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Asist.univ.dr. Aida-Diana
Facultatea de Drept i tiine
Universitatea din Craiova

Asist.univ.dr. Aida-Diana DUMITRESCU

Facultatea de Drept i tiine Administrative
Universitatea din Craiova

Abstract: Analiza prejudiciului, condiie a

rspunderii civile din perspectiva prevederilor Noului
Cod Civil, trebuie precedat de o introducere asupra
rspunderii civile delictuale, n general.
Ulterior, discuia etapizat, va cuprinde
problema nclcrii unui drept subiectiv sau a unui
simplu interes, repararea prejudiciului (ntindere i
forme, prejudiciul moral, condiia ca prejudiciul s nu
fi fost reparat, problema prejudiciului generat de
vtmarea adus integritii corporale sau sntii
unei persoane), rspunderea persoanelor care trebuie
s repare prejudiciul (solidaritatea, raporturile dintre
debitori, dreptul la regres).
n finalul materialului, concluziile formulate
sunt de natur s evidenieze elementele de noutate i
consecine acestora, prevzute de dispoziiile Noului
Cod Civil.
Cuvinte cheie: prejudiciu, prejudiciu
material, prejudiciu moral, interes, solidaritate, regres

1. Consideraii introductive. n
dreptul civil, rspunderea poate s fie att
rspundere contractual, ct i rspundere
delictual (1), aceste forme ale rspunderii
fiind consacrate expres de Noul Cod Civil
(art.1349 i 1350).
Regimul juridic al rspunderii
juridice delictuale constituie regula n
materia rspunderii juridice civile, n timp
ce regimul juridic al rspunderii contractuale
are caracter special, derogatoriu.
Spre deosebire de prevederile Codului Civil
anterior, unde nu se regsea o reglementare
expres care s rspund la ntrebarea dac,
contractuale, creditorul putea solicita

Abstract: Analysis of injury liability in the

light conditions of New Civil Code, must be
preceded by an introduction of tort liability in
Subsequently, the discussion stages, will
include the issue of infrigement of a right or a
simple interest, damages (stretching and forms,
non-pecuniary damage, provided that the damage
was not repair, the problem of damage caused by
injury or health damage the integrity of a person),
resonsable people who have to repair the damage
(solidarity, relations beteen debtors, the right to
At the end of the material, the conclusions
drawn are likely to highlight the innovations and
their consequences, under the provisions of the New
Civil Code.
Key words: damage, pecuniary damage,
moral damage, interest, solidarity, regression

1. Prelimniary. In civil law, the

liability can be both contractual liability
and tort (1), these forms of liability being
established specifically into the New Civil
Code (art.1349 and 1350). The legal
regime of tort liability is the rule in matters
of civil liability, while the legal status of
contractual liability has special character,
Unlike previous Civil Code, which
are not found specific regulation to address
the question whether, if non-contractual
obligations, the creditor may request tort
liability, art. 1350 of the New Civil Code
resolves this issue by a peremptory norm,
with value of principle, which prohibits

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

angajarea rspunderii delictuale, prevederile

art. 1350 din Noul Cod Civil soluioneaz
aceast discuie printr-o norm imperativ,
cu valoarea de principiu, care interzice
cocontractanilor s opteze ntre aciunea
fundamentat pe temei contractual i aceea
fundamentat pe temei delictual, impunnd
aplicarea regulilor rspunderii contractuale.
Rspunderea civil delictual poate fi
definit ca aceea form a rspunderii
juridice care const ntr-un raport de
obligaii n temeiul cruia o persoan este
ndatorat s repare prejudiciul cauzat altuia
prin fapta sa ori, n cazurile prevzute de
Noul Cod Civil (art. 1349) dispune
c orice persoan poate s rspund
delictual, iar dac acest persoan are
discernmnt, atunci ea va rspunde integral
pentru toate prejudiciile cauzate, indiferent
de faptul c fapta care genereaz prejudiciul
este o aciune sau o inaciune.
O persoan nu va rspunde ns doar
pentru fapta proprie, ci i pentru fapta altuia,
pentru lucruri, animale sau ruina edificiului,
dup caz, iar dac se solicit angajarea
rspunderii pentru prejudiciile cauzate de
produsele cu defecte, aceasta trebuie
fundamentat pe temeiul legilor speciale.
Organic legate de natura juridic a
rspunderii civile delictuale sunt funciile pe
care aceasta le ndeplinete, respectiv
reparatorie(3). Dintre acestea, funcia
reparatorie este materializat prin aceea c,
repararea prejudiciului reprezint principalul
scop al angajrii acestei forme de
rspundere, iar consecina acestei situaii
rezid n faptul c rspunderea civil
delictual poate fi considerat un mijloc de
aprare a drepturilor subiective(4).
3. Prejudiciul. Pentru a se putea antr
Prejudiciul(5), element esenial al
rspunderii delictuale, const n efectul
negativ suferit de o anumit persoan, ca
urmare a faptei ilicite svrit de o alt

contractors to choose between action based

on contractual basis and based on the
grounds that tort liability rules requiring
application of contract.
2. Tort liability. Tort liability can
be defined as "that form of liability which
is in a bound report that a person is
indebted to repair damage caused to
another by the action or, in cases provided
by law, damages for which it is
responsible" (2).
New Civil Code (art. 1349) provides
that any person may tort, and if this person
has discernment, he shall have overall
responsibility for all damages, regardless of
whether the act that generates damage is an
action or inaction.
A person shall not be held liable
only for its own the action, but also
vicarious, for things, animals or ruin the
building, as appropriate, and if required
liability for damage caused by defective
products, it must be founded on the basis of
special laws.
Organic related to the legal nature of
tort liability are functions that it performs
as the social-preventive function and the
restorative function (3). Of these, reparative
function is materialized by the fact that
damage is the main purpose of engagement
this form of responsibility and consequence
of this situation is that tort liability can be
considered a means of subjective rights (4).
3. Damage. In order to lead to tort
liability is necessary to fulfill the general
conditions, namely the existence of: a.
committing the wrong, injury b., c. a causal
link between wrongful the action and
injury, d. guilt of causing injury. Injury (5),
an essential element of liability, is the
negative effect the a person suffered as a
result of unlawful act committed by another
person or by the "facts" of an animal or
thing, which is held to answer a particular
person. (6)
3.1. Violation of a subjective right
or a simple interest. Until the entry into
force of the new Civil Code, there was a

