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Dictionarul meu de la job

Expresie "More for me". Cand oferi cuiva ceva ce mananci tu sau bei tu si
persoana refuza, poti sa spui zambind "more for me" (familiar, fireste si inseamna
"ramane mai mult pentru mine, atunci".)
Do I need to know this? (expresie). Cand citesti ceva intr-o publicatie sau cand iti
spune cineva ceva care nu are nici o relevanta pentru tine...te intrebi "Do I need
to know this?" (adica am nevoie sa stiu/aflu asta?). Asta apropo de avalansa de
informatii cu care suntem bombardati....

Expresie: "worth every penny" - merita toti banii

She's drop dead gorgeous- E frumoasa de pica.

He's filthy rich- E putred de bogat

Cand faci o greseala, spui: "Sorry, my bad" My bad inseamna "e vina mea"

It's a no brainer. No brainer se foloseste cand vrei sa spui ca nu tre sa fii destept
sa stii asta, e la mintea cocosului adica

Off the record (neoficial, deci confidential) Off the record, I can tell you that he's
not just into it. Tine pentru tine, dar pot sa iti spun ca nu le are cu..(nu se

Of course, but this is just a "pie in the sky". (Fireste, dar e nerealist, de
nerealizat). Pie in the sky inseamna ceva superb dar irealistic, imposibil de
realizat. (s-ar traduce placinta in cer)

Cand cineva se trezeste dimineata poti sa ii spui zambind "rise and shine!" (un
fel de buna dimineata, ca si cum persoana e un soare si se ridica pe cer si

He was ready to spill the beans when the phone rang. Era gata sa se dea in
vileag, sa povesteasca si de-odat a sunat telefonul!

Cold turkey- spontan, brusc. I quit cold turkey! M-am lasat brusc.

Talk to the hand (vorbeste la pereti-ca eu nu ascult)

That's All Folks! (asta e tot oameni buni!)- SI cam asta a fost (adica am povestit
sau facut si cam asta a fost tot) It means it's the end or it's finished.- inseamna ca
s-a incheiat, s-a terminat (ceva).

There's no such thing as a free lunch! Expresie care ar vrea sa spuna ca nimic
nu e gratis in lumea asta

Top notch - de cea mai buna calitate, de lux

What you see is what you get- expresie care s-ar traduce cam asa (mot a mot
ce vezi aia primesti): pe principiul vazut placut. Adica iei cei vezi, nu contracte,
apendixuri si articole si amendamente...

"as is" (asa cum e). O sa vedeti la magazine scris "as is", de obicei pe un produs

To 'pass the buck' - a se eschiva

Heads up. Just giving you the heads up, I am going to see him tomorrow at 5 pm
(te anunt ca ma vad cu el maine la 5). Heads up ar insemna ca te pun in garda, de
anunt, isi spun de pe acum...

Intr-o discutie poti sa auzi "very much so" de la persoana cu care ai dialogul. In
functie de context inseamna o intarire a cele spuse de persoana de dialog, un gen
de "chiar!" sau "asa e" sau "chiar asa!".

tell me about it - (folosit cand vrei sa ii spui celui/celei care vorbeste ca intelegi
ca ai fost si tu in situatia aia)
He is the laughingstock of our grup. E cel mai ridicol din grupul nostru. (cu sensul
"de ras" sau "de rasul lumii")

To eyeball- a aprecia ochiometric ceva, fara sa masori sau cantaresti.

Sore loser - Unul care cand pierde la un joc/competie gaseste vinovati si e suparat
pe castigatori. Persoana care nu stie sa piarda "sore loser (plural sore losers)

to "chill out", a te relaxa, a fi in pace, calm/a

down on one's luck - perioada de ghinioane, a ii merge prost cuiva

To keep - E un cuvant compus din "up" care inseamna sus si keep/to keep (verb)
care inteamna multe, de baza inseamna a tine dar in functie de prepozitia de
dupa, poate insemna multe: Phrasal verb KEEP

KEEP AROUND = continue to possess or keep near you - a tine pe cineva langa
I have know idea why they keep around this piece of junk. They'll never use it.

KEEP AT = continue with something (usually difficult) a se stradui, a face eforturi

Jill kept at the puzzle until she put all the pieces together.

KEEP AWAY = prevent from gaining access; not allow near - a tine la distanta
The warehouse has a guard dog to keep away would be thieves.

KEEP BACK = maintain a safe distance a mentine distanta

The police kept back the crowd by blocking off the street.

KEEP DOWN = A. not vomit B. repress or muffle a se abtine sa vomiti, a tine

sunetul jos (fara galagie) si altele care se inteleg din context
A. Did she keep down the soup? No, she hasn't kept anything down for two days.
B. Keep down the noise, will you? I'm trying to sleep.

KEEP FROM = refrain from doing - a se abtine

I couldn't keep myself from eating the last piece of cake.

KEEP IN = not allow out - a sta in casa, a nu iesi din casa (de exeplu, din cauza
She kept him in because he had a high temperature.

KEEP OFF = A. not walk on something B. not talk about something (a nu calca
iarba, a se tine departe de..a se abtine de la anume subiecte, etc, tot asa, in
functie de context capata un sens sau altul.
A. There was a sign posted at the courthouse that read; keep off the grass!
B. The reporter kept off any the topic of the recent scandal with the politician.

KEEP ON = continue - a continua

Let's keep on hiking... it's such a beautiful day.

KEEP OUT = not allow someone to enter - a nu lasa pe cineva sa intre, a tine la
We were kept out of the club because we were too young.

KEEP TO = remain steady or faithful to something - a se tine pe pozitie, a fi ferm,

a nu se abate
Let's keep to the plan. I don't want to make any changes now.

KEEP UP = A. prevent from going to bed B. maintain a continuous action or state -

a sta treaz/a
A. John kept up Jill last night talking about the current crisis.
B. "Keep up the good work," John's teacher said to him as he handed back his

KEEP UP WITH = A. move at same rate or pace B. stay informed, current, up to

date - a tine pasul cu ceva sau cineva
A. The pack kept up with the leader as they rounded the final bend of the race.
B. I keep up with things back home by reading the news on the internet.

Upkeep - intretinere (de exemplu, a unei masini)

It was so spot on- a pus punctul pe "i", sau a fost exact, corect

afternoon slump- momentul ala de la jumatea zilei cand brusc ti se face somn
sau esti obosit/a, de obicei intre orele 13-15.

to uproot- uprooting- a dezradacina o planta sau ceva din pamant sau a se reloca
undeva cu locuinta

Expresie "don't jump to conclusions!". Asta ar insemna nu te repezi sa tragi

concluzii, mai ai de cules informatii pt a putea trage o concluzie.

This stuff is legit. Legit inseamna f bun, k lumea

It will weigh you down - te va trage la fund

Sorry, I didn't mean it - imi pare rau (scuza-ma), nu am vrut sa te supar

I'm sold! - se foloseste cand esti convins, cand cineva sau ceva te-a convins!

What's going on? - ce se intampla?

Can I make it up to you? - Cum pot sa dreg busuiocul? Cum pot sa ma revansez
fata de tine? Ce pot sa fac sa iti treaca supararea pe mine?

Get over it! - las-o cum a picat, nu te mai gandi. Uita, trei peste asta...

To have closure - intr-o relatie, sa fie relatia incheiata cum se cuvine, cu o

discutie intrei cei doi. Ce inseamna sa nu ai "closure" (inchidere) e, de exemplu sa
nu-ti mai raspunda si sa dispara din viata ta.
wrap your head around that! - "Mai pricepe ceva", greu de "digerat", de inteles.

fall short of (something) – a nu indeplini ceva, a nu se ridica la nivelul asteptat,

a nu reusi ceva, a rata
To not meet or reach something, usually a goal, standard, or requirement.
All of these scientific explanations felt short. Toate explicatiile stiintifice nu au dus
nicaieri (cu privire la o situatie si explicatia sa). Iata si alte expemple de
propozitii/fraze cu "fall short": The phone falls quite short of the company's usual
quality, feeling a bit cheap as a result. (telefonul pare chiar stift pentru marca
asta, chiar pare unul ieftin.)
Unfortunately, your application fell short of the requirements for entry, so it has
been denied. (Din pacate aplicatiei tale ii lipsesc cerintele de selectie, asa ca a fost
The company fell short of their quarterly targets for the third time in a row.
(Compania nu si-a atins obiectivele trimestriale pentru a treia oara la rand).

Far fetched – tras de par, putin credibil, neverosimil

Immutable – de neschimbat, de neclintit, imuabil (ca o lege)

Destination wedding- cand nunta se face in alta tara si sunt invitati din timp
(cam cu cel putin un an inainte) cei care urmeaza sa participe la nunta. Se
combina astfel o vacanta cu o nunta, ca in Republica Dominicana, Jamaica,

Take your studies and shove them where the sun doesn't shine!!! Expresia
"where the sun doesn't shine" e un mod diferit de a spune " in fund" :). Deci: ia-ti
studiile (facute sau mentionate) si baga-ti-le unde nu te vede soarele.

3 pm slump – leneveala care te apuca pe la ora 15:00

To cut back- a reduce. I had to cut back drining coffee

The wound (rana) was very oozy- despre o rana, cand e infectata si are puroi-

swag- staff we all get-materiale promotionale. I'll send you some swag.

rock bottom -Se spune despre cineva ca a ajuns "rock bottom" (la fundul
prapastiei, la cel mai jos nivel)
"In and out"- expresie care ar insemna, ca, de exemplu, intr-un magazin intri, iei
de pe raft ceva ce ai nevoie, platesti si pleci, fara sa mai petreci timp in magazin la
cascat gura

I was in awe- eram extaziata, in al noualea cer, incantata.

Combo - combo la food court (locul din mall unde se mananca si sunt diferite
firme) sau la alte "eateries" (locuri unde se mananca) inseamna de obicei doua
feluri de mancare + ceva suc.

