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Rezumat Summary
Lichenul plan este definit drept o dermatozã Lichen planus is defined as a papulosquamous pruritic
papuloscuamoasã pruriginoasã de origine inflamatorie, dermatosis of inflammatory origin, occurred via cell-
mediatã prin intermediul imunitãþii celulare, cu afectare mediated immunity, with cutaneo-mucous involvement,
cutaneo-mucoasã, prezentând o evoluþie acutã sau, presenting with an acute or often, chronic evolution,
adeseori, cronicã, frecvent autolimitatã ºi în mod uzual, frequently self-limiting and usually, benign. Hypertrophic
benignã. Lichenul plan hipertrofic reprezintã o formã de lichen planus represents a form of disease with a prolonged
boalã cu evoluþie îndelungatã, caracterizatã clinic evolution, that is clinically characterized by an intense
printr-un prurit intens ºi o distribuþie preferenþialã a pruritus, and preferential distribution of the lesions on the
leziunilor la nivelul membrelor inferioare, îndeosebi în inferior limbs, especially around the ankles, a location
jurul gleznelor, localizare pusã în multe cazuri în relaþie cu which, in many cases, is considered to be in relation with
insuficienþa venoasã cronicã [1,2,3,4]. chronic venous insufficiency [1,2,3,4].
În cadrul lucrãrii de faþã prezentãm cazul unei In the current paper we present the case of a 50-year-
paciente în vârstã de 50 de ani, cunoscutã cu afecþiuni old female patient, known to have cardiovascular and
asociate din sfera cardiovascularã ºi neuropsihiatricã, neuropsychiatric associated conditions, diagnosed with
diagnosticatã cu lichen plan hipertrofic confirmat histologically confirmed hypertrophic lichen planus, who
histopatologic, ce se reinterneazã în clinica noastrã în urma has once again been admitted into our clinic following the
apariþiei unei plãci hiperkeratozice intens pruriginoase la appearance of an intensely pruritic hyperkeratotic plaque
nivelul gambei drepte, leziunea fiind sugestivã pentru o located on the right calf, the lesion suggesting a relapse of
recidivã a afecþiunii diagnosticate anterior. the previously diagnosed disease.
Cuvinte cheie: dermatoze papuloscuamoase, lichen Key words: papulosquamous dermatoses, hypertrophic
plan hipertrofic, leziune unicã. lichen planus, single lesion

Intrat în redacþie: 15.01.2013 Received: 15.01.2013

Acceptat: 18.02.2013 Accepted: 18.02.2013

Introducere Introduction
Reacþia tisularã lichenoidã, descrisã de The lichenoid tissue reaction, described by
Pinkus în 1973, este caracterizatã prin lichefacþia Pinkus in 1973, is characterized by basal cell
celulelor bazale ºi prezenþa unui infiltrat liquefaction and the presence of a band-like
inflamator celular în bandã la nivelul dermului inflammatory cell infiltrate in the papillary
papilar, expresia clinicã a acestor modificãri fiind dermis, the clinical expression of these
reprezentatã de o erupþie papularã planã, cu modifications being represented by a flat-topped

* Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecþioase ºi Tropicale ”Prof. Dr. V. Babeº”, Clinica de Dermatovenerologie, Bucureºti.
Clinical Hospital of Infectious and Tropical Disease "Prof. Dr. V. Babeº", Department of Dermatovenereology, Bucharest.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

luciu specific, având drept prototip lichenul plan papular eruption that holds a specific shine, with
- o afecþiune descrisã pentru prima datã de cãtre its archetype – lichen planus, a condition first
Wilson, în 1869, ale cãrei trãsãturi specifice au described by Wilson in 1869, whose specific
fost definite prin cele 4 P-uri: papule violacee features are defined by the 4 P’s: pruritic
(”purple”), poligonale, pruriginoase [1,5,6,7]. polygonal purple papule [1,5,6,7].
Prevalenþa lichenului plan a fost estimatã la Lichen planus prevalence was estimated at
circa 1% dintre cazurile serviciilor de about 1% of the cases from dermatology services
dermatologie [3,4]. Debutul bolii se poate produce [3,4]. Onset can occur at any age, but it was