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

persoan ori ca urmare a faptei unui

animal sau lucru, pentru care este inut a
rspunde o anumit persoan.(6)
3.1. nclcarea unui drept subiectiv
sau a unui simplu interes. Pn la intrarea
n vigoare a Noului Cod Civil, a existat o
controvers n practica i doctrina de
specialitate, cu privire la necesitatea
reparrii prejudiciului generat de nclcarea
unor simple interese, dar, prin introducerea
art. 1359 din Noul Cod Civil, aceast
problem a fost soluionat n sensul
reglementrii exprese a obligaiei de
reparare a prejudiciului produs ca urmare a
vtmrii unui interes, cu condiia ca
interesul s fie legitim.
Aceste prevederi preiau i consacr
reprezentanilor doctrinei. De altfel, dei
unii autori au opinat c prin instituia
rspunderii civile delictuale sunt ocrotite
numai drepturile dobndite, iar nu i
situaiile de fapt ori speranele sau simplele
judectoreasc a admis n mod constant
obligarea autorului prejudiciului la a plti
despgubiri chiar i n unele situaii n care
pierderea suferit era consecina nclcrii
unui simplu interes.(8)
Prejudicul, indiferent de forma sa, d
natere, din ziua n care a fost cauzat, la un
drept la reparaie, care trebuie exercitat n
termenul de prescripie (art. 1381 Noul Cod
Prejudiciu este material atunci cnd
prin fapta ilicit a fost adus atingere
patrimoniului unei persoane i acesta poate
fi evaluat bnete, iar atunci cnd acesta nu
poate fi evaluat n bani (atingerea adus
onoarei i demnitii unei persoane), suntem
n prezena unui prejudiciu moral(9).
Atunci cnd prejudiciul este cert i
nu a fost reparat, se poate solicita repararea
sa pe calea rspunderii civile delictuale.
reparaiei (art. 1385, art. 1386). Principiul
reparrii integrale a prejudiciului (art. 1385

controversy in practice and doctrine of

specialty, about the need of repairing
damage caused by violation of simple
interest, but, by introducing art. 1359 of the
New Civil Code, this problem was solved
in the sense of explicit obligation to repair
the damage caused to the injury of interest,
if this interest is a legitimate one.
These provisions take practice and
devote the majority opinion of the
representatives of the doctrine. Moreover,
although some authors have said that "the
institution of tort liability protect only
acquired rights and not statements of fact or
mere hopes or interests of the victim" (7),
practice court upheld regularly ordered to
pay compensation injury from the author
even in some cases when the loss suffered
was the consequence of violation of a
simple interest.(8)
Prejudice, regardless of its form, gives
birth, from the day the has been caused, to
reparation and this right to reparation can
to be exercised within the period of
prescription (art. 1381 New Civil Code).
Material injury is when the wrongful
act was adversely affecting a person's
property and money that can be evaluated,
and when it can not be measured in money
(achieving the honor and dignity of a
person), are in the presence of nonpecuniary damage (9 ).
When the damage is clear and was
not repaired, may be required to repair on
the path of delictual (tort) liability.
a. The extend and the repair forms
(art. 1385, art. 1386 New Civil Code).
The principle of full compensation for
damages (art. 1385 para 1 New Civil
Code), expressed by famous latin saying,
restitutio in integrum (10), involves
removing all the harmful consequences of
an illegal act, for the purpose of restoring
the victim to the previous situation (11).
New Civil Code and it maintains
this principle expressly in the text devotes
several articles: art. 1349. (2): "He who,

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

al.1 Noul Cod Civil), exprimat prin

cunoscutul adagiu din latin, restitutio in
integrum(10), presupune nlturarea tuturor
consecinelor duntoare ale unui fapt ilicit,
n scopul repunerii victimei n situaia
Noul Cod Civil menine acest
principiu i l consacr expres n textul mai
multor articole: art. 1349 al. (2): Cel care,
avnd discernamnt, ncalc aceast
ndatorire, rspunde de toate prejudiciile
cauzate, fiind obligat s le repare integral.,
art. 1357 al. (1): Cel care cauzeaz altuia
un pejudiciu printr-o fapt ilicit [...] este
obligat s-l repare., art. 1385 al. (1):
Prejudiciul se repar integral, dac prin
lege nu se prevede altfel..
n practic, instana suprem a
reinut c despgubirile acordate victimei
trebuie s constituie o just i integral
Prin reparare integral, se nelege
att repararea prejudiciului efectiv produs
(damnum emergens), ct i beneficiul
nerealizat de victim (lucrum cessans), iar
(art. 1385 al.3) Noul Cod Civil consacr
aceast componen a prejudiciului..
Dac producerea unui prejudiciu
viiitor este nendoielnic, se pot acorda
despgubiri (art. 1385 al. 2), iar dac fapta
ilicit a determinat i pierderea ansei de a
obine un avantaj sau de a evita o pagub,
probabilitatea obinerii avantajului ori, dup
caz, a evitrii pagubei, innd cont de
mprejurri i de situaia concret a victimei.
Principiul reparrii n natur (art.
1386 al.1) exprim activitatea sau operaia
material, concretizat n: restituirea
bunurilor nsuite pe nedrept, nlocuirea
bunului distrus cu altul de acelai fel,
remedierea stricciunilor sau defeciunilor
cauzate unui lucru, distrugerea sau ridicarea
lucrrilor fcute cu nclcarea unui drept

with discernment, violates this duty, is

responsible for any damage caused, is
obliged to fully compensate." art. 1357. (1):
"He who causes injury to another by
wrongful act [...] is obliged to fix it." art.
1385. (1): "The damage is fully
compensated, unless the law provides
In practice, the Supreme Court held
that "victim's compensation must be a fair
and full reparation of damages" (12), the
extent of compensation is determined by
"the principle of full compensation for
damage" (13).
The full repair shall mean the actual
product damage (damnum emergens) and
loss of earnings of the victim (lucrum
cessans) and (art. 1385 al.3) The new Civil
Code establishes the composition of the
injury .
If is undoubtedly the production of a
future injury, may award damages (art.
1385 al. 2), and if the illegal act caused the
loss of opportunity to gain an advantage or
to avoid damage, the repair will be
proportional to the likelihood of benefit or,
where appropriate, to avoid damage, given
the circumstances and the specific situation
of the victim.
The principle of compensation in
kind (art. 1386 para 1) is the embodiment
of the operation material or embodied in:
the return of wrongfully appropriated,
destroyed replacement with another of the
same, remedy damage or damage caused by
something, destroying or improvement
work done with an infringement etc..(14).
The purpose of repair in kind,
regardless of its form, is to remove injury
to a person returning to the previous
situation (15). The repair is done in nature
to the extent possible, if he would resort to
the equivalent monetary damages, the
amount of compensation is decided by
either party, by agreement or, failing
agreement contractors by the court, by
reference to date of injury (art. 1386

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Scopul reparrii n natur, indiferent

de forma sa, este acela de a nltura
prejudiciului suferit de o persoan i
repunerea acesteia n situaia anterioar(15).
Reparaia se face n natur n msura
posibilitilor, n caz contrar urmnd s se
recurg la repararea prejudiciului prin
echivalent bnesc, cuantumul despgubirilor
fiind decis fie de ctre prii, prin acord, sau,
n lipsa acordului cocontractanilor, de ctre
instana judectoreasc, prin raportare la
data producerii prejudiciului (art. 1386
prejudiciului va determina acordarea unor
despgubiri periodice (1386 al.3), n timp ce
un prejudiciu viitor, avnd o natur supus
schimbrii, induce i reparaiei aceeai
natur, n sensul c este supus schimbrii
(art. 1386 al.4).
Prejudicul moral. Prejudiciul
moral nu poate fi evaluat n bani, deoarece
const n rezultatul vtmrii unor drepturi
Problema reparrii prejudiciului
moral cu despgubiri patrimoniale a generat
controverse n doctrin juridic naional,
dar ,ulterior anului 1989, doctrina(16)i
jurisprudena(17)s-au exprimat unamin n
sensul acceptrii acordrii de despgubiri
patrimoniale pentru daune morale, iar prin
intermediul dispoziiilor art. 1391 din Noul
Cod Civil, intitulat repararea prejudiciului
nepatrimonial, aceast posibilitate este
recunoscut n mod expres de ctre
legiutorul romn(18).
Prejudiciul patrimonial se mbin cu
cel moral, astfel, atingerea onoarei i
demnitii unei persoane poate s se
concretizeze att ntr-un prejudiciu de ordin
moral, ct i ntr-un prejudiciu cu caracter
patrimonial, rezultat din faptul c, urmare a
unor afirmaii calomnioase, celui n cauz i
s-a desfcut sau modificat contractul de
munc, consecina fiind pierderea sau
reducerea retribuiei persoanei(19).
Prejudiciul nepatrimonial poate s se

