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ISBN 973-8459-23-0
6 11 422600 11 000688


4; ~, ~~
Engleza rapida se adreseazli tuturor celor care
dorcsc sa invete singuri limha engleza intr-un limp scurL
Canea con!ine leC\ii care descriu diICrile silU;l\ii in care
ne-am putea afJa. ~i anume: intr-o excurise. la hotel. la
reslauranL intr-o alta lara. etL Ca anexa. cartea cuprinde
liste suplimentare. tahelul eu verbelc neregulate. precum ~i
cheia exerci!iilnr la care ve!i apela dUp[1 ee ve!i rezolva
Primul capilol ne familiarizeaza cu alfabetul limbii
engleze. transcrierea fonelica. introducfmd anumite semne
carl' llli au cnresponden!a in limha rom[lI1a precum ~i
pronun!ia acestnra cat mai exacla. redalii ~i prin exemple
de cuvintc din limba romana.
Fieeare propozi!ie contine transerierea fonetica.
) precum ~i traduccrea in limha roman;) pentru a nc ajula sa
aSllnilam eftt mai rapid aceste int(lrlnalii. Dc ascmcnea.
ficcarc IcC\ie dczbate 0 problema dc gramatidi explieatii
succint ~i exemplificarea acesteia prin exercilii. Ficcare
cxercitiu este necesar. Nu lrebuie omis nici unul. oricfll de
U~or sau de dificil ar parea.
'" Dupa cum v<}!i observa. cursul pune accentul
principal pc ennvcrsatic ~i propune sa ascultati mai intai
CD-til care arc imprimatfl prol1untia corcctfl a ttllllror
leC\iilnr. ~i mai apoi. citirea lec!iilnr eu voce tarc.
Cci care i~1 vor inslItli malcrialul currins in aceasta

cane vnr pUlea inlcJcge cu u~urinta orice lcxt in limba

englcza, folosindu-se firc~tc ~i de un hun dictionar, 5i de Alfabetul limbii engleze
ascmenea vor putca sustine 0 conversat ie in limha cngleza (The english alphabet)
la un nivel mediu.
Dupa eum hine ~tim, a limha straina depindc In
primul rand de persevercnta ~i metoda de lueru a eclui care
I. Cititi eu voce tare
o studiazfl. Aprofundarea cuno~tintclor, printr-un efort
sust inut ~i hine organizat. va va duee la cunoa~tcrea
A rei] N [en]
tcmeiniea a limbii cngleze.
B fhi:] o lou]
C lsi:] P [pi:]
MULT SUCCES! D [di:] Q [kju:]
E Ii: I R [a:]
F letl S res]
AUTORUL G [cBi:] T [ti:]
H [eitch] U Uu:]
I [ail V [vi:]
.r I(t5ci] W ['dAhlju:1
K [kei] X leks]
L [el] Y [wail
M [em] Z [zed]

2. Scrieti-va Illlmeic pc spatilll marcat de mai jos ~i cititi-I

pe litere



GREETINGS (Formule de salut)

I. Good morning! Bunn dimillcata!
[gud 'm::>:nrl')]
') Good afternoon! Buna ziua!
[gud ,a:fta'nu:nj

6 7
3. Good evening! Buna seara! foarte asemanator cu Ilampa Ilove, lamp
[gud 'i:vnIl)] I romanesc
4. Good night! ." Noapte buna!
m m romanesc mama mum. man
[gud naIt] n n romanesc nuca nut. name
I) n velar. (naza!) punga sing, song
Transcrierea fonetica p p romanesc. de obicei
cu un u~or h scurt la
pet. open

Alfabetul fonetic ,i transcrierea I' semnificativ diferit I Ired, try
fonetici fata de r romanesc;
Prin fonem se 'Intelege 0 totalitate de sunete foarte are 0 foarte scurta ~i
put in deosebite 'Intre ele ~i care tind sa se identifice cu un slaba vibratie a limbii
anumit sunet considerat ca tip general al fonemului I s ca s romanesc sante SIng, son
respectiv'ln limba respectiva. . f ~ romanesc ~0l1 short. shirt
Sistemul fonetic al limbii engleze este diferit de cel al t t romanesc timp time, ten
limbii romane. Daca cel romanesc este considerat unul v v romanesc volum volume,
fonetic, cel englezesc este unul etimolo~ic, adica se scrie festival
'Intr-un fel ~i se pronunta altfe\. z z romanesc Izebra Izebra, blouse

Sunet Descriere Ex. rom. Ex. en!!\. Combinatii de semne

A a scurt mac cup f. I ase;nanator cu C.i cinci, ceara I much, teacher
a: a lung barca father Q) asemanator cu gi I girafii, ger large, engineer
e e scurt bee bed
e-Iung- .ft4Af$lj cat Semiconsoane (semivocale)
? ....-iL. preot
bit w I asemanator unui u romanesc
wet. window
1 i sCUl1 mic
i: i lung mii sheep y asemanator sunetului i romanesc I yes. yellow
;): olung dol' four
ud actual V -ati 'Intrebat vreodata ce Inseamna simbolurile din
u u scurt tr.

0' g romanesc gaita great, good parantcze care apar lfinga un cuvant 'In dictional''? Acestea
foarte asemanator cu hoi hello, house sum simboluri fonctice folosite ca ghid pentru pronuntarea
h romancsc corecta a cuvintelor. Pentru a veni In ajutorul dvs .. am

3 Ij romanesc, Ijanta Itelc.v~sion, dezvoltat un ghid simplu pentru celc mai folositc

8 9
Sunet Descriere
Formule de prezentare Introductions
I Exemple [lIIlr;)'daAkJ;)llz)
a: a lung arm, glass

A a foarte scurt. apropiat de romfl- cup, but z .' _~~.
_.'~"~. ~" ,,' \ \
nescul "mac" .' ,.l
... ..:.' -:.,. - .
re I sunet intre e ~i a (puteti incerca cat, family
astfel: deschideti gura ca ~i cum Permiteti-mi sa va prezint pe Allow me to introduce.
ati pronunta a ~i pronuntati e) dl. .. Mr. .. to you
::l: Ia lung turn, [a'iau mi: tu. ,rntra'dju:s
::l I a romanesc away, agaIn
Imi pare bine (de cuno~tinta).
mrsta tu: ju:]
Nice (0 meet you.
i: i lung see, tea
[nars tu: mi:t jU:]
i scurt hit, live
J: o lung call. door
Nu cred ca ne-am cunoscut. I don't thlllk we have met
J 0 scurt hot, dog
[ar daunt 8rT)k wi: haw met
u: ulung hlue, school br'b:]
u u scurt put, look Imi permiteti sa ma prezint? May I introduce myself?
[mer ar ,rntra'dju:s mar'self]
Consoane My name is ...
h b romfmesc back, book Ma numesc ... [mar nerm rz]
k similar cu c romanesc. de obicei cat. black, II cunoa~teti pc di. B. nu-i You know Mr. B, don't
: eu un usaI' h la sfilrsit a~a'? you'?
d '1 foarte a~emanator c'u d romanesc dog, today cJ-f~DJe; [ju: nau mrsta bi: daunt ju:]
f f romanesc flower, fi 'ie Nu, nu ered ca II cunosc. No, I don't thlllk so.
[nau ar daunt 8rT)k saul
Consoane fara corespondent in Iimba romana Ma bucur mult sa V[l cunosc. r m very glad to meet
8 lun fel de s cu limha Jntre dinti. In-I think, hoth you.
cercati sa pronuntati de mai multe [arm 'ven gleed tu: mi:t JU:]
ori Ia rand t. iar apoi pronuntati cu I De mult voiam sa va cunosc. I have alwavs wanted to
limha Jntre dinti i meet yo;- ~J,).fOi0!:()'khu

( o I un fel de z cu limba intre dinti. in- I this, another [ar heev 'J:lwaz 'wontrd tu:
mi:t ju:]
cercati sa pronuntati de mai multe
Vreau sa v-o prezint pe
ori la rand d, iar apOl pronuntati
eu limha intrc dinti
doarnna., ,
eunoa~tcti pe d-na .. , ?
I want vou to mect Mrs.
[ar wont JU tu: mi:t mrsrz]
Have you mct Mrs .... '.'
10 II
~ [hcev ju: met mrsIz] Indicativ prezent interogativ
Da, desigur. Am cunoscut-o Yes, certainly. I met her
anul trecut. last year.
[jes 's3:tnli 8r met h3: lo:st
j3:] AI11 I? = Sunt eu? Do r have? = Am eu?
Arc you? E~ti tu? Do you have? Ai tu? =
Is he? = Este c1? Docs he have? = Are c1?
Indicativ prezent afirmativ Is she? = Este ea? Does she have? = Are ea?

Is it? = Este eL ea? (pt. =
Does it have? Are eL ea?
TOBE=A FI ()biecte. animale)
I am = eu sunt I have = eu am Arc we? = Suntem noi? Do we have? c::: Avem noi?
You are = tu e~ti You have = tu ai Arc you? = Sunteti voi? Do you have? = Aveti voi?
He is = el este He has = cl are Arc they? = Sunt ei, ele? Do they have? = Au ei, ele?
She is = ea este She has = ea are
1t is = eL ea este (pl. It has =eL ea arc
H~t- j ? 1 to ~
} VRJlf:4
ohiecte, animale)
/1 <>L ';Jo ~ . b<> J.,
/-W it.-:
We are = noi suntem We have = noi avem H""i 1h ':
, )w~ la- rCJ\-ftJ
You are = voi sunteti You have = voi aveti rW1 it?
They are = eL elc sunt They have = ei, ele au ~L wt..? '. 1. C~;'''' t<-v
I. Traduceti In limha engleza:
a. EI cste profesor.
Indicativ prezent negativ b. Noi suntem elevi.
c. Eu sunt doctor.
TO BE=A FI TO HAVE = A A VEA d. Voi aveti 0 carte.
I am not = eu nu sunt I have not = eu nu am e. EI are un stilou.
You are not = tu nu c~ti You have not = tu nu ai
He is not = el nu este He has not = el nu are 2. Treceti la forma negativa ~i interogativa urmatoarcle
She is not = ea nu este She has not = ea nu are propozitii:
It is not = el, ea nu este (pt. It has not = el, ea nu are a. r am a student.
ohiecte, animale) h. He is a student.
We are not = noi nu suntem We have not = noi nu avem c. We have a map.
You are not = voi nu sunteti You have not = voi nu ave!i d. He has a book.
They are not = ei, ele nu They have not =ei, cIe nu e. We are in the classroom.
sunt au

12 13
{)'WI'\<Al" ,( i).

, Conversation Cum sel~cri~? How do you spell it?
[,konva'seij"an] [hau du: ju: spel rt]
Vorbiti engleze~te? Do you speak English? Vreti sa vorbiti putin mai Would you please speak a
[du: ju: spi:k 'rf)glij] , rar, va rog? little slower?
Putin, ~tiu doar dlteva A little, I only know a few
[wud ju: pli:z spi:k a 'Irt! slauar] 0

cuvinte. words. Ce Inseamna acest cuvant? What does this word mean?
[a 'Irt! ar 'aunli nau a fju:
[wot dAZ ors w3:d mi:n]
Cunosc destul de bine limba I know English fairly well.
[ar nau 'rt)glij" 'feali wei]
EI vorbe~te bine / prost He speaks English well / Unde este Where is
engleza. badly. gara? the railway-station?
[hi: spi:ks 'rf)9Ir1 wei 'bredli] [oa 'rerlwer 'steij"an]
Unde ati tnvatat engleza? Where have you learnt aeroportul? the airpol1?
English? [oi 'eap::.l:t]
[wea hrev ju: 13:nt 'rf)glij] restaurantul? the restaurant?
De dlnd Invatati engleza? How long have you been [oa 'restaront]
learning English? hotelul? the hotel?
[hau 10f) hrev ju: bi:n 'l3:nrf) [oa hau'tel]
'rf)glij] muzeul? the museum?
lnvat engleza de aproape I have been learning [Oa mju:'ziam]
English for almost two so!ul meu? my husband?
doc ~inci)ani.
[mar 'hAzband}'o- oj
years. 0

[ar hrev bi:n 'l3:nrf) 'rf)glij" to:

sOlia mea? my wife?
'::.l:lmaust tu: j3:Z] [mar warf]
ma~ina lui? his car?
Cuno~tintele dvs. de Your Engl ish has improved.
U::.l: 'rf)glr1 hrez rm'pru:vd] [hrz ka:]
engleza s-au Imbunatatit. casa ei?
Do you find English her house?
Engleza vi se pare 0 limba
[h3: haus]
grea? difficult? ro~ta?
[du: ju: farnd 'rf)glij" 'drfrkalt] the post-office?
Let's look up this word in loa paust 'ofrs]
Sa cautam acest cuv[mt In
dictionar. the dictionary.
[lets luk Ap ors w3:d rn oa

14 15

Unde sunt Where are Exereltii

parintii tai? jo:r your parents?
Uo:r 'pearants] I. Traduceti in limha engleza:
dirtile mele? Illy books? a. Unde estc restaurantul?
} ~

[mar buk] b. Unde sunt invitatii vostn?

prietenii no~tri? our friends? c. Unde este aeroportul? h

[aua frends] d. Unde sunt prietenii lor?

magaztnele? the stores? e. Unde sunt magazinele?
loa stC:r]
invitatii no~tri? our guests? 2. Traducet i In limba. romanii:
[aue gests] ;.;, 6'~
a. Where are your friends?
n Lfl
b. Where is my book?
.L 1 "
. c. Where is his wife'?
Adjectivele posesive I.
d. Where are the restaurants?
e. Where is the hotel? ;d;."; f "

My [mar] al meu. a mea. ai meL alc mclc
Your Uo:] al tau. a ta. ai tai. ak tale 3. Treccti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la plural:{\
His [hIZ] al lui. a lui. ai lui. ale lui a. Where is my fJiend?
Her [h3:] al ei. a ei. ai ei. ale ci .' h. Where is the hotel? "" roo' lin,
Its [ItS] = al lui/ei, a lui/ci. ai lui/ei. ale lui/ei (pentru c. Where is the airport?
obiecte. animale) d. Where is your book? 'j'.

Our [aua] = al nostru, a noastra. ai nostri, ale noastre c. Where is her friend? 'n
'ji{ q
Your Uo:] = al vostru. a voastra, ai vostri. ale voastrer
Their [oee] allor, a lor. ai lor, ale lor

:1 ,;w I i J ~J ih oj ;~O

. ')1... : JI
a' .
,I; I, ,2
Y' ... 1
"1' :tf; 3"" f~

"mb .1
f"nt; \ "j t .fj~lii ,.\,:.1,)(1 1m:
..,. I. :Ia " >,

16 J7
Ea cste logodita cu dl .... She IS engaged to Mr. ..
[Ii: IZ rn'geld3d tu: mIste]
EI estc logodnicul ei. He is her fiance.
[hi: IZ h3:r ,fi:a:n'seI]
(and sc c[lsi.Horesc'! When are they getting
[wen a:r oeI getil) 'mcsrid]
ell cine este casatorit? Who is he married to?
[hu: IZ hi:mcsrid tu:]
Sot ia lUI este profesoara. His wife is a teacher.
Familia [hIZ waIf IZ e 'ti:Ue]
Permiteti-mi sa va prezint Parintil mel au sarhatol;t llun- My parents celebrated their
familia mea. ta de argintJaur anul trecut. silver/gold wedding last year.
[mal 'peerents 'selebrelted
oee 'sIlva gould 'wedH}la:st
Cum va numiti?
Cati copii au? How many children do they
Ma numesc ... have?
[hau 'meni 'Ulldren du: oeI
Prietenii Imi spun John.
Ei au 0 fata ~i doi haieti. They have one girl and two
Care este numele dvs. boys.
[oeI hcsv wl\n g3:1 csnd tu:
Intreg? b:>Is]
Numele meu de familie este Aveti frati sau surori? Do you have any brothers
Smith. or sisters?
Numele de fata al sotiei [du: ju: hcsv 'eni 'brl\oes ::>:
mele este ... 'sIstes]
Sora mea mai mare este My elder sister is a doctor.
Sunteti casatorit? doctor. [mal 'elde 'sIste IZ e 'dokte]
Bunicii dvs traiesc? Are your grandparents still
Da, sunt disatorit(a). alive?
[a:r j::>: 'grcsn,peerents stII
Sunt nedisatorit(a). e'lalv]

18 19
Eu am multe rude: multi I have many relatives: many , place
iti Do you like [du: ju: lalk]
unchi, matu~i ~i veri. uncles. aunts and cousins. sa cite~ti? to read? [tu: ri:d]
[aI haw 'meni 'relatlvs 'meni
sa bei cafea? to drink coffee? [tu: dnl')k 'kofi]
'I\l')kJls o:nts rend 'kl\zans]
sa asculli muzica'? to listen to music? [tu: 'lIsen tu:
Tom ~i Jane sunt nepotul ~i Tom and Jane are my
father's nephew and niece. 'mju:zIk]
nepoata tatei.
[tom rend ,d3em o:r mal
'fa:oas 'nefju: rend ni:s] Exercitii
Ei sunt rude apropiate / +- They are c!9se / distant

indepartate. relatives.
1. Traduceli in limba engleza:
[oeI o:r klaus 'dIstant 'relatlvs]
My sister-in-law had a baby a. Cum te nume~ti? Ma numesc ...
Cumnata mea a nascut b. EI este tatal meu. EI estc profesor.
saptamana trecuta. last week.
[mal 'sIstaml:>: hred a beIbi c. Tn place sa asculli muzica?
lo:st wi:k] d. Imi place sa condue ma~ina.
e. Ei sunt rudele melc: c1 estc unchiul meu, ea este
matu~a mea ~i ei sunt veri i mei.

imi place / plac I like [aI laIk] i~

2. Traduceli in limba romana:
cafeaua. coffee. ['kofi] a. I don't like to get up early.
ceaiul. tea. [ti:] b. My sister had a baby last week. ,(
mUZlca. music. ['mju:zIk] c. My parents celebrated their gold wedding last

'I inghetata. ice-cream. [aIskri:m] year. d j;

sa calatoresc. to travel. [tu: 'trreval] d. Ilike watching TV. ;t,i~

sa conduc ma~ina. to drive. [tu: dralv] e. Do you like listening to music?

3. Alcatuili Propozitii cu urmatoarc1e constructii:

Nu-mi place I don't like "; I like ...
[aI daunt laIk] 1don't like
sa rna trezesc devreme. to get up early. [tu: get I\P '3:li] Do you like........ ')
this music. lOIS 'mju:zIk] He likes ..
aceasta muzica.
to watch TV. [tu: wotf ,ti: 'vi:] We don't like ..
sa privesc la televizor.
She doesn't likc .
Do they like......... '}

20 21
Ea este 0 fata draguta. She is a pretty girl.
[Ii: IZ a 'pnti 93:1]
EI este scund / inalt. He is short / tall.[hi: IZ!:):t hi]
Ce inaltime aveti? How tall are you'?
[hau t:):1 a: ju:]
Ce grcutate aveti? What do you weigh?
[WDt du: ju: weI]
EI seamana Cll tatill lui. He looks like his father.
Varsta, Age, appearance [hi: luks lalk hlZ 'fa:oa]
[eId 3 a'pIarans] EI arc par blond / negru. He has fair / dark hair.
How old are you? [hi: hcez fea da:k heal
Cati ani ai? Ce culoare au oehii ei? What colour are her eyes?
[hau auld a:r jU:]
1 am twenty years old. [WDt kl\la a: h3: alz]
Am douazeci de ani. Ea are ochii diprui.
[al cem 'twenti j3:S auld] Her eyes are brown.
1 shall be thirty next month. [h3: alZ a: braun] _i
Luna viitoare implinesc
[allcel bi: 'S3:ti nekst ml\nS]
treizeci de ani.
Cand v-ati nascut? When were you born? Numerele Numbers ('nl\mbas]
[wen W3: ju: WDZ] I - one [wl\n] LM/l wVLl

I was born in .,. 2 - two [tu:] Olw:Jl

\' M-am naseut in ... 3 - three [Sri:] -f.'Wd J
[al WDZ WDZ m]
4 - four [fJ:] q,uat'U
II\II!!I Suntem de aceea~i varsta. We are the same age. 5 - five [faIv] UhCjr
[wi: a: Oa seIm eId3] () - six [sIks] .8 C::x
She is two years .younger than
Ea este eu doi ani mai 7 - seven ('sevan] .?J.qtl . .
tanara deeat sotul ei. her husband. g - eight [eIt] ~tj!lJ ~Jll i !'.
[Ii: IZ tu: j3:S 'jl\f)ga Ocen h3: 9 - nine [nam) h1.ut
I 'hl\zband] 10-ten[ten] cU:l 'j

Ea este adoleseentii. She is a teenager. II - eleven [I'levan] orvU .~

[Ii: IZ a 'ti:neId3a] 12 - twelve [twelv] c10Ulct
Is she under age? 13 - thirteen LS3:'ti:nj 1~?:.e
Este minora?
[Iz.!i: 'I\nda eld3] 14 -fourteen LfJ:'ti:nj ~tO'7. 2e
15 - fifteen [frf't. ] . '""- l.!i .r
How does he look like? If,' ,I.n gvu'l,,-en
Cum arata el? 17 - SIxteen LSIk'sti:n] J-ii:.e."" Jrl(i .~.
[hau dl\z hi: luk talk]
He is very handsome. IR - seventeen Lsevan'ti:n] dA.'::J -:Jqd
Este foarte ehipe~. 19 ~.~ eIghteen LeI'ti:n] cL..';)clvv.-. t
[hi: IZ 'veri 'hcensam].
20 _ nJnctee~ Lnam'ti:n} oU'::f. - ~4- v' ,
twenty [twenti] u'ivt~ t
22 23
21 - twenty one ['twenti wAn] VLh3t -et-i.4'V
22 - twenty two ['twenti tu:] \;~v~t G.cwx
23 "C"'" twenty three ['twenti 8ri:] ~ t - t"'UlL,S
;n V-.
29 - twenty nine ['twenti narn] ill , . . . . IIi ~.,,' <"

30 - thirty ['83:ti] t'7i,il-e '.d,\'~t;


~-n-. ?- .~,,~
31 - thirty one ['83:ti wAn] t 1UtJtz - d- U4"L ~ ....Jatlr-

40 - forty ['f::>:ti]

50 - fi fty ['fIfti] Cc yl 'Y ccfL4"vt<-
60 - sixty ['srksti] goC').U~ . Casa, gridina House, garden
70 - seventy ['sevanti] joC:xtU'JiJ: JJiX- [haus 'ga:dn] \\ 1"'"
80 - eighty ['erti] Jj;: ~7.L-IJt-ft<Jt Aveti casa dvs. proprie? Have you got your own.
90 - ninety ['naInti] ~'U - ~-di;r house.') -
100 - one hundred [WAn 'hAndrrd] CVJA:: [haw ju: got j::>: aun haustl~._,
128 - one hundred twenty eight [WAn 'hAndrrd 'twenti ert]
1.000 - one thousand [WAn '8auzand] yvU m Am Inchiriat un apartament. I've taken a flat.
.'j l
1.000.000 - one million [WAn 'mrljan] 'lU-c>Jl. p ts. Lea [arv 'terkan a f1ret] - one billion [WAn 'brljan] 'A~ vrea sa vin sa va vad I'd like to come and see ,to
casa. your house.
1f t
[ard lark tu: kAm rend si: j::>:
;:' haus]
1. Traduceti In limba engleza: Poftiti, va rog! Come in, please!.:: I
a. Am 25 de ani. [kAm In pli:z] '.l!()1
b. EI are 30 de ani. Acum va voi arata casa. Now I shall show you my /.
c. Ea Impline~tc 50 de ani anul acesta. house.
d. Sora mea are 18 ani. (I [lfl [nau arJrelJau ju: mar haus]
e. Tatal meu are 55 de ani. Acesta este salonul. This is the living-room.
2. Folosind propozitiilc din text, aldituiti scurte enunturi [ors rz oa 'IrvIr) ru:m]
prin care sa realizati descrierea voastrib", :>iiJN! Bucataria noastra este Our kitchen is fairly large.
3. Traduceti In Iimba romana: nirtl destul de mare. [aua 'krij'an rz 'feali la:d3]
a. Howald are you? 1 am nineteen'yearsold.. ':(~; Veniti sa vedeti ~i Come to see the hedrooms,
b. She looks like her mother. ' 'II','
. dormitoarele. too.
c. She is four years younger than herl}usband. ;_~ [kAm tu: si: oa 'bedrums tu:]
d. He is a very handsome young man. : ' J ~i baia este destul de mare. The bathroom is fairly
e. She will be twenty-five next year.. . "" large. too.
[6a 'ba:8rum rz 'feali la:d3 tu:]
24 2~
Gradina dvs. cste foarte Your garden is very neat Adjectivul
curaHl ~i IngrijiHi. and tidy.
Uo: 'ga:dn IZ 'veri ni:t rend Spre deosebire de limba ramana unde adjcctivul sc acorda
'taldi] in gen, numar ~i caz cu substantivul pe care 11 detcrmina,
Are multe flori frumoase. It has many heautiful
in limba engleza adjectivul este invariabil.
flowers. Locul adjectivului
[It hrez 'meni 'bju:tafal 'f1auas]
In limba engleza, adjectivul se plaseaza Intotdeauna In fata
substantivului pe care 11 determina.

Ex: A tall man = Un barbat inalt

Culori Colours ['kAlas] A tall woman =0 femeie inalta
Alb white [walt] &&x..hC A beautiful house =0 casa f.umoasa
Negru =black [blrek] Y1VC'lr
Ro~u =red [red] '"W~
Verde = green [gri:n] v~t
Albastru = blue [blu:] ~
Bleu = light blue [lalt blu:] Exercitll
Bleumarin =dark blue {da:k blu:] ;:)
Galben =yellow ['jelau] do,..u,nL I. Traduceti In limba engleza:
Gri = gray [greI]
Violet = violet ['valalat]
ru: a. EI are 0 casa mare ~i frumoasa.
b. Gractina lor este foarte Ingrijita ~i curata.
Auriu golden ['gauldan] do'U' c. Ea are 0 carte albastra.
11\1\1\1 =
Argintiu silver ['SIlva] D)l,~te d. Dorn'iltoarele noastre sunt mario
W~U1 iu. &3E.rP /'l. ynOJCWh ~of.Rkl },.. e. EI are ochii verzi.
~ tnt"u
(,(1 t h ch; '" &wWh .fy1M.h 2. Traduceti In limba ramana:
a. I have many beautiful flowers.
b. His house is very tidy.
c. Our kitchen is fairly large.
d. Now I shall show you my living-room.
1 e. I have taken a nice and beautiful flat.

" '1 26 27

_ _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ 5

A~ vrea sa fac dilatorie

~c' .~.; '~~.~'

0 rd like to go on a tour

prin tar[l.
......., T~~f. ~/ ....
round the country.
( ~ /'t' lard lark tu: gau on a tua
' '~,
i " "

, ;1 '- i ):;;jY'
raund oa 'k"ntri]
11\\111 \'. (~> ,(; \ \', tl Sper ca a S[l va placa la noi. I hope you'll enjoy your

stay in our country.

\ ,'.
f' J1 . .t ' ." .1 i ,
. -..Jf II--' J \"'" [ar haup ju:1 rn'd3::>r j::>: ster In
111:,1 11

i .!
I! .
'y \ ,. ''. . i. ."1' I r.
:1 ~
I aua 'k"ntri]
I{ ';i I,i~ Jj EI estc ...
1 1 He is ...
<., [hi: rz]
. albancz
Tara, Country, Albanian [rel'beinian]
algerian Algerian [rel'd3ianan]
nationality african African ['refrikan]
['k"ntri ,nrela'nrelati] arab Arab ['rerab]
What country do you come
Din ce tara sunteti? australian Australian [::>s'treilian]
from'! austriac Austrian ['::>strian]
[wot 'k"ntri du: ju: k"m from]
bulgar Bulgarian [b"lgarian]
Sunt din Romania. 1 come from Romania.
chinez Chinese [tfai'ni:z]1)
[ar k"m from rau'meinia}i)i
This is my first visit in cubanez Cuban ['kju:ban]
Aceasta este prima mea ceh
England. Czech ['tj'ek]
viziHi In Anglia. danez
, 't" tors rz mar f3:st 'vrzrt In Danish ['deiniJ]
'i!)gland] egiptean Egyptian [i'd3iplan]
[ have also visited other elvetian
Am mai vizitat ~i alte t ari . Swiss [swis]
countries. finlandez Finn [fin]
[ar hrev '::>:Isau 'vrzrtrd '"oa francez French [frentJ]
'k"ntriz] german German ['d3a:man]
Cat timp a sa stati In tara How long are you going to grec Greek [gri:k]
stay in our country? indian
noastra'? Indian ['indian]
[hau lo!) a: ju: 'gaur!) tu: ster indonezian
In aua 'k"ntri]
Indonesian [,indou'ni:zian]
1 hope to stay here for a feW Italian [i'treljan]
Sper sa stau cateva iugosl av
weeks. Yugoslavian [ju:gou'sla:vian]
saptamani. laponez
[ar haup tu: ster hra f::>: a fju: Japanese [,d3repa'ni:z]
wi:ks) Norwegian [n::>:'wi:d3an]
Dutch [d"tJ]

____'"- ... ..
28 29

~_tr_ _IIIIiIIIl ...

