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Facultatea de Poliţie de Frontieră

Departamentul de Limbi Străine
Conferențiar univ. dr. Cristina PIELMUŞ


An e-learning language course


ENGLISH FOR POLICE ACADEMY STUDENTS – An e-learning language course – este un curs de
limbă engleză care se adresează în special studenţilor Academiei de Poliţie din toţi anii de studiu şi de la toate
specializările incluse în programul de învăţământ la distanţă. Cursul poate fi folosit ca resursă de învăţare a limbii
engleze pentru poliţie şi de către personalul din structurile Ministerului Afacerilor Interne care doresc să-şi exerseze
sau să-şi îmbunătăţească vocabularul şi cunoştinţele de limbă engleză de specialitate.
Cursul este o resursă de învăţare a limbii engleze pentru scopuri specifice pentru studenţii care studiază şi
personalul care activează în domeniul poliţienesc. Acesta are atât o valoare informativă, cât şi o valoare aplicativă
dat fiind că, pe de o parte, acoperă o paletă tematică circumscrisă domeniului poliţienesc, iar pe de altă parte include
activităţi centrate pe exersarea tuturor deprinderilor de învăţare a unei limbi străine.
English for Police Academy Students este un curs care a fost proiectat astfel încât să poată fi utilizat, în
special, ca resursă de exersare a limbii engleze de specialitate pentru domeniul poliţienesc în cadrul seminariilor de
limbă engleză, dar şi în vederea pregătirii studenţilor pentru examinările finale sau de competenţă lingvistică de la
sfârşitul ciclului de studii.
Cursul este organizat pe capitole şi include diverse tipuri de activităţi de la subiecte de dezbatere, activităţi de
exersare a conversaţiei prin exerciţii de exprimare a opiniei, exerciţii de matching, gap-fill, crossword, întrebări de
tip grilă, de înţelegere a contextului, de tip adevărat-fals, exerciţii de formare a cuvintelor sau cu asocieri de cuvinte,
traduceri la sarcini de lucru de tip joc de rol, rezolvare de probleme, studiu de caz, redactare de rapoarte. Mai mult,
cursul cuprinde o secţiune cu rezolvările exerciţiilor şi activităţilor, precum şi un glosar de termeni pentru domeniul
poliţienesc organizat pe tematica fiecărui capitol.
Cursul de limbă engleză pentru studenţii înmatriculaţi la forma de învăţământ la distanţă este rezultatul unui
proces susţinut de documentare şi selecţie a resurselor conexe domeniului poliţienesc, care a fost urmat de etapa
elaborării activităţilor specifice de învăţare a limbii engleze, etapă care nu ar fi fost posibilă fără a recurge la o gamă
largă de suporturi scrise şi visuale din varii surse de referinţă pe care le-am listat la finalul acestui curs.



Dezvoltarea capacităţii de comunicare în limba engleză utilizând terminologia de specialitate
• Însuşirea unui vocabular de specialitate prin studierea de texte cu specific poliţienesc
• Perfecţionarea deprinderilor de scris, citit, ascultat şi vorbit în limba engleză
• Valorificarea elementelor gramaticale prin exerciţii diversificate
• Dezvoltarea capacităţii de exprimare a opiniilor în mod logic, argumentat şi coerent în limba
• Elaborarea şi susţinerea de proiecte pe teme de cercetare cu profil poliţienesc
• Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de comunicare, relaţionare în limba englez
• Formarea unei atitudini pozitive faţă de limba străină studiată