The continuity character will

determine the nature of regular damage
compensation (art.1386 al.3), while a future
damage, having a changeable nature will
influence also this nature to the reparation,
in the sense that it will also be changeable
(art. 1386 al.4 ).
b. Moral damage. Moral damages
can not be evaluated in money, because it is
the result of a personal injury of nonproperty rights without economic content.
The problem of moral reparation with
property damages caused controversy in
the national legal doctrine, but after 1989,
the doctrine (16) and jurisprudence (17)
were expressed unamin in accepting
delivery of economic compensation for
moral damages, and through provisions art.
1391 of the New Civil Code, entitled
"patrimonial damage", this possibility is
expressly recognized by the Romanian
legiutorul (18).
Patrimonial damage is combined
with the moral, thus achieving the honor
and dignity of a person can take the form
both a moral injury and damage in a
patrimonial nature, resulting from the fact
that, due to defamatory statements, person
in question was opened or changed
employment contract, with the consequence
loss or reduction of salary of the person
Patrimonial damage may be related
to constraints victim's family and social life
(art. 1391 para 1 New Civil Code), and the
pain caused by the death of an individual
victim (art. 1391 New Civil Code para.2),
regardless of the fact that this person is a
relative (ascendant, descendant, brother,
sister), husband / wife or, without such a
quality can prove the existence of such an
If a transaction or a lukewarm
answer court, established a right to
personality rights inherent in any subject of
law, this right may be assigned.
For situations covered by the

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refere la restrngerea posibilitilor victimei

de via familial i social (art. 1391 al.1
N.C.C.), dar i la durerea provocat unei
persoane prin moartea victimei (art. 1391
al.2 N.C.C.), indiferent de faptul c acest
descendenti, frate, sor), so/soie sau, fr a
avea o astfel de calitate pot dovedi existena
unui asemenea prejudiciu.
Dac printr-o tranzacie sau printr-o
hotrre judectoreasc defintiv, s-a stabilit
un drept la despgubire pentru atingerile
aduse drepturilor inerente persoanalitii
oricrui subiect de drept, acest drept poate fi
Pentru situaiile reglementate de
dispoziiile art. 1391 trebuie precizat c, n
cazul decesului victimei, dreptul su la
motenitori, doar dac aciunea a fost
nceput de victim, regula fiind c acesta
nu se transmite motenitorilor.
c. Condiia ca prejudiciul nu fi fost
nc reparat. Pentru ca instana de judecat
s poat dispune repararea prejudiciului,
acesta trebuie s ndeplineasc anumite
condiii i anume, prejudiciul s aib un
caracter cert i s nu fi fost fost reparat nc.
Condiia ca prejudicul s nu fi fost
nc reparat se justific prin existena
prejudiciului, deoarece, prin angajarea
rspunderii civile delictuale trebuie s se
ajung la repunerea victimei n situaia
anterioara producerii prejudiciului i nu la o
mbogire fr just cauz a acesteia.
Uneori, victima i pstreaz dreptul
la despgubire din partea autorului faptei
ilicite productoare de prejudicii, chiar dac
dauna suferit a fost acoperit total sau
parial, dup cum urmeaz:
I. dac victima beneficiaz de o
pensie de la Asigurarile sociale de stat i
pensia nu acoper n totalitate prejudiciul
produs, diferena de prejudiciu va trebui
pltit de autorul faptei prejudiciabile(20)
(art. 1393 al.1 N.C.C).
Noul Co Civil (art.1393 al.2) prevede

provisions of art. 1391 should be noted

that if the victim's death, his right to
compensation may be exercised by the
heirs, unless the action was initiated by the
victim, the rule is that it is not transmitted
c. The condition that the damage
has not been repaired yet. In order that
the court may order the repairing of the
damage, the latter must fulfill certain
conditions, namely the damage has to be
certain and it has to not have been repaired
The condition that the damage has
to not have been repaired yet is justified
through the existence of the principle of the
repairing in entirety, since, by the
engagement of the tort liability, the
replacement of the victim in their previous
situation (before the occurrence of the
damage) has to be attained, and not their
enrichment without a just cause.
Sometimes the victims preserve
their right to indemnification by the author
of the illicit deed which has produced the
damage, even if the damage has been
covered, in its entirety or partially, as
I. If the victims benefit from special
pensions from the State Social Insurances
and the pension does not totally cover the
induced damage, the remaining damages
will have to be paid by the author of the
prejudicial act (20) (article 1393 of the
New Civil Code). The New Civil Code
(article 1393, paragraph 2) provides that, as
long as the aid or the pension has not been
effectively granted or refused by the
damaged party, the court may force the
convoked party to answer only for a
provisional indemnification under the
conditions specified by the law.
II. If the victims receive indemnifications
from the Insurance Company, they can
have the attribute of insured party, or the
author of the damage can be the insured
If the victims possess a person

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

c, att timp ct ajutorul sau pensia nu a fost

efectiv acordat sau, refuzat de ctre
persoana pgubit, instana l poate obliga
pe cel chemat s rspund doar la o
despgubire provizorie, n condiiile legii.
II. dac victima primete despgubiri
de la societatea de asigurri, ea poate s aib
calitatea de persoan asigurat sau autorul
prejudiciului poate fi asigurat.
Dac victima are o asigurare de
persoane, ea va primi suma asigurat de la
societatea de asigurri, care se cumuleaz cu
pensia de asigurri sociale, precum i cu
despgubirile datorate pentru repararea
pagubei de ctre cei rspunztori de
producerea ei.(21)
n cazul n care victima are o
asigurare de bunuri i primete indemnizaia
de la societatea de asigurare, indeminizaia
nu se poate cumula cu despgubirile
datorate de autorul prejudiciului, astfel c
victima poate obine de la autorul
indemnizaia primit de la asigurator i
prejudiciul suferit.(22)
Dac autorul prejudiciului este
asigurat, victima prejudiciului poate primi
despgubirea de la societatea de asigurare,
iar n cazul n care suma nu este suficient,
victima are dreptul s obin despgubiri de
la autorul prejudiciului.(23)
III. n cazul n care o ter persoan
despgubete victima, trebuie s se
stabileasc titlul cu care a fost fcut
respectiva plat.
Astfel, dac terul dorete s fac o
liberalitate autorului prejudiciului, pltind
victimei ntreaga despgubire n locul
autorului prejudiciului, obligaia autorului
prejudiciului se stinge, iar dac se acoper
doar o parte din daun, cel prejudiciat poate
urmri pe autor doar pentru partea din daun
rmas neacoperit.
Dac terul acord despgubiri
victimei cu titlul de ajutor, intenionnd s
ajute victima, dreptul acesteia din urm la
despgubire rmne neatins i victima poate
solicita repararea integral a prejudiciului.

