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SEM N A T L A PAR I S L A 10 F E B R U ARIE 1947











Textul roman al Tratatului 5

Textul rus al Tratatului 29

Textul englez al Tratatului 47

Textul francez al Tratatului 71

Semnaturile 95




Preambul ........ . . . . 9


Articolele 1-2
. . .... 9

SecTiunea 1.Articolele 3-6
SecOunea II. Articolele 7 10 . . . ........ 10


SecOunea I. Articolele 11-19 . 11
. ,
Sectiunea 1I. Articolul 20 . , .. ... 12

Articolul 21 12

Articolele 22-23 . 12


Articolele 24-35 13

Articolul 36 18

Articolele 37-40 18

I. Harta frontierelor romane (Nereprodusa)
IL Definitia instrucIiei militare : terestre, aeriene §,1 navale . 23

III. Definitia gi lista materialului de razboi ...... 23

IV. DispoziOuni speciale relative la anumite feluri de bunuri :
A. Proprietatea industrials, literara §i artistica 25
B. Asigurari 26

V. Contracte, prescripIie si efecte de comer 26

VI. Tribunale de Prize 0 sentinIe . . 28
Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, Regatul tiunii Natiunilor Unite, precum si de a adera la once
Unit al Marei Britanii si al Irlandei de Nord, Sta- Conventiune incheiata sub auspiciile Natiunilor Unite ;
tele Unite ale Americei, Australia, Republica So- Pentru aceste motive, au cazut de acord sa proclame
vietica Socialists a Bielorusiei, Canada, Cehoslo- incetarea starii de razboi si sa incheie in acest stop
vacia, India, Noua Zelanda, Republica Sovietica So- Tratatul de Pace de fata, desemnand, in consecinta,
cialists a Ucrainei si Uniunea Sud-Africand, ca State pe Plenipotentiarii subsemnati care, dupa ce au pre-
aflate in razboi cu Romania si care au purtat in mod zentat deplinele for puteri, gasite in bung si cuvenita
activ razboiul impotriva Statelor europene inamice forma, s'au inteles asupra dispozitiunilor ce urmeaza :
cu forte militare importante, desemnate in cele ce
urmeaza cu numele de « Puteri'e Aliate si Asociate », PARTEA I
de o parte,
si Romania, de alts parte ;
Avand in vedere ca Romania, care a incheiat o Articolul 1
alianta cu Germania hitlerista si a participat, alaturi Frontierele Romaniei, indicate in harta anexata
de ea, la razboiul impotriva Uniunii Republicelor Tratatului de fata (Anexa I), vor fi cele care erau
Sovietice Socialiste, a Regatului Unit, a Statelor in fiinta la 1 Ianuarie 1941, cu exceptia frontierei
Unite ale Americei si a altor Natiuni Unite, poarta romano-ungare, care este definita in articolul 2 al
partea sa de raspundere in acest razboi; Tratatului de fata.
Avand in vedere insa ca. la 24 August 1944 Ro- Frontiera sovieto-romans este astfel fixata in con-
mania a Incetat toate operatiunile militare impotriva formitate cu Acordul sovieto-roman din 28 Tunic 1940
Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, s'a retras si cu Acordul sovieto-cehoslovac din 29 Iunie 1945.
din razboiul contra Natiunilor Unite si a rupt rela- Articolul 2
tiile cu Germania si Satelitii ei si ca, dupa ce a in-
cheiat la 12 Septemvrie 1944 un Armistitiu cu Gu- Hotaririle Sentintei dela Viena din 30 August 1940
vernele Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, Re- sunt declarate nule si neavenite. Frontiera dintre Ro-
gatului Unit si Statelor Unite ale Americei, lucrand mania si Ungaria este restabilita prin articolul de fata
in interesul tuturor Natiunilor Unite, ea a participat astfel cum exista la 1 Ianuarie 1938.
activ la razboiul impotriva Germaniei; si
Avand in vedere ca Puterile Aliate si Asociate si PARTEA II
Romania sunt doritoare sa incheie un Tratat de
Pace care sa reglementeze, in conformitate cu prin- SECTIUNEA I
cipiile de justitie, chestiunile aflate Inca in suspensie
Articolul 3
de pe urma evenimentelor amintite mai sus, si sa
constitue baza unor relatiuni amicale Intre ele, in- 1. Romania va lua toate masurile necesare pentru
gaduind astfel Puterilor Aliate si Asociate sa sprijine a asigura tuturor persoanelor de sub jurisdictia ro-
cererea Romaniei de a deveni membra a Organiza- mans, fara deosebire de rasa, de sex, de limbs sau de
religie, folosinta drepturilor omului si a liberfatilor 2. La cererea Guvernului Natiunii, Unite interesate,
fundamentale, inclusiv libertatea de exprimare, liber- Romania va pune de asemenea la dispozitie, ca martori,
tatea presei si de publicare, libertatea cultului, liber- persoanele de sub jurisdictia sa, a caror marturie este
tatea de opinie politica si de intrunire publics. necesard pentru judecarea persoanelor vizate prin
2. Romania se obliga de asemenea ca legile in paragraful 1 al acestui articol.
vigoare in Romania sa nu stabileasca sau sa nu im- 3. Orice dezacord privitor la aplicarea dispozitiu-
plice, in continutul sau in aplicarea lor, vreo discri- nilor paragrafelor 1 si 2 ale acestui articol va fi supus
minare intre persoane de cetatenie romans, pe te- de oricare dintre Guvernele interesate Sefilor Misiu-
meiul rasei, sexului, limbii sau religiei lor, fie in ce nilor Diplomatice din Bucuresti ale Uniunii Sovietice,
priveste persoana lor, bunurile, interesele comerciale, Regatului Unit si Statelor Unite ale Americei, cari
profesionale sau financiare, statutul personal, drep- vor cadea de acord cu privire la acea dificultate.
turile politice sau civile, fie in orice alts materie.
Articolul 4
Articolul 7
Romania, care, in conformitate cu Conventiunea
de Armistitiu, a luat masuri pentru eliberarea, Mfe Romania se obliga sa recunoasca deplina valoare
deosebire de cetatenie si nationalitate, a tuturor per- a Tratatelor de Pace cu Italia, Bulgaria, Ungaria si
soanelor detinute din cauza activitatii lor in favoarea Finlanda, precum si a altor acorduri sau aranjamente
Natiunilor Unite sau din cauza simpatiei lor pentru care au fost sau vor fi incheiate de Puterile Aliate si
acestea sau din cauza originei lor rasiale si pentru Asociate cu privire la Austria la Germania si Japonia
abrogarea legislatiei discriminatorii si a restrictiunilor in vederea restabilirii pacii.
impuse prin ea, va completa aceste dispozitiuni, nu
Articolul 8
va lua in viitor nicio masura si nu va edicta vreo lege
care ar fi incompatibile cu scopurile enuntate in acest Starea de razboi dintre Romania si Ungaria va lua
articol. sfarsit la data intrarii in vigoare a Tratatului de Pace
de fata si a Tratatului de Pace dintre Uniunea Repu-
Articolul 5
blicilor Sovietice Socialiste, Regatul Unit al Marei
Romania, care, in conformitate cu Conventiunea Britanii si Irlandei de Nord, Statele Unite ale Ame-
de Armistitiu, a luat masuri pentru dizolvarea tuturor ricei, Australia, Republica Sovietica Socialists a Bielo-
organizatiunilor de tip fascist pe teritoriul roman, rusiei, Canada, Cehoslovacia, India, Noua Zelanda,
fie ele politice, militare sau paramilitare, precum si a Republica Sovietica Socialists a Ucrainei, Uniunea
altor organizatiuni facand o propaganda Ostia Uni- Sud-Africans si Republica FederativA. Populara a
unii Sovietice sau oricareia dintre celelalte Natiuni Iugoslaviei, de o parte, si Ungaria, de alts parte.
Unite, nu va ingadui in viitor existenta si activitatea
unor organizatiuni de aceasta nature care au drept Articolul 9

scop lipsirea poporului de drepturile sale democratice. Romania se obliga sa accepte toate aranjamentele
care au fost sau ar putea fi incheiate pentru lichidarea
Articolul 6
Societatii Natiunilor si a Curtii Permanente de Justitie
1. Romania va lua toate masurile necesare pentru Internationala.
a asigura arestarea si predarea in vederea judecarii a :
Articolul 10
(a) persoanelor acuzate de a fi comis crime de
razboi si crime contra pacii sau umanitatii, de a le fi 1. Fiecare Putere Aliata sau Asociata va notifica
ordonat sau de a fi contribuit la raptuirea lor; Romaniei, in termen de vase luni dela intrarea in
(b) cetatenilor oricarei Puteri Aliate sau Asociate vigoare a Tratatului de fata, tratatele sale bilaterale
acuzati de a fi violat legile lor nationale prin tradare dinainte de razboi, cu Romania, pe care doreste sa
sau colaborare cu inamicul in timpul razboiului. le mentina sau sa be repuna in vigoare. Dispozitiunile
care nu ar fi in conformitate cu Tratatul de fatal, vor militara, navala sau militara aeriana, astfel cum sunt
fi insa suprimate din tratatele susmentionate. definite in Anexa II.
2. Toate tratatele de acest fel, notificate dupa cum
s'a aratat, vor fi inregistrate la Secretariatul Orga- Articolul 14
nizatiunii Natiunilor Unite in conformitate cu arti- Romania nu va poseda, construi sau experimenta
colul 102 din Charta Natiunilor Unite. nicio arms atomics, niciun proiectil auto-propulsat
3. Toate tratatele de acest fel, care nu vor fi fost sau dirijat, si niciun dispozitiv utilizat la lansarea
notificate in modul aratat, vor fi socotite ca abrogate. acestor proiectile (altele decat torpilele si dispoziti-
vele pentru lansarea torpilelor facand parte din ar-
PARTEA III mamentul normal al navelor de razboi ingaduite
prin Tratatul de fata), nicio mina marina sau tor-
CLAUZE MILITARE, NAVALE SI AERIENE pila de tip lard contact functionand prin mecanism
de influents, nicio torpila umana, niciun submarin
sau alt vas submersibil, nicio vedeta torpiloare si
Articolul 11 niciun tip special de vas de asalt.
Armamentele terestre, navale si aeriene si fortifi-
catiile vor fi limitate strict la cerintele indatoririlor cu Articolul 15
caracter intern si de aparare locals a frontierelor. In Romania nu va pastra, produce sau dobandi in
conformitate cu cele de mai sus, Romania este auto- alt mod material de razboi si nu va mentine insta-
rizata sal dispuna de forte armate care nu vor depasi : latiuni pentru fabricarea acestui material, peste ceea
(a) pentru armata de uscat, inclusiv granicerii, ce este necesar pentru intretinerea fortelor armate
un efectiv total de 120.000 oameni ; ingaduite prin articolul 11 al Tratatului de fata.
(b) pentru artileria antiaeriana, un efectiv de 5.000
oameni ; Articolul 16
(c) pentru marina, un efectiv de 5.000 oameni si
un tonaj total de 15.000 tone; 1. Materialul de razboi in excedent, de prove-
(d) pentru aviatia militara, inclusiv aeronautica nienta aliata, va fi pus la dispozitia Puterii Aliate
navala, 150 avioane cuprinzand si rezervele, din care sau Asociate interesate, potrivit instructiunilor date
cel mult 100 vor putea fi avioane de lupta, si un efectiv
de acea Putere. Materialul de razboi roman, in exce-
total de 8.000 oameni. Romania nu va poseda sau dent, va fi pus la dispozitia Guvernelor Uniunii So-
dobandi avioane concepute esential ca bombardiere vietice, Regatului Unit si Statelor Unite ale Ame-
cu dispozitive interioare pentru a purta bombe. ricei. Romania va renunta la toate drepturile asupra
Aceste efective vor cuprinde, in fiecare caz, per- acestui material.
sonalul unitatilor combatante, al serviciilor si de 2. Materialul de razboi de provenienta sau con-
ceptie germand, in excedent fata de cel necesar for-
telor armate ingaduite prin Tratatul de fata, va fi
Articolul 12 pus la dispozitia celor Trei Guverne. Romania nu
va dobandi sau fabrica niciun fel de material de raz-
Personalul armatei, marinei si aviatiei romane care
boi de provenienta sau conceptie germana si nu va
depaseste efectivele respective ingaduite prin articolul
folosi sau instrui niciun tehnician, inclusiv perso-
11, va fi licentiat in termen de Base luni dela intrarea
nalul de aviatie militar si civil, care este sau a fost
in vigoare a Tratatului de fata. cetatean german.
3. Materialul de razboi in excedent, mentionat in
Articolul 13
paragrafele 1 si 2 ale acestui articol, va fi predat
Personalul care nu face parte din armata, marina sau distrus, in termen de un an dela intrarea in
sau aviatia romans, nu va primi niciun fel de instructie vigoare a Tratatului de fata.

4. Definitia si lista materialului de razboi, vizat dreptul de a pastra pe teritoriul roman fortele armate
prin Tratatul de fats, sunt cuprinse in Anexa III. care i-ar putea fi necesare pentru mentinerea liniilor
de comunicatie ale Armatei Sovietice cu zona sovie-
Articolul 17 tica de ocupatie din Austria.
Romania va coopera, pe deplin cu Puterile Aliate 2. ToatA valuta romaneasca neintrebuintata si toate
si Asociate in scopul de a pune Germania in impo- bunurile romanesti aflate in posesiunea Fortelor
sibilitate de a lua, in afara teritoriului german, ma- Aliate in Romania, dobandite in baza articolului 10
suri tinzand la reinarmarea ei. al Conventiunii de Armistitiu, vor fi restituite Gu-
vernului roman in acelasi termen de 90 zile.
Articolul 18 3. Romania va pune totusi la dispozitie aprovi-
Romania nu va dobandi sau fabrica avioane civile zionarile si serviciile, care ar putea fi in mod special
de conceptie germand sau japoneza, sau care cuprind necesare mentinerii liniilor de comunicatie cu zona
elemente importante de fabricatie sau conceptie ger- sovietica de ocupatie din Austria, si pentru care Gu-
mand sau japoneza. vernul roman va primi compensatia corespunzaoare.

Articolul 19 PARTEA V
Fiecare din clauzele militare, navale si aeriene ale
Tratatului de fats va ramane in vigoare pand la REPARATIUNI SI RESTITUIRI
modificarea ei, in intregime sau in parte, prin inte- Articolul 22
legere intre Puterile Aliate si Asociate si Romania
sau, dupa ce Romania va fi devenit membra -a Orga- 1. Romania va despagubi Uniunea Sovietica pentru
nizatiunii Natiunilor Unite, prin intelegere intre Con- pierderile cauzate ei prin operatiuni militare si prin
siliul de Securitate si Romania. ocuparea de care Romania a teritoriului sovietic,
insa, tinand seams de faptul ca. Romania, nu numai
SECTIUNEA II s'a retras din razboiul impotriva Natiunilor Unite,
dar a declarat razboi Germaniei si a dus efectiv
Articolul 20 razboi contra acesteia, s'a convenit ca reparatiunile
1. Prizonierii de razboi romani vor fi repatriati pentru pierderile de mai sus nu vor fi efectuate de
cat mai curand posibil, in conformitate cu aranja- Romania in intregime, ci numai in parte, anume
mentele stabilite intre fiecare din Puterile ce-i detin pentru o valoare de 300.000.000 dolari U. S. A.,
si Romania. plaibili in decurs de opt ani dela 12 Septemvrie 1944
2. Toate cheltuielile, inclusiv cele de intretinere, in bunuri (produse petrolifere, cereale, lemn, vase
cauzate de transferarea prizonierilor de razboi dela maritime si fluviale, utilaj divers si alte marfuri).
centrele de adunare respective, alese de Guvernul 2. Baza de calcul pentru reglementarea prevazuta
Puterii Aliate sau Asociate interesate, pads la punc- in acest articol va fi dolarul Statelor Unite la pari-
tul de intrare pe teritoriul roman, vor fi suportate tatea lui aur la data semnarii Conventiunii de Armi-
de Guvernul roman. stitiu, adica 35 dolari pentru o uncie de aur.
Articolul 23
PARTEA IV 1. Romania accepts principiile Declaratiei Natiu-
RETRAGEREA FORTELOR ALIATE nilor Unite din 5 Ianuarie 1943 si va restitui bunurile
ridicate din teritoriul vreuneia dintre Natiunile Unite.
Articolul 21 2. Obligatiunea de restituire se aplica tuturor bu-
1. Toate Fortele Aliate vor fi retrase din Romania nurilor identificabile aflate in prezent in Romania si
in termen de 90 de zile dela intrarea in vigoare a care au fost ridicate cu forta sau prin constrangere
Tratatului de fats, Uniunea Sovietica rezervandu-si de pe teritoriul vreuneia dintre Natiunile Unite de
cAtre vreuna din Puterile Axei, oricare ar fi fost legislatia push in vigoare dela 1 Septemvrie 1939, in
transactiunile ulterioare prin care detinatorul actual masura in care cuprinde discrimindri impotriva drep-
al unui asemenea bun si-a asigurat posesiunea lui. turilor cetatenilor Natiunilor Unite.
3. Guvernul indrepatit la restituire si Guvernul 2. Guvernul roman va restitui toate bunurile, drep-
roman vor putea Incheia acorduri care vor Inlocui turile si interesele vizate in articolul de fatg, libere
dispozitiunile articolului de fata. de toate ipotecile si sarc:nile de once fel, cu care au
4. Guvernul roman va restitui in bung stare bu- putut fi grevate din cauza razboiului si fard impu-
nurile mentionate in acest articol si, in legAtura cu nerea din partea Guvernului roman a vreunei sar-
aceasta, va acoperi toate cheltuielile de mans de cini in legatura cu aceasta restituire. Guvernul roman
lucru, materiale si transport in Romania. va anula toate masurile, inclusiv cele de confiscare,
5. Guvernul roman va coopera cu Natiunile Unite sechestru sau control, luate de el impotriva bunurilor
la cgutarea si restituirea bunurilor supuse restituirii Natiunilor Unite Intre 1 Septemvrie 1939 si intrarea
in baza articolului de fata si va face pe cheltuiala in vigoare a Tratatului de fata. In cazurile in care
sa toate Inlesnirile necesare. bunul nu va fi fost restituit in termen de sase luni
6. Guvernul roman va lua mgsurile necesare in dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de fata, resti-
vederea restituirii bunurilor vizate prin articolul de tuirea va fi ceruta autoritatilor romane inteun termen
fatg detinute in vreun Stat tert de Care persoane de cel mult dougsprezece luni dela intrarea in vigoare
supuse jurisdictiunii romane. a Tratatului, cu exceptia cazurilor in care reclamantul
7. Cererile pentru restituirea bunurilor vor fi pre- va fi in masura a dovedi ca nu si-a putut depune
zentate Guvernului roman de care Guvernul Statului cererea in acest termen.
de pe teritoriul caruia au fost ridicate bunurile, inte- 3. Guvernul roman va anula transferurile privind
legandu-se ca materialul rulant va fi considerat ca luat proprietatea, drepturile si interesele de once fel apar-
de pe teritoriul caruia ii apartinea la origine. Ter- tinand cetatenilor Natiunilor Unite, atunci cand
menul in care vor putea fi prezentate aceste cereri, aceste transferuri rezultd din mAsuri de forth sau
va fi de sase luni dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului
de constrangere aplicate in cursul razboiului de Gu-
de fatd. vernele Axei sau de organele lor.
8. Sarcina de a identifica bunurile si de a dovedi 4. (a) Guvernul roman va fi raspunzator de repu-
proprietatea va incumba Guvernului care face ce- nerea in complectd bung stare a bunurilor restituite
rerea, iar sarcina de a dovedi ca bunul nu a fost cetatenilor Natiunilor Unite pe baza paragrafului 1
ridicat cu forta sau prin constrangere va incumba al articolului de fatg.. In cazurile in care bunul nu
Guvernului roman. poate fi restituit sau in care un cetatean al Natiu-
nilor Unite a suferit, ca rezultat al razboiului, o
PARTEA VI pierdere de pe urma unei atingeri sau daune cauzate
unui bun in Romania, el va primi dela Guvernul
CLAUZE ECONOMICE roman o despagubire in lei pang la concurenta a
doug treimi din suma necesard, la data platii, pen-
Articolul 24 tru a achizitiona un bun asemanator sau pentru a
1. In masura in care nu a procedat Inc. la asemenea repara pierderea suferita. In niciun caz cetatenii
masuri, Romania va restabili toate drepturile si inte- Natiunilor Unite nu vor fi supusi in ce priveste
resele legale in Romania ale Natiunilor Unite si ale despagubirile, unui tratament mai putin favorabil
cetatenilor acestora, astfel cum ele existau la 1 Sep- decat acela acordat cetatenilor romani ;
temvrie 1939 si va restitui acestor Natiuni Unite si (b) Cetatenii Natiunilor Unite cari detin, direct
cetatenilor for toate bunurile care le apartineau in sau indirect, parti de interese in societg.ti sau aso-
Romania, inclusiv vasele, in starea in care se gasesc ciatiuni care nu au nationalitatea Natiunilor Unite
in prezent. in intelesul paragrafului 9 (a) al acestui articol,
Dad va fi necesar, Guvernul roman va abroga dar care au suferit o pierdere din cauza unei atin-
geri sau daune cauzate unui bun in Romania, vor sau cheltuielile pentru intretinerea fortelor de ocu-
primi o despagubire in conformitate cu aliniatul (a) patie sau reparatiile de plait vreuneia dintre Natiu-
de mai sus. Aceasta despagubire va fi calculate pe nile Unite. Orice sume percepute astfel vor fi resti-
baza totalului pierderii sau daunei suferite de socie- tuite.
tate sau asociatiune si va avea aceeasi proportie 8. Proprietarul bunurilor in chestiune §i Guvernul
fata de acea pierdere sau daune ca §i proportia in roman vor putea incheia aranjamente care se vor
care se gaisqte partea de interes detinuta de numitii substitui dispozitiunilor articolului de fata.
cetateni in acea societate sau asociatiune fata de 9. In intelesul acestui articol :
capitalul total al acesteia. (a) Denumirea « cetateni ai Natiunilor Unite » se
(c) Despagubirea va fi platita libera de orice aplica persoanelor fizice care sunt cetateni ai vreu-
taxe, impozite sau alte sarcini. Ea va putea fi folo-neia din Natiunile Unite sau societatilor sau aso-
sita in mod liber in Romania, dar va fi supusa dis- ciatiunilor care se gasesc constituite sub regimul
pozitiunilor relative la controlul devizelor straine legilor vreuneia din Natiunile Unite la intrarea in
care, la un moment dat, ar fi in vigoare in Romania. vigoare a Tratatului de Ltd, cu conditia ca numitele
(d) Guvernul roman va acorda cetatenilor Na- persoane fizice, societati sau asociatiuni sä fi po-
tiunilor Unite acela0 tratament ca cel de care se sedat acest statut §i la data Armistitiului cu Romania.
bucura cetatenii romani in ce priveste atribuirea de Denumirea « cetateni ai Natiunilor Unite » cu-
materiale pentru repararea sau refacerea bunurilor prinde de asemenea toate persoanele fizice, societa-
lor din Romania si in ce priveste atribuirea de devize tile sau asociatiunile care, potrivit legilor in vigoare
strAine pentru importul de astfel de materiale. in Romania in timpul razboiului, au fost tratate ca
(e) Guvernul roman va acorda cetatenilor Natiu- inamici;
nilor Unite o indemnizatie in lei in aceeasi pro- (b) Denumirea « proprietar » desemneaza pe ceta-
portie ca §i cea prevAzuta in aliniatul (a) de mai teanul Natiunilor Unite, astfel cum este definit in
sus, pentru a-i despagubi de pierderea sau daunele aliniatul (a) de mai sus, care are un titlu legitim
decurgand din ma§uri speciale aplicate bunurilor lor asupra bunului in chestiune, §i cuprinde pe succe-
in timpul razboiului §i care nu erau aplicabile bu- sorul proprietarului, cu conditia ca acest succesor
nurilor romane§ti. Aliniatul de fata nu se aplica unei sa fie de asemenea cetatean al unei Natiuni Unite
lipse de castig. in intelesul aliniatului (a). Dace succesorul a cum-
5. Dispozitiunile paragrafului 4 al acestui articol parat bunul in starea lui avariata, vanzatorul va
nu se vor aplica Romaniei in cazul in care masurile pastra dreptul la indemnizare conform acestui ar-
care ar putea sa dea nastere unei reclamatiuni pentru ticol, lard ca prin aceasta obligatiunile existand intre
daune cauzate unor bunuri situate in TransilVania vanzator §i cumparator in virtutea legislatiei interne
de Nord §i apartinand Natiunilor Unite sau ceta- sa fie atinse.
tenilor lor, au fost luate in cursul perioadei cand (c) Denumirea « bunuri » desemneaza toate bu-
acest teritoriu. nu era supus autoritatii Romaniei. nurile mobile sau imobile, corporale sau incorpo-
6. Toate cheltuielile rationale facute in Romania rale, inclusiv drepturile de proprietate industrials,
pentru stabilirea reclamatiunilor, inclusiv evaluarea literara §i artistica, precum §i toate drepturile sau
pierderilor §i daunelor, vor cadea in sarcina Guver- interesele de orice nature asupra unor bunuri. In
nului roman. afara de dispozitiunile generale de mai sus, bunurile
7. Cetatenii Natiunilor Unite §i bunurile lor vor Natiunilor Unite si ale cetatenilor lor cuprind toate
fi scutite de orice impozite, taxe sau contributiuni vasele maritime §i fluviale, impreuna cu aparatura
exceptionale impuse de catre Guvernul roman sau §i echipamentul lor, care apartineau Natiunilor Unite
de catre orice autoritate romans, intre data Armi- sau cetatenilor lor, sau erau inregistrate pe teritoriul
stitiului §i intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de fata, uneia din Natiunile Unite, sau navigau sub pavi-
asupra capitalufilor lor aflate in Romania, in scopul lionul uneia din Natiunile Unite §i care, dupe 1 Sep-
special de a intampina sarcini rezultand din razboi temvrie 1939, aflandu-se in apele romane, sau dupe
ce fusesera aduse cu forta in apele romane, au fost Articolul 27
sau puse sub controlul autoritatilor romane ca bu-
nuri inamice, sau au incetat de a fi la libera dis- 1. Fiecare dintre Puterile Aliate si Asociate va
pozitie in Romania a Natiunilor Unite sau a ceta- avea dreptul de a sechestra, retine, lichida sau de a
tenilor lor, in urma mAsurilor de control luate de intreprinde orice alts actiune in legatura cu toate
autoritatile romane in legAtura cu existenta starii de bunurile, drepturile si interesele care, la data intrarii
razboi intre unele din Natiunile Unite si Germania. in vigoare a Tratatului de MIA, se gasesc pe teritoriul
ei si care apartin Romaniei sau unor cetAteni romani,
precum si de a intrebuinta aceste bunuri sau produsul
Articolul 25 lichidarii for in orice scop va dori, pads la concurenta
valorii pretentiunilor ei si ale cetatenilor ei impotriva
1. Romania se obliga ca, in toate cazurile in care, Romaniei sau cetatenilor romani, inclusiv creantele,
cu incepere dela 1 Septemvrie 1939, bunurile, dreptu- altele decat pretentiunile satisfacute in intregime prin
rile sau interesele legale din Romania ale unor per- alte articole din Tratatul de fatd. Toate bunurile
soane de sub jurisdictie romans au facut obiectul romanesti sau produsul lichidarii lor, depasind totalul
unor masuri de sechestru, de confiscare sau de con- ziselor pretentiuni, vor fi restituite.
trol pe temeiul originei rasiale sau a religiei unor ase-
2. Masurile de lichidare si de dispozitie privind
menea persoane, bunurile, drepturile sau interesele
bunurile romanesti vor fi efectuate in conformitate
legale mentionate sä fie restituite impreund cu acce-
cu legislatia Puterii Aliate sau Asociate interesate.
soriile for sau, dna restituirea este imposibila, o despa-
Proprietarul roman nu va avea alte drepturi in ceea ce
gubire echitabild sa fie acordata.
priveste bunurile in chestiune decat acelea conferite,
2. Toate bunurile, drepturile si interesele in Ro- de acea legislatie.
mania ale persoanelor, organizatiunilor sau comuni- 3. Guvernul roman se obliga sa despagubeasca pe
thlilor care, individual sau ca membri ai unor grupuri, cetatenii romani pentru bunurile luate for in virtutea
au fAcut obiectul unor masuri de persecutie rasiala, acestui articol si nerestituite.
religioasa sau altor masuri cu caracter fascist si care
4. Acest articol nu creeaza nicio obligatiune pentru
raman fdrA mostenitor sau nereclamate timp de Base
vreuna din Puterile Aliate sau Asociate de a restitui
luni dupa intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de fatA, Guvernului roman sau cetatenilor romani drepturile
vor fi transferate de Guvernul roman organizatiunilor
de proprietate industrials si nici de a include aceste
din Romania care reprezinta asemenea persoane, drepturi in calculul sumelor ce vor putea fi retinute
organizatiuni sau comunitati. Bunurile transferate vor
in baza paragrafului 1 al acestui articol. Guvernul
fi intrebuintate de acele organizatiuni pentru scopuri
fiecareia dintre Puterile Aliate si Asociate va putea
de ajutorare si refacere a membrilor supravietuitori
impune drepturilor si intereselor relative la proprie-
din as tfel de grupuri, organizatiuni si comunitati din
tatea industrials pe teritoriul Puterii Aliate sau Aso-
Romania. Acest transfer va fi efectuat in termen de
ciate respective si care au fost dobandite de Guvernul
douasprezece luni dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului
sau cetatenii Romaniei, inainte de intrarea in vigoare
si va cuprinde bunurile, drepturile si interesele ce
trebuesc restituite potrivit paragrafului 1 al acestui
a Tratatului de fats, orice limitari, conditiuni si
restrictiuni pe care Guvernul Puterii Aliate sau Aso-
ciate ar putea sa le considere necesare in interesul
Articolul 26
5. Prin bunuri, in sensul paragrafului 1 al artico-
Romania recunoaste ca Uniunea Sovietica are lului de fatd, se inteleg bunurile romanesti care au
dreptul la toate averile germane din Romania care au facut obiectul unor masuri de control din cauza starii
fost transferate Uniunii Sovietice de catre Consiliul de razboi existente intre Romania si Puterea AliatA
de Control pentru Germania si se obligl sa is toate sau Asociata sub jurisdictiunea careia se gasesc bunu-
inasurile necesare spre a inlesni asemenea transferuri. rile, exceptandu-se :
(a) Bunurile Guvernului roman utilizate pentru tentiunile interguvernamentale in legatura cu aranja-
nevoile misiunilor diplomatice sau consulare ; mente incheiate in cursul razboiului, precum si toate
(b) Bunurile apartinand institutiunilor religioase pretentiunile cu privire la pierderi sau daune ivite
sau filantropice private folosite pentru scopuri reli- in timpul razboiului.
gioase sau filantropice ;
(c) Bunurile persoanelor fizice cetateni romani, Articolul 29
autorizate sa locuiasca pe teritoriul tarii unde bunu- 1. Existenta starii de razboi nu va fi considerate
rile sunt situate sau pe teritoriul vreuneia dintre Na- in sine ca afectand obligatiunile de a plati datoriile
tiunile Unite, afard de bunurile romanesti care, in pecuniare ce rezulta din obligatiuni si contracte care
cursul razboiului, au facut candva obiectul unor erau in fiinta si din drepturi ce erau dobandite inainte
masuri ce nu se aplicau in mod general bunurilor de existenta starii de razboiu, datorii care deveni-
cetatenilor romani locuind pe acel teritoriu ; sera exigibile inainte de intrarea in vigoare a Trata-
(d) Drepturile de proprietate nascute dupe re- tului de fats si care sunt datorate, fie de Guvernul
luarea relatiunilor comerciale si financiare intre Pu- sau de cetateni romani, Guvernului sau cetatenilor
terile Aliate si Asociate si Romania sau nascute din uneia dintre Puterile Aliate si Asociate, fie de Gu-
transactiuni intervenite intre Guvernul vreunei Puteri vernul sau de cetatenii uneia dintre Puterile Aliate
Aliate sau Asociate si Romania dupe 12 Septemvrie si Asociate Guvernului sau cetatenilor romani.
1944; 2. In afara de dispozitiuni contrare, prevazute in
(e) Drepturile de proprietate literara si artistica.; mod expres in Tratatul de fate, nicio clauza din
acesta nu va putea fi interpretata ca afectand rap or-
Articolul 28 turile dela debitor la creditor, ce rezulta din contracte
1. Dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de fatA, incheiate inainte de razboi, fie de Guvernul roman,
bunurile din Germania apartinand Romaniei sau unor fie de cetatenii romani.
cetateni romani, nu vor mai fi tratate ca bunuri Articolul 30
inamice si toate restrictiunile aplicate pe aceasta baza
vor fi ridicate. 1. Romania renunta, in numele Guvernului roman
2. Bunurile identificabile apartinand Romaniei sau sau al cetatenilor romani, la toate reclamatiunile de
cetatenilor romani, ridicate cu forta sau prin constran- orice fel impotriva Puterilor Aliate si Asociate, re-
gere de pe teritoriul roman si duse in Germania de zultand direct din razboi sau din masuri luate in
cAtre forte sau autoritati germane dupe 12 Septemvrie urma existentei unei stAri de razboi in Europa,
1944, vor putea fi restituite. dupe 1 Septemvrie 1939, indiferent dad. Puterea
3. Restabilirea drepturilor si restituirea bunurilor Aliata sau Asociate a fost sau nu in razboi cu Ro-
romane din Germania vor fi efectuate in conformi- mania in acel timp. Sunt cuprinse in aceasta re-
tate cu dispozitiunile ce vor fi stabilite de Puterile nun tare :
ocupante ale Germaniei. (a) reclamatiuni relative la pierderi sau daune su-
4. Fara a prejudicia dispozitiunile de mai sus, ferite de pe urma actelor fortelor armate sau autori-
precum si orice alte dispozitiuni luate in favoarea tatilor unor Puteri Aliate sau Asociate;
Romaniei si a cetatenilor romani, de catre Puterile (b) reclamatiuni decurgand din prezenta, din ope-
ocupante ale Germaniei, Romania renunta in numele ratiunile sau din actiunile fortelor armate sau auto-
sau si in numele cetatenilor sal, la orice pretentiuni ritatilor unor Puteri Aliate sau Asociate pe teritoriul
impotriva Germaniei si a cetatenilor germani, pen- roman ;
dinte la 8 Mai 1945, cu exceptiunea pretentiunilor (c) reclamatiuni in legatura cu deciziunile sau or-
rezultand din contracte si alte obligatiuni anterioare donantele Tribunalelor de Prize ale unor Puteri Aliate
datei de 1 Septemvrie 1939, precum si din drepturi sau Asociate, Romania acceptand sa recunoasca ca
dobandite inainte de aceeasi data. Aceasta renuntare valabile si obligatorii toate deciziunile si ordonantele
va fi considerate ca ingloband creantele, toate pre- aeestor Tribunale dc Prize, pronuntate la 1 Septem-
vrie 1030, sau dupa aceasta data, cu privire la vase tiunile Unite care, in fapt, acorda ea insgsi Romaniei.
romanesti, ma'rfuri romanesti sau la plata cheltuielilor ; in aceste domenii, un tratament similar, pe cale de
(d) reclamatiuni decurgand din exercitarea drep- reciprocitate :
turilor de beligeranta sau din masurile luate in ve- (a) In tot ce priveste taxele vamale si taxele de
derea exercitarii acestor drepturi. import sau de export, impunerea in interiorul tarii
2. Dispozitiunile articolului de fats vor exclude a marfurilor importate si toate reglementarile in lega-
complect si definitiv toate reclamatiunile de natura tura cu aceasta, Natiunile Unite vor beneficia de
celor prevazute in acest articol si care vor fi stinse clauza neconditionata a natiunii celei mai favorizate ;
de acum inainte, oricare ar fi partile interesate. Gu- (b) Romania nu va aplica in nicio alts privinta
vernul roman accepts sa verse, in lei, o despagubire vreo discriminare arbitrary impotriva marfurilor pro-
echitabila pentru a satisface reclamatiunile persoanelor venind din teritoriul oricareia dintre Natiunile Unite
care au furnizat, pe cale de rechizitie, marfuri sau sau destinate acestui teritoriu, in raport cu marfurile
servicii fortelor armate ale unor Puteri Aliate sau analoage provenind din teritoriul oricarei alte Na-
Asociate pe teritoriul roman, precum si reclamatiunile tiuni Unite sau oricarei alte tari straine sau desti-
impotriva fortelor armate ale Puterilor Aliate sau nate teritoriilor acestora ;
Asociate, relative la pagube cauzate pe teritoriul (c) Cetatenii Natiunilor Unite, inclusiv persoanele
roman si care nu rezulta din fapte de razboi. juridice, vor beneficia de tratamentul acordat natio-
3. Romania renunta de asemenea, in numele Gu- nalilor si acela al natiunii celei mai favorizate, in
vernului roman sau al cetatenilor romani, la toate tot ceea ce priveste comertul, industria, navigatia
reclamatiunile de natura celor vizate prin paragraful si alte forme de activitate comerciala in Romania.
1 al acestui articol, impotriva oricareia din Natiu- Aceste dispozitiuni nu se vor aplica aviatiei comer-
nile Unite ale carei relatiuni diplomatice cu Romania ciale ;
au fost rupte in timpul razboiului si care a intreprins (d) Romania nu va acorda niciunei tari vreun
vreo actiune in cooperare cu Puterile Aliate si Aso- drept exclusiv sau preferential in ce priveste exploa-
ciate. tarea aviatiei comerciale in traficul international ;
4. Guvernul roman va asuma deplina raspundere ea va acorda tuturor Natiunilor Unite conditiuni de
pentru intreaga cantitate de moneta military aliata egalitate la obtinerea de drepturi in materie de trans-
emisa in Romania de catre autoritatile rnilitare aliate, porturi aeriene comerciale internationale pe terito-
inclusiv toata cantitatea de moneta de aceeasi natura riul roman, inclusiv dreptul de a ateriza pentru apro-
aflata in circulatie la intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului vizionarea cu carburanti si pentru reparatii, iar in
de fats. privinta exploatarii aviatiei comerciale in traficul
5. Renuntarea la care Romania subscrie prin pa- international; ea va acorda, pe baza de reciprocitate
ragraful 1 al acestui articol, cuprinde si toate recla- si fara discriminare, tuturor Natiunilor Unite, dreptul
matiunile decurgand din masurile luate de oricare din de survol peste teritoriul roman Mr.-a. escala. Aceste
Puterile Aliate si Asociate cu privire la vasele ro- dispozitiuni nu vor afecta interesele de aparare na-
manesti, intre 1 Septemvrie 1939 si intrarea in vi- tionala ale Romaniei.
goare a Tratatului de fats, precum si orice preten- 2. Obligatiunile de mai sus luate de Romania
tiune sau creanta decurgand din Conventiunile in trebuesc intelese sub rezerva exceptiunilor uzuale
vigoare in prezent cu privire la prizonierii de razboi. din tratatele de comert incheiate de Romania inainte
de razboi, iar dispozitiunile relative la reciprocitatea
Articolul 31 acordata de fiecare din Natiunile Unite, trebuesc
intelese sub rezerva exceptiunilor uzuale din trata-
1. Pand la incheierea unor tratate sau acorduri tele de comert incheiate de Statul respectiv.
comerciale intre vreuna din Natiunile Unite si Ro-
mania, Guvernul roman va acorda pe o perioada de Articolul 32
optsprezece luni, dela intrarea in vigoare a Trata- 1. Orice diferende, care s'ar putea ivi in legatura
tului de fats, urmatorul tratament fiecareia din Na- cu articolele 23 si 24 si Anexele IV, V si VI, partea
13, din Tratatul de fata, vor fi supuse unei Comi- Articolul 35
siuni de Conciliatiune, compusa, in numar egal, din
reprezentanti ai Guvernului Natiunii Unite intere- Dispozitiunile Anexelor IV, V §i VI precum §i
sate §i ai Guvernului roman. Daca nu s'a ajuns la celelalte Anexe fac parte integranta din Tratatul de
un acord in termen de trei luni de cand diferendul fata §i vor avea aceeasi valoare §i efect.
a fost supus Comisiunii de Conciliatiune, oricare
dintre cele doua Guverne va putea cere adaogirea PARTEA VII
unui al treilea membru in Comisiune, iar in lipsa
unui acord intre cele cloud Guverne asupra alegerii CLAUZA RELATIVA LA DUNARE
acestui membru, una sau cealalta dintre parti va
Articolul 36
putea cere Secretarului General al Organizatiunii
Natiunilor Unite sä faca numirea. Navigatiunea pe Dunare va fi libera §i deschisa
2. Deciziunea majoritatii membrilor Comisiunii va cetatenilor, vaselor de comert §i marfurilor tuturor
fi considerate ca deciziunea Comisiunii §i acceptata Statelor, pe picior de egalitate, in ce prive§te taxele
de parti ca definitive §i obligatorie. portuare §i de navigatiune §i conditiunile la care este
supusa navigatiunea comerciala. Dispozitiunile de
Articolul 33 mai sus nu se vor aplica traficului intre porturile
aceluiai Stat.
Once diferende care s'ar putea ivi in legatura cu
preturile platite de Guvernul Roman pentru mar- PARTEA VIII
furile livrate de acest Guvern in contul reparatiu-
nilor §i dobandite dela cetateni ai unei Puteri Aliate
sau Asociate sau dela societati care apartin unor Articolul 37
cetateni ai acestor Puteri, vor fi rezolvite, fare a 1. Pentru o perioada care nu va depa§i optspre-
prejudicia executareaobligatiunilor Romaniei cu pri- zece luni dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de
vire la reparatiuni, prin negocieri diplomatice intre fatd, Sefii Misiunilor Diplomatice din Bucure§ti ale
Guvernul tarii interesate §i Guvernul roman. Daca Uniunii Sovietice, Regatului Unit §i Statelor Unite
negocierile diplomatice directe intre partile interesate ale Americei, lucrand in intelegere, vor reprezenta
nu ar duce la o rezolvire a diferendului in termen Puterile Aliate §i Asociate pentru a trata cu Gu-
de doua luni, diferendul va fi supus Sefilor Misiu- vernul roman in toate chestiunile relative la execu-
nilor Diplomatice din Bucure§ti ale Uniunii Sovie- tarea §i interpretarea Tratatului de fata.
tice, Regatul Unit §i Statelor Unite ale Americei 2. Cei Trei Sefi de Misiune vor da Guvernului
pentru a fi rezolvit. In cazul ca efii de Misiune roman indrumarile, sfaturile tehnice §i larnuririle care
nu vor ajunge la un acord in termen de cloud luni, ar putea fi necesare spre a asigura executarea grabn:ca
una sau cealalta dintre parti va putea cere Secreta- §i eficace a Tratatului de fata, in litera §i spiritul lui.
rului General al Organizatiunii Natiunilor Unite, sä 3. Guvernul roman va pune la indemana acestor
numeasca un arbitru, a carui hotarire va fi obli- Trei 5efi de Misiune toate informatiunile necesare
gatorie pentru partile in litigiu. §i tot ajutorul de care ei ar putea avea nevoie in
indeplinirea sarcinilor conferite for prin Tratatul de
Articolul 34 fatd.
Articolul 38
Articolele 23, 24, 31 §i Anexa VI din Tratatul
de fata se vor aplica Puterilor Aliate §i Asociate 1. Cu exceptia cazurilor pentru care se prevede in
§i Frantei §i acelora dintre Natiunile Unite ale caror mod 6xpres o alts procedure prin orice articol al
relatii diplomatice cu Romania au fost rupte in Tratatului de fata, orice diferend cu privire la inter-
timpul razboiului. pretarea sau executarea Tratatului §i care nu va fi
fost rezolvit prin negocieri diplomatice directe, va fi gasqte in razboi cu Romania, va putea acceda la
supus celor Frei efi de Misiune, lucrand conform Tratat si va fi considerat din momentul accesiunii
articolului 37, dar in acest caz, Sefii de Misiune nu ca Putere Asociata pentru aplicarea Tratatului.
vor fi legati de termenul prevazut in acel articol. 2. Instrumentele de accesiune vor fi depuse Guver-
Orice diferend care nu va fi rezolvit de ei in termen nului Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste §i vor
de cloud luni, va fi supus, la cererea uneia sau celei- produce efect din momentul depunerii.
lalte dintre partile in litigiu, dace acestea nu cad de
acord asupra unei alte cai de rezolvire, unei Comisiuni Articolul 40
compuse din cate un reprezentant al fiecarei parti §i Tratatul de fata, ale carui texte in limbile ruse §i
un al treilea membru, ales de comun acord de cele engleza sunt autentice, va fi ratificat de,..Puterile Aliate
doua parti dintre cetatenii unei a treia tari. Dace cele Si Asociate. El va fi de asemenea ratificat de Romania.
doua parti nu ar izbuti sa se inteleaga in termen de El va intra in vigoare imediat dupe depunerea rati-
o lung cu privire la numirea celui de al treilea membru, ficarilor de catre Uniunea Republicilor Sovietice So-
una sau cealalta dintre parti va putea cere Secretarului cialiste, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii si al Irlandei
General al Organizatiunii Natiunilor Unite sa face de Nord si State le Unite ale Americei. Instrumentele
numirea. de ratificare vor fi depuse Guvernului Uniunii Repu-
2. Deciziunea majoritatii membrilor Comisiunii va blicilor Sovietice Socialiste in cel mai scurt timp
fi considerate ca deciziunea Comisiunii §i acceptata posibil.
de parti ca definitive si obligatorie. In ce privqte fiecare Putere Aliata sau Asociata al
carei instrument de ratificare va fi depus ulterior,
Articolul 39 Tratatul va intra in vigoare la data depunerii. Tratatul
de fata va fi depus in arhivele Guvernului Uniunii
1. Orice membru al Organizatiunii Natiunilor Unite Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, care va remite copii
care nu este semnatar al Tratatului de fata §i care se certificate fiecaruia din State le semnatare.