Potluck - cuvant compus din "pot" (oala) si luck (noroc)- fiecare aduce ceva de
mancare si se mananca la comun (de exemplu, la job sau la un party).

Mix and match - combinatie, asortare de lucruri, haine, etc.

Maggy is elderly – Maggie e in varsta

“Everything turns up in the end” – totul se aranjeaza pana la urma

“It’s the best thing since sliced bread” sau “best thing since sliced bread”
– aceasta expresie se foloseste cand vrei sa spui ca un lucru e grozav, sa zicem un
nou fel de a impaturi rufele sau un cutit incalzit pentru unt, etc.
"Can we just drop this?" - am putea sa nu mai vorbim despre asta?

Shrilly- galagios, guraliv.

Cand cineva raspunde la “How are you” cu “Hunky Dory”, inseamna ceva de
genul “totul e f bine/minunat”

To whine [wain], a se plange de ceva

Bunk (se citeste bank)- gogoritza, neadevarat

Bogus. Not genuine. Counterfeit. A total sham. Illegitimate. Nonsense.

Mushy- moale, flescait. De exemplu, capsuna bagata la congelator se face

"mushy" (moale)

I never thought of buying a steamer but after buying this I can't believe what I
was missing out on.- Expresia in bold s-ar traduce: nu stiam inainte ce-mi lipsea

Pitted- fruct cu samburele scos.

To panhandle- a cersi. Exemplu: she went back to the streets to panhandle for
money (s-a intors pe strazi sa cerseasca bani).

Pitted- fruct cu samburele scos. Apasa pe difuzor

"ea" e prescurtarea de la "each" si inseamna pret pe bucata/felie. Pestele bun se

vinde la felie in general...
To rant- a vorbi pasional, emotional, nu neaparat fondat pe fapte.

Why are you picking on me? De ce te iei de mine?

To pawn - a amaneta. Exemplu: She had to put her ring in pawn to pay the
bills.A trebuit sa isi amaneteze inelul sa-si plateasca facturile. Apasati pe difuzor
pentru pronuntie

Inebriated. Un fel de beat:). Drunk :)

On hand-la indemana Exemplu: I always keep these on hand! Le am intotdeauna

la indemana

To get by- a se descurca, a face fata (in special financiar).

A nu se confunda "to get buy" cu "to go by" care inseamna altceva. To go by ar
insemna mai multe in functie de context. De exemplu: Time goes by= Timpul
trece. I go by calendar = Merg dupa calendar (fac lucrurile dupa calendar). When I
knew her, she used to go by the name of Ricki= Cand o stiam eu, folosea numele
de RIcki. Daca ai doua nume, ai putea fi intrebat/a pe care il folosesti, primul sau
al doilea. Si tu vei spune: I go by Lucian. Adica daca ma cheama Florin Lucian,
prefer sa imi spui Lucian, ma prezint ca Lucian. I go by what she told me= Fac asa
cum mi-a spus ea.


However- Pe continentul american lucrurile se spun usor diferit. Daca vrei sa faci
o sugestie, un comentariu, incepi prin a spune ceva bun despre persoana sau
lucrul respectiv si apoi spui ce ai de spus. De exemplu: mi-a placut mult
prezentarea ta, felicitari! As pune totusi anumite lucruri listate, cu bullets (gen 1,
2, 3). Ei bine, acest totusi se poate formula in mai multe feluri si dau nuante usor
diferite. 1) however 2) as it turns out 3) but 4) nevertheless 5) nonetheless
5)still 6) yet 7) though 8) although. Acestea se folosesc in mijlocul propozitiei
si propozitia de dupa ele pare sa contrazica ce ai spus anterior Iata cateva din
sinonimele lui "However" si pronuntia (apasati pe difuzorul mic-pictograma). Unele
nu sunt chiar sinonime 100% dar se pot folosi cu un inteles asemanator. Exemplu:
I loved the way you decorated your room, however, don’t you like plants?
Traducere: imi place cum ti-ai decorat camera, totusi, nu iti plac plantele?

Don't jump the gun yet! Nu te repezi inca, nu trage (cu pusca) inca, asteapta
putin sa...A actiona prea devreme...A te pripi

Cand vrei sa arati cuiva ca "nu"-ul tau e categoric spui "heck no" (Jargon) care e
forma mai acceptabila decat originalul "f" no.

Top up - diferenta, de exemplu, de bani...Exemplu: I’ll top that up=Voi pune eu

Bottom line...De obicei, "totalul" conteaza in multe discutii, initial a fost vorba de
cifre, de totalul matematic, dar asta s-a extrapolat si cu intelesul de "concluzie"

Judgement call - a face un "judgement call" inseamna ceva gen " a lua o decizie
cand ceva nu e clar, bazat pe judecata ta"

Educated guess: a alege un raspuns dintr-o serie de raspunsuri, bazat pe

experienta si fler sau prin eliminare.

Cand vrei sa arati cuiva ca "nu"-ul tai e categoric spui "heck no" care e forma mai
acceptabila decat originalul "f" no.

Don't jump the gun yet! Nu te repezi inca, nu trage (cu pusca) inca, asteapta
putin sa...A actiona prea devreme...

Pick your poison- mot a mot s-ar traduce alege-ti otrava. Se foloseste cand tre
sa alegi ce e mai bun din cele doua rele.
Toate cele trei cuvinte invatate azi incep cu "s" :) Urmatorul e "snitch", care
inseamna turnator, informator. S-ar pronunta snicz, cam asa. snitchDictionary
result for snitch
inform on someone.
"she wouldn't tell who snitched on me"
an informer.
To spoil (s-ar citi spoil, cum se aude, ceea ce e rar la cuvintele din engleza :) ).
Este in verb (va dati seama ca e verb dupa faptul ca am pus "to" in fata, ceea ce
se pune la verbul la infinitiv). To spoil inseamna si a rasfata, dar si a se strica, de
exemplu, laptele. De exemplu, spui despre un copil ca e "spoiled" (s-ar citi in
romana spoild). Deci, "you spoil your child" inseamna ca iti rasfeti copilul. Pe de
alta parte, daca gusti laptele si ti se pare acru spui "this milk is spoiled" Dar sa ne
amuzam un pic, Google traduce asa. Lapte stricat = lapte rasfatat. :) In general
iti dai seama din context de inteles, daca e vorba de copii, sigur e vorba de rasfat.
Daca e vorba de lapte, sigur e vorba de stricat, nu de rasfatat, ca mai jos :)

"I hope you didn't come here to scold me" To scold..s-ar traduce in romana
asa: sa ma certi, sa imi faci morala, etc. Meaning of scold in English
verb [ T ] UK /skəʊld/ US /skoʊld/ old-fashioned

to speak to someone angrily because you disapprove of their behaviour:

His mother scolded him for breaking her favourite vase.

Let me pick your brain- stai sa iti cer parerea, sa aud ce spui si tu despre o

Your fly is low (expresie)- asta ii spui cuiva care are slitzul desfacut la pantaloni,
cum ar fi in romana ai slitzul desfacut/deschis. Se mai foloseste si "your fly is
open" care inseamna acelasi lucru
To be mouthy (de la gura)=a fi vorbaret in sensul de a indrazni sa deschizi gura
to do time= a avea cazier, a face puscarie
keep it under wraps - tine asta pentru tine-nu spune nimanui

Emdash? Ce este emdash? Este liniuta, dar una mai lunga, fara spatii inainte si dupa ea, nu e cea
simpla, care uneste doua cuvinte. Ceva de genul: am fost la piata cu mama--nu ca as fi vrut, ci ca ma
rugase de o saptamana sa merg cu ea. Deci e un fel de paranteza in gandire. Exemplu:
bla-bla hyphen
en-dash (or ndash or n-dash)
em-dash (or mdash or m-dash)

It was a breeze – a fost foarte usor

To have the runs- a simti nevoia sa mergi la toaleta urgent

Rationale. The rationale for a course of action, practice, or belief is the set of
reasons on which it is based. The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is
inevitably being questioned. Rationale s-ar traduce cam asa...motivul pentru care
faci ceva. Care e motivul pentru care faci ceaiul asa, de exemplu si nu cum il fac
De exemplu, noi la job trebuia sa facem un capitol "rationale" in care sa justificam
de ce cerem de la asigurari un anume lucru pentru pacient.

I don't kiss and tell. Asa se spune cand cineva te intreaba ceva indiscret despre
iubita ta sau fosta iubita, de exemplu. Tu ii spui "I don't kiss and tell" adica eu nu
sarut si spun, asa se traduce mot a mot. Adica nu spui nimic din lucrurile intime...

Alta gluma pe la joburi...Cand te intreaba cineva ceva despre ceva ce-ar trebui sa
stii tu, poti spune in gluma (dar nu sefului!!! colegilor la care merg glumele)
asa ar fi discutia: " Do you know. this or that..?" (stii cumva asta sau aia...) si tu
raspunzi mirat "how could I know? I just work here" (de unde sa stiu, eu
doar lucrez aici)

Joc de cuvinte.."Do you work hard?" Raspuns: "I hardly work" (muncesti greu?
Abia muncesc :)

You bet! Cand cineva iti spune "Thank you"/ "Multumesc", poti raspunde-
informal, fireste- cu " you bet (expresie care ar insemna ceva gen cu placere la
noi..sau pentru putin.
Informal "lil" e o prescurtare de la "little"

yo – un fel de “bunaaaaa” (forma de salut).

1. used to greet someone, attract their attention, or express excitement.

Two people who are flirting a lot but not in a relationship stage - perhaps one
wants a relationship but the other doesn't. Basically two people who spend a lot of
time together but aren't necessarily dating.
Bob: Yo Mike, are Pedro and Lauren going out?

Mike: Nah, they're just onit.

Expresie "we're on it" (we're working on it) - ne ocupam de asta.

