generate several keys (minimum purchase of 10 at each merchant).

Online games
You will receive additional keys when you successfully master the different skill and knowledge-based games. The aim of the game is to collect as many keys as possible. The more keys you collect, the greater the chance of winning an attractive price in the monthly draw and in the grand draw held annually.

Tell a friend
If you tell your friends about Lyoness, you will receive a key for each new member registering with Lyoness.

Its worth taking part! Once a month, a draw is held for 20,000 in cash and more than 2,500 prizes worth 125,000. At the annual draw, which will be held during Lyoness Sensation 2013, cash prizes totaling 500,000 will be paid out! Winners will be notified by email or text message.

The treasure

Redeeming bonus codes

Youve discovered a bonus code in one of our promotional activities? Simply enter the code during its validity period and youll receive an additional key once.

12 COVERSTORY Gute Ideen Godd Ideas


Inovaia adevrat nu trebuie s se bazeze pe lucrurile deja existente i pe gustul publicului. Cele mai bune idei dau natere unor lucruri absolut noi.
IDEAS SCHOOL: LESSON 1 True innovation cannot rely on the here and now or taste of the public. The best ideas contribute something to the world that was never seen before.

Photos: AFP/Getty Images

Good idea
Dai-mi argint, dai-mi aur, dar tot ce ne trebuie e un pic de suet ... Nu trebuie s motenii averi sau s ctigai la loto pentru a juca la nivel nalt, deoarece beneciai de cel mai important capital: ideile i motivaia de a le pune n valoare.

Idei bune Good Ideas COVERSTORY



Give me silver, give me gold, but all we needs a little bit of soul ... You dont need to inherit or win the lottery to be at the very top thanks to your most important asset: Ideas and the motivation to realize them.

u doar concernele multinaionale mari, ci i companiile mici au transferat de mult vreme producia bunurilor n China, India sau Indonezia. Populaia activ din statele occidentale, n mare parte, nu mai lucreaz n producie, ci n domeniul prestrilor de servicii. n prezent, persoanele care nu sunt flexibile, mobile i nu sunt dispuse s renune la creterile salariale, i gsesc cu greu un job. n societatea noastr globalizat, drumul de la spltor de vase la milionar a devenit aproape imposibil, iar calea de la munca de jos ctre vrf este parcurs prin munc cinstit i eforturi constante. Cu toate acestea ... Lumea vestic nc relativ nstrit s-a distanat deja, de ceva vreme,de societatea industrial i informaional unde, mai presus de toate, capitalul nseamn idei. Cine crede n Economia ideii( Idea Economy) de azi, muncete cu rbdare i este motivat de realizarea ideilor sale i i folosete creativitatea n ciuda tuturor obstacolelor i are acum posibilitatea, mai mult ca oricnd, de a zgudui lumea, de a scrie din nou regulile i de a ajunge n vrf, aa cum o demonstreaz i cele zece poveti de succes de mai jos.

Not only large multinationals, but also smaller companies have long since relocated their commodity production to China, India or Indonesia. The working population of the West is, to an increasing extent, no longer employed in production, but in the service sector. Today, people who are not flexible, mobile and occasionally willing to go without a salary increase have difficulty finding a job. In our globalised society, it has become almost impossible to go all the way from rags to riches and pave the way for moving from the very bottom to the top through honest work and tireless efforts. But only almost ... Still relatively wealthy, the Western world changed from being an industrial to being an information society some time ago, where one asset counts above all others: Ideas. In the current idea economy, those who believe in themselves, patiently work on realizing their ideas, are motivated and bring their creativity to bear against all opposition, now have more opportunity than ever before to unhinge the world with an idea, to rewrite the rulebook, and to move to the very top while doing so as proven by the following ten success stories.

14 COVERSTORY Idei bune Good Ideas

Steve Jobs (19552011) Apple-Guru


The iDol
Steve Jobs (19552011) Apple guru

otul a nceput ntr-un garaj. n 1976 tnrul californian Jobs, mpreun cu prietenul su Steve Wozniak metereau Apple I, primul computer personal cu interfa prietenoas pentru utilizator. n anul Orwelian 1984 (n.t 1984 roman scris de George Orwell) a urmat Macintosh, un computer cu interfa grafic (preluat de la Xerox PARC), un mouse i un design care diferenia substanial Mac-urile de monotonia optic a PC-urilor dezvoltate de concuren. Ulterior, Jobs a nceput s lucreze individual i a condus pe culmile succesului compania de animaie computerizat Pixar ( Maini, Povestea jucriilor). ncepnd cu 1997, cnd a revenit la Apple, era deja multimiliardar i, datorit simului extraordinar pentru design, a inventat toate elementele care au transformat concernul ntr-unul de lifestyle: iMac, iPod, iPhone, iTunes, etc. S-a opus n permanen sondajelor de cercetare a pieei, declarnd c Nu este treaba clientului s tie ce i dorete.

It all started in a garage. In 1976, young Californian Steve Jobs and his friend Steve Wozniak werent tinkering with a beach buggy, but rather the first human-friendly personal computer ever seen: the Apple I. In the Orwellian year of 1984, this was followed by the Macintosh with its graphical user interface (learnt from the Xerox PARC research center), a mouse, and a design that significantly distinguished the Mac from the visual boredom of its competition, the PC. Steve Jobs eventually set up on his own and led computer animation company Pixar (Toy Story, Cars) to global success. He was already a multi-billionaire when he rejoined Apple in 1997 and with his extraordinary sense for design invented everything that transformed the company into a digital lifestyle corporation: iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes, etc. At the same time, he always turned his back on market research surveys: Its not the task of the customer to know what he wants.

Dietrich Didi Mateschitz (nscut n 1944) Dl. Red Bull


The Energy Supplier

Dietrich Didi Mateschitz (born 1944) Mr. Red Bull

n timp ce expertul austriac n marketing cltorea n interes de afaceri n Thailanda, a descoperit o butur energizant denumit Krating Daeng, care sporea puterea de concentrare i atenie, folosind taurin i cofein. A achiziionat drepturile de licen de pe pia i, mpreun cu inventatorii thailandezi ai buturii, a nfiinat Red Bull GmbH (din care deine 49 de procente), adugnd buturii dioxid de carbon i crend un concept occidental de marketing. n prezent, Red Bull este cea mai cunoscut marc austriac din lume, iar Mateschitz deine o avere estimat la 5,5 miliarde de dolari. Colecioneaz avioane, sponsorizeaz sportivi, deine Servus TV i diverse reviste de pe piaa media din ara natal, iar toate acestea arat c Didi este plin de surprize, la fel ca n trecut. coAlA de idei: leciA 2 Nu trebuie s fie ntotdeauna ideea dvs. proprie - cteodat este suficient s dezvoltai o strategie de comercializare a produsului, care s fie mai bun dect a competitorului. i n plus, s v mulumii cu 49 de procente

Photos: Tom Munnecke/Getty Images, AFP/Getty Images, Erica Berger/Corbis, James Leynse/Corbis, Red Bull

When the Austrian marketing expert traveled to Thailand on business, he discovered an energy drink called Krating Daeng that enhanced performance significantly with the help of taurine and caffeine. He acquired the licensing rights to the brand, co-founded Red Bull GmbH (in which he holds 49 percent) with the drinks Thai inventors and devised a Western marketing concept, amongst other things by adding carbon dioxide to the drink. Red Bull is now the most famous Austrian brand in the world and Mateschitz has estimated assets of 5.5 billion dollars. That he not only collects aircraft and sponsors athletes, but is also cleaning up the media market in his home country from behind with Servus TV and various magazines, shows that Didi is still good for surprises. ideAs school: lesson 2 It need not always be your own idea sometimes developing a good marketing strategy for the product of others will also suffice. And to be satisfied with 49 percent ...

Idei bune Good Ideas COVERSTORY 15

Craig Venter (nscut n 1946) Omul care a decodat ADN-ul

3. 4.

Lord of the Genes

Craig Venter (born 1946) dNS decoder

roiectul internaional al genomului uman (PGU) a fost demarat n 1990 cu scopul de a decripta n ntregime genomul uman. Biochimistul american Craig Venter, care fcea progrese foarte mici n cercetare, a nfiinat o societate privat, denumit Celera, care, cu ajutorul metodei de secveniere shotgun a decodificat genele umane mult mai rapid i cu costuri mai mici. Datorit succesului su, ntregul proiect a accelerat att de mult nct, n 2001, Celera mpreun cu HGP au putut face cunoscut secvenierea complet a genomului uman (Venter a fost primul om al crui genom a fost decodificat complet). n 2010, mpreun cu noua sa companie, a reuit s produc prima bacterie sintetic. coala de idei: lecia 3 Concurena este un lucru pozitiv. Cei care accelereaz sistemul cu propriile idei, ncurajeaz progresul i pot beneficia de succesul colectiv.

The international Human Genome Project (HGP) began in 1990 with the aim of decoding the human genome completely. However, the research progressed too slowly for American biochemist Craig Venter and therefore he founded a private company called Celera. Using the shotgun sequencing method Celera even decoded the genetic make-up and did so a lot faster and more economically. Due to his success, the entire project was accelerated so much that Celera and HGP were able to jointly announce the complete sequencing of the human genome as early as 2001. (Incidentally, Craig Venter was the first person to have their own genetic make-up completely decoded.) Together with his new company, he managed to produce the first synthetic bacterium in 2010. ideaS School: leSSoN 3 Competition is good. Those who rush the system with their own ideas speed up progress and are able to participate in the overall success.

Experii n cutare
Larry Page (nscut n 1973) & Sergey Brin (nscut n 1973) Fondatorii Google

The Search Experts

Larry Page (born 1973) & Sergey Brin (born 1973) Founders of Google

arry Page, fiul unui profesor american de informatic i specialist IT, i prietenul su originar din Moscova, Sergey Brin, au dezvoltat ideea de baz pentru motorul lor de cutare, n timpul unui proiect de cercetare universitar privind structura World Wide Web. Acetia au observat c tot ce conteaz n privina Internetului const n frecvena cu care este menionat un website de ctre alii i au elaborat o formul bazndu-se pe aceast constatare, formul pe care au brevetat-o. Restul este istoria unor miliardari: A cuta pe Google a intrat n vocabularul curent, motorul de cutare este folosit practic de ctre fiecare utilizator de Internet iar compania se bazeaz pe ideile bune ale angajailor care extind oferta Google permanent. coala de idei: lecia 4 O idee este cu adevrat excepional dac este citat des fapt demonstrat de Google, n primul rnd prin tehnologia sa de cutare i apoi prin succesul companiei.

Larry Page, son of an American professor of computer science and IT specialist in his own right, and his Moscowborn friend Sergey Brin developed the basic idea for their search engine during a university research project on the structure of the World Wide Web. They recognized that on the Internet it was all about how often a website is mentioned by others and developed a formula based on that, which they had patented. The rest is billionaire history: Googling has become common vernacular, the search engine is used by virtually every Internet user and the company backs good ideas from its employees, who continuously expand Googles offering. ideaS School: leSSoN 4 An idea is only truly great if it is often spoken about that was demonstrated by Google first with its search technology and then with the companys own success.

16 COVERSTORY Gute Ideen Godd Ideas


mpreun suntem mai puternici. Acest slogan nu este nou ns atunci cnd l aplicai pentru ideea dvs., vei avea cu siguran muli adepi.
IDEAS SCHOOL: LESSON 5 Together we are strong. This catchphrase isnt new but you are guaranteed to nd many followers if you can apply it to your idea.

Regele discount-urilor
Hubert Freidl (nscut n 1972) Inventatorul Lyoness


The Discount King

Hubert Freidl (born 1972) Inventor of Lyoness

tigul const n cumprturi. Acest proverb verificat a devenit cu adevrat profitabil atunci cnd un membru Lyoness cumpr de la peste 25.000 de companii partenere din toat lumea i primete bani napoi pentru aceasta fie prin Cashback Card, prin bonuri valorice ale societilor partenere sau prin cumprturi online. i atunci cnd adaug un membru nou comunitii i cumprturile pe care acesta le face genereaz i ele profit... Ideea din spatele acestei comuniti destinate cumprturilor a fost creat de austriacul Hubert Freidl i a convins deja aproape 2,4 milioane de membri din ntreaga lume; se estimeaz i alte creteri n pieele asiatice emergente. i toat lumea are de ctigat, economisind.

The profit is in the purchase. This tried and tested saying becomes a genuine and lucrative truth when a Lyoness member shops at one of the more than 25,000 partners around the world and in return for doing so gets money back either through the Cashback Card, by means of a voucher from the partner or when shopping online. And if you acquire another member for the shopping community, then her or his purchases will also generate a profit ... The idea behind this shopping community comes from Austrian Hubert Freidl and has already won over some 2.4 million members across the world. Additional growth is expected in the emerging Asian market. And everyone earns by saving.

Idei bune Good Ideas COVERSTORY 17

Fondatorul Amazon
Jeff Bezos (nscut n 1964) Comerciant pe Internet

6. 7.

The Amazonian
Jeff Bezos (born 1964) online mail order company

nc de la nceput a fost lipsit de modestie. Atunci cnd ntreprinztorul american Jeff Bezos i-a numit librria virtual Amazon, s-a referit la rul cu cel mai mare debit de ap de pe planet i n plus la numeroasele ramificaii ale acestuia, ceea ce simbolizeaz c Bezos dorea s lucreze cu ct mai muli parteneri. i astfel, nu a durat mult pn cnd librria virtual s-a transformat n cel mai mare magazin online din lume, de unde se poate cumpra orice (printr-o simpl apsare de buton, expresie patentat sub denumirea 1-Click), inclusiv maini de splat i hran pentru animale. n prezent, firma lui Bezos este pe cale de a schimba din temelii modalitatea de a citi, cu ajutorul cititoarelor electronice de cri de la Kindle, oferind tuturor ansa de a-i publica propriile lucrri literare. coala de idei: lecia 6 Lumea i este prieten atunci cnd o lai s fac parte din ideile tale, cnd i permii s se implice (de exemplu, n perioadele n comentariile utilizatorilor) i cnd i dai o ans s participe la succesul tu.

He was anything but unassuming from the outset. When US entrepreneur Jeff Bezos named his electronic book store Amazon, he was referring to the most abundant river on Earth and the many tributaries of Amazon are symbolic of the fact that Jeff wanted to cooperate with as many partners as possible. And so, it wasnt long until the online bookseller became the worlds largest department store where you can buy almost everything the heart desires (using the patented 1-Click button), including washing machines and animal feed. With the help of the Kindle E-reader, Jeff Bezos company is now in the process of changing the reading behavior of humanity fundamentally and offering everyone the chance to publish their own literary works. ideas school: lesson 6 The world is your friend if you enable it to participate in your ideas and have a say (in user reviews, for example). And if you give it the chance to participate in your success.

Akio Morita (19211999) Manager n electronic

The Walkman
Akio Morita (19211999) electronics manager

ei provenea dintr-o familie cu adnci rdcini tradiionale japoneze, care producea sake (vin de orez) i, la nceput, a urmat cariera militar n serviciul rii sale, antreprenorul japonez Morita Grenzen nu a vrut s se lase mai prejos. i a reuit nfiinnd firma Sony, mpreun cu Ibuka Masaru. Dup producerea magnetofoanelor pentru piaa autohton, Sony s-a axat pe tehnologia tranzistorilor i a generat o revoluie tehnic. Primul televizor cu tranzistor, cel mai mic reportofon, walkman-ul omniprezent n peisajul stradal ani ntregi, camera video digital, descoperirea CD-ului (mpreun cu Phillips) i sistemele Playstation stau mrturie a capacitii de inovaie i a creativitii tehnicienilor japonezi i a faptului c metodele japoneze de management au ceva de oferit lumii. coala de idei: lecia 7 Gndii la nivel internaional. Folosii calitile personale i pe cele din trecutul local, pentru a impresiona oamenii din ntreaga lume.

Although he came from a profoundly traditional Japanese background his family produced the rice wine, sake and initially worked for the military in his country, Japanese entrepreneur Akio Morita wanted to push the boundaries. And soon after forming his company Sony (along with Ibuka Masaru), he succeeded in doing so. After producing tape-recorders for the domestic market, Sony focused on the emerging transistor-based technology and unleashed one technical revolution after the other: the first transistor television, the smallest dictating machine, the Walkman (for many years an integral part of the urban landscape), the digital video camera, the invention of the CD (together with Philips) and the PlayStation are evidence of the fact that Japanese engineers do creative and groundbreaking work and that Japanese management techniques have much to offer the world. ideas school: lesson 7 Think internationally. And take advantage of the qualities of your personal and local background to inspire people from all over the world.

Photos: David Brabyn/Corbis, Olivier Martel/Corbis, DK Limited/Corbis

18 COVERSTORY Idei bune Good Ideas

Psri furioase (Angry Birds)

Rovio Entertainment (nfiinat n 2003) Creator de jocuri


The Angry Birds

Rovio Entertainment (founded in 2003) Games inventor

e vedei atunci cnd v uitai peste umrul utilizatorilor de iPad, smart phones i computere? Exact: Angry Birds un joc care convinge prin mecanica simpl (psri care distrug hoi de ou, reprezentai de porcuori i fortreele acestora construite cu isteime), prin surprizele constante i variaii. Compania din spatele acestui joc a fost nfiinat de ctre studenii finlandezi Niklas Hed, Jarno Vkevinen i Kim Dikert i a demonstrat c jocurile moderne pot fi realizate i fr investiii de milioane n cheltuieli de dezvoltare i PR i c ideea este cea care conteaz n primul rnd. Mai mult de o jumtate de miliard de jocuri Angry Birds descrcate, parcuri tematice, precum i seriale TV i filme au transformat studenii n nite oameni bogai. coala de idei: lecia 8 Trim n era aplicaiilor. Nu avei nevoie de un geniu n materie de grafic sau de armate de programatori pentru a putea realiza un program de foarte mare succes . O sufragerie i cteva idei bune ar trebui s fie suficiente.

What do you see when you look over the shoulder of iPad users, Smartphone owners, and computer kids? Precisely. Angry Birds a game that satisfies thanks to its simple mechanics (hurl birds at ghastly egg thieves and their amusingly designed castles) and constantly new surprises and variations. The company behind it was launched by Finnish students Niklas Hed, Jarno Vkevinen und Kim Dikert and showed that even modern games need not devour millions in development and PR costs, but rather that predominantly it is still the idea that counts. More than half a billion downloaded Angry Bird games, theme parks as well as a planned TV series and movies have turned the students into rich men. ideas school: lesson 8 W e live in the age of the app. You dont need graphics geniuses and teams of programmers to be able to produce a mega successful program. A living room and some good ideas are enough.

Bill Gates (nscut n 1955) Fondatorul Microsoft


The Omnipresent
Bill Gates (born 1955) Founder of Microsoft

r el nu am avea un computer cu sistem de operare Windows. Aceasta ar putea convinge utilizatorii de Apple la fel ca i viziunea pentru o lume mai bun, ns pentru numeroii utilizatori de PC, Windows este mediul electronic folosit zilnic fie n scop personal,fie n afaceri. Totul se datoreaz nfiinrii firmei Microsoft n 1975 de ctre Bill Gates, care la acea vreme renunase la studii. La nceputul anilor 80 acesta a obinut licena pentru un sistem de operare al programatorului Tim Paterson, pe care l-a redenumit MS-DOS. Folosind marketing agresiv i strategii de parteneriat, Gates ia ctigat un loc n loja erei informaticii, imitnd fr mil interfaa utilizator de la Mac prin Windows i transformnd un sistem ntr-un standard. i astfel, a devenit al doilea cel mai bogat om de pe planet i un filantrop n viaa privat. coala de idei: lecia 9 Nu se gndea nimeni c studentul ochelarist cu pix i calculator n buzunarul cmii va deveni cndva cel mai bogat nord-american.