la orice vârstã, însã s-a constatat cã 2/3 dintre ascertained that 2/3 of the patients are aged
pacienþi au vârste cuprinse între 30(40)-60 de ani between 30(40)-60 years [1,3,4,5]. There haven’t
[1,3,4,5]. Nu au fost remarcate diferenþe been observed any significant differences in
semnificative în repartiþia pe sexe, deºi unii gender distribution, although some authors state
autorii afirmã o afectare preferenþialã a sexului a preferential impact on females, and in terms of
feminin, iar în ceea ce priveºte distribuþia rasialã, racial distribution, a higher incidence of the
a fost notatã o incidenþã mai crescutã a formei hypertrophic form of lichen planus has been
hipertrofice de lichen plan în rândul populaþiei noted among African-American population,
afro-americane, îndeosebi în cazul sexului particularly in males [1,3,4,5].
masculin [1,3,4,5]. The etiology of the disease remains
Etiologia afecþiunii a rãmas incomplet incompletely elucidated to date, so that true
elucidatã pânã în prezent, astfel încât lichenul lichen planus is described as an idiopathic
plan adevãrat este descris drept o boalã condition [3,4]. However, the intervention of stress
idiopaticã [3,4]. Totuºi, a fost incriminatã on a susceptible neuropsychiatric background or
intervenþia stresului pe un teren neuropsihic of viral infectious agents have been incriminated,
susceptibil sau a factorilor infecþioºi de naturã and it has been noted that cell-mediated
viralã ºi s-a observat cã rãspunsul imun celular immunity plays an important role in disease
joacã un rol important în patogenia bolii, pathogenesis, even putting the question of a
punându-se chiar problema unor tulburãri imune genetically conditioned immune disorder [1,3,8].
condiþionate genetic [1,3,8]. Astfel, aceastã ipotezã Thus, this hypothesis was supported both by
a fost susþinutã atât de raportarea unor rare reports of rare cases with familial aggregation
cazuri cu agregare familialã (1.3–10.7%) sau (1.3-10.7%) or the presence of the disease among
prezenþa afecþiunii în rândul gemenilor mono- monozygotic twins, and mostly by the tendency
zigoþi, cât mai ales de tendinþa asocierii cu of association with certain histocompatibility
anumite antigene de histocompatibilitate, cum ar antigens, such as HLA-A3, A5, A28, HLA-B1*0101,
fi HLA-A3, A5, A28, HLA-B1*0101, B5, B7, B8, B16, B5, B7, B8, B16, Bw35, B45 or HLA-DR1, DR3 and
Bw35, B45 sau HLA-DR1, DR3 ºi HLA-DR10 [1,3,6,7]. HLA-DR10 [1,3,6,7].
Teoria imunologicã. Principalele modificãri Immunological theory. The main
histopatologice întâlnite în lichenul plan sunt histopathological changes encountered in lichen
reprezentate de degenerescenþa celulelor bazale planus are represented by epidermal basal cell
epidermice ºi prezenþa unui abundent infiltrat degeneration and the presence of a profuse
inflamator localizat la nivelul dermului inflammatory infiltrate localized in the
superficial, format predominant din limfocite superficial dermis, consisting predominantly of
CD8+ ºi CD45Ro+, trãsãturi caracteristice reacþiei CD8+ and CD45Ro+ lymphocytes, features that
tisulare lichenoide [1,6,9]. Moartea celulei are characteristic for the lichenoid tissue reaction
epidermice, marcatã prin prezenþa dermicã a [1,6,9]. Epidermal cell death, marked by the
corpilor coloizi hialini Civatte, se produce prin presence of hyaline or colloid Civatte bodies,
apoptozã, proces mediat de cãtre limfocitele T occurs by apoptosis, a process mediated by
citotoxice, celulele Natural Killer ºi de TNFα [1,6]. cytotoxic T lymphocytes, Natural Killer cells and
Existã dovezi care susþin rolul citokinelor TNFα [1,6]. There is evidence supporting the role
secretate de cãtre limfocitele T ºi keratinocite în of cytokines secreted by T cells and keratinocytes
patogenia bolii, dintre care amintim: IFNγ, IL1α, in the pathogenesis of the disease, such as: IFNγ,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

IL4, IL6, IL8, IL18, LFA-1 [1]. În patogenia bolii au IL1α, IL4, IL6, IL8, IL18, LFA-1 [1]. Activin A and
fost incriminate ºi Activina A sau BMP4, BMP4 have also been incriminated in disease
provenind din familia TGFβ, precum ºi pathogenesis, as well as the ICAM-1 or VCAM-1
moleculele ICAM-1 ºi VCAM-1, MMP1,2,3,9, MT1- molecules from the TGFβ family, and MMP1,2,3,9,
MMP [1]. Totodatã, este de reþinut faptul cã MT1-MMP [1]. Concurrently, it should be noted
leziunile lichenoide apãrute în boala grefã- that lichenoid lesions of graft-versus-host disease
contra-gazdã sunt identice cu cele descoperite în are identical to those found in lichen planus [1,5].
lichenul plan [1,5]. Aceste informaþii susþin rolul This information supports the role of a cell-
unui mecanism imun celular în apariþia leziunilor mediated immune mechanism in the appearance
de lichen plan. of lichen planus lesions.
Nu în ultimul rând, lichenul plan a fost Finally, lichen planus has been associated
asociat cu o serie de afecþiuni cu mecanism imun, with a number of autoimmune disease, such as:
cum ar fi: vitiligo, alopecia areata, lichen sclero- vitiligo, alopecia areata, scleroatrophic lichen,
atrofic, pemfigoid bulos, lupus eritematos, bullous pemphigoid, lupus erythematosus,
morfee, dermatomiozitã, miastenia gravis sau morphea, dermatomyositis, myasthenia gravis or
rectocolita ulcero-hemoragicã [1,3,4]. ulcerative colitis [1,3,4].
Un rol în etiopatogenia bolii a fost atribuit ºi A role in disease pathogenesis has also been
factorilor infecþioºi, cu incriminarea bacilului assigned to infectious agents, Koch bacillus,
Koch, Treponemei Pallidum, virusului herpetic 7, Treponema Pallidum, herpes virus 7, human
virusului papilloma uman, a fungilor ºi mai ales, papilloma virus, fungi, and especially hepatic
a virusurilor hepatice [1,4,6,7]. Asocierea lichenului viruses having been incriminated [1,4,6,7]. The
plan cu virusul hepatic C (16%) a fost descrisã association of lichen planus with hepatitis C virus
începând cu anul 1991, deºi ulterior a fost luatã în (16%) has been described since 1991, although the
discuþie ºi contribuþia virusului hepatic B în contribution of hepatitis B virus has subsequently
patogenia bolii, raportându-se chiar cazuri de been addressed in disease pathogenesis, even
lichen plan apãrute dupã vaccinarea cu virusul with reports of lichen planus cases arising after
hepatic B [1,4,6,10,11]. Pânã în prezent, în literatura hepatitis B vaccination [1,4,6,10,11]. So far, five cases
de specialitate au fost descrise ºi cinci cazuri de of hypertrophic lichen planus found among HIV-
lichen plan hipertrofic întâlnite în rândul positive patients have been described in the
pacienþilor HIV-pozitivi [12]. specialty literature [12].
Existã multiple dovezi în susþinerea unui rol There is multiple evidence supporting a role
al factorilor de naturã neuropsihatricã în apariþia of neuropsychiatric factors in the emergence and
ºi evoluþia afecþiunii, cum ar fi simetria leziunilor, evolution of the disease, such as lesion symmetry,
cu o dispoziþie zoniformã, asocierea cu tulburãri with a zosterian distribution, association with
neurologice sau de ordin psihiatric, precum ºi neurological or psychiatric disorders, as well as
obþinerea unor rezultate favorabile dupã iradiere the achievement of favorable results after
paravertebralã, deºi în literatura de specialitate paravertebral irradiation, although in literature
sunt menþionate ºi cazuri de lichen plan debutat there have been mentioned cases of lichen planus
dupã radioterapie [1,6]. with an onset after radiotherapy [1,6].
A fost remarcat ºi un rol al factorilor There has also been noted a contribution from
endocrini, metabolici ºi enzimatici în etio- endocrine, metabolic and enzymatic factors in the
patogenia lichenului plan, susþinut de asocierea pathogenesis of lichen planus, which is
afecþiunii cu boli tiroidiene, diabet zaharat sau supported by the association of this condition
diverse hepatopatii – precum hepatita de origine with thyroid diseases, diabetes or various
toxic-nutriþionalã sau ciroza biliarã primitivã hepatopathies – like toxic and nutritional
[3,4,6,13]. hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis [3,4,6,13].
În rândul produselor medicamentoase Among the drugs that are related to the
asociate cu apariþia lichenului plan au fost emergence of lichen planus, there have been
incluse: antimalaricele de sintezã, diureticele included: antimalarials, thiazide diuretics, beta-
tiazidice, beta-blocantele, inhibitorii enzimei de blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