• Însuşirea cunoştinţelor privind tematica prevăzută de programă

• Însuşirea terminologiei de specialitate aferentă fiecărui capitol
• Perfecţionarea deprinderilor de scris, citit, ascultat şi vorbit în limba străină
• Fixarea elementelor gramaticale prin exerciţii diversificate
• Elaborarea şi susţinerea de proiecte pe teme de cercetare de interes general şi de specialitate în
limba străină
• Explicarea şi înţelegerea terminologiei de specialitate
• Interpretarea corectă a vocabularului specific poliţienesc
• Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de a studia elemente de specialitate într-o limbă străină
• Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de comunicare, relaţionare într-o limbă străină pe baza activităţilor de
grup şi în colectiv
• Formarea unei atitudini pozitive faţă de limba străină studiată
• Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de exprimare orală şi scrisă
Stimularea capacităţii de abordare a disciplinei din perspectiva multidisciplinară

Competenţe instrumentale:
• Capacitatea de analiză şi sinteză
• Capacitatea de organizare şi self-managementul
• Capacitatea decizională
• Capacitatea de a soluţiona probleme
• Capacitatea de exprimare a opiniilor în mod logic, argumentat şi coerent într-o limbă străină
• Capacitatea de a asigura promovarea şi respectarea legalităţii
• Cunoştinţe fundamentale de limbă străină necesare profesiei de poliţist
Competenţe interpersonale
• Capacitatea de lucru în echipă
• Abilităţi interpersonale
• Abilităţi de comunicare
• Abilitatea de a lucra în condiţii de stres
Competenţe sistemice:
• Capacitatea de a transpune în practică cunoştinţele dobândite
• Capacitatea de a învăţa continuu
• Capacitatea de adaptare la noi situaţii
• Capacitatea de a se adapta procesului de integrare europeană şi de armonizare a legislaţiei
• Dezvoltarea profesională
• Capacitatea de a elabora şi implementa proiecte
• Preocuparea pentru obţinerea calităţii
• Automotivaţia
• Creativitatea


• Organisation of the Romanian Ministry of Home Affairs and the Home Office in UK
• Romanian Police Organisation
• Organisation of police forces in UK
• Romanian Police and British Police Ranks Compared
• Police Ranks of the United Kingdom


• What is a police officer?
• Police Officer’s Education
• Romanian vs. US Police Officer’s Education and Training
• How To Become a UK Police Officer
• Police Officers’ Selection and Training in Romania
• Law Enforcement Career in Romania and UK
• Police Recruitment Application Form
• Police Recruitment Interview
• Romanian Police Officers’ Oath of Allegiance


• The Concepts of “Police” and “Police Officer”
• Duties of a Police Officer
• Police Officer Job Description in US
• Conditions for Joining Police Force and Promotion Qualifications in UK
• Romanian Police Officer’s Responsibilities
• Professional Risks of Police Officers


• Police uniform and equipment in the United Kingdom
• British Police Uniform History
• British Police Uniform Nowadays
• Romanian Police Uniform


• US Police Officer’s Uniform and Equipment Items
• Police Equipment in the United Kingdom


• Handgun Components
• Components of a Glock Pistol
• Handgun Shooting Tips
• Police weapons: Firearms, Less Lethal Weapons, Specialised Weapons, Body Armour
• Definitions of firearm components
• Shooting Positions
• Handgun Shooting Techniques
• Police Use of Firearms


• Vehicle Components
• What is a police car?
• Police Vehicles in the United Kingdom (Ground Vehicles, Aircraft, Watercraft)
• Functional Types of Ground Police Vehicles in UK
• Police Vehicle Equipment
• Police-specific Equipment


• Categories of Crimes
• Types of Homicide
• Types of Criminals
• Crime-related actors: offender, victim, witness, investigator
• Causes of Crime
• Types of Theft
• Crime Report and Victim/Witness Statement Writing


• Types of Sentences
• Aims of Sentencing
• Factors Considered in Determining a Sentence
• Alternative Sentences

Unit aims
At the end of the unit students will be able to:
 Define and describe the police officer’s job
 Discuss about the Romanian vs. US police officer’s education and training
 Explain the similarities or differences between the police officers’ selection and recruitment
processes in Romania and the UK
 Fill in a Police Recruitment Application Form
 Express opinions about the police recruitment interview procedure
 Use the specific vocabulary to translate into English topic-related contexts

Activity 1 Read the text below about the profession of police officer and think of appropriate titles for each
paragraph. Then you can compare your titles with the ones suggested below and match the titles with the

What is a Police Officer?


