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Asist. Univ. Dr. Ioana Minciu1, Dr. George Moisa2
Medic primar Neurologie pediatric, Clinica Neurologie Pediatric,
Spitalul Clinic de Psihiatrie Al. Obregia,
UMF Carol Davila Bucureti
Medic rezident Neurologie Pediatric

Introducere. Boala Lesch Nyhan este o boal genetic, cu transmitere-X linkat recesiv, a metabolismului
purinelor caracterizat prin deficitul de Hipoxantin-Guanin-Fosforiboziltransferaz (HPRT) ce duce la
hiperproducie de acid uric. Gena este localizat pe cromozomul X q26-q27.2.
Prezentarea cazului. Se prezint cazul unui copil de sex masculin HAV n prezent n vrst de 6 ani,
internat n Clinica Neurologie Pediatric Spital Al. Obregia n mod repetat de la vrsta de aproximativ 1 an
pentru ntrziere n dezvoltarea psihomotorie pe etape, tulburri de tonus i micare care, iniial, a fost
diagnosticat ca paralizie cerebral, pentru ca la 3 ani, odat cu apariia automutilrilor i a hiperuricemiei, s
fie suspicionat ca Boal Lesch-Nyhan i confirmat genetic la 3 ani i 6 luni.
Concluzii. Un tablou clinic de Paralizie cerebral spastic-diskinetic cu IRM cerebral normal poate ascun-
de o boal metabolic cu transmitere genetic i risc crescut de recuren.

Cuvinte cheie: sindrom extrapiramidal, hiperuricemie, gena HPRT

INTRODUCERE (evidene de funcie dopaminergic redus n nu-

cleii bazali) (6,7)
Boala Lesch Nyhan este o boal genetic, cu Clinic se clasific n 3 forme (8): forma clasic,
transmitere-X linkat recesiv, a metabolismului forma neurologic i forma renal (Keeley-Seeg-
purinelor, caracterizat prin deficitul de Hipoxantin- miller) sau 4 grupe: 1 renal cu dezvoltare normal,
Guanin-Fosforiboziltransferaz (HPRT) (1) ce duce 2 cu simptome neurologice uoare, 3 cu simptome
la hiperproducie de acid uric (2). Gena este lo- neurologice severe fr automutilri (nu pot merge
calizat pe cromozomul X q26-q27.2. Mutaiile dar se pot autogestiona), 4 cu simptome neurolo-
sunt heterogene: mutaii punctiforme sau deleii, gice severe cu automutilri i total dependent (6).
inserii .a. HPRT catalizeaz reacia n care hipo-
xantina i guanina sunt reutilizate pentru a forma
nucleotidele respective: acidul inosinic i guanilic
(3). Cnd nu exist HPRT, se reduce feedbakul Se prezint cazul unui copil de sex masculin, n
inhibitor i se accelereaz sinteza de novo a puri- prezent n vrst de 6 ani, internat n Clinica Ne-
nelor. (4) Prevalena n lume este de 1: 380.000. (2) urologie Pediatric Sp. Al. Obregia n mod repetat
Patogeneza anomaliilor neurologice este neclar. de la vrsta de aproximativ 1 an pentru ntrziere n
Hiperuricemia nu este cauza afectrii neurologice dezvoltarea psihomotorie pe etape cu tulburri de
n aceast boal, este cauza pentru disfuncia renal. tonus (spasticitate la nivelul membrelor asociat cu
Unele studii sugereaz anomalii n metabolismul marcat hipotonie axial observate la 1 an) i tul-
neurotransmitorilor, n special al cilor dopami- burri de micare i postur (elemente extrapira-
nergice (5). Nucleotidele guanine particip n midale tip coreoatetoz i distonie observate dup
reglarea legrii de receptorii agonisti dopaminergici 1 an i 6 luni).

Adresa de coresponden:
Dr. Ioana Minciu, Clinica Neurologie Pediatric 1, Spitalul Clinic Al. Obregia, os. Berceni nr. 10, Sector 4, Bucureti



