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Conversatie generala

Greetings - Cum salutam

hello/hallo! Buna!
Hi! Salut!
(Good) morning! Buna dimineata!
(Good) afternoon! Buna ziua!
(Good) evening! Buna seara!
How do you do? Buna ziua!
Im very glad to see you! "a #u$ur foarte mult sa te/va vad!
How are you? %e mai fa$i/fa$eti?
How are things? %um iti/va merge?
&ery well' than( you! )oarte #ine' multumes$!
%ant $om*lain! Bine/ +u ma *lang!

"adam doamna
"iss domnisoara
Sir domnule

hello este salutul $el mai fre$vent si des folosit intre $unostinte' $at si de *ersoane $are
se intalnes$ *entru *rima data
how are you este in *rimul rand o formula de salut si rareori o interesare serioasa
asu*ra starii de sanatate

Farewell Cum ne luam la revedere

Good,#ye! -a revedere!
Bye/Bye,#ye! .a!
Good night! +oa*te #una!
Im sorry #ut I have to go now! Imi *are rau' dar tre#uie sa *le$!
Its getting late! / tarziu!
0ill tomorrow then! 1tun$i *e maine!
Ill ring you tomorrow! 0e sun maine!
See you tomorrow! .e maine!

See you soon! .e $urand!
See you around! .e $urand!
1ll the #est! 0oate $ele #une!
Ho*e to see you soon! S*er sa ne vedem in $urand!
2hen $ould we meet again? %and ne mai *utm vedea?
Ill ta(e you to the!! 0e $ondu$ *ana la!!
Give my regards to3 0ransmite urarile mele3
Say hello to3for me! Saluta *e3din *artea mea!
It was lovely! 1 fost minunat!
0han( you for a lovely evening! "ultumes$ *t a$easta seara *la$uta/minunata!
I en4oyed it very mu$h! "i,a *la$ut f mult!
0han(s for $oming! "ultumes$ $a ai venit!
Safe 4ourney home! Sa a4ungeti $u #ine a$asa!

Introductions Cum ne prezentam

"y name is +umele meu este
1llow me to / let me introdu$e myself .ermiteti,mi sa ma *rezint
0his is my wife/hus#and 1$easta esto sotia mea/1$esta este sotul meu
%an I introdu$e you to3 1s *utea sa va *rezint *e3!!
I would li(e to introdu$e you to 3my daughter/son 1s dori sa va *rezint *e !!fii$a
mea/fiul meu
+i$e to meet you! "a #u$ur sa va $unos$!
Ive heard so mu$h a#out you! 1m auzit atat de multe des*re dumneavoastra
2hats your name? %um va $heama?
%ould you tell me your name *lease? 1ti *utea sa,mi s*uneti numele d,vs' va rog?
2here are you from? 5e unde sunteti?

Age Varsta

How old are you? %e varsta aveti?
I am 67 (twenty)! 1m 67 de ani!
2hen were you #orn? %and v,ati nas$ut?
2hat is you date of #irth? %are este data nasterii d,vs?
I was #orn in 89:6! ",am nas$ut in 89:6!
;ou are younger than me! /sti / suneti mai tanar/tanara de$at mine!
I am older than you! Sunt mai in varsta de$at tine!
I am going on forty! "erg *e <7 de ani/"a indre*t s*re varsta de <7 de ani
I have turned 67! 1m im*linit 67 de ani
Im too old for this! Sunt *rea #atran/#atrana *t asta!
=n the $ontrary' I thin( you are still young! %red' dim*otriva' $a sunteti in$a tanar!
2e have started to grow old now! Ine*em sa im#atranim!

Language Limba

5o you s*ea( /nglish? &or#iti engleza?
+o' I only s*ea( German! +u ' nu vor#es$ de$at germana!
;es I do! 5a' vor#es$!

Accommodation - Casa

2here do you live? >nde lo$uiti?
2e live in a #eautiful flat /house! -o$uim intr,un a*artament frumos/ o $asa
I live in lodgings! Stau $u $hirie!
Its my own flat/house! /ste *ro*riul meu a*artament/$asa!
Ive #een living here for a long time now! -o$uies$ de4a de mult tim* ai$i!
I havent #een here long! +u stau de mult ai$i!
I live on the ground floor! -o$uies$ la *arter!
I live on the se$ond floor! -o$uies$ la eta4ul doi!
I live in the $entre of town! -o$uies$ in $entru!
I live in the su#ur#s! -o$uies$ la *eriferie!
I live in the $ountry! -o$uies$ la tara!
I live in a very ?uiet/noisy street! -o$uies$ *e o strada foarte linistita/zgomotoasa!
I li(e living in the $ity/$ountry! Imi *la$e sa lo$uies$ la oras/tara!

@In marea Britanie *arterul este numit Aground floorB in tim* $e in S>1 *arterul se
numeste Afirst floorB' Ase$ond floorB $ores*unzand asadar eta4ului intai!

Work erviciul

2hat do you do? %u $e te o$u*i?
2hat do you do for a living? %um iti $astigi eCistenta?
2hat is your line of wor(? In $e domeniu lu$rezi?
5o you wor(? -u$rezi?
2hat $om*any do you wor( for? -a $e $om*anie lu$rezi?
La banca

La Banca At the bank

%an I $ash in this travellers $he?ue here? .ot sa in$asez a$est $e$ de $alatorie
5o you have an I5? 1veti un a$t de identitate?
.lease endorse the $he?ue! &a rog sa semnati $e$ul ai$i!
Id li(e to ma(e a de*osit! 1s dori sa de*un #ani!
Id li(e to ta(e some money from my a$$ount! &reau sa s$ot #ani!
)ill in this $he?ue! %om*letati a$est $e$!
5o you have3? 1veti3?
, 1 de#it $ard $ard de de#it
, 1 $redit $ard $ard de $redit
, 1 $he?ue #oo( $arnet de $e$uri
, 1 #an( a$$ount $ont in #an$a

Id li(e to o*en an a$$ount with your #an(! 1s dori sa,mi des$hid un $ont la #an$a
Id li(e to *ay in 877 *ounds' *lease! 1s dori sa de*un 877 de lire sterline' va rog!
%ertainly! 5esigur!
Id li(e a $urrent a$$ount! 1s dori un $ont $urrent!
=ne thousand euros were transferred to my a$$ount yesterday! 1u intrat 8777 de euro
ieri in $ont!
Id li(e to $lose my a$$ount! 1s dori sa,mi li$hidez
In this $ase' you must withdraw all of your money and write a letter stating that the
#alan$e is nil! In a$est $az' tre#uie sa retrageti toti #anii din $ont sis a de$larati $a soldul
este zero!
Id li(e to see a statement of a$$ount! &reau sa vad un eCtras de $ont!
Id li(e to ma(e a transfer! &reau sa *lates$ *rin virament!
.lease fill in this *aying,in sli*! &a rog sa $om*letati a$est #ulletin de
2hat is the interest rate? %are este rata do#anzii?
2here $an I find a $ash ma$hine/$ash dis*enser? >nde gases$ un #an$omat?
"y $ard is stu$( in the $ash ma$hine! "i,a ramas $ardul in #an$omat
0his $ash ma$hine doesnt wor(/0his $ash ma$hine is out of order! 1$est #an$omat nu
0heres not mu$h money left in my a$$ount! +u mai ma multi #ani
in $ont!
Ban(ing hours are3 Ban$a este des$hisa intre orele3
0o *ay #y #an(ers order 1 *lati *rin ordin #an$ar
1mount suma
0o re$eive $ash a *rimi numerar
Ban( note #an$nota
Id li(e to transfer some money! 1s dori sa transfer niste #ani!
0o whi$h a$$ount? In $e $ont?
0o what name? .e $e nume?
0o whi$h #an(? -a $e #an$a?
.lease send me a #an( statement on$e a month! &a rog sa,mi trimiteti situatia finan$iara
%ould you tell me my #alan$e' *lease? 1ti *utea sa,mi s*uneti soldul' va rog?
;our tele*hone #ill has already #een dedu$ted form your a$$ount! )a$tura telefoni$a v,
a fost de4a dedusa din $ont!
2hi$h #an( servi$es will I #e $harged for? .entru $e servi$ii ale #an$ii se *er$e*
Id li(e to a**ly for a short,term loan! 1s dori sa $er un im*rumut *e termen s$urt!
How mu$h would you need to #orrow? %at doriti sa im*rumutati?
2ould it #e *ossi#le for me to re$eive a $he?ue,#oo( as well? 1s *utea sa *rimes$ si un
$arnet de $e$uri?
2ith this a$$ount you are automati$ally issued a $he?ue,#oo(! Im*reuna $u a$est $ont
*rimiti automat si un $arnet de $e$uri!
0he #an( $harges a small fee for every $he?ue you write! Ban$a *er$e*e un mi$
$ommision *entru fie$are $e$ *e $are,l $om*letati!

Casa de schimb valutar

2here $an I $hange money? >nde *ot s$him#a #ani?
Is there an /C$hange =ffi$e near here? /ste vreo $asa de s$him# *rin a*ro*iere?
Id li(e to $hange 877 euro into3' *lease! 1s dori sa s$him# 877 de euro in!!' va rog!
How mu$h do I get for3? %at *rimes$ *entru?
How would you li(e it? %e fel de #ani doriti?
2hats the rate of eC$hange? %are este $ursul de s$him#?
Some small $hange too' *lease! Si niste maruntis va rog!
Id li(e a re$ei*t' *lease! 1s dori o $hitanta' va rog!
0he rate of eC$hange is!! %ursul de s$him# este3
2e $harge DE $ommission! .er$e*em $ommision de DE!
Sign here' *lease! Semnati ai$i' va rog!
%an you give me small $hange? .uteti sa,mi dati maruntis?
I only have #ig denominations! +u am de$at #an(note mari!
Id li(e to $hange some Swiss fran$s' $an you give me euros instead? 1m $ativa fran$i
elvetieni' *uteti sa mi,i s$him#ati in euro?
La doctor
La doctor - At the Doctors

%ould I see the do$tor' *lease? 1s *utea sa,l vad *e do$tor' va rog?
.lease get a do$tor' ?ui$(ly! &a rog' $hemati un do$tor re*ede!
.lease fet$h a do$tor! &a rog' adu$eti un do$tor!
2here is a hos*ital ? >nde este un s*ital?
2hat time does the do$tor have his/her $onsulting hour? Intre $e ore $onsulta d,lul/d,
na do$tor?
.lease wait in the waiting,room! &a rog aste*tai in sala de
0he do$tor $ant see you today! 5o$torul nu va *oate *rimi
Id li(e to ma(e an a**ointment' *lease! 1s dori sa,mi fa$ o *rogramare' va rog!
2hat seems to #e the trou#le? %are este *ro#lema?
I am si$(/ill! Sunt #olnav!
Im nauseous! "i,e greata!
I havent felt well for some days! 5e $ateva zile nu ma simt #ine!
I thin( Im going down with something! %red $a m,am im#olnavit de $eva!
"y throat/head/stoma$h a$hes! "a doare gatul/$a*ul/stoma$ul!
It hurts here! "a doare ai$i!
I have a severe *ain here! 1m o durere *uterni$a ai$i!
I have a high tem*erature! 1m tem*eratura mare!
Ive $aught a $old! 1m ra$it!
I have #een si$(! ",am simtit rau in ultima vreme!
I feel si$(! +u ma simt #ine!
I $ant slee*! +u *ot dormi!
Im *regnant! Sunt insar$inata!
I fell! 1m $azut!
%ould you *res$ri#e !!!' for me' *lease? 1ti *utea sa,mi *res$rieti3!!va rog?
Is it serious? /ste grav?
2ould you get undressed' *lease? 5ez#ra$ati,va va rog!
Breathe in dee*ly! Ins*irati adan$!
5oes that hurt? 5oare?
=*en your mouth and say A1h!B 5es$hideti gura si s*uneti A1!B
.ut out your tongue! S$oateti lim#a!
How long have you #een ill? 5e $and va simtiti rau?
2ell have to do a #lood/urine test! &a tre#ui sa fa$em un test de sange/urina!
;oull have to stay in #ed! &a tre#ui sa stati in *at!
Its nothing serious! +u e nimi$ grav!
I ma(e you out a *res$ri*tion! &a dau o reteta!
0a(e two ta#lets three times a day! -uati doua ta#let de trei ori *e zi!
1void salty and s*i$y foods! +u man$ati sarat si *i$ant!
%ut #a$( on $offee and al$ohol! Fenuntati la $afea si al$ool!
;ou must go on a five,day si$( leave! 0re#uie sa va luati un $on$ediu de #oala de
G zile!
;ou dont need to go into hos*ital! +u e nevoie sa va internati!
Get well soon! Sa va fa$eti #ine re*ede!
How are you feeling? %um te simtit?
+ot too good! +u *rea #ine!
2hy dont you go to the do$tor? 5e $e nu mergi la do$tor?
I must see my G.! 0re#uie sa merg la medi$ul de familie!
0he G. referred me to3! "edi$ul de familie mi,a fa$ut trimitere la3
, 1 surgeon $hirurg
, 1 neurologist neurolog
, 1 gyne$ologist gine$olog
, =*hthalmologist oftalmolog
, 5entist dentist