Police officers work in partnership with the public to reduce crime and enforce federal, state and local laws through
the legitimate use of force.
Police officers conduct patrol duties and investigate crimes through gathering evidence and interviewing victims,
suspects and witnesses. They also maintain order by directing traffic, conducting arrests, issuing traffic citations,
preparing crime reports and responding to incidents of public disorder. Police assist at road-related incidents,
collision scenes and vehicle check points. They also assist in criminal prosecutions and provide deposition and court
testimony in criminal cases.

Police officers must have a minimum of a high school education, or its equivalent, and larger departments may
require one or two years of college. Federal and State agencies typically require a college degree. Since civil service
regulations govern the appointment of police in most jurisdictions, officers must pass a civil service examination.
Officers usually undergo a variety of testing including a physical examination, drug testing and a background check,
personality test and/or lie detector test. Officers also usually complete approximately 12 to 14 weeks of training in a
regional or state police academy.


Police officers interact with witnesses, victims and the public on a daily basis and must possess strong interpersonal
skills including social perceptiveness and listening skills. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are important in
analyzing a situation and determining a course of action. Physical agility and strong investigative skills are required
for the job as well as life-saving skills such as CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and first aid. Since police work can
be stressful and dangerous, officers must possess courage, stamina and stress management skills.

Police salaries range from the low forties to mid-nineties, depending on the size and location of the department and
the officer’s experience level. An officer’s total compensation frequently exceeds his salary due to overtime pay,
which can be significant. Police officers often have generous benefits plans, uniform allowances and pension plans.

(Text adapted from

Exercise 1 Here are some of the activities performed by law enforcement personnel. Match the verbs in bold letters
with the appropriate nouns/noun phrases in italics so as to make up verb phrases as in the example.

enforce evidence
reduce incidents
suspects issue
traffic citations
arrests maintain
the law
gather road incidents
crime reports
witnesses respond to
crimes order
assist in patrol duties

Exercise 2 Word associations

Match the words in the chart below so as to build police-related collocations. Tick where appropriate as in the

disorder prosecution testimony case check testing skills examination allowance test check






lie detector




physical 


Activity 2 Fill in the gaps with appropriate words given in the left column.

(Picture retrieved from

Get a Police Officer Education for a Fulfilling Law Enforcement Career

Police officer education can help prepare you for work as one of your city's dedicated
SUSPECTS law (0) __________ agents. As a police officer, you'll (1) __________ law and order, collect (2)
RAID __________ and conduct criminal (3) __________. You might be patrolling a neighbourhood to
RECORDS keep residents (4) __________, responding to a (5) __________ for help, or participating in a
SWAT team (6) __________.
ENFORCE The police education will prepare you for:
LAW Urban police officers have general law enforcement (7) __________ including
maintaining regular (8) __________ and responding to calls for help.
ENFORCEMENT Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs enforce the (9) __________ on the county level. Sheriffs,
who are elected to their posts, (10) __________ duties similar to those of a local or county (11)
ARRESTS __________ chief. A deputy sheriff in a large agency has duties similar to those of (12)
PATROL __________ in urban police departments.
SAFE Detectives (13) __________ facts and collect evidence for (14) __________ cases. They
MAINTAIN (15) __________ interviews, examine (16) __________, observe the activities of (17)
EVIDENCE __________, and participate in raids or (18) __________
OFFICERS State police officers, also known as highway (19) __________ officers, arrest criminals
POLICE state-wide and patrol highways to (20) __________ motor vehicle laws and (21) __________.
PATROLS At the scene of accidents, they may direct (22) __________, give first aid or call for emergency

(Text adapted from

Activity 3 Comment the following statement in an one-page essay: “The most important characteristics of an
effective law enforcement officer are integrity, loyalty, courage, respect and compassion”.

Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why? Why not?

Give your opinion on this statement and add other characteristics of a police officer that you consider relevant in this
line of work.

Activity 4 Project work

Read Activity again. Imagine its title “Get a Police Officer Education for a Fulfilling Law Enforcement Career” as a
slogan for a police officer recruitment campaign. Design a poster for such a campaign, whose aim is to attract young
citizens, males and females, into embracing a police officer career.

Activity 5 Read the text about the US police officer’s education and fill in with the correct prepositions.

Police Officer Education in US

To become a police officer, you need to be a U.S. citizen (0) ______ 20 years old, not be a convicted felon,
have earned a high school diploma or a GED (general educational development), and pass several competitive
written and physical examinations. If you're thinking (1) ______ working at the state or federal level, you should
know that federal and state law enforcement agencies require a college degree. Police training or training (2) ______
law enforcement, and police academy are also strongly recommended or often required.
Many law enforcement agencies encourage applicants (3) ______ complete either a 2-year associate's
program or a four-year bachelor's program (4) ______ a criminal justice-related area. Knowledge (5) ______ a
foreign language and being physically fit will also help you cultivate a career (6) ______ law enforcement.
Once you're accepted (7) ______ a law enforcement agency, you'll receive 12 to 14 weeks (8) ______
training in a police academy. Police training includes classroom instruction (9) ______ constitutional law and civil
rights, state laws and local ordinances, and accident investigation. Recruits also receive training in patrol, traffic
control, firearms usage, self-defence, first aid and emergency response.
Continuing education is also required (10) ______ police officers and detectives. Many agencies pay all or
part of the tuition (11) ______ officers to earn a degree in criminal justice, justice administration or public
administration, and pay higher salaries (12) ______ those who earn such degrees.
(13) ______ a large department, police officers may be promoted to detective or to a specialty area (14)
______ police work, such as juvenile justice administration. Promotions (15) ______ corporal, sergeant, lieutenant
and captain are usually made according to a candidate's position (16) ______ a promotion list, depending on your
on-the-job performance and examination scores. Many officers retire (17) ______ a pension after only 20 or 25 years
of service, and pursue a second career (18) ______ still in their 40s.
(Text adapted from

Activity 6 Discussion - Romanian vs. US Police Officer’s Education and Training

What sort of education and training does an aspiring police officer need in your country?
Compare with the US training system. What would be the most advantageous training system?
Use the table below to organize your ideas.

Police Officer Romania United States



Activity 7 Listen to the tape/Read the text below about the police officer recruitment system in UK and then answer
the comprehension questions.

