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Redactare academic | 2013 2014

Model de citare, conform stilului APA (1)

Tip materiale citate: 1. Volum 2. Articol *Pentru mai multe informaii, vezi manualul APA, capitolele 6 i 7.

1. Volumul citat: Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity, de Erwin Goffman Google Books: ad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false LibGen:

a. S spunem c dorii s citai acest fragment, care apare la pagina 10 (ediia de pe Google Books): The stigmatized individual can also attempt to correct his condition indirectly by devoting much private effort to the mastery of areas of activity ordinarily felt to be closed on incidental and physical grounds to one with his shortcoming. b. Textul are sub 40 de cuvinte (38), aadar poate fi integrat n blocul de text al eseului. Folosii ghilimele! De ex: . O expresie clasic a acestei idei este urmtoarea: The stigmatized individual can also attempt to correct his condition indirectly by devoting much private effort to the mastery of areas of activity ordinarily felt to be closed on incidental and physical grounds to one with his shortcoming. (Goffman, 2009, p.10). Ali autori Putem proceda i altfel, menionnd numele autorului n textul nostru, ceea ce elimin nevoia de a-l repeta n paranteza de la finalul citatului: Goffman explic acest fenomen dup cum urmeaz: The stigmatized individual can also attempt to correct his condition indirectly by devoting much private effort to the mastery of areas of activity ordinarily felt to be closed on incidental and physical grounds to one with his shortcoming. (2009, p.10).

Redactare academic | 2013 2014 c. n bibliografia de la finalul eseului, lucrarea va fi indicat astfel: Goffman, E. (2009). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. New York: Simon and Schuster n general: Nume, Iniiala prenumelui. (Anul publicrii). Titlul lucrrii cu italice. Locul publicrii, dac ete tiut: Editura Atenie, acesta este formatul pentru o carte de autor nu pentru volum editat/colecie), nu pentru articol!

2. Articolul citat: Creative Meanings within the Context of an Advertising Campaign, de Asdrbal Borges Formiga Sobrinho, publicat n Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, volumul 3, numrul 4 (octombrie 2013) Articolul online aici:

a. S spunem c citai urmtorul fragment, care apare la pagina 39 (atenie, nr. paginii este nr. paginii din revist; aceast pagin este a 13-a pagin a articolului, dar acest lucru nu este relevant pentru citare): Regardless of which was the primary intention of the advertisement, the organization did not want to wait the possible results from the continuity of the opposing action both at the language level and election or politic level; it chose the redirecting of its discourse as an action of repairing, protective or reinvigorating communication of its image. b. Citatul are peste 40 de cuvinte (56), aadar va fi citat separat de blocul de text, cu modificarea marginilor textului. Nu folosii ghilimele! Cu albastru textul dumneavoastr, verde/rou citatul: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, te nihil delenit vim, te affert nullam pro. Et vix fabulas commune, id minim simul nec. Quas dicat mel te, ei scripta graecis delicatissimi cum, an epicuri invidunt usu. Mei doming deterruisset ei. Ea vel dolor debitis. aa cum se afirm ntr-un studiu recent: Regardless of which was the primary intention of the advertisement, the organization did not want to wait the possible results from the continuity of the opposing action both at the language level and election or politic level; it chose the redirecting of its discourse as an action of repairing, protective or reinvigorating communication of its image. (Formiga Sobrinho, 2013, p.39) Idque phaedrum atomorum ex per, vix ad ubique voluptua similique. Vim no omnesque inimicus, qui eu error fabulas accumsan. Et idque tacimates vis, mel cu epicuri praesent

Redactare academic | 2013 2014 c. Articolul va fi indicat n lista bibliografic final astfel: Formiga Sobrinho, A.B. (2013). Creative Meanings within the Context of an Advertising Campaign. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 3, 4, 27 42. n general: Nume, Iniiala prenumelui. (Anul apariiei). Titlul articolului. Numele revistei cu italice. Volumul cu italice. Numrul. Pagina revistei la care ncepe articolul pagina la care se termin.

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