insurance, they will receive the insured

amount from the insurance company,
which will be cumulated with the pension
from the state social insurances, as well as
with the indemnifications due for the
repairing of the damage by those who are
responsible for its occurrence (21).
In case that the victims possess a goods
insurance and receive the respective
indemnity from the insurance company, the
indemnity cannot be cumulated with the
amounts owed by the author of the damage.
Therefore, the victims can get from the
author of the damage only the difference
between the indemnity received from the
insurer and the incurred damage (22).
If the author of the damage is
insured, the victims of the damage can
receive the indemnity from the insurance
company, and, in case that the amount is
not sufficient, the victims have the right to
obtain indemnifications from the author of
the damage. (23)
III. In case that a third party indemnifies
the victim, that party must establish the
title by which the respective payment has
been made. Hence, if that party wants to
grant a liberality to the author of the
damage by paying to the victim the entire
indemnification, in stead of the author of
the damage, then the obligation of the
perpetrator is extinguished, and if just a
portion of the damage is covered, then the
victims can pursue the author only for
recovery of the part of the damage which
has remained uncovered.
If the third party grants indemnifications to
the victims with the title of aid, hence
intending to help the victims, then their
right to indemnification remains untouched
and the victims can require the repairing of
the damage in its entirety.
d. The problem generated by the
injure caused to the bodily integrity or
health of a person. In case of injuring the
bodily integrity or health of a person, the
general provisions of article 1387 of the
New Civil Code are to be correlated with

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d. Problema prejudiciului generat

de vtmarea adus integritii corporale
sau sntii unei persoane. n caz de
vtmare a integritii corporale sau a
sntii unei persoane, prevederile generale
ale art. 1387 din Noul Cod Civil se
coreleaz cu prevederile speciale referitoare
la vtmarea minorului, reglementate de art.
1389 din Noul Cod Civil i prevederile
speciale referitoare la stabilirea pierderii i a
reglementate de art. 1388 Noul Cod Civil.
Situaia despgubirii pentru pierderea
sau nerealizarea ctigului din munc nu
ridic, de regul probleme. Despgubirea se
stabilete prin raportare la venitului mediu
lunar net din munc al celui pgubit din
ultimul an nainte de pierderea sau reducerea
capacitii sale de munc, iar dac un astfel
de venit nu exist, prin raportare la venitul
lunar net pe care l-ar fi putut realiza victima,
n funcie de calificarea sa profesional,
existent sau viitoare.
Victima care nu are o calificare
profesional i nici nu era n curs s o
primeasc, va obine o despgubirea stabilit
pe baza unui criteriu abstract - salariului
minim net pe economie, n timp ce victima
care face dovada posibilitii obinerii unui
venit din munc mai mare n baza unui
contract ncheiat n ultimul an, contract care
nu a fost pus n executare, va primit o
despgubire al crei cuantum va avea n
vedere venituri posibile din contract.
Ipotezele principale care trebuiesc
analizate n vederea stabilirii despgubirilor
sunt vtmarea sntii (consecine pe
termen scurt i consecine de durata,
vtmarea minorului) i decesul.
- vtmarea
consecine de durat. n acest caz, de obicei,
despgubirile se acord sub forma unei sume
globale(24), victima avnd dreptul la
acoperirea cheltuielilor ocazionate de
ngrijirile medicale necesare nsntoirii i
poate s mai primeasc diferena dintre
retribuie i sumele primite pe durata
concediului medical pn la nsntoire sau

the special provisions related to the injury

of a minor, which are governed by article
1389 from the New Civil Code, and the
special provisions related to establishing
the loss and unachievement of the gains
from working, which are governed by
article 1388 of the New Civil Code.
The situation of indemnities
resulted from the loss or unachievment of
the gains from working usually do not
present problems. The indemnity is
established by variation with the net
monthly income produced through work by
the injured party, over the last year before
the loss or reducing of his or her capacity
to work. And if such income does not exist,
it is established by variation with the net
monthly income which the injured party
could have achieved, in relation with his or
her professional qualifications, existent or
potential. The victims who do not possess
professional qualifications, and are not in
progress of obtaining one, will get an
indemnification established on basis of an
abstract criterion the minimum net salary
for the economy, whereas the victims who
bring the proof of their ability to produce a
larger income from work, based on a
contract concluded within the previous
year, a contract which has not started its
performance yet, will receive an indemnity
the amount of which will consider possible
income resulted from such contract. The
main hypotheses that have to be analyzed
in view to establish the indemnifications
are: injury to health (consequences over a
short term and long term, and injuring of a
minor) and death.
- injury to health without long term
indemnifications are usually granted in the
form of a global amount (24); the victims
have the right to covering the expenses
generated by the medical care necessary for
the curing, and can receive also the
difference between the retribution and the
amounts gotten over the period of the
medical leave until the curing, or the wages

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retribuia de care a fost lipsit n aceast

- vtmarea sntii cu consecine
de durat. n acest caz, pe de o parte, se
discut despre apariia unei infirmiti a
victimei, iar pe de alt parte se profileaz
mai multe ipoteze (victim ncadrat n
munc; victim major, nencadrat n
munc; victim minor).
Dac persoana este ncadrat n
munc, o prim situaie este aceea n care, n
urma infirmitii survenite, veniturile
dobndite anterior scad ca urmare a
diminurii capacitii de munc. n acest
caz, victima este ndreptit s primeasc,
de regul sub forma unor prestaii periodice,
diferena dintre pensia sau ajutorul social
primit de la asigurrile sociale i veniturile
lunare de care a fost lipsit ca urmare a
vtmrii suferite.(25)
O alt situaie ce se poate ivi este cea
n care, dei victima a suferit o vtmare a
sntii cu consecine de durat, veniturile
ei nu s-au diminuat. n acest caz se
consider c justificarea despgubirilor ar fi
generat de efortul suplimentar depus de
aceea persoan pentru a avea acelai
randament n munc.(26)
Reinem c n cazurile de vtmare a
sntii cu urmri de durat prezentate mai
sus, Noul Cod Civil (art.1387 al.(1) i (2)
coroborat cu art. 1388 al.(1) i (2), precum
i cu art. 1393), innd cont de opinia
doctrinei i a practicii judectoreti,
consacr dreptul victimei de a obine
aceleai venituri pe care le obinea anterior
producerii vtmrii, prin cumularea pensiei
de la asigurrile sociale cu un ajutor de la
autorul prejudiciului, dac pensia este
n ceea ce privete dreptul victimei la
acoperirea cheltuielilor ocazionate de
determinate de sporirea nevoilor de via sau
de alte prejudicii materiale, de obicei,
despgubirile se acord sub forma unor
prestaii bneti periodice, ns, la cererea
victimei, instana va putea acorda

they have been deprived of during such

- injury to health with long term
consequences. In such case, on the one
hand, there is the matter of occurrence of
an infirmity to the victims, and on the other
hand, a number of hypotheses are to be
issued (related to victims who have
working positions, victims who are adults
but do not work and victims who are
If the person has a working
position, a first situation to be discussed is
the one where, following the occurred
infirmity, the income which was previously
achieved diminishes, on account of a
decrease of the work capacity. In such case
the victims are entitled to receive, usually
in the form of a periodic allowance, the
difference between the pension or the
social aid received from the State Social
Insurances and the monthly income that
they have been deprived of due to the
suffered injury. (25)
Another situation that can occur is
the one in which the victims, although they
suffered an injury of their health, with long
term consequences, have not lost their
income. In such case, it is considered that
the justification of the indemnities would
be generated by the supplementary effort
contributed by that person in order to
preserve the same work efficiency.
We have to mention that, in the
cases of health injuries with long term
consequences presented above, the New
Civil Code (article 1387, paragraphs 1 and
2 corroborated with article 1388,
paragraphs 1 and 2 and article 1393),
taking into consideration the opinions of
doctrine and judicial practice, asserts the
right of the victims to obtain the same
income as they used to obtain previous to
the occurrence of the injury, by cumulating
the pension from the State Social
Insurances and the aid from the author of
the damage, if the pension is less than