How to become a UK police officer

The process of joining the UK police service is quite straightforward. It is, however, competitive and proper
preparation will stand you the best chance of landing a police career. A little investment at this stage, both in time
and in making use of the right resources will play a key part in making your police application successful.
A police career is a well-paid, varied career, which is why the police recruitment process is thorough and it
implies several stages.
Step 1 – Check if you are eligible to join a UK police force.
If you have settled on a police job and are looking at joining the police, you will firstly need to check the
general entry requirements. These vary slightly within the UK, but the basic criteria required for application is:
 Aged between 18 ½ years and 55 years (age limit can vary depending on the force)
 A British, Irish or a Commonwealth citizen (whose stay in this country is not subject to restriction)
 Of good character
 Physically fit and healthy
 A full driving licence (or in the process of learning)
Step 2 - The Application Form
Those looking to join the police should first contact the Force(s) they are interested in joining and ask for the
recruitment department. They will send you out an Application Form. On receiving your police application form back
from you, the Force that you have applied to will check your eligibility and mark your responses to competency
questions. If your application is successful, you will be invited to attend an assessment centre. Successful
completion of the application form is critical and is the only way through to the next stage of the assessment
Step 3 - The Assessment Centre - PIRT - Police Initial Recruitment Test
The police assessment centre will determine whether you have what it takes to have a career as a police
officer. You will receive an information pack around two weeks before your assessment. This will contain
information you need to find the assessment centre and hints on how to get ready for the process. At the police
assessment centre you will undertake an interview, four interactive exercises, two written exercises and a numerical
and verbal reasoning test. Together this is called the Police Initial Recruitment Test (PIRT). The PIRT has now been
incorporated into the one assessment day to standardise the recruitment process across all 43 forces in England &
Wales. The system is standardised and so relatively easy to prepare for, but if you are invited to attend a police
selection process, prior preparation is vital.
Step 4 - The Police Fitness Test
You will need to be in fairly good condition to pass this police fitness test.
Because police must be able to run for a reasonable distance, as part of your assessment, you will be tested to
ensure your fitness levels are high enough. It's a thorough test, but it is just to make sure you would be physically
able to carry out your duties. Expect to be tested on two key fitness requirements:
 dynamic strength - involves performing five seated chest pushes and five seated back pulls on the Dyno
machine to measure your strength.
 endurance - you will be asked to run to and fro along a 15 metre track in time with a series of bleeps, which
become increasingly faster.
If you don't meet the standard first time around, you can take the test again up to a maximum of three
Step 5 - Health Checks
You need to be in good health to be accepted as a police officer. Because police officers need to be physically
healthy in order to carry out their duties, you will need to be examined to ensure you have no serious health
Step 6 - Background and Security Check
You must pass thorough background and security checks before you can be appointed as a police officer. On
your application form you will be asked to provide the names of referees who can provide supporting information
about your character and employment history. If you pass all the other phases of the application process, the people
you named will be contacted. Once your references have been received and verified, and as long as they are
acceptable, your application will proceed to security clearance - the final stage in the process.
Step 7 - Security Clearance
Before you can be hired as a police officer, the Security Service must carry out a background check. To do
this, they will use the information you provide on your application, and information they collect themselves, to verify
your identity and your background.
(Text adapted from
Choose the correct answers:

1. Joining the UK police service requires…………..

a) competitiveness on the part of the applicant
b) the applicant’s proper preparation, investment in time and right resources
c) the applicant’s straightforwardness and proper investment
2. The eligibility criteria that have to be met upon application are…………..
a) age ranging between 18 ½ and 55 years, UK and Commonwealth citizenship, good character
b) physical fitness and good health, a driving licence
c) all of the above
3. The applicant’s completed Application Form is checked by the Force ……………
a) to determine if the applicant can join the police force
b) to find out if the applicant is eligible for the job and to mark responses to competency questions
c) to invite the applicant to the assessment centre to take a test
4. The purpose of the police assessment centre is ………….
a) to find out if the applicant has the necessary skills to start a police officer’s career
b) to determine if the applicant fits the requirements of a police officer’s profile
c) to establish if the applicant is trained for a police officer’s job
5. The assessment process consists in ………….
a) an interview, 3 interactive exercises, a practical test and a reasoning test
b) an interview, 2 written exercises and numerical and verbal reasoning tests
c) an interview, 4 interactive exercises, 2 written exercises and a numerical and verbal reasoning test
6. PIRT stands for ……………
a) Preliminary Identification and Response Team
b) Police Initial Recruitment Test
c) Police Initial Response Task Force
7. The police fitness test ………….
a) requires that the applicant be in a fairly good physical condition
b) aims at determining the applicant’s abilities to fulfil police duties
c) tries to establish if the applicant can run a reasonable distance
8. Good health is a condition police officers should meet …………
a) to be accepted in the police force
b) to be able to carry out their duties
c) to be sure there are no physical health issues
9. Referees’ details must be made available by the applicant …………
a) upon appointment as a police officer
b) so as the application may proceed to security clearance
c) to allow the force to carry out background and security checks
10. The Security Service’s task is ………….
a) to verify information provided by the applicant in the application form
b) to check the applicant’s identity and background
c) to carry out their own information collection process