Without him, we wouldnt have a Windows computer. That may seem like the vision of a better world to staunch fans of Apple, but whether privately or in the Office, for the majority of PC users Windows represents the daily electronic environment which is due to the fact that college dropout Bill Gates founded his company Microsoft in 1975, licensed an operating system designed by programmer Tim Paterson in the early 80s and renamed it MSDOS. Using aggressive marketing and partnership strategies, Bill Gates secured himself a box seat in the information age, mercilessly imitated the Mac user interface with Windows and made his system the standard. And then he withdrew to private life as the second richest man in the world and a philanthropist. ideas school: lesson 9 That an eyeglass wearing student with pen and slide rule in the shirt pocket would one day become the richest man in America is something nobody could have foreseen.

Gute Ideen Good Ideas COVERSTORY 19


Nu v gndii n primul rnd la protul propriu acesta vine de la sine atunci cnd prin ideea dvs. ajutai milioane de alte persoane.
IDEAS SCHOOL: LESSON 10 Dont focus rst and foremost on your own prot; if you help millions of others with your idea, that follows automatically.


Muhammad Yunus (nscut n 1940) Bancher pentru investiii


The Microcapitalist

Muhammad Yunus (born 1940) Development banker

n mod tradiional bncile se concentreaz pe profit i acord credite dup ce au verificat suficient solicitantul i dup ce acesta din urm le poate oferi garanii. ns nu la fel stau lucrurile pentru locuitorii de la sate i persoanele srace din statele lumii a treia, crora le lipsea capitalul pentru dezvoltarea unor idei de afaceri complexe sau simple. Muhammad Yunus, un economist din Bangladesh, a schimbat aceast situaie prin Grameen Bank i microcreditele acordate de aceasta, mbuntind astfel nivelul de trai al miilor de persoane srace din rile aflate n curs de dezvoltare i ctignd pe bun dreptate premiul Nobel pentru pace.

Traditionally, banks pay attention to their bottom line hence, they only grant a loan after closely scrutinizing the applicant and if the applicant is able to provide them with collateral. And precisely that is not possible for village and slumdwellers in third world countries; therefore, in the past they have lacked the capital needed to realize simple or more complex business ideas. With his Grameen Bank and the microcredits granted by it, Bangladeshi economist Muhammad Yunus changed that. In so doing, he improved the living standards of thousands upon thousands of poor people in developing countries for which he was, quite rightly, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Photos: Ann E. Yow-Dyson/Getty Images, Farjana K. Godhuly/Getty Images

Pamhagen Cancn Antalya

nd vine vorba despre marketingul pe baz de referine practicat de Lyoness, un lucru se remarc detaat fa de celelalte: comunicarea. Comunicarea de informaii ctre echip contribuie semnificativ la succesul propriei activiti pe baz de referine dac eti un lider Lyoness prin obiective clare i aciuni exacte stabileti ritmul aciunii comune. Avnd acest aspect n vedere, Lyoness ofer oportunitatea de mbuntire a aptitudinilor de lider i n acelai timp cultiv spiritul de echip prin seminariile sale pentru lideri. Printre altele, se pune accent pe aplicarea selectiv a materialelor de comunicare disponibile. Cu toate acestea, mbuntirea abilitilor de lider nu este singurul obiectiv. Mai presus de orice, seminariile au i scopul mprtirii experienei cu persoanele din alte ri, a spiritului comunitar i a distraciei; pentru provocrile n aer liber se ncurajeaz frecvent membrii prezeni s ating cele mai bune performane personale. Participanii au fost sprijinii de CEO-ul Hubert Freidl, ISD Werner Kaiser n Antalia i CEO Lyoness America Mario Hoffmann n Cancn precum i de reprezentani ai Echipei de Preedini. Membrii au fost de asemenea invitai s lucreze la ascensiunea la urmtorul nivel al carierei n Pamhagen, Austria. n plus, n Turcia i America s-au srbtorit noi nceputuri: seminariile pentru lideri au fost organizate aici pentru prima oar sunt planificate i alte evenimente.

Concentrare, socializare i relaxare ntr-o atmosfer confortabil. Imagini de la ultimele seminarii pentru lideri ale Lyoness din Turcia, Mexic i Austria. Apropo, sunt disponibile mai multe impresii n ediia pentru iPad a revistei Cashback. Focus, network, and relax in a comfortable atmosphere. Images from Lyoness latest leader seminars in Turkey, Mexico and Austria. By the way, more impressions are available in the iPad edition of the Cashback magazine.


ONE THING STANDS above all else when it comes to Lyoness referral marketing: communication. Communication of information to the team contributes significantly to the success of your own referral business when you are a Lyoness leader with clear-cut objectives and clear-cut actions, you set the rhythm for acting together. With that in mind, Lyoness provides the opportunity to improve leadership skills and at the same time fosters team spirit with its leader seminars. Amongst other things, focus is placed on selective application of the available communication material. However, the improvement of leadership is not the only objective. Above all, seminars are also about sharing experience with people from other countries, community spirit and fun; for the outdoor challenges regularly encourage the members present to achieve their personal best. Participants were supported by CEO Hubert Freidl, ISD Werner Kaiser in Antalya and CEO Lyoness America Mario Hoffmann in Cancn as well as representatives of the Presidents Team. Members were also invited to work on climbing to the next career level in Pamhagen, Austria. In addition, there were firsts to celebrate in Turkey and in America: leader seminars were held there for the first time other events are planned.

Acest an se ncheie n curnd, dar Turneul Internaional este nc n desfurare! De aceast dat CEO Hubert Freidl, i Mario Ho mann, CEO Lyoness America au invitat membrii din Statele Unite, Canada i Brazilia n Turneu i au prezentat ultimele activiti din cadrul companiei.
tabilirea comunitii de cumprturi pe continentul american se desfoar la viteza maxim de luni de zile. A fost nregistrat un mare succes - a fost nfiinat noua baz de management n Miami pentru sprijinirea filialelor naionale americane, iau amploare parteneriatele i discuiile cu potenialii parteneri n domeniul lanurilor de magazine i cu magazinele on-line. Pentru a oferi membrilor Lyoness America informaii actualizate despre noile evenimente au fost prezentate recentele evoluii i inovaii ale companiei pe parcursul turneului din America. Printre altele, participanii au primit informaii fundamentale despre dezvoltarea Lyoness pe fiecare continent, detalii despre proiectele celor dou fundaii i o privire de ansamblu asupra materialului de comunicare actual. De la noile website-uri, www.lyoness. com i, documentele suport pentru marketing prin recomandare i training, pn la Lyoness.TV i filmul Totul despre Lyoness, care n prezent este folosit cu succes n ntreaga lume, nimic nu a fost omis n momentul n care membrii prezeni au primit informaii cuprinztoare despre Lyoness. Cu toate acestea, cele mai captivante veti din Turneu au fost n mod clar cele despre noii parteneri comerciali, care de acum nainte utilizeaz beneficiile programului de fidelizare din America i, astfel, pun la dispoziie o multitudine de puncte noi de vnzare membrilor Lyoness. Noile lanuri de magazine includ, de exemplu, Walmart, Exxon, Lowes, Sears i Lord & Taylor. n ceea ce privete comercianii online sunt disponibili Blue Man Group, Six Flags, Sears Outlet, Kaspersky Lab, Gilt Groupe, Lindt Chocolate ca i muli alii. Un lucru este clar: eforturile filialelor naionale Lyoness de a stabili parteneriate cu companii din Statele Unite, Canada i Brazilia lrgesc oportunitile de cumprare n mod semnificativ i arat c dezvoltarea va rmne pozitiv.

The year is coming to an end, but the International Tour far from over! This time CEO Hubert Freidl and CEO Lyoness America, Mario Hoffmann, invited members in the United States, Canada and Brazil to the Tour event and presented the latest developments within the company.

ESTABLISHMENT of the shopping community in the Americas has been running at full speed for months. And great success has now been recorded the new management base in Miami is set to support the American national subsidiaries, partnerships and talks with potential chain store companies, and online stores are in full swing. To bring American Lyoness members up-to-date with the latest events, the companys newest developments and innovations were presented during the four Tour dates in the Americas. Amongst other things, participants were given basic information about the development of Lyoness on each continent, insight into the projects of the two foundations, and an overview of the current communication material. From the new and websites across supporting documents for referral marketing and training through to Lyoness.TV and the All about Lyoness movie, which is now being successfully used around the world, nothing was left out when it came to providing the members present with comprehensive information about Lyoness. However, the most compelling news at the Tour was clearly the new loyalty merchants, who from now on make use of the benefits of the loyalty program in the Americas and thus provide a multitude of new points of sale for Lyoness members. New chain store companies include Walmart, Exxon, Lowes, Sears and Lord & Taylor, for example. In terms of online merchants, Blue Man Group, Six Flags, Sears Outlet, Kaspersky Lab, Gilt Groupe, Lindt Chocolate and many more are available. One thing is clear: the efforts of the Lyoness national subsidiaries to establish partnerships with companies in the United States, Canada and Brazil are expanding shopping opportunities significantly and indicate that development will remain positive.

n 2012, Turneul Internaional prin Statele Unite a ajuns i n Nevada, mai exact la Las V egas. In 2012, the International Tour through the United States also led to Nevada, Las Vegas to be more precise.

Plin de entuziasm n Brazilia publicul din So Paulo a fost fermecat de comentariile lui Hubert Freidl i Mario Hoffmann. Filled with enthusiasm in Brazil the audience was spellbound in So Paulo as it listened to the remarks of Hubert Freidl and Mario Hoffmann.

Cap dublu de afi n Canada ... De aceast dat, Turneul s-a oprit la Montreal i Vancouver. Mai multe imagini de la evenimente pot fi gsite n ediia pentru iPad a revistei Cashback Double bill in Canada ... This time the Tour stopped at Montreal and Vancouver. More images of the events can be found in the iPad edition of the Cashback magazine.

24 BUSINESS Carier cu Lyoness Career with Lyoness

Prima scnteie la cellalt capt al lumii

Austriacul Hannes Freidinger a fost unul dintre primii membrii din Germania. Acum are o reea de cumprtori format din peste 70.000 de oameni i este membru al Lyoness Presidents Team.
Austrian Hannes Freidinger was one of the first members in Germany. He now looks upon a shopping network of more than 70,000 people and he s a member of the Lyoness Presidents Team.

Initial spark at the other end of the world

entru c avem acelai nume este o concluzie evident c sunt nrudit cu Franz Freidinger. nrudit? Este fratele meu! Am fost o echip unit nc din copilrie. De exemplu, atunci cnd eram adolesceni, am nfiinat o discotec n grajdul tatlui nostru i am dat multe petreceri legendare acolo. Viaa m-a adus n Berlin cnd aveam 19 ani, locul de unde am pornit pe drumul meu creativ, mai nti ca inginer de sunet i mai trziu n design grafic. M gndeam c mi-am gsit chemarea cu adevrat. Dar ntr-o zi fratele meu Franz Rudolf a venit la mine i mi-a spus c a aflat ceva extraordinar i c era foarte probabil s joc un rol n lansarea acestui proiect chiar din prima zi. Ideea suna logic i simplu. Ne-am dus cu maina pn la un bar din Stiria de Vest iar acolo era un mic grup de prieteni. O persoan incredibil de carismatic a venit la mas. Era foarte energic, amuzant i plin de via i inspiraie i avea o viziune care pentru el prea deja realitate era Hubert Freidl. Am devenit membru Lyoness la scurt timp dup aceea. Cnd m-am ntors la Berlin a trebuit s atept deoarece pe atunci Lyoness nu se lansase n Germania nc dar am urmrit evoluiile de la distan i fratele meu m inea la curent cu ultimele nouti. Pe cnd m aflam n Australia, dup ce plecasem de la ultimul meu loc de munc, mi s-a aprins n minte prima scnteie, cu att mai mult cu ct aranjasem s m ntlnesc cu un vechi prieten din Sydney, care era mai mult dect entuziasmat de ideea Lyoness. Succesul a venit n urma tenacitii, dorinei de a nva i a lucrului n echip cu fratele meu. A devenit tot mai evident pentru mine ceea ce era cu adevrat posibil i, datorit acestei idei, propriile mele aspiraii ieeau la lumin. S le reamintesc oamenilor de propriul lor potenial, s i sprijin i s i ajut ca viziunile lor s nfloreasc din nou consider c aceasta este misiunea mea. Cea mai bun viziune din lume! Pn n prezent, mpreun cu echipa mea, am construit o reea internaional de cumprtori de peste 70.000 de membri i suntem numai n faza de pornire, facem verificarea de sunet, ca s spun aa. Adevrata apariie pe scen nc nu a avut loc!

Having tHe same name it s an obvious conclusion that I m related to Franz Freidinger. Related? He s my brother! We ve been a close-knit team since childhood. For example, when we were teenagers, we set up a disco in our father s cowshed and had many a legendary party. My life took me to Berlin when I was 19, which is where I set out on my creative path, first as a sound engineer and later in graphic design. I d actually found my calling, so I thought. But then one day my brother Franz Rudolf came to me and said that he d learnt about something extraordinary, and that there was a great chance of playing a part in getting it off the ground right from day one. The idea sounded logical and simple. We drove to a bar in West Styria and a small group of friends was sitting there. And then an incredibly charismatic person came to the table. He was extremely energetic, fun and full of life, was very inspirational and had a vision that seemed as if it was already reality for him it was Hubert Freidl. I became a member of Lyoness shortly after that. When I got back to Berlin I had to wait because at that time Lyoness hadn t launched in Germany but I watched developments from a distance and my brother kept me up-to-date with the latest news. It was when I was in Australia taking time out from my former job that the initial spark came, the more so as I had arranged to meet an old friend in Sydney, who was more than enthusiastic about the Lyoness idea. Together with tenacity, willingness to learn, and team play with my brother came success. It became more and more apparent to me just what was actually possible and that thanks to this idea my own aspirations were coming back to light. Reminding people of their own potential, supporting them and enabling their own visions to flourish again that s what I consider to be my mission. The best one in the world! So far, my team and I have built up an international shopping network of more than 70,000 members and we are only in the starting blocks, doing the sound check, as it were. The actual stage appearance is yet to come!

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX 25

Hannes Freidinger s-a nscut n 1982 ntr-un stuc din Stiria de Sud. Fratele su, Franz, i-a fcut cunotin cu Lyoness n 2003 i n timp ce Franz activa n Austria, Hannes Freidinger a fost unul din primii membrii din Germania. Abia dup ce a fcut un mic ocol n Australia, Hannes s-a implicat cu adevrat.
Hannes Freidinger was born in 1982 in a small village in Southeast Styria. His brother Franz introduced him to Lyoness in 2003 and while Franz was active in Austria, Hannes Freidinger was one of the first members in Germany. It was only after a small detour in Australia that Hannes really took off.

Mi-a luat ceva timp s mi dau seama ce potenial inepuizabil au oamenii. Este o comoar extraordinar pe care o posedm toi.
Hannes Freidinger, 30 de ani I needed time to realize the inexhaustible potential people have. It s a marvelous treasure that everyone possesses.

26 BUSINESS Cariere cu Lyoness

Careers with Lyoness

Diferena dintre carier i chemare

Ei provin din cele mai diverse ri i au diferite cariere, dar un lucru i unete pe toi: pasiunea pentru Lyoness i povetile despre cum viaa lor s-a schimbat cu Lyoness.

The difference between a career and a calling

They come from the most varied of countries and have different careers, but one thing unites them all: their passion for Lyoness and the stories of how theyve changed their lives with it.

Pam lewko, San Diego, California, Statele Unite | San Diego, California, United States
Am srbtorit prima mea aniversare cu Lyoness n septembrie. nainte am lucrat n sectorul de sntate i nutriie timp de 25 de ani i pe lng locul de munc, care era foarte stresant uneori, aveam de crescut singur i doi adolesceni. Cnd am aflat despre Lyoness am fost cuprins de entuziasm chiar de la nceput - i am fost motivat s formez o echip excelent ct mai repede! Astzi, oportunitile pe care Lyoness le ofer familiei mele i mie sunt fantastice. Sunt, de asemenea, implicat activ n Child & Family Foundation i am fost deja n Honduras. n viitor a dori s contribui mai mult la fundaie.
I celebrated my first anniversary with Lyoness in September. Before that, Id been involved in health and nutrition for 25 years and next to my job, which could be quite stressful at times, I had two teenagers to bring up on my own. When I learned about Lyoness, I was filled with enthusiasm right from the start and motivated to build up a great team quickly! Today, the opportunities Lyoness offer my family and I are fantastic. Im also actively involved in the Child & Family Foundation and have already been to Honduras. In the future, Id like to contribute even more to the Foundation.


Jakub Baclawski, 23 de ani, Vancouver, Canada| 23 years, Vancouver, Canada

Tatl meu mi-a spus prima dat despre Lyoness i, odat ce am neles schimbarea pe care ne-o ofer Hubert Freidl, am devenit foarte ocupat n martie 2012. Am devenit Proprietarul/ CEO-ul unei firme de construcii din Vancouver, Canada. Aveam de dinainte o oarecare experien n industria de network marketing. M-am nscut n Polonia, dar am imigrat n Vancouver cnd eram foarte tnr. Am mplinit 23 de ani n septembrie, aa nct chiar dac cineva este tnr i nu are o reea bun, dac crezi n ceea ce faci orice este posibil. i mulumesc mult familiei mele pentru c a crezut n mine i noii mele familii, desigur, cei care m susin. Am ntlnit oameni noi i minunai care fac ca lucrul mpreun n cadrul afacerii s fie o bucurie. Am obiective mari pe care doresc s le realizez cu cariera Lyoness, sau ca membru al Presidents Team, i cu rezultatul obinut voi putea, cu siguran, s cumpr cteva lucruri pe care le-am dorit i la care am visat ntotdeauna.
My father told me first about Lyoness and once I understood the change that Hubert Freidl gives us, I became very busy in March 2012. I was the Owner/CEO of a construction Firm out of Vancouver, Canada. I have had some experience in the network marketing industry before. Originally born in Poland, I immigrated to Vancouver when I was very young. I just turned 23 this September, so even for someone that is young and does not have a good network, if you believe in what you do anything is possible. Many thanks to my family for believing in me as well as my new family, of course, the lifeline. I met lots of new and amazing people who make it a joy to work on the business together. I have big goals that I still want to accomplish with the Lyoness Career, Presidents Team, and with the result i will be able to for sure buy a few things that I always wanted and dreamed of.