Break a leg! Bafta, noroc

"Take it with a grain of salt" - expresia se foloseste atunci cand cineva te

atentioneaza ca nu trebuie sa crezi tot ce auzi, sa fii sceptic, ca trebuie sa verifici
informatia sau ca nu e 100% asa, ceva de genul acesta.

To be on the mend - a se vindeca, a fi in convalescent

In this day and age - in vremurile noastre

"This way" - se foloseste cand esti cu cineva si ii arati aici adica..

After you - Cand iesi pe o usa sau la lift, ii spun asa (dupa dv)

I end up changing my password - a trebuit sa schimb parola (to end up..a

trebuit, a fost ajuns sa..)

Hop on hop off - in calatorii, un tip de autobuze pe un anume traseu in care urci
la un punct, cobori la care punct vrei, vizitezi, apoi iar te urci in el, apoi iar cobori..
A type of tourist bus or tram that follows a circular route with fixed stops through
a city and that allows paying passengers unlimited travel for a day (or other period
of time) with the freedom to disembark at any stop and reboard another bus or
tram to continue their journey. Also referred to as “step on step off.”

Hit it (sau Do it!) – slang. Gen “asa sa faci” sau are multe alte intelesuri in functie
de context. De exemplu: I’m gonna hit the gym. Ma duc la sala. Hit + a place =
go to; I’m gonna hit the hay= ma duc la culcare

I “rocked up” to her and asked her for a chocolate. Expresia “rock up” inseamna
ca m-am dus sau am vorbit cu o persoana.

This is my “go to” jacket - asta e geaca mea preferata

This is my “go to” wine – asta e vinul meu preferat, cel pe care il aleg mereu

More so- Mai mult ..iata si cum ar suna in romana: a fost la mare, la munte, in
concediu, ba mai mult, a fost o saptamana si in Grecia!
iata un exemplu de cum e folosit aici: "During this time you will be forced to
reevaluate your life and where you are headed, but more-so in a way that makes
you question the people closest to you.
Informal poate fi vazut si “moreso”

to go commando - vine de la soldatii din razboiul din Vietnam si inseamna a nu

purta lenjerie intima.

be out of the woods - a scapa, a fi in afara pericolului

leeway - libertate de actiune sau de gandire, gen "la discretie", sau "din belsug"
cand e vorba de materiale pentru un proiect anume..
SynonymsExamplesWord Origin
See more synonyms for leeway on
extra time, space, materials, or the like, within which to operate; margin:
With ten minutes' leeway we can catch the train.
a degree of freedom of action or thought:
His instructions gave us plenty of leeway.

Layman- om obisnuit, fara studii speciale intr-un anume domeniu..De exemplu,

poti spune: "pentru o persoana obisnuita are multe cunostinte de legislatie
Layman | Definition of Layman by Merriam-Webster
Aug 2, 2018 - 1 : a person who is not a member of the clergy The parish council
consisted of both clergy and laymen. 2 : a person who does not belong to a
particular profession or who is not expert in some field For a layman, he knows a
lot about the law.

I would not "jump the gun" on that- Nu m-as pripi/grabi cu asta. jump the gun
phrase of gun
act before the proper time.
synonyms: act prematurely, act too soon, be too/overly hasty, be precipitate, be
rash; informalbe ahead of oneself
"several radio stations have jumped the gun by announcing winners long before
the polls have closed in certain districts"

We have to first “iron some wrinkles” – mai intai, hai sa lamurim cate ceva,
niste detalii. A calca niste cute la ceva, un proiect, o lucrare, un angajament, etc

Yay! Un gen de evrica, super, un fel de waw care exprima satisfactia...adica ai

reusit, ti-a iesit

No way! - s-ar pot sa se poate!

No way! Get out of here! – “Nu se poate! Termina cu prostiile” sau “Nu se
poate, lasa-ma cu de-astea!”

I think he may have been hitting on me – cred ca s-a dat la mine

Jaywalker- pieton care nu trece pe la trecerea de pietoni

I'm hooked on that! - A deveni dependent de ceva, gen ciocolata, sa zicem...sau

de un sport, dar si de un drog

I'm sold on that! -gata, m-a(i) convins! (adica de exemplu “imi place la nebunie
mancarea asta noua, m-a convins/cucerit!)

Are we cool (now)? - Adica "toate bune"", in genul de "ne-am lamurit", ne-am
impacat, nu esti suparat/a pe mine?
Do you have good feelings toward me? (In other words, do you NOT have any
anger or hurt feelings toward me?)

Clearance - (cel cu galben in poza de mai sus)-redus "ca sa plece" fiindca trece
sezonul..sau nu se vinde dupa asteptari, dorind sa faca loc colectiei urmatoare, de
toamna, sa spunem. De obicei la clearance cred ca sunt reducerile cele mai mari.
Rollback -termen de marketing, comercial care inseamna reducere.

"Sorry, come again" - Scuze, poti sa mai repeti o data?" (cand nu auzi sau nu
intelegi ceva ce ti se spune.

The lack of a better word- din lipsa de cuvinte – greu de exprimat, dar se
allege cel mai apropiat cuvant care sa fie “pe-acolo”

At the other side of the break – dupa pauza (la cealalta parte a pauzei)

Insofar- in masura in care

Buzz off - cara-te, lasa-ma in pace

To have a jolly time, a fi fericit si vesel. Jolly = fericit, vesel

He must be getting on in years – El inainteaza in varsta

Preposterous –illogical, fara sens, absent

To kick the bucket – a muri (informal)

"Not my slice of pie" (nu e felia mea de placinta) - nu e genul meu. Fiul meu mi-
a raspuns asa cand i-am trimis o melodie. E un raspuns politicos pt a evita sa spui
ca nu iti place.

Dumbfound - traducere libera: surprins, cu gura cascata, fara replica

To bicker - a se certa pe lucruri marunte, cum ar fi care din noi sa duca gunoiul,
care sa dea cu aspiratorul, care sa raspunda la telefon

Change to the most left line – schimba banda pana la cea mai din stanga (cand

At a drop of a hat – intr-o clipa. Exemplu: he can change plans at a drop of a hat
(Poate schimba planurile brusc/dintr-o data.

Head rush (dizzyness) - ameteala, cand te ridici brusc, de exemplu

To hand off – a da altcuiva ceva, a pasa, a da mai departe

I think I’m gonna have to hand this off – (synonym: pass this on)
charlie horses in your legs - crampe musculare (carcei)

"lo and behold" - ca si cum ai spune in conversatie "ei, bine..." sau ca si cum ai
spune "sa vezi si sa nu crezi", exprimand supriza!
—used to express wonder or surprise

Un commentator la radio: ight now it's a traffic clash...pauza..apoi corecteaza,

"crash"rather. Adica pentru a corecta o greseala in exprimare, a spus "crash
rather" (mai degraba "crash). Sa vedem care e diferenta intre ele: Clash ciocnire
violent, crash zdrobire, accindet auto. De exemplu poti spune ca doua rosii, intr-o
reteta sunt crushed, dar nu poti spune ca sunt clashed.

More for me! Expresie care se spune uneori cand oferi cuiva de mancare si

To grope (a pipai)/ɡrōp/Submit/verb/gerund or present participle: groping

feel about or search blindly or uncertainly with the hands.
"she got up and groped for her spectacles"

spurn- a refuza, a rejecta

past tense: spurned; past participle: spurned

reject with disdain or contempt.

Tacky - (techi:) De prost gust, ieftin

scrunch·ie = a circular band of fabric-covered elastic used for fastening the hair.
noun: scrunchy

Verb. butt heads. (idiomatic) (a se certa, a avea discutii/controverse) To argue

uncompromisingly. They always seem to butt heads when they end up talking
about politics.

hear·say – informatie care nu poate fi verificata, ceva ce-am auzit noi de la

1. information received from other people that one cannot adequately
substantiate; rumor.
"according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm"
synonyms: rumor, gossip, tittle-tattle, idle talk

wet·back - a Mexican living in the US, especially without official authorization.

Noun US informal derogatory

Buyer's remorse - remuscarile cumparatorului-se refera la momentele alea cand

vii acasa cu banii cheltuiti si incepi sa regreti ca te-a luat valul si ai cumparat


Pre-owned - ceva folosit, purtat, second hand

1. unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient.
"both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened"

There is more than one way to skin a cat :) - sunt mai multe cai de a face
un lucru there are many ways to skin cats
there's more than one way to skin a cat
A problem generally has more than one solution.
have a go (at someone or something) – a se lua de cineva

 To attempt to do or undertake something, especially that which is unfamiliar

or new. Primarily heard in UK. ...
 To physically attack someone. Primarily heard in UK. ...
 To criticize, berate, or verbally harass someone at length and/or with great
intensity. Primarily heard in UK.

Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") – to be at the point of no return

Way to go = used to express pleasure, approval, or excitement. Ca si cum ai
spune "bravo".

Yay - expressing triumph, approval, or encouragement. (ceva gen "uraaaa" la noi,

exclamatie de bucurie)
on the ball = pe faza/istet/isteata/brici
alert to new ideas, methods, and trends.

Uttermost - cel mai departe, cea mai importanta, cea mai mare, la gradul cel mai

inalt... sau principala, depinde de context: adjective


most remote or outermost; farthest:

the uttermost stars.