conversie, blocantele canalelor de calciu, blockers, sulfonylurea derivatives, phenothiazines,

derivatele de sulfoniluree, fenotiazinele, carba- carbamazepine, isoniazid, anti-inflammatory
mazepina, izoniazida, anti-inflamatoarele medication, D-penicillamine and para-
nesteroidiene, D-penicilamina ºi PAS [3,6]. A fost aminosalicilic acid [3,6]. The appearance of contact
raportatã ºi apariþia leziunilor de lichen plan de lichen planus lesions has been reported in
contact în relaþie cu substanþele utilizate în relation to substances used in color film
developarea filmelor color, compuºii mercuriali development, mercurial compounds (dental
(amalgamul dentar), antioxidanþii din cauciuc, amalgam), antioxidants found in rubber, gold
sãrurile de aur, antibioticele aminoglicozidice, salts, aminoglycoside antibiotics, mineral fats or
grãsimile minerale sau tricloretilena [1,6]. trichlorethylene [1,6].
Asocierea dintre lichenul plan ºi diverse The association between lichen planus and
neoplazii, precum cancer gastric, limfosarcom, various malignancies, such as gastric cancer,
limfoblastom, neuroblastom, craniofaringiom, lymphosarcoma, lymphoblastoma, neurob-
timom sau tumori hepatice nu este frecventã [6,7]. lastoma, craniopharyngioma, thymoma or
Alþi factori consideraþi a avea un rol în hepatic tumors is not common [6,7].
apariþia lichenului plan includ: traumatismele, cu Other factors deemed to play a part in the
producerea fenomenului Köebner, radiaþiile occurrence of lichen planus include: trauma,
solare ºi medicamentele fotodinamice [3,6]. resulting in Köebner’s phenomenon, solar
radiation and photodynamic drugs [3,6].
Caz clinic
Clinical case
Prezentãm cazul unei paciente în vârstã de 50
de ani, pensionatã în urmã cu circa 4 ani, We present the case of a 50-year-old female
cunoscutã cu lichen plan cornos confirmat patient, who has been retired for the last 4 years,
histopatologic cu 1 an înaintea episodului actual. and has been known with histologically
În prezent, bolnava s-a reinternat în clinica confirmed hypertrophic lichen planus for a year
noastrã datoritã apariþiei unei plãci pruriginoase, before the current event. At the present time, the
violacee, acoperitã de scuame groase, localizatã la patient was readmitted into our clinic due to the
nivelul gambei drepte, sugestivã pentru o appearance of a purple pruritic plaque covered
recidivã a afecþiunii diagnosticate anterior. with thick scales, which was located on the right
Din antecedentele heredocolaterale reþinem calf, and was suggestive of a relapse of the
un istoric familial de accidente vasculare previously diagnosed disease.
cerebrale. În privinþa antecedentelor personale From the family history, a clinical record of
patologice, amintim cã pacienta suferã de strokes was noted. Regarding the personal
hipertensiune arterialã esenþialã stadiul II, aflatã medical history, we make a mention of the fact
în tratament cu betablocant ºi un blocant al that the patient suffers from stage II idiopathic