Georg hiesmayr, 48 de ani, Traun, Austria Superioar | 48 years, Traun, Upper Austria
Atunci cnd un prieten mi-a spus despre Lyoness, am tiut c aceasta era oportunitatea pe care o ntlneti odat n via - s mi creez propria comunitate de cumprtori Lyoness n care fiecare persoan care recomand, fiecare membru i fiecare partener comercial are beneficii. Avantajele pentru toi cei implicai pur i simplu m-au nflcrat! Dac poi s i dai seama de diferena dintre carier i chemare, atunci eti cu siguran unul dintre oamenii care au noroc n via. Prieteniile noi la care doar visasem nainte s-au dezvoltat rapid. Propria mea companie este partener comercial Lyoness i cu mult succes. Maxima mea n via este : Ceea ce semeni, aceea vei culege.

When a friend told me about Lyoness, I knew that this was the opportunity of a lifetime building up my own Lyoness shopping community where every recommender, every member and every loyalty merchant benefits. The advantages for all involved simply set me on fire! If youre able to experience the difference between a career and calling, then youre definitely one of lifes lucky people. New friendships I could only dream of before developed very quickly. My own company is a Lyoness loyalty merchant and with much success. My maxim in life: As you sow so shall you reap.

28 ECONOMY Noul concept pentru IMM-uri The new SME concept

Noul concept de succes pentru IMM-uri

Lyoness coopereaz la nivel mondial cu peste 25.000 de companii partenere mici i mijlocii, iar numrul acestora crete sptmnal. Pentru a consolida ct mai bine aceast colaborare n viitor, Lyoness a restructurat complet conceptul su pentru IMM-uri.
Lyoness works together with more than 25,000 small and medium-sized loyalty merchants and every week there are more. To reinforce these as much as possible in the future, Lyoness has restructured its SME strategy from scratch.

The new success strategy for SMEs

n toamna anului 2012, Lyoness a demarat extinderea i consolidarea reelei internaionale pentru IMM-uri. Obiectivul comun este sprijinirea mai eficient a companiilor partenere IMM i transformarea mixului de brane pentru cumprtori ntr-unul mai complex i mai atrgtor la nivelul tuturor continentelor. Sub denumirea prescurtat Model NOU pentru IMM-uri se ascunde un pachet de msuri care vizeaz majorarea cifrei de afaceri, fidelizarea clienilor i ctigarea unor clieni noi, pentru toi partenerii IMM din ntreaga lume. Motorul noului program pentru IMM-uri este extinderea masiv a activitii de marketing, la nivel regional i naional. nc de la mijlocul lunii septembrie, campaniile "Acum!" i Comoara cumprturilor" asigur o percepie mbuntit asupra mrcii Lyoness, sporind entuziasmul cumprturilor pentru avantajele generale ale Lyoness.

LYONESS LAUNCHED the development and reinforcement of the international SME network in the fall of 2012. The common goal is to support the SME loyalty merchants even more effectively and make the mix of industries even more diverse and appealing for shoppers on every continent! The crisp designation NEW SME Model conceals a package of pioneering measures for selectively increasing sales as well as retaining and acquiring new customers for all the SME merchants around the world. The new SME program is propelled by the immense expansion of regional and national marketing activities. The extensive Now! and Shopping Treasure campaign has guaranteed that the perception of the Lyoness brand is rising and that shoppers are filled with enthusiasm for the cross-industry Lyoness benefits since mid-September. Optimum support by the SME Regional Manager However, since Lyoness is now providing a SME Regional Manager for each region, loyalty merchants may not only look forward to increased customer footfall, but also enhanced support. Assisted by the SME office of the national subsidiary, the regional manager is the partner on the ground and thus responsible for providing the SMEs in her or his region ongoing support. In this manner, the flow of information is optimized a critical factor for a successful partnership. Regular regional meetings complete the new communications package for SMEs. Amongst other things, these meetings will see leading Lyoness companies discussing their experiences. They also provide the opportunity to exploit synergetic effects in the B2B sector. POS material with a big impact SMEs will obtain additional support from cutting-edge POS material, which has modern, eye-catching branding that has been perfectly aligned with the specific needs of loyalty merchants and the respective industry. This means that the POS material now draws attention to Lyoness and the benefits of the shopping community even more effectively and thus creates the ideal conditions for even greater business success.

Asisten optim asigurat de Managerii regionali pentru IMM-uri

Companiile partenere se pot bucura nu doar de o frecven sporit a clienilor, ci i de un nivel mbuntit de asisten. ncepnd de acum Lyoness pune la dispoziia acestora un manager regional pentru IMM-uri pentru fiecare regiune. Sprijinit de biroul pentru IMM-uri al filialelor naionale, acesta este partenerul din prima linie, responsabil pentru ndrumarea constant a IMM-urilor din regiunea sa. n acest fel, fluxul de informaii este optimizat, iar aceasta reprezint factorul decisiv pentru o cooperare de succes. edinele periodice la nivel regional, n cadrul crora companiile de top stabilite n cadrul Lyoness i mprtesc experiena, completeaz noua propunere de comunicare pentru IMM-uri. n plus, acestea ofer posibilitatea de a exploata efectele sinergetice din sectorul B2B (Business to Business termen ce desemeaz cooperarea ntre dou companii).

Material pentru POS cu un impact mai bun

IMM-urile beneficiaz de sprijin suplimentar i prin materialele pentru POS de ultim generaie i prin campaniile de branding atrgtoare care se armonizeaz n mod optim cu cerinele companiilor partenere individuale i cu domeniul de activitate. Astfel, materialele pentru POS atrag imediat atenia asupra Lyoness i asupra avantajelor Comunitii de cumprturi, crend astfel cele mai bune condiii pentru un succes mai mare n afaceri.


Prin noua campanie de branding i graie folderului IMM(sus), brourii pentru IMM-uri (jos), USB-ului Cashback Card (partea opus), portofoliului de IMMuri i multor altora, companiile nu mai trebuie s caute clieni. Acetia sunt identificai pe loc! The new branding makes it possible! Thanks to the SME folder (above), the SME brochure (below), the USB Cashback Card (opposite page), the SME kit and much more, companies no longer need to search for customers, they are now found!

Bonuri valorice Lyoness Store pentru mai multe oportuniti

Lyoness store vouchers for more opportunities

Lyoness inoveaz noi servicii pentru membrii si pentru a face cumprturile i mai atractive.
Lyoness is innovating new services for its members to make shopping even more attractive.

entru a permite membrilor Lyoness s beneficieze i mai uor de avantajele Lyoness oferim acum n mod exclusiv Bonuri valorice Lyoness Store sub form de bonuri valorice cadou i de cumprturi. Introducerea bonurilor valorice a fost nsoit de optimizarea contului de cumprturi privat pentru o mai mare transparen i pentru mai multe oportuniti de cumprturi.

TO ENABLE LYONESS members to benefit even more easily from the advantages of Lyoness, we are now offering exclusive Lyoness store vouchers in the form of shopping and gift vouchers. The introduction of the vouchers has been accompanied by the optimization of the private shopping account for greater clarity and more shopping opportunities.


Bonuri valorice Lyoness Store

Noul bon valoric de cumprturi de la Lyoness este flexibil i practic. Atunci cnd un membru achiziioneaz un bon valoric este creditat direct n contul personal de cumprturi i poate fi folosit apoi timp de doi ani pentru a face cumprturi de la Lyoness. Poate fi folosit pentru a cumpra bonuri valorice mobile, carduri/bonuri valorice cadou originale de la partenerii comerciali ai Lyoness (total sau parial), pentru nregistrare online i achiziionarea de pliante pentru nregistrare pentru noi membrii Lyoness i, bineneles, pentru a face cumprturi n popularul Lyoness Store. Iar bonurile valorice de cumprturi pot fi folosite i ca bonuri valorice cadou spre a fi oferite prietenilor.

Lyoness Store Shopping Voucher

The new shopping voucher from Lyoness is versatile and practical. When a member purchases a voucher it is credited directly to the personal shopping account and can then be used for two years for Lyoness shopping. It can be used to buy mobile vouchers, original gift vouchers/cards from Lyoness loyalty merchants (fully or partially), online registration and purchase of registration flyers for new Lyoness members and, of course, for shopping in the popular Lyoness Store. And shopping vouchers can also be used as gift vouchers to give to friends.

Bonul Valoric Cadou Lyoness Store

S-au dus nopile n care ne frmntam mintea s gsim cadoul perfect de Crciun sau pentru aniversare. Bonul valoric cadou cu avantajul su all-in-one este soluia ideal. Este simplu de cumprat: pur i simplu v autentificai pe Lyoness Online Office i comandai orice numr de bonuri valorice cadou Lyoness cu valoarea de 10 pn la 1000. Dup cumprare, pot fi descrcate imediat. Destinatarul poate alege apoi cum, cnd i pentru cine este folosit bonul valoric: ca bon valoric mobil, card/bon valoric cadou original de la partenerii comerciali ai Lyoness (parial sau total), nregistrare online sau cumprarea de pliante pentru nregistrare sau produse din Lyoness Store. Pentru membrii Lyoness Crciunul a sosit deja. Dac dorii s aflai mai multe despre bonurile valorice Lyoness vizitai noul nostru site la adresa

Lyoness Store Gift Voucher

Gone are the nights spent wracking your brains for a perfect Christmas or birthday present. The gift voucher with its all-in-one advantage is the ideal solution. It is easy to purchase: simply log on to the Lyoness Online Office and order any number of Lyoness gift vouchers worth 10 to 1,000. After purchase it can be downloaded immediately. The recipient can then choose how, when and for whom the voucher is used: as a mobile voucher, original gift voucher/card from Lyoness loyalty merchants (partially or fully), online registration or purchase of registration flyers or products from the Lyoness Store. For Lyoness members Christmas is already here. If you would like to know more about the new Lyoness vouchers, visit our brand-new website at

Photos: Laoshi/Getty Images

Noile website
La mijlocul lunii septembrie 2012 Lyoness a iniiat relansarea cu succes a website-urilor naionale Lyoness la adresa i noul website corporativ la adresa Informaiile i serviciul sunt scrise cu majuscule.
In mid-September 2012 Lyoness initiated the successful relaunch of Lyoness national websites at and the brand new corporate website at Information and service have been written in capital letters.
THE NEW DESIGN of Lyoness online world has already been the cause of much excitement at the Sensation in Vienna. Preparations in the run-up had been moving at full speed for months. Until finally, on the exact day the Sensation was held, the Lyoness community witnessed it go online.

oul design al lumii online Lyoness a fost motivul care a strnit mult interes la evenimentul Sensation din Viena. Pregtirile din perioada premergtoare s-au desfurat la viteza maxim luni de zile. n final, exact n ziua n care evenimentul Sensation a fost organizat, comunitatea Lyoness a fost martor la lansarea sa online. the relaunch has been a success Relansarea a fost un succes Scopul principal al Lyoness a fost de a crea un website uor de utilizat, cu The main goal of Lyoness was to create a user-friendly website with new key features, a fresh design and easier menu navigation for its noi caracteristici cheie, un design proaspt i un meniu de navigare mai members. Technically and visually of the highest order, of course. Imuor pentru membrii si, foarte modern din punct de vedere tehnic i viproved ease of use thanks to self-explanatory icons instead of eterzual. mbuntirea uurinei de utilizare cu ajutorul iconielor auto-exnally long articles means that visitors now enjoy an entirely new user plicative n locul articolelor lungi nseamn c vizitatorii se bucur acum experience. A guarantee for even de o experien de utilizare cu totul more fun in the shopping and nou. O garanie pentru a te distra i mai cashback world of Lyoness. mult n lumea de cumprturi i lumea Above all, on the new website the "cashback" a Lyoness. Mai presus de toa Noul website Lyoness. New benefits of Lyoness membership te, pe noul website beneficiile oferite de website in 39 countries net n 39 de ri have been moved prominently to statutul de membru Lyoness au fost mu 46 language variations Versiuni n 46 de limbi the foreground. With that being tate n mod vizibil n prim plan. Acestea for 2.4 million pentru 2,4 milioane de said, Lyoness loyalty merchants fiind spuse, i partenerii comerciali members membrii find optimum advertising space Lyoness gsesc un spaiu de publicitate Cteva milioane de vizi- Several million visitors in a rotating banner feature, too. optim ntr-o funcie cu un banner rotaeach month tatori n fiecare lun This means that exclusive dealer tiv. Aceasta nseamn c promoiile expromotions, discounts and news clusive, ofertele i tirile de la partenerii from Lyoness loyalty merchants can be perfectly presented. And the comerciali Lyoness pot fi prezentate perfect. Nici lumea Lyoness nu a fost world of Lyoness has not been neglected on the new website, either. neglijat pe noul website. Reclamele creative ofer o imagine de ansamblu Creative advertising blocks provide an excellent overview of new excelent a noilor proiecte i campanii Lyoness i, desigur, tiri n exclusiLyoness projects, campaigns, and, of course, exclusive news for vitate pentru membrii Lyoness. De exemplu, vntorii de comori Lyoness Lyoness members. Lyoness treasure hunters are spared a lengthy nu mai trebuie s caute mult timp "Comoara de cumprturi" pe noul search for the Shopping Treasure on the new website, for instance. website. To cut a long story short, the new website sets itself apart with a Pe scurt, noul website se distinge prin instrumente bine aranjate de well-organized dealer and product search tool as well as perfect cutare a comerciailor i a produselor, precum i ca un meniu de navigare menu navigation. Added to that, the new corporate identity promotes perfect. n plus, noua identitate corporativ promoveaz identificarea cu identification with the Lyoness brand in its entirety among the marca Lyoness n toate elementele sale n cadrul comunitii Lyoness. Lyoness community.


-uri Lyoness

Lyoness new websites the digital business card of the company cartea de vizit digital a companiei Cei care se ntreab "Ce este Lyoness?" pot avea acum rspunsuri toate nThose who are wondering What is Lyoness? can now have all their questions answered on the brand new corporate website: trebrile pe noul website al companiei: Aici gsii tot Everything you need to know about Lyoness can be found there. ce trebuie s tii despre Lyoness. A winning corporate design with simple navigation and ease of use Un design corporativ atractiv cu navigare simpl i uurin n utilizare leads to an excellent user experience. Visitors to the website dip effortlessconduce la o experien de utilizare excelent. Vizitatorii website-ului se ly into the shopping world of Lyoness. descurc fr efort n lumea de cumprInformative articles on the company s turi Lyoness. Articolele informative culture, mission and vision, the Foundapre cultur, misiunea i viziunea compations as well as interviews with personniei, Fundaiile i interviurile cu perso Tot ce trebuie s tii everything you need to alities from the Lyoness management naliti din echipa de management know about Lyoness despre Lyoness team permit deep insight into the comLyoness ofer o nelegere profund a insight into the corporate Perspectica asupra pany. Picture and video galleries also companiei. Galeriile foto i video perculture culturii corporative enable website visitors to get to know mit, de asemenea, vizitatorilor website Timeline animat pentru animated timeline for some of the employees at Lyoness and ului s cunoasc o parte din angajaii watching the history a urmri derularea istoquickly submerge into their daily rouLyoness i s se familiarizeze rapid cu ruof Lyoness unfold riei Lyoness tine. Thanks to a timeline, users can tina lor zilnic. Datorit unui timeline, job search with Cutarea unui loc de even follow the major stages of expanutilizatorii pot urmri chiar i etapele application form munc i formular de sion and innovation as well as the demajore de extindere i inovare, precum Press Center with aplicare velopments of the company itself live. i evoluia companiei n direct. Cu toate downloadable press kits, Centru de Pres cu kitHowever, the new website not only acestea, noul website nu este pregtit articles and photos uri de pres, articole i stands at the ready with interesting doar cu un coninut interesant, un fotografii care se pot content, a winning design and technical design excelent i caracteristici tehnice, descrca features, but also makes it possible to dar face posibil i partajarea informaiishare information directly via immedilor direct prin intermediul accesului imediat la Facebook, Google+, Twitter i YouTube. La website-urile ate access to Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube. The,,, and,,, i websites can be reached quickly and easily, too. se poate, de asemenea, ajunge rapid i uor. the winning online face of Lyoness! - Lyoness are o interfa online nou i atractiv!

34 NEW MARKETS XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx

PARTICULARITI N DUBAI Majoritatea companiilor conduse din Emirate sunt deinute de familii. Familiaritatea ntre partenerii de afaceri este uzual. Deciziile legate de companie nu se iau dect atunci cnd ncrederea fa de partenerul de afaceri este ca i cea fa de un membru al familiei. Acest lucru nseamn c procesul decizional poate dura mai mult. edinele au loc mai degrab ntr-o atmosfer informal, cum ar fi n restaurate sau cafenele, dect ntr-o sal de conferine servirea unei buturi non-alcoolice naintea unei ntlniri a devenit parte din eticheta n afaceri. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF DUBAI: Most of the companies run by Emirati are family-owned. Familiarity is also common among business partners. Decisions concerning the company are not taken until you are able to trust the other party as you would a family member. This means that the decision-making process can take quite some time. Meetings tend to be held a casual atmosphere, like a restaurant or caf, rather than in a meeting room a drink before a meeting (no alcohol) has now become part of business etiquette.

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 35


Locuitori | Population: aproximativ 7,9 milioane | approximately 7.9 million Suprafa | Area: 83,600 km Capitala | Capital: Abu Dhabi Limba oficial | language: araba | Arabic Forma de guvernmnt | Form of government: Federaie format din apte emirate autonome | federation of seven autonomous emirates Moneda naional | Currency: Dirham

IMEA Dubai

The shopping paradise in the Middle East

Paradisul cumprturilor n Orientul Mijlociu

The United Arab Emirates is one of the worlds most important destinations for business and shopping. As the countrys economic center, Dubai is also home to the biggest shopping malls in the world as well as numerous skyscrapers, in which ofces of the worlds best-known companies are located. Lyoness has also been able to position itself there successfully.
LYONESS IS continuously growing. In recent months, significant developments have taken place especially in the IMEA region (India, Middle East, Africa). For example, in August 2012 Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C. was established. With the new management base in Dubai, Lyoness is now promoted more intensively in the IMEA region, too. The coming years will see us working hard on developing and expanding shopping opportunities in the Arab states, India and Africa, said Karl Eibel, new in his role as General Manager of Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C. Potential new markets include Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Kuwait and Oman. Strong growth in the number of members (growing by about 40% per month) as well as more and more partnerships with companies indicate that the shopping community in this region can look to the future with optimism. For example, the Majid Al Futtaim Group, a leading Arab company, has recently started to benefit from the Lyoness Loyalty Program and enabled Lyoness members to shop with the money-back bonus in its six major shopping centers. Lyoness has thus succeeded in taking a groundbreaking step the Arab and African regions more are sure to follow.