La dentist At the dentists

Ive got a terri#le tootha$he! 1m o durere de dinti ingrozitoare!
%ould you give me something for the *ain? Imi *uteti da $eva *t durere?
Ive #ro(en a tooth! "i,am ru*t un dinte!
"y gums are very sensitive! Gingiile mele sunt foarte sensi#ile!
Ive got a loose filling! "i,a $azut o *lom#a!
.lease o*en your mouth wide! 5es$hideti gura mare' va rog!
2hi$h tooth is $ausing you *ain? %are dinte va doare?
0his tooth will have to #e filled! 1$est dinte va tre#ui *lom#at!
0his is only a tem*orary filling! /ste numai un *ansament tem*orar!
Ill *ut the real filling in neCt wee(! 1m sa *un *lom#a sa*tamana viitoare!
1n H,ray will show if the root is all right! = radiografie va arata da$a rada$ina este
0his tooth will have to $ome out! 1$est dinte va tre#ui eCtras!
0he root has de$ayed! Fada$ina este stri$ata!
0his lo$al anestheti$ will num# the whole area! 1$easta anestezie lo$ala va amorti
intreaga zona!
5ont eat and drin( anything for four hours! +u man$ati si nu #eti nimi$ *atru ore!
;ou must ta(e #etter $are of your teeth! 0re#uie sa aveti mai multa gri4a de dantura
;ou have very healthy teeth! 1veti dinti foarte sanatosi!
I must go to the dentists! 0re#uie sa ma du$ la dentist!
"y dentist wor(s in a dental hos*ital! 5entistul meu lu$reaza intr,o $lini$a de
Im very ha**y with my dentist! Sunt foarte multumit de dentistul meu!

La piata

I li(e vegeta#les! Imi *la$ legumele!
2here do you #uy your vegeta#les? 5e unde iti $um*eri legumele?
I usually #uy my vegeta#les and fruits at the mar(et! 5e o#i$ei imi $um*ar legumele si
fru$tele de la *iata!
1re these organi$? Sunt organi$e?
2hat do you li(e? %e ati dori?
Id li(e3' *lease! 1s dori3'va rog!
%ould you *lease give me3 ? 1ti *utea sa,mi dati !!' va rog?
1nd I also need !!! Si mai am nevoie de3
;ou $an $hoose and weigh the vegeta#les yourself! &a *uteti alege si $antari singuri

Id li(e to #uy someI 1s dori sa $um*ar nisteI
0omatoes rosii
%auliflower $ono*ida
%u$um#ers $astraveti
%a##ages varza
=nions $ea*a
Garli$ usturoi
.otatoes $artofi
%arrots mor$ovi
"ushrooms $iu*er$i
/gg*lants vinete
.eas mazare
!!! and some fruits si niste fru$teI
1**les mere
.ears *ere
1*ri$ots $aise
.ea$hes *iersi$i
%herries $irese
Gra*es struguri
Straw#erries $a*suni
-emons lamai
=ranges *orto$ale
.lums *rune
1nything else? %e mai doriti?
0hat would #e all' than( you ! 1tat' multumes$ !
+o! 0hats everything! 0han(s! +u! 1sta e tot! "ultumes$!
How mu$h is altogether? %at $osta totul?
Im sorry #ut I thin( youve short,$hanged me! Imi *are rau' dar $red $a mi,ati dat *rea
*utin rest!
Heres 3*ounds! Iata3lire!
1re you going sho**ing? "ergi la $um*araturi?
%ould you get me some 3*lease? 1i *utea sa,mi iei niste3te rog?
0hey didnt have any3!so Ive #rought you some !!! ' instead! +u aveau3asa $a ti,am
adus (niste)!!! in s$him#!

In Marea Britanie suntem foarte politicosi si la cumparaturi. Nu spunem niciodata: I
want, sau I get, mai curand solicitam marfa cu Id like sau ould you please gi!e
me"a si client !om fi apelati de !an#ator$!an#atoare$casier$casiera cu numele de
alint precum dear, sweetheart sau honey, folosite ca simple formule de politete,
prin care !an#atorii isi e%prima respectul fata de clienti.
La hotel/ motel

2here is the3hotel/#ed and #rea(fast? >nde este hotelul sau *ensiunea3?
%ould you re$ommend a good/ $hea* hotel? .uteti sa,mi re$omandati un hotel
Its #etter to #oo( in advan$e! / mai #ine sa rezervati dinainte
I would li(e to reserve a dou#le/single room from3to3 1s dori sa rezerv o $amera $u
un *at du#lu/un singur *at' de la3*ana la3
2ed li(e a single/dou#le room with shower! 1m dori o $amera $u un *at/un *at
du#lu $u dus
2ed *refer a room wi$h isnt too noisy! 1m *refer o $amera fara *rea mult
2ed li(e a room wi$h doesnt loo( out onto the main street! 1m dori o $amera $are
nu da s*re strada *rin$i*al!
%ould we have a room with a view of the3? 1m *utea avea o $amera $u vedere s*re!!?
2hen will you #e arriving? %and sositi?
2ell #e arriving on3 Sosim *e data de3
2ould you mind filing out the registration form? 1ti *utea sa $om*letati formularul
de $azare' va rog?
2ould you mind signing here' *lease? 1ti *utea sa semnati ai$i' va rog?
2ould you li(e some hel* with your #ags/luggage? 5oriti sa va a4ut la #aga4e?
Foom servi$e is availa#le! 1vem room servi$e!
How many nights will you #e staying? %ate no*ti veti sta?
2ell #e leaving/$he$(ing out on!!! .le$am *e data de3
How mu$h does it $ost *er night? %at $osta *e noa*te?
2hi$h meals are in$luded? %e mese sunt in$luse?
5o you have any va$an$ies? 1veti $amere li#ere?
5o you have a dou#le room? 1veti o $amera $u *at du#lu?
5o you have a single room? 1veti o $amera $u un *at?
5o you have a twin room? 1veti o $amera $u 6 *aturi?
5o you have a $ot? 1veti un *at de $o*il?
Is that with or without #athroom? /ste $u sau fara #aie?
%ould we have a wa(e,u* $all? +e *uteti trezi $u telefonul?
;es' we have va$an$ies! 5a' avem $amera li#ere!
+o' Im afraid not! 2ere #oo(ed out! +u' mi,e teama $a nu! +u mai avem ni$io
$amera li#era!
;es' #ut only on the to* floor! 5a' dar numai la ultimul eta4!
%ould I see the room' *lease? 1s *utea sa vad $amera' va rog?
;our room num#er is3 +umarul $amerei d,vs este3
Heres your (ey! .oftiti $heia dumneavoastra!
0he *orter will hel* you with your #ags! .ortarul va va a4uta la #aga4e!
.lease do not distur#! &a rog nu deran4ati!
Is there air $onditioning? /ste aer $onditionat?
5oes the *ri$e in$lude room and #rea(fast? "i$ul de4un este in$lus in *ret?
.lease have my luggage ta(en in my room! 1s vrea sa mi se du$a #aga4ele in
Id li(e to have these $lothes laundered/ironed! &reau sad au la s*alat /$al$at a$este
Id li(e to have these towels $hanged' *lease! 1s dori sa,mi s$him#ati *rosoa*ele '
Should anyone $all for me' *lease tell them to leave a message! 5a$a ma $auta $ineva'
rugati,l sa,mi lase un mesa4!
Is there a safe for valua#les? 1veti seif?
;es' there is one' #ut you must *ay eCtra for using the safe! 5a este' insa tre#uie sa
*latiti eCtra' da$a doriti sa,l folositi!

&'ste important sa nu confudam cu!intele (ath si (athroom. Bath inseamna pur
si simpu cada de (aie si (athroom inseamna camera de (aie
Talking about the weather - Cum vorbim despre
vreme in engleza
Cum vorbim despre vreme

Its mild/$old for this time of the year! /ste $ald/re$e *t a$easta *erioada a anului!
Its a lovely morning/day! /ste o dimineata/ zi *la$uta
0hey say its going to snow/#e sunny! Se s*une $a va ninge/va fi soare!
Its su**osed to turn $older! Se *resu*une $a vremea se va ra$i!
Its an early s*ring! /ste o *rimavara tim*urie!
Its a hot summer! /ste o vara torida!
Its a dry/ wet autumn! /ste o toamna se$etoasa/ *loioasa!
Its a severe/ mild winter! /ste o iarna grea/ usoara!
Its sunny! /ste soare!
Its windy! Bate vantul!
Its foggy! /ste $eata!
Its $loudy! / innorat!
Its $old! / frig!
Its warm! / $ald!
Its hot! / arsita!
Its snowing! +inge!
Its raining! .loua!
0he (weather ) fore$ast Buletinul meteorologi$
0he tem*erature is around zero! 0em*eratura este in 4ur de zero grade!
Its 6G degrees ($entigrades)! Sunt 6G de grade %elsius!
2hats the weather li(e today ? %um e vremea azi?

Its !!!
)ine , frumos
Bad , urat
Hot , $ald
%old , frig
%hilly , ra$oare

Im hot! "i,e $ald!
Im $old! "i,e frig!
0his heat is un#eara#le! %aldura e insu*orta#ila!
0he s(y is $lear! %erul e senin!
0he wind is starting to #low! In$e*e sa #ata vantul!
0he s(y is over$ast! %erul e a$o*erit de nori!
0he weather is getting worse! &remea se stri$a!
2ere having terri#le weather! / o vreme ori#ila!
Its going to rain! = sa *loua!
It drizzling! Burniteaza!
Its *ouring! .loua torrential!
Im soa(ed! Sunt ud leoar$a!
0he mist is lifting! %eata se ridi$a!
It may freeze tonight! .ro#a#il va fi inghet la noa*te!
I $aught a $old #e$ause of the #ad weather! 1m ra$it din $auza vremii rele!
Its freezing stiff! / ger de $ra*a *ietrele!
0he snow is melting! Ja*ada se to*este!
Its thawing! Se dezgheata!
Its their first snowman! / *rimul lor om de za*ada!
La magain

2here did you #uy that lovely!!? 5e unde ai $um*arat a$easta3draguta?
I #ought it in3 1m $um*arat,o la3
"ay I hel* you? .ot sa va a4ut?
Im loo(ing for a !!! %aut un3
5id you have anything *arti$ular in mind? &a gandeati la $eva anume?
+o' than( you !Im 4ust having a loo( around! +u' multumes$! 5oar ma uit!
2hat size do you ta(e?/2hat size are you? %e masura *urati?/aveti?
I ta(e size/I am size3 .ort masura3/am masura
0his will *ro#a#ly fit you! 1$easta vi s,ar *otrivi!
2here $an I try it? >nde *ot sa o *ro#ez?
Id li(e to try it on! 1s dori sa in$er$!
It fits *erfe$tly! Se *otriveste *erfe$t!
It suits you! Iti vine foarte #ine!
Its very /not very flattering! 0e *une foarte #ine in valoare/nu te *une foarte #ine in
It doesnt go with my hair! +u se *otriveste $u *arul meu!
It s a #it too large/loose! / *utin *rea stramta/larga!
5o you have it in a larger/smaller size? 1veti o masura mai amre/mai mi$a?
5o you have trousers to mat$h this 4a$(et? 1veti *antaloni asortati la a$easta 4a$heta?
1re these the only ones you have? 1$estea sunt singurele *e $are le
Id li(e a long sleeved/short sleeved shirt' *lease! 1s dori o $amasa $u mane$a
How mu$h does it $ost? %at $osta?
How should I wash it? %um ar tre#ui sa o s*al?
;ou $an ma$hine,wash it! .uteti sa o s*alati $u masina!
;oull have to wash it se*arately! &a tre#ui sa o s*alati se*arat!
0his dress is a real #argain! Fo$hia a$easta este un adevarat $hili*ir!
0he $learan$e sale #egins this wee(! &anzarile $u *rKt redus in$e* sa*tamana asta!
0he sale #egins on 3 &anzarae in$e*e *e3
0heres 67E off all our goods at the moment! 1$um avem o redu$ere de 67E la toate
Its sales time! /ste sezonul redu$erilor!
0his $olour doesnt suit me! 1$easta $uloare nu mi se *otriveste!
2here are the fitting rooms? >nde sunt $a#inele de *ro#a?
%an I try it on a smaller size? 1s *utea sa *ro#ez o masura mai mi$a?
Im sorry! Im afraid we dont have this $olour in size <7! Imi *are rau! "i,e teama $a
nu avem a$easta $uloare la masura <7!
0his one fits mu$h #etter! 1$easta se *otriveste mult mai #ine!
I thin( Ill ta(e it! %red $a am sa o iau!
Im #uying it! = $um*ar!
%an I *ay #y $he?ue? .ot sa *lates$ $u un $e$?
5o you a$$e*t $redit $ards? .rimiti $arti de $redit?
0han( you! ;ouve #een very hel*ful! "ultumes$! "i,ati ofst de mare a4utor!
!et directions