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despgubirea, pentru motive temeinice i

sub forma unei sume globale (art.1387 al.(2)
Noul Cod Civil).
Deoarece hotrrile pronunate n
materia despgubirilor nu constituie, de
regul autoritate de lucru judecat,(27), ele
pot fi reexaminate n cazul n care starea de
sntate a victimei se modific.
- vtmarea sntii minorului
(art. 1389 N.C.C.). Despgubirile vor fi
acordate pentru ngrijiri medicale, pentru
eforturile i cheltuielile suplimentare depuse
profesionale adecvate, iar la data ncadrrii
n munc putem vorbi despre o reexaminare
a despgubirilor, dac veniturile obinute
sunt mai mici datorit infirmitii.(28)
Despgubirea se stabilete pe baza
venitului lunar net pe care l-ar fi putut
realiza minorul, corespunztor calificrii
sale profesionale, pe care ar fi avut-o la
terminarea pregtirii pe care era n curs s o
primeasc, iar dac minorul avea un ctig
prevederilor art. 1389 al. 2 din Noul Cod
Civil, despgubirea se va stabili pe baza
ctigului de care a fost lipsit, despgubire
care va fi primit la data mplinirii vrstei
legale pentru a putea fi parte ntr-un raport
de munc.
- decesul persoanei.
Noul Cod Civil (art. 1392) prevede
expres, n sarcina autorului faptei ilicite,
obligaia de plat a cheltuielilor ocazionate
de ngrijirea victimei nainte de moarte,
n ceea ce privete persoanele care
trebuie s primeasc despgubiri, putem s
discutm att despre persoane ndreptite de
drept, ct i despre persoane ndreptite de
fapt, deoarece, dei prevederile art. 1390 al.
(1) din Noul Cod Civil dispun c
despgubirea se cuvine numai celor
ndreptii, potrivit legii, la ntreinere din
partea celui decedat., ulterior, n al. 2 al
aceluiai articol se prevede c instana poate
acorda despgubire i persoanei pe care

With regard to the right of the

victim to obtain the coverage of the
expenses related to medical care and
expenses related to increasing of the daily
living needs or other material injuries, the
indemnities are usually granted in the form
of periodic allowances, but, at the request
of the victims, the court may grant the
indemnity, for serious reasons, in the form
of a global amount, also (article 1387,
paragraph 2, NCC).
Given the fact that the resolutions
issued on the matter of indemnities usually
do not constitute themselves as authority of
legally determined situations (27), they can
be reexamined, in case that the health
status of the victims changes.
injury of the minors health (article
1389 NCC). The indemnities will be
granted for medical care, for efforts
utilized for the acquiring of an
adequate professional qualification,
and, on the date of restarting the
work, we can talk about a
reexamination of the indemnities, if
the obtained income is lesser, on
account of the infirmity (28).
The indemnity is established
starting from the net monthly income
which the minor could have achieved,
according to his or her professional
qualification, which he or she would have
had at the end of the schooling that they
were engaged in. And if the minor was
producing income at the moment of the
injury, according to provisions of article
1389 NCC, paragraph 2, the indemnity will
be established on basis of the gains that the
minor was deprived of, indemnity which
will be granted on the date of turning the
legal age fit for making him or her part of a
work relationship.
the death of the person. The New
specifically provides that the author
of the illicit act has the obligation to
pay for all expenses incurred by the

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victima o ntreinea n mod curent, fr a fi

ns obligat prin lege. n amndou
situaiile cuantumul despgubirilor se
stabilete n funcie de dou criterii, pe de o
parte, nevoile persoanei pgubite, iar pe de
alt parte, veniturile pe care persoana
decedat le-ar fi avut n perioada pentru
care se acord despgubirea.
despgubeasc sub forma unor prestaii
periodice pe cei ce aveau dreptul la
ntreinere de la victim sau se gseau n
ntreinerea n fapt a acesteia.(30), iar dac
persoanele respective au dreptul la pensie de
urma, ele vor putea pretinde despgubiri
pentru diferena dintre pensia pe care o
primesc i valoarea ntreinerii ce le era
prestat de victima, n timp ce, celelalte
persoane vor primi despgubiri numai dac
se afl n nevoie, fiind minori, btrni sau n
incapacitate de munc.(31)
Pn la stabilirea pensiei sau a
ajutoarelor ce s-ar cuveni, n cadrul
asigurrilor sociale, celui ndreptit la
reparaie, dreptul la aciune cu privire la
vtmarea integritii corporale sau a
sntii ori prin decesul unei persoane este
suspendat, iar dac despgubirea deriv
dintr-un fapt supus de legea penal unei
prescripii mai lungi dect cea civil,
termenul de prescripie a rspunderii penale
se aplic i dreptului la aciunea n
rspundere civil.
3.3. Rspunderea persoanelor care
trebuie s repare prejudiciul.
a. Solidaridatea. Protecia victimei
prejudiciului, asigurat prin materializarea
prejudiciului este dublat n Noul Cod Civil
(art. 1382) prin statuarea rspunderii
solidare a persoanelor responsabile de
producerea acestui prejudiciu, urmnd ca
ulterior s se realizez o evaluare a ponderii
acestei solidariti, n funcie de rolul
fiecrei persoane responsabile n producerea

caring for the victim previous to his

or her death, as well as for the
expenses of the burial.
With regard to the persons who
have to receive indemnifications, we can
talk about both persons entitled by right
and persons entitled by fact, because,
although the provisions of article 1390,
paragraph 1, of the New Civil Code order
that the indemnity must be granted only to
those who are entitled, according to the
law, to support by the deceased,
subsequently, in the second paragraph of
the same article, the order is that the court
may grant indemnity also to the person
whom the victim is supporting on daily
basis, without however being constrained
to it by the law.
In both situations the amount of the
indemnities is established in variation with
two criteria: on the one hand the needs of
the injured party and, on the other hand,
the incomes that the deceased person
would have produced during the period
over which the indemnity is granted.
Also, the responsible person must
indemnify in the form of periodic
allowances the people who had the right to
support from the victim or were in his or
her actual daily care (30) and if such
people have the right to an heir pension
they will be able to ask for compensations
for the difference between the pension they
receive and the value of the support which
was endured to them by the victim,
whereas the other persons will receive
indemnities only if they are in need of
them, as they are minors, old or incapable
to work. (31)
Until the establishment of the
amount for the pension or aids that are
necessary within the state social
insurances, the one entitled to repairing is
denied by suspension the right to act upon
the repair of the caused damage through
injury of the bodily integrity or health or
by the death of a person, and if the
indemnity derives from a fact placed by the