Din antecedente am reinut c este singurul
copil, sarcina a fost normal, natere la 38 sptmni
fiziologic, prezentaie cranian, Apgar-9, greutate
2.300 g, circular de cordon, icter prelungit ce a ne-
cesitat fototerapie. Antecedentele familale: nesem-
Dezvoltarea psihomotorie a fost ntrziat i sesi-
zat de la 3 luni; a inut capul la 12 luni, nu st n
ezut dect cu sprijin i susinut, nu merge, lalizeaz
de la 7 luni, spune cuvinte cu sens de la 1 an i 6
La 1 an: CT (tomografie computerizat) cere-
bral: normal. Examene de laborator fr semni-
FIGURA 1. Leziune la nivelul buzei inferioare
ficaie clinic. Pe baza istoricului de posibil sufe-
rin hipoxic cu hiperbilirubinemie i al tabloului
clinic neprogresiv, diagnosticul iniial la 1 an al
acestui copil a fost paralizie cerebral i a nceput
tratamentul de recuperare motorie cu progrese
foarte mici. Dup 1 an i 6 luni achiziii psihomotorii
prezente dar lente, are control mai bun al capului, a
nceput s se rostogoleasc, ncearc s se trasc;
spune cteva cuvinte cu sens mono i bisilabice. De
la vrsta de 3 ani copilul este mai agitat i apare
comportament autoagresiv (mucri frecvente i
violente buza inferioar i police mini bilateral).

Examen clinic i neurologic

La 3 ani: hipotrofie staturoponderal, talia i
greutatea sub percentila 5 pentru vrst, fr dis- FIGURA 2. Leziune la nivelul policelui
morfii, cicatrice cu lipsa de substan la nivelul
buzei inferioare (Fig. 1) i cicatrice la nivelul poli-
celor bilateral (Fig. 2) postautogresiune (mucturi
repetate), echilibrat cardio-respirator i digestiv, nu
are control sfincterian. La examenul neurologic tul-
burri de deglutiie i fonaie, fund de ochi normal,
vorbire exploziv greu inteligibil, n silabe (prima
silab a cuvntului), rar cuvinte bisilabice, auz nor-
mal, sindrom piramido-extrapiramidal cu hipertonie
a membrelor i hipotonie axial, micari involuntare
de tip grimase, protruzie a limbii, posturi distonice
la nivel cefalic, coreoatetoz la membre (dreapta
predominant) i posturi distonice (predominant stn-
ga), cu dificulti mari de meninere a posturii capului
i trunchiului n ezut, cu mers imposibil, cu pre-
hensiune aproape imposibil din cauza micrilor
involuntare, nu transfer obiecte, dar se poate ros-
togoli i tr pe coate, reflexul parautei schiat, fr
tulburri de sensibilitate. Achiziii cognitive i de
FIGURA 3. Comportament autoagresiv
limbaj corespunztor nivelului de vrst 12-18 luni
(QD~345), ntrziere psihic sever. Limbaj re-
Examenele de laborator
ceptiv mai bun dect expresiv. Comportament auto-
agresiv accentuat de frustrri i stres (Fig. 3). Nu se Au artat: valori crescute ale acidului uric seric
autoservete, total dependent de mam. i urinar (acid uric seric = 10,72 mg/dl, acid uric

urinar: 1.136,485 mg/24h) La mam, acid uric seric S-a efectuat examenul genetic care a confirmat
normal (4,16 mg/dl). diagnosticul prin identificarea unei mutaii hemi-
Studiul conducerii nervoase: normal. Ecografie zigote c.508 C>T n exonul 7 al genei HPRT1. Mu-
abdominal-normal. IRM cerebral normal (Figura taia are ca rezultat formarea unui stop codon pre-
4). matur cu urmarea formarea unei proteine HPRT1
trunchiate sau diminuarea ARNm HPRT1.
Diagnosticul diferenial s-a fcut uor cu unele
leucodistrofii sau boli metabolice, precum i cu
paralizia cerebral n aceast etap (Tabelul I).
Tratamentul a fost multidisciplinar i a cuprins:
controlul nivelului acidului uric seric cu Allopurinol
5-10 mg/kg (2) n 2-3 prize, aport de lichide i
alcalinizare urinar.
Nu exist tratament specific pentru tulburarea
neurologic. Pacientul a primit medicaie antispas-
tic (Lioresal, Rivotril), infiltraii cu Dysport, a
efectuat kinetoterapie pentru spasticitate i tulbu-
rrile de deglutiie.
Pentru comportamentul agresiv s-a ncercat
tratament medicamentos (neuroleptice, hipnotice,
antidepresive), S-Adenosil Metionina, terapie com-
portamental, contenionare pentru automutilri.
Pentru tulburarea de micare s-au ncercat: L-
dopa, Romparkin, Levetiracetam, Neuroleptice fr
rezultate semnificative.