Lend me a hand...give me a hand..give (someone) a hand. (idiomatic) To help,

aid, or assist. ( a da o mana de ajutor)

I still have to iron a few wrinkles- mai am inca ceva de facut (sa zicem, cand

am de facut un proiect si mai am de lucrat la el)

Construction Bib Overall- salopeta

"you're flying low" – ai slitzul descheiat

sturdy – solid
to steal one's thunder -Someone 'steals your thunder' when they use your ideas
or inventions to their own advantage. (a profita de o situatie pentru ca cineva sa
se puna intr-o lumina mai buna intr-o conjunctura. Exemplu: sa zicem la o nunta,
mireasa trebuie sa fie centrul atentiei, dar apare un invitat cu o partenera care
atrage atentia tuturor si atunci se spune ca partenera asta i-a furat tunetul-de fapt
se refera la descarcarea ala electrica de pe cer, vizibila, nu la sunet in sine-
miresei. Adica a eclipsat-o. Exemplu in engleza: ""Damn them! They will not let
my play run, but they steal my thunder."

to come around
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Wikipedia.
come (a)round
1. To visit. Now that you're living in our neighborhood, please come around
whenever you want.
2. To regain consciousness. After Lily fainted, we used smelling salts to get her to
come round. The patient who'd been knocked out finally came around.
3. To take a curved or circular route. Once you come around the bend, you'll be
able to see the city in the distance.
4. To avoid something. I came around the block to avoid the house with the scary
5. To happen or occur, typically regularly. I've been saving for months, with the
goal of buying a car by the time my next birthday comes around.
6. To change one's position or view on something. He'll never come around to our
side now that you've insulted him! What caused you to come round to our way of

Bring Your Own Wine (BYOW) Sau bring you own booze (BYOB). Fiecare isi
aduce bautura :) la o petrecere. Booze inseamna alcool

meme - tip de comportament raspandit prin imitatie (nu genetic)

an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be
passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

Flaky – excentric, nebun, ciudat

To brush off - a scapa de cineva repede (I hate it when you brush me off- Ma
enerveaza cand vrei sa scapi de mine (sa zicem ca vrei sa povestesti cuiva ceva si
persoana iti spune in fata ca n-are chef de povesti)

Despre ploaie si zapada:

Rain, snow and sleet - thesaurus
acid rain
rain containing a high level of acid that can damage the environment. It is caused
by pollution in the air.

a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain

a narrow area of rain that passes over a place

a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds

a short period in which a lot of rain falls

a large amount of a substance such as smoke or rain that is too thick to see

a very heavy fall of rain

small drops of water that form on the ground during the night

a drop of dew

a large amount of rain that falls quickly
very light rain

a situation in which water from a river or from rain covers large areas of land

a small amount of snow, rain, or leaves blown around in a twisting movement

rain that freezes in the sky and falls to the ground as small balls of ice

a small ball of ice that falls like rain

a storm in which a lot of small balls of ice fall like rain

a mass of small drops of water in the air close to the ground

a period of heavy rain in India and Southeast Asia

the rain that falls during a monsoon

SCIENCE rain, snow, hail etc

a small pool of water, especially on a road after rain

a curved line of colours that appears in the sky when the sun shines while it
is raining

a drop of rain

the amount of rain that falls in a particular area during a particular period of time

rain off

if a sports game or other outside event is rained off, it does not happenbecause
of rain

the rains
water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky

the rains
the large amounts of rain that fall in tropical regions during a particular season

a storm with a lot of rain

water that falls to the ground in the form of rain

Scotch mist
BRITISH light rain together with mist
a sheet of rain or fire looks like a wide moving wall

a short period when it rains or snows

a mixture of snow and rain

small soft white pieces of ice that fall from the sky and cover the ground

a ball of snow that you throw

a deep pile of snow made by the wind

snowed in

unable to leave a place because a lot of snow has fallen there

the amount of snow that falls during a period

an area of land that is always covered with snow

a single piece of snow that falls from the sky

a model of a person that children make using snow

the snow that falls over a period of time

a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds

an occasion when rain prevents an event from taking place

a situation in which there is so much snow and low cloud that you cannot
see clearly

Suds - spuma de sapun sau de la rufe/vase

Wind edge draft blocker (window snake) – burlan de geamuri impotriva


loot bag sau lootbag- cand se fac petreceri pentru copii, organizate de ziua unui
copil, la plecare toti copiii primesc un mic cadou cu flecustete.

Back in the day - pe vremuri

In this day and age - in vremurile noastre

To prickle – a intepa (poke)

"drizzling" or "sprinkling"- ploaie marunta, mazariche

To pick someone's brain- A pune intrebari cuiva informat (pick someone's

brains (or brain)

When things go south- cand trebuile merg spre rau, in jos (

If events continue to go south in a big way)
To get hold of your thread – sa apuci ata

I was very let down by him - m-a dezamagit (el)

to thread a needle - a baga acul in ata

"(and) Bob's your uncle" - si esti all good, adica si totul e ok, gata..terminat..

"Monkey branching" zice asa la relatiile multiple, in acelasi timp. Sa zicem

ca ai prietena si ii mai faci curte si asa.

"Coming right up!" - Vin acu', vin imediat, "vineee". Se pronunta cam asa:

They gave me a "bump" - mi-au dat o marire de salariu

I have a bone to chew with that taxi driver - Am sa ma rafuiesc cu soferul ala
de taxi

posh (classy, nobila, de sange nobil) loo- toaleta, closet

disingenuous (nesincera) "(and) Bob's your uncle" - si esti

all good, adica si totul e ok,
grubby (murdara, unsuroasa)
(to) kick the bucket - a muri, a da
Ghastly – Shocking/ ciudata, ortul popii
inspaimantatoare, socanta


Don't you think? Conversational device that allows an

unconfrontational canadian to turn a statement into a poll of opinion.
Canuck nickname for a Canadian
clicks slang for kilometres or kilometres per hour
hoser unsophisticated person
keener boot-licker, brown-noser, suck-up
kerfuffle commotion; flurry of agitation
potbelly (Molson is a Canadian brand of beer)
lineup line of people; queue
"for sure" definitely
to be on
to be on welfare
mickey 375 ml. (13 oz.) bottle of liquor
two-four case of beer containing 24 bottles
arse, bum one's hind quarters.


backbacon Canadian bacon
icing sugar powdered sugar
whitener powdered non-dairy creamer put in coffee or tea
processed cheese american cheese
chocolate bar candy bar.
brown bread whole wheat bread
homo milk whole milk
rye & ginger canadian whiskey and gingerale
write (a test) take a test
invigilate (an
to proctor an exam
tutorial recitation
marking (a test) grading a test
public school elementary school
supply teacher substitute teacher
college community college
zed (Z) zee (Z)
chesterfield couch
what Canadians ask for in a restaurant (Americans ask for the
the bill
eavestrough rain gutter on the eaves (edge of the roof) of a house
elastic rubber band
girl guides girl scouts
housecoat robe or bathrobe
hydro electricity
serviette paper napkin
tap faucet or spigot
washroom bathroom
track pants sweat pants
runners tennis shoes
muskoka chair large, usually wooden deck chair
postal code zip code


beavertail deep-fried dessert pastry resembling a beaver's tail
poutine French fries covered with cheese curds and gravy
ketchup chips believe it or not
vinegar on fries especially fish & chips
butter tart a small, pecan-pie-like tart
nanaimo bar a multilayer brownie and icing
tortiere a french-canadian meat pie
milk in a bag comes in a group of 3 bags
Smarties something like M&Ms
Crispy Crunch chocolate bar
Coffee Crisp chocolate bar
Caramilk chocolate bar
Shreddies cereal
5-pin bowling a smaller ball, and only 5 pins---great for kids and drunks
mountie member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (like the FBI)
toonie (or twoonie) Canadian two-dollar coin (since 1996)
toque (or tuque) woollen, usually pointed cap worn in the winter


David Wilcox not the american folk singer, the canadian blues guitarist and
sell out multi-day festivals in canada, play 100-person bars in
The Tragically Hip
the US
after many years, broke into the US on the "american pie"
Bare Naked Ladies
Maclean and
two low-brow Nova Scotian comedian/musicians
* this is far from complete


 The Canadian 'accent' can be heard most easily in the following words: out,
about, house, and others with 'ou'. For example, canadian pronounciation of
the word 'out' is like 'e' as in 'pet' followed by 'oot' as in 'boot', sounding like
'e'+'oot'. American pronounciation of 'out' is more like 'ow' as in 'cow',
sounding like 'ow'+'t'. Other words often pronounced differenctly are 'pop',
and 'roof'. Of course, the trademark 'eh' at the end of a statement is a dead
 Canadian spellings can also cause confusion: colour vs color, cheque vs
check, centre vs center, etc.
 Canada uses the metric system, although canadians quote their height and
wieght in feet/inches and pounds. Industry, for the most part, still uses
imperial units.
 For measuring temperature, Canada uses celcius (rather than fahrenheit).
 Although there are many differences in prices of things between US and
Canada, two that stand out are the after-exchange lower prices of
electronics in the US, and the far lower prices of CDs in Canada. Also, there
is a pricing inversion for CDs such that in the US the older CDs are the
cheapest, while in Canada it is the newest releases that are usually on sale.
 The drinking age in Canada is 19 in most provinces, and 18 in Alberta,
Manitoba, and Quebec. Note that the provinces where it is 18 alternate as
you go west to east. Coincidence?
 Soda/pop is made with corn syrup in the US, and sugar in Canada---this
changes the taste significantly.
 It's been said that Canadians are simply disarmed Americans with health
 Some of these 'Canadianisms' are of British origin, and can be found there
as well.
 Football rules: size of our footballs, football fields, and one less down
 Canadian inventions: ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin,
zambonis, the telephone, short wave radios, robertson screws (square hole)
Blooper- greseala (embarrassing mistake/error)

"if the weather holds out" means "if the weather remains fine"
Whey- zer
The door was slightly ajar – usa era un pic crapata
There’s more than one way to skin a cat – sunt mai multe feluri de a face
S’more – prescurtare de la some more. In context “some more summer” era scris
S’more summer

To cut back – a reduce

Sty- ulcior
Boil- furuncul (sau carbuncle, pustule, abscess, furuncle)
To full around – a se prosti, a se distra
My MIL – mother in law
down south with bowel problems- acolo jos cu problem de intestine.
I'll let you be for now. Te las acum in pace.
It's too hard on him - E prea greu pentru el
Did I sell you on that? Te-am nimerit cu asta?
Can you enlarge on it a little bit? Ai putea sa explici un pic (sau sa elaborezi).