Anexa I. Harta frontierelor roman.
Anexa IL Definitia instructiei militare : terestre, ae-
riene §i navale.
Anexa III. Definitia §i lista materialului de razboi.
Anexa IV. Dispozitiuni speciale relative la anumite
feluri de bunuri.
A. Proprietatea industrials, literara §i ar-
B. Asigurari.
Anexa V. Contracte, prescriptie Si efecte de comert.
Anexa VI. Tribunale de Prize §i sentinte.

ANEXA I al serviciului de Stat-Major, inclusiv executarea tu-
(Vezi articolul 1) turor operatiunilor si manevrelor care nu sunt nece-
sare in intrebuintarile pacinice a navelor.
ANEXA I I (Vezi articolul 16)
(Vezi articolul 13)
Denumirea # material de razboi », intrebuintata
1. Instructia military este definita dupa cum ur-
in Tratatul de fata, cuprinde Coate armele, munitiunile
meaza : studiul si practica folosirii materialului de
razboi, conceput sau adaptat in mod special pentru si materialul concepute sau adaptate in mod special
scopuri militare, si a dispozitivelor de instructie co- pentru scopuri de razboi, enumerate mai jos.
Puterile Aliate si Asociate isi rezerva dreptul de a
respunzatoare ; studiul si executarea tuturor exerci-
amenda in mod periodic aceasta lista, prin modificari
tiilor sau manevrelor folosite in invatamantul sau
practica evolutiunilor executate de fortele combatante
sau adaogiri, in lumina desvoltarilor stiintifice ulte-
in lupta ; studiul metodic al tacticei, al strategiei si al rioare.
serviciului de Stat-Major. Categoria I
2. Instructia military aeriand este definita dupa cum
urmeaza : studiul si practica folosirii materialului de 1. Pusti, carabine, revolvere si pistoale militare;
razboi, conceput sau adaptat in mod special pentru tevi pentru aceste arme si alte piese de schimb ce
scopurile aeronauticei militare, si a dispozitivelor de nu pot fi usor adaptate pentru o intrebuintare civild.
instructie corespunzatoare ; studiul si practica tuturor 2. Mitraliere, pusti mitraliere automate sau cu re-
evolutiunilor specializate, inclusiv sborul in formatie, petitie si pistoale mitraliere ; tevi pentru aceste arme
executate de aeronave in indeplinirea unei misiuni si alte piese de schimb ce nu pot fi usor adaptate
militare aeriene ; studiul metodic al tacticei aeriene, pentru o intrebuintare civila ; afete de mitraliere.
al strategiei si al serviciului de Stat-Major. 3. Tunuri, obuziere, mortiere, tunuri de bord
3. Instructia navala este definita dupa cum ur- pentru avioane ; tunuri fara culasa sau fara recul si
meaza : studiul, organizarea generala sau practica aruncatoare de flacari ; tevi si alte piese de schimb ce
folosirii navelor de razboi sau a instalatiilor navale, nu pot fi usor adaptate pentru o intrebuintare civila ;
precum si studiul sau folosirea tuturor aparatelor si chesoane si afete pentru cele de mai sus.
dispozitivelor de instructie corespunzatoare care sunt 4. Aruncatoare de rachete ; mecanisme pentru lan-
intrebuintate in purtarea razboiului naval, cu exceptia sarea si controlul proiectilelor auto-propulsate si di-
acelora care sunt folosite in mod normal si pentru rijate; suporturi pentru acestea.
scopuri civile ; de asemenea, invatamantul, practica 5. Projectile auto-propulsate si dirijate, proiectile,
sau studiul metodic al tacticei navale, al strategiei si rachete, munitiuni si cartuse, pline sau goale, pentru
armele specificate in alineatele 1-4 de mai sus si maOni si instalatiuni care, in timp de pace, nu sunt
focoase sau mecanisme pentru explodarea sau func- intrebuintate decat pe vase de razboi.
tionarea lor. Nu sunt cuprinse detonatoarele necesare 2. Vase de debarcare si vehicule sau echipament
pentru scopuri civile. amfibiu de orice fel ; vase de asalt sau material de
6. Grenade, bombe, torpile, mine, grenade subma- asalt de orice fel, precum si catapulte sau alte dispo-
rine, materiale sau incarcaturi incendiare, pline sau zitive pentru lansarea sau proiectarea avioanelor, ra-
goale, precum §i toate mijloacele pentru exploadarea chetelor, armelor propulsate sau oricarui alt proiectil,
sau functionarea lor. Nu sunt cuprinse detonatoarele instrument sau dispozitiv, cu sau lard' personal, di-
necesare pentru scopuri civile. rijat sau nedirijat.
7. Baionete. 3. Nave, imbarcatiuni, arme, dispozitive sau apa-
rate de orice fel, submersibile sau semi-submersibile,
Categoria II inclusiv estacade special concepute pentru apararea
porturilor, cu exceptia celor necesare pentru salvari
1. Vehicule de lupta blindate, trenuri blindate, ne-
transformabile din punct de vedere tehnic pentru o de vase sau de persoane, sau pentru alte scopuri
civile, precum si orice echipament, accesorii, piese de
intrebuintare civilA.
schimb, dispozitive de experimentare sau de instructie,
2. Vehicule mecanice si auto-motoare pentru ori-
instrumente sau instalatiuni ce ar putea fi concepute
care din armele enumerate in Categoria I; sasiuri sau
in mod special pentru construirea, incercarea, intre
caroserii militare de tipuri speciale, altele decat cele
enumerate in alineatul 1 de mai sus. tinerea sau adapostirea acestora.
3. Placi de blindaje mai groase de 3 toli, intre- Categoria V
buintate in scopuri de protectie, in rdzboiu.
1. Aeronave, montate sau in piese detasate, mai
Categoria III grele sau mai ware decat aerul, concepute sau adap-
tate pentru lupta aeriana prin folosirea de mitraliere,
1. Aparate de ochire si de calcul pentru controlul aruncatoare de rachete sau artilerie, sau pentru trans-
tirului, cuprinzand aparatele regulatoare de tir si de portul si lansarea bombelor sau care sunt echipate
inregistrare ; instrumente pentru dirijarea tirului; inal- cu vreunul din dispozitivele mentionate in alineatul
tatoare de tun ; vizoare pentru bombardament ; regu- 2 de mai jos, sau care pe baza conceptiei sau construe-
latoare de focoase; dispozitive pentru verificarea ca- tiei lor sunt pregatite spre a fi echipate cu asemenea
librelor tunurilor si a instrumentelor pentru controlul dispozitive.
tirului. 2. Afete §i amplasamente pentru tunuri aeriene,
2. Material de pontoane pentru asalt, barci de dispozitive pentru inmagazinarea bombelor, port-
asalt si de atac. torpile si dispozitive pentru lansarea bombelor sau
3. Dispozitive pentru stratageme de razboi, pentru torpilelor, turele si cupole pentru tunuri.
orbire si capcane. 3. Echipament conceput in mod special si intre-
4. Echipament de razboi individual de o naturd buintat exclusiv pentru trupele aero-purtate.
speciald, care nu poate fi usor adaptat pentru sco- 4. Catapulte sau dispozitive de lansare pentru
puri civile. avioanele imbarcate pe nave, pentru avioane terestre
sau hidroavioane ; dispozitive pentru lansarea de
Categoria IV arme sburatoare.
1. Nave de razboi de orice fel, inclusiv vase trans- 5. Baloane de baraj.
formate si imbarcatiuni concepute sau destinate Categoria VI
pentru insotirea sau sprijinirea acestora, care, din
punct de vedere tehnic, nu pot fi transformate pentru Substante asfixiante, mortale, toxice sau apte a
scopuri civile, precum si armamentul, blindajul, mu- scoate din lupta, destinate unor scopuri de razboi
nitiunile, avioanele §i orice alt echipament, material, sau fabricate in cantitati depa§ind necesitatile civile.
Categoria VII cererii lor pe teritoriul acelei Puteri Aliate sau Aso-
Propulsoare, explozive, material pirotehnic sau (c) Se va acorda fiecareia din Puterile Aliate 5i
gaze lichefiate destinate la propulsarea, explodarea, Asociate si cetatenilor ei un termen de un an dela
incarcarea sau umplerea materialului de razboi din intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de NO, in timpul
categoriile de fata, sau la orice intrebuintare in lega- caruia vor putea intenta actiuni in Romania impo-
tura cu acest material si care nu pot avea intrebuin- triva persoanelor fizice sau juridice carora li s'ar
tari civile sau sunt fabricate in cantitati depasind imputa o incalcare ilegall a drepturilor lor de pro-
necesitatile civile. prietate industrials, literara sau artistica intre data
izbucnirii razboiului si intrarea in vigoare a Tra-
Categoria VIII tatului.
2. La determinarea perioadei inauntrul careia un
Instalatiuni si utilaj industrial, concepute in mod brevet trebue sä fie exploatat sau un model, sau o
special pentru fabricarea si intretinerea materialului marca de fabrics trebue sa fie folosita, nu se va tine
enumerat mai sus, si care, din motive tehnice, nu seama de o perioada cuprinsa intre izbucnirea raz-
pot fi transformate pentru scopuri civile. boiului si sfarsitul lunii a optsprezccea dela intrarea
in vigoare a Tratatului de fata.
ANEXA IV 3. Perioada dintre izbucnirea razboiului si intrarea
in vigoare a Tratatului de fatal va fi scazuta din du-
rata normala de valabilitate a drepturilor de pro-
ANUMITE FELURI DE BUNURI prietate industrials, literara si artistica care erau in
vigoare in Romania la izbucnirea razboiului sau care
vor fi recunoscute sau stabilite in conditiunile pre-
yazute in partea A. a acestei Anexe si apartin vreu-
1. (a) Un termen de un an dela intrarea in vigoare neia dintre Puterile Aliate si Asociate sau cetate-
a Tratatului de fata va fi acordat Puterilor Aliate nilor ei. In consecinta, durata normala de valabi-
si Asociate si cetatenilor lor, fare plata vreunor taxe litate a acestor drepturi va fi considerate ca prelun-
de prorogare sau alte sanctiuni de once fel, spre a gita in mod automat n Romania cu un nou termen
le permite sä indeplineasca toate actele necesare corespunzand aceluia care va fi fost astfel scazut.
pentru obtinerea sau conservarea in Romania a 4. Dispozitiunile de mai sus, privitoare la dreptu-
drepturilor de proprietate industrials, literara si arti- rile in Romania ale Puterilor Aliate si Asociate si
stica, care nu au putut fi indeplinite din cauza exi- ale cetatenilor lor, se vor aplica de o potriva dreptu-
stentei starii de razboi. rilor Romaniei si ale cetatenilor romani, in terito-
(b) Puterile Aliate si Asociate sau cetatenii lor, riile Puterilor Aliate si Asociate. Niciuna din. aceste
care vor fi facut in modul cuvenit, pe teritoriul vreu- dispozitiuni, insa, nu va da Romaniei sau cetate-
neia dintre Puterile Aliate si Asociate, o cerere, fie nilor romani dreptul la un tratament mai favorabil,
pentru obtinerea unui brevet sau pentru inregistrarea pe teritoriul vreuneia din Puterile Aliate si Asociate,
unui model de utilitate, cu cel mult douasprezece decat cel acordat de acea Putere in aceleasi cazuri
luni inainte de izbucnirea razboiului cu Romania altor Natiuni Unite sau cetatenilor acestora. Ro-
sau in timpul razboiului, fie pentru inregistrarea unui mania nu va fi tinuta nici ea, in virtutea acestor
desen industrial, a unui model sau a unei marci de dispozitiuni, sa acorde vreuneia din Puterile Aliate
fabrics, cu cel mult case luni inainte de izbucnirea si Asociate sau cetatenilor ei un tratament mai favo-
razboiului cu Romania sau in timpul razboiului, rabil decat cel de care Romania sau cetatenii romani
vor avea dreptul sa ceara in termen de doudsprezece beneficiaza pe teritoriul acelei Puteri in privinta ma-
luni dela intrarea in vigoare a Tratatului de fata teriilor la care se aplica dispozitiunile de mai sus.
drepturi corespunzatoare in Romania, cu un drept 5. Tertii din teritoriile vreuneia din Puterile Aliate
de prioritate intemeiat pe inregistrarea anterioara a si Asociate sau din Romania cari, inainte de intrarea
in vigo are a Tratatului de fatal, au dobandit de build B. ASIGURARI
credinta drepturi de proprietate industrials, literara
sau artistica in opozitie cu drepturile restabilite po- 1. Asiguratorii, cetateni ai Natiunilor Unite, vor
trivit dispozitiunilor partii A. a acestei Anexe sau putea relua vechile for portofolii fara nicio restric-
cu drepturile obtinute datorita prioritatii. acordate tiune, afara de cele aplicabile asiguratorilor in ge-
prin acele dispozitiuni, sau can de buns credinta neral.
au fabricat, publicat, reprodus, folosit sau vandut 2. Daca un asigurator, cetatean al vreuneia din
obiectul acestor drepturi, vor fi autorizati, fail a se Natiunile Unite, ar dori sa-si reia activitatea profe-
expune la urmariri pentru incalcare, sa continue a sionala in Romania si daca se constata ca valoarea
exercita acele drepturi si sa continue sau sa reia depunerilor in garantie sau a rezervelor cerute intre-
acea fabricare, publicare, reproducere, folosinta sau prinderilor de asigurare ca o conditie pentru exerci-
vanzare, dobandite sau intreprinse cu buns credinta. tarea activitatii for in Romania a scazut in urma pier-
In Romania aceasta autorizatie va fi data sub forma derii sau a deprecierii titlurilor care constituiau acele
unei licente fara exclusivitate, acordata in termeni depuneri sau rezerve, Guvernul roman se obliga sä
si conditiuni ce urmeaza sa fie fixate de comun recunoasca, pe termen de optsprezece luni, ca ceea ce
acord intre partile interesate sau, in lipsa unei inte- a mai ramas din aceste titluri indeplineste toate ce-
legeri, de catre Comisiunea de Conciliatiune insti- rintele legale in ce priveste depunerile si rezervele.
tuita potrivit articolului 32 al Tratatului de fata.
Pe teritoriile fieca'reia din Puterile Aliate si Asociate
insa, tertii de buns credinta vor beneficia de protectia
ce este acordata in imprejurari similare tertilor de ANEXA V
buns credinta ale caror drepturi sunt in opozitie cu CONTRACTE, PRESCRIPTIE SI EFECTE
ale cetatenilor altor Puteri Aliate si Asociate. DE COMER'S
6. Nicio dispozitie din partea A. a acestei Anexe
nu va putea fi interpretata in sensul ca acorda Roma- A. CONTRACTE
niei sau cetatenilor romani drepturi la brevete sau la
modele de utilitate, pe teritoriul vreuneia din Puterile 1. Sub rezerva exceptiunilor enumerate in paragra-
Aliate si Asociate, cu privire la inventiuni relative fele 2 si 3 de mai jos, orice contract care in executarea
la orice articol indicat nominal in Anexa III a Trata- sa necesita raporturi intre parti devenite inamice in
tului de fata, inventiuni care au fost facute, sau pentru intelesul Partii D. a acestei Anexe va fi considerat ca
care s'au depus cereri de inregistrare, de care Roma- reziliat dela data cand una din parti a devenit inamica.
nia ori de vreun cetatean roman, in Romania sau pe te- Aceasta reziliere nu va aduce insa nicio atingere pre-
ritoriul vreunei alte Puteri a Axei sau pe orice teritoriu vederilor articolului 29 al Tratatului de fata si nici
ocupat de fortele armate ale Axei, in timpul cand nu va libera vreuna din partile contractante de obliga-
teritoriul in chestiune se gasea sub controlul fortelor tiunea de a restitui sumele primite ca avansuri sau ca
armate sau al autoritatilor Puterilor Axei. aconturi si pentru care acea parte contractanta nu a
7. Romania va acorda de asemenea beneficiul dis- efectuat o contraprestatiune.
pozitiunilor de mai sus ale acestei Anexe, Frantei 2. Cu toate dispozitiunile paragrafului 1 de mai sus,
precum si altor Natiuni Unite care nu sunt Puteri stipulatiunile din orice contract care se pot disjunge
Aliate sau Asociate, ale caror relatii diplomatice cu si a caror executare nu necesita raporturi intre parti
Romania au fost rupte in timpul razboiului si care se devenite inamice in intelesul Partii D. a acestei Anexe,
obliga sa acorde Romaniei avantagiile conferite ei nu vor -fi reziliate ci vor ramane in vigoare, fara ca
in virtutea ziselor dispozitiuni. aceasta sa aduca vreo atingere drepturilor prevazute
8. Nicio dispozitie din partea A. a acestei Anexe in articolul 27 al Tratatului de fata. In cazurile in
nu va fi inteleasa ca fiind in contradictie cu articolele care stipulatiunile vreunui contract nu se pot disjunge,
24, 27 si 29 ale Tratatului de fata. contractul va fi considerat ca reziliat in intregime.
Dispozitiunile de mai sus se inteleg sub rezerva apli- ar fi inechitabild, Guvernul roman va lua masurile
aril legilor, ordonantelor si regulamentelor nationale necesare pentru ca cetateanul Natiunii Unite sa pri-
edictate de vreuna din Puterile Aliate sau Asociate measca indemnizatia care, in cazul respectiv, va apare
sub jurisdictia careia se afla contractul sau una din juste si echitabild.
pantile contractante precum si sub rezerva stipuatiu-
nilor contractului. C. EFECTE DE COMER''
3. Nicio dispozitie cuprinsa in Partea A. a Anexei 1. In relatiunile dintre inamici, niciun efect de
de fata, nu va fi considerate ca anuland transactiunile comert intocmit inainte de razboi nu va fi considerat
legalmente executate in conformitate cu contractele a-si fi pierdut valoarea pe motiv ca, in termenele
incheiate intre inamici dace aceste transactiuni au prescrise, nu a fost prezentat spre acceptare sau in-
fost executate cu autorizatia Guvernului uneia dintre casare, sau nu s'a comunicat tragatorilor sau ando-
Puterile Aliate si Asociate. santilor neacceptarea sau neplata, sau n'a fost pro-
4. Prin derogare la dispozitiunile de mai sus, con- testat, nici pentru faptul neindeplinirli vreunei for-
tractele de asigurare si de reasigurare vor face obiectul malitAti in timpul razboiului.
unor conventiuni deosebite intre Guvernul Puterii 2. Dace termenul inauntrul caruia un efect de
Aliate sau Asociate interesate si Guvernul roman. comert trebuia sä fie prezentat spre acceptare sau
Incasare, sau inauntrul caruia trebuia sa se dea tea"-
gatorului sau andosatorului un aviz de neacceptare
sau neplata sau inauntrul caruia efectul trebuia O.
1. In raporturile juridice interesand persoane sau fie protestat, a expirat in timpul razboiului si partea
bunuri ce pun in mull cetateni ai Natiunilor Unite care trebuia sa prezinte efectul sau sa-1 protesteze,
si cetateni romani, cari din cauza starii de razboi nu sau sä dea aviz de neacceptare sau neplata a omis a
au putut sa introduce sau sa continue o actiune judi- face aceasta in timpul razboiului, se va acorda un
ciary, sau sä indeplineasca formalitatile necesare termen de eel putin trei luni, dela intrarea in vigoare
pentru salvgardarea drepturilor lor, toate termenele a Tratatului de fata, inauntrul caruia sa se poata
de prescriptie sau de limitare a dreptului de a introduce face prezentarea sau protestul efectului sau sä se
sau de a continua o actiune judiciary sau a dreptului dea aviz de neacceptarea sau neplata lui.
de a lua masuri conservatorii vor fi considerate ca 3. Dace o persoana a contractat obligatiuni in
fiind suspendate pe durata razboiului, pe teritoriul baza unui efect de comert, fie inainte, fie in timpul
roman, pe de o parte; si pe teritoriul acelor Natiuni razboiului, in urma unui angajament luat fata de
Unite care acorda Romaniei, prin reciprocitate, bene- ea de catre o persoana care a devenit ulterior ina-
ficiul dispozitiunilor acestui paragraf, pe de alta parte, mica, aceasta din urma ramane obligate sa despagu-
indiferent dace aceste termene au inceput sa curga beasca pe cea dintai in privinta acelor obligatiuni,
inainte sau dupe izbucnirea razboiului. Aceste ter- independent de faptul izbucnirii razboiului.
mene vor reincepe sa curga dela intrarea in vigoare
a Tratatului de fata. Dispozitiunile acestui paragraf D. DISPOZITIUNI SPECIALE
se vor aplica si termenelor fixate pentru prezentarea 1. In intelesul Anexei de fata, se va considera ca
cupoanelor de dobanzi sau de dividende sau pentru persoanele fizice si juridice au devenit inamice nce-
prezentarea spre rambursare a valorilor iesite la sorti pand dela data cand relatiile comerciale dintre ele au
sau rambursabile pentru orice alt motiv. devenit ilegale conform legilor, ordonantelor si regu-
2. In cazul cand, din cauza neexecutarii unui act lamentelor carora aceste persoane sau contracte le
sau neindeplinirii vreunei formalitati in timpul raz- erau supuse.
boiului, s'au luat pe teritoriul roman masuri de exe- 2. Tinand seama de sistemul juridic al Statelor
cutare in dauna unui cetAtean al vreunei Natiuni Unite ale Americei, dispozitiunile acestei Anexe nu
Unite, Guvernul roman va restabili drepturile lezate. se vor aplica relatiunilor dintre Statele Unite si
Dace restabilirea acestor drepturi este imposibila sau Romania.
Guvernul roman va lua masurile necesare pentru a
TRIBUNALE DE PRIZE SI SENTINTE permite cetatenilor vreuneia din Natiunile Unite, ori-
cand in termen de un an dela intrarea in vigoare a
Tratatului de Ltd, sa intenteze inaintea autoritatilor
romane competente o actiune in revizuire a oricarei
sentinte date de o instanta judecatoreasca romand
Fiecare din Puterile Aliate sau Asociate isi rezervd intre 22 Iunie 1941 si data intrarii in vigoare a Tra-
dreptul de a examina, potrivit unei proceduri pe care tatului de fata, in orice proces in care cetAteanul
urmeaza a o stabili, toate deciziunile si ordonantele vreuneia dintre Natiunile Unite nu a fost in masufa
Tribunalelor de Prize romane date in procese ce pun a expune cauza sa intr'un mod satisfacator, fie in
in cauza drepturile de proprietate ale cetatenilor acelei calitate de reclamant, fie' in calitate de parit. In cazul
Puteri si de a recomanda Guvernului roman sa dis- in care un cetatean al vreuneia din Natiunile Unite
pund revizuirea acelora dintre deciziuni sau ordo- a suferit un prejudiciu de pe urma vreunei asemenea
nante care ar putea sa nu fie conforme cu dreptul sentinte, Guvernul roman va lua masurile necesare
international. pentru ca acel cetatean sa fie repus in situatia in care
Guvernul roman se obliga sa pund la dispozitie se gasea inainte de pronuntarea sentintei sau sä pri-
copii dupa toate documentele si actele acestor procese, measca indemnizatia care, in cazul respectiv, va
inclusiv deciziunile luate si ordonantele date, sa ac- apare justa si echitabila. Denumirea « cetateni ai Na-
cepte toate recomandatiunile formulate in urma exa- tiunilor Unite » cuprinde si societatile sau asociatiu-
minarii acelor procese si sa dea urmare acelor reco- nile organizate sau constituite conform legislatiei
mandatiuni. vreuneia dintre Natiunile Unite.

MllpHmA AoroBop
c PymmllileA


Ilpeam6pf 33


CTaTbH 1-2 33

iiACTb II.
llointrntiecnne nocTan0Bnefil4S1
Pa3ae.11 1. CTaTbH 3-6 33
Paaaen 2. CTaTbH 7-10 34

Boennble, noenno-mopcnne H BOeHHO-B031:{yilMbIe HOCTHHOBIleHHH

Paaike.a 1. CTaTbH 11-19 34

Paajfe.a 2. Crams 20 35


CTaTba 21 35

liACTb V.
Penapannn n pecrwrytuns
CTaTbH 22-23 36


CTaTbH 24-35 36


CTaTbSI 36 40

3amoturrenbnue novranosneHlin
CTaTbH 37-40 . 40

11EPELIEHb IIPH.110)REH14171 41

1. KapTa rpamiff Pymbnfini (HeBocnpolfaBeifeffa)

2. Onpeaemfiffe Boeffiforo, BOeHHO-B03/AyWHOTO H Boelmo-mopcxoro
o63rifem 41
3. Onpejfeneme H nepetfem, Boeffifba maTepHamB if TeXilliICH . . . 42
4. Cnewfamme HOCTBHOBJleHHH, OTHOCHIHHeCH lc flexoTophim BHAam

A. lipommunefmag, AwrepaTypnag H xpowecnemfaff

B. CTpaxoBoe ;fen 44
5. KoffTpaRrm, cpolof Ammo= H gemme 6ymarif 44
6. IlpfaoBble cyAbf if cyAe6fible peufemof 45
00103 C0/3eTCKNX COL1HaJ111CT144eCKNX Pecny6mHx, C0e)114- 9ACTb I.
Bernixo6pwramk H
BepHoA klpnaHnitH, ITAHNLIbl,
Coenmembre WraTm ArgepHKH, ABcTpankin, BenopyccKan Co-
CTaTbH 1.
Benton CouHanHcnitkecKaa Pecny6rnixa, KaHana, IlexocnoBa-
K1,151, 1411,0)151, HOBa51 3ella11)11451, YKpa14HCKaA COBeTCKaH C01.114a.111- cpaHkarkm PymEHHH, noma3aHHbre Ha npunaraemock K HacTon-
CT144eCKaH PeCf1y6INKa 11 10)karo-AOHKaHcKHA C0103, KaK PO- ukemy aoroBopy KapTe (11pHno)KeHme I) Oy AyT TaK14M11, KaK OHM
cyAapcna, Haxonnuureca B COCT051H1414 BO11HL1 C Pymbumeil H aK- .:yukecTBoBank4 Ha 1 gHBapn 1941 rona, 3a HcKnkolieffidem pymbri-10-
THBHO yqacTBoBaBwHe B Bogue npoTHB Bpa)xecKkix rocynapcTB BeHrepcKoil rpamalm, KOTOPaS1 onpenenneTcn craTbeA 2 HaCTOS1-
B &vane cyukecTReHHInmH BOeHH10411 KOHTIIHTeHTaM11, HmeHy- Aero AoroBopa.
emme B AlaJlbHer1LUeM C0103Hble H COeX111eHHble ,Rep>ffaBbl", C Co Bei-ow-ppm-fa:an rpawirka ycTaHaBAHRaeTcm np11 3TOM
. 14 PYM14111151, C Apyrort CTOPOHLI, MOHR 1940 rona M COBeTCK0-9eX0C110BalAKI4M COTRailleHMeM OT
nP1,11111Ma51 BO BHHMalille, 410, CTaB C01031414KOM rurnepoki
29 1410HA 1945 rm.
own repmaHHH N yLiacTsyn Ha ee cTopoHe B Borate npoTHB Co-
CTaTbS1 2.
to3a COBeTCKHX CorukanHcmtleckaix Pecny6mK, CoenmeHHoro
Koponescna, COeJ1,14HeHHb1X WTaTOB AblePHKH 11 LIPyCHX 061)- PeweHm BelicKoro Ap6Hipawa OT 30 aBrycra 1940 rona
011HeHH111X Ha1.11111, PyMb1.141111 HeceT CB010 A01110 OTBeTCTBeHHOCTI/ 06bnanniurcn FiecymecTsyrouormir. rparunka me>Kny PymbumeA H
3a 3Ty BoiHy; BeHrpnect, cymecTBoaaBwan Ha 1 %maps] 1938 rona, HaCT051111HM
lipuHrimask, onHaKo, Bo Bwimarme, Eno 24 aBrycTa 1944 ro- BoccTakraenHBaeTor.
na PyMb1H11S1 11011HOCT610 npeKpanura BoeHHbre Jler1CTB14H npoTHB
Co lo3a CoBercxmx C,okkHanncTHErecKmx Pecny6Junc, BblWna 113 tiACTb II.
B014HLI npoTHB 06ber11Hemimx HarrH11, nopeana orHowemin c 110JII/ITMLIECKME 110CTAHOB.TIEHI451
l'epmarweil H ee caTennwramm H, 3a10110414B 12 ceHTA6p5 1944
rona FlepemilpHe c flpawrenbcTsamik Colo 3a COBeTCKHX CO114- Pasnen I.
alINCT114eCKHX Pecnyonm, Coenmerakoro Koponescma 11 Coe-
CTaT1351 3.
,1114HeHFILIX WTaTOB AmepHKH, nefIcTsoBaBwmuk B HHTepecax Bcex
1. PYMIJ.M1H o6R3yeTc51 npvnisiTb Bce meprn, Heo6xonHmme
06benaHeHHbrx HagHN, npirkinna aKTHBHoe ytkacTHe B Boitie npo
.4.1151 odecnetieuHR Toro, 4 rco6m Bce runka, HaxonnukHecs non PY-
THB repmaFaut; H
11121HCKOci ropktcnmuyrett, 6e3 pamitauk pacbr, nova, 513bma HAM
ript1HIIMan BO BHHmaHHe, 4T0 C0103Hble H C0e).1,14HeHHLI:.
AernicaBbr H Pymbmkuk wenaoT 3aKR10414Tb MHpHBI1 noroBop, KO- penarnH, nonb3oBanHcb npaaamm trenoBexa H OCHOBHbIMH
Topa, cooTeeTcmysk npHHukinam cnpaBennHBocTH, yperynkipyeT
cs060namir, BK.11104a5 cs060ny cnoaa, netiaTH H Hanamki, pem-
Bonpocm, ocTaioukueor euke HepeweHmmuk B pe3ynbTaTe nepe- rHo3Horo Kynbra, nommtrecxxx y6e)KneHrict H ny6nwukbrx co-
tmcnemmx BLIWe C06111111171, H HB14TCA OCHOB0171 npy)KecraeHrimx 1paHHt.
oTHoweHmti mewny MIME, Tem cammm gaBag C0103H131M H CoenH-
2. PymmtrHn ramKe npummaer o6n3aTenbcno, 4T0 aetl-
cmykourHe B PyME4141414 3aKOH1I, KaK B OTHOWeH1414 cBoero conep-
Hernimm Aepwarram BO3MOHCHOCTb no/u epmaTb o6paukeHme Py.
MhJHHH 0 ITPI4HHT1414 ee B 411e14111 OPTaH113a41414 06beamemmx
WaH1451, TaK H nplimeHemin, He 6yikyT yyraHoBramaTb nmcKplat-
Hatpin, a mime 0 npHcoenHHeHHH Pymmmut K nto6ort KOHBeH- Baum HIB1 1311e4b 3a co6oti mcKprkmaHautno a11$1.11141.1pymbuicKoro
UHH, 3aKruolieutkoL1 no notamy OpraHH3aum Obbeniutembrx rpa)KnaHcTEra Ha ocHoBaHmkt 14X pacu, nova, n3mKa YLnIi
Hauktil; Pe/11411411 KaK B TOM, 4T0 Kacaeng 14X 11144HOCTII, rimyurecTsa, 3a-
Hi;m41, ITOOCIoeCCHOHallbHhIX HRH (1)14HaHCOBLIX HHTepecoB, craTy-
B COOTBeTCTB1414 C 3Tam peaum 0613HBliTb 0 npexpaukeHHH
COCTORMA B0171H121 H )11/51 3T03 Hem 3aKM04/4Tb HacTonuudi M14P-
ca, nonskTiktrecnx WIN rpa)KnaHcKmx span, Tax 14 mo6brx npy-
HIA ikorosop N Ha3Ha4141114 AIM 3TOTO HtnicenoAnHcaBunixcg B xa- rrix Bonpocos.
ttecTBe caomx Ilom-TomotiHmx rIpencTaBwrenetl, KoTopme no 1-1Dert- CTaTbB 4.
cTaBleHm CB014X 11011HOM0414171, HatilleHHLIX B 110P51,11Ke 14 Hanne- Pymmmoi, KOTOPaH B COOTBeTCTB1414 C COIllaWeHl4eM 0 fle-
watHeil topme, cornacHnHcb o crienykoumx nocraHoBnefurnx: pemnpm npceena meponprinTHn no 003060neHHIO, He3aBmcHmo