Portuguese [,po:tju'gi:z] 10. What sports do you do?
portughez .....................................................................................
sarb Serhian ['sa:bian]
spaniol Spanish ['spreni.fl
II. Have you any hobbies?
suedez Swedish ['swi:di.fl
ungur Hungarian [hAI)'gtarian]
12. What time do you get up?
H6vf1 0 I. '}tit) W )1.1.'~ te ~-i. ~- ~4 13. What time do you go to sleep?
I .................................. " .
t/1df' rUL{ J [Y e/ld;{J .'" Jo.l...t
14. What do you do on Sundays?
II Exercitiu
, ......................................................................................
Raspundet i la urmatoarcle Intrebari: 15. How often do you watch TV?
I 1. How do you do.? J _ r,., .....................................................................................
.....V(J iz...r
~ .. we U
it-flAil I'-'l
. 16. What kind of clothes do you like?
2. What is your last name? .....................................................................................
......................................................................................... . . (
3. How do you spell it? 17. How do you get to school from home?
.............................................................................................. . .
...................................................................................... 18, Why do you want to study?
4. Where do you come from? ......................................................................................
...................................................................................... . .
5. Where do you live now? 19. What kind of music do you like?
.......................................................................................... . .
6. How old are you? .........................................................................................
...................................................................................... 20. What do you think of globalization?
7. How much do you weigh? .......................................................................................
........................................................................................ . .
8. How are you today?
9. Do you play tennis?



Ploua cu galeata. It's pouring.

[Its 'p:):n!']]
Nu e decat 0 aversa. It is only a shower.
[It IZ 'eunli e laue]
Astazi este frig. It's cold today.
[ItS keuld te'deI]
A inceput mma. The winter has set in.
[oe 'wmte hrez set m]
" o sa ninga. It looks like snow.
The weather [It luks laIk sneu]
[oe 'weoe] Nu pot suporta frigul. I can't bear cold.
Cum este vremea astazi? What's the weather I ike [aI krent bee keuld]
~; \.- today? , " Cum va fi vremea astazi? What's the forecast for
[wots oe 'weoe laIk te'del] Ct :JI' p(),jVu lL pe oaJ ? today?
Este 0 dimineata / zi It's a fine morning/ day. [wots oe 'hka:st to: te'deI]
frumoasa. [Its e fam 'm:):nu] del] Astazi sunt -mffitls 7 grade. Today it is 7 degrees below
Do you think it will rain? d k.t 'llj<C~
Credeti ca 0 sa ploua? zero.
[du: ju: Su]k It wII rem] yY),t'r1-<..d [}h oi Y) d 3] [te'deI It IZ 'seven dI'gri:z
Nu poti fi niciodata sigur de You can never be sure of bI'lau 'zIerau]
I vreme. weather. Tuna. rt's thundering.
Uu kren 'neve bi: 1:): ov'weoe] [ItS 'SAndan!']]
Azi dimineata a fost It was cloudy this morning. Fulgera. ; It's lightening.
innorat. [It woz 'klaudi OIS 'm:):I1II)] [ItS 'laItl1l!']]
S-a fiicut humos. It's turned out fine. Se insenineaza. rt's clearing up.
IIII1 [Its t3:nd aut fam] [Its 'kIIen!'] Ap]
The sun IS coming out. Este polei. It's slippery.
lese soarele.
(t [oe SAn IZ 'kAmII) aut] [ItS 'sIIpari] .l.i
I Vremea sc inc<llze~te. The weather is getting furtuna storm [st:):m]
warmer. lunel thunder ['SAnde]
[oe weoe IZ getII) 'w:):me] cureubeu rainbow ['rembeu]
A ploual foarte putin In We had very little rain' rolla dew [dju:]
iulie. July. SCecta drought [draut]
[wi: hred veri 'IItl rem m
II Imi este cald. r III hot. [aIm hot]
32 33
tY:!JJ2-J ~ T!'w:JuJ,d ,11!i.J11
Present tense continuous Exercitii

Prezentul continuu se formeazu din prezentul verbului 'to I. Traducet i in limba englezu:
be' ~i participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat. a. Eu citesc 0 carte interesanta acum.
h. Ei vor merge la munte luna viitoare.
Afirmativ c. Se Insenineaza acum.
Subiect + amlis/are + V-ing d. Astazi sunt minus 2 grade.
e. Asculti muzidl. In acest moment?
Ex: I am reading a book now. =Eu citesc 0 carte acum.
2. Traduceli In limha romfll1u:
Negativ a. They are watching a very interesting movie at
Subiect + am/is/are + not + V-ing the moment.
h. He is speaking to his friends now.
Ex: He is not playing foot hall at the moment. = EI nu c. I am telling him a very nice tale.
joadi fotbal acum. d. She is playing tennis now.
e. We are having a nice conversation at Ihis
Interogativ moment.
Am/is/are + subiect + V-ing?
3. Treceti verbcle din urmatoarele propozitii la prezentul
Ex: Are you watching TV now? =Te uiti 1'1 televizor continuu:
acum? a. He speaks English.
h. She writes a letter.
Prezentul continuu se folose~te pentru a arata: c. We listen to music.
actiuni in desfa~urare In momentul vorbirii; d. I read a novel.
actiuni viitoare planificate In prezent. c. It rains.

Ex: He is writing a letter now. = EI scrie 0 scrisoare

We are going to the seaside next week. =Vom
merge la mare saptamana viitoare. 'J


34 35

inceardl s,l recuperezi Try to make up for the lost time.
limplll pierdllt. [traI tu, melk Ap b: oa lost talm]
Am venit prea devreme Am I too early / late'!
/ tarzlU" [rem aI tu: '3:li lelt]
Se face larziu. It's getting laIC,
Timpul The time [Its getlr) lelt]
Sa facem () plimhare Let" s go for a walk In the
loa talm]
diseara. evening.
Cat este ora. va mg'? What's the time, please?
[wots 003 talm pli:z] [lets gau b: a w~:k m oi: 'i:vl1Ir)]
Va plolla la noapte. It will be raining at night.
Este ora CInci. It's five o'clock.
[Its faIV aklok] [It WII bi: remlr) ret nalt]
Este doua ~i jumatate. It's half past two.
[Its ha:f pa:st tu:] Exprimarea
Este doua 5i un stert. If s a quarter past two. timpului
[Its a 'kw~:ta pa:st tu:]
Este doua 5i zece. It's ten past two. Vorbirea informala
[Its ten pa:st tu:]
Este doua 5i douazeci. It's twenty past two.
5:00 - five o'clock i'S
[Its 'twenti pa:st tu:]
Este trei fara douazeci. 5:05 - five past five
It's twenty to three.
[Its 'twenti tu: 8ri:] 5:10-len past five
Este trei fara un sfert. It's it quarter to three. 5: 15 -. a quarter past five
[Its a 'kw~:ta tu: 8ri:] 5: 25 -- twenty five past five
Este trei fara cinci. It's five to three. 5:30- halfpast five
[Its faIV tu: 8ri:] 5: 35 - twenty to sixl"
'II,:' Avem destul timp. We have plenty of time. 5:40 -- twenty to six
'['II [wi: haw 'plenti ov talm] 5:45 - it quarter to six
I N u te gdlhi' Don't hurry! [daunt 'hAri] 5:50 len to SIX
'I In cat timp vom ajunge How much time will it take to 5:55 - five to six
acoIo? get there?
[hau mAtftalm WII It telk tu: get What's the lime? = elt e ceasul?
Este ora 5:20 = It is twenty past five,
,i,'11 Yom ajungc acolo 1'1 We will get there in time.
i"I timp. [wi: WII get oea m talm]

36 37
fyJ ;)Ct<O-. ~ P()
-Ie --kq
- dezp iJ
+ Yn-l~ i e.. rf'>uf0 f\]
Vorbirea formal a
r"" h...d! [~hJu.-fJ _~~~. An English class j p&-.-L ~ p~ki - 0- o/t-<-<"'kJ,
cJ-ei k (1
Ih., t'te P\ fX1UU.
5:00 - five o'clock
5:05 - five minutes past five h'lt\~J

5: 10 - ten minutes past five

5: 15 - a quarter past five Maria (/Ild Frail::' are
5: 25 - twenty five minutes past five i '' JOl1lg (/11 1:'llglish course.
5:30 - half past five They are 1l0W hal'illg a


5:35 - twenty minutes to six cotree break betweell

(V,~ '7,
5:40 - twenty minutes to six classes.
--; fElf' J;>
5:45 - a quarter to six
T \. ~:)'I ( ;: [ } ' 1 '~:
5:50 - ten minutes to six
5:55 - five mll1utes to six ;:'>I'.\I!' i!bfi<:nrj (Ii ,(','! ~
Franz: Do you speak German'?;u<.{ I '1(1' If

What is the time? = Cit este ceasul'? Maria: Yes, German and little bit of Italian. ~. ''ltctkfc .l
Franz: Have you ever been to Germany'? ~,! eve'l f lI.aJ-~~4.dv~ .
Este ora 5:20 = It is twenty minutes past five.
Maria: Yes, once. To Berlin.
Franz: Did you like It '?
1I I I I 1 Exercitii
, Maria: Yes, it's a great city. So many things to see. ,~
Franz: Arc you here for the first time'!
I. Traduceti in limba engleza: Maria: No. it's the second time. I spent two weeks 111
a. Avetl 0 casa foarte mare ~i ITumoas[l. London last summcL'f}!I:." P""I- 1I8L
b. Gradina dvs. este foarte rngrijita ~i are multe flori Franz: What do you think about our teacher?
frllmoase. Maria: She seems very friendly and her lessons are
c. Cit este ccaslil'? Este ~aptc ~i douazeci de minute. Interesting.
d. Am inchiriat un apartamcnt frumos, Franz: Why are you doing this course?
e. Bucataria voastra este desllli de marc. Maria: I want to pass the proficiency exams.
'II 2. Traducep: Franz: Why do you need to pass these exams'?
8:00= R:35 = Maria: In my country you can become a teacher of English
8:10= 8:45 = if you have this certificate.
8:15 = 8:50 = Franz: Do you really want to become a teacher of English?
8:20 = 8:55 = Maria: Yes. r like children and r find teaching exciting.
8:25 = 9:00 = Why are you learning English?

38 39
Vocabulary past tense simple ,;

I break [brelk] = pauza Trecutul sinnplu se fornneaza dinsubiect ~i fornna a doua a

class [kla:s] = ora de curs verbului de conjugat pentru verbeJe neregulate, iar pentru
a little bit [a '11tl bIt] = putin vcrbele regulate adaugann ternninatia -ed la prinna fornna a
once [wAns] = 0 data vcrbului.
great [grel~ = nnare
I city ['slti] = ora~ 't!<
the second tinne loa 'sekand talm] a doua oara
subiect + V2 (V+ed pt. verbele regulate)
sunnnner ['sArna] = vara
teacher ['ti:Ua] = profesor Ex: I went to school last week.
friendly ['frendli] = prietenos He asked nne a question., 11, ,:-1
interesting ['mtnstH)] interesant
pass [pa:s] a trece Negativ
proficiency [pra'frJansi] connpetenta Subiect + did not / didn't + V I
exann [Ig'zrem] = exannen
Ex: I did not go to school last week.
country ['kAntri] = tara
He did not ask nne any question.
certificate [sa'tlflkat] = certificate

beconne [bl'kAm] = a deveni
children ['Ulldran] = copii
exciting [Ik'saltlf)] = provocator tF Did + subiect + V I?
E.r: Did you go to school last week?
Did he ask you any question? . I .<)

TreclllllI sinnplu se folose~te pentru a arata aetiuni trecute,


," Et: He finished schoold last year. = EI a ternninat

~coala anlll treclIt.
We saw this nnovie yesterday. = Am vazlIt acest
filnn ieri.


40 41
, Letter writing
1. Treceti verbele din propozitiile urmatoare la trecutul
Dear AI.
31CVha.t }8wY'"t(J oIJw;-
a. He speaks English.
b. She writes a letter. I'll be away for a week vacation far
i I c. We listen to music. 1'1'0111 this boring place. I want to relax, to
d. I read a novel. forget everything that reminds me about
lilllll! e. It rains. IllV lob. I worked hard for a year. and
nc;w' r want to enjoy myself, during this
2. Traduccti In Iimba engleza: . , 'r")\" f vaeat ion J~ y>W: tl~ 1t'Wt-
J.::< I"\J: &4C<.<.'1
a. EI nu a avut timp sa ne sune ieri. .;
b. Am citit accst roman anul trecut. Okay. but now I'd like to ask you something; When I
c. Cand aI scris aceasta scrisoare'? went out I left my cat with my left neighbor. Mr. White.
d. A venit sa te vada'? Please calion him to take her. and then water the plants,
e. Au avut cxamenul saptamana trecuta. open the windows of the kitchen and bathroom. Don't
);t ~

forget to feed the cat at least once a day, and look after
3. Traduceti in limba romana: her.
a. Did vou hear the latest news'! Then. call Jane and cancel the Friday'" appointment
b. I wa~ in the office when vou called. til with her. and apologize to her on my behalf.
c. They came to see us last night. Al last. in case of emergency if you really need me,
d. We called him to invite him to dinner. you can call me at this number 555 - 12345.
e. I wrote that message the day before yesterday.
cu' ~-JD- Take care.
';. Jimmy
jill II
lfli c~ - Dc 7iA. "t (.(" I DjJo/' I Ju pi iJ1 LUA.

r:d: ia.Ji - 'UdJ I'll d

42 43
Vocabulary Future tense simple
to be away [tu: bi: a'wel] = a pleca Viitorul simplu se formeaza din subiect, auxiliarul 'will' ~i
vacation [va'keuan] = vacanta prima fonna a verbului de conjugaL
boring ['b::>:rH)] = plictisitor
place [plels] = loc Afirmativ
forget [fa'get] = a uita
Suhiect + will + VI
hard [ha:d] = din greu
something ['sAm81!')] = ceva Er: I will call you tomorrow. = Te voi suna maine.
leave, left, left [Ii:v left] = a pleca, a parasi
left [left] = stanga Negath'
neighbour [nelba] = vecin
water ['w:::>:ta] = a uda
Subiect + will + not Iwon't + VI \
kitchen ['klt[an] = bucatarie
Ex: He won't come next week. =EI nu va veni
saptamana viitoarc.
bathroom ['ba:8rum] baie
at least [ret Ii:st] = cel putin
II look after [Iuk 'a:fta] = a avea grija de
once [wAns] = 0 data Will + subiect + V I?
IIII1 appointment [a'p:::>mtmant] = inUilnire Ex: Will you tell him the truth? = Ii vel spune
apologize [a'polad3alz] = a se scuza adevarul?
on my behalf [on mal bl'ha:f] = in numele meu
emergency [I'm3:d3,msi] = urgentii Viitorul simplu se folose~te pentru a arata aqiuni viitoare.

44 45
, stating your Exprlmarea unel
!'III I. Treceti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la viitorul opinion pareri
simplu: It seems to me that. .. Mi se pare ca
[rt si:ms tu: mi: offit]
a. I eat a cookie.
b. He has lunch. In my opinion ... Dupa parerea mea <'f:

c. Do you remember this song? [rn mar a'pmja~] .

I am of the opInion that ... Sunt de piirere ca
d. We watch TY every evening.
[ar rem ov oi a'pmjan offit]
e. It rains.
My personal view is ... Punctu] meu de vedere
[mar 'p3:sanal vju: IZ] personal este I
2. Traduceti in limba engleza: In my experience ... Dupa experierl{a mea
a. Yom vedea acest film maine. [m mal Ik'splarians]
b. Saptamana viitoare yom merge la munte~ As far as I understand / can Dupa cate inteleg / pot
c. Ya suna de la birou. see... vedea ,;
d. Peste un an, va implini douazeci de ani. [rez fa: ffiZ al ,I\nda'stffind
e. Yeti veni sa ne vedeti peste 0 luna? kren si.]
As I see it, ... Dupa cum 0 vad eu
3. Traduceti in limba romana: [rez al si: It] (problema)
a. Will you meet her tomorrow'! From my point of view ... Din punctul meu de vedere
II b. They will learn this poem by tomorrow. [from mal p:nnt ov vju:] ~ i-:?e

c. He will inform you about our meeting. As far as J know ... / From Dupa cate ~till. .. / Din cate
d. We will go to the cinema next week. what J know ~tiu
e. She will call them immediately. [rez fa: ffiZ al nau from wot al
nau] ,1'
I might he wrong but... Poate gre~esc, dar }lq f
[al malt bi: roT) bl\t] av IJ'!~

If I am not mistaken Daca nu rna in~el / gre~esc

[rf al ffim not ml'stelkan]
I helieve one can say... Crcd ca se poate spune ...
[al bl'li:v wl\n kffin sel]

I must admit that... Trebuie sa recunosc ca...
[al ml\st ad'mlt Offit]
j I cannot deny that ... Nu pot nega ca
[al 'keenot dl'nal oeet]

46 47
I can imagine that.. . ' ! Imi pot imagina ca
1 1 ~I !il [aI kam x'mred3,m dret] Adverbul In;

I think / believe / suppose ered / Gandesc / Presupun
[aI SU)k bI'li:v sa'pauz]
I am sure / convinced that...
Already / Still / Yet / Anymore / Any
Sunt sigur / convins ca
[aI rem 1::>: kan'vm! dret] Longer / No L~nger :I~
I am not sure / certain, Nu sunt sigur, dar
but... )( Folosim already pentm a arata 0 aetiune care a avut
[aI rem not 1::>: 'S3:tn bAt] loe inainte de momentul prezent. Se folose~t~ in
I am not sure, because I don't Nu sunt sigur, pentm ca nu propozitii afirmative ~i interogative. ;,.
'.', ...::

'..Jni i?

know the situation exactly. cunosc situatia exact.

[aI rem not 1::>: bI'koz aI daunt
Ed already has a high school diploma. = Ed are deja
nau da ,SIUu'eijan Ig'zrektli]
diploma de bacalaureat.
I am not convinced that... Nu sunt convins ca...
[aI rem not kan'vmst dret]
Mr. Smith is already here. = 01. Smith este deja aici.
I have read that .. , Are they already in elementary school? = Ei au intr~t
Am citit dL., deja la ~coala primal'a?
[aI hrev red dret]
I am of mixed opinions Am pareri Impartite asupra
about / on this. acestui lucru. ~( Folosim still pentm a arata 0 aetiune in desfa~urare. Se
[aI rem ov mIkst a'pmjans folose~te de obicei in mijlocul propozitiei langa verb.
a'baut on dIS] Se folose~te atilt 1/1 propozitii afirn;JativG,1 neg~tive cat
I have no opinion in this Nu am nici 0 parere asupra ~i interogative. ':::. 1, " ..
c ::.; ':.ittZ
matter. acestei chestiuni. ~i-,1rj ,r\(~

[aI hrev nau a'pmjan m OIS

...;; Ed still doesn't have a college degree. = Ed nll are
'mreta] inca 0 diploma de bacalaureat.
This proves that ... Aceasta dovede~te ca It was warm yesterday. and it's still warm today. = Jeri
[OIS pru:VS Oret] a fost cald si inca mai e cald si azi.
Are yo~ still waiting? = Inca mai a~tepti'?
It is obvious that... Este evident ca
[It IZ 'obvias Oret]

~( Folosim yet pentm a intreba sau discuta ceva ce a avut

loc inca, dar care ar putea avea loc in viitor. Se
folose~te la star~itul propozitiei. Se folose~le in
propozitii negative sau interogative.

48 49
I'm very hungry. Is dinner ready yet? = Imi este foarte
foame. Nu este gata masa inca?
Can you wait ten minutes '! John isn't here yet. = Poti
and Giving

!H ),\IL
a~tepta zece minute? John inca nu a ajuns. Directions
)( Folosim anymore. any longer. ~i no longer pentru a
mentiona 0 situatie trecuta care nu mai exista. How do I get to ....') Cum ajung la... '.J
[ha u du: 81 get tll:]
Anymore ~i any longer se folosesc In propozitii negative What's the best way to ... ? Care este eel mai hun drum
~i interogativc. Se plaseaza la sfar~itul propozitiei. [wots oe best weI tu:] pana la ... ?
Where is ... ? Uncle cste?
Is he in high school anymore / any longer ? Mai = [wee IZ]
este la liceu? Go straight on (unti J you Mergeti drept Inaintc (pana
She isn't in the Army anymore / any longer. Ea nu = come to) ... ajungeti la) ...
[geu streIt on An'tII ju: kAm tll:]
mai este In armata.
Turn back / Go hack intoarceti-va / Merge!,
,!III No longer se foloseste In propozitii afirmative. Se
[t3:n beak gau beak] Inapoi
Cross ... Traversati
plaseaza In mijlocul propozitiei Janga verb.
Take the first / second road Mergeti pe prima / a doua la
He is no longer a student. = EI nu mai este student. on the left / right stanga / dreapta
She no longer works at night. = Ea nu mai munce~te [teIk oa b:st 'sekend reud on
noaptea. oe left raIt]
It's on the left / right ~ste pe stanga / dreapta
[Its on oe left raIt]
Straight on direct inainte
[streIt on]
Opposite vlzavl
,"~. Near langa
Next to Hlnga I Q.;f'tl.O ovpe ou.
[nekst tll:]
Between Intre

50 51
,I I
At the end (of)
la capatuJ !
\ on the evening of June 8 =in seara de 8 iunie
[eet di end ov]
on time, on schedule = la timp. in grafic
II At the corner la colt
I [eet da 'ko:na]
Behind ~~ In se folose~te cu timpul ~i cu cuvinlele beginning ~i
in spatele ~~
[br'hamd] end.
!I~ I I I In front of
[m frAnt ov]
in fata Ex: in ten minutes. in an hour = in zece minute, intr-o
(just) around the corner (chiar) dupa colt in a week. in two years = intr-o saptamana, in doi
[d3 Ast a'raund da 'ko:na] am
traffic lights semafor in the beginning, in the end = la inceput, la smr~it
['treefrk larts]
crossroads, junction interseqie )( Before ~i after se folosesc cu momentele zilei. cu
['krosraudz 'd3AI)~an] datele Si cu substanti vele care speci fidl numele
evenimentelor sau intampJari.
Ex:; before noon, after 5:00 p.m. = inainte de pranz,
dupa ora 17:00
Prepozi~iile de timp hefore December 31, after April 15 = i'nainte de 31
II .
decembrie. dupa 15 aprilie
Urmatoarele prepozitii arata timpul: at, on. in, before, hefore the game. after dinner = inainte de joc. dupa
after, from, until, till, to, for ~i since. cina

~( At se folose~te cu momentul zilei, varsta ~i cu )( After se poate folosi cu 0 perioada de timp.

cuvintele night. first. last, beginning ~i end. Ex: after six months. after thirty years = dupa ~ase luni,
Ex: at noon, at night. at midnight, at 7:30 a.m. = 11 dupa treizeci de ani
pranz, noaptea, 11 miezul noptii. 11 7:30
at the age of twelve = 11 varsta de doisprezece ani ~( From se folose~te cu to ~i till/until pentru a indica
'I at first, at last = la prima vedere, in final perioadele de timp.
at the beginning, at the end = la inceput, la smrsit Ex: from 1985 to 1993 = din 1985 pana in 1993
l' from May I until June 15 = de 11 I mai pana la 15
~( On se folose~te cu zilele ~i dalele. Se mai poate folosi III Ole

cu partile zilei ~i cu cuvintele time ~i schedule. from 10:00 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. = de 11 ora 10:00
Ex: on Monday, on your birthday = luni, de ziua ta ( pana la ora 17:30
on October 18 =pe 18 octombrie ~-l


52 53
~( Until/till se pot folosi ~i numai eu zilele, datele ~i
ShOP Assistant Vanzitor
Ex: until next Friday, till next week = pana vinerea
Can I help you? Va pot ajuta?
viitoare ~
[kre n ar help jU:]
until 1997, till August 2 = pana in 1997, pana la 2 What can I do for you? Cu cc va pot ajuta? / Ce pot
august [WO t keen ar du: b: ju:] face pentm dumneavoastra?
until 10:00 p.m., till midnight = pana la ora 22:00, Sorry, we don't sell stamps. Imi pare rau. nu vindem
pana la miezul noptii ['sori wi: daunt sel steemps] timbre.
Anything else'? Altceva?
~( For se folose~te eu perioadc de timp ~i arata durata ['eni8rr) els] t~.
unei aetiuni. II's all offer. Este la oferta. . ;c:
Ex: for half an hour, for three weeks, for one year = de [rts on 'ota]
jumatate de ora, de trei saptamani, de un an Buy two for the pric~ pf Cumparati doua lapretul)
one. uncia.
~(Since se folose~te eu perioade definite ~i arata [bar tu: h oa prars ov wAn]
ineeputul unei aetiuni. How mueh / many would Cat / Cati doriti?
Ex: since Sunday, since 6:00 this morning, since 1988 YOUlike'?
= de duminica, de la ora 6:00 de dimineata, din [hau mAt[ 'meni wud ju: lark]
>ilSI brsj
1988 What size do you take'? Cc marime purtati? .\fGH
[wot sarz du: ju: terk]
Sorry, we are out of bread. Imi pare diu. nu mai avem .]
['sori wi: a: aut ov bred] paine. ~
Would another colour do'?,.., o alta culoare ar merge?, !
[wud a'nAoa kAla du:] .,
Would you like to try it on? Doriti sa prohati'? fl
[wud ju: lark tu: trar rt on]
The titting room is over there. Cabina de proha este acolo.
[oa 'fItr!) rum rz 'auva oea] .
Vli' !iQ
The dress suits you very well. Rochia va vine fo~rte hine.
loa dres sju:ts ju: 'veri welJ
~ , ; j-'1''"
l cl')n
Pay at the cash desk. please. Platiti la casa. va rog.
[peT ~t oa k~l desk pli:zJ ,9'.Vi
I'll take this to the cao;h desk.. Voi lua aceasta la casa. CiIA
[all teIk dIS tu: da keel deskJ
.( 1 ..... ,,"-~
.. ' .._ 'C I'"
, ."" ,\,I . 'oJ
Here you are. Poftiti
54 55
''IS\:' ?' ,::it~ It doesn't fit me.
[hra ju: a:] -/
ptacere.'ii.'~"''' M ''10 f,f; Nu-mi vine.
" ,,\!I,,

You're welcome. ' Cu iJ-

[It dAznt fIt mi:]
[ju:r 'welkam] It doesn't suit me. Nu mi se potrive~te.
That's 20 Eurosaltogether. Fac 20 Euro impreuna. [It dAznt sju:t mi:} i.; :Jffll')1
'r fHfn
[orets 'twenti juaraus I don't like it. Nu-mi place.
,o:lta'geoa] [ar daunt lark rt]
You don't happen to have, Nu cumva aveti manmt? It's too small / big / wide / Este prea mic / mare / larg /
any change, do you? !' tight / expensive stramt / scump.
[ju: daunt 'hrepan tu: hrev 'eni IN
[Its tu: smo:1 brg ward tart if
Ue rnd 3] ~! rk'spensrv] ,"t
Here's your change. Poftiti restul I'm size ... Port marimea...
[hraz jo: Uernd31 dumneavoastra. [arm sarz] 1-i
:' ,fr Have you got this in another Mai aveti ~i alta marime /
Customer Client #1
size / colour? culoare?
I need... Am nevoie de ... [hrev ju: got ors rn ,a'nAoa sarz
J ~ i.
[ar ni:d]
I'd like a bottle of milk, A~ dori 0 sticla cu lapte, va May I try this on, please? Pot incerca aceasta, va rag?
[mer ar trar ors on pli:z]
please. rog.
[ard lark a 'botl ov mrlk pli:z]
How much is it? I'
;;. ~f
Cat co~ta? j ,;rr~ fl1il

Aveti suveniruri?'\;" J'

[hau mAU rz rt] , r Iv.
Have you got souvenirs? ' , ',!:ISH;? That's all. Asta-i tot.
[hrev ju: got ,su:va'nraz]
'))., r [orets 0:1]
Do you sell stamps? Vindeti timbre?
'n 'iw Where is the cash desk?,,/) Unde este casa?
[du: ju: sel stremps]
[wea rz oa krel desk]
Where can I buy post cards? De unde pot cumpara carti
[wea kren ar bar paust ka:ds] po~tale? ;\J t "0,,,;, '" Could I get a receipt, Imi dati a chitanta, va rag?
Where can I get a ti 1m for A,. De unde pot cumpara un please? . , )' j I ""{~'N , . \ ' , _ ) W ',0:
[kud ar get a n'si:t pli:z] ',! ,;7,
my camera? r!.. , film pentru camera de luat
Could I get a (plastic) bag, Imi,dati osaco~, va rag?
[wea kren ar get a film to: 1l1.:u vederi / aparat foto?'
j ,.:..,: ~,
, ,flIL please?' , '.
. ,1 I H
'kremara] .
Where can J find .1 wrbn>! Unde ,pot gas r- ziare?"11!' [kud ar get a 'plrestrk breg
pli:i])' '
'fr,f'" "
.... !.
-J.' . " "(IJ'
" ..
",' " 2e1D (
newspapers? , , " . 1 ; 'i O
[wea kren ar farnc(") hi ;/111, '1 ,'~''':h'Jlq .h:A, llr,i;')J\H It I'm afraid! Sorry I don't ,L M~ t~h, / Imiparira~ c1nUL
~9b 1$,1 (5-1' have any change. f'p am marunt. ,'" ''':; N
'nju:s,perpaz] , [ aIm I f('" .', .' .. "-f "1f'"
':.' . : " ' : i ol a'frerd 'sori ar daunt .' ".j
, ',-'

Are these bottles returnable?" Aceste stide'sunt returnabile?