He looked at me sideways- s-a uitat stramb la mine

The Camel never sees her hump! Proverb echivalent celui de la noi : Nu vezi
barna din ochiul tau ci paiul din ochiul altuia
Flame tamer – table de pus pe ochiul de la aragaz sa nu fie flacara prea
puternica pentru anumite vase sau feluri de mancare

1 heaping teaspoon – O lingurita cu varf

How, in this day and age – cum e posibil in zilele noastre…

housewarming (inaugurarea casei)
Cheesy – cheap, unpleasant, vulgar, deplorabil, de prost gust
Sassy – adjectiveinformal lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky.
= plin de viata
Swooning: a fi entuziasmat, a fi coplesit, a fi impresionat de cineva, a nutri
hobo = om al strazii, vagabond
on a shoestring budget - cu bani putini
trinket box – cutie de amintiri, unde sa tii lucruri speciale sau bijuterii la care tii
To go over and beyond - a se da peste cap (in ideea sa rezolve ceva, sa
descurce ceva)
Hinges- balamale
To relent – to abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment.
Not sure what it is you are after – nu prea stiu unde bati, ce urmaresti sa afli
Can you please advise as to your availability- Cand ai putea fi disponibil/a
pentru un interviu?
Mind you- sa nu mai spun ca…
sometimes you have to grin and bear it-uneori trebuie sa strangi din dinti
you run the risk of your lid blowing sky high- risti sa-ti sara capacele
I have had the misfortune to tangle with both – Am avut nesansa sa dau peste
I think the reasons for this change are probably 2-fold- Cred ca motivul pentru
aceasta schimbare are probabil doua componente.

Zing- energy enthusiasm, liveness

This is a message that is long overdue!- e un mesaj care trebuia sa apara de
mult, care s-a lasat asteptat
Rattle- shaker (used by musicians)
The promises I fell short- promisiunile pe care nu mi le-am tinut
I didn’t call her on it. – Nu i-am mai cerut socoteala despre asta (n-am mai
intrebat-era vorba despre o minciuna)
On all four – in patru labe
To trip – a se impiedica

(I did tapping with him and) it really wasn't up his alley – Nu era metoda
potrivita, calea, Solutia pentru el

I had assumed that you were in the UK – crezusem ca esti in UK

Castor oil packs- comprese cu ulei de ricin

For many people his word is akin to the word of God – akin- similar.
Hopscotch - sotron
Herface lit up – fata i s-a luminat
That’s where I’m coming from – cam asta e parerea mea
I’ve resisted it- am cam respins ideea
“Well said, John, you have put it in a nutshell” – Foarte bine ai spus, John, ai
pus punctul pe i sau : Foarte bine John, mai concis decat atat nici nu se putea
Which blew my socks off- care m-a dat pe spate (in traducere, ar insemna care
mi-a facut sa-mi sara sosetele)
To tug – a trage. Exemplu: tug the bell wrope – trage de sfoara
Self lothing – scarba, ura de sine.
Lothing – dezgust, ura loath·ing
Saran wrap – folie subtire de plastic pentru invelit alimentele
I’m hardly getting by – abia ma descurc cu banii
Scarcity- saracie, lipsuri
Parents who give children too much rope and those that dont give enough- in
acest caz “too much rope” inseamna prea multa libertate pentru copii (ex:de a iesi
singuri afara)
I've kept this under wraps- Am tinut asta secret (pentru mine)
Undies – chiloti, de la underware
Take a piece of paper and crumple it up –ia o foaie de hartie si mototleste-o
I see the bright side that the school has received some wonderful endorsements
on this site that it may not of otherwise received had this not happened. (had
this not happened = daca nu se intampla asta)
But the effect is tenfold- dar efectul e inzecit
A ministery has been called to perform the last rites – un preot a fost
chemat sa faca spovedania si ultimele rugaciuni

You got startled – ai fost socat/a, luata prin surpridere

To pawn – a amaneta
The pros outweigh the cons – avantajele darama dezavantajele
To rant- a vorbi suparat/rastit/enervate/iritat despre un anume sensul
de a se infuria
To break one’s fall – a preveni cazatura
Debie Downers- personae negative care iti schimba starea din bine in
rau..energie negative (Debbie Downer is a name of a fictional Saturday Night Live
character which debuted in 2004, and who was portrayed by Rachel Dratch.).
Exemplu: a depressing female.
I was having a good time until you started talking about death. Why do you
always have to be Debbie Downer?