10 UEL3HBV/KPCLI H O0149118H011118H `alaomeaullannclu xaaa Imar XMIDah1413141IEN1100 wargAllild wrmnaannop woalaaauodoN
eaxammedalioa 8 mmaholumec Fl nom 3 X14 omianaqualuau a anar114d90Nnuag 11 lioadanaD `vint1mucl14 tiwrimiamaiaop
Xequou X1'11-1HaH18fO9.90 i1111I1811 111114 UC XH O149.39Sh03 -NtfacLOO 14W81 camadaanir (ilanuadiaav OomoDAdoirag 1103131O80D -111F811003
MIPIHHOH 111111141814 11LH AVM XH oioaoard tuanattacoxanodu H -aur k10)13Oh1413 (Elomvarg/Cinad `uotruaaN guanmusouaoxah liantrapi
uspicluod Ism Oil anawlo OJOHHOHI8H14W11611141I 88134IFOIVI0HON8C t,i0801-1 `uantrautraE uomannadmic uomalanop uomaahnovarvanop
H xalnommanqa CH 012H 61,114F131114H8d.10 anaSeggo q114h140)18C `ElommupXuaad wnmapramacichr-onNtoi INO£0100 H uoaanladaliacp
amaltasodu XPLIC 111411111d110daW H qtraclus aH 418WHHHCILI -XHM811 UolittocluH 110,1141f9ALI3Od (141488830.10] 3 il0HVO sIgH0d013 11 -mag
claw aricloiom HMO rlp
HUH f(40HOM8C Ic1W141)alcFIO1OH 3 -an luand 3 u0.11(dll .rniodola
'HMI( "I4gligd101V3At1gdg g 1.101g 'a91U13 vux-10 '6
aq.uaio unarm/cc; a3.LaAea90 4IKH14dU a1q9oar i1FHHOM81/103 014d01031
a 14148131381003 3 wannamuunD o -au HMO HUH itt.iow camp maaholuxue an' Htihuntimifir /11111r /11411814
(814FIFIWAci ardolo)
Kndnwad ruaeodu municluodaw 011 b13:(LI304:1 3COM -XFIMFINVOX814
14 u0HHIS01301.1 miutruu cuouniodrHAY)Kaw 111111A3088k1
113 BH llomaarmAd vaidoniddai Ewan:ern-laid° 010)111114M8420 :rumi
'15-1m0 01
gX1483Oh111148011 `xrainaoa cxrifilialoducanaoa E aioint xvilAdif 1SMKEN 158HC0103 HtIH BUHHOH14t1a00 uarmtclaV -WIN4.10H
`Ewthrevaraddo xunartas cai(npanuada AIM03131a800 A£0100 141114
1109011! EN xn-h(cla xI4inaarnia4.90 1111118H (ArtHRIEllOdLI -BOO - laAduri HimriwAd 8 aHHatial
HIDOM sanaaaw 03
cuarniSOIJUH 8d080JOV 0 X14093 XFIF11430901I XHHH0d013A88

isaLaAs H qtradua aH carmoAuoll gungeonnainh N 11110H9LIOIISOV

r8d0801011 3 elja141414WScl aridolom ale ramedatr laruamc -8dX03
unhaernmalo oiomal 'Mod xarnotiftfauladu quan anaamau -odnH 1114Ha OUH3 HUH aHentlatr xridawil uH0 laruaxt 'cumeolvocoa
EE 0J XH)11@hpurcbmwatt 98dLI ampotr aanammuou aH toamlnistroxmi 8 14118131O81003 3 -110138H
g91E13 '9 W14)T1 (1110d080101r (IMMO c0)18Ht0 IcIHOh011013H CH -AMIW011icOMPIEI
xlca .aodoactioli
anarmAd s31aAea90 91151114dLI a30 ariwinfoxpan `riclaw z aag amilauwouAamma `riclosaiou o xricloiom LalT4 -OH
non, 91Nhatna90 avniumcclattre H AhnttNa KIX 88X3 11814 :14101H
OH880d14n14CDNI WHME1 IVOCECI90 IArricQ raluaodndiamaclue a -aD
(a XFIVQ11H141190 8 'WOL 01h HHO FILIHMdO803 Ommaos
aivptcluiadN xr[FmaHvirlacwo uttl-mH a H1481313L11003 03 tjacaria
HUH aa.le,du -ouch
ummauukoadu H BuHauukoadu 8141011 Ed14W ZOI 888131( Hiihucramdo xrarnaantfa4.90 TurreH
'14130HhO8 mut' £8)114d11 0 H1414aMd@E103 X14>181 ilmarukoadu HUH 'E a3g alculaawouAamma incloawoli o xmclolom aH latilg
1411880F1131,141103 X14 !OWIFI@MdaB03
onuaodvanicjmuoa 411143181 `woeudgo inAp 831118114h3 -llauawio
(q 1-1811)K8d1 CH V114E0100 H xrnmarattrao0
0OHLF-1,,j0,18N '14WPII4
`amdati andolom a annamAdan 80140)18C XH H8d13

IjoHatveri 141114 W0i3I3OhNHVAd103 WOJEdEl 09 !Swa] '11HL108

3 .LOVh cl 1 I 1
'Z 1111H14WAci Oil owarnaopacli. ualaquannadu -opadaninve `31c1HHHOEI H14>I0d0141-0HH3Og 14 3191-1111MITE01:1-0HH308

110HHErl uonnaarniaq,90 `nnhafi a/KMUInmauaapo k1811 E1 8131)ahum

uaualaVa3 isaxianaa'oxen VOL! da uantnivalaacica 1111411 811148C8/101I IfOttEci 1
XFIC1010)1 ancxXpadlou atrtf VA) VEH inwarant HWI414148EMIA
"1E17 'It
*s aoming aH)VIIJOHEVd onqualnaoalo anFranawadu -rl1308 aintrxtdalloo cX14141AIIOXA3 XHN3dOW H xiqHmStreoa-ofmaos
unna(eon 18OLNHXU H Z 01180138H 4141813 OHNO/Oli cLISIO -OLI 111114O3KAd008 H Euraauuadmic latrAg 010(iI3 oaahanadio `mai !von,
oatliad wripoiu wriansoaadaninue woalaqualmaudu warm,'
grehOELLO W8hVIIVC OJOHHOCLAH8 Urlaimudux H 001113.1W modopo
xamaahaiEwouuntr 01413111AI cuomnaaop luccioj 010HHOHI4VOOD naradi g HIAIIIIO81003 3 wrnamegmAamria arnirmAd -arnadead
KILO %Lam! armatamcAdooa 'NUM aH aMPIED :wah
Ullimarodom H muni-ridtaop Lm 801.E midawy a `anacluxAg
(9 IS8HIAIIOXA3 (1114Wd2 118h0IIIN8 O1IIM14118d1011 et013{108 3
atticiceom ikumiaotf 1114HaM81/103 Oil AVOEIOLI BNHOlitriftditC
pingo 014110H1401r3Nh (WHIM 8881307 g 1 000.0Z blaElatah
uattead 11 (q ISPHIHHOC andauunida 3 019130HHOlf3Hh 010HhHtf 8881303
0003 !magotrah
gur-1.3 'L,
uomaclow-ofniaos 104 3 014130HHOU7Hh 0.10HhHIf 8881100
apparnuAd saiaSeago 4.LEHEIIdu 01/CHII011 X11143 XFIHdHW -0'11 9 0005 mascatah H wvilnpo IAIMEHHO1 a 000'5I :HHO1
80d080J 3 (Ltartunu 'pt.:dm:frog ijamdmag 11 uanafreuancp ri -A& (p araimneoa-ournaoa (PIL43 8 14101 airaah .mAtreog-olinGoe
X141 IPHOMM/J03 HUH gt.114148E10d1411kladA iION ar KUNO HEN -AO
aPIH 1411143 cuomadow-onaaoa `gnaircb 014130HHO11314h 8 Oct -014181
.LAE 14IAF111413011 14101HC0100 H 14M9HHOHIIIIOOD nwaamedar( -10 801@if 118h011INEI 'masthead CH X14(101031 OH aacto9 001- -woman
CIHMIO1/13014 `1114d139V 1414HEWd3 H N141101115 BIM ',I4HOWEI0HE13109 801 xrmao9 801.1111 3 LIOITIO0 O11130H11@11Hh OJOHM4U 8881103
.1/a1411 000.8 'HaErouah liNHIMMAd OH 814/KWOrt 4ION114 HUH 91.tIOd90Hd11
!pump 2 EIOIOITOW83 X1c1HH8904HACII3H0)13 a WOHEIOH30 NUN -80118d2OWO9
aunisonoo rnajos Anaaw viaanrwad H 9aadalag admaclu 11)1H111 3 HIN814H01/903011114(i1l 158.8 11011HOdlicH8 HN3O£1011 -9W0()
BD1111 03 ISH8 1111HDIILIS130 8 Am mum warnuoina wonclaw -011 "BIC 11130WHO8314h 13 INOnKUN avhAlfa lauA9 9iCh011f318 -0d13
grd0E10.1 MU N oioacinw adosoloir Aneaw W000100 XHM31D803 'pea lioaaodiaaa 8E1303 H 00H9PAM ualioadau

11 ENNHXai
Iscur-LO aitnairanduo UHllwdai 314141-M0e 14111314d31CIN
H cinahadau xmitiooa Bout H 14)11414Xal ISlftf pug' -1501.311H
unnhig Grim) nomingwAd `in4wdr olowdow-onnaoa twircl)
aialn rdoacuott rmrlf a niniaNcormdu 111
14 X1914MACCOEI-OHH30E1 `DO ninnommrisadu OH113611.1.3E11001 -CUd
oantomad Ilacuul LL (4130HH3U314h ial/A) 14.8111A1138d a MitahaL iscatiD 'LL
1413am sarus)aw 03 BHU annatruAi)a a Ann oaalnuoiyen *mkt:mot( uniugwAri anaAeggo 41th1414t11Cd101 3 nwrnicoloo
H nw1441nani4r1ao0 nwrar>adatr xauati alHahaina90 `0J01 19901h
&MD "Cl.
ISHHC111d01 314 TALIOW1 cliannduVadu
opiur-xioirm daw re -rtratiadu
881103 kiox,nriwAd
NW uompimwdai nirdoincidai a HICHaicaUdUL,H annancodeoa ()Jam
314H11011( il4LH3JHH,LHO>1 aH anInistroxa El

010N3d01A1-03/1308 P.1.01tC1) HUH X14HITIS1COS-OHH303 11343

-moos 'annamtAdooa
aH .LAtt4g cainfoxodu a omtm oglar-If awdocla 'oioiniaoa
(1514H3hAp0 31C)1 OHO -aVaduo IScliraD
oacmdow Him OJOHMA11808-0141180a
onau a 1414H3MfOlfIldU 11 Slituclvdd 153.Lak1v0 aH 41r1ad9oHdu H an qinVoseitodu
114.1X10 VI '
ximnunKrdi acuairowso uomanywdaJ HUN ff0X3HO1IU -)hCd.L3H0M
H181 HIM isaLairowo xnYnorehounia araluAdm icureA wompivwdat
1514H14Wkci 314 CH>KUOV 141.31\114 41141iOSEHOdll
HIM -nawitdaume HUN arommoins 81113110GEHOCIU HUH lintillACLDHOM
:cu.raodiu. aripour DriNia 0.10HWOlg !annawAdoou
1311 is4l,t10 '61-
83314'fflAXCHErtrOIV 111114 ariwaisuarduA ntradrio HUH erlIgdULILIC
OrilaraC 3 XH wannuarnudgma re) wainohourman Vandal. H dot ISVEDUCH EH rxrunoos XIIN3d0int-OHH80a H -mAIleoa-onioos
xranfau (801,E4/2111113 XHITiolisuari.303 aoncarrwdon anna)cAdooa xrni ua1u13 cuatms0.0r1-1 dosodolr latrAg ISNIVIC130 a am Oil
-030.10tr xai 4dOLI E71011 rno aH .Late/f9 tionalAIEH Oi9130Huoll HUH -hil13ah
X1013d0W-OHN3OU `nairgudom xrinnarnaderd W14%15013UH

(.(1AlOd 30313(10114 14HHW HUH I9liaUd01 0-10HDIV1HOM3H (C11141 IRV OH 011 0114HalTiair.103 ICt1mCaW HIAH4HE0103 H 14W14.1-mam411a03 -madat(
alltnotAm.3 I0
xvincaraimaimAh taoweinirxaw `riVandoi aridcumi
rinraoimauuwomA !nwiitionf arntoattou iattou HUH
.LA.101,/ ELL189
141M9 14

HI4t1UEVil4P.Id0 xi9i41181110(89.90 1111111PH

wolasop niaonnuoeag H
U314H14111Ad '14134 alf3OLI 0,101 NEN aninciwAd IaHEI3 11101101ch
Oil 08,81811101.103 krbaaw

atuAcht arintoaltou ttrA3 anialaudoi ridairm H -HraodHEHU814178113 taningwAd

anti P111111 x1180WCIAIM -fiotrAl ll
H91e.10 'SI
nningwAd aH ripatrott q1ISIredX03 9.4810SEHodU HUH -90Hdu
IM 0Z .

1 01013HEIWAd 141401:110H113013 319 PIHWIfa 41Igg

91E1ad HWHJAChI 14WKLALI araiiiaoa rarendaluw H Amixa.z. HUH -03
IgHua NUM OFDKOW aad0)13 a HH81318431003 3 HVihilHaMalL103 -mow
4lV)1Cdar arinnaaiotrosenodu ni.acitnow Klftl XH `11HH3110010J£14
All nwrincarattlo `nwaremcdat' nwittriwadan) xiiiE airuomooa-ii
xcfaa3 `ami. 01.h anaApadi Bird ninimdallop xrinnamtAdooa 'l143
H 7fial4HRIALAti
XIHHHaMadead tja9.La13 II Cualt11s013uli 'ad0a0,101/ 'xicut
3 a3s ITH31(dat14 CH Ameoaadau xinimmiwAd -itamoiiaoa
IsHirlo '91 4X1411 liCh0111NE1 xit caniremulatiop IO xrindo93 `aolmnAu -aoire,LDA
I 14N111141f£14 xrumao.g sourndairw H HNHHXa.L 01014e0103 xicninau woaocarainardu L4atnoasi3Iaa1003 uoneoloo HUH aoo
7oin-faH1411. `maexaiall 011 rimHAu HHHairuAna EH oikwinciwAd -daJ,
unnanicormodu altrAp icniuteadau a annamcadound -Aaniaawoa
rlamol 110FIC0100 Ilomiaffrreaop IclEitWdatr 0143VII.103 -UEUMA
HUH oindund ,LaVAg iu.Dan Ofinclimulaudll 1431H19WXd

(1/11514H 314d010M .LA-114) 14HUtr u016 oarmcdat ionniruew -nriwAd

XHX3 -maoaxni eourndairw H 1131HHX31 .L1CTIA9 igirendau a -ound AIcI,LOVh'

antowad ancnolitardu cuomangoo tE0100 OJOHHOH1411303 -OM
VOEFFIEI X1(11-1£0103 )101J01:1
valmairod H xl4nionvittao3 Karim limndawy ISHHVIWAd -Eno
1$313)1C IO xam ardu CH me nurndamw H Amiixal iscirelo Lz
z arninaog Nurndarew H rmiixai. cumrpnvwdasi -0X3140d11 L 0.18811SOI3UH &swot' r a3a -oo
auxu ainwiruaDa a kiln
isimanc Huy ,kini-DiAthatiom akfrnommiqsadu BILaAgadi. 61.11 artileol EN3tU0a a am-Jahn 06 nainr rinatraaria CH -riwAci
xiginiamcAdooa `11113 Xl4H.Hamadeud WHtKO.LDEH `wodosont. LAVAg Hdu vainanudxo EE 1134)13.Laso3 W000100 du Ea iiwadati
14Htladau a annamcadound xadd, ancarainardu ainirmAd aH EH tindoinddal. nininwAd anmui. avannawAdooa (suim aHNg31 -Ag
latrAp 9.Lrlad9oitcht HUH qiirrtoacitodu ogiur-xitmum xpgimaos Ew "Au Awa NW14110X903H 151fl1 aincemcdatItou X1414740HrIMINHAWWOM
801/Clida1 wompirawdal ainonicoxmodu HUH ,lAdl3H031
H HMHHX31 nHHHII nommaaop nnwdy 3 nomalaso3 nOHOe itnriruAmmo a lay
gliNti HUH 41%14:HUH CH X.1.05lUd HUH carhAgo 091411-m4mm -naxa.i.
X143133h 301311111314113113 half>141 Br IIIHHHaos H 1,1M3H81:bicadi ENaE 3 [spa HHua0ec8/01.13H88 Est aummirnuAd ZL0111T3 14 aDs -an
IfIcIHHOH11 WeliO3d811 EH` BU3Hh tHu 819dO.LON 15310usirah HUH -81/8B OFIHRE130£41I0L1314 311N3H14111M 143UUCC 153.11411115110XCH -Bdouped El

931111 HWaHaftadd *nimwdaj 141vniamt xnneoin >mos a tiningwAd n arninahkrou g -.Lasio433

HX111HUEN miniaoa aoireadaIrw H nniixal, ari.LAnawouA 14141313 03 na9.1013 01 1314Hammra3 0 `iindilwadau .LAvAp -rdaeoa
Xa.1.)1HAll natinsOINH '1441U3 iltag rintladau
L H Z HIM VA 14113111 A813911a1HEIEKi11 HinirliiiAd a annahai. OJO.L 3MC 1?HOCi3 a 06
14liaNC01h a OFFHahal, 0.10111r0 tifal 03 INV 15141431MX.1.33 a A11111
-EH Ijant4
°Anal, rdosodoll g eanincnaci comae° mar& r cumernotadu amin -a>K913H3

1/101 '131.WEW14HOU 04.h uriHMWdOVOHEalfa* uoxsoialtou -9,
0.1313 H erukr,if ando.Lox .Lkiow 91r19 atrextialo rureaccodlou 11d11
Um-mamma El4 '191-1Ed.1.1 -ON
1414HHE 3 Uompiasco IJOHOE 9E13 la1A9 ts39.Luarid1ew33ed Hum
Hutt isime>kdattliou XI9HHOHrIMUTHAIAIWON
rmicaUVEHIHiLl awful isime809ad1
timirmAd U0d01 HO 01191fthEHOEIda11
1414tIELIAX>10 8 1111d1Wit 14 Es widow)! 4(aryuca.LHaed11
8 auHaha.L 9 aates3aw 0) Ha' EsittouHA.L3a
1A.1 153918881541.ndU
,LWAp VH4hEUU190 Hetnolica.maalool *gx11e3Hauwom
A11143 edoaodotr

9.1.011h 'A rswadg uancurai.ecemoe 8 Pixt-larnoHlo

-8 1514HEBEHEOU0 -Awx
ra13aIn H ganwaimeHoe eaudu H.LaoHHas.L3903
141/1hlicIVL13c1 H 1414rIAII4,03c1 E wad9 -tmor
EH '0813911@114E1Edll aatrionsummtodu `oultHaladu

'sumo *zz E1113911a1EE '0101 0Th oa.ualnAwil aH 0099 oHasaaarm -.1.3911143tH

tilyrunnoa OHHX1 141114 OU '0114113)1X<AHHdU 1/3.1ADRIEUE08 EH oancerannedu

L armaHmhxdu AWONDIHEIOD A£0100
uom.Lauol (ittidoittddat *HHH.rmAd
Hwisme1aua11 H uaHriguAmmo ualiHrmAd
.1.AttAp uamirivgAd 19HaInaw£00 AttIONanaop
'Aeoloo 'wahHciu
c1101111 "IA
Heme-H4du oa 'HHFIEWHH8
h 0 istimicitgAci 0.H 01,odu 21frnicia
rilluoa 8H.Lodu gp X19HFiaH14tia9 `uiirruli E uirmais9.90 AHUO9 H euaa 21/1)103111/11,110HOME 131/11-131fEl0HVI3OLI
as EH auatt £11110dU WHEWda1 19140d010 10101E131411FIEUDA 0 'WOJ,
1491E10 1,3
01h axuatnamoa xecm-lecexA 80H1199A .LaeA9 oHatfaseHoclu -Ad
01414191N 0.H '019130HUOU E 0)191101 '0H111413Bh E `oHHarix
a awivA3 't '1514H19111Ad AN9if0M3011 oo 01 a1na aH `oHuirali3 -E13..)08
clowoowooe soduffudi 'vim 3 wanHamarou 8 artHahal g 'laic 1148013 aDEI a19H.140>EE EFIEdU H 193Ed9.LHH xmalawniaq.go UH1IE1-1 H

ISEHI1hEH 3 31, Bd915.1..HaD L461. cettoi HWEdEa01 `rwiAeoktuasuloH) XII HEVHCEdJ 8 'HHH19141Ad NEN MHO 1111Ea08na111A5 EH L ed9H.LHa3

coll.dae arat3a* `rnreudaltint ammDdow

H arnmacl 'EllA) 00Hh141Egd 6E61 tval H .1.aHdaa 008 91)01114a813903 x19HiaHHIO(1.90 uHroH
aOHHHMUI41 ameaottAdo90 H aruAdtr '(NdE901 H XH HE11)XEd..1 a '14HH1IWAd ISEhOHINS IEEAD 8 11101 11431H1:301303 11

.3 AGOH30 solahDed 011 Pr118013EH a9IE.L3

14a3KOHOLI -1.1011 1110dOION EHO 1531141OXEH a aa11115013UH liwada

dm yjff0 aia AW0101/0E Alal.HdEU EH 9Ha1f HHHeakrutrou -00

01.1 oancHra.mardu itiiHrnitAd .LHHavao ue
14113a '011114E0X90.3H

HHHameed 0 ,Hitciwaciau .a se aodruiroll EH AHVO (MINA coonquairVoHom aoHHaVaaa a A11143 airaou 1 Hd9H1-o3 6z61 'reod
a uoa. `adatu a UOMEN OHO laeaHlIfTeHUIDA oliffel-LHIAIHthIJMY FI -10
14HHHM011 aedu Hefted. x19awaHmea9.90 *uxlitH
iscaulp EZ
oa.L39ualso-ed11 HH1419WAcl ISILHAE1490 91H80HE13308 OIJH
HuHrmAd lavwxHitdu rulithruidu Hxriedeuxal/ `91aoH1oti.L3003 teedu H `roada,LHH artMolutreutiou troll aHEL13Loe
NNhEH 10 5 IldE8H11 81,61 V110.1 H ..LaHdaa coanatnAwu
ualnisoneH 'Hump Cap XHNI:3313 111-matiaivacI90 14 uitHftoff90 -0111
aomacaaria 3 1414d0114ddal k1090ilf CH xicimminfaccpo TM-m-1 0.109 'MHO 14117d0,10X HHO MOW isyLLAHalaat'ou anulZalfD9 1109
*z 08ua111aLec190 91&08E110d1.1 013111A11113ad 14311430H10 ON 'NH Ho8.1.34ra11tardu tumriwAd 091411-XHMEH -o93

Liam H3Lotrus110xefi a aatabaprH Hula& 8 xxxviriAd -weauHeouo Hod a HEIM ) XH *waHHalnedaeos oanceraimagdu HHH19WAd -HE
`x13oHnao.39o3 Budo.i.ox EUI9g umacaoNs oin-roancannex
.LaAdmrAH a3a `isx.ussiduodaw ISEh011018 '31441Ed9010 diDaliNaD HUH
OU 0114HanKANi4du 09121-uomi E14 SEXtdatt /00 3 1414daLlIddaL
(carodnioN armaeaaodu W14 a 141114aMOH10 H1301141a813903 -an()
U090111 CH X1IHHH1414n9.90 '1:114hEll 0111HDHEIREaH 10 091411-XHMEM X1914HaH14V 1,11,01EH AOK0141 1 Isd9g.LHa3 6E61 E1i0.1 H waHe -alcuA.L38
xx1nolA11a1aou cmouw3 wad.Au xracIolox UHHMaHriff Natraeutru
-81 a 8
A11143 WHIT115013EH 'Ed0813JOIr XISEhA1/3 asHamedaeosaH
NON Hi3ol-LHael3903 trituA.Da oa aptHatteira *ota 14130HHHELL3903 a H.rmahai. 9 ISHEtazrukoe 8 41543
satusDaw 03 mil
*8 oancluainsedu 14nied13 Isedolox J.aaWH oaedu Ell -H13ad WHE18.01)EH td080.101( aHHalfen£ o 14kma1nud8coa 9o3-Haan
a111v11J0a 14130H OWICUCHi 91199 °Habil WH)13111911JAd WISIDEUE1 aH `aalefeou wah
'01111A1 H 0£113911a114Erd11 1414H19111Ad IAJOW 91EhOHIMEE
MTH nawnaLIVIHZE8OHE1301.1 ua111101DEH *H91E13 9 aitHZhal, 1 Z aI11s3aw 8 00 ISHII' s14HalcuAl38 8 Alf143 OnIT1801)EH

osnquad.Haedu PutHrilriAd ommuro2 qtAxdaa aowlesexA i

L? 'Ed080.101( EC Waxliah011IM314 `aaghtdr3 E'14,10)1 911E11111138£ Laxcow
uatres013ex 01918.13 oa.1.3atnAwrt a 141304111EdX03 H caisfuldu ex 1/411EEE)101.1 0th HO aH JOW 91BE011 OJDOEID ISHHWEIBEE 8 anfrahal
Na3 8 W01 111141418014.1.0 0.3a rittoxaed a 111311119WAcl 3.114THISDOH.1.0 0.101C ..em0C13
X ph09Ed 'NM) INEVUHd0101A1 H Aldou3Hed1 *e oa_oceraimauclil HI4H19WAd 014)/411011 91EHOCi141/AHHE -H&J
oalaqtrautaedu miHriwAd I.WA9 giVEINEENO 1Na130W03
*s Er '1,1h 153.3HEI1530H-1.0 N 'H130HHaELLapol WEEIEdU H Imada.LHH -108
wrnmaHtteaspo wHHI-oH H J.Hae.nottadu ue 11083 .tah3 0.38 -an OJON 'End wHInmaireeHxdu weHeftedi xI9-omara9.90 111141181-1

arnoltroxpo /1130}DKOWE09 Hutt mrieod H H1I1-1A.LH1)ad -AWN 9 xa1 (X8Ehttlf) rt(dom aHNEJ. Hhet'adau H11199 WO1E1911AEad -HDEH
`ea.oaln odatnexcautrou H14I1A11411Hd OH3elf.103 3911114013E11 a91U1.3 ISHII 141114 HHHanKAHHclu o3 mod013 ancurammedu amicdatr 1130
9 oanceraisssedu HitHIHwAd lawtidu anutwoxpow cridaw 141111 XH 80Hrid0 08 ma& *F1111408

19901h Ha9.Lx9oe Himornedaeos cra13a1nAti4 oloHHEEeHA H -EH 'fr (E 01313911-31149ECI11 14141119114Acl 1a3aH 91aoHlo8.L3.La810 ee
14a1niso1a `acuraD wrIdolox loo'n'eua 8 L'opow* Locuacb, axed.L3 011 H.F100U8 al1H150100) '14130HHa1113900
dimatraattdu aoHaedupx
'21714U 10,3411411S1fOXEH 1101.1 u0MaH19ailAd vaxImH113xdol Uowauirredscoa INEHEWICEdi cL90 Xl9HHOH11 141411EF1 OH3L11.101
z, Hie-reao9ad risitiattnad e813a1nAw14 1914BUIov 91199 Al.XHAU 1 PITHIOIDEH 1191E13 8 xa.i. 'XISEhA113 E1IJON -Ha£14.390)
ruousiscLtfaclu A8L34ra1li8gdu 14144119W/Cd W011113911H1148Ed11 1401 913041 aH 'mow cam tniatindscoa HUH tido)! 8 airicHrAead
ern-eth.3 3 HxdamdciaL uodolom ou199 ollaeaarla o.Le 1.osnai1AP4 1918109 HHHEIDICEd1 x1unoHatra9.90 u141-mH iraudalou xo.Lig9A

3 coouucta 1UH isairidmou -CH
aucuatraitaa 1SHHO1BKadt11011 11114 Hhd011 14130H140013903 U 1114101114X4 BiLLFICN011 (1300X3Ed XrIHHEC1503
EH aruniouhruXxxo Filf143 HUH EH HH1EdEC13d 11 A891fOL1
1.40Hamorott 9114hAU011 10 138.0quaiktatdu HHHFILVAd oudimiaulyom )10)1tdar
a nal!' a xutratradu xicatr Nasadl c191414A3 /lovaitfoxgoati a 9lia11
110900f CH xrunialimItacLgo uutreH arigoilf 19111141A3
WHNE1 1410CEd90 riumurott ging rnialnudaeos
14-LEU11198 BUtf 0301 19403.11 91HUAM 01AHh14.101fEHE g1lowia81J903

141111 911413a111C013 u1gHH8D8H011 moirigi( aurnicudj wiaauutfasgo "8 141141-n-rea0)adaimpreE NHHHaE113903 H 0813%Am:i1k! -Ad
1414 H waom aBhAlID aH roimatort ES391148E11 a aatiaw
-odrug HHH1911 1AJO1V 9lthOLUNtc iskuiamrimoo Hawres IiHHMOU011 -191
auliamcouou s HI{Fla1110H10 `141411uxiauwom wah EugwAd ua1118013 1491E15
9R513 udJ aliet)K .6 aigwainiawudu 8 191'1180138H :a9ur1)
xnutiamtra9u90 cuutrell autnolawit Howisdu v11114
(ci aHMICUCij (r afflia)Budrig afirmrdi" xicaniamillag,go U1411E11 72HCO
umumaspom 3adaum a XL11411Ed011d0)1 HUH -311
1114N301114HHOE113903 lath X4013a1114C144) g111411 U3XHQI101151180 x fumawow 144114NILIA1711 9

'xisurium11o3 91301491fE14011llEH xradolom aH isnawrais clIfEHOHrIEH i(U1) 01n10013E14 Ed000101( 41111EHEINCEd1 110901V EH -llanulfaci.go
01913014 XFIHHaHH1fa9.90 9 1414H0hEHE r.LNAu 6 U" -1013EH X14H tE11411E1-1 HUH H1411Ed011dON HUH 1141411E1411037E amHH1380CHHPAO
Ham `1491:613 OH aridoloyi uffauda.Lou moirsgif a11s1atrasr3a ou N A11:016 A1HaW0111 011 WEHONEE 11090111 EH xrimiamstrasgo 1114hEF1
Btrualmada HUH Hhd011 HI3OHHai313903 H `uutiriwAd rmarotf -ou 14d11 14H1301f3A 01h arIHHUEEMA t11141 411411Ed011dOM HUH tudirithomr
camhAu ouThrouauwom 8 H14011100.1.003 3 11101NHAIll1011 V"
af8r1£1 maim LIONEL 1(1E13 aMC)181, H 8 IllaW0V01 viniahoncree -uwadau
EJE 144111E314011W0N ElaUfOli 03911511.114h314 EH a80H30 xurngo -1149A Flid 3 TamlliclwAd
80N HUH tpdatriA mcamapatiou ljapthudoudom HUH (1,914i1VH1103DE auumudne airerbKrdi" xrusuaiustrano u}stirH SL a))1
H r1-11101011 91ISU8E1303 011 0141143M0H10 N 11114NE1 WEN1F19A HUH larhonrma D9 X X14,130h14CH4) '111411 141411Ed011d031 HUH 1114111E1411033E

AgdarnA amc cou4hdouodu 01AHEN 10110IGE1303 aurmoolludu -011 319dOION EH 1414HEEI0H30 g8OHONEC XPIMEIP6001Uar U -19111Ad

trOX I4313dOIHH X1NE1 HEMICEd.1 011 OINHa1110H10 N diwaIngo -HUM HHH oa Bwada 19111108 93H1fEaHd1E4V33Ed Num aum3a)ada
murirdoudom 111114 '11141E141103DE (q 0maxctdl9g 301H110813903" laEhUHCO EHHHEINCEth -99.90
() Butrunauwom EHNU1011 BY31M4hElf1.11413 eag -XHNEM 091411 X14H140H14:11 (mhaH 3rux thiairalladuo a aimacuttou 'ammo r"
I114113XCOU90 110.1011EH HUH XHJ,fd1f 8odog3 EHQ lamcow OH009083 wainolawis oaodu EH 01AHHEIr 1/41.130HHa813903 H larhourma -waadu
15391E80291f0113H 8 11414H141A1Ad OH EHXCIfOli carwairdou wungEdu EN1414 0.1031E1 tHHHHaELL3903 Hd11 c11E10113A olh muwaadu amotr1

EU0d1HON 11tH 14141c1HHEd13011H `uwrettaatt andolom .u(low mods 133.1aElf80 WOHIIIILANCEdi Uol-nio CH X1441HaH1411a9.90 `umriEH mum
10 mawada 15)9LH110130 13
'1414HFIWAd ouairatraduo 8 al)1HAIIVOU 0
141[33 muuwaaclu uadgomdu -903
913o}ma913 8 wormateNadsou 'a111413 cu. ohuu aatruyettadau -edxoa
(p oa13qua111a1du upairmAd 1uar13011adu weutli)BudJ 1400) ESEdll -eH ainiatnaweos EH 1414HEEIOH30 uarnisoinu
xrimaututtasgo uutirH uoNti amc wroicad udu unuaraliadund
1114Half00HE13308 XH 11.L30H133813907
eag ugdatriA BIN `8139nral.relsgo XHinoliqu,DarnA3 &NOW
aoreuda.r. KIM EiHowad 141114

g (HHHNWAd E amorei udu umaualiadund XEIHHEd130HH EMI& woruiu wurnoirliadau 14 worm wulnoiaLadgoudu a mas13.Laaioo3
3 H111141-111adIAHEI 14WEHONEC
Butt eadouwu XHNE1 esourudalvw uridolom Boaarsuawudu s -OHIO
mmiam xa)imitcumAd HEttxcEdJ () amiamdrIEL 9130HHa81390)" 1a0hEHEO OIJU 01b1H)1C14011
I9130HH4813903 01AFFI1EHda1E1A1 HUH -aximaii
(a oalaquaimardu HI4HFILVAd luar.noltadu wrionitecLI -ono

xru-wauurt Lushrii amatnaweoa H nay s 1401 amt wowr3 cadawerd colAucartud Brhourma `ohfutiairmriwodu oiAudAirdaumr H -olfAx
'ammo rigoih -Hamm r" oiAmaalaamt `q.Domaangoa E amorel aaa audur 141114 i93ada1um
undolom uadiow3itt'adu a aDmAullou
s airacurAead xmgo3o 0.1030530 EVOCi a '14130HHa8ID90) eag E9dalTIA gift( walogo -xrdrx
91rsodu3 udalou 141fH `gdatnA aHMHHHE08
'dew aigdolom clpmuisHatiindu N XH iu.3offliaango3 OH iswada 1409 adal xurriAtmtradu 1114H.31180HEL7OI1 aHH8)KEdrla q.uolitiaaLDgoD"
xicnimanuvaq.go uuliql 14 XH urnicall LarBoarma a38 aiupdow
'RH OH alcIdOION aH q3kansuawlidu N uompurnad 141DOHH:117903
101e imaCuttou aH Bnalsurdnodund EH arimialnAuA Mama @raihad atti(3 ;17,31A1E1 3 XH wadal,HaSHH 14 twamuraol/Adogo -010)1
arid ogpar 141rumca1rtimimclu wicaluauuttasgo Wispil-mH HUH XH -NCEd1
5 1114/4a1f00HE13011 EINHAL1 17 ualITIBOIDEH 1491E13 aH uftqg 'mutt oguir Rung riuraoduchamadre EH 14Hd0114ddal 1101-1U0 CH
1539113HOWHdll N 1414H14WScl AM9lION3011 `Bus.Lauart aridatom ifuow XPIKE131414trac1.90 1,11411EH 09141f 1411TEIEULI 11011 IAIOJE14 LjOHVO CH
caUEICrIll 1114CHZIOdll s uelsaD3 wogdarnA cH1DOHHaE113903 EH XFIHHaH14n9.90 uurirH H andolom alfD011 Bd9is1lia3 6E61. tn.'
a i4OHdaEla0
15311311115VOX HHHE8911143HEdi 41 U3111EXGIIVEHI4d11 Co Bwada 1514HanICOXEH XH 0 XHN)HIMIAd XE17013 HUH 913011 XH
wrimiaustracigo wtsuriri-i 14IfH XH (INEHEINCECLI 'cravat 'anal Mom 13.10HHGE1139111470H E10814d11 8 014)134119WAd `191100 09141f 1411199 -011
E.LC Budoluddai aH curuutoxru r011 01913E1[8 snurawAd r9uair8r.13 liou curodluom xummiriwAd `uainica mum 3a)KudaBum
'9 aDs amnialfaaeuodu 8 1114H1q1MAd am-nu/feud r4trox3rd ou `cu.aoltuanagoo oguu parripadau 1439111110XEH 8 W010/09003 -ouprd
1414HaX(Ed xiciflauuttaci.go 1:11411011 HUH XH HUI/WEI:LI 8 411HHI'llAlAci
oulliairmsItadu cumeualadu ISEhOIUN0 14t10x3rd EH iarottou Idaiou
141114 `rgdarnS OHM(110tf unau oancuraistardu 'muciwAd aus.orrana Bctuarasodu 14W14N3Hnlillcd HWISIDEU0 kninstiduodaw OU
Oilf0d1HON 0 14E1583 3 wanuraos1JarnA3 1SHHI501303 r1H14,0E1 kbicaw
.L aurntud xramiauurtag.go 1,4,11111E1-1 H XH 9130Hlia813903
uvacuiliammtraggo 11WB14111?1-1 H iaisurwdaj
VIHNCIfOli 91149 nuramogoam 10 XHNIS313 X191491falHhOlUN3H -01fEH