[a: oi:z 'botls n't3:nabal]
Do you accept credit cards? Acceptati can i de credit?
"fl . '51(; UO\( [dlJ: jlJ: ak'sept 'kredrt ka:ds]
56 ?7
, f
Exprimarea acordului
~',jAohi/i~ J'Zc.:ltt~

Completati spatiile libere cu forma corecta a verbului 'to There are many reasons Sunt multe motive pentru
be': for. ..
[dea a: 'meni 'r1:zans f::):]

I live in a ne.w apartment, bJlildim!~It (I ) ~ a good There is no doubt about it Nu exista nici lin dubiu ca
-t.;, 1'?~;'l\O; VLlltwf' e. that ...
place to live. The neighborhood (2 very quiet,
[dea IZ nau daut a'baut It Oret]
and it (3) not too far from the place I work. My
I simply must agree with Pur ~i simplu trebuie sa fiu
neighbour~ (4) very friendly. In the apartment
IAct IA"l<C!o't that... de acord cu aceasta.
down the hal! there (5) two girls. One (6) . [aI 'sImpli mAst a'gri: WIO Oret]
tall and has red hair; th~~her one (7) not as tall. I am of the same opinion. Sunt de aceea~i parere.
They (9).............. bOth very a~tractive.
}'1M."",,6 ulJ"{o, ~ <.
I (10)....,........,....
C'w.l-,e, [aI rem DV Oa selm a'pmjan]
lucky to have such pretty neig bours. A very pleasant I completely / absolutely Sunt de acord in totalitate
woman (II ) in the apartment across the t..... hall. She
~ I QTl,' agree with the author. cu automL
and her husband (1 ;2):...:..,....... very good cooks. I [aI kam'pli:t1i 'rebsalu:tli a'gri:
.., -t {c"l'k;;"~,
(L.,) usua II y hungry w hen I come horne at mg . h t, WIO Oi '0:8a]
and the semel! of their cooking (14) very attractiye.
Their son lives with them. All of them (15) very fat Dezacord pat1lal
J.;. 'JI ,f16t,....d......... curious about the people who live
,...G......)...., '0. to0Jl1 vt.
downstairs. I (17).............. sure that the husband It is only partly true that. .. Este numai partial adevarat
(18) American, but 1 don't think that his wife [It IZ 'aunli 'pa:tli tru: Oret] ca...
(19) Perhaps she (20) from Venezuela, I can agree with that only Pot fi de acord numai cu
or maybe she (21 ) Colombian. I (22) not with reservations. unele rezerve.
sure. We (23) always friendly and speak when we [aI kren a'gri: WIO Oret 'aunli
meet. I (24).............. going to invite them to dinner WIO ,reza'veijan]
cv~J.lletime, but my apartme!llf'l ff;1) .. ".;W..,..U.7~,.pot really That seems obvious, but. .. Pare evident. dar...
settled yet, since I (2~"1:'UW""~T-' siilrunp~king my things.' [Oret si:ms 'obvias bAt]
. dio (>Jl't'l Jb,vn cJ,'C'., rOC"
That is not necessarily so.
and puttmg them a ay. hen you (27) Just Aceasta nu cste necesara.
arriving in a new place" you (28) never sure' [Oret IZ not ,nesa'serali saul
where anything (29) Nevertheless, I (30) . It is not as simple as it Nu estc atat de simplu pe
quite happy in my new home. t()~(, t:Iv\Cf .. seems. cat pare.
[It IZ not rez 'sImpal rez It
)/\ j.", .,...:':) 1":'"'1 ;lj si:ms]
,,0>1 tIbmol ;;i~)/6 'ut :ub]
58 I 59
Je -( 'Za. t-.. Li
L w w..J pl.,t/1: r Z2< ...
r.,~ ""'-
(U'/.A.<.fI'\oi'tt .fu )(.11,.':) P)u ~ Ii t~1! 0. ~
Under certain in unele imprejudiri ... Can )( if pWc< IAC4j. ,I
circumstances ...
['Anda :s3:tn 's3:kamstrens]
Pot sa scriu 0 scrisoare in I can write a letter in
cngleza. English;
Dezacord ) Ai putut sa-i scrii ieri?
[ar kren rart a 'leta rn 'Ir)gh;I!
Could you write to him
111 ;f t oJ"U. 10- yesterday?
There is more to it than that. Este mai mult decat atat. fiI-~ ~o1f ~3 ,t:a.piA.&e [kud ju: raIt tu hrm 'jestadi]
[oea rz m:): tu: rt oren oret] N-am putut sa-i scriu in I haven't been able to write
The problem is that... Problema este ca... ultima vreme. to him lately.
[oa 'problam rz oret] [ar hrevant bi:n 'erbal tu rart tu
J (very much) doubt Ma indoiesc (foarte mult) hrm 'Iertli]
whether. .. dadi. .. Dar voi putea maine. But I will be able to write it
[ar 'veri mAt{ daut 'weoa] tomorrow.
This is in complete Aceasta este complet In [bAt ar wrl bi: 'erbal tu rart rt
contradiction to ... contradiqie cu ... ta'morau]
[ors IZ rn kam'pli:t S-ar putea sa-i scriu diseanl. I could write to him tonight.
,kontra'dI~an tu:]
What is even worse ... Ce este chiar mai diu ... ~ Ai fi putut sa-mi serii, de ce
[ar kud rart tu hIm ta'nart]
You could have written to
[wot rz 'i:van W3:S] nu mi-ai scris? me, why didn't you?
J am of different opinion Am 0 parere diferita pentru [iu: kud hrev 'rrtn tu mi: war
because ... dL .. drdnt ju:]
[ar rem ov 'drfarant a'prnjan Ar putea sa scrie acum. He could be writing now.
1,: br'koz] [hi: kud bi: 'rartrr) nau]


J cannot share this view. Nu pot impal1a~i acest Imposibil sa scrie acum. He can't be writing now.
[ar 'krenotlea ors vju:] runct de vedere. [hi: krent bi: 'rartrr) nau]
E imposibil ca el sa-mi fi
If J cannot agree with this
Nu pot fi de acord cu
aceasta idee. seris.
He couldn't Ican't have
written to me.
[ar 'krenot a'gri: wro ors ar'dra] [hi: kudnt krent hrev 'rrtn tu
What J object to is ... Obiectia mea este ca... mi:]
[wot ar ab'd3ekt tu: rz]
Unlike the others J think ... Fata de ceilalti eu cred ca...
[An'lark oi 'I\oas ar Su)k]

rAy\'eo{l<] - cli.~'k"f ,f\Lo-j~"JDZ

60 61
...,., ZJ
, prezentare ~
I. Traduceti In limgg~eza: What's your name? Cum te numc~ti?
a. Pot sa Imprumut cartea ta'? [WOts jo: nerm]
b. Ar putea sa scrie 0 scrisoare acum. Who are you? Cine sunteti
c. Iti voi scrie maine. [hU: a: jU:] dumneavoastra?
~ :
d. Poate veni sa ne vada saptamana viitoare? My name is ... Numele meu este ...
e. Poti vorbi limba engleza fluent? [mar nerm rz]
lam ... Eu sunt... !! J." -1
[ar rem]
2. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la trecutul simplu ~i la ~or:
a. I can write. -- - My friends call me ... Prietenii Imi spun ...
[mar frends ko:1 mi:]
b. He can dance.
You can call me ... Imi poti spune...
c. We can speak English fluently. Uu: kren ko:1 mi:]
d. They can dri ve very fast. Haven't we met before? Nu ne-am mai Intalnit?
e. It can rain today. ['ha:lVant wi: met br'h]
Yes, I think we have. Da, cred ca da.
Ues ar 8rl)k wi: hrev]
No, I don't think we have. Nu, nu credo
[nau ar daunt 8rl)k wi: hrev]
[think we've already met. Cred ca ne-am IntfHnit deja.
[ar 9rl)k wi:v o:I'redi met]
I don't think we've met Nu cred d\ ne-am mai
before. Intalnit; th()'(-~ i.e
[ar daunt 9rl)k wi:v met br'to:]
This is... Acesta / Aceasta este...
Have you met...? Ati cunoscut / cunoscut-o
[hrev ju: met] pc ... ?
Yes, I have. Da.
Des aI hrev]
No, J haven't. Nu.
[nau al 'hrevant]
1IIIil Yes, I think [ have. Da, cred di da.
" Des aI 9ll)k al hrev]
62 63
vv't:-c' r; 1 ,6 2 ,
No, I don't think I have. Nu, nu credo .~.~,
[nau ar daunt 8rf)k ar hrev) May
Nice to meet you.
[nars tu: mi:t ju:)
. Imi pare bine sa va cunosc.
imi permiteti s-o scriu ell? May I write it?
Pleased to meet you. Ma buc~,sava cunosc. [mer ar rart It)
[pli:zd tu: mi:t ju:) .' ~
c~,j<\u r wu
Lui nu i s-a permis s-o He wasn't allowed/
How do you do? Imi pare bine sa va cunosc. seric. permitted to write it.
[hau du: ju: dU:) . (formal) sau Ce mai faceti? [hi: 'wozant a'iaud tu: ralt It]
Nice to see you. ..lrw;, Ma hucur sa va vact. Mi se va permite sa scriu I will he allowed to write in
[nars tu: si: ju:) dupa-amiaza. the afternoon.
Nice to see you again. Ma hucur sa va revact. [ar wII bi: a'iaud tu: rart In 6i _
[nars tu: si: ju: a'gen) '0: Le', ,a:fta'nu:n]
j{f " ~ ,J.t; EI s-ar putea sa scrie He may/might he writing
':Iff! i,;') serisori acum. letters now.
Formule de incheiere''-'' rn ,:;w \ [hi: mel mart bi: 'rartH) 'Ietas
')/11 lOG nau]
D '.' ,G "J! III Soar putea sa-ti scriu mai I may/ might write to you
Good bye. .J,
La revederec ;::.;' :'w )'j'1(:) I tarziu. later.
[gud bar)
Pa / Ne vedem. . !'fl! [ar mer mart rart tu: ju: 'Ierta]
Bye / See you Ai fi putut sa-mi scrii, de ce
"?)~: You may/might have
[bar si: ju:]
See you later. ,,/. nu mi-ai scris? written to me. why didn't
Ne vedem mai tarziu.
[si: ju: 'Ierta)
lb. .' ~i you?
:"".: b~ ill!;
Ne vedem' curand',dfil [ju: mel mart hrev 'mn tu mi:
See you soon.
lsi: ju: su:n)
, .,HI ";-. war drdnt ju:]
See you tomorrow. Ne vedem maine. ;P.
[si: ju: ta'morau) . \ ; I, nA
See vou next week. Ne vedem saptamana {s-
[si: j~: neKst wi:k) OIW:'- vi itoare. , N
Good night. Noapte hllna. i::."'il./t
[gud nart)
.:;(1 '::1 I
'i$r\ ~"
" lJ,
.) !j;, i ..i(i'ell I
(v 30 161lrrfl IF
Iril~" Exercitii
, sanitate
1 I. Traduceti in limba engleza: HoW are you? Ce mai faei? I Cum te mai
a. Pot folosi telefonul tau? /~:J ~t. ~v-t p\v.

[haU a: ju:] simti?

b. Pot sa intru in camera? How are you today? Cum te simti astazi?
c. S-ar putea sa ploua. [hau a: ju: ta'der]
d. Se poate sa vina diseara. Fine. thank you. Bine. muitumesc.
e. Ai fi putut sa vii mai devreme. [faIn 8ref)k ju:]
Not too had. Nu prea rau.
[not tu: bred]
2. Treceti urmatoarele verbe la trecutul simplu ~i viitor:
Very well. Foarte hine.
a. I may call him tonight.
['veri wei]
b. It may rain today. Sunt bine.
I'm okay I all right.
c. He may enter my office. [arm ,au 'ker ::>:1 rart]
d. May I see you today? Not too well. actually. Nu prea hine. de fapt.
e. She may pay us a visit these days. [not tu: wei 'rektIuali]
What's wrong with you? Ce este in neregula eu tine?
'ur 1,>1 iI. lf~m ISi [wots rof) wro ju:]
irn\'(/;, What's the matter with you? Ce se intampJa cu tine?
1} [wots oa 'mreta wro ju:]
Are you all right? Te simti hine?
[0: ju: ::>:1 rart]
I'm tired .. Sunt obosit/a.
[arm tarad]
I'm exhausted. Sunt extenuat/a.
[arm rg'z::>:strd]
I've got a cold. Am rikit.
[arv got a kauld]

66 61

'1 II!I

Must x rtfustn't
Trebuie s-o serii asUizi. You must write it today. hi interzic sa-i serii. You mustn't write to him.
uu: ml\st faIt It ta'del] uu: 'ml\sant faIt tu: hIm]
De ee trebuie s-o seriu Why do I have to write it Nu trebuie sa-i serii, poti You don't have to write to
asUizi? today? sa-i serii maine. him today, you can write to,.
[wal du: al heev tu: faIt It him tomorrow. ::fl:
uu: daunt heev tu: faIt tu: hIm
A trehuit sa-i scriu ieri. I had to write to him ta'del ju: keen faIt tu: hIm
yesterday. ta'mofau]
[al heed tu: faIt tu: hIm You don't need to wri te to
'jestadi] him today.
De ee a trebuit s-o serii? Why did you have to write uu: daunt ni:d tu: faIt tu: hIm
it? ta'del]
[wal dId ju: heev tu: faIt It] You needn't write to him
N-a trehuit sa-i seriu I haven't had to write letters today.
serisori In ultima vreme. to him lately. uu: ni:dant faIt tu: hIm ta'del]

,li~1 1
[al heevant heed tu: faIt 'Ietas Eu nu trebuia s-o fi scris-o I needn't have written it
tu: hIm 'Ieltli] ieri, dar am seris-o. yesterday. but I did.
Va trebui sa-i seriu maine. I will have to write to him [al ni:dant heev 'ntn It 'jestadi
tomorrow. bl\t al dId]
[al wII heev tu: faIt tu: hIm Nu trebuia s-o serii ieri. You didn't have to write it
", yesterday.
uu: dldnt heev tu: faIt It
El probabil (sigur) ea serie He must be writing now. (l
"I aeum. am sure)
[hi: ml\st bi: 'faItH) nau al eem
EI probabil a seris srisoarea He must have written the
ieri. letter yesterday.
[hi: mAst heev 'ntn oa 'leta
Ar trebui s-o serii astazi. You should write it today.
uu: Iud faIt It ta'del]
68 69
) lI'"

AI' fi trebuit s-o fi scris-o He should have written it infi~i,are / Descriere

ieri. yesterday.
[hi: Iud haw 'ntn It 'jestadi]
I am / You are / He is / She Eu sum / Tu e~ti / EI este I
is Ea este
[al rem ju: 0: hi: IZJi: IZ]
tall inalt
, [to: l]
small scund
I. Traduceti In limha engleza: [smo: l]
a. Este interzis sa fumati In acest birou. overweight, fat supraponderaL gras
[,auva'welt fret]
b. Trebuie sa ii spui adevarul.
c. Va trebui sa scriu mesajul astazi. slim slab
d. Nu trebuie sa vorbe~ti atat de tare. Te aud foarte
young tanar
e. De ce trebuie sa mergem atat de repede. old batran
2. Traduceti in limha romana: ... years old ... al1l
a. Children mustn't play with matches. U3: auld] d(
b. You must come at once. beautiful/pretty (fern). frumos, dragut
c. He should have told us the news. hanshloiome (masc)
d. They must have already heard the story. ['bju:tIfal 'pnti 'hrel}am]
e. It must have rained heavily. sun-tanned bronzat
[sAn trend]
pale palid

I have I You have I He has / Eu am I Tu ai I EI are I Ea

She has (got) are
[al h~v ju: hrev hi: hrezJi:
hlue I green I hrown eyes ochi alba~tri / verzi I diprui
[blu: gri:n braun alz]
a beard barba
[a bled]

70 71

a moustache mustata

[a ma'sta:.o
blond hair In, par blond I will write it if I have the
,i "
J.O s-o scriu, dadi voi avea:
[blond hea] time.
limp. ;(1 t;t, q '1 ( , " "
red hair par ro~cat , q )j [al WII ralt It If al hrev Oe
[red hea] taIm]
brown hair par ~aten I would write it if I had the
2.A~ scrie-o daca a~ avea
[braun hea]
limp. time.
black hair par negru 1:1'1' ,Elfl' [al wud ralt It If aI hred 6a
[blrek hea] talm] lOti
dyed hair par vopsit
!I [dald hea] ~.. .
1 As fi scris-o dadt as. fi I would have written it if I
avut timp. had had the time.
'll blond highlights ~uvite blonde ) ~ Ii.! [al wud hrev 'ntn It If al hred ;
II,ll!! [blond 'haIialts] hred 6a talm]
, 'II
'I short hair par scurt
IlliI " [[o:t heal itf

long hair par lung

[1011 hea] Exereitli
straight hair par drept
[streIt hea] I. Traduceti In limba engleza:
curly hair / curls par cret / bucle a. Va veni daca va avea timp.
['k3:li hea k3:ls] b. Ar veni dad! ar avea timp.
a bald head chelie c. Ar fi venit daca ar fi avut timp. \
[a bo:ld hed] d. Ar fi avut note mai bune dadl ar fi 'invatat mai
a square / round / triangular fata patrata / rotunda /
/ oval face triunghiulara / ovala e. Daca nu va ploua, vom merge la picnic.
[a skwea raund tral'rell9jula
I,II Illil 'auval fels]
2. Completat i spat iile libere Cll propozitiile potrivite:
a big / small/long nose nas mare / mic / lung
[a bIg smo:lloll nauz]
I, a. If I have the time .. .
'II. big / small ears urechi mari / mici b. He will watch the movie if .
[bIg smo:1 laz] c. If it rains ..
d. If he calls ..
e. They would have answered your questions if ....

72 73

:i'II'l \

}I Haine ,i accesorii

nice dragut
[n BIS]
I wear / You wear / He " Eu port / Tu porti / EJ prietenos
wears / She wears poarta / Ea poarta ['trendli]
[aI wea ju: we9 hi: weazji:
weaz] funny haios, caraghios
glasses ocheJari
fl. f)-'j hapPY fericit
['hoopi] ~i /~.

contact lenses it fIS1 Ientile de contact annoying enervant

['kontrekt lenzlz]
earrings cercet sad trist
[sood] 'Ic
a necklace un colier
aggressive agreslv
[a 'neklas]
a hrac~Jet o bratara
[a 'brelslat]
a red scarf ,4.L< fen- o esarfa rosie
[a red ska:f] Indirect
a tie )(
o cravata
[a tal] Write it. He told me to write it.
[hi: tauld mi: tu: ralt It]
r .. ;1
Don't write it. He asked me not to write it.
Caracter 'j
[hi: a:skt mi: not tu: ralt It]
I'm writing, She said she was writing it.
[fi: sedji: woz 'raltI!) It]
I am / You are / He is / She Eu sunt / Tu esti / EI este / r write novels
She said she wrote novels.
Ea este [fi: sed Ji: raut 'novals]
[aI rem ju: a: hi: IZji: IZ] I've written it. She said she had written it.o
shy timid [fi: sed Ji: hred 'ntn It]
[aI] r wrote it last night. She said she had written it last
quiet linistit night.
[fi: sedji: hred 'ntn It lo:st nalt]
lively plin de viata r will write it.
She said she would write it.
[fi: sed Ji: wud ralt It]
active activ r can write it.
She said she could write it.
[fi: sed Ji: kud ralt It]

I :i~,:,j
m I must write it. She said she had to write it.
[Ii: sed ji: hcsd tu: raIt It]
La hotel At the hotel
I should write it. She said she should have' [cst da hau'tel]
La ce hotel intentionati sa

written it. What hotel do you intend
stat i? staying at?
1 """,11""',","",,

[Ii: sedji:lud hcsv 'ntn It]

Where does Liz live? She asked where Liz lived. [wot hau'tel du: ju: m'tend
[Ii: a:skt wea liz IIvdj stell) cst]
How did you travel to Aveti camere libere? Have you any
She asked me how I had
Alaska? travelled to Alaska. accommodation?
[Ii: a:skt mi: hau aI hcsd 'trcsvald [hcsv ju: 'eni a,koma'deijan]
tu: a'lcsska] Ati rezervat a camera, d-Ie? Have you booked a room,
Have you seen the She wanted to know if I had sir?
museum?;' seen the museum, [hcsv ju: bukt a ru:m S3:]
Ce fel de camera doriti? What kind of room do you
[Ii: 'wontId tu: nau It aI hcsd si:n
da mju:'ziam] want?
How are you? She wondered how I was. [wot kamd ov ru:m du: ju:
[Ii: 'wJ\ndad hau aI woz] wont]
Howald is she? Dorese 0 camera single 1 I want a single 1 double
He wanted to know how old he
was. dubHL room.
[hi: 'wontId tu: nau hau auld hi: -t: U "1O [ar wont a 'sIrJ9al 'dJ\bal ru:m]
woz] Cat doriti sa stati? How long do you want to
What time is the next She asked what time the next stay?
train to Brighton? train to Brighton was? [hau 101) du: ju: wont tu: ster]
[Ii: a:skt wot taIm da nekst trem Vreti sa completati acest Will you please fill in this
tu: 'braitan woz] 1'0 rmul a r'? form?
[wrl ju: pli:z tIl m drs fJ:m]
Exercitii numele surname 1 last name
['s3:neIm la:st neIm]
prenumele first name
I. Treceti la vorbirea indirecta urmiltoarele propozitii:
[f3:st neIm]
a. Speak loudly! national itatea nationality
b. Enter the room, please.
Lncsla'ncslati] ,1
c. Where is he? locul na~terii place of birth
I "
d. What time is it? [piers ov b3:8]
III e. Have you heard the news'? <') data na~terii date of birth
[deIt ov b3:8]

domiciliul address Abia a~tept sa te vad. I can't wait seeing you.

[aI ka:nt welt 'Si:II') ju:]
semnatura signature I can't stand him IY!Dg to
Unde este restaurantul? Where is the restaurant? Nu suport ca el sa rna [aI ka:nt steend hIm 'laI-II') tu:
[wea IZ oa 'restaront]
Dad! doriti ceva, sunati~
Jl!i.D ta . mi:]
Ring the bell if you want I can't bear him lying to me.
. cicpire4. anything.
[aI ka:nt bea hIm 'laII') tu: mi:]
[nl') oa bel If ju: wont 'eni8II')] Abia a~tept sa te Intalnesc. I'm looking forward to
Plec maine dimineata. I'm leaving tomorrow meeting you.
mormng. [aIm lukII') 'to:wad tu: 'mi:trl')
[aIm li:VII') ta'morau 'mo:ml')] ju:]
Va rog sa-mi pregatiti nota Have my bill r~dy at 8 A izbucnit In ras. He burst out laughing.
la ora 8. o'clock, please. [hi: b3:St aut la:fIl')]
il 6i e.e - te'jt~ Joeu..;.wA-
[haw mal bII 'redi eet eIt aklok L-am s~!!Qrins dormind In I c'!!:!,ght him sleeping
Iii f'"'-O"( t;f d.l ~. pli:z] timpul testului. during the test.
[aI ko:t hIm SIi:pII) 'djuanl') oa

Gerunziu x M-a lasat sa a~tept.

A Inceput sa ploua.
He kept me waiting.
[hi: kept mi: weItII')]
It started raining.
JE; Y\
I Ii ,
Imi place sa scriu I enjoy writing.
[It sta:tId remII')]
1,:1 [aI m'd30I 'raItII')]
A Incetat. It stopped.
III Mi-am amintit di am scris-o. I remembered having
written it.
.Alle~1 ave! ',r i'J'w,ivh [It stopt]

[aI n'membad heeVII') 'ntn It]

Te deranjeaza daca astept i Would you mind waiting 'I
afara? outside?
El neaga ca a furat banii. He denies stealing the
[wud ju: mamd weItrl') '" '
money. aut'saId] JOe '. l
[hi: dr'naIs sti:III') oa 'mAni]
N-are rost sa plangi. It's no use crying.'
El a negat ca a furat. He denied having stolen. [Its nau jU:S 'kraII')]
[hi: dI'naId heevII') 'staulan]
Merita sa vezi muzeul. It's worth visiting that
Prefer sa merg pe jos decat I prefer walking to going by
cu autobuzul. bus. ~ [ItS w3:8 'VIZItrf) Oeet
[aI pn'f3: 'WO:kII') tu: 'gauII') bar
Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu I couldn't help myself
zambesc. smiling.
78 79
~ !

,' M-am obi~nuit sa conduc

[aI kudnt help mar'self
I'm used to driving a Ford.
La restaurant
Sa mergem sa luam pranzul
At the restaurant
[cst Oa 'restaront]
Let's go and have lunch at a

Ford. [arm ju:st tu: 'drarvrl) a hd]
la un restaurant t, ' restaurant.
M-am obi~nuit sa conduc pe I got used to driving on the [lets gau csnd hcsv IAnt[ cst a'l
Ii!: stanga. left. 'restaront]
[ar got ju:st tu: 'drarvrl) on 08 ReslaUrantul se atla ... ' The restaurant is ...
tf Cl e-,vde
II 1/tc.RJI jD-

EI a evitat sa-i vorbeasca.

Q..-I vo'ltr left]
He tried to 'lY..illd talking to la parter "
'If" .
lOa 'restaront rz]
on the ground floor
her. [on Oa graund fb:]
p<U tt JAA ~
[hi: trard tu: a'v~rd t~:krl) tu: V1zavI across the road
h3:] [a'kros Oa raud]
A sugerat sa plecam mai He suggested leaving dupa colt l,J u
round the corner
devreme t ; earlier. ../ ,
[raund Oa 'k~:narlJ> ;n
[hi: sa'd3estrd li:VII) '3:liar] Masa aceasta este libera? Is this table vacant?
Nu am chef sa gatesc acum. I don't feel like cooking [rz Ors 'terbal 'verkant] n
now. Ce doriti sa comandati? ., What would you like to""'c" '
[ar daunt fi:llark 'kukrl) nau] order?
M-am s~!:lrat sa-i tot spun ;e' 1:i.rll 6 vffi()
I'm fed up with telling him [wot wud ju: lark tu: '~:da]
ce sa faca. , .bt)'", irm
what to do. gratar grill
[arm fed Ap wro 'telIl) hrm wot [grrl]
tu: du:] cotlet de miel lamb ClitJet
[Icsm 'kAtlat]
1;>unca ,lv i !" bacon 'jl .
, 1 ,. ['berkan]
;'; dirnati 'I(J~ i; sausagesflli 0
;n j "
I. Traduceti In limba engleza:
budincu" pudding
a. Imi place sa cant. .:t i
['pudrl)] .,
b. Lui Ii place sa Inoate. mazare'Verde '::.i! '
green peas
c. EI evita sa vorbeasca. [gri:n pi:z]
d. Merita sa vezi acest film. salata de rosii tomato '~alad
e. Am chef sa mananc 0 inghe!ata. l \j
[ta'ma:tau 'scslad]
salata de fructe fruit salad' '.
[fru:t 'scslad]

80 81
inghetaHi ice-cream \ I.. . ti sa-mi dati .... va rag? Would you please pass me
[als kri:m] .'. VIe. the ... ?
Ati ales? Have you made your [wud ju: pli:z po:s mi: da]
choice? sare salt
[haw ju: meld j::l: U::IIS] [s::I:lt]
A~ vrea 0 supa mai i'ntai I would like to start with zahi1r sugar
soup. [fuga]
[al wud lalk tu: sto:t WId su:p] lamaie lemon
Pot sa va aduc ceva de Can I get you something to ['Ieman]
baut? drink? otet VInegar
[keen aI get ju: 'SAmaIl') tu: ['vmlga]
dfIl')k] pIper pepper
Pentru mine doar un pahar Just a glass of water for me, ['pepa]
cu apa. please. untdelemn lulei oil
[d3Ast a glo:s ov 'w::I:ta to: mi: [::III]
pli:z] mu~tar mustard
Doresc 0 salata de fructe I'll have a fruit salad, ['mAstad]
please. sos sauce
[all heev a fru:t 'seelad pli:z] [s::l:s]
Am nevoie de ... I need ... Chelner. nota de plata va Waiter. bring me the bill,
[al ni:d] mg. please.
\Lf\ un cutit a knife ['weIta bfIl') mi: da bIt pli:z]
(,()\At-toM [a naIf] Pastreaza restuf. Keep the change.
,'-V\.t o furculita a fork [ki:p da Uemd3]
towte.Wtt [a to:k]
~ (j,lL ee ttl 0 lingura
a spoon
[a spu:n]
o lingurita a teaspoon
[a 'ti:spu:n]
Ci(M3 C tC 0 farfurie a plate

[a pleIt]
&'I/(J{)U un pahar a glass

itt iC\~-)R ocea~a

[a glo:s]
acup p
[a kAp]

82 83
English tenses. Part I EI nu a scris niciodata 0 He has never written a
scris oare . letter.
Scrie! Write! [hi: hrez 'neva 'ntn a 'leta]
[ralt] Eu am scris doua scrisori I have written two letters so
Nu scrie! Don't write! pana acum. far.
[daunt ralt] [aI hrev 'ntn tu: 'Ietas sau fa:]
Ce scrii acum? What are you writing now'? E prima oara dind scriu 0
It is the first time I write a
[wot a: ju: 'raltH) nau] scrisoare. letter.
Cui scrii? Who are you writing to? [It IZ da f3:st talm aI ralt a
[hu: a: ju: 'raltH) tu:] 'leta]
Ii scriu lui John. I'm writing to John. Cate scrisori ai scris How many letters have you

I [aIm 'raltH) tu: d3 0n] saptamana aceasta? written this week?
I Nu-i scriu lui Peter. I'm not writing to Peter. [hau 'meni 'Ietas hrev ju: 'ntn
CAt A~l.-k~ [aIm not 'raltI!) tu: 'pi:ta] dIS wi:k] ;\1
I Ii scrii des lui Peter? How often do you write to
Peter? Exercitiu
, ,r\.'
I:. [hau 'ofan du: ju: ralt tu: 'pi:ta]
Eu niciodata nu scriu I never write letters.
scnson. Traduceti in limba engleza:
[aI 'neva ralt 'Ietas]
Nu-mi place sa scriu a. Ai vazut vreodata acest film?
I don't like writing letters. 'b: A~ dori 0 supa mai intai. if:" fiM
,lz [aI daunt lalk 'raltI!) 'Ietas]
Ai scris scrisoarea? c. Am vazut cateva filme pana acum. ltifn .,
Have you written the letter? d. Chelner. nota de plata. te rag.
[haw ju: 'ntn da 'leta]
EI tocmai a scris-o. e. Tocmai au intrat in camera.
He has just written it. ~J.1i;
[hi: hrez dy\st 'ntn It]


Aiscris-o deja?

fe. 11- Cl.