You could take pain medication until the cows came home- Ai putea sa iei
medicamente de durere pana vin vacile acasa (pana la Pastele cailor)
You more often than not will feel as if you can hear everything- De cele mai
multe ori vei simti ca si cum nu auzi nimic
To brush off – a da cu flit cuiva, a scapa de el/ea
She went through various treatment to no avail – A urmat diferite tratamente
fara rezultat/degeaba
They will suck your wallet dry- te mulg de bani, te usureaza de bani
backing tracks minus vocals- acompaniament musical (background music)
To have it disappear from the store shelves was very unsettling – sa dispara de
pe rafturile magazinelor era separator/deranjant…
Short fuse- to have a short fuse- a se eneva repede, a-i sari tandara repede
Please stay in your lane- cand cineva incearca sa iti spuna cum sa-ti faci treaba,
daca nu doresti asta, ii spui “please stay in your lane”
It's worth a try – merita sa incerci (merita incercat)
Cemetery plots- locuri de veci
Housewarming- inauguararea casei noi
The internal packaging gave the appearance the content had been tampered
with- Pachetul din interior mi-a dat senzatia ca a fost desfacut/umblat
Unsightly – inestetic, urat
I was on the fence about purchasing this product- stateam in cumpana daca
sa cumpar sau nu acest produs
Willingness to pitch in wherever needed- Dispozitie/dorinta de a face ce e
nevoie- se refera la un anunt pentru o pozitie vacanta
Wheelbarrow - roaba
So use your lotion sparingly- Foloseseste crema cu zgarcenie
Keeping tabs on someone- a tine ochii pe cineva
Sillage-urma, dara de parfum in urma cuiva
Fanny pack-portofel de purtat la brau, ca pentru calatorii
Who’s gonna pick up the bill – cine plateste (de exemplu, la restaurant)
yield- recolta
The best way to go about this is to wait – cel mai bun lucru de facut e sa
Loco is also believed to have practised Martial Arts- Se crede ca Loco
practica artele martiale
Rennet- cheag pentru facut branza/cascaval
Hamburger Patty Paper – patratele de hartie de pus intre hamburger cand ii faci
acasa- sau vin asa cand sunt cumparati, sa nu se lipeasca un hamburger de altul
Splatter screen- un capac special pentru prajeli care are multe gaurele (gen
plasa) prin care iese aburul, dar nu sare uleiul
Gig- aranjament al unui musician sa cante la o ocazie, job, contract in
entertainment (la o petrecere, nunta, bar)
My hair weighs down- parul meu sta lasat
Don't sweat the small stuff – Nu te enerva de toate nimicurile
Count your blessings- esti norocoasa/norocos (Numara-ti binecuvantarile)
At a stretch- deodata, dintr-o data
Saran wrap – folie subtire de plastic
Groove- adancitura, sant
Rolling in the deep (depth)- a trai dragostea aia transfiguratoare, care schimba
sufletele si felul de fi si gandi al oamenilor, o dragoste unica, divina, misterioasa,
miraculoasa si unica in viata
Chasing pavements –incercare de a spera orbeste in ceva ce e destinat esecului
Her brother carjacked a man at gunpoint – fratele ei a furat o masina
amenintand soferul cu pistolul
The baby had a wee crying jag – bebelusul a avut o criza de plans.
Pawn-shop – magazine second hand
Upkeep of office- sa intretina biroul/locatia companiei
Stinging Nettles-urzici comestibile
Thrush- candida, ciuperca alba in gura
Jump rope - coarda
back to back meetings –sedinte una dupa alta
In lieu of flowers, please donate to… – in loc de flori, va rugam sa donati
Every so often – ocazional, din cand in cand
Stump - buturuga
Give or take- cu aproximatie
Upkeep of printers – keep the printers running, maintain the printers
They had a run in- a disagreement or fight, especially with someone in an official
Then visibly shuddered for ten to fifteen seconds- apoi a tremurat pentru 10-15
So to speak – ca sa zic asa
I just find it easier to pick my battles than to be petty over silly things – Mi-e
mai usor sa aleg pentru ce merita sa ma zbat si ce nu merita atentie
On a date, be you male or female, first impression counts- la intalnire, fie ca
esti barbat sau femeie, prima impresie conteaza.
I work like a dog to keep this place straight- Muncesc ca un caine sa tin casa
asta curata/in ordine
You and I got off on the wrong of- Am inceput (relatia/comunicarea) prost (tu
si eu)
I shed no tears for someone who… Nu vars nici o lacrima (sau n-o sa plang)
pentru cineva care…
My voice is a little raspy- Sunt inca ragusita
The upside (is that you'll be limited in how much you can spend) – Partea buna
e ca (vei fi limitat sa cheltuiesti o anume suma)
Other perks include… – alte avantaje/beneficii ar include (cum ar fi bani,
produse, etc) Formularea aceasta s-ar putea gasi intr-un anunt de job, de
Perks – bani, bunuri sau alte beneficii de care beneficiaza un angajat sau un
actionar al unei firme
I've always talked about a battery going flat- vorbesc la telefon pana imi
moare bateria
A flat battery – o baterie moarta
My battery is going flat- imi moare bateria
My phone is running low on juice- telefonului meu ii moare bateria
How did you come across this article – Cum de ai dat de articolul asta?
To rub somebody the wrong way –A deranja pe cineva cu ceva, a-i provoca
To hold vigil- a veghea, a se ruga, a isi manifesta suportul fata de cineva prin
prezenta, inclusive noptile (de exemplu, a veghea la capataiul cuiva dupa o grea
I find deals by keeping tabs on sites – Prind deal-uri pentru ca le vanez pe
Subsequently – apoi, mai tarziu, in consecinta, dupa aceasta/dupa care
Takeaways-(in urma unei sedinte)- concluzii, actiuni, impresii, “ chestii de facut”
To be mugged – a fi jefuit, atacat in locuri publice
To butt out- a o lua din loc, a-si vedea de treaba, a nu baga in seama
To wiggle – a da din coada
Drool – drooling – a saliva, a-i curge balele
Let’s move past this – hai sa depasim momentul
To whitewash – a trunchia
Washed out - decolorat
Creepy – scary, disturbing, strange
Unseemly – nepotrivit, deplasat, badaranesc, de prost gust
Stunning – atragator, fascinant, minunat
Stunned – surprins, socat, mirat, vrajit, mirat
Passi it on – da-o mai departe
Tacky- ieftin, vulgar, josnic
Presumptuous- arrogant, insolent, indraznet, tupeist
Hush up! – A acoperi o eroare, o fapta reprobabila.
Threshold – intrare, pragul usii
Overindulgent – slab, patetic
The burden falls on us – povara/problema/pacostea cade pe capul nostru
Shedding – a napari, a se descuama, a se curata
Tripping –elegant, gratios. Antonim: clumsy/impiedicat, fara gratie, precizie,
What time are you going to make it home? Pe la cat ajungi acasa?
A notch on the belt – alta la rand, o persoana nesemnificativa/importanta
To gas up- a baga viteza, a accelera; dar si a te juca cu cineva, a invarti pe
cineva pe degete
In the midst of this crisis- in mijlocul crizei
He'll die in a roadside ditch – o sa moara intr-un sant la marginea drumului
Tipping? Should be outlawed- Ciubucul? Ar trebui sa fie scos in afara legii
We all know we should set some money aside – stim cu toti ca ar trebui sa
punem niste bani deoparte.
Be forewarned- fii avertizat
Why kids don't tell on adults who abuse them – de ce copiii nu-i denunta pe
cei care ii abuzeaza
Five o’clock shadow- barba care creste brusc spre seara, desi barbatul
respective s-a barbierit dimineata- se semn ca barbatul restpectiv are sufficient
Calves- gambe
He was born out of wedlock- a fost copilul nelegitim..din parinti necasatoriti,
copil din flori
To ball your eyes out- a face ochii mari
Cheesy -
Let me hear from you- Da-mi un semn de viata
Far fetched- greu de crezut, neplauzibil
Out of the woods –trecuti de partea grea a situatiei, cand lucrurile incep sa se
clarifice. Ex.: I don’t want anyone the think we’re out of the woods-Nu vreau sa
creada nimeni ca am trecut de partea grea a lucrurilor
Mallet- Un ciocan cu capetele rotunjite din cauciuc sau lem care foloseste la
fixarea a doua piese (asamblare), fara a le distruge
Flat laundry – cearsafuri si prosoape
i would take it with a grain of salt and move on – M-am necajit un pic, dar
am mers mai departe.
No pun intended- se pune in paranteza dupa ceva ce autorul a scris care poate
parea hazliu, dar nu e, adica a se lua strict sensul cuvinteleor in sine, nu cel
figurative. Cu alte cuvinte nu a avut intentia sa spuna ceva hazliu, sa faca o
gluma, ci exact ce a scris.
To have a hope amidst despair- a avea speranta in ciuda/ in pofida disperarii
(situatiei disperate)
Whiff- iz, miros…A whiff or perfume…Un iz de parfum To whiff- to fail badly at a
very simple task – a rata ceva care e foarte usor
I typically use 3 heaping tablespoons – de obicei folosesc/pun trei linguri cu varf
Thanks for getting me in – multumesc ca m-ai selectat…de exemplu, in lista
celor care sunt chemati la interviu.
Come again! - Mai spune o data; n-am inteles
We platoon and help each other out a lot- facem echipa buna, ne ajutam
My mother bends over backwards to make things very easy on me- mama
se da peste cap sa-mi faca mie viata mai usoara
What will factor into your decision-Ce ar trebui sa se intample ca sa iei
decizia? C ear cauza decizia ta?
Sentient – constient, care simte emotia, percepe deplin
Motion was duly made and seconded- Propunerea a fost facuta conform
regulamentului si sustinuta/explicata/argumentata.
Duly- in maniera corecta, in mod punctual- correct, documentat cum trebuie.
Exemplu: The objections were duly noted- Impotrivirile au fost consemnate
corespunzator. Vine de la engleza veche, de la due, duely.
Please respond ASAP so that Jane can order food for the meeting – Va
rugam sa raspundeti cat puteti de repede pentru ca Jane sa poata comanda
mancare pentru sedinta.
Hence we will be commencing trial runs on the system shortly- Ca urmare,
ca atare, in consecinta, vom incepe testele sistemului in curand.
We are looking to hire a receptionist. Any leads appreciated- Cautam sa
angajam o receptionista. Orice recomandare e apreciata (de la alti angajati ai
Strand in the same tapestry-Fire din aceeasi tapiseria (expresie pentru a arata
ca piesele puse cap la cap pot arata o imagine de ansamblu)
I have a proven track record of delivering project on time with great
quality- Am documente prin care pot dovedi ca am finalizat la timp proiecte de
pet peeve- Ceva care te scoate din sarite, ceva care te irita, ceva anume ce nu
suporti. Ex.: Dirty dishes in restaurants are my pet peeve/Vesela murdara de la
restaurant ma scoate din sarite.
No pun intended- se pune in propozitie atunci cand ce am spus, din intamplare
sau dintr-un joc de cuvinte pare o gluma, o ironie, dar nu asta s-a intentionat.
Exemplu: Intr-un magazin, un om carea avea doar o mana, tot scapa sacosa pe
jos. O doamna il intreaba: poti sa-ti dau o mana de ajutor? Lipsindu-i mana,
expresia poate pare usor dau o ajutor. Deci va
spune: no pun intended, la terminarea propozitiei. Alt exemplu: unde se duc vacile
sambata seara? La cinematograf! La cinematograf e acel pun (gluma).
To stroll- a merge la pas, la plimbare. Exemplu: ”To stroll the beach- a te
plimba pe plaja. Mai poate inseamna si “ a merge din loc in loc pentru a cauta de
Stalks- tulpini (de plante)
It ticked me off – m-a scos din sarite, m-a iritat
I rest my case – Am zis ce-am avut de spus (sa-mi sustin punctul de vedere)
He was emaciated-era slabit, slab, foarte subtire de la foame sau boala
We're due for a date soon- trebuie sa ne vedem in curand
Katie outwitted her husband- Katie a fost mai desteapta decat sotul ei
Katie outsmarted her husband- Katie a fost mai desteapta decat sotul ei
They agreed to keep the details of their divorce under wraps- au hotarat sa
tina secrete detaliile divortului
It's usually the people no one cares about that care about everyone else-
de obicei omul de care nu-i pasa nimanui e cel caruia ii pasa de toata lumea

Rubble- daramaturi, ruine

bed-riden- tintuit la pat (despre o persoana bolnava sau in varsta care e fortata
de boala sa stea toata ziua in pat)

Well off- instariti - Exemplu: We were well-off but ended up as riff-raff (amarati,
parliti, saraci)
Shortening – Untura pentru prajituri si foietaje (se gaseste la alimentara)
To be underwater- slang- se foloseste cand datoria pentru proprietatea
respectiva este mai mare decat valoarea casei.
It's time to fish or cut bait- Faci asa sau asa ( spui astfel cuiva cand vrei sa ia o
decizie). Exemplu: The time has come when you have to fish or cut bait — a venit
vremea cand trebuie sa iei o decizie, cum se zice in romaneste “e laie sau balaie”
Most people can't wrap their minds around the change we made moving
to Bali- cei mai multi oameni nu pot sa conceapa/inteleaga schimbarea pe care
am facut-o mutandu-ne in Bali
Thanks for all your answers, but have tried most of them to no avail-
Multumesc pentru raspunsuri, dar am incercat cele mai multe sugestii, fara
To maintain a bedside vigil- a sta la patul cuiva (de obicei, de spital)
Tar pit – groapa cu smoala (tar-smoala/ pit- groapa)
Chicken coop – cotet de gaini
At least eight people have pricked themselves with the syringes- Cel putin opt
oameni s-au intepat cu seringile
You’re breaking up – se aude cu intreruperi (la telefon)
I can’t hear you. You’re going in and out- Nu te aud. Cand se aude, cand nu
se aude
Birds are cirping- pasarile ciripesc
She was humming her favorite tune- Murmura melodia ei preferata- a
murmura o melodie (fara a spune cuvinte si fara a deschide gura).
Located in the downtown core- situate in plin centru
I am trying to piece together- incerc sa le pun cap la cap
Pouched eggs- oua ochiuri in apa
Scrambled eggs- oua jumari (nu omleta, nu ochiuri)
We all know what this boils down to- Stim cu totii la ce se reduce/rezuma
asta. Prin fierbere (to boil), apa se evapora si ramane concentratul, de aici vine
expresia. In expresie inseamna “pe scurt”, in rezumat, etc. Exemplu: your choices
boiled down to three. (Alegerile tale, pana la urma, sunt trei). Alt exemplu: “the
discussion of the problem can be boiled down to a couple of critical points”
(Discutiile pe aceasta tema se pot reduce (rezuma) la doua teme/puncte/subiecte
The tooth starts to wear off- durerea incepe sa cedeze
Tongue blade- spatula de lem care se gaseste la raioanele cosmetice
He doesn’t need this job to get by- N-are nevoie de jobul asta sa se descurce
cu banii
Updo- coafura
A 60 (a sixty)- 60 oz dintr-o bautura tare (vodka, cognac, etc)
A 40- 40 oz dintr-o bautura tare (vodka, cognac, etc)
A mickey- o sticla de 375 ml
A 2-4 (two four)- un case de 24 beri
May 2-4 (two four)- ziua VIctoriei in Canada
Toque-caciula (cu sau fara motz)- americanii ii spun beanie
Canuck- Canadian
Newfie- oamenii care locuiesc in New Foundland
Let’s call it a day- sa incheiem lucrul pentru azi, mai e si maine zi
Lien- ipoteca
I think they are watering them down- cred ca le dilueaza.
Don't hog the couch/ blanket- Nu te aseza pe toata canapeaua/nu lua toata
patura. To hog- a lua mai mult decat partea cuvenita, a nu imparti frateste...
To have the run pulled from under them- a ti se smulge covorul de sub
We are living hand to mouth- traim de pe o zi pe alta
Loosely translated- traducere aproximativa
Hiring overflow support- angajam support pentru un mare volum de
The weather held out- Vremea a tinut cu noi
He hopes the weather will hold- spera ca vremea sa fie frumoasa
Cheesy- ieftin, vulgar, banal, fara gust
Corny- banal, vechi, demodat
Opinionated- partinitor, dogmatic, rigid
How’d it go? – Prescurtare de la How did it go- Cum a fost? Cum a mers?
Mishap- calamitate, accident, dezastru, catostrofa, nenorocire