Activity 8 Translation – Police Officers’ Selection and Training in Romania

Translate into English:

Selecţionarea şi pregătirea poliţiştilor

Poliţiştii provin, de regulă, din rândul absolvenţilor instituţiilor de învăţământ ale Ministerului Administraţiei
şi Internelor. Ofiţerii de poliţie pot proveni şi din rândul agenţilor de poliţie absolvenţi, cu diplomă sau licenţă, ai
instituţiilor de învăţământ superior de lungă sau scurtă durată ale Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor sau ai
altor instituţii de învăţământ superior cu profil corespunzător specialităţilor necesare poliţiei, stabilite prin ordin al
ministrului administraţiei şi internelor.
Pentru unele funcţii pot fi încadraţi direct sau transferaţi din instituţiile publice de apărare şi siguranţă
naţională specialişti cu studii corespunzătoare cerinţelor postului şi care îndeplinesc condiţiile legale. Încadrarea
unor specialişti în poliţie se realizează prin concurs sau examen, după caz. În primul an de activitate, poliţiştii
încadraţi direct trebuie să urmeze un curs de formare în instituţiile de învăţământ ale Ministerului Administraţiei şi
Admiterea în instituţiile de învăţământ ale Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor se realizează prin concurs.
La concursul de admitere în instituţiile de învăţământ ale Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor şi la încadrarea
directă a unor specialişti are acces orice persoană, indiferent de rasă, naţionalitate, sex, religie, avere sau origine
socială, care îndeplineşte, pe lângă condiţiile generale legale prevăzute pentru funcţionarii publici, şi următoarele
condiţii speciale:
a) să fie aptă din punct de vedere medical, fizic şi psihic;
b) să nu aibă antecedente penale sau să nu fie în curs de urmărire penală ori de judecată pentru săvârşirea de
c) să aibă un comportament corespunzător cerinţelor de conduită admise şi practicate în societate.
Candidaţii care au promovat concursul de admitere în instituţiile de învăţământ ale Ministerului
Administraţiei şi Internelor, precum şi persoanele care urmează să fie încadrate direct în poliţie nu trebuie să aibă
calitatea de membru al vreunui partid politic sau organizaţii cu caracter politic.
Criteriile privind selecţionarea poliţiştilor candidaţi pentru concursurile de admitere în instituţiile de
învăţământ proprii, precum şi selecţionarea specialiştilor se stabilesc prin ordin al ministrului administraţiei şi
În programele de pregătire a viitorilor poliţişti, elevi sau studenţi din instituţiile de învăţământ ale
Ministerului Administraţiei şi Internelor se prevăd activităţi specifice pregătirii militare, pentru primul an de studii,
fapt ce le asigură, după promovarea acestui an, echivalarea îndeplinirii serviciului militar obligatoriu.
(Text adapted from Legea Nr. 360 din 6 iunie 2002 privind Statutul poliţistului)

Activity 9 Discussion - Law Enforcement Career in Romania and UK

1) How are police officers in your country recruited?

2) Compare and contrast the way a law enforcement career is formed in UK and Romania.

Activity 10 Writing - Police Recruitment Application Form

The early stage in the police officers’ recruitment process is to fill in an application form. These forms vary
considerably from one police force to another. Here is a sample.

You are going to apply for a police officer’s job and you will be asked to complete an application form. Take into
consideration every piece of information that you are required to offer and make sure you provide the best
arguments that you are fit for the job.