Tratament profilactic
S-a efectuat testarea genetic a mamei, care a
confirmat c este purttoarea defectului genetic.
Sora mamei a fost indemn, iar bunica matern,
sora bunicii i verioarele primare ale mamei nu au
FIGURA 4. IRM cerebral. Secvene coronare T1 i T2 putut fi testate (Figura 5).
ponderate S-a acordat sfat genetic mamei (risc de 50% din
biei cu boal i 50 % din fete purttoare) (9) Se
n acest moment, diagnosticul este de ence- recomand amniocenteza la o alt sarcin cu fei
falopatie cu diskinezii, comportament compulsiv- masculini pentru examen genetic al genei HPRT
agresiv i hiperuricemie, suspiciune de boal (10).

TABELUL 1. Diagnostic diferenial al principalelor caracteristici ale bolii

Cauze de hiperuricemie
Cauze pentru sindrom extrapiramidal la copilul mic Cauze de automutilri
Paralizie cerebral Sindrom Leigh-Feigin-Wolf Neuropatia senzitiv Deficitul de
Vascular infarcte nuclei aminoacidopatii, ereditar congenital (tip II) fosforibozilpirofosfataz
bazali aciduria glutaric I, Neuropatia senzitiv Hiperactivitatea
Encefalite acidemia D gliceric, ereditar tip IV fosforibozilpirofosfat
Traumatisme deficit de sulfitoxidaz Insensibilitatea congenital sintetazei
Tumori nuclei bazali deficit de xantinoxidaz la durere Deficitul de
Calcificri nuclei bazali acidemia propionic, Retard psihic sever adenilosuccinatliaz (ASL)
Coreea ereditar benign homocistinuria Glicogenoze tip I sau cu
Necroza striatal bilateral hiperfenilalaninemia afectare muscular tip III, V,
Boala Paelizeus-Merzbacher aciduria metilglutaconic VII
Sindrom Cockayne tip III

FIGURA 5. Arborele genealogic al pacientului

Evoluia gutoi (13). Mai rar posibile, dar amintite n litera-

tur, episoade de com inexplicabil nsoind boli
De la 3 la 6 ani a fost fr progrese motorii, cu acute sau moarte subit. Deces la adult n decada
unele progrese cognitive i pe vocabular (pe latura
3-5 de via (12).
limbajului receptiv achiziiile corespund intervalu-
lui 30-33 luni, expresiv 16-18 luni).
un tablou clinic de Paralizie cerebral spas-
Este rezervat n acest caz, pacientul nostru avnd
tic-diskinetic cu IRM cerebral nomal poate
forma sever clasic de boal cu tulburri neuro-
ascunde o boal metabolic cu transmitere
logice, deficit cognitiv, hiperuricemie i automuti-
genetic i risc crescut de recuren, prin ur-
lri, fiind complet dependent de o alt persoan
pentru ngrijire. Probabil c nu va merge independent mare un diagnostic precis este foarte impor-
i nu va edea fr ajutor/scaun rulant (11). tant
Psihic sunt posibile progrese, dar se va menine asocierea comportamentului autoagresiv este
disartria i riscul de automutilare sever. Poate dez- foarte sugestiv pentru Boala Lesch-Nyhan
volta convulsii i pneumonie de aspiraie. n timp, nivelul seric i urinar al acidului uric sunt
hiperuricemia poate conduce la nefrolitiaz, iar elemente simple de diagnostic
netratat, la uropatie obstructiv i insuficien re- confirmarea genetic este important att
nal cu deces, de aceea este necesar urmrirea pentru pacient, ct i pentru famila acestuia
ecografic periodic. (12) Mai poate dezvolta ane- sfatul genetic este tratamentul profilactic al
mie megaloblastic, iar spre pubertate artrit i tofi bolii.

Diagnosis difficulties in extrapyramidal syndrome in young children

Ioana Minciu1, George Moisa2
Pediatric neurologist, Pediatric Neurology Clinic,

Al Obregia Hospital, UMF Carol Davila Bucharest,

Pediatric neurology resident

Introduction. Lesch-Nyhan disease is a genetic disorder, X-linked recessive, of the purines metabolism,
characterized by deficiency of hipoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT- 1) which results in
an increase of uric acid in both the blood and the urine. The gene is located on the chromosome X q26-
Case presentation. Its presented the case of a boy now 6 years old, with multiple admissions in Pediatric
Neurology Clinic, Al. Obregia Hospital from the age of about 1 year for psychomotor developmental delay,
movement disorders, initially diagnosed with cerebral palsy, then at the age of 3 years old, once the self-
mutilation behavior and hyperuricaemia were noticed we suspected Lesch-Nyhan disease which was
genetically confirmed at the age of 3 years and 6 months.
Conclusions. A clinical picture of spastic-dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy with normal cerebral MRI can underlay
a metabolic disorder with genetic transmission and increased risk of recurrence.