Through thick and thin- la bine si la rau

Thanks for the heads up- multumesc ca mi-ai spus, ca m-ai prevenit, ca mi-ai
dat de veste
Salt and pepper shakers- recipientele de sare si piper cu gaurele
Country hicks- tarani
Go figure- “Ti-ai fi imaginat asa ceva?”“imagineaza-ti’! Cand spune cineva ceva
care e de neimaginat…Sa zicem ca ziarele sunt pline de stiri care anunta ca au
venit extraterestii. Si doi prieteni vorbesc intrei ei: Ai auzit ca au venit
extraterestii? Celalalt raspunde: Go figure! In sensul de: imagineaza-ti! (forma
scurta pentru “ go figure it out, if you can”)
Heinz 57-corcitura (despre caini, dar si despre oameni), varietate de produse
How far along is she- in cate luni e insarcinata?
Say yey or ney- spune da sau nu
I kid you not- Nu glumesc!
To bicker- a ser certa, a se ratoi la cineva
To spill the beans -To disclose a secret.
Every tree has a few bad oranges—Fiecare familie are oile sale negre
How does it come along? – Cum merge treaba? (or is it coming along?)
He was brushing me off- incerca sa scape de mine
Hickey- ventuza- urma lasata de sarut pe gat
To be shedding- (despre un caine) a naparli
The treatment keeps symptoms at bay- tratamentul tine simptomele in
A slouch posture- o pozitie lasata, pozitie adusa de spate
You may have to cook them in batches- s-ar putea sa le gatesti in mai multe
randuri (mai multe ture –ca pe snitele sau chiftele, nu se fac toate odata)
Say that again- ce-ai spus? Poti sa repeti, te rog, n-am auzit
I got my hands full this morning- am fost foarte ocupata dimineata asta
Bugoghi- carne de vita gatita in stil coreean
Pho soup- supa gatita in stil coreean
Jack and Jill-petrecerea de dinaintea casatoriei, cu tinerii (cum ar fi petrecerea
burlacilor dar pentru baieti si fete)

A buck and doe- petrecerea de dinaintea casatoriei, cu tinerii (cum ar fi

petrecerea burlacilor dar pentru baieti si fete)

Naysayers- opozanti
The undersigned- subsemnata/subsemnatul

You stood by- ai facut fata

He has come along- si-a revenit

To add insult to injury- Expresie folosita cand cineva face o gafa sau ofenseaza
pe cineva si in loc s-o repare, mai face inca una- traducere libera- de parca asta n-
ar fi fost de ajuns

It’s a keep- “asta ramane”--la magazin cand te hotarasti sa cumperi ceva

uitandu-te la mai multe produse, alegi unul.

Why are you picking on her?- De ce te iei de ea?

Roughly you are looking at $200- in mare, te poti astepta la 200 de dolari

he requires breaks when he begins to feel the onset of a migrane- instalarea

unei migrene

Absentminded—distrat, pe ganduri

Long Johns and tights – izmene si dres (ciorapi femeiesti)

While we acknowledge and thank to…., we would, however, like to remind


I just heard back from Freddy—M-a cauta/sunat/contactat pe email Freddy (ca

raspunsul unei solicitari scrise sau telefonice)

Con’td from part B (continuare din partea B)

I did an one eighty—am facut o schimbare de 180 grade

To rub it in --Ex: he likes to rub it in..ii place sa zgandarasca/

accentueze/scoata ochii/sa sublinieze
To piece things together—a pune lucrurile cap la cap

Id' like to put my 2 cents in if you won't mind- Imi dau si eu cu parerea, daca
nu te superi

To wean off--Definition of WEAN—a dezvata

: to accustom (as a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing
: to detach from a source of dependence <being weaned off the
medication> <wean the bears from human food — Sports Illus.>; also : to free
from a usually unwholesome habit or interest <wean him off his excessive
drinking> <settling his soldiers on the land… , weaning them from habits of
violence — Geoffrey Carnall>
: to accustom to something from an early age —used in the passive especially
with on <students weaned on the Internet for research> <I was weaned on
greasepaint — Helen Hayes> <the principles upon which he had been weaned — J.
A. Michener>

Examples of WEAN
1. The calves are weaned at an early age.

Example sentence; "I'm not authorized to answer this question, I'm going to
have to patch you through to someone else—te transfer la altcineva

Since it has been well over two weeks—sunt mai bine de doua saptamani
I got sidetracked—m-am luat cu altceva

I am sorry, say that again—Scuze, poti sa repeti ce ai spus (la telefon)

What threw me off—ce m-a scos din sarite

(This keeps you) perky- lively, vibrant, energetic

The situation of cheese is complicated by the fact that the production of
hard cheese usually involves rennet, an enzyme which splits milk into
curds and whey. (zer si cheag)

Any difference you would have to pick up—va trebui sa pui diferenta de bani

The client was adamant on not working with someone else ---
Stale dated check or stale check - Check presented at the paying
bank after a certain period (typically six months) of its payment date.
A stale check is not an invalid check, but it may be deemed an
'irregular' bill of exchange. A bank may refuse to honor it unless
its drawer reconfirms it payment either by inserting a new payment
date or by issuing a new check. Also called stale dated check.

To put something on the back burner

To plunge the sink when clogged
Howdy! --- buna, ce faci?
( Have Halle Berry & Gabriel Aubry )Called It Quits?---au terminat relatia

if you could please include the attached RSW cost sheet to the plan I sent
you, that would be appreciated ---expresie

We apologize, in advance, for any inconvenience this may cause – ne

cerem scuze in avans pentru orice inconvenient

Alternate Saturdays—o sambata da, una nu

To mutter to onself—a murmura/vorbi de unul singur

and keeps us regular with our number twos—si care ne mentine scaunul
This jumpsets you – asta te scoate din ale tale
Just drop by my desk when you’ll be coming into the clinic today—treci pe la
biroul meu cand vii la clinica azi.

I’ll give you a break down by the end of the day – pana la sfarsitul zilei iti voi
da situatia cu…

Hang on a second- asteapta putin la telefon…Hold on a second

Should they approve this, they will send Mrs. C a letter advising her of the
approval as well as funding.—In cazul in care vor aproba
His severe cognitive and behavioural impairments are such that he no longer has
the capacity to be employed… Are such that e folosit cu inteles de sunt de
asemenea natura incat….

Did you pick up the name?-- Ai inteles care e numele (la un mesaj pe telefon)

Is D in? – Este D la serviciu? Cand I se spune ca nu e, persoana spune: ok, I will

catch him later --- Bine, o sa-l caut mai tarziu

Sorry to be a pest—imi pare rau sa te toc la cap, imi pare rau sa te pisez cu

Mishmash –amestecatura, harababura

It was sheer (pura), unbridled (nestavilita) joy. It was joyful mischief (nebunie
sau monekey business).

streak – suvite ( Ex: my soaked head of hair falling in streaks across my


Dumbfounded – surprins, fara cuvinte

I am gathering this is the reason why.--- cred ca asta e motivul pentru care….

Off the bat – imediat, dintr-o data

Palm Sunday ( or Passion Sunday) - Florii

do you have a power bar that you can tap into? – nu ai o priza in care sa bag
Sounds great – expresie folosita la telefon cand cineva iti rezolva ceva favorabil
sau, de exemplu, iti spune: iti trimit factura azi.

Just letting you know I will be away on vacation from March 11-19, returning
to work on March 22.

I would be available via email

-- pot fi contactata pe email.
Cum poti raspunde cand cineva te intreaba personal sau la telefon “how are
you?” (ce mai faci?).

I’m fine, thank you

Not too bad, thank you
Great an’ you?
I’m fine, thanks, you?

Because this is how the cookie crumbles: pentru ca asa stau lucrurile

He’s always had the run - Mereu a avut diaree

Whiff of wine – un damf de vin

Absolutely – Sigur! (De exemplu: pot sa te deranjez cu o intrebare? Sigur.)