Eu nu am scris-o inca.
Have you already written
[hrev ju: ::>:I'redi 'ntn It]
He hasn't written it.
[hi: 'hrezant 'ntn It]
'I '" In
{ ;7

:i1GH, ("

/I;;, lrni

;'!.1... *Jf


Ai scris vreodata 0 Have you ever written a .11[ f;' ~'_;~ft fR_~ ;'_-. A: Gv-",;
. 'J
scnsoare. letter? ItO 5fH H ~ rH ,
[hrev ju: 'eva 'ntn a 'leta] I ,,, j,.

';! !
F ~1J;"*j .

84 85
Pe strada In the street cum ajung pe strada How do I get to Downing
[m Oa stri:t] Downing? street?
it. [hau du: aI get tu: dauml)
Luati-o la dreapta / stanga Turn right / left into ...
pc strada... street.
J [tJ:n raIt left 'mtu: stri:t]
imi putet i spune drumul Could you tell me the way

R SPIC ....
to ... ?
[kud ju: tel mi: Oa weI tu:] .j
Mcrgeti drept inainte. Go straight forward.
...... [gau streIt 'fo:wad)
Faceti la dreapta / stanga. Turn right / left.
Ma scuzati, va rag. Excuse me, please. [t3: n raIt left] ",,~ !j
[Ik'skju:z mi: pli:z] Va multumesc.
u" Thank you.
Este vreo/vreun ... prin Is there a ... near here? ; ... j''SfJ [8rel)k ju:]
aprapiere? [IZ Oea a ma hIa] ell pJacerc. You're welcome.
Dupa colt. Round the corner. Uu:r 'welkam)
[raund Oa 'ko:na]
Ma scuzati, dar unde este Excuse me. but where
... mai exact? '.I: f '- exactly is ... '? ( (-
~ -H.;"'J<'",i.
[Ik'skju:z mi: bAt wea Ig'zrektli
:)\ .i
intre ... ~i ... Between the ... and the ...
[bI'twi:n Oa rend Oa} ; b. )
Cel mai apropiat ... se atla The nearest one is in ... ;J,'~
in ... [Oa marast WAn IZ m]
T:jl~ O!
ITi\. _~: ~~J"!);.~ Hg-f
Cum ajung la ... ? How do I get to ... ?
[hau du: aI get tu:] "

Mergi pe strada ...

;eU6 d .ut RJ61 u'1
Walk down the ... street.
'il;:)j?W, ';1rlW l'nbib I -':/L '---'~f'J;' U :i'D~ mr' 'IV!
[wo:k daun Oa stri:t]
'/ Jd en",;'-,' -
... este in fata tao ... is in front of you.
Ii' in:-) . . ti i Jrtbl;.~ it'
[IZ m frAnt ov ju:]
... este vizavi de ... i>h'i
. .. is opposite ...
[IZ 'opazIt]

86 87
English tenses. Part II KI ,
\ ....,
" Cui ii scriai dind e~lte-arp Who were you wr~tingo;tq:,JJ
sun at ? when I called?
De cat timp scrii? ' How long have you been [hu: W3: ju: 'raItIt') tu: wen aI
n> writing?
iI tq; Nu scriam 0 scrisoare. I wasn't writing a letter.
[hau lot') hrev ju: bi:n 'raItIt')]
[aI 'wozant 'raItIt') a 'leta]
Nu scriu de multa vreme. ,; I haven't been writing for a
Pc vremuri scriam scrisori, Once I used to write the
long time.
, /d r)ffl i
[aI 'hrevant bi:n 'raItIt') fo: a ID~
aeum nu. letters, but not anymore.
taIm] [wl\ns aI ju:st tu: raIt 'fetas bl\t
Jt.! J(j1.a, . ) not ,eni'mo:]
EI scrie de 0 jumatate de He has been writing for half
Seriam in fiecare I would write every week.
ora. ;)1, an hour. ~j
sapHimana. [aI wud raIt 'evri wi:k] - ;:
[hi: hrez bi:n 'raItIt') to: ren
Ti-am spus ca am scris-o I told you I have already .
deja.'ll;' 1
wrItten It.
EI scrie de la 8.30. He has been writing since
8:30. . [aI tauld ju: aI hrev o:l'redi 'ntn
[hi: hrez bi:n 'raItIt') SInS eIt It]
,ff; ,j'.)
'83:ti] ! "'ifnI; ;, ~'{n ~i;l]' ,~
Cand ai scris scrisoarea?~ l'i When did you write the Exercitiu r "n h t? \t.r~

letter? ~-{ .."l

[wen dId jU: raIt 6a 'leta] Traduceti in limba engleza:
I-ai scris aseara? Did you write to her last a. Obi~nuiam sa joc tenis, dar acum nu. ;\ Gflu8
night? b. invata limbaengleza de doua luni deja.
[dId jU: raIt tu: h3: la:st naIt] c. Cum a~ plltea ajunge pe strada 9?
Cand ai scris ultima When did you write the last
d. Mergeti inainte, apoi faceti la stanga.
. ? letter?
scnsoare. e. Mascuzati. dar unde este mai exact mllzeul de
[wen dId ju: raIt 6a la:st 'Iete) arta? ,....... 51 1l
I-am scris acum doua ore. I wrote to her two hours ';.i'4 6tHi! G !'J)/J
III ago. ~1;n:Jn! I; 'J/L::J11 '(hM ' -!,Di ;, I .,',. ',f!l fl.' I,..-I;! fof;
[aI raut tu: h3: tu: auaz a'gau) ";.v)Iq
:1 11

Nu am scris nici 0 scrisoare I didn't write any letter last b!~"lfTf 9 --/"" I'c
saptamana trecuta. week. ;;;h:;'~;
.,.jOlnlJ:.:;' )
[aI 'dIdnt raIt 'eni 'leta la:st ,Int;
wi:k] . , 'hH~; I fIi; ) fW ,;d:?tfl;'1! i~( Ju(,j
~ ;.
. ')Hi
'. 1
' ...c.-l . ,il:31 IS :1 $)/!

88 89
\ ~
La telefon On the phone Va pot suna cand se May I call you hack when
[on oa faun] ,nlOaree '? he returns?
[mel al ko:1 ju: bffik wen hi:

Buna ziua. "j

Good afternoon!
Mil tern ca nu este in birou.

Va multumesc.
I'm afraid he is not in the
[aIm a'freld hi: IZ not In oi
Thank you.
[8ffi'lk ju:]
[gud ,a:fta'nu:n] ell plaeere. YOll' re welcome.
Ma numesc ... My name is ...

[ju:r 'welkam]
[mal nelm IZ] La revedere. Good-hye.
A~ putea vorbi cu ... , va May I speak to ... , please? [gud baI]
rog? [mel al spi:k tu: pli:z]
Could I speak to ... , please)
[kud al spi:k tu: pli:z]
English tenses. Part III X
A1;iteptati () c1ipa, va rog. Just a moment, please.
[d3ASt a 'maumant pli:z] Intentionez sa-i scriu I am writing her tonight.
MuJtumesc. Thank you. diseara. [aI ffim 'raItI'l h3: ta'naIt]
[8ffi'lk ju:] I am going to write it
Buna ziua dIe/dna.. h 'If, Good afternoon Mr. / Mrs. tonight.
Hiu; i [gud ,a:fta'nu:n mlsta mlslz] Intentionez s-o scriu 'J [aI ffim 'gaUI'l tu: raIt It
May I call you later, please? diseara. \, ta'naIt]
[mel al ko:1 ju: 'Ielta pli:z] I think I will write it
Va pot stina mai tarziu'? Could I call you later, tonight.
please? [aI 8I'lk aI WII raIt It ta'nart]
[kud al ko:1 ju: 'Ielta pli:z] Nu, a voi scrie maine. No, I will write it
Pot Jasa un mesuj, va rog? May I leave a message. tomorrow.
please? [nau aI wII raIt It ta'morau]
[mel al li:v a 'mesld3 pli:z] Sa nll dtmmiezi la ora 5.00. Don't disturb at 5:00. He
eu siguranta. Cert'lWJy. EI Va serie in aeel timp. will be writing at that time.
['s3:tn!i] [daunt dr'st3:b ffit faIv aklok
Pot sa-i transmit un mes~i? Can I take a message? hI: wII bi: 'raItI'l ffit offit talm]
[kffin al teIk a 'mesId3]
i'-'I L

90 91
Eu voi scrie scrisoarea I will be writing the letter
maine. tomorrow.
Inyilalii r Invitations'
!ft [aI WII bi: 'raltI!) oa 'leta [,mva'teJ;[an]
ta'morau] Ai / Ali vrea sa... ? Would you like to ... ?
Pana la ora 5.00 termin de By 5:00 I will have written [wud ju: lalk tu:] \,;i'-

scris scrisoarea. the letter. Am fi foarte bucuro~i daca We would be very pleased
[baI falV aklok aI WII hc.ev 'nto ati putea... if you could ...
oa'ieta] [wi: wud bi: 'veri pli:zd If ju:
Mi-ai promis ca ai sa-mi You promised you would kud]
scrii astazi. MuJfumesc, mi-ar face Thank you, I'd like to ...
write to me today.
[iu: 'promlst ju: wud ralt tu: mi
placere sa... [8c.e!)k ju: aId lalk tu:]
i'; ta'deI] Ar fi foarte placut. That would be very nice.
N-a trebuit sa-i scriu I haven't had to write letters [ wud bi: 'veri nals]
scrisori in ultima vreme. to him lately. eu pHicere. My pleasure.
[aI 'hc.evant hc.ed tu: ralt 'Ietas If-W"o j /Ow." y,..... i! f "~I [mal 'ple3a] ,i ~.
tu: hIm 'Ieltli] N-am sa te refuz! I won't say no!
II [aI waunt seI nau]
'i:, Va trebui sa-i scriu maine. I will have to write to him -..t ,.ty\<

tomorrow. Grozav! / Super! " Great!
[aI wII hc.ev tu: ralt tu: hIm [grelt]
I' r...;.. Mi-ar pUicea sa...
ta'morau] I'd love to ...
Ar trebui s-o scrii astazi.: 1. ! You should write it today. [aId IAV tu:] ,~~;~.~'ji:;}X.J
('"j{ ~t
[iu: Iud ralt It ta'deI] Este foarte dragut din partea This is very kind of you
Ar fi trebuit s-o fi scris ieri. He should have written it ta sa... to ...
yesterday. [015 IZ 'veri kamd ov ju: tu:]
"1\ t;
[hi: Iud hc.ev 'ntn It 'jestadi] Multumesc foarte mult,
dar. ..
Thank you very much,
but ...
Exercitiu r I .(Jill rfi ~~ J:J E foarte dragut din partea
[8c.e!)k ju: 'veri mAt[ bAt]
This is very kind of you,
ta, dar... but. ..
Traduceti in limba engleza:
lOIS IZ 'veri kamd ov ju: bAt]
a. Ar fi trebuit sa anunti ca intarzii. Mi-ar placea sa.... dar. .. I'd like to. but. ..
b. Da, ar trebui sa ajungem acolo pana diseara. [aId lalk tu: bAt]
c. A~ dori sa vorbesc cu dl. Popescu. Pot sa-i las un A~ vrea sa pot, dar... I wish I could. but. ..
mesaj? !(' 'It [aI wJ;[ aI kud bAt]
d. Maine va trebui sa ne trezim devreme. Imi pare rau, nu pot. . I'm sorry, I can't.
e. Va pot suna dnd se intoarce? [aIm 'sori aI kc.ent]
92 93'
I ~

Ma tern di nu pot. I'm afraid I can't. program The program

li~ [aIm a'freld al keent]
[de 'praugreem]
ce faci diseara? What are you doing
, tonight?
>( , [WDt a: ju: 'du:lI') ta'nalt]
1.0 s-o scriu, dadi voi avea J will write it if I have the Ce faci in weekend? What are you doing this
timp. time. weekend?
[al WII ralt It If al hrev de [WDt a: ju: 'du:II') diS 'wi:kend]
talm] Ce faci in seara aeeasta? What are you doing this
2.A~ scrie-o dadi a~ avea I would write it if I had the evening?
timp. time. [WDt a: ju: 'du:II') diS 'i:vnIl')]
[al wud ralt It If al heed de Cat ti mp ai de gand sa stai? How long are you going to
I talm] stay?
'I, 3.A~ fi scris-o dad! a~fi I would have written it if I [hau 101') a: ju: 'geUII') tu: stel]
avut timp. had had the time. Unde ai de gand sa stai? Where are you going to
[al wud heev 'ntn It If al heed stay?
heed da talm] [wee a: ju: 'gauII') tu: stel]
De ce nu vii ~i tu eu mine? Why don't you join me? ,
[wal daunt ju: d30m mi:] J ('I

Exercitiu Ar fi super! It would be great!

[It wud bi: grelt]
I'!, Cum i'ti petreci timpul How do you spend your
II Traduceti in limba engleza:
'ii liber? spare time?
[hau du: ju: spend jo: spea
i. Voi veni dadi voi avea timp. talm]
ii. A~ veni dadi a~ avea timp. Care sunt pasiunile tale:? What are your hobbies?
iii. A~ fi venit dadl a~ fi avut timp. L [WDt a: jo: 'hDbiz]

II, b. iti place muzica? Do you like music?
i. Dadi va ploua, vom sta in casa, [du: ju: lalk 'mju:zlk]
ii. Dad! ar ploua, am sta in casa. Ce fel de muzica asculti? What kind of music do you
iii. Dadi ar fi plouat, am fi stat in casa. listen to?
c. Ati vrea sa veniti diseara la concert. d [wot kamd ov 'mju:zlk du: ju:
d. Mi-ar face mare pUicere sa vin. '1Isan tu:]
e. Sunteti foarte dragut, dar din pacate am alt
94 95
A~ vrea sa fae 0 plimbare. I would like to go fora
walk. i ~ pestu'
, [al wud lalk tu: gau b: a W::>:kj AveITI destul timp. We have enough time.
Unde este plaja? J Where is the beach?
[wi: hrev tnAf talm]
[wea IZ oa bi:ij]
Ave{i destui bani? Do you have enough
Unde Iti petreei vaeanta? Where do you spend YOur
[du: ju: hrev l'nAf 'm.l\ni]
.'. " " ' ) ow; [wea du: ju: spend jo: 'holldel] Am Inva{at destul.
Imi petree v~eanta la'li;'dW I spend my holiday at the I have studied enough.
ii [al hrev 'stAdid tnM]
mare/munte. .\n'N'; seaside / in the mountains.
Hub Will: [al spend mal 'holldel ret 08
Ni~te!Putin Some
~ ,;11 'si:sald m oa 'mauntms]
Imi petree vaeanta Intr-o I spend my holiday at a spa.
Pute{i sa-mi dati ni~te apa, May r have some water,
st~tiune balneocl imatel~idi, [al spend mal 'holldel ret a
spa:] va rag? please?
I'lil ,VI
Ce planuri aveti diseara? What are your plans for [mel al hrev SAm 'wo:ta pli:z]
Pot sa iau ni~te fursecuri, va
" lit (w; ) i3SW} tonight? May I take some cookies,
[wot a: jo: plrens to: ta'nalt]
rag? please?
A~ vrea sa merg la cinema. I'd like to go to the cinema. [mel al telk SAm 'kukiz pli:z]
[aId lalk tu: gau tu:oa
, ~'"
,~!- "
'smama] ,.'/01 , Mai mult / inca ni~te Some more
A~ vrea sa merg la teatl1J'. I'd like to go to the theatre.
[aId lalk tu: gau tu: oa Slata] Pot sa mai iau ni~te May I take some more
~,' ;nll
Distraqie placuta"l 'ub i 1f;,1j Enjoy your time! fursecuri. va rag? cookies. please?
[m'd301 jo: talm]
. . CEt [mel al telk SAm mo: 'kukiz
Prea/Destul/Ni,te/Pu,in/Mai mult
, ~ .
Prea ()l 'JI!'n~', ..., Too
~Jr- J\{ fJb H;P
': ~ ; ~ t H! Traduceri in limba engleza:
Este prea devreme. 11 ,,i' It is too early. [It IZ tU: '3:1i] a. Ce planuri ai diseara? A~ vrea sa merg la cinema.
Este prea tarziu. t
;1E: j
It is too late. [It IZ tU: lell] b. Care sunt pasiunile tale? Imi place sa inot.

.;' .
Sunt prea multi oameni. There are too many people. e. Puteti sa-mi da{i un pahar eu apa, va rag?
[oea a: tu: 'meni 'pi:pal] d, Aveti destul timp sa ajungeti aeolo?

96 c. Este pre" tarziu sa sunam b acc"sta ora.
. 7' 97
, Personal cat? / Ci~i? / Cite?

~ personale information ! 'j ,i.

['p3:sanal ,mfa'meijan] cat? ik"
'I" Cum te nume~ti? What is your name? ,
[wot rz jo: nerm] Cat costa aceasta carte? How much is this book?
Where do you live? [hau mAt[ rz ~rs buk]
Unde locuie~ti?

[wea du: ju: Irv] Cat avem nevoie? How much do we need?
What's your phone [hau mAt[ du: wi: ni:d]
Care este numarul tau de
te1efon? number?
[wots jo: faun 'nAmba] Cati? Cate?
Ce profesie aveti? What is your job?
[wot rz jo: d30b] Cate carti ai citit In ultimul How many hooks have you
Sunteti casatorit? Are you married? timp? read lately?
[0: ju: 'mrerid] [hau 'meni buks hrev ju: red
Da, sunt casatorit(rl). Yes, I'm married. 'Iertli]
[jes arm 'mrerid] Cati frati ai? How many hrothers do you
Nu, sunt necasatorit(a). No, I'm single. have?
[nau arm 'sH)gal] [hau 'meni 'brA~az du: ju: hrev]
Sunt divortat(a). I'm divorced. [arm di'vo:st]
Aveti copii? Do you have any children? Cat (timp)?
[du: ju: hrev 't[rldran]
Am un fiu ~i 0 fiica. I have a son and a daughtel Cat timp ai la dispozitie? How long have you got?
[ar hrev a SAn rend a 'do:ta] [hau 101') hrev ju: got]
Cand v-ati nascut? When were you born? Cat timp 0 sadureze? How long will it last?
[wen W3: ju: bo:n] [hau 101') wrl rt lo:st]
M-am nascut pe 15 august. I was born on 15 of
August. De cat limp?
[ar woz bo:n on ,frf'ti:n8 ov
O:'gASt] De cat timp a~tepti? ' How long have you been
Cit i ani are fiul dvs.'? Howald is your son?
[hau auld rz jo: SAn]

ll [hau 101') hrev ju: bi:n wertH)]
ill How old is your daughter'?
Cati ani are fiica dvs.? De Cat timp e~ti disatorit? How long have you been
[hau auld rz jo: 'do:ta]

1 ,1 , ,,1

Dvs. ce varsta avet i ? How old are you?

'1'1 [hau 101') hrev ju: bi:n 'mrerid]
[hau auld 0: jU:]
98 99

,,,ii.I _:"", \':.'~""._"'';'LW'tra;.w;;,J9.b'') ".

) ~
cinema Cinema
Cit de departe este ['smama]
How far from here is the
aeropOl1ul? airport? .~~"~"J""
-',- ,_\t'~~J>;

[hau fa: from hIa IZ Oi 'eapO:lj

Cit de tare poti vorhi~? How loud can you Speak?
[hau laud kCEn ju: spi:k] )
Ce facet i dise~ira? What are you doing
, [wot a: ju: 'dU:II) ta'naIt]
A~ vrea sa merg la r d like to go to a movie/
Traduceti in limha engleza: film/cinema. the cinema.
a. Ce profesie aveti dvs.? Sunt inginer. [aId laIk tu: gau tu: a 'mu:vi Oa
b. De cat timp lucrati in aceasta eompanie?
Vreti sa mergeti eu mine? Would you like to go with
e. Cite hotel uri sunt in aeeasta statiune?
d. Cit costa aceast[l carte? me?
[wud ju: laIk tu: gau WIO mi:]
e. De cate bilete ai nevoie la concert?
Mi-ar plaeea sa merg eu r d he glad to go with you.
dvs. [aId bi: glCEd tu: gau WIO ju:]
Unde mergem'? Where shall we go?
[wea ICEI wi: gaul
Este 0 comedic? Is it a comedy?
DIJJ [IZ It a 'komadi]
Merita sa fie vazut? Is it worth seeing?
[IZ It W3:8 'Si:II)]
Ce lite filme ruleaza? What other movies are on?
[wot 'I\Oa 'mu:viz a: on]
Va plac desenele animate? Do you like cartoons?
[du: ju: lark ka:'tu:ns]
leri am vuzut un film eu Yesterday J saw a Charlie
Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin movie.
[,jestadi aI s::>: a 'Ua:li 'Ureplin

i~ 100 101
A fost foarte amuzant. j
It was very funJ
[It woz 'veri 'fAni]
.'1'. ~- .... '4
Exlsti There Is / there are
Toate biletele au fost All tickets have been sold Este vreo carte interesanta Is there an interesting book
vandute. out. .. ,)
aIel. here?
[::>:1 'tlklts haw bi:n sauld aut]
[IZ oea am 'mtnstH) buk hla]
Mai aveti hi lete pentm Have you any tickets for Sunt multe harti pe pcrcli. There are many maps on the
diseadi? tonight?
[haw ju: 'eni 'tlklts f::>: ta'nalt]
toea a: 'meni mreps on 08 w::>:lz]
Care este distrihutia? Who are in th~cast? Este vreun trcn la ora 5? Is thcre any train at 5
[hu: a: m oa ka:st]
Imi plac filmele istorice. llike historical movies.
[IZ oea 'eni trem ret faIV a klok]
[al lalk hI'stonkal 'mu:viz]
Sunt multe f10ri in Thcrc are many flowers in thc
Mergeti des la cinema? Do you often go to the
camera. room.
toea a: 'meni 'f1auaz m oa rum]
[du: ju: 'ofan gau tu: oa
Va plac filmele politiste? Do you like thrillers?
[du: ju: lalk 'Snlaz] Exercltiu
Va plac filmele artistice? Do you like feature movies?
[du: ju: lalk 'fi:t[a 'mu:viz] Traduceti in limha engleza:
a. Ce film rlileaza la cinema?
b. Mai aveti hilete pentrll diseara?
c. Este vrelln spectacol la ora T?
d. Ce Jilme va plac? Politiste sau artistice?
e. Sunt multe filme carc imi plac. Cel mai mult imi
plac filmele de dragostc.

102 103
Teatru Theatre) vret i sa vedet i piesa Would you like to see this
as ta ".

H ",-' ,")
.....I Minunat, nu-i a~a?
[wud ju: lalk tu: si: OIS pleI]
Wonderful, wasn't it?
I / .-- ,/ \.. "'; ..L ~

t.~,. .: ;r,~.~V-~.
., \'~'-r I
['wAndafal woznt It]
r---" ~ Distributia este intr-adevar The cast is really special.
,).."""""1 i I ,
r--\ 4,".1.1
[oa ka:st IZ 'rrali 'spelal]
I '. . . i--_;l I deoscbiH1.

... ,L\
I. )- . ..".cI.y. . f
o sLHi pladi cu siguranta ,
A fost extraordinar.
You will surely like it.
Uu: wlll::>:li lalk It]
It was marvellous.
Ce-ati zice sa mergem la What about going to the [It woz ma:valas]
teatm? theatre'? Mil bucur ca ti-a pJacut. I'm glad you liked it.
[wot a'baut 'gaull') tu: oa 8Iata] [aIm glred ju: lalkt It]
La Ce spectacol mergem'? What performance shall we
go to?
[wot pa'f:J:manslrel wi: gau

A avea de gind sa, Be going to

Cit costa biletul? How much is one ticket?
[hau mAti IZ WAn 'tlklt] a intentiona
, sa
Depinde de locuri. It depends on the seat you
take. Unde intentionezi sa-t i Where are you going to
[It dI'pends on oa si:t ju: telk] petreci vacanta? spend your holiday?
Sa mergem impreuna sa Let's go together and see ,
[wea a: ju: 'gaUl!') tu: spend
vedem piesa. the play. j::>: 'holldeI]
[lets gau ta'geoa rend si: oa EI are de gand sa invet e He is going to learn
pier] limba franceza. French.
Cind va avea loc premiera'! When will be the first night [hi: IS 'gaUl!') tu: 13:n frentO
of the play? Noi avem de gand sa vizitam We are going to visit
[wen WII bi: oa f3:St nalt OV oa Franta vara viitoare, France next summer.
pier] [wi: a: 'gaUl!') tu: 'VIZlt fra:ns
Aceasta stagiune pare sa This theatre season seems nekst 'SAma]
aibi:l succes. to he successful
lOIS 818ta 'si:zan si:ms tu: bi:

104 105

') Muzee ,i
Museums and
1. Formulati Intrebari ~i dati raspunsuri folosing 'be going [mju:'ziams amd ,eksI'blj"ans]
to' ~i cuvintele de mai jos: A~ vrea sa vad muzeele I'd like to see the museums of
Ex: where/spend/holiday? ora~ului. this town.
Greece [aId laIk tu: si: oa mju:'ziams DV
Q: Where are you going to spend your holiday? OIS taun]

,j A: I'm going to spend my holiday in Greece? A~ dori un ghid. I would like a guide.
[aI wud laIk a gaId]
I 11!lil
a. how long/stay/there/ Mil intereseaza: I am interested in:
two weeks. [aI rem 'mtnstId m]
Ii b. how/travel/to Rome? pictura painting ['pemtIr)]

1: 1'
by plane. pictura In ulei oil-painting [:)11 'pemtII')] ,.
. Ji
c. where/stay/inRome? portretele portraits ['p:::l:trats]
in a hotel near the station.
peisajele landscapes ['Irendskerps]
gravura engraving [m'greIVII)]
d.C when/come back? 't.~
next week. sculptura sculpture ['skA'pUa]
2. Traduceti in limba engleza: monedele vechi old coins [auld k:::lms]
afi~ele posters ['paustaz] t,
a. Saptamana viitoare rna voi duce la munte.
b. Cat timp intentionati sa stati la mare? broderiile embroideries [Im'br:::lIdariz]
c. Unde intentionezi sa-ti petreci vacanta? manuscrisele vechi ancient manuscripts
['eIllfant 'mrenjusknpts]
d. Sambata rna voi duce la un meci de handbal.
A~ dori sa vizitez: I would like to visit the:
e. Duminica viitoare am de gand sa vild un film
[aI wud laIk tu: 'VIZIt oa]
foarte interesant.
muzeul britanic British Museum
['bntlj" mju:'ziam]
',. galeria nationaHi .t National Gallery

['nrelanal 'grelariJ
academia regaHi Royal Academy.;
I "'" il! ['r:::lIal a'kredami]
galeriile Tate Tate Gallery [teit 'grelari]
castelul Windsor.:;%( Windsor Castle
1*111 ['winza 'ko:sal] "\ .;j

muzeul d~ a~t'~ Art Museum [o:t mju:'ziam]

I_~~I 106 107
~ I

Adjectiv posesiv Pronume poseSiv Education

My Mine Cc ~coala frecventati? What school do you attend?
Your Yours [wot sku:1 du: ju: a'tend]
His His Cc studiat i? What's your subject?
Her Hers [wots jo: 'sAbd3Ikt]
Its Its Eu studiez informatica. I study computer sciences.
Our Ours [al 'stAdi kam'pju:ta 'salanslz]
Your Yours Cate luni dureaza cursul? How long does this course
Their Theirs last?
[hau 101'] dAZ dIS ko:s lo:st]
This is my house. It is mine. La ce ora aveti cursuri? What time are the classes?
[wot talm 0: da klo:slz]
He is her father. He is hers.
Engleza este obligatorie? Is English a compulsory
This is their dog. It is theirs.
[IZ '1I']gllj a kam'pAlsari
, 'sAbd3Ikt]
Cine este profesorul dvs? Who is your teacher?
1. Alegeti varianta corecHi: [hu: IZ jo: 'ti:ij"a]
a. Mr. Jones is ... colleague. Taxele ~colare sunt mari? Are the fees very high? .,w

i. we ii.our iii.ours [0: da fi:z 'veri hal]

lJ. Primiti bursa?
b. Michael is ... friend. Do you get a scholarship?
[du: ju: get a 'skolalrp]
i. I ii. mine III. my
Ce discipline va What subjects are you".
c. This is John's house. It is ...
~i !.1 intereseaza? interested in? 1

H i. his ii. he iii. he's
[wot 'sAbd3rkts a: ju: 'rntrrstrd
d. They have a nice car. It is ... rn]
i. their ii. they iii. theirs to :1
Cati elevi sunt intr-o c1asa? How many students are
2. Traduceti in limba englezu:

there in a classroom?
a. Aceasta este 0 carte interesanta. Este a noastra. [hau 'meni 'stju:dants a: dea rn
b. Cine este Maria? Este sotia mea. a 'kla:s-rum]

c. Ma~ina lui este foarte frumoasa., Ati fost admis la Have you been accepted to
d. Ace~tia sunt prietenii no~tri. Universitate?

