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Arta de a fi educator-

Nu vorbe, ci fapte si exemple !

« Copilaria este un univers al bucuriei, al jocului si revelatiei. »

Cred cu tarie ca meseria asta, de educatoare, nu sta bine pe orisicine.
Cred cu tarie ca educatia nu se face cu gura inchisa si mainile la spate.
Cred cu tarie ca pot fi prietena copiilor, cu precizarea ca eu le vreau
binele. Mie nu-mi ramane altceva de facut decat sa caut cum anume
pot insemna ceva pe termen lung. Pentru ca sta in puterea mea sa
educ… atunci de ce sa nu o fac, exact asa cum mi-ar fi placut mie sa fiu
educata si cum de altfel am fost.
Atunci cand se desprinde de mana mamei, copilul „apuca” mana..
educatoarei. Pentru fiecare copil in parte, educatoarea devine „mama”
in noul univers numit „Gradinita”. Se simte singur, este speriat, ii este
teama de ceea ce il asteapta. Depinde de tine, ca educatoare, sa-l faci
sa se simta in siguranta. Pasii sunt marunti. Treptat, lacrimile se
transforma in zambete timide iar la sfarsitul unei zile in care n-au mai
fost lacrimi, ci doar zambete, copilul a mai facut un „pas” iar
educatoarea pleaca acasa multumita si implinita.
Ce mare lucru „face”o educatoare? – va veti intreba. Oricine i-ar putea
lua locul...
Intr-adevar, nu „face”mare lucru, dar ceea ce face, face cu sufletul, face
cu dragoste si face cu multa daruire. Nu-ti poti alege aceasta meserie
decat daca iubesti copiii!
Ocrotirea mentoriala a copilului inseamna compatibilitate de calitati
sufletesti si, mai ales, un „circuit de vocatii ”, o complementaritate de
impliniri si autorealizari.
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa pricep ca nu-mi pot permite sa-i manipulez, sa-i
pacalesc ca-s fara cusur. Pot foarte bine sa recunosc in fata lor ca am
gresit fara a ma simti mai putin grozava si fara a crede ca mi-am
subminat autoritatea. Pot foarte bine sa rad si sa plang cu ei. Pot foarte
bine sa-i cert si sa-i impac. Pot la fel de usor sa predau o lectie sau sa
pun un copil sa deseneze un urs, mult mai frumos decat as fi reusit eu
sa-l schitez. Pot atatea lucruri sa fac… dar numai datorita lor. Nu as
putea sa fiu nimic din ceea ce sunt daca ei n-ar fi. Cine ar putea sa-mi
faca ziua mai frumoasa daca nu ei cand imi zic „Doamna Gabi, sunteti
frumoasa ca o printesa !”. Si cine ar putea sa le faca lor o zi mai senina
cu un abtibild in piept? E reciprocitate. Eu nu sunt nimic fara ei si ei nu
sunt nimic fara mine. Iar impreuna suntem cei pe care multe alte
doamne educatoare ii invidiaza pe ascuns, cei pe care multa lume ii
lauda prin oras, cei care „muta muntii” din loc.
Lucrul de capetenie e ca educatoarea sa nu moralizeze mult, caci
aceasta de obicei il plictiseste pe copil si produce cel mult niste
rezultate aparente, ci sa-l induplece prin exemplul sau si printr-o
consecventa iubire de adevar si de dreptate, care impune mai mult,
decat sute de predici moralizatoare. Pe o educatoare patrunsa de astfel
de sentimente, copiii o sa invete nu numai sa-o respecte si sa-o
iubeasca, ci si sa-o asculte totdeauna si sa se conduca si ei de
sentimente de dreptate si adevar.
Copiii nu trebuie mintiti pentru nici un motiv; realitatea trebuie sa le fie
dezvaluita fara nici un gand ascuns. Numai pe cunoasterea adevarului
se poate ridica o viata morala, rodnica. Cine crede ca falsificand
realitatea si aratand anumite stari mai bune, sau mai rele decum sunt
de fapt, va putea educa, se insala amarnic.
Arta de a fi educator este minunea de a ne oglindim zilnic in ochii
copiilor. Ochisorii unui copil iti pot „spune” multe: uneori esti zana
buna, alteori esti si vrajitoarea cea rea dar esti mereu „mama“ care
alina durerea si sterge raurile de lacrimi si... „prietena” de care cei mici
au atata nevoie!
Si-atunci se intampla o minune! .. minunea de a fi educator!
What makes a good teacher?
  Teachers are important and make a difference.   The quality of
  teaching is a crucial factor in promoting effective learning in
schools.  Effective teaching requires individuals who are
academically able and who care about the well-being of children
and youth. 