1s(ing the way %um ne orientam
2here is/are 3? >nde este/sunt3?
How do I get to!!? %um a4ung la3?
How far is it to the nearest3!? %at de mult este *ana la $el mai a*ro*iat!!?
Is this the road to!!? 1$esta este drumul $atre!!?
5o I have to go3!? 0re#uie sa merg3?
Ive lost my way! ",am rata$it!
Im having trou#le finding my way round! +u ma *rea des$ur$!
=n/to the right la drea*ta
=n/to the left la stanga
Straight ahead/straight on dre*t inainte
Its #a$( there! /ste in s*ate!
Its here! /ste ai$i!
Its in this dire$tion! /ste in a$easta dire$tie!
Its around the $orner! /ste du*a $olt!
Go as far as3 "ergeti *ana la3
Its near!!! /ste a*roa*e de3
Its neCt to3 /ste langa3
Its o**osite!!! /ste vizavi de3
Is this the right way? Sunt *e drumul $el #un?
Go along3 "ergeti de,a lungul3
)or how long? %at de mult?
2here (to)? >nde?
How far is it to3? %at de de*arte este3?
How long will it ta(e me to wal( there? %at tim* imi ia $a sa a4ung a$olo *e 4os?
0urn right/left! -uati,o la drea*ta/stanga!
Go down the street till you rea$h the end! "ergeti *ana la $a*atul strazii!
0a(e the first/se$ond road on the left! -uati,o *e *rima/a doua starda la stanga!
%ould you show me on the ma*' *lease? 1ti *utea sa,mi aratati *e harta' va rog?
0a(e the #us/ tu#e to!!! -uati auto#uzul/metroul *ana la!!!
;ou $ant miss it! +u aveti $um sa nu nimeriti!
Im afraid youre wrong here! "i,e teama $a ati gresit!
Sorry' I dont (now this area! Imi *are rau' nu sunt din zona!
2hy dont you #uy a guide? 5e $e nu $um*arati un ghid?

&)he tu(e este e%presia pt metroul londone#. In *merica metroul se numeste
su(way. In fata unui nume de strada nu se pune niciodata un articol. +punem simplu
in Mary +treet si nu In the Mary +treet.
La gara, autogara, aeroport

La gara in"ormatii despre tren
2here is the ti$(et #ooth? >nde este $asa de #ilete?
1 single ti$(et to!!!*lease! >n #ilet *ana la 3va rog!
1 return ti$(et to!!*lease! >n #ilet dus,intors *ana la !!va rog!
Id li(e a ti$(et to!!*lease! 1s dori un #ilet *ana la3va rog!
0wo and two halves to!!*lease! 5oua #ilete $u *ret intreg si doua $u *ret redus *ana la
3va rog!
=ne way or return? 5us sau dus,intors?
)irst $lass or se$ond $lass? %lasa intai sau a doua?
Smo(ing or no,smo(ing? )umatori sau nefumatori?
1 window or an aisle seat? >n lo$ la fereastra sau la margine?
1 non,smo(ing $om*artment' *lease! %om*artiment de
nefumatori' va rog!
I d li(e to reserve a slee*er for the night train to 3 1s dori sa rezerv o $useta
la trenul de noa*te $atre3
Id li(e to #oo( a seat on the twelve o$lo$( train to3*lease! 1s dori a rezerv un lo$ la
trenul de ora 86 $atre3va rog!
How long is the ti$(et valid? .e $e *erioada este vala#il #iletul?
5o I have to *ay su**lement? 0re#uie sa *lates$ un su*liment?
How mu$h is a ti$(et to!!? %at $osta un #ilet $atre3?
Id li(e a monthly ti$(et' *lease! 1s dori un a#onament *entru o luna 'va rog!
5o you have some form of identifi$ation with you? 1veti $eva a$te de identitate asu*ra
2hi$h *latform does it leave from? 5e la $e *eron *lea$a trenul?
2here do I have to $hange? >nde tre#uie sa s$him#?
Is the train delayed? 0renul are intarziere?
It will arrive 8G minutes late! Intarzie 8G minute!
5e*artures .le$ari
1rrivals Sosiri
-et me $arry your suit$ase! -asa,ma sa,ti du$ geamantanul!
0his is a smo(ing/non,smo(ing $ar! 1$est vagon este *entru fumatori/nefumatori!
/C$use me' is this seat ta(en? "a s$uzati' lo$ul a$ela este o$u*at?
-ets go to the dining $ar' shall we? Sa mergem la vagonul restaurant?
;our ti$(ets *lease! Biletele ' va rog!

#n autogara in"ormatii despre autobus
%ould you tell me where the nearest #us sto* is? .uteti sa,mi s*uneti unde este $ea mai
a*ro*iata statie de auto#uz?
5oes this #us go to!!? 1$est auto#uz a4unge la3?
Is this the num#er <G #us? 1$esta este auto#uzul numarul <G?
2hi$h #us do I ta(e to!!? %e auto#uz sa iau $atre!!?
Hurry u*' there $omes a #us! Fe*ede' vine un auto#uz!
Is this the right #us for!!? 1$esta este auto#uzul $atre3?
+o' youll have to get off at3and $hange! +u' tre#uie sa $o#orati la !!si sa s$him#ati!
+o' youre going in the wrong dire$tion! +u' mergeti in dire$tia gresita!
5o I have to *ay the driver when #oarding? 0re#uie sa *lates$ la sofer $and ur$?
How mu$h further is it? %at mai este de mers?
It the neCt sto*! .ana la statia urmatoare!
1 one way ti$(et to !!! ' *lease! >n #ilet dus *ana la !!!' va rog!
Buses run from here every fifteen minutes! 1uto#uzele $ir$ula de ai$i din sfert in sfert
de ora!
0he #us is running ten minutes late! 1uto#uzul are 87 minute intarziere!
&Numerele de auto(u#, ca de e%emplu , si -. !or fi pronuntate fifteen si
ninety/four. Numerele mai lungi, ca de e%emplu 012, !or fi pronuntate one/two/

#n aeroport in"ormatii despre avion
I need to get to the air*ort! &reau sa a4ung la aero*ort!
2hen is the .aris flight? %and *lea$a avionul s*re .aris?
2hen is it su**osed to ta(e off? %and va de$ola avionul?
;ou $an go to the $he$(,in des(! .uteti merge la $he$( in!
Smo(er or non,smo(er? 5oriti un lo$ la fumatori sau nefumatori?
Show me your ti$(et and your *ass*ort' *lease! &reti sa,mi aratati #iletul si *asa*ortul
dumneavoastra ?
Heres your #oarding *ass! .oftiti numarul de #ord!
/C$use me' is this gate :? "a s$uzati' a$easta este *oarta :?
2hen are we ta(ing off? %and de$olam?
.assengers for flight <87 to .aris *lease go immediately to gate :! .asagerii *entru
$ursa <87 in dire$tia .aris sa mearga imediat la *oarta :!
0he flight attendant is very ni$e! Stewardesa este foarte ama#ila!
.lease fasten your seat #elts! )iCati,va $entura de siguranta!
Im airsi$(! 1m rau de avion!
0here are no sto*overs! /ste o $ursa fara es$ale!
2e are landing! 1terizam a$um!
;our luggage has #een $he$(ed! Baga4ul dumneavoastra a fost verifi$at!
La vama - Customs

2hat $ountry do you $ome from? 5in $e tara veniti/sunteti?
I $ome from Fomania! &in din Fomania!
Is this your first visit to the >L? /ste *rima dumneavoastra vizita in "area
How long will you #e staying in the >L? %at tim* intentionati sa stati in "area
Ill #e staying for two wee(s/for a year! Intentionez sa stau doua sa*tamani/un an!
2hat is the *ur*ose of your visit? %are este s$o*ul vizitei dumneavoastra?
1re you traveling as a tourist? /ste o vizita turisti$a?
Is it a #usiness tri*? /ste o vizita de afa$eri?
5o you have anything to de$lare? 1veti $eva de de$larat?
Is this all your luggage? +u aveti de$at a$este #aga4e?
I have no other luggage! +u am alte #aga4e!
;ou must *ay $ustoms duty! 0re#uie sa *latiti o taCa vamala!
;ou must ma(e a $ustoms de$laration! 0re#uie sa dati o de$larative vamala!
5o you $arry any dutia#le goods? 1veti marfuri su*use taCelor vamale?
.lease fill in this form! %om*letati va rog a$est formular!
Surname +ume
)irst name .renume
+ationality +ationalitate
.la$e of #irth -o$ul nasterii
5ate of #irth 5ata nasterii
0his is my *ass*ort! 1$esta este *asa*ortul meu!
;ou need a visa! 1veti nevoie de o viza!
;ou need a tourist/student visa! 1veti nevoie de o viza de turist/de student!
;our *ass*ort is $lear! .asa*ortul dumneavoastra este in ordine!
Id li(e to a**ly for a visa eCtension! 1s vrea sa,mi *relunges$ viza!
5o you have foreign $urren$y ? 1veti valuta?
I have 877 >S5 in $ash! 1m 877 dolari in numerar!
I have 677 *ounds in travellers $he?ues! 1m $e$uri de $alatorie in valoare de 677 lire
Ive lost my *ass*ort! "i,am *ierdut *asa*ortul!
.lease show me!!! &a rog sa mi aratati3!
, ;our invitation to the >L invitatia
, 1 $o*y if your wor( $ontra$t $o*ia du*a $ontra$tual dumneavoastra de
, ;our British em*loyers $onta$t datele de $onta$t ale anga4atorului d,vs din
"are Britanie
;ou may *ass! .uteti tre$e!
La restaurant

%an you re$ommend a restaurant $lose to my hotel? .uteti sa,mi indi$ati un restaurant
a*ro*iat de hotelul meu?
Id li(e a ta#le for three' *lease! 1s dori o masa *entru trei *ersoane'
va rog!
Id li(e a ta#le #y the window' *lease! 1s dori o masa langa feresatra' va
0his ta#le is free/ta(en! 1$easta masa e li#era/o$u*ata!
Id li(e to #oo( a ta#le *lease! 1s dori sa rezerv o masa' va rog
Ive #oo(ed a ta#le under the name of Mohn! 1m rezervat o masa *e numele Mohn!
Heres the menu! .oftiti meniul!
I would re$ommend3 1s re$omanda!!!
1re you ready to order? 5oriti sa $omandati?
2e havent de$ided yet! +u ne,am hotarat in$a!
"ay I ta(e your order now? 1s *utea sa va iau $omanda a$um?
2hat would you li(e to start with? %u $e ati dori sa in$e*eti?
-ets have some starters first! .entru in$e*ut as lua niste a*eritive!
Ill have the3' *lease! 1m sa iau3' va rog!
1nd for my wife/hus#and' the3 Si *entru sotia/sotul meu3
Im a vegetarian! Sunt vegetarian!
Im on a diet! 0in regim!
1nd for main $ourse? Si *entru felul *rin$i*al?
1nd as a side,dish? Si *entru garnitura?
1nd for dessert? Si *entru desert?
2hat would you li(e to drin(? %e ati dori sa #eti?
%ould you #ring us a #ottle of3? +e *uteti adu$e o sti$la de!!?
%heers! +oro$!
1nything else' Sir/"adam? "ai dorit $eva d,le/doamna?
0hat would #e all' than( you! +u' asta e tot' multumim!
%ould we *ay' *lease? 1m *utea *lati' va rog?
%ould we have the #ill' *lease? +e *uteti adu$e nota de *alta' va rog?
5id you en4oy your meal? &,a *la$ut man$area?
.lease (ee* the $hange! .astrati restul' va rog!
Have you #een here #efore? 1ti mai fost ai$i?
Its one of my favourite restaurants! /ste unul dintre restaurantele mele *referate!
-et me order for you! -asa,ma sa $omand *entru tine!
2hat would you re$ommend? %e mi,ati re$omanda?
1llow me to *ay! 5a,mi voie sa *altes$!
0han(s very mu$h for inviting me! "ultumes$ foarte mult $a m,ai invitat!
0his is not what we ordered! +i s,a adus $omanda gresita!
2aiter' we have #een waiting for a long time! %helner' aste*tam de mult tim*!
Conversatie la tele"on

