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Pâine cu maia

De exemplu, iarna eu hranesc maiaua dimineata in jur de ora 8-9, o las la 21-22 de grade
pana seara (cam 10-11 ore), fac prefermentul pe la 19 si in las pana dimineata (in jur de 7-
8) cand ma apuc sa pregatesc aluatul. Vara, insa, cand am 24-25 de grade in bucatarie, pot
sa hranesc maiaua pe la ora 15, ea sa ajunga la maxim in 7 ore si prefermentul sa il fac pe
la ora 22 si apoi sa il las in baie cu geamul deschis (pentru a fi mai rece) pana dimineata.

Daca gasiti o reteta care cere o maia lichida (100% hidratare) hranita 1:1:1 si voi o pastrati
la 1:3:3, puteti sa o convertiti  astfel: luati o cantitate de maia din maiaua mama si o hraniti
cu aceeasi cantitate de apa si faina. De exemplu, 20 de grame de maia mama cu 20 de
grame de apa si 20 de grame de faina. O lasati la dospit si apoi luati din noua maia
cantitatea necesara pentru paine si pregatiti prefermentul. Pentru a perpetua maiaua
mama, puteti folosi in continuare maiaua hranita cu 1:3:3. Daca va place rezultatul obtinut
cu maiaua hranita 1:1:1, puteti pastra in continuare maiaua mama la acest nivel.

Procentele de brutar se refera la cantitatile de ingrediente transformate in procente.

Acestea se raporteaza mereu la cantitatea de faina, care este mereu considerata a fi 100%.
Incepatorii nu trebuie sa isi bata capul cu aceste procente, deoarece daca vor sa urmeze o
reteta care are toate cantitatile exprimate in grame, procentele nu sunt necesare. Ele sunt
utile pentru a ajuta un brutar sa adapteze o reteta pentru diverse cantitati si pentru a
intelege mai bine ce impact poate avea modificarea procentului unui anumit ingredient in
rezultatul final. Eu am inceput sa le folosesc dupa multi ani de facut paine cu maia, pentru
ca am vrut sa adaptez anumite retete, iar acum pot sa fac o reteta de paine care suna asa
“12% faina integrala, 72% hidratare, 12% preferment, 2% sare”, insa daca sunteti la
inceput, chiar nu e nevoie sa aveti astfel de cunostinte. Las un exemplu foarte simplu mai
jos, doar ca sa va faceti o idee, insa nu intru in mai multe detalii pentru ca nu vreau sa va
confuzez prea mult.

Pentru o reteta care cere 500 de grame de faina, 350 de grame de apa, 150 grame de
preferment, 8 grame sare, procentele ar fi urmatoarele: faina = 100%, apa (hidratare) =
70% (350/500*100), preferment = 30% (150/500*100), sare = 1.6% (8/500*100).

Deci daca ati vrea sa faceti o paine mai mare, din 700 de grame de faina, ati putea aplica
procentele la noua cantitate de faina si ati obtine cantitatile in grame. Mai exact, ati avea
nevoie de 490 de grame de apa (0.7*700), 210 grame de preferment (0.3*700) si 11.2
grame de sare (0.016*700).

Vasele cu aluat se lasa la temperatura camerei pentru 1-3 ore (in functie de temperatura din
incapere) sau se baga in frigider intre 8 si 12 ore. Din nou, veti gasi indicatii despre dospire
in retete. Pentru a identifica daca aluatul este bine dospit , se urmareste sa fi crescut cam
de 1.5 – 2 ori si la apasarea cu degetul, el trebuie sa revina incet inapoi. Daca revine prea
repede este dospit insuficient, daca ramane pe loc si nu revine, inseamna ca e dospit prea


 50 g active sourdough starter fed 10-12 hours prior (50%)

 100 g water at 77°F/25°C (100%)
 100 g bread flour (100%)

Main Dough

 816 g bread flour (85%)
 144 g whole wheat flour (15%)
 692 g water at 77°F/25°C (72%)
 192 g levain white, 100% hydration (20%)
 20 g sea salt (2,1%)


 rice flour for dusting the banneton


Step 1: Prepare levain

1. In a bowl, combine sourdough starter, water, and flour. Cover and rise in a warm spot for
5 hours, until it's bubbly and doubled/tripled in size. I use my Brød & Taylor Proofer set
at 78°F/26°C.

Step 2: Autolyse (Main Dough)

1. You can start making the main dough right after you've mixed up the levain. Add bread
flour, whole wheat flour, and water to the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with a dough
hook. Mix until everything is combined (shouldn't take longer than a minute or so).
Scrape down the sides of your bowl if needed. Cover and rest/autolyse for 5 hours, until
the levain is ready.

Step 3: Mix in levain and salt

1. Add the bubbly and active levain to the main dough. Attach the bowl to your stand
mixer fitted with a dough hook. Mix on low speed for about two minutes until combined.
Cover the bowl, and rest for 30 minutes.
2. Sprinkle in salt and mix on low for two-five minutes until the dough has a smooth and
bouncy surface.
3. Transfer the dough to a clean, large bowl. Cover, and proof at 74°F/23°C-78°F/26°C for
1,5 hours. The best way to achieve an even temperature throughout the entire proof is
with a Proofer (linked in "Tools I Recommend").

Step 4: Coil Folds x 4

1. With wet hands, slide both hands under the dough and slowly lift up while pulling the
dough towards you, letting the dough fold underneath itself on the way down. Repeat
on all four sides. Proof for 1,5 hours.
3. Repeat the folding three more times, letting the dough rest for 1,5 hours in between
each coil fold. Total proof time: 7-8 hours*.

Step 5: Shape And Cold Proof

1. Prepare a 10-inch banneton by dusting it with rice flour. Transfer the dough onto a
lightly floured work surface. With the help of a bench scraper, fold in the right side, then
the left side, and roll down towards you.
2. Pinch the sides to seal.
3. Gently lift the dough into the prepared banneton, seam side up. Cover, and place it in
the fridge to cold proof overnight (10-18 hours).
Step 6: Bake

1. Place your Bread Pan or large Dutch oven in the oven. Preheat for 45-60 minutes at
2. Carefully remove the preheated Bread Pan from the oven. Tip the bread into the pan,
seam side down.
3. Use a lame or razor blade to score the surface of the bread. Try scoring at a slight angle
to give the bread the distinctive "ear". Put the lid back on and bake for 20-25 minutes.
5. After 20-25 minutes, you can remove the lid, turn down the heat to 430°F/220°C and
bake for another 15-25 minutes until the bread has a deep golden color with a nice
caramelized crust.
6. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for at least one hour before slicing.

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