Points Arising from

The most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is

feedback – positive, encouraging, clearly targeted.

The setting of appropriate, specific and challenging goals is

Effective teachers make purpose and content explicit, plan

carefully, use systematic assessment and feedback, make

connections, encourage children to think about thinking and

  model what they want the children to do.

  Key Elements of What makes a good teacher?

  Research detailing the direct effect of good teaching on pupils is
difficult to assess, as relating ‘good teaching’ directly to higher
  attainment in pupils is almost impossible to verify.   However there
are many attempts to analyse what constitutes a ‘good teacher’.  
  The following points are generally agreed to have an impact on

  Subject Matter Knowledge

Highly knowledgeable and up to date in their subject area, but do
  not pretend to know it all, willing to learn from pupils

  Teachers’ repertoires of best practices

  Provide learner with clear tasks, goals, and requirement and

  inform them of progress made. A key skill in teaching is the

ability to explain and describe things clearly

  Encourage pupils to think, to make connections, to practise and

  reinforce, to learn from other learners and to feel that if they

make mistakes they will not be ridiculed or treated negatively

  Promote pupil participation through problem solving, questioning,

  discussion and “buzz group” activities

Treat all pupil questions seriously and do not intimidate or
Use regular informal assessment strategies including a range of
types of questioning, observation and listening in
  Understand that, since individuals learn at different rates and in

different ways, we need to provide a variety of activities, tasks

and pace of work, and monitor and evaluate children’s progress
  Use breaks and activities to engage pupils’ thinking and interest
Turn to reading and research for fresh insights and relating
  these to their classroom and school
Work in a shared and collegial way with other staff
Personal qualities
Demonstrate an empathy with pupil thinking, anticipate
misconceptions and allow pupils to develop understanding in a
variety of ways
Observe pupils in class for signs that they are failing to keep up,
are bored, or are not understanding
  Show flexibility in responding to pupil needs
 Genuinely want pupils to learn, understand and develop critical
thinking abilities, as well as master content or learn skills
Encourage pupils to take an active role in working through
difficulties and take time to work through concepts in detail with

those who have difficulties

Teachers who show enthusiasm for subject, professional area
and teaching role motivate pupils as they look forward to coming
  to that class
Highly effective teachers are viewed as “easy going”, “relaxed”,
with an “open” manner.   This brings a relaxed atmosphere to the
Communicate effectively
  Are resourceful and positive and adopt a problem-solving

Are creative and imaginative and have an open attitude to change
  Are systematic and well organised, focused, determined and

  Demonstrate empathy and fairness, are caring and approachable

  Teacher Competences

  The Standard for Chartered Teachers states that the

  quality of the educational service depends pre-
eminently on the quality of our teachers.   The standard
  then list the following 4 components:

  Professional values and personal commitments

Professional knowledge and understanding
  Professional and personal attributes
Professional action
It also lists 4 central professional values and personal
commitments which effective teachers should develop:
effectiveness in promoting learning in the classroom
critical self-evaluation and development
collaboration and influence
educational and social values

Reflection and Discussion

Do you reflect on your practice in the classroom?

As a result of this reflection do you alter your

approach within your classroom?
How much do you share good practice with colleagues?

