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Insula Ikaria (Grecia) este locul unde oamenii traiesc peste 100 de ani si sunt sanatosi.

Care este secretul lor

Dan Buettner, de la National Geographic, a stat 15 luni in Ikaria si a aflat secretele sanatatii si longevitatii locuitorilor de aici. Potrivit lui Buettner, genele influenteaza sanatatea noastra numai in proportie de 20%, in rest conteaza stilul de viata. In Ikaria, secretul sta in pastrarea obiceiurilor culinare sanatoase, insula fiind mai izolata, iar aici nu au aparut inca restaurante fast-food sau alimente semipreparate. Dieta locala se bazeaza pe legume si mai putina carne sau zahar. Un asemenea regim de viata creste cu pana la 6 ani speranta de viata. Un alt secret este uleiul extra virgin de masline, care insoteste orice masa din aceasta insula. Se stie ca acest ulei este un puternic antioxidant, care reduce riscul de cancer sau boli cardiace. Locuitorii din Ikaria consuma saptamanal lapte de capra. Este mai usor de digerat decat laptele de vaca si contine o substanta care reduce nivelul de hormoni de stres din organism. Din acest lapte se prepare si multe branzeturi, totul este 100% ecologic, cresterea caprelor fiind una din principalele ocupatii ale localnicilor. Plantele sunt remedii importante in aceasta insula, in special ceaiurile, care scad tensiunea si reduc riscul de dementa sau de infarct. Miscarea zilnica nu este o problema pentru ikarieni. Cum insula are un relief muntos, toti locuitorii, chiar si batranii,

au parte de exercitii fizice moderate chiar daca merg numai pana la magazin sau la cafenea, sa discute cu prietenii. Un alt secret este siesta de la miezul zilei. Numai 30 de minute de somn ajuta la reducerea stresului si la sanatatea inimii. De aceea, turistii nu trebuie sa se mire daca dupa ora 13.00 magazinele sunt inchise si strazile pustii. Poate cel mai banal secret, dar si cel mai greu de urmat este faptul ca in Ikaria oamenii nu se grabesc. Nu poarta ceasuri si nu este o porblema daca cineva intarzie la vreo intalnire. Timpul petrecut alaturi de familie si prieteni este insa nepretuit. Studiile au demonstrat ca aceste activitati ajuta la scaderea riscului de depresie sau de ingrasare.

Sursa: Business Insider

And now the secrets... 1. THE IKARIAN DIET: This is a variation of the Mediterranean diet, which studies have shown to lower the risk of heart disease and potentially increase life expectancy by 6 years. The diet is high in vegetables and beans and low in meat and sugar.
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Ikarians also finish everything in Extra Virgin olive oil. The oil contains natural antioxidants associated with a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.
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2. GOAT MILK: The team found that people on the island who live beyond age 90 drink goat's milk almost every week. Goat's milk is easier to digest than cow's milk. It's also high in tryptophan, which reduces stress hormones and lowers the risk of heart disease.
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These islanders herd their own goats every day. It's a fivehour process that includes bringing the animals down from the mountain, feeding them and milking them. The milk is then filtered and prepared into local cheeses.
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3. WILD GREENS: Over 150 varieties of wild greens grow on Ikaria. Wild greens are a rich source of antioxidants and a key part of the plant-based diet. Ikarians grow almost everything they eat.
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4. HERBAL TEAS: The common herbal teas grown on Ikaria contain compounds that lower blood pressure, lower risk of heart attack and decrease chances of dementia.
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5. MOUNTAIN LIVING: Due to the natural rugged terrain, Ikarians get their daily exercise without thinking about it. This woman still zips around town at 93 years old. She lives alone and attributes her longevity to avoiding red meat and surrounding herself with friends.
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7. DAILY NAPS: One cherished custom of Ikarians is the midday siesta or afternoon nap. Taking a 30-minute nap at least five times per week decreases the chance of heart attack by one-third. It also reduces stress and makes you look and feel younger.
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At 3 p.m. this clothing shop owner closes her doors and won't reopen until 9 p.m. She then heads home, makes lunch and looks after her 96-year-old mother. Both of them nap daily.
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6. LOW SENSE OF TIME URGENCY: People don't wear watches in Ikaria. Showing up late is also socially accepted. This attitude reduces stress and wrinkles.
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8. STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY: Family and community support are extremely important. Strong social connections have been show to lower depression, death and body weight.
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