Emiratele Arabe Unite se numr printre cele mai importante locaii internaionale destinate afacerilor i cumprturilor. n calitate de centru economic al rii, Dubai adpostete printre altele cele mai mari centre comerciale din lume, precum i numeroase cldiri impozante de birouri care gzduiesc liale ale celor mai cunoscute companii din ntreaga lume. i Lyoness s-a alturat acestora cu succes.
yoness se extinde continuu - n ultimele luni a cunoscut o dezvoltare semnificativ, n special n spaiul IMEA (India, Orientul Mijlociu, Africa). De exemplu, n august 2012 a luat natere Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C.. Lyoness beneficiaz acum de o promovare sporit i n spaiul IMEA, prin noua locaie de management din Dubai. n anii care urmeaz, vom lucra intens la dezvoltarea i extinderea oportunitilor de cumprturi n statele arabe, India i Africa, a declarat Karl Eibel, proaspt numit n funcia de Manager General al Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C. Printre potenialele piee se numr Arabia Saudit, India, Egipt, Kuweit i Oman. Creterea semnificativ a numrului membrilor (o cretere de aproximativ 40% pe lun), precum i cooperarea constant cu companiile indic faptul c, n aceast regiune, comunitatea de cumprtori poate privi cu ncredere spre viitor. Astfel, Majid Al Futtaim Group, una dintre cele mai importante companii arabe, a nceput de curnd s beneficieze de programul de fidelitate Lyoness i faciliteaz posibilitatea membrilor Lyoness de a face cumprturi n cele ase mari centre comerciale pe care le deine, beneficiind de avantajul returnrii banilor. n acest fel, Lyponess a reuit s fac primul pas n spaiile arabe i africane, i vor mai urma i altele, fr ndoial.

36 Lyoness LYONESS.TV TV

Acoperirea tirilor n toat Europa folosind maini de reportaj cu tehnologie performant

Europe-wide news coverage using high-tech outside broadcast vans

LYONESS.TV Lyoness TV 37 37

Cele dou maini de reportaj ale companiei sunt un beneciu real pentru echipa editorial Lyoness.TV Acestea fac posibil asigurarea unui serviciu excelent pentru comunitatea Lyoness cu reportaje de mare actualitate.

The companys two outside broadcast vans are a real asset to the Lyoness.TV editorial team. They make it possible to guarantee an excellent service for the Lyoness community with highly topical stories.

tudiourile mobile au susinut echipa Lyoness.TV de la mijlocul lunii septembrie i au funcionat pentru prima dat n acest an la evenimentul Lyoness Sensation din Viena. Fie c se ntmpl n Spania sau Polonia, datorit abilitii de a ajunge oriunde n Europa, echipa Lyoness.TV poate acoperi subiecte de mare actualitate n mod mai flexibil i mai direct. Astfel, editorii de pe teren pot s transmit reportaje interesante la studioul din Graz sau s relateze n direct.

The mobile studios have been supporting the team at Lyoness.TV since mid-September and were in operation for the first time at this years Lyoness Sensation in Vienna. Whether its Spain or Poland, thanks to the ability to be deployed anywhere in Europe, the Lyoness.TV team can cover hot topics even more flexibly and directly. The editors on the ground are thus able to transmit top news stories to the studio in Graz or report via live broadcast. Equipment The OB vans are fitted with state-of-the-art technology. The entire data transmission is made via satellite, thus enabling rapid and easy communication/transmission of data and videos. Above and beyond that, recordings can be edited directly in the vehicle on the video-editing equipment. Up-to-date Always at the cutting edge Lyoness.TV is developing rapidly and always focusing on innovations. The new outside broadcast vans not only represent an enormous time saving for the Lyoness.TV editorial team, they are also another step in the direction of making the Internet infotainment channel even more appealing.

Echipament Mainile de reportaj sunt echipate cu tehnologie de ultim generaie. Transmisia datelor se face integral prin satelit, asigurnd o comunicare/transmisie rapid i uoar a datelor i materialelor video. n plus, nregistrrile pot fi editate direct n vehicul pe echipamente de editare video. n actualitate ntotdeauna inovatoare Lyoness.TV se dezvolt rapid i se concentreaz ntotdeauna pe inovaii. Noile maini de reportaj nu reprezint doar un mijloc de economisire a timpului pentru echipa editorial Lyoness.TV, ci reprezint nc un pas ctre a face i mai atrgtor canalul de tiri i divertisment pe Internet.

38 FASHION Winter in der Wste

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx

TOTUL ESTE PREGTIT PENTRU IARN: Coralia poart un cardigan albastru cu nasturi mari, o earf din mtase roz, o jachet bej i blugi roz pastel toate de la Bershka i toate disponibile n Mall-ul Emiratelor. Adrian poart un cardigan mutar, un tricou denim de la Pull&Bear i pantaloni de catifea n culoarea mutarului de la Zara.
ALL SET FOR WINTER: Coralia is wearing a blue cardigan with large buttons, a pink silk scarf, a beige jacket and pastel pink jeans all from Bershka and all available in the Mall of the Emirates. Adrian is wearing a mustard-colored cardigan, a denim shirt from Pull&Bear and mustard-colored corduroy pants from Zara.

Toate inutele ne-au fost oferite de /All the styles were kindly provided to us by:

(toate n/all in the )

Mall-ul Emiratelor din Dubai este unul din cele mai mari mall-uri din lume. i din moment ce deine i o staiune de schi n interior, am mutat edina de iarn n deert. Apropo, membrii Lyoness primesc banii napoi la ecare cumprtur fcut n Mall-ul Emiratelor! A se vedea paginile 54 i 55 pentru descriere i posibiliti de cumprturi.

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Winter in der Wste FASHION 39

arn n n Winter deert desert

in the
The Mall of the Emirates in Dubai is one of the largest malls in the world. And since it also has an indoor ski resort, we relocated the winter shoot to the desert. By the way, Lyoness members get cash back with every purchase in the Mall of the Emirates! See pages 54 and 55 for a description and shopping opportunities.

Pinguini? Bineneles! Pe lng cumprturi i schi, putei admira pinguini n Mall-ul Emiratelor. Penguins? Of course! In addition to shopping and skiing, you can also admire penguins in the Mall of the Emirates.

40 Fashion Iarn n deert

Winter in the desert

ToaT lumea la bordul gondolei! Pantalonii Coraliei sunt de la bershka, puloverul n culoarea mutarului este de la Pull&bear iar jacheta verde de la Zara. adrian n culori asortate. Stilistul nostru a descoperit helanca bej la Zara i pantalonii verzi i puloverul verde din camir sunt de la massimo dutti.

All AboArd the gondolA! Coralias pants are from bershka, the mustardcolored sweater is from Pull&bear and the green jacket from Zara. Adrian in matching colors. our stylist discovered the beige turtleneck at Zara, the green pants and green cashmere sweater are from Massimo dutti.

mbrcat n haine clduroase: Mantoul supradimensional bej al Coraliei i pantalonii roii cu croial slim, precum i bluza sunt de la Massimo Dutti. Adrian i-a luat puloverul mpletit rou, alul rou i blugii cu croial dreapt de la Zara. Apropo, membrii Lyoness pot plti cu bonuri valorice n toate magazinele, restaurantele i cinematografele din Mall-ul Emiratelor!
Wrapped up Warm ... Coralias beige oversize jacket, red slim cut pants and the blouse are available from Massimo dutti. Adrian got his red sweater, the red scarf and the straight cut blue jeans from Zara. by the way, lyoness members can pay with gift Card in all the shops, restaurants and cinemas in the Mall of the emirates!

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Winter in der Wste Fashion 41

Plin de elegan: Coralia savureaz coborrea cu bobul n noua ei inut. Jacheta verde cu aplicaii, cardiganul rou i pantalonii bej cu croial slim sunt toate de la Pull&Bear, plria de la Bershka. adrian poart o cma n carouri, o hain din sibir cu petece pe coate de culoare ocru, pantaloni verzi i un pulover mpletit de culoare gri deschis toate de la Pull&Bear.

Full oF panache ... coralia enjoys the descent in the bob in her new outfit. The green jacket with applications, the red cardigan and the beige slim cut pants are all from pull&Bear, the hat from Bershka. adrian is wearing a check shirt, a duffle coat with elbow patches in ocher, green pants and a light gray knit sweater everything from pull&Bear.

42 Fashion Winter in der Wste

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx

Prinesa gheii: ncnttoarea hain-pelerin bej cu guler ridicat este disponibil la Bershka, pantalonii de bumbac cu croial slim i jacheta de la Zara iar stilistul nostru a gsit helanca tot la Bershka.
Ice prIncess ... The charming beige loden coat with stand-up collar is available from Bershka, the slim cut chinos and jacket from Zara and our stylist found the turtleneck also at Bershka.

Winter in the desert Iarn n deert Fashion 43

Rece ca gheaa: ceaiul fierbinte este ceea ce avem nevoie! Iar n cazul coraliei, o hain de iarn roie cu aplicaii din piele, colani i un pulover tricotat alb (toate de la Zara). earfa se gsete la Bershka. haina de iarn albastru nchis purtat de adrian cu aplicaie din piele de oaie, cmaa n carouri i earfa pot fi gsite la Bershka, blugii decolorai la Pull&Bear.

Cold as iCe ...Hot tea is whats needed! And in the case of Coralia a red winter coat with leather applications, leggings and a white knit sweater (everything from Zara). The scarf is available from Bershka. Adrians dark blue winter coat with sheepskin application, the check shirt and the scarf can be found at Bershka, the washed-out jeans at Pull&Bear.

44 FASHION Iarn n deert

Winter in the desert

Ski Dubai i Mall-ul Emiratelor/Ski Dubai and the Mall of the Emirates

Pe o suprafa acoperit cu zpad de 22.500 metri ptrai, staiunea de schi de interior are cinci piste, cea mai lung din acestea avnd 400 metri. Un telescaun cu patru locuri, un lift de remorcare i un dispozitiv de transport pentru stat n picioare sunt disponibile pentru a urca ctre vrf. Ski Dubai face parte din Mall-ul Emiratelor. Cu o zon comercial de 223.000 metri ptrai, Mall-ul Emiratelor este unul din cele mai mari centre comerciale din lume i adpostete mai mult de 400 de magazine din toate sectoarele. n plus, mai deine 65 de restaurante, cafenele i un supermarket mare. Pe lng magazine, mall-ul mai are i un cinematograf cu 40 de ecrane. Mall-ul Emiratelor este accesibil prin propria staie pe ruta metroului Dubai Metro.
On a snow-covered area of 22,500 square meters, the in-door ski resort has five runs, the longest being 400 meters. A four-seat chairlift, a tow lift and a step-on conveyor are available to take people to the top. Ski Dubai is part of the Mall of the Emirates. With a shopping area of 223,000 square meters, the Mall of the Emirates is one of the largest shopping malls in the world and is home to more than 400 stores from all sectors. Added to that are 65 restaurants, coffee shops and a large supermarket. Next to the stores, the mall also has a 40-screen cinema complex. The Mall of the Emirates can be reached via its own station on the Dubai Metro.

FURTUN DE ZPAD: Aici i pe copert Coralia poart o hain de iarn bej, blugi slim i o rochie din ln verde de la Zara. Puloverul tricotat cu ochiuri mari purtat de Adrian i jacheta de iarn de culoarea mslinului sunt de la Massimo Dutti iar blugii de la Zara.
SNOW FLURRY ... Here and on the cover Coralia is wearing a beige winter coat, slim cut jeans and a green wool dress from Zara. Adrians coarse-knit sweater and olive winter jacket are from Massimo Dutti and the jeans are from Zara.

Mai multe fotografii de la edin, un videoclip i cum s-a realizat edina foto se gsesc pe versiunea pentru iPad a Cashback Magazine i pe Lyoness.TV. n imaginea mic din dreapta: Karl Eibel, director general Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C. i Rima Oulabi (Director Marketing and Communications la Lyoness IMEA) mpreun cu modelul nostru de pe copert, Coralia. More photos from the shoot, a video and the making-of the shoot can be found in the iPad version of Cashback Magazine and on Lyoness.TV. In the small picture on the right: Karl Eibel, general manager of Lyoness Management IMEA L.L.C. and Rima Oulabi (head of Marketing and Communications at Lyoness IMEA) together with our cover model Coralia.

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Winter in der Wste Fashion 45

Atitudine degAjAt: deoarece pinguinii nc dorm (a se vedea imaginea de la pagina 39), Adrian poate face o scurt vizit la piscina n zpad. inuta sa: blugi n culoarea indigo, cardigan verde nchis cu aplicaii de blan i un cardigan gri (toate de la Zara).

Cool pose ... As the penguins are still asleep (see picture on page 39), Adrian is allowed a brief visit to the snow-pool. His outfit: indigo-colored jeans, dark green cardigan with fur application and a gray cardigan (all from Zara).


Lyoness eBiz la dmexco 2012

Lyoness eBiz at dmexco 2012
Soluiile digitale, viziunile i inovaiile s-au aat n centrul ateniei la dmexco, Expoziia i Conferina Digital de Marketing, organizat n perioada cuprins ntre 12 i 13 septembrie 2012. Pentru prima dat a participat live i Lyoness eBiz GmbH cu un stand propriu.
Digital solutions, visions and innovations were the clear focus of attention at dmexco the Digital Marketing Exposition and Conference between September 12 and 13 of this year. And for the rst time ever, Lyoness eBiz GmbH had its own booth there.


foto: copyright dmexco, kln

mexco din Kln este considerat platforma global nr. 1 la capitolul marketing-ului online inovator i de perspectiv. Cu o atenie evident concentrat asupra domeniului de publicitate, media i tehnologie, expoziia internaional asigur transferul eficient de know-how i ncheierea direct de afaceri. Ca principal punct de ntlnire pentru toi juctorii din brana internaional de marketing, media i publicitate, n cea de-a patra ediie, dmexco constituie un Must-Event pentru ntregul comer digital. n consecin, i Lyoness eBiz, societatea care asigurri servicii de dezvoltare n domeniul IT din cadrul Lyoness, n calitate de responsabil pentru dezvoltarea, gestionarea i coordonarea strategic la nivel mondial a sectorului de activitate online desfurat de Lyoness, a fost prezent la faa locului cu un stand propriu. Pe parcursul celor dou zile ale expoziiei vizitatorii de specialitate au manifestat un interes deosebit fa de portofoliu extins de produse oferit de eBiz. Astfel au fost ntlnii de exemplu noi poteniali distribuitori online, precum i agenii, dar au fost consolidate de asemenea i parteneriatele deja existente. Discuii foarte utile au avut loc cu partenerii Lyoness, printre altele cu Douglas. ch,, Universal Versand, Inkclub, Deichmann i Conrad. La faa locului au fost puse i bazele unor contacte noi, de exemplu cu HRS, Groupon international,, Schwab, FASHION FOR HOME i Center Parcs. Lyoness eBiz a valorificat dmexco 2012 nu doar cu scopul de a purta discuii anuale importante i de a-i entuziasma pe noii distribuitori, ci i pentru a oferi reprezentanilor comerului digital de la nivel internaional posibilitatea de a descoperi dezvoltarea rapid nregistrat de lumea online Lyoness eBiz. Aadar, Lyoness eBiz va fi prezent i anul viitor la dmexco 2013.

WHEN IT COMES to innovative and pioneering online marketing, the dmexco in Cologne is reckoned to be the No. 1 global platform. With a clear focus on advertising, media and technology, the international fair promotes effective knowledge transfer and direct business transactions. It is the leading meeting place for players in the international marketing, media and advertising industry and therefore, attendance at the fourth dmexco was a must for the whole of the digital economy. Accordingly, the IT service company of Lyoness, Lyoness eBiz, which is responsible for the global strategic development, management and coordination of Lyoness online business activities, was there with its own booth. Professional visitors showed great interest in the extensive portfolio of eBiz during the two days of the fair. For example, new potential online retailers and agencies were met and existing partnerships reinforced. Groundbreaking talks were held with Lyoness merchants, including,, Universal Versand, Inkclub, Deichmann and Conrad. And it was also possible to make new contacts on the spot, for example, with HRS, Groupon international,, Schwab, FASHION FOR HOME and Center Parcs. However, in addition to holding important annual talks and attracting new merchants, Lyoness eBiz also used dmexco 2012 as an opportunity to present the continued growth of the Lyoness eBiz online world to the global digital economy. As such, Lyoness eBiz plans to be present at the next dmexco in 2013.

dmexco 2012
expoziie internaional i, concomitent, congres pentru ntregul comer digital 22.000 de vizitatori de specialitate din ntreaga lume 578 expozani, dintre care peste 140 de expozani noi 400 de Top-Speaker internaionali au asigurat un program de conferin de peste 160 de ore 50.000 de metri ptrai suprafa de prezentare Lyoness eBiz: La prima participare! 30 de metri ptrai de spaiu expoziional pentru Lyoness eBiz dmexco App optimizat pentru servicii suplimentare att pentru Apple, ct i pentru utilizatorii sistemelor Android international fair and congress for the whole of the digital economy 22,000 professional visitors from around the world 578 exhibitors, including more than 140 new exhibitors 400 top international speakers facilitated a conference program spanning more than 160 hours 50,000 square meters of exhibition space Lyoness eBiz there for the first time! 30 square meters of exhibition space for Lyoness eBiz optimized dmexco app to provide Apple and Android users with an even better service


FASHION FOR HOME Experimentai o revoluie a stilului de via

U IDEILE SALE DE DESIGN INTERESANTE i mobilierul de designer de calitate, FASHION FOR HOME transform fiecare cas ntr-o cas care atrage toate privirile. n acelai timp, mobilierul exclusivist de designer oferit de magazinul de mobilier on-line la nivel global ofer un excelent raport calitate-pre ntruct FASHION FOR HOME dezvolt, produce i distribuie coleciile aproape n ntregime n mod independent, evitndu-se astfel intermedierea i depozitarea. Cu o gam vast de peste 8.000 de articole, echipa tnr i dedicat condus de Marc Appelhoff i Christoph Cordes pune la loc de cinste utilizarea de materiale de calitate superioar, durabile i ecologice. Cu precdere din aceste motive, compania a fost n msur s nregistreze o cretere constant de la nfiinarea sa n 2009 i a stabilit tendine noi cu primul su magazin offline, care a fost deschis n august 2012, n Berlin. Magazinul online FASHION FOR HOME ofer modelul potrivit pentru fiecare gust. Ca membru Lyoness, primeti imediat beneficiile cu care eti obinuit.

Experience the lifestyle revolution

WITH ITS EXCITING design ideas and quality designer furniture, FASHION FOR HOME turns every home into an eye-catcher. At the same time, the exclusive designer furniture offered by the global online furniture store is excellent value for money because FASHION FOR HOME develops, manufactures and distributes its collections almost entirely independently, thus avoiding middlemen and warehousing. With an extensive range of over 8,000 items, the young and dedicated team headed by Marc Appelhoff and Christoph Cordes place great value on the use of high-quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. It is especially for those reasons that the company has been able to record steady growth since its founding in 2009 and set new trends with its first offline store, which was opened in August 2012 in Berlin. The FASHION FOR HOME online store offers the right design for every taste. As a Lyoness member, you get the benefits that you are accustomed to right away.

Markenkoer Bagaje i geni de calitate online

arkenkoffer GmbH este dealer autorizat specializat n domeniul de bagaje pentru cltorie i afaceri. Magazinul su online poate fi gsit la Certificat de Trusted Shops, gama de produse distribuit online include produse de la productori de renume precum Samsonite i Rimowa. Valize, geni cu sistem trolley, geni de laptop cu sistem trolley, geni de voiaj, serviete, geni de umr, geni de laptop sau rucsacuri magazinul online Markenkoffer are bagajul potrivit pentru orice ocazie. Cu un nou stil de via, branduri noi i o nfiare nou, compania i pune n eviden obiectivul de a oferi online bagaje pentru afaceri i cltorie, precum i produse adaptate stilului de via de cea mai nalt calitate, precum i la nivel regional prin intermediul unui punct de desfacere. De acum nainte, membrii Lyoness se pot bucura de promoii exclusive pentru bagajele de marc i, n plus, profit de beneficiile oferite membrilor.