Some Activities Relating To the Issue of What makes a

good teacher?
Key element Objective Action
  Some examples and suggestions
and up to date Pupils may be - very aware of
in their recent developments – could
Subject Matter subject area, you involve them in
Knowledge but do not producing/researching the
pretend to latest information for
know it all, topics?
willing to learn
from pupils
Use regular
Look closely at formative
Teachers’ strategies
assessment in your class.
repertoire of including a
(See Toolkit section on
best practice range of types
Formative Assessment)
of questioning,
and listening in.
Observe pupils
in class for
signs that they Use Traffic Lights. Green
are failing to means confident about
keep up, are understanding, orange means
bored, or not unsure and red means not
qualities understanding.  understanding. Pupils are
Show challenged with support to
flexibility in grade themselves
responding to
pupil needs.
Teacher Effective Prepare an action plan
teachers drawing on your strengths
should develop and tackle any of the
collaboration weaknesses that you have
identified.  Discuss this with
and influence a trusted colleague to get
feedback on your analysis.
There is a high Focus on reward and
level of encouragement not on
Ethos within
respect, sanction and punishment.
interest in and Consultation with pupils in
classroom acceptance of relation to own goals and
the pupils personal aspirations.

Selected References

Further Reading

Aspy D. & Roebuck F. (1977) Kids Don’t Learn from People

They Don’t Like, Ameherst, Mass: Human Resource
Development Press

Hayes, L.(2000) Am I Teaching Well ? Learning Matters

Smith, A. & Call, N.(1999) The ALPS Approach Accelerated

Learning in the Primary School, Network Educational Press

Smith, A. & Call, N. (2003) The ALPS Approach  Resource

Book, Network Educational Press

Smith, A. (2001) Accelerated Learning in Practice, Network

Educational Press

. Confidence. Belief in ourselves despite setbacks. Teachers encounter situations all the time that
could be considered setbacks. Kids can be cruel, to each other and to teachers. They can have
attitudes, especially teenagers. I’ve had teachers to were obviously nervous when they taught.
Others were shy and only half committed to their subject. But the best teachers laughed off their
mistakes: chalk breaking, books dropped, TVs not working. Where some teachers were flustered,
the good teachers shrugged and went on about the lesson, sometimes even joking about the mess
up. These teachers knew they were human and knew mistakes happen. They didn’t take things
personally and let problems get them upset.

2. Patience. Some of my best teachers could have helped students through a mental breakdown.
Not that they had to, but that they were so patient, they could have gone the distance. Many a
time I, or classmate, would just not be “getting” a particular concept. My best teachers were
those who were willing to keep explaining, knowing that eventually it would make sense. They
were willing to wait until a distraction calmed students down, or abandon a lesson entirely if it
was clear material needed to be revisited. The best teachers just stuck with it, willing to do what
it took, no matter how long it took.

3. True compassion for their students. I’m sure we’ve all encountered a bad teacher who
didn’t care what our excuse was. Certainly, some excuses weren’t valid, but many were. The best
teachers cared about their students as individuals and wanted to help them. They had a sixth
sense when a student needed extra attention and gave it gladly. They didn’t expect students to
leave thoughts of the outside world at the door to the classroom. They took the time to discuss
subjects outside their teaching, knowing that sometimes lessons can still be taught without
following the textbook. Good teachers were willing to speak up for us to other teachers, if need
be. They cared about us beyond the walls of their classroom.

photo credit: woodleywonderworks

4. Understanding. Good teachers had understanding – not only the sixth sense mentioned above,
but true understanding of how to teach. They didn’t have a rigid technique that they insisted on
using even if it didn’t help us learn. They were flexible in their teaching style, adapting daily if
need be. They understood the little things that affected our ability to learn; the weather, the
temperature in the classroom, the time of day. They had an understanding of human nature and
the maturity (or lack thereof) of teenagers. Good teachers knew that we hated to be called
“young” and therefore pre-judged. They treated us as real people, not just “students.”