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Raporturile dintre debitori.
Regula n materia raporturilor dintre debitor,
prevzut de art. 1383 din Noul Cod Civil,
este aceea a individualizrii rspunderii
debitorilor, proporional cu gradul acestora
de participare la producerea prejudiciului
sau potrivit vinoviei lor, n msura n care
aceast participare se poate stabili, iar n
msura n care nu se poate stabili, fiecare
debitor va participa n mod egal la repararea
Dreptul la regres. Dreptul de
regres este prevzut de Noul Cod Civil, n
dispoziiile art. 1384. Pluralitatea debitorilor
se particularizeaz n situaia rspunderii
pentru fapta altei persoane, prin existena i
analiza asupra dreptului de regres al
persoanei care rspunde pentru fapta altuia.
Astfel, cel care rspunde pentru fapta
altuia se poate ntoarce mpotriva aceluia
care a cauzat prejudiciul, cu excepia cazului
n care acesta din urm nu este rspunztor
pentru prejudiciul cauzat. De exemplu,
comitentul se poate ntoarce mpotriva
prepusului, pentru prejudiciul cauzat de
acesta din urm, cu condiia ca prepusul s
fie rspunztor pentru prejudiciul produs.
Dac cel care rspunde pentru fapta
altuia este statul (art.1384 al.3)(32), legiuitor
a considerat necesar s reglementeze expres
c Ministerul Finanelor Publice se va
ndrepta cu o aciune n regres mpotriva
celui care a produs prejudiciul i rspunde n
temeiul unor legi speciale (exemplu : dac
C.E.D.O. constat ngrdirea unei liberti
fundamentale a unei persoane, va obliga
statul la plata prejudiciului produs, urmnd
ca acesta din urm s promoveze o aciune
n regres mpotriva celui care a generat
prejudiciul (poliist, magistrat, funcionar
Dac mai multe persoane au generat
prejudiciul (art. 1384 al.4 din Noul Cod
Civil), iar cel care rspunde pentru fapta
uneia dintre aceste persoane a pltit integral
despgubirea, cel care a pltit, se poate
ntoarce i mpotriva celorlalte persoane care

penal law under lengthier limitation or

prescription than that of the civil law, then
the prescription term of the penal liability
will be applied also to the right of filing a
civil action.
3.3 Liability of the persons who
must repair the damage
a. Solidarity. Protection of the damages
victim, ensured through putting into
practice the principle of the repairing in
entirety of the damage is doubled in the
New Civil Code (article 1382) by statement
of the individual liability of the people
responsible for the generating of such
damage, following that subsequently an
evaluation will be performed of the
percentage of this solidarity in variation
with the role of each person responsible in
the occurrence of the damage.
b. The relationships between the
debtors. The rule, on the matter of the
relationship between the debtors, provided
by article 1383 of the New Civil Code is
that of individualization of the debtors
liability, in proportion with the degree of
their participation to the occurrence of the
damage or according to their responsibility,
to the extent where this participation can be
established. To the extent where it cannot
be established, each debtor will participate
equally in the repairing of the damage.
c. The right to regression. The right
to regression is provided by the New Civil
Code in the contents of article 1384. The
plurality of the debtors is to be
individualized in the situation of liability
for the act of another person by existence
and analysis of the right to regression of
the person who is responsible for
somebody elses deed. Therefore, the one
liable for another persons guilt can turn
against the one who actually caused the
damage, except for the case when the latter
is not liable for the damage him or herself.
For instance, a supervisor can turn
against a performer, for the damage cause
by the latter on condition that the

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au contribuit la cauzarea prejudiciului sau

mpotriva persoanelor care rspund pentru
acestea. De exemplu, dac fapta ilicit este
svrit de ctre doi copii i printele unui
dintre el achit despgubirea pentru
prejudiciul produs, printele care a achitat
despgubirea poate solicita, pe calea aciunii
n regres, de la cellalt copil, sau de la
persoana care rspunde pentru fapta acelui
copil, o parte din suma de bani pltit,
corespunztoare vinoviei copilului pentru
care a pltit.
n toate cazurile, regresul va fi
limitat la ceea ce depete partea ce revine
persoanei pentru care se rspunde i nu
poate depi partea din despgubire ce
revine fiecreia dintre persoanele mpotriva
crora se exercit regresul. Bineneles c,
cel care exercit regresul nu poate recupera
partea din despgubire care corespunde
propriei sale contribuii la cauzarea
Efectele adoptrii Noului Cod Civil
n materia prejudiciului stabilit pe calea
rspunderii civile delictuale se impun a fi
discutate att din punctul de vedere al
elementelor de noutate pe care le conin
noile dispoziii, ct i din punctul de vedere
al consecinelor pe care acestea le
Opinez c din punctul de vedere al
noutii, trebuie subliniat consacrarea
normativ a multora dintre propunerile
doctrinei i soluiilor practicii juridice,
racordarea prevederilor legale la
conceptele i realitile socio-economice,
dar i participarea la creterea gradului de
armonizarea al prevederilor legislaiei civile
naionale cu legislaia Uniunii Europene.
Consecine noilor reglementri sub
aspectul pus n discuie trebuie s indice
conformarea conceptelor textului de lege cu
multe puncte de vedere formulate n
doctrina i practica de specialitate i
facilitatea raportrii la legislaia extern

performer is actually responsible for the

incurred damage. If the one answering for
someone elses act is the state (article
1384, paragraph 3) (32), the law makers
saw it necessary to specifically regulate
that the Ministry of Public Finances will
direct an action in regression against the
person who produced the damage and is
liable on the grounds of special laws (for
instance: if the ECCR noticed the
encroachment of a fundamental freedom of
a person, they would force the state to pay
for the produced damage, following that
the latter would initiate an action in
regression against the party who generated
the damage (a police officer, a magistrate
or a public official)).
If a number of people generated the
damage, (article 1384, paragraph 4 of the
NCC) and the one who is responsible for
the acts of one of these people has paid the
indemnities entirely, the party who paid
can turn also against the other people who
contributed to the occurrence of the
damage or against those who are liable on
behalf of the latter. For instance, if the
illicit act is performed by two children, and
the parent of one of them pays the
indemnifications of the produced damages,
then the parent who paid for the
indemnification can require through legal
action by regression from the other child or
from the one responsible for that childs
acts a part of the offered amount of money,
corresponding to the guilt of the child for
whom he paid. In all cases, the regression
will be limited by whatever exceeds the
amount corresponding to the person for
whom the liability exists, and it cannot
surpass the part of indemnification which
corresponds to each of the people against
which the regression action has been filed.
Naturally, the party who files the
action by regression cannot retrieve the
part of indemnity which corresponds to his
or her own contribution to the occurrence
of the damage.
4. Conclusions.