Quality luggage and bags online

MARKENKOFFER GMBH is an authorized dealer specializing in the area of travel and business luggage. Its online store can be found at Certified by Trusted Shops, the range distributed online includes products from leading manufacturers like Samsonite and Rimowa. Suitcases, trolleys, laptop trolleys, travel bags, briefcases, shoulder bags, laptop bags or backpacks the Markenkoffer online store has the right luggage for every occasion. With new lifestyle, new brands and a new look, the company underlines its goal of offering luggage for business and travel as well as lifestyle products of the highest quality online as well as regionally via a retail outlet. From now on, Lyoness members can enjoy exclusive promotions on branded luggage and in addition to that, profit from their member benefits.


Kossuth & Multimdiaplza La Kossuth alegerea este scris cu majuscule

untem ncntai c putem s salutm un alt partener comercial online Lyoness, editura Kossuth. Noul partener comercial activeaz deja de peste 50 de ani pe pia i n aceast period a devenit una din principalele edituri din Ungaria. n 2012, Kossuth a fost votat chiar Editura Anului. Editura Kossuth ofer cititorilor peste 2.000 de publicaii diferite i are cte ceva pentru fiecare gust: ncepnd cu renumita enciclopedie Britannica Hungarica i operele literare ale marilor autori maghiari pn la cri despre mncare, cultur i istorie. Cri audio i multe altele sunt acum, de asemenea, disponibile pentru membrii Lyoness.

At Kossuth choice is written in capital letters

WE ARE DELIGHTED to be able to welcome another online merchant to Lyoness in the shape of the Kossuth publishing house. The new loyalty merchant already looks back on more than 50 years on the market and during that period has developed into one of Hungarys leading publishing houses. In 2012, Kossuth was even voted Publishing House of the Year. The Kossuth publishing house offers readers more than 2,000 different publications and there is something for every taste: starting with the widely known Britannica Hungarica encyclopedia and literary works of the great Hungarian authors through to books about food, culture and history. Audio books and much more are now also available to Lyoness members. Multimdiaplza the cultural download center We are also delighted to report that Kossuth publishing house subsidiary Multimdiaplza has now joined the fold as a Lyoness online merchant. The online shopping platform offers more than 2,000 different items for download, including songs, e-books, audio books and maps. Among the most important partners of Multimdiaplza are wellknown Hungarian publishing houses such as Mra, Fapadosknyv, Typotex, Osiris, Kalligram, Gryllus, Napvilg, SZAK, Tarandus, and many more. The products of Multimdiaplza have no hard copy protection, meaning good compatibility and easy, fast downloads are guaranteed.

Multimdiaplza - centrul cultural de descrcare Suntem, de asemenea, ncntai sa raportm c filiala editurii Kossuth Multimdiaplza s-a alturat acum grupului de parteneri comerciali online Lyoness. Platforma de cumprturi online ofer peste 2.000 de articole diferite pentru descrcare, inclusiv cntece, ecri, cri audio i hri. Printre cei mai importani parteneri ai Multimdiaplza se afl binecunoscutele edituri maghiare, cum ar fi Mra, Fapadosknyv, Typotex, Osiris, Kalligram, Gryllus, Napvilg, SZAK, Tarandus i multe altele. Produsele Multimdiaplza nu sunt protejate mpotriva copierii, ceea ce nseamn c se garanteaz o bun compatibilitate i descrcri uoare i rapide.

Photos: Raw Paw Graphics/Digital vision/Getty Images

Ce v-a convins s devenii partener Lyoness? Kossuth are o relaie de afaceri cu toi juctorii tradiionali din industria de carte. Eforturile noastre tind spre explorarea i utilizarea canalelor alternative, nu numai tradiionale, de distribuie a produselor noastre. O modalitate posibil de a avea contact direct cu clienii notri poteniali poate fi comunitatea de cumprturi Lyoness. Am oferit promoii i reduceri suplimentare pentru clienii notri obinuii - astfel nct viziunea Lyoness cu beneficii pentru membrii se potrivete perfect politicii noastre de afaceri.

Andrs Sndor Kocsis, CEO

What convinced you to become a Lyoness partner? Kossuth has a business relationship with all the traditional role-players of the book industry. Our efforts tended towards exploring and using alternative, not only traditional channels for the distribution of our products. One possible way of direct contact with our potential customers can be the Lyoness shopping community. We have been providing extra promotions and discounts for our regular customers - so the Lyoness vision with member benefits fits perfectly to our business policy.


World of Sweets

O ntreag lume de dulciuri

A whole world of sweets
orld of Sweets este lider de pia n Germania n ceea ce privete produsele de patiserie la cerere. Sortimentul include mai mult de 5.000 de articole - de la cele clasice ale mrcii, produsele tradiionale i inovaiile de pe pia, pn la produse de patiserie internaionale, fie c este vorba doar de o acadea sau de cantitatea care ncape pe un palet, World of Sweets furnizeaz produse att pentru consumatori, ct i pentru industria de patiserie. Propriul serviciu al companiei de alegere i combinare ofer clienilor posibilitatea de a combina produse de patiserie n funcie de dorinele lor. Gama variat este completat de idei de cadouri creative pentru orice ocazie. De acum nainte membrii Lyoness se vor bucura de beneficiile cu care sunt obinuii atunci cnd fac cumprturi online la World of Sweets.

WORLD OF SWEETS is Germanys market leader when it comes to confectionery on demand. The range includes more than 5,000 items from brand classics across nostalgic products and market innovations through to international confectionery. Whether its a single lollipop or by the pallet load, World of Sweets supplies both consumers and the trade. The companys own innovative pick and mix service provides customers with the opportunity to put together confectionery mixes according to their wishes. The varied range is rounded off by creative gift ideas for every occasion. From now on, Lyoness members get the benefits they are accustomed to when shopping online at World of Sweets. /

POPRON tot ceea ce i dorete inima

OPRON ofer cea mai mare selecie de filme, muzic i cri la o singur adres web. n plus, clienii gsesc mii de alte obiecte de uz casnic i decorative, unelte de buctrie, echipamente sportive, jocuri i jucrii, bijuterii, ceasuri i parfumuri. i pe deasupra, POPRON ofer cea mai mare reea de centre de distribuie n peste 40 de locaii n ntreaga Republica Ceh. 40.000 de articole - aceast cifr reprezint numrul total de articole casnice, de buctrie i decorative, accesorii de mod, bijuterii, parfumuri i jucrii i jocuri pe care Peter Schier jr., Manager POPRON le pune la dispoziie tinerilor i celor mai n vrst. POPRON atrage, de asemenea, i motociclitii cu o gam variat de accesorii i mbrcminte. Compania este liderul de pia incontestabil atunci cnd vine vorba de filme. Iubitorii de film pot alege din peste 10.000 de filme naionale i internaionale. Cu peste 10.000 de melodii disponibile, acelai lucru se poate spune i despre muzic. Gama atrgtoare oferit de POPRON este completat cu mii de titluri de carte. Prin urmare, exist motive suficiente pentru a opri la POPRON!

POPRON everything your heart desires

POPRON offers the largest selection of movies, music and books at a single web address. Added to that, customers find thousands of other household and decorative items, kitchen tools, sports equipment, games and toys, jewelry, watches and perfumes. And on top of that, POPRON offers the largest network of distribution centers in more than 40 locations throughout the Czech Republic. 40,000 items this figure stands for the total number of home, kitchen and decorative items, fashion accessories, jewelry, perfumes, and toys and games that POPRON has available for the young and old. POPRON also entices with a wide selection of accessories and clothing for motorcyclists. And the company is undisputed market leader when it comes to movies. Movie lovers can choose from more than 10,000 national and international films. With more than 10,000 songs available, the same applies to music. The appealing range of POPRON is rounded off by thousands of book titles. So, there are enough reasons to stop by at POPRON!

Am hotrt s devenim parteneri Lyoness deoarece vedem o integrare perfect a lumii online i offline n acest domeniu. Lyoness a devenit i un partener de ncredere n ceea ce privete fidelitatea clienilor.

We decided to partner with Lyoness because we see perfect integration of the online and offline world in this area. Lyoness has also become a dependable partner in terms of customer loyalty.


Comand i livrare simpl online

in 1970, cnd primul magazin de construcii i bricolaj s-a deschis n Germania, OBI s-a bucurat de mult succes. Dup ce a devenit lider de pia n Germania, marca OBI este acum unul dintre cele mai importante nume din sectorul de bricolaj, cu peste 570 de magazine n 13 ri din Europa. Din noiembrie 2010 Grupul a fost, de asemenea, activ online. Magazinul online OBI ofer o seciune transversal a liniilor de produse disponibile n magazinele OBI, precum i game de produse suplimentare disponibile doar online. Pe lng o gam variat de produse din diferite categorii, ca de exemplu utilaje i unelte, aer condiionat i sisteme de nclzire, construcie i renovare pentru persoanele entuziasmate de bricolaj, cei ndemnatici n timpul liber au, de asemenea, posibilitatea de a utiliza diverse servicii. Ca membru Lyoness vei primi imediat beneficiile cu care v-ai obinuit. Autentificai-v la ca de obicei i bucurai-v de avantajele primite la cumprturi.

Easily order online and have delivered

SINCE 1970, when the first building supplies and do-it-yourself store opened in Germany, OBI has enjoyed one success after the other. After becoming Germanys market leader, the OBI brand is now one of the leading names in the do-it-yourself sector with more than 570 outlets in 13 countries across Europe. Since November 2010, the Group has also been active online. The OBI online store offers a cross-section of the product lines available in OBI stores as well as additional ranges only available online. In addition to a wide array of items from different categories such as machinery and tools, heating and air conditioning, building and renovation for the professional do-ityourself enthusiast, part-time handymen also have the opportunity to make use of various services. As a Lyoness member, you get the benefits that you are accustomed to right away. Log in to www. as normal and enjoy your shopping benefits.

Cltorii cu s-a deschis n 1998 i face parte din grupul de companii Metglobal. Oferind rezervri online la hotel la peste 150.000 de hoteluri din toat lumea, a crescut cu rapiditate pentru a deveni unul dintre cele mai mari i mai cunoscute branduri din Turcia. Clienii au posibilitatea de a rezerva att pachete turistice pentru Turcia ct i pentru strintate, precum i excursii personalizate. Se ofer bilete de avion i sprijin pentru obinerea vizelor pentru clienii Confirmarea instantanee, calitatea serviciilor i tarifele competitive, precum i opiunea de a plti n rate, fac ca s se disting din mulime. Ca parte a grupului Metglobal, se mndrete cu satisfacia deosebit a clienilor i este una dintre companiile pionere din industria de cltorii din Turcia.

Shahrooz IRI, Affiliate Marketing Manager

TATIL.COM was opened in 1998 and is part of the Metglobal group of companies. Providing online hotel reservations at a choice of over 150,000 hotels worldwide, has quickly grown to become one of the largest and best known brands in Turkey. clients are able to book both Turkish and overseas tour packages as well as tailor made tours. Flight tickets and visa support are also available to clients. Instant confirmation, quality of service and competitive rates as well as the option to pay in installments make stand out from the crowd. As part of the Metglobal group, has a background of high customer satisfaction and is one of the most pioneering travel industries in Turkey.

Photos: Raw Paw Graphics/Digital vision/Getty Images

Lyoness este partenerul nostru preferat, precum i preferina noastr personal, clienii apreciind i avantajele de a-i rezerva cazarea la hotel prin intermediul Lyoness. Atunci cnd un client face o rezervare la hotel prin intermediul Lyoness nu beneficiaz doar de toate avantajele pe care Lyoness le ofer membrilor si, ci i de nivelul ridicat de servicii pentru clieni oferit de Lyoness. Suntem de prere c acest standard ridicat de servicii pentru clieni oferit de Lyoness a deschis uile i a contribuit la asigurarea unui nou nivel de fidelizare a clienilor i a creat o nou generaie de cumprtori online.

Lyoness is our preferred partner and as well as being our own personal preference, clients also appreciate the advantages of booking their hotel accommodation through Lyoness. When a client makes a hotel reservation through Lyoness, they not only get all of the membership benefits that Lyoness has to offer, but they also benefit from the high level of customer service offered Lyoness. We feel that this high standard of customer service offered by Lyoness has opened the doors and helped to secure a new level of customer loyalty as well as created a new generation of online shoppers.

52 LYONESS Slovenia Slovenia

Lyoness coopereaz cu cele mai puternice branduri din Slovenia. Optika Clarus, Merkur i Sportina sunt printre cele mai mari branduri din industrie; cu numeroase piscine spa interioare i n aer liber, Terme Olimia este o destinaie turistic favorit. Foto dreapta: biroul Lyoness din Slovenia. Lyoness is all set with strong brands in Slovenia. Optika Clarus, Merkur and Sportina are among the largest in their industry; with numerous indoor and outdoor spa pools, Terme Olimia is a favorite tourist destination. Right photo: Lyoness office in Slovenia.

Slovenia Slovenia LYONESS 53


O ar n cretere
Lyoness privete asupra creterii ncununate de succes din Slovenia. Se estimeaz c aproximativ 5% din populaia Sloveniei va deveni membru Lyoness pn la sfritul anului 2012 o cifr foarte respectabil avnd n vedere c afacerea a nceput aici doar de patru ani.

A country on the up
Lyoness can look back on successful growth in Slovenia. It is anticipated that Lyoness membership will reach as much as 5% of the Slovenian population by the end of 2012 quite a respectable gure after being open for business for only four years.

yoness d.o.o. a extins continuu LYONESS D.O.O.has continuously expanded the Lyoness shopping netreeaua de cumprturi Lyoness work since its establishment in 2008. de la nfiinarea sa n 2008. Prin Consequently, steady growth has been urmare, a existat o cretere conseen in the SME sector, which demonstant n sectorul de IMM-urilor, care destrates that cash back is enjoying inmonstreaz popularitatea tot mai mare de creasing popularity in Slovenia, too. care se bucur conceptul cashbacki n Meanwhile, numerous loyalty merSlovenia. ntre timp, numeroi parteneri cochants from almost every industry round merciali din aproape fiecare industrie devin off the requirement for shopping opporactivi, completnd cererea pentru oportunitunities from refueling across fashion ti de cumprturi de la alimentare cu and style through to spas. We are able to combustibil, mod i stil pn la piscine spa. come up with well-known companies Cooperm cu companii cu renume, n special especially in the area of big business. n domeniul afacerilor pe scar larg. Lyoness members in Slovenia already Membrii Lyoness din Slovenia deja priget money back with every purchase when shop*) mesc bani napoi la fiecare cumprtur atunci cnd Gift-Carduri/Gift-Cards: ping at OMV, Spar, Sportina, Optik Clarus, Charles cumpr la OMV, Spar, Sportina, Optik Clarus, *) OMV, Spar, Sportina, Optika Clarus, Vgele, Palmers, Humanic and Slowatch.*) And in Charles Vgele, Palmers, Humanic i Slowatch. Iar Charles Vgele, Palmers, Humanic, the case of bauMax and Merkur, two successful n ceea ce privete bauMax i Merkur, dou magaziSlowatch, bauMax, Merkur do-it-yourself stores are already making use of the ne de bricolaj de succes, acestea utilizeaz deja avanCashback Card: advantages of the loyalty program.*) The Terme tajele programului de fidelizare.*) Terme Olimia, unul Terme Olimia, Sportina, bauMax Olimia, one of Europe s most beautiful spa and redintre cele mai frumoase centre de spa i relaxare din laxation resorts, also offers the cash back benefit.*) Europa ofer de asemenea beneficii cash back.*) The Maribor-based Lyoness d.o.o. strives constantly to provide Lyoness d.o.o. cu sediul n Maribor se strduiete n mod constant s more opportunities for making the Lyoness benefits available to memofere mai multe oportuniti pentru a face ca beneficiile Lyoness s fie disbers and companies. We are currently in talks with several companies ponibile pentru membrii i companii. "n prezent purtm discuii cu mai whose cooperation will enable us to cover the demand for partners in multe companii a cror cooperare ne va permite s acoperim cererea de other industries, said Boris Lesjak, Lyoness regional director and reparteneri din alte industrii", a declarat Boris Lesjak, director regional Lyosponsible for the market in Slovenia. The plan is to acquire loyalty merness i responsabil pentru piaa din Slovenia. Planul este de a achiziiona chants in the technology and telecommunications arena, who will particparteneri comerciali n domeniul tehnologiei i telecomunicaiilor care vor ipate in the Lyoness Loyalty Program, meet the needs members have in participa la Programul de Fidelizare Lyoness, vor satisface nevoile membriother industries, and thus expand the shopping community by additional lor din alte industrii i, astfel, vor extinde comunitatea de cumprturi cu shopping opportunities. ajutorul altor oportuniti de cumprturi.

54 Cumprturi cu Lyoness Shopping with Lyoness


Mai mult dect cumprturi

Membrii Lyoness pot face acum cumprturi cu bonuri valorice de la partenerii comerciali n centrele comerciale Majid Al Futtaim Holding din Emiratele Arabe Unite: Mirdif City Centre, Deira City Centre, Sharjah City Centre, Ajman City Centre i unul din cele mai faimoase centre comerciale din lume Mall-ul Emiratelor.