Ok, I’ll have a look at it – Bine, o sa ma uit (la documentul pe care mi l-ai
‘ Appreciate it – Multumesc ( prescurtare de la I appreciate it—your help)

You might just need to update your records – ar trebui sa iti actualizezi

On the left hand side – (Locatia) e pe partea stanga

You go past Canadian Tire –treci de Canadian Tire

Come off the highway – te dai jos de pe autostrada

Pinched nerve in her back – are un nerv prins in zona spatelui

Roll up the window – inchide fereastra ( la masina)

Buckle up – pune-ti centura (in masina/avion, etc)

Are we through? – Am terminat? (relatia, prietenia)

I have to run some errands—Am avut niste treburi de rezolvat

He/she goes—cica…

She came down his throat – S-a repezit la gautul lu (figurativ, despre o

If M has its way--- daca lui M ii iese treaba cum vea

I guess that was me – Cred ca eu eram…

How long would it be before you can have them ready? – In cat timp ar
putea fi gata?
That’d be good – ar fi bine!

Let me get a hold of him first—stai intai sa dau de el

Sorry for holding you off--- ( la o coada la casa) – imi pare rau ca te tin pe loc

La doctor: I’ll hold on to your (health) card – Iti mai tin putin cardul ( De
exemplu, sa completez ceva in database din el

Take a sit pls—ia loc te rog

And the rationale is…si motivul pentru care…este…

Cranky—iritabil, marait (despre copii)

I wonder who’s heads going to roll for this…Ma intreb ce capete se vor cadea
din cauza asta

Some people are milking the system – unii oameni profita de sistem
Hang on, give me the number- (la telefon), stai asa, stai un pic, da-mi numarul
de telefon.

I know my way around – Cunosc locurile

Anytime – oricand, dar poate fi si un raspuns la thank you, un fel de “cu placere”
in romana

Did you put the chocolate out? Ai pus tu la bucatarie (la job) ciocolata la bataie, ai
facut cinste to cu ciocolata?

Are you coming down with a cold? Te incearca vreo raceala?

His wallet is always hefty—portofelul lui e mereu doldora…plin, umflat.

Holly Smokes—un fel de mirare: cum ar fi in romana Doamne sfinte! Sau Sfinte

To Preclude –a impiedica, a descalifica, a opri de la ~

She has something over me—ma are cu ceva la mine

I explained him the rationale—I-am explicat motivul pentru care…I-am justificat

pentru ce trebuie sa…
That’s where we’re at right now--- cam asta e situatia acum

Maybe you’ve got a better handle on this—poate gasesti o solutie mai buna decat

I believe one our does suffice – Cred ca o ora ne ajunge

She’s not picking up – Nu raspunde la telefon

We were informed this morning that, sadly, Peter's father passed away last
I do not have any details regarding visitation or funeral at this point in time.

But are not yet in force—Dar inca nu sunt in vigoare/aplicate

Do you have any complains? –(la doctor)—Te doare/deranjeaza ceva?

Shooting pain ==Junghi

You’re cutting out—(la telefon) te pierd, nu te mai aud

Branch---Breakfast and Lunch together

If you could just phone ahead---daca ai putea sa suni inainte…

It’s concerning claim number – referitor la….

In short – Pe scrurt

there is more going on here than my simply being glib. – Convingator,


As it turnes out—Dupa cum se pare…

I'm calling with respect to...Va sun in legatura cu…

The patient developed a left foot drop- pacientul a inceput sa isi tarasca
piciorul drept

Has it been processed?

Ok, I’ll pass this on ---bine, o sa-i transmit

I wan to inform you what’s coming down the pipe (sa iti spun ce

To run dry -- 1. A trial exercise; a rehearsal. ( de exemplu a asambla ceva de

proba, inainte ca piesele sa fie asamblate la locul unde se vor asambla

He kept fidgeting – se frichinea

Broadly, yes or .Loosely, yes.—S-ar traduce…In mare, da, asta e

Villain - raufacator, bad de nimic

“you're certainly being true to your word here” – Ca bine le zici!

"Horseshit," he muttered--- a bombani, a baigui

Bye now--- short for Bye for now!

Ms. X continues to improve albeit at a slower pace than previously.

They are all mish-mashed—sunt varza, de exemplu, despre niste documente

let of grudges—sa nu fii ranchiunos

He’s bringing up==ii vine sa vomite

Are you being facetious (fascicious) ? Faci misto? Ceva care nu trebuie
luat in serious…

Lost his bowels on the floor – a facut pe el pe podea

Had a faint spell

I’ll give you a shout when I have news for you – iti dau de veste cand am ceva
sa-ti spun

Ultimately she will call you when all is ready to…

Before I put it to bed===inainte sa inchid situatia…

Did you put the chocholate out? Tu faci cinste cu ciocolata?


To pitch in—a contribui, a ajuta

Thank you for your time and interest in this matter.

Next of kin is the term used to describe a person's closest living blood relative
or relatives.

short payment for two invoices

revised rates

The rates should increase

Don’t t tip over

Stems- tulpini

So that would have been sometimes in November, right?

Please find enclosed…

The client developed a left drop foot

I cracked a smile about the frosty Mississippi comment too

Open side sandwiches- tartine

He will top off the difference- va pune el diferenta

Please call me if you’d like to discuss further

Thanks for keeping track of this--expresie

They will just yank it up—(de copcile de la operatia mea)—il vor smulge!

Oozing the puss—must look it up (to ooze: To flow or leak out slowly, as
through small openings.) (Puss means puroi)

Please take note of this—despre un anunt intern

Humping---a se cotzai, despre animale

Squeaky door---usa care scartaie

Don’t stick your but out…nu scoate fundul in afara

Sorry, Dan wants a word with you (cand cineva e la tel si da pe altcineva care

In the meanwhile, you can send…

I got top of the line healthcare….

Can I just pick your brain for a second?- Pot sa

Looking through fenceholes- a te uita prin gaura din gard


It'd be great!

Overdue account---expedite payment please…Anything you can do to help

would be appreicaited…

It felt to the cracks ---a ramas pe dinafara

Client will maximize carryover of facilitative and compensatory strategies so as

to demonstrate improved processing and retention of new information

Sorry, I didn’t catch your name!

will call in at breaks, lunch etc. to address anything.

Are you travellling this weekend? No, I am definitely staying put.

Yes, I am hitting the road.

I will pass this along…O sa transmit asta….

I will pass you on to Cheryl….O sa ii dau tel lui Cheryl

Carolyn will get the signature and will likely be adding to it---si e putin probabil
sa adauge ceva la e….

I became tight-fisted (am devenit stransa la punga)

According to your narrative…

Hang on – Ramai pe fir—la telefon

She is trying to override me…cu sensul de a nu asculta de cineva, de cuvantul,

sfatul sau sfatul cuiva

Alan Corman

c/o Arnie Korman

(asta ar insemna

ca Arnie e tutorele lui Alan)

She has her hair pulled back. Isi poarta parul dat pe spate/strans in coada…

She’s not picking up so she might have stepped out…

Prospective Memory (remembering upcoming events)

Long-Term Memory (remembering past activities done)

Procedural memory (remembering how to do procedures or activities

Short-term Memory (within last 5 minutes)

FLAKE OFF (verb)

The verb FLAKE OFF has 1 sense:

1. come off in flakes or thin small pieces

Cherry picker---scara care se ridica la nivelul la care ai nevoie

You’re cutting out, I don’t know why….-there’s static on the line…

(despre telefon, cand nu se aude bine)

fall through the cracks ---a se pierde, a se indoi…1. To drop or come down
freely under the influence of gravity.
2. To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: I fell back in my chair.
The pilgrims fell to their knees.
a. To lose an upright or erect position suddenly.
b. To drop wounded or dead, especially in battle.
4. To go or come as if by falling: All grief fell from our hearts. Night fell
5. To come to rest; settle: The light fell on my book.
6. To hang down: The child's hair fell in ringlets.
7. To be cast down: Her eyes fell.
8. To assume an expression of consternation or disappointment: His face fell
when he heard the report.
9. To undergo conquest or capture, especially as the result of an arme

We were short paid by 2 dolalrs

Dogs: humping (se cotaie)


On the phone: Is X available by chance?

I wonder if this requires any action on my behalf or it’s for my info only

May I know what’s this in regards to?

It’s too flimsy—e prea soft…despre o cutie

I feel to tight…intepenit

Due to funding restrictions, this avenue was ceased.

Was just an overshight ---a fost doar o scapare/eroare?

I’ll pass that along—voi transmite asta

I’m just giving you the heads up--- cu sensul de te previn

See if she knows about its whereabouts—vezi daca stie unde ar putea fi (despre
un portofel pierdut)

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Sue Lott's mother.

Sue's mom passed away last Wednesday.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to Sue and her family at this difficult time.

Short payment or a it was an overshight.

I will pass you on to Radu now (cand dai pe cineva la telefon)

Overpaid by 100 dollars

Appeared alert and attentive…at no time did she appear to lose train of thought. At
no time did she aprear in any way evasive. She exhibited no gross comprehension
or communication difficulties.

Levity - cheefulness

Squander money—a risipi banii

Sorry I am running a little behind.

To check it with each other (a tine legatura)--

Sluggish—puturos (despre computer)

Hang on a sec ---asteapta putin la telefon

I’ll have someone get back to you
on a scale of 10

Did you do the reno? Ai facut renovarile?

It’s ongoing—adica se intampla acum si urmeaza (re o mutare)

Get it straight- sa lamuresc

The risk assessment is noteworthy-- notabli

right off the bat -

Stick out-adica ceva nu incape, nu se potriveste, mai exact iese in afara

I got sidetracked...
That'd be appreciated
looks life-like (ceva care pare real, adica o veverita de jucarie, sa spunem)
To feel left out.

We haven’t got the response yet and I wonder why

Pull it down, trage de ea

Aside from the client.--- in afara de client

Mr. X ontinues to experience physical and cognitive changes secondary to his


Modele de scrisoare/memo
Please be advised that I will be off December 29, 2008, returning January 5, 2009.

Ensure that any urgent materials are submitted in a timely manner so that it can
be processed before I begin my holidays.

Thank you for your cooperation.


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