Fig. 1. Leziune unicã de lichen plan hipertrofic al gambei,

dupã aplicare de azot
Fig. 1. Single lesion of hypertrophic lichen planus of the
calf, following liquid nitrogen application

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

Fig. 2. Lichen plan hipertrofic, hematoxilinã-eozinã (lupã, detaliu - obiectiv 10x): hiperkeratozã (Ì), hipergranulozã (•),
acantozã (S), alungirea crestelor epidermale (↓)
Fig. 2. Hypertrophic lichen planus, hematoxylin-eosin (magnifying glass, detail - 10x): hyperkeratosis (Ì),
hypergranulosis (•), acanthosis (S), and elongated rete ridges (↓)

Fig. 3. Lichen plan hipertrofic, hematoxilinã-eozinã (obiectiv 40x): corpi Civatte (↓), infiltrat inflamator limfocitar dermic
Fig. 3. Hypertrophic lichen planus, hematoxylin-eosin (40x objective): Civatte bodies (↓), dermal lymphocytic
inflammatory infiltrate

receptorilor angiotensinei, precum ºi de hiper- arterial hypertension, undergoing treatment with

colesterolemie esenþialã, în tratament cu fibraþi. a beta-blocker and an angiotensin receptor
Totodatã, în urmã cu 4 ani, aceasta a fost supusã blocker, and also from essential hypercho-
unei histerectomii totale efectuatã pe un uter lesterolemia, which is being treated with fibrates.
fibromatos, iar în urmã cu 11 ani a fost Concurrently, 4 years ago, the patient has
diagnosticatã cu tulburare afectivã bipolarã,
undergone a total hysterectomy that was
aflatã în tratament cu un antidepresiv tetraciclic
performed on a fibromatous uterus, and also, 11
ºi un antipsihotic atipic. Dintre informaþiile legate
de stilul de viaþã, de reþinut cã pacienta este years ago, she was diagnosed with bipolar
fumãtoare, consumând aproximativ 12.5 pachete- disorder, which is presently being treated with a
ani. tetracyclic antidepressant and an atypical
La examenul clinic obiectiv s-a constatat antipsychotic. Among the information
prezenþa unei leziuni pruriginoase, alcãtuitã din concerning lifestyle, it should be kept in mind

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

multiple papule roºiatic-liliachii, poligonale, that the patient is a smoker, consuming

proeminente, de dimensiuni crescute, confluate approximately 12.5 pack-years.
într-o placã cu dimensiuni de ~ 3/8 cm, elevatã ~ Upon objective physical exam, we observed
0.5 cm, bine delimitatã, cu margini neregulate, the presence of a pruritic lesion composed of
acoperitã de depozite hiperkeratozice groase, multiple reddish-purple polygonal, prominent,
albicioase, aderente, pluristratificate, realizând large papules, clustered into a single well defined
un aspect verucos-cornos. Leziunea este plaque of ~ 3/8 cm, with an elevation of ~ 0.5 cm,
localizatã la nivelul 1/3 inferioare a gambei and irregular edges, covered by whitish
drepte, pe faþa anterioarã a acesteia, pe un fond pluristratified, adherent, thick hyperkeratotic
hiperpigmentat constituþional, neputând fi deposits, resulting in a verrucous-corneous
demonstratã prezenþa stazei venoase. aspect.
Examenul clinic general a relevat prezenþa The lesion is located in the lower 1/3 of the
þesutului conjunctiv-adipos în exces, cu right calf, on its anterior side, on a constitutional
distribuþie preferenþial troncularã, realizând un hyperpigmented background, without any proof
tip constituþional ginoid. Indicele de masã of venous stasis.
corporalã de 29.7 kg/m2 a indicat suprapon- General clinical examination revealed the
deralitatea pacientei. De asemenea, bolnava excessive presence of adipose tissue, with a
acuzã astenie ºi fatigabilitate, ce au fost puse pe preferential truncal disposition, resulting in a
seama tratamentului antidepresiv. gynoid body type. The body mass index of 29.7
În urma efectuãrii anamnezei ºi a examenului kg/m2 indicated an overweight subject. Also, the
clinic obiectiv, s-a ajuns la concluzia cã leziunea patient accused asthenia and fatigue, which were
actualã este compatibilã cu recidiva afecþiunii attributed to the antidepressant treatment.
diagnosticate anterior - ºi anume, lichen plan As a result of the anamnesis and physical
hipertrofic. exam, it was concluded that the current lesion is
Examenul histopatologic efectuat pe consistent with a relapse of the previously
fragmentul prelevat de la pacientã la internarea diagnosed disease – namely, hypertrophic lichen
anterioarã a evidenþiat prezenþa unei marcate planus.
hiperkeratoze, cu hipergranulozã ºi acantozã The histopathological examination of the
importantã, cu creºteri epidermale alungite focal tissue fragment taken from the patient upon her
ºi ascuþite la bazã. Aceste modificãri au fost prior admission revealed the presence of marked
însoþite de prezenþa unui bogat infiltrat hyperkeratosis, with hypergranulosis and
inflamator limfocitar la nivelul dermului significant acanthosis, and focal elongation of the
subiacent, cu interesarea joncþiunii dermo- sharp based rete ridges. These changes were
epidermice, degenerescenþa hidropicã a stratului accompanied by the presence of an abundant
bazal ºi schiþã de plan de clivaj la acest nivel. De lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate in the
asemenea, au fost evidenþiaþi frecvenþi corpi subjacent dermis, with dermal-epidermal
Civatte la nivelul stratului bazal epidermal, junction involvement, hydropic degeneration of
realizând astfel un tablou tipic pentru lichenul the basal layer, and a sketched cleavage plan at
plan. this level. In addition, Civatte bodies were
Totodatã, la internarea anterioarã au fost frequently highlighted in the basal layer of the
efectuate testul HIV ºi un test VDRL, ale cãror epidermis, thus realizing a typical lichen planus
rezultate au fost negative, iar la internarea aspect.
actualã au fost repetate analizele uzuale. Also, at the previous hospitalization, HIV
Hemoleucograma completã a evidenþiat and VDRL assays were performed, which tested
neutropenie ºi limfocitozã în valori procentuale, negative, and during her current admission the
fãrã modificarea valorilor absolute. Probele de usual analyses were repeated. The complete
disproteinemie au relevat o uºoarã creºtere a blood count revealed procentual neutropenia and
transaminazei glutamil-oxaloacetice (GOT=36 lymphocytosis, without any changes in the
U/l), glicemia a fost la limita superioarã a absolute values. Dysproteinemia tests showed a
normalului, sugerând o toleranþã alteratã la slight increase of the glutamic-oxaloacetic