2heres the nearest *hone #oC? >nde este $ea mai a*ro*iata $a#ina telefoni$a?
2here $an I ma(e a tele*hone $all? 5e unde *ot da un telefon?
"ay I use your tele*hone? .ot sa dau un telefon?
I need to ma(e a *hone $all! 0re#uie sa dau un telefon!
I must $all my friends! 0re#uiesa,mi sun *rietenii!
2hat num#er do I dial for!!!? %e numar formez *entru3?
Id li(e to ma(e a reversed $harge $all to .aris! 1s dori sa sun la .aris $u taCa inversa!
1 long,distan$e $all to3' *lease! = $onvor#ire interur#ana $u'3va rog!
2hat does a lo$al $all $ost? %at $osta o $onvor#ire lo$ala?
2hat does a $all to3$ost? %at $osta o $onvor#ire $u!!?
2hat time does the $hea* rate start? %and in$e*e *erioada de tarif redus?
2hats you num#er? %e numar aveti?
Ill $all you #a$(! 0e sun eu ina*oi!
Must a minute! = $li*a!
%ould you $onne$t me with 3? .uteti sa,mi fa$eti legatura $u!!?
%ould I s*ea( to!!' *lease? 1s *utea vor#i $u'3va rog?
Id li(e to s*ea( to'!!*lease! 1s dori sa vor#es$ $u'!!va rog!
5ire$tory /n?uiries Informatii telefoni$e
%an you give me the *hone dire$tory' *lease ? .uteti sa,mi dati $artea de telefon ' va
%ould I have a word with!!!? 1s *utea vor#i $u3va rog?
0his is !!! s*ea(ing &a vor#este3
2hos s*ea(ing %ine e la telefon?
Hold the line' *lease! 1ste*tati ' va rog!
Must a moment' *lease! = $li*a' va rog!
Hang on' *lease! +u in$hideti' va rog!
Ill $onne$t you/ Ill *ut you trough! &a fa$ legatura!
0he line is #usy! -inia e o$u*ata/Suna o$u*at!
Its a #ad line! Se aude *rost!
0heres no re*ly! +u ras*unde!
;ouve got the wrong num#er! 1ti gresit numarul!
Ill try again later! 1m sa revin mai tarziu!
%an I ta(e a message' *lease? .ot sa *reiau un mesa4?
5o you have a mo#ile? 1veti un numar de telefon mo#il?
0eCt me! 0rimite,mi un S"S!
0he area $ode .refiCul
0he eCtension num#er interiorul

In Marea Britanie, cand sunam pe cineva, nu ne spunem numele imediat.
Este absolut sufcient sa spunem : Hello. Could I speak to, please?
Interlocutorul se va interesa in mod normal cu cine vorbeste: !"o#s callin$,
please?# %aca suntem sunati, raspundem fe cu Hello, fe cu numarul de
tele&on. ' comunica numele suna pentru un britanic &oarte dur. (a
comunicarea numarului de tele&on, ci&rele sunt date una dupa alta, intr)un
$rup de trei si patru *+,- ./,01 si nu f&t2)ei$"t, si3t2)nine..cum se
obisnuieste in alte tari.
La interviu

Im here for the va$an$y you advertised! 1m venit *entru *ostul *e $are l,ati anuntat
2hat studies do you have? %e studii aveti?
I got my3! "i,am luat3!
Ba$helorNs degree li$enta
"asters degree masteratul in
I graduated!!!! 1m studii3!!
Se$ondary s$hool li$eale
)rom >niversity su*erioare
I did a three,month internshi* with H! 1m fa$ut un stagiu de D luni la $om*ania H!
How long have you #een wor(ing as a3? %e ve$hime aveti in a$easta a$tivitate?
1re you availa#le for *ro4e$t,#ased wor(? Suneti dis*oni#il/a *entru a$tivitati
s*oradi$e in diverse *roie$te?
0his *osition re?uires eC$ellent ?ualifi$ations! 1$est *ost *resu*une un inalt nivel de
2hat are your ?ualifi$ations ? %e nivel de $alifi$are aveti?
I was trained in3! Sunt $alifi$at in domeniul3
2hat s(ills do you have? %e $om*etente aveti?
I have ten years eC*erien$e in wor(ing with!! 1m o eC*erienta de 87 ani in lu$rul $u3
I have good #usiness eC*erien$e! 1m o #una eC*erienta in afa$eri!
Im $om*uter literate and I have good $leri$al s(ills! Sta*anes$ #ine $al$ulatorul si
a$tivitatile de se$retariat!
Im good at 3 "a *ri$e* #ine la3
Im unem*loyed now! 1$um sunt in soma4/somer!
5o you have any referen$es from your *revious em*loyer? 1veti niste re$omandari din
*artea ultimului d,vs anga4ator?
2hat are your eC*e$tations regarding *ayment? %u $at v,ati aste*ta sa fiti *latit?
2hat are your wor(ing hours? %e *rogram aveti?
5o I have to wor( in shifts? &a tre#ui sa lu$rez in s$him#uri?
0his 4o# is a real $hallenge! 1$est *ost este o adevarata *rovo$are!
0he atmos*here at wor( is very good in our $om*any! 1tmosfera de lu$ru este
foarte #una in intre*rinderea noastra!
1re there good $han$es for *romotion? Sansele de *romovare sunt #une?
;ou are hired! /sti anga4at!
I wish you all the #est in finding something wi$h suits you #etter! &a dores$ mult
su$$ess sa va gasiti $eva $are sa vi se *otriveas$a mai #ine!
Vorbeste despre Romania

Im 4ust *assing through Fomania! Sunt in tre$ere *rin Fomania!

Id li(e to go on a sightseeing tour! 1s dori sa merg intr,un tur al tarii!

0his is a wonderful $ountry! 1$easta este o tara frumoasa!

Id li(e to go to the Bla$( Sea! 1s dori sa merg la "area +eagra!

2hat $ountry are you from? 5in $e tara sunteti?

Im from Fomania! Sunt din Fomania!

2here are you travelling ? >nde $alatoriti?

Im traveling to Fomania! %alatores$ ins*re Fomania!

1re you a Fomanian $itizen? Sunteti $etatean roman?

0he Fomanian *eo*le are hard,wor(ing $itizens!
-o$uitorii Fomaniei sunt $etateni mun$itori!

1lmost all of the 5anu#e 5elta is lo$ated within the Fomanian territory!
1*roa*e toata 5elta 5unarii este lo$alizata in interiorul teritoriului romanes$!

5id you (now that Fomania shares #orders with Hungary' Ser#ia' >(raine'Fe*u#li$ of
"oldova and Bulgaria ?
Stiai $a Fomania se inve$ineaza $u >ngaria' Ser#ia' >$raina' Fe*u#li$a "oldova si

Id li(e to visit 5ra$ulass %astle!
1s dori sa vizitez $astelul lui 5ra$ula!

0he main attra$tions of Fomania are 0he %ar*athian "ountains' 0he 5anu#e 5elta and
0he Bla$( Sea!
.rin$i*alele atra$tii ale Fomaniei sunt "untii %ar*ati' 5elta 5unarii si "area +eagra!

2here does the 5anu#e flow and how the 5anu#e 5elta is formed?
>nde se varsa 5unarea si $um se formeaza 5elta 5unarii?

0he 5anu#e flows into the Bla$( Sea within FomaniaNs territory forming the 5anu#e
5unarea se varsa in "area +eagra *e teritoriul Fomaniei' formand 5elta 5unarii!

Fomania is well (nown for the 2ooden %hur$hes of "aramures' .ainted $hur$hes of
northern "oldavia and SaCon villages with fortified $hur$hes in 0ransylvania!
Fomania este vestita *entru Biseri$ile de lemn din "aramures' Biseri$ile *i$tate din
nordul "oldovei si satele saCone $u #iseri$ile fortifi$ate din 0ransilvania!

0he $ity of Si#iu famous for its Bru(enthal +ational "useum is the /uro*ean %a*ital of
=rasul Si#iu ' faimos *t "uzeul +ational Bru(enthal' este $a*itala /uro*eana %ulturala!

Fomania offers a ri$h ta*estry of tourist attra$tions and va$ation eC*erien$es!
Fomania ofera o #ogata varietate de atra$tii turisti$e si eC*eriente *entru va$anta!

;ou should definitely $ome and visit Fomania!
%u siguranta ar tre#ui sa veniti sa vizitati Fomania!
Complimente - urari - felicitari

Compliments - Complimente
To pay somebody a compliment A felicita pe cineva
This is absolutely delicious. Este absolut delicios.
Its wonderful. Este minunat.
Its marvellous. Este uimitor
Youve done this so well. Te-ai descurcat atat de bine
Im very impressed. Sunt foarte impresionat
ay I compliment you on!" Imi dati voie sa va felicit"
Youre a marvellous! Esti o !.minunata
Youve hot a lovely! Ai o!!.dra#uta
I love the way you!. Imi place mult felul in care!.
$ell done% &ravo%
I thin' the way you!.is fantastic. (red ca felul in care ai!este uimitor.
$hat a nice!..youre wearin#. (e..dra#uta! porti.
Im very pleased with ... Sunt foarte multumit de!.
It suits you perfectly. Ti se potriveste de minune.
You loo' lovely. Arati foarte bine.
Thats very flatterin#. Este foarte ma#ulitor.

Good wishes, Congratulations Urari, felicitari
$elcome% &ine ati venit%
$elcome to! &ine ati venit la!
(on#ratulations% )elicitari%
(on#ratulations on your success*anniversary% )elicitari pentru
succesul*aniversarea d-voastra%
En+oy yourself*yourselves% ,istractie placuta%
En+oy your holiday% -acanta placuta%
.ood luc'% /oroc%
0lease #ive my best re#ards to your mother% Transmite-i mamei dvs. cele mai
bune urari din partea mea%
Speedy recovery% Insanatosire #rabnica%
erry (hristmas% (raciun )ericit%
A happy /ew Year% An nou fericit%
A happy and prosperous new year% 1n an nou fericit si prosper%
2appy Easter% 0aste fericit%
2appy &irthday% 3a multi ani 4la 5iua de nastere6
any happy returns of the day% 3a multi ani% 4la onomastica6
En+oy your holiday% Sarbatori fericite%
2ave a safe trip% ,rum bun%
7eep up the #ood wor'% Spor la treaba %*Spor la treaba in continuare%
All the best% Toate cele bune%
Ill 'eep my fin#ers crossed% Iti tin pumnii%

*la ziua de nastere se adreseaza urarile Happy Birthday si Many happy
returns of the day. Un fel plin de umor de a ura cuiva noroc este expresia "brea
a le!". "a provine dintr#o veche superstitie a oamenilor de teatru potrivit careia a
ura cuiva noroc aduce de fapt !hinion

Conversatii telefonice in limba engleza - Talking on
the phone

A dialogue bet$een t$o persons that don%t kno$ each other&
'n dialog intre doua persoane care nu se cunosc&

1ndyI (ello) #%m And*) # $ould like to speak to !eorge) please+
Buna, sunt *ndy, as dori sa !or(esc cu 3eorge, !a rog4
"i(eI (ello) !eorge is taking a sho$er right no$& #" *ou $ish) please call him
Buna, 3eorge face dus acum. 5aca doriti, sunati/l !a rog mai tar#iu.
1ndyI ,k) thank *ou) have a good da*+
Bine, multumesc, o #i (una !a doresc4
"i(eI -hank *ou) *ou) too+ !ood b*e+
Multumesc, la fel !a doresc4 6a re!edere4
1ndyI !ood b*e+
6a re!edere4

A dialogue bet$een t$o persons that kno$ each other&
'n dialog intre doua persoane care se cunosc&

-auraI (*) .elinda+ (o$ are *ou/
Buna, Melinda4 e faci7
"elindaI (i) .elinda+ #%m cooking some pancakes&
Buna, Melinda4 8ac niste clatite.
-auraI # have tried to call *ou earlier) but the line $as bus*&
*m incercat sa te sun si mai de!reme, dar linia era ocupata.
"elindaI 0ell) # heard the phone ringing) # picked up the receiver) and
at the other end o" the line $as m* aunt) and # talked to her&
9ai, am au#it telefonul sunand, am ridicat receptorul si
la celalalt capat al firului era matusa mea si am !or(it cu ea.
-auraI 0ait a second) please) m* mother is calling me on the cell&
*steapta, te rog, o secunda, ma suna mama pe celular.
"elindaI ,k) talk to *ou later&
Bine, !or(im mai tar#iu.
-auraI ,k) b*e+
Bine, pa4
"elindaI B*e+