`HO.] 80d093 HUH r4ia.I.V0L1 03XHMEWJEUEH EH XH a14l-180HD0 I4t1ti043 '53

a RHHMW/Cd W0E11341f01140Ed1 HHHIcIWSd HUH uogoar uomaumwAd L Xci oa
(E13.1.,)Scugo Lh O xaaa XLIEhicIf3 MON -903
minus a rtoudau XtryKaw WaHtl nuiahourmre Buduwadau H waull i9130HP10813 armuomre rardu RUH roadaimu a umuriwici -oxru
0141131MA38 0 XIIH3 olarnisonru idosolot. op uoucurruhau3 °mug1
Blxutlitsti tiou uompuriw/Cd uakthx1ll3t4doi huir cpurradastfou

Hmtram3H(1)Hom HUH modulo)! clintd9 SEIINUOIKEIEdU HINIFIINAd HUN wHxDuriwAd weHeamtudd
isd9s11la3 6261. and 'Adiaaamal -Haaopol
XHNEI '11411 olAHHasmiciwodu 5130HH@E113903 HUH 511411011018 ()amt.!.
aNELLIGralf3Ho.rosond sHHatbsox3Hodu HUH Hanisad won laxtow gimp eau)sdatiA
H troada.usi .I.A.ITAp -C13308 Hdu HHHairaVaduo 'IcvgrA3 sadolom
VIC `5130HHOL13903 alqHHOMUE 'Nadu
E lama -EIOHC13308 OH3CUJOD A.LNHXU 1 ualTILSOINH .141:11V13 o913qualHaud(j uoll)sum
15HOUEI0H allawa 3 HWHITIISVOX814(111 `Hwasadu cum! oardu
£11 xrpicoso H xlcu-tRamitraop amsdall lattAss
await OHNCOWCOEIOH LE XHH .1.aaA9 RHahalcuria 0aculitaa0Ed13 -151031 H a HHHOMOHIO aCdu HUH
9.1.11£10H a41MV.L ISHHOhHHUELJO 151180113A
aoaadau! iloi-mairinnwodu `11130HHO813903 -Hdu
7 N.L30Hliaa.o9o3 VEIVC111 H rpadallui 8 `HimaciwAci Hdu
a ADD OJOUIL1013CH Cd0801011 EH
Elomaladpo ott 01-111 sHmasuAna
aHhimsauttaH 11411311H11 IVaINRCHKEIRIO HUH `wranalnpo 319folom
aoHauh uuAdi 93NII1111£115 magoo ruldauxidai Bole U0HC0100 HUH uomiamtraop riamsdav -Haudu
OH511CAUHEININH HUH g D813.31113H MIEN 0813411a111/1Vdjj
WOl BHHaliOWIRILI `XNEIODP.d xmleoHatuad HUH xtuAdit -13Hmr() 1O1h03 -oxpoan
9 aans3aw 110/111-11Th ,110HC0100 HUH iloHitaHatta00 15EICH(clatr
x14)13 daw `srairesotIair3adu H s3anma1170 8 OHHOhal
HWNW14' 0 X41083 XElkiclUCHOHrUCH .xnadailui
na-lairuk13a 8 AlfHl 01a11115013CH 13c1080101/ CO9 g3114HVO113CH
3 IsFai
*s `9130HHas.L3900 isamiathowoAttaciu woi.)!HAu I
HUH `Hwrn-areaopad.DosaH ramsotr cLucip icarendau nualHaadu
W0813 HHHI5WAd WINII1ECHHVA0 a `1111HI5Wi(d winnotsiray.otradu gain tHILLE1:3 CHX0101( HNIVElitd,LCIAIJnd HUH 15B11101Ch0111319 -H19INAd
a AIM,
HO811903 OIAND 4130HHO813903 NVd01031 Eirmairttou 01110dLHOH
XHHUI `111,111 111111ECHHald0 HUH *C813O11190 ISCHWEINIOU
153c110EI0C511011311 HWHNPL HwisHhaelamido -an sit ISHHIS01303 15H1108 1A3 osiamaaao813at &Maw 119HHIcilkScl H -00103
5130H CHX0101(
ualf ISHHCCUNO Htnowou 10WHMEIVI3O wanarn XHMEL ILHIACIJ -mrdo il0H HUH (10HHOHNVOOD 'ff0EIVICdOtr !lair:saw! 011111NHII3Hd01 ttEH
UOIC `019130HHOE13903 OH OH CHHU1011. :91Ch0111318
sax rhatiadal musuott ging CHOnactiodu 8 al4HahaL Z1 aalls3aw (11 5130HHO813903 aancurainardu `HVIHRINAci 014WOAC5110113H
03 ISHII ISHHOUCA138 El SIIND ontrasonr!! 'Mos0i041 H eHmarott Ulf I X1431351fA3H0)1 HUH XHX3OhHICW011111V :11alfarl
91Ch0111H8 1513014H3813903gaud!' H `193OdOIHN aNHa1rHOHELD300 (q `4130H14,3813903 olAtnu)sairtrafidu wigHeolularad -Maid°
)c.Ndolom snaApadi otogicao3 SINHA8 1 UOITILI013CH '4151213 W151111CC HUH wruisitamdoalosaso WISHEtatbKadhA H -3H
OISINOSC51100 sub' xmcompruad HIM xicincara.uidonalcup !uatcan
B91e10 '9Z
(a 4130HH0813903 XHX3dhHC114) %Hy andolox !mousses
svangwAd 6LarHeHdu O1h ilmmnaaop £0100 IMAM OSEdLI CH 1414101311151N4d `HwaHancedd 14WHMEIHI-LA11011 auHamadead losodu
D38 OHX3HUINdal Mann a `H:HunciwAci OPIErnItadati Aw0)131azo0 1101 1511-Cd13 8 140d01031 1531HCOXCH
cum a xusattadu pnidaulddal
Aeolop 141N119110d1HON wolasop a ennawdaj H saLaAespo -Hdu 91 qv13oHHaan9o3 HUH 511181,13F.OdU a wog= walAda aiaaw CH
516H aaa arinnioxpoaH rldaw Mat BHHahiairpo Hhttrad011 XHXCI
1/14d011iddO1 RULL3 XFIHHOHIVO5.90 1114/1CH VC waHnahourx3H -Ad
UONDHNW '14130HHOE13903 gEdOION 091111-Vt1031 08 swada 15H1jOg
g9-"10 "LZ INOIXO5.90 'clOW OH 153XHMEIISHOWFKILI NCH osHaudu m
1413011HO813903 xiDDHIciwAd `Hansudi xatnolvakusodu CH u01. a)s
ISCINPN CH XNHECNOD H xicaniamtaop st)sdarf LavAp
cu.awti !Nadu 'vises qua)sdatrA cursodHttmonar HUH clusHmduradu fkutclosmcklad.
aopow. aodAdd a14E113,Nalr a Hiniamoluo !la's `11130HHOE113901 5BdU (p arimiaanatnAwm `DI1CCIII aNTIDINHEOH anou -a11130H9000G
H 803OCIO11114 air:AO-WM CH imall st1Hairuki.30 a Aim alannso13aH 1SHH moo-idol H X15803HCHHED UltHOMOHIO Anitaw HIAINHE0100 H
adosaloy IAA) 113511,010XCH CH as HHd0lNddal H 51wicauttuffit1u mincin.Hafuentaop rthreauscdall H uaniugwAd HIM allmximeoa CH

HHIII5WAd NUN wiim3FugwAd `waHatt)sadi B 03101E1 51E80E51101M )oraIi3 Ati)saw W081351fOIHEEdll -Halmtraop
1109011f 110HC0100 HUH
01/31C1 4.1.30HHa81390:1 HUH blhAdi5E1 10 aaa ISUtt XVINCI `uatrat! /10H 1511VNNIOIC H uapanclwAd anou
31 sdps.uia3 1461 :Vaal
aNMUH e u tamsdatr Lam°, Hwrnicataresamt a xattaVadu -Haladu (a aaadu aft olAHdAirdaunt H otAHHasna)aottAx -HO813903
uNE uoie namsdatr H as HEUX(Pail x HHHFIWAd HUH 31 WH3131119WAd '51301-I
inHUT(XMELI gUhOlUXE1 andolox OH HI1159 01c1130H1/011
A rmadoluausot a SIND XITJACItt Haren 010111/5013CH Cd0HOJ0Ir sag

ISEX31-115wAd 5130H140813903 HUH as `HHhattilavar -adu

133111M158 .r.o 1 op WHY alHOlfIli(13E1 a SIM3 l3aHolatns0 adosontr -903
amtnolumma AwwA3 XHNE.L rumuoa gimp -edema 5130HHagl" HVIHNIVAd H XHX311191VAd HtnICBd1 1531iM111:10XCH 8
rmaIn emrewda au latIAp amcnrop s391eand1rw33Ed max suNaaxcada
.3 sittlat/Prammll. klomaHrTwAd 41I3011413813903 H imiamasdound `913oHHaa.L3po:1 H a7}1 `ISHHOhNif8d10 al911Heeza3 3 wwiti. -kusad
n%'we 1511310/0)/ (Imp .rmaHawio
ota IAVAg 15351141080d11 a HHE131as1003 3 WOHOMUC -adanme
,NOHH11803 U0HC0103 HUH uoHHalikniaop icsiamcdatt 11H)13HI9AlAci .3 sawavamsouo 9I3OHHOE11390) H111115WAcf H XHX31115WAd
mitHHas.opo3 aH LattAp cu.avai audu 0 HHHOI1101110 110Mtli -po3 OH 01HHODICAHHdll 3
`14110H1-10813 EE WOITHahOU1313H IXOI andolox ISJOW 51159 Odu HHdo.u4ddai. YINHYINIAci a oumwdaj
15HOlf8E130U SINO 8 Alan 0101C TeHomue HIAIM143 HUH 141A11513P1t8 a1r301 31. tsdpsimaa tt61 `010.1 Luxtautou
E oal.341rami0edu HIIHNWAd BILOACH90 91raodH3Hauvio)! liadscoa
xmournivAd 'Hathsed1 9ixamas13g03 Xl5d01,031 13104,ell a SIM *s sktrik1Hu.3ad H OltHO1180HP43308 110313HFINIAI -OHHOEL13901
uatriso.Laan WLIEI3 H aH 13HOITIWRICOEI '111H HID a mulawdaj ,LAtap g3911SUa13alnA3o a HHE1131O81003 3 -aw
ISCHMIr LNIV.13 aH 1GEJEUEH EH LL HUH OISHii CH -00100 inwslusHcluod aridcu.ox ,LAttAg I9Haifattaduo 'Hwaamidaft Ammo
301H 111114 x14iHaitlrfia.00 ar)gdatr 01031031HH VIINUOIX£1190 -008 HwynnolAd 'onannaj

't cag EpdarnA Butt xranfaxtoucHamria H Butt X1490111 xHJAdIt lama modola HUH CH 'daw VilliliHdll 3 °mail ismiaira.oalnkao
`111414a1(8014P,13011 XlcIIISHI4d1.1 8 ACclU011 111414141NAd H as HEttxCEdJ s x131 .ar.du
`Hwpar*dalf HicHnoiAdaukimo (ounivwdaj umuctwAd t0 onoa3 *z Isma)Kouoll Ugnisontv WIIVID Ott1911*11* 9Ith0111,13H -011
ktuatim H JA maim Htrixtudi isalavarieuxIo 10 x338
xHm311I4wAd 01c1110141I H th140N0Oli9Ua1. 031:1 HHEHaiadu 010141-1E£ENA aMNA -EX
03X14MEIVIDO HwrimmodpuritiadAaH EN g ISEW ct61 EV0.1 -11314d1.1 tdaDiud aNdaLox ail141110 iAttX9 (rmatnudxadu 01x Pip NH -GU
UNE 8 141411a11101110 141414EWdaj X113131-1EWdal clitINCECIJ VC -0110011
11 isainsir U0110d011110111-1EGO3adallINEC 00139ifa1HaEdU 14411119WAd -03
waHHah 1,4cHaiadu xHInoigxasma CH so.uxudiHox H XHJAdd -090 U3inmmo catweiruna oliCalardaaudul omrmaauwom a xisau -Hit
`ancHrairc X1,11111EhOlUNE'S Ott 1 Isd9Bnta3 6861. 'EU0.1 H 'RE& 'Loh aicidolox 14Uttar10otradu wmfmaxcAdooe wun13 X1c114£0100 HUH
xrffluaLadooHdu .1.01 CENIO U4 -HdIEW33Ed
OU 11010 'I91Etr Xr11-11WILI4ttOOD aux:de)/ EH uom3H14WAd itHdamddai aillianuH3
153c11E8 Num wilnomhourxa 'Hardt a3a armaal3qualmauduxtaw HUN HAM( 01.1 `Hithmcwaxad E axtxux Butt
BHHados.LatraotrA -£08
aI4H-1MM 3 IHWISHHaMtlf.103 HWFINHahOlUNEC 08 -ads
(1414£HaLad1.1 XHIHNI4H EH UOM3FIN111Ad
HudoiHddai uHcHaladu Es urmaoaall
OW 114111,11311 H aDEI HHcHaladu EIi amalnavaoa EC Hda1011 004
(pdahlic X1411/1elfaUcLndLI W1c11114aNCAd0011 INEICH3 XFINCOIOD HUH -OD
`gaarnA aHMMHHCOS Oa iswada 'MUM xicumaHHIla auxcdatt
15c11E10 '63 'e ISHNIMAd WItalard INOCEd90 isnauSFICURLO xam -adu io
amaomalnAp ISHIES01303 mum OWE/ aga3 aH Ag
01.1 1114d01051 HELENA a a.VIHAL1 l -o.i.Deu
ialt B391E1Hh3 11410d01)10 1011110115141f8 EH oaDcurairelsoo -mama vahltS (1141E13 10 MOWN rawnraimxill
IlvaugivAd 1,1fH Ad -Htqw
fil3NUalt£1590 MIND HEINCEd.1 N 110901U CH X14111{a111COS90 -Hirwouurfii
NIEGHh a14maHa11 iiinrott aidnoluxairia CH H -HON HhuH

8 0,101g1
XHITIGE801:113ahlA3 OU ISITHaaOHNH14£08 1511111101101
'MAI 30ffliNalad9014d11 Ott
OH '19H

=IC ciatawada
ININZUL141311 a .1f141
- ampah unamoH.Lo uodolom 3 waHHHISIAd NUM 1,114EadOLI 08 -ada
UN !WOO H Hudoiox umsHxduVadu Kuwait is a
a,i1.0.1hHHVAdiOD 3
Hwicunialmnop .Hwueuxtda1/
mod3 NreuutS xridolox ultua3uH ott WE
0Jah115013E11 Eda10.1011 andolox 153.101E1HhHdLI 3 -qual,Hardu
H 't olocaralHaudu cuumwAd 01-DEU0tt 41151114d11 EH 1:1QD3 -1f011
E813 HUH Hutrxmcii 11141119WAci AEL3c11I2J.HaUdjj HUH wtHrtimcudi -Ito ()ail EC 0138 OIAINIa08 A1011[Ea
11011 CH X1411£0100 H xrumaHuliaop tu*dalt HUH aradoiox Hdu -pth ofArHalnAu 8 HININIA/Ad HWIc111£0103 HINFINEMOG `14WEcI3Elfg KEh0111,18
153.Lom 3 ra.L3cnralHaudu HUH HEUXCECil U01-010 CH X1414E0100 N ogxua cAiourua gudatox 1A9 J.a ifyuHttoreH 8 HHHatnudpo EH
xrinHamtraop SEX(dair A813,11[01HaUdfi HUH weHtertxcudi HHHriwAd (mail gimairukt3a a AIM on111150.L3UH
uE waHHahourx3H `anhAu3 ofic1runhau3 xnmadlowoitliadu
*s euxisp mairmAd to ilifeHaladu 0143E1f103 AINHALI t -013E11
9 watmlo.L3uH adoewoll 01hH11 8 waH all OFDKUOV LONIE80NIC01 ualms 11911313 lagh0111318 Dtc19011I 'HineHaLadu ai4tu0mair4a CH `daw
NEN Oarl53011E14 gdamA wisHHamoH.Lo Angaw Hwudo.moalf H -adx xruismdu 1109011f EH X1414E0103 H
xicumanniaop au*datt a -10
HtuiamoH xrDimplwAd aoliA3 Kam/An 1
`Hwudollin. wHInoluxanqa CH xrantaoaoll caolxvdniox -14ahOlUNEC 15491511-1a3 6861 V1101 H
X1911 woa.ocrnHaudu HUH HuncediHwu AdHimw waHtt ISHFIZ1111A1311 a A1143 odatms0J.JUH
tdoaosio)1 E aX(xU1 Drip=
HHcHaLadu H (MUM alltuoluxamia EN aHNH mitnoiAtimatt -Fwm
ggiu.10 08 ktHrlflaa 0 'XKINlialf1101114008
IAd Hiumw unauaricuno t0 xa3a .Ladu14HcHa amour -EX
`udaixud .1.43 HHawm valaqualHaudu HYINFIWAd HUH X4IN31114141Ad liclIE1D

'14E11)KEd.1 x 1111c1HE0IO0 H wicantautinop wuauxcdalf X19HRECER3

; Otr 151114ah011INEE X1980.1d0I 80d0110.10ti 141f14 11uHamuuJo3
oHHaaivadpouaH 3 U0111100 HUH mitnotexama CH ImilsHduodaw Angaw HWIThcliratiO HWNHMHAtiaq90 HWISHITCH H VP141`1WAd
xruisHudutradu 8 Alf143 111411E110813allA3 01411501303 F1141108 a -ag oa.I.3qualHaucill Hiumwicd Ap .Lati quirau.L3otradu a anahal 1 g -aw
auod affaou 1 isdcHmia3 6861 `End OWNDHEIESali 10 '0101 -OXEN aalls3 03 mitt Bilitairukl,a 8 AU143 0n11115013E11 udoaaloir -ica*NFI
(13EU1411 HU a me mods HuInotAstfai3iaaloo3 isuHcolop Hull -op UNFIIIECEN wimad UOIINCEN EN XFIFIN41414ncl.90 11141-1EH ESEdOION EH
ISEHHamatta Esumcclat' a H14111101303 1414110171 3 Unmqvad HUH .LaH XEUEhtli mimes [ moo Hm3ahH.Lxu4) J.HauL3ovadu -ENE
101 CE)110 10 uHEHaiadu lauhourxa :aatnoliCtrau3a*HH wmad a xigHpottou :xuyoduos

(13 HHEHaLadu a H£15133 3 Hwisda.Lou HUH wopdatnA Dation -Ha (u og 'wax! 01h 153.Laumf FINUMOU H 1:10d093 OU A11:1011151
14W1,114aHal3tfair3a LtHenuatf xicamaxtAdooa U113 HUH uai0t1113 00 HUN 'Aidou3x6 wartHad.LAHa Himmoirpo xriwaAdHidousof -E801
X1914£01 HUH m(niHainitraop :amda1-1 `sod 13 axtxua xa3a uHardu 153X141111S30FLLOg x cAINOIC 1.90-Hailldfac
(q `HHcHaladu amtnoluxancia CH (15148131A314d11 UlitlEd4110 HUN X1411 W1fH11EH Ao HatraulaoVadu Ul4H80113A£39 wmtad -quo9i4E14
uHE1131,911 xrumaxcAdooa WN0 HUH lialyeirs X1411E0100 HUH -1411a00 °nil? 151411EGOE11311514(illOJEII9
X141414a14 11E)Kdati EH ccd li0x3H1 :HudoiHddal (q og xaya xxiAcht xismamollio NwAd HHH au ufixarott -odu
(3 micHaladu a HHHaM01410 tlivarnaci HUH littaxusd0u3ud swine uoHcHroamodu iHHHEHHwHdx3Htt Haire-edam-1 HoH amodu
xriaocHdu aotiA3 X1414E0100 HUH XPINlialifflialYj `auxtdalf wahHdu isodusoi. xrunt'oscHodu EH U09011t 1414d0114ddal 1109011I CH -c1.90
15141114141Ad lauHcHdu Hwrnicra.LHalpuali H Hwrniqualvelspo aaa XF114114141111.1 UHrIEH Nifdi xicHillahumeHtradu Hutt ;joie`H,Hdoimtldai,
uffliamad H ISHIWXUA0113ECi XHNEI X1c180£HdLI caottA3 mil-tam-ma ou OlanaHard3 3 HW1c1H90110L1 itlYiedE001 11W141041108£110dLI EH -dal
isd9os1l1ta3 6861 Elrod HUH taalitr£011 014clUalH301-110 xHx3H1(wAd 11NdOIHd uo9our uoakitt EH xNHHamtfa4.90 uHtiuy HUH EH Nddat
aottA3 min xHx3H14wicd aoeAdJ HUH ratiruo :xamcdalicH do.L ii uopout ualifdtt Uoitirdnomi 148E)Kdali HUH ,laheNeetniadu
(p Halidu'Hue aidnoiemancia CH IsHHaual.3aInho du al -0108 H11114H Butt xtu.e vriclauicidal

c) fpax(gaHam 06bemneHnilx Ha Luml, B TOM 411C1le 101311)111- nnomantiecxHe neperoBoima 3aHHTepecoBaHnux cTopoH He npm-
4ecKtos nktuam, nom(eH 6b1T13 npeAocTaBneH HaLk110HallbHb141 pe- BenyT B TeLieHHe AayX MeallIeB K pa3peweHmo cnopa, TO TaK041
ACHM 14 pexam HaH60nuwero CnaronpHnTcTsoBauHn BO Bcex ao- coop nepeAaeTcn Ha peWelilIe l'naB ,LIHnnomaTHLieckHx MaCC141-1
npocax, Kacalouwxcn ToproBnH, npommunemocTH, mopennaBa- COBeTCKOID C0103a, COea,11HeHH01-0 KOp011eCTBa H C0e11,14HelitibIX
H1151 H ApyruX 1/1410B Toprosoil AeSITeI1bHOCTI4 B PyMb1H1414, 3114 1.1.1TaTos AmepukH B ByxapecTe. B cny4ae, ecni4 Inauh M14CC1411
nocTaHoenemn He nomo-uil npHmeHnTucn K NommeptiecKoil alma- He nocTHrHyT cornaweHun B Te4eHHe nuyx mecnneB, nio6an ma
1114.11. cTopoH mox(eT 06paTHTboa K feHepanbHomy CepeTaimo 06u-
(1) Pymbnimu He 6yAeT npejlocTaBngm HaKaK0f0 14C1C1104N- enmemmx Hai C 11p0066011 Ha3H/1411Tb ap6HTpa, xolopHit

Teamioro 111114 mcKpmumanHoHHoro npaBa KaKoll 61)I TO 1134 6b1110 upumeT pewene, o6n3aTenbHoe /VW CHOpRIAMX CTOp014.
cTpaHe B OTHOWeH1114 k1C11011b30BaH1451 Kommeptieckmx CaMOJleT08 CTaTbn 34.
B mexcnyHapos,Hom coofteunkt; oHa npeaocTasHT Bcem 06bep,H CTaTb14 23, 24 a 31 14 np14110X(e1111e VI HaCT0511.1.1er0 ,floro-
HeHHbIM HaLIVISIM paembie BO3M0)KHOCTli B np14o6peTeHHH Ha py-
Jopa 6y/lyT IlpliMeHATbCA K C0103HLIM 14 C0eAl1HeHHb1M gep)Ka-
Mb1HCKOti reppwropHH npaB B o6nacTH mexutyHapop,Holl Kommep-
BaM H Opa1-I1.11414, a Taxxce K TeM 143 061e)114He11Hb1X haL(11171, p,H-
gecKort aBHaumi, BK.ruotian npaBo nocanni win 3anpanith roplo- nnomarmecume OTHOLLIeHla KOTOpbIX c FpuiHnefi 6buni nop-
411M H pemoHTa; 4T0 xacaeTcm 11010.11630BaH1111 Kommeptiecx-m
camoneToB B mexcAyHaponHom coofteHHH, oHa npeitocTaBHT Bcem
06be/.114HeHlibIM HaLRIAM Ha OCHOBe B3aHMHOCTH H 6e3 ANCKpaM14- CTaTbA 35.
flaw npaBo 6ecnocao4woro noneTa Haxt pyMbIHCK0171 TeppliTo- rIOCTaHOBIleHN51 ripa.r10/XeH144.1 IV, V 14 VI, xax H no.:TaHoB-
Nell 3TH nocTaHoBneHav He nonxwm 3aTparmsaTu HHTepecon JleHTIA npyrHx Ilpanowemml, OynyT 11MeTb cany Kai( Heoruemne-
Na1.1140HaabH011 060p0H131 PyMb1H1414, mute tiacTH HacTosauero AoroBopa.
2. BbsueynomgHyTue 06513aTe11bCTBa PyMb1H4114 AOJI/KHbl 110-
HIIMaTbC2 B TOM CM:AC.11e, 4TO Ha Hmx pacnpocTpansuoTcn 1131m- LIACTb VII.
Taff, 061,14HO BK.nrotiaBwHecn B Toproeue noroBopm, 3ax.rn04eHHsie
PymEaHmell no BoNLJ; a nocTaHoBnemn, OTHOCA11.114eC51 K B3a14111-
NOCTI4 CO CT0p0H131 KaXCA0171 113 06'beALIHeliHbIX HaL11141, AOJDKHbl CTaTb51 36.
HOHI1MaTbCA B TOM CM13101e, 4T0 Ha 1114X pacnpocTpaHmoTcn N37,11- HasHrawn Ha pexe 110004 nonmia 6bau cBo6oanoil H OT-
T1451, 06b14HO BK.mogaembre B TOpPOBbIe noroaopu naHHoro rocy- Kpbrroii Ann rpawnaH, TOprOBbIX Cy,t1OB H TOBapOB Bcex rocy-
AaPCTBa. napcTB Ha OCHOBe paBencrBa B OTHOWeH1114 flOpT0131AX H HaBa-
CTaTba 32. raL1110faibIX coopos H yc.nomi ToproBoro cyiloxogcma 13mwen3-
1. Cnopm, moryuwe BO3H14KflyTb FIN OCylaeCTB1le111411 cTaTei. noweHHoe He pacnpocTpameTcm Ha nepeBo3KH meny flOpTaMN
23 N 24 H IlpHnoweHml IV, V H qacTH B IlpHnowersul-NI Ha- OAHOr0 N TOPO XCe rocynapcTBa.
cTonuiero AoroBopa, nonxcHui nepenaBancm CorracHTenmoh"
KOMI1CC1134, cocronmeti 113 pamoro inicna npencTaamTeneli npa- LI ACT b VIII.
B14Te/IbCT1311 3a11HTepeCOBaHH011 061e11,14HeHHOYI HaLk1414 14 Ilpa-
BHTenucTBa PyMbIH1414. ECJ114 B Tegewie Tpex mecunes nocne ne- 3AKIII0T-INTE.TIbHblE ITOCTAHOBJIEHI451
penatsi cnopa COrBaCHTeabH04.1 KOMVICC.1114 He 6yAeT AOCTIirHyTO . 37.
cornaluems, xaKEkoe a3 flpaamTenucTB moxceT noTpetSoBaTu
I. B Tvietwe nepHona, He npeBbiwaumuero 18 mecnnea co
BK11104011151 B KOMI4CC14/0 Tpenero lineHa H, B cnyliae HecornacHp
IIKA BCTyllileH1451 B cHny HaCTO ALUM P,Or0B0pa, fnaBbl )1,unnoma-
mexcny jwymsi npaaNTellbCTBaMa OTHOCI4TeIlbH0 1436paH1451 3TOT0
rwiecmx MI4CC144.1 CoBeTcKoro CoTo3a, CoenimenHoro Koponau-
LineHa, ino6an 113 cropoH moweT 06paTHTucn K feHepanwomy
cne H CommeHmix IIITaTos AmepIncH B ByxapecTe, neficTuyn
CexpeTamo 06beniniermix Haw"! c npocb6oti npoH33ecTH 3T0
no CONIaCOBaH1110, 6y,4yT rIpeACTaB.THIrb C0103HbIe N CoeniveH-
Hbie RepxcaBbi B CHOWN-114RX c ripaBlITeAbCTBOM PyMbIH1414 no
2. PeU1eHae 6011bW1411CTBa 1111eHOB KOMI4CC14114 6yAeT ABTATL
BCeM B011p0CaM, KaCa101.1.141MCSI 1313111011HeHNA H TOJIKOBaH1451 HaCTO-
CA pewenem KOMIICC1114 11 ADIDICHO npmnimaTucn cTopoHamm xa '111er0 RoroBopa.
oxoHyaTenuHoe H o6n3aTenuHoe.
2. Tpa 1.11aBbl MHCCHN 6yIlyT npe,aocTasnuTu flpaBHTenu-
CTaTun 33. TBy PyMb1H1411 Taxme pyKOBOJACTBO, TeXHI4LICCK11e COBeTbI H pa31-
Cnopii, moryuwe B03H41101yTb B CB51314 C neHamm, ynnaxam 1CHeHliA, Kane moryT 6bITb Heo6xoummu Ann o6ecneveHH9 614-
embunH npaBlrefibCTBOM PyMb1H1414 3a ToBapui, nocTaBaHembit cTporo 11 3c14exTHaHoro BunonHemin HacTonutero ,aoroBopa B
&Tim FlpaBwrenucTBom B clieT penapanffil N npHo6peTaembie ) :00TBeTCTB1114 C er0 RyX0M 14 TexcTom.
rpaxcnaH C0103H0171 141114 C0eAl1HeH14041 gepicaBbi 141114 y Komnamfi, 3. lipasHTenucTuo PyMb1H1411 OyneT flpeaOCTaB/1511-b ynomq-
rippmannewaumx 14M, 6ynyT pa3pewaTbco, 6e3 yulep6a ninon HyThim Tpem IThaeam MaCC1411 BCIO Heo6xonumpo unctiopmaniuo
pentuo o6n3aTenucTB Pymbnikm no penapanHum, nyTem AHnno- 14 OKa3bIBaTb BCSIKOe coaellcume, KoTopuie 01414 aoryi noTpe-
MaTifLieCK.HX neperoBopoB 11,iewAy ElpanTenucTBom 3aHHTepeco 60BaTb 111114 Bb111011HeliVIVI 3aAa4. B03110/11eHlib1X Ha HI1X nacTon-
uaHuon cTpaHbi H rIpaBaTenbCTBOM PyMb11-I1414. EC.1111 npcimbie AN 11111M ,a0r0B0p0M.

1. 3a HCKAIOttefutem Tex cnyttaeB, Koraa HH0i1 nOptitiOK Crie- IlpH.loweHHe I. KapTa rpaHHH PyMb1111414
L(HaftbH0 npenycmorpeH Ka KoPi-nH6o H3 CTaTai HaCTOAtHeTo Ao-
IlpwrimiceHme II. OflpeJle/leHl4e B0e1-1140f0, eoeHno BosaywHoru
r0B0pa, A106011 cnOp 0THocHTeAbno TORK0BaHHA HAH &anon Helms]
11 aoeHHo-mopcKoro o6r-lemni,
3T0r0 ,LIOroBopa, He yperymposaHHuri nyrem npsimux aHnliOma-
THileacHX neperoaopos, AonweH nepenanamcn Tpem rnaeam ),H- IlpHameme III. OnpepeneHne H nepetieHb B0e1-111b1X maTevnia.
nnomaTiviecnix N1HccH4, neficTayionwm ha oCHOBantut CTaTbsi ROB H TeXHNKN.
37, C Tent HcKAIOLieHHem, 4T0 B 3TOM caygae rnaau N1HccHti He npH.110)KeHlie IV. Cnewianbuble nocTaHOBneHHA, OTHOCHLIIHeCSI
6ynyT orpanxtieHbt cpoKom, npenycmoTpeHHum 3T011 CTaTbe41 K HeKoTopum BHAaM C06CTBeHHOCTI4
11106011 TaKOci cnop, He paapeweHmail rnaaamm MHCCHI9 B Tetie- A. lipombiwneHHamviTepa-rypHaa H xylio-
tine Asyx mecA14e8, Awniceu, Eva! CnOpALL(He CTOpOur He npHuT NcecTseHHaH C06cTBeHHOCTb.
K a3aHmHomy cornaweHmo o6 HHLIX cnoco6ax yperymposams B. CTpaxosoe neno.
cnopa, nepenaBaTbcg, no Tpe6oBan1410 mo6o11 H3 CnOpAlinix cTO-
IlpHnoWeHlie V. KOHTpaKTbl, cp01CH ABBHOCTI4 H tieHHble
poH, B KOMHCC1110 B cOcTaBe oAHOro npeACTaBliTeiTA OT Kawnoti 113
CT0p011 11 TpeTbero Linena, ab16paHHoro no natimHomy cornawe-
HNIO onyx cTopoH 113 rpasKnan Tpe Tbkix cTpaH ECJI11 num CTO- Ilp1430)KeffHe VI. flpH3owle cynu N cyne6Hme pewemn
p0Ham He paCTCA B mecAtimiri cp0K flpHTT14 K cOrilaWeHmo 01-
HOcHTenbH0 Ha3Ha4eHHA TpeTbero 4neHa, TO nso6an 113 MIX MO-
weT 06paTHTbcA K TeHepanbHomy CeKpeTaplo 06'be1 114HeHlib1X
HaL(11C1 C npochooti np0H3BeCTH 3T0 Ha3HageHHe.
11131/1J10)KEHHE I.
2. Pewemie 60nbwHHCTsa LineHOB KonitiCCHH 6yAeT StanATb-
CA peinewiem KOAINCCH14 H Ammo npHHHmaTbcn CT0p0HaM14 Kax (CM. cTaTbio 1).
oxoHLtare.abHoe H o6n3aTenbHoe.
KapTa rpaHHH PymilHHH.
CraTbsi 39.
1. Modal 4neH OpraHmanHH 06benuHeHmax Haniiti, He FIPHJIMICEHME II.
ReAmOintuksf cT0p0HOR, nOarmcamert HaCTosligHti JOroBop, 14 Ha- (CM. CTaTbIO 13).
xoxiaU4 CAB COCT02111411 BOr114b1 C Pymbnimert, moweT npncoenH-
OnpeAeretlice Noelmoro, Noetwo-No3gywitoro
Hiribcsi K 3TOMy Aoroeopy 11 nocne riptic0eaHHeHHA Oyer AAA
N BoeNno-mopcNoro o6yvemig.
Hemeri floronopa ci-iTaTbcH Oa Hoti 113 COeaHHefirmx ilepWaS.
2. AKTbi ripHcoeatiffeHHA 6y,ayT CJWHLI Ha xpaHeHme ripann- 1. Tepmm BoeHHoe o6y9eHme" o3Ha4aeT H3rielute
TenbcTay Co103a COBeTcmix CoititamiCTW-lecnix It yripaxtHemn B 06nacTH npumeHewin BOeHHb!X MaTepHame H Tex-
6yayr limeTb only co Ho cilatm. HEIM, cneillianbHo ripeaHa3Ha4allibtx HJB7 npricn0006Ael-Hibix AAA
aoembix ueneri, H r4e6Hmx npHcnoco6neHmti, Hmeionwx °motile-
Hoe K 9TOMy; H3y4ewie H AbinonHemie Bcex CTpoeBLIX ynpaw-
CTaTbA 40. Helniti HAH nepeABH)ReHi4A, npealia3Ha9eHMIX AAA obytieun ma-
HaCTOALL11141 Aoronop, pyccionl H aHr.radicK1411 TeKCTbi KOTO- HenpmpopaHwo HAH AAA Bb1110.11HeHHA maHeApHp0BaH111, npkimeHfie-
poro ABARIOTCA ayTeHTHqHbimH, 6yaeT paTitclmillitp0BaH C0103- moro AetiCTBy101.11HMH HaCTAMH B 6010; a awe opraHH30saHHoe
Hbrmn H C0e1B4HeHH131M11 ,IlepAcaBamH. Aoroeop ao.rnicen 6hrrb TaK- H3y4enHe TaKTHK11, cIpaTermi H wTa6Hoti pa6oTu.
we parwpnwiponaH Pymbaieti, goroaop acTyrarr B clay neme- 2. Tephum HoeHno-Bo3,DtywHoe 06y4eH4e" oaHatiaeT 113-
gneHHo nocne caalm paTPKIIHKanHoHHux rpamoT C01030m COBeT- yileHHe H ynpawHemin B o6nacTH npHmeHeimn Boemimx maTepHa-
CKHX ConHamicnitiecKmx Pecny6im:, CoemnienHmm Kopones- 1103 H TeXH14KH, cnenHanbHo npenHa3HameHnux NnH npHCnoC06-
CTBom Bemi<o6pwraHHH H CeBepHori Hp/IBH111414 H COeglfilieHHb1M14 11eHHNX AAA BOeHHO-B03,11yWHIIIX Llenecl, H y4e6Hbix ripmcnocone-
1.11TaTami1 AmepHKH. PaT4HKan1los-mue rpamoTu 6y)lyT B Kpa.r- Mfg, Hmetouwx oTHoweHme K 3Tomy; H3y4eHHe H BbIHOJIHeHlte
qaciundl CPOK cRaHm Ha xpaHeHHe IipaeHTenbcTey CoIo3a Co- Bcex cnennanH3HposaHHux 3B0A104141,1, BKAIOtiaA nOneTbi CoeAH-
eercicHx COU1131114CTINeCK14X PeCny6IIHK. HeitHem, KOTOpLIe npHmeHsnoTcs amanHeii ripm Bb11101111e111411 doe-
B OTHOWeH11I4 Ka Kaoil 143 C0103HIAX HAN COeJ114HefiliblX Aep- Dux 3anamil; a 'mime opraH113oBaHHoe H3y4eHme sOeHH0-1303
was, pani4m1KanHoHHa9 rpamoTa KoTopoti 6yAeT CaaHa nOCne RyWHOil TaKTI4K11, ci-paTerm H ura6Hoti pa6oiai.
3T0r0, ,EI0r0Rop BCTy11 11T B cnny co AKA cnatni Ha xpaHerwe. Ha- 3. TepmHH soeHHO-m0pCK0e o6y4eHme" o3HatmeT H3y4e-
CTO1W14 Aoroaop 6yAeT caaH B apXHBLI flpaBwrenbCTBa C0103a HHe, pyKoeoncTso 141111 npaxTHKy B HC11011b30B3141114 BOeHHbIX KO-
COBeTCKNX CouHamcnmecKnx PeCfly61111K, KoTopoe pa3owneT pa6neil, HoeHHo-mopcnix coopyweHmti HAH y4pewnem41, a Tame
3aeepemibre KonHH KalKi10My 113 nognHcaewHx 3TOT gorosop foriewie HAH npHmeHeHHe acex OTHOCALII,MXCA K 9Tomy npkitio-
rocygapcni. poi) H y4eHbIX npHa10C06.11eHHA, KOTOpble 11C11011b3y1OTCSI PAH se-

aniar 110)13110W (19H1,rO8 DIVAN 'Xal andoiom oHhripo amoiti -3H anaaHodg maul IHIU01 110111 anima g `flowiloir -caroum
B3101Ae91101.1 butt xHH3HumudJ !uairan E amou
`aHHEaurouadu anwaA Hur Hauao ruinnue EH .aHuoa
Am.mudu 141114 11880£11HERIO '3011 amilanifeH Homxfow 'H)HuNra.
110H981M 111109Ed BahOHING aHHaH1/011198 Xd311 auo
midoiairN .111
tiHriud H todaaHuw alqdolos aH Elli.ohc9adi Hutt cuoHdHiu quoum
1 armquahHdu ridoptidu mar -aniedurt
H ar11-1911a1HUDIlh198

ism-fame iaupudom 81414 'WORM IlahOufM8 HmuaHHic alottumae glafflHalru

14 -Hodiaott

!Hirai wdopHdu Hirti :rowadiaHdu armuntrAdo Iquamidu ruraraidu

3141-133KOlf our flamulawogwop anHhopAdi !HHaoHviDifodawoH icumawAd.DHH
H FidopHdu HUtt aHHuaodpHuux 141(AdO 11 14 Hut liNdasna aodopHdu
oictix.o 91.
193) HHHatrauduA waHJO
amoraroduo H quahadau xruniaoe flOreNdaLOW H tiniffixat 3 aNgowdkun HNlDOW H anaowdAim ,Hmrou
Hmwdal armHa08" rnruHclairw H `rmmixai, tvgwauHawHdu 9
8 raiNiado bur HHHaraa Xl9HHVEI0dHN3aWae X19HH908 -bar
wanasonuH `adoawoii Hamror qichoarNa aoa `akou,(do -Hduaop f144817 Eamolui aHrionsiruano ualptracil H uttoracID Kyr uHuwgo
*17 aoHnHy aOHHa08
NDEU H EiLoVad3 OH91181411a113 aNHHusoduAd.oHoND HUH 314du -OU 914HaNu3d8H3 0.101491faHl1a1J3 tdalmudux
aodolom OF 91149030113Hdll BIM 1114Hae0e911011314 8 -HaDKECLI
01914H811p03 Hull JH 1380891101.1 13141-1 8 tatujos NUN Ole 31a8u3Hhaclati
awn xii>3) xHUah
anHeolop H 819Hli3HH11903 namdatr lonsHudx03 ue 10903 uHdoialuN 'Al
oardu cauHawen HHDahHroHdau unimur gHanadau wailu -a)aH8 aril-wog ut'AD 01090111 'NUM. 01101a Bah anHHunttadau niA3
ESHH NOIIEdUOU HUH `LiHairaugot' a ai,aa oJamijaHcu1Iv1-1 141118ead
14 aHhi(801111 ta.Drad,
arTHHuaoduimaoclup 141111 -HanumeHtradu
am; Butt XH 61414a8H/ICA1f390 HUH `tooudatruou andolom
8Hdoia1um 1 14M39h aH iLiow cum
ElHauovadau 0.10N314antaCil -0E9110113H
arniflaoEt '14,180114HG `raargudrm ridaacaroaad H 4u01314U 8NOial `aHHamcAdooa `HHodp roruHduaop 1919110W83 H
%HUM 13