Name and Surname: ____________________________________________________________________________
Nationality: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Driving licence: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Tel. No.: ______________________________________________________________________________________
(Should be listed chronologically)
Qualifications: __________________________________________________________________________________
Institution: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Company: ______________________________________________________________________________
Position: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Duration of Employment: __________________________________________________________________________
Duties: _________________________________________________________________________________________
(read details of candidate requirements and state how your previous experience matches the skills)
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Fax: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Why do you want to become a police officer?
Which department of the police service do you want to join and why?
How will the job of a police officer affect your social and domestic life?
What tasks do you expect to perform as a police officer?
What steps or preparation have you undertaken to ensure that you will be able to perform well if you qualify to
become a police officer?
(Adapted from

Activity 11 Discussion - Interview Role Play

Police Recruitment Interview

An important requirement before appearing for a law enforcement interview is to review the questions
which you believe might be asked and also have a prior preparation about the possible answers to those questions.
Some common questions that you may face during police interviews are shown below. Work in pairs or debate with
the whole class and give potential valuable answers to these questions.
⇒ Why are you seeking a career as a police officer?
⇒ What education and experience do you possess that has prepared you for this career?
⇒ Describe the worst situation you have encountered in a work place. How did you deal with it?
⇒ How do you feel about carrying a gun and possibly having to take someone’s life in the line of duty?
⇒ What are the sources of stress in your personal and professional life? How do you manage this stress?
⇒ What is your pattern of alcohol use?
⇒ What type of interpersonal conflict have you experienced in your professional life?
⇒ What steps did you take to resolve the issue?
⇒ What personal qualities and traits do you possess that would make you well suited for a law enforcement
⇒ Which type of situations cause you to feel discouraged? Anxious? Irritated?
⇒ When have you had to take charge of a situation to quickly resolve a problem or crisis?
⇒ As a police officer you catch hold of your friend doing something illegal. How would you handle the
(Text adapted from

Activity 12 ROLE PLAY - Police Officer On The Job

Imagine you are going to take part in a police officers’ recruitment process. One of the tests that you will be required
to pass is participating in a police officer role. You will be given several police tasks to perform so as your ability to
deal with the situation be assessed.

Work in pairs and assume the roles in each task (Task A: police officer vs. hostage taker; Task B: police officer vs. the
abusive husband; Task C: police officer vs. suspicious man; Task D: police officer vs. law-breaking driver). Focus on
handling the police officer’s duty effectively.

Task A Task B Task C Task D

You are a An emergency You are a police You are a traffic

police officer call is made at officer on night police officer and
on duty who the police station patrol and you you are on duty
receives the and you are sent notice a in the central are
to settle a suspicious of the city. You
that a hold-up
domestic dispute. person lurking are ensuring the
is taking place
As a result of in a parking lot traffic flow when
at a local bank
and several
alcohol abuse, in the you suddenly
civilians have the husband neighbourhood. notice a motor
been taken allegedly beat up The suspicious vehicle driver
hostages. his wife and man is also driving on the
Suspects are apparently tried carrying a bag red light, while
believed to be to forcefully
in his hand and failing to yield
armed and facilitate sexual
dangerous. You
seems most the crossing to
intercourse with
are sent to the attracted by a pedestrians at a
the latter.
scene to deal parked BMW, C road crossing.
with the Series.

Activity 13 Translation - Romanian Police Officers’ Oath of Allegiance

Translate into English:

When they join the police force or upon graduation from the Police Academy, Romanian police officers have to take
an oath of allegiance. Here it is. Translate it into English.
Jur să respect Constituţia, drepturile şi libertăţile fundamentale ale omului, să aplic în
mod corect şi fără părtinire legile tării, să-mi îndeplinesc cu răspundere şi bună credinţă
îndatoririle ce-mi revin potrivit funcţiei şi să păstrez secretul profesional.
Aşa să-mi ajute Dumnezeu !

 In order to become a police officer in Romania, the US or the UK people need to have at least a highschool
diploma and often times a college degree.
 Potential candidates have to go through a complex selection and training system in order to become a police
 A police officer will carry out duties and responsibilities such as maintaining law and order, investigating
crimes, conducting patrol duties or arrests, directing traffic, issuing traffic citations, assisting in road
incidents, interviewing witnesses etc.
 A law enforcement officer must possess an array of personal characteristics that are suitable for this
profession such as integrity, loyalty, courage, respect, compassion and many others.


