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Şcoala Gimnazială Ciochina

Disciplina: Limba engleza

Profesor: Petcu Elena
An şcolar: 2021/2022


I. Analiza evaluării sumative.

II. Concluziile testării sumative. Plan de măsuri şi activităţi

I. .Scopul testării iniţiale a fost de a observa, analiza şi depista lacunele şi dificultăţile pe care
elevii le au în însuşirea noţiunilor de limbă engleza la sfârșitul unitatilor 3 și 4. Testul utilizează diferiţi
itemi însoţiti de baremele de evaluare şi de notare.
Structura testului pentru clasei a VI-a B are urmatoarele componente :
- partea I este compusa din itemi obiectivi şi/sau semiobiectivi cu răspuns scurt.
- partea a II-a conţine un item subiectiv, care presupune redactarea unei scurte compuneri.
se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.
Selecţia temelor/conţinuturilor de evaluat în cadrul testului, cât și a competenţelor de evaluat ţine
seama de trăsăturile si condiţiile specifice ale unei astfel de evaluări, respectiv de un nivel mediu de
dificultate, care să permită abordarea avestora de majoritatea elevilor.
Analizând lucrările elevilor, am constatat:
Au participat la testarea sumativa: 16 elevi

Clasa a VI- a
Au participat la testarea iniţială: 14 elevi

Grupa de note Media

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10
1.99 2.99 3.99 4.99 5.99 6.99 7.99 8.99 9.99
Clasa Total elevi
Numar elevi

a VI-a 16 - 1 4 2 2 1 - 1 5 5.88
Analiza SWOT a rezultatelor evaluării sumative
Analiza rezultatelor obţinute la testarea sumativa, la disciplina limba engleza, de către
elevii clasei a VI-a B permite descrierea detaliată a problemelor şi a dificultăţilor cu care se
confruntă elevii, dar şi reliefarea succintă a punctelor tari şi slabe ale acestora, după cum reiese
din lucrările supuse analizei.
Elevii întâmpină următoarele dificultăţi / probleme:
 de recunoaștere a verbelor neregulate la past simple;
 exprimarea incoerentă, greoaie,
 de organizare coerentă, logică şi expresivă a ideilor în scris;
 de redactare a unor texte;

PUNCTE TARI (aproximativ 50%) PUNCTE SLABE(aproximativ 50%)

 Recunoaștere verbelor regulate și neregulate  probleme de ortografie
dintr-un text;  dificultăţi de exprimare corectă,
 insusirea adecvată a verbului ‘to be’ la  însuşirea mai puţin temeinică a structurii şi a
trecutul simplu; dificultăţi de exprimare a propriei opinii în
raport cu o temă dată;

 promovarea cu succes a evaluărilor interne şi  corigenţa şi / sau repetenţia;
externe de pe parcursul actualului an şcolar;  dezinteresul şi / sau abandonul şcolar;
 finalizarea cu succes a anului şcolar şi a  reducerea şi / sau absenţa perspectivelor
ciclului gimnazial; educaţionale ulterioare şi abandonul şcolar;

