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Conf. Univ. Dr.



Tema de casa CATIA

Arbore cu came


Dupa ce am pornit programul de modelare Catia V5, intram in meniul

de programare Start - Mechanical Design - Part Design, ca in figura
de mai jos.

Modelarea piesei:
Se alege un plan de lucru, apoi se intra in schita cu ajutorul

butonului Sketch.
Cu ajutorul butonului circle se creeaza doua cercuri, unul mai mic si unul mai
mare, apoi se unesc cu doua linii si se apasa pe butonul constraints defined si se
selecteaza functia tangency.
Apoi apasam pe butonul Exit workbench , selectam functia Pad,
selectam dimensiunea si apasam OK.

Adaugam 2 puncte si le unim cu o linie ca in figura de

mai jos:
Apoi copiem cama inca o data in Body.2 si o
Dupa ce am multiplicat, rotim camele in pozitia

Apoi multiplicam si rotim toate camele corespunzator si

realizam profilul arborelui cu ajutorul butonului Profile
ca in figura de mai jos:
Pentru a iesi din schita apasam butonul Exit workbench

, apoi butonul Shaft , si realizam arborele ca in figura:

Realizam filetele cu ajutorul butonului edge fillet

selectand suprafetele corespunzatoare, ca in figura de
mai jos:

Analiza Statica

Se aplica material piesei cu ajutorul butonului Apply Material

, astfel:
- click pe PartBody;
- click pe Apply Material ;
- alegem din lista de materiale, in cazul nostru Steel;
- OK.
- in cazul in care piese nu isi schima textura si ramana la fel, urmati
pasii: View - Render Style - Customize View, si bifati Material.
- OK.
Incepem analiza structurala, astfel:
- Start - Analysis & Simulation - Generative Structural Analysis

- Alegem din meniu Static analysys si OK

- Pentru a incastra arborele nostru se foloseste (Clamp) si va arata

ca in figura alaturata dupa ce se va alege fata pe care dorim sa o
Pentru a pune fortele pe cele 2 fete ale arborelui se foloseste simbolul

(Distributed force)
- Click pe butonul Compute .

- Lasam pe All si OK.

- Pentru o vizualizare a fortelor si nodurilor, click pe butonul Von Mises

Stress .

Cu ajutorul butonului (Animate) poate vedea cum apasa fortele pe



Entity Size

Nodes 1048

Elements 4178

Connectivity Statistics

TE4 4178 ( 100,00% )


Criterion Good Poor Bad Worst Average

Stretch 4178 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0,432 0,644

Aspect Ratio 4097 ( 98,06% ) 81 ( 1,94% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 3,012 1,835


Material Steel

Young's modulus 2e+011N_m2

Poisson's ratio 0,266

Density 7860kg_m3

Coefficient of thermal expansion 1,17e-005_Kdeg

Yield strength 2,5e+008N_m2

Static Case
Boundary Conditions

Figure 1

STRUCTURE Computation
Number of nodes : 1048

Number of elements : 4178

Number of D.O.F. : 3144

Number of Contact relations : 0

Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 4178

RESTRAINT Computation

Name: Restraints.1

Number of S.P.C : 651

LOAD Computation

Name: Loads.1

Applied load resultant :