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

glucozã, iar profilul lipidic a confirmat transaminase (GOT=36 U/l), blood sugar levels
diagnosticul de hipercolesterolemie esenþialã were at the upper limit of normal range,
(Cho=283 mg/dl). În rest, explorãrile paraclinice suggesting an impaired glucose tolerance, and
realizate au fost în limite normale. În scop the lipid profile confirmed the diagnosis of
didactic, ar fi fost utilã o serie de explorãri essential hypercholesterolemia (Cho = 283
imuno-alergologice specifice, precum imuno- mg/dl). Otherwise, the paraclinical examinations
electroforeza proteinelor sau imunofluorescenþa that have been carried out were within normal
directã ºi/sau indirectã, însã acestea nu au putut limits. For didactic purposes, performing a
fi efectuate. number of specific immuno-allergological tests,
În ceea ce priveºte tratamentul, am optat such as protein immunoelectrophoresis or direct
pentru corticoterapie combinatã localã ºi and/or indirect immunofluorescence, would
sistemicã. Topic a fost utilizat un produs pe bazã have been useful, but they could not be executed.
de fluocinolon în asociere cu acid salicilic, iar per Regarding the treatment, we opted for
os pacienta a primit prednison, în dozã de 50 combined local and systemic corticotherapy.
mg/zi, menþinutã timp de 10 zile. Evoluþia a fost Topically, we used a product based on
favorabilã, dar lentã, astfel încât s-a recurs ºi la fluocinolone in combination with salicylic acid,
aplicaþii locale de azot, cu un rãspuns pozitiv. and the patient has also received oral prednisone,
Iniþial, a fost luatã în consideraþie ºi alternativa at a dose of 50 mg/day, that has been maintained
injectãrii intralezionale a unui preparat for 10 days. The evolution was favorable, but
cortizonic, însã s-a renunþat la aceastã opþiune slow, so that we also resorted to local applications
datoritã rãspunsului favorabil la crioterapie. of liquid nitrogen, with a positive response. The
La externare, pacienta a primit recomandarea option of intralesional cortisone injections has
respectãrii unui regim igieno-dietetic riguros, initially been taken into consideration, but this
incluzând evitarea stresului psiho-emoþional, o alternative was abandoned due to the favorable
dietã hipoglucidicã, hipolipidicã, hiposodatã ºi response to cryotherapy.
consum echilibrat de lichide, evitarea Upon discharge, the patient received the
traumatismelor locale, expunerii la intemperii, recommendation of a strict hygienic and dietary
efortului fizic susþinut ºi ortostatismului compliance, including avoidance of psycho-
prelungit, precum ºi interzicerea fumatului. emotional stress, a hypoglucidic, hypolipidemic
Totodatã, i-a fost recomandatã repetarea diet, with a balanced sodium and fluid intake,
periodicã a unui set complet de analize, cu and avoidance of local trauma, exposure to
monitorizarea probelor hepatice ºi a glicemiei, adverse climatic conditions, physical exertion or
eventual cu investigarea unei posibile prolonged orthostatism, as well as a smoking
hepatopatii (Ag HBs ºi Ac anti-HCV, ecografie prohibition. Concurrently, she was counseled to
abdominalã) ºi efectuarea unui consult periodically repeat a complete set of analyses,
gastroenterologic ºi de boli metabolice. monitoring the hepatic function panel and blood
glucose, and possibly undergo an investigation
Discuþii for a potential hepatopathy (HBsAg and anti-
HCV Ac, abdominal ultrasound), together with a
Lichenul plan hipertrofic, cunoscut ºi sub
gastroenterological and metabolic disease
denumirile de lichen plan verucos sau cornos,
reprezintã o variantã clinicã extrem de
pruriginoasã, caracterizatã prin prezenþa de
papule mari, proeminente, cu o tentã liliachie Discussions
patognomonicã, cu suprafaþã neregulatã, Hypertrophic lichen planus, also known as
acoperitã de depozite hiperkeratozice groase ºi verrucous or corneous lichen planus, represents
aderente, cu dispoziþie preferenþialã pe suprafaþa an extremely pruritic clinical variant, which is
membrelor inferioare, simetricã, în special în characterised by the presence of large, prominent
jurul gleznelor, localizare favorizatã de staza papules with a pathognomonic purple hue, an
venoasã [1,2,3,4]. În mod tipic, pe suprafaþa irregular surface covered with thick, adherent
leziunilor de lichen plan poate fi remarcatã o hyperkeratotic deposits, and a preferential