5. The ability to look at life in a different way and to explain a topic in a different way.
There are many different learning styles. Not everyone gets a subject as taught by every teacher.
I’ve taken subjects (chemistry for instance) many times, at many different levels, by many
different teachers. I took College Organic Chemistry three times from three different teachers. I
can tell you from experience that it was more the skill of the third teacher than the third time
taking the class that allowed me to pass. Bad teachers only look a subject matter one way. They
teach based on how they learn. This works for some people, but fails for others. The good
teachers are ones that are able to teach to different learning styles. If students don’t understand a
subject, they teach it a different way. Instead of looking at abstract formulas, they explain with
images what the formulas represent. This requires a through understand of their subject, as well
as the ability to consider that subject in different ways, which not all teachers are able to do.

6. Dedication to excellence. Good teachers want the best from their students and themselves.
They don’t settle for poor grades, knowing it reflects upon their ability to teach just as much
upon a student’s ability to excel. The best teachers encourage the sharing of ideas and offer
incentives (like not having to do homework for a day) to get students to think outside the box.
They don’t tolerate students’ badmouthing other teachers, doing their best to point out that other
teachers are human too. They encourage students to be good people, not just good memorizers of
text. They want students to learn and be able to apply what they learned, not just be able to pass

7. Unwavering support. The best teachers know that everyone is able to do well if they have the
right teacher. They don’t accept that a student is a lost cause. They encourage if you are
frustrated and provide true belief that you can get the material. They stand up for individuals
against other students, not allowing for in class taunting. Sometimes, they even extend this
outside the classroom, although taunts in the hallways are very hard for teachers to combat. The
best teachers are there if you need extra help and even encourage it.

8. Willingness to help student achieve. The best teachers are those that don’t stop teaching
when the bell rings. They hold extra sessions for SAT prep, they reach out to students after class.
They know that some need extra attention or assistance, and they don’t act like it’s not their job.
They take that job seriously and know they aren’t just employed to get students to be able to do
higher math, but do well in life. They realize that achievement isn’t just a good grade on a test,
but a feeling of accomplishment with mastering a subject; they are willing to work with a student
for that feeling.
photo credit: peruisay

9. Pride in student’s accomplishments. The best teachers let you know they are glad you got a
good grade or made the honor’s society. They smile and tell you that you did a good job. They
tell other teachers about how you did as well. Outside you may feel embarrassed, but inside you
are glowing. The best teachers don’t single out the best students either. They celebrate the
accomplishments of everyone, knowing that everyone is capable to doing well. They are upbeat
and positive, focusing on how a student did well, not how well they taught. They may know that
it was the strength of their teaching that helped a student to achieve, but they act as if the student
is completely responsible.

10. Passion for life. The best teachers aren’t just interested in their subject, they are passionate
about it. They are also passionate about many other things. They praise good weather and smile
when they take a few minutes to discuss last night’s episode of a popular TV show. They have an
energy that almost makes them glow and that you want to emulate as much as possible. They
approach tasks with a sense of challenge rather than routine. They take the universe’s curve balls
and turn them into fun (if possible). They are human, certainly, but they make you feel that there
is always a reason to keep going. Things will get better no matter how much they appear to suck
at that moment.

As may be clear from the above, the best teacher I ever had was a math teacher. She was all the
more exceptional because math is the one subject I hate the most. She told us to call her “Aunt
Jackie,” but I had way too much respect to call her anything but “Mrs. Lamp.” She is now a
principal of a different High School than she taught at when I was her student, and I suspect she
is as good a principal as she was a math teacher.
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72 Responses to “The Top 10 Qualities Of A Good Teacher”

« Older Comments

1. Zulfah S'deen says:

March 31, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Good Teacher, Great Man, thanks for this wonderfull, Great Work for Teachers.
Remain blessed.


2. Sambo Yakubu Godwin says:

April 8, 2010 at 10:19 am

T|he materials are very interesting. I would not mind having their entire book.