)[H. the university'!

e. Acestea nu sum dirtile meIe, sunt ale ei. [hcev ju: bi:n ak'septrd tu: di
rr ju:na'v3:srti]

I 108 109
Ce studiati?
What do you study?
[wot du: ju: 'stl\di] e_ercitii
Studiez istoria. I study history.
[aI 'stl\di 'hIstariJ I. Aranjat i euvintele in ordinea eorecta pentru a forma'
Aveti multi studenti std'iini? Do you have many foreign propozitii:
students? a. often/late/John/onSundays/gct up.
;.; >
[du: ju: hcev 'meni 'form b. at the weekend/Diana/goes/always/to the gym.
'stju:dants] e. to the seaside/Mary/never/in winter/goes.
Ce limbi straine se predau What foreign languages are d. homework/Betty/always/does/at 6 0' clock
la universitate? taught in the university? e. for worklmy/never/colleagues/late/are.
[wot 'form 'lcel)gwld3Iz a: to:! 2. Tradueeti in limba engleza:
m oi ju:na'v3:sIti]
Tmi seriu lucrarea de a. Ce Iimbi straine inveti? Tnvat engleza ~i
I'm writing my doctor's fianceza.
doctorat. paper. "
b. La ee ora te intorci de la birou?
[aIm 'raltII) mal 'doktas
'pelpa] e. Cand te intiHne~ti eu prietenii tai?
d. Taxele ~colare sunt marL dar eu primese bursa.
')fbr; ~I
e. Totdeauna imi vizitez parintii de Craciun.
Sirbitori legale ,

Craciun =Christmas 1.'1

Pa~te = Easter
Craeiun fericit! = Merry Christmas! i.: I :mP,
Pa~te fericit! = Happy Easter!



I!~ 110
Am uitat sa semnez I forgot to sign the letter.
Coresponden,i Letter-writing i scrisoarea. [aI fa'got tu: sam ca 'leta]
['leta 'raItH)] vret i sa-mi punet i Would you mind posting
Trebuie sa scriu 0 scrisoare. I have to write a letter. scrisoarea la cutie, va rag? this letter for me. please?
[aI hrev tu: raIt a 'leta] [wud ju: mamd 'paustII') CIS
Vreau sa raspund la aceasta I want to reply to this lette~' 'leta to: mi: pli:z]
scrisoare. [aI wont tu: rr'plaI tu: CIS 'leta)
Cum se incepe 0 scrisoare How does one start a letter
in Iimba engleza? in English? Numerale ordinale
[hau dAZ WAn sto:t a 'leta In ,;:
lSI - the first 12'h - the twelfth 13 th - the
Nu uitati sa puneti data pe Don't forget to date the
scrisoare. letter. t d - the second thil1eenth
[daunt fa'get tu: deIt ca 'leta]
3rd _ the third 14th - the fourteenth
Cum ne adresam cuiva in How does one address 41h _ the fourth 15 th - the fifteenth
. ? 5th - the fifth th
16 - the sixteenth
scns. someone in writing?
[hau dAZ WAn a'dres 'SAmWAn 6th _ the sixth I i h - the seventeenth
II i h- the seventh th
m 'raItII')] 18 - the eighteenth
Stimata doamna, 8th - the eighth th
19 - the nineteenth
Dear Madam,
[dIa 'mredam) 9th - the ninth 20 th - the twentieth
Stimata doamna ... , Dear Mrs.... , loth - the tenth st .
21' - twenty first
[dIa mIsIz) II th - the evelenth 7. 30 - the thirtieth
Stimate domn, Dear Sir,
[dIa S3:]
Stimate domnule ... , Dear Mr. ....
[dIa mIsta]
Exprimarea datei
Cum se incheie 0 scrisoare? How does one conclude a
letter? 9 august 2005 - 9 th of August 2005

nt Al dumneavoastra, sincer...
[hau dAZ WAn kan'klu:d a 'leta]
Yours sincerely, ...
U~:z sm'sIali]
21 septembrie 2005 - 21 st of September 2005

I Cu stima / respect,

Yours truly / faithfully....
U~:z 'tru:li 'feI8fali)
Best regards,
[best rr'go:ds]


il J 12
, in excursie On a trip
[on a tnp]
1. Scrieti urmatoarele date: >/'<

1 ianuarie 2006
15 octombrie 2001
28 februarie 2000
22 martie 2003
13 iunie 2002
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
a. EI este primul din clasa.
Unde este agentia de voiaj? Where is the travel agency?
b. Trebuie sa semnati scrisoarea.
[wea rz oa 'tr<Bval 'erd3ansi]
c. Vreti sa-mi puneti scrisoarea la cutie, va rag? Organizati excursii la... ? Do you run trips to ... ?
d. Nu uitati sa treceti data pe scrisoare. [du: ju: rAn tnps tu:]
e. Pe 19 ianuarie ii voi trimite toate cartile. statiunile de pe litoraJ seaside resorts
['si:sard n'zo:ts]
localitati Ie istorice historical sites
[hr'stonkal sarts]
casteIe ~i manastiri castles and monastg.ries
['ka:sals <Bnd 'monastriz]
Unde ne-ati statui sa Where would you advise us
mergem? to go?
[wea wud ju: ed'varz I\S tu:
I ilil
Ce v-ar placea sa faceti? What would you like to do?
[wot wud ju: lark tu: du:]
Mi-ar pH1cea sa fac I would like to go scuba
scufundari. diving.
[ar wud lark tu: gau 'sku:be
Sum multe hoteluri prin Are there many hotels in
II '
II this area?
i I [a: oee 'meni hau'tels In ors

114 J 15
) ~
in dit timp ajungem acolo? How long does it take to get

' there?
[hau 101') dl\z rt, terk tu: get Oea)
e-ercitll r

I 'n .....',
I",..... ,;

Putem merge pe jos?
PeisajuJ este minunat.
Can we walk? [keen wi: wO:k)
The landscape is
[oa 'Ieendskerp rz ma:valas)
J. Exprimati-va acordul sau dezacorduJ cu afirmatiile date,
dupa modelul urmiHor:
A: Travelling by bus is cheaper than by train.
B: Yes, that's true. Sau
Acest castel merita vizitat? Is this castle worth visiting? No, I don't agree. I think travelling by train is more
[rz ors 'ka:sal w3:8 'vrzrtrl')] comfortable.
Cum putem ajunge acolo? How can we get there?
[hau keen wi: get oea] a. A: Food in Romania is cheaper than in Greece.
Se poate urca pe faleza? Can we go to the top of the B:
pi~ -:1tti>Lo1 cliff?
b. A: Wathcing TV is more relaxing than reading a
[keen wi: gau tu: oa top ov Oa hook.
A~ vrea sa vizitam ~i I would like to visit the
insuJeJe. c. A: A pilot earns more money than a doctor.
islands, too.
[ar wud lark tu: 'vrzrt oi
'arlands tu:] d. A: Mobile phones are small and useful.
Acela este un golf? Is that a gulf? B:
[rz oeet a gl\lt] e. A: Laptops are very expensive.
Ce mai e de vazut? What else is there to see? B:
) PI~I [wot els rz oea tu: si:] 2. Traduceti In limba engleza:
Sa ne opri m aici. Let's stop here. a. Va place schill! nautic? Oa, Imi place. Imi plac toate
[lets stop hra] sporturile.
A~ dori sa fac cateva I would like to take some b. Cum putem ajunge la acel castel?
fotografii. photos. c. Organizati excursii ~i la mare?
[ar wud lark tu: terk sl\m d. A~ dori sa vizitam ~i insulele.
e. LocaliHitile istorice sunt foarte interesante.
Cit timp ramanem aici? How long do we stay here?
[hau 10f) du: wi: ster hrs]
A~ vrea sa instalez cortul. I would like to put up the
[ar wud lark tu: put I\P oa tent)
Va place schiul nautic? Do you like water-skiing?
[du: ju: lark 'w::l:ta 'ski:rl')]

La doctor At the doctor's
[eet oa 'doktas]


I< Ac um expirati incet. Now breathe out slowly.

[nau bri:o aut 'slauli]
Sa va iau tensiunea. Let me take your blood
tJi - pressure.
[let mi: terk jo: blAd 'preja]
Trebuie sa va facem a We'll have to X-ray your
radiografie pulmonara. lungs.
[wi:1 heev tu: 'eks rer jo: IAI')S]
Luati medicamentlll de trei Take your medicine three
ori pc zi dllpa masa. times a day <lfter meal.
[terk jo: 'medsen 8ri: tarmz a
Nu rna simt bine. Trebuie sa der 'o:fta mi:I]
I'm not feeling well. I must
Nu schimbati bandajul prea Don't change the dressing
merg la doctor. see a doctor.
des. too often.
[arm not 'fi:lrl') wei ar mAst si: a
'dokta] [daunt Uernd3 oa 'dresrl') tu:
Ce s-a intamplat dIe? 'ofan]
What's wrong Mr. .. ?
Vreau sa consult un ... I want to see a ...
[wots rol') mrsta]
Aratati-mi limba, va rog. [ar wont tu: si: a]
Show me your tongue,
chirurg surgeon
[fau mi: jo: tAl') pli:z]
ginecolog gynaecologist
Aveti pofta de mancare? Is your appetite all right?
[rz jo: 'eepatart 0:1 rart]
psihiatru psychiatrist
Aveti dureri? De dind va Are you in pains? How long
doare aici? has it been hurting here? stomatolog dentist
[0: ju: rn perns hau 101') heez In
bi:n h3:trl') hra]
Vreau sa va examinez I want to examine your
plamanii. lungs.
[ar wont tu: rg'zeemrn jo: IAl')s]
Inspirati adanc. Breathe deeply.
Nu respirati un moment. Hold your breath for a
[hauld jo: breS fo: a'maumant]

; ':::':":':.:'
'I"" '~~

, La dentist At the dentist's 't
[eet oa 'dentIsts]
I. Completati spatiile libere cu verbele urmatoare: .'lave,
need. spend. lose. win. earn. collect.
a. If you ... money to buy a dictionary, I can ... you
b. I wish I could ... the lottery!
c. He ... money to buy a new flat.
d. His company ... a lot of money, so he ... a good
salary. Imi puteti recomanda un Could you recommend me a
e. She ... a lot of money on expensive clothes. dentist bun? good dentist?
2. Traduceti In limba engleza: [kud ju: ,reka'mend mi: a gud
a. Luati medicamentul de trei ori pe zi dupa masa.
Aveti dureri de dinti? Do you have a toothache?
b. Aveti dureri mari? De dnd va doare aici?
[du: ju: heeva 'tu:8-eIk]
c. Trebuie neaparat sa mergi la doctor.
Cred ca trebuie sa merg la I think my teeth need
d. Da, a~ dori sa consult un stomatolog.
un control. attention.
e. Nu schimbati bandajul prea des. [aI 8Ulk mal ti:8 ni:d a'terU'an]
Cand v-ati tratat dint ii When did you last have
ultima data? them attended to?
[wen dId ju: lo:st heev Oem
~' i
a'tendld tu:]
Mi-am rupt I spart un dinte. I broke one tooth.
[aI brauk WAn tu:8]
Ma duc la dentist sa mi-l I'll go to the dentist to pull
extraga. it out.
[all gau tu: Oa 'dentIst tu: pul
It aut]
Acest dinte nu mai poate fi This tooth cannot be saved.
salvat. [OIS tu:8 'keenot bi: selvt]
Ma tern di va trebui sa I'm afraid you'll need a
puneti un dinte fals. false tooth.
[aIm a'freld ju:1 ni:d a fo:ls


.' 121
Pe acesta am sa vi-l plombez.
I'll give you filling for this One
[arl grv ju: 'frlrr) fo: ors WAn]
. L8ami At the custom's
Multumesc. [ret oa 'kl\stams]
Thank you.
[Sre!)k ju:] Unde vret i sa merget i? Where do you want to go?
Cu pUicere. [wea du: ju: wont tu: gaul
You're welcome.
uu:r 'welkam] Vreau sa merg la un hotel. I want to go to a hotel.
[ar wont tu: gau tu: a hau'tel]
De unde pot lua un taxi? Where can I get a taxi?
[wea kren ar get a 'treksi]
Aratati-mi pa~aportul dvs, Show me YOllr passport,
) . va rog. please.
[au mi: jo: 'pa:spo:t pli:z]
1. Treceti verbele din paranteze la trecutul simplu sau Care este numele dvs. de What is your surname?
continuu: familie? [wot rz jo: 's3:nerm]
a. My clothes (get) dirty when I (clean) the house. Spuneti-mi adresa dvs., va Tell me your address,
b. What you (do) when I (call) you? rag. please,
c. The children (play) when she (return). [tel mi: jo: a'dres pli:z]
d. It (rain) when we (walk) yesterday. Care este scopul vizitei What is the purpose of your
e. She (read) an interesting book last night. dvs.? visit?
2. Traduceti In limba engleza: [wot rz oa 'p3:pas ov jo: 'vrzrt]
a. Ma tern ell va trebui sa puneti un dinte fals. Cat timp intentionati sa How long do you intend to
b. Cand v-ati tratat dintii ultima data? stat i ? stay?
[hau lo!) du: ju: rn'tend tu: ster]
c. Ma duc la dentist sa-mi extraga un dinte.
d. Din pacate, acest dinte nu mai poate fi salvat. Este nevoie de viza? Do I need a visa?
[du: ar ni:d a'vi:za]
e. Trebuie sa plombam acest dinte.
Dnde trebuie sa rna adresez Where do I have to apply
pentru prelungirea vizei? for visa extension?

Aveti ceva de declarat?

[wea du: ar hrev tu: a'plar
'vi:za rk'stenlan]
Do yOll have anything to

~i. [du: ju: hrev 'eniSr!) tu: dr'klea]

Deschideti geamantanuJ, va Open your suitcase, please.
rog. ['aupan jo: 'su:tkers pli:z]

122 123

Puteti sa inchideti
geamantanul acum.

Nu am alt bagaj.

Acesta este tot bagajul meu.

You may close your
suitcase now.
Ou: mel klauz j~: 'su:tkeIs nall)
I have no extra luggage.
[aI haw nau 'ekstra 'IAg Id 3)
This is all the luggage I
Mergeti aeolo eu avionul?
By plane
[baI plem)
Are you going there by
[a: ju: 'gaUII') oea baI plem]
Cand plecati cu avionul la When arc you flying to
Milano'? Milan?
lOIS IZ ~:I oa 'IAgId3 aI haw]
E in ordine. Puteti trece. [wen a: ju: 'flaIl') tu: mi'laan]
It's all right. You may pass
Trebuie sa eumparati bilet You have to buy the ticket a
ell 0 saptamana Inainte. week in advance.
[Its ~:I raIt ju: mel pa:s on]
Multumesc. Ou: haav tu: baI oa 'tIkIt a wi:k
Thank you.
m ad'va:ns]
[8aal')k ju:]
~edere placuta! Avionul decoleaza la ora 6 The plane takes off at 6
Enjoy your stay here!
a.m. a.m.
[m'd3~I j~: steI hIa]
loa plem teIks of aat sIks aam]
La ce altitudine zburam'? At what altitude are we
, [aat wot 'aaltItju:d a: wi: 'flaIl')]
Vedeti ceva pc fereastra? Can you see something out
1. Completati spatiile libere cu FOR sau SINCE: of the window?
a. John has been here ... an hour. [kaan ju: si: 'sAm8II') aut ov oa
b. We haven't seen Mary ... June. 'wmdau)
c. Have you been here ... a long time? Fixati-va centura de Fasten your scat belt,
d. The children have been studying English .. .last siguranta, va rag. please. '
October. ['fa:san j~: si:t belt pli:z]
e. What have you been doing ... yesterday? Poftiti numarul de bordo Here is your boarding pass.
2. Traduceti In limba engleza: [hIa IZ j~: 'b~:dII') pa:s)
a. Care este scopul vizitei dvs? Va trebui sa schimbati You'll have to change to
avionulla... another plane in ...
b. Deshideti geamantanul, va rag.
c. Ma tem cii aveti nevoie de viza.
d. Unde trebuie sa rna adresez pentru prelungirea
. A fost 0 calatorie placuta?
Ou:1 haav tu: tfemd3 tu: a'nAOa
plem m]
Did you enjoy your flight?
[dId ju: m'd3~I j~: flaIt]
e. Cat timp intentionati sa stat i ? a decola to take off [tu: teIk of)
a ateriza to land [tu: laand]
124 125
I' pilot
pilot ['parlat]
engine ['end3rn]
wing [wrl')]
propeller [pra'pela]
cabin ['keebrn]
CU ma,ina
Ali cali1torit cu
ma~ina tot
By car
[bar ka:]
Have you driven all the
[heev ju: 'drrvan 0:1 Oa wer]
cursa tara escaHi non-stop flight Da, Imi place foarte mult sa Yes, I love driving.
[,non stop flart] conduc. Des 3r IAV 'drarvrl')]
Motorul functioneaza The engine nms perfectly.
irepro~abil. [Oi 'end3rn rAns 'p3:frktli]
, Porniti motorul. Get the engine started.
[get Oi 'end3rn sta:trd]
Trebuie sa gasim 0 statie de We have to find a gas
I. Puneti verbele din paranteze la prezentul simplu sau benzina.
continuu: station.
[wi: heev tu: farnd a gees
a. She (learn) English. She (learn) her homework 'sterian]
for tomorrow at the moment. Ali schimbat uleiul? Have you changed the oil
b. John (sleep)? No, he never (sleep) in the yet?
afternoon. [heev ju: tfernd3t Oi orl jet]
c. The child (cry)? No, he seldom (cry). Sa rna uit la radiator. Let me have a look at the
d. Where you (go)? I (go) to the market. I always radiator.
ov (go) to the market on Saturday [let mi: heev a Iuk eet Oa
morning. . 'rerdierta]
e. It (snow) in winter. It (snow) now. iW Franele functioneaza foarte The brakes are running
2. Traduceti In limba engleza: bine. well.
a. Visezi noaptea? Da, visez I'ntotdeauna cand lOa brerks a: 'rAmI') wei]
mananc I'nainte de culcare. Ma~ina trebuie neaparat The car needs cleaning.
spalata. lOa ka: ni:ds 'kli:nrl')]
b. La ce ora decoleaza avionul? Avionul decoleaza
la ora 3. Mergem pe ~oseaua Shall we take the main
prineipala? road?
d c. Va trebui sa schimb avionulla Amsterdam.
d. Va trebui sa cumpar biletul cu 0 saptamana [[eel wi: terk Oa mern raud]
Aeeasta este 0 strada eu Is this a one-way street?
sens unie? [rz Ors a WAn wer stri:t]
e. Am avut 0 calatorie foarte placuta.
Nu putem treee pe aici. We can't go this way.
[wi: ka:nt gau Ors wer]

126 127
Mergeti I'ncet, drumul este Drive slowly, the road is ~erci~ii
alunecos. slippery.
[draIv 'slauli oa raud IZ 'SIIparij
I. punet i verbele din paranteze la prezentul perfect simplu:
Care este viteza maxima What is the speed limit for a. I never (cat) meat.
admisa I'n aceasta zona? this area? b. You (mect)?
[wot IZ oa spi:d 'lImIt to: OIS c. Where you (put) your new DVD?
'earia] d. It never (occur) to me that yOll are brother and
Respectati viteza legala. Do not exceed the speed sister.
limit. e. Why Mary (not drink) her milk yet?
[du: not Ik'si:d oa spi:d 'lImIt] 2. Traduceti In limba engleza:
Unde este semaforul? Where is the traffic light? a. Care este viteza maxima admisa I'n aceasta tara?
[wea IZ oa 'trrefIk laIt] b. Yeti calatori Cll ma~ina tot drumul?
Ma~ina are numai doua The car has only two seats. c. Ayeti permis de conducere? Da, conduc ma~ina
locun. loa ka: hrez 'aunli tu: sUs]
\,C ' de doi ani.
Aveti permis de conducere? Do you have a dri ving d. Ma~ina mea are numai doua locuri.
license? e. Aceasta este 0 strada Cll lin singur sens?
[du: ju: hrev a 'draIVII') laISans]
Parcarea interzisa! No parking!
[nau 'pa:kII)]
Trecere pietoni! Pedestrians crossing!
[pa'destrian 'kroSII)]


! II

Cu vaporul By ship comandant A captain '\t.f'

[bar lrp]
Cand pleaca vaporul nostru barca de salvare life boat
When does our liner start
spre Boston? [Iart baut]
for Boston?
val wave
[wen dl\z aua 'lama sta:t to:
Cat dureaza traversarea? furtu na storm
How long does the crossing [sto:m]
debarcader pIer
[hau lo/') dl\z oa 'krosr/') terk]
Cat costa un bilet la c1asa
.; 'j [pra]
How much is a first-class shore
Intai? ticket? tarm
pod IO~ tl-to'l: [[0:]
[hau ml\tI rz a b:st kla:s 'trkrt]
Cand pleadi feribotul? vas de linie liner
When does the ferry leave? ['lama]
[wen dl\z oa 'teri li:v]
La ce ora trebuie sa fim la transat lantic cruiser
What ti me must we be on ,'I ['kru:za]

board? 001
[wot tarm ml\st wi: bi: on bo:d] :TV
Hai sa coboram In cabina. Let's go down to our cabin. . ...-

[lets gau daun tu: aua 'ka3brn] Exercitii

Nu ma simt bine. Am rau de I don't feel well. I have got
mare. seasick. I. Puneti verhele din paranteze la trecutul simplu:
[ar daunt fi:1 weI ar ha3v got a. The dog (bite) the boy in the leg. AJt " ' .......~

'si:,srk] b. The Normans (conquer) England in 1066.

Intram In largo We are getting out into the C. He (enter) the room all of a sudden.
open sea. d. She (put) the baby to sleep.
[wi: a: get aut 'mtu: oa 'aupan e. She (take) German classes last week;bnq :\1-' :(1
Nava intra In port? 2. Traduceti In limba engleza:
Is the ship entering the a. Saptamana viitoare pledim la New Orleans eu
harbour? vaporul. lin i'
[rz oalrp 'entarr/') oa ha:ba]
Acostam h. La ce ora trebuie sa fim la bord? :) :A
We are landing.
[wi: a: 'la3ndr/')] c. Cat costa un hilet la c1asa intai?
echipaj crew d. Trebuie sa cumparam hiletele cu a luna inainte.
[kru:] e. Ai rau de mare? Nu.

130 131
o excursie la tara
, A trip to !he I oaca nO ne grabim, se va lfwe don't ~lITY,
it will get
countryside, fnnopta Inainte sa aj~gem d~rk before we reach the
[a trrp tu: 6a 'kAntrisard] I, sat. village.
Mi-ar placea sa mergem I'd I'k
I e to go on a trip t h to . [rf wi: daunt 'hAri rt wrl get
1ntr-o excursie la tara. countryside. 0 t e da:k br't::>: wi: ri:U oa 'vrlrd3]
[ard lark tu: gau on a trr t . s-ar putea sa ne ratacim. We might get lost.
oa 'kAntrisard] p u. [wi: mart get lost]
~tii sa mergi pe bicicleta? Can you ride a hike? Am putea campa langa rau. We might camp near the
[keen ju: rard a bark] river.
Satul se afla la ~ase The village is six kilomet _ [wi: mart keemp ma 6a 'rrva]
kilometri de aici. away from here. ers Am putea sa ne scaldam In We could bathe in the river.
[oa 'vrlrd3 rz srks krla mi-t
, ' . as
diu. [wi: kud bero rn oa 'rrva]
awer.from hra] Sa punem cortullanga diu. Let's put up the tent near
Piidurea este foarte aproape The forest is very near the the river.
de sat. village. [lets put Ap oa tent ma da
[da 'forast rz 'veri ma 6a 'rrva]
'vr1rd3] Vreau sa aprind focul. I want to light the fire.
Am putea Innopta la hanul We c.ould stay over night at [ar wont tu: lart 6a fara]
din sat. th~ vIllage inn. Vrei sa aguci ni~te lemne, te Will you fetch some woods,
~WI: kud ster 'auva nart eet da rog? please?
vrlrd3 rn] Ji , [wrl ju: fetC SAm wuds pli:z]
Unde duce poteea de aeolo? Where does the path over adapost shelter [lelta]
there lead to? cioban shepherd [lepad]
[~ea dAZ da pa:8 'auva dea drumetie hiking ['harkr!)]
h:d tu:] A

Duee In padure,j I~Hi i..

fan.. hay [her]
It leads to the f o r e s t . "
tu.... 'f ]
. va o r a s t
gard fence
[fens] ;,j--'

Putem sa 0 luam pe '1 !f We can take a h rt

s 0 cut. rIzvor~ .i spnng [sprr!)]
seurtatura. [wi: keen terk aJo:t kAt] Ivad~ A or~har~ ['o:trad]
Am putea da de animale We could come' 'Id moara de vant .J wmdmlll ['wrnd,mrl]
salbatiee. aeross WI ~
animals. ograda farmyard ['fa:mja:d]
[wi: kUd kAm a'kros warld poarta ! gate [gert]

'eemma's] ; turma flock [flok]
oi sheep W:p]
vineyard ['vrnjad]


. t
vite cattle ['kretl] [oa 'leta mAst hrev bi:n 'rrtn
recolta harvest ['ha:vast] 'jestader]
a semana to seed [tu: si:d] The letter can't have been
Este imposibil ca scrisoarea
a ara to plough [tu: piau] written yesterday.
sii fi fost scrisa ieri.
[oa 'leta ka:nt hrev bi:n 'rrtn
q- 1.;- 'jestader]
i lli The letter could have been
English tenses. Part III )(
written yesterday.
[oa 'leta kud hrev bi:n 'rrtn
Scrisoarea se scrie acum. The letter is heing written 'jestader]
Scrisoarea s-ar putea sa fi
now. fosl scrisa ieri. The letter may have been
)j [oa 'leta rz 'bi:rl') 'rrtn nau] written yesterday.
Scrisoarea este scrisa. The letter is written. [oa 'leta mer hrev bi:n 'rrtn
[oa 'leta rz 'rrtn] ,'jestader]
Scrisoarea a fost scrisa.' The letter has heen written. h

[oa 'leta hrez bi:n 'rrtn]

Scrisoarea se scria cand am The letter was heing written
intrat In birou. Exercitiu
when I entered the office.
~ ~;: . [oa 'leta woz 'bi:rl') 'rrtn wen ar
'entad oi 'ofrs] Traduceti in limba engleza:
Scrisoarea a fost scrisa ieri. The letter was written a. S-ar putea sa fi venit ieri sa ne vada.
yesterday. h. Trebuie sa ne grabim. Dad nu ne grabim, se va
[oa 'leta woz 'rrtn 'jestader] i'nnopta dind vom ajunge in sat.
Scrisoarea va fi scrisa The letter will be written c. Mi-ar pIacea sa mergem intr-o excursie la tara.
maine. ;.4.
tomorrow. d. Este imposibil ca el sa fi venit ieri sa ne vada.
[oa 'leta wrl bi: 'rrtn ta'morau] e. Vrei sa aduci ni~te lemne sa aprindem focul, te rog?
Scrisoarea era scrisa de ieri. The letter was written I.Ot

[oa 'leta woz 'rrtn 'jestader]

Scrisoarea va fi scrisa pana. The letter would be written ;:
diseara. until tonight. ! '/.. ri
[oa 'leta wud bi: 'rrtn An'trl
Scrisoarea probabil ca a , The letter must have been
scris-o ieri. written yesterday.

134 135
Sportul Sports
Echipa noastra are tricouri Our team has yellow shirts.
Iti place sportul? gal bene . [aua ti:m heez 'jelau13:ts]
Do you like sports?
[du: ju: lalk sp~:ts] Aceasta este semifinala. This is the semi-final.
Imi place sa joe tenis, dar r like to play tennis, but I'm [OIS IZ Oa ,semi'faml]
nu joe prea bine. not very good at it. EI este un boxer de mare He is a first-class boxer.
clasa. [hi: IZ a b:st kla:s 'boksa]
[al lalk tu: plel 'tems bAt aIm
not 'veri gud eet It] EI este un inoUitor foarte He is an excellent swimmer.
Cred ca trebuie mult r think I need a lot of bun. [hi: IZ een 'eksalant 'swlma]
antrenament. training. Stii .
. sa vaslesti? Can you row?
[al 81f)k al ni:d a lot ov [keen ju: raul
'tremlf)] imi place foarte mult I very much like figurc
Aveti antrenor? Do you have a coach? patinajul artistic. skating.
[du: ju: heeva kaut!l [al 'veri mAt[ lalk 'flga 'skeltlf)]
Sunteti amator de fotbal? Are you a football fan? iti place baschetul sau Do you like basketball or
[a: ju: a 'futbo:1 feen] handbalul? handball?
Care este echipa ta Which is your favourite [du: ju: lalk 'ba:skltbo:I~:
preferata? team? 'heendb~:I]
[WIt[ IZ jo: felvant ti:m]
Ce echipa a ca~tigat Which team has won the
meciul? game? Exercitiu
[wlt[ti:m heez WAn Oa gelm]
Cine a inscris golul? Who scored the goal?
Urmiitorul dialog este intre un angajat al unei agentii de
[hu: sk~:d Oa gaul]
Care este scoml? What's the score? voiaj ~i 0 c1ienta. Faccti toatc schimharilc necesare pentru
[wots Oa sk~:]
a finaliza dialogul urmator:

$titi sa inotati / schiati?