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

reþea finã de linii alb-translucide, cunoscutã sub symmetrical location on the surface of the inferior
denumirea de reþea Wickham, însã aceasta este limbs, particularly around the ankles, which is
mai greu de distins în forma hipertroficã a bolii favored by venous stasis [1,2,3,4]. Typically, on the
[1,2,3]. Adeseori, papulele pot conflua în plãci surface of lichen planus lesions there can be
violacee, hiperkeratozice, bine delimitate, de observed a fine network of white translucent
forme ºi întinderi variate [2,3]. În evoluþie, lines known as Wickham’s striae, but in the
vindecarea nu se produce cu restitutio ad hypertrophic form of the disease it can be
integrum, la nivelul tegumentelor afectate difficult to distinguish [1,2,3]. Often, the papules
putând fi observate hiperpigmentãri reziduale ºi may coalesce into well defined purple,
cicatrici, frecvent cu un oarecare grad de atrofie hyperkeratotic plaques of various shapes and
cutanatã [1,4]. sizes [2,3]. During the evolution of the disease,
Diagnosticul pozitiv de lichen plan are la healing does not occur with restitutio ad
bazã aspectul clinic caracteristic descris anterior, integrum, and residual hyperpigmentation or
însoþit de acuzele subiective – mai precis, de scarring may be observed on the affected
prurit - ºi este susþinut de rezultatele examenului teguments, frequently with some degree of
histopatologic, imunofluorescenþa directã ºi cutaneous atrophy [1,4].
imunofluorescenþa indirectã. The diagnosis of lichen planus is based upon
Diagnosticul diferenþial al lichenului plan the characteristic clinical appearance as described
hipertrofic se realizeazã cu multiple afecþiuni, above, accompanied by the subjective complaints
precum: psoriazis vulgar verucos sau rupioid, – specifically, pruritus – and is supported by
lichen simplex cronic, lichen amiloid, prurigo histopathological findings, direct and indirect
nodular, dermatitã de stazã sau sarcomul Kaposi immunofluorescence.
[1,2,3,4]. Leziunile unice pun probleme de The differential diagnosis of hypertrophic
diagnostic diferenþial cu epiteliomul bazocelular lichen planus is made with multiple conditions,
ºi boala Bowen [5]. such as: verrucous or rupioid psoriasis, lichen
În realizarea planului de tratament al simplex chronicus, lichen amyloidosis, nodular
lichenului plan, se recomandã adaptarea terapiei prurigo, stasis dermatitis and Kaposi’s sarcoma
în funcþie de caracteristicile fiecãrui pacient în [1,2,3,4]. Single lesions pose problems of differential

parte, date fiind variaþiile individuale legate de diagnosis with basal cell epithelioma and
forma clinicã de boalã, localizarea ºi extinderea Bowen’s disease [5].
leziunilor, severitatea manifestãrilor subiective ºi When planning the treatment regimen for
nu în ultimul rând, rãspunsul la diferitele metode lichen planus, it is advisable to adapt therapy
terapeutice [3,14]. according to the characteristics of each patient,
În ceea ce priveºte mãsurile igieno-dietetice, given the individual variations concerning the
datã fiind asocierea lichenului plan cu afecþiunile clinical form of the disease, location and extent of
de naturã neuropsihiatricã, se recomandã un stil lesions, severity of subjective complaints, and,
de viaþã echilibrat [6]. last but not least, the response to various
Printre alternativele tratamentului local al therapeutic methods [3,14].
lichenului plan sunt incluse utilizarea topicelor In regards to the hygienic-dietary measures,
pe bazã de glucocorticoizi, retinoizi, ciclosporinã, given the association between lichen planus and
micofenolat mofetil, tacrolimus sau acid neuropsychiatric disorders, a balanced lifestyle is
tricloracetic, precum ºi crioterapia sau highly recommended [6].
radioterapia medularã [1,3,4,6,7]. Aplicarea topicã a Among the alternatives in the local treatment
glucocorticoizilor cu potenþã crescutã reprezintã of lichen planus, there have been included topical
prima linie terapeuticã în tratamentul lichenului glucocorticoids, retinoids, cyclosporine,
plan cutanat [1,4]. În forma hipertroficã a bolii este mycophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus or
utilã folosirea pansamentelor ocluzive cu trichloroacetic acid, cryotherapy and radicular
contenþie elasticã sau a pansamentelor hidro- radiotherapy [1,3,4,6,7]. Applying high potency
coloidale autoadezive, injectarea intralezionalã topical corticosteroids represents the first-line
de glucocorticoizi, precum ºi asocierea therapy in the treatment of cutaneous lichen

