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Learning Journal Unit 6

UoP - University of the People

BUS 1101-01 Principles of Business Management

Lynetta Mcallum

December 17, 2023



In the pursuit of personal and professional excellence, setting clear and actionable

goals is paramount for individuals seeking to maximize their potential and achieve

success in various aspects of their lives. In line with this, the purpose of this report is to

outline the importance of transforming personal goals into SMART objectives, which are

specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound, as expounded by Carpenter,

Bauer, and Erdogan (2010). By adopting this strategic approach, individuals can

effectively align their aspirations with tangible and measurable targets, thereby enhancing

their ability to track progress and take purposeful actions that contribute to their overall

growth and development. Additionally, this report will delve into the utilization of the

PDAD cycle, which encompasses planning, doing, acting, and daring, as a framework to

guide individuals in achieving their goals and realizing their full potential (Carpenter et

al., 2010). By following this cyclical process, individuals can systematically plan their

actions, execute them diligently, assess their effectiveness, and embrace daring

opportunities that push them outside their comfort zones. This ultimately results in

personal and professional growth and the attainment of their desired objectives

(Carpenter et al., 2010). Thus, by combining the principles of SMART goal setting and

the strategic framework of the PDAD cycle, individuals are empowered to make

deliberate and purposeful decisions that lead to tangible and meaningful outcomes in their

personal and professional lives.


SMART Goals Development

Goal 1: Obtain a Leadership Position

To transform this objective into a SMART goal, we will define it as follows:

 Specific: Secure a managerial role in my field of expertise within the next

18 months.

 Measurable: Achieve a promotion or a new position that includes

supervisory responsibilities.

 Attainable: Enhance leadership skills through targeted training and seek

opportunities for growth within my current organization or externally.

 Relevant: This goal aligns with my career growth mission and will

position me to make a larger impact within my industry.

 Time-bound: Set a deadline of 18 months to achieve this leadership role.


Goal 2: Volunteer Regularly

Transforming this objective into a SMART goal involves:

Specific: Engage in volunteer work with a focus on educational programs for

underprivileged youth.

 Measurable: Participate in at least two volunteer events or programs per


 Attainable: Identify local organizations that align with my community

service goals and offer flexible volunteering schedules.

 Relevant: Volunteering is in line with my mission to contribute actively to

my community.

 Time-bound: Begin volunteering within the next three months and sustain

this commitment for at least one year.

Goal 3: Mentor Young Individuals

To develop this into a SMART goal:

 Specific: Provide mentorship to three high school students interested in

pursuing careers in my field.

 Measurable: Conduct bi-weekly mentorship sessions and track the

mentees' progress towards their academic and career objectives.

 Attainable: Collaborate with local schools or youth programs to connect

with potential mentees.


 Relevant: This goal supports my vision to serve as a guiding light for the

younger generation.

 Time-bound: Establish mentorship relationships within the next six

months and continue for the duration of the school year.

Achieving a SMART Goal Using the PDAD Cycle

For this report, we will focus on the goal to Obtain a Leadership Position and

apply the PDAD cycle (Carpenter et al., 2010).


Identify leadership roles that align with my career aspirations and the

requirements for each.

Develop a personal development plan that includes leadership training, skill

enhancement, and networking activities.

Set a timeline for each step, including completion of training and application for

leadership roles.


 Enroll in a leadership development program and actively participate in all

related activities.

 Update my resume to reflect new skills and experiences.

 Apply for leadership positions that meet my career goals.



 Seek feedback from mentors and peers on my leadership development and

job applications.

 Adjust my strategies based on the feedback and outcomes of job


 Continue to build on leadership skills through practical experience and

additional training as needed.


 Take on challenging projects that demonstrate my leadership capabilities.

 Reach out to industry leaders for informational interviews and advice.

 Apply for roles that may seem like a stretch but could provide significant

growth opportunities.


Setting SMART goals is a strategic approach to achieving personal and

professional growth, as emphasized by Carpenter, Bauer, and Erdogan (2010). The

PDAD cycle, outlined in their work, provides a dynamic and comprehensive framework

that enables individuals to take actionable steps towards these goals. By meticulously

planning, executing, evaluating, and daring to push beyond their comfort zones,

individuals can not only realize their ambitions but also make a tangible and meaningful

impact in their careers and communities, thus contributing to their personal development

and the betterment of society (Carpenter et al., 2010).


(Word Count: 779)


Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.

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