Fx = -1 . 118e-008 N

Fy = -1 . 000e+003 N

Fz = -1 . 863e-009 N

Mx = 4 . 517e-008 Nxm

My = -2 . 310e-010 Nxm

Mz = 9 . 850e+001 Nxm

STIFFNESS Computation
Number of lines : 3144

Number of coefficients : 58722

Number of blocks : 1

Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 58722

Total matrix size : 0 . 68 Mb


Restraint: Restraints.1

Number of local singularities : 0

Number of singularities in translation : 0

Number of singularities in rotation : 0

Generated constraint type : MPC

CONSTRAINT Computation

Restraint: Restraints.1

Number of constraints : 651

Number of coefficients : 0

Number of factorized constraints : 651

Number of coefficients : 0

Number of deferred constraints : 0

FACTORIZED Computation
Method : SPARSE

Number of factorized degrees : 2493

Number of supernodes : 460

Number of overhead indices : 19224

Number of coefficients : 234261

Maximum front width : 294

Maximum front size : 43365

Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 1 . 78727

Number of blocks : 1

Number of Mflops for factorization : 3 . 909e+001

Number of Mflops for solve : 9 . 495e-001

Minimum relative pivot : 2 . 829e-001

Minimum and maximum pivot

Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

2.7071e+008 Ty 361 -1.0700e+002 -1.2790e+001 -1.1911e+001

4.0527e+009 Tx 562 -9.0000e+001 1.7339e+001 -3.3220e+000

Minimum pivot

Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

2.8763e+008 Ty 87 -9.0000e+001 1.7930e+001 -1.2206e+001

2.9733e+008 Tx 111 -1.0700e+002 1.7421e+001 1.2465e+001

3.0801e+008 Tz 110 -1.0700e+002 1.3954e+001 1.4225e+001

3.1184e+008 Ty 340 -1.0700e+002 2.3816e+000 1.4879e+001

3.1403e+008 Tz 368 -1.0700e+002 7.3177e+000 -1.4768e+001

3.1546e+008 Ty 368 -1.0700e+002 7.3177e+000 -1.4768e+001

3.1915e+008 Ty 275 -9.2461e+001 2.0610e+001 -1.0846e+001

3.1982e+008 Ty 86 -9.0000e+001 2.0208e+001 -1.1050e+001

3.2207e+008 Tz 582 -9.0000e+001 -1.3494e+001 2.8112e+000

Translational pivot distribution

Value Percentage

10.E8 --> 10.E9 3.3253e+001

10.E9 --> 10.E10 6.6747e+001


Name: Static Case Solution.1

Restraint: Restraints.1

Load: Loads.1

Strain Energy : 1.750e-004 J

Applied Relative
Components Reactions Residual
Forces Magnitude Error

Fx (N) -1.1176e-008 1.1176e-008 5.8942e-013 2.1203e-014

Fy (N) -1.0000e+003 1.0000e+003 9.0949e-013 3.2717e-014

Fz (N) -1.8626e-009 1.8622e-009 -4.5608e-013 1.6406e-014

Mx (Nxm) 4.5165e-008 -4.5165e-008 1.4876e-014 5.0014e-015

My (Nxm) -2.3097e-010 2.3093e-010 -4.3721e-014 1.4699e-014

Mz (Nxm) 9.8500e+001 -9.8500e+001 -1.5632e-013 5.2554e-014

Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed mesh.1

Figure 2

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the

Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises stress (nodal values).2

Figure 3

3D elements: : Components: : All

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the


Global Sensors

Sensor Name Sensor Value

Energy 1,75e-004J

Global Error Rate (%) 17,054418564

Analiza dinamica


Entity Size

Nodes 1048

Elements 4178


Connectivity Statistics

TE4 4178 ( 100,00% )


Criterion Good Poor Bad Worst Average

Stretch 4178 ( 100,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 0,432 0,644

Aspect Ratio 4097 ( 98,06% ) 81 ( 1,94% ) 0 ( 0,00% ) 3,012 1,835

Material Steel

Young's modulus 2e+011N_m2

Poisson's ratio 0,266

Density 7860kg_m3

Coefficient of thermal expansion 1,17e-005_Kdeg

Yield strength 2,5e+008N_m2

Free Frequency Case

Boundary Conditions

Figure 1

STRUCTURE Computation
Number of nodes : 1048

Number of elements : 4178

Number of D.O.F. : 3144

Number of Contact relations : 0

Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 4178


Name: StructuralMassSet.1

Number of lines : 3144

Number of coefficients : 58722

Number of blocks : 1

Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 58722

Total matrix size : 0 . 68 Mb

Structural mass : 1.804e-001 kg

Inertia center coordinates

Xg : -9 . 850e+001 mm

Yg : 3 . 560e+000 mm

Zg : -5 . 801e-005 mm

Inertia tensor at origin: kgxm2

4.304e-005 6.324e-005 -1.218e-009

6.324e-005 1.769e-003 5.494e-010

-1.218e-009 5.494e-010 1.782e-003

Name: Computed Masses.1
Number of lines : 3144

Number of coefficients : 3144

Number of blocks : 1

Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 3144

Total matrix size : 0 . 05 Mb

Additionnal mass : 0.000e+000 kg

Inertia center coordinates

Xg : 0 . 000e+000 mm

Yg : 0 . 000e+000 mm

Zg : 0 . 000e+000 mm

Inertia tensor at origin: kgxm2

0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0.