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

corticoterapiei cu keratolitice sau reductoare [1,3]. planus [1,4]. The use of occlusive dressings with
Utilizarea retinoizilor sau a ciclosporinei în aplicare elastic contention or self-adhesive hydrocolloid
localã este recomandatã în cazurile cu leziuni dressings and intralesional corticosteroid
hipertrofice cronice, severe, în lipsa unui rãspuns injections, as well as combining corticosteroid
la corticoterapie [5]. În literatura de specialitate therapy with keratolytics or reducing agents can
este menþionat ºi tratamentul cu raze Grenz în be effective in the hypertrophic form of the
cazul formelor verucoase sau în plãci de lichen disease [1,3]. Applying topical retinoids or
plan hipertrofic, deºi în prezent se recurge rareori cyclosporine is recommended for cases with
la aceastã opþiune terapeuticã, în special datoritã chronic, severe hypertrophic lesions, in the
riscului de producere a fenomenului Köebner absence of a response to corticotherapy [5]. In the
[7,15]. specialty literature, Grenz ray treatment is
În privinþa mãsurilor de tratament general în mentioned for verrucous or plaque forms of
lichenul plan, este de reþinut cã în cazurile hypertrophic lichen planus, although this
asociate cu afecþiuni psihiatrice pot fi therapeutic option is rarely used nowadays,
administrate sedative, care, în asociere cu especially due to the risk of Köebner’s
medicamentele antipruriginoase, precum phenomenon occurring [7,15].
antihistaminicele, pot fi extrem de utile [2,6]. Concerning the methods of systemic therapy
Corticoterapia sistemicã, datoritã efectelor anti- in lichen planus, it is noteworthy that, in cases
inflamator ºi imunomodulator, reprezintã astfel a associated with psychiatric disorders, sedatives
doua linie terapeuticã în tratamentul lichenului may be administered, and can be extremely
plan, soldatã cu un bun control al simpto- useful, particularly when combined with
matologiei ºi o eficienþã clinicã superioarã antipruritic drugs such as antihistamines [2,6].
preparatelor topice [1,4]. În lichenul plan Systemic corticotherapy, due to its anti-
hipertofic este recomandat un plan terapeutic cu inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects,
doze mai mari, date fiind rezistenþa sau represents the second-line therapy in the
rãspunsul slab la dozele scãzute de treatment of lichen planus, resulting in a good
glucocorticoizi ºi tendinþa spre o evoluþie cronicã. control of the symptoms, and a superior clinical
Retinoizii sistemici sunt recomandaþi în formele effectiveness compared to local agents [1,4]. For
severe de lichen plan hipertrofic, cu un rãspuns hypertrophic lichen planus, a higher dosage
slab la corticoterapie, graþie efectelor anti- therapeutic plan is recommended, given the
inflamator ºi de modulare a proliferãrii celulare, resistance or poor response to low doses of
precum ºi datoritã potenþialului de modificare a glucocorticoids, and the tendency towards a
antigenele keratinocitare de suprafaþã [4,5,6]. Un chronic evolution. Systemic retinoids are
studiu recent a evidenþiat o frecvenþã de 2-3 ori suggested for severe forms of hypertrophic lichen
mai crescutã a dislipidemiei în rândul pacienþilor planus, with a poor response to corticosteroids,
trataþi cu retinoizi per os, astfel încât se due to their anti-inflammatory and modulation
recomandã monitorizarea profilului lipidic în of cell proliferation effects, as well their potential
conducerea tratamentului [4,16]. Ciclosporina to modify the surface antigens of keratinocytes
inhibã producerea ºi eliberarea de IL1 ºi IL2 din [4,5,6]. A recent study revealed a 2-3 fold increased

monocite ºi limfocitele T, putând fi utilizatã în frequency of dyslipidemia among patients

formele severe de boalã, rezistente la treated with oral retinoids, so that the lipid
corticoterapie, deºi în ultima vreme se preferã profile should be monitored during the treatment
aplicarea topicã a inhibitorilor calcineurinei de [4,16]. Cyclosporine suppresses the production and

ultimã generaþie [4,5,6]. Fototerapia ºi release of IL1 and IL2 from monocytes and T
fotochimioterapia au dat rezultate favorabile, însã lymphocytes, and can be used in severe,
în alegerea acestui tip de tratament trebuie luat în corticosteroid-resistant forms of disease,
consideraþie raportul risc/beneficiu, datoritã although topical application of next-generation
reacþiilor adverse precum: hiperpigmentarea calcineurin inhibitors has been preferred lately
rezidualã, fototoxicitatea ºi degenerarea actinicã, [4,5,6]. Phototherapy and photochemotherapy have

apariþia carcinomului spinocelular ºi a cataractei shown favorable results, but when choosing this