Hai sa jucam 0 partida de

Arbitrii sunt deja pe teren.
Canfyou swim / ski?
[keen ju: sWIm ski:]
Let's have a game of chess.
[lets heev a gelm ov tIes]
The referees are already in
the field.
CLERK: I I help I you?
May I help you?
WOMAN: Yes / I/like / flight I Rio.
I. Yes, I'd like to take a flight to Rio.
CLERK: When / you I intend I travel?
lOa ,refa'ri:z a: ~:I'redi m Oa 2 .
fi:ld] WOMAN: As I soon I possible. No later / than / end I this /
I Week.
'/\ 3 1.;; .
".-. -::.~-
\ .
1 (N.Jf-~,f

CLERK: Well / that / be / difficult / this time / year /

unless / you be very lucky. / SUGESTII SUGGESTIONS
4 ' .
Hai sa mergem sa vedem un Let's go see a movie.
WOMAN: But / it be / absolutely / essential / 1/ get / there
film. [lets gau si: a'mu:vi]
/ end / this week.
flai sa mergem la un " Let's go to a pop concert. ,
5 ..
concert pop. [lets gau tu: a pOP 'konsat]
CLERK: AIl right / I / do / what / I can. You like / sit
down? Hai sa bern 0 cafea. Let's have a cup of coffee.
[lets haw a kAp ov 'kofi]
6 . Let's learn English.
Hai sa Invatam limba
WOMAN: No / I / be / back / half an hour. [lets 13: n '1I)glij]
7 ..
Sa mergem sau sa Il Shall we go or shall we wait
CLERK: All right / I / probably / know / then. / I / have /
a~teptam ~i pe el? for him?
your name?
[eel wi: gau::>: ieel wi: welt to:
I j 8 . hIm]
I Sa deschid fereastra? Shall I open the window?
[eel al 'aupan oa 'wmdau]
Sa mergem cu autobuzu1? Shall we take the bus?
[eel wi: telk oa bAS]
Sa vorbesc mai tare? Shall I speak louder?
[eel al spi:k laudar]
Am putea vedea filmul1a We could watch the movie
televizor. on TV.
&" [wi: kud woU oa 'mu:vi on ,ti:
P'" 'vi:]
Am putea merge sa ne We could go for a walk.
plimbam. [wi: kud gau f::>: a w::>:k]
Am putea sa ne grabim We could hurry a little.
putin. [wi: kud 'hAri a '1ItI]
Am putea sa II a~teptam ~i We could also wait for him.
pc el. [wi: kud '::>:Isau welt f::>: hIm]
N-am putea sa anuntam Couldn't we announce the
ultimele noutati? latest news?
[kudnt wi: a'nauns oa 'Ieltast

138 t nju:z]


N-am putea sa ne odihnim
\ I
Couldn't we have <t~st

[kudnt wi: heev a rest nau] ['peesrv v~rs] ~1

N-am putea sa mai a~teptam Couldn't we wait a little? Mi s-a eerut sa vorbese. I was asked to speak up.
putin? [kudnt WI: wert a 'lrtl]
far woz o:skt tu: spi:k Ap]
N-am putea sa vorhim Mi s-a explicat ee trebuie sa I was explained what I had'
Couldn't we speak now?
aeum? [kudnt wi: spi:k nau] fae. to do.
[aI woz rk'splernd wot ar heed
tu: du:]
Exercitil Mi s-a pus 0 Intrebare foarte I was asked a very difficult
grea. question.
[ar woz o:skt a 'veri 'drfrkalt
1. Tradueeti In limha engleza:
)( 'kwesUan]
a. Sa Inehid u~a? Mi s-a spus sa vin mai I was told to come earlier.
h. N-am putea Invata limha engleza? devreme. [ar woz tauld tu: kAm '3:liar]
e. Am putea merge la plimhare aeum. I s-a aratat drumul eel bun. He was shown the right
d. Sa mergem pe jos sau eu ma~ina? way.
e. Hai sa mergem pe jos. [hi: wozlaun 08 rart wer]
f. N-am putea merge eu ma~ina? Ni s-a aI'atat scrisoarea We were shown the wrong
2. Completati spatiile Iibere eu propozitii: gre~ita. letter.
I a. ShaH we ? [wi: W3: 08 rart 'leta]
.~ b. Couldn't we ? Suntem a~;teptati de aproape We are waited for almost an
c. Let's , . o ora. hour.
d. We could '" . [wi: 0: wertrd fu: '~:Imaust een
e. Shall we ?
Canea a fost tiparita anul The book was published
f. Let's '" .
treeut. last year.
faa buk woz 'pAbhJl lo:st j3:]

II Fereastra a fost deschisa. The window has been open.

[oa 'wrndau heez bi:n '8upan]
Scrisoarea a fost trimisa The letter was sent
ieri. yesterday.
" loa 'leta woz sent 'jestader]

' '-,~
Filmul a fast vazut de
) I .. ~ l
($ The movie has been WATER 0;

vecinii no~tri. watched by our neighbours.

[Oa 'mu:vi hcez bi:n woUt bat Water is one of the most useful and most wonderful
aua nerba]
things in the world. And in how many forms we have it!
Informatia a fast dezvaluita. The information has been Some of the water is in little brooks, some of it is in rivers.
revealed. Some of the water is in lakes and some is in the deep seas
" [oi ,rnfa'meijan hcez bi:n
and occans. In lakcs the water docs not movc so fast as the
water in brooks and rivers but it is as frcsh. and in scas and
oceans thc watcr is salty.
Whcrc docs all this watcr comc from?
It comcs from thc rain .
Thc rain goes down into the ground. But sometimcs
1. Traduceti In limba engleza: X' it comes to a rock through which it cannot go down.
a. Ni s-a explicat leetia. So it runs along and comes to a hill.
b. Cartea a fast deja citita. Herc it goes out into thc air. and we call it a spring.
c. Scrisoarea a fast citita.. Thc water from the spring runs down the hill. It meets the
d. Am fast Intrebat In legatura cu cartea. watcr from othcr springs. So the stream grows larger and
e. Mi s-a cerut a explicatie. larger and makcs a river. And the river runs down to the
f. I s-a aratat drumul cel bun.
g. Vi s-a cerut sa Inchideti u!5a. Where does the rain come from?
2. Completati spatiile libere cu propozitii: From seas and oceans, from lakes and rivers the sun
a. I was asked . draws up water into the air. This water forms clouds which
b. He was informed . we can sec in the sky.
c. The driver. . And these clouds fall as rain, or snow, or hail.
d. The book . And so, you see, water is in constant motion.
e. They were invited '" . The sun draws it up into the air. The rain falls down
f. She was shown. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ! to the earth. And the rivers carry the water hack to the sea.


142 143
~ ~
Vocabulary ~erci~ii

water ['wo:taJ =apa ). Traduceti in limba romana textul de mai sus.

useful ['ju:sfaIJ =folositor " AldHuiti propozitii cu urmatoarele cuvinte: . {j

wonderful ['wAndafalJ = minunat .... Snow, hail, rain, water, hill, earth, come from, motion,
thing [8r1)J =lucru salty.
brook [brukJ =parau 3. Traduceti in limba engleza urmatoarele propozitii:
river ['rrvaJ =rau a. Apa marii este sarata.
~ ~
lake [lerkJ lac b. De unde vine ploaia?

sea [si:J = mare c. Apa formeaza norii pe care ii vedem pe cer.

ocean ['aulanJ = ocean d. Apa reprezinta unul din lucrurile cele" mai
minunate. '~J. :i!!l,' :A~.ti lLLlk
fresh [freB = dulce (aici) p'ZDMpo.-t

salty ['so:ltiJ =sarat

rain [rem] = pJoaie
t e. Fluviile se varsa in mare." ; Alpl'! dl n: T/!: fj,,) 1
:;,p' iI 1~

t} ~?l i 11 d ,1,
ground [graundJ =pamant
rock [rokJ =piatra ,., f~! ~

hill [hrlJ =deal

~' .)

lOll r;
spring [sprrl)J =izvor t
, ' : tm H ~IJi'~;' .0V"
r;; l wd '\
stream [stri:mJ =curs de apa

,:J'YlHI:r ')t~f bi. "~llml ~ Vl"JV

air [eaJ =aer rfl'" ")~lflr""; '.):>'1' '..,r') lj"
!l(JI "J' ,., ,; J 'j
snow [snauJ zapada
'. ' .~ . ' .,

_' '_.~ 1...

.~ OJ )fLU ~)[iJ .tid. j!l;ol

c" '," .

! . .l.l1ld
hail [herlJ = lapovita '";.l!n..iiil 01 bXIOl! I Alli,;
motion ['maulanJ =mi~care :";,' to iJOV"i )In'\ ~fn b!l;~ ~l/J ,j

;d i':.'~ ;,; , .\! I ,w,,,,.11(1 Ii '(t'l'

'}f,' .nrl!id'{ W .ijl I
~ !; II i! T"
,~II ':t; I 'fnu::;;~ ',' '~n ;IJHiIJ ; \1 _ . <-,I I ,')mii
"!Joy qbn
~L 'Jf!i I;)! ,,!I,~ '.d. ',rl'{slJ!"
"m; o~ Ill. ,:lid 'J1lI;1 :;.rI1
~ f)! '..', \ I! :!(,!t; tv;" 'ni' ,: 'jr!T
,oJ 'I ~<;rf ~ t J; '# !)i" Noll;"

IIil ~


broken. I could not fly. away ~ith th~ ot?,er birds. So I am
The cold days of winter . 11 alone. May I stay WIth you till spnng?
had come, but the little bird a "I am sorrv"for 'yOl!, DOor Little Bird," said the
t"'ti ()V<l j~ ~ C>cf,.1l~l
could not go with the other willoW. "But I must rest in the winter. I can't help you.
birds to the warm south. His Maybe some other tree can do so."
wing was broken. And now At that moment the little bird heard a voice, "Come
(0 me, Little Bird. You may stay with me all winter. Here
he was alone in the cold
world of frost and snow. is the branch where my leaves are thickest."
"The forest looks It was the fir-tree. A pine-tree stood near. It heard
warm," thought the little bird. the bird's story too. So the pine-tree said, "I shall help you
"I shall ask one of the trees if to keep warm when the North wind comes, poor Little
I can live in its branches till Bird:"
spring." So the little bird Soon the North wind came to the forest. The North
hoped along,till it came to a wind began to blow. Soon the birch-tree, the oak and the
beautiful birch-tree. d~~~j 5P~ willow stood bare. All their leaves were on the ground.
But the North wind did not blow the leaves off the fir and
"Beautiful Birch-tree", said the little bird, "my Wing
is broken. May I live in your branches?" the pine-trees. They were kind to the little bird. And since
that time all the pine and fir-trees are evergreen. They
"No, no, Little Bird, I am sorry for you, but I am not
very strong," said the birch-tree. keep their green leaves all winter.

"Well, the oak-tree is bigger and stronger," thought
the little bird. "I shall ask the oak to help me." And the
little bird hoped to the oak."
"Big Oak," said the little bird, "you are so strong.
My wing is broken. I could not flyaway with my friends.
May [live in your branches till spring time?"
'" tree [tri:] = capac
evergreen ['evagri:n] =ve~nic verde, peren
"Till spring time?" said the oak. "That is a long cold [kauld] =rece
time. r have to think of my acorns. I am sorry, but I can't winter ['wmta] = iarna
help you." va ",'~' ~ bird [b3:d] = pasare
"Maybe the willow will be kinder to me", thought warm [w::>:m] =cald
'Ii the little bird. "I shall go and ask her."
The little bird hoped along till he came to the
wing [WIr)] = aripa
broken ['braukan] = flIpt
willow. "Kind Willow," said the little bird, "My wing is alone [a'iaun] = singur
world [w3:ld] =luroe
\ 147
frost [frost] =inghe!
snow [snau] =zapada 'i L
forest ['forast] = padure I. Traducet i tn scris textul lectiei ~i tnvatat i cuvintele
think [SUlk], thought [So:t]. thought [So:t] = a crede, a gandi
branch [bra:ntl] = ramura 7 Traduceti tn limba engleza:
hope [haup] =a spera, a nadajdui ~. a. Brad~l ~i pinul sunt tntotdeauna verzi.
birch-tree [b3:trtri:] = mesteacan b. Pasarea avea 0 aripa rupta.
strong [strol)] =puternic c. Bradul ~i pinul au fost buni cu pasarea.
oak [auk] = stejar ":. d. Mesteadinul, stejarul ~i salcia nu au ajutat pasarea.
flyaway [flal a'wel] = a zbura 1",11 e. De ~ceea, dind a batut vantul puternic, frunzele le-
spring [sPrIl)] =primavara I' au cazut. ' 'jflJ ' PI
acorn ['elko:n] =ghinda l'~ '.'f11
willow ['wllau] =salcie _, ;.I,
rest [rest] = a (se) odihni
hear [hla], heard [h3:d], heard [h3:d] =a auzi
leaf, pI. leaves [Ii:f li:vz] =frunza
thick [Slk] =des ';"'; ",Of;;

fir-tree [f3: tri:] =brad ~ ""iE rr :tb

pine-tree [pam tri:] =pin m ),' l~ ",t ",I"

stand [strend], stood [stud], stood [stud] = a sta , LnA lJ;.'J:>-:Jiq

to keep warm [tu: ki:p wo:m] =a (se) incalzi (aici) ,liJ

blow [blau] =a bate (vantuI) AC" : ,'{

bare [bea] =gol, despadurit

ground [graund] =pamant ~ nt
;) iN
kind [kamd] = bun ,y

t I


148 149

- ~
THE BOOK -~ 'ivocabulary
c ':l
We a11 have books. We use books in the classroom book [buk] = carte
and at home. Let us speak about books.
cover ['kAva] = coperta
Every book has a Cover. The cover can be hard Or it hard [ho:d] =tare
can be a paper Cover. It is often of bright colour. It can
paper ['peIpa] =hartie .\~

have a picture on it. The title of the book and the author's
often ['otan] = adesea
name are in large letters on it. '-,
bright [braIt] =deschis (culoare) !d
When we begin to read, we open the cover and turn picture ['pIktfa] = poza, fotografie
over the leaves. The two sides of the leaf are ca11ed pages.
There are many pages in the book. letter ['leta] = litera
leaves [Ii:vz] =foi ,"
The number on the last page of the book tells us how ion
many pages the book has. leaf [Ii:f) = foaie j\llOl?
page [peId3] = pagina H

The first page is the title-page. The title of the book

title ['taItI] =titlu Ii
is also there, only in letters not so large as on the cover.
That's why this page is ca11ed the title-page. try [traI] =a Incerca '. ':.ll' td
to please [tu: pli:z] =a mult umi ): 5V j;
There are many books with no pictures at a11, but og
children always have a lot of pictures to see. ' take care [teIk kea] = a avea grija
lick [Ilk] =a linge ."j .. ' .'i 1<',
Many people work to make a book. They all try to
please us. And they are ~la~ if you like the book that they finger ['fIl')ga] =deget
made for us. l0 to make dog's ear [tu: meIk dogs Ia] =a Indoi paginile
A good book is a good friend. treasure ['tre3a] =a pret ui
1\-, ,1~1
Read books over and over again. ,')' J:>iC;
People who like to read books, always take care of
them. They never lick their fingers to turn the pages and
E x e r c i t i i ' A:)(/u ,rbl 'N
_, ~';Jd '
never make dog's ears.
We must take care of books and treasure them. I. Traduceti In scris tex~ul lectiei ~i invatati cuvintele.
2. Traducet~ In !imba en~~:za: ~ . . ~ ',~"d8')(N
lot - t'7()l~ fa. JO.;I' a. TrebUle sa avem gflJa de cartl ~l sa Ie pretUlm . .
b. Cartile bune sunt prieteni buni. ,
c. Coperta acestei dirt i este ro~ie. . 1) ~; 1Y~)"(1 rlJ ,I

d. Oamenilor Ie place sa citeasdi carti. ~?> 'II"

e. 0 carte are multe pagini. . <}L OJ:.'
. (b'l$n.'irm'j bn- ",Wf

Look! This is a watch. The watch has a face. On the ;f

face we see numbers, from one to twelve. The face of the
watch is white, the numbers are black. .1/;)

This watch has three hands. The long hand marks

rl {,d}
the minutes; it is the minute-hand. The short hand marks "
the hour; it is the hour-hand. Some watches have a third
hand which marks the seconds; it is the second hand. The
hands move. {t
The second hand moves quickly, we can see it. The
minute-hand moves slower, and the hour-hand moves ~loi f .~l
slowest of all. :;11 .JI 'f)'f.- ")lr;ll;

An hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 ~j(L.. :)lil

seconds. In half an hour there are 30 minutes. ! ,! " ~nr' f d Ii tl-;~~ /l

If we put the watch to our ear, we hear ticking: the Exercitii

nl; ,
.~ ,+,
watch is going. In the evening we wind the watch up. If
you do not wind it up, it stops. Sometimes the watch is not I. Traducetiin scris textul lectiei ~i invatat i cuvintele.
right. Then we say that it is wrong. It is too fast or too 2. Traduceti in limba engleza: " dU;'-
slow. We must take it to the watchmaker. a. Ceasul meu de mana este din aur. ; " l . '
We have not only watches, we also have clocks. A b. 0 ora are 60 minute, iar un minut are 60 secunde:Il
clock stands on the table or hangs on the wall, like the one c. Daell punem ceasul la ureche, it putem auzi cum
in the picture. ticaie. \~,,> f;'lj~ll ." ...W l "
Watches and clocks are made of gold, sil~fjlf~steel. d. Ceasul este agatat pe perete.
They may be very big or quite small. e. Ceasul de mana este destul de mic, iar cel deperete
! . este foarte mare./( j;.!!N j,). ,I" ,t> j' L ; ::
:. r~JitrJf fUJI::;! ~hJt ., '; J'\ ...
'';:iI ldq j 'a
,"F . :1; Iii rlJ)!1tJLt
I IIUt,m'tUOV [fl)! nO'-,
I:'i,i~~ m~j{fj G? :)[wi::>',T
,,;\;SW; 1/, Ii
!l.;~C" ',UC" [mlrl f rmQ
il l
Vocabulary,'i :'1 .r ;, . ; fliL :"b r,
','!,} : O . i t ill! qw.". H:~J (lion
., 'J,~,iI'1 Irwi' ',Jnwi ~h!l{D .d '/'::)
,fJU{ lj)~d
watch [wotIJ =ceas de mana <~Jt.: 611::1'10 ') .'J
clock [klok} =ceasde masa.'deperete ,flolirnrn;:;O L U;"lll
f ;-,: <!'? ': j: ~.J ~rp' 1.' ,'n:.p " n~dW
face [fars} = fafa ',ilI ';'6 ; j ! ; ) 0 J
minute hand ['mrnrt hCBnd} = minutar

152 153
HOW TO LAYTHETABLE'l e) Don't make faces to show that you don't like
Before dinner Ann always lays the table. This is how . ripon't play with your knife and spoon.
she does it.
Don't forget to say "please" when you ask
First she takes a large cloth out of the cupboard and somebody to pass you something.
puts it on the table. After that she goes to the kitchen and Don't forget to say "Thank you" when somebody
brings the plates into the dinning-room. How many people passes you something.
'YNI f3!t ~~~e,f? There will be four people. She brings four HI t"k:t'1iYl'l-rtl

soup plates and four large plates. She brings four spoons,
four forks and four knives. We eat soup with a spoon. We vocabulary
eat fish and potatoes with a fork. Therefore she puts a
knife, a fork and a spoon near each plate. She puts the to lay the table [tu: leI Oa 'telbal] =a pune masa
plate between the knife and the fork. cloth [kloS] =fata de masa
Is the table ready yet? No, not yet. Ann goes to the cupboard ['kAbad] =dulap
kitchen to bring the bread, the butter and the salt. Then she kitchen ['klt[an] = budHirie
brings cups and saucers and puts them on the table, too. plate [plelt] =farfurie
After dinner all will drink tea. Now the table is ready. dinning-room [damn) ru:m] =sufragerie
The sugar is in a sugar-basin. When we want to put soup plate [su:p plelt] = farfurie pentro supa / farfurie
sugar in our tea we take out some sugar with a small -if adanca
spoon. We use the cups on the saucers and the tea-spoons large plate [la:d3 pled] = farfurie tntinsa
near the cups.
spoon [spu:n] = lingura
TABLE MANNERS fork [fo:k] =furculita
knife, knives [naIf nalvz] = cutit, e
',,!) k';c') 1 tea-spoon ['ti:spu:n] = lingurita
oj Don't talk with your mouth fuJI. /) ,,)
bread [bred] =paine
Don't use a spoon for what you can eat with a fork. salt [so:lt] =sare
Don't put the knife into your mouth.
I butter ['bAta] =unt
Don't blow your nose during meal.
cup [kAp] =cea~ca
t) Don't eat soup with noise, so that everybody can sugar-basin [luga 'beIsan] =zaharnita
I hear you.
saucer ['so:sa] =farfurioara
When you don't want anymore, say "No, thank blow nose [blau nauz] = a sutla nasul \)
you." ~ v{,i do1\ J'h..:,.' ~
, noise [nolz] =zgomot
, =
pass [po:s] ada (aici)
to make faces [tu: meIk feIsIz] =a face mutre, a se stramba WHAT IS MORE USEFUL?
Once a tram, a trolley-bus, a car and a bicycle met at
, E~
a crossing. As they were waiting for the green light, they
began to talk.
I. Traduceti In scris textul lectiei ~i invatati cuvintele. The car said to the bicycle, "Why do people use
2. Traduceti in limba engleza: you? You are so slow! When you don't move you cannot
a. Nu vorbiti cu gura plina in timpul mesei. stand - you fall on your side. I have four wheels and I
b. Nu mancati supa cu zgomot sa va auda toata move very quickly and I can carry not one man, but five. 1
am more useful than you."
c. Farfuriile de supa ~i cele intinse sunt pe masa. "It depends upon when and where", said the little
d. Nu va jucati cu Jingura ~i cutitul in timp ce
mancati. bicycle.
Then the tram began to speak.
e. Nu va strambati daci1 nu va place mancarea. "I'm more useful than you," it said to the car. "You
can carry five people and I can carry more than one
hundred. I am more useful than you."
"It depends upon when and where," said the bicycle
": !'~j
Then the trolley-bus spoke. oH",01(,; ."i.; : OJ

"I think I'm more useful," said the trolley-bus to the

-:~i};,::::; it tram. "You make so much noise! r m better than you:'
iIIJ:.>1ut.: Li.'.~ "It depends upon when and where," said the bicycle
iil for the third time.
:lU:""", ')00 At that moment they saw a green light. They began
to move. They wanted to see which of them was the
quickest. Soon the bicycle fell behind. The other three
moved on, but as the tram and the trolley-bus had to stop,
f they fell behind the car too.
Then suddenly the tram went off the rails and had to
stop. w'
And the trolley-bus said to the tram, "I think you
will stay here a long time. I don't need any rails. Good-

156 157
bye!" And it ran on. But soon it c81lle to its last stop and oise [no rz] = zgomot, gaHigie
had to go back. 11 ~
rail [reIl] = ~ma
At that time the car was moving very quickly. It rul1, ran, run [rl\n rcen rfln] =a alerga, a fugi
came to a place where there was a bridge across a river. bridge [brrd 3] =pod
But some men were repairing the hridge and the car had to river ['rrva] =rau
look for a place to cross the river. When it came to a =
village [' vIlrd 3] sat
village on the other side of the river, it saw the bicYcle remember [rr'memba] = a-~i aduce aminte, a-~i aminti
to be right [tu: bi: rart] = a avea dreptate I'
"How did you cross the river?" asked the car.
"The men who were repairing the bridge left a little
place for me to cross the river. And so here J am. Do you kYN ~> !:I , r!J f! I
remember what J said? 'It depends upon when and where.'
You see now that J was right. All of us are useful in our
I. Traduceti In scris textul lectiei ~i Invatati cuvintele.
2. Traduceti In Iimba engleza:
Vocabulary a. Ma~ina este mai rapida dedit troleibuzul.
b. Bicicleta a avut loe ~i pe a parte din pod.
useful ['ju:sfal] = folositor c. Ma~ina, tramvaiul, troleibuzul ~i bicicleta s-alil
~ ~.

tram [trcem] =tramvai ,; ::n ')!~ Intalnit la intersectie.

trolley-bus ['troli bl\s] =troleibuz 1 Afll; d. Podul de peste un rau era In reparatii. x
car [ka:] = ma~ina e. Toate sunt folositoare la nevoie.
bicycle ['barsrkal] bicicleUi
crossing ['krosrl)] interseqie
green light [gri:n lart] =culoarea verde la semafor
slow [slau] ilncet
to fall on one's side [tu: fo:1 on wl\nz sard] =a cadea Intr-o
wheel [wi:l] roata
quickly ['kwrkli] repede
when [wen] cand
where [weal = unde "

carry ['kceri] a transporta

158 159

For the next seven days the moon becomes smaller
and smaller again till we do not see it at all. So the moon
The sun looks like a big bright ball. It shines on OUr moves round the earth in twenty-eight days. A month in
world and helps us to see everything around us. The Sun is which there are only twenty-eight days is called a lunar
like a lamp that gives us light, but it is also like a fire that
gives us warmth. month.
The month is smaller than the stars, but it is nearer,
In the morning the sun is in the east. At first it is low sO it looks bigger. The moon has no light of its own. It
in the sky and then it rises higher and higher. shines only when the light of the sun falls on it.
At noon the sun is in the south.
In the evening it is in the west.
The sun shines all the time, but it can shine only on
one side of the earth. When the sun shines on one side ot
the earth, it is day there. When it shines on the other side
sun [SAn] = soare
of the earth, it is night where you are. At night we do not
bright [bralt] = luminos
see the sun; but in the morning it rises again and lights us
ball [b::>:I] = minge
and warms us.
shine [fam] = a straluci
The earth turns round the sun in twelve months, or
light [Ialt] = lumina
three hundred and sixty-five days. Three hundred and
fire [fala] = foe
sixty-five days makes a year, and three hundred and sixty-
warmth [w::>:m8] = dildura
six days makes a leap year. i~, U...1 ilU :"1<'.:;>(1 ~II) w!)o'1
II east [i:st] = est
The moon is like a balliCO. like the sUn and the
,~,I earth. The sun does not shine at night, and then we have
the moon. But on some nights we do not see the moon at
west [west] = vest
south [sau8] = sud
north [n::>:8] = nord
all. When it first shows itself, it is like a fine sickle. This
at noon [ov nu:n] = la amiaza
sickle becomes larger and larger every evening till it is in
,11.. 1

the form of a bow. Then the moon is seven days or a week at night [ov nalt] = noaptea
old. turn round [t3:n raund] = a (se) roti, a (se) Invarti
moon [mu:n] = luna
I .I
I The next seven days it becomes larger and larger till
round [raund] = rotund
it is round. Then we say it is the full moon, and it is
fOUlteen days old. bow [bau] = arc
star [sta:] =stea
The next seven days it becomes smaller and smaller
till it takes the form of a bow again. It is then three weeks fall [hi] = a didea

, fEA
1. Traduceti I'n scris textul lectiei ~i invutati cuvintele. Tea is the leaf of a plant. which grows in China,
2. Traduceti I'n limba englezu: Japan. India and some other warm countries. We call it the
a. Soarele ne lumineaza ~i ne da caldura. tea plant. The leaves of the tea plant are small and of a
b. Soarele rasare la est, la amiaza este la sud, iar seara dark green colour.
este la vest. When the plants are t~~t.1~~s old. the leaves are
c. Pamantul se rote~te In jurul soarelui In gathered. They are gathered twice a year. in spring and in
douasprezece luni. autumn. After that people have to do much work before
d. Cand soarele nu straluce~te noaptea, vedem luna. the tea is ready for use. They cut the tea leaves and dry
e. Luna este mai mica decat stelele. dar fiind mai them.
aproape, pare mai mare. Every morning we like to begin our day with a cup
of tea. We drink tea every day. But only three hundred

years ago people in Europe did not know anything abollt
There is a story of an English sailor who brought
home some tea leaves as a present for his mother.
She told her friends about the present and asked
them for dinner to try "tea". When her friends came, the
old woman brought in a dish and put it on the table. There
were brown leaves of tea on it. The0g~~sts began to eat
these leaves. but, of course. nobody liked them. At that
moment the sailor came in. He looked at the table, smiled
and said:
"Mother, what have you done with those tea
"I have boiled them as you told me to do:'
"And where is the water'?"
"I threw it away. of course". answer the poor
"Now you may throw the leaves away too." said her

Maybe this story is only a joke, but is shows that tsent [prezant) =cadon ""1". , ~...: .3Jt'!
people in England at that time knew very little about te dish [dij] = vesela, farfurii
and liked to tell jokes about it. a brown [braun] = maron
table ['telbal] = masa
The Chinese were the first people in the world who smile [small] = a zambi
began to grow tea. We know that more than two thousanu boil [b::nl] =a fierbe , ':)lf~

years ago Chinese people knew and liked tea. Nobody throwaway [8rau a'weI] = a arunca
knows when and how they learnt to grow tea plants. There joke [d3auk] = gluma jf \

is only an old legend about it. Here it is: world [w3:ld] = lume
Once a man promised to the gods not to sleep for learn, learnt, learnt [13:n 13:nt 13:nt] = a invat a
nine years. At the end of three years he fell asleep. When god [god] = zeu
he woke up he was so angry that he cut off his eye-lids sleep [sli:p] = a dormi
and threw them on the ground.
angry ['ce!')gri] = furios
A beautiful plant grew out of his eye-lids and he did eyelid ['allld] = pleoapa
not sleep for two more years. Then again he wanted to
strong [stro!')] = puternic
sleep very much. He ate some leaves from the plant and, enough [I'nAt] = suficient, destul de
was strong enough not to sleep.
drink [drI!')k] =bautura
This is only a legend, of course. We shall never 11"
know the name of the first man who grew a tea plant. This 1;
plant made a drink which most of the people in the world
like so much. Exercitii r