STIFFNESS Computation
Number of lines : 3144

Number of coefficients : 58722

Number of blocks : 1

Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 58722

Total matrix size : 0 . 68 Mb

Number of lines : 3144

Number of coefficients : 58722

Number of blocks : 1

Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 58722

Total matrix size : 0 . 68 Mb


No Restraint

Number of local singularities : 0

Number of singularities in translation : 0

Number of singularities in rotation : 0

Generated constraint type : MPC

CONSTRAINT Computation

No Restraint

Number of constraints :0

Number of factorized constraints : 0

Number of deferred constraints : 0

FACTORIZED Computation
Method : SPARSE

Number of factorized degrees : 3144

Number of supernodes : 524

Number of overhead indices : 24030

Number of coefficients : 347115

Maximum front width : 372

Maximum front size : 69378

Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 2 . 64828

Number of blocks : 1

Number of Mflops for factorization : 6 . 911e+001

Number of Mflops for solve : 1 . 404e+000

Minimum relative pivot : 9 . 687e-007

Minimum and maximum pivot

Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

2.4023e+003 Tz 1048 -9.8452e+001 -9.1713e+000 -1.4372e+001

4.0720e+009 Tx 912 -1.0163e+002 -1.3020e+001 5.8822e+000

Minimum pivot

Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

2.7177e+003 Tx 1048 -9.8452e+001 -9.1713e+000 -1.4372e+001

4.3016e+003 Ty 1048 -9.8452e+001 -9.1713e+000 -1.4372e+001

2.4815e+005 Tz 1047 -9.3767e+001 -7.3035e+000 -1.4182e+001

1.0395e+006 Tx 1047 -9.3767e+001 -7.3035e+000 -1.4182e+001

2.5966e+006 Ty 1047 -9.3767e+001 -7.3035e+000 -1.4182e+001

1.7909e+007 Tx 1046 -1.0454e+002 2.3619e+001 -2.7420e+000

1.0574e+008 Tz 1044 -1.0393e+002 2.0560e+001 -3.1388e+000

1.4014e+008 Ty 1044 -1.0393e+002 2.0560e+001 -3.1388e+000

1.4658e+008 Tz 1046 -1.0454e+002 2.3619e+001 -2.7420e+000

Translational pivot distribution

Value Percentage

10.E3 --> 10.E4 9.5420e-002

10.E4 --> 10.E5 0.0000e+000

10.E5 --> 10.E6 3.1807e-002

10.E6 --> 10.E7 6.3613e-002

10.E7 --> 10.E8 3.1807e-002

10.E8 --> 10.E9 4.5356e+001

10.E9 --> 10.E10 5.4421e+001

FREQUENCY Computation

Frequency: Frequency Case Solution.1

Mass: Masses.1

Structural mass is taken into account

Total mass : 1.804e-001 kg

Inertia center coordinates

Xg : -9 . 850e+001 mm

Yg : 3 . 560e+000 mm

Zg : -5 . 801e-005 mm

Inertia tensor at inertia center: kgxm2

4.075e-005 -4.793e-010 -1.875e-010

-4.793e-010 1.932e-005 5.121e-010

-1.875e-010 5.121e-010 3.012e-005

Number of computed modes : 10

Boundary condition for modes computation : free

Number of iterations already performed : 0

Total Number of iterations performed : 5

Relative eigenvalues tolerance required : 1 . 000e-003

Relative eigenvalues tolerance obtained : 6 . 177e-004

Mode Frequency
number Hz

1 0.0000e+000 4.7475e-015

2 0.0000e+000 2.1489e-014

3 0.0000e+000 2.9985e-015

4 1.3379e-003 1.3743e-015

5 1.7544e-003 7.1213e-015

6 2.2969e-003 2.2488e-015

7 3.3667e+004 3.4365e-006

8 3.8194e+004 3.3150e-006

9 5.0870e+004 4.0056e-004

10 5.5534e+004 6.1774e-004
Modal participation :

Frequency Tx Ty Tz Rx Ry Rz
Hz (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

1 0.0000e+000 12.87 43.18 0.35 0.07 0.00 0.73

2 0.0000e+000 12.42 33.43 0.37 33.01 0.02 0.29

3 0.0000e+000 26.35 15.75 4.24 42.72 0.09 0.01

4 1.3379e-003 19.39 3.35 20.54 0.19 0.50 0.17

5 1.7544e-003 27.90 2.05 37.93 2.40 0.05 0.42

6 2.2969e-003 1.07 2.23 36.55 16.30 0.43 0.06

7 3.3667e+004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8 3.8194e+004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

9 5.0870e+004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

10 5.5534e+004 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 94.69 1.09 1.69

Frequency Case Solution.1 - Deformed mesh.1

Occurrence 1 - Frequency 0Hz

Figure 2

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 2 - Frequency 0Hz

Figure 3

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 3 - Frequency 0Hz

Figure 4

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 4 - Frequency 0,00133788Hz

Figure 5

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 5 - Frequency 0,00175437Hz

Figure 6

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 6 - Frequency 0,00229692Hz

Figure 7

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 7 - Frequency 33666,8Hz

Figure 8

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 8 - Frequency 38193,9Hz

Figure 9

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 9 - Frequency 50869,8Hz

Figure 10

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Occurrence 10 - Frequency 55534,3Hz

Figure 11

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model

Global Sensors

Sensor Name Sensor Value


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