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(1) n doctrin s-a propus i
prejudiciile cauzate prin acte administrative
ilegale, ntemeiat pe legea nr. 554/2004 a
contenciosului administrativ. E. I. Motica,
E. Lupan, Teoria general a obligatiilor
civile, ed. Lumina lex, Bucureti, 2008, pag.
(2) I. Albu, V. Ursa, Rspunderea
civil pentru daunele morale, ed. Dacia,
Cluj-Napoca, 1979, pag. 23.
(3) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, Teoria
general a obligaiilor, ed. Hamangiu,
Bucureti, 2008, pag. 127; Liviu Pop,
Teoria general a obligaiilor, ed. Lumina
Lex, Bucureti, 1998, pag. 170; E. I.
Motica, E. Lupan, Teoria general a
obligatiilor civile, ed. Lumina lex,
Bucureti, 2008, pag. 396.
(4) Liviu Pop, Teoria general a
obligaiilor, ed. Lumina Lex, Bucureti,
1998, pag. 170.
(5) Acest principiu era fundamentat
n Codul Civil anterior, pe dispoziiile art.
998 care statuau c Orice fapt a omului,
care cauzeaz altuia un pejudiciu , oblig pe
acela din a crui greeal s-a ocazionat, a-l
repara. Acest text, exprim far echivoc
ideea obligativitii reparrii integrale a
prejudiciului, prin sintagma a-l repara
(prejudiciul) fr a se meniona ct anume
din prejudiciu trebuie reparat.
(6) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, Drept civil. Teoria general a
obligaiilor, ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008,
pag. 145.
(7) I.M. Anghel, Fr. Deak, M.F.
Popa, Rspunderea civil, ed. tiinific,
Bucureti, pag. 85.
(8) Tribunalul Suprem, decizia
penal nr. 39/1963; Tribunalul Municipiului
Bucureti, Secia a 2-a penal, decizia nr.
(9) Pentru discuii asupra naturii
prejudiciului moral, atingerea demnitii i
onoarei unei persoane, se vedea Aida Diana
Dumitrescu - Aspecte teoretice i practice

The effects of ratifying the New

Civil Code on the matter of the damages
established by way of civil lawsuits have to
be discussed both from the point of view of
novelty elements comprised in the new
provisions and from that of the
consequences which they generate.
I am assuming that under the
noveltys perspective, the regulatory
consecration must be underlined of many
of the doctrines proposals and of the legal
practices solutions, the connection of
the legal provisions to the socioeconomical concepts and realities, as well
as the participation to the increasing degree
of harmonization related to the provisions
of the national civil laws and the laws of
the European Union.
The consequences of the new
regulations, under the debated aspect, must
indicate the conformity between the
concepts of the law texts and many points
of view stated in the specialty doctrine and
practice, as well as the feasibility of the
relating to the existing external legislation.
(1) The doctrine suggested also the
regulation of the liability for damages
caused by illegal administrative acts, on
basis of law no. 554/2004. E. I. Motica, E.
Lupan, General theory of civil obigation,
Publisher Lumina lex, Bucureti, 2008,
page 416.
(2) I. Albu, V. Ursa, Civil liability
for damages, Publisher Dacia, ClujNapoca, 1979, page 23.
(3) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, General
theory of civil obigation, Publisher
Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008, page 127;
Liviu Pop, General theory of civil
Bucureti, 1998, page 170; E. I. Motica, E.
Lupan, General theory of civil obigation,
Publisher Lumina lex, Bucureti, 2008,
page 396.
(4) Liviu Pop, General theory of
civil obigation, Publisher Lumina Lex,

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

determinate de modificrile succesive ale

Legii nr.221/2009 privind condamnarile cu
caracter politic i msurile administrative
asimilate acestora, pronunate n perioada
6 marie -22 decembrie 1989 , Revista
Dreptul nr.5/2011.
(10) Aida Diana Dumitrescu Particulariti teoretice i practice n
Decretului-lege nr.118 din 30 martie 1990
persoanelor persecutate din motive politice
de dictatura instaurat cu ncepere de la 6
martie 1945, precum i celor deportate n
strintate ori constituite n prizonieri,
Revista Studia Iurisprudentia (Studia
Universitatis Babe-Bolyai) nr. 4/2011.
(11) Liviu Pop, Liviu Pop, Teoria
general a obligaiilor, ed. Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 1998, pag. 167.
(12) Tribunalul Suprem, decizie de
ndrumare nr. 10/1961, n Culegere ale
deciziilor de indrumare ale Plenului
Tribunalului supreme in materie civil ape
anii 1952-1965, pag. 70.
(13) Tribunalul Suprem, decizia
penal nr. 662-1963, n J.N. nr.4/1964, pag.
160 i urm.
(14) Liviu Pop, Liviu Pop, Teoria
general a obligaiilor, ed. Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 1998, pag. 169.
(15) R.I.Motica, E.Lupan, op.cit.,
pag. 394.
Constantin Brsan, op. cit., pag. 148-153;
R.I. Motica, E. Lupan, op. cit., pag. 422;
I.R. Urs, S. Angheni, Drept civil. Drepturi
reale. Teoria general a obligaiilor, vol. 2,
ed. Oscar Print, Bucureti, 1999, pag. 276;
Liviu Pop, Liviu Pop, Teoria general a
obligaiilor, ed. Lumina Lex, Bucureti,
1998, pag. 210-211.
(17) Curtea Suprem de Justiie,
Secia civil, decizia nr. 2530/1991, n
Dreptul nr. 7/1992, pag.79; idem, decizia nr.
2292/1991, n Dreptul nr. 8/1992, pag. 83;
idem, decizia nr. 1211/1992, n Dreptul nr.

Bucureti, 1998, page 170.

(5) This principle was based, in the
previous Civil Code, on the provisions of
article 998 which stated that any act of the
human being which causes damage to
another, creates the obligation for the
perpetrator to repair the generated damage
This text undoubtedly specifies the idea of
repair in entirety of the damage by stating
to repair without mentioning the extent
to which the repairing has to be done.
(6) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, Civil Law. General theory of civil
obigation, Publisher Hamangiu, Bucureti,
2008, page 145.
(7) I.M. Anghel, Fr. Deak, M.F.
Popa, Civil liability, Publisher tiinific,
Bucureti, page 85.
(8) Supreme Court, penal resolution
no. 39/1963; The Court of Bucureti City,
resolution no. 593/1974.
(9) For a debate related to the nature
of the moral damage and the attack on the
dignity and honor of a person, see Aida
Diana Dumitrescu - Theoretical and
practical aspects determined by subsequent
law changes nr.221/2009 on convictions of
political and administrative measures
assimilated, rendered Marie from 6 -22
December 1989, Law Review no.5/2011.
(10) Aida Diana Dumitrescu, Mara
Ioan - Theoretical and practical features
with the application of the provisions of
Decree-Law nr.118 of 30 March 1990 on
the granting of rights to persons
persecuted for political reasons the
dictatorship starting on March 6, 1945,
and those deported abroad or up in
prison, Review Studia Iurisprudentia
(Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai) no.
(11) Liviu Pop, General theory of
civil obigation, Publisher Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 1998, page 167.
(12) Supreme Court, resolution no.
10/1961, in Reports of decisions the
Supreme Court Plenum's guidance in the
years 1952-1965 civil, page 70.

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Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

(18) A se vedea I.M. Anghel, Fr.