A dialogue bet$een a secretar* and someone that is calling at the compan*&
'n dialog intre o secretara si cineva care suna la companie&

0he se$retaryI (ello/ Dacia 1ervicing here) $hat can # do "or *ou/
*lo4 5acia +er!ice, cu ce !a pot a:uta7
"r! BrownI (ello) is .r& 2red there) # have to speak $ith him/
Buna, domnul 8red este, as !rea sa !or(esc cu dumnealui7
0he se$retaryI .r 2red is bus* no$) shall # take a message "or him/
5omnul 8red este ocupat acum, doriti sa preiau un mesa: sa ii
"r! BrownI (ello) # can%t here *ou an*more3 are *ou still there/
*lo, nu !a mai aud, mai sunteti7
0he se$retaryI 4es) $ho is speaking/
5a, cine este la telefon7
"r! BrownI #t%s me) the one that $as looking "or .r& 2red&
+unt eu, cel care il cauta pe domnul 8red.
0he se$retaryI ,h) i%m sorr*) please tr* another e5tension) the phone is broken
here) that is $h* *ou can hear me good&
;h, imi pare rau, !a rog incercati un alt interior, telefonul este stricat
aici, de aceea nu ma puteti au#i (ine.
"r BrownI ,k& -hank *ou&
Bine, multumesc.
0he se$retaryI And i" an ans$ering machine $ill ans$er) please leave there a
+i daca !a !a raspunde ro(otul, lasati acolo un mesa:.
"r BrownI ,k) !ood b*e+
;k, la re!edere4
0he se$retaryI !ood b*e+
6a re!edere4
La restaurant / rezervarea unei mese - In a
Restaurant / Reserve a table

A dialogue bet$een someone that $ants to reserve a table and the emplo*ee "rom
the restaurant6 and then a dialogue bet$een t$o persons that eat in the restaurant&
'n dialog intre cineva care vrea sa reerve o masa si un anga7at al
restaurantului6 si apoi un dialog intre doua persoane care mananca in restaurant&

"r! =lsenI !ood a"ternoon+
Buna #iua4
2aiterI !ood a"ternoon) 1ir+
Buna #iua, domnule4
"r! =lsenI # $ould like to reserve a table "or tonight&
*s dori sa re#er! o masa pentru diseara.
2aiterI ," course) 1ir& 2or ho$ man* persons/
5esigur, domnule. 9entru cate persoane7
"r! =lsenI Could $e have a table "or t$o/
9utem sta la o masa de doua locuri7
2aiterI #%m sorr*) sir) but the tables "or t$o are "ull* booked until 8 p&m&
Imi pare rau, domnule, dar mesele de doua persoane sunt toate re#er!ate
pana la < p.m.
"r! =lsenI No problem) "or # $ould like a table "or 9 p&m&) in "act) # $ould like our
usual table&
Nicio pro(lema, eu as dori o masa pentru ora - p.m., de fapt, as dori masa
noastra o(isnuita.
2aiterI ," course) sir&
5esigur, domnule.
"r! =lsenI -hank *ou&

A"ter several hours&
Dupa cateva ore&

2aiterI !ood evening+
Buna seara4
"r! =lsenI !ood evening+
Buna seara4
2aiterI (ave *ou made a reservation) sir/
*ti facut o re#er!are, domnule7
"r! =lsenI 4es # had) several hours ago6 don%t *ou remember/
5a, am facut= nu !a amintiti7
2aiterI ,h) i%m sorr*) sir) # do remember6 please "ollo$ me&
;h, imi pare rau, domnule, imi amintesc= urmati/ma, !a rog.
"r! =lsenI -hank *ou&
2aiterI 0ould *ou like a drink be"ore *our meal/
5oriti sa (eti ce!a inainte de masa7
"r! =lsenI No) $e%ll order the meal&
Nu, !om comanda direct.
2aiterI 4es) please3
5a, !a rog"
"r! =lsenI # $ould like roast lamb $ith mint sauce and "or m* partner) pork chop
mustard sauce and t$o glasses o" $hite $ine&
*s dori o friptura de miel cu sos de menta, iar pentru partenerul meu cotlet de
porc cu
sos de mustar si doua pahare de !in al(.
2aiterI -hat $ould be all) sir/
*sta e tot, domnule7
"r! =lsenI 4es&
2aiterI :er* good) sir&
Bine, domnule.

0ith several minutes be"ore leaving the restaurant&
Cu cateva minute inainte de a parasi restaurantul&

"r! =lsenI 0aiter) can *ou bring us the bill) please/
helner, nota de plata, !a rog.
2aiterI 4es) sir) ,ne moment) please&
5a, domnule. >n moment, !a rog.
2aiterI Do *ou $ant to pa* separatel* or do *ou $ant it all on the same bill/
5oriti sa platiti separate sau sa fie trecut totul pe o singura nota de plata7
"r! =lsenI -his gentleman is m* guest&
5omnul este in!itatul meu.
2aiterI -hat $ill be ;<< lei altogether&
*sta inseamna in total ?@@ lei.
"r! =lsenI 0e en7o*ed our dinner ver* much&
Ne/a facut placere sa cinam aici.
2aiterI -hank *ou) sir& # hope *ou=ll come again&
Multumim, domnule. +per sa mai !eniti.
La restaurant - At the restaurant

A dialogue bet$een a lad* and the $aiter in >?asarea ?aradisului @estaurant&A
'n dialog intre o doamna si un ospatar in restaurantul >?asarea ?aradisului&A

0he ladyI At $hat time is lunch served/
6a ce ora se ser!este pran#ul7
0he waiterI Lunch is served at one o=clock&
9ran#ul se ser!este la ora unu.
0he ladyI ,h&& 7ust on time&
;h.. e%act la timp am a:uns.
0he waiterI 4es) .adame) can # take *our coat/
5a, doamna, pot sa !a iau haina7
0he ladyI 4es) please&
5a, !a rog.
#=m looking "or a table near the $indo$&
aut o masa langa fereastra.
0he waiterI ," course) .adame) "ollo$ me&
5esigur, doamna, urmati/ma.
0hat does the lad* $ant to serve/
e doreste doamna sa ser!easca7
0he ladyI Can # have a menu card "irst/
Imi puteti aduce mai intai meniul7
0he waiterI (ere *ou are&
0he ladyI -hank *ou&
0he waiterI (ave *ou decided) .adame/
A/ati decis, doamna7
0he ladyI 4es) -omato soup "or one&
5a, o data supa de rosii.
0he waiterI And "or the second plate/
+i pentru felul doi7
0he ladyI # $ould like a roast duck $ith cabbage&
*s dori o rata pe !ar#a.
0he waiterI 0hat do *ou $ish "or garnish/
e garniture preferati7
0he ladyI Nothing) 7ust the steak&
Nimic, doar friptura.
0he waiterI ,k& 0hat do *ou $ant to order "or desert/
;k. e doriti sa ser!iti la desert7
0he ladyI (ave *ou got apple-pie $ith custard/
*!eti placinta de mere cu crema de !anilie7
0he waiterI 4es) .adame&
5a, doamna.
0he ladyI ,k& And a glass o" mineral $ater&
;k. +i un pahar de apa minerala.
0he waiterI 1ure) .adame&
5esigur, doamana.

A"ter a $hile&
Dupa ceva timp&

0he ladyI 0aiter) the bill) please&
;spatar, nota, te rog.
0he waiterI -$ent* euros in all&
5oua#eci de euro in total.
0he ladyI (ere *ou are) keep the change&
9oftim, pastrea#a restul.
0he waiterI -hank *ou) .adame) $e hope *ou come back soon&
Multumim, doamna, speram sa re!eniti curand.
0he lady! -hank *ou) good b*e+
Multumesc, la re!edere4
0he waiterI !ood b*e+
6a re!edere4
La hipermarket - In a hpermarket

A dialogue bet$een a bu*er and an area responsible in a h*permarket&
'n dialog intre un comparator si un responsabil de raion intr-un h*permarket&

-he bu*er: 0ould *ou be so kind and tell me $here is the pastr*
2iti amabil) unde este raionul de patiserie/
-he area responsible: #t is right a"ter the corner& But $hat do *ou $ant to bu*
"rom there/
Bste e5act dupa colt& Dar ce doriti sa cumparati de acolo/
-he bu*er: # $ant to bu* some pretels&
Doresc sa cumpar niste covrigei&
-he area responsible: #%m a"raid that $e ran out o" pretels&
.a tem ca nu mai avem covrigei&
-he bu*er: ,h&&too bad+
,h&& ce pacat+
-he area responsible: #%m sorr*& (ave a good da*+
#mi pare rau) o i buna sa aveti+
-he bu*er: -hank *ou) *ou) too&
.ultumesc) asemenea&
Calatorind cu o masina de ocazie - Ask for a ride

A man on the roadside) hitchhiking&
'n barbat pe marginea drumului) asteptand pentru o masina de ocaie&
A car stops&
, masina opreste&

-he man: !ood a"ternoon+ Can *ou take me "or a ride) please/
!una ziua" #a puteti lua si pe mine cu masina$ va rog%
-he driver: !ood a"ternoon+ 4es) but let me tell *ou that i%m going no "ar than
!una ziua" &a$ dar dati-mi voie sa va spun ca nu merg mai departe de
0here do *ou $ant to go/
&umneavoastra unde doriti sa mergeti%
-he man: -hat is good) # go to Brasov) too&
(ste in regula$ in !rasov merg si eu'
-he driver: ,k) please come in the car then&
!ine$ intrati$ va rog$ in masina$ atunci'
4ou are luck* because "e$ minutes ago m* car $as "ull) there $as no
room le"t in m* car)
# $as $ith some colleagues&
unteti norocos )iindca acum cateva minute masina mea a )ost plina$ nu
mai era niciun loc gol$
eram cu niste colegi'
Let me ask *ou: even i" this is a main road) aren%t *ou a"raid to
a va intreb* c+iar daca este un drum principal, )oarte circulat$ nu va e
)rica sa stati sa asteptati
o masina de ocazie%
-he man: 0ell&& it%s a solution at the last resort&
-ai'' este o solutie de ultima instanta'
-he driver: ?lease do not "orget to put on *our seatbelt&
Va rog nu uitati sa va puneti centura de siguranta'

A"ter an hour&
Dupa o ora&

-he driver: 0e arrived in Brasov) $here shall # leave *ou/
Am a.uns in !rasov$ unde va las%
-he man: #t $ould be too much to turn le"t at the "irst crossroads and then to
C<< m on a one- $a* street and at the "irst house to stop/
Ar )i prea mult daca v-as ruga sa o luati pe prima strada la stanga la prima
mergeti /00 m pe o strada cu sens unic si apoi la prima casa sa opriti%
-he driver: (onestl*) #%m in a hurr*& # can%t&
incer$ ma grabesc' 1u pot'
-he man: No problem) thank *ou&
1icio problema$ multumesc'
-he driver: (ave a good da*+ !ood b*e+
2 zi buna" La revedere"
-he man: -hank *ou) *ou) too& !ood b*e+
#ultumesc$ asemenea" La revedere"
Cum atentionam pe cineva - !arning
A dialogue bet$een a child and his "ather $hile $alking on the street&
'n dialog intre copil si tatal sau in timp ce mergeau pe strada&

0he $hildI Dadd*) # $ant to go in the park&
)ati, as !rea sa merg in parc.
0he fatherI ,k) dear) but "irst let=s enter this shop and bu* a book "or *our mum&
Bine, dragul meu, dar mai intai hai sa intram in maga#inul asta si sa
cumparam o carte pentru mama ta.
0he $hildI ,k&
0he fatherI 1on) take care+ Do not tr* to cross the street again $hen the light is
8iule, ai gri:a4 Nu mai incerca sa tra!erse#i strada cand semaforul este pe
culoarea rosie4
0he $hildI ,h&& # $asn%t pa*ing attention&&
;h.. nu eram atent.
0he fatherI Look out) son+ -he bic*cle&& oh&& dear *ou scare me+
8ii atent, fiule4 Bicicleta.. off.. draga ma sperii4
0he $hildI #%m sorr* dadd*) that $as close&
Imi pare rau, tati, era cat pe ce sa"