Key words: extra-pyramidal syndrome, hyperuricaemia, HPRT gene

INTRODUCTION neurological symptoms, 3 with severe neurologi-

cal symptoms without self-mutilation behavior
Lesch-Nyhan disease is a genetic disorder, X- (cannot walk, but with self-management), and 4
linked recessive, of the purine metabolism, charac- severe neurological symptoms with self mutilation
terized by deficiency of hipoxanthine-guanine- behavior and permanent care needed (6).
phos-phoribosyltransferase (HPRT 1) (1) which
results in an increase of uric acid in both the blood CASE PRESENTATION
and the urine (2). The gene is located on the chro-
mosome X q26-q27.2. The mutations are heteroge- Its presented the case of a male boy, now 6
neous point mutations, or deletions, insertions, years old, with multiple admissions from the age of
etc. HPRT catalyzes the reaction in which hypox- about 1 year old for psychomotor developmental
anthine and guanine are reused to form the respec- delay (observed by the mother from the age of 3
tive nucleotides: inosinic acid and guanilic acid (3). months), with tone abnormality (spasticity of the
When there is no HPRT the inhibitors feed-back is limbs associated with marked axial hypotonia at
reduced and the de novo synthesis of purines is ac- age of 1 year) and movement and posture disorders
celerated (4) The worldwide prevalence is 1:380.000 (extra-pyramidal elements observed after the age of
(2). 1 year and 6 months; choreoathetosis and dysto-
The pathogenesis of neurological abnormalities nia).
is unclear. Hyper-uricaemia is not the cause of the He is the only child, from normal pregnancy,
neurological dysfunction in this disorder, but is the birth at 38 weeks of gestation, cranian presentation,
cause for renal impairment. Some studies are sug- Apgar score 9, weight at birth 2300 grams, circu-
gesting anomalies in the neurotransmitters metabo- lar cord, prolonged jaundice. Family history: unsig-
lism, especially of the dopaminergic pathways (5). nificant.
The guanine nucleotides are participating in the ad- Developmental milestones: delayed in general;
justment of the binding of dopaminergic agonists first observed at the age of 3 months, head control
with the receptors (there is the evidence of low do- was possible at 12 months, sits with support, can-
paminergic function in the basal nuclei)(6,7). Clini- not walk, says several words after the age of 1 year
cally there are 3 forms (8): the classical one, the and 6 months.
neurological form and the renal form (Keeley- Cerebral Computer Tomography (CT) (at 1
Seegmiller) or we can distinguish 4 groups: 1 re- year): normal. Lab Exams without clinical rele-
nal group with normal development, 2 with slight vance.

Based on the history of possible hipoxic injury

with hyper-bilirubinemia, the initial diagnosis of
this child was Cerebral Palsy, and he started the mo-
tor recovery treatment. After 1 year and 6 months,
psycho-motor aquisitions were present, but were
delayed and incomplete, he had better head control,
starts rolling, tries to crawl; says a few words. From
the age of 3 the child is more agitated and starts the
self aggressive behavior (bites the fingers and lips.
Clinical Examination at the age of 3: the child
was hypotrofic (high and weight under percentile 5
for the age), no dismorfic features, a scar with lack
FIGURE 2. Thumb lession
of substance on the lower lip (fig. 1) and scars at the
thumbs bilaterallly (fig. 2) post self-mutilation (re-
peated bites, no control of the sphincters. At neuro-
logical examination there are swallowing and pho-
nation impairments, with explosive speech, hard to
understand, using the syllables (first syllabe of the
word), normal hearing, pyramido-extrapyramidal
syndrome with hypertonia of the limbs, axial hypo-
tonia, involuntary movements (grimace type, ton-
gue protrusion), distonic postures of the head, limb
corheoathetosis (right more then left side) and dis-
tonic postures of the limbs (left more then right
side), high difficulties to mantain the head and the
sitting position, walking was not possible, almost
impossible prehension due to involuntary move-
ments, cannot transfer objects, but can roll and
crawl on the elbows, no sesitivity impairment.
Cognitive and language aquisitions corespon-
FIGURE 3. Self aggressive behavior
ding to 12-18 month old (QD~345) severe men-
tal retardation (receptive language better than ex-
Lab Exam: increased values of uric acid (in se-
presive language). Self-agressive behavior was
rum =10,72mg/dl, in urine -1136,485mg/24h). Mo-
accentuated by frustration and stress (fig 3). He
ther had normal values of uric acid in serum (4,16
cannot help himself, totally dependent on the mo-
Nervous velocity studies, abdominal echogra-
phy, cerebral MRI (figure 4) normal

FIGURE 1. Lower lip lession


For the aggressive behavior we tried several

drugs (neuroleptics, hypnotics, anti-depressives),
S-Adenosil Methionine, behavioral therapy, re-
straint from self mutilation.
For movement disorders we tried: L-dopa, Rom-
parkin, Levetiracetam, neuroleptics.
In our patient the treatment had no significant
The evolution from 3 to 6 years old was without
motor improvements, with some cognitive and vo-
cabulary improvements (regarding the receptive
language, the acquisitions are correspondent to the
30-33 month interval, and on the expressive level
FIGURE 4. Cerebral MRI-Coronal T1 and T2 weighted
imaging on 16-18 months).