:191 1911081.3 H akmAdtl 819H381180 H13ah N AW0.1.6 `0114>KAdO -010N a0MHOG aolAdr `anweaorAdopo irurundatvw 19H14MVIA1 H -801013A
arid aH tAJOW 91199 o>uau rulaugo)oupHdu gm( xHH>HurKedi '11)1 andolom aH HaWHdu Kauai a aoHdHw mode EH `xtt/A3 awodm
*pun X191111809 tiorb
*z `wiawaaAu awHHaoa all>1)011HIVIVOISH HUH -mi-lUISCIaeOINa3 3 arTHImatr ETAS armhocoaadm uaorado
H alThrOGOHWae
'14)180111HO :1910wauXu-191auc1)Hu 19110813 H amAdtr arnimuue Uh varH ISHH8U9030U3HCIII 0.10,1838 !and
ansowdAim >Mica Him -Hdu
1413 >1 Awois MO '0111M 819d01031 aH lAJOW 91199 omdau oupHdu HHHaugoDoua aloxisDa 'and E a>101U1 191%10ra-es H Adtf -tflun
191-1a11903 18191 XIINDHUIDK011 :Ilatran anuawairAu '11)180HRLDA oul/ um3Aurm `aolairowta `land xtqwwittatf xrmao9
*2 `14)1mAu `numgAu., `ridpadow alaH9rumhau3 tnimiCu 141111 eD
a4,31taiD HUH XHNBY8 mAdr `sonduH3 aoirduuuu HUH -01131161
`ao.Lairow aruidoaluesag 1411148191418)110809 IV/WO H niawaH-to
1114Hal1903xI9immoi1airuiv0)1A HUH xFaureammairuwomAaH -91/our
Nuoala H amAdtr armeuue 1413ah N Awoie louoicAdo awdolom +H
4i1kxriwalsuauduA Him aiwalsirsuduAaH
LAJOW 91198 o>uau. wHau903oumdu Bum ximiluttxudi :11auari 311 2 ariHroarou HUH anHroarouAtruu 'Vico awl/Comm -l(ad3
mad) H HMHOHV13A butt oJoHHau)Hhadauancle IwoHAdo
`rar, armaop `ua1)rad3 unHaispopoupHdu HUH niudeuur cuompa
HNSOHD13A Will umicuue :land ariF>DAuuc H iirocaHom
18100 bah011018 OH9UUHrla113 aNHHuaodi4Ad.oHom3 ar1H.LHMUE RHOS
arni riclopHdu guff foxutnAmmallowr3 H mawainrarduA iotrisduH3 HUT `H.Husui EE waHliahoarmam Xal `aaunkr) EUJOM Ole zawow
H>180141313A BUT 'XH1-1 curn oHuao9adiou pug]
Hutt 814HD3a113 HUH 81111 miAdr -wed]
*s arnmammufi HUH al9HHaHHhrHaH
BpaHlrikicHerfown a
XPINDHar coattail a>101U.I. aaa 'amiusorAdo90 `111130H*31111aHHd11
anwaistrauduA `19119SdaH3 cruamud aNHdU.LHHA NHOdIELI H 9HOcilall alcIHJULIVE apprarelHawHdaume H1111 ampahA te.orad,
anHHahrHeuHtradu `1S14)K1dO oioHHau)Hhadau a 'CUNHA'
19C109HdLI HUH andolom iAiow gimp owurunaup
'ammo EHH8119030L13HdLI WA( tuvailiudgo 3 HWHH HUH HUII eitodu
igHahrHeareadv 8111l `a813911a1H0d13 HuIrqum sunewdarol
umoroa 'vandal u amiul Hicairandes 14 `14>i9Adi. EE ahorumn
Hill 814H8Haclx womannadauamma
WaHH ..HauaLuarides xriwilroxgoaH Hutt xH>DHurmcrdJ 1>KAH
'9 819HHaliithapi HUH 019HHaHHhall911 (19ItHadl `rqpwog 01 8Hdon1um *A

'Mau '19HHw awHHH9SuJ m9w09 H applqualp,mKtE unimmas HUH I armuds>op a19HHEd90341i awHqualuiau 1918dallUll -151
'icritsdue B ira am a38 rantrad3 mor 8HHa11Iudp0 3 HWHH HUH iutt aallaN' OhJau `ExAreoa andolom 191-tahaFle8Htradll HUH 11-011311d
uaiNioseHodu tamdea EE wauHaholumm luairaLrandea oxgoaH 19118119071 HUtt xiqHmAreoa maao9 utia.mar woal3tfathou -Hdu
>anon/ Hutt XHN31-1EUNtad.1 VHCAPI alHaHaw caolawairAu `HHdaulati.du NO190Ha13A HIr11 smearnudgma
h Hmium 418)1'0 NVF1 mahrHeuHttadu HUH rilialfgoaououdu Bur itheoaadau
uNdoialum l H 8101Hugraud90 `pwop HUH NHVEI0UAd090 HUH am 011 AW8083 A11141

anHHraoditHodg ansabp !HH0rHuw treaouaHod2 119dOION HUN DIAd1DHON14Hr IA.10W ging muaorAdopo OAHU-Hwitmum cm
HN38hHHX8J. aH _UMW HIM mruatradau Bug X11)13HanKtd,1 Hairan cul4Hair9oaouxrdti x19HHannhadau a aINHAu Z *a*HH
'3 814>DahHHBXDW 14 81a141nbithatrowup wiackur nit
010N1s38 arniHoHtirmay arawrAdo 14)180HEL3A H 'Ffwad -o9wo9
(11H>H1do OJOHHalf3HhOdall 8 vilidoialum 't alowitruithauD MI141 -08 `Paraimudar 'Hiraimdaroraudat E IEJ. ali FINICHHUX9W 151111 -Ed93
aNtifla H33a111 141114 1980e.:31 awodm xnHHairmhadau a a.1.>IHSu t 1114HE8193 invog HUH ni3lIdal. a19HUNtiAdO liHMEQ H a19aomo9 -aidu

'a111198 arnuaw nupKm

'8 6014110111EK30 oFiqueRhau3 aomaneHcumTadu H NA6:H/0113H 1E101.11d0 WRIIHE801430 EH a)irop
tjaimed mthed.oniad HRGOUE EH
Baaam ONc11101Hh0111M314 a X11111.HE3a1E1482 'XEM31108 1414d01.14ddOJ 8016 i1014£010D 141114
Uom-latimtaro 1(111E)14dali
't FlIcalAUELEN HUH arnmAurc ruedeur mrtr ENDAIRE OWE) () 8011)KEN CH X1414E0100 xru-mami1a03 EIENCdati N as

sum 3 680aA3 HMA3 H 55dOW 191911AUE.LEM 1501 ER3AURE a11OWE3 weirenced.i Haxurog camp Hausuipoliadu Rod) 8 141410 1101 0) 61111
110aNdali3-801 st-tatrukno 8 A11143 0.1O11141013EN `Ed080.10tr a amianai 010dO.LON
'S luenodcgenliclifallittECLIEE 11110 11(10141 cammtApcos ova a Ad Homqw smodu Xal -aamicmp
1114)1 HUH X10133hand01 111111 a 1414HOM01410 1d01.0MXlc -.Lartrs(theiA
midoiareN '1A 6153 01.h HHO ORHOMECON eardu `kimmairmigwodu
iaidnoreinkix 'arunotioidaw, )H111151(08148 O1411101151f8Ed1.0 H 8oHdaudaut1 HUH uomias.DaNcortAx H.LaouHa81)903 A1010141 -Cu
CH uod.o ta.ualnas armanemseMiadu BIN ammiaos liatrati 11(14 801 111{NOSOHRHHE08 PINUO8 H 110LU1 nil-lam/um 8 S11143 -1501.3gli

anwMfoscitodu xdaa3 g0101 01.h unaXpadl. lfU1 ,14)OHLVICEd.1 wan; *edogoior/

Hash *z tronclau 3 Entawow 151414a8OHMI4HCO8 F1H1j08 011 umianal3H
*HA $ satusaaw airmu 15HROURA138 a Alt112 OJOM/5013E11 Ed080101/ -WV
arzniqualeaaw crsi.Vacb alltaharldEll lEa.L3O1T1all 14HXO1.0dlia HaP 91.09 HOh01101314 Ndu 14HHOIN14h)11 `EMOd3 a Pm-lanai -atom
ORX3Oh rautrad, H ainuimg 6146E1 019HHOhENCEHUOdLI grit elaw
%NH 'rendes sminusdre N 151414aHICOUVH xrimiaumnadau 8 EH
(mod iHaleu Hmuotr
ida£10.1UM MEI-1C - UPI9 gimp Hairs.DatnAo

MR1501.3 xismdolaium xicsoiaos soireHdaiew HUH NIX -0C(11[011)14 '8

110Hd011 3 paHawow 151414a8ORNHHC013 114808 011 RV -uAlos
[Mara 8 HERB) 3 'llW111-01a113011 aridolom aH 1.1.10W 9109 91(011314 /SHHal. a Alf142 01a1111501.DEH 114:10130J0Y WW1 Ha 9109 HOh0111313H EH

It'80C will xinowe1Mcedi Liman HUH osiVosemodu v.:1(1010m 0.10H91tElVd0Hsmod3 sedu liomfaurrumodu 80HdftlEdaLHU 14 -Ax
UOHHOELLNINCO1J `H.LJOHHaELL390-3 andolom Hiram' A1313 a 41141414141Ad
laumnsadu g01 01.h unaApach 1101 moDHMKedi vairati
ILLHOWOIN hillia8014)114HCO8 61%11408 HUH andOlON romemdu NUN
fsfidalanN iilA 1911alf£10HaLDA Eli HHHEa0H30 H.1.3ah d nuomcoirPrdu
11 aridolom imantrumidu I:10901U cm xrn-lcoloo H XlcIFIHOH1411a00
00Hhad9130 H aoxcurtimawAdomi 'amiesotrAdopo aodoiom
Oli1UEHNOL13 oFfesodHAdi.DHomo Islf1 E81312.08CHOdLI H KNHENCCIOV03 EIMICdOt( 18tH as WOHVIDKEd1 APiaLEOU BUWIIMINdOH -10K1f010d1
xrumairmnadauamics soveHda.Lew H 1431HHXO1. H 00d010)1 -141-nral 9.1)0Hcilf01 XNNEJ. sedu emmroll 15y91r114h, HM2OhHIEWOIEIE -110dU
H313.211 OH iamcow lump ogaupopoumdu If1f11 xmoHencedi uairah 801414011 8 1414Hr1WAci EH ullmoaficnrett `xod3 uffinoatuaLaaLooa -D11

AWOHHOh011()I WHWai WOCEd90 *A11014dOLI

3141-13MCOUThill 'AI 't sedu a -Ad

autnOlAELL'alfittafill `mo-lamcouou 153amtnotearm
IIHH1c1W xrntroloo
xrimiamH1ao0 sexcdatr it X11 61-1VIIMCal -001011
armgremhana franiarffouenou 63amir1B)wa0 H wndoloxaH NH mused WOCIA90 11391NHOWNdLI a HHHOITIOH.L0 sedu kimuqwXd
Ellifti PI '11130HH9E113903 00 HEINCEd1 EH xmtdoluddai X014E0103 N x19iHamiiiao0 -dal(
*y igeHuairmriwodu LICHdALECiO1341( 14 geturas.DawolfAx -140813903 11E)R 60XCH10 14H 01h a X1LLC XISHHONCOU011 aH .LaM HHHPIWXd HUH
'9130H O0 WENE11)KEd1 MAIEt es aairop urninuiduatrup wwicad EH -14ddal

(11 11 W7IHHOHN116O0D wesewdatt H X11 WEHEIratEdJ

111PINC0100 midoi opmt-uomem CH X19HC0100 11 xramaHM1ao3 `sew.dali wan
1-1031(11.011 Hausei,otladu MOdl 0 1111110 Vol 03 15H11 -OULIA.L2E1
c11199 `101 814d01.031 Ral.a151f1NIDo1adu a X1IH901101.1 X11EhA1f3 trOle -dal
HRH 8 A11143 OJOIT115013EN edosoiotr mat 60101 19901.h 91E11 WH -E013 'loam 091411-uomem ilwAdtf EN Xl9NHO11141104,90 81411EH HUN as
1/4113OHNC0111 cap 151411EWHES J XHH Xr4qua11414ifou011 80d09) Will 'weirenced.] mongwAd aff latrAp amorez EHEEIS90 EH 11141-1E80H30
XHJAd11 socpedi.m woponr 'mod 9iHmdaso3 aXI al4MI110X900H XHIE iimia)fitotrou cumrseiaon'adu uopour xruicoicrj H -Heap.)
141012 will mmaiadpondu 141(14 15HliagedX03 a HH/IFIWAct BEd!' -Oda XrINHaH 8E)1(dat( HUH as weuenKedi OGiro9 iirmiullduoseup -ad
6801-114a1f111NW uoxdAleda..unr H Dokmaanamweitx 6141.301111Oal.3903 'tom wah '101 wradolom /531.01AC911011 EH undoviddal !foie -dalf
andolom aH 111LIOW 91199 rmamdasoa OH13.1.3aalt28 KNHE80£111a111A3 mum( 1514HPIWAd HUH aa al-rented! 9 (X1330&108 xflimadiowAtiadu
1511141301.)03 '19HUOE1 13
xiOnolAs.oaniadu X1114HOMCOUOLI
(q armeolop 14 armllam1a00 FIGE)Kdal HUH XH 'aHetxcedi *s voicaadi welmr vs.! xismdoimddai 80ponr EH X1414E0103 11

andoiom WHMENCOUVEH W0CEd90 14IKEU4113 AMINSEE EH 1451d0141dda1 XNHHOHYWOOD 8E)KckJ NUN 61414FIFINIAci aNdolos 011 15141 -atruk.os
110901U 11014C0103 141114 1101414a14111140D 19au)Kdair o almaieu 14114 o ISH14 9 Alf113 0.1011501.3E/4 Ed080.1011' omoasoxdpott mradpotidu
miriediatuad ericedpo au aaKed wan EC ZI sarmaw 011 -01414C08 esedu EH `oliCHHaunsciwodu oucHdAiedapur HUH oiAmiasi.DamcovAx
U1414a8011 19141;108 3 031414FIWAd HUH 8 amianai 61914008 HUH 0 -mad 69130HHO81.1903 153.2141T1/5a0XE14 8 minadosHiodu 3 611WEEIEdll -300
mtheclia alomiaumrawodu emiXapid 141f14 (mravow HUH 010Hda801 NWPINHO/1110H81,2 EH HHHE1301130 HIDEh V watrmoneH -awoundli
EMENE aH gaaHed wan EE 9 satespaw OV 111111a43014X14H08 14N1,108 ) 615NR 111111 a 1414hadoinuodu `mwesedu mwmmialadpovidu EN -OHIO

lja141414141Ad HUN a am-lanai 61111411011 mum 0 rimirdipmad -mrgwodu HMV elaisidondu a X111.0 0101.0 axt 61514Hawoundll HUH a19d010,1
0101414a ENHADI4d Him `mtratrow 111114 0101ida101 EMEFIC an caased OH.1.3a8030d9011 6141I14801.01EN `IfuraomporpAuo 'mrascsiodupos -)ft
wan Ec 9 satmaaw 011 111114@a01-1)11414C011 19141108 3 tiammywAd NUN mresoectirou HUH HuModu '141.1illadll N Awodolom znloonio
08 swads 'wimps 11(11A9 9.l.a14114 08EdLI a am-lanai ZI satus3aw 07 13sedu .Latriip `oHamadced CO9 00)11121 141.30HHafl1.310810 EC -AdtH
151411 sm-fauuAiDa a A11113 oialinscu.mi edosoloV 91aratr3 Xmases 6OHHOFT1 qinurottodu cLusuainMADo anNgi Eardu H qiumarottodu

o xminoasniasioop xesedu a mo-uciwAd aiDaws 3 111013Edll -14(111 turH 9iHE0H9000R aomei. taimanoiolcH comriemmucpcu -mAeoduad

!.,1110, iicnonbaonaHHe NJIN nponaxiy, KOTOpb1e 61,111H no6opoco- flP14.30)KEHHE V.
uecTiio npHo6peTeHu NliH Hagan'. B Pymbnlrlu TaKoe paapewe-
Fate 6yAeT HOCHTb cpopmy HemcKniotaiTenbHoci llltL1eH3nH, npell-
KOHTpaxrw, cpogn RaBHOCTH y timbre 6ymars.
ocTannqemoii Ha ycnonkinx no maHmHomy cornawemito CTOpOH,
A. KOHTpaKTbl.
a pH OTCyTCTBI111 cornawens Ha yCJIOBVISIX, ycTaHanainae-
1. BcaKHA KoHTpaKT, KoTopuil Ansi cnoero Bb111011Hefilifi
MbIX COCIlaCHTeJlbH01 KOMHCCHerl, ripe)KneHHoct Ha OCHOBaH111,
rpedorian ycTaHonnemin CHOWel4141 meway n1o6bimm H3 ero CTO-
CTaTbH 32 HaCTOV1111ef0 Rorosopa. ()max°, Ha TeppHTopHH Low
pOH CTaBWIIMil Bparamii, KaK 310 oripeneneHo B qacrH D HaCT051-
nog 113 C0103MAX H Coenguelmbix J.tepoiian no6poconecnime
ulero rIpHnoweHHR, nomKeH, npH ycnomm coonioneHHA HcKniotie-
vperbki mina oyilyT I10.11b30BaTbC51 TaKoA aaniwrori, KaKaH ripen
Mtn, vianoweHmix B nyHKTax 2 H 3 Hme, CLIVITaTbCA pacTorrHy-
OCTaaTIReTCS1 npm aHanorwinix o6cTonTenbcmax /106p0C0BeCT-
Tb1M C TOM ripemeHH, Korna 11106ble 113 ero CT0p0H CTaIIH Bpa-
Hb1M Tpentim JnIL aM, nparia KOTOpliX HaxonsiTcH B nponnope.
41111 C npanamH rpa)Knam npyrrix C0103HEIX 14 CoenHHembix
raMH. TaKoe pacTomeme, oaHaKo, He naTparkmaeT nonoviteHHA
CTaTbH 29 HacToninero Aoronopa, H OHO He 11011WHO OCB0(0)K-
ItaTb Ty HIM HHyio cTopoHy KoHTpaKTa OT 06513aTelIbCTBa Rep-
O. HI 114TO B qacrt A HaCTORWelto IlpH.30)(eHlig He J10.71)KH0 HyTb CyMMbI, nonytieHume B KatiecTrie aBaHCOB 111111 tiaCTINHIAX
ioniconaTbcH KaK Aaioukee Pymmin4H HRH ee rpawatiam npano nnaTemil, B OTHOWeHHH KOTOpIAX TaKai cTopoHa Hiltiero He
via KaKo11 -nH6o naTeHT HJI14 o6pa3e11 Ha Teppwr0pm4 KaKori-n1i6o caenana B3aMeH.
143 C0103HbIX H CoeariHeHmx Reiman B OTHOWeHHH H3o6peTe-
2. HecmoTpsi Ha nonoweHlln nyHKTa 1 mine, He nonnewaT
an, OTHOCSILLIHXCA K niodomy npenmery, noHmeHonaHHomy B
pacTomemilo H, 6e3 yaiep6a AAA npan, H3110/KeHMAX a cTaTbe
IlpHno)KeHHH III K HacToquiemy f(oroBOpy, KOTOpIle 6b1/114 cile-
27 HacToRuiero ftoronopa, ocTaioTcsi B cHne TaKkie qacm nio6oro
naHbl HRH B OTHOWeM4H KOTOpb1X 3a5IBKH 6111TH 3aperticTpapo-
KOHTpaKTa, KoTopue OTAeJB1Mb1 II He Tpe6onanH Ansi cuoero MC-
%MIA PyMbIHIleA.11/1H 11106b/M 113 ee rpa)KnaH B PymbiHHH, HRH Ha
110.11HeHHFI yCTaHOBIleHlifl cHoineHHA mexcny f106bimH 113 ero CTO-
reppiiTopHH nio60ti 143 aepican ocH, HAM Ha TeppHTopllH, KoTopap
pOH, CTaBWHMH sparamm, KaK 3TO onpeneneHo B 11aCTH D Ha-
6una oicKyntiponaHa BooppKeHHumvi main' neman 0CM, B Te-
cToRwero IlpHnowefflin. &JIM norloweHian TOM 14.1114 11F1010 KOH-
'gene nepHona BpeMeHH, Korna liaman TeppnTopHil Haxonvinaci
rpawra He moryT 6bITb TaKHM o6pa3om OTAelleHIA, KOHTpaKT
11011 KoHTponem noopywernmix CHR 11/111 BnacTeA nepican 0CM.
ao)DKeH C9I1TaTbCH 170/1HOCTb10 pacToprHymm. BbiweHanoweH-
7. PyMb1H1151 paBHbim o6pa3om pacnpocTpaHHT neficTem Hoe HmeeT cHny npm ycnonn ripiimeHeHtin nHyTpemiix 3aKOHOB,
noenbinyinmx nonomcemiti HacTosunero rIptinoweHHH Ha cDpamiti) pacnopso(emiri Nn1 npasHn, 113RaHHbIX 111060A 143 C0/03HIAX H
O ppyrne HeHH/1511011.114eCA C0103HIAMH HRH CoenviHembimm jlep- C0e)11111eHMIX ,t(ep)Kaa, 11MCI011.1HX 101)11CAHK111410 B OTHOWeHHH

lhanamii 06-benneHnie HaHHH, nyinnomaTHtieciale KoHTpaKTa NJIN B OTHOWeH1114 JI1060A 113 ero CTOpOH, a TaK)Ke 6y-
neT 110,11411HATIICA ycnoewqm KoliTpaKTa.
woTopmx c PyMbIHHert &VIVI nopnaHm BO Ice11151 BONHW 14 KOTO
owe 06n3yloTcsi npenocTaBHTb PyMb11-14111 npemmyulecTtia, npu- 3. HINT() B LlaCTH A HacToninero rIpHJIWKeHHA He 110MKHO
paccmaTpwriamcsi KaK aHHymipyiouiee caenKH, 3aKOHHO ocytne-
ncTannuernie PyMb1H1111 3TI1MH )+(e nonowe.Hiisma.
CTBneHHble B COOTBeTCTBHH C KOHTpaKTOM mewny nparamH, ecnii
8 HINT() B qacni A HacTogulero 11plincobeHHA He 6ynei OHM ocyulecTnneHbi C paapeinemin ilpanHTenbcrna nio6ori 143
111111151aTbC2 KaK npoTHeop,....qatHee cTaibsim 24, 27 vi 29 HacTosi- C01031111X 14 COeRHHeHHbIX 114,MB.
wero Joronopa. 4. HecmoTpn Ha nuwenpHrienenubie I10110)KeHH51, KOHTPaKTbl
B. CTpaxoBoe Aeno.
no crpaxonaHmo M nepecwaxonamilo 6yayT nontimarboi 01-
AeJIbHbIM cornaweHum mewny flpankiTenbcTnom 3aHHTepeconaH-
1. 1-111Kaime npensiTcmin Kpome Tex, KOTOpble BoothHe HO11 C0103H01'1 11/114 Coenimemon AepwaHhi H lipankiTenbcTsom
yoaHanniataioTcsi B OTHOWeHHH CTpaXOBUAHKOB, He A011)10111 cra- PymbiHHH.
1111TbCfl K B0306HOBIleH1110 cTpaxonuiliKamm, SIBI1511ouwmvicH rpa)K-
Aaliami4 061,eniiHevib1x HauHrt, I4X 6bIBWHX nenonix nopTcDeneri.
1. Bce cpoKH AaBHOCTH HRH cpoKH orpaHHtieHlig npana Ha
2. ECM cTpaxonuiHK 113 qiicna rpax(nam 111060h 113 06'beAm. LICK HRH npana npHHiimaTb oxpaHHTenbHbie mepia B OTHOWeHHAX,
14eHHbIX Hai uN )KenaeT B0306HOBHTb CB010 npocpeccHoHanbHylo Kacalonnixcm nMlj 11.1114 CO6cTBeHHOCTH 11 saTparnaiouiHx rpaw-
neHTenbHOCTb B PyMbIHHH 11 eCMH 6yneT ycTaHoBneHo, (ITO CTOH- AaH 0613eftHHCHHbIX HaLIHA H pyMbIHCKHX rpaxcnaH, KoTopme B
MOCTb rapaHnitinix ,nenouTon HRH pe3epnvib1x (1)oHnoB, Tpe6y10- cHny COCTOSIIIHA BOVIHIA He mornm npenbnimb ricKa HAM BEd Hall-
11111XCA B KatiecTne yCJI0BHA Ansi Be,rternm Rena B PymuHHH, ymeHb- MTh iDopmanbHocTeti, He06xonmmtax Ann 06eale4eF11151 CB011X
ti mac!, ncneacTime noTepH WIN 06ecHeHerin IleHHE1X 6yMar, 113 npan, He3arvicHmo OT TOM, Hatianocb 1114 TetieHHe 3THX Cp0KOB
AO HRH nocne BO3M4KHOBeHH11 13011Hbl, 6plyT CLIIITaTbCH npHocTa-
NoTopux COCTOSUIH 3TH neno3HTbi 1.1114 pe3epnime clvoHnbi, lipa-
HOBJleHHb1MH Ha spew' BOI1HbI Ha TeppliTopiiii oymbiHilm, C 01-
Bllit-nbCTE10 PymbiHniv 06n3yeTcsi C4HTaTb B Tetiewle 18 mecmien
H011 CTOpOHN, 14 Ha TeppkiTopHH Tex 113 0613eJAHHeHHbIX Hai n41,
iataie Hembie 6ymarH, KoTopme coxpannHcb, ynonnemopnio- KoTophie npenocTairisioT Pymbnimi Ha HaLlanax B3a14MHOCTH npe-
WHMH npe,anucatirinm 3aKoHa B OTHOWeHHH Ae1103HTOB 11 pe3epn- HmywecTna, npeaycmaTptinaembie nonowemismti HacTosiniero
,ibix 4)0H11013. nyHKra, C npyroti Tetieme npHocTaHonneHimix cpoKon Ran-

HOCTH B0306HOBHTCH CO AHH BeTy1111eHHH B cmny HacTommero ,Ro- opHamiecKme mina 6yl)'T paccmaTpmeamcm KaK aparm c Toro
roaopa.."'llonoweHma HacTomgero nyHKTa 6yAyT npmmeHmmu B Wm, Korna Toproansi mexcay HI4MH cram He3aKoHHon Ha OCHO-
OTHOWeH1114 CpOKOB, yCTaHOBJleHHbIX )Jul npenInaneHms npomeH- BaRm4 3DKOHOB, pacnopmeHHil HRH npaaHn, AencTaino KOTOpb1X
THEO{ KynoHos KITH KyITOHOB Ha Imo Aelin 1411H J:1,1151 ripmbsiane- Taxme Rata HIM KOHTPaKTII noanemanm.
H1151 K onnaTe LtenHux 6ymar, auwegunix B Timpani KITH name- 2. 11pin-imam BO BHHmaHne OCO6eHHOCTII npaBoBoti cncTemu
watumx onnaTe Ha KDKOM-J11460 Apyrom OCHOET3H1414. COell,HHeHHbIX ILITaTOB AmepHKm, nocTaHoaneHma HacTommero
2. B Tex clip-faux, Koma acnencTaHe HeaunomieHHm KaKoro- npar10>Ke11142 He 6yAyi 111314MeHHTbCfl B OTHOIlleHHAX Me/KAy Co-
limbo aKTa H1111 KaKOR-111160 (1)0pMaJlbHOCTH BO BpeMS1 BO) H131 611.11H egmHeEniumm LUTaTamH AmepHKH H Pymunmen.
I ICHOJIHVITeflbHbIe MepbI Ha pymusicKoti Tepprropm B
yutep6 Tomy Him Huomy rpamnaHmHy 111060A 143 06'beL114HeHHbIX IIPHROXEHHE VI.
H31 414r1, npaBliTeJlbCTBO PyMbIHHH BOCCTaHOBITT npasa, KOTOpLIM lipm3oaue cyAu H cyAe6Hue pemeHma.
than HaHeceH yuiep6. Ecnm TaKoe aoccTaHosneme sninsieTca He-
CrIpaaeximBbIM HRH HeB03M0)KHMM, lipatillTeT1bCTBO PyMb1HHH A. lipinonme cyp,u.
npmmeT mepu K TOM/ 4T06u rpm/am-11414y 061eAmmemiux Halpin Ka)KAam H3 C0103HbIX H CoemrHeHHux gep)KaB ocTaansiei
6uno npeAocTaaneHo Taxoe noco6me, KoTopoe MOHIeT oKa3aTb- 3a co6oti npaso paccmoTpeTb B COOTBeTCTBIM C 11p011e,IlypOil, KO-
C51 cum:tempi:am npm 3THX 06cTOHTeJlbCTBaX. Topam AomicHa 661Tb e10 ycTalloaneHa, ace pewees a 14 pacnopm-
)KeHmm pymbrEcKHx IlpH3OBbIX Cy,ItOB no Aenam OTHOCHTellbH0
C. 14eHHue 6ymarm.
npaa c06cTaremHocTm ee rpamnaH H peKomeHaoaaTb flpaauTenb-
1. B GTH011leHHRX mewy aparamm RH op,ma neHmaa 6yMara, cTay Pymnimm, turodu dun npe,rmipmHHT nepecmoTp Tex peweHmii
cocTaaneHHasi AO BOrIFILI, He 6yTkeT paccmaTpmaaTbcg KaK yrpa- IIJIN pacnopaxemn, KoTopue moryT OKB3aTbCfl HeCOOTBeTBy/O-
Tmawan CIIJIy TOJIbKO nOTOMy, 4T0 3T0 6yMara He 6bina B ycTa- uotmH me)KnyHapoAnomy npaBy.
HOBReHHIR cpoKm npexbaaneHa Ansi aKmenTa HRH onnaTN, mnm
flpapaTenbcrao PyMb1111414 06513yeTCH ripenocTaamTb K0111411
He 6u.n0 Quatro yeenomneHme COCTBBHTeJ110 HRH Jimmy, rimaim-
acex AoKymeHTos, C3CTDB11511011414X ;oche 3THX Aen, BK.molias 13111-
awemy nepenaToliHylo HaAnHcb, o6 oTKa3e OT aKuenTa WIN nna- Hecembie pewemm H pacnopmeHmsi, H IIPHFIATb ace peKomeHAa-
Tewa, HRH oHa He 6bina onpoTecToaaHa, NnN iKe noTomy, 4T0 mum, cnenamue B pe3y.nbTaTe paccmoTpeHHH yllOMS1HyTTIX Ikel, it
He 6bina BunonHeHa KaKasi-nu6o (POpMailbHOCTb BO BpeMA normal.
ocyulecTamTb TaRme peKommaimm.
2. B Tex cnyliasix, Korga cpoK, ycTaHoaneHHun Anm TORT,
4ro6u mermam 6ymara 6bina npeirbaanema Ansi aKmenTa HJI14 on- B. CyAe6Hue peweHma.
naTu, HAM CpOK, B KOTOpblii yaeaomneHme c6 orKa3e OT aKilenTa flpaaHTenbcrao Pymumui npeunpHmeT Heo6xonumme mepu
WIN nnaTewa AO/MHO &IRO 6bITb CfleJlaHO cocTaamTemo HJIH AIM Toro, 4T06u ;tam rpamAaHam n106on 143 06'beAHHeHHbIX Ha-
anly, y4ll4amawemy nepenaToLimpo Haanmcb, HRH B TelieHHe KO- uHll BO3MCMHOCTb B mo6oe !Team B Tegemie onHoro rona co gH5I
Toporo AoKymeHT Aonmem &an 6b1Tb onpoTecToaaH, 14CTeK BO acTyrineRmn B CHJIy HacTommero .[oroBopa nepeAaTb COOTBeT-
Bpemm BonHu, a cTopoHa, KoTopaa AonwHa &Ina npexbaamTb CTBy1011414M pymuHcKmm BITaCTAM Ansi nepecmoTpa mo6oe cyne6-
N IN OflpOTeCTOBaTb AoKymeHT HAN yBeIOMHTb 06 oTKa3e OT aK- Hoe pemeHme, auHecemioe pymbnicKmm cyAom mewp,y 22 HIOH14H
HenTa HIM nnaTewa, He cnenana 3Toro BO apemm BOr1Hb1, en 6y- 1941 lona 14 AFIeM acTynneHma B cmny HacTommero florosopa npm
neT npeAocTaaneH cpoK He meHee Tpex meows, ctaiTasi co ,IIHA 51060m cyne6Hom pa36HpaTenbcme, B KoTopom rpamAaHmH 061-
acTynnenmi B cHny HacTonigero Rorosopa, B TemeHHe KoToporo eAmmertHux Hawn He CMOr B AOCT3TO4HOri Mepe H3J101KHTb CB0e
moweT 6bITb cAenaHo npealganeHme, yeegomneHme 06 OTKB3e OT Reno B Kaltecne mcTua 141114 one, mica. lipaanTenbcTaoPymuum
aKilenTa NJBI nnaTema !um onpoTecTosame. 1.101/WHO npegycmoTpeTb, 4rr06u B Tex cnytiagx, Kor,aa rpamnamm
3. ECJTH KaKoe-mi6o nmmo AO HRH BO BpeM51 ROAM acTynmno 06beamHeHHux Halpin noTepnen yulep6 B cHny .ruo6oro TaKoro
111 06R3aTe.11bCTBO 170 Ka1C0ii-J11160 1IeHH011 6ymare B C1351314 C 0651-
cyne6Horo peweHmm, OH &an 6u BOCCTBHOBileH D TOM nocnowe-
. HRH, B KOTOpOM OH Haxo,aHncsi ,110 amHeceinisi 3TOCO cyAe6Horo
3aTeRbCTBOM, BLIJI3HHLIM emy J111110M, CraBWHM B AanbHenffiem
aparom, TO nocnemree ocTaeTcsi 0613aHHLIM npegocTanab nep- pewemmm, HID1 4To6u emy 6uno npeAocTaaneHo TaKoe noco6He,
Homy ao3mergeHme i3 OTHOIlleF11111 3T01.0 o6H3aTenbcma, He3ams Koropoe MOiKeT OK33aTbCH cnpaBeammum npm 3THX06CTOSI-
Tenbcraax. Bupame[tHe rpamAaHe 061,eauHeHulux HallITA
BKJI1043eT Kopnopaiam m.nm accommailmH, opraHm3oaaHHb1e 141111
D. Oco6bre nocTaHoaneumm. ripemaeHnie Ha OCHOBaHHH 3aKOHOB J1106011 143 061RAHHCHHI411
1. Ann uenen HacTommero Tipmnower-m 47143114eCKHe Will Hauhu.





