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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc, o reteta delicioasa pentru toti cei care iubesc cozonacul!
Baigli cozonacul unguresc, seamana mai mult cu o rulada cu multa umplutura, decat cu cozonacul clasic care
este mai inalt si are umplutura mai putina. Cozonacul Baigli este foarte raspandit in Banat si in Ardeal unde se face
de obicei cu ocazia Sarbatorilor de Paste. Cu toate ca are acest aspect de rulada, va spun sincer ca mi-a placut mai
mult decat multi cozonaci pe care i-am degustat in decursul timpului.
Desi au venit caldurile si nu prea ne mai vine sa dam drumul la cuptor, m-am decis astazi sa fac aceste delicios
cozonac unguresc pentru ca este preferatul lui Cris. Se face foarte simplu si este delicios. Aluatul de baigli este
foarte usor de lucrat. O placere, as zice eu!
Daca nu iubiti foarte mult macul, il puteti umple cu nuca. Va recomand umplutura de nuca de la cozonacul cu nuca.
Este foarte buna si perfect potrivita pentru baigli.

Ingrediente Baigli Cozonac Unguresc

250 gr faina
1 lingurita zahar
1 varf sare
50 gr unt moale

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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90 ml lapte caldut
15 gr drojdie proaspata sau 7 gr uscata
1 ou mediu
coaja portocala/lamaie

Umplutura Baigli
50 gr stafide
2 linguri rom
125 gr mac
4 linguri miere
coaja portocala/lamaie

Mod de preparare
Aluatul de baigli l-am facut la masina de paine dar daca il faceti la mana, procedati astfel: puneti faina
intr-un vas si amestecati-o cu sarea si zaharul.
Adaugati untul la temperatura camerei si amestecati pana rezulta un aluat sfaramicios.
Dizolvati drojdia in laptele caldut, faceti o gropita in faina si adaugati-l in gropita.
Adaugati si oul si framantati dinspre centru spre margini pana rezulta un aluat moale si elastic.
In caz ca mai este nevoie, se mai adauga o lingura de faina (la mine nu a fost nevoie).
La masina de paine adaugam intai ingredientele lichide si terminam cu faina si drojdia.
Setam masina de paine pe programul de framantat si dospit si o actionam.

Mod de preparare umplutura de mac

Cat timp creste aluatul ne ocupam de umplutura.
Peste macul macinat, se toarna apa clocotita, cat sa-l acopere, si il lasam la inmuiat cca 30 minute, dupa
care il scurgem foarte bine.
Intr-o tigaie teflonata, adaugam 4 linguri de miere, coaja de portocala si stafidele, tinute in rom pentru 30 de
minute) si stoarse bine.

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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In momentul in care mierea s-a topit, adaugam macul scurs si il lasam pe foc, amestecandu-l des, cca 10

Cand consistenta umpluturii este omogena, stingem focul si lasam macul sa se raceasca.

Cum modelam Baigli?

Pudram usor cu faina blatul de lucru si intindem aluatul intr-o foaie nu mai groasa de 1 cm.
Intindem umpltura de mac pe intreaga suprafata a foii si strangem bine capetele.

Il rulam si il punem in tava de cuptor, tapetata cu hartie de copt, sa creasca pentru 1 ora.
Ca sa nu se lateasca in timp ce dospeste, ridicam marginile laterale ale hartiei de copt si punem in stanga
si in dreapta cozonacului baigli, o forma de chec sau de cozonac sau orice alta forma mai inalta, astfel incat

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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corpul cozonacului sa fie sustinut de forme in timp ce dospeste si sa nu se aplatizeze.

Preincalzim cuptorul la 180C,ungem cozonacul baigli cu un galbenus frecat cu o lingurita rasa de zahar
pudra si 2-3 linguri de lapte, pudram cu mac si il coacem pentru maxim 30 minute sau pana cand suprafata
este frumos rumenita.

Il taiem si servim dupa ce se raceaste putin. Este un cozonac absolut delicios!

Pofta buna!!

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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Baigli Hungarian sweet bread

Prep time
3 hours
Cook time
45 mins
Total time
3 hours 45 mins

Baigli the Hungarian sweet bread resembles more a roll with a lot of filling than the classic sweet bread which is
taller and with less filling. The Baigli sweet bread is widely known in Banat and Ardeal where its usually made for
Easter holidays. Even though it looks like a roll, I can honestly tell you that I liked it better than a lot of sweet bread
types I tasted over time.
Author: Laura Adamache
Recipe type: Dessert
Serving: 1
For the dough
250 grams of flour
1 teaspoon of caster sugar

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1 pinch of salt
50 grams of soft butter
90 ml of warm milk
15 grams of fresh yeast or 7 grams of dry yeast
1 medium egg
Orange/lemon zest
For the filling
50 grams of raisins
2 tablespoons of Rum
125 grams of poppy seeds
4 tablespoons of honey
Orange/lemon zest
How to make the dough
1. I made the baigli dough in the bread maker but if you do it by hand, this is how to do it:
2. Put the flour in a bowl and mix it with the salt and the sugar.
3. Add in the butter (room temperature) and work it in by hand until you get a crumbly texture.
4. Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk, make a well in the flour and pour it in.
5. Add in the egg and knead from the center to the margins until the dough becomes soft and elastic.
6. If needed, add in an extra tablespoon of flour (it wasnt necessary in my case).
7. In the bread maker, add the liquid ingredients first, then the solid ones, with the flour and the yeast being the
last ones.
8. Set the bread maker on the dough making module and let it work till its done.
How to make the filling
1. While the dough rises, prepare the filling.
2. Pour hot water over the ground poppy seeds, barely covering them, and let them soak for 30 minutes then
drain them well.
3. In a non-stick pan, add 4 tablespoons of honey, the orange zest and the raisins (which have been previously
soaked for 30 minutes and then drained well). When the honey has melted, add in the well-drained poppy
seeds and let it simmer on low heat, stirring constantly for about 10 minutes.
4. When the consistency of the filling is creamy, remove from heat and let it cool.
How to roll up the Baigli
1. Lightly flour the working surface and roll the dough in a 1 cm thick sheet.
2. Spread the poppy seed filling all over the surface and tuck the ends in.
3. Roll it and place it in the baking pan lined with baking paper, to prove for 1 hour.
4. We dont want it to spread while proving, so place on the left and the right of the baigli a bread pan or any

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Baigli Cozonac Unguresc | Laura Adamache Retete culinare

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other taller pan, so that the body of the baigli is aided to rise during proving and not spread and become flat.
5. Preheat the oven at 180C. Make a mixture of one egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of icing sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of
milk and brush it over the baigli. Sprinkle some more poppy seeds and bake it for 30 minutes or until it has a
nice, lovely golden color on top.
6. Serve and slice after its cool. Its really delicious!

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