II. Concluziile testării sumative. Plan de măsuri şi activităţi

În urma evaluării elevilor din clasei a VI-a B aparţinând se constată că gradul de
promovabilitate al elevilor a inceput sa creasca, iar rezultatele obţinute de aceştia sunt, per
ansamblu,medii. Dar care necesita o serie de măsuri şi o planificare sistematică a activităţilor
care trebuie organizate în vederea imbunatatirii situaţiei actuale, pentru a se ajunge la un grad de
promovabilitate mai mare şi a se atinge standardele de performanţă vizate.
Clasa Activitatea propusă Programul de Termen Rezultate anticipate
activitate de
aVI-a B Exerciţii de construire corectă a Teme pentru casă; Se constată o relativă
propoziţiilor simple şi dezvoltate; Teme suplimentare; îmbunătăţire şi chiar o
Exerciţii de formulare a ideilor principale şi Observare sistematică; a situaţiei dificile şi a
a celor secundare dintr-un text Conversaţia euristică problemelor cu care se
Exerciţii de expunere orală – individual sau Fişe de muncă confruntă elevii;
în grup – independentă sau in Se ating obiectivele şi
Exerciţii de stabilire a ideilor în jurul cărora echipa Recapitul standardele de
se organizează o temă dată (idee principală, Teste cu itemi cu are finala performanţă vizate de
idee secundară); alegere duală / pe programa şcolară;
Activităţi de scriere imaginativă care să multiplă; semestrul Se poate observa
valorifice creativitatea elevilor; activităţi de Teste cu itemi cu ui II progresul şi succesul
scriere reflexivă (jurnal, răspuns la alegere; şcolar;
relatarea unor fapte şi întâmplări) în care Teste cu itemi cu
să-şi expună opiniile/sentimentele; răspuns scurt;
Teste cu itemi cu
răspunsuri de
Teste cu itemi obiectivi;
Teste cu itemi
Teste cu itemi
Proiecte pe teme alese
de comun acord cu
Redactarea de
compuneri libere;
Name .................................................. the ......... of
Final Test Paper
Class 5th

Fill in the table with the corresponding nationality or country:

Country Nationality Country Nationality
 Romania 1 6  Mexican
 U.S.A. 2 7  British
 Germany 3 8  Portuguese
 France 4 9  Japanese
 Greece 5 10  Egyptian

What time is it?

Ex: 1:00 – It is one o’clock.
2:30 – 4: 05 -
11:00 – 7:45 -
5: 15 – 10: 35 -
6:30 – 9:50 -
8:20 – 12: 55 –

Write don’t or doesn’t on the lines. 1. Linda ........... walk to

2. She ... have a bike.
3. We ........... travel very often.
4. Cats .... like water.
5. I .... have a snake.

Write do or does on the lines.

1. ..................Arthur play the guitar?
2....................she have to do all my homework?
3....................they play in the school yard on every break.
4....................the teacher like cookies?
5....................Betty and Caroline ride horses?

Put a or an before these words: ...........
dog ...............umbrella ...........eraser ...........pen

Translate these words:

wife - brother- husband - granddaughter -
stepfather –
sora - var - mama vitrega - matusa-

Circle the correct Pronoun.

1. Granny gave us / we a computer game for Christmas.
2. I’m going to phone they / them now.
3. Mother took me / I to the Natural History Museum.
4. His older brother helps he / him with the homework.
5. The taxi driver drove her / she to the theatre.

Talk about your daily schedule. (50 words)

Barem: 0.15 x 60 = 9puncte + 1p oficiu



Answer the questions:

1.Where do you sleep?………..
2.Where do you eat lunch or dinner?……….
3.Where can you cook?……………
4. Where can you have a shower or a bath?……..
5. Which are the parts of our house?………….

II.Write the verbs in the Past Simple:
People swim in very cold water
Some people in Poland (do)…… a special thing. They (start)……. the winter swimming season.
More than 200 people (swim)……. in cold water. The people (be)…… old and young.
Winter swimming is a traditional sport in Poland. People say that it makes people stronger and
more clever. The temperatures (be)……very low but people had a lot of fun. After some time
they (go)…….. very quickly out of the water.
III. Describe your room (50 words) 20points

+ 10 points for free



1. Read the passage. Then answer the questions below.

Rebecca likes to make cookies. She makes chocolate cookies. She makes nut
cookies. Rebecca makes chocolate and nut cookies.
Rebecca likes to make cakes. She
makes yellow cakes. She makes white cakes.
Rebecca makes yellow and white cakes.
Rebecca likes to make pies. She makes apple pies. She makes lemon pies.
Rebecca makes apple and lemon pies.