Preamble 51

Articles 1-2' 51

Section I. Articles 3-6 . . 51
Section II, Articles 7-10 52

Section I. Articles 11-19 53
Section IL Article 20 54

Article 21 54

Articles 22-23 54

Articles 24-35 55

Article 36 60

Articles 37-40 60

I. Map of the Roumanian Frontiers (Not reproduced)
II, Definition of Military, Military Air and Naval Training . 65
III. Definition and List of War Material 65
IV. Special Provisions Relating to Certain Kinds of Property :
A. Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property 67
B. Insurance 68
V. Contracts, Prescription and Negociable Instruments . 68
VI. Prize Courts and Judgments 69
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United United Nations and also to adhere to any Convention
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the concluded under the auspices of the United Nations ;
United States of America, Australia, the Byelorussian Have therefore agreed to declare the cessation of
Soviet Socialist Republic, Canada, Czechoslovakia, the state of war and for this purpose to conclude
India, New Zealand, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist the present Treaty of Peace, and have accordingly
Republic, and the Union of South Africa, as the appointed the undersigned Plenipotentiaries who, after
States which are at war with Roumania and active- presentation of their full powers, found in good and
ly waged war against the European enemy states due form, have agreed on the following provisions :
with substantial military forces, hereinafter referred
to as the Allied and Associated Powers", of the PART I
one part, FRONTIERS
and Roumania, of the other part;
Whereas Roumania, having become an ally of Hit- Article 1
lerite Germany and having participated on her side The frontiers of Roumania, shown on the map
in the war against the Union of Soviet Socialist Re-
annexed to the present Treaty (Annex I), shall be
publics, the United Kingdom, the United States of those which existed on January 1, 1941, with the
America, and other United Nations, bears her shareexception of the Roumanian-Hungarian frontier,
of responsibility for this war; which is defined in Article 2 of the present Treaty.
Whereas, however, Roumania, on August 24, 1944, The Soviet-Roumanian frontier is thus fixed in
entirely ceased military operations against the Union accordance with the Soviet-Roumanian Agreement of
of Soviet Socialist Republics, withdrew from the war June 28, 1940, and the Soviet-Czechoslovak Agree-
against the United Nations, broke off relations with ment of June 29, 1945.
Germany and her satellites and having concluded on
September 12, 1944, an Armistice with the Govern- Article 2
ments of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, The decisions of the Vienna Award of August 30,
the United Kingdom and the United States of Amer-
1940, are declared null and void. The frontier be-
ica, acting in the interests of all the United Nations,
tween Roumania and Hungary as it existed on
took an active part in the war against Germany; January 1, 1938, is hereby restored.
Whereas the Allied and Associated Powers and
Roumania are desirous of concluding a treaty of
peace, which, conforming to the principles of justice, POLITICAL CLAUSES
will settle questions still outstanding as a result of SECTION 1
the events hereinbefore recited and form the basis
of friendly relations between theni, thereby enabling Article 3
the Allied and Associated Powers to support Rou- 1. Roumania shall take all measures necessary to
mania's application to become a member of the secure to all persons under Roumanian jurisdiction,
without distinction as to race, sex, language or reli- (b) Nationals of any Allied or Associated Power
gion, the enjoyment of human rights and of the accused of having violated their national law by
fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expres- treason or collaboration with the enemy during
sion, of press and publication, of religious worship, the war.
of political opinion and of public meeting. 2. At the request of the United Nations Govern-
2. Roumania further undertakes that the laws in ment concerned, Roumania shall likewise make avail-
force in Roumania shall not, either in their content or able as witnesses persons within its jurisdiction,
in their application, discriminate or entail any dis- whose evidence is required for the trial of the persons
crimination between persons of Roumanian nationalityreferred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
on the ground of their race, sex, language or reli- 3. Any disagreement concerning the application
gion, whether in reference to their persons, property, of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this
business, professional or financial interests, status, Article shall be referred by any of the Governments
political or civil rights or any other matter. concerned to the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions
in Bucharest of the Soviet Union, the United King-
Article 4 dom and the United States of America, who will
reach agreement with regard to the difficulty.
Roumania, which in accordance with the Armi-
stice Agreement has taken measures to set free,
irrespective of citizenship and nationality, all per- SECTION II
sons held in confinement on account of their activ- Article 7
ities in favour of, or because of their sympathies
with, the United Nations or because of their racial Roumania undertakes to recognize the full force
origin, and to repeal discriminatory legislation and of the Treaties of Peace with Italy, Bulgaria, Hun-
restrictions imposed thereunder, shall complete these gary and Finland and other agreements or arrange-
measures and shall in future not take any measures ments which have been or will be reached by the
or enact any laws which would be incompatible Allied and Associated Powers in respect of Austria,
with the purposes set forth in this Article. Germany and Japan for the restoration of peace.

Article 5 Article 8
Roumania, which in accordance with the Armistice The state of war between Roumania and Hungary
Agreement has taken measures for dissolving all shall terminate upon the coming into force both of
organisations of a Fascist type on Roumanian terri- the present Treaty of Peace and the Treaty of Peace
tory, whether political, military or para-military, as between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
well as other organisations conducting propaganda the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
hostile to the Soviet Union or to any of the other Ireland, the United States of America, Australia,
United Nations, shall not permit in future the ex- the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Canada,
istence and activities of organisations of that nature Czechoslovakia, India, New Zealand, the Ukrainian
which have as their aim denial to the people of Soviet Socialist Republic, the Union of South Africa
their democratic rights. and the People's Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
of the one part, and Hungary of the other part.
Article 6
Article 9
1. Roumania shall take all necessary steps to
ensure the apprehension and surrender for trial of : Roumania undertakes to accept any arrangements
(a) Persons accused of having committed, ordered which have been or may be agreed for the liqui-
or abetted war crimes and crimes against peace or dation of the League of Nations and the Permanent
humanity ; Court of International Justice.
Article 10 mitted under Article 11 shall be disbanded within
1. Each Allied or Associated Power will notify six months from the coming into force of the present
Roumania, within a period of six months from the
coming into force of the present Treaty, which of Article 13
its pre-war bilateral treaties with Roumania it desires
to keep in force or revive. Any provisions not in Personnel not included in the Roumanian Army,
conformity with' the present Treaty shall, however, Navy or Air Force shall not receive any form of
be deleted from the above-mentioned treaties. military training, naval training or military air train-
2. All such treaties so notified shall be registered ing as defined in Annex II.
with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accord-
Article 14
ance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United
Nations. Roumania shall not possess, construct or experi-
3. All such treaties not so notified shall be re- ment with any atomic weapon, any self-propelled or
garded as abrogated. guided missiles or apparatus connected with their
discharge (other than torpedoes and torpedo-launch-
ing gear comprising the normal armament of naval
PART III vessels permitted by the present Treaty), sea mines
MILITARY, NAVAL AND AIR CLAUSES or torpedoes of non-contact types actuated by in-
fluence mechanisms, torpedoes capable of being
SECTION I manned, submarines or other submersible craft,
Article 11 motor torpedo boats, or specialised types of assault
The maintenance of land, sea and air armaments
and fortifications shall be closely restricted to meeting Article 15
tasks of an internal character and local defense of
Roumania shall not retain, produce or otherwise
frontiers. In accordance with the foregoing, Rou-
acquire, or maintain facilities for the manufacture of,
mania is authorised to have armed forces consisting
war material in excess of that required for the main-
of not more than :
tenance of the armed forces permitted under Article
(a) A land army, including frontier troops, with
11 of the present Treaty.
a total strength of 120,000 personnel;
(b) Anti-aircraft artillery with a strength of 5,000
Article 16
personnel; .
(e) A navy with a personnel strength of 5,000 1. Excess war material of Allied origin shall be
and a total tonnagd of 15,000 tons ; placed at the disposal of the Allied or Associated
(d) An air force, including any naval air arm, Power concerned according to the instructions given
of 150 aircraft, including reserves, of which not more by that Power. Excess Roumanian war material shall
than 100 may be combat types of aircraft, with a be placed at the disposal of the Governments of the
total personnel strength of 8,000. Roumania shall Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United
not possess or acquire any aircraft designed prima- States of America. Roumania shall renounce all rights
rily as bombers with internal bomb-carrying facilities. to this material.
These strengths shall in each case include combat, 2. War material of German origin or design in
service and overhead personnel. excess of that required for the armed forces permitted
under the present Treaty shall be placed at the dis-
Article 12 posal of the Three Governments. Roumania shall not
The personnel of the Roumanian Army, Navy and acquire or manufacture any war material of German
Air Force in excess of the respective strengths per- origin or design, or employ or train any technicians,
including military and civil aviation personnel, hwo PART IV
are or have been nationals of Germany. WITHDRAWAL OF ALLIED FORCES
3. Excess war material mentioned in paragraphs
1 and 2 of this Article shall be handed over or de- Article 21
stroyed within one year from the coming into force
of the present Treaty. 1. Upon the coming into force of the present
Treaty, all Allied Forces shall, within a period of
4. A definition and list of war material for the 90 days, be withdrawn from Roumania, subject to
purposes of the present Treaty are contained in the right of the Soviet Union to keep on Roumanian
Annex III. territory such armed forces as it may need for the
Article 17 maintenance of the lines of communication of the
Soviet Army with the Soviet zone of occupation in
Roumania shall co-operate fully with the Allied Austria.
and Associated Powers with a view to ensuring that 2. All unused Roumanian currency and all Rou-
Germany may not be able to take steps outside manian goods in possession of the Allied forces in
German territory towards rearmament. Roumania, acquired pursuant to Article 10 of the
Armistice Agreement, shall be returned to the Rou-
Article 18 manian Government within the same period of 90
Roumania shall not acquire or manufacture civil 3. Roumania shall, however, make available such
aircraft which are of German or Japanese design or maintenance and facilities as may specifically be re-
which embody major assemblies of German or Jap- quired for the maintenance of the lines of commu-
anese manufacture or design. nication with the Soviet zone of occupation in Aus-
tria, for which due compensation will be made to
Article 19 the Roumanian Government.
Each of the military, naval and air clauses of the
present Treaty shall remain in force until modified PART V
in whole or in part by agreement between the Allied
and Associated Powers and Roumania or, after Rou- REPARATION AND RESTITUTION
mania becomes a member of the United Nations, by
Article 22
agreement between the Security Council and Rou-
mania. 1. Losses caused to the Soviet Union by military'
operations and by the occupation by Roumania of
SECTION II Soviet territory shall be made good by Roumania
Article 20 to the Soviet Union, but, taking into consideration
that Roumania has not only withdrawn from the
1. Roumanian prisoners of war shall be repatriated war against the United Nations, but has declared
as soon as possible, in accordance with arrangements and, in fact, waged war against Germany, it is agreed
agreed upon by the individual Powers detaining them that compensation for the above losses will be made
and Roumania. by Roumania not in full but only in part, namely
2. All costs, including maintenance costs, incurred in the amount of $ 300,000,000 payable over eight
in moving Roumanian prisoners of war from their years from September 12, 1944, in commodities (oil
respective assembly points, as chosen by the Govern- products, grain, timber, seagoing and river craft,
ment of the Allied or Associated Power concerned, sundry machinery and other commodities).
to the point of their entry into Roumanian territory, 2. The basis of calculation for the settlement pro-
shall be borne by the Roumanian Government. vided in this Article will be the United States dollar
at its gold parity on the day of the signing of the PART VI
Armistice Agreement, i.e. $ 35 for one ounce of gold.
Article 23 Article 24
1. Roumania accepts the principles of the United 1. In so far as Roumania has not already done
Nations Declaration of January 5, 1943, and shall so, Roumania shall restore all legal rights and inter-
return property removed from the territory of any ests in Roumania of the United Nations and their
of the United Nations. nationals as they existed on September 1, 1939, and
shall return all property in Roumania, including
2. The obligation to make restitution applies to
all identifiable property at present in Roumania ships, of the United Nations and their nationals as
which was removed by force or duress by any of it now exists.
the Axis Powers from the territory of any of the If-r4iecessary, the Roumanian Government shall
United Nations, irrespective of any subsequent trans- revoke legislation enacted since September 1, 1939,
actions by which the present holder of any such in so far as it discriminates against the rights of
property has secured possession. United Nations nationals.
3. The Government entitled to restitution and the 2. The Roumanian Government undertakes that
Roumanian Government may conclude agreements all property, rights and interests passing under this
which will replace the provisions of the present Article shall be restored free of all encumbrances
Article. and charges of any kind to which they may have
4. The Roumanian Government shall return the become subject as a result of the war and without
property referred to in this Article in good order the imposition of any charges by the Roumanian
and, in this connection, shall bear all costs in Rou- Government in connection with their return. The
mania relating to labour, materials and transport. Roumanian Government shall nullify all measures,
5. The Roumanian Government shall co-operate including seizures, sequestration or control, taken
with the United Nations in, and shall provide at its by it against United Nations property between Sep-
own expense all necessary facilities for, the search tember 1, 1939, and the coming into force of the
for and restitution of property liable to restitution present Treaty. In cases where the property has not
under this Article. been returned within six months from the coming
6. The Roumanian Government shall take the into force of the present Treaty, application shall
necessary measures to effect the return of property be made to the Roumanian authorities not later
covered by this Article held in any third country than twelve months from the coming into force of
by persons subject to Roumanian jurisdiction. the Treaty, except in cases in which the claimant is
7. Claims for the restitution of property shall be able to show that he could not file his application
presented to the Roumanian Government by the within this period.
Government of the country from whose territory 3. The Roumanian Government shall invalidate
the property was removed, it being understood that transfers involving property, rights and interests of
rolling stock shall be regarded as having been re- any description belonging to United Nations nation-
moved from the territory to which it originally be- als, where such transfers resulted from force or
longed. The period during which such claims may duress exerted by Axis Governments or their agencies
be presented shall be six months from the coming during the war.
into force of the present Treaty. 4. (a) The Roumanian Government shall be re:
8. The burden of identifying the property and of sponsible for the restoration to complete good order
proving ownership shall rest on the claimant Govern- of the property returned to United Nations nationals
ment, and the burden of proving that the property under paragraph 1 of this Article. In cases where
was not removed by force or duress shall rest on property cannot be returned or where, as a result
the Roumanian Government. of the war, a United Nations national has suffer
a loss by reason of injury or damage to property United Nations or their nationals took place during
in Roumania, he shall receive from the Roumanian the period when this territory was not subject to
Government compensation in lei to the extent of Roumanian authority.
two-thirds of the sum necessary, at the date of pay- 6. All reasonable expenses incurred in Roumania
ment, to purchase similar property or to make good in establishing claims, including the assessment of
the loss suffered. In no event shall United Nations loss or damage, shall be borne by the Roumanian
nationals receive less favourable treatment with re- Government.
spect to compensation than that accorded to Rou- 7. United Nations nationals and their property
manian nationals. shall be exempted from any exceptional taxes, levies
(b) United Nations nationals who hold, directly or imposts imposed on their capital assets in Rou-
or indirectly, ownership interests in corporations or mania by the Roumanian Government or any Rou-
associations which are not United Nations nationals manian authority between the date of the Armistice
within the meaning of paragraph 9 (a) of this Ar- and the coming into force of the present Treaty for
ticle, but which have suffered a loss by reason of the specific purpose of meeting charges arising out
injury or damage to property in Roumania, shall of the war or of meeting the costs of occupying
receive compensation in accordance with sub-para- forces or of reparation payable to any of the United
graph (a) above. This compensation shall be cal- Nations. Any sums which have been so paid shall
culated on the basis of the total loss or damage be refunded.
suffered by the corporation or association and shall 8. The owner of the property concerned and the
bear the same proportion to such loss or damage Roumanian Government may agree upon arrange-
as the beneficial interests of such nationals in the ments in lieu of the provisions of this Article.
corporation or association bear to the total capital 9. As used in this Article :
thereof. (a) « United Nations nationals » means individ-
(c) Compensation shall be paid free of any levies, uals who are nationals of any of the United Na-
taxes or other charges. It shall be freely usable in tions, or corporations or associations organised under
Roumania but shall be subject to the foreign ex- the laws of any of the United Nations, at the com-
change control regulations which may be in force ing into force of the present Treaty, provided that
in Roumania from time to time. the said individuals, corporations or associations
(d) The Roumanian Government shall accord to also had this status at the date of the Armistice
United Nations nationals the same treatment in the with Roumania.
allocation :of materials for the repair or rehabili- The term « United Nations nationals » also in-
tation of their property in Roumania and in the cludes all individuals, corporations or associations
allocation of foreign exchange for the importation which, under the laws in force in Roumania during
of such materials as applies to Roumanian nationals. the war, have been treated as enemy ;
(e) The Roumanian Government shall grant (b) «Owner » means the United Nations national,
United Nations nationals an indemnity in lei at the as defined in sub-paragraph (a) above, who is en-
same rate as provided in sub-paragraph (a) above titled to the property in question, and includes a
to compensate them for the loss or damage due to successor of the owner, provided that the successor
special measures applied to their property during the is also a United Nations national as defined in sub-
war, and which were not applicable to Roumanian paragraph (a). If the successor has purchased the
property. This sub-paragraph does not apply to a property in its damaged state, the transferor shall
loss of profit. retain his rights to compensation under this Ar-
5. The provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article ticle, without prejudice to obligations between the
shall not apply to Roumania in so far as the action transferor and the purchaser under domestic law ;
(c) «Property » means all movable or immovable
which may give rise to a claim for damage to prop-
rety in Northern Transylvada belonging to the property, whether tangible or intangible, including
industrial, literary and artistic property, as well as and interests required to be restored under para-
all rights or interests of any kind in property. Without graph 1 of this Article.
prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provi-
sions, the property of the United Nations and their Article 26
nationals includes all seagoing and river vessels, Roumania recognizes that the Soviet Union is
together with their gear and equipment, which were entitled to all German assets in Roumania transferred
either owned by United Nations or their nationals, to the Soviet Union by the Control Council for Ger-
or registered in the territory of one of the United many and undertakes to take all necessary measures
Nations, or sailed under the flag of one of the United to facilitate such transfers.
Nations and which, after September 1, 1939, while
in Roumanian waters, or after they had been for- Article 27
cibly brought into Roumanian waters, either were
1. Each of the Allied and Associated Powers shall
placed under the control of the Roumanian author-
have the right to seize, retain, liquidate or take any
ities as enemy property or ceased to be at the free
other action with respect to all property, rights and
disposal in Roumania of the United Nations or
interests which at the coming into force of the present
their nationals, as a result of measures of control
Treaty are within its territory and belong to Roumania
taken by the Roumanian authorities in relation to
or to Roumanian nationals, and to apply such prop-
the existence of a state of war between members of
the United Nations and Germany.
erty or the proceeds thereof to such purposes as
it may desire, within the limits of its claims and
those of its nationals against Roumania or Rouma-
Article 25
nian nationals, including debts, other than claims
1. Roumania undertakes that in all cases where fully satisfied under other Articles of the present
the property, legal rights or interests in Roumania Treaty. All Roumanian property, or the proceeds
of persons under Roumanian jurisdiction have, since thereof, in excess of the amount of such claims, shall
September 1, 1939, been the subject of measures of be returned.
sequestration, confiscation or control on account of 2. The liquidation and disposition of Roumanian
the racial origin or religion of such persons, the said property shall be carried out in accordance with the
property, legal rights and interests shall be restored law of the Allied or Associated Power concerned.
together with their accessories or, if restoration is The Roumanian owner shall have no rights with
impossible, that fair compensation shall be made respect to such property except those which may be
therefor. given him by that law.
2. All property, rights and interests in Roumania 3. The Roumanian Government undertakes to com-
of persons, organisations or communities which, in- pensate Roumanian nationals whose property is taken
dividually or as members of groups, were the object under this ArtiCle and not returned to them.
of racial, religious or other Fascist measures of per- 4. No obligation is created by this Article on any
secution, and remaining heirless or unclaimed for Allied or Associated Power to return industrial prop-
six months after the coming into force of the present perty to the Roumanian Government or Roumanian
Treaty, shall be transferred by the Roumanian Gov- nationals, or to include such property in determining
ernment to organisations in Roumania respresent- the amounts which may be retained under paragraph
ative of such persons, organisations or communities. 1 of this Article. The Government of each of the
The property transferred shall be used by such organ- Allied and Associated Powers shall have the right
isations for purposes of relief and rehabilitation of to impose such limitations, conditions and restric-
surviving members of such groups, organisations and tions on rights or interests with respect to industrial
communities in Roumania. Such transfer shall be property in the territory of that Allied or Associated
effected within twelve months from the coming into Power, acquired prior to the coming into force of
force of the Treaty, and shall include property, rights the present Treaty by the Government or nationals

of Roumania, as may be deemed by the Government dispositions in favour of Roumania and Roumanian
of the Allied or Associated Power to be necessary in nationals by the Powers occupying Germany, Rou-
the national interest. mania waives on its own behalf and on behalf of
5. The property covered by paragraph 1 of this Roumanian nationals all claims against Germany
Article shall be deemed to include Roumanian prop- and German nationals outstanding on May 8, 1945,
erty which has been subject to control by reason except those arising out of contracts and other obli-
of a state of war existing between Roumania and the gations entered into, and rights acquired, before
Allied or Associated Power having jurisdiction over September 1, 1939. This waiver shall be deemed to
the property, but shall not include : include debts, all inter-governmental claims in re-
(a) Property of the Roumanian Government used spect of arrangements entered into in the course of
for consular or diplomatic purposes ; the war and all claims for loss or damage arising
(b) Property belonging to religious bodies or pri- during the war.
vate charitable institutions and used for religious or Article 29
charitable purposes ;
1. The existence of the state of war shall not, in
(c) Property of natural persons who are Rou-
itself, be regarded as affecting the obligation to pay
manian nationals permitted to reside within the ter-
ritory of the country in which the property is lo- pecuniary debts arising out of obligations and con-
tracts which existed, and rights which were acquired,
cated or to reside elsewhere in United Nations ter-
before the existence of the state of war, which be-
ritory, other than Roumanian property which at any
came payable prior to the coming into force of the
time during the war was subjected to measures not
present Treaty, and which are due by the Govern-
generally applicable to the property of Roumanian
ment or nationals of Roumania to the Government
nationals resident in the same territory;
(d) Property rights arising since the resumption or nationals of one of the Allied and Associated
Powers or are due by the Government or nationals
of trade and financial relations between the Allied
of one of the Allied and Associated Powers to the
and Associated Powers and Roumania, or arising
Government or nationals of Roumania.
out of transactions between the Government of any
2. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the
Allied or Associated Power and Roumania since
present Treaty, nothing therein shall be construed
September 12, 1944 ;
as impairing debtor-creditor relationships arising out
(e) Literary and artistic property rights.
of pre-war contracts concluded either by the Govern-
Article 28
ment or nationals of Roumania.

1. From the coming into force of the present Article 30

Treaty, property in Germany of Roumania and of 1. Roumania waives all claims of any description
Roumanian nationals shall no longer be treated as against the Allied and Associated Powers on behalf
enemy property and all restrictions based on such of the Roumanian Government or Roumanian na-
treatment shall be removed. tionals arising directly out of the war or out of
2. Identifiable property of Roumania and of Rou- actions taken because of the existence of a state
manian nationals removed by force or duress from of war in Europe after September 1, 1939, whether
Roumanian territory to Germany by German forces or not the Allied or Associated Power was at war
or authorities after September 12, 1944, shall be with Roumania at the time, including the following :
eligible for restitution. (a) Claims for losses or damages sustained as a
3. The restoration and restitution of Roumanian consequence of acts of forces or authorities of Allied
property in Germany shall be effected in accordance or Associated Powers ;
with measures which will be determined by the (b) Claims arising from the presence, operations
Powers in occupation of Germany. or actions of forces or authorities of Allied or Asso-
4. Without prejudice to these and to any other ciated Powers in Roumanian territory ;
(c) Claims with respect to the decrees or orders treatment to each of the United Nations which, in
of Prize Courts of Allied or Associated Powers, Rou- fact, reciprocally grants similar treatment in like mat-
mania agreeing to accept as valid and binding all ters to Roumania :
decrees and orders of such Prize Courts on or after (a) In all that concerns duties and charges on
September 1, 1939, concerning Roumanian ships or importation or exportation, the internal taxation of
Roumanian goods or the payment of costs ; imported goods and all regulations pertaining there-
(d) Claims arising out of the exercise or pur- to, the United Nations shall be granted uncondi-
ported exercise of belligerent rights. tional most-favoured-nation treatment ;
2. The provisions of this Article shall bar, com- (b) In all other respects, Roumania shall make no
pletely and finally, all claims of the nature referred arbitrary discrimination against goods originating in
to herein, which will be henceforward extinguished, or destined for any territory of any of the United
whoever may be the parties in interest. The Rou- Nations as compared with like goods originating in
manian Government agrees to make equitable com- or destined for territory of any other of the United
pensation in lei to persons who furnished supplies Nations or of any other foreign country ;
or services on requisition to the forces of Allied or (c) United Nations nationals, including juridical
Associated Powers in Roumanian territory and in persons, shall be granted national and most-favoured-
satisfaction of noncombat damage claims against nation treatment in all matters pertaining to com-
the forces of Allied or Associated Powers arising merce, industry, shipping and other forms of business
in Roumanian territory. activity within Roumania. These provisions shall not
3. Roumania likewise waives all claims of the na- apply to commercial aviation ;
ture covered by paragraph 1 of this Article on behalf (d) Roumania shall grant no exclusive or dis-
of the Roumanian Government or Roumanian na- criminatory right to any country with regard to the
tionals against any of the United Nations whose dip- operation of commercial aircraft in international
lomatic relations with Roumania were broken off traffic, shall afford all the United Nations equality
during the war and which took action in co-oper- of opportunity in obtaining international commercial
ation with the Allied and Associated Powers. aviation rights in Roumanian territory, including the
4. The Roumanian Government shall assume full right to land for refueling and repair, and, with
responsibility for all Allied military currency issued regard to the operation of commercial aircraft in
in Roumania by the Allied military authorities, in- international traffic, shall grant on a reciprocal and
cluding all such currency in circulation at the coming non-discriminatory basis to all United Nations the
into force of the present Treaty. right to fly over Roumanian territory without landing.
5. The waiver of claims by Roumania under par- These provisions shall not affect the interests of the
agraph 1 of this Article includes any claims arising national defence of Roumania.
out of actions taken by any of the Allied and Asso- 2. The foregoing undertakings by Roumania shall
ciated Powers with respect to Roumanian ships be- be understood to be subject to the exceptions cus-
tween September 1, 1939, and the coming into force tomarily included in commercial treaties concluded
of the present Treaty, as well as any claims and by Roumania before the war, and the provisions
debts arising out of the Conventions on prisoners of with respect to reciprocity granted by each of the
war now in force. United Nations shall be understood to be subject to
the exceptions customarily included in the commercial
Article 31 treaties concluded by that State.
1. Pending the conclusion of commercial treaties Article 32
or agreements between individual United Nations
and Roumania, the Roumanian Government shall, 1. Any disputes which may arise in connection
during a period of eighteen months from the coming with Articles 23 and 24 and Annexes IV, V and VI,
into force of the present Treaty, grant the following part B of the present Treaty shall be referred to a
Conciliation Commission composed of an equal Article 35
number of representatives of the United Nations The provisions of Annexes IV, V and VI shall
Government concerned and of the Roumanian as in the case of the other Annexes, have force and
Government. If agreement has not been reached effect as integral parts of the present Treaty.
within three months of the dispute having been re-
ferred to the Conciliation Commission, either Gov-
ernment may require the addition of a third member PART VII
to the Commission, and failing agreement between CLAUSE RELATING TO THE DANUBE
the two Governments on the selection of this member,
Article 36
the Secretary-General of the United Nations may be
requested by either party to make the appointment. Navigation on the Danube shall be free and open
2. The decision of the majority of the members for the nationals, vessels of commerce, and goods of
of the Commission shall be the decision of the Com- all States, on a footing of equality in regard to port
mission and shall be accepted by the parties as de- and navigation charges and conditions for merchan
finitive and binding. shipping. The foregoing shall not apply to traffic
between ports -of the same State.
Article 33
Any disputes which may arise in connection with FINAL CLAUSES
the prices paid by the Roumanian Government for
goods delivered by this Government on account of Article 37
reparation and acquired from nationals of an Allied 1. For a period not to exceed eighteen months
or Associated Power or companies owned by them from the coming into force of the present Treaty,
shall be settled, without prejudice to the execution the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions in Bucharest
of the obligations of Roumania with regard to of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the
reparation, by means of diploinatic negotiations be- United States of America, acting in concert, will
tween the Government of the country concerned and represent the Allied and Associated Powers in deal-
the Roumanian Government. Should the direct dip- ing with the Roumanian Government in all matters
lomatic negotiations between the parties concerned concerning the execution and interpretation of the
not result in a solution of the dispute within two present Treaty.
months, such dispute shall be referred to the Heads 2. The Three Heads of Mission will give the Rou-
of the Diplomatic Missions in Bucharest of the manian Government such guidance, technical advice
Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United and clarification as may be necessary to ensure the
States of America for settlement. In case the Heads rapid and efficient execution of the present Treaty
of Mission fail to reach agreement within two months, both in letter and in spirit.
either party may request the Secretary-General of 3. The Roumanian Government shall afford the
the United Nations to appoint an arbitrator whose said Three Heads of Mission all necessary informa-
decision shall be binding on the parties to the dispute. tion and any assistance which they may require in
the fulfilment of the tasks devolving on them under
Article 34 the present Treaty.
Article 38
Articles 23, 24, 31 and Annex VI of the present
Treaty shall apply to the Allied and Associated 1. Except where another procedure is specifically
Powers and France and to those of the United Na- provided under any Article of the present Treaty,
tions whose diplomatic relations with Roumania any dispute concerning the interpretation or execu-
have been broken off during the war. tion of the Treaty, which is not settled by direct
diplomatic negotiations, shall be referred to the cession shall be deemed to be an Associated Power
Three Heads of Mission acting under Article 37, for the purposes of the Treaty.
except that in this case the Heads of Mission will 2. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with
not be .restricted by the time limit provided in that the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Article. Any such dispute not resolved by them Republics and shall take effect upon deposit.
within a period of two months shall, unless the
parties to the dispute mutually agree upon another Article 40
means of settlement, be referred at the request of The present Treaty, of which the Russian and
either party to the dispute to a Commission com- English texts are authentic, shall be ratified by the
posed of one representative of each party and a Allied and Associated Powers. It shall also be rati-
third member selected by mutual agreement of the fied by Roumania. It shall come into force immedi-
two parties from nationals of a third country. Should ately upon the deposit of ratifications by the Union
the two parties fail to agree within a period of one of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom
month upon the appointment of the third member, of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United
the Secretary-General of the United Nations may States of America. The instruments of ratification
be requested by either party to make the appointment. shall, in the shortest time possible, be deposited with
2. The decision of the majority of the members the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist
of the Commission shall be the decision of the Com- Republics.
mission, and shall be accepted by the parties as de- With respect to each Allied or Associated Power
finitive and binding. whose instrument of ratification is thereafter depos-
ited, the Treaty shall come into force upon the
Article 39 date of deposit. The present Treaty shall be deposited
1. Any member of the United Nations, not a sig- in the archives of the Government of the Union of
natory to the present Treaty, which is at war with Soviet Socialist Republics, which shall furnish cer-
Roumania, may accede to the Treaty and upon ac- tified copies to each of the signatory States.

I. Map of Roumanian Frontiers
II. Definition of Military, Military Air and Naval
III. Definition and list of war material
IV. Special provisions relating to certain kinds of
A. Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property
B. Insurance
V. Contracts, Prescription and Negotiable Instru-
VI. Prize Courts and Judgments

(See Article 1) (See Article 16)
Map of the Roumanian Frontiers Definition and List of War Mater a
The term « war material n as used in the presnet
ANNEX II Treaty shall include all arms, ammunition and im-
plements specially designed or adapted for use int
(See Article 13) war as listed below.
Definition of Military, Military Air and Naval The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the
Training right to amend the list periodically by modification
or addition in the light of subsequent scientific de-
1. Military training is defined as : the study of velopment.
and practice in the use of war material specially
designed or adapted for army purposes, and train- Category I.
ing devices relative thereto ; the study and carrying
out of all drill or movements which teach or practice 1. Military rifles, carbines, revolvers and pistols;
evolutions performed by fighting forces in battle; barrels for these weapons and other spare parts not
.and the organised study of tactics, strategy and staff readily adaptable for civilian use.
work. 2. Machine guns, military automatic or autoload-
2. Military air training is defined as : the study of ing rifles, and machine pistols ; barrels for these
and practice in the use of war material specially de- weapons and other spare parts not readily adapt-
signed or adapted for air force purposes, and train- able for civilian use ; machine gun mounts.
ing devices relative thereto ; the study and practice 3. Guns, howitzers, mortars, cannon special to
of all specialised evolutions, including formation aircraft ; breechless or recoil-less guns and flamethrow-
flying, performed by aircraft in the accomplishment ers ; barrels and other spare parts not readily adapt-
of an air force mission ; and the organised study of able for civilian use ; carriages and mountings for
air tactics, strategy and staff work. the foregoing.
3. Naval training is defined as : the study, admin- 4. Rocket projectors; launching and control mech-
istration or practice in the use of warships or naval anisms for self-propelling and guided missiles ;
establishments as well as the study or employment mountings for same.
of all apparatus and training devices relative thereto, 5. Self-propelling and guided missiles, projectiles,
which are used in the prosecution of naval warfare, rockets, fixed ammunition and cartridges, filled or
except for those which are also normally used for unfilled, for the arms listed in sub-paragraphs 1-4
civilian purposes ; also the teaching, practice or or- above and fuses, tubes or contrivances to explode
ganised study of naval tactics, strategy and staff or operate them. Fuses required for civilian use are
work including the execution of all operations and not included.
manoeuvres not required in the peaceful employment 6. Grenades, bombs, torpedoes, mines, depth charg-
of ships. es and incendiary materials or charges, filled or
unfilled ; all means for exploding or operating them. ian uses, as well as all equipment, accessories, spare
Fuses required for civilian use are not included. parts, experimental or training aids, instruments or
7. Bayonets. installations as may be specially designed for the
construction, testing, maintenance or housing of the
Category II. same.