1. What is a law enforcement officer?

2. What are the most important character traits that a would-be police officer needs?
3. What sort of training do you think an aspiring police officer needs?
4. Are there any specific abilities or skills required on joining the police force?
5. What do you consider to be the most relevant abilities that a successful police officer should have?

Useful Vocabulary
to reduce crime = a reduce infracţionalitatea
to enforce the law = a aplica legea
to conduct patrol duties = a efectua sarcini de patrulare
to investigate crimes = a investiga infracţiuni
to gather evidence = a culege dovezi
to interview victims/suspects/witnesses = a audia victime/suspecţi/martori
to maintain order = a menţine ordinea
to conduct arrests = a realiza arestări
to issue traffic citations = a emite amenzi rutiere
to prepare crime reports = a pregăti procese-verbale de constatare a infracţiunii
to respond to incidents = a acorda asistenţă în caz de incidente
to assist in road incidents = a acorda ajutor în accidente rutiere
public disorder = dezordine publică
vehicle check points = puncte de control al vehiculelor
criminal prosecution = trimiterea în judecatî într-o cauză penală
court testimony = mărturie în tribunal
physical examination = probă fizică
drug testing = test de dopaj
background check = verificarea detaliilor personale ale unei persoane
personality test = test/probă de personalitate
lie detector test = proba detectorului de minciuni
investigative skills = abilităţi de investiator
uniform allowance = bani de echipament/uniformă
law enforcement = aplicarea legii
to collect evidence = a strânge probe
to conduct criminal investigations = a oreganiza/realiza investigaţii criminale
to patrol = a patula
to raid = a efectua o razie
law enforcement duties = reponsabilităţi ale poliţiştilor
criminal case = cauză penală
to conduct interviews = a organiza audieri
to examine records = a examina dosare (penale)
to arrest criminals = a aresta infractori
motor vehicle laws and regulations = legi şi reglementări privind circulaţia rutieră
to direct traffic = a dirija circulaţia rutieră
convicted felon = infractor condamnat
college degree = (aprox.) diplomă de licenţă
criminal justice = justiţie penală
constitutional law = drept constituţional
civil rights = drepturi civile
ordinance = ordonanţă
traffic control = controlul circulaţiei rutiere
firearms usage = uzul armelor de foc
self-defence = auto-apărare
first aid = prim ajutor
emergency response = asistenţă de urgenţă
tuition = educaţie; instrucţie; ore (de clasă); şcolarizare
justice administration = administrarea justiţiei
public administration = administraţie publică
corporal = caporal
sergeant = sergent
lieutenant = locotenent
captain = căpitan
to retire = a se pensiona
pension = pensie
straightforward = deschis; direct; simplu; sincer
to land a career = a realiza o carieră
physically fit = apt fizic
eligibility = acceptabilitate; calificare
to undertake an interview = a da/trece printr-un interviu
to be at a disadvantage = a fi în dezavantaj
to carry out one’s duties = a-şi duce la îndeplinire îndatoririle
bleep = semnal acustic de avertizare
chest pushes = flotări
seated back pulls on the Dyno machine = tracţiuni la scripete din şezând
to be appointed as a police oficer = a fi numit în postul de ofiţer de poliţie
referee = (aici) persoană care dă referinţe
security check = verificare de securitate
to carry a gun = a purta armă
in the line of duty = la datorie
to take charge of = a-şi asuma răspunderea; a lua în primire
to catch hold of = a pune mâna pe; a da de cineva; a găsi pe cineva

 Cristina Pielmuş, English for Policing Purposes. An English Language Course Book for Law
Enforcement Students and Professionals, Editura Sitech, 2012
 Cristina Pielmuş, English-Romanian Concise Dictionary of Law Enforcement, Editura Universitaria,
 Cristina Pielmuş, English Language Workbook for Law Enforcement. Upper Intermediate Level,
Editura Universitaria, 2013

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