More than just shopping

Lyoness members can now shop with loyalty merchant vouchers at Majid Al Futtaim Holding shopping malls in the United Arab Emirates: Mirdif City Centre, Deira City Centre, Sharjah City Centre, Ajman City Centre and one of the most famous shopping malls in the world the Mall of the Emirates.
MAJID AL FUTTAIM PROPERTIES is the leader in the ownership, development and management of shopping malls and complimentary mixed use projects in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and currently operates eleven world-class malls in the UAE, Bahrain, Oman and Egypt, with two additional malls under development in Cairo, Egypt and Beirut, Lebanon. The Companys shopping malls continue to witness a steady increase in footfall with more than 140 million visitors in 2011. Majid Al Futtaim Properties has four flagship shopping malls; three in Dubai and one in Bahrain. In Dubai, Deira City Centre boasts over 370 stores, leisure and entertainment facilities and over 50 restaurants and cafes; Mall of the Emirates houses over 520 international retail

ajid Al Futtaim Properties este lider n deinerea, dezvoltarea i gestionarea centrelor comerciale i proiectelor mixte complementare din Orientul Mijlociu i Africa de Nord (MENA), i n prezent gestioneaz unsprezece mall-uri de talie mondial n EAU, Bahrain, Oman i Egipt, cu nc dou mall-uri n curs de dezvoltare n Cairo, Egipt i Beirut, Liban. Centrele comerciale ale companiei nregistreaz o cretere constant a vizitatorilor cu mai mult de 140 milioane n 2011. Majid Al Futtaim Properties deine patru mall-uri comerciale care sunt lider n domeniu: trei n Dubai i unul n Bahrain. n Dubai, Deira City Centre se poate luda cu peste 370 de magazine, uniti de petrecere a timpului liber i agrement i peste 50 de restaurante i cafenele; Mall-ul Emiratelor ad-

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postete mai mult de 520 de mrci internaionale de retail, incluznd 80 de magazine de lux i Ski Dubai, renumit n ntreaga lume. Mirdif City Centre ofer vizitatorilor un mix de faciliti pentru cumprturi, pentru petrecerea timpului liber i pentru divertisment, printre care 430 de magazine i iFLY Dubai, un simulator pentru srituri cu parauta, proiectat n interiorul structurii. Bahrain City Centre este cel mai mare complex de cumprturi, agrement i divertisment din Bahrain cu 340 mrci internaionale incluznd 60 de faciliti pentru servirea mesei, i avnd n incinta sa Wahooo!, primul parc acvatic de interior-exterior din regiune. Majid Al Futtaim Properties mai deine i dou hoteluri n EAU i dou n Bahrain, toate acestea fiind conectate cu centrele comerciale ale companiei. Grupul mai dezvolt i trei comuniti principale; The Wave, Muscat, o asociere n participaiune cu Guvernul din Oman; Waterfront City n Beirut, Liban, o asociere n participaiune cu Socit Joseph Khoury & Fils Holding SAL; i Al Zahia, dezvoltat de Sharjah Holding, o asociere n participaiune ntre Guvernul Sharjah i Majid Al Futtaim Properties.

brands, including 80 luxury stores and the world-renowned Ski Dubai; and Mirdif City Centre offers visitors a mix of retail, leisure and entertainment options including 430 stores and iFLY Dubai, an indoor skydiving centre. Bahrain City Centre is the largest shopping, leisure and entertainment complex in Bahrain with 340 international brands including 60 dining options, and features Wahooo!, the regions first indoor-outdoor waterpark. Majid Al Futtaim Properties also owns nine hotels in the UAE and two in Bahrain, all of which are linked to the companys shopping malls. The group is also developing three master-planned communities; The Wave, Muscat, a joint venture with the Government of Oman; Waterfront City in Beirut, Lebanon, a joint venture with Socit Joseph Khoury & Fils Holding SAL; and Al Zahia, developed by Sharjah Holding, a joint venture between the Government of Sharjah and Majid Al Futtaim Properties.

Carte de vizita a modei pentru cei contieni de pre

Fashion label for the price conscious
Rafinament cu stil, basic-chic sau sport casual Takko Fashion ofer mod la preuri avantajoase pentru ntreaga familie.
Fashionably refined, basic-chic or sporty casual Takko Fashion offers affordable fashion for the whole family.

imp de 30 de ani, Takko Fashion a fost simbolul modei la preuri avantajoase. n acelai timp, retailerul de mod de valoare a oferit noutile n materie de stiluri, lenjerii i accesorii pentru ntreaga familie n mrimile S - XXL. Astfel, n magazine putei gsi articole similare unice i chic, inute moderne pentru timpul liber precum i pentru alte ocazii. n plus, datorit aprovizionrii continue a lanului cu noi inute, mereu exist ceva nou de descoperit la Takko Fashion. Mai mult, standardele nalte stabilite de companie pentru produsele sale sunt garantate de testele de calitate ce acoper o gam vast. A face cumprturi la Takko Fashion tocmai a devenit mai distractiv deoarece de acum membrii Lyoness din Austria, Germania i Elveia pot economisi mai muli bani n fiecare magazin cu bonurile valorice originale.

For 30 years, Takko Fashion has stood for beautiful fashion at affordable prices. At the same time, the value fashion retailer has offered the latest styles, undergarments and accessories for the whole family from sizes S to XXL. So, alongside items that are chic and unique, fashionable outfits for leisure as well as other occasions can also be found in the stores. Added to that, thanks to the continuous supply of the chain with new outfits, theres always something new to discover at Takko Fashion. Moreover, the high standards set by the company for its products are guaranteed by wide-ranging quality tests. Shopping at Takko Fashion has just become even more fun because from now on Lyoness members in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland can save even more money in every store with original vouchers.

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Ce v-a convins s devenii unul din partenerii comerciali ai Lyoness? Dorim s oferim clienilor notri aceast oportunitate special pentru a utiliza serviciile noastre i moda noastr ntr-o manier i mai convenabil. Ca retailer de mod, cutm mereu idei care s ofere clienilor notrii valoare adugat pe termen lung i s transforme cumprturile la Takko Fashion ntr-o experien de neuitat. Care este reeta dumneavoastr pentru succes? Cu un amestec de colecii uluitoare, inute la mod, valoare excepional i magazine primitoare, Takko Fashion ofer clienilor si o experien de cumprturi cu adevrat de neuitat, iar cnd vine vorba de mod i stil, valoare adugat este palpabil. Care sunt cele mai importante puncte forte le companiei? Un factor cheie al succesului nostru n afaceri este reprezentat de talentul deinut de Takko Fashion n identificarea rapid a oportunitilor de pe pia i exploatarea acestora spre beneficiul clienilor. Indiferent dac este vorba despre design, marketing, achiziii sau logistic de fiecare dat ne stabilim noi provocri pentru a optimiza constant marca Takko Fashion i pentru a o face i mai dorit de clieni.

What convinced you to become one of Lyoness loyalty merchants? We want to offer our customers this special opportunity to make use of our services and our fashion even more conveniently. As a value fashion retailer, we are always looking for ideas that provide our customers with lasting added value and turn shopping at Takko Fashion into an unforgettable experience. What is your recipe for success? With a mix of stunning collections, trendy looks, outstanding value and appealing stores, Takko Fashion offers its customers a truly unforgettable shopping experience and when it comes to fashion and style, tangible added value. What are the companys greatest strengths? A key factor of our business success is the talent Takko Fashion has for quickly identifying opportunities on the market and exploiting them for the benefit of our customers. Whether in terms of design, marketing, procurement or logistics we set ourselves new challenges time and again so as to constantly optimize the Takko Fashion brand and make it even more desirable for our customers.

Volker Putzmann deine o diplom n comunicare i a fost deja angajat n cadrul unor mari companii precum NEW YORKER. Este Directorul Departamentului de Marketing al Takko Fashion de la nceputul anului 2012.
Volker Putzmann has a degree in communication and has already been employed by large companies like NEW YORKER. He has been the head of Marketing at Takko Fashion since early 2012.

Denumire companie/Company name: Takko Holding GmbH Fondat/Founded: 1982 Sediu/Headquarters: Telgte, Germania/Germany Numr de magazine/Number of stores: aprox./approx. 1.700 Numr de angajai/Number of employees: aprox./approx. 16.500 Website:


Unde petele are cel mai bun gust

Where sh tastes best
ncepnd de acum, membrii Lyoness pot primi banii napoi att cu Cashback Card ct i cu bonurile valorice originale* n cele 37 de magazine NORDSEE din Austria.
e la pete proaspt la gustri abundente i salate crocante pn la preparate uoare din pete. De la fondarea sa n 1896, NORDSEE i-a ctigat renumele de specialistul nr. 1 n pete din Austria. Indiferent dac este vorba de un magazin cu preparate la pachet, un restaurant cu zone spaioase pentru servirea mesei sau un bufet oceanic NORDSEE este un paradis pentru iubitorii de pete i fructe de mare, oferind produse de calitate cu certificare organic, precum i pete din apele dulci locale. Gama de sortimente include diferite preparate din pete, salate fine, o abunden de fructe de mare, pete afumat i scoici din acvacultur organic. Pentru membrii Lyoness, noul parteneriat cu Lyoness nseamn bani primii napoi la fiecare mas!

From now on, Lyoness members can get cash back both with the Cashback Card and with original vouchers* at the 37 NORDSEE stores in Austria.

FROM FRESH FISH across hearty snacks and crisp salads through to light fish dishes. Since it was founded in 1896, NORDSEE has established itself as Austrias No. 1 fish specialist. Whether its a takeaway, a restaurant with spacious dining areas or an ocean buffet NORDSEE is a paradise for lovers of fish and seafood, offering quality products with organic certification, as well as native freshwater fish. The selection includes varied fish dishes, fine salads, an abundance of seafood, smoked fish, and shellfish from organic aquaculture. For Lyoness members, the new partnership with Lyoness means cash back with every meal!

* Cashback Card nu poate fi combinat cu bonurile valorice originale.

The Cashback Card

cannot be combined with original vouchers.

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Ce v-a convins s devenii unul din partenerii comerciali ai Lyoness? NORDSEE a fost fondat n 1896 cu scopul de a oferi n mod fiabil publicului larg pete proaspt de calitate superioar. Din momentul n care am nceput operaiunile, aceast idee de a oferi a pus oamenii n centrul activitilor noastre. Abordarea de baz, de a oferi fiecrui client un avantaj i un beneficiu clar este cea care leag NORDSEE i Lyoness. n calitate de furnizor de top de pete i fructe de mare n Austria i fidel motto-ului mpreun suntem puternici, ne-am hotrt s lucrm mpreun cu Lyoness, liderul n domeniul comunitilor de cumprturi pentru a ne uni potenialul i astfel pentru a crea o experien la cumprturi i mai bun pentru clienii notri comuni. Ce obiective a conturat 2012 pentru dumneavoastr? n acest an NORDSEE a lucrat consecvent la dezvoltarea unei noi strategii de design pentru lan. Aceasta va fi implementat pentru prima dat n magazinul nostru nou din centrul comercial G3 din Gerasdorf. Prin actualizarea prezentrilor gamei i efectuarea de modificri structurale, crem o atmosfer dezirabil, de mare valoare i servicii mbuntite pentru clienii notri n acest magazin pilot. n afar de asta, vom lansa noul nostru sistem POS n ntreaga Austrie, ceea ce nseamn timp de ateptare mai mic i operare simplificat. Prin dezvoltarea constant a produselor noastre locale i organice, inem pasul cu cererile clienilor notri din aceast zon i, de exemplu, vom aduga diverse tipuri de crevete organic la gama noastr i vom oferi numeroase tipuri de pete de ap dulce, cum ar fi pstrvul european sau petele rpitor fntnelul exclusiv din Austria.

What convinced you to become one of Lyoness loyalty merchants? NORDSEE was founded in 1896 with the aim to reliably supply the general public with quality fresh fish. From the moment we started operations, this idea to provide put people at the center of our activities. The basic approach, offering every consumer a clear-cut benefit and advantage, links NORDSEE and Lyoness. As the leading supplier of fish and seafood in Austria and true to the motto Together we are strong, we have decided to work together with Lyoness, the leader in the area of shopping communities, so that we can pool our potential and in so doing create an even better shopping experience for our mutual customers. What objectives shaped 2012 for you? This year has seen NORDSEE working consistently on the development of a new design strategy for the chain. This will be implemented for the first time in our new store in the G3 shopping mall in Gerasdorf. By updating range presentation and making structural changes, we are creating a high-value, enjoyable atmosphere and improved service for our customers in this pilot store. Apart from that, we will launch our new point-of-sale system throughout Austria, which means less waiting time and easier handling. With the consistent development of our organic and local produce, we are keeping abreast with our customers demand in this area and, for example, will add various organic shrimp to our range and offer numerous freshwater fish, such as salmon trout, trout as well as char exclusively from Austria.

Robert Jung studierte a studiat marketing i vnzri la Viena i lucreaz n cadrul NORDSEE din 2009. ncepnd cu 2012 este CEO al NORDSEE Austria. Printre hobby-urile sale sunt incluse practicarea sportului, meninerea n form i o alimentaie sntoas. Maxima sa n via: Dac faci ceea ce-i place, oamenii vor iubi ceea ce faci!
Robert Jung studied marketing and sales in Vienna and has worked at NORDSEE since 2009. Since 2012, he has been the CEO of NORDSEE Austria. His hobbies include sport, keeping fit and healthy eating. His maxim in life: If you do what you love, people will love what you do!

Fondat/Founded: 1896 Sediu/Headquarters: Viena, Austria/Vienna, Austria Numr de magazine/Number of stores: 37 Numr de angajai/Number of employees: 560 Website:

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Garanie a tendinelor n mod

Trend-Guarantee for Fashion
Membrii Lyoness nu doar economisesc bani atunci cnd fac cumprturi la New Look, ns fac i achiziii cu stil. Lyoness este ncntat c a ctigat un partener rvnit n domeniul modei n calitate de partener comercial pentru bonuri valorice n Belgia, Irlanda, Frana, Marea Britanie i Olanda.
ew Look a devenit o adres popular pentru cumprturi cu stil de la fondarea sa n 1969. De la deschiderea primului magazin, New Look i-a ctigat reputaia de magazin cu o cot ridicat de pia. mbrac ntreaga familie. De la bebelui la doamnele i domnii fascinai de mod oricine gsete aici o inut n tendine. Cu toate acestea magazinul nu garanteaz doar inute moderne, ci i-a asumat i un angajament n ceea ce privete comerul etic i protecia animalelor. n prezent New Look ofer articole moderne irezistibile la preuri avantajoase n Marea Britanie, Irlanda i Frana. Acum parteneriatul cu Lyoness s-a extins: de acum nainte membrii Lyoness pot face cumprturi bucurndu-se de avantajul Cashback n magazinele New Look din Belgia i Olanda.

Lyoness members do not only save money when shopping with New Look, they also shop with style. Lyoness is happy to have won a coveted partner in the eld of fashion as a voucher loyalty merchant in Belgium, Ireland, France, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Fondat n/Founded: 1969 Sediu/Headquarters: Weymouth Numr de angajai/Number of employees: 23.000 Magazine/Stores: 600+ n Marea Britanie, peste 1100 n cadrul grupului /600+ UK, over 1,100 in the group Website:

NEW LOOK has become a popular address for fashion-shopping since it was founded in 1969. Since the first store was opened, New Look has established itself as a business with high market-share. They clothe the whole family. From babies to fashion-conscious ladies and gentleman everyone gets their trendy outfit. However, the business does not only guarantee trendy outfits, it has also devoted itself to ethical trade and animal protection. At the moment, New Look offers irresistible fashion for an affordable price in Great Britain, Ireland and France. Now the partnership with Lyoness has been extended: From now on, Lyoness members can shop with the benefit of Cashback in New Look stores in Belgium and the Netherlands.

62 Cumprturi cu Lyoness Shopping with Lyoness


Mese delicioase n ecare zi

Primii banii napoi cnd mncai n Filipine: Jollibee este noul partener comercial pentru bonurile valorice!

Everyday delicious meals

Money back when eating in the Philippines: Jollibee is the new exciting voucher loyalty merchant!

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e la vitrine cu ngheat la o poveste cu succes global Jollibee a avut un progres captivant i acum este lanul de fast food-uri pentru familie numrul unu din Filipine. Chickenjoy i Yumburgers sunt cele mai faimoase i populare preparate din meniu. n centrul succesului su se afl o abordare de familie a managementului personalului. Prin intermediul campaniei Maaga ang Pasko societatea a creat un proiect n acord cu filozofia Child & Family Foundation o aciune la nivel naional de strngere de jucrii i de cri pentru copiii mai puin norocoi din ntreaga ar. Proiectul a ajuns s fie cea mai mare i mai ndelungat campanie de strngere de jucrii i de cri din ar. Lyoness are onoarea s prezinte aceast societate mrea, orientat ctre familie i copii, n calitate de nou partener comercial pentru bonurile valorice.

FROM ICE CREAM PARLOR to global success story Jollibee has had an exciting company progress and is now the number one family fast food chain in the Philippines. Chickenjoy and Yumburgers are the most famous and popular meals on the menu. At the heart of its success is a family-oriented approach to personnel management. With its Maaga ang Pasko campaign the company has created a project in sync with the philosophy of the Child & Family Foundation a nationwide toy-and-book collection drive for the benefit of the less fortunate children across the nation. The project has grown to become the countrys biggest and longest-running toy-andbook collection drive. Lyoness is proud to present such a great family and children-oriented company as a new voucher loyalty merchant.

Fondat n/Founded: Fondator/Founder: Numr de magazine/Number of stores: Website: 1975 Tony Tan 756 Grndungsjahr/Founded: Xxxxxx/Founder: Filialanzahl/Number of stores: Webseite: 1975 Tony Tan 756

Sistem CAREFREE PACKAGE pentru membrii Lyoness

Turnkey Carefree Package for Lyoness members


Package for detached houses of 3 kWp and above inclusiv taxe pe vnzare i montajul Prices from 7,700.00 including sales tax and installation

Preuri DE LA 7.700,00

2% Cashback 10% avantaj de delitate

2% Cashback 10% loyalty benet


Specialist fotovoltaic
The photovoltaic specialist
Membrii Lyoness pot lua energia verde acas acum cu Cashback Card i R1 Solar!
Lyoness members can now take green energy home with the Cashback Card and R1 Solar!


Solar este specialist n energie alternativ. Compania austriac a reuit s ajung la apogeul expertizei prin consecven i produse i angajai de calitate n doar cinci ani. R1 Solar este specializat n crearea de soluii la cheie de la panouri solare la sisteme de producere a energiei electrice pentru case detaate pn la proiecte de mari dimensiuni pentru acoperiuri industriale i sisteme montate la sol. Producei singuri electricitate i economisii bani n fiecare zi acum avei avantajul de a primi bani napoi de la Lyoness! Membrii Lyoness au la dispoziie i o ofert special: Sistem Carefree Package pentru case autonome de 3 kWp i mai mult; preuri de la 7.700,00 inclusiv taxele pe vnzare, montajul i Cashback!

R1 SOLAR is a specialist in alternative energy. The Austrian company has succeeded in reaching the pinnacle of expertise through consistency as well as quality products and employees in just five years. R1 Solar is specialized in the construction of turnkey solutions from solar panels across electricity generation systems for detached houses through to large-scale projects on industrial roofs and ground-mounted systems. Produce electricity yourself and save money every day now with the additional money back benefit from Lyoness!

Lyoness members even have a special offer available to them: the Turnkey Carefree Package for detached houses of 3 kWp and above; prices from 7,700.00, including sales tax, installation and Cashback!

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Ce v-a convins s devenii partener comercial Lyoness? Ca antreprenor de succes, eram n cutarea unui partener profesionist pe piaa internaional i n acest timp, n mod inevitabil, am descoperit Lyoness. Conceptul Lyoness i Greenfinity Foundation, combinat cu experiena, produsele i serviciile noastre au potenialul de a stabili standarde de mediu pe piaa naional i european. mpreun putem face o diferen de durat! Care sunt punctele tari ale companiei? Fiecare dintre noi poate capta energie de la puterea inepuizabil a soarelui i folosirea sistemelor noastre fotovoltaice nu ndeplinete doar propriile cerine privind energia electric ci, mai mult dect att, se poate vinde i cu profit. O situaie n care ctig absolut toi cei implicai operatorul sistemului, mediul, i societatea. Ce obiective ai stabilit pentru 2013? Vom completa gama noastr cu sisteme de stocare i gestionare a energiei care, utilizate mpreun cu sistemele noastre fotovoltaice, optimizeaz producerea energiei electrice. Intenionm s continum s cretem n mod constant i la nivel mondial; potenialul nostru este nelimitat n acest sens. i nu n ultimul rnd, unul dintre obiectivele noastre principale pentru anul viitor este un parteneriat de succes cu Lyoness: sisteme i componente solare la cheie pentru toi membrii, precum i pentru prietenii i rudele lor.