1. Armoured fighting vehicles ; armoured trains, Category V.

not technically convertible to civilian use.
2. Mechanical and self-propelled carriages for any 1. Aircraft, assembled or unassembled, both heav-
of the weapons listed in Category I; special type ier and lighter than air, which are designed or
military chassis or bodies other than those enumer- adapted for aerial combat by the use of machine
ated in sub-paragraph 1 above. guns, rocket projectors or artillery or for the carrying
3. Armour plate, greater than three inches in and dropping of bombs, or which are equipped with,
thickness, used for protective purposes in warfare. or which by reason of their design or construction
are prepared for, any of the appliances referred to
Category III. in sub-paragraph 2 below.
2. Aerial gun mounts and frames, bomb racks,
1. Aiming and computing devices, including pre- torpedo carriers and bomb release or torpedo release
dictors and plotting apparatus, for fire control; mechanisms ; gun turrets and blisters.
direction of fire instruments ; gun sights ; bomb 3. Equipment specially designed for and used
sights ; fuse setters ; equipment for the calibration solely by airborne troops.
of guns and fire control instruments. 4. Catapults or launching apparatus for ship-
2. Assault bridging, assault boats and storm boats. borne, land- or sea-based aircraft ; apparatus for
3. Deceptive warfare, dazzle and decoy devices. launching aircraft weapons.
4. Personal war equipment of a specialised nature 5. Barrage balloons.
not readily adaptable to civilian use.
Category VI.
Category IV.
Asphyxiating, lethal, toxic or incapacitating sub-
1. Warships of all kinds, including converted stances intended for war purposes, or manufactured
vessels and craft designed or intended for their attend-
in excess of civilian requirements.
ance or support, which cannot be technically recon-
verted to civilian use, as well as weapons, armour, Category VII.
ammunition, aircraft and all other equipment, ma-
terial, machines and installations not used in peace Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics or liquefied
time on ships other than warships. gases destined for the propulsion, explosion, charg-
2. Landing craft and amphibious vehicles or equip- ing or filling of, or for use in connection with, the
ment of any kind ; assault boats or devices of any war material in the present categories, not capable
type as well as catapults or other apparatus for of civilian use or manufactured in excess of civilian
launching or throwing aircraft, rockets, propelled requirements.
weapons or any other missile, instrument or device
whether manned or unmanned, guided or uncon- Category VIII.
3. Submersible or semi-submersible ships, craft, Factory and tool equipment specially designed for
weapons, devices or apparatus of any kind, includ- the production and maintenance of the material enu-
ing specially designed harbour defence booms, merated above and not technically convertible to
except as required by salvage, rescue or other civil- civilian use.
ANNEX IV be excluded from the normal term of rights in in-
dustrial, literary and artistic property which were in
Special Provisions Relating to Certain Kinds of force in Roumania at the outbreak of the war or
Property which are recognized or established under part A
of this Annex and belong to any of the Allied and
A. INDUSTRIAL, LITERARY AND ARTISTIC PROPERTY Associated Powers or their nationals. Consequently,
the normal duration of such rights shall be deemed
1. (a) A period of one year from the coming into to be automatically extended in Roumania for a
force of the present Treaty shall be accorded to the further term corresponding to the period so excluded.
Allied and Associated Powers and their nationals 4. The foregoing provisions concerning the rights
without extension fees or other penalty of any sort in Roumania of the Allied and Associated Powers
in order to enable them to accomplish all necessary and their nationals shall apply equally to the rights
acts for the obtaining or preserving in Roumania of in the territories of the Allied and Associated Powers
rights in industrial, literary and artistic property of Roumania and its nationals. Nothing, however,
which were not capable of accomplishment owing to in these provisions shall entitle Roumania or its
the existence of a state of war. nationals to more favourable treatment in the terri-
(b) Allied and Associated Powers or their na- tory of any of the Allied and Associated Powers
tionals who had duly applied in the territory of any than is accorded by such Power in like cases to other
Allied or Associated Power for a patent or registra- United Nations or their nationals, nor shall Rou-
tion of a utility model not earlier than twelve months mania be thereby required to accord to any of the
before the outbreak of the war with Roumania or Allied and Associated Powers or its nationals more
during the war, or for the registration of an indus- favourable treatment than Roumania or its nationals
trial design or model or trade mark not earlier than receive in the territory of such Power in regard to
six months before the outbreak of the war with the matters dealt with in the foregoing provisions.
Roumania or during the war, shall be entitled within 5. Third parties in the territories of any of the
twelve months after the coming into force of the Allied and Associated Powers or Roumania who,
present Treaty to apply for corresponding rights in before the coming into force of the present Treaty,
Roumania, with a right of priority based upon the had bona fide acquired industrial, literary or artistic
previous filing of the application in the territory of property rights conflicting with rights restored under
that Allied or Associated Power. part A of this Annex or with rights obtained with
(c) Each of the Allied and Associated Powers the priority provided thereunder, or had bona fide
and its nationals shall be accorded a period of one manufactured, published, reproduced, used or sold
year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the subject matter of such rights, shall be permitted,
during which they may institute proceedings in Rou- without any liability for infringement, to continue
mania against those natural or juridical persons who to exercise such rights and to continue or to resume
are alleged illegally to have infringed their rights in such manufacture, publication, reproduction, use or
industrial, literary or artistic property between the sale which had been bona fide acquired or com-
date of the outbreak of the war and the coming into menced. In Roumania, such permission shall take
force of the Treaty. the form of a non-exclusive licence granted on terms
2. A period from the outbreak of the war until and conditions to be mutually agreed by the parties
a date eighteen months after the coming into force thereto or, in default of agreement, to be fixed by
of the present Treaty shall be excluded in determin- the Conciliation Commission established under Ar-
ing the time within which a patent must be worked ticle 32 of the present Treaty. In the territories of
or a design or trademark used. each of the Allied and Associated Powers, however,
3. The period from the outbreak of the war until bona fide third parties shall receive such protection
the coming into force of the present Treaty shall as is accorded under similar circumstances to bona
.fide third parties whose rights are in conflict with ANNEX V
those of the nationals of other Allied and Asso-
ciated Powers. Contracts, Prescription and Negotiable Instruments
6. Nothing in part A of this Annex shall be con-
strued to entitle Roumania or its nationals to any A. CONTRACTS
patent or utility model rights in the territory of any
of the Allied and Associated Powers with respect 1. Any contract which required for its execution
to inventions, relating to any article listed by name intercourse between any of the parties thereto having
in Annex III of the present Treaty, made, or upon become enemies as defined in part D of this Annex,
which applications were filed, by Roumania, or any shall, subject to the exceptions set out in paragraphs
of its nationals, in Roumania or in the territory of 2 and 3 below, be deemed to have been dissolved as
any other of the Axis Powers, or in any territory from the time when any of the parties thereto be-
occupied by the Axis forces, during the time when came enemies. Such dissolution, however, is without
such territory was under the control of the forces prejudice to the provisions of Article 29 of the present
or authorities of the Axis Powers. Treaty, nor shall it relieve any party to the contract
7. Roumania shall likewise extend the benefits of from the obligation to repay amounts received as
the foregoing provisions of this Annex to France, advances or as payments on account and in respect
and to other United Nations which are not Allied of which such party has not rendered performance
or Associated Powers, whose diplomatic relations in return.
with Roumania have been broken off during the 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1
war and which undertake to extend to Roumania above, there shall be excepted from dissolution and,
the benefits accorded to Roumania under the said without prejudice to the rights contained in Article
provisions. 27 of the present Treaty, there shall remain in force
8. Nothing in part A of this Annex shall be un- such parts of any contract as are severable and did
derstood to conflict with Articles 24, 27 and 29 of not require. for their execution intercourse between
the present Treaty. any of the parties thereto, having become enemies
as defined in part D of this Annex. Where the pro-
visions of any contract are not so severable, the
B. INSURANCE contract shall be deemed to have been dissolved in
its entirety. The foregoing shall be subject to the
1. No obstacles, other than any applicable to insur- application of domestic laws, orders or regulations
ers generally, shall be placed in the way of the made by any of the Allied and Associated Powers
resumption by insurers who are United Nations na- having jurisdiction over the contract or over any of
tionals of their former portfolios of business. the parties thereto and shall be subject to the terms
2. Should an insurer, who is a national of any of the contract.
of the United Nations, wish to resume his pro- 3. Nothing in part A of this Annex shall be deemed
fessional activities in Roumania, and should the to invalidate transactions lawfully carried out in ac-
value of the guarantee deposits or reserves required cordance with a contract between enemies if they
to be held as a condition of carrying on business have been carried out with the authorization of the
in Roumania be found to have decreased as a result Government of one of the 'Allied and Associated
of the loss or depreciation of the securities which Powers.
constituted such deposits or reserves, the Rouma- 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, con-
nian Government undertakes to accept, for a period tracts of insurance and re-insurance shall be subject
of eighteen months, such securities as still remain to separate agreements between the Government of
as fulfilling any legal requirements in respect of the Allied or Associated Power concerned and the
deposits and reserves. Government of Roumania.
B. PERIODS OF PRESCRIPTION ance or for payment, or within which notice of non-
acceptance or non-payment should have been given
1. All periods of prescription or limitation of right to the drawer or endorser, or within which the in-
of action or of the right to take conservatory meas- strument should have been protested, had elapsed
ures in respect of relations affecting persons or during the war, and the party who should have pre-
property, involving United Nations nationals and sented or protested the instrument or have given no-
Roumanian nationals who, by reason of the state tice of non-acceptance or non-payment has failed
of war, were unable to take judicial action or to to do so during the war, a period of not less than
comply with the formalities necessary to safeguard three months from the coming into force of the
their rights, irrespective of wether these periods com- present Treaty shall be allowed within which pres-
menced before or after the outbreak of war, shall be entation, notice of non-acceptance or non-payment,
regarded as having been suspended, for the duration or protest may be made.
of the war, in Roumanian territory on the one hand, 3. If a person has, either before or during the war,
and on the other hand in the territory of those United
incurred obligations under a negotiable instrument
Nations which grant to Roumania, on a reciprocal
in consequence of an undertaking given to him by a
basis, the benefit of the provisions of this paragraph.
person who has subsequently become an enemy, the
These periods shall begin to run again on the coming
latter shall remain liable to indemnify the former in
into force of the present Treaty. The provisions of respect of these obligations, notwithstanding the out-
this paragraph shall be applicable in regard to the
break of war.
periods fixed for the presentation of interest or div-
idend coupons or for the presentation for payment D. SPECIAL PROVISIONS
of securities drawn for repayment or repayable on
any other ground. 1. For the purposes of this Annex, natural or ju-
2. Where, on account of failure to perform any ridical persons shall be regarded as enemies from the
act or to comply with any formality during the war, date when trading between them shall have become
measures of execution have been taken in Roumanian unlawful under laws, orders or regulations to which
territory to the prejudice of a national of one of the such persons or the contracts were subject.
United Nations, the Roumanian Government shall 2. Having regard to the legal system of the United
restore the rights which have been detrimentally States of America, the provisions of this Annex shall
affected. If such restoration is impossible or would not apply as between the United States of America
be inequitable, the Roumanian Government shall and Roumania.
provide that the United Nations national shall be
afforded such relief as may be just and equitable ANNEX VI
in the circumstances.
Prize Courts and Judgments

1. As between enemies, no negotiable instrumen Each of the Allied and Associated Powers reserves
made before the war shall be deemed to have become the right to examine, according to a procedure to
invalid by reason only of failure within the required be established by it, all decisions and orders of the
time to present the instrument for acceptance or Roumanian Prize Courts in cases involving ownership
payment, or to give notice of non-acceptance or rights of its nationals, and to recommend to the
non-payment to drawers or endorsers, or to protest Roumanian Government that revision shall be un-
the instrument, nor by reason of failure to complete dertaken of such of those decisions or orders as may
any formality during the war. not be in conformity with international law.
2. Where the period within which a negotiable The Roumanian Government undertakes to supply
instrument should have been presented for accept- copies of all documents comprising the records of
these cases, including the decisions taken and orders June 22, 1941, and the coming into force of the
issued, and to accept all recommendations made as present Treaty in any proceeding in which the United
a result of the examination of the said cases, and Nations national was unable to make adequate pres-
to give effect to such recommendations. entation of his case either as plaintiff or defendant.
The Roumanian Government shall provide that,
where the United Nations national has suffered injury
by reason of any such judgment, he shall be restored
The Roumanian Government shall take the nec- in the position in which he was before the judgment
essary measures to enable nationals of any of the was given or shall be afforded such relief as may
United Nations at any time within one year from be just and equitable in the circumstances. The term
the coming into force of the present Treaty to submit United Nations nationals" includes corporations or
to the appropriate Roumanian authorities for review associations organised or constituted under the laws
any judgment given by a Roumanian court between of any of the United Nations.




Preambule ........... , 75

Articles 1-2 75


Section I. Articles 3-6

Section It. Articles 7-10
. . . . . . ..... . 76

Section I. Articles 11-19 77
Section II. Article 20 . 78

Article 21 . 78

Articles 22-23 . . . . . 79


Articles 24-35 79

Article 36 . . 85

Articles 37-40 . 85


I. Carte des frontieres roumaines (non reproduite)
II, Definition de l'instruction militaire, aerienne et navale . . . . 89
III. Definition et bs7 te du materiel de guerre 89
IV. Dispositions speciales concernant certaines categories de biens :
A. Propriete industrielle, litteraire et artistique . . . . . 91
B. Assurances 92
V. Contrats, prescription, effets de commerce 92
VI. Tribunaux de prises et jugements 94
Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, le Royaume-Uni de et qui forme la base de relations amicales entre elles
Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, l'Union des permettant ainsi aux Puissances Alliees et Associees
Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes, l'Australie, la d'appuyer les demandes que la Roumanie presentera
Republique Sovietique Socialiste de Bielorussie, le pour devenir membre de l'Organisation des Nations
Canada, l'Inde, la Nouvelle-Zelande, la Tchecoslo- Unies et pour adherer a toute convention conclue
vaquie, la Republique Sovietique Socialiste d'U- sous les auspices des Nations Unies ;
kraine, et 1'Union Sud-Africaine, en tant qu'Etats Pour ces motifs, ont decide de proclamer la ces-
en guerre avec la Roumanie et qui ont participe sation de l'etat de guerre et de conclure a. cet effet
activement a la lutte contre les Etats europeens le present Traite de Paix et ont, a ces fins, designe
ennemis avec des forces militaires importantes, de- les Plenipotentiaires soussignes, lesquels, apres pre-
sign& ci-apres sous le nom de « Puissances Alliees sentation de leurs pleins pouvoirs, reconnus en bonne
et Associees », d'une part ; et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants :
et la Roumanie d'autre part ;
Considerant que la Roumanie, qui a conclu une PARTIE I
alliance avec l'Allemagne hitlerienne et a participe
a ses cotes a la guerre contre les Etats-Unis d'Ame- FRONTIERES
rique, le Royaume-Uni, l'Union des Republiques
Sovietiques Socialistes et d'autres Nations Unies, Article 1
porte sa part de responsabilite dans cette guerre ; Les frontieres de la Roumanie, telles qu'elles sont
Considerant toutefois que le 24 aoilt 1944 la Rou- indiquees sur la carte jointe au present Traite (an-
manie a cesse toutes operations militaires contre nexe I) demeureront telles qu'elles etaient au ier
l'Union Sovietique, qu'elle s'est retiree de la guerre janvier 1941, a l'exception de la frontiere roumano-
contre les Nations Unies et qu'elle a rompu ses hongroise qui est definie a l'article 2 du present
relations avec l'Allemagne et ses satellites et qu'apres Trait&
avoir conclu, le 12 septembre 1944, un armistice La frontiere sovieto-roumaine est ainsi fixee con-
avec les Gouvernements des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, formement aux dispositions de l'accord sovieto-rou-
du Royaume-Uni et de 1'Union des Republiques main du 28 juin 1940 et a celles de l'accord sovieto-
Sovietiques Socialistes, agissant dans l'interet de tchecoslovaque du 29 juin 1945.
toutes les Nations Unies, elle a pris une part active
a la guerre contre l'Allemagne ; Article 2
Considerant que les Puissances Alliees et Asso- Les decisions de la Sentence de Vienne du 30
ciees et la Roumanie sont desireuses de conclure aoilt 1940 sont declarees nulles et non avenues. La
un traite de paix qui regle, en conformite avec les frontiere entre la Roumanie et la Hongrie est reta-
principes de justice, les questions demeurant en sus- blie par le present article telle qu'elle etait au ler
pens a la suite des evenements ci-dessus rappeles janvier 1938.
PARTIE II tions faisant une propagande hostile a l'Union Sov:e-
tique ou a toute autre Nation Unie, s'engage a ne
CLAUSES POLITIQUES pas tolerer a l'avenir l'existence et l'activite d'orga-
nisations de cette nature qui ont pour but de priver
le peuple de ses droits democratiques.
Article 3 Article 6
1. La Roumanie prendra toutes les mesures ne- 1. La Roumanie prendra toutes les mesures neces-
cessaires pour assurer a toutes les personnes relevant sakes pour assurer l'arrestation et la livraison en
de sa juridiction, sans distinction de race, de sexe, vue de leur jugement :
de langue ou de religion, la jouissance des droits (a) des personnes accusees d'avoir commis, or-
de l'homme et des libertes fondamentales, y compris donne des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre la
la liberte d'expression de la pensee, la liberte de paix ou l'humanite, ou d'en avoir ete complices ;
presse et de publication, la liberte du culte, la liberte (b) des ressortissants de l'une quelconque des
d'opinion et de reunion. Puissances Alliees ou Associees accuses d'avoir en-
2. La Roumanie s'engage en outre a ce que les freint les lois de leur pays en commettant des actes
lois en vigueur en Roumanie ne comportent, soit de trahison ou en collaborant avec l'ennemi pendant
dans leur texte, soit dans les modalites de leur appli- la guerre.
cation, aucune discrimination directe ou indirecte 2. A la demande du Gouvernement de l'une des
entre les ressortissants roumains en raison de leur Nations Unies interessees, la Roumanie devra as-
race, de leur sexe, de leur langue, de leur religion, surer en outre la comparution, comme temoins, des
tant en ce qui concerne leur personne, leurs biens, personnes relevant de sa juridiction dont la depo-
leurs interets commerciaux, professionnels ou finan- sition est necessaire pour le jugement des personnes
ciers, leur statut, leurs droits politiques et civils visees au paragraphe 1 du present article.
qu'en toute autre matiere. 3. Tout desaccord concernant l'application des dis-
positions des paragraphes 1 et 2, du present article
Article 4 sera soumis par tout Gouvernement interesse aux
La Roumanie qui, conformement a la Convention Chefs des missions diplomatiques a Bucarest des
d'Armistice, a pris des mesures pour mettre en liberte, Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Royaume-Uni et de
sans distinction de citoyennete ou de nationalite, l'Union Sovietique, qui se mettront d'accord sur le
toutes les personnes detenues en raison de leurs ac- point souleve.
tivites en faveur des Nations Unies ou de leur sym-
pathie pour celles-ci, ou en raison de leur origine SECTION II
raciale, et pour abroger la legislation ayant un Ca- Article 7
ractere discriminatoire et rapporter les restrictions La Roumanie s'engage a reconnaitre la pleine va-
imposees en vertu de celle-ci, s'engage a completer leur des Traites de Paix avec l'Italie, la Bulgarie, la
ces mesures et a ne prendre a l'avenir aucune mesure
Hongrie et la Finlande ainsi que des autres accords
ou a n'edicter aucune loi qui serait incompatible avec ou arrangements qui ont ete conclus ou qui Iseront
les fins enoncees dans le present article. conclus par les Puissances Alliees et Associees, en ce
qui concerne l'Autriche, l'Allemagne et le Japon, en
Article 5 vue du retablissement de la paix.
La Roumanie qui, conformement a la Convention
d'Armistice, a pris des mesures en vue de dissoudre Article 8
toutes les organisations politiques, militaires ou pa- L'etat de guerre entre la Roumanie et la Hongrie
ramilitaires de caractere fasciste existant sur le ter- prendra fin a la date d'entree en vigueur du present
ritoire roumain, ainsi que toutes autres organisa- Traite de Paix et du Traite de Paix entre les Etats
Unis d'Amerique, le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bre- positions ci-dessus, la Roumanie est autorisee a con-
tagne et d'Irlande du Nord, l'Union des Republiques server des forces armees ne depassant pas :
Sovietiques Socialistes, 1'Australie, la Republique So- (a) Pour Farm& de terre, y compris les gardes-
vietique Socialiste de Bielorussie, le Canada, 1'Inde, frontieres, un effectif total de 120.000 hommes ;
la Nouvelle-Zelande, la Tchecoslovaquie, la Repu- (b) Pour l'artillerie de defense anti-aerienne, un
blique Sovietique Socialiste d'Ukraine, l'Union Sud- effectif de 5.000 hommes ;
Africaine, et la Republique Federative Populaire de (c) Pour la marine, un effectif de 5.000 hommes
Yougoslavie d'une part, et la Hongrie d'autre part. et un tonnage total de 15.000 tonnes ;
(d) Pour l'aviation militaire, y compris l'aero-
Article 9 nautique navale et les avions de reserve, 150 avions
La Roumanie s'engage a accepter tous les arran- dont 100 au maximum pourront etre des avions de
gements qui ont ete conclus ou qui pourront etre combat et un effectif total de 8.000 hommes. La
conclus pour la liquidation de la Societe des Nations Roumanie ne devra ni posseder, ni acquerir d'avions
et de la Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale. congus essentiellement comme bombardiers et corn-
portant des dispositifs interieurs pour le transport
Article 10 des bombes.
Ces effectifs comprendront, dans chaque cas, le
1. Chacune des Puissances Alliees et Associees no-
personnel de commandement, les unites combattantes
tifiera a la Roumanie, dans un alai de six mois a et les services.
partir de l'entree en vigueur du present Traite, les
traites bilateraux qu'elle a conclus avec la Roumanie, Article 12
anterieurement a la guerre, et dont elle desire le
maintien ou la remise en vigueur. Toutes dispositions Le personnel de l'armee, de la marine et de l'avia-
des traites dont it s'agit qui ne seraient pas en con- tion roumaines en excedent des effectifs autorises
formite avec le present Traite seront' toutefois sup- dans chaque cas aux termes de l'article 11, sera
primees. licencie dans un delai de six mois a partir de l'entree
2. Tous les traites de cette nature qui auront fait* en vigueur du present Traite.
l'objet de cette notification seront enregistres au Se-
cretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, con- Article 13
formement a l'article 102 de la Charte des Nations Aucune forme d'instruction militaire, navale ou
Unies. aerienne, au sens de l'annexe II, ne sera donnee aux
3. Tous les traites de cette nature qui n'auront personnes ne faisant pas partie de l'armee, de la
pas fait l'objet d'une telle notification seront tenus marine ou de l'aviation roumaines.
pour abroges.
Article 14
PARTIE III La Roumanie ne possedera, ne fabriquera ni n'ex-
CLAUSES MILITAIRES, NAVALES perimentera aucune arme atomique, aucun projectile
ET AERIENNES automoteur ou dirige, ni aucun dispositif employe
pour le lancement de ces projectiles (autre que les
SECTION I torpilles ou dispositifs de lancement de torpilles
faisant partie de l'armement normal des navires au-
Article 11 torises par le present Traite), aucune mine marine
Les armements terrestres, maritimes et aeriens et ou torpille fonctionnant par un mecanisme a in-
les fortifications seront strictement limites de maniere fluence, aucune torpille humaine, aucun sous-marin
a repondre aux taches d'ordre interieur et a la de- ou autre batiment submersible, aucune vedette lance-
fense locale des frontieres. Conformement aux dis- torpilles, ni aucun type specialise de b'atiment d'assaut.
Article 15 Article 19
La Roumanie ne devra pas conserver, fabriquer ou Chacune des clauses militaires, navales et aeriennes
acquerir par tout autre moyen, de materiel de guerre du present Traite restera en vigueur aussi longtemps
en excedent de ce qui est necessaire au maintien des qu'elle n'aura pas ete modifiee, entierement ou par-
forces armees autorisees par l'article 11 du present tiellement, par accord entre les Puissances Alliees et
Traite, ni laisser subsister de facilites pour la pro- Associees et la Roumanie, ou, apres que la Roumanie
duction de ce materiel de guerre. sera devenue membre de 1'Organisation des Nations
Unies, par accord entre le Conseil de Securite et la
Article 16 Roumanie.
1. Le materiel de guerre de provenance alliee en
excedent sera mis a la disposition de la Puissance
Alliee ou Associee interessee conformement aux in- Article 20
structions qui seront donnees par celle-ci ; le materiel1. Les prisonniers de guerre roumains seront ra-
de guerre roumain en excedent sera mis a la dispo- patries aussitot que possible conformement aux ar-
sition des Gouvernements des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, rangements conclus entre chacune des Puissances qui
du Royaume-Uni et de l'Union Sovietique. La Rou- detiennent ces prisonniers et la Roumanie.
manie renoncera a tous droits sur ce materiel. 2. Tous les frais, y compris les frais de subsistance,
2. Le materiel de guerre de provenance allemande, entrain& par le transfert des prisonniers de guerre
ou construit sur des plans allemands, en excedent roumains, depuis leurs centres de rapatriement res-
de ce qui est necessaire aux forces armees autorisees pectifs, choisis par le Gouvernement de la Puissance
par le present Trait& sera mis a la disposition des Alliee ou Associee interessee, jusqu'au lieu d'entree
trois Gouvernements. La Roumanie n'acquerra, ni sur le territoire roumain, seront a la charge du Gou-
ne fabriquera aucun materiel de guerre de prove- vernement roumain.
nance allemande ou construit sur des plans allemands ;
elle n'emploiera, ni n'instruira aucun technicien, y
compris le personnel de l'aviation militaire ou civile, PARTIE IV
qui soit ou ait ete ressortissant allemand. RETRAIT DES FORCES ALLIEES
3. Le materiel de guerre en excedent mentionne aux
Article 21
paragraphes 1 et 2 du present article sera Eyre ou
detruit dans un delai d'un an a partir de l'entree en 1. Toutes les forces armees alliees seront retirees
vigueur du present Trait& de Roumanie dans un delai de quatre-vingt-dix jours
4. La definition et la liste du materiel de guerre a compter de l'entree en vigueur du present Traite,
aux fins du present Traite figurent a l'annexe III. l'Union Sovietique se reservant le droit de conserver
en territoire roumain les forces armees qui pourront
Article 17 lui etre necessaires pour le maintien des lignes de
La Roumanie apportera son entiere collaboration communication de l'Armee Sovietique avec la zone
aux Puissances Alliees et Associees en vue de mettre sovietique d'occupation en Autriche.
1'Allemagne dans l'impossibilite de prendre hors du 2. Toutes les devises roumaines non employees et
territoire allemand des mesures tendant a son rear- tous les biens roumains qui sont en la possession des
mement. armees alliees sur le territoire roumain et qui ont
ete acquis en application de l'article 10 de la Con-
Article 18 vention d'Armistice seront restitues au Gouvernement
La Roumanie n'acquerra ni ne fabriquera aucun roumain dans le meme alai de quatre-vingt-dix jours.
avion civil de modele allemand ou japonais ou corn- 3. Toutefois, la Roumanie fournira tous les ap-
portant des elements importants de fabrication ou de provisionnements et facilites qui pourront etre par-
conception allemande ou japonaise. ticulierement necessaires au maintien des lignes de
Communication avec la zone sovietique croccupation 4. Le Gouvernement roumain restituera en bon
en Autriche, prestations pour lesquelles le Gouver- etat les biens vises dans le present article et prendra
nement roumain sera dilment indemnise. a sa charge tous les frais de main d'oeuvre, de mate-
riaux et de transport engages a cet effet en Roumanie.
5. Le Gouvernement roumain, cooperera avec les
PARTIE V Nations Unies a la recherche et a la restitution des
REPARATIONS ET RESTITUTIONS biens soumis a restitution aux termes du present
article et it fournira a ses frais toutes les facilites
Article 22 necessaires.
1. La Roumanie indemnisera l'Union Sovietique 6. Le Gouvernement roumain prendra les mesures
des pertes causees du fait des operations militaires necessaires pour restituer les biens vises dans le
et de l'occupation par la Roumanie de territoires present article, qui sont detenus dans un tiers pays
sovietiques ; toutefois, tenant compte du fait que la par des personnes relevant de la juridiction roumaine.
Roumanie, non seulement s'est retiree de la guerre 7. La demande de restitution d'un bien sera pre-
contre les Nations Unies, mais encore a declare la sentee au Gouvernement roumain par le Gouver-
guerre a 1'Allemagne et a effectivement merle la nement du pays du territoire duquel le bien a ete
guerre contre celle-ci, les Parties Contractantes con- enleve, etant entendu que le materiel roulant sera
viennent que les reparations pour les pertes indi- considers comme ayant ete enleve du territoire auquel
quees ci-dessus seront effectuees par la Roumanie it appartenait a l'origine. Les demandes devront etre
non en totalite, mais seulement en partie, a savoir presentees dans un delai de six mois a partir de
pour une valeur de 300.000.000 de dollars des Etats- l'entree en vigueur du present Traits.
Unis payables en huit annees a partir du 12 septembre 8. Ii incombera au Gouvernement requerant d'i-
1944 en nature (produits petroliers, cereales, bois, dentifier le bien et d'en prouver la propriete et au
navires de mer et navires fluviaux, outillage divers Gouvernement roumain d'apporter la preuve que
et autres marchandises). le bien n'a pas ete enleve par force ou par contrainte.
2. La base de calcul pour le reglement prevu au
present article sera le dollar des Etats-Unis a sa PARTIE VI
parite or a la date de la signature de la Convention
d'Armistice, c'est-h-dire 35 dollars pour une once d'or. CLAUSES ECONOMIQUES

Article 23 Article 24
1. La Roumanie accepte les principes de la De- 1. Pour autant qu'elle ne l'a pas déjà fait, la Rou-
claration des Nations Unies du 5 janvier 1943 et manie retablira tous les droits et interets legaux en
restituera les biensenleves du territoire de l'une quel- Roumanie des Nations Unies et de leurs ressortissants
conque des Nations Unies. tels qu'ils existaient au le` septembre 1939 et resti-
2. L'obligation de restituer s'applique a tous les tuera a ces Nations Unies et a leurs ressortissants
biens identifiables se trouvant actuellement en Rou- tous les biens leur appartenant en Roumanie, y
manie et qui ont ete enleves, par force ou par con- compris les navires, dans l'etat hu ils se trouvent
trainte, du territoire de l'une des Nations Unies, par actuellement.
l'une des Puissances de 1'Axe, quelles qu'aient ete S'il y a lieu le Gouvernement roumain abolira la
les transactions ulterieures par lesquelles le detenteur legislation edict& depuis le 1" septembre 1939 dans
actuel de ces biens s'en est assure la possession. la mesure Oh elle presente un caractere de discri-
3. Le Gouvernement ayant droit a la restitution mination a l'encontre des droits des ressortissants
et le Gouvernement roumain pourront conclure des des Nations Unies.
accords qui se subsistueront aux dispositions du 2. Le Gouvernement roumain restituera thus les
present article. biens, droits et interets vises au present article, libres
de toutes hypotheques et charges quelconques dont mages causes a leurs biens en Roumanie, recevront
ils auraient pu etre greves du fait de la guerre, et une indemnite conformement a ralinea (a) ci-dessus.
sans que cette restitution donne lieu a la perception Cette indemnite sera calculee en fonction de la perte
d'aucune somme de la part du Gouvernement rou- ou du dommage total subi par la societe ou l'asso-
main. Le Gouvernement roumain annulera toutes ciation, et son montant par rapport au total de la
mesures, y compris les mesures de saisie, de sequestre perte ou du dommage subi aura la meme proportion
ou de controle, prises par lui a regard des biens des que la part d'interets detenue par lesdits ressortissants
Nations Unies entre le ler septembre 1939 et Fen- par rapport au capital global de la societe ou asso-
tree en vigueur du present Traite. Dans le cas ou ciation en question.
le bien n'aura pas ete restitue dans les six mois h (c) L'indemnite sera versee, nette de tous pre-
compter de la date d'entree en vigueur du present levements, impots ou autres charges. Elle pourra etre
Traite, la demande devra etre presentee aux autorites librement employee en Roumanie, mais sera soumise
roumaines dans un alai maximum de douze mois a aux reglements relatifs au controle des changes qui
compter de cette meme date, sauf dans les cas ou pourront, a un moment donne, etre en vigueur en
le demandeur sera en mesure d'etablir qu'il lui a Roumanie.
ete impossible de presenter sa demande dans ce delai. (d) Le Gouvernement roumain accordera aux res-
3. Le Gouvernement roumain annulera les tran- sortissants des Nations Unies le meme traitement
sferts portant sur des biens, droits et interets de qu'aux ressortissants roumains, en ce qui concerne
toute nature appartenant a des ressortissants des l'attribution des materiaux pour la reparation ou la
Nations Unies, lorsque ces transferts resultent de remise en etat de leurs biens en Roumanie, ainsi
mesures de force ou de contrainte prises au tours qu'en ce qui concerne l'attribution de devises etran-
de la guerre par les Gouvernements des Puissances Ores en vue de l'importation de tels materiaux.
de l'Axe ou par leurs organes. (e) Le Gouvernement roumain accordera aux res-
4. (a) Le Gouvernement roumain sera responsable sortissants des Nations Unies une indemnite en lei
de la remise en parfait etat des biens restitues a des dans la meme proportion que celle qui est prevue
ressortissants des Nations Unies en vertu du para- ralinea (a) ci-dessus, pour compenser la perte ou
graphe 1 du present article. Lorsqu'un bien ne pourra les dommages qui resultent des mesures speciales
etre restitue ou que, du fait de la guerre, le ressor- prises pendant la guerre a l'encontre de leurs biens
tissant d'une Nation Unie aura subi une perte par et qui ne visaient pas les biens roumains. Cet alinea
suite d'une atteinte ou d'un dommage cause a un ne s'applique pas a un manque a gagner.
bien en Roumanie, le Gouvernement roumain in- 5. Les dispositions du paragraphe 4 du present
demnisera le proprietaire en versant une somme en article ne s'appliqueront pas a la Roumanie dans
lei jusqu'a concurrence des deux tiers de la somme les cas ou les mesures, qui peuvent donner lieu a
necessaire, a la date du paiement, pour permettre une demande de compensation pour les dommages
au beneficiaire, soit d'acheter un bien equivalent, soit causes a des biens situes en Transylvanie du Nord
de compenser la perte ou le dommage subi. En aucun et appartenant aux Nations Unies ou a leurs res-
cas, les ressortissants des Nations Unies ne devront sortissants, auront ete prises durant la periode ou
etre l'objet d'un traitement moins favorable en ma- ce territoire n'etait pas soumis a rautorite de la
tiere d'indemnite que le traitement accorde aux res- Roumanie.
sortissants roumains. 6. Tous les frais raisonnables auxquels donnera
(b) Les ressortissants des Nations Unies qui de- lieu, en Roumanie, retablissement des demandes, y
tiennent directement ou indirectement des parts d'in- compris revaluation des pertes et des dommages,
terets dans des societes ou associations qui ne posse- seront a la charge du Gouvernement roumain.
dent pas la nationalite des Nations Unies au sens 7. Les ressortissants des Nations Unies ainsi que
du paragraphe 9 (a) du present article, mais qui leurs biens seront exempt& de tous impOts, contri-
ont subi une perte par suite d'atteintes ou de .dom- butions ou taxes exceptionnels, auxquels le Gouver-
nement roumain ou une autorite roumaine quelconque Nations Unies et de leurs ressortissants comprennent
auraient soumis leurs avoirs en capital en Roumanie tous les batiments de mer et de navigation interieure
entre la date de l'Armistice et la date d'entree en avec leur greement et leurs equipements, qui appar-
vigueur du present Traite, en vue de couvrir les de- tenaient aux Nations Unies ou a leurs ressortissants
penses resultant de la guerre ou celles qui ont ete ou etaient enregistres sur le territoire de l'une des
entrainees par l'entretien des forces d'occupation ou Nations Unies ou naviguaient sous le pavilion de
par les reparations a payer a l'une des Nations l'une des Nations Unies et qui, posterieurement au
Unies. Toutes les sommes qui auraient ete ainsi ler septembre 1939, qu'ils se soient trouves dans
pergues seront remboursees. les eaux roumaines ou qu'ils y aient ete amenes de
8. Le proprietaire des biens en question et le Gou- force, furent soumis au controle des autorites rou-
vernement roumain pourront conclure des arrange- maines en tant qith biens ennemis ou cesserent d'être,
ments qui se substitueront aux dispositions du present en Roumanie, a la libre disposition des Nations Unies
article. ou de leurs ressortissants, du fait de mesures de con-
9. Aux fins du present article : trole prises par les autorites roumaines, en rapport
(a) L'expression ressortissants des Nations avec l'existence d'un etat de guerre entre certaines
Unies" s'applique aux personnes physiques qui sont des Nations Unies et l'Allemagne.
ressortissants de l'une quelconque des Nations Unies,
Article 25
ainsi qu'aux societes ou associations constituees sous
le regime des lois de l'une des Nations Unies lors de 1. La Roumanie prend l'engagement, dans tous
l'entree en vigueur du present Traite, a condition les cas ou les biens, droits ou interets legaux en Rou-
que lesdites personnes physiques, societes ou asso- manie des personnes se trouvant sous la juridiction
ciations aient déjà possede ce statut a la date de roumaine depuis le ler septembre 1939, ont fait
l'Armistice avec la Roumanie. l'objet de mesures de sequestre, de saisie ou d'admi-
L'expression ressortissants des Nations Unies" nistration fore& en raison de l'origine raciale ou
comprend egalement toutes les personnes physiques de la religion de ces personnes, de restituer lesdits
et les societes ou associations qui, aux termes de la biens et de retablir lesdits droits et interets legaux,
legislation en vigueur en Roumanie pendant la guerre, ainsi que les droits qui s'y rattachent ou, si cette
ont ete traitees comme ennemis. restitution ou ce retablissement sont impossibles, de
(b) Le terme « proprietaire » designe le ressoitis- fournir a cet egard une compensation equitable.
sant d'une des Nations Unies, tel qu'il est defini a 2. Tous les biens, droits et interets en Roumanie
l'alinea (a) ci-dessus, qui a un titre legitime au bien de personnes, d'organisations ou de communautes
en question, et s'applique au successeur du proprie- qui, individuellement ou collectivement, ont ete l'objet
take, a condition que ce successeur soit aussi res de mesures de persecution, pour un motif racial ou
sortissant d'une des Nations Unies au sens de Pa- religieux ou pour tout autre motif d'inspiration fas-
linea (a). Si le successeur a achete le bien lorsque ciste, et qui, pendant une periode de six mois a.
celui-ci etait déjà endommage, le vendeur conservera partir de la date d'entree en vigueur du present
ses droits a l'indemnisation resultant du present Traite, sont restes en desherence ou n'ont fait l'objet
article, sans que les obligations existant entre le ven- d'aucune revendication, seront transferes par le Gou-
deur et l'acquereur en vertu de la legislation interne vernement roumain aux organisations qui representent
en soient affectees. en Roumanie lesdites personnes, organisations ou
(c) Le terme « biens » designe tous les biens mo- communautes. Les biens transferes seront employes
biliers ou immobiliers, corporels ou incorporels, y par ces organisations a l'a ssistance et au relevement
compris les droits de propriete industrielle, litteraire des membres survivants de ces groupes, organisa-
et artistique ainsi que tous droits ou interets de tions et communautes en Roumanie. Ces transferts
nature quelconque dans des biens. Sans prejudice des seront effectues dans un alai de douze mois a partir
dispositions generales qui precedent, les biens des de la date d'entree en vigueur du Traite et porteront
egalement sur les biens qui doivent etre restitues et ragraphe 1 du present article. Le Gouvernement de
sur les droits et interets qui doivent etre retablis aux chacune des Puissances Alliees ou Associees aura le
termes du paragraphe 1 du present article. droit d'imposer aux droits ou interets afferents a la
propriete industrielle sur le territoire de cette Puis-
Article 26 sance Alliee ou Associee, acquis par le Gouverne-
La Roumanie reconnait que l'Union Sovietique a ment roumain ou ses ressortissants avant l'entree en
droit a tous les avoirs allemands en Roumanie qui vigueur du present Traite, telles limitations, condi-
ont ete transfer& a l'Union Sovietique par le Conseil tions ou restrictions que le Gouvernement de la
de Contra' le en Allemagne et elle s'engage a prendre Puissance Alliee ou Associee interessee pourra con-
toutes les mesures necessaires pour faciliter ces siderer comme necessaires dans l'interet national.
tran sferts. 5. Les biens vises au paragraphe 1 du present
Article 27 article seront consider& comme comprenant les biens
roumains qui ont fait l'objet de mesures de controle
1. Chacune des Puissances Alliees ou Associees en raison de l'etat de guerre existant entre la Rou-
aura le droit de saisir, retenir ou liquider tous les manie et la Puissance Alliee ou Associee dans la
biens, droits et interets qui, a la date d'entree en vi- juridiction de laquelle les biens sont situ& mais ne
gueur du present Traite, se trouvent sur son terri- comprendront pas :
toire, et appartiennent a la Roumanie ou a des res- (a) Les biens du Gouvernement roumain utilises
sortissants roumains, et de prendre toute autre dis- pour les besoins des missions diplomatiques ou con-
position en ce qui concerne ces biens, droits et in- sulaires ;
terets. Elle aura egalement le droit d'employer ces (b) Les biens appartenant a des institutions reli-
biens ou le produit de leur liquidation a telles fins gieuses ou a des institutions philanthropiques privees
qu'elle pourra desirer, a concurrence du montant et servant a des fins religieuses ou philanthropiques ;
de ses reclamations et de celles de ses ressortissants (c) Les biens des personnes physiques qui sont
contre la Roumanie ou les ressortissants roumains ressortissants roumains et sont autorisees a resider,
(y compris les creances), qui n'auront pas ete entie- soit sur le territoire du pays oil sont situ& ces biens,
rement reglees en vertu d'autres articles du present soit sur le territoire de l'une quelconque des Nations
Trait& Tous les biens roumains ou le produit de leur Unies, autres que les biens roumains qui, a un moment
liquidation, en excedent du montant desdites recla- quelconque, au cours de la guerre, ont fait l'objet
mations, seront restitues. de mesures qui ne s'appliquaient pas d'une maniere
2. La liquidation des biens roumains et les mesures
generale aux biens des ressortissants roumains re-
de disposition dont ils feront l'objet devront s'effec- sidant sur le territoire en question ;
tuer conformement a la legislation de la Puissance (d) Les droits de propriete- nes depuis la reprise
Alliee ou Associee interessee. En ce qui concerne des relations commerciales et financieres entre les
lesditsbiens le proprietaire roumain n'aura pas Puissances Alliees et Associees et la Roumanie, ou
d'autres droits que ceux que peut lui conferer la nes de transactions entre le Gouvernement d'une
legislation en question. Puissance Alliee ou Associee et la Roumanie depuis
3. Le Gouvernement roumain s'engage a indem- le 12 septembre 1944;
niser les ressortissants roumains dont les biens seront (e) Les droits de propriete litteraire et artistrque
saisis en vertu du present article et ne leur seront
pas restitues.
4. Il ne resulte du present article aucune obligation Article 28
pour l'une quelconque des Puissances Alliees ou As- 1. A dater de l'entree en vigueur du present Trait&
sociees de restituer au Gouvernement ou aux res- les biens, en Allemagne, de l'Etat et des ressortissant
sortissants roumains des droits de propriete indu- roumains ne seront plus consider& comme biens
strielle ni de faire entrer ces droits dans le calcul des ennemis et toutes les restrictions resultant de leur
sommes qui pourront etre retenues en vertu du pa- caractere ennemi seront levees.
2. Les biens identifiables de 1'Etat et des ressor- Article 30
tissants roumains que les forces armees ou les autorites 1. La Roumanie renonce, au nom du Gouver-
allemandes ont enleves, par force ou par contrainte, nement roumain et des ressortissants roumains, a
du territoire roumain et emportes en Allemagne apres faire valoir contre les Puissances Alliees et Asso-
le 12 septembre 1944 donneront lieu a restitution. ciees, toute reclamation de quelque nature que ce
3. Le retablissement des droits de propriete ainsi soit resultant directement de la guerre ou de mesures
que la restitution des biens roumains en Allemagne prises par suite de l'existence d'un etat de guerre
seront effectues conformement aux mesures qui seront en Europe apres le Pt septembre 1939, que la Puis-
arretees par les Puissances occupant l'Allemagne. sance Al liee ou Associee interessee ait ete ou non en
4. Sans prejudice de ces dispositions et de toutes guerre avec la Roumanie a l'epoque.
autres qui seraient prises en faveur de la Roumanie Sont incluses dans cette renonciation :
et des ressortissants roumains par les Puissances (a) les reclamations relatives a des pertes ou dom-
occupant l'Allemagne, la Roumanie renonce, en son mages subis par suite de l'action des forces armees
nom et au nom des ressortissants roumains, a toutes ou des autorites de Puissances Alliees ou Associees;
reclamations contre l'Allemagne et les ressortissants (b) les reclamations resultant de la presence, des
allemands, qui n'etaient pas reglees au 8 mai 1945, operations ou de l'action des forces armees ou des
a l'exception de celles qui resultent de contrats et autorites de Puissances Alliees ou Associees sur le
d 'autres obligations qui etaient en vigueur ainsi que territoire roumain ;
de droits qui etaient acquis avant le ler septembre (c) les reclamations portant sur les decisions ou
1939. Cette renonciation sera &consider& comme s'ap-
les ordonnances des tribunaux de prises de Puissances
pliquant aux creances, a toutes les reclamations de Allies ou Associees, la Roumanie acceptant de recon-
caractere intergouvernemental relatives a des accords
naitre comme valides et comme ayant force execu-
conclus au cours de la guerre et a toutes les recla- toire toutes les decisions et ordonnances desdits tri-
mations portant sur des pertes ou des dommages bunaux de prises rendues au let septembre 1939 ou
survenus pendant la guerre. posterieurement a cette date et concernant les navires
roumains, les marchandises roumaines ou le paie-
Article 29 ment des frais ;
1. L'existence de l'etat de guerre ne doit pas etre (d) les reclamations resultant de l'exercice des
consider& en soi comme affectant l'obligation d'ac- droits de belligerance ou de mesures prises en vue
quitter les dettes pecuniaires resultant d 'obligations de l'exercice de ces droits.
et de contrats qui etaient en vigueur, et de droits 2. Les dispositions du present article excluront
qui etaient acquis, avant l'existence de l'etat de guerre, completement et definitivement toutes reclamations
dettes qui etaient devenues exigibles avant l'entree de la nature de celles qui y sont visees, qui seront
en vigueur du present Traite et qui sont dues, soit des Tors eteintes, quelles que soient les parties int&
par le Gouvernement ou les ressortissants roumains ressees. Le Gouvernement roumain accepte de verser,
au Gouvernement ou aux ressortissants de l'une des en lei, une indemnite equitable pour satisfaire les
Puissances Alliees ou Associees, soit par le Gouver- reclamations des personnes qui ont fourni, sur re-
nement ou les ressortissants d'une des Puissances quisition, des marchandises ou des services aux forces
Alliees ou Associees au Gouvernement ou aux res- armees de Puissances Alliees ou Associees sur le
sortissants roumains. territoire roumain, ainsi que les reclamations portees
2. Saul dispositions expressement contraires du contre les forces armees de Puissances Alliees ou
present Trait& aucune clause de ce Traite ne devra Associees, relatives a des dommages causes sur le
etre interpret& comme affectant les rapports de de- territoire roumain et ne resultant pas de faits de
biteurs a creanciers resultant de contrats conclus avant guerre.
la guerre, soit par le Gouvernement, soit par les 3. La Roumanie renonce egalement, an nom du
ressortissants roumains. Gouvernement roumain et des ressortissants roumains,