Many thanks


o Cathy says:

April 9, 2010 at 7:26 am

I’m not sure I follow? I’m glad you liked this article on my blog. I plan to have
many posts for teachers on this blog, but I don’t have a book.


3. allison says:

April 29, 2010 at 6:43 pm

It helped me with my research paper on education and teaching thank you

4. Nisha says:

June 18, 2010 at 9:51 am

It helped for my interview and test ,this is a very good concept about the teacher



August 4, 2010 at 1:25 pm

This is a very good concept about the teacher,i love 2 be a teacher


6. Bethan says:

August 25, 2010 at 1:34 pm

Thankyou very much

I too aspire to be a teacher, i am only 15 but i am certain that my goal in life is to teach.
I would love to teach primary school as younger children inspire me.
This was very interesting and gave me a great insight into the qualities i would need to
put into practice to become a good teacher.


7. Ahsan Javed says:

September 7, 2010 at 6:51 am

This essay is so nice and useful. U have brought a broad concept of a good teacher. In
fact these days are not so productive good teachers like earlier.


8. ADETOLA E.A says:

September 18, 2010 at 6:21 pm

A good teacher is not found on the training field but on the chalkboard…


9. tin says:

September 26, 2010 at 5:03 am

I wish to be a good teacher someday.. and this will really be a great help to reach my


10. Hannah says:

September 30, 2010 at 3:56 am

I agree with your comments but suggest that you proof read and correct your own work. I
hope you take this as positive constructive criticism.


o Cathy says:

September 30, 2010 at 7:25 am

Oh? If you don’t mind, would you please let me know where you feel I’ve made a
typo? As for proof reading, I’ve read this post dozens of times through the 2+
years it’s been published. I’ve made changes during that time, so I assure you that
it’s been proof read. As for corrections, if you point them out to me, I would be
happy to correct them. Otherwise, I’ll presume you’re having a bad day…or just
like to troll other’s blogs.


11. Eric Gomey says:

October 4, 2010 at 9:20 am

So much help in such a small volume. Keep it up.

12. jessica says:

October 4, 2010 at 10:11 pm

its a lot helpful in completing my essay on good qualities of a teacherand i do agree with
your points


13. Rupin Singh says:

October 5, 2010 at 1:55 pm

Hi Cathy,
I was looking for something to help my wife with her work when I came across your
article. Its Great!!


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« Flying Out of the Pigeonhole – Mastering the Art of Self Expression

Teaching is more than just a job. It's a calling. It's an ever-surprising mix of grueling hard work and
ecstatic successes, both big and small. The most effective teachers are in it for more than just a
paycheck. They keep their energy levels up by focusing on why they got into teaching in the first
place. Here are the top seven reasons you should join the ranks and find a classroom of your own.
1. The Energizing Environment
It's virtually impossible to be bored or stagnant with a job as challenging as teaching. Your brain is
constantly engaged in creative ways as you work to solve a multitude of daily problems that you've
never faced before. Teachers are lifelong learners who relish the chance to grow and evolve.
Moreover, the innocent enthusiasm of your students will keep you young as they remind you to smile
through even the most frustrating moments.