I. Traduceti in scris textulleqiei ~i invatati cuvintele.

Vocabulary 2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
a. Beau a cea~ca cu ceai in fiecare dimineat a .
tea [ti:] =ceai b. Chinezii au fast primul papal" din lume care au
leaf, leaves [Ii:f li:vz] = frunza, e crescut plante de ceai.
grow, grew, grown [grau gru: graun] = a cre~te c. Femeia a fiert frunzele de ceai ~i a aruncat apa.
dark green [da:k gri:n] = verde inchis d. Multa lume in lume bea ceai.
gather ['gceda] = a aduna, a culege (aici) ',',... e. Ceaiul este [runza unei plante care cre~te in China,

cup [kAp] = cea~ca , Japonia sau India.
story ['st:ni] =poveste 1
sailor ['sella] = marinar

164 165

Liste suplimentare Anotlmpurile

The seasons
.&1 3aiSon l
Zilele siptiminil ~ jiD~ de th.
The days of the week ~Vt-L spring [sPrIl)] primavara UY\ pun iefr1p1
summer ['SAma] vara U)'\ e'ie'
[Oa delz ov Oa wi:k]
autumn [~:tam] toamna lA.Y\ CLU t oYhYl e

winter ['wmta] lama U-l At" vat

Monday ['mAndel] luni ee ~
Tuesday ['tju:zdel] mart i
Wednesday ['wenzdel] miercuri {YVJ1 uudt
Thursday ['83:zdel] .1 01 ci tu.di Exprimarea timpulul
Friday ['fraldel] vl1len v~o/Judt:
The time
Saturday ['scetadel] sambata J (:t V'VLt oLi
loa taIm]
\0u)'Y1o..Y1C Ie c
Sunday ['sAndel] duminica

1:00 It is one o'clock. [It IZ WAn a klok]

Lunile anului ~ yYUJi8 de 1:05 It is five past one. [It IZ faIV pa:st WAn]
The months of the year e?({i{'.
1:10 It is ten past one. [It IZ ten pa:st WAn]
[Oa mAn8s ov Oa j3:] I: 15 It is (a) quarter past one. [It IZ a 'kw~:ta pa:st WAn]
1:20 It is twenty past one. [It IZ 'twenti pa:st WAn]
. .
January ['d3cenjuari] lanuane Ii ~1 vt"Ul 1:25 It is twenty-five past one. [It IZ 'twenti faIv pa:st WAn]
February ['februari] februarie -;f.ivu'm 1:30 It is half past one. [It IZ ha:f pa:st WAn]
March [ma:tJ) martie Y'Yt<V~ 1:35 It is twenty-five to two. [It IZ 'twenti faIV pa:st tu: tu:]
April ['elpral] aprilie M''U"f, 1:40 It is twenty to two. [It IZ 'twenti tu: tu:]
May [mel] mal rYJ..a..L' 1:45 it is (a) quarter to two. [It IZ a 'kw~:ta tu: tu:]
June [d3u:n] IUllle j'k2Yl 1:50 It is ten to two. [It IZ ten tu: tu:]
July [d3u'lal] iulie J vtt>Utt 1:55 It is five to two. [It IZ faIV tu: tu:]
August [~:'gASt] august acct t 2:00 It is two 0' clock. [It IZ tu: a klok]
September [sep'temba] scptembrie 5 e.p t U'Y7~.;u
October [ok'tauba] octombrie O( to frll
November [nau'vemba] noiembrie h.k:> v U'h ..eru
December [dl'semba] decembrie ell ~-&'7..L
194 195
Corpul omenesc liver ['lIva] = ficat C.e foi e .,j

The human body kidney ['kldni] = rinichi ee "(.t.{,h

loa 'hju:man 'bodi] stomach ['stl\mak] = stomac ~ , ~ fuf?1.Qc y

waist [weIst] = tal ie WI l (tJ' if!.t

~ -tete arm [a:m] = brat a ~3~~

head [hed] = cap
forearm ['fo:ra:m] = Wo..hit~
nape [nelp] = ceata ea JU... ctue-
elbow ['elbau]leftoitJ =
cot &. UJ(..u:k [l<lLdJ
hair [heal = par &. ~e vu{
~ I wnt
hand [hcend] = mana eO. t11.ain
forehead ['fo:hed] = frunte
= ee. cLoi~t [JwaJ
eyes [alz] = ochi I.NVl Dei e finger ['fIl)ga]
thumb [8I\m] =
degetul mare de la mana
eyelid ['allld] = pleoapa tkx f CU--<.pi 'h.i:
geana if! cit nail [nell] = unghie v.-n Dha &
eyelash ['allceJ) = = ea.
eyebrow ['albrau] = spnlnceana ?e j(X.)./tCit
~oapsa f!a c..ui5u
ureche c<4'1t ~,oudLR
thigh [Sal]
ear [Ia] = j

shank [cel)k] = gamba ta jcvJlYl 6e.

cheek [t(i:k] = o b r a z W J'OUl
knee [ni:] = genunchi ee... ~_
nose [nauz] ;'/1 ou..~] = nas b J11/l-
teA lJouUvz ankle ['cel)kal] = glezna f..Ll ~L f...&
mouth [mauS] = gura
~. d..r!.hi heel [hi:I) = ci1lcai fe tofuh..
teeth [ti:S] = dint i
.sole [saul] I80ldJ = 'h; talpa ea pfun te d.t.... p/ul
foot [fut] = picior. laba piciorului
toes [tauz)liOA"l] = degetele de la picioare
feet [fi:t] = picioare
bone [baun] [bOM] = os og [~SJ
leg [leg] = picior ee Pled ,fuJOl/nBe
en &U1fjt<.e
gland [glcend] = glanda &. ~ tand
tongue [tAl)] = limba
= mu~chi 6 rn-owc.& lfnjtdd]
lip [lIp] = buza eo 1 vze muscle ['mAsal]
skin [skm] = piele tt CM-t"r, f.p pt04
chin [tim] = barbie .ee. ynUl-tCfl
& wu l.eo. ~~e artery ['a:tari] = artera vU'Lt. OJct. 'tR..
neck [nek] = gat
vein [vem) = vena
= spate. spinare &. des
back [bcek]
~ e"paa&
breathing ['bri:oll)] = respiratie eo
shoulder [laulda] = umar
f.fJ. r..8 t/ I ~ #hnt ache [elk] = durcre en d..ou &u1r-
rib [rIb] = coasta
piept. torace eo. pOL tune., {i{hol'.l health [helS] + = sanatate eo JCVlie""
chest [tIest] = hlood [blAd] -+ = sange &. da.f?:J t S0.J11
breast [brest] = piept. san ~ aY'1-t M' (l.
belly ['beli] = burta, abdomen ~ veni 'Zt ~!/ t Pi'; j lJ - POlL(.
heart [ho:t] = inima -ee weuX. fa jUJ1e& - t~pD.
lung [IAI)] = pIaman ~ p0C-tV'h.en

196 (}..(\ oJy 01.0 h'\.u) 197

It- 0 I'Z (). \( 8]
~ Biuturl 'f'
Menu Drinks
['menju:] . [drrl')ks]
water = api! ea.u
hors d'oeuvre = antreu, aperitiv veJ!> ir'~-& ['wo:ta] 11 "li

[0: 'd3:vl tca = ceai t" ti V(

eggs = oua oU<..{ 3 [ti:]
legs] coffee = cafea & w-l/'
fried potatoes = cartofi prajiti 4'1A.-to, ['kofi]
[frard pa'terta~ --t heel' = here {;-Cefl t.>Ihsms]
chips = cartofi pai [bra] ~~:A ':J~.r(A
[trrp] wine = Yin fOJ VLi1. lrl.i>ja~;:J:D'j
mashed potatoes = cartofi piure pu u'e [warn] .If,

[mrejt~pa'tertau] champagne
, = ~ampame cftQfllP~~
soupo ~ = supa J Okfj.f [frem'pernlil! F' .~

[su:p] cocktail ':;1k = cocktail UJ8hQ.L

steak = fripturil ~t( ['kokterl]
[sterk] + hrandy = comac ,f!.O
salad = salata 5olaof.e ['brrendi] -?-1
['srelad] liqueur = lichior fA.'~wr
meatballs = chiftele &ok fett-e. [Ir'kjua] :"
['mi:tbo:l] iJ
ham = ~ uncil dQAIl1 .fft,rJ >' rt;~:.~; irS
[hrem] 'i

bread = paine JOw:n

cake = ,d(
prajitura ~-t-a4 fHP '1
pudding = t .. - ..
~ hudinca
I ,& ';'11 i
['pudrl')] vvto\ JCA t ',,, ", \
Ice-cream =, Inghetatil g-tace
[ars kri:m] ~,

honey = Imere (Yvt' -e. --,

['hAni] U'

h\ ea -{ [Y11 i d} - C-oJU'u, fYlA-lHPI.1 Vi(~cLe

198 199

Tabel cu verbele neregulate hetake hctook hetaken ~ vr. - a recurge (la): a se dccu'Lit
indrepta (spre)
hethink hethought hethought vr. -a se gandi. a i I

-/( Infinitiv Trecut Traducere re1lcrta. a chihzui 'U J cAc'lee

&1)(( i'1 41\ ~ hid hade: hide hidden: bid vI. - ~9.frLi (un pre!): a o.#'ti't-
Infinitive Past tense porunei. a spune
~O_et{m vi. - a licita .. I __
abode abode vt - a a~tepla vI. -- a a~lepla ,,1- t t en WI.(
,edt V1t1~de vi - <Isla: a locui
vl.- a li:ga. a lipi: a &:ot-
arY'ct't.Qtire arisen a -1( r.u...i... vi - aaparea: a se na~tc
anse arose intiiri' a ohlioa-!-
/ awake awoke awaked:-- Vl., vi. - a (se) trezi g., vr. - ~ se ob~ga +
U vete1.e.'[ awoke hite hit hitten: bit vI. - a ll1u~ca. ~:ffl-MI
backbite backbit backbit< len) vl. - a barfi. a defaima laia. it-fffili-: ~a ,'Y\L)tdu
backslide backslid backslid A vi. - a gre~i din nou: reI. hleed hied hied vI. - a lua sange (cuiva);
e. - a-~i pierde harul -tt-:fee Iftftfl i ~ 0-<' ~ hm
eU been vi. - ali.. a ex isla: a se
t(f) be was/wfre vi. a sangera. a-sttfcfl
intiimpla: a costa hlend hlended .A I hlended A I vI.. vi. - a-(se) il11hifl8, a
(.)o1tm II!
to bear bore borne: born vt. - a cara, a [lurta: a (sc) amesleca jIh. t' La;,;y.n
produce , 0. y'l0-ft e hless hlest blest vI.. vi. - a hinecuvanla. a
io beat beat beaten vl. -~: a_lovi: a ferici: a sl1tt~-~'l:
J..."7-<J-ppe t pedepsi: a invinge; a hiow hlew hlown vI. - ':l~~flCl' a canta (\a
izgoni lrompeta elc.). alluicra,
{O become became become vl. -a deveni a anunta: aitflllla :5 ()(d4 We
vi - a ~edea, a-i veni \ vi.- a sulla. a riisulla
~WL'?: ) cad'l:-V'7
(bine, rau) hreak hroke hroken vt. - <~ sparge:a rupe: a f.flA.'J.ell
befall befell befallen I vl. - a se potrivi pentru Istriea. a crapa;--a-friinge:
beget begot begotten vl. - a zamisli, ada a suputTC:crhatc (un
(VQ1 t"U. na~re la; a crea record)
GO vYl/'l eA:l ct
begtn began begun vt.. vi. -~ inc~ a porni hreed hred vI. - a na~tc.<!(H!,e W. ve;z
hred "
vl. -"ft1'I'Wt Cl.l01.<', 19\ ~<"iaJ [b '(.J~ -{'J vi. - a se inmulti ~1 cii!
voC1.. behold beheld beheld
vl. - a indoi
fc:t'JvO O
pRJ CJt bend bent bent bring iirought hroughl vI. - ails1ur,;e: a produce: OfJpo'Lttx
-zo.Vl"t, bereave bereaved: bereaved: vt. - a rapi a deterlmna -U>1f11eN3l.'
bereft bereft hroadcast hroadeast hroadcast (cd) vI.. vi. a emite ef'>1ettu
;,"p~ beseech besoughl besought vl. - a implora (cd)
em ~12~1 beset beset besel vl. - a asedia hrowheat hrowheal hrowheaten vI. - a Icroriza -{e'Vl.ou!Jvr.
UteAt'l bespeak bespoke hcspoke(n) vl. - a angaja, a rejine huild huilt huilt vl.- a construi: a tauri
p'l.d-<-VV1 J OIt/.lUTl (dinainle): a dovedi vi. - a c1iidi 6a h'[
1 bestride , bestrode bestride(den) vl. - a incaleca: a sta hum burnt hurnt Vl.-aarde.~a e~&
f"\.OIll ~ 't 0. cAw c.c dilare pe burned burned di"lnlgc
PoSUl,'l bet bet: belted bet: belted vl., vi. - a paria vi. - a arde. ~

210 211
-fOZ [{)'1 I;'-..J.~

~01 - yJUir-;V ILij<- 'Uk ~jl.<J1.<

e~ fatiJL burst burst I burst vt. - a sparge; a arunca draw drew drawn
in aer vt. - 'L!f..ill!e: a scoate: a it)..tJr.,
vi. -- a izhucni; a desena CtVl.~ I eU..lJYA-l1Z..
dream dreamed
![h J:tJ
exploda: a crapa
vI. - a cumpara; !l-flti.t.t:ti;
drink drank
vt. - a visa; II ~i iflel,ipoi uvoz-
vI. - a hea: ~d eVOt."?R
-~ ~
drive drove driven
cast cast vI. - a mana (caii): a f'I'"\,lNJC.
vl.- ~U!QJ!lC!: a turna. a
mula ~onduce; a Impinge:T c.o~'I.t
deleln,ili,l pol-d~.vz.
I, d:~IItt17: catch caught caught vI. - El?rln.lte (din
a conduce un vchicul
on.'7.~tUL urma): a opri; a se opri: dwell dwelt
a ~ molipsiOOi-.a
dwelt vi. - a locui: d ralflli:liC 12 to9VZ
tn\t.4egc . cat
iRt;ilil8 (8f<t:ll'ld) Iw-htu-
ate eaten
rtJcu J l vi.- a se fixa; a se apuca fall fell fallen
v~ .. vi. - a manca
VI. - a cadea: a scadea: a--
,~J.e'L chide chid chidden; chid vt. - a_9cari: a n}~stra
-t '"1.A. <fl cho<~se chose chosen vt. - tHltllaFI: ~I~e; a 'ie I*tib~ n-"e ~nilalfla. tOPlf:.e;z
(Mdt Z dori a ~t' ifflf'i'iqi. ~tttt. ~
fe.tvbu cleave clove clove vt. - a d~spica: a separa !-R'ItIfi-
feed fed fed
cleft cleft vi. a se desface vI. - a alimenta. a
coefu.. c1incr aproviziona. a Intretine
. '" clung clung .~'J vi. - a se lipi: ft-Sl: agia!ft
vi. - a m,lnca.jtseJ!!:ani n.Ou't'U<;
v1tl7. clothe clad clad vI. -.'.llmhraca; a se feci felt felt
N>.~"l a.l:-QIlen vI. - a simti. a pipai. a ,
ittTnge:-tt e()fl~iclel tl gRM;b 'l
vU'k'Z come came come vi. - ~ni. tHe apropia. fight fought fought VI.-n-et1mbdte-. a se lupta ~ttUt
c1Lvuu't a deveni. fl lie fitlien. a-!iC
I~ fin<t found found
c,.o(;{m cost cost cost vi. - a costa vI. - ~Rasi. a descoperi. t. 'i-oUV~
COI-0 to.iUl a C()nstal~;: a Rimcfi J..t. /ccu vz;?
t'tQl.n ()L creep crept crept vi. - a5e tarl; a se flee !led fled f-.owu.z vI. - aJ:!!gi din. ft-I.astt fui '1

COL<fVl cut cut cut

scurge Incet
vI. - ,!@a: a iml"flni. a
fling !lung /lung
a iJJC vt"_'ULi.
,1. vI.. vi. - a (se) arunca. aidOl.
(sc) tranti cJ.a'JUVl (b.J, UJt
reduce. a cmi. a cresta: a- /ly flew flown vI. - a ina1ta: ~ ~Vl
vi. - a zh~ra. a se inalla: Vf!)ft.
csa dare dared dared i I vt. - a indrazni;-a--
a fl.IUlu:a; a fugi. -a-m: . ~Z
~c-- u. 8-fitLo.
deal dealt dealt ~ vI. - a face comeq.-a- ~i: !t":~c Inliflt"lc
forbear forhore
<X~1t~ hl'( tA 'UpoJl. -t-.t:Q. 0.. ~e c forhorne vI. - a se ahtine de fa; a d~tlA;!
7.l h 0 i1 CffL renun!a la. ,; evita e'vi {e;z.
dig dug dug vt. - ~~r!pa: a-dezgffi~ forhid forhade:
vr..t.u- ~-Vl a cerCGtata inghionti
forhidden vdilJ~ice. ,M'lpTi ~h-tt,~c1'l.f
vi. - a sapa. a studia forecast forecast forecast pu'vci\ vI. - a pre/ice,~~
fo-iu do did done vI. - ~ face: a savar~i; a forego forewent foregone vI. - a stahili dinainte p ze'cidVl
ClLCOy-.., P&-1; -0 t't J-. pt [)-Cl
foreknow foreknew foreknown vI. - a ~ti dinaintc P"U.'VOI'l
foresee foresaw foreseen vI. - a prevedea f'Ui/toi'[
fOG! 4 3.J - et." j-u f..<;' ,M1 tVl<o'7
4-0l.2 - P"'uf'X .::- [t,.oJ"f,( eU
{)7.,/diu foretell foretold foretold 'II. - a prezice grow grew grown 'It. - a~le. a c!!J.!.b:,a
ok6l!iUt forget forget forgolten/ 'It.. vi. - a uita
O-CC wd..tu.. VI. - a_~: a spori: a
(J iJJlCLo ilJ\Vl forgot (amer.)
~'v.oz sc dezvolla:-a-triii; a
forgive forgave forgiven 'It.. vi. - a ierta <Vc,t'Zvp/en ~

cVvU' Ubi. forsake forsook forsaken 'It. - a parasi hamstring hamstrung hamstrung 'It. - a par~liza (Q.i cJ-.. !oJ..:
a,f;jWWl forswear forswore forsworn 'It. - a nega. a renega hang hung hung 'II. - a atarna pu-,,);u
vi. - a jura stramb have had had 'II. - ~v..a: a pos.eda: a . '
ijLa ()J"C. fre.eze froze frozen 'It. - a i'ngheta
f1nm:Hfesla; It de...edi: a QAI'/.?LZ
CCh'l"c1 J.<.u vi. -- a i'ngheta. ~i
permite: It sYklri, 8 11121: a
J"I.'l.V1.- gamsay gainsaid gainsaid 'II. - a contrazice: a
-ehlinc 11 t:<iI1Sl1lfla
nega: a. H: QpYR@ 18 I I heard 'II. - <!..ill.!Zi: a asculta: a /Cokten
hear I heard
e..&.z Igot Igot I'It. - a capala: ~ alla de iLJ1f~c:Jne
0. LC W ( ,procllra: a invit1a;~
Iheaved ...
'<..L U vt'('Z
{1 P'U'Y"u' ...
~1: a ca!iliga: ~'-U
~e:a euceri;-a
I heave /heaved
hove hove
'It. - a ridica. a ahurca: it
''U. 3-1,()"L
vi. - a sc ridica. -n-ttndtri.
aprinde: It t*lef....a;-a-
a Ii agilat. tl palea
,omori. hewed dl~(j)j3~ 'II. - <.!...iopli. a laia (cu GC.()"C.
J.,eW2- gild Igilded/ gilt I gilded/ gilt I'It. - a polei; fls.-rWL<
hew hewed

securea. sahia), (~P(W - ~dn<
etnm,."j(l)l gird girded/ girl girded/girt 'It. - a incinge In jllrul hide hid
hidden 'II. - a ascunde. a dosi cJJcJu.,"l.
hid vi. - a se ascunde
give gave given 'It. - <!i!a. a acorda, a hit hit hil 'II. - a lovi: tt-:i+gR-i.: a
k,ouJlfl.\'Z transmite: It f;(;a~lt; ft lisa nimcri f'L6-pp-m
O-DhIWI (mo~tenire); It eferi, a
~'(} vi. - a lovi: ada () Co5hVl
(),Ht>-chn , [) - - .. a-Wasta f)eRtFU: a r lovitura
face. a ceda, iHH'iltft. hold
held 'lj 'It. -a tine. a ~usQ!.1c. a tth.'''l
vi. - a eeda: a sllihi; ali 1 ;

'I, mentinc. a stapani;-ft' Lu.!n''l.

oJ1JJz..- go..
ul Ck< em
~. Iwent I gone

'It. - a Indeplini; a
strahale hurt hurt hurl

a el:'ttI'Jft,..-tt-
'II. - a rani: ~: a e-&UOl

vi. - a illfrge: a s~ duce: jigni -J:i~ljI. pelU:e-j
: a ci{c.;ula;.a OJ&2f.JL vT- a-I du'rca. a sufcri
ti-ndc: a aetiona:.a-se

: a deveni;
kept vt. - a incrusta Ch
'It. - <~rR: a line; a UJ.mtIu
dctine: It Q!il:'ttntlc: a COh 0011/01.
5Culp-LeJl grave graved graven ".-<1 ciopli. a sculpta I I 'y,

grind ground ground 'It. -_a maci~: az.dr.Q9.i; I G ;t;nhi

retine: a IRlrelifW: &- ~ilin
~a: a <Ipara. a
c!. (/10. ~ VI. It liFaRii'ia: a ascllti: a
&Lc~ Irudi la: a scra~ni din
~~ I kneel" I knelt I knelt vi, - a ingenunchea
vi. - a trudi. -a fG cRiRt:ti7-
~ a loci ~OL~i'~
3CA. vi - () {~G:
&octvo{Vl- (). {OCt' 214 I 215
ct.d. [cu.d J - o-L tYCu. rYA'- ZOl.;,

o fA O;fo-l7.<.I~
i\.O.ituz. knit knitted/ knit I knitted/ knit v\. a i.!n[lleti. <;l.!!:,icota;-i\-. lose lost losl vI. -~.pierde;~; a
tmhtRa face sa se piarda (J1,o..J1iflU1t
vi. - a se uni, a se vi. - a pierde
ti imbina make 'Jfli made made vI. - _'!f'!fY; a ~; it Jtutf
~[).JVCX'z know knew Iknown v\. - a ~!i; a cunoa~te; a -eftptIta;-tl-Sili; a ~nge ,

r"': '"-
ir; reeunoa~te; a iAlelege.~ la; a se ri~lic3 13' it se ~
d trecc pi ill. <! sofeti fHIFtft ca-
vi. - a fi ~tiutor sau ""i. ft rorni: a ~
waoL [fou.f:] pricepul +0 I.~"""" 1 ~
~cam lade laded laden vi. - a incarca mean I meant meant vI. - a vrea sa spunii;~
~Iay laid laid ;:)ff vI. - a a~ez~ a pune (la J~ - a rc'1r1.' & ~Icrt+.t; a inlentiona;
balaie); a intinde.-a a deslina ~ VAQl
~lflfntAe; ft rttria meet Imet I met vI. - a intalni; a
~Iead led led vI. -a_duce; a cond.':I.ce; a W~l~L cunoa~le; a intampina; a
~''l guverna; it"SitT; a caliiuzi; 'Of -stlligfacc. <1 acoreri
0 - .'
vi. - a se intaIni; a se

I~elted I
vi. - a duce la; a cunoa~le

conducc. a fi In frunle melt melted v\.. vi. - a (se) topi; a fch~

leaned vI. - a apleca, a indina 7
v\. - a se apleca; a linde.
a se rezema
mIsgive i
+~~) QiZfflVIt; It
(sej main
vI. - a da gre~il (carrile)
vi. - '! slarni presimliri r
1e>-.... {m leap
learnt ,,
vI. - a sari

vI.. vi. - a inva!lli~ana;

, mislaiq
sau indoieli fe,,'V1Jz. J e~Ov'le.:t
vI. - a pierde. a,!!!aci ez!:-"ZVl
vI. - a duce pe 0 calc
i!)-1g.uB hpl learned learned 'M! a auzl
v\. - ~ ~asi. a mistake
mistook mistaken
gre~ita; a 1~la
vI. - '!1~!,e~i, a confunda; pe~
~t-tVl leave left left
- p(,~'l. incredinra. a iAffiftAa- a Inrclege gre~il LC'1J'Oh JJu
u vi. - a.P!eca; ~ misundersta misunder~o misunderstood vl.- a Inrclege gre~it
" lend lent L I lent .II vI. -a da cu imprumut.. a nd ; ; -Ii
~ ~: od ",j ;t,ai")'f, ~

PVt1J1 -() 'Ci"op Y"''''-tCl (ador)da; 01 itdau~a mow ;(/,. mowed ' mown vI., vi. - a cosi h:t&tetvz
let , let vI. - a lasa; a peJ:.mite; a outbit oUlhade outhid(den) A vI. - a supralicita;-a
pe'lj'h{ H'U I;; ,.1 g :,1 f'
~!, da cu chirie; a arenda I. -jf,' outbid >, r!1""<,/ fntt:ecc
~'l lie ,nu '; . lay .I lain ,n._~ vi. - a sta intins; a~ea; oUldo oUldid, outdone vI. - a inlrece r1L vo.;,CVl-
1.3 as~ culca; a se afla.-a-& outgrowll'-t. outgrew outgrown vI. - a_~~~~i; a in cLt"&o'1J;:/
light lighted I aul@;il(sc) urma; ~i1hrika de;'~-
lighted" VIr ... G' l!J

lit iJtf"~j lit lumina. a (i)lumina;.a it"i i' ;; t!'~ a cre~te prea mare ~ 7A:>..h cL.'rz.
/c2O';"'..U Jl ,1<,),';41" ~rinde
";1' j: j,.!

o..J.1M./'hVt )fJ .~. ll' vi.-a Ne asella, ft Rifl1lilrii- oUlride outrode outridden vI. - a intrecc (calarind)
outrun outran outrun vI. - a intrece mojwUA

216 217
L(,u.v~] OilVL- p-0 fi ) t!.LOji<.P>z..c.
Ovm- P'1J.f.~fI - ~w: t-1fC.-j~

outshine I outshone I outshone I vI. - a Intreee (In overspread overspread oversprea~ 6..
vt. - a S!![Iri nde; a 3o..t'JuZ
stralueire); a straluci mai acoperi
puternic decat overtake overtook overtaken A vI. - a ajunge din urma.
et Uoh~ outspread
I" outwear
outworn .. vI.. vi. - a (se) Intinde
vI. .a ~"pra"iclui (eu
oat.); a depa~i ca durata;
overthrow overthrew
a surprinoe; a covar!ii
overthrown /:,. vt. - a rasturna; a
a epuJl.a; aUla partake partook partaken vt. - a irnparti
overhore overbornc 1& vI. - a impune (cu dat.); pay paid paid vt. - a (ras)p!~ti. a Po..:Jl.l2
----. overbear
(\ ~-t. W:tv:-Lne
__.- a constrangc; a domina aeh ita; ~ ttface o...c Cf.I.4." if (K
. ~

Vo.-V,uu. overcome


overcome ~
vt. - a innora. a
IJ!!.!!..neca; a tivi
vI. - '~lnvinge. a covar~i put put put

vi. - a plati; a renta

vt. - a.p@e. a a~el.a; a r11ili'le
" overdo overdid overdone j. vt. - a exagera; a-frige exprima; tt-tlttee: a pCaCh'Z
\~/)f Ot ~'U'l. {1~ClVlOO -ywetrtare arunca
overdraw overdret overdrawn ~ vt. - a exagera. ~i read read read Vl..-. a c~ti; ~ studia; .a-~.
eliW.<.II~-'l - LX _~ (A)7(JL,
/ (contulla banea) e ; tt iiidiCd; a U
overeat overate overeaten vt.. vi .. vr. - a manca interpreta
~ prea mult C\ TI,d-0 r?il
vi. - a citi
overfeed overfed overfed vI.. vr. - a (se) ghiftui. a rehuild rebuilt rebuilt vt. - a recladi. a 7L Biiti'L
(se) Indopa _~c.unstrui
c.ot.< 1I'Z..:'t overgrow
overgrew overgrown ;:. vt. - -~~e. a acoQt:ri recast recast recast vt. -a Tt'liIOdcla; a relace
pUlcl.,--u overhang overhung overhung 4t. vi. - a atarna vi. ..a fl:! Fetrage:'tttta
overhear overheard overheard A vt. - a <sur)prinde 0 \ .i-Rftf'oi. a ~cittteft. ft se UJ-<u~
s())1 P'2Ul c;l.n.( conversatie e~ton'f'ft
Ccvc.ilu1. overlay overlaid /;; overlaid A vt. - a ~l<.;opcri. a relay relaid relaid vI.. vi. - a repune
ascunde rend rent rent vt. - a srnulge. a sra~ia. a
. overleap overleapt overleapt t:" vi. - a sari peste; 1t-- despica
ni~'~ -' o.Of/4 t{ overleaped overleaped L ~ 0,. Drn..1;c repay repaid repaid vI. - vi. - a rasplati; a
overlie overlay overlain vt. - a acoperi;.a iRa"u!!i restitui
override overrode overridden t. vt. - a calc~\ In picioare; reset reset reset vt.- '~I.epune. a Feft~eT.a; the
'U ,1-..f..
!~ a nesocoti; 1l-Ylege dirt rtou
/lverrun overran overrun L vt. - a il1.Y.'lda. a covar~i; retell retold retold vI. - a repovesti; a spune
ellVlA . 't a depa~i din nou
VlcRJm. oversee oversaw overseen f:.:, vI. - a supraveghea rid ridded(rar) rid 6 vt. - a elihera dL&v7m.
&>.~(I(.ftn. oversel overset overset t .. vI. - a rasturna rid ridded(rar) vr. - a ~eapa de e cJw-ppOl-
overshoot overshot overshot &.. vt. - a trage sau a linti
prea departe
oversleep Ioverslept Ioverslept b I
vi .. vr. - a dormi prea
mull 'L