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

Alte preparate medicamentoase utilizate în treatment option, a risk/benefit assessment
tratamentul formelor severe de lichen plan should be taken into consideration, due to
includ: azatioprinã, griseofulvinã, dapsonã, adverse reactions such as: residual
hidroxiclorochinã, micofenolat mofetil, hyperpigmentation, phototoxicity and actinic
sulfasalazinã, metotrexat, ciclofosfamidã, degeneration, or the occurrence of squamous cell
efalizumab, alefacept, tetraciclinã, metronidazol, carcinoma and cataract [1,4,17]. Among other drugs
itroconazol, enoxaparinã [1,2,4,9]. used for the treatment of severe forms of lichen
Tratamentul chirurgical include excizia planus, the following are included: azathioprine,
chirurgicalã a leziunii, criochirurgia ºi laserul cu griseofulvin, dapsone, hydroxychloroquine,
dioxid de carbon sau Nd:YAG, cu rezultate mycophenolate mofetil, sulfasalazine,
favorabile în cazurile fãrã leziuni extensive [1,6]. methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, efalizumab,
Evoluþie ºi prognostic. Lichenul plan alefacept, tetracycline, metronidazole,
reprezintã o afecþiune cu evoluþie benignã de cele itroconazole, enoxaparine [1,2,4,9].
mai multe ori, fãrã afectarea stãrii generale [3]. Surgical treatment options include surgical
Tendinþa uzualã este spre autolimitare în formele excision of the lesion, cryosurgery and carbon
comune, leziunile putând sã disparã ºi în decurs dioxide or Nd:YAG laser, with favorable results
de câteva sãptãmâni [1,3]. În aproximativ 50% din in cases without extensive lesions [1,6].
cazuri rezoluþia se produce în 6-9 luni, iar în Evolution and prognosis. Most of the times,
absenþa corticoterapiei, leziunile dispar în cel lichen planus represents a disease with a benign
mult 18 luni [1,4]. Cu toate acestea, au fost evolution, without any effects on the overall
raportate ºi cazuri persistente de lichen plan condition [3]. In common forms, the usual
hipertrofic, cu o evoluþie cronicã, întinsã pe tendency is towards self-limitation, so that
parcursul mai multor ani, fiind înregistrate chiar lesions may disappear within a few weeks [1,3]. In
ºi evoluþii de 20 de ani [1,2,3]. Recidivele sunt about 50% of the cases, resolution takes places in
întâlnite în aproximativ 20% din cazuri, uneori ºi 6-9 months, and in the absence of corticotherapy,
la un interval de zeci de ani de la debut [1,3]. the lesions disappear within 18 months [1,4].
Complicaþiile lichenului plan hipertrofic constau Nevertheless, there have been reports of
în lichenificãri ºi pigmentãri reziduale durabile persistent hypertrophic lichen planus cases, with
sau leziuni sechelare atrofo-cicatriceale [1,3,4]. De a chronic course extended over several years,
asemenea, a fost raportatã apariþia cornurilor some having had evolutions of up to 20 years
cutanate multiple ºi a keratoacantoamelor, iar [1,2,3]. Recurrences may be seen in approximately
circa 0.4% din cazuri se pot solda cu degenerare 20% of the cases, sometimes even after an interval
carcinomatoasã (epiteliom spinocelular), pânã în of decades from the onset [1,3]. Hypertrophic
prezent fiind raportate doar 50 de asemenea lichen planus complications consist of lasting
cazuri [1,18]. În privinþa comorbiditãþilor, nu residual lichenification and hyperpigmentation,
trebuie neglijatã asocierea lichenului plan cu alte and scarring or atrophic sequelae [1,3,4]. The
afecþiuni cu mecanism imun, boli metabolice sau occurrence of multiple cutaneous horns or
procesele maligne amintite anterior, astfel încât keratoacanthoma has also been reported, and
pacienþii necesitã o monitorizare atentã, pentru a about 0.4% of the cases can result in
putea fi îndreptaþi înspre serviciile
carcinomatous degeneration (squamous cell
corespunzãtoare dacã este necesar. Prognosticul
epithelioma), so far only 50 such cases having
este, în mod uzual, unul bun, gradul de afectare a
been reported [1,18]. Regarding the comorbidities,
calitãþii vieþii fiind proporþional cu severitatea
the association between lichen planus and other
simptomatologiei [3].
autoimmune or metabolic disease, and the
previously mentioned malignancies should not
Concluzii be neglected, so that patients require careful
Lichenul plan hipertrofic reprezintã o monitoring, in order to direct them toward
afecþiune cu o evoluþie imprevizibilã, adeseori corresponding services if necessary. Usually, the
îndelungatã, rãspunsul la tratament fiind de prognosis is good, the degree in which the

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 58: 47-58

multe ori nesatisfãcãtor. În cazul pacientei quality of life is impaired being proportional to
prezentate, deºi evoluþia a fost favorabilã pe the severity of the symptoms [3].
parcursul ultimei internãri, trebuie luate în
consideraþie înregistrarea unei recidive la interval Conclusions
de 1 an de la debut, asocierea cu tulburarea
Hypertrophic lichen planus is a disease with
afectivã bipolarã ºi posibilitatea instalãrii unui
an unpredictable and often lengthy evolution,
diabet zaharat, precum ºi faptul cã pacienta este
with an unsatisfactory response to treatment in
deja pensionatã pe seama psihozei depresive.
many cases. Concerning the presented patient,
Astfel, prognosticul pe termen lung este unul
although the evolution was favorable during her
nefavorabil, cu posibilitatea unei evoluþii
last admission, the appearance of a relapse within
îndelungate ºi/sau a apariþiei unor noi recãderi ºi
1 year from the onset should be taken into
nu în ultimul rând, cu o deteriorare evidentã a
account, as well as the association with the
calitãþii vieþii.
bipolar disorder, a possible diabetes onset, and
Particularitãþile cazului au constat în
the fact that the patient is already retired on
prezenþa unei leziuni unice, precum ºi în forma
account of the depressive psychosis. Hence, the
clinicã de boalã, lichenul plan hipertrofic
long-term prognosis is an unfavorable one, with
înregistrând o incidenþã relativ scãzutã.
the possibility of a prolonged evolution and/or
the occurrence of further relapses, and also an
obvious deterioration in terms of quality of life.
The particularities of this case were
represented by the presence of a single lesion, as
well as the clinical form of the disease,
hypertrophic lichen planus registering a
relatively low incidence.

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Conflict de interese Conflict of interest


Adresa de corespondenþã: Spitalul de Boli Infecþiose ºi Tropiocale Dr. „V. Babeº“, Bucureºti, ªoseaua Mihai Bravu 281, sector 3.
Correspondance address: Infectivity and Tropiocale Diseases Hospital Dr. „V. Babes“, Bucharest, Bravu Road 281, sector 3.


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