A dialogue bet$een t$o colleagues&
'n dialog intre doi colegi&

GeorgeI Dan) $hat happened at the meeting) the boss got out ver* irritated/
5an, ce s/a intamplat la sedinta, seful a iesit foarte iritat de acolo7
5anI 0e%ve talked about the turnover "or C<<8 and # had a "ight $ith him3
he told me that # did not calculate it $ell&
*m !or(it despre cifra de afaceri pe 1@@< si m/am certat cu el"
mi/a spus ca nu am calculate/o (ine.
GeorgeI 4ou should take care ho$ *ou talk to the boss) *ou can get "ired&
*r tre(ui sa ai gri:a cum !or(esti cu seful, ai putea fi concediat.
5anI -hank *ou "or the $arning) but it%s too late) # have 7ust Duit&
Multumesc pentru atentionare, dar este prea tar#iu, tocmai am demisionat.
GeorgeI ,h&& #%m so sorr*&
;h.. imi pare asa de rau.
5anI #t%s ok& 'ste in regula.
Cum ne impacam cu cineva - Reconcile

A dialogue bet$een t$o "riends6 one o" them did something $rong and hurt the
'n dialog intre doi prieteni6 unul dintre ei a gresit si l-a ranit pe celalalt&

-aryI .ike) # hope that *ou kno$ that $hat # did # did it "or *ou6 # hope *ou
aren%t holding grudge against me an*more3
Mike, sper ca esti constient ca ceea ce am facut am facut pentru tine= sper ca nu
mai imi porti pica"
"i(eI 0ell) $hat *ou did $as ver* inappropriate) # did not e5pected that "rom
9ai, ceea ce ai facut a fost foarte nelalocul lui, nu ma asteptam la asta din
partea ta.
-aryI 1o&& *ou are telling me that *ou are still upset on me//
*sadar.. !rei sa spui ca esti inca suparat pe mine77
"i(eI But *ou did sign a document on m* behal") Lar*) do *ou think this is a little
*i semnat un act in numele meu, 6ary.. ti se pare putin7
-aryI #%m sorr*&& # reall* am&&
Imi pare rau.. chiar imi pare..
"i(eI (mm3
Bmm ...
-aryI 0hat can # do so that $e can make it up/
e pot sa fac sa ne impacam7
"i(eI 4ou could go to the manager and sa* the truth&&that all $as .irela%s idea&
*i putea merge la director si sa ii spui ade!arul.. ca a fost doar ideea Mirelei.
-aryI #%m so sorr* that *ou are so a""ected&& # $ill do that "or the good o" our
Imi pare foarte rau ca esti asa de afectat.. !oi face asta pentru (inele prieteniei
"i(eI 4ou do that+
*sa sa faci4
-aryI # promise that) but tell me that all *our anger is gone&& # do apologie again)
m* "riend&
Iti promit, dar spune/mi ca nu mai esti manios.. te rog inca o data sa ma ierti,
"i(eI #t%s all right) it $ill pass&
' in regula, imi !a trece.
-aryI !ood& -alk to *ou later) no$ # have to go&
Bine. Aor(im mai tar#iu, tre(uie sa plec acum.
"i(eI ,k& B*e+
Bine! 9a4

Cum ne marturisim dragostea - Confess love

A dialogue bet$een a bo* and a girl&
'n dialog intre un baiat si o "ata&

5avidI (ello) .elissa+
Buna, Melissa4
"elissaI (ello) David+
Buna, 5a!id4
5avidI .elissa) # am so glad that # "ound *ou) # have to con"ess *ou something3
Melissa, ma (ucur mult ca te/am gasit, am sa iti marturisesc ce!a"
"elissaI -ell me) David) $hat is all about/
+pune/mi, 5a!id, despre ce este !or(a7
5avidI #%m in love $ith *ou and # 7ust $ant to ask *ou i" *ou $ant to be m*
+unt indragostit de tine si as !rea sa te intre( daca !rei sa fii prietena mea7
"elissaI #%m "lattered && # like *ou) too David) # happil* accept&
+unt flatata.. si eu te plac, 5a!id, accept (ucuroasa.
5avidI ,h3 i%m so happ*&
;h.. sunt asa de fericit4

@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

-auraI (*) .ike+
Buna, Mike4
"i(eI (*) Laura+
Buna, 6aura4
-auraI .ike3do *ou have some minutes) # have to tell *ou something/
Mike" ai cate!a minute, tre(uie sa iti spun ce!a7
"i(eI 1ure&
-auraI # "ell "or *ou and # $ould like to ask *ou i" $e could be lovers&
M/am indragostit de tine si as !rea sa te intre( daca am putea fi iu(iti.
"i(eI ,h&& Laura) *ou are a s$eet girl&&but # have a girl"riend&
;h.. 6aura, esti o fata draguta.. dar am prietena.
-auraI ,h&& i%m so sorr*&& i%m so embarrassed&
;h.. imi pare tare rau.. ma simt :enata.
"i(eI Don%t be& #%m sorr* too&
Nu tre(uie sa fii. +i mie imi pare rau.

to "all in love $ith somebod* E to "all "or somebod* E A te indragosti de cineva
pupp* love E dragoste de/ intre adolescenti
Cum comandam fast food intr-un restaurant - "rder
food in a fast food restaurant

A dialogue bet$een a client and a F2C emplo*ee&
'n dialog intre un client si un anga7at F2C&

0he sellerI !ood a"ternoon+ 0hat do *ou $ant to order/
Buna #iua4 e doriti sa comandati7
0he $lientI # $ould like a chicken $ings meniu&
*s dori un meniu de aripi pra:ite.
0he sellerI 0ould *ou like a small or a big share o "ries/
5oriti o portie mica sau mare de cartofi7
0he $lientI A big one&
>na mare.
And also a salad&
+i o salata.
0he sellerI #%m sorr* $e ran out o" salad toda*&
Imi pare rau, nu mai a!em salata asta#i.
0he $lientI ,k) then a cherr* cake&
;k, atunci o placinta cu cirese.
0he sellerI 1ure& 2or here or to go/
+igur. +er!iti aici sau la pachet7
0he $lientI 2or here&
9entru aici.
0he sellerI All right& -hat $ill be C< lei&
Bine. *sta !ine 1@ lei.
0he $lientI (ere *ou are&
9oftiti (anii.
0he sellerI Bn7o* *our meal+
+a a!eti pofta4
0he $lientI -hank *ou&
0he sellerI (ave a good da*+
Aa dorim o #i (una4
La vama - At the custom
A dialogue bet$een a tourist and a custom o""icer in (ungar*&
'n dialog intre un turist si un o"iter vamal in 'ngaria&

0he offi$erI (ave *our passport read*&
9regatiti/!a pasaportul.
0he touristI (ere *ou have&
9oftiti pasaportul.
0he offi$erI 0here are *ou coming "rom/
5e unde !eniti7
0he touristI # come "rom -imisoara&
Ain din )imisoara.
0he offi$erI 0hat nationalit* are *ou/
Nationalitatea d!.7
0he touristI @omanian&
0he offi$erI 0here are *ou going/
>nde doriti sa mergeti7
0he touristI # am going to Austria&
Merg in *ustria.
0he offi$erI (o$ long do *ou plan to sta* there/
at !eti sta acolo7
0he touristI Gust H< da*s&
5oar 0@ #ile.
0he offi$erI #s this all *our luggage/
*cestea sunt toate (aga:ele dumnea!oastra7
0he touristI # have also a trunk in the luggage van&
Mai am un cufar la !agonul de (aga:e.
0he offi$erI Do *ou have an*thing else to declare/
*!eti altce!a de declarat7
0he touristI No) sir&
Nu, domnule.
0he offi$erI (ave *ou got an* "oreign currenc* about *ou/
*!eti !aluta asupra dumnea!oastra7
0he touristI ,nl* a "e$ euros&&
5oar cati!a euro..
0he offi$erI 0hat have *ou got in this suitcase/
e a!eti in acest geamantan7
0he touristI ,nl* articles o" clothing&
5oar articole de im(racaminte.
0he offi$erI 1hall # open it/
+a il deschid7
0he touristI ?lease&
Aa rog.
0he offi$erI #t%s ok& 4ou can pass on&
'ste in regula. 9uteti trece mai departe.
#chimb valutar - Currenc e$change

A dialogue bet$een .r& (il and an emplo*ee&
'n dialog intre Dl& (il si un anga7at&

"r! HilI # have some mone* in "oreign currenc* and # $ould like to e5change
it into pounds&
*m niste (ani in !aluta straina si as dori sa ii schim( in lire.
0he em*loyeeI 1ure) sir&
+igur domnule.
"r! HilI 0hat is the da*%s e5change rate/
are este cursul de schim( de a#i7
0he em*loyeeI -he pound is C euros&
6ira este 1 euro.
"r! HilI # $ant to kno$ i" *ou charge commissions&
*s !rea sa stiu daca percepeti comisioane.
0he em*loyeeI No) 1ir&
Nu, domnule.
"r! HilI ,k& # $ould like to change ;< euros&
;k. *s !rea sa schim( ?@ de euro.
0he em*loyeeI (ere *ou have the mone*&
*ici a!eti (anii.
"r! HilI ?lease let me have notes o" convenient amounts&
Aa rog dati/mi (anknote de diferite !alori.
0he em*loyeeI No problem&
Nicio pro(lema.
"r! HilI 4ou gave me a note that has its $atermark gone&
Mi/ati dat o (ancnota care nu mai are insemnul de protectie.
0he em*loyeeI # regret that) sir& #%ll give *ou a ne$ one&
Cegret, domnule. Aa dau una noua.
"r! HilI -hank *ou& !ood b*e+
Multumesc. 6a re!edere4
0he em*loyeeI !ood b*e) sir+
6a re!edere, domnule4
Cum cautam pe cineva - Looking for someone

A dialogue bet$een the manager o" a compan* and some emplo*ees&
'n dialog intre directorul unei companii si cativa anga7ati&

0he manager addressing to the se$retaryI ?lease call Gohn and tell him that he has to
do some calculations "or Ganuar*&
"anagerul adresandu,se se$retareiI )e rog suna/l pe Dohn si spune/i ca tre(uie sa faca
niste calcule pentru luna ianuarie.
0he se$retaryI (e isn%t in the o""ice&
Se$retaraI Nu e in (irou.
0he manager addressing to an em*loyeeI (ave *ou seen Gohn/ # urgentl* need to talk
to him&
"anagerul adresandu,se unui anga4atI 6/ai !a#ut pe Dohn7 )re(uie sa !or(esc urgent cu
0he em*loyeeI No # haven%t) but $ait 7ust a second3
Nu, nu l/am !a#ut, dar asteapta o secunda ...
0he em*loyee addressing to the guard manI #" *ou see Gohn) can *ou tell him to go to
the boss% o""ice as soon as possible/
1nga4atul adresandu,se omului de la *azaI 5aca il !e#i pe Dohn, poti sa ii spui sa mearga
in (iroul sefului cat mai repede7
0he guard manI ," course&
=mul de la *azaI 5esigur.
0he managerI 1o&& please tell Gohn) i" *ou happen to see him) that i reall* have to see
*sadar.. spune/I lui Dohn, daca se intampla s ail intalnesti, ca tre(uie sa ii !or(esc
0he em*loyeeI ,h&& # "orgot&& he $on%t be here till 2rida*) he is on vacation&
;h.. am uitat, nu !a fi aici pana !ineri, e in concediu.
0he managerI All right then) *ou%ll do his 7ob&
In regula, atunci, o sa faci tu ceea ce tre(uia sa faca el.
0he em*loyeeI ,k) 1ir&
Bine, domnule.
Cum inapoiem un obiect cumparat - Return

A dialogue bet$een a seller and a client&
'n dialog intre un vanator si un client&
0he sellerI !ood a"ternoon+ Can # help *ou/
Buna #iua4 u ce !a pot a:uta7
0he $lientI !ood a"ternoon+ 4es&& *esterda* # bought a -: "rom here and no$
programs commuter is broken&
Buna #iua4 5a.. ieri am cumparat un )A de aici si acum nu mai functionea#a
comutatorul de programe.
0he sellerI And3/
0he $lientI And # $ould like to return it&
+i as !rea sa il returne#.
0he sellerI 1ir) i%m a"raid that that isn%t possible& 0e do not accept merchandise
5omnule, ma tem ca nu se poate. Marfa !anduta nu o mai acceptam inapoi.
0he $lientI Can # e5change the -: $ith something else/
9ot schim(a )A/ul cu altce!a7
0he sellerI 4es) that is possible) and i" the ne$ product is more e5pensive *ou have to
pa* the di""erence&
5a, acest lucru este posi(il, iar daca produsul nou este mai scump tre(uie sa platiti
0he $lientI # agree& Let me take a tour o" the shop and see $hat # can choose&
5e accord. 6asati/ma sa fac un tur al maga#inului sa !ad ce pot sa aleg.
0he sellerI 1ure) 1ir) please do so&
5esigur, domnule, !a rog.
0he $lientI -hank *ou&
0he sellerI Not at all&
9entru putin.
Comanda o pizza - Order a pizza

