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Citate eseu - Psihologie Politica

1. Nici raionamentul poporului nu e ntotdeauna adevrat: cei muli pot grei la fel de
mult precum cei puini.
Nor is the peoples judgement always true: the most may eras grossly as the few.
John Dryden

2. Prin definiie un guvern este privat de contiin. Uneori are o gndire dar nimic mai
By definition a Government is deprived of conscience. Sometimes it reasons but
nothing more.
Albert Comus

3. Democraia se definete n mod corect ca identitatea dintre cei ce sunt guvernai i cei
ce guverneaz.
The democracy is defined correctly as the identity between the ones being governed
and the ones that govern.
Karl Schmitt

4. Fiinele umane sunt att de distructive nct au nevoie de un stat pentru a le potoli
tendinele de prad.
Human beings are so destructive they need a state to temper their tendencies.
Thomas Hobbes

5. Las oamenii s cread c ei guverneaz i atunci vor fi guvernai.

Let the people think they govern and they will be governed.
William Penn

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