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2. The Schedule
Anybody who enters teaching solely for a breezy schedule or carefree lifestyle will be immediately
disappointed. Still, there are some benefits to working at a school. For one thing, if your children
attend school in the same district, you will all have the same days off. Also, your will have
approximately two months off per year for summer vacation. Or if you work in a year-round district,
the vacation will spread throughout the year. Either way, it's more than the two weeks paid vacation
given in most corporate jobs.
3. Your Personality And Humor
The greatest asset you bring to the classroom each day is your own unique personality. Sometimes in
cubicle life, there's a need to blend in and tone down your personality. However teachers absolutely
must use their individual gifts to inspire, lead, and motivate their students. And when the job gets
tough, sometimes it's only your sense of humor that can keep you moving forward with any sanity.
4. Job Security
The world will always need teachers. If you are willing to work hard in any type of environment, you'll
find that you can always get work - even as a brand new teacher. Learn your trade, earn your
credential, become tenured, and you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you have a job you can
count on for decades to come.
5. Intangible Rewards
Most teachers find themselves encouraged and uplifted by the little joys that accompany working with
children. You'll cherish the funny things they say, the silly things they do, the questions they ask, and
the stories they write. I have a box of keepsakes that students have given me through the years -
birthday cards, drawings, and small tokens of their affection. The hugs, smiles, and laughter will keep
you going and remind you of why you became a teacher in the first place.
6. Inspiring Students
Each day when you go in front of your students, you never know what you will say or do that will
leave a lasting impression on your students. We can all remember something positive (or negative)
that one of our elementary school teachers said to us or the class - something that stuck in our minds
and informed our viewpoints for all these years. When your bring the full force of your personality and
expertise to the classroom, you can't help but inspire your students and mold their young,
impressionable minds. This is a sacred trust we are given as teachers, and definitely one of the
benefits of the job.
7. Giving Back To The Community
The majority of teachers enter the education profession because they want to make a difference in the
world and their communities. This is a noble and valiant purpose that you should always keep in the
forefront of your mind. No matter the challenges you face in the classroom, your work truly does have
positive ramifications for your students, their families, and the future. Give your best to each student
and watch them grow. This is greatest gift of all.

Simple but Effective Ways to be a Great Teacher 

Looking to really connect with your students?

1) A Great Teacher Will Always Be There- If you are not in your classroom, you are not teaching. Yes,
teachers must take days off occasionally, but do not make it a habit. If you are feeling a little sick, unless
it is serious, show up! A sick regular teacher is ten times better for his or her students than a healthy sub
is. Regular attendance is a must. Be proud to have a perfect attendance record.

2) A Great Teacher is Accessible- You need to help your students at all times. That means before school,
during lunch, and after school. No, you do not have to do it all the time. Start out with something like
two days a week before school, lunch, and after school. You are the best tutor your students can get.
Teach them!

3) Great Teachers Know Their Students on a Personal Basis- Talk to them during lessons. What is their
favorite music? TV? Movies? Talk to them in the hallways. The more you know, the more you can adapt.
It is easy to converse during class time. Little comments between concepts can go a long way. If some
show up early for class, you can really get personal. No class time? Pass out a questionnaire. Above all,
learn their names quickly!
4) A Great Teacher Knows Many Parents- Get phone numbers. Make two calls a day to parents. If you
can, make more. They do not need to be long. Just a short hello and that you are interested in their
child. In just a short time, you can indeed make contact to at least one parent of each student. Parents
can be your biggest ally. Students will perform and behave better if they know you are talking to their

5) A Great Teacher Knows What They are Teaching- If you do not know what you are doing, how can
you teach? This involves complete preparation.

6) A Great Teacher Attends school events- Make yourself seen at school sports and performances.
Being seen in this setting shows students you care about them and support them.

7) A Great Teacher Lives in or Visits the Neighborhood- If you do not live in the same place as your
school, make some visits on weekends. Go to a local place to eat. Shop at a local store. Many of your
students may have parents who own local businesses. Patronize them. Visit a church. The more your
students see you, the more they will be willing to behave in class. They will see you as someone who is
willing to be on their level.

8) A Great Teacher Eats Lunch on Campus- Wander around at lunch and sit at a student table. Buy a
school lunch and join them. Many students help sell food. Make a point to buy something.

9) A Great Teacher is Always Fair- Expect the best, but be flexible. Fairness does not have to mean
leniency It simply means to grade your students on a balanced scale.

10) Great Teachers Never lose Their Cool- Bite your tongue. All things will pass. Never carry a grudge.
Things in your classroom will happen. This goes hand in hand with being professional. Acting like a
raving lunatic is a sure way to shorten your career.

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