#n a place $here the* sell pia&
#ntr-o pierie&

2aiterI !ood a"ternoon) madam+
Buna #iua, doamna4
"adamI !ood a"ternoon+
Buna #iua4
2aiterI 0hat do *ou $ant to order/
e doriti sa comandati7
"adamI # $ant to order a pia) but # can%t decide $hat kind o" pia&
5oresc o pi##a, dar nu ma pot decide ce fel de pi##a doresc.
2aiterI #" *ou $ish) # can make some suggestions&
5aca doriti, !a pot da cate!a sugestii.
"adamI ,h) *es) please&& i%m listening&
;h, da, chiar !a rog.. !a ascult.
2aiterI 0e have Capriciosa that contains all the ingredients: mushrooms) tomatoes)
salami) ketchup) cheese) onion) ham) eggs6 and another recommendation $ould be
?ia (a$aii that has all the above mentioned ingredients plus pineapple) an e5otic
ingredient that tastes delicious&
Aa recomand apriciosa care contine toate ingredientele: ciuperci, rosii, salam,
ketchup, (ran#a, ceapa, sunca, oua= o alta recomandare ar fi 9i##a Bawaii care contine
tot ce am enumerat mai inainte plus ananas, un ingredient e%otic ce are un gust delicios.
"adamI 0ell3 # $ould like a Capriciosa&
9ai" as !rea o apriciosa.
2aiterI ,k) madam&
;k, doamna.
"adamI -hank *ou&

A"ter a "e$ minutes&
Dupa cateva minute&

2aiterI .adam) did *ou en7o* *our pia/
5oamna, !/a placut pi##a7
"adamI #t $as more than delicious&
* fost mai mult decat delicioasa.
2aiterI #%m glad to hear that&
Ma (ucur sa aud asta.
"adamI # $ould also like to ask *ou something: i" # $ant to have a pia at home
$hat should # do/
*s dori sa !a mai intre( ce!a daca !reau sa command o pi##a acasa, ce
tre(uie sa fac7
2aiterI 0ell& here *ou have our number) *ou call here and sa* $hat pia do *ou
$ant and the deliver* address& -hat%s it&
'i (ine" aici a!eti numarul nostrum de telefon, sunati aici si spuneti ce pi##a
doriti si adresa de li!rare. *tat.
"adamI 4ou%re so kind& -hank *ou&
+unteti tare ama(il. Multumesc.
2aiterI 0e%ll $ait *ou to come again&
Aa mai asteptam.
"adamI !ood b*e+
6a re!edere4
2aiterI !ood b*e) madam+
6a re!edere, doamna4
%ste liber acest loc sau nu& - 1s( for the seat

A discussion bet$een a lad* and a gentleman in a train&
'n dialog intre o doamna si un gentleman intr-un tren&

0ha ladyI !ood a"ternoon+
Buna #iua4
0he gentlemanI !ood a"ternoon+
Buna #iua4
0he ladyI 0hat a cro$ded train+
e aglomeratie este in tren4
0he gentlemanI 4es&
0he ladyI B5cuse me) does an*one sit there/
+cu#ati/ma, sta cine!a pe locul acela7
B5cuse me) is that seat taken/
+cu#ati/ma, locul acela este ocupat7
0he gentlemanI No) please 3 .* "riend $as sitting there but he got o"" the train at
the last station&
Nu, !a rog"9rietenul meu statea acolo, dar a co(orat la ultima statie.
0he ladyI -hank *ou&
0he gentlemanI Not at all&
Nu a!eti pentru ce.
Cum imprumutam bani - Borrow money
1 dialogue #etween two offi$e $olleagues!
'n dialog intre doi colegi de birou&

)ran(I !ood morning) Dan+
Buna dimineata, 5an4
5anI !ood morning) 2rank+
Buna dimineata, 8rank4
)ran(I 0hat a terrible $eather outside+
e !reme urata e afara4
5anI #ndeed+
)ran(I Dan)3 it%s hard "or me to sa* this) but can *ou lend me some mone*) #=m
5an," imi !ine greu sa iti spun asta, dar ai putea sa imi imprumuti ce!a (ani,
sunt falit7
Dan)3 )3 it%s hard "or me to sa* this) but can # borro$ some mone* "rom
*ou) #%m broke/
5an," imi !ine greu sa iti spun asta, dar as putea sa imprumut ce!a (ani de la
tine, sunt falit7
5anI 2rank) o" course3 ho$ much mone* do *ou need/
8rank, desigur" de cati (ani ai ne!oie7
)ran(I 0ell&& let=s sa* H<< euro&
9ai in :ur de 0@@ euro.
5anI And "or $hat period o" time/
+i pentru ce perioada de timp7
)ran(I 2or one month i" *ou can&
9entru o luna de #ile, daca poti.
5anI 1ure) tomorro$ i=ll bring *ou the mone*&
+igur, maine o sa iti aduc (anii.
)ran(I -hanks) Dan) thanks a lot) m* "riend&
Multumesc, 5an, multumesc mult, prietene.
5anI No problem) see *ou at the co""ee break&
Nicio pro(lema, ne !edem in pau#a de cafea.
)ran(I ,k& 1ee *ou+
;k. 9e curand4

,bservatie + A se vedea di"erenta intre:
-o lend mone* -, somebod* E A imprumuta bani cuiva
-o borro$ mone* 2@,. somebod* E A imprumuta bani de la cineva
Cum pariem - 'ambling

-$o "riends meet at a horse racing&
Doi prieteni se intalnesc la o cursa de cai&

5anI Lar*) do *ou think 1noop $ill $in this time/
6ary, cre#i ca +noop !a castiga de data asta7
-aryI Not a chance) Dan&& (e is not so good&
Nicio sansa, 5an.. Nu este asa de (un.
5anI 0anna bet/
Arei sa pariem7
-aryI 4ou kno$ # do not gamble&
+tii (ine ca nu fac pariuri.
5anI Gust this time) please&
5oar de data asta, te rog.
-aryI All right& #%ll go "or it&
Bine. Intru in :oc.
5anI !ood&
-aryI But let me ask *ou: 0hat do *ou think about Black*/
5ar sa te intre(: ce parere ai despre Blacky7
5anI (e could $in) *es&
*r putea castiga, da.
-aryI Let%s call Gohn and convince him to bet&
Bai sa/l sunam pe Dohn sis a il con!ingem sa parie#e si el.
5anI 4ou $on%t succeed) he is one o" a kind) he $on%t agree&
Nu !ei a!ea succes, el este mai altfel, nu !a fi de acord.
-aryI ,k& Let%s $atch the race then&
;k. Bai sa urmarim cursa atunci.
5anI @ight& !ood luck+
Bine. Bafta4
-aryI 4ou) too&
+i tu.
La biblioteca - In a librar

A dialogue bet$een a pupil and a librarian&
'n dialog intre un elev si un bibliotecar&
0he *u*ilI !ood a"ternoon+
Buna #iua4
0he li#rarianI !ood a"ternoon+ .a* # help *ou/
Buna #iua4 u ce te pot a:uta7
0he *u*ilI 0ould *ou be so kind and help me) i%m looking "or a book o" Dickens/
+unteti ama(il sa ma a:utati, caut o carte a lui 5ickens7
0he li#rarianI ," course) but *ou have to tell me its title&
5esigur, dar tre(uie sa imi spui titlul cartii.
0he *u*ilI >!reat B5pectationsA&
Marile +perante.
0he li#rarianI ,k& Listen&& *ou have to go straight and turn le"t a"ter the "irst
bookstand and *ou%ll "ind the book right there) on the "irst shel" looking "rom
up to do$n&
;k. *sculta" tre(uie sa mergi inainte sis a o iei la stanga dupa primul
stand de carti si !ei gasi cartea e%act acolo, pe primul raft cum te uiti de sus in :os.
0he *u*ilI All right& And one more Duestion: $here can # "ind a enc*clopedia/
Bine. Inca o intre(are: unde pot sa gases o enciclopedie7
-he librarian: All kinds o" enc*clopedias are stored in another department&
)oate tipurile de encilopedii sunt depuse in alt department.
-he pupil: Can *ou tell me e5actl* $here/
9uteti sa imi spuneti unde anume7
-he librarian: -hat department is called the >-he 1ciences DepartmentA and it is at
the "irst "loor6 *ou take the elevator and a"ter *ou e5it the elevator *ou turn
right and enter at room H<) and there *ou ask "or more in"ormation the man
that is there&
5epartamentul se numeste 5epartamentul de +tiinte si se afla la eta:ul
intai= iei liftul si cum iesi din lift iei la dreapta si intri la camera 0@, iar acolo
intre(i mai multe informatii pe cel responsa(il de acolo.
-he pupil: -hank *ou ver* much& !ood b*e+
Multumesc foarte mult. 6a re!edere4
-he librarian: 4ou%re $elcome& !ood b*e+
u placere. 6a re!edere4
Cum probam o haina - Tr on garmet

A dialogue bet$een a seller and a bu*er&
'n dialog intre un vanator si un cumparator&

0he sellerI !ood a"ternoon+ .a* # help *ou/
Buna #iua4 u ce !a pot fi de folos7
0he #uyerI !ood a"ternoon+ 4es) please) # $ould like to tr* on this blouse&
Buna #iua4 5a, !a rog, as dori sa pro(e# aceasta (lu#a.
0he sellerI 1ure) 1ir& 2ollo$ me to$ards the "itting room) is right around the corner&
5esigur, domnule. >rmati/ma catre camera de pro(a, este imediat dupa colt.
0he #uyerI -ell me one more thing) can # bring a shirt to tr* as $ell/
Inca ce!a, pot sa aduc inca o camasa sa pro(e#7
0he sellerI ," course) 1ir& But no more than t$o pieces o" clothes at a time&
5esigur, domnule, dar nu mai mult de doua piese de haine o data.
0he #uyerI ,k&

A"ter several minutes&
Dupa cateva minute&
0he sellerI (o$ are the clothes/
um sunt hainele7
0he #uyerI 'n"ortunatel*) the blouse does not "it me&
5in pacate, (lu#a nu imi e (una.
Do *ou have a smaller sie blouse/
*!eti o marime mai mica la (lu#a7
0he sellerI 4es) i%ll bring *ou one6 but the shirt/
5a, o sa !a aduc una= dar camasa, cum e7
0he #uyerI -he shirt suits me per"ectl*&
amasa imi !ine perfect.
0he sellerI #%m glad) 1ir&
Ma (ucur, domnule.
0he sellerI (ere *ou have a smaller blouse) but other color&
*ici a!eti o (lu#a mai mica, dar alta culoare.
0he #uyerI ,h&& no) # don%t like it&
;h.. nu, nu imi place.
#%ll bu* onl* the shirt&
; sa cumpar doar camasa.
0he sellerI As *ou $ish) sir&
um doriti, domnule.
Cum incercam haine - Tring clothes

A dialogue bet$een an emplo*ee o" a shop and a gentleman&
'n dialog intre un anga7at al unui magain si un domn&

0he em*loyeeI .a* # help *ou) sir/
9ot sa !a fiu de folos, domnule7
0he gentlemanI 4es) please) # am looking "or a 7acket $ith long lapels&
5a, !a rog, caut o haina cu re!ere lungi.
0he em*loyeeI -his kind o" clothes are 7ust around the corner) "ollo$ me&
*cest tip de haine le gasiti imediat dupa colt, urmati/ma.
0he gentlemanI -hank *ou&
0he em*loyeeI But *ou arent allo$ed to enter in the "itting room $ith more than
one piece o" clothing&
5ar nu a!eti !oie sa intrati in ca(ina de pro(a cu mai mult de un articol
de im(racaminte.
0he gentlemanI All right&
0he em*loyeeI 1hould # look "or something else "or *ou) sir/
+a caut si altce!a pentru dumnea!oastra, domnule7
0he gentlemanI 4es) # also $ant to bu* a shirt&
*s dori sa cumpar si o camasa.
0he em*loyeeI 0hat color/
e culoare7
0he gentlemanI A bright color) something greenish&&
; culoare deschisa, ce!a !er#ui..
0he em*loyeeI 0hat sie are *ou/
e marime a!eti7
0he gentlemanI # take sie IC&
9ort marimea .1.
0he em*loyeeI #s this one good/
'ste (una aceasta7
0he gentlemanI No) is too tight&
Nu, este prea stramta.
0he em*loyeeI ,k) i%ll bring *ou another one but another color) a *ello$ one&
;k, o sa !a aduc alta dar alta culoare, una gal(ena.
0he gentlemanI #s all right&
'ste in regula.
0he em*loyeeI (o$ are the clothes) sir/
um sunt hainele, domnule7
0he gentlemanI #%m still tr*ing on) but3 the* "it me&
Inca pro(e#, dar.. !ad ca imi sunt (une.
0he em*loyeeI #%m glad) sir&
Ma (ucur, domnule.
0he gentlemanI #%ll bu* both&
umpar am(ele articole.
0he em*loyeeI -hat $ill be J< euros&
Aa costa ,@ de euro.
0he gentlemanI -hank *ou&
0he em*loyeeI 0e thank *ou) sir&
Noi !a multumim, domnule.