Deak, M.F. Popa, op. cit., pag. 82-83.
Constantin Brsan, op. cit., pag. 148.
Constantin Brsan, op. cit., pag. 156.
(21) Ibidem.
Constantin Brsan, op. cit., pag. 157.
(23) Ibidem.
(24) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, op. cit.,
pag. 163; L. Pop, op. cit., pag. 329.
(25) A se vedea pe larg, C. Sttescu,
C. Brsan, op. cit., pag. 164; L. Pop, op.
cit., pag. 330.
(26) A se vedea pe larg, C. Sttescu,
C. Brsan, op. cit., pag. 165.
(27) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, op. cit.,
pag. 166.
(28) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, op. cit.,
pag. 168; L. Pop, op. cit., pag. 330.
(29) art. 1389 al.(1) din Noul Cod
(30) L. Pop, op. cit., pag. 331.
(31) Ibidem.
(32) Aida Diana Dumitrescu,
Bogdan Dumitrescu Rolul i locul
rspundere n realizarea stategiei de
securitate naional cu privire la economie
i buna guvernare, Conferin cu
participare internaional, Guvernan,
Intelligence i Securitate n secolul XXI ,
26-27 mai 2011, Universitatea Babe
Bolyai, Cluj.
Bibliografie :
[1] Aida Diana Dumitrescu Aspecte teoretice i practice determinate
de modificrile succesive ale Legii
nr.221/2009 privind condamnarile cu
caracter politic i msurile administrative
asimilate acestora, pronunate n perioada
6 marie -22 decembrie 1989 , Revista
Dreptul nr.5/2011.
[2] Aida Diana Dumitrescu, Bogdan
Dumitrescu Rolul i locul conceptelor de

resolution no. 662-1963, in J.N. nr.4/1964,
page 160.
(14) Liviu Pop, General theory of
civil obigation, Publisher Lumina Lex,
Bucureti, 1998, page 169.
(15) R.I.Motica, E.Lupan, cit., page
(16) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, cit., page 148-153; R.I. Motica, E.
Lupan, cit., page 422; I.R. Urs, S. Angheni,
Civil Law.Real rights. General theory of
obigation, vol. 2, Publisher Oscar Print,
Bucureti, 1999, page 276; Liviu Pop,
General theory of civil obigation, Publisher
Lumina Lex, Bucureti, 1998, page 210211.
(17) Supreme Court, resolution no.
2530/1991, in Dreptul nr. 7/1992, page 79;
idem, resolution no. 2292/1991, in Dreptul
no. 8/1992, page 83; idem, resolution no.
1211/1992, in Dreptul no. 7/1993.
(18) See I.M. Anghel, Fr. Deak,
M.F. Popa, cit., page 82-83.
(19) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, cit., page 148.
(20) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, cit., page 156.
(21) Ibidem.
(22) Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, cit., page 157.
(23) Ibidem.
(24) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, cit.,
pag. 163; L. Pop, cit., page 329.
(25) See C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, cit.,
pag. 164; L. Pop, cit., page 330.
(26) See C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, cit.,
page 165.
(27) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, cit.,
page 166.
(28) C. Sttescu, C. Brsan, cit.,
page 168; L. Pop, cit., page 330.
(29) art. 1389 al. (1) din Noul Cod
(30) L. Pop, cit., page 331.
(31) Ibidem.
(32) Aida Diana Dumitrescu,
Bogdan Dumitrescu The role and place

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

responsabilitate i rspundere n realizarea

stategiei de securitate naional cu privire
la economie i buna guvernare, Conferin
cu participare internaional, Guvernan,
Intelligence i Securitate n secolul XXI ,
26-27 mai 2011, Universitatea Babe
Bolyai, Cluj
[3] Aida Diana Dumitrescu, Mara
Ioan - Particulariti teoretice i practice
n legtur cu aplicarea prevederilor
Decretului-lege nr.118 din 30 martie 1990
persoanelor persecutate din motive politice
de dictatura instaurat cu ncepere de la 6
martie 1945, precum i celor deportate n
strintate ori constituite n prizonieri,
Revista Studia Iurisprudentia , Universitatis
Babe-Bolyai, nr. 4/2011.
[4] Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, Drept civil. Teoria general a
obligaiilor, ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008.
[5] Curtea Suprem de Jusitie,
Decizia nr. 1211/1992, n Dreptul nr.
[6] Curtea Suprem de Justitie, Sect.
civ., dec. nr. 2530/1991, in Dreptul nr.
7/1992, pag.79;
[7] Curtea Suprem de Justiie,
Decizia nr. 2292/1991, n Dreptul nr.
8/1992, pag. 83;
[8] E. I. Motica, E. Lupan, Teoria
general a obligatiilor civile, ed. Lumina
lex, Bucureti, 2008.
[9] I. Albu, V. Ursa, Rspunderea
civil pentru daunele morale, ed. Dacia,
Cluj-Napoca, 1979, pag. 23.
[10] I.M. Anghel, Francisc Deak,
M.F. Popa, Rspunderea civil, ed.
tiinific, Bucureti.
[11] Ion R. Urs, Smaranda Angheni,
Drept civil. Drepturi reale. Teoria general
a obligaiilor, vol. 2, ed Oscar Print,
Bucureti, 1999.
[12] Liviu Pop, Teoria general a
obligaiilor, ed. Lumina Lex, Bucureti,
1998, pag. 170;
Bucureti, Secia a 2-a penal, decizia nr.

of concepts of responsibility and

accountability in achieving national
security stategiei on the economy and good
governanceConference with international
participation, "Governance, Intelligence
and Security in the XXI century", May 26
to 27, 2011, Babes - Bolyai University,
Bibliografie :
[1] Aida Diana Dumitrescu Theoretical and practical aspects
determined by subsequent law changes
nr.221/2009 on convictions of political and
rendered Marie from 6 -22 December
1989, Law Review no.5/2011.
[2] Aida Diana Dumitrescu, Bogdan
Dumitrescu The role and place of
accountability in achieving national
security stategiei on the economy and good
governanceConference with international
participation, "Governance, Intelligence
and Security in the XXI century", May 26
to 27, 2011, Babes - Bolyai University,
[3] Aida Diana Dumitrescu, Mara
Ioan - Theoretical and practical features
with the application of the provisions of
Decree-Law nr.118 of 30 March 1990 on
the granting of rights to persons
persecuted for political reasons the
dictatorship starting on March 6, 1945,
and those deported abroad or up in
prison, Review Studia Iurisprudentia
(Studia Universitatis Babe-Bolyai) no.
[4] Constantin Sttescu, Constantin
Brsan, General theory of civil obigation,
Publisher Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2008.
[5] Supreme Court, resolution no.
1211/1992, in Dreptul no. 7/1993.
[6] Supreme Court, resolution no.
2530/1991, in Dreptul nr. 7/1992.
[7] Supreme Court, resolution no.
2292/1991, in Dreptul no. 8/1992.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2011


Analele Universitii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiine Juridice, Nr. 3/2011

[14] Tribunalul Suprem, Decizia nr.
[15] Tribunalul Suprem, Decizia nr.
662-1963, n J.N. nr.4/1964, pag. 160 i
[16] Tribunalul Suprem, Decizie de
ndrumare nr. 10/1961, n Culegere ale
deciziilor de indrumare ale Plenului
Tribunalului Suprem n materie civil,
1952-1965, pag. 70.

[8] E. I. Motica, E. Lupan, General

theory of civil obligation, Publisher
Lumina lex, Bucharest, 2008.
[9] I. Albu, V. Ursa, Civil liability
for damages, Publisher Dacia, ClujNapoca, 1979, page 23.
[10] I.M. Anghel, Francisc Deak,
M.F. Popa, Civil liability, Publisher
tiinific, Bucharest.
[11] Ion R. Urs, Smaranda Angheni,
Civil rights. Real rights. General theory of
obligation, vol. 2, Publisher Oscar Print,
Bucharest, 1999.
[12] Liviu Pop, General theory of
civil obligation, Publisher Lumina Lex,
Bucharest, 1998;
[13] Bucharest Tribunal, Criminal
Section no.2, resolution no. 593/1974.
[14] Supreme Court, resolution no.
[15] Supreme Court, penal resolution
no. 662-1963, in J.N. nr.4/1964, page 160.
[16] Supreme Court, resolution no.
10/1961, in Reports of decisions the
Supreme Court Plenum's guidance in the
years 1952-1965 civil, page 70.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 3/2011


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