1.What kinds of cookies does Rebecca make?
A.chocolate and nut
B.fudge and nut
C.chocolate and oatmea
2. What color are Rebecca’s cakes?
A.white and brown
B.yellow and blue
C.yellow and white
3. What kind of pie does Rebecca
A.lemon pie
B.cherry pie
C..chocolate pie
4. Rebecca does not make
4X0,50=2 POINTS
2.Choose the correct answer for each gap below, So vs. Such
1. She is………. funny! She always makes me laugh.
2. Sarah and Ed are………. crazy people! I never know what they are going to do next.
3. James has ……….much money that he could actually buy that Ferrari.
4. Although most of the audience had never been exposed to ……….music, they
thoroughly enjoyed the performance of the Tibetan folk choir.
5. The movie was ………..good that I saw it five times.
6. Terry speaks English………………. fluently that I thought he was American.
7. Most students never discuss topics in class, but I think it is important to teach our
children to question the media.
8. Jerry had never seen …………….high mountains. He thought they were spectacular.
9. Fred is ………………….a clown! He is always telling jokes and making people laugh.
10. There was………………… little interest in his talk on macroeconomics that the room
was half empty by the time he stopped speaking.
3. Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using ‘used to +

1) I / live in a flat when I was a child. .

2) We / go to the beach every summer? .
3) She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it .
4) He / not / smoke
5) I / play tennis when I was at school .
6) She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all .
7) He / play golf every weekend? .
8) They both / have short hair .
9) Julie / study Portuguese .
10) I / not / hate school .

Name .................................................. the ......... of

Final Test Paper

Fill in the blanks with Present simple or continuous, Past simple, Present perfect simple or
continuous, Future simple, or Going to Future of the verbs given in the brackets.
 He _______ for a walk everyday. (not / go)
 We _______ our prayers in the morning. (say)
 She ________ not _________ the food. (cook)
 _______ it _________ today? (rain)
 How long ago …………………(you/decide) to work as a volunteer here?
 My daughter……………..(go) to Spain in 2008
 I’m sorry, but mum isn’t here.She………………….(just/leave) for work.
 He…………………(not/hear) from Jane since last June.
 He ........................................... his parents for ten years. (support)
 _________ they _____________ in this office since 1987? (work)
 I think Germany ________________(not/win) the next world cup.
 I think the concert _________________________(be) a great success.
 Jill __________________ (visit) her sister in London next week.
 We __________________ (not/fly) to New York. We __________ (take) a bus.


1. Saturn is ……………. (small) than Jupiter.
2.- Today is ……………… (cold) than yesterday.
3.- Martha is …………………….. (intelligent) than Paul.
4 Alice is ………………………. (beautiful) than her cousin.
5 Swimming is …………………………. (good) than running.
6 This man sings ……………… (bad) than my father.
7 My father’s car ………………….. (expensive) than my friend’s car.
8.- August is …………………… (hot) than December.
9- Your schoolbag is ………………. (new) than mine.
10.- Bob, my cat is ……………………. (happy) than your dog.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

 If it ________ (be) sunny, I will go for a walk.
 If we go to Australia in summer, we __________ (need) some warm clothes.
 If I see him, I ___________ (give) him a lift.
 If he ___________ (eat) all that, he will be ill.
 What ___________ (you / do) if you miss the train?
 If I ask the teacher for the answer, I know he _____________ (not tell) me.
 Unless you are more careful, you _____________ (have) an accident.
 If you ___________ (not like) this one, I’ll bring you another.
 Unless you _________ (telephone) the doctor first, she won’t see you.
 Unless we win on Saturday our team _________ (be) in trouble.
Complete the sentences with a-an- Ø- the
1. ---------children like ----------camping trips
2. -----------------animals that are kept in the reserve are brought here from south Africa.
3. Don’ worry for ----------sheep, -----------shepherd is looking after them.
4. Jane is writing --------letter to her pen friend in London.
5. ---------old man is living in the house next door.
6. ------car which I’m cleaning is my husband’s.
7. This is going to be ----------last cigarette. I have decided to give up smoking.
8. Mum has prepared----------chocolate cookies for the guests.
9. Ironing---------clothes is ----------most horrible household chores.
10. Can I eat ---------ice cream after dinner?
11. --------car I’m driving is new. I bought it yesterday
12. I saw -----big brown bear in the zoo this morning

Name 5 personality adjectives and use them to describe a famous person. (80 words)

Barem: 0.15 x 60 = 9puncte + 1p oficiu

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