Based on clinical data and hyperuriceamia at Prophylactic treatment

this stage we had the suspicion of Lesch Nyhan The genetic testing of the mother was performed,
disease. which confirmed that she is the carrier of the ge-
A genetic examination was performed that con- netic defect. Mothers sister was not carrying the
firmed the diagnosis by identifying a hemizygous defect, and the maternal grandmother, grandmoth-
mutation c.508C>T in the exon 7 of HPRT-1 gene. ers sister and first degree cousins on mother side
The mutation results in forming a premature codon
could not be tested. (fig 5)
stop that leads to forming a trunked HPRT1 protein
Genetic advice was given to the mother (50%
or a lowering of HPRT 1 ARNm.
risk for the male children to have the disease, 50%
Before the genetic test,differential diagnosis
of the female children at risk to be carrier of the
was done at this stage easy with some leucodystro-
disease (9). It is recommended the amniocentesis in
phies or metabolic disorders, as well as with cere-
bral palsy. case of another pregnancy with male fetus, for ge-
Treatment was multidisciplinary and included netic examination of the HPRT gene (10).
first the control of the level of uric acid in serum
with Allopurinol 5-10 mg/kg/day(2), in 2-3 doses,
hydration and urinary alcalinization. Prognosis is poor in this case, our patient having
There is no specific treatment for neurological a classic severe form of the disease, totally depen-
impairment.Patient received anti-spastic medica- dent on another person for permanent care.
tion (Lioresal, Rivotril), Dysport, kinetotherapy for Motor will never walk independently, and will
spasticity and swallowing problems. never sit without help/wheelchair (11).

TABLE 1. Differential diagnosis of the main caracteristics of the disease

Extrapiramidal syndrome in young children Self mutilation behavior Congenital hiperuriceamia

Cerebral palsy Leigh-Feigin-Wolf syndrome, Congenital Hereditary Fosforibozilpirofosfatasis
Stroke at the level of basal aminoacidopaties, Sensitive Neuropathies (type deficiency
nuclei aciduria, glutaric aciduria II) Fosforibosilpirophosphat
Encefallitis type I, Sensitive Hereditary sintetasis hyperactivity
Trauma gliceric acidemia type D, Neuropathies type IV Adenilosuccinatliasis (ASL)
Tumoral formation of basal sulfitoxidasis defficiency Congenital Insensitivity to Defficiency
nuclei xantinoxidasis defficiency, pain Type I glicogenosis, or with
Calcifications of the basal propionic acidemia, Severe Mental Retardation muscle impairment type III,
nuclei homocistinuria, V, VII
Benign hereditary chorea hiperphenilalaninemia,
Striatal bilateral necrosis metilglutaconic aciduria type
Paelizeus-Merzbacher III
Cockayne syndrome

FIGURE 5. Patients family tree

Psychologically there are possible some pro- CONCLUSIONS

gresses, but dysartria will remain, he can develop
In the clinical picture of a spastic-dyskinetic ce-
seizures, aspiration pneumonia. It will remain the
rebral palsy with normal cerebral MRI can be
risk of severe self-mutilation. In time, hyper-uricea-
hidden a metabolic disorder with genetic trans-
mia can lead to nephrolithiasis, and, untreated, to
mission and increased risk of recurrence, so a
obstructive uropathy and renal impairment with precise diagnosis is very important.
death, and that is why it is necessary a periodically The association of self-aggressive behavior is
follow up with echography (12). Patient can devel- very suggestive for Lesch-Nyhan disease.
op megaloblastic aneamia, and towards puberty, Serum and urinary level of uric acid are simple
arthritis and symptoms of gout (13). elements to diagnose.
Rarely possible but encountered in the literature Genetic confirmation is important for both pa-
are inexplicable coma episodes accompanying tient and his family.
acute disease or sudden death. Death comes in the Genetic advice is the prophylactic treatment of
adult period, in the 3-5 decades of life (12). the disease.

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