What convinced you to become one of Lyoness loyalty merchants? As a successful entrepreneur, I was looking for a professional partnership on the international market and while doing so inevitably encountered Lyoness. The concept of Lyoness and the Greenfinity Foundation combined with our expertise, our products and our services have the potential to set environmental standards on the national and European market. Together we can make a lasting difference! What are the companys greatest strengths? Every one of us can capture energy from the inexhaustible power of the sun and using our photovoltaic systems not only cover own electricity requirements, but above and beyond that also sell it at a profit. An absolute win/win situation for all involved the operator of the system, the environment, and society. What goals have you set for 2013? We will round off our range with energy storage and energy management systems, which used together with our photovoltaic systems optimize electricity generation. We intend to continue to grow steadily and globally; our potential is unlimited in this respect. And last but not least, one of our main goals for next year is a successful partnership with Lyoness: turnkey solar systems and components for all members as well as their friends and relatives.

Stefan Knopf este fondatorul i directorul executiv asociat al R1 Solar pentru regiunile Austria, Germania i rile din Europa Central i de Est. n timpul liber i place cel mai mult s fac sport. noat, merge cu bicicleta, schiaz i, de curnd, i-a ncercat norocul i la golf.
Stefan Knopf is the founder and managing partner of R1 Solar for the regions Austria, Germany and the ECE countries. His leisure activities are dominated by sport. He swims, cycles, skis and more recently has been trying his luck as a golfer.


Sistemele fotovoltaice din Honduras i Filipine au fost finalizate la timp pentru nceperea anului colar. Acestea ajut colile i grdinia Kinderdorf s reduc la minim costurile de exploatare. The photovoltaic systems in Honduras and on the Philippines were completed in time for the start of school. They help the schools and the Kinderdorf to minimize operating costs.

Energie solar pentru Honduras i Filipine

Solar energy for Honduras and the Philippines

Protecie sustenabil a mediului la nivel mondial! V ara trecut, Lyoness Greennity Foundation (GFF) a montat un sistem fotovoltaic n Honduras i dou n Filipine.

Sustainable environmental protection worldwide! Last summer, the Lyoness Greennity Foundation (GFF) installed one photovoltaic system in Honduras and two on the Philippines.

FF a montat un sistem fotovoltaic de anvergur pe acoperiTHE GFF has installed a large photovoltaic system on the roof of the Escuela Lyoness which was built in Honduras by ul Escuela Lyoness construit n Honduras de Lyoness the Lyoness Child & Family Foundation in time for when the Child & Family Foundation la timp pentru momentul school opened at the end of August this year. With its output of deschiderii colii la sfritul lunii august n acest an. Dato13 kWp, the system covers a large percentage of the schools rit capacitii sale de 13 kWp, sistemul acoper o mare parte din neenergy needs and thus helps to minimize operating costs. This voile de energie ale colii i astfel contribuie la reducerea costurilor de means that the school has more money available to buy teachexploatare. Asta nseamn c coala are mai muli bani la dispoziie ing materials, items of furniture and other things of imporpentru a cumpra materiale didactice, articole de mobilier i alte tance. It is also the largest grid-connected photovoltaic system obiecte importante. De asemenea, este cel mai mare sistem fotovoltaic in Honduras a project with a role model effect. conectat la reea din Honduras un proiect cu efect de model de urPeople often have to contend with power shortages on the mat. Philippines as well. Many islands of the state are far away from Oamenii se confrunt adesea cu cderi de curent i n Filipine. the main island and because of that canMulte din insulele statului sunt situate la mare denot be supplied with electricity by cable. prtare de insula principal i din acest motiv nu The island nation also has to contend with pot fi aprovizionate cu electricitate prin cablu. the problem of dependence on fossil fuPopulaia de pe insul trebuie s se lupte i cu proels. With that in mind, Greenfinity wanted to contribute to imblema dependenei de combustibil fosil. innd seama de aceste asproving the power supply and installed two photovoltaic syspecte, Greenfinity a dorit s contribuie la mbuntirea alimentrii tems on the island of Leyte. The San Roque Elementary cu curent i a montat dou sisteme fotovoltaice pe insula Leyte. coala School renovated by the CFF and nearby Kinderdorf der Elementar San Roque renovat de CFF i grdinia din apropiere KinderHilfe Philippinen e.V. are supported by this project. With Kinderdorf der KinderHilfe Philippinen e.V. sunt sprijinite prin intotal output of 17 kWp, the two systems are capable of reductermediul acestui proiect. Cu o capacitate total de 17 kWp, cele dou ing the energy costs of those organizations significantly. sisteme pot reduce semnificativ costurile cu energia ale acestor orgaBoth projects raise the awareness of alternative energy nizaii. and environmental protection among schoolchildren, teachers Ambele proiecte au dus la contientizarea energiei alternative i a and the general public and are also shining examples of proteciei mediului n rndul copiilor de coal, n rndul profesorilor how investment in alternative energy can be made interi al publicului larg i sunt exemple extraordinare pentru modul n nationally. care se pot face investiii n energia alternativ la nivel internaional.

Lyoness Mobilitate ecologic

Lyoness E-Mobility

Greennity Foundation a fcut posibil mobilitatea ecologic pentru membrii personalului prin montarea unei staii de alimentare fotovoltaice la locaia Lyoness Krntnerstrasse din Graz.

The Greennity Foundation has made environmentally friendly mobility possible for staff members by installing a photovoltaic lling station at Lyoness Krntnerstrasse location in Graz.

taia de alimentare fotovoltaic este un proiect pionier pentru inovaiile din domeniul mobilitii sustenabile precum i a producerii i a utilizrii de energie curat. Produce energie solar pur care poate fi folosit pentru a rencrca bicicletele electrice i scuterele electrice rapid i uor. Sunt disponibile zece staii de ncrcare pentru membrii personalului. n afar de asta, au fost achiziionate biciclete electrice i scutere electrice pe care membrii personalului le pot folosi pentru a parcurge rapid distana dintre cele dou locaii Lyoness din Graz fr a polua mediul. Este i o modalitate mai uoar de a face comisioane deoarece membrii personalului sunt mai flexibili i mai mobili. Efecte secundare pozitive: mulumit proiectului, se pot economisi costurile cu parcarea, membrii personalului i mbuntesc sntatea i se deplaseaz mai bine n ora. Este planificat o implementare viitoare a acestei strategii pentru mobilitate sustenabil i pentru alte filiale Lyoness. Se va aduce o contribuie de durat la reducerea amprentei ecologice a Grupului Lyoness, va ncuraja un nou mod de gndire i va stabili n mod ferm subiectul mobilitii ecologice n societate.

THE PHOTOVOLTAIC filling station is a pioneer project for innovation in the area of sustainable mobility as well as the production and use of clean energy. It produces pure solar energy that can be used to recharge e-bikes and e-scooters quickly and easily. Ten charging stations are available to staff members. Apart from that, e-bikes and e-scooters that staff members can use to quickly cover the distance between Lyoness two locations in Graz without harming the environment have been purchased. It is also easier to make errands because staff members are more flexible and mobile. Positive side effects: thanks to the project the cost of parking can be saved, staff members improve their health and also make better progress in the city. Future implementation of this sustainable mobility strategy is planned for other branches of Lyoness. It makes a lasting contribution to reducing the environmental footprint of the Lyoness Group, should encourage a new way of thinking, and firmly establish the topic of e-mobility in society.


acces pentru membrii personalului cu ajutorul telefonului sau al unui smart card posibilitatea de a rencrca pn la zece biciclete electrice n acelai timp 75% din bateria bicicletei electrice este rencrcat n decurs de o or smalul protejeaz mpotriva ploii i vandalismului sistemul automat de iluminare permite rentoarcerea n condiii de siguran dup lsarea ntunericului pe timp cu soare, 3,2 kW se pot obine direct de la module i 5 kW (n curnd 15 kW) de la baterie
access for staff members by phone or smart card ability to recharge up to ten e-bikes at the same time 75% of the e-bike battery recharged within one hour glazing protects against rain and vandalism automated lighting system enables safe return even after dark in sunshine 3.2 kW can be obtained directly from the modules and 5 kW (soon to be 15 kW) from the battery


StrongestMan n interviu
imitele exist numai n mintea noastr! Cine contest aceast afirmaie nseamn c nu l cunoate nc pe StrongestMan Franz Mllner. Ceea ce este considerat imposibil de majoritatea persoanelor, este un lucru firesc pentru el. Practicantul de sporturi extreme este cunoscut de mai muli ani pentru proiectele sale ieite din comun uneori accept s i aterizeze un elicopter pe umeri, alteori el este cel care ine cablul pe parcursul unui bungee jumping. Lyoness i CFF sponsorizeaz un brbat extrem cu muchi puternici, o voin de fier i o inim i mai mare.

Interview with the StrongestMan

"BOUNDARIES only exist in your head. If you don t believe, you ve yet to meet StrongestMan Franz Mllner. What most people think is impossible is part of the daily routine for him. The extreme sport athlete has been known for his extraordinary projects for years sometimes he lets a helicopter land on his shoulders, sometimes he holds the rope during a bungee jump. Lyoness and the CFF sponsor an extreme man with absolute willpower, big muscles and an even bigger heart.

Domnule Mllner, cum v-a venit ideea s transpunei n practic astfel de proiecte extreme?
Mi-am dorit mereu s realizez ceva ce nu mai fcuse nimeni pn atunci. nc din copilrie practic cu entuziasm sportul, am participat i la cteva competiii Stongest man i am reuit s ctig unele dintre ele. A fost logic astfel pentru mine s merg mai departe pe acest drum. n 2005 am stabilit primul meu record mondial un elicopter a aterizat pe umerii mei. Pn n prezent, cele 13 recorduri mondiale stabilite de mine i nscrise n cartea recordurilor Guinness nu au fost doborte!

Mr. Mllner, how did you come up with the idea of putting such extreme projects into practice? I always wanted to do something nobody has achieved before. I ve been keen on sport since childhood, have also been in several Strongest Man competitions and won some of them. For me, it was only logical to continue from precisely that point. I then set my first world record in 2005 a helicopter landed on my shoulders. My 13 world records in the Guinness Book of Records have not been broken to this day! Which projects are close to your heart? I like organizing projects that involve children, where I can show them that we can achieve anything with sheer willpower and a lot of training. Apart from that, sport and exercise are much better than computer games! A very special project that is close to my heart was when I held the rope during a bungee jump. It s an unbelievable feeling when someone puts so much faith in you that he jumps off a bridge and only has you to protect him from crashing into the ground. What do you think of Lyoness and the CFF, your new sponsors? I think Lyoness is fantastic. I m a member and only buy everyday items and my equipment for projects from loyalty merchants with cash back! And the CFF has focused on exactly the right thing. After all, children are our future if we do nothing for them now, we can expect nothing good of them in the future. I could envisage getting a project off the ground together with the CFF and thus support the Foundation actively.

Care sunt proiectele de care v simii mai apropiat?

mi face plcere s organizez proiecte pentru copii, ocazie cu care le pot demonstra c pot obine orice cu o voin de fier i cu training asiduu. n mod suplimentar, sportul i micarea sunt mult mai sntoase dect jocurile pe calculator! Un proiect special de care m simt foarte apropiat a fost bungee jumping la care am inut cablul: cnd cineva i druiete atta ncredere nct sare de pe un pod, iar tu rmi singura protecie a sa mpotriva prbuirii, ai parte de un sentiment incredibil.

Ce prere avei despre noii dumneavoastr sponsori parteneri Lyoness i CFF?

Lyoness este un lucru foarte interesant. Sunt la rndul meu membru i mi cumpr echipamentul necesar pentru proiecte, dar i bunurile de uz curent numai de la firmele partenere care mi restituie banii! Iar prin CFF s-a realizat un pas foarte important n direcia potrivit, deoarece copiii sunt viitorul nostru dac nu facem nimic n prezent pentru ei, nu ne putem atepta la nimic bun de la ei n viitor. Mi-a dori s realizez un proiect n colaborare cu CFF , susinnd astfel prin angajament fundaia.


The sTrongesT kid

Copiii din Saalfeld trag un utilaj de 20 de tone!

Ce se ntmpl cnd 49 de copii trag mpreun de aceeai sfoar?
a data de 13.10, copiii din Saalfeld i-au propus ncercarea de a stabili un record mondial la trgul de toamn din Pinzgau. Pornind de la motoul mpreun suntem puternici a fost iniiat acest concurs. mpreun cu Franz Mllner, cel mai puternic om din Austria, au tras de un cablu i au micat o macara de 20 de tone pe o distan de aproximativ 30 de metri! Incredibil ce putere au reuit s dezvolte mpreun copiii. Pe parcursul zilei, cu ocazia competiiei Strongest-Kids, au fost descoperii cei mai puternici copii din Saalfeld. Transportatul de stropitori, cratul de geamantane, rostogolitul de butoane de bere probe neobinuite care au fost ntmpinate cu mult entuziasm.

Kids from Saalfelden pull a 20-tonner!

What happens when 49 kids all pull together?
For children from Saalfelden October 13 was all about a world record attempt at the Pinzgau Fall Fair. The contest was started true to the motto Together we are strong. Together with Franz Mllner, Austria s strongest man, they pulled together and moved a 20-ton crane some 30 meters! The power the children could develop collectively is unbelievable. The strongest children in Saalfelden were also determined on the day during the Strongest Kids contest. Carrying watering cans, hauling luggage, rolling beer barrels unusual contests that were great fun!


Lyoness n Australia/ Lyoness in Australia

Sponsorizarea transnaional devine tot mai important pentru Lyoness. Odat cu deschiderea filialei naionale din Sydney n aprilie 2012, acesta era urmtorul pas logic. Pe lng prezena materialelor promoionale Lyoness pentru ciclitii selectai, bannerele Lyoness au fost prezente n fiecare etap i au nsoit concurenii n cltoria lor aventuroas. Pe lng toate acestea, Lyoness.TV s-a aflat pe teren i a transmis reportaje n exclusivitate despre cursa de ciclism extrem a anului. Mai multe despre eveniment la adresa (a 13-a transmisie din 20/11/2012)!
Transnational sponsorship is of ever increasing importance to Lyoness. With the opening of a national subsidiary in Sydney in April 2012, this was the next logical step. Besides the presence of Lyoness merchandising items for selected extreme cyclists, Lyoness banners lined the stages and accompanied the racers on their adventurous journey. Over and above that, Lyoness.TV was on the ground and reported exclusively on the extreme cycle racing event of the year. More about that at (13th broadcast of 11/20/2012).

1. Ivan Rybarik (CZE), tricou portocaliu, 34:08:59 2. Ondrej Fojtik (CZE), tricou gri/turcoaz, +17:55 3. Wolfgang Krenn (AUT), tricou verde, +49:18 1st Ivan Rybarik (CZE), orange jersey, 34:08:59 2nd Ondrej Fojtik (CZE), gray/turquoise jersey, +17:55 3rd Wolfgang Krenn (AUT), green jersey +49:18

English Xxxxxxx xxxxxx Deutsch Xxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXX 73

Dont swim Crocodiles!

Anul acesta, cel de-al 18-lea Trofeu Internaional Crocodilul a avut loc la 2.402 km nord de locaia Lyoness din Sydney. Acest eveniment extraordinar este cunoscut ca cea mai lung, cea mai dicil i cea mai interesant curs de ciclism montan din lume.
This year, the 18th International Crocodile Trophy was held 2,402 km north of Lyoness Sydney location. This superlative event is known as the longest, hardest and most daring mountain bike stage race in the world.


rofeul Crocodilul i-a primit numele de la semnele de avertizare "Nu notai Crocodili" aflate de-a lungul multor ruri din Australia.

THE CROCODILE TROPHY got its name from the Don t swim Crocodiles warning signs along the many rivers in the Australian outback. The trophy 10 stages, 1,200 km, nine days. This year s Crocodile Trophy in Australia took off on October 20 in Cairns, Far North Queensland. The competition route took the crocriders over rutted roads, across raging rivers and through the never-ending rain forest. Despite the technical difficulties of each day s stage, riders were able to enjoy fine weather. Of the 150 extreme-cycling competitors, eight Austrians also managed to reach the finish line at Cooktown. This year s Crocodile Trophy really fascinated me [...]. I ll be back [...], third-placed Styrian Wolfgang Krenn cheers after nine days in the baking outback with temperatures reaching close to 46 Celsius. The trophy was won by Czech Ivan Rybarik ahead of his countryman Ondrej Fojtik. The organizer Following the Tour de France model, Austrian cyclist Gerhard Schnbacher organized the first Australian Crocodile Trophy in 1995. Australia is one of the adopted homelands of Gerhard Schnbacher, who has also competed in the Tour de France three times.

10 etape, 1.200 km, nou zile. Trofeul Crocodilul din acest an a demarat la 20 octombrie n Cairns, Far North Queensland. Ruta concursului i-a purtat pe concureni peste drumuri pline de fgae, peste ruri nvolburate i prin nesfrita pdure tropical. n ciuda dificultilor tehnice din etapa fiecrei zile, ciclitii s-au putut bucura de vremea frumoas. Dintre cei 150 de concureni de ciclism extrem, opt austrieci au reuit s ajung la linia de sosire la Cooktown. "Trofeul Crocodilul din acest a fost ntr-adevr fascinant [...]. Voi reveni [...]," concurentul clasat pe locul trei din Stiria, Austria, Wolfgang Krenn, se bucur dup nou zile n regiunea arztoare cu temperaturi care ajung aproape la 46C. Trofeul a fost ctigat de ctre cehul Ivan Rybarik naintea compatriotului su Ondrej Fojtik.
Photos: Mark Massel/istockphoto

Avnd ca model Turul Franei, ciclistul austriac Gerhard Schnbacher a organizat primul Trofeu australian Crocodilul n 1995. Australia este una dintre cele rile care l-a adoptat pe Gerhard Schnbacher, care a concurat n Turul Franei de trei ori.


S oferim copiilor un viitor

CFF ajut tinerii din ntreaga lume. n prezent susine proiecte de ajutorare n Nigeria, Slovenia i Polonia.

Giving children a future

CFF helps young people throughout the world. It currently supports aid projects in Nigeria, Slovenia and Poland.


Un mediu de nvare mai bun pentru

Renovarea Holy Trinity School din Nigeria progreseaz n ritm rapid.
in mai 2012, Child & Family Foundation a renovat i a extins Holy Trinity School pentru aproximativ 1.000 de copii i tineri din Uromi, Nigeria. Lucrarea progreseaz rapid. Peretele de susinere este aproape gata i trei din cele cinci cldiri colare existente au primit deja o nou nfiare strlucitoare. Ele au fost revopsite n interior i n exterior i toate etajele, ferestrele i uile au fost nlocuite. Se fac progrese, de asemenea, la construirea unei sli noi multifuncionale. nveliul exist deja iar acoperiul va fi montat n viitorul apropiat. Odat finalizat, aceasta va gzdui o sal de mese i o sal de evenimente, laboratoare pentru orele de tiine i o bibliotec. Directorul Frederick Akhelumele este ncntat de progresele rapide fcute la cldire: Mulumit CFF, n curnd vom avea posibilitatea de a oferi elevilor notri un mediu de nvare i mai bun. Dac totul va continua conform planului, lucrrile vor fi finalizate pn la sfritul anului.