218 219

ride Irode '- ridden vt. -:.}l.williri: a mana. a send sent sent vt. - ~urimile; a :rnite V1VO:fVl.
duce. a pluti pe: a fVL~ J.ltv() f.. set set sci vt. -'l~e:~: a .
alerga: tl fltee; ft ~truk~: qJl~OL aranja: a stanili: a fhdtru.
V~ monla; a lranspune
vi. - a calari: a cali'itori; vi. a l)flUHe: a porni;-tt--
a pluti ~a
ring I rang rung vt. - a IAercyi: a sew sewed sewn vt.. vi. - a (se) coase C()~
1IAl?nHjtlftl: ,I~_na din: a shake shook shaken vt. - a zgudui. a cHitina:
JOMffl A
sUlla (\a sOllerie. teldon ) 3(' CofA..vt
{). d ~-4 a culremura - e {)-51cv,-un
I "

vi. - a sUlla: a rasuna - - vi. - a tl-cmYRl':~ Sl: - t'U-;-.f1Ia

rise rose risen vi. - <!...S,(; ridica (\a zgudui ,,!/ <:!E''-'-:;--
.ef.tJrvl.. I,
{)Jl.!J2,V t
lupta): a se ivi; a se shear sheared shorn A vt. - tunde; ~ -LoA
scula: a rasari: a izvori) shed shed shed ~
vt. - a varsa. I ! ...
U iietllMFU U po.nrJJ(L
rive rived riven /). vt.. vi. - a se despica: a shine shone
shone vt. - a luslrui
tu'~ rived lie dei;flril~de; a se
desfacc shoe "
vi. - a stnlluci - fyu-/1m ~
shod vt. - a pOlcovi: a]l}calla cha..5dert
vt. - a conduce; a shoot
run I ran run ) shot shot vt. -~ il'!!pu~ca; a Irage - -I UJLt2tll
adminislra: a risca: a cu (arcu/); a Irece; a
[..CCl.. '7A' 'l I ~. 'Z face: a duce fotogral'ia; a rilrna
vi. -1,1~ITer~ a face vi. - a Impu~(.l; a !a~ni:
curse: a se rni~ca: a se a
illvarti: a (se) petrece: a show showed shown VI: - ,~rata: 1 - Yh-O VI 'UJli
ajunge; a candida: a ;f; manifesta: a dovedi; a
~Ui1~~ a !!tasui
saw I sawed sawn
-~~. ~
vt. - a laia cu fedislraul " conducc
vi. - a se ariHa: '!l-Se
vi. - ~I_l~restrui -OOeit-
diLL say I said said vt. - a zice: a afirma shrink I shrank shrunk
6 vt. - a 1~lce sa se slranga
vi. - ~spunc shrunk shrunken vi. - Q se slrange: ~ 'w NJL
\/--ot"ll see I saw seen vt. - .,1 ~cdca: a zi'iri; a tl' 3~rUet<e .. C\ J{'Z:C~
t:I. JW1 fo..
I).!~lcl{)ra; a intra la apa: a .~
inlelegc: a-{;YAOa~tc. a sed;1 inapoi '712f.U)!:7.Ct''l
Vi ~(- t{X trecc-prin: a pnm;; a shrive shrove shriven ~ vt. - reI. a spovedi; a (.,OJ, f
vizila: a consulta: a ansolvi prin confesiunc -f e31tiZ
conduce shut shut shut vt. - 'llnchide. a p~inde ~

Isought sought A
vi. - a se vedea (nine
ctc.); a inlelege
vt. - at:auta: a cerceta: a
sing sang Isung vt. - a canta (din guri'i) --.
vi. - a se Inchide . a-H.1o.p.e.rz

cA eft
. sell Isold sold vt. - a vinde; a escroca
vLhd.n.t vi. - a (sc) vinde
~. oLtttx
--- 220 221

a 'rOtc:
to sink sank sunk vI. - a 1!fJ!fynda; ~; spin spun I~P spun VI., vi. - a (se) riisuci: a
sunken tl lIst'tmde;.a sa uitarii:-a. (sc) i~rti: aJQarcetc~
CJ11~ ~
spit spat spat ~1. a s<:uipa: ~
vi. - i! se ~.uJunda,it
split split
.wm- UUl cAvl.
.cobprl a Sf; flfft"tt~i, a split VI. - a dcspica; a
'J J I' Ov{> Vt<S patrunde dezhina rt I ( ,
spoil spoilt . (jU'. 'te 'ko'Z.<..(
to sit sat- sat vi. - a ~edea, 2.,..lill!; a spoilt v\. - a stnca: ~l rii.~/~\ttt
U-jfm a83{J - ~t doci: a .~c floli i vi: a face spoiled spoiled vi. - ~-s~ strica ciJJ.~frtO?
spread spread
parte, a Ii memhru spread 6. vt.. vi.- a (se) intinde. a eio.1vt
ii-LVt slay slew slain ~ vI. .- ,~uside, a masacra (se) riispc1~di ::'::r./jJ~'ld.n.e
.J ., sleep slept slept vI. a gazdui spring sprang sprung [:) VI. - a crapa. a face 0
vi. - '!JJormi gaura a c.a"fl
slide slid slid vI. - a face sa alunece: a vi. - a ~ri: a ta~ni: a ~''l
~'~.3m ap~a; a ~a~te:-iHitl-
\ vi. - ,!aluneca; a se da .&.!:age
stand stooo stood
.J', pe ghea!a vI. -~; a ~orta; it- J lA1n'Z
Jdm sling slung
\Ii, d n~ fu~ a_O[l-unLCt
vI. - t\ de:iflien a G7:Qprr
rlftti -
vet Vi" slit slit slit vi. - a sta inJ2icioare; a
$.hTl'l smell smell smelt vI.. vi.- a mirosi: a ~ ritlieft; ft ramaRl:
adulmeca stave tit- staved staved L vt. - a 3!-arge. a zdrohi
stove stove
Cc ~hvZ smite smote smitten vI. - (ljz.lli; a-ttfecta; a

sowed sown
vraji I ~(
vI. - a insaman\a; a_3.eJ11<;~!!(J.
steal stole stolen v\. - 'JjiJra; tI smttlge votvt-
:JUi1lJt. sow vi. - a sc strccura, a sc oLl''Wbt
planta; li~. l\ rasfJ8Rdi furisa
spoke spoken vI. - a spune; a enunta stick stuck stuck vI. ..:. '!..!.ini..; -a-pwpti; a UJe&rz.
vi. - a ymhi; a tine ~; a haga: a lipi ~CM
cuvantari; a Ii expresiv vi. :. a se line; a se lixa;
C,ow7;.l speed sped sped vI. - a gr~i a se lipi .~
sting stung
speeded speeded vi. -.~! g(~ni; (auto) a stung vI. - a!"lepa, 'lH'ftft.i.- p ( 'iP-l Z
uv'll ()..h ()J1 depa~i viteza maxima
stink stank stunk vI. - a alunga prin fum
spell spell spelt v\. - a vriiji; a citi litera stunk sau miros urat
eiWfWh CV1. spelled spelled cu litera;-a in.~emntl
(fig,) tc/
Cl V-:-"1()j->.,w, strew strewed A strewn I::-
vi. - a puti
vI. - a intinde. a
vi. - a silahisi imp~tia. a raspandi; a dA-'jjptc
spend spent spent vI. - aC~~~!Ji; a
p OJ7.3~
po.,H,Vl consuma: a~ce strode stridden vI. - a inci'ileca. a umhla
(timpul) -,- strid pc
~vr vi, - a cheltui vi. - a pa~i; a face plliji
spill spilt spilt vI. - ,LyarSa; a rasturna ~!,ari; a sari
vi. ada pe dinafara

222 223

.......... 'II

L.W1duz [l\f1J~ 1 -~di~~

i .
struck struck
vt. - a~)Vi.
~: a nimeri: a
a izhi;.a-

descoperi. a hate:-tt-

I taught I taught I a Til VQ-~O-
vt. - a preda
vi. - a fi profesor

, /"
Itore I torn vt. - a sm~ia. a4&ia: a - oLi. ck'7..t'l
!c. a impresiona. a
smulge: a chinui
vi. - a hatc; a se pune in vi. -'.!. sc ~: a se - 'Zof'l-t p'"U'.
greva tell Iloid 1told
Ism~ia. ~/.i
V1H~ string strung strung vt. - a insira: a-atarna vt. - a rl'lata; a.:pune. a ~''-L

~ ,
~'l[Wr ~. a povesti
vi. - a se im~ira ,(XL), UlLcla
strove striven vi.-a~a~!!i,~ vi. - a povesti. a spune.
I strive 4 a ~ti JtWOL Z-
1: (ilL 'L~ en' lupta think Ilhought /Ihought
--SUhlet suhlet suhlet vt.. vi. - a suhinchiria vt. - aJi1ndi: a soeoti. a '
b. crede: a-~i inchipui pR%lj.oz
sunhurn sunhurned sunhurned vt. a deeolOi a Ihrive Ilhrove thriven VI. - '!"prospcra: a reu~i:
tfl.eY)Z en sunhurnt sunhurnt vr. - a sc hronza: <Hole P

. '7.A:) J pe
thrived thrived a-I. merge
- I)IIlC
' . 1[~'[
-to,)'lhV[. I"h", ~a throw I threw
thrown .b. vt. - iL'!!l'!!ca: a lvarli; a idm
swear " swore sworn vt. - a pune sa
Irirnite: It lfist! dcoparle: a-.
'.d- jure

ell ptci itJi

weat sweat /:; I sweat
vt. - a faee sa transpire:
juca~'llri ): 8 Jll:lfle
vt. - ~n~nge: a intigc' P0::!!JVl
vI. - a calca: a zarnbi: a
a exploata trod
JlA.-VL , hiitatori:-;-hate (un (VtA)JlcJW(
vi, - a transpira: a se

":iu, ,
swept swept
ahuri: a munci din greu
vt. - a mMura: a !;IFa~ttte-
I unh;'nt Iunh~nt drum)
vt. - a dczlcga: a
'U.-....j2.Q:j >-Vl
dezlanlui: a elihera - eilt./IJ'Wl
(~~''l vi, - a matura; fHit!
::1 underhid
I underhid I underhiddcn 4 vt. - a vinde mai ieftin
.(-~-~ ~a~nvitela
underhade decal: a concura neloial
swell swelled A swollen .6 vt.. vi. - a (se) umna
vi. - a vinde la prCluri de
~&~~7-d 'J
IJ :p, j
sWim swam swum vt. - a traversa inot undergo /underwent I undergone t
':(\t, vi. - ~a: a pluti: ~ vt a sUlcri: a pali: a Ju!!it
~ ~11;' j 1fteCto.,tt: a QR'Wli undersell
trece prin
I undersold I undersold L vI. - a vinde mai ieftin
swing swung'l;l Iswung AIL:I!::,. vt. - i!.~na: a intoarce
tmCJ.T[ vi. - a sC,<:Iatina. a sc fa undertake I undertook I undertaken .A vt. - a i"ntreprinde: tt- U1 U P'GJJ~,
I i
in \cagan
took :;, ~ca: a (pre)lua:.a. p"tQ.~d'U
take taken vt. - ~l: It'rrifni: a-
p~ ,~ohlinc: a
"":5I1rIlA~. a afirma LJ{fl "/fl)(Jl
underwrite I underwrote I underwritlen IvI. - a suhscrie: a
gc4 ~Ct (con )ducc: a face 0
garama ~ h-7- r;;
plimharc. 0 haie etc.. a
apuca. a~f1. a-
undo I undid I undone IVI. - a de~ce: a dJ0U
dezlega: a nimici: a
;;iFi., :;-I.,,, IInn\.."
~Jl1i~~ ruina - fh-tftJ.J7.-

224 225

\, ~
IJ.-.tt1 vJl. 3 QJ2
vI.. vi. - a (se) disturna'
, upset
eY'1_~~.~y ( 'l
upset upset
a (se) lulhura ~ . Cheia exercitiilor
wake woke waked b vI. - ~llrezi. ~ a
U' l/dJ..v-z. waked woke(n) evoca
vr. - a se trezi: a veghca
waylay waylaid vI. - a aline calea cuiva Formule de prezentare [3
wear wore vI. - aJlurla: a imhraca: 1. a. He is a teacher. b. We are sudents. c. I am a doctor. d.
po1A:Ol a. R'laAif~~la: a uza a You have a book. e. He has a pen.
~m roade:~i
2. a. I am not a student. b. He isn't a student. c. We
{(33m weave wove vI. - 1\ lese: a urzi
wedded vi. - a se casalori. a haven't a map. He hasn't a book. We aren't in the
~ ..ert- nunti classroom.
weep wept vI. - a varsa (Iacrimi): a
p tuv'UIl. - ,",\f!-a~ deplange
win won vI. - a c~~tiga: a cuceri.
a atinge 1. a. Where is the restaurant? b. Where are your guests? c.
~a ca~tiga; a Ii Where is the airport? d. Where are their friends? e. Where
Cvt t e..iU1iu invingator are the shops?
wound vI. - a rasuci: a invarti
(ceasulf~\ hohina: a
2. a. Unde sunt prietenii vo~tri? b. Unde este cartea mea?
{C'l cL"lt
ridica: a ~erpui c. Unde este sotia lui? d. Unde sunt restaurantele? e. Unde
I withdrawn to vI.. vi. - a (se) retragc:a este hoteluJ?
"Utit', w;,hdrnw f'hdrew
"(..eel:}W::"'l I e'i:aJI. e.'Z (se)indepiirla- 3. a. Where are my friends? b. Where are the hotels? c.
CVe "leivl withhold wilhheld I withheld
vI. - a reline. a <.!pri
vI. - a se impotrivi sau a
Where arc the airports? d. Where are your books? e.
-;- f withstand withstood Where are her friends?
'Uhj JJL- rezista la
e539].vl wring Iwrung I wrung .A vI. - a rasuci: a sloarcc:

0-1. "'l. a ch.rt-

a smuh!c
Familia '<1
- write I wrote I written vI. - '.l:~crie: a a~terne pc
1. a. What is your name? My name is ... b. He is my father.
.ef(j7A -'Lf2 1pu.p!-
jOL.d Wi 'l 101 I /tOe~
I Ih~rtie
VI. -
a sCrle
He is a teacher. c. Do you Jike listening to music? d. I like
driving. e. They are my relatives: he is my uncle, she is
-1:0 l)JI"Jur fa [oJ J ~<AUiL'1 6:u;Jie,J ~Iw~ - ('"\ J u 1}.tU my aunt and they are my cousins.
-to. IJkl.ol..e.TLdOJoJ W.J.m6 iooJ lu'lMl'rloocl - Vi 1h klt.:J< 2. a. Nu imi place sa rna trezesc devreme. b. Sora mea a
to -1 huv(
COM 1Ut dJu 3 oJ j (1
~ Au.<;u:1

J fuwV1
~ .
- 0 ~I (hhJu.) &3:7- B-t (JU
nascut saptamana trecuta. C. Parintii mei au sarbatorit
nunta de aur anul trecut. d. Imi place sa rna uit la televizor.
to UJ7g c to? INVv-t j-O"lgonJ - $.. ~htCt -ah()hWf.
e. Iti place sa asculti muzica?
Cl p~ ,(\\ (h/iOce.
to oi1.acl rim 0lul piwtk,llp&.J __
0- "k..~0\.
P/A;dJA) i~ V0q;eJl
JLApp vt - c:x l..v ~O- 226 ' 227
(:5~ 7.5e:z- I ~t) ~an_J & boJtGe I 3e t--O:1C'f;.(t0l - ('\~e 60'--W10u'
to we-t Wl--t wu - Q tA.-d..a O-'tlOJo: )'
Virsta, infi~i,area 24 Timpul 3~
1. a. I am 25 years old. B. He is 30. She is 50 this year. d. 1. a. You have a very big and beautiful house. b. Your
My sister is 18. E. My father is 55 years old. garden is very tidy and has many beautiful flowers. c.
3. a. Cati ani ai? Am nouasprezece ani. b. Ea seamana eu What's the time? It's twenty past seven. D. I've taken a
mama ei. e. Ea este cu patru ani mai mica decat sotul ei. d. nice tlat. E. Your kitchen is fairly large.
El este un tanar foarte frumos. E. Ea va implini douazeci ~i
cinci de ani anul viitor. An English class 42
I. a. He spoke English. b. She wrote a letter. c. We
Casa, gridina ~t listened to music. d. I read a novel. E. It rained.
1. a. he has a nice and big house. b. Their garden is very 2. a. He didn't have time to call us yesterday. b. I read this
tidy and clean. c. She has a blue book. d. Our bedrooms novel last year. c. When did you write this letter? d. Did
are big. e. He has green eyes. he come to see you? e. They had the exam last week.
2. a. Am multe flori frumoase. b. Casa lui este foarte 3. a. Ati auzit ultimele noutati? b. Eram in birou cand ai
ingrijita. c. Buditaria noastra este destul de mare. d. Acum sunal. c. Au venit sa ne vada aseara. d. L-am sunat sa-l
va voi arata sufrageria. e. Am inchiriat un apartament inviUlm la cina. e. I-am scris acel mesaj alaltaieri.
Letter writing 1.J6
Vremea 35 I. a. I will eat a cookie. b. He will have lunch. c. Will you
1. a. I am reading an interesting book now. b. They are remember this song? d. We will watch TV. e. It will rain.
going to the mountains next month. c. It is clearing now. 2. a. We will see this film tomorrow. b. We will go to the
d. Today there are 2 degrees below zero. E. Are you mountains next week. c. He will call from his office. d. In
listening to music at the moment? a year. he will be twenty years old. E. Will you come to
2. a. Ei se uita la un film foarte interesant in acest moment. see us in a month?
b. El vorbe~te cu prietenii lui acum. c. Ii spun 0 poveste 3. a. Te vei inUHni cu ea maine? b. Ei VOl' Invata aceasta
foarte frumoasa. Ea joaca tenis acum. A vem 0 conversat ie poezie pc dinafara. c. EI va va informa despre intaInirea
foarte plaeuta in acest moment. noastra. d. Yom merge la cinema saptamana viitoare. e. Ea
3. a. He is speaking English. b. She is writing a letter. c. Ii va suna imediat.
We are listening to music. d. I am reading a novel. e. It is
raining. Shop assistant - 5"1-
I live 111 a new apartment building. It is a good place to
live. The neighbourhood is very quiet, and it is not too far
from the place I work. My neighbours arc very friendly. In

228 229
the apartment down the hall there are two girls. One is tall
and has red hair: the other one is not as tall. Thay are both
Prezentare 6b
1. a. May I use your phone? b. May I enter the room? c. It
very attractive. I am lucky to have such pretty neighbours. might rain. d. He may come tonight. e. You might have ~
A very pleasant woman is in the apartment across the hall come earlier.
She and her husband are very good cooks. i am usuall; 2. a. I was allowed to call him yesterday. I will be able to
hungry when I come, home at night, and the smell of their call him tonight. b. It might rain yesterday. It may rain
cooking is very attractive. Their son lives with them. All tomorrow. c. He was allowed to enter my office. He will
of them are very fat. he allowed to enter my office. d. Was I allowed to see you
I am curious about the people who live downstairs. I am yesterday? Will I be allowed to see you tomorrow?
sure that the husband is American, but I don't think that
his wife is. Perhaps she is from Venezuela. or maybe she Sanatate 70
is Colombian. I am not sure. We are always friendly and 1. a. You mustn't smoke in this office. b. You must tell
speak when we meet. I am going to invite them to dinner him the truth. c. I must write the message today. d. You
sometime, but my apartment is not really settled yet, since don't have to speak so loudly. I can hear you very well. e.
I am still unpacking my things and putting them away. Why do we have to go so fast?
When you are just arriving in a new place, you are never 2. a. Copiii nu trebuie sa se joace cu chihriturile. b.
sure where anything is. Nevertheless, I am quite happy in Trehuie sa vii imediat. c. Ar fi trebuit sa ne spuna
my new home. noutatile. d. Trebuie ca au auzit deja povestea. e. Trehuie
ca a plouat cu gaIeata.
Exprimarea acordului 6.{
1. a. Can I borrow your book'? b. He could write a letter infa~i,are / descriere =t3
now. c. I shall write to you tomorrow. d. Can he come to 1. a. He will come if he has the time. b. He would come if
see us next week? e. can you speak English fluently? . he had the time. c. He would have come if he had had the
2. a. I could write. I will be able to write. B. He could time. d. He would have had better marks if he had studied
dance. He will be able to dance. c. We could speak harder. e. If it doesn't rain we will go for a picnic.
English fluently. We will be able to speak English
fluently. d. They could drive very fast. They will be able
to drive very fast. E. It could rain yesterday. It can rain
Haine ,i accesorii '+ b
1. a. He told me to speak loudly. b. He kindly asked me to
enter the room. c. He asked me where he was. d. He asked
me what the time was. e. He asked me whether I had heard ~
the news.

230 231
5. It is very kind of you, but unfortunately I have another
La hotel 80 schedule.
1. a. I like singing. b. He likes swimming. c. He avoids
speaking. d. It is worth seeing this movie. e. I feel like
Program 27
eating an icecream.
1. a. What are you going to do tonight? I would like to go
t85 to cinema. b. What are your hobbies? I like swimming. c.
La restaurant May I have some water, please? d. Do you have enough
1. a. Have you ever seen this movie before? b. I would like time to get there? e. It is too late to call at this time.
to start with soup. c. I have seen a few movies so far. d.
Waiter, bring me the bill, please. e. They have just entered
, personale {OO '
the room.
1. a. What is your job? I am an engineer. b. How long
Pe strada 89 have you been working in this company? c. How many
1. a. I used to play tennis, but not anymore. b. He has been hotels are in this resort? d. How much is this book? e.
studying English for two months already. c. How can I get How many tickets do you need at the concel1?
to street 9? d. Go straight forward, then turn left. e. Excuse
me, but where exactly is the art museum? Cinema {03
1. a. What movie is on? b. Have you any tickets for
La telefon g2. tonight'! c. Is there any performance at 7 o'clock? d. What
1. a. You should have let us know that you would be late. kind of films do you like? Thrillers or features? e. There
b. Yes, we should get there by tonight. c. I would like to many movies I like. I like romances the most.
talk to Mr. Popescu. May I leave a message for him? d.
We shall have to wake up early tomorrow. e. May I call
T e a t r u l DG
you back when he returns?
1. a. How long are you going to stay there? I am going to
stay there for two weeks. b. How arc you going to travel to
, 94 Rome? I am going to travel by plane. c. Where are you
1. a. I will come if I have the time. b. I would come if I going to stay in Rome? I am going to stay in a hotel near
had the time. c. I would have come if I had the time. the station. d. Where are you going to come back? I am
2. a. If it rains, we will stay indoors. b. If it rained, we .
gomg to come back next week.
would stay indoors. c. If it had rained, we would have 2. a. I am going to the mountains next week. b. How long
stayed indoors. M
are you going to stay at the seaside? c. Where are you
3. Would you like to come to the concert tonight? going to spend your holiday? d. I am going to see a
4. I would love to come.
232 23J
handball match on Saturday. E. I am going to see a very like to visit the islands, too. e. The historical sites are very
interesting film next Sunday. interesting.

Muzee ,I expozltii 10&' La doctor 110

1. a. our; b. my; c. his; d. theirs. l. a. If you need money to buy a dictionary, I can lend you
2. a. This is an interesting book. It is ours. b. Who is some. b. I wish I could win the lottery! c. He saves money
Maria? She is my wife. c. His car is very nice. d. These are to buy a new flat. d. His company collected a lot of
our friends. e. These are not my books, they are hers. money, so he earns a good salary. e. she spends a lot of
money on expensivc clothes.
, 1{ 1 2. a. Takc your medicine three times a day after meal. b.
1. a. John often gets up late on Sundays. b. Diana always Are you in big pains? How long has it been hurting here?
goes to the gym at the weekend. c. mary never goes to the c. You must see a doctor. d. Yes, i would like to .see a
seaside in winter. d. Betty always does her home'Pork at 6 dentist. e. Don't change the dressing too often.
o'clock. e. My colleagues are never late for work..
2. a. What foreign languages do you study? I study La dentist 1 2. 2.,
English and French. b. What time do you get back from ]. a. My clothes got dirty when I cleaned the house. b.
the office? c. When do you meet your friends? d. The fees What were you doing when I called you'? c. The children
are high, but I get a scholarship. e. I always vi~t my were playing when she returned. D. It was raining when
parents on Christmas. we walked yesterday. e. She was reading an interesting
book last night.
----- ,
4 2. a. I'Ill afraid youll need' a false tooth. b. When did you
1. rl 1h
of Janllary 2006; 15 of October 200 I; 28 of
last havc thcm attended to? c. Unfortunately, this tooth
February 2000; 22 nll of March 2003; 13 of Junc 2002. cannot be saved. d. I have to give you filling for this one.
2. a. He is the first in his class. b. You must sign the letter-
c. Would you mind posting this letter for me? d. Don't La vami ~ 1.. '-(
for~et to datc the letter. e. I shall send him all the books on 1. a. John has been here for an hour. b. We haven't seen
191 of January. Mary since June. c. Have you been here for a long time? d.
The childrcn have been studying English since last
in excursle f 11- October? E. What have you been doing since yesterday?
2. a. Do you like water-skiing? b.How can we gct to that 2. a. What is thc purpose of your visit? b. Open your
castle? c. Do you run trips to the seaside, too'? d. I would suitcase, please. c. I'm afraid you'll need a visa. d. Where ~

234 235
do I have to apply for a visa extension? e. How long do


2. a. Next we are sailing to New Orleans. b. What time

you intend to stay? must we be on board? c. How much is a first class ticket?
d. We must buy the tickets one month in advance. e. Are
Cu avionul 11. 6 you seasick? No, I am not. }-

1. a. She learns English. She is learning her homework for

tomorrow at the moment. h. Is John sleeping? No, he o excursie la tara
, 1&5
never sleeps in the afternoon. c. Is the child crying?No, he I. a. He might have come yesterday to see us. b. We must
seldoms cries. d. Where are you going? I am going to the hurry. If we do not hurry, it will get dark when we reach
market. I always go to the market on Saturday morning. e. the village. E. He couldn't have come yesterday to see us.
It snows in winter. It is snowing now. f. Will you fetch some woods to light the fire, please?
2. a. Do you dream at night? Yes, I always dream when I
eat before sleeping. h. What time does the plane take off? Sportul 1 37-
The planes takes oftat 3 o'clock. c. I'll have to change to J. When do you intend to travel? As soon as possible. No
another plane in Amsterdam. d. I'll have to buy the ticket later than the end of this week. Well, that will be difficult
a week in advance. e. I enjoyed my flight. for this time of the year unless you are very lucky. But it is
absolutely essential I get there before the end of this week.
Cu ma,ina 11 9 All right. I'll do what I can. Would you like to sit down?
1. a. I have never eaten meat. b. Have you met? c.Where No, I'll be back in half an hour. All right. I'll probably
have you put your flew OVO? d. It has never occurred to know then. May I have your name, please?
me that you are tfrother and sister. e. Whay hasn't Mary
drunk her mil4ct~
2. a. What is the speed limit in this country? b. Are you
going to drive all way? c. Do you have a driving license?
Yes, I have been driving for two years. d. My car has only
two seats. e. Is this a one-way street?

Cu vaporul f~0
l. a. The dog bit the boy in the leg. h. The Notfnans
conquered England in 1066. c. He entered the room all of
a sudden. d. She put the baby to sleep. e. She took German
classes last week.

236 237

CUPRINS CONTENTS Corespondenta 112
In excursie 115
La doctor I 18
Alfabetullimbii engleze . 7
. +' La dentist 121
T ranscnerea lonetlca 8

La vama 123 ~)
+ Formule de prezentare II
Cu avionul 125 f1;>
-+ Conversatie 14
Cu ma~ina 127
Familia 18
Cu vaporul 130
Varsta, Inniti~area 22
Casa, gdidina 25
o excllrsie la tara 132
Sportlll 136
Tara, nationalitatea 28
+- Sugestii 139 1-
Vremea 32
Diateza pasiva 141
Timpul. 36
Water 143
An English class 7 .. 39
De ce unii copaci sunt intotdeauna verzi 146
Letter writing 43
Cartea 150
Exprimarea unei pareri 47
Ceasul 152
Indicat ii 51
+ Cum sa a~ezam masa 154
Vanzator - cliynt .. .. 55
Ce este mai folositor? 157
Acord - dezacord 59
Soarele ~i luna 160
Prezentarea; formu~ Incheiere 63
Ceaiul 163
Sanatate :: 67
Exercitii recapitulative 166
Infati~are, descriere 71
Liste suplimentare 194
Haine ~i accesorii 74
Lista verbelor neregulate 210
La hotel 77
Cheia exercitiilor 227
La restaurant 81
Pe strada 86
ct) La telefon : 90
+ I nvltat
. ..
ll .. .. .. 93
t Program : : : .. \ ~~
Informatll personclle ..
Cinema 101
Teatru 104
M uzee ~I. expoz1tll
.,. .. 107
Invatamant 109
238 239

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