a faire valoir des reclamations de la nature de celles national et de celui de la nation la plus favorise pour
qui sont visees au paragraphe 1 du present article, tout ce qui a trait au commerce, a l'industrie, a la
contre toute Nation Unie dont les relations diplo- navigation et aux autres formes d'activito commerciale
matiques avec la Roumanie ont ete rompues pendant en Roumanie. Ces dispositions ne s'appliqueront pas
la guerre, et qui a pris des mesures en cooperation a l'aviation commerciale ;
avec les Puissances Al Bees et Associees. (d) La Roumanie n'accordera a aucun pays de
4. Le Gouvernement roumain assumera la pleine droit exclusif ou preferentiel en ce qui concerne l'ex-
responsabilite de toute la monnaie militaire alliee ploitation des services aeriens commerciaux_ pour les
emise en Roumanie par les autorites militaires alliees, transports internationaux, elle offrira des conditions
y compris toute la monnaie de cette nature en cir- d'egalite a toutes les Nations Unies pour l'obtention
culation a la date d'entree en vigueur du present de droits en matiere de transports aeriens commer-
Traite. ciaux internationaux sur le territoire roumain, y
5. La renonciation a laquelle la Roumanie souscrit compris le droit d'atterrir a des fins de ravitaille-
aux termes du paragraphe 1 du present article s'etend ment et de reparation, et, en ce qui concerne l'exploi-
a toutes les reclamations portant sur les mesures tation des services aeriens commerciaux pour les
prises par l'une quelconque des Puissances Mikes ou transports internationaux, elle accordera a toutes les
Associees a regard des navires roumains, entre le Nations Unies, suivant le principe de la reciprocite
1" septembre 1939 et la date d'entree en vigueur et de la non-discrimination, le droit de survoler le
du present Traite, ainsi que toutes les reclamations territoire roumain sans escale. Ces dispositions n'af-
et creances resultant des conventions sur les prison- fecteront pas les interets de la defense nationale de la
niers de guerre actuellement en vigueur. Roumanie.
2. Les engagements ci-dessus pris par la Roumanie
Article 31 doivent s'entendre sous reserve des exceptions usuelles
1. En attendant la conclusion de traites ou d'accords des traites de commerce conclus par la Roumanie
commerciaux entre l'une quelconque des Nations avant la guerre ; les dispositions relatives a la reci-
Unies et la Roumanie, le Gouvernement roumain procite accord& par chacune des Nations Unies
devra, pendant les dix-huit mois qui suivront l'entree doivent s'entendre sous reserve des exceptions usu-
en vigueur du present Trait& accorder a chacune des elles des traites de commerce conslus par celle-ci.
Nations Unies qui, en fait, accordent par voie de
reciprocite un traitement analogue a la Roumanie Article 32
dans ces domaines, le traitement suivant : 1. Tous les differends qui pourront s'elever a
(a) Pour tout ce qui concerne les droits et re- propos de l'application des articles 23 et 24, ainsi
devances a l'importation ou a l'exportation, l'im- que des annexes IV, V et VI. B du present Traite,
position a l'interieur du pays des marchandises im- seront soumis a une commission de conciliation,
portees, et tous les reglements qui s'y rapportent, composee en nombre egal de representants du Gou-
les Nations Unies beneficieront de la clause incon- vernement de la Nation Unie interessee et de repre-
ditionelle de la nation la plus favorisee ; sentants du Gouvernement roumain. Si un reglement
(b) La Roumanie ne pratiquera, a tous autres n'est pas intervenu dans les trois mois qui suivront
egards, aucune discrimination arbitraire au detriment la date a laquelle le differend a ete soumis a la com-
des marchandises en provenance ou a destination du mission de conciliation, l'un ou l'autre Gouvernement
territoire d'une Nation Unie par rapport aux mar- pourra demander l'adjonction a la Commission d'un
chandises analogues en provenance ou a destination tiers membre ; a defaut d'accord entre les deux Gou-
du territoire de toute autre Nation Unie ou de tout vernements sur le choix de ce membre, l'un ou
autre pays &ranger ; l'autre d'entre eux pourra demander au Secretaire
(c) Les ressortissants des Nations Unies, y compris General des Nations Unies de proceder a cette
les personnes morales, beneficieront du traitement designation.
2.. La decision de la majorite des membres de la PARTIE VII
commission, sera consider& comme decision de la CLAUSES RELATIVES AU DANUBE
commission et accept& par les parties comme defi-
nitive et obligatoire. Article 36
La navigation sur le Danube sera libre et ouverte
Article 33 aux ressortissants, aux bateaux marchands et aux
marchandises de tous les Etats sur un pied d'egalite
Tous differends qui pourront s'elever au sujet des en ce qui concerne les droits de port et les taxes sur
prix payes par le Gouvernement roumain pour les la navigation, ainsi que les conditions auxquelles est
marchandises livrees par ce Gouvernement au titre soumise la navigation commerciale. Les dispositions
des reparations et achetees a des ressortissants d'une ci-dessus ne seront pas applicables au trafic entre les
Puissance Al liee ou Associee, ou a des societes ap- ports d'un mime Etat.
partenant a des ressortissants de ces Puissances,
seront regles, sans prejudice de l'execution des obli-
gations de la Roumanie relatives aux reparations, PARTIE VIII
par voie de negociations diplomatiques entre le Gou- CLAUSES FINALES
vernement du pays interesse et le Gouvernement rou-
main. Si les negociations diplomatiques directes entre Article 37
les parties interessees n'aboutissent pas a un regle-
1. Pendant une periode qui n'excedera pas dix-huit
ment du differend dans un delai de deux mois, cemois a partirde rentree en vigueur du present Trait&
differend sera soumis aux Chefs des missions diplo-
les Chefs des missions diplomatiques a Bucarest des
matiques a Bucarest des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du
Etats-Unis d'Amerique, du Royaume-Uni et de l'U-
Royaume-Uni et de l'Union Sovietique pour qu'ilsnion Sovietique agissant de concert, representeront
le reglent. Dans le cas oü les Chefs de Mission ne
les Puissances Alliees et Associees pour traiter avec
se mettraient pas d'accord dans un alai de deux le Gouvernement roumain de toutes questions rela-
mois, l'une ou l'autre des parties pourra demander tives a l'execution et a l'interpretation du present
au Secretaire General des Nations Unies de nommer Traite.
un arbitre dont la decision sera obligatoire pour les 2. Ces trois Chefs de Mission, donneront au Gou-
parties. vernement roumain les conseils, avis techniques et
eclaircissements qui pourront etre necessaires pour
Article 34 assurer l'execution rapide et efficace du present Trait&
aussi bien dans sa lettre que dans son esprit.
Les articles 23, 24, 31 et l'annexe VI du present 3. Le Gouvernement roumain fournira a ces
Traite s'appliqueront aux Puissances Alliees et Asso- trois Chefs de Mission toutes les informations ne-
ciees eta la France ainsi qu'h celles des Nations cessaires et toute l'aide dont ils pourront avoir besoin
Unies dont les relations diplomatiques avec la Rou- dans l'accomplissement des taches qui leur sont de-
manie ont ete rompues pendant la guerre. volues par le present Trait&

Article 38
Article 35 1. Exception faite des cas pour lesquels une autre
procedure est expressement prevue par un article
Les dispositions des annexes IV, V et VI, ainsi du present Traite, tout differend relatif a l'interpre-
que celles des autres annexes seront considerees comme tation ou a l'execution de ce Traite, qui n'a pas
faisant partie integrante du present Traite, et auront ete regle par voie de negociations diplomatiques di-
la mime valeur et les mimes effets. rectes, sera soumis aux trois Chefs de Mission, agis-
sant comme it est prevu a l'article 37 mais, en pareil 2. Les instruments d'accession seront deposes
cas, les Chefs de Mission ne seront pas tenus par les pros le Gouvernement de l'Union des Republiques
deals fixes dans ledit article. Tout differend de cette Sovietiques Socialistes et prendront effet des leur
nature qu'ils n'auraient pas encore regle dans un depot.
alai de deux mois sera, sauf si les Parties au differend
conviennent l'une et l'autre d'un autre mode de re- Article 40
glement, soumis a la requete de l'une ou l'autre des
parties a une commission composee d'un representant Le present Traite, dont les textes russe et anglais
de chaque partie et d'un tiers membre choisi d'un feront foi, devra etre ratifie par les Puissances Alliees
commun accord entre les deux parties parmi les res- et Associees. Il devra egalement etre ratifie par la
sortissants d'un pays tiers. A defaut d'accord dans un Roumanie. Il entrera en vigueur immediatement apres
alai d'un mois entre les deux parties au sujet de la de- le depot des ratifications par les Etats-Unis d'Ame-
signation de ce tiers membre, l'une ou l'autre partie rique, le, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Ir-
pourra demander au Secretaire General des Nations lande du Nord et l'Union des Republiques Sovie-
Unies de proceder a cette designation. tiques Socialistes. Les instruments de ratification se-
2. La decision prise par la majorite des membres ront, dans le plus bref alai possible, deposes pres
de la commission sera consider& comme decision le Gouvernement de l'Union des Republiques So-
de la commission et acceptee par les parties comme vietiques Socialistes.
definitive et obligatoire. En ce qui concerne chacune des Puissance Alliees
ou Associees dont les instruments de ratification
Article 39 seront deposes ulterieurement, le Traite entrera en
1. Tout membre de l'Organisation des Nations vigueur a la date du depot. Le present Traite sera
Unies, en guerre avec la Roumanie et qui n'est pas depose dans les archives du Gouvernement de l'U-
signataire du present Traite, peut acceder au present nion des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes, qui en
Traite et sera considers, des son accession, comme remettra a chacun des Etats signataires une copie cer-
Puissance Associee pour l'application du Trait& tifiee conforme.

Annexe I. Carte des frontieres roumaines.
Annexe II. Definitions de l'instruction militaire, ae-
rienne et navale.
Annexe III. Definition et liste du materiel de guerre
Annexe IV. Dispositions speciales concernant certai-
nes categories de biens :
A. Propriete industrielle, litteraire et
B. Assurances.
Annexe V. Contrats, prescription, effets de com-
Annexe VI. Tribunaux de prises et Jugements.

ANNEXE I teg-e et du travail d'etat-major, y compris l'execu-
(voir article 1) tion de toutes les operations et manoeuvres qui ne
sont pas necessaires a l'emploi pacifique des navires.
Carte des frontieres roumaines
(voir article 16)
(voir article 13)
Definition de l'instruction militaire, aerienne et navale Definition et liste du materiel de guerre
1. L'instruction militaire est definie comme suit : Le terme « materiel de guerre » aux fins du present
l'etude et la pratique de l'emploi de tous armements Traite s'applique a toutes les armes et munitions et
specialement destines ou adaptes a des fins militaires a tout le materiel specialement concus et adaptes a
et des dispositifs d'instruction s'y rapportant, l'etude des fins de guerre, qui sont enumeres ci-dessous.
et l'execution de tous exercices ou manoeuvres uti- Les Puissances Alliees et Associees se reservent le
lises dans l'enseignement ou la pratique des evolu- droit d'amender periodiquement la liste, en la mo-
tions executees par les forces au combat, et l'etude difiant ou en la completant, -pour tenir eompte des
methodique de la tactique, de la strategie et du tra- faits nouveaux qui pourront se produire dans le do-
vail d'etat-major. maine de la science.
2. L'instruction militaire aerienne est definie comme
suit : l'etude et la pratique de l'emploi de tous ar- Categorie I
mements specialement destines ou adaptes aux fins 1. Fusils, carabines, revolvers et pistolets de type
d'une aviation militaire et des dispositifs d'instruc- militaire ; canons de rechange pour ces armes et
tion s'y rapportant; l'etude et la pratique de toutes autres pieces detachees non aisement adaptables a
manoeuvres speciales, y compris le vol en formation, un usage civil.
executees par des ivions dans l'accomplisse,ment 2. Mitrailleuses, fusils de guerre automatiques ou
d'une mission aerienne militaire, et l'etude metho- a repetition et pistolets mitrailleurs ; canons de re-
dique de la tactique aerienne, de la strategie et du change pour ces armes et autres pieces detachees non
travail d'etat-major. aisement adaptables a un usage civil; affilts de mi-
3. L'instruction navale est definie comme compre- trailleuse.
nant les matieres suivantes : l'organisation generale, 3. Canons, obusiers, mortiers, canons speciaux pour
l'etude et la pratique de l'emploi des batiments de l'aviation ; canons sans culasse ou sans recul et lance-
guerre ou des installations navales ainsi que l'etude flammes ; canons de rechange pour ces armes et au-
ou l'utilisation de tous appareils et dispositifs d'en- tres pieces detachees non aisement adaptables a un
trainement qui s'y rapportent et qui sont en usage usage civil; affilts mobiles et supports fixes pour ces
pour la conduite de la guerre navale, a l'exception armes.
de ceux qui sont normalement employes a des fins 4. Lance-fusees ; mecanismes de lancement et de
civiles ; en outre, l'enseignement, la pratique et l'e- controle pour projectiles auto-moteurs et diriges ;
tude methodique de la tactique navale, de la stra- supports pour ces appareils.
5. Projectiles auto-moteurs et diriges, projectiles, prevues pour leur service et leur appui, qui techni-
fusees, munitions et cartouches, charges ou vides, quement ne sont pas transformables en vue d'usages
pour les armes enumerees aux alineas 1 a 4 ci-dessus, civils, ainsi que les armes, blindages, munitions, avions
ainsi que fusees, etoupilles ou appareils servant a les ou tout autre equipement, materiel, machines et in-
faire exploser ou fonctionner, non compris les amor- stallations, qui ne sont pas utilises en temps de paix
cages necessaires pour !es besoins civils. sur d'autres bateaux que les navires de guerre.
6. Grenades, bombes, torpilles, mines, grenades 2. Batiments de debarquement et vehicules ou ma-
sous-marines (charges de profondeur), materiel et teriel amphibies de toute nature ; batiments d'assaut
charges incendiaires charges ou vides ; tous dispo- ou materiel d'assaut de tout type, ainsi que catapultes
sitifs permettant de les faire exploser ou fonctionner, ou autres appareils de mise a rear ou de lancement
non compris les amorcages necessaires pour les be- d'avions, fusees, armes propulsees, ou tout autre
soins civils. projectile, instrument ou systeme, avec ou sans equi-
7. Balonnettes. page et qu'ils soient guides ou non.
3. Navires, engins, armes, systemes ou appareils
Categorie II de toute sorte, qu'ils soient submersibles ou semi-
1. Vehicules de combat blindes; trains blindes qui submersibles, y compris les estacades specialement
techniquement ne peuvent etre transformes en vue congues pour la defense des ports, a l'exception du
d'usages civils. materiel necessaire pour la recuperation, le sauvetage
2. Vehicules mecaniques ou auto-moteurs pour et autres usages civils, ainsi que tout l'equipement,
toutes les armes enumerees dans la categorie I; tous les accessoires, les pieces detachees, les dispo-
chassis ou carrosseries militaires de types speciaux, sitifs d'experimentation ou d'instruction, les instru-
autres que ceux qui sont enumeres a l'alinea 1 ci- ments ou les installations, qui peuvent etre speciale-
dessus. ment concus en vue de la construction, du controle,
3. Blindages de plus- de 3 pouces d'epaisseur, em- de l'entretien ou du logement de ces navires, engins,
ployes dans la guerre a des usages de protection. armes systemes ou appareils.

Categorie III Categorie V

1. Aeronefs montes ou demontes, plus lourds ou
1. Systeme de pointage et de calcul pour le controle plus legers que l'air, congus ou adaptes en vue du
du tir, comprenant les appareils regleurs de tir et combat aerien par l'emploi de mitrailleuses, de lance-
les appareils d'enregistrement ; instruments de direc- fusees, d'artillerie, ou en vue du transport ou du
tion du tir; hausses de canon; viseurs de bombar- lancement de bombes, ou qui sont pourvus de l'un
dement ; regleurs de fusees; calibres pour la verifi- quelconque des dispositifs figurant a l'alinea 2 ci-
cation des canons et des instruments de controle dessous ou qui, du fait de leur conception ou de leur
du tir. construction, peuvent etre aisement munis de l'un
2. Materiel de pontage d'assaut, batiments d'as- de ces dispositifs.
saut et d'attaque. 2. Supports et batis pour canons aeriens, lance-
3. Dispositifs pour ruses de guerre, dispositifs_ bombes, porte-torpilles et dispositifs de largage de
d'eblouissement et pieges. bombes ou de torpilles, tourelles et coupoles pour
4. Equipement militaire du personnel des forces canons.
armees de caractere specialise qui n'est pas aisement 3. Equipement specialement congu pour troupes
adaptable a des usages civils. airoportees et utilise seulement par ces troupes.
4. Catapultes ou systemes de lancement pour avions
Categorie IV
embarques, avions terrestres ou hydravions ; appareils
1. Navires de guerre de toutes classes, y compris les de lancement de projectiles volants.
navires transformes et les embarcations congues ou 5. Ballons de barrage.
Categorie VI d'une marque de fabrique, au plus tot six mois avant
Tous produits asphyxiants, mortels, toxiques ou l'ouverture des hostilites avec la Roumanie ou au
susceptibles de mettre hors de combat, destines a cours de celles-ci, auront le droit, pendant une pe-
des fins de guerre ou fabriques en quantites qui riode de douze mois a compter de la date d'entree
excedent les besoins civils. en vigueur du present Trait& de demander des droits
correspondants en Roumanie, avec un droit de prio-
Categorie VII rite fond sur le depot anterieur de leur demande
sur le territoire de cette Puissance Alliee ou Associee.
Propulseurs, explosifs, materiel pyrotechnique, ou
gaz liquefies, destines a la propulsion, l'explosion, la (c) Il sera accorde a chacune des Puissances Alliees
charge, le remplissage du materiel de guerre decrit opt Associees eta ses ressortissants, a partir de la
dans les categories ci-dessus, ou a tout usage en date d'entree en vigueur du present Traite, un alai
liaison avec ce materiel, qui ne sont pas utilisables d'un an pendant lequel ils pourront engager des
a des fins civiles ou qui sont fabriques en quantites poursuites en Roumanie contre les personnel phy-
qui excedent les besoins civils. siques ou morales auxquelles serait impute un em-
pietement illegal sur leurs droits de propriete indu-
Categorie VIII strielle, litteraire ou artistique entre la date de l'ou-
Installations et outillages industriels specialement verture des hostilites et celle de l'entree en vigueur
congus en vue de la production et de la conservation du present Trait&
des produits et du materiel enumeres dans les cate- 2. Il ne sera pas tenu compte de la periode com-
gories ci-desius et qui ne peuvent pas etre techni- prise entre l'ouverture des hostilites et l'expiration
quement transformes a des fins civiles. du dix-huitieme mois qui suivra la date d'entree en
vigueur du present Traite dans la determination de la
periode pendant laquelle un brevet d'invention doit
ANNEXE IV etre exploite, ou pendant laquelle un modele ou une
Dispositions speciales concernant certaines categories marque de fabrique doit etre utilise.
de biens 3. Il ne sera pas tenu compte de la periode com-
prise entre l'ouverture des hostilites et la date d'entree
A. Propriete industrielle, litteraire et artistique en vigueur du present Traite dans le calcul de la
1. (a) Un delai d'un an a compter de la date duree normale de validite des droits de propriete
d'entree en vigueur du present Traite sera accord industrielle, litteraire et artistique qui etaient en vi-
aux Puissances Alliees et Associees et a leurs ressor- gueur en Roumanie a l'ouverture des hostilites ou
tissants, sans paiement de droits de prorogation ou qui seront reconnus ou etablis dans les conditions
autres sanctions- quelconques, en vue de leur per- prevues a la partie A de la presente annexe, et qui
mettre d'accomplir tous les actes necessaires pour appartiennent a l'une des Puissances Alliees ou As-
l'obtention ou la conservation en Roumanie des sociees ou a ses ressortissants. La duree normale de
droits de propriete industrielle, litteraire et artistique, validite de ces droits sera, par consequent, consider&
qui n'ont pu etre accomplis par suite de l'existence comme automatiquement prolong& en Roumanie,
de retat de guerre. d'une nouvelle periode correspondant a celle qui
(b) Les Puissances Alliees et Associees ou leurs aura ete ainsi exclue du decompte.
ressortissants, qui auront fait, sur le territoire de 4. Les dispositions precedentes concernant les
l'une quelconque des Puissances Alliees ou Asso- droits en Roumanie des Puissances Alliees et Associees
ciees, une demande, soit pour l'obtention d'un brevet et de leurs ressortissants devront egalement s'appliquer
ou l'enregistrement d'un modele d'utilite au plus tot aux droits de la Roumanie et de ses ressortissants
douze mois avant l'ouverture des hostilites avec la dans les territoires des Puissances Alliees et Associees.
Roumanie ou au cours de celles-ci, soit pour l'en- Toutefois, aucune de ces dispositions ne donnera a
registrement, d'un dessin industriel, d'un modle ou la Roumanie ou a ses ressortissants droit a un tra-i
tement plus favorable sur le territoire de l'une quel- conque expressement designe a l'annexe III du present
conque des Puissances Al liees ou Associees que celui Traite, inventions qui ont ete faites ou au sujet des-
qui est accorde dans les memes cas par cette Puis- quelles des demandes d'enregistrement ont ete de-
sance a l'une quelconque des autres Nations Unies posees, par la Roumanie ou par l'un de ses ressor-
ou a ses ressortissants. La Roumanie ne sera pas non tissants, en Roumanie ou sur le territoire d'une autre
plus tenue en vertu de ces dispositions d'accorder a Puissance de l'Axe ou sur un territoire occupe par
l'une quelconque des Puissances Al likes ou Associees les forces de l'Axe, pendant le temps oil le territoire
ou a ses ressortissants un traitement plus favorable en question se trouvait sous le controle des forces
que celui dont la Roumanie ou ses ressortissants be- ou des autorites des Puissances de l'Axe.
neficient sur le territoire de cette Puissance relati- 7. La Roumanie accordera egalement le benefice
vement aux matieres auxquelles s'appliquent les pre- des dispositions precedentes de la presente annexe
cedentes dispositions. a la France et aux autres Nations Unies qui ne sont
5. Les tiers residant sur le territoire de l'une quel- pas des Puissances Alliees et Associees, dont les rela-
conque des Puissances Alliees ou Associees ou sur tions diplomatiques avec la Roumanie ont ete rom-
le territoire roumain, qui, avant la date d'entree en pues pendant la guerre et qui s'engageront a accorder
vigueur du present Traite, ont acquis de bonne foi a la Roumanie les avantages conferes a ce pays en
des droits de propriete industrielle, litteraire ou ar- vertu desdites dispositions.
tistique se trouvant en opposition avec des droits 8. Aucune disposition de la partie A de la presente
retablis en vertu de la partie A de la presente annexe annexe ne doit s'entendre comme etant en contra-
ou avec des droits obtenus grace a la priorite qui leur diction avec les articles 24, 27 et 29 du present Trait&
est accord& en vertu des presentes dispositions, ou
qui, de bonne foi, ont fabrique, publie, reproduit, B. Assurances
utilise ou vendu l'objet de ces droits, seront autorises 1. Exception faite des restrictions s'appliquant aux
a continuer d'exercer les droits qu'ils avaient acquis assureurs en general, it ne sera fait aucun obstacle
de bonne foi et a poursuivre ou reprendre la fabri- a la reprise par les assureurs qui sont ressortissants
cation, la publication, la reproduction, l'utilisation des Nations Unies de leurs anciens portefeuilles.
ou la vente qu'ils avaient entreprises de bonne foi, 2. Si un assureur, ressortissant d'une des Nations
sans s'exposer a des poursuites pour empietement. Unies, desire reprendre son activite professionnelle
L'autorisation sera dorm& en Roumanie, sous la efi Roumanie et si la valeur des depots de garantie
forme d'une licence sans exclusivite qui sera accordee ou des reserves exigees en Roumanie des entreprises
a des conditions a fixer par entente entre les parties d'assurances pour l'exercice de leur activite a diminue
interessees ou, a defaut d'entente, par la commission du fait de la perte ou de la depreciation des titres
de conciliation constituee en vertu de l'article 32 du qui les constituaient, le Gouvernement roumain s 'en-
present Traite. Toutefois, dans les territoires de cha- gage a accepter, pendant une periode de dix-huit
cune des Puissances Alliees ou Associees, les tiers de mois, ce qu'il reste de ces titres comme satisfaisant
bonne foi beneficieront de la protection qui est ac- entierement aux prescription legales concernant les
cordee, dans les cas analogues, aux tiers de bonne depots et les reserves.
foi dont les droits sont en opposition avec ceux des
ressortissants des autres Puissances Al liees et Asso- ANNEXE V
Contrats, presciption, effets de commerce
6. Aucune disposition de la partie A de la presente
annexe ne devra etre interpretee comme donnant a A. Contrats
la Roumanie ou a ses ressortissants sur le territoire 1. Sauf exceptions enoncees dans les paragraphes
de l'une quelconque des Puissances Alliees ou Asso- 2 et 3 ci-dessous, tout contrat ayant necessite pour son
ciees, des droits a des brevets ou a des modeles d'uti- execution des rapports entre des parties qui sont
lite pour des inventions relatives a un article quel- devenues ennemies au sens de la partie D de la pr6-
sente annexe, sera tenu pour resilie depuis le moment complir les formalites necessaires pour sauvegarder
ou l'une quelconque des parties est devenue un ennemi. leurs droits, que ces delais aient commence a courir
Toutefois, cette resiliation s'entendra sans prejudice avant ou apres rouverture des hostilites, seront con-
des dispositions de l'article 29 du present Trait& ; sideres comme ayant ete suspendus pendant la duree
elle ne relevera pas non plus l'une quelconque des de la guerre sur le territoire roumain d'une part,
parties au contrat de l'obligation de reverser les et sur le territoire de celles des Nations Unies- qui,
sommes pergues a titre d'avances ou d'acomptes et conformement au principe de la reciprocite, accordent
pour lesquelles la partie interessee n'a pas found de a la Roumanie le benefice des dispositions du present
contre-partie. paragraphe, d'autre part. Ces deals commenceront a
2. Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe 1 courir des la date d'entree en vigueur du present
ci-dessus, les stipulations de tout contrat qui pourront Trait& Les dispositions du present paragraphe s'ap-
etre dissociees et dont l'execution ne necessitait pas pliqueront aux delais fixes pour le depot des coupons
de rapports entre les parties qui soot devenues en- d'interets ou de dividendes ou pour le depot, en vue
nemies au sens de la partie D de la presente annexe, du remboursement, des valeurs sorties au tirage ou
ne seront pas resiliees et demeureront en vigueur sans remboursables pour tout autre motif.
prejudice des droits &none& a l'article 27 du present 2. Lorsqu'en raison de rinexecution d'un acte ou
Trait& Si les stipulations d'un contrat ne peuvent de romission d'une formalite quelconque pendant
pas etre ainsi dissociees, le contrat sera tenu comme la guerre, des mesures d'execution ont ete prises sur
itant integralement resilie. Les dispositions qui pre- le territoire roumain au prejudice d'un ressortissant
cedent s'entendent sous reserve de l'application des d'une Nation Unie, le Gouvernement roumain re-
lois, ordonnances et reglements nationaux edictes tablira les droits leses. Si le retablissement de. ces
par telle ou telle des Puissances Alliees ou Associees droits est impossible ou devait etre inequitable, le
de la juridiction de laquelle releve le contrat ou Gouvernement roumain fera le necessaire pour que
l'une quelconque des parties au contrat, et sous rinteresse recoive telle compensation qui en l'oc-
reserve des stipulations du contrat. curence paraitra juste et equitable.
3. Aucune disposition de la partie A de la presente
annexe ne sera consider& comme annulant les trans- C. Effets de commerce
actions legalement effectuees conformement a un 1. Dans les relations entre ennemis, aucun effet
contrat passe entre ennemis, si ces transactions ont de commerce souscrit avant la guerre ne sera con-
ete executees avec l'autorisation du Gouvernement sider& comme n'etant plus valable pour la seule
d'une des- Puissances Alliees ou Associees. raison qu'il n'a pas ete present& a l'acceptation ou
4. Nonobstant les dispositions qui precedent, les a l'encaissement dans les delais prescrits, ou que le
contrats d'assurance et de reassurance feront l'objet tireur ou l'endosseur n'a pas ete avise dans ces
de conventions distinctes entre le Gouvernement de delais que l'effet en question n'a pas ete accepte ou
la Puissance Alliee ou Associee interessee et le Gou- paye, ou qu'il n'a pas ete proteste dans lesdits delais
vernement roumain. ou qu'une formalite quelconque a ete omise pendant
la guerre.
B. Prescription
2. Si le alai au cours duquel un effet de commerce
1. Tous les delais de prescription ou de limitation aurait du etre presente a l'acceptation ou a l'encais-
du droit d'engager ou de poursuivre une action ju- sement, ou dans lequel un avis de non-acceptation
diciaire ou du droit de prendre des mesures conser- ou de non-paiement aurait du etre donne au tireur
vatoires dans les rapports juridiques interessant des ou a l'endosseur, ou durant lequel l'effet aurait dil
personnes ou des biens, mettant en cause des ressor- etre proteste, est arrive a expiration pendant la guerre,
tissants des Nations Unies et des ressortissants rou- et si la partie qui aurait dil presenter ou protester
mains qui, en raison de l'etat de guerre, u'ont pas pu l'effet ou aviser du defaut d'acceptation ou du
engager ou poursuivre une action judiciaire, ou ac- defaut de paiement a omis de le faire pendant la guerre,
it sera accorde un alai de trois mois au moMs, a priete de ses ressortissants et de recommander au
partir de la date d'entree en vigueur du present Gouvernement roumain de faire proceder a la revision
Trait& pendant lequel it sera possible de presenter de celles de ces decisions ou ordonnances qui pour-
ou de protester ledit effet ou de donner avis de son raient n'etre pas conformes au droit international.
defaut d'acceptation ou de son defaut de paiement. 2. Le Gouvernement roumain s'engage a commu-
3. Si une personne s'est obligee, soit avant, soit niques copie de tous les documents et pieces de ces
pendant la guerre, au paiement d'un effet de com- proces, y compris les decisions prises et les ordon-
merce, a la suite d'un engagement pris envers elle nances rendues, a accepter toutes recommandations
par une autre personne devenue ulterieurement en- formulees a la suite de l'examen de ces proces et
nemie, celle-ci reste tenue, malgre l'ouverture des a donner effet a ces recommandations.
hostilites, de garantir la premiere des consequences
de son obligation. B. Jugements
Le Gouvernement roumain prendra les mesures
D. Dispositions speciales necessaires pour permettre aux ressortissants de l'une
1. Aux fins de la presente annexe, les personnes quelconque des Nations Unies, a tout moment dans
physiques ou morales seront considerees comme etant un alai d'un an a compter de la date d'entree en
devenues ennemis a partir de la date ou tout com- vigueur du present Trait& d'intenter devant les au-
merce entre elles est devenu illegal, aux termes des torites roumaines competentes une action en revision
lois, ordonnances ou reglements auxquels ces per- de tout jugement rendu par un tribunal roumain
sonnes ou le contrat etaient soumis. entre le 22 juin 1941 et la date de l'entree en vigueur
2. Etant donne le systeme juridique des Etats- du present Traite dans tout proces dans lequel le
Unis d'Amerique, les dispositions de cette annexe ne ressortissant d'une des Nations Unies n'a pas ete a
s'appliqueront pas aux relations entre les Etat-Unis meme d'exposer sa cause d'une maniere satisfai-
d'Amerique et la Roumanie. sante, soit en qualite de demandeur, soit en qualite
de defendeur. Le Gouvernement roumain prendra
les mesures necessaires pour que, lorsqu'un ressor-
ANNEXE VI tissant d'une des Nations Unies a subi un prejudice
Tribunaux de prises et jugements du fait de tout jugement de cette nature, ce ressor-
tissant soit retabli dans la situation oil it se trouvait
A. Tribunaux de prises avant le prononce du jugement ou regoive telle com-
1. Chacune des Puissances Alliees ou Associees pensation qui pourra, en la circonstance, etre juste
se reserve le droit d'examiner, conformement a une et equitable. L'expression « ressortissants des Na-
procedure qu'elle fixera, toutes decisions et ordo- tions Unies # comprend les societes ou associations
nances des tribunaux de prises roumains, rendues a organisees ou constituees conformement a la legis-
la suite de proces, mettant en cause les droits de pro- lation de l'une quelconque des Nations Unies.

B yAocTosepemie nero HIP. In faith whereof the un- En foi de quoi, les Pleni- Drept care, subsemna %ii
wenoAnHcaBwHecH FlonHo- dersigned Plenipotentiaries potentiaires soussignes ont Plenipotentiiari au semnat
MOtilible IlpeAcTanwrenH have signed the present appose leurs signatures et Tratatul de fata, punand si-
rio,aricanx HacTommiii Ao- Treaty and have affixed leurs cachets au has du pre- giliile lor.
roHop H IlpHJI05KHJIH H Hemy thereto their seals.
CBOH ne'iam. Done in the city of Paris sent Traite. Facut la Paris, in limbile
ConepweHo B Ilapme Ha in the Russian, English, Fait a Paris, le dix fevrier rusa, engleza, franceza 9i
pyccicom, aHrunikxom, 0 alp French and Roumanian lan-
Hyacxom H pymbnicicom 5,13I)I- guages this tenth day of mil neuf cent quarante-sept, romans, astazi zece Febru-
RaX, ctleHpa.nq Aecwroro AHH February, One Thousand en langues russe, anglaise, arie, una mie noun sute pa-
Thicnna ABBHTCOT copox Nine Hundred Forty-Seven. francaise et roumaine. truzeci 9i 9apte.
ce,Ibmoro roAa.




Ernest Bevin
Duff Cooper


James F. Byrnes
J. Caffery

3A ABCTPAJ11410 :
John A. Beasley


K. KHceneH.

George P. Vanier

Jan Masaryk
I. V. Clementis

3A 14HA1410 :
S. Runganadhan

W. J. Jordan


H. Cemm.

3A 103RHO-ActIPPIKAHCR14171 C0103:
W. G. Parminter

3A PYMb1H1410 :
G. Tatarescu
L. Patra§canu
S. Voitec
Gl. Adj. Damaceanu


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