Improved learning environment for 1,000 pupils

Renovation of the Holy Trinity School in Nigeria is progressing apace.

Since May 2012 the Child & Family Foundation has been renovating and enlarging the Holy Trinity School for some 1,000 children and juveniles in Uromi, Nigeria. The work is progressing apace. The retaining wall is almost finished and three of the five existing school buildings have already been given a resplendent facelift. They have been repainted inside and outside and all floors, windows and doors have been replaced. Progress is also being made on the construction of a new multi-purpose hall. The shell already exists and the roof will be fitted in the near future. Once completed, it will house a dining and event room, laboratories for science classes and a library. Headmaster Frederick Akhelumele is pleased at the rapid progress in the building: Thanks to CFF, we will soon be able to offer our pupils an even better learning environment. If everything continues as planned, the work will be finished by the end of the year.

Projects Proiecte CHILD & FAMILY FOUNDATION 75


Jolly d culoare vieii copiilor nevoiai

Productorul de creioane Jolly a fcut donaii generoase pentru proiectele comunitii CFF n Honduras, Filipine, Nigeria i Africa de Sud.
urnizarea de rechizite colare de baz pentru copii nu este un lucru firesc n rile dezavantajate. Chiar la timp pentru nceputul noului an colar, Jolly, renumitul productor austriac de creioane, a oferit donaii generoase n sprijinul colilor CFF din Nigeria, Africa de Sud, Honduras i Filipine. Tradiionala companie de familie a oferit doi palei de creioane, n total 140.00 de buci, produse la fabrica Jolly din Graz. Aceast cooperare a fost posibil ca urmare a eforturilor excepionale ale lui Ren Gall, manager al Spielbox Graz i membru Lyoness Premium, a declarat directorul CFF Nina Passegger. Fiecare copil din Austria cunoate creioanele Jolly. Suntem recunosctori c putem s oferim aceste creioane de calitate superioar copiilor din cadrul proiectelor noastre colare internaionale, adugnd culoare, bucurie i creativitate timpului petrecut la coal.

Jolly brings color into the life of needy children

The crayon manufacturer Jolly has made generous donations to CFF community projects in Honduras, the Philippines, Nigeria and South Africa.
The provision of basic school materials for children is not a matter of course in underprivileged countries. In time for the new school year, Jolly, the renowned Austrian crayon manufacturer, has therefore made generous donations in support of CFF schools in Nigeria, South Africa, Honduras and the Philippines. The traditional family-owned company has offered two pallets of crayons, a total of 140,000 items, made at the Jolly factory in Graz. This cooperation was made possible as a result of the exceptional efforts of Ren Gall, manager of Spielbox Graz and a Lyoness Premium member, says CFF director Nina Passegger. Every child in Austria knows Jolly crayons. We are very grateful that we can now give these high-quality crayons to the children in our international school projects, thereby adding color, joy and creativity to their school day.

Jochen Wirth (stnga) ofer directorului CFF Nina Passegger doi palei de creioane donai de compania Jolly. Cooperarea a fost iniiat de Ren Gall (dreapta). Jochen Wirth (left) presents CFF director Nina Passegger with two pallets of crayons donated by Jolly. The cooperation was initiated by Ren Gall (right).

76 CHILD & FAMILY FOUNDATION Proiecte Projects


Ajutor pentru copiii defavorizai din Polonia

CFF susine trei proiecte n Polonia fcnd viaa mai uoar pentru 150 de copii i tineri.
de copii au gsit un nou refugiu n casa de copii din stucul polonez Gazowska. Din nou n acest an, CFF i Lyoness Polonia le-au oferit rechizite colare noi, mbrcminte, materiale de nvare i desen i, de asemenea, articole de igien. Aceasta le-a asigurat un nceput bun n noul anul colar i i va echipa pentru iarn. Cei aproximativ 30 de copii de la casa de copii din Gorlice au, de asemenea, motive s fie mulumii. CFF ofer casei de copii PC-uri, obiecte de uz casnic, mbrcminte i seturi de rechizite pentru nceperea noului an colar. Al treilea proiect din Polonia se concentreaz pe comunicarea valorilor sociale. Clubul sportiv lsk din witochowice ofer copiilor i tinerilor care provin din medii familiale dificile oportunitatea de a nva valori precum spiritul de echip i solidaritatea prin intermediul sportului. CFF a sprijinit echipa de fotbal a clubului oferind echipament sportiv, pantofi de sport i alte aparate pentru antrenament.

Aid for disadvantaged children in Poland

CFF is supporting three projects in Poland, making life easier for some 150 children and juveniles.


Membrii echipei de fotbal lsk sunt ncntai de echipamentul sportiv de calitate superioar de la CFF. Members of the lsk soccer team are delighted with the high-quality sports equipment from CFF.

Recunosctori pentru ajutor: beneficiarii din cadrul cminului de copii Gorlice care au primit din partea CFF, printre altele, computere, haine i seturi de rechizite pentru nceperea colii. The wards of the childrens home in Gorlice are grateful for the PCs, clothing and school starter kits made available by CFF.

47 children have found a new refuge in the childrens home in the small Polish village of Gazowska. Once again this year, CFF and Lyoness Poland have provided them with new school material, clothing, learning and drawing materials and also hygiene articles. This has given them a good start to the school year and will equip them for the winter. The 30 or so children at the childrens home in Gorlice also have reason to be pleased. CFF is supplying the home with PCs, household items, clothing and starter kits for the new school year. The third project in Poland focuses on the communication of social values. The lsk sports club in witochowice offers children and juveniles with difficult family backgrounds an opportunity to learn values like team spirit and solidarity through sport. CFF supported the club soccer team by providing sports equipment, shoes and other training gear.

Projects Proiecte CHILD & FAMILY FOUNDATION 77


Un proiect colar n Slovenia

Elevii defavorizai de la coala Murska Sobota beneficiaz de o nou sal de fitness mulumit CFF.

A school project in Slovenia

Disadvantaged pupils from Murska Sobota have been given a new exercise room thanks to CFF.

Aparatul terapeutic special din noua sal de fitness ajut copiii s-i mbunteasc abilitile motrice i coordonarea. The special therapeutic apparatus in the new exercise room enables the children to improve their motor skills and coordination.

opiii cu dizabiliti mentale i fizice au nevoie de ngrijire special. coala primar Murska Sobota IV este o coal special care ofer persoanelor cu dizabiliti exact acest lucru. Elevii cu dizabiliti minore i grave au posibilitatea de a participa la cursuri speciale axate pe formare i educaie care le favorizeaz dezvoltarea i independena. Cu sprijinul Child & Family Foundation, a fost instalat o sal de fitness pentru copii, cu aparate i instrumente terapeutice, ca de exemplu covorae, o trambulin, skateboard-uri, bnci tambur, perne cu bile, balansoare i discuri tactile. Aici ei i pot dezvolta coordonarea, orientarea spaial i echilibrul, i pot mbunti procesele senzo-motrice i, n acest fel, nu sunt stimulai doar mental ci i fizic n mod optim.

Children with mental and physical handicaps require special care. Murska Sobota primary school IV is a special school offering handicapped persons precisely that. Pupils with slight and severe handicaps are given the opportunity to attend special classes focusing on training and education that foster their development and independence. With the support of the Child & Family Foundation, an exercise room has been installed for the children with therapeutic appliances and aids including floor mats, a trampoline, skateboards, drum benches, ball cushions, balance boxes and tactile discs. Here they can develop their coordination, spatial orientation and balance, improve sensomotoric processes and in this way obtain not only mental but also optimum physical stimulus.



Marcm goluri mpreun

Lyoness deschide un nou segment de sponsorizare, de aceast dat n sportul pentru tineri. mpreun cu Child & Family Foundation a sponsorizat Liga European de Juniori n ultimii trei ani.
in vara anului 2012 Lyoness mpreun cu CFF a sprijinit Liga European de Juniori i a dat numele su ligii de fotbal pentru juctorii tineri din Austria, Ungaria i Slovenia. Scopul este s ncurajeze tinerii juctori de fotbal i s le ofere posibilitatea de a juca cu oameni din alte ri. Aceasta este n deplin conformitate cu orientarea fundamental internaional a Lyoness i motivul pentru care s-a angajat s fie noul sponsor principal pentru urmtorii trei ani. Proiectul comun este gestionat de ctre HIB Liebenau i academia sa de fotbal, care exist de 12 ani, i ofer tinerilor juctori oportunitatea de a ncepe o carier serioas n sport. Deja a avut un succes remarcabil: Zlatko Junuzovi (Werder Bremen) i Mario Sonnleitner (Rapid Viena) sunt amndoi produse ale academiei. Cel mai nou talent care urmeaz s apar este Valentino Lazaro (Red Bull Salzburg), care a folosit Liga European de Juniori ca o ramp de lansare pentru o carier n fotbalul profesionist. Liga Europan de Juniori Lyoness este un parteneriat atractiv pentru ambele pri: liga are o baz profesionist i costurile sale sunt acoperite, iar Lyoness este implicat ntr-un proiect care este pe deplin n conformitate cu filozofia corporativ i responsabilitatea social corporativ. Cele 10 cluburi participante au fiecare cte o echip U15 i o echip U17. Exista 10 echipe din Slovenia, ase din Austria i patru din Ungaria. Jocurile sunt jucate n toate cele trei ri. Sezonul 2012-13 a nceput la Ljubljana n iulie 2012, iar echipele cele mai bune s-au evideniat deja. n timp ce echipele slovene conduc liga U15, n liga U17 concurena este foarte strns. inei mingea aproape mpreun cu Lyoness i aflai ultimele rezultate la

Scoring goals together

Lyoness is opening a new sponsoring segment, this time in juvenile sport. Together with the Child & Family Foundation, it has been sponsoring the European Juniors League for the past three years.

Since summer 2012 Lyoness, together with CFF, have been supporting the European Juniors League and has given its name to the soccer league for young players from Austria, Hungary and Slovenia. The aim is to encourage young soccer players and give them the opportunity to play with people from other countries. This is fully in line with the basic international orientation of Lyoness and the reason it has undertaken to be the new main sponsor for the next three years. The joint project is being managed by HIB Liebenau and its soccer academy, which has existed for the past 12 years, and offers young players the opportunity to embark on a serious sports career. It has already had remarkable success: Zlatko Junuzovi (Werder Bremen) and Mario Sonnleitner (Rapid Wien) are both products of the academy. The most recent talent to emerge is Valentino Lazaro (Red Bull Salzburg), who used the European Juniors League as a launching pad for a professional soccer career. The Lyoness European Juniors League is an attractive partnership for both sides: the league is put on a professional footing and its costs are covered, and Lyoness is involved in a project that is fully in line with the corporate and CSR philosophy. The 10 participating clubs each have a U15 and U17 team. There are 10 teams from Slovenia, six from Austria and four from Hungary. Games are played in all three countries. The 201213 season started in Ljubljana in July 2012, and the top teams are already emerging. While the Slovenian teams lead the U15 league, the U17 section is turning into a very closely contested affair. Stay on the ball with Lyoness and find out the latest results at

Projects Projekte CHILD & FAMILY FOUNDATION 79

O lupt strns: din iulie 2012 echipele din Liga European de Juniori s-au luptat pentru supremaie. n timp ce echipele slovene conduc Liga U15 (mai jos: NK Domale), n liga U17 concurena este foarte strns (centru: Zalaegerszegi TE FC; sus: AKA HIB Liebenau). Hard at it: since July 2012 the teams in the international Lyoness European Juniors League have been battling for supremacy. While the Slovenian teams are leading the U15 league (below: NK Domale), the U17 section is a close contest (center: Zalaegerszegi TE FC; top: AKA HIB Liebenau).

Cashback Card Cashback Cardul ca i card de plastic sau cu aplicaia pentru telefonul mobil artat la cas naintea efecturii plii. Pe baza datelor de cumprare nregistrate primii i avantajele de membru rezultate Partenerii comerciali Cashback Card se gsesc online pe
Present your plastic Cashback Card or show your mobile app at the till before paying The purchases recorded then enable you to enjoy the benefits of being a Lyoness member All of the Cashback Card loyalty partners are listed online at

Bonuri valorice mobile Prin Cutare comerciant selectai partenerii comerciali dorii Introducei suma bonului valoric dorit pe telefonul Smartphone i generai bonul valoric, confirmnd prin codul PIN personal Artai partenerului comercial codul de siguran primit. Personalul verific apoi valabilitatea bonului valoric. Bonul valoric este astfel rscumprat i cumprtura este ncheiat.

Shopping with Lyoness

Cu cele patru posibiliti de cumprare de la Lyoness se poate economisi uor. Fie cu cardul sau cu telefonul Smartphone, cu bonuri valorice sau online membrii prot de avantajele de membru i primesc bani napoi la ecare cumprtur de la partenerii comerciali Lyoness.
Saving is easy using one of the four ways to shop with Lyoness. It makes no difference if payment is made by card or using a smart-phone, with a voucher or online members benet from the advantages of being part of the Lyoness family and get cash back with each and every purchase from a Lyoness loyalty partner.

Mobile Vouchers Select the loyalty partner you are looking for via the loyalty partner search Enter the voucher amount into your smart-phone and confirm the generated voucher with your personal PIN code Present the received security code at the loyalty partner. The staff will then verify the validity of the voucher, which redeems it and the purchase is completed.

Bonuri valorice Comandai bonuri valorice originale/Gift Carduri prin formular, prin telefon sau online de la Lyones sau de la punctele de vnzare bonuri valorice Primii avantajele de membru rezultate pe baza comenzii de bonuri valorice Le folosii la partenerii comerciali respectivi sau le oferii cadou
Vouchers Buy your original vouchers/gift-cards in writing, by telephone, online at Lyoness or at any voucher sales outlet Member benefits are awarded based on the voucher order Use the vouchers at loyalty partners, or give them away as gifts

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Online shopping Log into and choose from more than 3,200 online shops in the Lyoness online shopping portal Shop around the clock and around the world The benefits of Lyoness membership are granted based on the shopping information recorded

Photos: Rodach, Johannes/the food passionates/Corbis, Olix Wirtinger/Corbis

Shopping with Lyoness Cumprturi cu Lyoness 81

Pur i simplu excelent!

ISO 9001:2008

Simply excellent!
aptele vorbesc mai mult dect o mie de cuvinte! Din acest motiv, Lyoness s-a lsat verificat ndeaproape de ctre instituii independente. Cu un rezultat care poate fi vzut! Lyoness a primit o confirmare recunoscut la nivel mondial care arat imediat: testat, confirmat - i gsit excelent! Astfel e oficial: standardele ridicate pe care Lyoness i le impune vor fi n ntregime ndeplinite! Pe lng aceasta se adaug satisfacia membrilor notri, eficiena, structura clar i bineneles decisivul avantaj Cashback!

Calitatea managementului Lyoness a fost verificat de Quality Austria i i s-a acordat certificatul ISO 9001:2008. Certificatul ISO 9001 stabilete standardele minime internaionale, conform crora procesele i structurile unei organizaii trebuie s fie organizate .

ISO 9001:2008

Quality management at Lyoness was tested by Quality Austria and awarded ISO 9001:2008 certification. The ISO 9001 certification sets minimum international standards by which the processes and structures of a company can be defined.

Leitbetriebe Austria
Leitbetriebe Austria

Lyoness Austria GmbH este membru al firmelor de top din Austria. Firmele de Top din Austria este o marc rou-alb-rou (drapelul austriei) care i-o pot nsui numai 1.000 de firme din Austria.

Lyoness Austria GmbH is a member of the business network Leitbetriebe Austria. Leitbetriebe Austria is an Austrian brand that 1,000 outstanding companies in Austria may avail of.


ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN even a thousand words! This is why Lyoness subjected itself to rigorous testing by independent institutions, and with fantastic results too! Lyoness holds globally renowned seals of quality, which immediately get the message across: tested, excellent and outstanding! This means its official: the high demands that Lyoness sets for itself are all fulfilled! These include the satisfaction of our members, efficiency, clear structures and obviously the crucial added value of cashback!

Lyoness este recunoscut ca comunitate de cumprtori verificat i certificat cu avantajul Cashback. Unic: nici o alt companie cashback nu deine acest certificat Obiectivul nostru satisfacerea membrilor notri - a fost confirmat de ctre un organism independent.


Lyoness is officially a shopping community providing certified services that offer a verified price advantage/Cashback. Unique: No other cashback company in the world has received such a distinction. Our guiding principle the satisfaction of our members has been independently confirmed.

Certificat IQNet

Recunoscut internaional: n cadrul ISO 9001:2008 Lyoness a primit, de asemenea, certificatul IQNet acordat de ctre Quality Austria. Partenerii IQNet au emis certificate n peste 150 de ri i reprezint o cot de pia mondial de 30 de procente.

IQNet certification

Internationally recognised: as part of the ISO 9001: 2008 certification by Quality Austria, Lyoness was also certified by IQNet. IQNet partners have so far issued certificates in 150 countries, and command a global market share of 30 percent.

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Publisher si editor media proprietor and publisher: LYONESS Europe AG, Bahnhofstrasse 7, CH-9470 Buchs | Responsabil la LYONESS overall responsible at LYONESS: Silvia Weihs, Head of Public Relations | Editur i producia publishing house and producer: Styria Multi Media Corporate GmbH & Co KG, Geiselbergstrae 15, 1110 Wien, Tel.: +43/(0)1/601 17, Fax: 190 | Managing director managing directors: Erich Schnberg,Thomas Leskoschek, Nina Haas | Project Management project management:, 1070 Wien; Styria Multi Media Corporate, Olivia Forstmayr, Viola Jantzen | Redaktor ef chief editor: Alex Schtz | Scenografie art director: Amd Stckl, www. | Grafica graphic design: Rosi Horvath | Corectarea proof-reading: Barbara Hofmann | Foto Editor photo editor: Ewa Bisztyga | Imagini n acest numr photographs in this issue: Cover: Photographer: Christian Maricic, Models: Coralia & Eric Adrian/Diva Models, Styling: Ali Rabbani & Susanne Gosch, Make-up: Jessy/Diva, Location: Ski Dubai, Mall of Emirates, VAE, Production: lexNEWS, 1070 Wien | Photos Cashback Magazine: Javier Rodriguez/lexNEWS, Robert Korkisch/, Christian Maricic, Alexander Weber, Ski Dubai, Red Bull, Corbis, Getty Images | Produkie production: m4! Mediendienstleistungs GmbH & Co KG, | Colaboratori la acest numr contributors to this issue: Katerina Cerny, Javier Rodriguez, Gerda Tauschek, Paul Tognotti, Silvia Weihs, Jrgen Zacharias, Bettina Pries, Karin Talaber, Elisabeth Donaczi, Klaus Piber, Monika Fikerment, Simone Nedelko, Stephanie Beichl | Traducere translation: TraducemBine, textissima | Print print: Neografia, a.s., 03655 Martin, Slowakia | Frecven apariii frequency: 4 x p. a.


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at favourable ts c u d o r p f o ange ides a wide r v o 9 countries: r p in in s a e r h c to s IY D lf e t s s r e 159 do-it-you Austrias larg y, Romania, h r it a g w n d u te H , n a e s ti e a ro repr ia, Slovenia, C k prices and is a v lo S , c li b h Repu Austria, Czec Turkey. Bulgaria and

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