Cand dorim sa spunem o culoare deschisa "olosim cuvantul >brightA: a
brig+t color sau il punem langa culoare: a bright red E un rosu deschis6
Cand dorim sa vorbim despre nuanta) cum ar "i in romaneste verui) rosiatic)
albastrui etc&) "olosim terminatia >-ishA: greenish) redish) bluish&
Cheama/ Ia ta$iul - Take a ta$i - Cum se cheama taiul in
limba engleza

A dialogue bet$een a ta5i driver and a client&
'n dialog intre un so"er de ta5i si un client&
-he client e5its a restaurant and $aves "or a ta5i&
Clientul iese din restaurant si cheama cu mana un ta5i&

0he taCi driverI !ood evening) 1ir+
Buna seara, domnule4
0he $lientI !ood evening+
Buna seara4
0he taCi driverI 0here $ould *ou like to go/
>nde ati dori sa mergeti7
0he $lientI Can *ou take me to (otel Central/
Ma puteti duce la Botel entral7
0he taCi driverI 4es) 1ir&
5a, domnule.
0he taCi driverI !ood morning) .adame+ 0here do *ou $ant me to take *ou/
Buna dimineata, doamna4 >nde doriti sa mergeti7
0he $lientI # $ould like *ou to drive me to B@D headDuarters&
*s dori sa ma duceti la sediul BC5.
0he taCi driverI #%m sorr*) .adame) but is at HJ meters distance) it%s too close&
Imi pare rau, doamna, dar este la 0, metri distanta, este prea aproape.
0he $lientI All right then& -hank *ou&
Bine. Multumesc.
Consolarea - Consolation

A dialogue bet$een t$o "riends) Clara and ?aula&
'n dialog intre doi prieteni) Clara si ?aula&

%laraI ?aula) i%m so glad that *ou came so Duickl* a"ter # had called *ou&
9aula, ma (ucur tare mult ca ai !enit asa de!reme, imediat dupa ce te/am
.aulaI Clara) tell me&& $hat%s $rong/
lara, spune/mi.. ce s/a intamplat7
%laraI .* dear "riend) a month ago # received a beauti"ul present&& a cat&
5raga mea prietena, acum o luna am primit un cadou minunat.. o pisica.
.aulaI 4es) # kno$) *ou $ere so happ*&&
5a, stiu, erai asa de fericita..
%laraI 0ell&& m* cat got sick3 and # am so scared&
'i (ine, pisica mea s/a im(olna!it.. si sunt asa de speriata.
.aulaI ,h&& i%m so sorr*&& $e have to take her to the doctor&& # am $ith m* car&&
but don%t $orr*&& i%m sure that is something minor&
;h.. imi pare tare rau.. tre(uie sa o ducem la doctor. 'u sunt cu masina..
dar nu iti face gri:i.. sunt sigura ca nu e nimic gra!.
%laraI No) dear) m* cat is alread* at the doctor) m* "ather took her&
Nu, draga, pisica este de:a la doctor, tatal meu a dus/o.
.aulaI -hen $e have to $ait ne$s "rom him) he%ll call *ou&
*tunci, tre(uie sa asteptam !esti de la el, te !a suna.

-he phone is ringing and a"ter a "e$ seconds o" conversation Clara starts to
-ele"onul suna) iar dupa cateva secunde de conversatie Clara incepe sa

.aulaI 0ell&& tell me&& *ou are smiling&& $hat is it/
'i (ine.. spune/mi.. #am(esti.. ce e7
%laraI .* "ather called me and told me that m* cat is all right) it $as 7ust an
M/a sunat tata si mi/a spus ca pisica este (ine, a fost doar o indigestie.
.aulaI (aven%t # told *ou/+ #t%s not the end o" the $orld) ever*thing is all right&
Nu ti/am spus74 Nu este capatul lumii, totul este in regula.
,h&& i%m so glad+
;h.. ma (ucura tare mult4
%laraI .e) too&
+i eu.
.aulaI Let%s go and have an orange 7uice&
Bai sa mergem sa (em un suc de portocale.
%laraI !ood idea+
Buna idee4

%uvantul AherB s,a folosit in lo$ul *ronumelui I0 ($are' du*a $um #ine stim' se
foloseste $and vine vor#a de a inlo$ui lu$ruri' animale)' *entru a s$oate in evidenta
a*ro*ierea sufleteas$a a vor#itorului fata de animalul sau de $asa! In a$est $az' este
*ermisa folosirea *ronumelui *ersonal AherB' in lo$ de AitB!
Cum invitam prietenii la o petrecere - Invite friends
to a part

A dialogue bet$een Brenda and her "riend about a birthda* part*&
'n dialog intre Brenda si prietena ei despre o petrecere onomastica&

BrendaI (*) ho$ are *ou m* "riend) i%m so glad that *ou came at me&
Buna, ce mai faci, draga, ma (ucur ca ai !enit la mine.
0ina (her friend)I (*) Brenda) i%m "ine) i%m glad to see *ou) too&
Buna, Brenda, sunt (ine, si eu ma (ucur sa te !ad.
BrendaI # $ant to talk to *ou about something&
Areau sa !or(esc ce!a cu tine.
0inaI 1ure) $hat is it/
+igur, despre ce este !or(a7
BrendaI 4ou kno$ that in a $eek "rom no$ is m* birthda*&&
+tii ca intr/o saptamana de acum incolo este #iua mea de nastere..
0inaI (o$ could # "orget that/+
um as putea sa uit asa ce!a7
BrendaI And # $ould like to invite *ou to m* birthda* part*&
+i as !rea sa te in!it la petrecerea mea ani!ersara.
0inaI ,h&& m* dear "riend&& i%m so sorr*) # $ill be in Bucharest in that
;h.. draga mea prietena.. imi pare tare rau, o sa fiu in Bucuresti in
perioada aceea.
BrendaI ,h3 *ou are telling me that *ou aren%t going to 7oin m* part*) *ou
m* best "riend and that is an important da* "or me//
;h" !rei sa imi spui ca nu !ei !eni la petrecere, esti
prietena mea cea mai (una, iar #iua aceea este cea mai importanta
pentru mine77
0ina (laughing)I ,h) Brenda) ho$ could *ou believe that/
;h, Brenda, cum ai putut sa cre#i asa ce!a7
BrendaI Don%t *ou do that again+
+a nu mai faci asa ce!a4
0inaI ,k&& be sure that i%ll be there) # $ouldn=t miss that "or nothing in
the $orld&
;k.. sa fii sigura ca !oi fi acolo, nu as putea lipsi pentru nimic in lume.
BrendaI 4ou do that+
*sa sa si faci4
0inaI ,k& 1ee *ou soon+
;k. Ne !edem in curand4
BrendaI @ight& B*e+
Bine. 9a4
Cum rogi pe cineva sa iti faca o fotogra(e - !s"
people to ta"e pictures for you
1 woman wal(ing in the *ar( with a *hoto $amera in her hand!
, "emeie plimbandu-se prin parc cu un aparat de "acut "otogra"ii in mana&

-he $oman to a man $alking on the alle*:
2emeia catre un barbat care se plimba pe alee:

0he womanI 1ir) can *ou do me a "avor/
5omnule, puteti sa imi faceti o fa!oare7
0he manI 1ure) $hat is it/
+igur, despre ce este !or(a7
0he womanI # $ould like to ask *ou to take me a photo&
*s dori sa imi faceti o fotografie.
0he manI 0ell3& #%m a little bit clums* $hen it comes to technolog*&
9ai" sunt un pic cam stangaci cand !ine !or(a de tehnologie.
0he womanI No problem) # $ill tell *ou ever* step&
Nicio pro(lema, o sa !a e%plic fiecare pas.
0he manI All right&
In regula.
0he womanI 4ou look through this little $indo$ and push the red button&
Aa uitati prin gemuletul asta si apasati (utonul rosu.
0he manI ,k) let me see3
;k, sa !ad"
0he womanI # $ill tell tell *ou $hen i%m read*&
Aa spun eu cand sunt gata.
0he manI ,k&
0he womanI #%m read*&
+unt pregatita.
0he manI ,ne) t$o) three3& 1a* cheese3
>nu, doi, trei" Eam(iti"
0he womanI -hank *ou ver* much&
Aa multumesc foarte mult.
0he manI 4ou%re $elcome&
u placere.

A"ter several minutes& -he same $oman to another $oman&
Dupa cateva minute& Aceeasi "emeie catre alta "emeie&

0he womanI !ood a"ternoon+ 0ould *ou be so kind to take me a photo/
Buna #iua4 +unteti ama(ila sa imi faceti o fotografie7
0he 6
womanI !ood a"ternoon+ 0ith pleasure) but i%m in a hurr*+ #%m sorr*+
Buna #iua4 u placere, doar ca ma gra(esc4 Imi pare rau4
0he womanI ,k) no problem) have a good da*+
Nicio pro(lema, o #i (una4
Cum amintim cuiva ceva - Reminding

A dialogue bet$een a husband K.ikeL and a $i"e K!inaL&
'n dialog intre un sot K.ikeL si o sotie K!inaL&

GinaI Darling) tomorro$ be"ore *ou go to o""ice) please) do not "orget to pa* the
gas bill&
5ragule, inainte sa mergi la (irou, te rog, sa nu uiti sa platesti factura de ga#.
"i(eI ," course) dear& But $e have time one more $eek&
5esigur, draga. 5ar mai a!em timp o saptamana.
GinaI ,k& 4ou are right&
;k. *i dreptate.
,h&& thanks !od that # remembered) *ou also have to take Gohn to g*m&
;h.. multumesc lui 5umne#eu ca mi/am amintit, tre(uie s ail duci sip e Dohn la
"i(eI ,h3 good that *ou reminded me&
;h... (ine ca mi/ai amintit.

-he phone is ringing&
-ele"onul suna&

GinaI (ello+/
0he voi$eI (ello) !ina+ #%m 2rank) # 7ust called to remind .ike that tomorro$
$e have tennis "rom H8:<< to H9:<< p&m& ?lease do remind him that&
-hank *ou&
&o$eaI Buna, 3ina4 +unt 8rank, am sunat doar ca sa ii aduc aminte lui Mike ca
a!em tenis de la 0<:@@ la 0-:@@ p.m. )e rog aminteste/i asta. Multumesc.
GinaI 1ure) 2rank+ B*e+
+igur, 8rank4 9a4
0he voi$eI B*e+
)rari de bine - !ell wishes

A dialogue bet$een -om and his cousin&
'n dialog intre -om si verisorul sau&

0omI (*+ # heard "rom *our mother that *ou have a di""icult e5am tomorro$&
Buna4 *m au#it de la mama ta ca maine ai un e%amen dificil.
His $ousinI 4es) and # have t$o more chapters to learn&
5a, si mai am doua capitole de in!atat.
0omI Come on) # have no doubt that *ou $ill do ver* $ell&
Baide acum, nu am nici cea mai mica indoiala ca o sa fie foarte (ine.
His $ousinI 0ell&& # must sa* that # am Duite $orried about this e5am because $e
have a ver* e5igent teacher&
9ai.. tre(uie sa iti marturisesc ca sunt destul de ingri:orat fiindca a!em o
profesoara foarte e%igenta.
0omI #" *ou have studied the e5am material $ith attention) *ou $on=t have
an* problem&
5aca ai studiat cu atentie materialul pentru e%amen, nu !ei intampina nicio
His $ousinI # hope it $ill be all right&
+per ca totul sa fie (ine.
0omI #%ll keep m* "ingers crossed "or *ou&
; sa iti tin pumnii.
His $ousinI -hank *ou&
0omI Call me tomorro$ to tell me the result&
+una/ma maine sa imi spui re#ultatul.
His $ousinI ," course&
0omI (ave to go) # $ish *ou luck+
)re(uie sa plec, iti ure# noroc4
His $ousinI -hanks) -om&
Mersi, )om.
0omI B*e+
His $ousinI B*e+

B5presii des utiliate:

I have no dou#t that!! O nu am ni$io indoiala $a!!
IPll (ee* my fingers $rossed for you O = sa iti tin *umnii
I wish you lu$(!/ Good lu$(! O iti urez noro$!/ noro$!/ #afta!

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